
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606

newsletterDIGITAL EDITION Nr. 321 - 17/12November 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 editorial

DIE WAND: Martina Gedeck und Julian Roman Pölsler

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, versprochen so gibt es ab Seite 10 len wir eine Stippvisite in unserem liebe Filmfreunde! den persönlichen Rückblick unseres YouTube-Kanal, der zwei neue Pro- Film-Bloggers auf das diesjährige duktionen bereithält, deren Stars Herzlich willkommen zur neuesten Fantasy Filmfest. Ganz aktuell wie Sie bereits auf dieser Seite sehen Ausgabe unseres Newsletters, der immer auch der Film-Blog ab Seite können. Wie immer wünschen wir zugegebenermaßen mit etwas Ver- 3, der Sie mit vielen neuen Kino- viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schauen! spätung an den Start geht, dafür filmen bekannt machen wird. Und aber randvoll mit Infos steckt. Wie alles beginnt wie immer auf Seite 2. Ihr Laser Hotline Team Dort spricht Anna einmal mehr mit Hollywood und unterhält sich über das – Wetter! Und wem das alles noch nicht genug ist, dem empfeh-

G GNADE: Jürgen VogelG GNADE: Matthias Glasner

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012

November Blues November. Der Winter ist offiziell da. Passend zur Jahreszeit und über seine Trauer, dass der Herbst vorbei ist, nicht gibt es nur ein Thema: das Wetter. Zu kalt, zu nass, zu wenig hinwegkommt, dem sei The Trouble with Harry empfohlen. Schnee, zu viel Schnee und - ganz schlimm - die langen Böse, witzig und mit Herbstlaub bedeckt, da kann die Laune Nächte. Das Wetter scheint jeden um mich herum zu nicht anders, als sich verbessern. deprimieren, mehr noch als die Nachricht, dass Lucasfilm ab Bonus Track: The Windmills of Your Mind, gesungen von jetzt Disney gehört. Aber es gibt nichts, was der richtige Film Noel Harrison und komponiert von Michel Legrand für den nicht verbessern kann. Hier meine Vorschläge gegen die (original!) The Thomas Crown Affair Soundtrack. Dieser Song Depri-Stimmung. ist wunderschön, denn er vereint das Loslassen vom Herbst mit der Melancholie vom Winter. Er wirbelt um einen herum, Kalter, dunkler Morgen spricht von Liebe und Vergänglichkeit und lädt dazu ein, den Moment auszukosten. An einem schönen Novembertag eine Man steigt aus dem Bett, die Zehen frieren ein und ein Blick besonders passende Botschaft. nach draußen lässt die Laune in den Keller sinken. Immer noch dunkel? Das gibt’s doch nicht! Wer sich jetzt nicht aus Schneeregen, dunkler, eisiger Abend der Arbeitsverantwortung stehlen kann oder einfach schlechter Simulant ist, dem sei hier geholfen. Ich empfehle Cartoons. Wenn in den Straßen der Pflatsch (Schweizerdeutsch für Schalten Sie den Laptop an, gehen Sie auf YouTube und Schneematsch) liegt, die Stufen vor der Haustüre langsam finden Sie dort den Cartoon ihres Herzens. Die Webseite ist vereisen und der Abend mit dunklen Wolken verhangen ist, voll mit alten und neuen Zeichentrickfilmen. Ganze Episoden hilft nur noch eins: Horror. Filme, die einen daran erinnern, von My Little Pony, He-Man, Sailor Moon, Looney Tunes, dass es viel schlimmer sein könnte. Besonders Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Tom & Jerry und Scooby-Doo empfehlenswert sind im November Splice – eine moderne sind dort zu finden. Für jeden, egal welchen Alters, ist etwas Frankenstein-Geschichte mit herausragenden Performances dabei. Lassen Sie sie im Hintergrund laufen, während Sie sich von Adrien Brody und Sarah Polley – und Orphan. Beide Filme vorbereiten. Das Anschalten der Cartoons wird Ihrem tristen spielen im Winter, wenn das Blut im Schnee doppelt so schön Morgen Freude einflössen. Bunte Farben, lustige Soundeffekte schimmert, und sind nicht nur Gemetzel, sondern auch und das Wertvollste überhaupt: die Erinnerungen an die psychologisch äußerst gruselig. In Orphan macht sich Kindheit. Jungtalent Isabelle Fuhrmann als Waise Esther daran, eine Bonus Track: Let the River Run von Carly Simon, für den ganze Familie auseinander zu nehmen, mit grauenvollen Working Girl Soundtrack. Egal ob man ins Büro muss oder Konsequenzen und einem herrlichen Twist am Ende. Mit einer als Hausmann/frau die Kinder versorgt und den Haushalt am Tasse heißer Schokolade und einem Chili con carne im Topf, Laufen hält, Let the River Run wird Ihnen einen guten, lassen sich die Gruselfilme gleich doppelt so gut genießen. energetischen Start garantieren. Inspirierende Klänge, leicht Bonus Track: Dead Reckoning von Clint Mansell für den an Gospel erinnernd, mit Tempo und wundervollen Zeilen – Smokin‘ Aces Soundtrack. Dieses Musikstück ist Synonym Carly Simon wird Ihnen helfen, die ersten Schritte des Tages für Winter. Es spricht von Tod, birgt aber auch die Hoffnung auf mit Mut zu bestreiten. Auferstehung und Erneuerung.

Klirrende Kälte, strahlender Sonnenschein Temperaturen sind nur Zahlen, lassen Sie sich also davon nicht runterziehen. Egal, was der Tag für ein Wetter bringt, mit Mein persönliches Lieblingswetter, aber anscheinend passt der richtigen Musik im Ohr und dem passenden Film im Auge das auch nicht jedem. “Ich will Schnee!” wird da meistens lässt sich alles versüßen oder überwinden. Probieren Sie es gejammert. Manche sind nie zufrieden mit dem, was sie und lassen Sie uns über Filme sprechen, anstatt über das haben. Wenn der Tag licht ist und die Kälte beißend, dann ist Wetter! es Zeit für Klassiker. Hitchcocks North by Northwest bietet Anna Rudschies sich besonders an. Die klaren Linien, kühlen Farben passen sich dem Wetter draußen an, aber die wärmere Jahreszeit im Feedback: [email protected] Film wärmt einen von Innen etwas auf. Wer es heiterer mag

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 15. Oktober 2012 Pseudo-Doku Guckst Du immer noch? Komödien ereilen mich oft im Doppelpack. Nur weil es in einer TV-Comedy-Show So auch heute. Eine war allerdings definitiv funktioniert, muss es das noch lange nicht besser als die andere. auf der großen Leinwand. Der heutige Film hat’s vorzüglich bewiesen. ANLEITUNG ZUM UNGLÜCKLICHS- EIN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) AGENT RANJID RETTET DIE WELT Verleih: Studiocanal (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Österreich 2012 Verleih: Constantin Regie: Sherry Hormann Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Darsteller: Johanna Wokalek, Iris Berben, Regie: Michael Karen Darsteller: Kaya Yanar, Gode Benedix, Kinostart: 29.11.2012 Birte Glang Kinostart: 18.10.2012 Tiffany Blechschmid betreibt einen kleinen aber feinen Straßeneckenfeinkostladen. Ihr Weil seine geliebte Kuh Benytha Magen- ganzes Leben hat sie darauf eingerichtet. probleme hat und es für deren Heilung viel Zuhause starrt sie auf Bücherregale und Geldes bedarf, heuert Putzmann Ranjid als schläft ich einem winzigen Bett. Warum Geheimagent an. Dem Geheimdienstchef auch ein größeres Bett – das würde sie ja Süleyman kommt das gerade recht, hat er unter Druck setzen, sich einen Mann zu doch soeben vom “Bundesmerkel” suchen, der den leeren Platz im Bett auf- höchtspersönlich den Auftrag erhalten, dem füllt. Tiffany ist überzeugter Single. Das Holländer Freek van Dyk das Handwerk zu zumindest lässt sie sich von ihrem Über- legen. Der nämlich hat ein neues Handy Ich, der Stimme ihrer verstorbenen Mutter, geklaut, mit dem man alle Menschen mani- vormachen. Da treten plötzlich gleich zwei haben die drei Musiker Anfang der pulieren kann. Und ausgerechnet jetzt fällt Männer in ihr Leben: ein Polizist und ein achtziger Jahre den Techno-Sound erfunden Süleymans bester Mann, Ex-Türsteher Fotograf. Doch wieder lässt ihr Über-Ich und waren ihrer Zeit damit um Lichtjahre Hakan, aus. Mit einer Schnellbleiche wird es einfach nicht zu, dem Glück freien Lauf voraus. Doch ihr Erfolg war jäh vorbei, als Ranjid zum “Süperagenten” gemacht und zu lassen... Der Filmtitel ist mit Vorsicht bei einem Live-Konzert ein Feuer ausbrach soll bitte gleich die Welt retten. Au weia! - zu genießen. Im vorliegenden Falle handelt und nicht nur der Konzertsaal vollkommen Um das Positive an diesem Film gleich am es sich nicht etwa um eine Verfilmung des niederbrannte, sondern auch die sensatio- Anfang zu nennen: er dauert nur 81 Minu- Buches von Paul Watzlawick. Dieses diente nellen selbt entworfenen Instrumente der ten. Die aber fühlen sich eher wie zwei vielmehr als eine Inspiration für Sherry Musiker zerstörte. Fraktus verschwand Stunden an. Gefühlte zwei Stunden, in Hormanns Film. Natürlich geht es auch sang- und klanglos vom Erdboden. Bis Ro- denen man vergebens damit ringt, endlich hierin um das Sich-Selber-Im-Weg-Stehen ger Dettner, ein erfolgloser Musikmanager, einmal über eine dummen Kalauer oder eine und was man alles tut, um ja nicht glück- 25 Jahre später die Idee aufgreift, das Trio noch dümmere Situation lachen zu können. lich zu werden. Letztendlich herausgekom- ausfindig zu machen und die Jungs zu ei- Es ist ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit, bei die- men ist dabei eine nur mäßig amüsante Ge- nem Comeback zu bewegen... Bestimmt sem Möchte-Gern “Johnny English”-Ver- schichte, die viel zu sehr darum bemüht ist, befindet sich auch in Ihrer Plattensamm- schnitt zu lachen. Kaya Yanar schlüpft in eine Art AMELIE zu sein. An diesen wun- lung noch eine verstaubte LP von Fraktus. der Agentenfilmparodie in seine altbekann- derbaren französischen Film erinnert nicht Nein? Logisch – geht ja auch nicht. Denn ten Masken, die er Dutzende Male bereits nur die kleine Metzgerei, in der Protagoni- Fraktus gab es nie. Die Band wurde für im Privatfernsehen präsentiert hat und die stin Johanna Wokalek wirkt, sondern auch Lars Jessens “Mockumentary” frei erfun- mittlerweile komplett ausgelutscht sind. die Musik. Den Charme von AMELIE er- den! Die Geschichte jedoch fühlt sich dank Fehlende Pointen werden dank Kuh reicht diese deutsche Komödie freilich an der hervorragenden Inszenierung wahnsin- Benytha stets sorgfältig weggerülpst, was keiner Stelle. Auch gelingt es ihr nicht nig echt an. Das liegt nicht nur daran, dass den Film nicht gerade in die erste Liga ka- wirklich, eine emotionale Beziehung zur zwischendrin ein paar namhafte Personen tapultiert. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Da Hauptdarstellerin aufzubauen. Deren aus der Musikbranche in Interview-Seg- wird dann sogar die farblich sehr gelungene Schicksal bleibt dem Zuschauer leider voll- menten wohlwollende Worte über Fraktus Bollywood-Eröffnungsnummer mit Putz- kommen schnuppe. sagen, sondern auch an den unechten mann Ranjids Gang aufs Töpfchen jäh be- “Musikbranchen-Fuzzis”, anhand derer endet. Wer sich freilich nie satt genug se- FRAKTUS (1:1.85, DD 5.1 EX) Jessen mit der aktuellen Musikszene ab- hen und hören kann an Kaya Yanars Ste- Verleih: Pandora rechnet. Das ist so witzig, dass man sich reotypen, der kann sich hier vielleicht tat- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 gerne vor Lachen schüttelt. Natürlich auch sächlich amüsieren und das Zwerchfell Regie: Lars Jessen wegen der obskuren Gestalten, die einst massieren lassen. Alle Anderen werden sich Darsteller: Devid Striesow, Heinz Strunk, Fraktus waren: der Erste ist jetzt arrogan- spätestens nach einer halben Stunde ernst- Rocko Schamoni, Jacques Palminger ter Produzent von “Ballermann”-Songs auf haft die Frage stellen: “Guckst Du weiter?” Kinostart: 08.11.2012 Ibiza, der Zweite ein Kleinunternehmer mit Internet-Cafe und angeschlossener Back- Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 Dirk Eberhard Schubert, Bernd Wand und stube, der Dritte (mit einseitiger Lang- Unglückliche Komödie und köstliche Torsten Bage haben einst Musikgeschichte haarpracht und Hitlerbärtchen!) führt das geschrieben. Als Elektro-Gruppe “Fraktus” elterliche Optikergeschäft. Mittendrin

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Devid Striesow als schmieriger Musik- Regie: Nadav Lapid Sänger, der Anfang der siebziger Jahre zwei manager. Angesichts einer solch schrägen Darsteller: Yiftach Klein, Yaara Pelzig, Alben in den USA aufgenommen hat, wurde Truppe ist es fast schon schade, dass es Michael Mushonov zum Superstar in Südafrika – ohne dass er sich nur um eine Mockumentary handelt. Kinostart: 25.10.2012 es wusste. Seine Musik wurde zum Soundtrack der Anti-Apartheidsbewegung Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012 Yaron ist Geheimpolizist mit Leib und des Landes! Die Nachricht vom Tode des Hushpuppy die Zweite und Einsatz in Seele. Mit seinen Kollegen vom israeli- Rodriguez bestürzte dort alles eine Fans. Israel schen Terroreinsatzkommando verbindet Gerüchten zufolge hatte er sich auf der Die heutigen Pressescreenings wurden mit ihn eine tiefe Freundschaft. Hier gilt: Einer Bühne vor Publikum selbst angezündet. meinem Lieblingsfilm vom diesjährigen für Alle, Alle für Einen. So nimmt bei- Oder hatte er sich eine Kugel in den Kopf Fantasy Filmfest eröffnet. Und wieder hat spielsweise Krebskandidat Ariel jegliche gejagt? Oder stimmt es gar, dass er in ei- er mich überwältigt! Schuld am Tode von Unschuldigen auf sich, nem Gefängnis an einer Überdosis starb? die als Folge eines Einsatzes sterben Diese wilden Gerüchte und auch die Tatsa- BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD mussten. Zuhause umsorgt Yaron liebevoll che, dass über Rodriguez so gut wie nichts (1.1.85, DD 5.1) seine hochschwangere Frau. Schnitt. Die bekannt war, führte dazu, dass sich zwei OT: Beasts Of The Southern Wild kleine Gruppe um Nathanael, allesamt jun- seiner größten Fans – der eine in Südafrika, Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) ge Erwachsene, plant ein Attentat. Mit der andere in den USA – gemeinsam auf die Land/Jahr: USA 2012 ihrer Tat wollen sie die Missstände in Isra- Suche nach dem “Sugar Man” machten. Der Regie: Benh Zeitlin el anprangern, die die Schere zwischen Arm schwedische Regisseur Malik Bendjelloul Darsteller: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight und Reich immer weiter auseinanderklaffen hat die schier unglaubliche Geschichte zu Henry, Jonshel Alexander lässt. Eine Konfrontation von Yaron mit einem ebenso spannenden wie bewegenden Kinostart: 20.12.2012 den Rebellen ist unvermeidlich... Nadav Dokumentarfilm umgearbeitet. Rodriguez‘ Lapid hat seinen Film zweigeteilt. Sehr Wegbegleiter erzählen seine Geschichte. Es (Text nach Sichtung beim “Fantasy Filmfest ausführlich schildert er im ersten Teil das ist die Geschichte eines einfachen Mannes 2012”) Leben von Yaron, zeigt ihn mit seiner Frau, mit einem großen musikalischen Talent, das Die 6jährige Hushpuppy lebt zusammen mit seinen Freunden, im Kollegenkreis. in den USA vollkommen unterging, in Süd- mit ihrem trinkende Vater in einer armseli- Ebenso präzise schildert er im zweiten Teil afrika jedoch Riesenerfolge feierte. Dort gen Behausung in den Sümpfen von Loui- die Rebellen, die sich um Nathanael scha- wurden seine Platten millionenfach ver- siana. Gemeinsam mit anderen Bewohnern ren, deren Sprachrohr jedoch die ebenso kauft – und dennoch kam nie Geld zurück. wehren sie sich gegen die Zwangsräumung junge wie hübsche Shira ist. Lapids Film Clarence Avant, ein Hochkaräter unter den des Gebietes, das aufgrund des steigenden kommt – von einer Ausnahme gegen Ende Musikproduzenten, weicht mit dummen Wasserspiegels unterzugehen droht. des Films abgesehen – vollkommen ohne Antworten auf die Frage des Regisseurs Hushpuppys Vater tut alles, um seiner Filmmusik aus und erhebt damit den An- aus. Dass er die Vorführung des Films kleinen Tochter das Überleben beizubrin- spruch, nicht plakativ, sondern vielmehr stoppen wollte, spricht Bände. Das Un- gen... Wieder einmal erhob sich ein Film authentisch zu sein. Dadurch gelingt ein glaublichste aber ist damit noch längst zum Festival-Favoriten, der zu keinem der wirkungsvoller Spannungsaufbau, der den nicht erzählt. SEARCHING FOR SUGAR behandelten Genres gehört. Vielmehr sind Zuschauer erahnen lässt, dass es hier zu MAN ist ein Kino-Muss – nicht nur für die im Film auftauchenden und furchtein- einem äußerst unangenehmen Showdown Musikfans. flößenden Auerochsen symbolisch zu se- kommen wird. POLICEMAN ist kein hen. Wenn sich die grandiose Hauptdarstel- reisserisches Erzählkino, sondern ein span- lerin am Ende des Films mutig gegen die nender Beitrag zur Situation im Staate Isra- IN IHREM HAUS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Herde stellt, dann weiß man, dass sie fest el. OT: Dans La Maison mit beiden Beinen im Leben steht und Verleih: Concorde wortwörtlich ihren Mann stehen wird. Die Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012 Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2012 8jährige Quvenzhane Wallis beeindruckt Von totgeglaubten Sängern und kleinen Regie: François Ozon nachhaltig in diesem Film, der ausschließ- Voyeuren Darsteller: Fabrice Luchini, Ernst Um- lich mit Laien besetzt wurde. ”Wenn das Als Aperitif eine spannende Dokumentati- hauer, Kristin Scott Thomas, Yolande kleinste Teil im Universum kaputtgeht, on, als Hauptgericht ein französischer Moreau dann gaht das ganze Universum kaputt”, Thriller. Der goldene Oktober musste heute Kinostart: 29.11.2012 hört man die kleine Hushpuppy aus dem ohne mich auskommen. Off sagen. Dazu gibt es Bilder von der Französischlehrer Germain ist schon lange Polschmelze zu sehen. Die Message wird SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN (1:1.85, frustriert von der Talentlosigkeit seiner deutlich übermittelt. Benh Zeitlin ist mit DD 5.1) Schüler, deren Aufsätze in ihrer Qualität seinem Film ein kleines Meisterwerk gelun- OT: Searching For Sugar Man stetig abnehmen. Ganz anders aber die gen. Darsteller, Musik, Kameraarbeit und Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies HE Aufsätze seines Schülers Claude, der schil- Sounddesign bilden eine einzigartige Sym- Land/Jahr: Schweden, Großbritannien 2012 dert, wie er seinem Mitschüler Rapha biose, die im Kinosaal so manche Träne Regie: Malik Bendjelloul Nachhilfe in Mathematik gibt und dadurch hervorlocken wird Darsteller: Rodriguez in dessen Haus eingeladen wird. Der Auf- Kinostart: 27.12.2012 satz endet mit den Worten “Fortsetzung POLICEMAN (1:1.85, 5.1) folgt”. Und tatsächlich geht die Geschichte OT: Ha-shoter Jeder kennt Bob Dylan oder Elvis Presley. weiter. Germain unterstützt seinen Schütz- Verleih: GMfilms Doch niemand kennt Rodriguez. Wirklich ling mit Privatstunden, will einen großen Land/Jahr: Israel 2011 niemand? So einfach ist das nicht, denn der Schreiber aus ihm machen. Zu spät merkt

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog er, dass ihn Claude mit seiner Verleih: NFP Fortsetzungslektüre bereits fest in der Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Hand hat... Ähnlich wie in seinem Film Regie: Lola Randl SWIMMING POOL vermischt François Darsteller: Mario Adorf, Fritzi Haberlandt, Ozon auch hier verschiedene Erzählebenen Irm Hermann miteinander. Er tut dies wie immer so Kinostart: 06.12.2012 kunstvoll, dass nicht immer eindeutig klar ist, was echt ist und was sich nur in den In der Buchhandlung sitzen sie Seite an Köpfen der Protagonisten (oder in deren Seite und signieren ihre neuen Bücher: erfundenen Geschichten) abspielt. Germain Nachwuchsautorin Ada und der berühmte (brillant gespielt von Fabrice Luchini) wird Schauspieler Nino. Eigentlich will niemand gemeinsam mit seiner Gattin (Kristin Scott etwas vom jeweils anderen wissen. Selbst Thomas als frustrierte Galeristin) zu einem auf der gemeinsamen Taxi-Fahrt zum Flug- Voyeur, nimmt an Claudes Exkursion durch hafen spricht man kein Wort miteinander. Raphas Haus sowie dessen amourösen Wie es der Zufall aber will, treffen sich die Annäherung an Raphas Mutter teil. Ger- beiden im Hotel wieder. Ada, weil sie so- main verliert sich vollkommen in der Ge- wieso noch eine Nacht länger bleibt und schichte seines Schützlings, des Sohnes, Nino, weil die Airline streikt. An der Ho- den er nie hatte und dessen Schreibtalent, telbar wagt Ada den ersten Schritt und das ihm nie zuteil wurde. Ozons Film ist versucht, den gestandenen Promi in ein spannendes Kino, das den Zuschauer selbst Gespräch zu verwickeln. Was erst sehr zum Voyeur der Geschichte werden lässt. mühsam beginnt, wird im Laufe des Abends und der sich anschließenden Nacht immer Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012 Fortsetzungsfilm knüpft jetzt dort an, wo vertraulicher. Ada lockt den alten Mann Ein Westernabenteuer und eine lange der erste Film endete. Sebastian Edschmid mit ihren provokanten Fragen und ihrem Nacht im Hotel gelingt es immer wieder, prächtige Panora- flippigen Wesen aus der Reserve. Und Die letzten beiden Screenings bildeten heu- men für die CinemaScope-Leinwand einzu- schon bald diskutieren die beiden über das te einen angenehmen Abschluss meiner fangen. Die zum Sepia tendierende Farbge- Leben, die Liebe und den Tod... Die Kon- vollen Kinowoche. bung der Bilder suggeriert hervorragend die stellation ist eigentlich dieselbe wie in alte Zeit, in der die Geschichte spielt. LOST IN TRANSLATION. Auch hier DIE ABENTEUER DES HUCK FINN Auch wenn es im Filmtitel eigentlich nur kommen sich eine junge Frau und ein be- (1:2.35, DD 5.1) um “Abenteuer” geht, so gibt es auch tie- rühmter, alternder Schauspieler in der Ab- Verleih: Majestic (Fox) fergehende Aspekte darin. So erkennt Huck geschiedenheit eines Hotels näher. In Sofia Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Finn schon recht früh im Film, dass Geld Coppolas Film dauert die ein paar Tage, in Regie: Hermine Huntgeburth nicht glücklich macht, sondern eigentlich Lola Rendls Film reicht dafür eine einzige Darsteller: Louis Hofmann, Leon Seidel, nur unfrei. Weiterhin wird das Thema der Nacht. Dass der Film mit minimalem Bud- Heike Makatsch, , Michael Versklavung der Schwarzen am Beispiel des get realisiert wurde, lässt sich weder an Gwisdek, Kurt Krömer, Henry Hübchen, Dieners Jim thematisiert. Im Verlaufe der den Bildern noch an den Locations erken- Milan Peschel, Andreas Schmidt, Peter Geschichte muss auch Huck schließlich nen. Hier haben die Filmemacher wunder- Lohmeyer erkennen, dass es alles andere als gott- bare Arbeit geleistet. Auch an den beiden Kinostart: 20.12.2012 gegeben ist, ein Sklave zu sein, sondern Hauptdarstellern gibt es nichts zu mäkeln. dies reine Willkür der weißen Bevölkerung Mario Adorf, der Grandseigneur des deut- Der Schatz von Indianer-Joe hat aus Huck ist. Diese Themen werden behutsam ent- schen Films, mimt den Erfolgsschauspieler Finn einen reichen Jungen gemacht. Aber wickelt, so dass sie auch jüngeren Zuschau- sehr souverän. Man nimmt ihm seine Verle- Huck fühlt sich in schicken Klamotten ern bewusst werden. Natürlich sorgt das genheit ob der teils anzüglichen Bemerkun- alles andere als wohl und will lieber mit Drehbuch auch für reichlich Spannung. Die gen seiner Zufallsbekanntschaft genauso ab Freunden im Dreck spielen. So beschließt allerdings könnte gerade den jungen Zu- wie seine Arroganz, die er zu Beginn der er, sein gesamtes Geld dem Richter zu schauern auch Angst einflößen. Wie bei- skurrilen Beziehung an den Tag legt. Fritzi schenken. Das gefällt Hucks Vater jedoch spielsweise Hucks gewalttätiger und alko- Haberlandt ist das exakte Gegenstück zu ganz und gar nicht. Der steht nämlich holisierter Vater, den Niki Reiser mit seiner ihm. Ihr quirliges Wesen, das pausenlose plötzlich vor ihm und will das Geld für Musik gekonnt in die Italo--Schub- Sprechen und die ständigen Provokationen sich haben. Gemeinsam mit seinem Freund, lade einsortiert. Vor einem solchen Vater dem alten Herrn gegenüber spielt sie mit dem Sklaven Jim, beschließt Huck, auf muss man sich wahrhaftig fürchten. Wie Bravour. Besonders gut gelungen sind jene einem Floß zu fliehen. Gejagt von Hucks schon im ersten Teil, so wartet auch der Passagen im Film, in denen die beiden Dar- Vater und einer kleinen Bande von Sklaven- neue Film mit einer guten Besetzung auf. steller auf ein Rollenspiel einlassen. Hier jägern treiben die zwei auf dem Mississip- Ob Huck Finn, Sklave Jim oder die teilwei- sind sie nicht nur äußerlich plötzlich in pi einem großen Abenteuer entgegen... Ein se dümmlichen Gangster – sie alle sind einem “Film Noir”, sondern auch aku- Jahr ist es jetzt her dass Hermine überzeugend besetzt. Alles in allem bietet stisch: die Musik auf der Tonspur imitiert Huntgeburth ihren Jugendfilm TOM DIE ABENTEUER DES HUCK FINN gute perfekt die Hollywood-Filmmusik der SAWYER in die Kinos brachte. Schon da- Unterhaltung für Jung und Alt. 30er- und 40er-Jahre. DIE LIBELLE UND mals hat es Spaß gemacht ihn anzusehen, DAS NASHORN ist zwar kein großer wenn auch bestimmte Szenen für kleinere DIE LIBELLE UND DAS NASHORN Film, dafür aber ein feines kleines Fernseh- Kinder ungeeignet waren. Der (1:1.85, DD 5.1) spiel.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Telegraphenstation zu zerstören, wird die Darsteller: Barbara Sukowa, Axel Milberg, Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 “Emden” von einem australischen Kriegs- Janet McTeer Feenzauber schiff zerstört. Mit einem gekaperten, Kinostart: 10.01.2013 Heute raschelte und flatterte es nur so... abgewrackten Segelschiff machen sich die Männer der Emden auf den gefahrvollen Als Nazi-Verbrecher Adolf Eichmann von DAS GEHEIMNIS DER FEENFLÜGEL Weg nach Hause... Ein schneller Blick ins Israelis entführt und in Israel vor Gericht (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Presseheft genügt um festzustellen, dass es gestellt wird, bemüht sich die in den USA OT: Secret Of The Wings sich bei dieser auf einer wahren Begeben- lebende Jüdin Hannah Arendt darum, für Verleih: Walt Disney heit beruhenden Produktion um ein soge- die renommierte Zeitung “The New Yor- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 nanntes TV-Event-Movie in zwei Teilen ker” über den Prozess berichten zu dürfen. Regie: Peggy Holmes, Robert Gannaway handelt, das für eine Vorabauswertung im Die willigt ein und Hannah reist nach Isra- Kinostart: 15.11.2012 Kino auf Spielfilmlänge gekürzt wurde. So el. Ihr daraus resultierender Bericht schlägt dauert das Drama auf der großen Leinwand hohe Wellen. Nicht nur stellt sie darin fest, Die kleine Tinkerbell gehört zu den Feen nur 114 Minuten und nicht 180 Minuten – dass Eichmann nicht abgrundtief böse ist, des Sommerlandes. Doch das neugierige es bleiben netto 56 Minuten der Fernseh- sondern nur Befehle ausführte ohne nach- kleine Ding verspürt den Drang nach einem ausstrahlung vorbehalten. Allerdings darf zudenken, und vielmehr noch, dass auch Abenteuer. Genau den möchte sie im Win- bezweifelt werden, dass die fehlenden Mi- die Juden selbst eine Teilschuld am terwald stillen. Doch leider ist es einer Fee nuten das Machwerk in irgendeiner Art und Holocaust tragen... Kompromisslos und des Sommerlandes verboten, ins Winterland Weise verbessern. Hochachtung gebührt unangepasst – so schildert Margarethe von zu wechseln. Und umgekehrt. Aber “Tink” Regisseur Berengar Pfahl, der es meister- Trotta die große Denkerin Hannah Arendt. fasst allen Mut zusammen und wagt den haft versteht, seinen Film ohne ein Quent- Mit ihren Schriften über totalitäre Regime Schritt ins Winterland. Zu ihrer völligen chen an Spannung zu inszenieren! Sicher- war sie ihrer Zeit weit voraus, die heutzu- Überraschung trifft sie dort auf ihre lich lag dies nicht in seiner Absicht, aber es tage jedoch nicht mehr weg zu denken sind. Schwester, von deren Existenz sie nie et- ist das Ergebnis das zählt. Zwar gelingt es Der Film schildert Hannah Arendt aber was wusste... Die Zielgruppe für dieses ihm gemeinsam mit Kameramann Erich nicht nur als die unabhängige Denkerin, die computeranimierte Märchen aus der “Dis- Maria Krenek ein paar wirklich schöne sie war, sondern versucht sich ihr auch ney Fairies”-Sparte ist ganz klar: kleine Bilder für die große Leinwand zu schaffen privat zu nähern. Barbara Sukowa spielt Mädchen, die gerne mit Barbie-Puppen (z.B. die Wüstendurchquerung), doch die sie sehr souverän. Doch so interessant spielen. Jungs werden sich bei dem Schwe- schlaffe Inszenierung macht das alles wie- auch das Thema des Films ist, wirkt er stern-Getue der flatternden Feen vermut- der zunichte. Vollkommen überflüssig dann doch leider wie ein Fernsehfilm. Kino- lich zu Tode langweilen. Mädchen hingegen noch die Figur der Deutsch-Türkin Salima gerechte Bilder findet man kaum. Insgesamt werden mit Tinkerbell und ihren Freundin- Bey (gespielt von Sibel Kekilli), die wie nur mäßige Unterhaltung mit Anspruch. nen ganz sicher ihren Spaß haben. Einige ein Fremdkörper im gesamten Film wirkt der auftretenden Figuren sind auch ganz und vermutlich nur ein Zugeständnis an die HAUTE CUISINE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) amüsant gestaltet, wie beispielsweise der Fernsehzuschauer darstellt, die immer mit OT: Les Saveurs Du Palais Hüter des Winterwaldes, der sich als eine einer Liebesgeschichte gefüttert werden Verleih: Wild Bunch Kreuzung aus Joad und Albert Einstein wollen. Dass die Dame dann genauso gut Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2012 entpuppt. schießen kann wie sie aussieht, verwundert Regie: Christian Vincent natürlich nicht weiter. Der Akzent des Darsteller: Catherine Frot, Jean Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012 Sebastian Blomberg in der Rolle des D’Ormesson, Hippolyte Girardot Fernsehkost im Kinoformat Kapitänleutnants von Mücke ist extrem Kinostart: 20.12.2012 Habe ich heute etwa den neuen Advents- gewöhnungsbedürftig, da er unweigerlich an Vierteiler gesehen? Man könnte es fast den Akzent des “Führers” erinnert. Da- Fast wie die Jungfrau zum Kind bekommt glauben... durch entsteht eine äußerst bizarre Wir- Hortense die Stelle als Leibköchin für den kung, die den Film fast der Lächerlichkeit französischen Staatspräsidenten. Der hat DIE MÄNNER DER EMDEN (1:2.35, 5.1) preisgibt. Zu allem Überfluss wird alles sie auf eine Empfehlung eines Bekannten Verleih: Kinostar mit großer, orchestraler Filmmusik ausge- hin dazu auserkoren, seinen Gaumen mit Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 schmückt, die musikalisch gesehen sicher- Speisen nach Großmutter Art zu verwöh- Regie: Berengar Pfahl lich interessant ist, im Film jedoch viel zu nen. Die Neue wird sogleich von den Kolle- Darsteller: Sebastian Blomberg, Oliver aufdringlich wirkt. gen der Großküche argwöhnisch beäugt. Korittke, Jan Henrik Stahlberg, Ken Dass Hortenses Gerichte dem Präsidenten Duken, Sibel Kekilli, Felicitas Woll Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012 extrem gut schmecken, führt dort bald zu Kinostart: 31.01.2013 Wahre Geschichten Neid und Konkurrenzkämpfen. Doch Nach dem Motto “das Leben selbst Hortense lässt sich nicht beirren und wird Währen des Ersten Weltkrieges macht der schreibt die besten Geschichten”, gab es vom Präsidenten höchstpersönlich empfan- kleine deutsche Kreuzer “Emden” von sich heute in der Presse gleich zwei Spielfilme, gen. Doch alles ändert sich, als das Staats- reden: “Gentlemen of War” nennt die briti- die auf tatsächlichen Ereignissen beruhen. oberhaupt plötzlich Diät halten muss und sche Presse die Besatzung und zollt damit das Controlling zusätzlich das Budget für dem Feind Respekt, der stets mit List, HANNAH ARENDT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) die Küche kürzt... Nach einer wahren Be- Taktik und Fairness handelt. Als jedoch ein Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) gebenheit inszenierte Christian Vincent Landungszug von 50 Mann mitten im Indi- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Luxemburg, diesen farbenfrohen Ausflug in die franzö- schen Ozean gerade dabei ist, auf einem Frankreich, Israel 2012 sische Küche. Auch wenn der französische winzigen englischen Atoll eine Regie: Margarethe von Trotta Staatspräsident nicht namentlich angespro-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog chen wird, so handelt es sich in der Vorlage Montag, 29. Oktober 2012 SILVANIEN. Dass sich der aber dann eher um Francois Mitterand. Doch das ist im Zwei Nachsitzer dahinschleppt als gut zu unterhalten, ver- Prinzip sowieso reine Nebensächlichkeit. Am Wochenende habe ich mir zwei Werke steht sich dabei fast von selbst. Möglicher- Die Geschichte zwischen der Privatköchin angeschaut, die die Filmverleiher der Presse weise liegt es aber an der Unmenge von und dem Staatspräsidenten gibt eigentlich in Stuttgart vorenthielten. computeranimierten Trickfilmen, mit denen keine große Geschichte her, ist nichts die heimischen Leinwände momentan über- Spektakuläres. Dafür aber liegt das Haupt- PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 4 (1.1.85, DD flutet werden. Wenn man also zwischen so augenmerk in diesem Film auf den kulinari- 5.1) vielen Animationsfilmen auswählen kann, schen Köstlichkeiten, die stets in Großauf- OT: Paranormal Activity 4 dann sollte die Wahl sicher nicht auf diesen nahme de Zuschauer kredenzt werden. Das Verleih: Paramount Film treffen. geht derart appetitlich vonstatten, dass Land/Jahr: USA 2012 man den Kinosaal unter Garantie mit einem Regie: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012 Hungergefühl verlässt und sich ins nächste Darsteller: Katie Featherston, Kathryn Das geheime Leben der Gourmetrestaurant flüchtet! Newton, Matt Shively Videospielfiguren Kinostart: 18.10.2012 Zur Eröffnung einer sehr knappen Presse- Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012 woche gab es gleich zweimal Hollywood- Unterwasserwelt in 3D Als eine junge Mutter aus der Nachbar- Ware. Mit einem amüsanten Trickfilmabenteuer schaft für mehrere Tage ins Krankenhaus endete heute meine Pressewoche. muss, bleibt ihr kleiner Sohn in der Obhut RALPH REICHT‘S (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + der Nachbarsfamilie. Die sieht sich plötz- 7.1) SAMMYS ABENTEUER 2 (1:2.35, 3D, lich zunehmend mit unerklärlichen Phäno- OT: Wreck-It Ralph DD 5.1) menen konfrontiert. Die Tochter be- Verleih: Walt Disney OT: Sammy’s Avonturen 2 schließt, alles auf Video aufzunehmen... Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Verleih: Studiocanal Auch der vierte Teil der sehr erfolgreichen Regie: Rich Moore Land/Jahr: Belgien 2012 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Horrorserie Kinostart: 06.12.2012 Regie: Ben Stassen unterscheidet sich nicht in der Machart. Kinostart: 20.12.2012 Wieder verfolgt man als Zuschauer Video- Rich Moores Film versteht sich in der Tra- aufzeichnungen, die das Haus der Familie dition von Klassikern wie TOY STORY Eigentlich wollten Schildkröte Sammy und aus verschiedenen Perspektiven aufneh- oder MONSTER AG. Nur sind es dieses Kumpel Ray ihr Dasein als Großväter mit men. Eine Filmmusik gibt es nicht. Es ob- Mal keine Spielzeuge oder Traummonster, Faulenzen genießen. Doch prompt werden liegt damit alleine den Überwachungs- die auch noch ein Leben nach der Arbeit sie von Fischern eingefangen, um viele bildern, Gänsehaut beim Publikum zu gene- haben, sondern die Figuren aus Computer- Seemeilen entfernt in einem riesigen Unter- rieren. Das gelingt zwar ganz gut, doch spielen. Eine der Figuren ist Ralph. In sei- wasseraquarium gemeinsam mit vielen an- bleiben die aus den Teilen 2 und 3 bekann- nem Soiel hat er nichts weiter zu tun, als deren Meeresbewohnern Touristen zu be- ten Schockeffekte aus. Dafür verblüffen die alles kaputtzuschlagen. Sein Kontrahent geistern. Nicht ahnend dass bereits ihre visuellen Effekte umso mehr, die dieses Felix repariert alles wieder und sorgt für beiden Enkel zu Hilfe eilen, schmieden Mal von George Lucas‘ Industrial Light & Punktgewinne beim Spieler. Doch Ralph Sammy und Ray an einem Ausbruchsplan. Magic generiert wurden. Teil 4 ist durch- hat seine Rolle als ewig Böser satt. Er lebt Doch sie haben nicht mit Big D gerechnet, weg spannend inszeniert, erreicht aber nicht wie die anderen Figuren in einem einem Seepferdchen, das im Aquarium das nicht die Qualitäten der Vogänger. große Sagen hat... Wie bereits der erste Teil so besticht auch Teil 2 durch die faszinie- HOTEL TRANSSILVANIEN (1:1.85, 3D, rende 3D-Technik, die in hervorragender DD 5.1) Art und Weise demonstriert, zu welcher OT: Hotel Transylvania Plastizität diese fähig ist. Die Figuren er- Verleih: Sony Pictures scheinen zum Greifen nah, man ist als Zu- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 schauer mittendrin im Geschehen. Doch Regie: Genndy Tartakovsky versuchte der erste Film noch ein wichtiges Kinostart: 25.10.2012 Thema, nämlich die Folgen der Umweltver- schmutzung, für kleine Zuschauer ver- Graf Dracula hat seinen Traum Wirklich- ständlich aufzubereiten, ist von solcher keit werden lassen und ein abgeschiedenes Thematik jetzt nicht mehr viel übriggeblie- Hotel gebaut, in dem er andere Monster ben. Stattdessen verfällt der perfekt beherbergen will. Denn schließlich wollen computeranimierte Unterwasserspaß in die auch mal ausspannen. Einzig sein klei- einen ganz normalen Animationsfilm. Frei- nes Töchterchen macht ihm Sorgen – sie lich vermittelt auch der eine kleine Bot- hat sich in einen Menschen verkuckt! Der schaft (nur gemeinsam ist man stark), doch überbehütende Vater tut jetzt alles, um die ist längst nicht mehr so nachhaltig. Mit diese Liaison zu verhindern... Man nehme seinen liebevoll animierten Charakteren die Grundidee von Pixars MONSTER (u.a. ein schizophrener Krebs!) und jeder INC. und ergänze sie um eine Figur, die Menge Action eignet sich der Film allemal dem Protagonisten aus ICH – EINFACH für einen Familienausflug ins Kino. UNVERBESSERLICH sehr nahe kommt – und voila: schon hat man HOTEL TRANS-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog schönenn Penthouse, sondern auf einer Hanna und Clarissa wiedersehen. 25 Jahre Müllhalde. Das macht ihm prinzipiell ist es her, seit sie zum letzten Mal als nichts aus; ärgerlich stimmt ihn jedoch, Kinder gemeinsam mit ihren Eltern Urlaub dass er nicht einmal zur Feier des 30. Ge- auf Hiddensee verbrachten. Um der alten burtstages des Computerspiels eingeladen Zeiten Willen wiederholen die einst besten wird. Wäre er ein Held, würde sich das Freundinnen noch einmal diesen Urlaub schnell ändern. Also schleicht er sich heim- und fahren gemeinsam mit Hannas kleiner lich in ein anderes Videospiel, um sich dort Tochter auf die Insel. Kaum dort angekom- eine Medaille zu holen. Doch so einfach ist men wird Hanna von Erinnerungen heimge- das nicht... RALPH REICHT’S wartet mit sucht – Erinnerungen, die sie komplett aus zahlreichen brillanten Einfällen auf. Da ihrem Gedächtnis gelöscht hatte. Erst ganz sieht man beispielsweise Ralph bei der allmählich lüftet sich ein grausiges Geheim- Gruppentherapie mit anderen Bad Guys, nis, bei dem es um ein totes Mädchen geht von denen alle einmal gerne Helden wären. – die allerdings gar nicht so tot zu sein Oder der riesige Bahnhof, von dem aus die scheint... Mit seinem Debütfilm beweist einzelnen Figuren zu ihren Einsatzorten Alex Schmidt, dass er souverän mit Sound- gefahren werden. Oder das zuckersüße design und Filmmusik umgehen kann. Tech- Rennspiel “Sugar Rush”, bei dem Ralph die nisch gesehen kann sein Mystery-Thriller kleine Vanellope kennenlernt und sie bei hier durchaus mit der Konkurrenz aus ihrem Wunsch, eine Rennfahrerin zu wer- Übersee mithalten. Was allerdings das den, unterstützt. Der wie immer perfekt Drehbuch angeht, so klappt es da noch computeranimierte Film vereint in gekonn- nicht so recht. Denn spätestens dann, ter Weise Action, Humor und viel Gefühl wenn sich Schmidt daran macht, seinen und dürfte damit Kinozuschauer jeden Al- Film aufzulösen, wird die Geschichte im- ters ansprechen. Ein Geheimtipp! mer abstruser. Schlimmer noch: die Wen- dungen wollen gar kein Ende mehr nehmen! natürlich tatsächlich ein Hollywood-Film. ARGO (1:2.35, DD 5.1) So verspielt der Regisseur mit den letzten Und zwar mit allem, was dazugehört: OT: Argo 20 Minuten seines Films alles, was er am Spannung und ein heroisches Ende. Ben Verleih: Warner Anfang aufgebaut hat. Nichtsdestotrotz Affleck, der nicht nur die Hauptrolle über- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 lässt sich ein Potenzial erkennen, welches nahm, sondern auch gleich die Regie dazu, Regie: Ben Affleck es zu fördern gilt. inszenierte den Film in bester amerikani- Darsteller: Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, John scher Tradition, konnte es sich aber nicht Goodman verkneifen, auch ein paar sarkastische Be- Kinostart: 08.11.2012 merkungen über Hollywoods Filmindustrie einzubauen. Die wird im Film von John Teheran 1979: die Iraner stürmen die ame- Goodman und Alan Arkin repräsentiert – rikanische Botschaft und nehmen die Ange- ein absolutes Traumpaar. Was Ausstattung, stellten als Geiseln. Sechs von ihnen ge- Kleidung und speziell Frisuren angeht, so lingt unbemerkt die Flucht ins Haus des haben die Filmemacher ganze Arbeit gelei- kanadischen Botschafters. Während den stet und die 1970er/1980er-Jahre perfekt vielen Wochen, in denen sich die Vereinig- heraufbeschworen. ARGO ist kurzweilig ten Staaten bemühen, ihre Angehörigen auf inszeniert und bietet gute Unterhaltung. diplomatischem Wege aus der iranischen Geiselhaft zu befreien, startet der CIA eine Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012 verdeckte Operation, um die im Versteck Das untote Mädchen lebenden sechs Bürger in die USA zurück- Ein Mystery-Thriller aus deutschen Lan- zuholen. Als Tarnung für die Operation den bildete den Abschluss einer kurzen dient ein Film, der nie gedreht werden Pressewoche. wird: “Argo”... Hollywood war schon im- mer bekannt für phantastische Geschich- DU HAST ES VERSPROCHEN (1:2.35, ten, die sich irgendein Drehbuchautor aus- DD 5.1 EX) gedacht hat. Dass die diesem Film zugrun- Verleih: Falcom de liegende Geschichte tatsächlich wahr ist, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 mag man einfach nicht glauben. Sie ist ein- Regie: Alex Schmidt fach zu phantastisch um wahr zu sein. Darsteller: Mina Tander, Laura de Boer, Jahrzehnte lang war diese Untergrund- Lina Köhlert aktion der CIA unter Verschluss – jetzt Kinostart: 20.12.2012 wurde sie freigegeben. Logische Konse- quenz: aus der Geschichte wurde jetzt Einem Zufall ist es geschuldet, dass sich

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012

Das FANTASY FILMFEST 2012 Ein persönlicher Rückblick von Wolfram Hannemann

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012

Das Fantasy Filmfest gehört zwei- en gab es nur vier Stück! Nun ist gen auf Tour geht. Doch Tina findet felsohne zu den wichtigsten Filmfe- absolut nichts gegen die digitale es klasse, endlich einmal die über- stivals in Deutschland. Insbeson- Vorführung einzuwenden, eliminiert fürsorgliche Mutter hinter sich las- sen zu können und freut sich auf dere dann natürlich, wenn man sich sie viele der Probleme analoger den Urlaub im Englischen Yorkshire. für harte Kost jenseits des Technik. Allerdings – und hier Was Tina jedoch nicht ahnt: Chris Mainstreams interessiert. Schon kommt der Kritikpunkt – setzt dies ist ein Serienkiller... Die triste brau- oft gab es hier Filme zu entdecken, einwandfrei produzierte DCPs ne Landschaft dominiert die Bilder in die sonst möglicherweise still und (DCP = Digital Cinema Package = Ben Wheatleys neuem Film. Weit- aus zurückhaltender als in seinem heimlich in der Versenkung ver- digitale Filmkopie) voraus. Genau Film KILL LIST präsentiert er zwei schwunden wären. In den letzten dies war leider während des Festi- ganz normale Menschen, die Gefal- Jahren jedoch musste man ver- vals nicht immer gegeben. So tönte len am Morden finden. Augen- stärkt zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass beispielsweise William Friedkins zwinkernd und mit einer großen Por- dieses Festival mehr und mehr zur KILLER JOE nur mit 2-Kanal tion schwarzen Humor schildert er den Wettkampf im Morden, dem Plattform der kleinen DVD-Labels Stereo Sound statt einem satten Tina und Chris schon bald verfallen geworden ist, die dort ihre nicht 5.1 Mix, wie dieser von Friedkin sind. SIGHTSEERS macht Spaß selten minderwertigen Waren prä- konzipiert wurde. Dieses Schicksal und ist durch den eigenwilligen Um- sentieren, die im Anschluss an das teilten sich gleich mehrere Filme. gang mit Bild und Ton, die nicht im- Festival in den Regalen der Kauf- Die Qualität der Filmpräsentation mer korrespondieren, auch noch in- teressant anzuschauen. häuser zu finden sind. Umso mehr leidet darunter und verfehlt oft die heisst es Vorsicht walten zu lassen beabsichtigte Wirkung. Wün- V/H/S (1:1.85, 5.1) bei der Auswahl der Festivalfilme. schenswert wäre es, wenn der USA 2012 / 116 Minuten / Englische Das gelingt natürlich nicht immer, Veranstalter solche minderwertigen OV wird man oftmals von den Hoch- DCPs erst gar nicht zum Festival REGIE David Bruckner / Glenn McQuaid / Radio Silence / Joe glanz-Trailern, die man sich im zulassen würde. Warum diese Swanberg / Ti West / Adam Wingard Vorfeld zum Festival ansieht, leicht überhaupt existieren, darüber lässt DARSTELLER Calvin Reeder / Lane in die Irre geführt. Doch viele Jah- sich nur mutmaßen. Aber: im näch- Hughes / Adam Wingard re Erfahrung kommen einem da sten Jahr wird alles besser. Die DREHBUCH David Bruckner / Glenn zugute und so kann man einigerma- Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. McQuaid PRODUZENT Roxanne Benjamin / ßen gezielt die Spreu vom Weizen Wolfram Hannemann Gary Binkow / Bradley Miska trennen. So betrachtet ist es mir in VERLEIH Splendid Film diesem Jahr gelungen, besonders SIGHTSEERS (1:2.35, 5.1) Ein paar Kleinkriminelle wollen ein viel Weizen zu sehen! Was es im Grossbritannien 2012 / 95 Minuten / Einzelnen war, habe ich auf den ganz bestimmtes Videoband aus Englische OV einem verlassenen Haus stehlen. nächsten Seiten in aller Kürze do- REGIE Ben Wheatley Während ihrem Bruch sichten sie kumentiert. DARSTELLER Alice Lowe / Steve einige der Tapes, die allesamt merk- Oram / Eileen Davis / Roger Michael würdige und gruselige Inhalte aufwei- / Tony Way / Seamus O’Neill sen. Schon wieder “Found Footage”! Ein Wort des Bedauerns noch zur DREHBUCH Alice Lowe / Steve technischen Qualität des Festivals. Die Welle der Wackelkamera-Filme Oram scheint nicht abzuebben. Dabei hat Der Umstieg von 35mm-Kopien PRODUZENT Nira Park / Andy Star- sich dieses Thema eigentlich schon auf digitale Filmversionen macht ke / Claire Jones lange erledigt. Auch der Episoden- natürlich auch vor einem Filmfesti- VERLEIH MFA + Film Distribution film V/H/S hat dem nichts Neues mehr hinzuzufügen. Und trotzdem val nicht Halt. So war es dieses Der Mutter gefällt es gar nicht, als Jahr das erste Mal, dass fast alles füllen die Filmemacher fast zwei Tina zusammen mit ihrem neuen Stunden mit ihrem Nichts. Gelang- digital gezeigt wurde. 35mm-Kopi- Freund Chris mit dessen Wohnwa- weilt und genervt kann man das

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Ende kaum erwarten. einen Geschäftsmann. Als er jedoch Gina Gershon / Scott Martin / auf dem Rückweg versehentlich ei- Gralen Bryant Banks BLIND ALLEY (1:1.85, DD 5.1) nen Mann überfährt, geraten die Din- DREHBUCH Tracy Letts (nach sei- OT: El Callejón ge außer Kontrolle... Paul Chinas nem Theaterstück) Spanien/Kolumbien 2011 / 75 Minu- visuell brillantes Stück Kino ent- PRODUZENT Nicolas Chartier / ten / Spanische OmeU puppt sich schon nach kurzer Zeit Scott Einbinder REGIE Antonio Trashorras als eine Hommage an BLOOD SIM- VERLEIH WVG Medien DARSTELLER Ana de Armas / PLE, mit dem seinerzeit die Coen- Leonor Varela / Diego Cadavid Brüder ihren Einstand auf der Kino- Um die Versicherungssumme zu DREHBUCH Antonio Trashorras leinwand gegeben haben. Auch wenn kassieren, beauftragen Sohn Chris PRODUZENT Miguel A. Faura / es nicht viel an Handlung gibt, ge- und sein geschiedener Vater, Chris‘ Mercedes Gamero / Enrique Pérez lingt es dem Regisseur dank der Mutter umbringen zu lassen. “Killer Vergara guten Besetzung und einem Gespür Joe”, ein Police Officer mit Nebenjob VERLEIH Koch Media für den richtigen Blickwinkel und als Killer, soll die Tat ausführen. Der dem perfekten Timing, seinen Film will als Belohnung allerdings Chris‘ Weil die Waschmaschine streikt, extrem spannend zu gestalten. Dazu minderjährige Schwester haben... beschließt eine junge Frau, ihre Wä- trägt auch die Filmmusik bei, die Entstanden nach einem Theater- sche in einer Nacht-und-Nebel-Akti- sich an Bernard Herrmanns stück von Drehbuchautor Tracy Letts on in einem unbemannten Waschsa- PSYCHO orientiert und bewusst nur inszenierte Altmeister William lon am Ende der Straße zu wa- Streicher einsetzt. Friedkin diese mit schwarzem Hu- schen. Bald schon hat sie es mit mor angereicherte Geschichte, in einem Psychopathen zu tun, der ihr CLEANSKIN (1:2.35, DD 5.1 EX) der mit Gewalt nicht gekleckert wird. ans Leder will... Was mit einem Grossbritannien 2012 / 108 Minuten Nicht nur Matthew McConaughey in hübschen Vorspann im Stile der / Englische OV der Titelrolle überzeugt hier, sondern 60er-Jahre beginnt, mündet irgend- REGIE Hadi Hajaig das gesamte Ensemble. wann gegen Ende des Films in eine DARSTELLER Sean Bean / Abhin Vampirgeschichte. Dazu noch eine, Galeya / James Fox / Charlotte COLUMBUS CIRCLE (1:2.35, 5.1) die gar nicht überzeugt. Das liegt Rampling / Peter Polycarpou / USA 2012 / 82 Minuten / Englische speziell an dem überstrapazierten Tuppence Middleton / Tom Burke / OV Drehbuch, das den Protagonisten Sam Douglas REGIE George Gallo realitätsfremde Handlungsweisen DREHBUCH Hadi Hajaig DARSTELLER Selma Blair / Amy vorschreibt und den Film dadurch PRODUZENT Hadi Hajaig Smart / Jason Lee / Giovanni Ribisi / ziemlich unglaubwürdig erscheinen VERLEIH WVG Medien Kevin Pollak / / Jason lässt. Die zwischendurch eingesetz- Antoon te Split-Screen-Technik wirkt ziem- Ein britischer Secret Service Agent DREHBUCH George Gallo / Kevin lich aufgesetzt. soll einen Terroristen dingfest ma- Pollak chen, bevor dieser sein Ziel eliminie- PRODUZENT Christopher Mallick / CRAWL (1:2.35, 5.1) ren kann. Verpackt als Action-Thril- William Sherak / Jason Shuman Australien 2011 / 80 Minuten / Engli- ler schildert Hadi Hajaigs Film die VERLEIH Tele München sche OV Mechanismen, die greifen, wenn ein REGIE Paul China Mensch als Selbstmordattentäter Schon seit vielen Jahren verschanzt DARSTELLER Georgina Haig / rekrutiert werden soll. Spannend in- sich eine Millionerbin abgeschottet George Shevtsov / Paul Holmes / szeniert und auch in Nebenrollen gut von der Außenwelt in einem Apart- Catherine Miller / Lauren Dillon / besetzt könnte der Film jedoch eine ment-Hochhaus. Als die alte Dame Bob Newman / Lynda Stoner Straffung vertragen. gegenüber unter merkwürdigen Um- DREHBUCH Paul China ständen ums Leben kommt und kurz PRODUZENT Benjamin China / KILLER JOE (1:2.35, 5.1) darauf ein Paar die Wohnung be- Brian J. Breheny USA 2011 / 103 Minuten / Englische zieht, beginnt für die unter Agora- KONTAKT Benjamin China OmdU phobie leidende Erbin ein Alp- REGIE William Friedkin traum... George Gallos Film ist einer Im Auftrag eines schmierigen Club- DARSTELLER Matthew jener Thriller, die derart verkrampft besitzers ermordet ein wortkarger McConaughey / Emile Hirsch / Juno versuchen, eine nicht vorhersehbare Kroate im australischen Hinterland Temple / / Story und damit das perfekte Verbre-

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chen zu inszenieren, dass man of- wie einen Schatz hütet und die der Martyrium beginnt... Seit ihrem fensichtlich vollkommen vergessen Ursprung des Übels zu sein Debütfilm BOXING HELENA ist klar: hat, der Geschichte einen Hauch scheint... Der Däne Ole Bornedal ist der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm. von Plausibilität einzuhauchen. Der fast schon so etwas wie Inventar Denn wie einst ihr Vater David Plot erscheint dadurch leider ziem- beim Fantasy Filmfest, den Jahr für Lynch, so versteht sich auch lich hanebüchen. Jahr liefert er frische Ware. Jetzt Jennifer Lynch hervorragend auf per- also eine Exorzismus-Geschichte. verse und kranke Storys. Und mit REPLICAS (1:2.35, 5.1) Und die ist – wenn man den Text- CHAINED provoziert die Dame er- Kanada 2012 / 96 Minuten / Engli- tafeln zu Beginn des Films glauben neut ihr Publikum. Das ist schon sche OV darf – tatsächlich passiert. Bornedal harter Tobak – aber er schmeckt REGIE Jeremy Power Regimbal inszeniert die Schauermär souverän. irgendwie gut. Das liegt sicher vor DARSTELLER Selma Blair / Josh Kameraarbeit und Ausstattung kön- allem an Vincent D’Onofrio, der den Close / James D’Arcy / Rachel nen hier punkten. Letztendlich je- bestialischen Taxi-Fahrer mit schwe- Miner / Quinn Lord / Alex Ferris doch liefert Bornedal mit seinem rer Kindheit und Sprachfehler hervor- DREHBUCH Josh Close Film den Beweis, dass William ragend mimt. Nach diesem Film wird PRODUZENT Justin Tyler Close / Friedkin mit DER EXORZIST Mitte man vermutlich nicht mehr so leicht- Jeremy Power Regimbal der siebziger Jahre bereits alles ge- fertig in ein Taxi steigen. Übrigens KONTAKT Celluloid Nightmares / sagt hat, was es im Exorzisten-Gen- hat die Regisseurin ein kleines The Festival Agency re zu sagen gibt. So bleibt THE Cameo im Film: sie ist als TV-Kö- POSSESSION leider nur mäßig chin zu sehen. Das lange Wochenende im spannend und konzentriert sich et- Wochenendhäuschen entwickelt was zu sehr auf die visuellen Effek- AFTER (1.2.35, 5.1) sich für eine dreiköpfige Familie zu te. Da hätte man sich mehr von der USA 2012 / 90 Minuten / Englische einem Kampf ums nackte Überle- unheimlichen Atmosphäre ge- OV ben, als plötzlich eine ebenfalls wünscht, die im riesigen Haus der REGIE Ryan Smith dreiköpfige Familie aufkreuzt und befallenen Familie herrscht. DARSTELLER Steven Strait / Karo- immer mehr an Einfluss gewinnt... lina Wydra / Sandra Lafferty / Wer genau hinsieht weiß sofort Be- CHAINED (1:2.35, 5.1) Madison Lintz / Chase Presley scheid: REPLICAS ist nichts ande- USA 2012 / 98 Minuten / Englische DREHBUCH Ryan Smith res als der Versuch, Michael OV PRODUZENT Brandon Gregory Hanekes FUNNY GAMES für Ameri- REGIE Jennifer Lynch VERLEIH Jinga Films ka neu zu inszenieren. Das Ergeb- DARSTELLER Vincent D’Onofrio / nis – wen wundert’s – kommt leider Eamon Farren / Julia Ormond / Gina Kurz nachdem sich ein Mann und nicht über Mittelmaß hinaus. Philips / Jake Weber / Conor Leslie eine Frau auf einer Busreise ken- / Evan Bird nenlernen, geschieht ein Unfall. Bei- THE POSSESSION (1:2.35, DD 5.1) DREHBUCH Jennifer Lynch / de finden sich plötzlich in einer USA 2012 / 93 Minuten / Englische Damian O’Donnell menschenleeren Stadt wieder, die OV PRODUZENT Craig Anderson / von einer undurchdringbaren Wand REGIE Ole Bornedal Rhonda Baker / David Buelow umgeben wird... Die Story des Films DARSTELLER Jeffrey Dean Morgan / VERLEIH Capelight Pictures könnte glattweg eine Episode der Kyra Sedgwick / Madison Davenport “Twilight Zone” sein. Leider mit dem / Natasha Calis / Grant Show Eine Taxifahrt endet für eine Mutter Nachteil, dass die Geschichte hier DREHBUCH Juliet Snowden / Stiles und ihren kleinen Sohn in einem Alp- auf Spielfilmlänge aufgebläht wurde. White traum: sie werden entführt. In dem Das macht den Film trotz seiner PRODUZENT Sam Raimi / Robert G. weit abgelegenen Haus des Taxifah- gelungenen Farbdramaturgie leider Tapert / J.R. Young rers angekommen, bringt er die Mut- nicht sonderlich spannend, sondern VERLEIH StudioCanal ter auf bestialische Weise um. Den zäh wie Kaugummi. kleinen Jungen macht er sich zum Als seine jüngere Tochter plötzlich Sklaven. Angekettet muss er fortan BLACK OUT (1:2.35, 5.1) merkwürdige Verhaltensweisen an nicht nur das ganze Haus sauber Niederlande 2012 / 92 Minuten / Nie- den Tag legt, beginnt ihr Vater nach- halten, sondern auch die Überreste derländische OmeU zuforschen. Dabei stößt er auf eine aller weiteren Opfer des Serien- REGIE Arne Toonen kleine Holzkiste, die seine Tochter killers entsorgen. Ein jahrelanges DARSTELLER Raymond Thiry / Kat-

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ja Schuurman / Birgit Schuurman / williges Ableben ermöglichen. Doch sondere an der Zweiteilung seines Kim van Kooten / Bas Keijzer / Alex als es wieder Nachwuchs gibt, gerät Films. Während die Bewohner des van Warmerdam / Renee Fokker / die pfiffige Geschäftside kräftig ins Seniorenheims noch für recht lustige Edmond Classen Wanken: die Frohnatur des Situationen sorgen, geht es bei dem DREHBUCH Melle Runderkamp / Sprösslings steckt bald schon die Trupp von Kleinkriminellen schon Arne Toonen Kunden an... Mit seinem morbiden eher nüchtern zu. Das aber verdirbt PRODUZENT Erwin Godschalk / Charme erinnert Patrice Lecontes den ungebremsten Spaß. Maarten Kuit / Bert Nijdam erster Animationsfilm unweigerlich VERLEIH Tiberius Film an die Filme von . Insbe- INBRED (1:2.35, 5.1) sondere werden Erinnerungen an Grossbritannien/Deutschland 2011 / 20 Kilo Kokain sind spurlos ver- NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS 90 Minuten / Englische OV schwunden. Und der Einzige, der wach, alleine schon wegen der Ge- REGIE Alex Chandon weiß, wo sie zu finden sind, hat lei- sangseinlagen. Die Animation wurde DARSTELLER Jo Hartley / James der vergessen, wo sie sind. Gang- mit viel Liebe zum Detail realisiert Doherty / Seamus O’Neill / James ster, Halbkriminelle und Polizisten und könnte problemlos auf die 3D- Burrows / Terry Haywood geben sich jetzt ein Stelldichein bei Technik, in der der Film präsentiert DREHBUCH Alex Chandon / Paul der Jagd nach der heissen Ware... wird, verzichten. Für Freunde Shrimpton Wenn der Protagonist zu Beginn des schwarzen Humors ein echtes Fest PRODUZENT Yazid Benfeghoul / Films versucht, die neben ihm im – und dazu noch mit einer überaus Margaret Milner Schmueck Bett liegende Leiche mittels eines lebensbejahenden Botschaft! KONTAKT Arclight Films Koffers zu entsorgen, wird die Marschrichtung dieser holländischen COCKNEYS VS. ZOMBIES (1:2.35, Der Ausflug von vier Schülern und Filmperle klar festgelegt: eine raben- 5.1) ihrer beiden Erzieher mündet in eine schwarze Krimikomödie vom Fein- Grossbritannien 2012 / 95 Minuten / brachiale Blutschlacht, als sich die sten. Hier darf herzhaft gelacht wer- Englische OV Truppe in einem abgelegenen Engli- den – und nicht nur einmal. Arne REGIE Matthias Hoene schen Dorf einnistet... Mit INBRED, Toonen sorgt mit seiner fetzigen In- DARSTELLER Michelle Ryan / Harry der während des Fantasy Filmfests szenierung und einem gut ausge- Treadaway / Honor Blackman / Jack in der Rubrik “Midnight Madness” zu suchten Darstellerensemble dafür, Doolan / Rasmus Hardiker / Ashley sehen war, fand das Festival zu sei- dass keine Langeweile aufkommt. Thomas / Alan Ford nen ureigenen Wurzeln zurück. Hier Ein Festival-Highlight! DREHBUCH James Moran war die Handlung nur von unterge- PRODUZENT James Harris / Mark ordneter Bedeutung. Viel wichtiger THE SUICIDE SHOP (1.1.85, 3D, Lane war der Splatter-Faktor. Und der war 5.1) VERLEIH StudioCanal Germany respektabel. Leider versäumten es OT: Le Magasin Des Suicides die Filmemacher, ihr Werk konse- Frankreich/Kanada/Belgien 2012 / Sowohl die Bewohner eines quent als schwarze Komödie zu in- 79 Minuten / Französische OmeU Seniorenheims im Londoner Osten szenieren. So wird der Film, der an REGIE als auch eine kleine Gruppe von 2001 MANIACS erinnert, zwischen- STIMMEN Bernard Alane / Isabelle Bankräubern sehen sich mit einer durch immer wieder richtig ernst. Spade / Kacey Mottet Klein / Isabel- Zombie-Invasion konfrontiert. Späte- le Giami / Laurent Gendron stens mit SHAUN OF THE DEAD SWITCH (1:2.35, 5.1) DREHBUCH Patrice Leconte / Jean haben die Briten bewiesen, dass Frankreich 2011 / 104 Minuten / Teulé (Buchvorlage) keiner so witzige Zombie-Persiflagen Französische OmeU PRODUZENT Thomas Langmann / inszenieren kann wie das Inselvolk. REGIE Frédéric Schoendoerffer André Rouleau / Gilles Podesta Matthias Hoene, der Regisseur von DARSTELLER Karine Vanasse / Ka- VERLEIH Wild Bunch COCKNEYS VS. ZOMBIES. ist zwar rina Testa / Eric Cantona / Mehdi gebürtiger Deutscher, lebt aber Nebbou / Aurélien Recoing / Bruno Ganz versteckt in einer kleinen Sei- schon lange in und knüpft Todeschini / Maxim Roy tenstraße betreibt eine Familie mit seinem Film an die Tradition der DREHBUCH Jean-Christophe schon seit vielen Jahen einen Laden Zombie-Satiren an. Leider gelingt es Grangé / Frédéric Schoendoerffer der besonderen Art. Denn hier kön- ihm trotz gelegentlich netter Einfälle PRODUZENT Christophe Grangé / nen Lebensmüde alle erdenklichen nicht, SHAUN OF THE DEAD vom Éric Névé / Frédéric Schoendoerffer Utensilien kaufen, die ihnen ein frei- Thron zu stoßen. Das liegt insbe- VERLEIH ZDF / Universum Film

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BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD Träne hervorlocken wird. Als sie im Internet ihre Wohnung in (1:1.85, 5.1) Kanada mit einer Wohnung in Paris USA 2012 / 92 Minuten / Englische VIOLET & DAISY (1:2.35, 5.1) tauscht, ahnt eine junge Frau noch OmdU USA 2011 / 90 Minuten / Englische nicht, das sie bald schon das Opfer REGIE Benh Zeitlin OV einer Verschwörung wird... Ein gut DARSTELLER Quvenzhané Wallis / REGIE Geoffrey Fletcher inszenierter Action-Thriller, der leider Dwight Henry / Jonshel Alexander / DARSTELLER Saoirse Ronan / an einem etwas zu ausgeklügelten Lowell Landes / Pamela Harper / Alexis Bledel / Danny Trejo / Cody Plot leidet, der den ganzen Film Gina Montana Horn / James Gandolfini / Tatiana ziemlich unglaubhaft erscheinen DREHBUCH Lucy Alibar / Benh Maslany / Marianne Jean-Baptiste / lässt. Anleihen bei der Rolle des Zeitlin John Ventimiglia Lisbeth Salander aus der PRODUZENT Michael Gottwald / DREHBUCH Geoffrey Fletcher “Millennium”-Trilogie für die Böse im Dan Janvey / Josh Penn PRODUZENT Geoffrey Fletcher / Spiel sind unübersehbar. VERLEIH MFA + Film Distribution Bonnie Timmermann / John Penotti VERLEIH Capelight Pictures EDEN (1:2.35, 5.1) Die 6jährige Hushpuppy lebt zusam- USA 2012 / 98 Minuten / Englische men mit ihrem trinkende Vater in Zwei extrem junge Girls erledigen OV einer armseligen Behausung in den ihre Arbeit als Auftragskiller stets REGIE Megan Griffiths Sümpfen von Louisiana. Gemeinsam zuverlässig. Als sie jedoch Michael, DARSTELLER / Scott mit anderen Bewohnern wehren sie einen Mann im besten Alter, auslö- Mechlowicz / Beau Bridges / sich gegen die Zwangsräumung des schen sollen, vergeht ihnen der Mariana Klaveno / Matt O’Leary / Gebietes, das aufgrund des steigen- Spaß an der Arbeit. Denn ihr Opfer Tantoo Cardinal / Naama Kates / den Wasserspiegels unterzugehen wehrt sich nicht und möchte einfach Tracey Fairaway / Grace Arends droht. Hushpuppys Vater tut alles, nur sterben. Die Mädels kommen ins DREHBUCH Megan Griffiths / Ri- um seiner kleinen Tochter das Über- Grübeln... Was sich im Trailer noch chard B. Phillips leben beizubringen... Wieder einmal so anfühlt wie eine mit Augenzwin- PRODUZENT Jacob Mosler / Colin erhob sich ein Film zum Festival- kern inszenierte knallharte Action- Harper Plank Favoriten, der zu keinem der behan- Routine, entpuppt sich nach einem VERLEIH Ascot Elite Entertainment delten Genres gehört. Vielmehr sind furiosen Start als Teenager-Drama. Group die im Film auftauchenden und Das hat zwar hin und wieder ein furchteinflößenden Auerochsen sym- paar nette Einfälle zu bieten, ent- Die 19jährige Jae wird aus dem bolisch zu sehen. Wenn sich die täuscht aber insgesamt etwas. Im- Trailer-Park, in dem sie zusammen grandiose Hauptdarstellerin am merhin wartet der Film mit guten mit ihren Eltern lebt, entführt. Sie Ende des Films mutig gegen die Darstellern auf. Nicht nur die beiden erwacht in einem riesigen Gefäng- Herde stellt, dann weiß man, dass Killer-Mädels absolvieren ihre Rollen nis, in dem bereits viele andere sie fest mit beiden Beinen im Leben mit Bravour, auch James Gandolfini Mädchen leben und zur Prostitution steht und wortwörtlich ihren Mann überzeugt als sensibler Suger gezwungen werden oder als Objekte stehen wird. Die 8jährige Daddy. für Porno-Filme herhalten müssen. Quvenzhane Wallis beeindruckt Als “Eden” muss von nun an auch nachhaltig in diesem Film, der aus- THE DAY (1:1.85, 5.1) Jae ihren “Dienst” tun. Doch das schließlich mit Laien besetzt wurde. USA 2011 / 90 Minuten / Englische Mädchen hat einen starken Über- “Wenn das kleinste Teil im Univer- OV lebenswillen... Basierend auf einer sum kaputtgeht, dann geht das gan- REGIE Douglas Aarniokoski wahren Begebenheit wandelt Megan ze Universum kaputt”, hört man die DARSTELLER Shawn Ashmore / Griffiths Film irgendwo zwischen kleine Hushpuppy aus dem Off sa- Ashley Bell / Michael Eklund / Cory Drama und Thriller. Dank ausge- gen. Dazu gibt es Bilder von der Pol- Hardrict / Dominic Monaghan / zeichneter Darsteller wie Jamie schmelze zu sehen. Die Message Shannyn Sossamon Chung in der Titelrolle und Beau wird deutlich übermittelt. Benh DREHBUCH Luke Passmore Bridges als skrupelloser Polizist Zeitlin ist mit seinem Film ein klei- PRODUZENT Guy Danella gewinnt der Film an Authentizität. nes Meisterwerk gelungen. Darstel- VERLEIH Splendid Film Die gute Kameraarbeit und eine pas- ler, Musik, Kameraarbeit und Sound- sende Filmmusik tun ein Übriges. design bilden eine einzigartige Sym- In einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft biose, die im Kinosaal so manche verfällt die Menschheit dem Kanni-

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balismus. Nur die Stärksten werden Pauline ist nicht gerade das Aus- überleben... Die depressive Grund- Weil ihre Schwester und auch ihre hängeschild der Familie. Denn die stimmung des Films wird durch das Cousine spurlos verschwunden sind, ältere der beiden Töchter rebelliert Fehlen fast sämtlicher Farben noch macht sich eine junge Frau auf die gerne, hat abartige Sex-Fantasien zusätzlich verstärkt. Doch die lang- Suche. Schon schnell muss sie und findet ihre Menstruationsblutung weilige Endzeitgeschichte vermag feststellen, dass es im Haus der sehr erregend. Eigentlich müsste kaum zu unterhalten und versprüht Schwester offensichtlich spukt... sie dringend in psychiatrische Be- massenhaft Langeweile. Konventionelle “Haunted House”- handlung. Als ein Schulverweis Ware, die streckenweise an einen droht, beschließt Pauline, ihren A GANG STORY (1:2.35, 5.1) TV-Film erinnert. Nichtsdestotrotz Traumberuf Ärztin im Selbststudium OT: Les Lyonnais gelingen ein paar Schockmomente, zu erforschen – mit blutigen Fol- Frankreich/Belgien 2011 / 102 Minu- die das Adrenalin kochen lassen. gen... Richard Bates Jr. inszenierte ten / Französische OmeU den Spielfilm nach seinem eigenen REGIE Olivier Marchal THE TALL MAN (1:2.35, 5.1) Kurzfilm. Beeindruckend darin sind DARSTELLER Gérard Lanvin / USA/Kanada 2012 / 102 Minuten / insbesondere die gelackten Bilder, Tchéky Karyo / Daniel Duval / Dimitri Englische OV mit denen wir die Sex- und Blut- Storoge / Patrick Catalifo / François REGIE Pascal Laugier Phantasien der Hauptdarstellerin Levantal / Francis Renaud / Lionnel DARSTELLER Jessica Biel / Jodelle sehen dürfen. Neben Annalyne Astier / Valeria Cavalli Ferland / Stephen McHattie / McCord in der Rolle des sich nicht DREHBUCH Olivier Marchal / Edgar William B. Davis in die Gesellschaft einordnen wollen- Marie DREHBUCH Pascal Laugier den Teenagers Pauline brilliert auch PRODUZENT Cyril Colbeau-Justin / PRODUZENT Clement Miserez / Ex-Pornostar Traci Lords in der Rol- Jean-Baptiste Dupont Kevin Dewalt / Scott Kennedy le der dominanten Mutter. VERLEIH Wild Bunch Germany / VERLEIH Wild Bunch Germany / Eurovideo Universum Film GOD BLESS AMERICA (1:2.35, 5.1) USA 2011 / 104 Minuten / Englische Als sein bester Freund ins Gefäng- In einer kleinen Stadt verschwinden OV nis kommt, beschließt ein Gangster, immer wieder Kinder spurlos. Die REGIE Bobcat Goldthwait ihn zu befreien. Doch damit setzt er Legende sagt, dass ein großer Mann DARSTELLER Joel Murray / Tara ein Räderweg in Bewegung, das die Kinder raubt. Krankenpflegerin Lynne Barr / Melinda Page Hamilton weitreichende Konsequenzen nach Julia glaubt nicht an solche Legen- / Mackenzie Brooke Smith / Rich sich zieht... Der nach Tatsachen den. Als aber plötzlich auch ihr McDonald / Maddie Hasson entstandene Thriller ist ein Parade- Sohn von einer großen, dunkel ge- DREHBUCH Bobcat Goldthwait beispiel für gutes französisches kleideten Gestalt entführt wird, än- PRODUZENT Richard Kelly / Jeff Gangster-Kino, das auch vor den dert sich alles... Ein insgesamt un- Culotta / Sean McKittrick genreüblichen Härten nicht kneift. befriedigender Thriller, der sich mit VERLEIH Kino Kontrovers Mit exzellenten Darstellern besetzt übertriebener Action guten Plot und gut fotografiert bleibt man als Twists den Wind aus den Segeln Frank ist der fürchterlichen Reality- Zuschauer den ganzen Film über am nimmt. Shows überdrüssig. Schließlic geht Ball es darin immer nur darum, Men- EXCISION (1:2.35, 5.1) schen zu verletzen. In Gedanken hat THE PACT (1:1.85, 5.1) USA 2011 / 81 Minuten / Englische er schon oft Menschen getötet, die USA 2012 / 89 Minuten / Englische OV die Oberflächlichkeit tiefgründigen OV REGIE Richard Bates Jr. Gedanken vorziehen. Als er jetzt mit REGIE Nicholas McCarthy DARSTELLER AnnaLyne McCord / einer tödlichen Diagnose konfrontiert DARSTELLER Caity Lotz / Haley Traci Lords / Ariel Winter / Roger wird, zeiht er die Konsequenzen. Mit Hudson / Kathleen Rose Perkins / Bart / Jeremy Sumpter / / einer Waffe zieht er los, um endlich Sam Ball / Casper Van Dien / Agnes John Waters / Malcolm McDowell / einmal aufzuräumen. Mit seiner er- Bruckner / Mark Steger Marlee Matlin sten Bluttat gewinnt er sogar einen DREHBUCH Nicholas McCarthy DREHBUCH Richard Bates Jr. Fan: die junge Roxy schließt sich PRODUZENT Ross M. Dinerstein PRODUZENT Dylan Hale Lewis ihm an. Wie Bonnie und Clyde sei- VERLEIH Ascot Elite Entertainment VERLEIH MIG nerzeit machen sich die beiden ge- Group meinsam auf den Weg um mit Ame-

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rika abzurechnen... Mit seinen sar- Dänemark 2011 / 83 Minuten / Däni- nehmen und bereits mit einer Lei- kastischen Dialogen bringt er es auf sche OmeU besvisitation zu beginnen, bis eine den Punkt: Regisseur Bobcat REGIE Christoffer Boe Streife eintrifft. Für Becky beginnt Goldthwait prangert in seiner DARSTELLER Nicolas Bro / eine Zeit totaler Demütigung. Was schwarzen wie zynischen Komödie Marijana Jankovic / Nikolaj Lie Kaas niemand ahnt: der Anrufer ist gar den zunehmenden Verfall gesell- DREHBUCH Christoffer Boe kein Polizist... Craig Zobel versteht schaftlicher Sitten an. Das geht vom PRODUZENT Tine Grew Pfeiffer es hervorragend, einen Stoff, der im hemmungslosen Einsatz von KONTAKT DFI Grund genommen eigentlich wasch- Smartphones über gefühls- echtes Theater wäre, für die große verletzende Reality-TV-Shows bis Bruno will es einfach nicht wahrha- Kinoleinwand umzusetzen. Die hin zu störenden Besuchern in ei- ben. Doch seine Frau Maxine hat Kameraarbeit mit ihren oft interes- nem Kino. Sein Protagonisten-Duo sich längst schon von ihm losgesagt santen Blickwinkeln, ein ausgeklü- sorgt natürlich dafür, dass hier alle und eine Affäre begonnen. Besessen geltes Sounddesign und ein hand- ihr Fett abbekommen – natürlich auf von der Idee, dass Maxine noch im- verlesenes Schauspielerensemble politisch ganz und gar nicht korrekte mer zu ihm gehört, beginnt er sie zu lassen schnell vergessen, dass es Art und Weise. GOD BLESS überwachen. Doch gleichzeitig quä- sich hier primär um einen Dialogfilm AMERICA ist dabei allerdings nicht len ihn höllische Bauchschmerzen. handelt. Noch dazu einer, der nach etwa ein gewaltverherrlichender Bruno droht aus dem Ruder zu lau- wahren Ereignissen entstanden ist. Film, sondern besitzt genügend Tief- fen... Wer es richtig ekelig mag, der Vorsicht als beim nächsten Telefon- gang, um auch bei anspruchsvollen ist bei Christoffer Boes Film richtig anruf! Zuschauern zu bestehen. aufgehoben. Alleine schon die sado- masochistischen Spiele zwischen THE DINOSAUR PROJECT (1:2.35, THE AGGRESSION SCALE (1:2.35, den Eheleuten sorgt hier für ein flau- 5.1) 5.1) es Gefühl im Magen! Mit einer sehr Grossbritannien 2012 / 83 Minuten / USA 2012 / 85 Minuten / Englische guten Besetzung, einer an Reality Englische OV OV angelehnten atemberaubenden REGIE Sid Bennett REGIE Steven C. Miller Kameraarbeit, einem fulminanten DARSTELLER Natasha Loring / Ri- DARSTELLER Fabianne Therese / Score und einem hervorragenden chard Dillane / Matt Kane / Peter Ryan Hartwig / Dana Ashbrook / Sounddesign etablierte sich der Film Brooke / Stephen Jennings Derek Mears / Jacob Reynolds / Jo- als einer der geheimen Favoriten DREHBUCH Sid Bennett / Jay Basu seph McKelheer / Boyd Kestner / des “Fantasy Filmfest”. PRODUZENT Nick Hill Lisa Rotondi / Ray Wise VERLEIH Wild Bunch Germany / DREHBUCH Ben Powell COMPLIANCE (1:2.35, 5.1) Planet Media PRODUZENT Eben Kostbar / Joseph USA 2012 / 90 Minuten / Englische McKelheer / Travis Stevens OV Eine Expedition nach Afrika wird für VERLEIH Tiberius Film REGIE Craig Zobel die Teilnehmer zu einem Über- DARSTELLER Ann Dowd / Dreama lebenskampf, als sie in einem ver- Der Einzug einer Patchwork-Familie Walker / Pat Healy / Bill Camp / steckten Tal auf nicht sonderlich in ihr neues Zuhause wird abrupt Philip Ettinger / James McCaffrey zahme Urwelttiere stoßen... Gerade beendet, als ein paar ziemlich bruta- DREHBUCH Craig Zobel als man dachte, dass die Phase der le Typen in das Haus eindringen. PRODUZENT Sophia Lin / Lisa Mus- Wackelkamerafilme nun endgültig Doch die rechnen nicht mit dem kat / Tyler Davidson vorbei sei, taucht diese britische Aggressionspotenzial des jüngsten KONTAKT Memento Films Produktion auf. Einmal mehr be- Kindes... KEVIN ALLEIN ZUHAUS – kommt man “Lost Footage” zu se- mit zwei Unterschieden: der aggres- Mitten in der umsatzstärksten Ta- hen. Tricktechnisch zwar sehr or- sive Teenager heisst nicht Kevin und geszeit erreicht ein Anruf die Mana- dentlich gemacht, vermag diese die bösen Buben werden das Mas- gerin eines Fast Food Restaurants. Gene-Form leider nicht mehr zu un- saker nicht überleben. Ein insge- Der Anrufer gibt sich als Polizist zu terhalten, sondern nervt einfach nur samt nicht überzeugender Gewalt- erkennen, der einen Diebstahl auf- noch. Thriller.Fazit: never fuck with a klären muss. Hauptverdächtige ist troubled teen! die junge Becky, die am Tresen kas- EVA (1:2.35, 5.1) siert. Der Polizist veranlasst die Ma- Spanien 2011 / 94 Minuten / Spani- BEAST (1:2.35, 5.1) nagerin, Becky in Gewahrsam zu sche OmeU

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REGIE Kike Maíllo dem Zehn-kleine-Negerlein-Prinzip THE BAYTOWN OUTLAWS (1:2.35, DARSTELLER Daniel Brühl / Marta die Protagonisten nach und nach 5.1) Etura / Alberto Ammann / Claudia dezimiert. Unbewohnte Hochhäuser USA 2012 / 98 Minuten / Englische Vega / Anne Canovas / Lluís Homar / haben schon bessere Filme beher- OV Sara Rosa Losilla bergt. Erinnert sei an ATTACK THE REGIE Barry Battles DREHBUCH Sergi Belbel / Cristina BLOCK und THE RAID. DARSTELLER Travis Fimmel / Dani- Clemente / Martí Roca / Aintza el Cudmore / Andre Braugher / Billy Serra THE AWAKENING (1:2.35, 5.1) Bob Thornton / Paul Wesley / Eva PRODUZENT Sergi Casamitjana / Grossbritannien 2011 / 107 Minuten Longoria / Serinda Swan / Natalie Aintza Serra / Lita Roig / Englische OV Martinez / Zoe Bell / Michael VERLEIH Universum Film REGIE Nick Murphy Rapaport DARSTELLER / DREHBUCH Barry Battles / Griffin Nach langer Abwesenheit kehrt ein Dominic West / Imelda Staunton / Hood Roboter-Designer wieder in seinen Lucy Cohu / John Shrapnel / Diana KAMERA Dave McFarland Heimatort zurück, um dort einen Kent / Richard Durden PRODUCTION DESIGN Monroe perfekten Roboter zu schaffen. Da DREHBUCH Stephen Volk / Nick Kelly lernt er zufällig die vorlaute kleine Murphy PRODUZENT Bill Perkins / Robert Eva kennenlernt und will sie als Vor- PRODUZENT Sarah Curtis / Julia Teitel bild für den neuen Roboter nehmen. Stannard / David M. Thompson VERLEIH Als sich herausstellt, dass Eva die VERLEIH Wild Bunch Germany / Germany Tochter seiner ehemaligen Geliebten Universum Film ist, brechen alte Wunden wieder Die Oodie Brüder werden immer auf... Leider ist die Geschichte der- Buchautorin Florence gilt im Eng- dann gerufen, wenn es darum geht, art leicht vorhersehbar, dass sogar land der beginnenden zwanziger sich bei einem Job die Hände blutig nicht so fleissige Kinogänger den Jahre als Expertin für übernatürliche zu machen. Frei nach dem Motto Fortgang der Geschichte in Sekun- Phänomene, die sie nur allzu gerne “Erst schießen, dann fragen” neh- denschnelle erahnen können. Die immer wieder als Schwindel ent- men sie jeden Job an, der Geld in Spannung nährt sich damit dem tarnt. Doch der Hilferuf, der sie aus die Kasse spült. Jetzt bietet ihnen Nullpunkt. Immerhin gibt Daniel einem weit entfernten Internat er- Celeste ein hübsches Sümmchen Brühl (perfekt Spanisch sprechend) reicht, soll ihre Sicht der Dinge bald dafür, ihr Patenkind aus den Händen eine passable Figur dabei ab. schon von Grund auf verändern... ihres Ex-Gatten, einem durch- Nick Murphy ist mit THE geknallten Gangster, zu entführen. COMEDOWN (1:1.85, 5.1) AWAKENING ein recht guter Die Überraschung könnte größer Grossbritannien 2012 / 90 Minuten / Geisterfilm gelungen. Das große nicht sein, als sie feststellen, dass Englische OV viktorianische Gebäude, welches der Bengel im Rollstuhl sitzt... Wer REGIE Menhaj Huda das Internat beherbergt, bietet genü- bereits den Trailer zu diesem Film DARSTELLER Adam Deacon / So- gend Potenzial für gruselige Stun- gesehen hat, der braucht sich den phie Stuckey / Jessica Barden / den. Was allerdings etwas stört ist Rest nicht mehr anzuschauen. Denn Geoff Bell / Jacob Anderson / Calum die Hauptdarstellerin. Denn die Rol- zwischen den Gags, die im Trailer MacNab / Duane Henry le, in die Rebecca Hall schlüpft, geballt präsentiert werden, flacht der DREHBUCH Steven Kendall passt ganz und gar nicht in das Film leider komplett ab. Da hilft PRODUZENT Dominic Norris / England von 1921. Dazu ist die - dann auch alles Geballere nichts Gareth Wiley gur viel zu modern – sowohl in ihren mehr – soviel Langeweile kann man VERLEIH Capelight Pictures Ansichten wie auch in ihrer Klei- nicht kaschieren. dung. Dafür gelingen der Kamera Eine Jugendgang betritt ein baufälli- wunderbar romantische Bilder, die ges Hochhaus irgendwo in London, zu gegebener Zeit auch Mystery um dort ungestört Party zu feiern spüren lassen. Eine voll orchestrale und zu koksen. Was die jungen Leu- Filmmusik mit Chor rundet den Film te nicht ahnen: ein sadistischer ab, der hin und wieder so wirkt, als Serienkiller hat sich dort ebenfalls handele es sich um den Pilotfilm eingenistet... Ein ziemlich einer geplanten TV-Serie. unspektakulärer Slasher, der nach

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049989 Beyblade Metal Fury - Volume 5 Animation (Folgen 17-20) Family Guy - Season 9 (3 Discs) Metaru Faito Beibureedo Family Guy Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero - Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Zeichentrick 1999-2002 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Volume 1 (Limited Collector’s Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Edel Germany(Panini) 23.11.2012 Germany 14.12.2012 Edition) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050076 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049973 Hagure Yuusha No Estetica Dir. Rion Kujo Beyblade Metal Fury - Volume 6 Feuerwehrmann Sam - Die kom- Zeichentrick/Action 100min. (Folgen 21-24) plette Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 02.11.2012 Metaru Faito Beibureedo Fireman Sam - The New Series 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050044 Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Dir. Jerry Hibbert Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 320min. Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero - Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Edel Germany(Panini) 23.11.2012 justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) Volume 1 (Limited Collector’s 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050077 09.11.2012 Edition) (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050064 Hagure Yuusha No Estetica Bob der Baumeister - Die neue Dir. Rion Kujo Werkstatt Der Glücksbärchi-Film The Care Bears Movie Zeichentrick/Action 100min. Bob The Builder Dir. Arna Selznick FilmConfect Home Entertainment 02.11.2012 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1985 73min. tba BestellNr.: 20050066 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Division(Europa) 23.11.2012 Germany(MGM/UA) 02.11.2012 Angelina Ballerina - Angelina, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050277 die Primaballerina 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049956 Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps Chuggington 17 Go, Diego! Go! - Diego rettet Dir. Davis Doi Chuggington Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 60min. Dir. Sarah Ball Weihnachten Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Trickfilm 50min. Go, Diego! Go! Division(Europa) 23.11.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050276 13.12.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 89min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050170 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 Anne mit den roten Haaren - Staf- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049990 Chuggington 18 fel 2, Folge 26-50 (3 Discs) Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich Akage No An Chuggington Dir. , Ken’ichi Baba Dir. Sarah Ball (Jahr100Film) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1979 650min. Trickfilm 50min. Despicable Me Universum Film(Universum Kids) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud 07.12.2012 13.12.2012 Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 91min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050249 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050175 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.11.2012 Backyardians - Die komplette Dora - Dora rettet die Schnee- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049961 prinzessin Staffel 1 (5 Discs) Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich The Backyardians Dora The Explorer Dir. Dave Palmer, Mike Shiell Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2004-2008 400min. Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Despicable Me justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 94min. Dir. Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud 09.11.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050040 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049988 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.11.2012 Batman: The Dark Knight Re- Dragon Age - Dawn of the Seeker 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050004 turns, Teil 2 Dragon Age: Dawn Of The Seeker Dir. Fumihiko Sori In einem Land vor unserer Zeit - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 Featurettes, Bildergalerie Volume 1, Episoden 01-06 (3 Dir. Jay Oliva Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 88min. Zeichentrick/Action 2012 73min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 18.01.2013 04.01.2013 The Land Before Time 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050229 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050192 Zeichentrick 132min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Batman: The Dark Knight Re- Dragon Age - Dawn of the Seeker 08.11.2012 turns, Teil 2 (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050217 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 Dragon Age: Dawn Of The Seeker In einem Land vor unserer Zeit - Dir. Jay Oliva Dir. Fumihiko Sori Dokumentationen, Kurzfilm, Making of Featurettes, Bildergalerie Volume 2, Episoden 07-12 (3 Zeichentrick/Action 2012 76min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 92min. Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 18.01.2013 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) The Land Before Time 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050236 04.01.2013 Zeichentrick 132min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050210 Das Beste von Simon’s Cat Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 08.11.2012 Simon’s Cat Dreamworks Drachen - Ein Ge- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050218 Dir. Simon Tofield schenk von Nachtschatten Zeichentrick/Komödie 60min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 21min. In einem Land vor unserer Zeit - Universal Music Family Paramount Home Entertainment(Karussell) 19.10.2012 Volume 3, Episoden 13-18 (3 Entertainment(DreamWorks) 08.11.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050033 Discs)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

The Land Before Time - Season 15 (4 Edel:Kids 30.11.2012 Zeichentrick 132min. Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050074 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) The Simpsons 08.11.2012 Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050219 Zeichentrick/Satire 2003-2004 min. Film Käpt’n Blaubär Box (4 Discs) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 14.12.2012 Dir. Rudi Bergmann, Wolf-Armin Lange, 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049971 Caspar Harlan 100 Jahre Paramount (+ DVDs, 20 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990 220min. The Simpsons - Season 15 Discs) (Blu-ray) FilmConfect Home Entertainment 16.11.2012 (Limited Edition, Collector’s Box, Drama/Komödie 3630min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050136 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 4 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20050227 Kung Fu Panda: Ein schlagferti- The Simpsons ges Winterfest Dir. Mark Kirkland, Steven Dean Moore Die 50 Gesichter des Mr. Grey - Trailer Zeichentrick/Satire 2003-2004 min. Dunkle Sehnsucht (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 25min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment This Ain’t 50 Shades Of Grey - The Parody Paramount Home Germany 14.12.2012 Allie Haze, Julia Ann, Ryan Driller - Dir. Jim Entertainment(DreamWorks) 08.11.2012 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049972 Powers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049991 Trailer Speckles - Die Abenteuer des Erotik/Drama 2012 108min. Marco - Staffel 2, Folge 27-52 (3 kleinen Dinosauriers Sunfilm Entertainment 19.11.2012 Discs) Jeombaki: Hanbandoeui Gongryong 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050223 Haha Wo Tazunete Sanzenri Dir. Sang-ho Han Dir. Isao Takahata Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 78min. Die 50 Gesichter des Mr. Grey - Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 625min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Dunkle Sehnsucht (k.J.) Universum Film(Universum Kids) 09.11.2012 This Ain’t 50 Shades Of Grey - The Parody 07.12.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050048 Allie Haze, Julia Ann, Ryan Driller - Dir. Jim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050251 Powers Speckles - Die Abenteuer des Trailer Die Original Christmas Classics - kleinen Dinosauriers (Blu-ray) Erotik/Drama 2012 108min. Frosty, der Schneemann / Jeombaki: Hanbandoeui Gongryong Sunfilm Entertainment 19.11.2012 Rudolph mit der roten Nase Dir. Sang-ho Han 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050216 (Limited Edtion, 2 Discs, Metall- Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 81min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) 8 Mile (Jahr100Film) box) 09.11.2012 8 Mile Frosty The Snowman / Rudolph The Red- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050067 Eminem, Kim Basinger, Mekhi Phifer, Nosed Reindeer: The Movie Brittany Murphy, Evan Jones, Omar Benson Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1969-1998 118min. Speckles - Die Abenteuer des Miller, De’Angelo Wilson, Eugene Byrd, WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 09.11.2012 kleinen Dinosauriers 3D (Blu-ray Taryn Manning, Michael Shannon, Chloe 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050152 Greenfield, Anthony Mackie - Dir. Curtis 3D) (Blu-ray) Hanson Die Pinguine aus Madagascar - Jeombaki: Hanbandoeui Gongryong Drama 2002 106min. Operation: Antarktis Dir. Sang-ho Han Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 81min. The Penguins Of Madagascar 15.11.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Dir. Bret Haaland 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049953 09.11.2012 Zeichentrick 2008 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050068 Paramount Home 8 Mile (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) 8 Mile Entertainment(DreamWorks) 08.11.2012 Die wilden Kerle 5 - Gefährliche 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049987 Eminem, Kim Basinger, Mekhi Phifer, Begegnungen Brittany Murphy, Evan Jones, Omar Benson Pound Puppies - Der Schrott- Dir. Mike Maurus Miller, De’Angelo Wilson, Eugene Byrd, platz-König, Folge 2 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 85min. Taryn Manning, Michael Shannon, Chloe Edel:Kids 16.11.2012 Greenfield, Anthony Mackie - Dir. Curtis Pound Puppies 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050078 Hanson Dir. Greg Sullivan, Jos Humphrey Drama 2002 106min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Die wilden Kerle 6 - Das wilde Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Edel:Kids 23.11.2012 15.11.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050073 Finale Dir. Mike Maurus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049997 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 55min. Pound Puppies - Willkommen im Achtzehn Stunden bis zur Ewig- Pfotenclub, Folge 1 Edel:Kids 16.11.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050079 keit Pound Puppies Juggernaut Dir. Greg Sullivan, Jos Humphrey Yakari - Reise in die Urzeit Richard Harris, Omar Sharif, David Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Yakari Hemmings, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Shirley Edel:Kids 23.11.2012 Dir. Xavier Giacometti Knight - Dir. Richard Lester 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050072 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Thriller 1974 106min. Prinzessin Lillifee - DVD 3 Edel:Kids 30.11.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050075 Germany(MGM/UA) 02.11.2012 Dir. Robert Schlunze, Andrea Preda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050265 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 60min. Yakari - Yakari und der Riesen- Universum Film(Universum Kids) Action Expendables Box (2 Discs) 09.11.2012 vielfraß 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050047 Yakari (k.J.) Dir. Xavier Giacometti Black Tiger / Nachtfalken / Kampf des Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Drachen / Tödliche Rache / Dragon Figh-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 21 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ter / Pit Fighter Universum Film 23.11.2012 Gagliardi, Gudrun Landgrebe, Riad Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050060 Gholmie, Elga Sorbas, Dan van Husen, Action 1978-2005 551min. Hans Hirschmüller, Karl-Heinz Walther, MIG Film 06.12.2012 Der Alte - Collector’s Box Vol. 10 Johannes Buzalski - Dir. Peter F. Bringmann 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050260 (Folgen 161-175) (5 Discs) Komödie 1977 90min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.12.2012 Akkord der Liebe Siegfried Lowitz (Folgen 1-100: Erwin Köster), Rolf Schimpf (Folgen 101-322/ 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050140 Penny Serenade 340(1986-2007/2009): Leo Kress), Walter Irene Dunne, Cary Grant, Beulah Bondi, Kreye, Jan-Gregor Kremp, Michael Ande, Auslandseinsatz Edgar Buchanan, Ann Doran, Eva Lee Jan Hendriks (Folgen 1-101, Henning Max Riemelt, Hanno Koffler, Omar El-Saeidi, Kuney, Leonard Willey, Wallis Clark, Walter Schlüter (Folgen 1-78: Franz Millinger), Devid Striesow, Bernadette Heerwagen, Soderling, Jane Biffle - Dir. George Stevens Wolfgang Zerlett (Folgen 32-114: Meyer Henriette Müller, Vedat Erincin, Marwan Drama 1941 114min. Zwo), Charles M. Huber (Folgen 101-225: Kamal, Ayoub Tarchani, Fatimzohra Edel Germany(aberle-media) 30.11.2012 Henry Johnson) Tarchani, Thomas Huber, Enno Kalisch, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050167 Kriminalfilm 900min. Jean-Jacques Lang - Dir. Till Endemann MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Interviews Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 28, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 90min. Products) 02.11.2012 Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Episoden 221-229 (2 Discs) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050050 Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, 30.11.2012 Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Huhn, Daniela American Evil 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050126 Wutte, Niels Robert Kurvin, Charlotte Older Than America Auslandseinsatz (Blu-ray) Schwab, Carina Wiese, Heinrich Schaf- Adam Beach, Georgina Lightning, Bradley Max Riemelt, Hanno Koffler, Omar El-Saeidi, meister, Eralp Uzun, Fahri Yardim, Bülent Cooper, Tantoo Cardinal, Stephen Yoakam, Devid Striesow, Bernadette Heerwagen, Sharif, Axel Stein, Daniel Roesner, Tyron Dan Harrison, Wes Studi, Glen Gould, Henriette Müller, Vedat Erincin, Marwan Ricketts, Julie Engelbrecht, Olga von Dennis Banks, Chris Mulkey, Rose Berens, Kamal, Ayoub Tarchani, Fatimzohra Luckwald, Stephan Bieker - Dir. Heinz Crystle Lightning, Gloria May Eshkibok, Tarchani, Thomas Huber, Enno Kalisch, Dietz, Sascha Thiel, Franco Tozza, Jan Mark Benninghoffen - Dir. Georgina Jean-Jacques Lang - Dir. Till Endemann Martin Scharf Lightning Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 450min. Interviews Drama/Thriller 2008 99min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 90min. Universum Film(RTL video) 02.11.2012 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050049 Filmgroup) 17.01.2013 30.11.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20049933 Algebra in Love 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050143 Damsels In Distress American Werewolf Austin Powers Greta Gerwig, Carrie MacLemore, Megalyn (Jahr100Film) Austin Powers: International Man Of Echikunwoke, Analeigh Tipton, Ryan An American Werewolf In London Mystery Metcalf, Jermaine Crawford, Caitlin David Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, , Fitzgerald, Zach Woods, Adam Brody - Dir. Dunne, John Woodvine, Frank Oz, Anne- Mimi Rogers, Robert Wagner, Seth Green, Whit Stillman Marie Davies, Paddy Ryan - Dir. John Fabiana Udenio, Mindy Sterling, Paul Dillon, Komödie 2011 95min. Landis Charles Napier, - Dir. Jay Roach Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Horror 1981 93min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Alternative 10.01.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Enden,Original US-Kinotrailer, Bebilderte Produktions- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050098 notizen, Biografien, Trailer 15.11.2012 Komödie 1997 91min. Ali 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049954 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 02.11.2012 Ali American Werewolf Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Jon Voight, Mario 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049992 van Peebles, Ron Silver, Jeffrey Wright, (Jahr100Film, Special Edition) Mykelti Williamson, , Nona (Blu-ray) Austin Powers Gaye, Michael Michele, Joe Morton, Paul An American Werewolf In London Austin Powers: International Man Of Rodriguez, Bruce McGill, Barry Henley, David Naughton, Jenny Agutter, Griffin Mystery Giancarlo Esposito, Laurence Mason, Dunne, John Woodvine, Frank Oz, Anne- Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Michael York, LeVar Burton, Albert Hall, David Cubitt, Ted Marie Davies, Paddy Ryan - Dir. John Mimi Rogers, Robert Wagner, Seth Green, Levine, Candy Brown Houston, David Landis Fabiana Udenio, Mindy Sterling, Paul Dillon, Elliott, Shari Watson, Malick Bowens, Mi- Horror 1981 97min. Charles Napier, Will Ferrell - Dir. Jay Roach Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Alternative Enden, chael Bentt, James N. Toney, Alfred Cole, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trailer, Bildergalerien, Bio- und Filmografien, B-Roll, Charles Shufford - Dir. Michael Mann 15.11.2012 Musikvideo Drama 2001 151min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049998 Komödie 1997 91min. Universum Film 23.11.2012 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050034 A-Team Gesamtbox (27 Discs) Home Edition) 02.11.2012 The A-Team 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050198 Ali (Blu-ray) George Peppard, Dirk Benedict, Dwight Ali Schultz, Mr. T, Michael DeLano, Carl Strano, Austin Powers (Blu-ray) Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, Jon Voight, Mario Tim Dunigan (Lt. Templeton „Faceman“ Peck Austin Powers: International Man Of van Peebles, Ron Silver, Jeffrey Wright, #1), Melinda Culea, William Lucking, Lance Mystery Mykelti Williamson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Nona LeGault, Marla Heasley, Robert Vaughn, Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Michael York, Gaye, Michael Michele, Joe Morton, Paul Eddie Velez, Judith Ledford, Charles Napier Mimi Rogers, Robert Wagner, Seth Green, Rodriguez, Bruce McGill, Barry Henley, - Dir. David Hemmings Fabiana Udenio, Mindy Sterling, Paul Dillon, Giancarlo Esposito, Laurence Mason, Booklet Charles Napier, Will Ferrell - Dir. Jay Roach LeVar Burton, Albert Hall, David Cubitt, Ted Action 1983-1987 4427min. Komödie 1997 min. Levine, Candy Brown Houston, David Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Concorde Home Entertainment 02.11.2012 Elliott, Shari Watson, Malick Bowens, Mi- 08.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050017 chael Bentt, James N. Toney, Alfred Cole, 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049949 Charles Shufford - Dir. Michael Mann Babes of the Rings Drama 2001 157min. Aufforderung zum Tanz The Lord Of The G-Strings: The Marius Müller-Westernhagen, Guido

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Femaleship Of The String Fallon, Ruby Sims - Dir. Clint Lien Avenue (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Misty Mundae, Darian Caine, A.J. Kahn, Behind the Scenes King Of The Avenue Thriller 2011 84min. Barbara Joyce, Michael R. Thomas, Juliette Ving Rhames, Simon Rex, Esai Morales, WVG Medien 30.11.2012 Charles - Dir. Terry West Erick Nathan, Elizabeth Di Prinzio, Eddie B. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050156 Erotik/Fantasy 2003 87min. Smith, Hemky Madera, Anthony Dilio - Dir. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Behind Your Eyes (k.J.) Ryan Combs 01.11.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050293 Behind Your Eyes Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. Frida Farrell, Tom Sandoval, Daniel Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Bandolero Fanaberia, Arthur Roberts, Remy O’Neill, 30.11.2012 Bandolero Lisa R. Segal, Kristen Doute, Brendan 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050147 Dean Martin, , George Ken- Fallon, Ruby Sims - Dir. Clint Lien nedy, Raquel Welch, Will Geer, Clint Ritchie, Behind the Scenes Bleed for the Devil - King of the Thriller 2011 82min. Denver Pyle, Rudy Diaz, Sean McClory - WVG Medien 30.11.2012 Avenue (k.J.) Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050153 King Of The Avenue Booklet, Making of, Interviews, Trailer Ving Rhames, Simon Rex, Esai Morales, Western 1967 102min. Erick Nathan, Elizabeth Di Prinzio, Eddie B. Explosive Media 30.11.2012 Bergkristall (Blu-ray) Smith, Hemky Madera, Anthony Dilio - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050109 Dana Vávrová, Daniel Morgenroth, Josephina Vilsmaier, François Goeske, Max Ryan Combs Tidof, Christian Nickel, Jürgen Schornagel, Trailer, Bildergalerie Bandolero (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2010 83min. Tom Wlaschiha, Andreas Nickl, Michael Bandolero Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Schönborn, Katja Riemann, Herbert Knaup, Dean Martin, James Stewart, George Ken- 30.11.2012 Paula Riemann, Frederick Lau, Reinhard nedy, Raquel Welch, Will Geer, Clint Ritchie, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050130 Denver Pyle, Rudy Diaz, Sean McClory - Forcher, Ulrike Beimpold, Theresa Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen Vilsmaier, Doris Plörrer, Carmen Gratl - Dir. Blood on the Highway (k.J.) Joseph Vilsmaier Booklet, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Blood On The Highway Western 1967 107min. Drama 2004 92min. Deva George, Tom Towles, Nicholas Explosive Media 30.11.2012 Concorde Home Entertainment 02.11.2012 Brendon, Nate Rubin, Robin Gierhart, Tony 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050118 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050021 Medlin, Laura Stone, Chris Gardner - Dir. Bed & Breakfast with Death (Blu- Die Besucher (3 DVDs) Barak Epstein, Blair Rowan Trailer, Teaser ray) (k.J.) Návstevníci Horror/Komödie 2008 88min. Terror Trap Dagmar „Dáda“ Patrasová, Josef Bláha, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Michael Madsen, David James Elliott, Jeff Josef Dvorák, Jirí Datel Novotny, Vladimír AG(Pasadena) 09.11.2012 Fahey, Heather Marie Marsden, Andrew Brabec, Viktor Král - Dir. Jindrich Polák 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050104 Sensenig, Lacey Minchew, Wayne Douglas Diverse Kinderfilm/Science Fiction 1983 450min. Morgan, Judy Henderson, Cherie Blubberella (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Universum Film(Universum Kids) Thibodeaux, Caleb Michaelson, Chris J. Blubberella 02.11.2012 Fanguy - Dir. Dan Garcia Lindsay Hollister, , Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050053 Bildergalerie, Trailershow, Making of, Outtakes Paré, , Dr. , Natalia Thriller/Horror 2010 81min. Beverly Hills Cop 1-3 (3 Discs) Guslistaya, Steffen Mennekes, Davorka Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Tovilo - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll 01.11.2012 (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Making of 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050303 Beverly Hills Cop I-III Komödie/Action 2011 87min. Action/Komödie 1984-1994 312min. Splendid Film 30.11.2012 Bed & Breakfast with Death (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050157 Terror Trap 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050027 Michael Madsen, David James Elliott, Jeff The Blues Brothers (Jahr100Film) Fahey, Heather Marie Marsden, Andrew Bibel Geschichten - Weihnachts- The Blues Brothers Sensenig, Lacey Minchew, Wayne Douglas edition John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Kathleen Morgan, Judy Henderson, Cherie The Beginner’s Bible Freeman, James Brown, Murphy Dunne, Thibodeaux, Caleb Michaelson, Chris J. Dir. Jean-Pierre Jacquet Donald Dunn, Willie Hall, Matt Murphy, Cab Fanguy - Dir. Dan Garcia Kinderfilm 1995 55min. Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Bildergalerie, Trailershow Universum Film(Universum Kids) John Landis - Dir. John Landis Thriller/Horror 2010 77min. 02.11.2012 Action/Komödie 1979 142min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050052 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 01.11.2012 15.11.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050292 Big Time Rush - Season 2, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049955 Beethoven - Wie er wirklich war Volume 1 (2 Discs) The Blues Brothers (Jahr100Film) Big Time Rush Le Neveu De Beethoven (Blu-ray) Wolfgang Reichmann, Jane Birkin, Dietmar Komödie/Musical 2012 331min. The Blues Brothers Prinz, Mathieu Carrière, Nathalie Baye, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Kathleen Dieter Schidor - Dir. Paul Morrissey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049986 200 Jahre Pastorale“, Bildergalerie, Biografie, Filmografien Freeman, James Brown, Murphy Dunne, Drama 1984 96min. Bis zum Horizont und weiter Donald Dunn, Willie Hall, Matt Murphy, Cab Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Wolfgang Stumph, Corinna Harfouch, Nina Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, 01.11.2012 Petri, Gudrun Okras, Heinrich Schafmeister, John Landis - Dir. John Landis 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050294 Jörg Schüttauf, Sissi Perlinger - Dir. Peter Action/Komödie 1979 132min. Kahane Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Behind Your Eyes (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama/Komödie 1998 90min. 15.11.2012 Behind Your Eyes KNM Home Entertainment 15.12.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049999 Frida Farrell, Tom Sandoval, Daniel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050191 Fanaberia, Arthur Roberts, Remy O’Neill, Der blutige Pfad Gottes (k.J.) Lisa R. Segal, Kristen Doute, Brendan Bleed for the Devil - King of the The Boondock Saints Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman

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Reedus, David Della Rocco, Billy Connolly, Clarissas Geheimnis Amy Smart, Giovanni Ribisi, Jason Lee, David Ferry, Brian Mahoney, Bob Marley, Katja Riemann, Paula Kalenberg, Friedrich Selma Blair, Samm Levine, Kevin Pollak, Carlo Rota, Ron Jeremy Hyatt, Jimmy von Thun, Herbert Knaup, Fritz Karl, Krista Beau Bridges - Dir. George Gallo , Scott Griffith - Dir. Troy Duffy Stadler, Thomas Sarbacher, Hary Prinz, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller 2012 min. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Nina Proll, Aaron Karl, Getmore Sithole, Scenes, Trailer Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Irshad Panjatan, Wolfram Berger, Tahtum Thriller/Action 1999 104min. Home Edition) 17.01.2013 Volschenk, Maximilian Grösswang - Dir. Capelight Pictures 26.10.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050215 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050142 Xaver Schwarzenberger Drama/Familie 2012 90min. Der Cop und der Snob (2 Discs) Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Bonanza - Die komplette 1. bis 7. Johannes Zirner, Marc Ben Puch, Katharina 30.11.2012 Staffel (56 Discs) Müller-Elmau, Rahul Chakraborty, Teresa 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050127 Bonanza Rizos, Eisi Gulp - Dir. Holger Haase, Micha- Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Clarissas Geheimnis (Blu-ray) el Kreindl ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Kriminalfilm 2012 264min. Katja Riemann, Paula Kalenberg, Friedrich Western 1959-1973 min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business von Thun, Herbert Knaup, Fritz Karl, Krista STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Division(Spassgesellschaft) 16.11.2012 Stadler, Thomas Sarbacher, Hary Prinz, Germany 06.12.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050124 Nina Proll, Aaron Karl, Getmore Sithole, 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050281 Irshad Panjatan, Wolfram Berger, Tahtum Creature Collection Volschenk, Maximilian Grösswang - Dir. Cannibal Rising (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lockjaw: Rise of the Kulev Serpent / Xaver Schwarzenberger Donner Pass Supergator / Dinoshark - Das Monster aus Drama/Familie 2012 94min. Desiree Hall, Erik Stocklin, Colley Bailey, der Urzeit / Yeti - Das Schneemonster Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Joel Stoffer, Thomas Kopache, Eric Pier- Horror 350min. 30.11.2012 point, Adelaide Kane, Kevin Kearns, Russ SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050144 Russo, Dominic DeVore - Dir. Elise Filmgroup) 08.11.2012 Robertson Der Clou (Jahr100Film) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049936 Horror 2012 85min. The Sting Intergroove Media(peppermint) 07.12.2012 Arne Dahl - Vol. 1 (4 Discs) , Robert Redford, Robert 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050145 Böses Blut / Falsche Opfer / Misterioso Shaw, Charles Durning, Ray Walston, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 400min. Harold Gould, , Robert Earl Cannibal Rising (k.J.) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.11.2012 Jones, John Heffernan, Dana Elcar, Jack Donner Pass 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050080 Kehoe, Dimitra Arliss, Avon Long, James Desiree Hall, Erik Stocklin, Colley Bailey, Sloyan, Charles Dierkop, Arch Johnson, Joel Stoffer, Thomas Kopache, Eric Pier- Arne Dahl - Vol. 1 (4 Discs) (Blu- Lee Paul, Ed Bakey, Brad Sullivan, John point, Adelaide Kane, Kevin Kearns, Russ Quade - Dir. George Roy Hill ray) Russo, Dominic DeVore - Dir. Elise Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1973 123min. Böses Blut / Falsche Opfer / Misterioso Robertson Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kriminalfilm/Thriller 400min. Horror 2012 82min. 15.11.2012 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.11.2012 Intergroove Media(peppermint) 07.12.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049957 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050090 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050128 David Copperfield Der Clou (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) The Sting David Copperfield Captain America Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Lord Richard Attenborough, Cyril Cusack, Matt Salinger, Kim Gillingham, Scott Paulin, Shaw, Charles Durning, Ray Walston, Dame Edith Evans, Robin Phillips, Sir Ronny Cox, Ned Beatty, Melinda Dillon, Harold Gould, Eileen Brennan, Robert Earl , Sir Ralph Richardson - Darren McGavin - Dir. Albert Pyun Jones, John Heffernan, Dana Elcar, Jack Dir. Delbert Mann Fantasy/Action 1990 97min. Kehoe, Dimitra Arliss, Avon Long, James Drama/Melodram 1970 118min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 20.11.2012 Sloyan, Charles Dierkop, Arch Johnson, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049967 Lee Paul, Ed Bakey, Brad Sullivan, John 01.11.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050295 Charlie Chaplin Special Edition Quade - Dir. George Roy Hill Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1973 128min. (3 Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Doris Day Premium Collection (3 Sir Charles Chaplin 15.11.2012 Discs) Komödie 600min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050000 Bitte nicht stören / Caprice / Eine zuviel Edel Germany(aberle-media) 16.11.2012 im Bett 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050089 Code Name Geronimo Doris Day Code Name: Geronimo Komödie min. Chi l’ha visto Xzibit, Cam Gigandet, William Fichtner - Dir. Soulfood Music Distribution(HanseSound) Chi L’ha Visto John Stockwell 26.10.2012 Gianni Meurer, Paul Kominek - Dir. Claudia Behind the Scenes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050056 Rorarius Action/Thriller 2012 101min. Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Booklet, Trailer Falcom Investment AG 25.01.2013 Doris Day Premium Collection (3 Drama 2008 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050220 good!movies(RealFiction) 30.11.2012 Discs) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20050278 Code Name Geronimo (Blu-ray) Bitte nicht stören / Caprice / Eine zuviel im Bett Code Name: Geronimo Doris Day Chicago Joe und das Showgirl Xzibit, Cam Gigandet, William Fichtner - Dir. Komödie min. Chicago Joe And The Showgirl John Stockwell Emily Lloyd, , Patsy Behind the Scenes Soulfood Music Distribution(HanseSound) Kensit, Keith Allen, Liz Fraser, Alexandra Action/Thriller 2012 105min. 26.10.2012 Pigg - Dir. Bernard Rose Falcom Investment AG 25.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050070 Drama 1989 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050224 Koch Media 07.12.2012 Denk wie ein Mann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050031 Columbus Circle Think Like A Man Columbus Circle Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good,

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Regina Hall, Kevin Hart, Taraji P. Henson, (Jahr100Film) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050141 Terrence Jenkins, Jenifer Lewis, Romany E.T. - The Extraterrestrial Malco, Gary Owen, , Chris Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Elvis Gitarre Brown - Dir. Tim Story Drew Barrymore, Robert MacNaughton, K. Rags To Riches Komödie/Lovestory 2012 117min. C. Martel, Sean Frye, C. Thomas Howell, Joseph Bologna, Tisha Campbell, Blanca De Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Erika Eleniak, David O’Dell, Richard Garr, Kimiko Gelman, Bridget Michele, Heidi 10.01.2013 Swingler, Frank Toth - Dir. Steven Spielberg Zeigler, Douglas Seale, Sue Ball, Sarah 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050097 Science Fiction 1982-2002 115min. Buxton, Jeff Harlan, Heather McAdam, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) John Christy Ewing - Dir. Bruce Seth Denk wie ein Mann (Blu-ray) 15.11.2012 Green, Michael Switzer Think Like A Man 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049958 Komödie/Familie 1987-1988 min. Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Meagan Good, Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Regina Hall, Kevin Hart, Taraji P. Henson, E.T. - Der Außerirdische Entertainment) 26.10.2012 Terrence Jenkins, Jenifer Lewis, Romany (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050055 Malco, Gary Owen, Gabrielle Union, Chris E.T. - The Extraterrestrial Brown - Dir. Tim Story Erik der Wikinger Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Komödie/Lovestory 2012 122min. Erik The Viking Drew Barrymore, Robert MacNaughton, K. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Tim Robbins, Eartha Kitt, Terry Jones, C. Martel, Sean Frye, C. Thomas Howell, 10.01.2013 Mickey Rooney, John Cleese, Sir Antony Erika Eleniak, David O’Dell, Richard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050115 Sher - Dir. Terry Jones Swingler, Frank Toth - Dir. Steven Spielberg Komödie/Abenteuer 1988 89min. Science Fiction 1982-2002 120min. Descent (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Descent Home Edition) 04.12.2012 15.11.2012 , Chad Faust, Marcus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050246 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050001 Patrick, Christopher DeBlasio, Sergia Louise Anderson, Chuck Ardezzone, Scott The Echo (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Erik der Wikinger (Blu-ray) Bailey, Tomm Bauer - Dir. Talia Lugacy Erik The Viking The Echo Thriller/Drama 2006 100min. Tim Robbins, Eartha Kitt, Terry Jones, Jesse Bradford, Amelia Warner, Carlos Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 30.11.2012 Mickey Rooney, John Cleese, Sir Antony Leon, Iza Calzado, Kevin Durand, Louise 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050158 Sher - Dir. Terry Jones Linton - Dir. Yam Laranas Trailer, Wendecover Komödie/Abenteuer 1988 93min. - Die kom- Thriller/Mystery 2008 100min. Concorde Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 plette Serie (50 Discs) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050253 Desperate Housewives 10.01.2013 Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050205 Evil Haunting - Der Teufel ist un- Cross, Eva Longoria, Nicollette Sheridan, ter uns Brenda Strong, Ricardo Chavira, Doug The Echo (k.J.) The Disappeared Savant, James Denton, Shane Kinsman, The Echo Harry Treadaway, Greg Wise, Alex Brent Kinsman, Zane Huett, Andrea Jesse Bradford, Amelia Warner, Carlos Jennings, Tom Felton, Finlay Robertson, Bowen, Shawn Pyfrom, Joy Lauren, Leon, Iza Calzado, Kevin Durand, Louise Nikki Amuka-Bird, Ros Leeming, Bronson Vanessa L. Williams, Brian Austin Green - Linton - Dir. Yam Laranas Webb - Dir. Johnny Kevorkian Dir. Larry Shaw, David Grossman Trailer, Wendecover Trailer Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Thriller/Mystery 2008 96min. Horror 2008 93min. Komödie/Drama 2004-2012 7509min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 07.12.2012 Walt Disney Studios Home 10.01.2013 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050132 Entertainment(ABC Studios) 05.12.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050184 189,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049929 The Expendables 2 - Back for Ein einfacher Plan (Blu-ray) War Diamantenfieber A Simple Plan The Expendables 2 Lau Gai Chap Paai Gwan Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton, Brent Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Carina Lau, Mars, Phillip Ko, Jackie Chan, Briscoe, Bridget Fonda, Jack Walsh, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Hui Ying-hung, Clarence Ford, Billy Lau, Chelcie Ross, Becky Ann Baker, Gary Cole ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Chang, Po Tai, Lo Meng - Dir. Wellson - Dir. Sam Raimi Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Chin Thriller 1998 121min. Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Action/Komödie 1986 91min. Concorde Home Entertainment 02.11.2012 Dir. Simon West da music(Great Movies) 02.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050019 Wendecover 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050279 Action 2012 95min. Der Eisenhans Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Edition (5 Discs) Michael Mendl, André Hennicke, Laurence 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050193 Nicholas Nickleby / Große Erwartungen / Rupp, Paula Schramm, Johann Adam Oest, Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte Marion Mitterhammer, Bernd Jeschek, Harry The Expendables 2 - Back for Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Lampl - Dir. Manuel Siebenmann War (Blu-ray) Drama 1947-1989 482min. Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2011 85min. The Expendables 2 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Germany 06.12.2012 09.11.2012 Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050280 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050046 ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dinosaurier Action Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- El bola (OmU) Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - The Land That Time Forgot / Princess of El Bola Dir. Simon West Mars / 100 Million BC Juan José Ballesta, Pablo Galan, Alberto Wendecover Abenteuer/Action 250min. Gimenez, Manuel Maron, Ana Wagener, Action 2012 99min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.11.2012 Nieve de Medina, Gloria Muñoz - Dir. Splendid Film 25.01.2013 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050082 Achero Mañas 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050211 Trailer, Bildergalerie E.T. - Der Außerirdische Drama 2000 84min. The Expendables 2 - Back for cmv-Laservision 23.11.2012

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War (Limited Special Uncut Editi- The Expendables 2 - Back for Whigham, Jack Conley, Liza Lapira, Mich- on, 2 Discs, Steelbook) (k.J.) War (Uncut Version) (k.J.) elle Rodriguez, Greg Cipes, Lou Beatty Jr., Joe Hursley - Dir. Justin Lin The Expendables 2 The Expendables 2 Action 2011 130min. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- 08.11.2012 ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049994 Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Fast & Furious - The Collection (5 Dir. Simon West Dir. Simon West Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Audiokommentar Discs) (Blu-ray) Action 2012 99min. Action 2012 99min. The Fast And The Furious 1-5 Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Splendid Film 25.01.2013 , Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050196 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050194 Jordana Brewster, Rick Yune, Chad Lind- berg, Johnny Strong, Matt Schulze, Ted The Expendables 2 - Back for The Expendables 2 - Back for Levine, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, Thom War (Limited Special Uncut Editi- War Limited Uncut Hero Pack) Barry, Vyto Ruginis, Mike White, Beau Hol- on, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) den, Stanton Rutledge, Noel Gugliemi, Reggie Lee, RJ De Vera, Tyrese, Eva The Expendables 2 The Expendables 2 Mendes, Cole Hauser, Ludacris, James Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Remar, Devon Aoki, Amaury Nolasco, Mi- Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- chael Ealy, Jin Auyeung, Edward Finlay, ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Boone jr., Matt Gallini, Roberto Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Sanchez, Eric „Kaos“ Etebari, Johnny Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Cenatiempo, Troy Brown, Corey Michael Dir. Simon West Dir. Simon West Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Eubanks, Sam Maloof, Troy Robinson, José Action 2012 103min. Action 2012 103min. Perez, Sincerely A. Ward, Lucas Black, Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Bow Wow, Nathalie Kelley, Brian Tee, Sung 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050213 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050214 Kang, Jason Tobin, Leonardo Nam, Brian Goodman, Shin’ichi „Sonny“ Chiba, Gadot The Expendables 2 - Back for Exterminator 2 (k.J.) Gadot, Laz Alonso, Shea Whigham, John War (Limited Uncut Hero Pack, 2 Exterminator II Ortiz, Greg Cipes, Lou Beatty Jr., Dwayne Johnson, Tyrese Gibson, Tego Calderon, Discs) (k.J.) Robert Ginty, Frankie Faison, Deborah Geffner, Mario van Peebles - Dir. Mark Don Omar, Elsa Pataky, Joaquim De The Expendables 2 Buntzman Almeida, Jack Conley, Liza Lapira, Joe Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Action 1984 88min. Hursley - Dir. Rob Cohen, John Singleton, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 20.11.2012 Justin Lin ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049966 Action/Thriller 2001-2011 min. Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Der falsche Revisor 08.11.2012 Dir. Simon West 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049993 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes The Inspector General Danny Kaye, Walter Slezak, Barbara Bates, Action 2012 99min. The Fast and the Furious Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Elsa Lanchester, Gene Lockhart, Alan Hale, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050197 Benny Baker, Walter Catlett - Dir. Henry (Jahr100Film) Koster The Fast And The Furious The Expendables 2 - Back for Komödie/Musical 1949 102min. Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, War (Special Uncut Edition) (Blu- Edel Germany(aberle-media) 30.11.2012 Jordana Brewster, Rick Yune, Chad Lind- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050165 berg, Johnny Strong, Matt Schulze, Ted ray) (k.J.) Levine, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, Thom The Expendables 2 Familienträume (OmU) Barry, Vyto Ruginis, Mike White, Beau Hol- Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, La Otra Familia den, Stanton Rutledge, Noel Gugliemi, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Bruno Loza, Nailea Norvind, Ana Serradilla, Reggie Lee, RJ De Vera - Dir. Rob Cohen ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jorge Salinas, Luis R. Guzmán, Carmen Action/Thriller 2001 103min. Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- Salinas (Doña Chuy), Ana Soler, Dominika Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - Paleta, Andres Almeida - Dir. Gustavo Loza 15.11.2012 Dir. Simon West Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Geschnittene Szenen, Musik- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049959 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes video, Kinotrailer Action 2012 103min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 127min. The Fast and the Furious Splendid Film 25.01.2013 PRO-FUN MEDIA 30.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050212 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050173 (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) The Fast And The Furious The Expendables 2 - Back for Fantastische Welten (2 Discs) Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, War (Special Uncut Edition, 2 Wendecover Jordana Brewster, Rick Yune, Chad Lind- Fantasy/Action 2004-2010 435min. berg, Johnny Strong, Matt Schulze, Ted Discs) (k.J.) MIG Film 06.12.2012 Levine, Jeffrey „Ja Rule“ Atkins, Thom The Expendables 2 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050262 Barry, Vyto Ruginis, Mike White, Beau Hol- Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, den, Stanton Rutledge, Noel Gugliemi, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Cou- Fast & Furious - Collectors Box Reggie Lee, RJ De Vera - Dir. Rob Cohen ture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, (Collector’s Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu- Action/Thriller 2001 107min. Liam Hemsworth, Chuck Norris, Jean- ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Claude van Damme, Scott Adkins, Yu Nan - 15.11.2012 Fast Five Dir. Simon West 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050002 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Action 2012 99min. Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Die Fastnachtsbeichte Splendid Film 25.01.2013 Ludacris, Matt Schulze, Sung Kang, Gadot Hans Söhnker, Gitty Daruga, Götz George, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050195 Gadot, Tego Calderon, Don Omar, Elsa Friedrich Domin, Rainer Brandt, Christian Pataky, Joaquim De Almeida, Shea Wolff, Grit Boettcher, Hilde Hildebrand - Dir.

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William Dieterle Taisheng, Jiang Yiyan, Anna Fang, Kohata Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama/Kriminalfilm 1960 101min. Ryu, Sheren Tang, Waise Lee - Dir. Gordon 15.11.2012 absolut MEDIEN 09.11.2012 Chan, Janet Chun 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050003 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050111 Action/Eastern 2012 115min. Splendid Film(Amazia) 04.01.2013 Cary Grant & Friends Collection Fear of the Living Dead - Radio 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050190 (2 Discs) Zombie Auf Safari / Meine Damen, zugehört! / Ma- Pontypool The Four (Blu-ray) dame Butterfly / Tripp nach Bali / Eine Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, Georgina Si Da Ming Bu königliche Hochzeit / Der Astronauten- Reilly, Hrant Alianak, Rick Roberts, Hannah Yifei Liu, Collin Chou, Ronald Cheng, Yifei schreck Fleming, Beatriz Yuste, Tony Burgess - Dir. Liu, Anthony Wong, Wu Xiu-Bo, Cheng Cary Grant Bruce McDonald Taisheng, Jiang Yiyan, Anna Fang, Kohata Wendecover Trailer, Bildergalerie Ryu, Sheren Tang, Waise Lee - Dir. Gordon Komödie/Lovestory 1932-1960 473min. Horror 2008 96min. Chan, Janet Chun MIG Film 06.12.2012 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 07.12.2012 Action/Eastern 2012 119min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050261 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050131 Splendid Film(Amazia) 04.01.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050209 Great Expectations - Große Er- Fear of the Living Dead - Radio wartungen Zombie (Blu-ray) From Dusk Till Dawn: 2 & 3 Great Expectations Pontypool Collection (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Gillian Anderson, Douglas Booth - Dir. Brian Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, Georgina From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Kirk Reilly, Hrant Alianak, Rick Roberts, Hannah Money / From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Postkarten-Set Fleming, Beatriz Yuste, Tony Burgess - Dir. Hangman’s Daughter Drama 2011 180min. Bruce McDonald Robert Patrick, Bo Hopkins, Duane polyband Medien GmbH 30.11.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie Whitaker, Marco Leonardi, Michael Parks, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050154 Horror 2008 100min. Temuera Morrison - Dir. Scott Spiegel, P. J. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 07.12.2012 Pesce Great Expectations - Große Er- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050148 Horror/Thriller 1999-2000 182min. wartungen (Blu-ray) Universum Film 02.11.2012 Great Expectations Fists of Death Collection 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050071 Gillian Anderson, Douglas Booth - Dir. Brian Bruce Lee - Seine Erben nehmen Rache / Kirk Der Herausforderer / Qi lin zhang From Dusk Till Dawn: 2 & 3 Postkarten-Set Eastern 500min. Collection (2 Discs) (k.J.) Drama 2011 180min. SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG polyband Medien GmbH 30.11.2012 From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Filmgroup) 08.11.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050159 Money / From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The tba BestellNr.: 20049939 Hangman’s Daughter Der große Bankraub Clou Robert Patrick, Bo Hopkins, Duane Flowers of War The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery Whitaker, Marco Leonardi, Michael Parks, Jin Líng Shí San Chai Steve McQueen, Crahan Denton, David Temuera Morrison - Dir. Scott Spiegel, P. J. Christian Bale, Ni Ni, Atsuro Watabe, Paul Clarke - Dir. Charles Guggenheim, John Stix Pesce Schneider, Tong Dawei - Dir. Kriminalfilm 1959 89min. Horror/Thriller 1999-2000 175min. Interviews Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.11.2012 Universum Film 02.11.2012 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 136min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050088 Falcom Investment AG 08.02.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050051 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050221 Geächtet (2 Discs) Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten - Flowers of War (Blu-ray) Branded Wie alles begann, Box 4 (5 Discs) Wolfgang Bahro, Ismail Sahin, Jeanette Jin Líng Shí San Chai Chuck Connors, William Bryant, John Biedermann, Raphaël Vogt, Natalie Alison, Christian Bale, Ni Ni, Atsuro Watabe, Paul Pickard, John Carradine Maike von Bremen, Frank-Thomas Mende, Schneider, Tong Dawei - Dir. Zhang Yimou Western 1965-1966 231min. Interviews Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.12.2012 Josephine Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter Klebsch, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 141min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050179 Roman Roth, Yvonne Catterfeld, Robert Falcom Investment AG 08.02.2013 Lyons, Nina Bott, Susan Sideropoulos, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050225 Gladiator (Jahr100Film) Hanne B. Wolharn, Felix von Jascheroff, Gladiator Hans Christiani, Lisa Riecken, Daniel Folter im Frauengefängnis (Blu- Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Fehlow, Mia Aegerter, Oliver Bender, Ulrike ray) (k.J.) Nielsen, Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi, Djimon Frank, Uta Kargel, Neshe Demir, Pete Dwojak, Jörn Schlönvoigt, Anne Menden, The Jailhouse Hounsou, Richard Harris, David Hemmings, Jessica Ginkel, Nik Breidenbach, Kristin C. Thomas Howell, Siri Baruc, Lindsey Ralf Moeller, Spencer Treat Clark, Tomas Meyer, Sarah Tkotsch, Alexander Becht, McKeon - Dir. Billy Lewis Arana - Dir. Raul Richter, Arne Stephan, Janina Uhse, Thriller/Horror 2009 106min. Historienfilm/Action 2000 149min. Jasmin Tawil, Shai Hoffmann, Tayfun Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.11.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Baydar, Felix Isenbügel, Björn Harras, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050094 15.11.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049960 Isabell Horn, Clemens Löhr, Eva Mona Folter im Frauengefängnis (k.J.) Rodekirchen, Jascha Rust, Sila Sahin, Sen- ta-Sofia Delliponti, Samia Dauenhauer, Iris The Jailhouse Gladiator (Jahr100Film, 10th Mareike Steen - Dir. Jörg Wilbrandt, Seyhan C. Thomas Howell, Siri Baruc, Lindsey Anniversary Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Derin, Jurij Neumann, Ulf Borchardt, Andre- McKeon - Dir. Billy Lewis ray) as Morell, Boris Keidies, Daniel Anderson, Thriller/Horror 2009 100min. Gladiator Ralph Bridle, Hartwig van der Neut, Ariane Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.11.2012 Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Zeller, Dominikus Probst (1994), Franziska 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050086 Nielsen, Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hörisch, Andreas Tanger, René Wolter, Hounsou, Richard Harris, David Hemmings, The Four Lars Morgenroth, Michael Ammann, Britta Ralf Moeller, Spencer Treat Clark, Tomas Keils, Dieter Laske, Samira Radsi, Klaus Si Da Ming Bu Arana - Dir. Ridley Scott Witting, Klaus Knoesel, Julian Plica, Silke Yifei Liu, Collin Chou, Ronald Cheng, Yifei Historienfilm/Action 2000 170min. Bäurich, Till Müller-Edenborn, André Sie- Liu, Anthony Wong, Wu Xiu-Bo, Cheng

LASER HOTLINE Seite 27 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD bert, Frank Fabisch, Frank Hein, Herwig MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Frank Wiegard, Michael Kleiber, Georg Fischer, Verena S. Freytag, Fridtjof Products) 16.11.2012 Krause - Dir. Marcus O. Rosenmüller Grüsser 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050245 Drama 180min. Drama 1200min. Universum Film(ZDF Video) 14.12.2012 Turbine Media Group (Diamant Video) Heroes - Gesamtbox (23 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050151 09.11.2012 Heroes 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050045 Sendhil Ramamurthy, Masi Oka, Hayden Homicide - Life on the Street, Panettiere, James Kyson Lee, Jack Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Hannie Caulder - In einem Sattel Coleman, Milo Ventimiglia, Adrian Pasdar, Homicide: Life On The Street mit dem Tod Greg Grunberg, Ali Larter, Zachary Quinto Ned Beatty, Richard Belzer, Daniel Baldwin, Hannie Caulder Science Fiction/Drama 2006-2010 Melissa Leo, Clark Johnson, Jon Polito, Raquel Welch, Robert Culp, Ernest 3280min. Andre Braugher, Kyle Secor, Yaphet Kotto, Borgnine, Strother Martin, Jack Elam, Chri- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Isabella Hofmann, Reed Diamond, Max stopher Lee, Diana Dors - Dir. Burt Kenne- 08.11.2012 Perlich, Michelle Forbes, Jon Seda, Callie dy 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049950 Thorne, Peter Gerety, Toni Lewis, Booklet, Trailer, Super-8-Fassung, Bildergalerie Giancarlo Esposito, Michael Michele - Dir. Western 1971 82min. Herzog Hubert - Hundeadel ver- Lisa Cholodenko Explosive Media 30.11.2012 pflichtet Kriminalfilm 1993-1999 540min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050108 The Duke Black Hill Pictures 30.11.2012 John Neville, James Doohan, Courtnee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050169 Hannie Caulder - In einem Sattel Draper, Jeremy Maxwell, Oliver Muirhead, mit dem Tod (Blu-ray) Sophie Heyman, Judy Geeson, Justine The Hunt - Menschenjagd (k.J.) Hannie Caulder Johnston, Lomax Study - Dir. Philip Spink The Hunt Raquel Welch, Robert Culp, Ernest Komödie 1999 85min. Clara Vallet, Jellali Mouina, Sarah Lucide - Borgnine, Strother Martin, Jack Elam, Chri- SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Dir. Thomas Szczepanski stopher Lee, Diana Dors - Dir. Burt Kenne- Filmgroup) 08.11.2012 Thriller/Action 2011 80min. dy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049934 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Booklet, Trailer, Super-8-Fassung, Bildergalerie Filmgroup) 05.12.2012 Western 1971 85min. Hinter der Tür tba BestellNr.: 20049932 Explosive Media 30.11.2012 The Door 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050117 Helen Mirren, Martina Gedeck, Károly Im Westen nichts Neues Eperjes, Gábor Koncz, Enikö Börcsök, Ági The Heart Of Christmas (Jahr100Film) Szirtes, Lajos Kovács, Erika Marozsán All Quiet On The Western Front The Heart Of Christmas (Évike Grossmann), Ildikó Tóth, Mari Nagy, Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, Burgess Jenkins, Jeanne Neilson, Eric Jay Péter Andorai, Csaba Pindroch, Dénes Slim Summerville, Arnold Lucy, Russell Beck - Dir. Gary Wheeler Újlaki, Anna Szandtner, Réka Tenki, Dóra Gleason, Raymond Griffith, Ben Alexander, Drama/Familie 2011 82min. Gáspárfalvi, Irén Bódis - Dir. István Szabó Beryl Mercer, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. Edel Germany(starmovie) 16.11.2012 Drama 2012 97min. Lewis Milestone 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050083 good!movies(Piffl) 09.11.2012 Kriegsfilm 1930 128min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050041 The Heart Of Christmas (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.11.2012 The Heart Of Christmas A History of Violence (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049962 Burgess Jenkins, Jeanne Neilson, Eric Jay (k.J.) Beck - Dir. Gary Wheeler A History Of Violence Im Westen nichts Neues Drama/Familie 2011 86min. Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris, Edel Germany(starmovie) 16.11.2012 (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) William Hurt, Ashton Holmes, Peter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050091 All Quiet On The Western Front MacNeill, Stephen McHattie, Greg Bryk, Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, Heathens and Thieves - Das Kyle Schmid, Sumela Kay, Gerry Quigley, Slim Summerville, Arnold Lucy, Russell Deborah Drakeford, Heidi Hayes, Aidan Glück ist mit dem Bösen Gleason, Raymond Griffith, Ben Alexander, Devine, Bill MacDonald, Michelle McCree, Beryl Mercer, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. Heathens & Thieves Ian Matthews, R.D. Reid, Morgan Kelly, Lewis Milestone Andrew Simpson, Gwendoline Yeo, Ri- Martha Reilly, Jason Barbeck, Bruce Kriegsfilm 1930 132min. chard Doyle - Dir. Peterson Megan, John Beaton, Neven Pajkic, Brendan Connor, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Douglas Sinclair Nick Antonacci, John Watson, Don Allison, 15.11.2012 Western 2012 110min. Brittany Payer, Mitch Boughs, April Mullen, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050005 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 05.12.2012 Steve Arbuckle, Connor Price, Evan Rose - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049930 Dir. David Cronenberg In jeder Beziehung - Staffel 1 Thriller/Drama 2005 min. Heathens and Thieves - Das Tino Mewes - Dir. Thomas Vass Warner Home Video Germany 18.01.2013 Komödie 2012 184min. Glück ist mit dem Bösen (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050241 Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Heathens & Thieves 16.11.2012 Andrew Simpson, Gwendoline Yeo, Ri- Die Holzbaronin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050039 chard Doyle - Dir. Peterson Megan, John Christine Neubauer, Catherine Flemming, Douglas Sinclair Andy Gätjen, Ben Braun, Dirk Borchardt, The Inbetweeners - Unsere jung- Western 2012 114min. Florian Bartholomäi, Nicole Heesters, Mi- fräulichen Jahre, Staffel 3 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 05.12.2012 chael Mendl, Julika Jenkins, Harald Schrott, The Inbetweeners 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049944 Henriette Confurius, Kyra Sophia Kahre, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Felix Vörtler, Lisa Karlström, Klaus Komödie 2010 152min. Tessa Hennig: Elli gibt den Löffel Stiglmeier, Simon Schwarz, Monika Universum Film(SquareOne) 02.11.2012 ab Reithofer, Thea Schnering, Torsten 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050125 Michaela May, Charlotte Schwab, Peter Eikmeier, Sophia Münster, Vera Maria Prager, Martin Umbach, Ivanka Brekalo, Göpfert, Heinz Röser-Dümmig, Lara Eine irische Weihnachts- Franziska Traub, Siegfried Kernen, Ulrike Mandoki, Christian Pätzold, Arno Kempf, geschichte Robert Besta, Andreas Hilscher, Hartmut Bliefert, Stefan Merki - Dir. Edzard Onneken An Old Fashioned Christmas Komödie/Drama 2012 90min. Volle, Gerhard Fehn, Wolfgang Pampel,

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Drama 2010 85min. Cage - Dir. Matthew Vaughn Little Lord Fauntleroy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 06.11.2012 Action/Komödie 2010 113min. Rick Schroder, Sir Alec Guinness, Eric 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050160 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Porter, Connie Booth, Colin Blakely, Rachel 15.11.2012 Kempson, Carmel McSharry, Antonia Ist ja irre - , Vol. 1 (4 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049965 Pemberton, Rolf Saxon, John Cater, Peter Discs) Copley, Patsy Rowlands, Anne Way, Sir 41 Grad Liebe / Carry On Sergeant / Ist ja Kick-Ass (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) Patrick Stewart, Geraldine Cowper, Kate irre - Lauter liebenswerte Lehrer / Uns Kick-Ass Harper, Rohan McCullough, Tony Melody, kann kein krummes Ding erschüttern Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Ballard Berkeley, John Southworth, Bill Audiokommentare, Wendecover Mark Strong, Chloe Moretz, Omari Nighy - Dir. Jack Gold Komödie 1958-1960 330min. Hardwick, Xander Berkeley, Michael Kinderfilm 1980 95min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Rispoli, Clark Duke, Lyndsy Fonseca, Evan Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Germany 06.12.2012 Peters, Corey Johnson, Dexter Fletcher, 23.11.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050282 Jason Flemyng, Randall Batinkoff, Nicolas 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050287 Cage - Dir. Matthew Vaughn Ist ja irre - Carry on, Vol. 2 (4 Action/Komödie 2010 117min. Königin Viktoria Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Victoria The Great Ist ja irre - ‘ne abgetakelte Fregatte / Ist ja 15.11.2012 Anna Neagle, Anton Walbrook, H. B. War- irre - Der Schiffskoch ist seekrank / Ist ja 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050006 ner, Walter Rilla, Mary Morris, C. v. France, irre - diese müden Taxifahrer / Ist ja irre - Charles Carson, Sir Felix Aylmer, Derrick Nicht so toll, Süßer Killer Expendables (Blu-ray) (k.J.) de Marney - Dir. Herbert Wilcox Audiokommentare, Wendecover Killer By Nature Historienfilm 1937 112min. Komödie 1961-1963 348min. Zachary Ray Sherman, Ron Perlman, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 07.12.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Haley 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050134 Germany 06.12.2012 Hudson, Richard Riehle, Richard Portnow, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050283 Svetlana Efremova, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron Küstenwache - Die komplette McCoy - Dir. Douglas S. Younglove fünfzehnte Staffel (6 Discs) Ist ja irre - Carry on, Vol. 3 (4 Bildergalerie, Trailer Rüdiger Joswig, Sabine Petzl, Lara-Isabelle Thriller/Drama 2010 94min. Discs) Rentinck, Andreas Dobberkau, Andreas Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Carry On Cowboy / Ist ja irre - Agenten auf Arnstedt, Max Florian Hoppe, Michael Kind, 01.11.2012 dem Pulverfaß / Ist ja irre - Alarm im Rainer Basedow, Annekathrin Bach, Manou 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050301 Gruselschloß / Ist ja irre - Cäsar liebt Lubowski, Oliver Franck, Michael Mendl, Kleopatra Killer Expendables (k.J.) Jale Arikan, Anne Werner, Jonas Audiokommentare, Wendecover Jägermeyr, Yvonne de Bark, Arne Stephan, Killer By Nature Komödie 1964-1966 356min. Tobias Schenke, Christoph Tomanek, Horst Zachary Ray Sherman, Ron Perlman, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kotterba, Luisa Katharina Davids - Dir. Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Haley Germany 06.12.2012 Raoul W. Heimrich, Zbynek Cerven, Frauke Hudson, Richard Riehle, Richard Portnow, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050284 Thielecke, Jan Bauer, Dagmar von Svetlana Efremova, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron Chappuis, Tobias Stille McCoy - Dir. Douglas S. Younglove Jung, ledig, feucht Drama 2011 1112min. Young, Single & Angry Bildergalerie, Trailer Thriller/Drama 2010 90min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 16.11.2012 Sarah Blevins, Jamie Anderson, Heather Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050087 Stewart, Jesse Burch, Peter Murnik, 01.11.2012 Matthew Atherton, Steve Florian, Jeff 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050290 Der Landarzt - Staffel 20 (3 Discs) Garvin, Vince Pavia, Ronn Burner, Shane Wayne Carpendale, Caroline Scholze, Erika Stevens, Todd Babcock, Marie O’Donnell, King - Die komplette 1. Staffel (2 Skrotzki, Niklas Tschernich, Gunter Schoß, Naomi Catalano - Dir. Richard Waterhouse Discs) Edith Behleit, Gerhard Olschewski, Fran- Outtakes, Premierenfeier, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie, ziska Troegner, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Lea Bio- und Filmografien King Fassbender, Jacqueline Svilarov, Peter Komödie 2006 91min. Amy Price-Francis, Alan Van Sprang, Ga- Prager, Thorsten Nindel, Ulrich Bähnk, Da- Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) briel Hogan, Aaron Poole, Zoe Doyle, Tony niela Hoffmann, Thomas Balou Martin, 30.11.2012 Nardi, Suzanne Coy, Geza Kovacs - Dir. Eckhardt Bogda, Gerd Grasse, Katrin Pol- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050133 Clark Johnson, Jerry Ciccoritti, Holly Dale, litt, Ludger Pistor, Kai Maertens, René Hof- T.W. Peacocke, Don McBrearty, Philip schneider, Ines Lutz, Nina Hoger, Katharina Jurassic Park Trilogy (Special Earnshaw Blaschke, Heinz Reincke - Dir. Hans Wer- Edition, 6 Discs, Holzbox) (Blu- Kriminalfilm 2011-2012 337min. ner, Dominikus Probst, Peter Altmann ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Original Kinotrailer, Interview mit Karl May-Verleger Bern- Jurassic Park / Vergessene Welt: Germany(Vox) 06.12.2012 hard Schmid, Original Kinotrailer, Interview mit Karl May- Jurassic Park / Jurassic Park III 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050038 Verleger Bernhard Schmid Drama/Komödie 2010-2011 647min. Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Juli- Universum Film(ZDF Video) 09.11.2012 anne Moore - Dir. Steven Spielberg, Joe King - Die komplette 1. Staffel (2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050042 Johnston Discs) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Fantasy 1993-2001 346min. King Der letzte Bulle - Staffel 1-3 (9 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Amy Price-Francis, Alan Van Sprang, Ga- 08.11.2012 briel Hogan, Aaron Poole, Zoe Doyle, Tony Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049995 Nardi, Suzanne Coy, Geza Kovacs - Dir. Henning Baum, Floriane Daniel, Maximilian Clark Johnson, Jerry Ciccoritti, Holly Dale, Grill, Proschat Madani Kick-Ass (Jahr100Film) T.W. Peacocke, Don McBrearty, Philip Kriminalfilm 1210min. Kick-Ass Earnshaw Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Aaron Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Kriminalfilm 2011-2012 352min. Division(Spassgesellschaft) 23.11.2012 Mark Strong, Chloe Moretz, Omari STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050275 Hardwick, Xander Berkeley, Michael Germany(Vox) 06.12.2012 Rispoli, Clark Duke, Lyndsy Fonseca, Evan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050061 Der letzte Musketier - Cyrano de Peters, Corey Johnson, Dexter Fletcher, Bergerac Jason Flemyng, Randall Batinkoff, Nicolas Der kleine Lord Cyrano De Bergerac

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José Ferrer, Mala Powers, William Prince, ne Rogée, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Knut PRO-FUN MEDIA 30.11.2012 Morris Carnovsky, Ralph Clanton, Virginia Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Anna Nowak, Julia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050174 Farmer, Edgar Barrier, Elena Verdugo - Dir. Stark, Johannes Scheit, Sontje Peplow, Michael Gordon Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara Die Lümmel von der ersten Bank Drama 1950 108min. Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Birgitta (4 Discs) SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Claus Zur Hölle mit den Paukern / Zum Teufel Filmgroup) 08.11.2012 Vincon, Giselle Vesco, Cosima Viola, Klaus mit der Penne / Pepe, der Paukerschreck / 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049938 Nierhoff, Heinz Marecek, Gunnar Solka, Hurra, die Schule brennt! / Wir hau’n die Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Anja Antonowicz, Pauker in die Pfanne / Morgen fällt die Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette Susanna Capurso, Toni Snétberger, Daniela Schule aus / Betragen ungenügend! 20. Jahr, Folgen 989-1040 Bette, Wookie Mayer, Jeremy Mockridge, Hansi Kraus, Theo Lingen, Uschi Glas, (Collector’s Box Special Editi- Michael Baral, Jennifer Steffens, Philipp Hannelore Elsner, Peter Alexander, Harald Sonntag, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Frehse, on,10 Discs) Juhnke, Gustav Knuth, Hans Clarin, Georg Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Annemarie Thomalla, Gila von Weitershausen - Dir. Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Wendl, Franz Rampelmann, Liz Baffoe, Werner Jacobs, Harald Reinl, Franz Josef Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Ludwig Haas, Ge- Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Irene Fischer, Gottlieb org Uecker, Hermes Hodolides, Domna Arnfried Lerche, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Markus Audiokommentar, Interview, Clips, Featurette, Trailer Adamopoulou, Sybille Waury, Andrea Anton, Jacqueline Svilarov, Urs Villiger, Komödie 1967-1972 616min. Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Joris Gratwohl, Marian- Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Margret van EuroVideo Bildprogramm 08.11.2012 ne Rogée, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, Knut Munster, Ute Mora, Thorsten Nindel, Til 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050257 Hinz, Bill Mockridge, Anna Nowak, Julia Schweiger, Christian Kahrmann, Willi Her- Stark, Johannes Scheit, Sontje Peplow, ren, Bernd Tauber, Monika Woytowicz, Mamma Mia! (Jahr100Film) Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara Raimund Gensel, Dagmar Hessenland, Mamma Mia! Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Birgitta Wolfgang Grönebaum, Susanne Gannott, Meryl Streep, , Colin Firth, Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Claus Costas Papanastasiou, Tim Knauer, Ines Stellan Skarsgård, Dominic Cooper, Julie Vincon, Giselle Vesco, Cosima Viola, Klaus Lutz, Sigo Lorfeo, Tilmar Kuhn, Horst D. Walters, Christine Baranski, Amanda Nierhoff, Heinz Marecek, Gunnar Solka, Scheel, Philipp Neubauer, Stefanie Mühle, Seyfried - Dir. Phyllida Lloyd Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Anja Antonowicz, Herbert Steinmetz, Selma Baldursson, Fritz Musical/Komödie 2008 104min. Susanna Capurso, Toni Snétberger, Daniela Bachschmidt, Tilli Breidenbach, Ursula Lud- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Bette, Wookie Mayer, Jeremy Mockridge, wig, Dietrich Siegl, Claudia Pielmann, Franz 15.11.2012 Michael Baral, Jennifer Steffens, Philipp Braunshausen, Marcus Off, Cetin Ipekkaya, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049968 Sonntag, Christian Rudolf, Tanja Frehse, Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Grimm - Dir. Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, Annemarie Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. Mamma Mia! (Jahr100Film) (Blu- Wendl, Franz Rampelmann, Liz Baffoe, Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- ray) Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Irene Fischer, ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, Mamma Mia! Arnfried Lerche, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Markus Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Anton, Jacqueline Svilarov, Urs Villiger, der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz Stellan Skarsgård, Dominic Cooper, Julie Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Margret van Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Kerstin Krause, Walters, Christine Baranski, Amanda Munster, Ute Mora, Thorsten Nindel, Til George Moorse, Christa Mühl, Maria Seyfried - Dir. Phyllida Lloyd Schweiger, Christian Kahrmann, Willi Her- Neocleous, Dominikus Probst, Peter Musical/Komödie 2008 109min. ren, Bernd Tauber, Monika Woytowicz, Wekwerth, Patrick Winczewski, Claus Pe- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Raimund Gensel, Dagmar Hessenland, ter Witt, Susanne Zanke, Iain Dilthey 15.11.2012 Wolfgang Grönebaum, Susanne Gannott, Audiokommentar, Interview 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050007 Costas Papanastasiou, Tim Knauer, Ines Drama 1560min. Lutz, Sigo Lorfeo, Tilmar Kuhn, Horst D. MORE Music and Media (More Brands and Die Märchenbraut (2 DVDs) Scheel, Philipp Neubauer, Stefanie Mühle, Products) 23.11.2012 Arabela Herbert Steinmetz, Selma Baldursson, Fritz 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050267 Jana Nagyova, Jíri Labus, Vladimir Mensik, Bachschmidt, Tilli Breidenbach, Ursula Lud- Stella Zazvorkova, Vlastímil Brodsky, Jana wig, Dietrich Siegl, Claudia Pielmann, Franz Jack London - Trapper, Wolf und Brejchová, Jíri Sovák, Dagmar „Dáda“ Braunshausen, Marcus Off, Cetin Ipekkaya, Fährtensucher Patrasová - Dir. Václav Vorlícek Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Grimm - Dir. Challenge To Be Free Komödie/Fantasy 1979 379min. Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang Frank, Hans W. Tay Garnett, Mike Mazurki, Fritz Ford, Vic Universum Film(Universum Kids) Geißendörfer, Holger Gimpel, Michael Gün- Christy, Jimmy Kane - Dir. Tay Garnett, Ford 02.11.2012 ther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Jens Hercher, Beebe 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050057 Daniel Anderson, Karin Hercher, Nikolai van Abenteuer/Melodram 1974 90min. der Heyde, Ilse Hofmann, Ron Jones, Lutz SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Maria Magdalena Konermann, Heidi Kranz, Kerstin Krause, Filmgroup) 22.11.2012 Mary George Moorse, Christa Mühl, Maria 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049940 Juliette Binoche, Matthew Modine, Forest Neocleous, Dominikus Probst, Peter Whitaker, Ettore D’Alessandro, Marco Wekwerth, Patrick Winczewski, Claus Pe- Los Debutantes Leonardi, Mario Opinato, Kate Conner, Mari- ter Witt, Susanne Zanke, I Los Debutantes on Cotillard, Robert Fieldstreet, Heather Audiokommentar, Interview, Gruppenfoto Antonella Rios, Nestor Cantillana, Alejandro Drama 1560min. Graham, Cory Landis, Suzie Pollard, Trejo, Juan Pablo Miranda, Eduardo Barril, MORE Music and Media (More Brands and Stefania Rocca, Gabriella Wright - Dir. Abel Roberto Farias - Dir. Andres Waissbluth Products) 23.11.2012 Ferrara Making of, Interviews, Trailer Drama/Thriller 2005 83min. 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050266 Drama 2003 114min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment 16.11.2012 good!movies(Kool) 02.11.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050137 Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049948 20. Jahr, Folgen 989-1040 The Love Patient (OmU) Das Massaker von Lidice (Collector’s Box,10 Discs) Lidice The Love Patient Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann Karel Roden, Zuzana Fialová, Zuzana Benjamin Lutz, John Werskey, Jackson Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Ludwig Haas, Ge- Bydzovska, Roman Luknár, Ondrej Novák, Palmer, Madison Gray, Mike Pfaff, Laura org Uecker, Hermes Hodolides, Domna Veronika Kubarova, Norbert Lichý, Jan Ulsh, John Kilpatrick - Dir. Michael Simon Adamopoulou, Sybille Waury, Andrea Budar, Václav Jirácek, Marek Adamczyk, Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Joris Gratwohl, Marian- Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Komödie/Drama 2011 95min. Joachim Paul Assböck, Miroslav Hanus,

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Ondrej Havel, Adam Kubista - Dir. Petr Horror 2009 90min. Die Mumie (Jahr100Film) Nikolaev SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG The Mummy Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 129min. Filmgroup) 05.12.2012 Brendan Fraser, John Hannah, Rachel SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Savoy Film) tba BestellNr.: 20049931 Weisz, Arnold Vosloo, Kevin J. O’Connor, 17.01.2013 , Oded Fehr, Erick Avari, tba BestellNr.: 20050289 Miami Vice - Gesamtbox (30 Stephen Dunham, Corey Johnson, Tuc DVDs) Watkins, Omid Djalili, Aharon Ipale, Bernard Das Massaker von Lidice (Blu-ray) Miami Vice Fox, Patricia Velasquez, Carl Chase, Mo- Lidice Don Johnson, Philip Michael Thomas, Ed- hammed Afifi - Dir. Stephen Sommers Karel Roden, Zuzana Fialová, Zuzana ward James Olmos, Saundra Santiago, Abenteuer/Action 1998 120min. Bydzovska, Roman Luknár, Ondrej Novák, Olivia Brown, Michael Talbott, John Diehl, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Veronika Kubarova, Norbert Lichý, Jan Martin Ferrero, Sheena Easton, Charlie 15.11.2012 Budar, Václav Jirácek, Marek Adamczyk, Barnett, Julio Mechoso, Mario Ernesto 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049970 Joachim Paul Assböck, Miroslav Hanus, Sanchez, Parris Buckner, Shane Le Mar - Ondrej Havel, Adam Kubista - Dir. Petr Dir. Thomas Carter, Paul Michael Glaser Die Mumie (Jahr100Film) (Blu- Nikolaev Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1989 4899min. ray) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 134min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) The Mummy SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Savoy Film) 08.11.2012 Brendan Fraser, John Hannah, Rachel 17.01.2013 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049951 Weisz, Arnold Vosloo, Kevin J. O’Connor, tba BestellNr.: 20050300 Jonathan Hyde, Oded Fehr, Erick Avari, Mistake of Death - Gefangen in Mato, der Indianer (3 Discs) Stephen Dunham, Corey Johnson, Tuc der Zwischenwelt Watkins, Omid Djalili, Aharon Ipale, Bernard Les Indiens Darkhunters Fox, Patricia Velasquez, Carl Chase, Mo- Alain Emery, Rosenda Monteros - Dir. Pierre Dominique Pinon, Susan Paterno, Jeff hammed Afifi - Dir. Stephen Sommers Viallet Booklet Fahey, Dan van Husen, Harold Gasnier, Abenteuer/Action 1998 124min. Western/Abenteuer 1964 300min. Tina Barnes, Iya Solodilova, Julianne Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.12.2012 Watling - Dir. Johannes Roberts 15.11.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050177 Horror 2003 82min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050010 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Karl May Collection I (3 DVDs) AG(Pasadena) 09.11.2012 Die Nadel (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050102 Eye Of The Needle Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan, Philip Der Schatz im Silbersee / Winnetou und Mrs. Miniver (Blu-ray) Martin Brown, Christopher Cazenove, Faith das Halbblut Apanatschi / Winnetou und Mrs. Miniver Brook - Dir. Richard Marquand sein Freund Old Firehand Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Teresa Thriller 1980 108min. Lex Barker, Pierre Brice, Götz George, Wright, Dame May Whitty, Henry Travers, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Uschi Glas, Rod Cameron, Harald Leipnitz - Reginald Qwen - Dir. William Wyler Germany(MGM/UA) 02.11.2012 Dir. Harald Reinl, Harald Philipp, Alfred Drama 1942 134min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050264 Vohrer Trailer, Interviews, Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie, u.a. Warner Home Video Germany 18.01.2013 Abenteuer/Western 1962-1966 297min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050233 Needful Things - In einer kleinen Universum Film(Tobis) 16.11.2012 Stadt (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050063 Mixed Kebab (OmU) Needful Things Mixed Kebab , Ed Harris, Bonnie Bedelia, Karl May Collection II (3 DVDs) Cem Akkanat, Simon Van Buyten, Gamse Amanda Plummer, J. T. Walsh, Ray (Blu-ray) Tazim, Karlijn Sileghem, Lukas De Wolf, McKinnon, Duncan Fraser, Valri Bromfield, Ergun Simsek, Hakan Gurkan, Rudolph Unter Geiern / Der Ölprinz / Old Surehand Shane Meier - Dir. Fraser C. Heston Segers, Magali Uytterhaegen, Gökhan Stewart Granger, Pierre Brice, Elke Som- Wendecover Girginol, Mathias Vergels, Sinan Cihangir - Horror 1993 121min. mer, Götz George, Harald Leipnitz, Letitia Dir. Guy Lee Thys EuroVideo Bildprogramm 06.12.2012 Roman, Macha Méril - Dir. Alfred Vohrer, Drama/Komödie 2012 98min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050270 Harald Philipp Trailer, Interviews, Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie, u.a. PRO-FUN MEDIA 30.11.2012 Abenteuer/Western 1964-1965 283min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050172 Needful Things - In einer kleinen Universum Film(Tobis) 16.11.2012 Stadt (Restaurierte Fassung) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050065 Mobsters - Die wahren Bosse (Di- Needful Things gital Remastered) (k.J.) Max von Sydow, Ed Harris, Bonnie Bedelia, Menschen im Hotel (Blu-ray) The Mobsters Amanda Plummer, J. T. Walsh, Ray Grand Hotel Christian Slater, Patrick Dempsey, Richard McKinnon, Duncan Fraser, Valri Bromfield, Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan Grieco, Anthony Quinn, Rodney Eastman, Shane Meier - Dir. Fraser C. Heston Crawford, Wallace Beery, Lionel Costas Mandylor - Dir. Michael Karbelnikoff Wendecover Barrymore, Lewis Stone - Dir. Edmund Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror 1993 116min. Goulding Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1991 min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 06.12.2012 Drama 1932 113min. Explosive Media 23.11.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050258 Warner Home Video Germany 18.01.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050107 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050234 New York Express Marius Müller-Westernhagen - Blindfold Menschenfresser - Das Monster Mosch Rock Hudson, Claudia Cardinale, Jack will Nahrung Walter Taub, Marius Müller-Westernhagen, Warden, Guy Stockwell, Brad Dexter, Alejandro Rey - Dir. Philip Dunne Maneater Ulrich Wildgruber, Rosel Zech, Katharina Thalbach, Ernst Konarek, Rudolf Voss, Trailer, Bildergalerie Dean Cain, Lacy Phillips, Stephen Lunsford, Komödie 1966 97min. Sonja Karzau, Horst Laube - Dir. Tankred Christopher Darga, Nicole Moore, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dorst Maximillian Roeg, Ellie Gerber, Saginaw AG(Explosive Media) 07.12.2012 Drama 1980 90min. Grant, Conrad Janis, Damara Reilly, Patrick 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050100 Shining Elk, Tanner Novlan - Dir. Michael Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.12.2012 Emanuel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050186 New York Express (Blu-ray)

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Blindfold Universum Film(Universum Kids) Kriminalfilm 1977-1978 664min. Rock Hudson, Claudia Cardinale, Jack 02.11.2012 ICESTORM Entertainment 02.11.2012 Warden, Guy Stockwell, Brad Dexter, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050122 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050256 Alejandro Rey - Dir. Philip Dunne Trailer, Bildergalerie Der Pate - 40-Jahre-Jubiläums- Polizeiruf 110 - Box 8 (4 Discs) Komödie 1966 101min. edition (+ DVDs, 9 Discs) (Blu-ray) Booklet, Interview AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kriminalfilm 1978-1980 560min. The Godfather - Trilogy AG(Explosive Media) 07.12.2012 Studio Enterprises(ARD Video) Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050116 16.11.2012 Francis Ford Coppola Drehbuch, Poster, Postcards 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050036 Norma Rae - Eine Frau steht ih- Kriminalfilm/Drama 1972-1990 547min. ren Mann Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 Projekt 571 - Die Vampirjägerin Norma Rae tba BestellNr.: 20050237 The Witches Hammer Sally Field, Ron Leibman, Beau Bridges, Pat Claudia Coulter, Stephanie Beacham, Hingle, Barbara Baxley, Gail Strickland, Peter der Große - Der komplette Jonathan Sidgwick, Sally Reeve, Jason Robert Broyles - Dir. Martin Ritt Historien-Vierteiler (4 Discs) Tompkins, Miguel Ruz - Dir. James Eaves Drama 1979 106min. Teaser, Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Artwork Peter The Great Horror/Komödie 2006 95min. Concorde Home Entertainment 22.11.2012 Maximilian Schell - Dir. Marvin J. Chomsky, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049982 Lawrence Schiller AG(Pasadena) 09.11.2012 Interview, Making of, Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050103 Norma Rae - Eine Frau steht ih- Drama 1986 371min. ren Mann (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Prometheus to Alien - Evolution AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 30.11.2012 Norma Rae Box (5 Discs) Sally Field, Ron Leibman, Beau Bridges, Pat 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050110 Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Alien: Hingle, Barbara Baxley, Gail Strickland, Resurrection / Prometheus Robert Broyles - Dir. Martin Ritt Die phantastische Reise in einem Science Fiction/Horror 1979-2012 min. Drama 1979 110min. Ballon Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Concorde Home Entertainment 22.11.2012 Viaje Fantástico En Globo Germany 07.12.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050022 Dir. René Cardona jr. Wendecover 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049969 Abenteuer/Familie 1975 107min. O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Prometheus to Alien - Evolution Eine Mississippi-Odyssee MIG Film 06.12.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050263 Box (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) (Jahr100Film) Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Alien: O Brother, Where Art Thou? Rosamunde Pilcher: Die andere Resurrection / Prometheus George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Frau Science Fiction/Horror 1979-2012 min. Nelson, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, Chris Natalia Wörner, Hans-Werner Meyer, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Thomas King, Charles Durning, Del , Melia Kreiling, Nadia Hilker, Germany 07.12.2012 Pentecost, Michael Badalucco, J. R. Horne, Hilary Connell, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Matt 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050008 Brian Reddy, Wayne Duvall, Ed Gale, Ray Barber, Tomi Fry - Dir. Giles Foster McKinnon, Daniel von Bargen, Royce D. Melodram min. Psycho (Jahr100Film) Applegate, Frank Collison, Quinn Gasaway, Concorde Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Psycho Lee Weaver - Dir. Joel Coen 31.12.2012 Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Komödie 2000 103min. tba BestellNr.: 20050248 John Gavin, Martin Balsam, John McIntire, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Patricia Hitchcock, Frank Albertson, Simon 15.11.2012 Planet der Monster Oakland, Vaughn Taylor, John Anderson, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049974 Ferocious Planet Mort Mills - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Thriller/Horror 1960 104min. Oliver Twist Joe Flanigan, John Rhys-Davies, Catherine Walker, Dagmar Döring, Robert Soohan, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Oliver Twist Yare Michael Jegbefume, Chris Newman, 15.11.2012 Robert Newton, Sir Alec Guinness, Kay Shashi Rami, Kevin Flood, Sam O’Mahony - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049975 Walsh, Francis L. Sullivan, John Howard Dir. Billy O’Brien Davies, Henry Stephenson, Mary Clare, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2011 88min. Psycho (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) Josephine Stuart - Dir. David Lean Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 04.01.2013 Psycho Drama 1948 110min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050189 Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) John Gavin, Martin Balsam, John McIntire, 16.11.2012 Planet der Monster (Blu-ray) Patricia Hitchcock, Frank Albertson, Simon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050176 Ferocious Planet Oakland, Vaughn Taylor, John Anderson, Mort Mills - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Oliver Twist Joe Flanigan, John Rhys-Davies, Catherine Walker, Dagmar Döring, Robert Soohan, Thriller/Horror 1960 108min. Oliver Twist Yare Michael Jegbefume, Chris Newman, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dickie Moore, Irving Pichel, William „Stage“ Shashi Rami, Kevin Flood, Sam O’Mahony - 15.11.2012 Boyd, Doris Lloyd, Alec B. Francis, Barbara Dir. Billy O’Brien 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050012 Kent, George K. Arthur, Clyde Cook - Dir. Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2011 92min. William J. Cowen Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 04.01.2013 Pusher Drama 1933 70min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050208 Pusher Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Richard Coyle, Bronson Webb, Agyness 01.11.2012 Polizeiruf 110 - Box 6 (4 Discs) Deyn, Zlatko Buric, Mem Ferda, Paul Kaye, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050297 Booklet, Interview Bill Thomas, Neil Maskell, Daisy Lewis, Ray Kriminalfilm 1976-1977 570min. Callaghan, Badria Timimi, Joanna Hole - Dir. Pan Tau - Tschechische Film- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Luis Prieto klassiker (5 DVDs) 19.10.2012 Trailer Pan Tau 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050035 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 85min. Otto Simanek Sunfilm Entertainment 06.12.2012 Diverse Polizeiruf 110 - Box 7 (4 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049941 Kinderfilm/Komödie 1965-1978 990min. Trailer

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Pusher (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Max von Romper Stomper Pusher Sydow, William Hurt, Mark Strong, Oscar Russell Crowe, Daniel Pollock, Jacqueline Richard Coyle, Bronson Webb, Agyness Isaac, Kevin Durand, Danny Huston, Eileen McKenzie, Alex Scott, Leigh Russell, Daniel Deyn, Zlatko Buric, Mem Ferda, Paul Kaye, Atkins, Mark Addy, Matthew Macfadyen, Wyllie - Dir. Geoffrey Wright Bill Thomas, Neil Maskell, Daisy Lewis, Ray Scott Grimes, Alan Doyle, Douglas Hodge, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer Drama/Action 1992 92min. Callaghan, Badria Timimi, Joanna Hole - Dir. Léa Seydoux, Jonathan Zaccaï - Dir. Ridley Capelight Pictures 07.12.2012 Luis Prieto Scott Trailer Abenteuer 2010 149min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050120 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 88min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sunfilm Entertainment 06.12.2012 15.11.2012 Rosenstraße (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049946 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049976 Katja Riemann, Maria Schrader, Martin Feifel, Jürgen Vogel, Jutta Lampe, Doris Pusher (Blu-ray) Robin Hood (Jahr100Film, Schade, Fedja van Huêt, Carola Regnier, Pusher Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Svea Lohde, Jutta Wachowiak, Jan Decleir, Thekla Reuten, Lilian Schiffer, Lena Stolze, Richard Coyle, Bronson Webb, Agyness Robin Hood Isolde Barth, Fritz Lichtenhahn, Carine Deyn, Zlatko Buric, Mem Ferda, Paul Kaye, Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Max von Cruzen, Nina Kunzendorf, Martin Wuttke, Bill Thomas, Neil Maskell, Daisy Lewis, Ray Sydow, William Hurt, Mark Strong, Oscar Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Gaby Dohm - Dir. Callaghan, Badria Timimi, Joanna Hole - Dir. Isaac, Kevin Durand, Danny Huston, Eileen Margarethe von Trotta Luis Prieto Atkins, Mark Addy, Matthew Macfadyen, Drama 2003 135min. Trailer Scott Grimes, Alan Doyle, Douglas Hodge, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 88min. Concorde Home Entertainment 02.11.2012 Léa Seydoux, Jonathan Zaccaï - Dir. Ridley Sunfilm Entertainment 06.12.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050020 Scott 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049945 Abenteuer 2010 157min. Die rote Flut (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Das Rettungsboot Red Dawn 15.11.2012 Lifeboat Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Ron 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050013 Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix, Walter O’Neal, William Smith, Powers Boothe, Lea Slezak, Mary Anderson, John Hodiak, Hen- Robert Rodriguez Collection (3 Thompson, Charlie Sheen, Darren Dalton, ry Hill, Heather Angel, Hume Cronyn, Cana- Jennifer Grey, Harry Dean Stanton - Dir. da Lee - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) John Milius Drama/Kriegsfilm 1943 93min. Sin City / From Dusk till Dawn / Faculty - Kriegsfilm 1984 114min. Concorde Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 Trau keinem Lehrer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050247 Dir. Robert Rodriguez Germany(MGM/UA) 07.12.2012 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Musikvideos, Produktionsnotizen, Teaser, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050009 Das Rettungsboot (Blu-ray) Trailer, Wendecover Lifeboat Horror/Fantasy 1995-2005 336min. Die Rückkehr der Märchenbraut Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix, Walter STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment (4 DVDs) Slezak, Mary Anderson, John Hodiak, Hen- Germany(Miramax) 06.12.2012 Arabela Se Vrací ry Hill, Heather Angel, Hume Cronyn, Cana- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050299 Miroslava Safránková, Jíri Labus, Vladimir da Lee - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Dlouhy, Stella Zazvorkova, Marian Labuda, Drama/Kriegsfilm 1943 96min. Robert Rodriguez Collection (3 Dagmar „Dáda“ Patrasová, Vlastímil Concorde Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 Discs) (k.J.) Brodsky, Jana Brejchová - Dir. Václav 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050254 Sin City / From Dusk till Dawn / Faculty - Vorlícek Trau keinem Lehrer Komödie/Fantasy 1993 780min. Robin Hood - Staffel 3, Teil 2 (2 Dir. Robert Rodriguez Universum Film(Universum Kids) Discs) (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene und 02.11.2012 alternative Szenen, Musikvideos, Produktionsnotizen, Teaser, Robin Hood Trailer, Wendecover 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050058 Jonas Armstrong, Gordon Kennedy, Sam Horror/Fantasy 1995-2005 321min. Troughton, Joe Armstrong, Richard STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Rum Diary Armitage, Keith Allen, Lucy Griffiths, Harry Germany(Miramax) 06.12.2012 The Rum Diary Lloyd, Anjali Jay, David Harewood, Joanne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050288 , Aaron Eckhart, Amber Heard, Froggatt - Dir. Douglas Mackinnon, Alex Michael Rispoli, Richard Jenkins, Giovanni Pillai, Patrick Lau, John Greening, Graeme Romper Stomper (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ribisi, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Bell, Bill Harper, Roger Goldby, Matthew Evans Romper Stomper Smitrovich, Julian Holloway, Bruno Irizarry, Abenteuer 2009 315min. Russell Crowe, Daniel Pollock, Jacqueline Enzo Clienti, Aaron Lustig, Tisuby polyband Medien GmbH 30.11.2012 McKenzie, Alex Scott, Leigh Russell, Daniel Gonzalez, Natalia Rivera, Karen Austin - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050226 Wyllie - Dir. Geoffrey Wright Dir. Bruce Robinson Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer Thriller/Drama 2011 114min. Robin Hood - Staffel 3, Teil 2 (3 Drama/Action 1992 92min. Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Discs) Capelight Pictures 07.12.2012 18.01.2013 Robin Hood 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050119 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050150 Jonas Armstrong, Gordon Kennedy, Sam Troughton, Joe Armstrong, Richard Romper Stomper (k.J.) Rum Diary (Blu-ray) Armitage, Keith Allen, Lucy Griffiths, Harry Romper Stomper The Rum Diary Lloyd, Anjali Jay, David Harewood, Joanne Russell Crowe, Daniel Pollock, Jacqueline Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, Amber Heard, Froggatt - Dir. Douglas Mackinnon, Alex McKenzie, Alex Scott, Leigh Russell, Daniel Michael Rispoli, Richard Jenkins, Giovanni Pillai, Patrick Lau, John Greening, Graeme Wyllie - Dir. Geoffrey Wright Ribisi, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Bell, Bill Harper, Roger Goldby, Matthew Evans Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer Smitrovich, Julian Holloway, Bruno Irizarry, Drama/Action 1992 88min. Abenteuer 2009 315min. Enzo Clienti, Aaron Lustig, Tisuby Capelight Pictures 07.12.2012 polyband Medien GmbH 30.11.2012 Gonzalez, Natalia Rivera, Karen Austin - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050112 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050222 Dir. Bruce Robinson Trailer, B-Roll, Interviews Robin Hood (Jahr100Film, Romper Stomper (Limited Thriller/Drama 2011 119min. Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Director’s Cut) Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- ray) (k.J.) 18.01.2013 Robin Hood 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050155

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or Apocalypse / Retrograde - Krieg auf Drama 1959 371min. Sabrina (Blu-ray) dem Eisplaneten / Twilight of the Dogs / Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Sabrina Warriors of Terra 16.11.2012 Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, William Science Fiction 544min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050101 Holden, Walter Hampden, John Williams, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.11.2012 Martha Hyer - Dir. Billy Wilder 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050081 SOKO Kitzbühel 3 Featurette, Bildergalerie Kristina Sprenger, Hans Sigl, Andrea Komödie 1954 112min. Shameless - Die komplette 2. L’Arronge, Heinz Marecek, Ferry Öllinger, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Anja Stöhr - Dir. Carl Lang, Michael Zens, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050029 Shameless Peter Sämann, Johannes Hebendanz Kriminalfilm 2003 440min. Scarface (Jahr100Film) (k.J.) William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Jeremy Allen White, Cameron Monaghan, Emma SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Scarface Kenney, Ethan Cutkosky, Blake Alexander 08.11.2012 Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer, Johnson, Brennan Kane Johnson, Justin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049935 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Log- Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Joel Murray, Laura gia, F. Murray Abraham, Paul Shenar, Harris Wiggins, Shanola Hampton, Steve Howey, SOKO Rhein-Main - Die komplette Yulin, Ángel Salazar, Arnaldo Santana, Tyler Jacob Moore, Pej Vahdat, Noel Fisher, Serie (4 Discs) Pepe Serna - Dir. Brian De Palma Jane Levy, Marguerite Moreau, Missy Doty, Marita Marschall, Sven Martinek, Ercan Thriller 1982 164min. Michael Patrick McGill, Madison Davenport, Durmaz, Daniela Preuß, Daniel Wiemer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dennis Boutsikaris, Robert Knepper, Kriminalfilm 2005-2007 766min. 15.11.2012 Timothy V. Murphy, Dennis Cockrum, Frank Edel Germany(Aviator) 16.11.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049977 Pacheco, Julia Duffy, Chloe Webb, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050286 Scarface (Jahr100Film, Uncut) Carlease Burke, Amy Smart, Vanessa Bell Calloway - Dir. Mark Mylod, John Wells, Ein Sommernachtstraum (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Stephen Hopkins, Todd Holland, Mimi Leder, ’s A Midsummer Scarface John Dahl, David Nutter, Scott Frank, Adam Night’s Dream Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer, Bernstein, Sanaa Hamri Kevin Kline, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Log- Komödie/Drama 2012 629min. Everett, , Calista Flockhart, gia, F. Murray Abraham, Paul Shenar, Harris Warner Home Video Germany 11.01.2013 Anna Friel, Christian Bale, Dominic West, Yulin, Ángel Salazar, Arnaldo Santana, 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050235 David Strathairn, Sophie Marceau, Roger Pepe Serna - Dir. Brian De Palma Rees, Bernard Hill, Bill Irwin, Sam Thriller 1982 169min. Shameless - Die komplette 2. Rockwell, John Sessions, Max Wright, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Staffel (3 Discs) Gregory Jbara - Dir. Michael Hoffman 15.11.2012 Shameless Komödie 1999 115min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050014 William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum, Jeremy Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(CineProject) 30.11.2012 Schöne Ferien Allen White, Cameron Monaghan, Emma Kenney, Ethan Cutkosky, Blake Alexander 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049963 Simone Rethel, Claudia Rieschel, Sigmar Johnson, Brennan Kane Johnson, Justin Solbach, Franziska Oehme (Christa Fabi- Chatwin, Joan Cusack, Joel Murray, Laura Sophie & Shiba an), Heli Finkenzeller (Wally Harlander), Wiggins, Shanola Hampton, Steve Howey, Sophie And Sheba Robert Dietl (Direktor Kühn), Karin Anselm Tyler Jacob Moore, Pej Vahdat, Noel Fisher, Brittany Bristow, Erica Durance, Thure (Frau Petersen), Herbert Bötticher (Herr Jane Levy, Marguerite Moreau, Missy Doty, Riefenstein, Augustus Prew, Deborah Kara Petersen), Martin Halm (Antonio), Simone Michael Patrick McGill, Madison Davenport, Unger, Natalie Radford, Aidan Devine, John Brahmann ((Folge 4)), Klaus Herm (Herr Dennis Boutsikaris, Robert Knepper, Rhys-Davies - Dir. Leif Bristow Sperber), Elisabeth Wiedemann (Helga), Timothy V. Murphy, Dennis Cockrum, Frank Drama/Familie 2010 104min. Witta Pohl ((Folge 2)), Peter Buchholz Pacheco, Julia Duffy, Chloe Webb, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 17.01.2013 ((Folge 2)), Michaela May ((Folge 2)), Co- Carlease Burke, Amy Smart, Vanessa Bell tba BestellNr.: 20050181 rinna Genest ((Folge 2)), Matthias Habich Calloway - Dir. Mark Mylod, John Wells, ((Folge 3)), Stefanie Petsch ((Folge 3)), Stephen Hopkins, Todd Holland, Mimi Leder, Sophie & Shiba (Blu-ray) Silvia Reize ((Folge 5)), Diether Krebs John Dahl, David Nutter, Scott Frank, Adam Sophie And Sheba ((Folge 5)), Pierre Brice ((Folge 5)), Anja Bernstein, Sanaa Hamri Brittany Bristow, Erica Durance, Thure Kruse ((Folge 5)), Peter Bongartz - Dir. Komödie/Drama 2012 603min. Riefenstein, Augustus Prew, Deborah Kara Rudolf Nußgruber, Hans Jürgen Tögel Warner Home Video Germany 11.01.2013 Unger, Natalie Radford, Aidan Devine, John Komödie 1985 290min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050228 Rhys-Davies - Dir. Leif Bristow Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.12.2012 Drama/Familie 2010 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050185 Kevin Smith Arthaus Close-Up (3 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 17.01.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20050201 Schwermetall (2 Discs) Discs) Metal Hurlant Chronicles Clerks - Die Ladenhüter / Chasing Amy / Spartacus (Jahr100Film, 2 Discs) Dogma David Belle - Dir. Guillaume Lubrano Spartacus Science Fiction 156min. Dir. Kevin Smith TV-Spots, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Entfallene und alter- Kirk Douglas, Sir Laurence Olivier, Jean Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) native Szenen, Musikvideo, Featurette, Intro, Trailer, Wende- Simmons, Charles Laughton, Sir Peter 27.12.2012 cover Ustinov, John Gavin, Nina Foch, Herbert 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050269 Komödie 1994-1999 320min. Lom, John Ireland, Woody Strode - Dir. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Stanley Kubrick, Anthony Mann Schwermetall (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Germany(Arthaus) 06.12.2012 Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1959-1960 Metal Hurlant Chronicles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050285 187min. David Belle - Dir. Guillaume Lubrano Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Science Fiction 162min. So weit die Füße tragen (4 Discs, 15.11.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Metallbox) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049978 27.12.2012 Heinz Weiss, Wolfgang Büttner, Edgar Man- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050271 del, Harro Rivière, Ferdinand Anton, Harry Spartacus (Jahr100Film, 50th Engel, Hans Epskamp, Willy Leyrer - Dir. Science Fiction (2 Discs) Anniversary Edition) (Blu-ray) Fritz Umgelter Spartacus Aliens vs. Avatars / Galaxy Hunter / Mete- Booklet, Landkarte, Interview, ZDF-History-Beitrag, Featurettes Kirk Douglas, Sir Laurence Olivier, Jean

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Simmons, Charles Laughton, Sir Peter Star Trek - The Next Generation Super Cyclone Ustinov, John Gavin, Nina Foch, Herbert Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Mari- Super Cyclone Lom, John Ireland, Woody Strode - Dir. na Sirtis Ming-Na, Nicholas Turturro, Andy Clemence Stanley Kubrick, Anthony Mann Science Fiction 1988-1989 998min. - Dir. Liz Adams Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1959-1960 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.12.2012 Action/Science Fiction 2012 93min. 197min. 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050255 Edel Germany(Starmovies) 16.11.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050084 15.11.2012 Starbuck 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050015 Starbuck Super Cyclone (Blu-ray) Patrick Huard, Julie LeBreton, Antoine Bert- Super Cyclone Spiel mir das Liede der Rache rand, Patrick Martin (Étienne), Igor Ovadis, Ming-Na, Nicholas Turturro, Andy Clemence Vengeance Valley David Michael, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, - Dir. Liz Adams , Robert Walker, Joanne Dru, Dominic Philie, Marc Belanger - Dir. Ken Action/Science Fiction 2012 97min. Sally Forrest, John Ireland, Carleton Scott Edel Germany(Starmovies) 16.11.2012 Carpenter, Ray Collins, Hugh O’Brian, Will Making of, Featurette, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050092 Wright - Dir. Richard Thorpe Komödie/Familie 2011 105min. Bonusfilm Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.01.2013 Der Supergauner Western 1951 94min. tba BestellNr.: 20050168 Super Rapina A Milano Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Adriano Celentano, Claudia Mori, Don 01.11.2012 Starbuck (Blu-ray) Backy, Gino Santercole, Detto Mariano, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050298 Starbuck Dante Posani, Vittorio Salvetti, Milena Patrick Huard, Julie LeBreton, Antoine Bert- Das Spinnennetz (2 Discs) Bettini - Dir. Adriano Celentano rand, Patrick Martin (Étienne), Igor Ovadis, Interview, Doku, Biografie Armin Mueller-Stahl, Klaus Maria David Michael, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse, Action 1964 102min. Brandauer, Andrea Jonasson, Ulrich Mühe, Dominic Philie, Marc Belanger - Dir. Ken Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Corinna Kirchhoff, Elisabeth Endriss - Dir. Scott 23.11.2012 Bernhard Wicki Making of, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050135 Interview, Booklet Komödie/Familie 2011 109min. Drama 1986 246min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 15.01.2013 Ein süßer Fratz (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing tba BestellNr.: 20050199 Funny Face AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 30.11.2012 Fred Astaire, Audrey Hepburn, Kay 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050099 Stille Nacht - Das Weihnachts- Thompson, Michel Auclair, Robert Flemyng, wunder The Squad Dovina, Virginia Gibson - Dir. Stanley Silent Night Donen El Páramo Linda Hamilton Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Juan Pablo Barragan, Alejandro Aguilar, Drama 2002 86min. Musikfilm/Musical 1957 103min. Mauricio Navas, Juan David Restrepo, Los Banditos Films(Los Banditos) Paramount Home Entertainment 08.11.2012 Andrés Castañeda, Nelson Camayo, Julio 06.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050028 César Valencia, Andres Torres, Mateo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050161 Stevel, Daniela Catz - Dir. Jaime Osorio Shirley Temple - Im Lande Oz Marquez Stockholm Ost (Blu-ray) Shirley Temple’s Storybook Horror/Mystery 2011 103min. Stockholm Östra Shirley Temple, Pernell Roberts, Agnes Planet Media Home Entertainment Mikael Persbrandt, Iben Hjejle, Henrik Moorehead, Jonathan Harris, Tudor Owen, 17.01.2013 Norlén, Liv Mjönes, Lars-Erik Berenett, Anki Robert Carricart, Jimmy Carter, Tony Haig - tba BestellNr.: 20050178 Lidén, Annika Hallin, Jimmy Lindström, Peter Dir. Robert B. Sinclair, Harry Horner Parkrud, Ulf Friberg - Dir. Simon Kaijser Fantasy 1958-1961 50min. The Squad (Blu-ray) Drama 2011 96min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Best El Páramo Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.11.2012 Entertainment) 26.10.2012 Juan Pablo Barragan, Alejandro Aguilar, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050062 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050059 Mauricio Navas, Juan David Restrepo, Andrés Castañeda, Nelson Camayo, Julio StreetDance (2D Version) (Blu- Tie Break - Geld oder Karriere César Valencia, Andres Torres, Mateo ray) The Break Stevel, Daniela Catz - Dir. Jaime Osorio Streetdance 3D Vincent van Patten, Rae Dawn Chong, Marquez Nichola Burley, Richard Winsor, George Martin Sheen, Valerie Perrine, Ben Horror/Mystery 2011 107min. Sampson, Charlotte Rampling, Jennifer Jorgensen, Betsy Russell - Dir. Lee H. Planet Media Home Entertainment Leung, Sacha Chang, Lex Milczarek, Katzin 17.01.2013 Ukweli Roach, Rachel McDowall, Stephanie Drama 1995 100min. tba BestellNr.: 20050200 Nguyen, Danielle Lecointe, Sianad Gregory, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 01.11.2012 Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort: Teneisha Bonner, Kofi Agyemang, Hugo Cortes, Eleanor Bron - Dir. Max Giwa, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050296 Da mach’ ich nicht mit - 02: 1971- Dania Pasquini 1975 (3 Discs) Musikfilm/Drama 2010 98min. Tod nach Mitternacht Dagmar Manzel, Roman Kaminski, Peter Universum Film(SquareOne) 23.11.2012 Ellen Schwiers, Martin Lüttge, Horst Prager, Angelika Perdelwitz, Peter Reusse, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050252 Niendorf, Ruth Hausmeister - Dir. Wilhelm Otmar Richter, Karin Schröder, Joachim Semmelroth Zschokke, Herbert Olschok, Achim Hübner, Stromberg - Staffel 1-5 (10 Discs) Kriminalfilm 1970 83min. Uwe Karpa, Margitta Lüder-Preil - Dir. Christoph Maria Herbst, Bjarne Mädel, Oli- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 09.11.2012 Achim Hübner ver K. Wnuk, Diana Staehly - Dir. Arne 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050250 Trailer Feldhusen (Folge 1-6), Franziska Meletzky Kriminalfilm 1988 573min. (Folge 7-10) Die Tore der Welt (2 Discs) (Blu- ICESTORM Entertainment 05.11.2012 Komödie min. ray) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050268 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business World Without End Division(Spassgesellschaft) 16.11.2012 Charlotte Riley, Cynthia Nixon, Miranda Star Trek - The Next Generation: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050123 Richardson, Ben Chaplin, Peter Firth, Season 2 (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Rupert Evans, Sarah Gadon, Hannes

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Jaenicke, Megan Follows, Nora von Wald- Damjantschitsch, Eisi Gulp, Katharina gang, John Ortiz, Cuba Gooding Jr., stätten, Kostja Ullmann, Oliver Jackson- Goebel, Waldemar Hooge, Nikolai Armand Assante, Kathleen Garrett, Joe Cohen, Tom Weston-Jones - Dir. Michael Bogdanov, Doris Buchrucker, Hansi Kraus, Morton, Ritchie Coster, Bari Willerford, Idris Caton-Jones Johanna Bittenbinder, Ottfried Fischer, Bar- Elba, Common, Warner Miller, Albert Jones, Drama/Abenteuer 2012 385min. bara de Koy, Christian Hoening, Christian J. Kyle Manzay, T.I., Melissia Hill, Quisha Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Schneller, Peter Rappenglück, Philip Saunders, Kevin Corrigan, Robert Funaro, 12.12.2012 Köstring, Artur Andreasjan, Bogdan-Artur Jon Polito, Jim R. Coleman, KaDee Strick- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050149 Swiderski, Ilias Moukhamadeev, Enrico land, Lee Shepard, Gavin Grazer, Al Lomb - Dir. Konstantin Ferstl Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steven Bauer, Die Tore der Welt (4 Discs) Making of, Deleted Scenes, Fidel und Quirin, The Sound of Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Robert Log- World Without End The Revolution, Diashow, Trailer gia, F. Murray Abraham, Paul Shenar, Ro- Komödie/Heimatfilm 2011 124min. Charlotte Riley, Cynthia Nixon, Miranda bert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, good!movies(Zorro) 16.11.2012 Richardson, Ben Chaplin, Peter Firth, James Woods, Don Rickles, Alan King, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050244 Rupert Evans, Sarah Gadon, Hannes Kevin Pollak, L. Q. Jones, Dick Smothers, Jaenicke, Megan Follows, Nora von Wald- The True Justice Collection - Frank Vincent, John Bloom, Pasquale stätten, Kostja Ullmann, Oliver Jackson- Cajano, Melissa Prophet, Bill Allison, Vinny Cohen, Tom Weston-Jones - Dir. Michael Complete Collection (7 Discs) Vella, Oscar Goodman, Catherine Caton-Jones True Justice Scorsese, Phillip Suriano, Erika von Tagen, Drama/Abenteuer 2012 370min. Steven Seagal Frankie Avalon, Steve Allen, Jayne Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Trailer, Guide Meadows, Jerry Vale - Dir. Michael Mann, Action/Thriller 521min. 12.12.2012 Ridley Scott, Brian De Palma, Martin Splendid Film 30.11.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050138 Scorsese 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050231 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1995-2009 664min. Die Tore der Welt (Special Editi- The True Justice Collection - Universal Pictures Germany (Universal) 08.11.2012 on, 5 Discs) Complete Collection (7 Discs) World Without End 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049996 Charlotte Riley, Cynthia Nixon, Miranda (Blu-ray) Richardson, Ben Chaplin, Peter Firth, True Justice Universal Soldier - Day of Rupert Evans, Sarah Gadon, Hannes Steven Seagal Reckoning (Gekürzte Fassung) Jaenicke, Megan Follows, Nora von Wald- Trailer, Guide Action/Thriller 521min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) stätten, Kostja Ullmann, Oliver Jackson- Splendid Film 30.11.2012 Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning Cohen, Tom Weston-Jones - Dir. Michael 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050239 Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Caton-Jones Scott Adkins, Kristopher van Varenberg, Diverse Andrei Arlovski, David Jensen, Mariah Bon- Drama/Abenteuer 2012 370min. The True Justice Collection (6 Discs) ner - Dir. John Hyams Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Trailer, Wendecover 12.12.2012 True Justice Action 2012 110min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050139 Steven Seagal Planet Media Home Entertainment Action/Thriller 521min. 24.01.2013 Total Recall Splendid Film 30.11.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20050204 Total Recall 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050230 Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Universal Soldier - Day of Bryan Cranston, John Cho, Bill Nighy, Bill The True Justice Collection (6 Reckoning (Gekürzte Fassung) Nighy, Bokeem Woodbine, Ethan Hawke - Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Len Wiseman True Justice Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning Science Fiction/Action 2012 113min. Steven Seagal Jean-Claude van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Action/Thriller 521min. Scott Adkins, Kristopher van Varenberg, 19.12.2012 Splendid Film 30.11.2012 Andrei Arlovski, David Jensen, Mariah Bon- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050096 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050238 ner - Dir. John Hyams Total Recall (Director’s Cut, 2 Trailer, Wendecover Tschechische Filmklassiker (19 Action 2012 105min. Discs) (Blu-ray) DVDs) Planet Media Home Entertainment Total Recall Pan Tau / Die Märchenbraut / Die Rück- 24.01.2013 Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, kehr der Märchenbraut / Die Besucher / tba BestellNr.: 20050183 Bryan Cranston, John Cho, Bill Nighy, Bill Luzie, der Schrecken der Straße / Der Nighy, Bokeem Woodbine, Ethan Hawke - fliegende Ferdinand / Die Tintenfische aus Unser Charly - Die komplette 15. Dir. Len Wiseman dem zweiten Stock Staffel (3 Discs) Science Fiction/Action 2012 130min. Diverse Ralf Lindermann, Ursula Buschhorn, Brigit- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kinderfilm 1969-1991 3595min. te Böttrich, Regina Lemnitz, Lea Wolfram, 19.12.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Connor Alexander Mills, Andreas Mertel, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050114 02.11.2012 Falk Willy Wild, Markus Brandl, Moritz 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050054 Touch - Season 1 Lindbergh, Winfried Glatzeder - Dir. Monika Zinnenberg, Carl Lang, Hans-Henning Touch Ultimate Gangster Box (4 Discs) Borgelt, Axel Hannemann, Ed Ehrenberg Kiefer Sutherland, David Mazouz, Gugu (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie 2009-2010 600min. Mbatha-Raw, Danny Glover, Roxana Scarface / Public Enemies / American Edel Germany(Aviator) 16.11.2012 Brusso, Karen David, David de Lautour - Gangster / Casino 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050166 Dir. , Milan Cheylov Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Drama/Mystery 2012 min. Cotillard, Billy Crudup, Stephen Dorff, Unsere kleine Farm - Gesamtbox Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Stephen Lang, , Russell (Staffel 1-10) (Limited Edition, 58 Germany 03.12.2012 Crowe, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Josh Brolin, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049964 Lymari Nadal, Ted Levine, Roger Guenveur Discs) Smith, John Hawkes, RZA, Yul Vazquez, Little House On The Prairie Trans Bavaria Malcolm Goodwin, , Ruben Sant- Michael Landon, Karen Grassle, Melissa Marcel Despas, Lukas Schätzl, Johannes iago-Hudson, Carla Gugino, Skyler Fort- Gilbert, Melissa Sue Anderson, Lindsay

LASER HOTLINE Seite 36 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Greenbush, Sidney Greenbush, Scottie Cornelia Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Tan, Valerie Tian, Tony Schiena, Claude MacGregor, Richard Bull, Jonathan Gilbert, Winfried Bonengel Hernandez - Dir. Philippe Martinez Alison Arngrim, Kevin Hagen, Matthew Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Action 2004 86min. Laborteaux - Dir. Michael Landon, William F. Spirit Media 30.11.2012 Splendid Film 30.11.2012 Claxton, Alf Kjellin, Victor French 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050171 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050240 Abenteuer/Familie 1974-1983 9708min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die Vermissten Wake of Death (k.J.) 08.11.2012 André Hennicke, Luzie Ahrens, Sylvana Wake Of Death 179,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049952 Krappatsch, Jenny Schily, Sandra Borg- Jean-Claude van Damme, Simon Yam, Philip mann, Christoph Bantzer, Irene Rindje, Ni- Tan, Valerie Tian, Tony Schiena, Claude Vampire Baby - Love. Undying. cole Mercedes Müller, Eckehard Hoffmann, Hernandez - Dir. Philippe Martinez (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Susanne Maierhöfer, Rainer Reiners, Action 2004 83min. Grace Damian van den Boogaard, Martina Splendid Film 30.11.2012 Jordan Ladd, Gabrielle Rose, Samantha Struppek, Arthur Romanowski, Oskar 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050232 Ferris, Malcolm Stewart, Stephen Park, Bökelmann, Paula Kroh, Jürgen Sander, Ali Serge Houde, Kate Herriot, Jamie Dursun, Oliver Jaksch, Hendrik Massute, Wanted (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) Stephenson - Dir. Paul Solet Nina El Karsheh, David Hüller, Zdenko (k.J.) Interviews, Kurzfi lm, Behind the Scenes, Making Of, Radakovic, Walter Hötte, Wolfgang Schlös- Wanted Audiokommentare ser - Dir. Jan Speckenbach | D 2008 | 30 Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy, Angelina Horror 2009 81min. min), Making of DIE VERMISSTEN (ca. 24 Jolie, Terence Stamp, Thomas Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) min), Trailer Quelle Filmgalerie 451 Kretschmann, Common, Kristen Hager, 01.11.2012 Kurzfilm „Gestern in Eden“, Making of, Trailer David O’Hara, Chris Pratt, Konstantin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050302 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 83min. Khabenskij, Dato Bakhtadze, Lorna Scott - Filmgalerie 451 30.11.2012 Dir. Timur Bekmambetow Vampire Baby - Love. Undying. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050274 Action/Thriller 2008 110min. (Uncut) (k.J.) Die verrückten Wikinger Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Grace 15.11.2012 Sweaty Beards Jordan Ladd, Gabrielle Rose, Samantha 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050016 Ferris, Malcolm Stewart, Stephen Park, Tobias Lundqvist, Isabella Alveborg, Johan Serge Houde, Kate Herriot, Jamie Westergren, Marika Lagercrantz, Douglas Wanted (Jahr100Film) (k.J.) Léon, Björn Starrin, Mikael Forsberg, Bruno Stephenson - Dir. Paul Solet Wanted Bran, Petter Carlsson, Anders Dahlberg - Interviews, Kurzfi lm, Behind the Scenes, Making Of, Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy, Angelina Audiokommentare Dir. Joakim Jardeby Horror 2009 81min. Entfallene Szene, Making of Jolie, Terence Stamp, Thomas Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Komödie/Abenteuer 2010 85min. Kretschmann, Common, Kristen Hager, 01.11.2012 MIG Film 17.01.2013 David O’Hara, Chris Pratt, Konstantin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050291 tba BestellNr.: 20050180 Khabenskij, Dato Bakhtadze, Lorna Scott - Dir. Timur Bekmambetow Väter und andere Katastrophen Vier Frauen und ein Todesfall - Action/Thriller 2008 105min. Un Jour Mon Père Viendra Staffel 4 (2 Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.11.2012 Gérard Jugnot, François Berléand, Olivia Adele Neuhauser, Miriam Stein, Brigitte 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049979 Ruiz, Jamie Bamber, Laurence Arne, Anne Kren, Martina Poel, Michael Ostrowski, Cecile Crapie, Laurent Mouton, Hubert Saint Raimund Wallisch, Charly Rabanser, Nike WarGames - Kriegsspiele (Blu- Macary, Natasha Cashman, Xavier Laurent, van der Let, Georges Kern, Gerhard Jean-Claude Calon, Sébastien Cotterot - Greiner, Ulrike Beimpold, Andreas Kiendl, ray) Dir. Martin Valente Petra Morzé, Hans-Michael Rehberg - Dir. Wargames Komödie/Lovestory 2011 98min. Andreas Prochaska, Wolfgang Murnberger , Dabney Coleman, John EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Camino) Trailer Wood, Ally Sheedy, Barry Corbin, Juanin 06.12.2012 Kriminalfilm 2012 288min. Clay - Dir. John Badham 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050259 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Thriller/Science Fiction 1982 114min. 22.11.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Velvet Spider (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049928 Germany(MGM/UA) 07.12.2012 Stiletto 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050011 Stana Katic, Tom Berenger, Michael Biehn, Vintage Horror Box (2 Discs) Paul Sloan, William Forsythe, James Russo, Dementia 13 / The Last Man on Earth / The Waterworld (Jahr100Film) Kelly Hu, Diane Venora, Amanda Brooks, Terror - Schloß des Schreckens / The Waterworld Tony Lip, Tom Sizemore, Dominique Swain, Undying Monster Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne D.B. Sweeney, David Proval, Efrain Horror 300min. Tripplehorn, Tina Majorino, Michael Jeter, Figueroa, Jarrod Bunch, Jesse Corti, Bob- SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Gerard Murphy, R.D. Call, Kim Coates, John by Ray Shafer, Christopher Allen Nelson, Filmgroup) 08.11.2012 Fleck, Robert Joy, Jack Black, John Toles- Warren Ostergard, Colleen Porch, Garret 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049937 Bey, Zitto Kazann, Zakes Mokae, Sab Sato, Lorena Bernal, Steven Schub, Scott Shimono - Dir. Kevin Reynolds Whyte, Brie Gabrielle - Dir. Nick Vallelonga Viva la muerte - Es lebe der Tod Science Fiction/Action 1995 130min. Bildergalerie (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action/Thriller 2008 83min. Viva La Muerte 15.11.2012 Soulfood Music Distribution(Best Anouk Ferjac, Nuria Espert, Mahdi 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049980 Entertainment) 26.10.2012 Chaouch, Ivan Henriques, Jazia Klibi - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050069 Fernando Arrabal Waterworld (Jahr100Film) (Blu- Verliebt in - Folgen 241- Trailer, Bildergalerie, Booklet, Wendecover ray) Drama 1970 93min. Waterworld 270 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) Donau Film 23.11.2012 Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Detlef Behr - Dir. Hans-Henning Borgelt, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050106 Tripplehorn, Tina Majorino, Michael Jeter, Joris Hermans, Marcus Ulbricht, Peter Zim- Gerard Murphy, R.D. Call, Kim Coates, John mermann, Ralph Bridle, Andreas Morell, Wake of Death (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Fleck, Robert Joy, Jack Black, John Toles- Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Wake Of Death Bey, Zitto Kazann, Zakes Mokae, Sab Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela Zschiechow, Jean-Claude van Damme, Simon Yam, Philip Shimono - Dir. Kevin Reynolds

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Science Fiction/Action 1995 135min. Drama 1962 93min. Sjöberg, Mikael Rahm, Barbro Kollberg, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Axelle Axell, Lasse Pettersson, Ulla-Britt 15.11.2012 15.11.2012 Norrman-Olsson, Nils-Anders Wallgarda, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050018 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049983 Lotten Wallgarda, Mircea Krishan, Kristina Törnqvist - Dir. Kay Pollak John Wayne - Western Collection Wer die Nachtigall stört Drama 2004 133min. Vol. 1 (2 Discs) (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 15.11.2012 John Wayne Standing Tall / Blue Steel / To Kill A Mockingbird 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050030 Haunted Gold / The Lucky Texan / The Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Philip Alford, Man from Monterey / Ride Him Cowboy / John Megna, Rosemary Murphy, Brock Pe- Wild At Heart (Jahr100Film) Sagebrush Trail / The Star Packer/ ters, Estelle Evans, Paul Fix, Collin Wilcox Wild At Heart John Wayne Paxton, James Anderson, Alice Ghostley - Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern, Harry Dean Western 1932-1982 400min. Dir. Robert Mulligan Stanton, Diane Ladd, Willem Dafoe, Isabella SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Drama 1962 97min. Rossellini, J. E. Freeman, Crispin Glover, Filmgroup) 08.11.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Morgan Sheppard, Jack Nance - Dir. David tba BestellNr.: 20049942 15.11.2012 Lynch 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050024 Drama/Action 1990 124min. Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte nach Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Charles Dickens - Das Musical White White World 15.11.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049984 Christmas Carol: The Musical Beli Beli Svet Nebojsa Glogovac, Uliks Fehmiu, Meto Musical 2004 88min. Wild at Heart (Jahr100Film) (Blu- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 06.11.2012 Jovanovski, Milica Mihajlovic, Boris 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050162 Isakovic, Nemanja Jovanov, Marko Janketic, ray) Hana Selimovic, Jasna Djuricic - Dir. Oleg Wild At Heart Weihnachtsmann sucht Frau Novkovic Nicolas Cage, Laura Dern, Harry Dean Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus Drama 2010 116min. Stanton, Diane Ladd, Willem Dafoe, Isabella Drama 2005 82min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 09.11.2012 Rossellini, J. E. Freeman, Crispin Glover, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 06.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050043 Morgan Sheppard, Jack Nance - Dir. David 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050163 Lynch Wholetrain Drama/Action 1990 124min. Der weiße Hai (Jahr100Film) (Blu- Wholetrain Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ray) Mike Adler, Florian Renner, Elyas M’Barek, 15.11.2012 Jacob Matschenz, Vincenzo Rosso, Naomi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050025 Jaws Knopf, Kristina Karst, Karina Fallenstein, Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard David Mayonga, Talin Lopez, Sergej Lubic, Wild Seven Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Alexander Held, Patrick von Blume - Dir. Wairudo 7 Carl Gottlieb, Jeffrey Kramer, Peter Florian Gaag Eita Nagayama, Kyoko Fukada, Kippei Benchley, Susan Backlinie, Jonathan Filley, Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Shiina, Jun Kaname, Tsuyoshi Abe, Yuika Ted Grossman - Dir. Steven Spielberg Drama 2006 89min. Motokariya, Takashi Ukaji, Minoru Horror/Action 1975 116min. Los Banditos Films(Los Banditos) Matsumoto, Yusuke Hirayama, Ryûhei Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 06.11.2012 Maruyama - Dir. Eiichiro Hasumi 15.11.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050164 Action 2011 109min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050023 Splendid Film(Amazia) 04.01.2013 Wie ein Staubkorn im Wind 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050187 Der weiße Hai (Jahr100Film, 30th Like Dandelion Dust Anniversary Edition) Mira Sorvino, Barry Pepper, Cole Hauser, Wild Seven (Blu-ray) Jaws Kate Levering, Maxwell Perry Cotton, L. Wairudo 7 Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Scott Caldwell, Abby Brammell, Kirk B.R. Eita Nagayama, Kyoko Fukada, Kippei Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Woller, Brett Rice, Brooke Bryan, Blake Shiina, Jun Kaname, Tsuyoshi Abe, Yuika Carl Gottlieb, Jeffrey Kramer, Peter Bryan, Rus Blackwell, Chad Gundersen, Motokariya, Takashi Ukaji, Minoru Benchley, Susan Backlinie, Jonathan Filley, Timothy Twisdale, Brian Durkin - Dir. Jon Matsumoto, Yusuke Hirayama, Ryûhei Ted Grossman - Dir. Steven Spielberg Gunn Maruyama - Dir. Eiichiro Hasumi Horror/Action 1975 119min. Drama/Familie 2009 95min. Action 2011 113min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.11.2012 Splendid Film(Amazia) 04.01.2013 15.11.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050085 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050206 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049981 Wie ein Staubkorn im Wind (Blu- Will - Folge deinem Traum Die Welt der Hedwig Courths- ray) Will Mahler (5 Discs) Like Dandelion Dust Bob Hoskins, Perry Eggleton, Damian Griseldis / Eine ungeliebte Frau / Die Mira Sorvino, Barry Pepper, Cole Hauser, Lewis, Rebekah Staton, Kieran Wallbanks - Kreigsbraut / Die Bettelprinzess / Der Kate Levering, Maxwell Perry Cotton, L. Dir. Ellen Perry Scheingemahl Scott Caldwell, Abby Brammell, Kirk B.R. Drama/Sport 2011 98min. Booklet Woller, Brett Rice, Brooke Bryan, Blake Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama 1974 488min. Bryan, Rus Blackwell, Chad Gundersen, 10.01.2013 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 09.11.2012 Timothy Twisdale, Brian Durkin - Dir. Jon 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050095 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050037 Gunn Drama/Familie 2009 100min. Wilsberg - Limited Edition 2, Fol- Wer die Nachtigall stört Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.11.2012 ge 11-20 (5 Discs) (Jahr100Film) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050093 Leonard Lansink, Heinrich Schafmeister To Kill A Mockingbird Postkarten Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Philip Alford, Wie im Himmel (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1999-2004 875min. John Megna, Rosemary Murphy, Brock Pe- Så Som I Himmelen POLAR Film + Medien 31.10.2012 ters, Estelle Evans, Paul Fix, Collin Wilcox Michael Nyqvist, Frida Hallgren, Helen tba BestellNr.: 20050032 Paxton, James Anderson, Alice Ghostley - Sjöholm, Lennart Jähkel, Ingela Olsson, Dir. Robert Mulligan Niklas Falk, Per Morberg, Ylva Lööf, André Wolfman (Jahr100Film, Extended

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Director’s Cut) 30.11.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050105 The Wolfman 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050146 , Emily Blunt, Sir Anthony Michael Jordan to the Max (OmU) Hopkins, , Geraldine Chaplin, Michael Jordan To The Max Kiran Shah, Art Malik, Elizabeth Croft, Si- Michael Jordan, Philip Jackson, Doug mon Merrells, Emma Whelan, Mario Marin- Special Interest Collins, Bob Greene, , Deane Borquez, Asa Butterfield, Cristina Contes, Smith, Deloris Jordan, Fred Lynch - Dir. Malcolm Scates, Nicholas Day, Michael James D. Stern, Don Kempf Cronin, David Sterne, David Schofield, Ro- Bollywood - Die größte Liebesge- Audiokommentar, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Dokumentarfilm 2000 66min. ger Frost, Rob Dixon, Clive Russell, Oliver schichte aller Zeiten (OmU) Capelight Pictures 07.12.2012 Adams, Emil Hostina, Rick Baker, Emily Bollywood - The Greatest Love Story Ever 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050113 Cohen, Jessica Manley, Olga Fedori, Told Lorraine Hilton, Sir Antony Sher - Dir. Joe Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Shah Rukh Michael Jordan to the Max (OmU, Johnston Khan, Madhuri Dixit, Amitabh Bachchan, Horror/Fantasy 2010 114min. Saroj Khan, Javed Akhtar - Dir. Rakesh Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Omprakash Mehra, Jeff Zimbalist Michael Jordan To The Max 15.11.2012 Postkarten-Set, Trailer Michael Jordan, Philip Jackson, Doug 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049985 Dokumentarfilm 2012 75min. Collins, Bob Greene, Bob Costas, Deane Rapid Eye Movies HE 07.12.2012 Smith, Deloris Jordan, Fred Lynch - Dir. Wolfman (Jahr100Film, Extended 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049943 James D. Stern, Don Kempf Audiokommentar, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) John Carpenter - Fürst der Dun- Dokumentarfilm 2000 69min. The Wolfman kelheit Capelight Pictures 07.12.2012 Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Sir Anthony 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050121 Hopkins, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin, Big John Kiran Shah, Art Malik, Elizabeth Croft, Si- John Carpenter, Debra Hill, Keith Gordon - Work Hard - Play Hard Dir. Julien Dunand mon Merrells, Emma Whelan, Mario Marin- Dir. Carmen Losmann Borquez, Asa Butterfield, Cristina Contes, Biografie, Bilder und Zitate, Textauszug Dokumentation/Film 2006 76min. Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2011 90min. Malcolm Scates, Nicholas Day, Michael AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 26.10.2012 Cronin, David Sterne, David Schofield, Ro- AG(Pasadena) 09.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20049947 ger Frost, Rob Dixon, Clive Russell, Oliver Adams, Emil Hostina, Rick Baker, Emily Cohen, Jessica Manley, Olga Fedori, Lorraine Hilton, Sir Antony Sher - Dir. Horror/Fantasy 2010 119min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15.11.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050026 Zombie Ass (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Zonbi Asu Asami, Yuki, Danny, Kentaro Kishi, Asana Mamoru, Arisa Nakamura, Kentaro Shimazu, Mayu Sugano, Demo Tanaka - Dir. Noboru Iguchi Horror/Komödie 2011 87min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.01.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050207 Zombie Ass (k.J.) Zonbi Asu Asami, Yuki, Danny, Kentaro Kishi, Asana Mamoru, Arisa Nakamura, Kentaro Shimazu, Mayu Sugano, Demo Tanaka - Dir. Noboru Iguchi Horror/Komödie 2011 84min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 25.01.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050188 Zombie Double Collection (2 Discs) (k.J.) Day Of The Dead / The Day The Dead Walked Horror 167min. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) 30.11.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20050129 Zombie Double Collection (Blu- ray) (k.J.) Day Of The Dead / The Day The Dead Walked Horror 172min. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 39 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012

REFERENZQUALITÄT! Eine „Must Have“ Blu-ray für jeden Heimkinobesitzer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 40 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Archer: The Complete Season series! With an all-new Omnitrix and new alien heroes. A quirky, new underground world full with intergalactic life. A Three new partner named Rook, helping Ben save the world and bail Animation him out of trouble. And a new Ben like you’ve never seen him - , H. Jon Benjamin a little older but not always a little wiser. It’s going to be a Adventure Time: Fionna And Join suave master spy Sterling and his team at ISIS for wild ride! This DVD includes 10 all-new action packed another hilarious season of over-sexed, hard-drinking episodes and more. Complete your Ben 10 DVD collection Cake and insanity! With a crisis brewing aboard the with the Ben 10 Omniverse - A New Beginning (V1) DVD. international space station, Earth may be doomed, but the Adventure, Cartoon Network, Comedy, world’s most dangerous secret agent has bigger worries. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Cartoon Family, Fantasy 176min. Archer’s dead fiancée returns to life as a . His Network, Fantasy, Science Fiction 230min. nemesis, Bionic Barry, takes over the KGB, and Archer’s Warner Bros. 05.02.2013 Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 mother has steamy affairs with both the Italian prime minister 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113664 and Archer’s man-crush. Packed with outrageous operations 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113732 and irreverent intrigue, Season Three comes armed to the teeth with exclusive, highly classified animated extras. Your Blood-C: The Complete Series - The Adventures Of Mark Twain: Mission: Get Archer...Today! Collector’s Edition Comedy, FX, Action 2011 286min. Alternate Art (Blu-ray + DVD Com- James Whitmore 20th Century Fox 08.01.2013 bo) (Blu-ray) Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher stow away with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113492 300min. Mark Twain on his magical airship and take an incredible journey through time in search of Halley’s Comet! Along the Funimation 08.01.2013 way they encounter a variety of Twain’s storybook characters Archer: The Complete Season 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113516 from The Diary of Adam and Eve, Huckleberry Finn, The Three (Blu-ray) Mysterious Stranger, The Famous Jumping Frog of Caliverous County, and Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven. Judy Greer, H. Jon Benjamin Blood-C: The Complete Series - Stop Motion Animation, Family, Adventure Join suave master spy Sterling Archer and his team at ISIS for Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD 1985 86min. another hilarious season of over-sexed, hard-drinking espionage and insanity! With a crisis brewing aboard the Combo) (Blu-ray) Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 international space station, Earth may be doomed, but the 300min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113472 world’s most dangerous secret agent has bigger worries. Archer’s dead fiancée returns to life as a cyborg. His Funimation 08.01.2013 nemesis, Bionic Barry, takes over the KGB, and Archer’s 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113515 The Adventures Of Mark Twain: mother has steamy affairs with both the Italian prime minister and Archer’s man-crush. Packed with outrageous operations Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) and irreverent intrigue, Season Three comes armed to the Duck Dodgers: Dark Side Of The James Whitmore teeth with exclusive, highly classified animated extras. Your Duck Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher stow away with Mission: Get Archer...Today! Mark Twain on his magical airship and take an incredible Comedy, FX, Action 2011 286min. The Universally Loved Hero Is Finally Coming Home! Launch journey through time in search of Halley’s Comet! Along the 20th Century Fox 08.01.2013 into a spectacular series of zany adventures with everyone’s way they encounter a variety of Twain’s storybook characters favorite fighter of Martian tyranny! Duck Dodgers is always from The Diary of Adam and Eve, Huckleberry Finn, The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113506 ready to swoop in and save the day, the planet, and the galaxy Mysterious Stranger, The Famous Jumping Frog of - with a little luck and a lot of help, that is. He may be an Caliverous County, and Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns intellectual featherweight, but his duckbilled laser gun counts Stop Motion Animation, Family, Adventure as heavy artillery. So sit back, buckle up, and enjoy a - Part 2 hilarious flight of fantasy filled with light-years of 1985 86min. intergalactic intrigue and futuristic fun. Season 1 is Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 Peter Weller, Ariel Winter, David Selby everything it’s quacked up to be! The Dark Knight, along with new sidekick Robin, have finally Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113489 reclaimed Gotham City and allowed a ray of hope to penetrate the reign of terror that The Mutants had cast upon his city. Fiction 286min. Adventures Of Sonic The With Batman back in the spotlight, the extended media Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 coverage has awoken a far worse evil at Arkham Asylum, The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113657 Hedgehog: Volume 2 Joker! Forever destined to be mortal enemies, The Joker has Based On Video Game, Adventure, a diabolical scheme that may pull Batman down to the darkest levels of insanity. While on the horizon, a global catastrophe The Flying House Animated Animals min. races towards Gotham and with it comes a familiar face, The Patricia Clarkson, Matthew Modine NCircle Entertainment 09.10.2012 Man of Steel, though this time he has Batman in his sights. Witness as the aging Dark Knight wages a tireless war The Flying House is a „re-imagining“ of Winsor McCay’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113558 against crime while proving that courage and will are indeed 1921 short, Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Flying House. timeless. Short Film Collections 2011 70min. Angelina Ballerina: Dance Based On Comic Book, Family, Action, Microcinema DVD 27.11.2012 Around The World Adventure, Superheroes 2012 78min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113737 Angelina and her friends explore dances from near and far as Warner Bros. 29.01.2013 they boogie, bop, skip and hop around the world in these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113705 Happy Feet / The Ant Bully / exciting adventures. In step with a lively Irish Jig, the festive Chinese Dragon Dance, the smooth Cheddar Cheese Slide Scooby-Doo: The Movie (Triple with a French flair, and more, the mouselings teach each other Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Feature) (Blu-ray) - and themselves - about the power of dance... and friendship. - Part 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + Step to some new beats with great friends and global grooves Elijah Wood, Anthony LaPaglia, Meryl that every young mouseling will love! UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Streep, Nicole Kidman, Brittany Murphy, Ballet, Dancing, Fantasy, Animated Animals Peter Weller, Ariel Winter, David Selby , Magda Szubanski, Julia Ro- 61min. The Dark Knight, along with new sidekick Robin, have finally bert, Nicolas Cage, , Paul 08.01.2013 reclaimed Gotham City and allowed a ray of hope to penetrate the reign of terror that The Mutants had cast upon his city. Giamatti, Bruce Campbell, Hugh Jackman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113543 With Batman back in the spotlight, the extended media Hugo Weaving, Steve Irwin coverage has awoken a far worse evil at Arkham Asylum, The Comedy, Computer Animation, Dancing, Animaniacs: Volume 4 Joker! Forever destined to be mortal enemies, The Joker has a diabolical scheme that may pull Batman down to the darkest Family, Fantasy, Jungle, Academy Award Animanical Fun for Everyone! The Fourth and Final Volume of levels of insanity. While on the horizon, a global catastrophe Winners, Adventure, Animated Animals, Emmy Award Winning Series! Reunite with your favorite cast races towards Gotham and with it comes a familiar face, The Triple Feature min. of characters - Yakko, Wakko, and Dot from the Warner Man of Steel, though this time he has Batman in his sights. Movie Lot in their fourth and final volume of the outrageously Witness as the aging Dark Knight wages a tireless war Warner Bros. 08.01.2013 zany Animaniacs adventures! Anytime this rowdy bunch of against crime while proving that courage and will are indeed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113723 misfits comes together, whether they are putting a twisted timeless. spin on a classic tale or charting insane new territory, Family, Based On Comic Book, Action, hilarious hijinks are sure to follow. So catch up with the Inu-Yasha: The Final Act - Set 2 whole gang including Slappy the Squirel, Goodfeathers, and Adventure, Superheroes 2012 78min. Kagome finds her worlds colliding as she struggles to both Dr. Otto Scratchansniff as they set out to conquer the world, Warner Bros. 29.01.2013 fight alongside Inuyasha in the past and pass the exam to get seek answers to life’s biggest questions, and skewer 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113721 into her high school of choice in the present. But with her entertainment’s most treasured icons along the way. This gut spiritual powers sealed away, how will she purify the Shikon busting 3 DVD saves the best laughs for last! Jewel before Naraku can absorb it forever? As the battle Comedy, Family 528min. Ben 10: Omniverse - A New enters its final stages, Inuyasha and his friends find their Warner Bros. 05.02.2013 strength, loyalties and will to live pushed to impossible limits. Beginning And in the end, the final key to Naraku’s and the Jewel’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113530 The biggest franchise in Cartoon Network’s history is taking destruction may lie in nothing more... and nothing less... than Ben 10 to another level with the DVD release of the Ben 10 the trust between a half demon and a girl from the future. Omniverse - A New Beginning (V1) DVD. It’s an all-new Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Drama,

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Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, The great Devourer has been defeated, but Lord Garmadon is evil King Koopa. Join them through 33 episodes of endless still at large and what’s worse - he now holds the four Golden action and laughter as they team up with Toad and Princess Japanese, Romance 325min. Weapons of Spinjitzu, and soon he commands both the Ser- Toadstool to keep the heinous goombas and troopas at bay! Viz Entertainment 12.02.2013 pentine and the Ninjas’ flying ship ‘The Bounty’. The four Based On Video Game, Comedy min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113509 Ninja must train Lloyd for his confrontation with his father, but with limited powers and without a home, it proves more NCircle Entertainment 09.10.2012 difficult than they could have imagined. And Lloyd is not 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113557 Inu-Yasha: The Final Act - Set 2 exactly an A-student either. Garmadon is bent on preventing Lloyd meeting his full potential. He unleashes a series of (Blu-ray) devious plots including the ultimate Mega weapon, enemy Tiger & Bunny: Set One Kagome finds her worlds colliding as she struggles to both pirates, dark replicas of the four ninjas and a dangerous race Action, Anime, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, fight alongside Inuyasha in the past and pass the exam to get across Ninjago. The destiny of the Green Ninja has yet to be into her high school of choice in the present. But with her fulfilled. International TV, Japanese, Science spiritual powers sealed away, how will she purify the Shikon Action, Computer Animation, Family, Ninjas, Fiction, Superheroes 2011 300min. Jewel before Naraku can absorb it forever? As the battle Viz Entertainment 19.02.2013 enters its final stages, Inuyasha and his friends find their Science Fiction 154min. strength, loyalties and will to live pushed to impossible limits. Warner Bros. 11.12.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113609 And in the end, the final key to Naraku’s and the Jewel’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113450 destruction may lie in nothing more... and nothing less... than Tiger & Bunny: Set One (Blu-ray) the trust between a half demon and a girl from the future. Anime, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Let’s Learn: 1, 2, 3 Anime, Action, Comedy, Crime, Foreign, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, You can count on your kids having a great time while learning International TV, Japanese, Science Japanese, Romance 325min. their numbers in these six math adventures with their Nick Jr. Fiction, Superheroes 2011 300min. Friends! Viz Entertainment 19.02.2013 Viz Entertainment 12.02.2013 , Preschool 138min. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113619 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113526 Nickelodeon 15.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113456 Kingdom Under The Sea: The Gift Toriko: Part One It’s Christmas time in the Kingdom, and the town has been Let’s Learn: ABC Action, Adventure, Anime, Foreign, Interna- transformed into a holiday wonderland. But somewhere tional TV, Japanese 325min. between the lights, the presents, and the decorations, Kids will learn about letters and reading as they play along everyone in the Kingdom has forgotten what Christmas is with their Nick Jr. friends to explore the alphabet, words and Funimation 08.01.2013 really about until the town’s arch-enemies, Professor Pinch fairytales too! „A“ is for „awesome“ in these six ABC 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113517 and his not-so-bright side-kick Clawed, try to destroy it. adventures. Come unwrap the truth and find out the real meaning of Nickelodeon, Preschool 137min. Christmas. Nickelodeon 15.01.2013 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Wubbzy Christmas, Family, High Seas, Holidays, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113457 Easter (2 Pack) Animated Animals 2002 30min. Includes Wubbzy’s Egg-Cellent Easter Nobody celebrates the E1 Entertainment 05.12.2007 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey Easter season quite like Wubbzy and his friends! In these 6 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113502 egg-ceptional episodes, Wubbzy discovers new ways to & Donals Have A Farm decorate eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt, celebrates the first day of spring with his kickity-kick ball and has to save the Kingdom Under The Sea: Triple Get set to roll up your sleeves, ride the Clickety-Clack holiday when Easter is cancelled! There are plenty of fun and Tractor and lend a helping hand in this farm-tastic barnyard important lessons in this collection of egg-citing Easter Feature adventure! With an oink-oink here and a moo-moo there, it’s episodes from the town of Wuzzleburg! Wubbzy Goes Green time to sing along, plant the crops and feed the animals on the Wow! Wow! Everyone in Wuzzleburg is getting involved in Now you can get both Kingdom Under the Sea episodes, new Clubhouse Farm. But when Farmer Pete’s giant windmill Return of the King and The Red Tide videos together on one saving the planet! In these earth-friendly episodes, Wubbzy, blows all the cows, chickens, and piggies out of their pens, Widget, Walden and Daizy must find a new place for the DVD! Additional bonus feature, The Adventures of Humpty, is it’s up to you - with the right Mouseketools - to help Mickey also included. Wuzzle Bears to live, think up creative ways to reuse juice and Donald find all the animals and bring them home. Then, bottles and learn to grow their own doodleberries. Your pre- Family, High Seas, Triple Feature, harvest extra adventure in four more exciting episodes. schooler will discover important lessons about ecology, Adventure, Animated Animals 2000 60min. Packed with acres of laughter, music and surprises, Mickey & harmony, and personal responsibility while enjoying plenty of E1 Entertainment 05.12.2007 Donald Have A Farm delivers a bumper crop of fun for singing and dancing! everyone. 2 Packs, Family, Holidays, Nickelodeon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113501 Animated Animals, Disney, Family 90min. 129min. Disney / Buena Vista 11.12.2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 08.01.2013 Leap Frog: Adventures In 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113448 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113685 Shapeville Park Scout & Friends head over to Shapeville in this delightful Shin Chan: The Complete Third skill-building adventure that shows what a circle, square and triangle can really do! A new playground is being built at the Season park by the Beaver Brothers and soon the pets have their , Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- hands full helping with the construction. With the guidance of Film „measuring“ mice, the pets lear n how to measure out all the national TV, Japanese 650min. various shapes, sizes, and dimensions needed to build the Funimation 29.01.2013 perfect parts of a perfect playground! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113518 10 Years Family, Preschool 35min. Channing Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Aubrey Lionsgate 22.01.2013 Shorts International: Oscar Shorts Plaza, Justin Long, Anthony Mackie, Oscar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113667 Isaac, Chris Pratt (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) In the tradition of Swingers, 10 Years brings old friends back Leap Frog: The Magnificent Mu- 155min. together at their high school reunion. A former band geek Funimation 29.01.2013 reunites with the girl who inspired his rock star career, an seum Of Opposite Words engaged man is tempted by the one who got away, and two 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113519 buddies revert to their old pranks to win the popular girl’s Meet Scout and his friends, Violet, Eli, and Penny...best heart. friends who have all kind of learning adventures along with Romance, Comedy, Drama 2011 120min. their magical toy car, Axle. The friends are engaged in a hot SpongeBob SquarePants: Extre- game of „In other Words...“ when they learn that the new Starz / Anchor Bay 18.12.2012 Museum of Opposite Words is opening in their town today! me Kah-Rah-Tay 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113511 Intrigued as to what opposite words might be, they hurry off to Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke the museum. At the museum they find The Beaver Brothers Prepare for a long, merciless... helping of hilarity with this struggling to get the exhibits completed in time for the Opening action-filled SpongeBob SquarePants collection. Check out 10 Years (Blu-ray) Night Gala and and the museum curator, Mr Polecat in full Sandy’s sensei, an extreme sports team, a frozen competition, Channing Tatum, Rosario Dawson, Aubrey panic mode. Together the friends use vocabulary skills to world record challenges, SpongeBob’s driving skills like unlock the clues and help the Beaver Brothers complete all of you’ve never seen ‘em before, and lots more! Plaza, Justin Long, Anthony Mackie, Oscar the exhibits in the nick of time! Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon, Adventure Isaac, Chris Pratt Family 35min. 88min. In the tradition of Swingers, 10 Years brings old friends back Lionsgate 22.01.2013 together at their high school reunion. A former band geek Nickelodeon 15.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113668 reunites with the girl who inspired his rock star career, an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113458 engaged man is tempted by the one who got away, and two buddies revert to their old pranks to win the popular girl’s Ninjago: Masters Of heart. The Super Mario Bros. Super Comedy, Drama, Romance 2011 120min. Spinjitzu - Rise Of The Green Show!: Volume 2 Starz / Anchor Bay 18.12.2012 Ninja - Season Two Mario and Luigi are once again pitted against the forces of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113527

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Martin eventually tricks his teacher into letting him spend the night at his apartment. As Sebastian begins to realize the 10 Years Later 360 (Blu-ray) possible sexual interest on the part of his student, he is Kathleen Rose Perkins, Rachel Boston, Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Anthony Hopkins, conflicted. He is dismissive, but his curiosity is piqued by the boy’s overt advances. An extraordinary event soon forces the James DeBello, Jake Hoffman Ben Foster increasingly troubled Sebastian to question his own feelings Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Friendships, A sexy dramatic thriller about interconnected romantic life in for young Martin. Absent is not a simple boy-meets-boy Kidnapping 2010 98min. the 21st century. 360 starts in Vienna, weaving stories set in drama. It’s a taut, and at times, incredible sexy drama of Paris, London, Bratislava, Rio, Denver and Phoenix into a repressed passion, guilt and regret. There are no easy Indican Pictures 16.10.2012 single, mesmerizing narrative. A businessman faced tempted answers in this edgy sexual thriller that won the Teddy Award 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113550 to be unfaithful to his wife sets into motion a series of events for Best Feature Film at the 2011 Berlin Film Festival. which ripple around the globe with dramatic consequences, set against the backdrop of international banking crisis, the Thrillers, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 2 Days In New York domino-effect of the Arab Spring, the threat of global flu 2011 87min. pandemics and Euro-Zone instability. From the director of City TLA Releasing 11.12.2012 Julie Delpy, Chris Rock, Albert Delpy of God and The Constant Gardener, and featuring a terrific Hip talk-radio host and journalist Mingus (Chris Rock) and ensemble cast, let by Anthony Hopkins, Jude Law, Rachel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113630 his French photographer girlfriend, Marion (Julie Delpy), live Weisz and Ben Foster. cozily in a New York apartment with their cat and two young children from previous relationships. But when Marion’s jolly Drama, Romance, Thrillers 2011 110min. After Fall, Winter father (played by Delpy’s real-life dad, Albert Delpy), her Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.11.2012 Lizzie Brochere, Eric Schaeffer oversexed sister, and her sister’s outrageous boyfriend 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113563 Fifteen years after the events of Fall (MGM, 1997), This unceremoniously descend upon them for an overseas visit, it daring sequel continues the story of Michael, now in his mid initiates two unforgettable days of family mayhem. With their forties, who is suicidal about his floundering writing career. unabashed openness and sexual frankness, the triumvirate is 8 Film British Cinema Collection: He leaves his home in New York and goes to Paris in hopes bereft of boundaries or filters. . . and no one is left unscathed Volume Two of igniting his passion for writing and life, where he meet in its wake. The visitors push every button in the couple’s Sophie as sexy and smart nurse who leads a mysterious relationship, truly putting it to the test. How will the couple Ewan McGregor, Laurence Olivier, Hugh double life. After Fall, Winter is a dangerous, sexy, and at fare. . . when the French come to New York? Grant, Ralph Richardson, Elizabeth Hurley, times darkly funny story about two people who desperately Comedy 2012 96min. Katharine Hepburn, Anna Friel, Vivien want intimacy. Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.11.2012 Dark Comedy, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Leigh, Meredith Baxter, Audrey Tautou, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113554 French 2011 131min. Jason Isaacs, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kelly Brook Kino Video 08.01.2013 Romance, British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113470 2 Days In New York (Blu-ray) Foreign 795min. Julie Delpy, Chris Rock, Albert Delpy Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Hip talk-radio host and journalist Mingus (Chris Rock) and All Superheroes Must Die his French photographer girlfriend, Marion (Julie Delpy), live 08.01.2013 cozily in a New York apartment with their cat and two young 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113736 James Remar, Jason Trost, Lucas Till children from previous relationships. But when Marion’s jolly Four masked avengers find themselves stripped of their father (played by Delpy’s real-life dad, Albert Delpy), her powers by a cruel arch-nemesis they defeated years earlier... oversexed sister, and her sister’s outrageous boyfriend About Cherry or so they thought. When the sinister mastermind puts the unceremoniously descend upon them for an overseas visit, it Heather Graham, Diane Farr, Ashley heroes through a series of brutal challenges that are virtually initiates two unforgettable days of family mayhem. With their impossible to overcome, they must battle the clock... and even unabashed openness and sexual frankness, the triumvirate is Hinshaw, James Franco, Dev Patel each other... in a race to stop a deadly countdown that could bereft of boundaries or filters. . . and no one is left unscathed 18-year-old Angelica (Ashley Hinshaw, Chronicle) shuffles mean total destruction. Starring James Remar (Dexter), Lucas in its wake. The visitors push every button in the couple’s between school, a dead-end job, her exploitative boyfriend Till (X-Men: First Class) and Jason Trost (The FP), All relationship, truly putting it to the test. How will the couple (Johnny Weston) and home, where her life consists of Superheroes Must Die „doesn’t deconstruct superhero fare. . . when the French come to New York? cleaning up after her alcoholic mother (Lily Taylor) and conventions, it tears them to shreds“ (Renn Brown, Comedy 2012 96min. protecting her younger sister from their menacing stepfather. CHUD.com). After arranging an escape to San Francisco with her best Superheroes, Thrillers, Kidnapping 2011 Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.11.2012 friend Andrew (Dev Patel, Slumdog Millionaire, The Best 80min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113564 Exotic Marigold Hotel), she soon finds herself dating a coke- addicted attorney (James Franco) and becoming immersed in Image Ent. 29.01.2013 the local adult film industry, mentored by director Margaret 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113682 20 Film Great American We- (Heather Graham), who has more than just a professional interest in Angelica’s talents. Taking an insider’s view of the sterns: Lock ‘N Load adult film world, first-time director and novelist Stephen All Superheroes Must Die (Blu- John Wayne, Slim Pickens, Ronald Reagan, Elliott’s About Cherry is a gritty drama featuring an all-star ray) Tex Ritter, Maureen McCormick, Rita cast in unprecedented roles. Drama 2012 102min. James Remar, Jason Trost, Lucas Till Hayworth, John Carradine, , MPI 15.01.2013 Four masked avengers find themselves stripped of their Burt Lancaster, Walter Brennan, Patrick 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113691 powers by a cruel arch-nemesis they defeated years earlier... Wayne, Harry Carey, Buck Taylor, Stewart or so they thought. When the sinister mastermind puts the Petersen, Larry Crabbe heroes through a series of brutal challenges that are virtually About Cherry (Blu-ray) impossible to overcome, they must battle the clock... and even Revenge, Spaghetti Westerns, Western, each other... in a race to stop a deadly countdown that could Action, Adventure, Cowboy 1573min. Heather Graham, Diane Farr, Ashley mean total destruction. Starring James Remar (Dexter), Lucas Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Hinshaw, James Franco, Dev Patel Till (X-Men: First Class) and Jason Trost (The FP), All 18-year-old Angelica (Ashley Hinshaw, Chronicle) shuffles Superheroes Must Die „doesn’t deconstruct superhero 08.01.2013 between school, a dead-end job, her exploitative boyfriend conventions, it tears them to shreds“ (Renn Brown, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113735 (Johnny Weston) and home, where her life consists of CHUD.com). cleaning up after her alcoholic mother (Lily Taylor) and Kidnapping, Superheroes, Thrillers 2011 2012: Battle For Supremacy protecting her younger sister from their menacing stepfather. 80min. After arranging an escape to San Francisco with her best Image Ent. 29.01.2013 Science Fiction, Space, Terrorism, Action, friend Andrew (Dev Patel, Slumdog Millionaire, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel), she soon finds herself dating a coke- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113700 Apocalyptic Future 2012 88min. addicted attorney (James Franco) and becoming immersed in Allegro Entertainment 11.12.2012 the local adult film industry, mentored by director Margaret 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113535 (Heather Graham), who has more than just a professional Another Kind interest in Angelica’s talents. Taking an insider’s view of the What begins a casual snowshoeing expedition, turns into an adult film world, first-time director and novelist Stephen unspeakable disaster for a group of unprepared hikers. Deep 3 Times A Charm Elliott’s About Cherry is a gritty drama featuring an all-star into the snowy Catskills the group suddenly discovers they Carlo Marks cast in unprecedented roles. have no map coupled with the mysterious disappearance of Drama 2012 102min. their hiking poles. The cold nights reverberate with eery Emma Neuman (Lexi Giovagnoli), a studious, straight-A feelings among the campers and the apparent sound of student, has a problem. She has always done the right thing MPI 15.01.2013 frightening footsteps outside their tents. In total fear and until her major crush, Chris (Carlo Marks) who happens to be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113704 desperation to bring the harrowing jaunt to an end, the hikers the most popular guy in school, asks her to help him cheat on also discover that their GPS device indicates they’re in New the history final in order to save his football scholarship. Mexico and not the Catskill Mountains! Frantic and fear turns After helping a homeless woman, Emma is given a magical Absent a 27-mile hike into a nightmare of Another Kind. necklace which gives her three chances to see the consequences of her decisions. She has three charms and Antonella Costa, Marco Berger, Marco Thrillers, Wilderness 2011 min. three chances! Berger Osiris Entertainment 20.11.2012 Comedy, Fantasy, High School, Magic 2011 Fresh from his fascinating - if controversial - 2009 debut film, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113478 Plan B, Argentinian filmmaker Marco Berger continues his 87min. focus on hitherto heterosexual men who develop feelings for Osiris Entertainment 13.11.2012 other men. Knowingly, even aggressively sexual, 16-year-old The Apparition (Blu-ray + DVD + 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113451 Martin locks his seductive sights on Sebastian, his recently engaged, 30-something swimming instructor. Faking an injury, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray)

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Ashley Greene, Julianna Guill, Anna Clark, bears. As Tyler negotiates the trials and tribulations of his seemingly elusive love, he finds himself drawn closer to the Sebastian Stan, Tom Felton, Rick Gomez, The Assassins (Blu-ray) quirky and endearing characters populating the fabulous big Luke Pasqualino Hiroshi Tamaki bear community. Filled with sexual tension and comic When frightening events start to occur in their home, young A Three Kingdoms-era palace and fortress filled with playfulness, the award-winning BearCity will entertain and couple Kelly (Ashley Greene) and Ben (Sebastian Stan) murderous intrigue. Everyone had their reasons for wanting delight all audiences. discover they are being haunted by a presence that was (Cao Cao) Chow Yun Fat’s character dead, a character that Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology was none other than the Three Kingdom’s most notorious experiment. The horrifying apparition feeds on their fear and Romance 2010 105min. warlord. TLA Releasing 11.12.2012 torments them no matter where they try to run. Their last hope Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2012 106min. is an expert in the supernatural, Patrick (Tom Felton), but 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113524 even with his help they may already be too late to save Well Go USA 08.01.2013 themselves from this terrifying force. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113581 Horror, Thrillers 2012 82min. Best In Show (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 27.11.2012 Awaken Parker Posey, Michael McKean, Christopher 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113538 Guest, Jane Lynch, Jennifer Coolidge, Jordan Ladd, Corey Sevier, Ryan Alosio Eugene Levy, Fred Willard, John Michael Romance, Science Fiction, Drama 2012 The Apparition (DVD + Higgins, Michael Hitchcock 95min. Si-i-i-t. Sta-a-a-a-a-y. Laugh! Best In Show is „the year’s UltraViolet) Osiris Entertainment 04.12.2012 funniest movie.“ (Lou Lumenick, New York Post). Waiting For Ashley Greene, Julianna Guill, Anna Clark, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113481 Guffman’s Christopher Guest directs and many of the film’s stars (including Fred Willard as a loopy commentator) reunite Sebastian Stan, Tom Felton, Rick Gomez, for this zany look at dog show participants (and the pooches Luke Pasqualino Bad Boy Street who love them). Join the fun as Mayflower Kennel Club When frightening events start to occur in their home, young competitors - a fly-fishing shop owner from Pine Nut, NC couple Kelly (Ashley Greene) and Ben (Sebastian Stan) Yann De Monterno (Guest), Shih-Tzu-doting partners (Michael McKean and Jon discover they are being haunted by a presence that was Two men embark on an unconventional romance in Todd Michael Higgins), squabbling yuppies (Parker Posey and accidentally conjured during a university parapsychology Verow’s sexy Parisian-set drama. Claude finds a young man Michael Hitchcock), a dim-bulb trophy wife (Jennifer experiment. The horrifying apparition feeds on their fear and passed out in the street and, taking pity on him, decides to Coolidge) and her ace handler (Jane Lynch) and a married torments them no matter where they try to run. Their last hope take him to his apartment to safely sleep. Awakening the next couple (Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara) who dream up is an expert in the supernatural, Patrick (Tom Felton), but morning, the sexy stranger soon makes a play for his forty- ditties about terriers - vie for the top prize. It’s howlarious! even with his help they may already be too late to save something host, kick-starting a passionate romance. But will the chance meeting develop into more than just lust or will the Comedy, Mockumentary 2000 min. themselves from this terrifying force. Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 Thrillers, Horror 2012 82min. pair’s differences drive them apart? An accomplished, serious and very modern gay romance. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113602 Warner Bros. 27.11.2012 Romance, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113531 2012 80min. Best Of Warner Bros.: 20 Film TLA Releasing 20.01.2013 Arcade 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113631 Collection - Musicals The Best of Warner Bros. 20 Film Musicals DVD Collection Megan Ward, Peter Billingsley, John De features 20 essential musical classics and includes a booklet Lancie Bad Channels containing photos and synopsis of each film in the set: The All the kids in town are dying to play the hot new video game Jazz Singer (1927) Broadway Melody of 1929 (1929) 42nd Arcade. Trouble is once you play the game you can kiss Paul Hipp, Martha Quinn, Ian Patrick Street (1933) The Great Ziegfeld (1936) Wizard of Oz (1939) reality good-bye. Arcade has seven levels of excitement, Williams, Charlie Spradling, Aaron Lustig Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) An American in Paris (1951) adventure, and terror for its players. The game transports you There’s a hip new disc jockey at KDUL, Superstation 66, and Show Boat (1951) Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Seven Brides for to another world with its stunning graphics, thrilling sound he’s about to make rock and roll history. He’s Dangerous Dan Seven Brothers (1954) A Star Is Born (1954) The Music Man effects, and virtual reality simulation. It is the ultimate O’Dare (Paul Hipp), the most controversial DJ to hit the (1962) Viva Las Vegas (1964) Camelot (1967) Willy Wonka & experience in a video game. But excitement like this doesn’t airwaves and he’s going to give his listeners the time of their The Chocolate Factory (1971) Cabaret (1972) That’s come cheaply - when you battle with Arcade you’re putting life. Dangerous Dan is newly employed at KDUL after a six Entertainment (1974) Victor, Victoria (1983) Little Shop of your life on the line. The kids have accepted the challenge month suspension by the FCC for a stunt he pulled while on Horrors (1986) Hairspray (1988) and are absorbed into the game. Only Alex (Megan Ward) the air. He’s changing the station’s image and contents: from Musical, Performing Arts, Romance, realizes that their mysterious disappearances are linked to only polka music to a more lively rock and roll. Since he’s Arcade. She must battle the game, alone. Too bad she’s never always the jester, Dan is starting out with a bang. Covering Academy Award Winners, Boxed Sets, been very good at games... the event for Cable World Network is Lisa Cummings (Martha Classics, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure 1993 85min. Quinn) who doesn’t trust Dan and thinks he’s a hoax. She Horror min. becomes the butt of his jokes when she spots a UFO landing Full Moon 18.10.2012 near the radio station and Dan is quick to laugh until the alien Warner Bros. 05.02.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113594 breaks into KDUL. The alien is Cosmo who has developed 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113662 quite a taste for rock and roll and beautiful young women. By using the airwaves at the station, Cosmo has found a new way Ashanti (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) to miniaturize and transport the people listening to the radio. The Bourne Legacy (Blu-ray) His object is to collect a variety of women to take home to his Scott Glenn, Rachel Weisz, Donna Murphy, planet and Dan O’Dare Stacy Keach, Edward Norton, Jeremy Ren- Omar Sharif, Kabir Bedi, Akosua Busia, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Aliens, Beverly Johnson, Zia Mohyeddin, Michael ner Cult Film / TV 1992 88min. The Bourne Legacy takes the action-packed Bourne series to Caine, William Holden, Peter Ustinov, Rex Full Moon 18.10.2012 an explosive new level. On the verge of having their Harrison, Johnny Sekka 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113596 conspiracy exposed, members of the government’s intelligence The Desert Has No Mercy.... Dr. David Linderby and his wife community will stop at nothing to erase all evidence of their Anansa are carrying out an inoculation program in a small top secret programs - even the agents involved. Aaron Cross African village when Anansa disappears. The police can do Bangkok Assassins (Jeremy Renner) must use his genetically-engineered skills nothing to find her and David has almost given up hope when Four young boys are kidnapped from their families and to survive the ultimate game of cat-and-mouse and finish what he hears a rumor that Anansa has been kidnapped by a slave handicapped by their abductors. Forced to become beggars on Jason Bourne started. Also starring Academy Award winner trader called Sulelman, to be sold to an Arab prince. The the street they soon find refuge in a skillful Shaolin Kung Fu Rachel Weisz and Academy Award nominee Edward Norton, authorities deny that the slave even exists, so David must find master who teaches them the art of his craft. When tragedy critics are calling this a „thrilling, edge-of-your-seat heart- unofficial organizations to help him; a shadowy world where hits this clan they will discover that together they are pounder“ (Meg Porter Berns, WSVN-TV (FOX), Miami). the rescuers of the slaves are just as ruthless as the traders invincible as they unite and fight for justice to stop the man Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, themselves. Enlisting the help of Malik, a nomad whose family responsible for the death of their beloved master. were stolen by Sulelman, David must leave civilization behind Conspiracies 2012 135min. and travel across the desert to find Anansa. Thai, Action, Foreign, Martial Arts 2011 Universal Studios 11.12.2012 1979 118min. 104min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113513 Severin 11.12.2012 Lionsgate 29.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113651 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113717 The Bourne Legacy (Blu-ray + BearCity (Blu-ray) DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) The Assassins (Blu-ray) Hiroshi Tamaki Alex DiDio, Gerald McCullouch, Stephen A Three Kingdoms-era palace and fortress filled with Guarino , Sebastian Lacause, Joe Conti , Scott Glenn, Rachel Weisz, Donna Murphy, murderous intrigue. Everyone had their reasons for wanting Gregory Gunter, James Martinez Stacy Keach, Edward Norton, Jeremy Ren- (Cao Cao) Chow Yun Fat’s character dead, a character that Sex and the City meets burly gay men in BearCity, a witty, ner was none other than the Three Kingdom’s most notorious sexy and fast-paced romantic comedy. Cute 20-something The Bourne Legacy takes the action-packed Bourne series to warlord. Tyler is in the closet not about being gay but being attracted an explosive new level. On the verge of having their Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2012 106min. to bears big, hairy and boisterous gay men. He enters New conspiracy exposed, members of the government’s intelligence Well Go USA 08.01.2013 Yorks exclusive „bear“ scene and soon becomes infatuated community will stop at nothing to erase all evidence of their with commitment-phobic Roger (Gerald McCulloch, CSI: top secret programs - even the agents involved. Aaron Cross 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113566 Crime Scene Investigation), the bona fide Casanova of muscle (Jeremy Renner) must use his genetically-engineered skills

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 44 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA to survive the ultimate game of cat-and-mouse and finish what (Blu-ray) MPI 22.01.2013 Jason Bourne started. Also starring Academy Award winner Rachel Weisz and Academy Award nominee Edward Norton, Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Peter Stormare, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113757 critics are calling this a „thrilling, edge-of-your-seat heart- Jonathan Price, Lena Headey, Monica pounder“ (Meg Porter Berns, WSVN-TV (FOX), Miami). Bellucci A Dangerous Place Conspiracies, Action, Adventure, Mystery, Matt Damon (The Bourne Series) and Heath Ledger (The Kristen Dalton, Monica Knight Thrillers 2012 135min. Dark Knight) are Will and Jake Grimm, traveling con-artists Thrillers, Drama 98min. Universal Studios 11.12.2012 who dazzle small towns with their imaginative folklore and Screen Media Films 08.01.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113528 elaborate exorcisms. But when the brothers are called upon to reverse an evil curse, they discover a forest full of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113579 enchantments that’s anything but a hoax. From the award- Branded winning director of Twelve Monkeys and Monty Python And The Holy Grail, this thrilling action-adventure tale discovers Dark Angel: The Ascent Max Von Sydow, Leelee Sobieski, how far two men will go to conquer evil and find their happy ending. Angela Featherstone, Nicholas Worth Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Jeffrey Tambor, Ed Deep in the depths of hell, Veronica, (Angela Featherstone; Stoppard Comedy, Dark Comedy, Fairy Tales, The Zero Effect, Soul Survivors, Friends) a young demoness, Ed Stoppard, Leelee Sobieski, Jeffrey Tambor and Max Von Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece, Action, yearns to visit the world of man. Veronica finds a secret Sydow star in this mind-bending, edge-of-your seat sci-fi Adventure, Thrillers 2005 118min. passage and ascends from Hades with her dog Hellraiser, thriller set in a surreal, not-so-distant future. In a dystopian and they find themselves on the streets of a modern American society where mega-corporations rule, a terrifying conspiracy Lionsgate 08.01.2013 city. Disguised as a human, she meets Max Barris, a young has been unleashed - one that controls the minds of the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113562 doctor, and begins living with him. Veronica decides her citizens. One man (Stoppard) is determined to unlock the truth mission in life is to punish the wicked and evil, and goes behind the conspiracy. His quest to find it will plunge him into about this with a bloody vengeance. She hunts down evildoers a tangled web of power and intrigue, leading to a shocking Cherry Tree Lane and kills them, feeding parts of their bodies to her dog. Finally revelation and an epic battle with the hidden forces and Rachel Blake, Jumayn Hunter she tells Max the truth about herself, and despite the fact that creatures that threaten the fate of mankind. A young family is pushed to the very edge of terror and she’s a spawn of darkness he falls in love with her. But will Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, brutality in Paul Andrew Williams’ (London to Brighton, The the separation of mortal and immortal allow their love to Drama 2012 106min. Cottage) horror-thriller, Cherry Tree Lane. Mike, Christine last...? Romance, Devils And Demons, Horror 1994 Lionsgate 15.01.2013 and their son Sebastian have always felt safe in their peaceful suburban neighborhood, but a savage home invasion 81min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113623 changes everything, pushing the family into a hellish fight for survival. As their nightmare unfolds, they learn the shocking Full Moon 16.10.2012 cruelty that strangers can inflict - and what they’ll have to do 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113590 Branded (Blu-ray) to save themselves. Max Von Sydow, Leelee Sobieski, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, British, Crime, Degrassi: The Next Generation - Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Jeffrey Tambor, Ed Foreign, Horror, Hostage Crisis 2010 77min. Stoppard Image Ent. 29.01.2013 The Complete Season 10 Ed Stoppard, Leelee Sobieski, Jeffrey Tambor and Max Von 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113681 Aislinn Paul, Charlotte Arnold, Munro Sydow star in this mind-bending, edge-of-your seat sci-fi Chambers thriller set in a surreal, not-so-distant future. In a dystopian Life is full of surprises for the kids of Degrassi Community society where mega-corporations rule, a terrifying conspiracy The Chicago 8 School, especially this season! Catch all of the edge-of-your- has been unleashed - one that controls the minds of the Mayim Bialik, Gary Cole, Steven Culp seat drama in these 44 episodes from the Emmy nominated citizens. One man (Stoppard) is determined to unlock the truth series. behind the conspiracy. His quest to find it will plunge him into The true story of the explosive trial that resulted when seven a tangled web of power and intrigue, leading to a shocking leaders of the Vietnam antiwar movement, along with the Drama, Family, Friendships, High School, revelation and an epic battle with the hidden forces and Chairman of the Black Panthers, were charged with Music 1102min. creatures that threaten the fate of mankind. conspiracy to incite the devastating riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It is one of the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Drama, Action, Mystery, Science Fiction, highest profile criminal court cases in US history. 08.01.2013 Thrillers 2012 106min. Politics, Conspiracies, Drama 2011 89min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113734 Lionsgate 15.01.2013 Passion River 15.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113632 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113541 Deported Women Of The S.S. Breathing Special Section The Chicago 8 (Blu-ray) Lina Polito, John Steiner Georg Friedrich Mayim Bialik, Gary Cole, Steven Culp Through the dreadful indignities and degradation enforced on The acclaimed directorial debut from veteran Austrian actor The true story of the explosive trial that resulted when seven the deported women of the Gestapo transit camp Tina’s Karl Markovics (star of the Academy Award-winning The leaders of the Vietnam antiwar movement, along with the selfless example shines as an outstanding ray of hope to her Counterfeiters), is an eloquent, affecting portrait of an Chairman of the Black Panthers, were charged with fellow inmates - victims of the world’s most sadistic and brutal incarcerated teenager (newcomer Thomas Schubert) conspiracy to incite the devastating riots at the 1968 machine. These women see in her not only hope for survival, attempting to win parole by working at a local morgue. Raised Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It is one of the but freedom itself through an escape plan which, although from birth in institutions, he is initially impassive and self- highest profile criminal court cases in US history. calling for sacrifice is also sweet in its dreadful revenge! sabotaging in his behavior; soon, though, he begins to respect the solemn work of handling the dead, and starts to come to Conspiracies, Drama, Politics 2011 89min. Thrillers, War, Drama, Exploitation, Gay / terms with his own youthful crime. Passion River 15.01.2013 Lesbian Interest 98min. Troubled Youth, Drama, Foreign, German 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113580 Full Moon 06.11.2012 2012 93min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113706 Kino Video 22.01.2013 Counterpunch 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113464 Ivonne Coll, Danny Trejo, Steven Bauer Dogs Based on a true story. A young boxer, Emilio, from the wrong Tandi Wright, Edward Hall, Vince Martin The Brothers Grimm (Repackage) side of the tracks with big dreams of winning the Golden Gloves boxing championship, finds himself at a cross roads Racing, Sports, Comedy, Drama, Family Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, Peter Stormare, after being locked up. As he fights his way back into the 87min. Jonathan Price, Lena Headey, Monica winning circle he gets a second shot at the championship title. Screen Media Films 22.01.2013 Bellucci Sports, Action, Biopics, Boxing, Drama 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113577 Matt Damon (The Bourne Series) and Heath Ledger (The 2012 97min. Dark Knight) are Will and Jake Grimm, traveling con-artists Lionsgate 15.01.2013 Doctor Who: Shada who dazzle small towns with their imaginative folklore and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113624 elaborate exorcisms. But when the brothers are called upon to Lalla Ward, Tom Baker, Christopher Neame reverse an evil curse, they discover a forest full of New to DVD! Digitally remastered Doctor Who classic enchantments that’s anything but a hoax. From the award- Crowsnest Shada! Written by Douglas Adams as his final contribution to winning director of Twelve Monkeys and Monty Python And Doctor Who, Shada was envisaged as a Time Lord story The Holy Grail, this thrilling action-adventure tale discovers Five young friends hit the road towards a vacation cottage for a weekend of partying, documenting their trip with a video without a Gallifreyan setting. It sees the Doctor bringing how far two men will go to conquer evil and find their happy Romana to present-day Earth to visit Professor Chronotis, an ending. camera. What starts off as a good time quickly turns frightening with the discovery of an eerie, isolated small town elderly Time Lord who absconded from Gallifrey and now Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Dark and a menacing RV. Following a hit and run, the group lives a quiet academic life at St Cedd’s College in Cambridge. Comedy, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Historical / pursues the RV only to uncover the true horror that awaits Also seeking Chronotis is a scientist called Skagra who has Period Piece 2005 118min. them: a community of sadistic cannibals, completely removed a device, in the form of a floating sphere, with which he from civilization and not pleased at having visitors. The intends to steal the Professor’s mind and thereby learn the Lionsgate 08.01.2013 recovered video of their terrifying ordeal with the crazed location of a book entitled The Worshipful and Ancient Law of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113545 locals comprises Crowsnest, a horrifying chronicle of an Gallifrey. Skagra eventually succeeds in obtaining the book, encounter with pure evil. which has been borrowed from the Professor’s study by a Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Canadian, student named Chris Parsons. He then kidnaps Romana and The Brothers Grimm (Repackage) hijacks the TARDIS. Cannibalism, Foreign, Horror 2012 84min.

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Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, Cult 20th Century Fox 08.01.2013 Film / TV, Foreign, International TV, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113505 The Goonies / Gremlins / Fiction 109min. Gremlins 2: The New Batch BBC Home Video 08.01.2013 Ghost Hunters Academy (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113508 Jason Hawes This hit spin-off of the popular Ghost Hunters Series features Robert Davi, Corey Feldman, Lupe An Easter Bunny Puppy a group of aspiring ghost hunters fresh from college exploring Ontiveros, Zach Galligan, John Louie, Mar- some of the world’s most haunted locations. Led by veteran tha Plimpton, Phoebe Cates, Anne Ramsey, Russ, an adorable, but confused puppy wants to be the Easter ghost hunters and TAPS members Steve Gonsalves and Dave Bunny this year but has to contend with his family who thinks Tango, the new recruits tackle new paranormal hotspots as Kerri Green, Frances Lee McCain, Sean that dogs should be dogs and not bunnies. well as favorite old haunts from the Ghost Hunters series. If Astin, Josh Brolin, Joe Pantoliano, Newt Family, Holidays 90min. they make the grade, the Academy members may be invited to Arnold, Steve Antin, Hoyt Axton Rapid Heart Pictures 05.03.2013 investigate alongside the Ghost Hunters teams. If they don’t, they’ll be sent packing. Who will prove to be the worthiest Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Family, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113604 paranormal investigator in this exciting elimination Monsters, Adventure, Thrillers, Triple Fea- competition? ture min. Easter Parade (Blu-ray) Ghosts, Mystery 528min. Warner Bros. 08.01.2013 Judy Garland, Peter Lawford, Ann Miller, Image Ent. 15.01.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113722 Fred Astaire 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113677 If you can’t join ‘em, beat ‘em! When his long-time dance Gossip Girl: The Complete Series partner abandons him for the Ziegfeld Follies, Don Hewes Ghoul decides to show who’s who what’s what by choosing any girl Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Kelly out of a chorus line and transforming her into a star. So he Nolan Gould Rutherford, Taylor Momsen, Jessica Szohr, makes his choice and takes his chances. Of course, since Something ghastly haunts Golgotha Cemetery - an entity of Fred Astaire portrays Don and Judy Garland plays the unspeakable evil - and insatiable hunger. It is the summer of Matthew Settle, Penn Badgley, Chace chorine, we know we’re in for an entertainment sure thing. 1984, a time that should be full of lazy, carefree days for 12- Crawford, Ed Westwick Classics, Dancing, Holidays, Musical, year-old Timmy (Modern Family’s Nolan Gould) and his two The CW, Drama, High School, Romance, best friends, Doug and Barry. But when a teenaged couple Romance 1948 min. goes missing among the gravestones of the local cemetery, the Soap Opera 5317min. Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 bloodcurdling legend of a horrific ghoul begins to seem more Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113583 like reality than myth. As the body count rises, Timmy and his 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113661 friends are forced to confront their worst fears when they unearth long-buried secrets and unleash not only their Episodes: The First And Second personal demons - but also the one lurking underground! Gossip Girl: The Complete Sixth Based on the novel by Brian Keene comes Ghoul, a tale of Seasons terror about the convergence of monstrous inhumanity and a And Final Season Matt LeBlanc, John Pankow, Mircea Mon- ravenous, inhuman monster. Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Kelly roe, Kathleen Rose Perkins, Tasmin Greig, Thrillers, TV Movies, Drama, Ghosts, Hor- Rutherford, Taylor Momsen, Jessica Szohr, Stephen Mangan ror 2012 81min. Matthew Settle, Penn Badgley, Chace Husband and wife writing team Sean and Beverly can’t wait to Image Ent. 08.01.2013 Crawford, Ed Westwick bring their successful British series across the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113675 Season Six opens with the Upper East Siders working pond to make it big in America. But in true Hollywood fashion, together to find one of their own. Serena has gone off the grid, it quickly becomes a laughable, clichéd - starring none beyond even the reach of Gossip Girl. Her friends fear for the other than Matt LeBlanc. Matt not only messes with their Gone In 60 Seconds (Blu-ray) worst and hope for the best, but even they can’t imagine beloved show, he rocks the foundation of their relationship. H.B. Halicki, Eleanor, Marion Busia, George where they will ultimately find her. Meanwhile, Blair has So now, even if they survive the absurdity of show business, offered Chuck her heart, but is her love enough to help him will their marriage survive Matt LeBlanc? Don’t miss a single Cole, James McIntyre, Jerry Daugirda win back his empire? Lonely Boy Dan has written a new book episode of Episodes on DVD! You’ve seen all the car chase films...now see the one that that promises to make even more trouble than the first, and British, Comedy, Film About Film, Foreign, started it all! The Assignment: To steal 48 muscle and exotic this time he has no desire to remain anonymous. Nate is Romance, Showtime 459min. cars! The Challenge: Avoid getting caught! Eleanor: She’s determined to finally reveal the true identity of Gossip Girl, one fast and furious Ford Fastback Mustang - a superhero of thereby making a name for The Spectator - and himself. Lily Showtime Entertainment 08.01.2013 car chases..buckle-up as she slams through five cities, cops and Rufus turn on one another when Rufus makes a 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113613 after cops can’t catch her...wrecking over 93 cars in her 40 surprising new ally who threatens Lily and her family. minute chase-scene! It slams you on a full-throttle ride you’ll Anywhere else it would be too much drama to handle, but this never forget! is the Upper East Side. And when Bart Bass, Jack Bass and : The Complete Chases, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Action, Georgina Sparks show up to raise hell, it’s a fight to the Third Season Thieves 1974 min. spectacular series finale. Who comes out on top? That’s one Anderson Merchandisers 16.10.2012 secret I’ll never tell....XOXO, Gossip Girl. Kellie Shanygne Williams, Reginald The CW, Drama, Romance, Soap Opera 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113621 VelJohnson, 2012 430min. Get your geek on with Steve Urkel, the ultimate nerd and Warner Bros. 19.02.2013 annoying neighbor of Carl and Harriette Winslow and their The Good Doctor multigenerational Chicago clan. Urkel’s irrepressible spirit, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113660 not-so-smooth moves, and undying love for Laura Winslow Taraji P. Henson, Orlando Bloom, Michael cause the family constant aggravation and occasional delight. Pena, Rob Morrow, Troy Garity Guns, Girls And Gambling And whether he’s building a jet pack, playing the lead in the Martin Blake (Orlando Bloom) is an ambitious but anxious Romeo & Juliet school play, or joining Carl’s poker night, the young doctor, eager to impress his superiors and colleagues. , Helena Mattsson, Christian Urkman’s got what it takes to turn any situation into But things are not going Martin’s way and he can’t seem to memorable family fun. What was hilarious and heartwarming Slater, Dane Cook shake off his insecurities. When 18-year-old patient Diane Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman, Christian Slater, and then is classic comedy now in all 25 Season Three episodes (Riley Keough) is admitted for a kidney infection, Martin of Family Matters! Dane Cook headline this outrageous action-comedy about steps in, getting the much-needed boost of self-esteem he greed, revenge, and a desert full of dead Elvis impersonators. ABC, Comedy, Drama, Family 1991 550min. craves. But things take a dark turn as his enthusiasm begins A priceless Apache war mask has been stolen from an Indian Warner Bros. 12.02.2013 to become an obsession. casino causing criminals, frat boys, tomahawk-wielding hit 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113598 Thrillers, Drama 2011 91min. men, modern-day cowboys, and a six-foot-tall blonde assassin Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.12.2012 to rampage through a small town in hopes of claiming the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113474 treasure first. Guns, Girls and Gambling is an action-packed French Kiss (Blu-ray) comedy where the laughs pile up faster than the body count. Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Hutton, Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Crime, Gambling Jean Reno, Susan Anbeh, Francois Cluzet The Good Doctor (Blu-ray) 2011 90min. Meg Ryan (Sleepless in Seattle) and Kevin Kline (Dave) star Taraji P. Henson, Orlando Bloom, Michael Universal Studios 08.01.2013 in this bouncy romantic comedy about life, love and larceny. Pena, Rob Morrow, Troy Garity 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113588 When her fiance is smitten by a beautiful Frenchwoman, Kate Martin Blake (Orlando Bloom) is an ambitious but anxious (Ryan) flies to Paris determined to win him back. However, young doctor, eager to impress his superiors and colleagues. nothing prepares her for Luc (Kline), a cunning, sexy But things are not going Martin’s way and he can’t seem to Guns, Girls And Gambling (Blu- Frenchman with a gift for gab and a fondness for thievery. A shake off his insecurities. When 18-year-old patient Diane ray) self-proclaimed expert on affairs of the heart, Luc promises to (Riley Keough) is admitted for a kidney infection, Martin help Kate win back her man. But one star-crossed steps in, getting the much-needed boost of self-esteem he Gary Oldman, Helena Mattsson, Christian misadventure after another sweeps them across France, craves. But things take a dark turn as his enthusiasm begins Slater, Dane Cook ultimately changing them in ways they never dreamed to become an obsession. possible. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan (The Big Chill, Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman, Christian Slater, and Grand Canyon) French Kiss is „a delightful cinematic bon Drama, Thrillers 2011 91min. Dane Cook headline this outrageous action-comedy about bon...the stuff of classic moviemaking.“ - The Hollywood Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.12.2012 greed, revenge, and a desert full of dead Elvis impersonators. Reporter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113491 A priceless Apache war mask has been stolen from an Indian Comedy, Romance 1995 111min. casino causing criminals, frat boys, tomahawk-wielding hit

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA men, modern-day cowboys, and a six-foot-tall blonde assassin must now rely on one another more than ever - but Dark Hogan, Randy Wayne, Seth Cassell to rampage through a small town in hopes of claiming the Forces in their midst threaten to tear them apart. Meanwhile The urban legend is true. When friends on a camping trip treasure first. Guns, Girls and Gambling is an action-packed the wizarding world has become a dangerous place. The long- wander into a cemetery, the ghost of a notorious serial killer comedy where the laughs pile up faster than the body count. feared war has begun and the Dark Lord has seized control of jumps from body to body, killing the victims one by one. If you Comedy, Crime, Gambling, Action, Thrillers the Ministry of Magic and even Hogwarts, terrorizing and value your life, Hold Your Breath. arresting all who might oppose him. The Chosen One has 2011 90min. become the one as the Death Eaters search for Harry Ghosts, Horror 90min. Universal Studios 08.01.2013 with orders to bring him to Voldemort... alive. Part 2 in the Asylum Home Entertainment 22.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113601 epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113585 wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he Hold Your Breath (Blu-ray) Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Based On draws closer to the climacti Lisa Young, Katrina Bowden, Erin Marie Double Features, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Video Game, Science Fiction 2012 min. Hogan, Randy Wayne, Seth Cassell Adventure min. Anderson Merchandisers 04.12.2012 The urban legend is true. When friends on a camping trip Warner Bros. 13.11.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113636 wander into a cemetery, the ghost of a notorious serial killer 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113537 jumps from body to body, killing the victims one by one. If you value your life, Hold Your Breath. Ghosts, Horror 90min. Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn (Blu- Hello I Must Be Going ray) Asylum Home Entertainment 22.01.2013 Blythe Danner, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113600 Science Fiction, Action, Alien Invasions, Hello I Must Be Going features acclaimed actress Melanie Aliens, Based On Video Game 2012 min. Lynskey (Up In The Air, Two And A Half Men) in her breakout role as Amy, a recent divorcée who seeks refuge in the Hope Springs (Blu-ray + Anderson Merchandisers 04.12.2012 suburban Connecticut home of her parents (Blythe Danner and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113640 John Rubinstein). Demoralized and directionless, Amy begins UltraViolet) an affair with 19 year old actor Jeremy (Girls’ Christopher Mimi Rogers, Elisabeth Shue, Jean Smart, Abbott) that reignites her passion for life and jumpstarts her Hansel & Gretel independence. Coupling Danner’s riveting performance as a Meryl Streep, Steve Carell, Tommy Lee Dee Wallace, Stephanie Greco, Brent Lydic frustrated empty nester with Lynskey’s endearing depiction of Jones, Brett Rice, Damian Young In this modern retelling of the classic horror tale, teen both the comic and tragic avenues of life at a crossroads, Kay (Meryl Streep) and Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones) are a siblings are enslaved by a psychotic recluse within her Hello is a modern, unconventional love story infused with sex, devoted couple, but decades of marriage have left Kay gruesome house of horrors in the woods. humor, and raw emotional honesty. wanting to spice things up and reconnect with her husband. Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 95min. When she hears of a renowned couple’s specialist (Steve Wilderness, Cannibalism, Fairy Tales, Hor- Carell) in the small town of Great Hope Springs, she attempts ror, Kidnapping 2013 90min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 29.01.2013 to persuade her skeptical husband, a steadfast man of routine, Asylum Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113692 to get on a plane for a week of marriage therapy. Just convincing the stubborn Arnold to go on the retreat is hard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113584 enough - the real challenge for both of them comes as they try Hemingway to re-ignite the spark that caused them to fall for each other in Hansel & Gretel (Blu-ray) Charlene Tilton, Richard Moll, Alan Thicke, the first place. Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 100min. Dee Wallace, Stephanie Greco, Brent Lydic John Deluca In this modern retelling of the classic horror tale, teen Religion/Spirituality, Drama 2012 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment siblings are enslaved by a psychotic recluse within her Allegro Entertainment 04.12.2012 04.12.2012 gruesome house of horrors in the woods. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113522 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113447 Cannibalism, Fairy Tales, Horror, Kidnap- ping, Wilderness 2013 90min. Hope Springs (Blu-ray + Asylum Home Entertainment 08.01.2013 Hit & Run 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113599 Kristen Bell, Kristin Chenoweth, Tom Ar- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) nold, Bradley Cooper, Dax Shepard Mimi Rogers, Elisabeth Shue, Jean Smart, Hansel & Gretel: Warriors Of Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell star in this hilarious, non-stop Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones, Steve action-packed comedy costarring Bradley Cooper, Kristin Carell, Brett Rice, Damian Young Witchcraft Chenoweth and Tom Arnold. A nice guy with a questionable past, Charlie Bronson (Shepard), risks everything when he Kay (Meryl Streep) and Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones) are a Eric Roberts, Vanessa Angel, Cherie Currie busts out of a witness protection program to drive his devoted couple, but decades of marriage have left Kay Jonah and Ella Mazer (Hansel and Gretel) were happy, girlfriend (Bell) to for the job opportunity of a wanting to spice things up and reconnect with her husband. normal teenagers - sent to an elite boarding school. The Head lifetime. Their road trip grows awkwardly complicated, When she hears of a renowned couple’s specialist (Steve Master, Sebastian, seems to know more about the brother and however, when they’re chased by an inept fed (Arnold) and Carell) in the small town of Great Hope Springs, she attempts sister than they know about themselves. As both get to know Charlie’s ex-pal (Cooper), a vengeance-crazed criminal he to persuade her skeptical husband, a steadfast man of routine, their high school classmates, strange and frightening things helped put behind bars. Hit & Run is a high- race to the to get on a plane for a week of marriage therapy. Just begin to happen. When their new friends explain that they are finish where the brakes are off and the chase is on. convincing the stubborn Arnold to go on the retreat is hard all descended from powerful witches, and they’ve been Romance, Action, Chases, Comedy 2012 enough - the real challenge for both of them comes as they try waiting for Hansel and Gretel to join them and complete a new to re-ignite the spark that caused them to fall for each other in generation of the Coven, both refuse to believe them. But it’s 101min. the first place. not until Hansel discovers a message from his mother in an Universal Studios 08.01.2013 Comedy, Drama, Romance 2012 100min. old leather-bound book of spells hidden in the school library, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113652 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment that he understands their true and dangerous destiny - slaying witches. 04.12.2012 Adventure, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Horror Hit & Run (Blu-ray + DVD + 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113453 90min. Ultraviolet + Digital Copy) (Blu- Lionsgate 22.01.2013 ray) The Hounds 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113666 David Drew Kristen Bell, Kristin Chenoweth, Tom Ar- One step away from reconciliation with his wife, Mike nold, Bradley Cooper, Dax Shepard Crowel, a CID agent, is assigned to a sinister case involving Harry Potter And The Deathly Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell star in this hilarious, non-stop four young friends, Sarah, Jake, Martin and Dave. They soon Hallows: Parts 1 & 2 - Ultimate action-packed comedy costarring Bradley Cooper, Kristin become the unwitting focus of the evil forces and chillingly Chenoweth and Tom Arnold. A nice guy with a questionable supernatural events surrounding Mike’s investigation. Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + past, Charlie Bronson (Shepard), risks everything when he Thrillers, Crime, Horror 2012 92min. busts out of a witness protection program to drive his UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) girlfriend (Bell) to Los Angeles for the job opportunity of a Brain Damage Films 22.01.2013 Gary Oldman, Maggie Smith, , lifetime. Their road trip grows awkwardly complicated, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113708 however, when they’re chased by an inept fed (Arnold) and , , Helena Charlie’s ex-pal (Cooper), a vengeance-crazed criminal he Bonham Carter, Julie Walters, Emma helped put behind bars. Hit & Run is a high-speed race to the The Hour: Season Two Watson, John Hurt, Michael Gambon, Bill finish where the brakes are off and the chase is on. Anna Chancellor, Ben Whishaw, Anton Nighy, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall, Rhys Chases, Comedy, Action, Romance 2012 Lesser Ifans, Jason Isaacs, Warwick Davis, 101min. Season two rejoins The Hour team in 1957 where we are Universal Studios 08.01.2013 introduced to new characters played by Peter Capaldi (The Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton Thick Of It, The Nativity) Hannah Tointon (The Inbetweeners) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113654 and Tom Burke (State of Play). They strive to broadcast the adventure in the Harry Potter film series, is a motion picture stories they believe in at the same time they grapple with the event, told in two full-length parts. In Part 1, Harry, Ron and Hold Your Breath looming specter of the Cold War and changing social mores. Hermione set out on their perilous mission to track down and With the advent of and the threat of nuclear destroy the secret to Voldemort’s immortality and destruction - Lisa Young, Katrina Bowden, Erin Marie annihilation forever looming, Britain grapples with an era of the Horcruxes. On their own and on the run, the three friends unprecedented scientific advancement, economic opportunity

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and cultural change in the face of new immigration from the of his enemies are growing, and they intend to bring him down, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113658 Commonwealth. At the same time, the members of The Hour whatever the price. Brilliantly adapted by Andrew Davies team live in a world of cover-ups, sexual intrigues and lurking (Pride And Prejudice, Bridget Jones’s Diary), from Michael fascism. Dobb’s best-selling novel, this satirical trilogy took home a The Inbetweeners BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / primetime Emmy, a Peabody, two BAFTAs and a Broadcasting Joe Thomas, Blake Harrison, James Period Piece, Independent Women, Interna- Press Guild Award. Mystery, Politics, BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Buckley tional TV, On The Job 2012 360min. Drama 1995 min. High school’s out for summer - and best friends Will, Jay, BBC Home Video 08.01.2013 Neil and Simon are jetting off on an all-expenses paid, no- BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113612 holds-barred, totally mental trip to an exotic Greek isle. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113663 Buoyed by dreams of endless sun-drenched days, booze- fueled evenings and booty-filled nights, the young lads are on The Hour: Season Two (Blu-ray) the loose in virgin territory but soon discover that they are in A Hungry Woman way over their heads. But no matter how hard it gets, the fab Anna Chancellor, Ben Whishaw, Anton Nicole Newman four decide to let nothing stand in their way their fun in this Lesser hilarious celebration of summer vacation - without Season two rejoins The Hour team in 1957 where we are Drama min. reservations. introduced to new characters played by Peter Capaldi (The Allegro Entertainment 11.12.2012 Comedy, Friendships, High School 2011 Thick Of It, The Nativity) Hannah Tointon (The Inbetweeners) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113533 96min. and Tom Burke (State of Play). They strive to broadcast the stories they believe in at the same time they grapple with the Lionsgate 08.01.2013 looming specter of the Cold War and changing social mores. Hysteria (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113548 With the advent of space race and the threat of nuclear annihilation forever looming, Britain grapples with an era of Amanda Plummer, Patrick McGoohan, Mi- unprecedented scientific advancement, economic opportunity chael Maloney Ivan’s Childhood: The Criterion and cultural change in the face of new immigration from the Legendary actor Patrick McGoohan turns his famous Collection (Blu-ray) Commonwealth. At the same time, the members of The Hour character from The Prisoner upside down as the psychiatrist team live in a world of cover-ups, sexual intrigues and lurking in charge of an insane asylum. He has connected his inmates The great Andrei Tarkovsky’s debut feature, Ivan’s Childhood fascism. into a „group mind“ where they share each other’s psychoses, (Ivanovo Detstvo), is an evocative, poetic journey through the dreams and sexuality with all the scary and titillating shadows and shards of a boy’s war-torn youth. Moving back BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / and forth between the traumatic realities of World War II and Period Piece, Independent Women, Interna- implications imaginable! Drama, Mental Illness, Science Fiction, serene moments of family life before the conflict began, tional TV, On The Job 2012 360min. Tarkovsky’s film remains one of the most jarring and Thrillers 1997 100min. BBC Home Video 08.01.2013 unforgettable depictions of the impact of violence on children E1 Entertainment 12.03.2013 in wartime. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113620 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113725 Russian, War, World War II, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Art House 1962 House At The End Of The Street: I Love You To Death / To Die For 95min. Criterion 22.01.2013 Unrated (Double Feature) Elisabeth Shue, Jennifer Lawrence, Gil 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113485 Keanu Reeves, William Hurt, Matt Dillon, Bellows, Max Thieriot Kevin Kline, River Phoenix, Nicole Kidman, Terror hits home in the chilling Unrated Cut of House At The Justified: The Complete Third End Of The Street - with a shocking added twist you didn’t Illeana Douglas, Tracey Ullman, Casey see in theaters! Academy Award Nominees Jennifer Lawrence Affleck, Joaquin Phoenix Season () and Elisabeth Shue star in this edge-of- Films Include: I Love You To Death Academy Award Winner Timothy Olyphant, Joelle Carter, Natalie your-seat horror hit packed with heart-pounding thrills and Kevin Kline (1988 Best Actor in a Supporting Role - A Fish Zea, Erica Tazel, Walton Goggins, Jeremy gripping suspense. Newly divorced Sarah (Shue) and her Called Wanda), Tracey Ullman, Academy Award Winner teenage daughter Elissa (Lawrence) have just moved to the William Hurt (1985 Best Actor in a Leading Role - Kiss of the Davies, Nick Searcy, Jacob Pitts suburbs for a fresh start. But their hopes quickly shatter as Spider Woman), River Phoenix, Academy Award Winner Joan In the nonstop, gunslinging third season of the highly they learn that, years earlier, a grisly murder took place next Plowright (1992 Best Actress in a Supporting Role - acclaimed hit series, Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens door when a deranged girl killed her parents and Enchanting April) and Keanu Reeves star in this bawdy (Timothy Olyphant) must wield his brand of renegade justice disappeared. The girl’s older brother Ryan (Max Thieriot) comedy based on the true story of a woman who tried to kill against modern crime like never before. Surrounded by dirty still occupies the house, and when he befriends Elissa, his her husband ... four times! Comedienne Tracey Ullman is politicians, drug cartels, murder frames, hidden fortunes and secretive past could become her worst nightmare! Rosalie Boca, the devoted wife of a philandering pizza maker multiple criminal forces warring for control - including Thrillers, Horror 2012 101min. (Kline). When Rosalie learns that he’s been squeezing more archenemies Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins, The Shield) 20th Century Fox 08.01.2013 than just tomatoes, her homicidal instincts take over. With the and Dickie Bennett (Jeremy Davies in his Emmy-winning help of a New Age busboy (Phoenix), drug-addled cousins role), a mystery man named „Limehouse,“ a lethal mob enforcer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113649 Harlan and Marlon (Hurt and Reeves), and her own mother newly arrived from the Motor City and in a final shocking (Plowright), Rosalie attempts to send Joey to that big bed in showdown, his own father - Givens finds himself in House At The End Of The Street: the sky. But love ultimately triumphs in this stranger-than- everyone’s cross hairs. fiction comedy from the director of The Big Chill and The Action, Crime, Drama, FX 2012 min. Unrated (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Accidental Tourist. To Die For Suzanne Stone (Nicole Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Kidman) has always dreamed of being on TV and she’s dead- Copy) (Blu-ray) set on makin 03.01.2012 Elisabeth Shue, Jennifer Lawrence, Gil Romance, Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113639 Bellows, Max Thieriot Double Features 203min. Terror hits home in the chilling Unrated Cut of House At The Image Ent. 08.01.2013 Justified: The Complete Third End Of The Street - with a shocking added twist you didn’t see in theaters! Academy Award Nominees Jennifer Lawrence 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113676 Season (Blu-ray) (The Hunger Games) and Elisabeth Shue star in this edge-of- Timothy Olyphant, Joelle Carter, Natalie your-seat horror hit packed with heart-pounding thrills and I Wish gripping suspense. Newly divorced Sarah (Shue) and her Zea, Erica Tazel, Walton Goggins, Jeremy teenage daughter Elissa (Lawrence) have just moved to the Twelve-year-old Koichi lives with his mother and retired Davies, Nick Searcy, Jacob Pitts suburbs for a fresh start. But their hopes quickly shatter as grandparents in Kagoshima, in the southern region of Kyushu, In the nonstop, gunslinging third season of the highly they learn that, years earlier, a grisly murder took place next Japan. His younger brother Ryunosuke lives with their father acclaimed hit series, Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens door when a deranged girl killed her parents and in Hakata, northern Kyushu. The brothers have been (Timothy Olyphant) must wield his brand of renegade justice disappeared. The girl’s older brother Ryan (Max Thieriot) separated by their parents’ divorce and Koichi’s only wish is against modern crime like never before. Surrounded by dirty still occupies the house, and when he befriends Elissa, his for his family to be reunited. When he learns that a new bullet politicians, drug cartels, murder frames, hidden fortunes and secretive past could become her worst nightmare! train line will soon open linking the two towns, he starts to multiple criminal forces warring for control - including Horror, Thrillers 2012 101min. believe that a miracle will take place the moment these new archenemies Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins, The Shield) trains first pass each other at top speed. With help from the and Dickie Bennett (Jeremy Davies in his Emmy-winning 20th Century Fox 08.01.2013 adults around him, Koichi sets out on a journey with a group role), a mystery man named „Limehouse,“ a lethal mob enforcer 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113653 of friends, each hoping to witness a miracle that will improve newly arrived from the Motor City and in a final shocking their difficult lives. showdown, his own father - Givens finds himself in Drama, Foreign, Japanese 2011 128min. everyone’s cross hairs. House Of Cards Trilogy Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.11.2012 Crime, Drama, FX, Action 2012 min. (Remastered) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113553 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Ian Richardson 03.01.2012 Ian Richardson (From Hell, M. Butterfly) leads an all star An Idiot Abroad 2 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113642 cast in this malevolent satire of greed, corruption, and ambition in the highest realms of government. As Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Karl Machiavellian monster Francis Urquhart, he schemes and Pilkington The Last Fall backstabs his way to the top until he is standing on a pile of broken promises, betrayals, and the bodies of those who BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Nicole Beharie, Vanessa Bell Calloway, oppose him. Every step of the way, Urquhart lays out his TV 2011 344min. Keith David, Harry Lennix, Lance Gross, plans with horrifying wit and venomous charm. But the ranks Warner Bros. 08.01.2013 Darrin Henson

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

When Kyle Bishop (Lance Gross) joined the NFL, he dreamed Ashley Laurence, Laura Prepon, Bret Starz / Anchor Bay 15.01.2013 of a life of luxury that would allow him to provide for his family. But when an unexpected turn of events brings him back Harrison, Hal Sparks, Kevin Gage 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113702 to his hometown, Kyle rediscovers the one true love he left Bret Harrison (Grounded for Life) stars as a frustrated teen behind. Long before professional football had become his who dreams of escaping his miserable life in a small Alabama Love Notes passion, his high school sweetheart, Faith (Nicole Beharie) town for a special effects make-up job in Hollywood, creating had been his whole world. Now, caught between the demands grisly monsters. His dream may even be in reach when he’s Laura Leighton, Antonio Cupo of the career he has always dreamed of and the single mother hired to design the community’s annual Halloween spook When a classical music critic (Laura Leighton) becomes who has his heart, Kyle must make the most important decision house and falls in love with a local girl (Laura Prepon, That pregnant from a brief encounter with a country music star, it of his life. ’70s Show). But there are real monsters in his way, including seems the perfect way for her best friend, who has struggled Rocky Relationships, Romance, Sports, an abusive stepfather (Kevin Gage, Heat) who terrorizes his with all manner of fertility attempts, to have a baby. But when mother (Ashley Laurence, Hellraiser), a fanatical religious her friend’s husband leaves her late in pregnancy, she must African Americans, Drama, Family, Football, group who attack his work, and his girlfriend’s own shocking track down the country star to get his acknowledgement and Friendships 2012 95min. secret that may destroy their happiness together. Based on signature so as to secure a top quality adoption for the child. Image Ent. 15.01.2013 the inspiring true story of writer/director Robert Hall, award Their reunion is a clash of cultures, opposite personalities, winning special effects makeup designer whose work and deep misunderstandings that leads to an extraordinary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113679 includes Teen Wolf, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and love story between a dyed-in-the-wool blue stater and a salt Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2. of the earth red stater. Last Of The Summer Wine: Drama, Horror, Thrillers 2004 97min. Music, TV Movies, Drama 2007 90min. Image Ent. 15.01.2013 Vintage 1997 Lionsgate 08.01.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113698 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113549 Peter Sallis, Bill Owen, Michael Aldridge, Brian Wilde The Long Walk Home From a run in with an old schoolmate to an old friend moving The Love Section back to the village, Compo, Clegg, and Howard take a trip , Sissy Spacek, Dwight Mekhi Phifer, Brian Hooks down memory lane. Later, the trio relives a childhood tradition Schultz Ali is a ladies man who has never desired to commit to anyone of rolling down a hill instead of walking, but the game isn’t Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg is Odessa Cotter, a or anything...until now. While out one night with his buddy, he quite as fun as they remember! As usual Compo is looking for quietly dignified woman who works as a housekeeper for meets and falls for Sandrine, a single mother who works hard new ways to get closer to Nora Batty. Will a new invention Miriam Thompson (Academy Award winner Sissy Spacek). and is looking for love. They couldn’t be more perfect finally seal their romance? Or will sky diving impress her? When Odessa honors the 1955 Montgomery, Alabama, bus together. In order for their love to survive, Ali will need all This season of Last of the Summer Wine is not to be missed! boycott by walking an exhausting nine miles to and from work, the help he can get to become the man he needs to be. BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Miriam offers her a ride. Defying both Miriam’s racist Lawrence Adisa (Clockers), Davetta Sherwood (Back in the TV 330min. husband (Dwight Schultz) and the powerful White Citizen’s Day), Mekhi Phifer (ER), Omar Miller (CSI: Miami), Tangi Council, Miriam and Odessa put their lives in danger for civil Miller (Madea’s Family Reunion), Brian Hooks (Soul Plane) BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 rights. Their shared experiences draw them closer as a deep and Kellita Smith (The Bernie Mac Show) star in this comedy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113605 respect and lasting friendship forms. Together, in a difficult about how true love can surprise you. world of black versus white, they manage to discover a Romance, African Americans, Comedy, common ground. Drama 2012 100min. The Last Summer Of The Boyita Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1990 Image Ent. 29.01.2013 Mirella Pascual 105min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113683 Argentinian, Drama, Foreign 2009 93min. Lionsgate 29.01.2013 Tartan Video 09.04.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113719 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113539 Lurking Fear Love Beat The Hell Outta Me Ashley Laurence, Jon Finch The Legend Of Neil: The John Martense (Blake Bailey) has just been released from Terrence Howard, Clyde Jones, Glenn prison after serving five years for a crime he didn’t commit. Complete Series Plummer John wants to stay as far away from the wrong side of the law Beer-guzzling slacker Neil Grimsley accidentally finds a After a recent split with his girl, Glenn’s buddies stop by to as he can ... but family ties won’t let him. John gets a message code that sucks him into the fantasy video game The Legend of lend sympathy and support... until one lets it slip he’s been to see Specs (Vincent Schiavelli), an old friend and Zelda. Neil is immediately charged with the task of defeating seeing Glenn’s ex - and he began the affair before the undertaker with a taste for larceny. Specs gives John a map of the evil Lord Gannon and saving , armed with breakup. a cemetery where a corpse stuffed with a half a million dollars nothing but a shoddy wooden sword and a gigantic hangover. Drama 2000 89min. has been buried. John’s father stole the money with his Created and directed by (, psychotic partner Bennett (Jon Finch) but hid the body, Community, Californication), The Legend of Neil follows our Green Apple Entertainment 15.01.2013 leaving it as a family legacy for his son to dig up. John reluctant hero (Tony Janning, The Temp Life) as he traverses 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113449 reluctantly takes off for Leffertt’s Corners, a small town with the world of Hyrule encountering sarcastic wizard mentors a terrible secret. For years the Corners have been torn apart (Mike Rose, The Guild), sex-starved fairies (, - the people devoured by a race of cannibalistic genetic The Guild, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog), half-horse dance Love Me freaks living in the tunnels crews (Robert Hoffman, Step Up 2), whiny giants (comedians Jamie Johnston, Lindsey Shaw Cult Film / TV, Horror, Monsters 1994 The Sklar Brothers) and much more! This unrated DVD Sixteen-year-old Melissa Kennedy has been missing for 76min. contains all three seasons of Comedy Central’s smash hit web almost three months and the town of Ridgedale is coming Full Moon 23.10.2012 series and includes never-before-seen bonus footage unhinged. Sylvia Potter (Lindsey Shaw of Pretty Little Liars including a behind-the-scenes featurette with insider tips on and Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide) wants so 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113591 how to make your own web series! badly to be in love. Then sexy, quiet, rich kid Lucas Green Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 154min. (Jamie Johnston of Degrassi: The Next Generation) transfers The Magic Of Christmas II New Video DVD 04.12.2012 to Hampton Prep and the sparks fly - despite the warnings of Renee Paris 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113711 almost every friend in her circle. But what seems like a love story hits a major twist when the police begin an investigation Animated Animals, Christmas, Family, into Lucas’ involvement in the Melissa Kennedy case. What Holidays 2010 74min. The Legends Of Nethiah really happened to Melissa and how long can Lucas and Sylvia’s relationship last in the face of this mystery? Jean- Allegro Entertainment 04.12.2012 John Heard, Theresa Russell, Robert Luc Bilodeau (Baby Daddy and Kyle XY) and Kaitlyn Leeb 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113536 Picardo, Jilon Vanover, Kevin Fry (Total Recall) co-star in this intense thriller. Thrillers, Crime 2012 97min. Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Drama, The Man Who Knew Too Much: Fairy Tales, Fantasy 2012 93min. Starz / Anchor Bay 15.01.2013 Indican Pictures 06.11.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113687 The Criterion Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113551 Peter Lorre, Leslie Banks, Edna Best Love Me (Blu-ray) An ordinary British couple vacationing in Switzerland suddenly find themselves embroiled in a case of international The Liability Jamie Johnston, Lindsey Shaw intrigue when their daughter is kidnapped by spies plotting a Sixteen-year-old Melissa Kennedy has been missing for political assassination. This fleet and gripping early thriller Peter Mullan, Tim Roth almost three months and the town of Ridgedale is coming from the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was the first After wrecking his stepfather’s car, Adam, in need of a job to unhinged. Sylvia Potter (Lindsey Shaw of Pretty Little Liars film the director made after signing to the Gaumont-British pay him back, starts working as a driver for a hitman, Roy. and Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide) wants so Picture Corporation. Besides affirming Hitchcock’s brilliance, His first day on the job takes him into a world of murder and badly to be in love. Then sexy, quiet, rich kid Lucas Green it gave the brilliant Peter Lorre (M) his first English-speaking revenge, as he is prevalent to Roy’s hits. Intrigued and (Jamie Johnston of Degrassi: The Next Generation) transfers role, as a slithery villain. With its tension and gallows humor, wanting to take part of the action Adam suddenly realizes to Hampton Prep and the sparks fly - despite the warnings of it’s pure Hitchcock, and it set the tone for films like The 39 what started as a hit could end with a bang as he becomes almost every friend in her circle. But what seems like a love Steps and The Lady Vanishes. Roy’s next target. story hits a major twist when the police begin an investigation Mystery, Thrillers, British, Crime, Criterion Thrillers, Action, Drama 86min. into Lucas’ involvement in the Melissa Kennedy case. What Collection, Foreign, Kidnapping 1934 75min. Lionsgate 29.01.2013 really happened to Melissa and how long can Lucas and Criterion 15.01.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113718 Sylvia’s relationship last in the face of this mystery? Jean- Luc Bilodeau (Baby Daddy and Kyle XY) and Kaitlyn Leeb 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113459 (Total Recall) co-star in this intense thriller. Lightning Bug (Blu-ray) Crime, Thrillers 2012 97min.

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The Man Who Knew Too Much: Misfits has an array of new characters crashing into the 201min. Misfits’ world, and is even bigger, bolder and brasher than E1 Entertainment 16.10.2012 The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) the last. The second series kicks off where the first ended, with Alisha, Simon, Nathan, Kelly and Curtis still on 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113503 Peter Lorre, Leslie Banks, Edna Best community service and still trying to adapt to their new lives. An ordinary British couple vacationing in Switzerland But what’s new is the mysterious, masked figure watching suddenly find themselves embroiled in a case of international over them from afar... someone who looks remarkably like a The Nativity Story (Blu-ray + DVD intrigue when their daughter is kidnapped by spies plotting a real-life superhero, and who seems to know everything about Combo) (Blu-ray) political assassination. This fleet and gripping early thriller them. Is he protecting them? Or is he a threat? As the gang from the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was the first tries to piece together the clues to discover the true identity Shohreh Aghdashloo, Ciaran Hinds, Oscar film the director made after signing to the Gaumont-British of their new stalker, it soon becomes apparent that the masked Isaac, Alexander Siddig, Hiam Abbass, Picture Corporation. Besides affirming Hitchcock’s brilliance, man harbors a secret that could change their world forever... it gave the brilliant Peter Lorre (M) his first English-speaking Shaun Toub role, as a slithery villain. With its tension and gallows humor, BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, The Journey of a Lifetime, a Story for All Time.. Powerful, it’s pure Hitchcock, and it set the tone for films like The 39 Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, timeless and visually magnificent, The Nativity Story is „a Steps and The Lady Vanishes. Superheroes 2010 276min. beautiful telling of one of the world’s most familiar stories“ British, Crime, Criterion Collection, Foreign, (Dean Richards, WGN-TV, Chicago). It was the cruelest of BBC Home Video 29.01.2013 times. Under Herod’s torturous reign, families struggled to Kidnapping, Mystery, Thrillers 1934 75min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113607 survive and yet, in the midst of utter turmoil, a young woman’s Criterion 15.01.2013 faith was put to the test. Join Mary (Keisha Castle-Hughes) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113483 and Joseph (Oscar Isaac) on an incredible journey of hope Mommy Is Coming and discovery. Epic in its scope, yet intimate in its portrayal Papi Coxxx of this historical family, this „wonderful film“ (Bill Zwecker, Mandroid Pioneer filmmaker Cheryl Dunye returns with a sassy, Chicago Sun Times) is „a family feature that will be cherished Jane Caldwell, Brian Cousins, Michael raunchy, romantic sex comedy set in the edgy underground of for years to come“ (Greg Russell WMYD-TV, ). Christmas, Drama, Holidays, Religion/ Dellafemina Berlin where love and taboo affairs collide! Cute power femme Dylan (Lil Harlow) and studly hotel clerk Claudia (Papi Spirituality 2006 101min. Dr. Karl Zimmer (Robert Symonds) is a brilliant Romanian Coxxx, Crash Pad Series) are suffering from monogamous scientist who is working on a top secret assignment with his relationship blues. Hellbent to change that, Claudia sets out New Line Home Entertainment 05.03.2013 daughter Zanna (Jane Caldwell). They are developing a on a gender-bending roller coaster now as Claude. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113751 crystal-like element called Super-con,that could become the Everything comes to a hysterical climax when Dylan’s mother most powerful force on earth. If this element were to fall into (Maggie Tapert) arrives in town and really shakes things up! the wrong hands it could mean the end of the world as we Fun, provocative and interwoven with personal interviews, The New Republic know it...Dr. Zimmer’s partner is the deviant Dr. Drago (Curt Mommy Is Coming is filled with sheer delight - in more ways Lowens), whose only concern is the success of their project. Anthony Tyler Quinn, Owen Beckman than one! Politics, Thrillers, Crime 2011 99min. The goal of their work is simple: the Super-con is to be Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2012 inserted into the processing units of powerful androids that Osiris Entertainment 18.12.2012 67min. would be directed by human thoughts and actions. The first 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113479 test subject is the Manroid unit, which is connected to the TLA Releasing 20.11.2012 human mind through a virtual reality helmet worn by the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113475 operator. Meanwhile, Dr. Wade Franklin(Brian Cousins) and Obselidia C.I.A. agent Joe Pryce (Patrick Ersgard) have arrived from the to purchase the Super-con Project and The Munsters: The Complete First Michael Piccirilli, Frank Hoyt Taylor bring it back to the U.S. But Zimmer and Drago have opposing Believing he’s the last door-to-door encyclopedia salesman in views on who should receive their incredible discovery. So, Season (Repackage) the world, George decides to write The Obselidia, a Drago attempts to steal the Mandroid unit and in the proc Fred Gwynne, Al Lewis, Yvonne De Carlo, compendium of obsolete things. George believes that love, Science Fiction, Action, Cult Film / TV, Hor- among other things, is obsolete. In his quest to document Pat Priest, Butch Patrick nearly extinct occupations, he befriends Sophie, a beautiful ror 1993 81min. Get ready to be entertained by America’s first family of fright. cinema projectionist who works at a silent movie theatre. Full Moon 18.10.2012 In this timeless, one-of-a-kind comedy series, the Sophie believes that nothing is obsolete as long as someone 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113592 unforgettable family of The Munster casts a hilarious spell loves it. When they interview a reclusive scientist who that will keep you laughing through every new episode. predicts that 80 percent of the world’s population will be Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Monsters, obliterated by irreversible climate change by the year 2100, Merlin: The Complete Fourth the two must face the question, if the world is going to Science Fiction 1964 min. disappear tomorrow, how are we going to live today? Season Universal Studios 05.02.2013 Drama 2010 97min. Bradley James, John Hurt, Colin Morgan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113728 Passion River 15.01.2013 The young wizard struggles to protect Prince Arthur in the perilous world of Camelot. While battling deadly assassins, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113540 mystical monsters and the most powerful sorcerers Camelot The Munsters: The Complete Se- has ever seen, Merlin now has to face his toughest challenge cond Season (Repackage) Occupied yet when Morgana’s blind determination puts at risk Arthur’s future as well as the very balance of the world. Featuring Fred Gwynne, Al Lewis, Yvonne De Carlo Thrillers, Drama 2011 87min. exciting new villains, white-knuckle stunt sequences, and America’s first family of fright is back on DVD with all 32 Osiris Entertainment 11.12.2012 spectacular CGI monsters, Merlin season four is more outrageous second-season episodes and hilarious new bonus thrilling than ever. features in The Munsters: The Complete Second Season! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113480 Adventure, BBC, British, Drama, Family, Reunite with the wacky and weird Munster clan: Herman, devoted dad and „working stiff“; Lily, the homemaker with Officer Down Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Magic, sass; Grandpa, a former count who still loves to take a bit out Swashbucklers 2011 536min. of life; Marilyn, the „black sheep“ of the family; and Eddie, a Stephen Lang, Annalynne McCord, Stephen BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 little boy who always loves to have a howling good time. It’s Dorff, David Boreanaz, Dominic Purcell 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113606 spooky fun that everyone will be screaming about in the Officer Down, directed by Brian A. Miller and written by John Golden Globe-nominated adventures of the frighteningly funny Chase, follows a rogue police officer who tries to right the family form Mockingbird Lane. wrongs of his past by seeking revenge against the men Merlin: The Complete Fourth Classics, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Horror, responsible for a string of attacks on the young women Season (Blu-ray) Monsters, Science Fiction 1965 min. working at a local strip club. Stephen Dorff, Dominic Purcell, Universal Studios 05.02.2013 AnnaLynne McCord, David Boreanaz, Walton Goggins, Bradley James, John Hurt, Colin Morgan Stephen Lang and James Woods star. The young wizard struggles to protect Prince Arthur in the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113729 Crime, Drama 2012 97min. perilous world of Camelot. While battling deadly assassins, Starz / Anchor Bay 22.01.2013 mystical monsters and the most powerful sorcerers Camelot My Heart Beats has ever seen, Merlin now has to face his toughest challenge 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113688 yet when Morgana’s blind determination puts at risk Arthur’s 37-year-old Yoo Jo-Ri is a professor of English and future as well as the very balance of the world. Featuring literature. She also likes to watch pornography. It seems the Officer Down (Blu-ray) exciting new villains, white-knuckle stunt sequences, and only way she can escape from her dry and boring life is by spectacular CGI monsters, Merlin season four is more watching those videos. One day, she watches an odd erotic Stephen Lang, Annalynne McCord, Stephen thrilling than ever. video and feels herself wanting to experience similar emotions. Jo-Ri decides to take the plunge and act in an Dorff, David Boreanaz, Dominic Purcell British, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, erotic video... Officer Down, directed by Brian A. Miller and written by John International TV, Magic, Swashbucklers, Chase, follows a rogue police officer who tries to right the Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Korean 2009 wrongs of his past by seeking revenge against the men Adventure, BBC 2011 536min. 110min. responsible for a string of attacks on the young women BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 Music Video Distribution 20.11.2012 working at a local strip club. Stephen Dorff, Dominic Purcell, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113618 AnnaLynne McCord, David Boreanaz, Walton Goggins, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113742 Stephen Lang and James Woods star. Crime, Drama 2012 97min. Misfits: Season Two Natalie’s Rose / Second Chances Starz / Anchor Bay 22.01.2013 Lauren Socha, Iwan Rheon, Howard (Double Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113703 Overman Fuelled with its usual irreverent humor, the second season of Double Features, Drama, Family, Horses

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One Fine Day (Blu-ray) 2 against a duplicating Nighlok, Kevin and Mike getting stuck together with a sticky glue glob or overcoming an intense Charles Durning, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mae Barbara Hale, Raymond Burr, Ray Collins, hunger toxin, the Samurai will leave you wanting more! Whitman, George Clooney Richard Anderson, William Hopper, William Action, Cult Film / TV, Family, Martial Arts, In this charming, romantic comedy, three-time Academy Award Talman, Wesley Lau, Dan Tobin, Lee Miller, Samurai, Science Fiction 92min. nominee Michelle Pfeiffer (Hairspray) and Oscar Winner George Clooney (Ocean’s Thirteen) find that opposites Karl Held Lionsgate 15.01.2013 attract whether they like it or not. Melanie Parker (Pfeiffer) is Perry Mason is an attorney who specializes in defending 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113627 juggling single parenthood with a career as an architect. Jack seemingly indefensible cases. With the aid of his secretary Taylor (Clooney) is a commitment-shy newspaper columnist Della Street and investigator Paul Drake, he often finds that who only has his daughter every other weekend. When their by digging deeply into the facts, startling facts can be The Prayer Circle kids miss a school field trip, Melanie and Jack agree to take revealed. Often relying on his outstanding courtroom skills, Ameer Baraka shifts babysitting for the day - resulting in twelve hours of he often tricks or traps people into unwittingly admitting their hilarious misadventures with one unexpected twist. guilt. Religion/Spirituality, African Americans, Comedy, Drama, Romance 1996 109min. CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Drama 2012 80min. 20th Century Fox 08.01.2013 Legal Issues, On The Job 1695 772min. Allegro Entertainment 08.01.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113504 Paramount Pictures 15.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113749 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113455 The Paperboy Premium Rush (Blu-ray + John Cusack, Nicole Kidman, Matthew The Possession In Japan UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) McConaughey, Zac Efron Possession, Foreign, Horror, Japanese Jamie Chung, Dania Ramirez, Michael A sexually and racially charged film noir from Oscar- 80min. Shannon, Aasif Mandvi, Henry O nominated director Lee Daniels (Precious), The Paperboy Allegro Entertainment 08.11.2013 Dodging speeding cars, crazed cabbies and eight million takes audiences deep into the backwaters of steamy 1960s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113747 cranky pedestrians is all in a day’s work for Wilee (Joseph South Florida, as investigative reporter Ward Jansen Gordon-Levitt), the best of New York’s agile and aggressive (Matthew McConaughey) and his partner Yardley Acheman bicycle messengers. It takes a special breed to ride the fixie - (David Oyelowo) chase a sensational, career-making story. The Possession (Blu-ray + Digital super lightweight, single-gear bikes with no brakes and With the help of Ward’s younger brother Jack (Zac Efron) riders who are equal part skilled cyclists and nutcases who and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless (Nicole Copy) (Blu-ray) risk becoming a smear on the pavement every time they head Kidman), the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Kyra Sedgwick, Natasha Calis, Jeffrey into traffic. But a guy who’s used to putting his life on the line Van Wetter (John Cusack) was framed for the murder of a is about to get more than even he is used to when his last corrupt local sheriff. Based on the provocative bestselling Dean Morgan envelope of the day - a routine „premium rush“ run - turns into novel by Pete Dexter (Mulholland Falls, Rush), The Paper- Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie Brenek (Kyra a life or death chase through the streets of Manhattan. Also boy peels back a sleepy small town’s decades-old façade of Sedgwick) see little cause for alarm when their youngest starring Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez and Jamie Chung. Southern gentility to reveal a quagmire of evil as dark as a daughter Em becomes oddly obsessed with an antique wooden For International Only: Dodging speeding cars, crazed Florida bayou. box she purchased at a yard sale. But as Em’s behavior cabbies and eight million cranky pedestrians is all in a day’s Thrillers, Drama, Film Noir, Gay / Lesbian becomes increasingly erratic, the couple fears the presence work for Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the best of New Interest 2012 107min. of a malevolent force in their midst, only to discover that the York’s agile and aggressive bicycle messengers. It takes a box was built to contain a Dibbuk, a dislocated spirit that special breed to ride the fixie bike. Riders who are equal part Millennium Entertainment 15.01.2013 inhabits and ultimately devours its human host. skilled cyclists and nutcases who risk becoming a smear on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113589 Horror, Mystery, Possession, Thrillers 2012 the pavement every time they head into tra 103min. Chases, Cops, Crime, Action, Thrillers 2012 The Paperboy (Blu-ray + DVD + Lionsgate 15.01.2013 91min. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113633 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 21.12.2012 John Cusack, Nicole Kidman, Matthew 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113452 McConaughey, Zac Efron The Possession (DVD + Digital A sexually and racially charged film noir from Oscar- Copy) nominated director Lee Daniels (Precious), The Paperboy Premium Rush (DVD + takes audiences deep into the backwaters of steamy 1960s Kyra Sedgwick, Natasha Calis, Jeffrey South Florida, as investigative reporter Ward Jansen Dean Morgan UltraViolet) (Matthew McConaughey) and his partner Yardley Acheman Clyde (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Stephanie Brenek (Kyra Jamie Chung, Dania Ramirez, Aasif Mandvi, (David Oyelowo) chase a sensational, career-making story. Sedgwick) see little cause for alarm when their youngest With the help of Ward’s younger brother Jack (Zac Efron) daughter Em becomes oddly obsessed with an antique wooden Henry O, Michael Shannon and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless (Nicole box she purchased at a yard sale. But as Em’s behavior Dodging speeding cars, crazed cabbies and eight million Kidman), the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary becomes increasingly erratic, the couple fears the presence cranky pedestrians is all in a day’s work for Wilee (Joseph Van Wetter (John Cusack) was framed for the murder of a of a malevolent force in their midst, only to discover that the Gordon-Levitt), the best of New York’s agile and aggressive corrupt local sheriff. Based on the provocative bestselling box was built to contain a Dibbuk, a dislocated spirit that bicycle messengers. It takes a special breed to ride the fixie - novel by Pete Dexter (Mulholland Falls, Rush), The Paper- inhabits and ultimately devours its human host. super lightweight, single-gear bikes with no brakes and boy peels back a sleepy small town’s decades-old façade of Mystery, Possession, Thrillers, Horror 2012 riders who are equal part skilled cyclists and nutcases who Southern gentility to reveal a quagmire of evil as dark as a risk becoming a smear on the pavement every time they head Florida bayou. 103min. into traffic. But a guy who’s used to putting his life on the line Lionsgate 15.01.2013 is about to get more than even he is used to when his last Drama, Film Noir, Gay / Lesbian Interest, envelope of the day - a routine „premium rush“ run - turns into Thrillers 2012 107min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113628 a life or death chase through the streets of Manhattan. Also Millennium Entertainment 15.01.2013 starring Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez and Jamie Chung. Power Rangers Samurai Vol. 3: A For International Only: Dodging speeding cars, crazed 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113617 cabbies and eight million cranky pedestrians is all in a day’s Team Divided work for Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the best of New The Paperboy (Blu-ray) Jayden, Kevin, Emily, Mia and Mike face their toughest York’s agile and aggressive bicycle messengers. It takes a challenges yet when the Power Rangers Samurai start turning special breed to ride the fixie bike. Riders who are equal part John Cusack, Nicole Kidman, Matthew against each other! Mind control, disobeyed orders and skilled cyclists and nutcases who risk becoming a smear on McConaughey, Zac Efron runaway Power Rangers shatter the team, giving Master the pavement every time they head into tra A sexually and racially charged film noir from Oscar- Xandred and a new horde of nasty Nighlok Monsters the Thrillers, Action, Chases, Cops, Crime 2012 nominated director Lee Daniels (Precious), The Paperboy upper hand. But when Master Ji reveals that the Red Ranger 91min. takes audiences deep into the backwaters of steamy 1960s possesses a secret power that is capable of banishing Master South Florida, as investigative reporter Ward Jansen Xandred forever, it will take total teamwork to defeat the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Matthew McConaughey) and his partner Yardley Acheman forces of the Netherworld in 4 epic adventures! 21.12.2012 (David Oyelowo) chase a sensational, career-making story. Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Martial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113446 With the help of Ward’s younger brother Jack (Zac Efron) and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless (Nicole Arts, Samurai, Science Fiction 92min. Kidman), the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Lionsgate 15.01.2013 Red Dwarf: X Van Wetter (John Cusack) was framed for the murder of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113626 The most inept band of space travelers ever to roam the corrupt local sheriff. Based on the provocative bestselling interstellar highway; return with an all-new season of novel by Pete Dexter (Mulholland Falls, Rush), The Paper- misadventures! The brand new series, written and directed by boy peels back a sleepy small town’s decades-old façade of Power Rangers Super Samurai: Doug Naylor, begins with the Dwarfers mining ship still Southern gentility to reveal a quagmire of evil as dark as a Rise Of The Bullzooka - Volume 3 creaking though the wastelands of unchartered deep space, Florida bayou. but the posse soon stumbles upon the mysteriously abandoned Drama, Film Noir, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Join the Power Rangers as they go head-to-head against SS Trojan. As they inspect the ship Rimmer receives an SOS Thrillers 2012 107min. menacing Nighlok monsters, while also harnessing the mighty distress call from an old foe and is suddenly faced with the new BullZooka weapon in these four Super Samurai dilemma of his life. Red Dwarf X reunites the much loved Millennium Entertainment 15.01.2013 adventures bursting with supercharged action. When evil original cast of Chris Barrie (Rimmer), Craig Charles 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113603 Lord Serrator unveils his mysterious master plan to enslave (Lister), Danny John-Jules (Cat) and Robert Llewellyn Earth, Jayden, Kevin, Mia, Emily and Mike must focus on the (Kryten) and promises to be a huge hit amongst the Sci Fi power of Ranger teamwork in order to triumph against sitcom’s cult following of devoted fans. Perry Mason: Season 8 - Volume Serrator’s Mooger and Spitfang army. Whether its battling

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BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International PLEASE NOTE: This title is a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only Full Moon 18.10.2012 compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. The TV, Science Fiction 2012 min. Umbrella Corporation’s deadly T-virus is spreading across 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113593 BBC Home Video 08.01.2013 the globe, transforming ordinary people into legions of 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113659 undead. Headed for extinction, the human race has just one The Sex Thief: Remastered Editi- hope: Alice (Milla Jovovich). She’s on a mission, fighting her way through cities and across continents, all inside on Red Dwarf: X (Blu-ray) Umbrella’s prime research facility. Old friends become new Jennifer Westbrook, David Warbeck, Mi- The most inept band of space travelers ever to roam the enemies as she battles to escape and discovers that interstellar highway; return with an all-new season of everything that she believes may not even be true. chael Armstrong, Henry Rayner misadventures! The brand new series, written and directed by Fantasy, Horror, Action, Apocalyptic (Casino Royale, Golden Eye) directs this Doug Naylor, begins with the Dwarfers mining ship still Future, Based On Video Game, Science sexy 1970s comedy following the exploits of a masked man creaking though the wastelands of unchartered deep space, (David Warbeck) who seduces his willing victims - and the but the posse soon stumbles upon the mysteriously abandoned Fiction, Thrillers 2012 96min. two bungling policemen who can’t seem to catch him. The SS Trojan. As they inspect the ship Rimmer receives an SOS Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ribald crime romp, which marked Campbell’s directorial debut, distress call from an old foe and is suddenly faced with the 21.12.2012 also stars Jennifer Westbrook, Gloria Walker and Michael dilemma of his life. Red Dwarf X reunites the much loved Armstrong (who also co-wrote the screenplay). original cast of Chris Barrie (Rimmer), Craig Charles 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113694 British, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Erotica, (Lister), Danny John-Jules (Cat) and Robert Llewellyn Foreign 1974 89min. (Kryten) and promises to be a huge hit amongst the Sci Fi Robot Wars sitcom’s cult following of devoted fans. Kino Video 22.01.2013 BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International Jennifer Nash, David Kauffman, Brian Cou- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113471 TV, Science Fiction 2012 180min. sins, Curt Lowens, Michael Dellafemina Toward the end of the 21st Century two great powers The Sex Thief: Remastered Editi- BBC Home Video 08.01.2013 dominated the world, a division that resulted from a 30-year 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113665 war known as the War of the Hemispheres. The war came to on (Blu-ray) an end with the creation of giant, indestructible mega-robots designed for military missions and balance of power. With the Jennifer Westbrook, David Warbeck, Mi- The Resident Evil Collection (Blu- treaty came peace and both sides merged into one government, chael Armstrong, Henry Rayner ray) the New Federation. The armed forces were reduced to one Martin Campbell (Casino Royale, Golden Eye) directs this single mega-robot, the MRAS-2, an 80-foot-tall Mega- sexy 1970s comedy following the exploits of a masked man Milla Jovovich, Colin Salmon, Michelle Robotic-Assault-System, now used to guard the most (David Warbeck) who seduces his willing victims - and the Rodriguez, James Purefoy, Eric Mabius, dangerous spot on earth. The MRAS-2 now patrols the highly two bungling policemen who can’t seem to catch him. The restricted area known as the Crosshair Zone, the site of the ribald crime romp, which marked Campbell’s directorial debut, Martin Crewes Toxic Tomb-a dumping ground for the most dangerous toxic also stars Jennifer Westbrook, Gloria Walker and Michael Horror, Independent Women, Killer waste. Periodically, lobe-wolf terrorist groups try to get to the Armstrong (who also co-wrote the screenplay). Beauties, Action, Apocalyptic Future, tomb to gain materials to launch chemical warfare against the British, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Erotica, New Federation police forces. But MRAS-2 is the most Based On Video Game, Thrillers, Zombies sophisticated weapons system ever built and is indestructible. Foreign 1974 89min. min. Recently, the mega-robot has become a tourist attraction and Kino Video 22.01.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is used for tours through the wasteland. While on one such 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113488 21.12.2012 tour, the MRAS-2 is attacked by an extremely violent ter Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, War, 143,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113697 Cult Film / TV, Giant Robots 1993 83min. Shaka Zulu: Remastered Edition Full Moon 18.10.2012 Edward Fox, Henry Cele, Christopher Lee Resident Evil: Retribution (Blu- He was an illegitimate prince who reclaimed his birthright 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113595 with brilliance and brutality. He created a vast new nation ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) from warring tribes and forged an army that defied the most Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Sienna Samsara powerful empire on earth. He was Shaka Zulu. Brought to life in an epic, 10-part production, the story of the legendary, Guillory Prepare yourself for an unparalleled sensory experience. 19th-century African king became one of the most compelling The Umbrella Corporation’s deadly T-virus is spreading Filmed over a period of almost five years and in twenty-five and controversial miniseries in television history. From his across the globe, transforming ordinary people into legions of countries, Samsara explores the wonders of the world from boyhood in exile to the bloody struggles that solidified his undead. Headed for extinction, the human race has just one sacred grounds to industrial sites, looking into the rule and his proud defiance of British colonists, Shaka Zulu is hope: Alice (Milla Jovovich). She’s on a mission, fighting her unfathomable reaches of man’s spirituality and the human the unforgettable tale of a man who stood at the heart of a way through cities and across continents, all inside experience. Photographed entirely in 70mm and transferred to battle between two worlds. Filmed entirely on location in Umbrella’s prime research facility. Old friends become new 4K digital projection format, Samsara’s mesmerizing images of South Africa, Shaka Zulu stars Christopher Lee (The Lord of enemies as she battles to escape and discovers that unprecedented clarity illuminate the links between humanity the Rings, Episode II), Edward Fox (The Dresser, everything that she believes may not even be true. and the rest of nature, showing how our life cycle mirrors the Gandhi) and Henry Cele as Shaka. Now, featuring a Horror, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Based rhythm of the planet. Neither a traditional documentary nor a meticulous, frame-by-frame restoration, Shaka Zulu looks On Video Game, Science Fiction, Thrillers travelogue, Samsara is a guided meditation on the current of better than it ever has before. interconnection that runs through all of our lives. War, Action, Biopics, Drama min. 2012 96min. Art House, Documentary 2011 101min. A&E 04.12.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment MPI 08.01.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113714 21.12.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113644 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113693 Samsara (Blu-ray) The Skinny Resident Evil: Retribution (DVD + The Skinny is a sharply scripted comedy about a group of four Prepare yourself for an unparalleled sensory experience. young black gay men and their lesbian best friend. They UltraViolet) Filmed over a period of almost five years and in twenty-five arrange to meet up in New York City one year after their countries, Samsara explores the wonders of the world from graduation from Brown University. Their plans for a weekend Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Sienna sacred grounds to industrial sites, looking into the of fun start off well, relaxed in each other’s company as only Guillory unfathomable reaches of man’s spirituality and the human old friends can be. But old tensions quickly resurface. The Umbrella Corporation’s deadly T-virus is spreading experience. Photographed entirely in 70mm and transferred to Drinking, drugs, hidden desire and the demands of across the globe, transforming ordinary people into legions of 4K digital projection format, Samsara’s mesmerizing images of promiscuity put friendship, trust and even lives at risk. undead. Headed for extinction, the human race has just one unprecedented clarity illuminate the links between humanity Romance, Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian hope: Alice (Milla Jovovich). She’s on a mission, fighting her and the rest of nature, showing how our life cycle mirrors the way through cities and across continents, all inside rhythm of the planet. Neither a traditional documentary nor a Interest 100min. Umbrella’s prime research facility. Old friends become new travelogue, Samsara is a guided meditation on the current of Breaking Glass Pictures 11.12.2012 enemies as she battles to escape and discovers that interconnection that runs through all of our lives. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113753 everything that she believes may not even be true. Documentary, Art House 2011 101min. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, MPI 08.01.2013 Apocalyptic Future, Based On Video Game, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113647 Sleep Tight Toiling silently amongst the residents of an everyday Barcelo- Fantasy, Horror 2012 96min. na apartment building, doorman Cesar (Luis Tosar) harbors a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Seedpeople dark secret: his sole desire in life is to make others unhappy. 21.12.2012 When he sets his sights on Clara (Marta Clara), one of his Andrea Roth, Sam Hennings, Dane building’s cheeriest residents, his sick need blossoms into a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113669 Witherspoon full-fledged obsession. Embarking on a series of private and The sleepy little town of Comet Valley has been invaded by physical violations against Clara, Cesar becomes determined Resident Evil: Retribution 3D plants from outer space. Intent on taking over the Earth, the to ruin her life by any means necessary. Becoming the space plants have found a way to pollinate humans, thus boogeyman hiding under the bed and bringing her nightmares (Blu-ray 3D + UltraViolet) (Blu- turning them into walking seed carriers. Can the resourceful to life, his fascination with torment soon crosses the line into residents fight off the alien invaders, or is the planet doomed lunacy - and his thirst for others’ sadness soon becomes ray) to become an alien garden? manically unquenchable. Acclaimed Spanish director Jaume Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Sienna Science Fiction, Aliens, Cult Film / TV, Hor- Balaguero, co-creator of [REC] and [REC] 2, delves into the perverse fantasies of a man on the brink, and delivers an Guillory ror 1992 87min. unnerving tale of obsession and torment that delivers nonstop

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA thrills right up to its shocking conclusion. memory of it. Produced as Franco’s long regime was nearing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113534 Spanish, Thrillers, Foreign, Horror 2011 it’s end, The Spirit of the Beehive is a bewitching portrait of a 102min. child’s haunted inner life and one of the most visually arresting movies ever made. Tai Chi Zero MPI 08.01.2013 Spanish, Art House, Criterion Collection, Tony Leung Ka Fai 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113645 Drama 1973 min. Everyone is a martial arts master, and use a powerful form of Criterion 08.01.2013 Tai Chi in all aspects of their life. Yang has arrived to learn it, Sleep Tight (Blu-ray) only to find that it’s forbidden for the villagers to teach their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113643 secret style to an outsider. When a mysterious man arrives Toiling silently amongst the residents of an everyday Barcelo- with a frightening steam-powered machine the villagers na apartment building, doorman Cesar (Luis Tosar) harbors a Stalingrad realize they may have no choice but to put their faith in Yang, dark secret: his sole desire in life is to make others unhappy. who has a secret power of his own. When he sets his sights on Clara (Marta Clara), one of his Dominique Horwitz, Jochen Nickel, Sebasti- building’s cheeriest residents, his sick need blossoms into a Tai Chi, Action, Chinese, Foreign, Martial full-fledged obsession. Embarking on a series of private and an Rudolph, Arts 2012 95min. physical violations against Clara, Cesar becomes determined In the spring of 1942, German troops advanced deep into the Well Go USA 22.01.2013 to ruin her life by any means necessary. Becoming the Soviet Union en route to Stalingrad. Hitler seriously boogeyman hiding under the bed and bringing her nightmares misjudged the tenacity of the Red Army and was convinced 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113567 to life, his fascination with torment soon crosses the line into that the city could be conquered before winter. Ordinary foot lunacy - and his thirst for others’ sadness soon becomes soldiers, inadequately clothed and without sufficient food, Tai Chi Zero (Blu-ray) manically unquenchable. Acclaimed Spanish director Jaume struggled just to stay alive. Abandoned by their leaders, Nazi Balaguero, co-creator of [REC] and [REC] 2, delves into the troops froze and starved to death in a conflict that left over Tony Leung Ka Fai perverse fantasies of a man on the brink, and delivers an one million dead. Stalingrad graphically depicts this turning Everyone is a martial arts master, and use a powerful form of unnerving tale of obsession and torment that delivers nonstop point in World War II as a vast tableau of horror in which the Tai Chi in all aspects of their life. Yang has arrived to learn it, thrills right up to its shocking conclusion. average German soldier was as much a victim of Nazi evil as only to find that it’s forbidden for the villagers to teach their Foreign, Horror, Spanish, Thrillers 2011 the Soviet people. secret style to an outsider. When a mysterious man arrives War, World War II, Drama, Foreign, German, 102min. with a frightening steam-powered machine the villagers Military 1993 138min. realize they may have no choice but to put their faith in Yang, MPI 08.01.2013 Hen’s Tooth 08.01.2013 who has a secret power of his own. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113648 Tai Chi, Chinese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Ac- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113629 tion 2012 95min. Sling Blade / Monster’s Ball Well Go USA 22.01.2013 Stalingrad (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113582 (Double Feature) Dominique Horwitz, Jochen Nickel, Sebasti- Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter, Dwight an Rudolph, Thomas Kretschmann Talhotbond Yoakam, J.T. Walsh, , Heath In the spring of 1942, German troops advanced deep into the Ledger Soviet Union en route to Stalingrad. Hitler seriously Laura San Giacomo, Garret Dillahunt, Romance, Substance Abuse, Academy misjudged the tenacity of the Red Army and was convinced Brando Eaton that the city could be conquered before winter. Ordinary foot Based on the true story of Thomas Montgomery, a 47-year-old Award Winners, Art House, Double Fea- soldiers, inadequately clothed and without sufficient food, machinist with a troubled marriage who meets a teenage girl tures, Drama, Friendships 261min. struggled just to stay alive. Abandoned by their leaders, Nazi online. Thomas tells her that he is an 18-year-old boy on his Lionsgate 29.01.2013 troops froze and starved to death in a conflict that left over way to Marine boot camp. Their relationship quickly evolves one million dead. Stalingrad graphically depicts this turning into cybersex and an engagement. Eventually the truth is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113755 point in World War II as a vast tableau of horror in which the revealed and when the young girl embarks on another online average German soldier was as much a victim of Nazi evil as relationship with Thomas’ co-worker, all three of their real Sling Blade / Monster’s Ball the Soviet people. and online lives begin to collide. Drama, Foreign, German, Military, War, TV Movies, Drama 2012 120min. (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) World War II 1993 138min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Billy Bob Thornton, John Ritter, Dwight Hen’s Tooth 08.01.2013 15.01.2013 Yoakam, J.T. Walsh, Halle Berry, Heath 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113634 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113672 Ledger Double Features, Drama, Friendships, Stealing Harvard (Blu-ray) Tell No One Academy Award Winners, Art House, Jason Lee, Tom Green, John C. McGinley, Andre Dussollier, Francois Cluzet Romance, Substance Abuse 261min. Dennis Farina, Leslie Mann, Megan Mullally, Tell No One tells the story of pediatrician Alexandre Beck Lionsgate 29.01.2013 Richard Jenkins, Chris Penn who still grieves the murder of his beloved wife, Margot, eight 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113758 Their intentions were honorable, their methods were criminal. years earlier. When two bodies are uncovered near where John (Jason Lee) leads a simple and happy life. He has a Margot’s body was found, the police reopen the case and Alex beautiful fiancée and an assistant manager position at his becomes a suspect again. The mystery deepens when Alex Southland: The Complete Se- future father-in-law’s company. Everything seems perfect, receives an anonymous email with a link to a video clip that cond, Third & Fourth Seasons until John’s favorite niece surprises him with her acceptance seems to suggest Margot is somehow still alive and a to Harvard University and he’s reminded of a long forgotten message to „tell no one.“ Regina King, Shawn Hatosy, Michael oath he made to foot the bill! Desperate, John turns to his hair Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Cudlitz brained and half witted best friend Duff (Tom Green) for French 2006 131min. The Southland is Los Angeles: sandy beaches, Bel-Air advice. Thinking far outside the box, Duff convinces John that Music Box Films 04.12.2012 mansions, gangbangers and drug deals gone wrong. It’s they must temporarily lead a life of crime to raise the needed where the rookies and veterans of a stand-up LAPD unit see cash! From the director of Superstar and co-starring Megan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113520 all the violence and fear a big city can breed and struggle to Mullally (Emmy Award winning Best Supporting Actress for make a difference. This 6-Disc Set contains all 26 explosive TV’s Will & Grace) and Dennis Farina (Snatch, Big Trouble), Tell No One (Blu-ray) Season Two, Three and Four Episodes of the gripping, Stealing Harvard is an outrageous comedy of errors proving lightning-paced series about the men and women who live that getting into college is the easy part! Andre Dussollier, Francois Cluzet their lives on a jagged edge, taking on criminals, victims and a Comedy 2002 85min. Tell No One tells the story of pediatrician Alexandre Beck sprawling city tainted by vice and seething with danger. Image Ent. 06.11.2012 who still grieves the murder of his beloved wife, Margot, eight Sometimes the cops triumph. Sometimes they fail. And years earlier. When two bodies are uncovered near where sometimes the poison they live with on the job comes home 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113655 Margot’s body was found, the police reopen the case and Alex with them. Police action hits hard in Southland. becomes a suspect again. The mystery deepens when Alex Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama 1144min. Stricken receives an anonymous email with a link to a video clip that seems to suggest Margot is somehow still alive and a Warner Bros. 05.02.2013 David Fine message to „tell no one.“ 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113608 Sarah Black fears she is losing her grip on reality. When Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, Mystery, people she cares about start to die, Sarah believes she may be next. Detective Scott Aro has been investigating a string of Thrillers 2006 131min. The Spirit Of The Beehive: The murders for 10 years, but nothing he has seen can prepare Music Box Films 04.12.2012 Criterion Collection him for what lies ahead. As hope seems lost, the two must face 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113529 the evil that has been unleashed. Ana Torrent, Teresa Gimpera, Ketty De La Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2010 90min. Camara, Isabel Telleria, Fernando Fernan Music Video Distribution 20.11.2016 The Time Traveler’s Wife / P.S. I Gomez 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113744 Love You / The Lake House The Criterion Collection, A Continuing Series of Important Classic and Contemporary Films. Criterion is proud to (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) present Victor Erice’s spellbinding The Spirit of the Beehive, Suzune Genesis Lisa Kudrow, Hilary Swank, Gina Gershon, widely regarded as the greatest Spanish film of the 1970s. In a small Castilian village in 1940, in the wake of the country’s Science Fiction, Action, Femme Fatales, Ron Livingston, Arliss Howard, Kathy devastating civil war, six-year-old Ana attends a traveling Foreign, Horror, Japanese 90min. Bates, Rachel McAdams, Gerard Butler, movie show of Frankenstein and becomes possessed by the Allegro Entertainment 11.12.2012 Eric Bana, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Harry

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Connick Jr. Comedy, Drama, Adventure, Romance 2012 Robinson Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Time 112min. Jack, beginning to get his life back together, is timejacked back to 2247 to save Angel City from a new wave of . Travel, Triple Feature min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment His mission - find the origin of this new wave of Trancers and Warner Bros. 08.01.2013 15.01.2013 end it with extreme prejudice. With the help of Lena and R.J., 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113724 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113695 a Trancer camp escapee, Jack learns that the new Trancer program is government sponsored, and that his usual shoot- everything-that-moves attitude might not work this time. With The Tin Drum: 2 Disc Edition - Touchback R.J. and Shark, a crystal powered cyborg, Deth will have to find a way inside the Trancer program and shut it down for The Criterion Collection Melanie Lynskey, Kurt Russell, Marc good. Angela Winkler, Mario Adorf, David Bennent Blucas, Brian Presley Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Time Danzig, Germany, 1924. Oskar Matzerath is born with an In the tradition of Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, and Angels in Travel, Action, Cult Film / TV 1992 75min. intellect beyond his infancy. As he witnesses the hypocrisy of the Outfield, former high school football star turned farmer and adulthood and the irresponsibility of society, Oskar rejects family man, Scott Murphy (Brian Presley) finds himself with a Full Moon 03.10.2012 both, and, at his third birthday, refuses to grow older. Caught unique opportunity to revisit the championship game where he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113494 in a baffling state of perpetual childhood, Oskar lashes out at permanently injured his knee in a game-winning play. Given a all he surveys with piercing screams and frantic poundings on second shot at football fame, Scott seeks counsel from his his tin drum, while the unheeding, chaotic world marches longtime mentor on and off the field, Coach Hand (Kurt Trancers 4 onward to the madness and folly of World War II. Honored Russell) to help him decide whether to let his fate unfold, or follow a path that will change his future. Stacie Randall, , Ty Miller with the Palme d’Or at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival and the Jack is back to the future. Having since lost Lena (Helen 1979 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language film, Volker Sports, Drama, Family, Football 2012 Hunt), he finds he’s lost his other wife Alice (Megan Ward) to Schlöndorff’s The Tin Drum (Die Blechtrommel) is a truly 120min. Harris (Stephen Macht). While heading out for another visionary adaptation of Nobel laureate Günter Grass’ Starz / Anchor Bay 08.01.2013 assignment, something goes wrong with the TCL chamber. acclaimed novel, an unforgettable fantasia of surreal imagery, Jack finds himself in a whole new, more dangerous dimension. striking eroticism, and unflinching satire. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113686 He also runs across a different version of Trancers. These War, World War II, Art House, Classics, creeps have total control of this new planet and Jack agrees Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Touchback (Blu-ray + DVD Com- to assist a rebel group known as the „Tunnel Rats“ to crush German 1979 142min. the rule of the evil Lord Calaban. After all, Jack has nothing bo) (Blu-ray) but time to kill. Criterion 15.01.2013 Melanie Lynskey, Kurt Russell, Marc Science Fiction, Time Travel, Action, Cult 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113460 Blucas, Brian Presley Film / TV 1994 83min. In the tradition of Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, and Angels in Full Moon 03.10.2012 The Tin Drum: The Criterion the Outfield, former high school football star turned farmer and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113495 family man, Scott Murphy (Brian Presley) finds himself with a Collection (Blu-ray) unique opportunity to revisit the championship game where he Angela Winkler, Mario Adorf, David Bennent permanently injured his knee in a game-winning play. Given a Trancers 5 Danzig, Germany, 1924. Oskar Matzerath is born with an second shot at football fame, Scott seeks counsel from his longtime mentor on and off the field, Coach Hand (Kurt Stacie Randall, Tim Thomerson, Ty Miller intellect beyond his infancy. As he witnesses the hypocrisy of Welcome Jack back for another round with the Trancers; he adulthood and the irresponsibility of society, Oskar rejects Russell) to help him decide whether to let his fate unfold, or follow a path that will change his future. must find his way home from the other-dimensional world of both, and, at his third birthday, refuses to grow older. Caught Orpheus, where magic works and the Trancers are the ruling in a baffling state of perpetual childhood, Oskar lashes out at Drama, Family, Football, Sports 2012 class. However, Jack’s quest to find the mystical Tiamond in all he surveys with piercing screams and frantic poundings on 120min. the Castle of Unrelenting Terror may be thwarted by the his tin drum, while the unheeding, chaotic world marches Starz / Anchor Bay 08.01.2013 return of Caliban, King of the Trancers and once thought onward to the madness and folly of World War II. Honored dead.witness the explosive conclusion to the Trancers saga. with the Palme d’Or at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival and the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113701 Or is it? 1979 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language film, Volker Schlöndorff’s The Tin Drum (Die Blechtrommel) is a truly Science Fiction, Time Travel, Action, Cult visionary adaptation of Nobel laureate Günter Grass’ Trancers Film / TV 1994 73min. acclaimed novel, an unforgettable fantasia of surreal imagery, Biff Manard, , Telma Hopkins, Full Moon 03.10.2012 striking eroticism, and unflinching satire. Tim Thomerson, Art LaFleur, Michael Stefani 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113496 Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Angel City, 2247. Trooper Jack Deth is battling the last Foreign, German, Art House, War, World disciples of Whistler, who used his psychic powers to trance War II 1979 142min. and control his army. Though he’d been thought dead, he’s The Trouble With Bliss very much alive...in the year 1985. Whistler’s master plan - Rhea Perlman, Lucy Liu, Brie Larson, Sa- Criterion 15.01.2013 kill the ancestors of the City Council. With the Council 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113484 disbanded, nothing can stop him from controlling the city. Jack rah Shahi, Peter Fonda, Michael C. Hall, Deth is sent back in time to inhabit his ancestor’s body and Chris Messina dismantle Whistler’s mission. Meet 35-year-old Morris Bliss (Michael C. Hall). He is To Rome With Love Science Fiction, Action, Adventure 1985 clamped in the jaws of New York City inertia: he wants to Penelope Cruz, Alison Pill, Alec Baldwin, travel but has no money; he needs a job but has no prospects; 76min. he still shares an apartment with his widowed father (Peter Woody Allen, Jesse Eisenberg, Roberto Full Moon 26.10.2012 Fonda); and, perhaps worst of all, the premature death of his Benigni 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113646 mother still lingers and has left him emotionally walled up. Romance! Adventure! Hilarity! Italy! Woody Allen leads this When he finds himself wrapped up in an awkward relationship all-star cast on a rollicking ride through the streets of one of with the sexually precocious, 18-year-old daughter (Brie the world’s greatest cities. Lovers and Fiancées, Opera Trancers 2 Larson) of a former classmate, Morris quickly discovers his Singers and Architects, the talented and the famous, and the static life unraveling and opening up in ways that are long youthful and the wise are all players within this ensemble Helen Hunt, Megan Ward, Tim Thomerson overdue. tour-de-force, as their stories and lives magically criss-cross Los Angeles, 1991. It’s been six years since Jack Deth wiped Comedy, Drama 2011 97min. and collide throughout this engaging film. Also starring Alec out the last of the Trancers-those zombie-like creatures Baldwin, Roberto Benigni, Penélope Cruz, Judy Davis, Jesse whose mission is murder. Jack has rebuilt his life in the Starz / Anchor Bay 01.01.2013 Eisenberg, Greta Gerwig and Ellen Page in a movie as present with his new wife Lena. He’s also got a new job in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113684 incredible as Rome itself. commodities dealing with his old buddy, Hap Ashby, an ex- Romance, Adventure, Comedy, Drama 2012 baseball hero. Now Jack’s got a strange feeling in his gut-the kind you get when Trancers are around. Jack’s sixth sense Trouble With The Curve (Blu-ray 112min. proves him right when he discovers a Trancer at Hap’s place, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ready to go in for the kill. But Jack hasn’t lost his touch, and + DVD + Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) in a flash he eliminates the first of many Trancers to come. If John Goodman, Matthew Lillard, Justin 15.01.2013 that’s not enough, Jack learns that another special agent, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113670 Alice Stillwell, has been sent back „down the line“ to the Timberlake, Amy Adams, present to help fight the new wave of Trancers. Problem is, Gus Lobel (Clint Eastwood) has been one of the best scouts she’s Jack’s former wife, whom he thought dead, and she’s in baseball for decades, but, despite his efforts to hide it, age To Rome With Love (Blu-ray) lost somewhere in Los Angeles. So Jack’s vacation is over. is starting to catch up with him. Nevertheless, Gus - who can Penelope Cruz, Alison Pill, Alec Baldwin, He’s back to his Trancer-hunting ways and must find and tell a pitch just by the crack of the bat - refuses to be benched destroy the source of the new killer-zombies. They are for what may be the final innings of his career. He may not Woody Allen, Jesse Eisenberg, Roberto actually led by Dr. Wardo, the brother of Whistler whom Jack have a choice. The front office of the Atlanta Braves is Benigni killed five years ago. He must also find the starting to question his judgment, especially with the Romance! Adventure! Hilarity! Italy! Woody Allen leads this Science Fiction, Time Travel, Action, country’s hottest batting phenom on deck for the draft. The all-star cast on a rollicking ride through the streets of one of one person who might be able to help is also the one person the world’s greatest cities. Lovers and Fiancées, Opera Adventure, Cult Film / TV 1991 85min. Gus would never ask: his daughter, Mickey (Amy Adams), an Singers and Architects, the talented and the famous, and the Full Moon 03.10.2012 associate at a high-powered Atlanta law firm whose drive and youthful and the wise are all players within this ensemble 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113493 ambition has put her on the fast track to becoming partner. tour-de-force, as their stories and lives magically criss-cross Against her better judgment, and over Gus’s objections, and collide throughout this engaging film. Also starring Alec Mickey joins him on his latest scouting trip to North Carolina, Baldwin, Roberto Benigni, Penélope Cruz, Judy Davis, Jesse Trancers 3 jeopardizing her own career to save his. Drama, Family, Baseball, Sports 2012 min. Eisenberg, Greta Gerwig and Ellen Page in a movie as Melanie Smith, Tim Thomerson, Andrew incredible as Rome itself. Warner Bros. 18.12.2012

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56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113641 story of John Grant, a bonded teacher who arrives in the classic. rough outback mining town of Bundanyabba, planning to stay Classics, Drama, Horror, Zombies 1932 overnight before catching the plane to Sydney. But, as his one 70min. Trouble With The Curve (DVD + night stretches to five, he plunges headlong toward his own destruction. When the alcohol-induced mist lifts, the educated Kino Video 29.01.2013 Ultraviolet) John Grant is no more. Instead there is a self-loathing man in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113487 John Goodman, Matthew Lillard, Justin a desolate wasteland, dirty, red-eyed, sitting against a tree Timberlake, Amy Adams, Clint Eastwood and looking at a rifle with one bullet left... Believed lost for many years, Wake In Fright has been painstakingly restored The Wild Geese (Blu-ray + DVD Gus Lobel (Clint Eastwood) has been one of the best scouts by ’s National Film and Sound Archive and AtLab in baseball for decades, but, despite his efforts to hide it, age Deluxe, and is presented in its original uncompromising form. Combo) (Blu-ray) is starting to catch up with him. Nevertheless, Gus - who can tell a pitch just by the crack of the bat - refuses to be benched Teachers, Thrillers, Australian, Drama, Roger Moore, Richard Harris, Richard for what may be the final innings of his career. He may not Foreign 1971 114min. Burton, Hardy Kruger, Frank Finlay, have a choice. The front office of the Atlanta Braves is Image Ent. 15.01.2013 Kenneth Griffith, Ronald Fraser, Rosalind starting to question his judgment, especially with the country’s hottest batting phenom on deck for the draft. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113680 Lloyd, Jeff Corey, David Ladd, Barry one person who might be able to help is also the one person Foster, Stewart Granger, John Kani, Jack Gus would never ask: his daughter, Mickey (Amy Adams), an Wake In Fright (Blu-ray) Watson, Winston Ntshonia associate at a high-powered Atlanta law firm whose drive and Their home is the battlefield. Their calling is war. Their only ambition has put her on the fast track to becoming partner. Jack Thompson, Donald Pleasence, Chips loyalty is to each other. They are the Wild Geese, 50 crack Against her better judgment, and over Gus’s objections, Rafferty, Gary Bond mercenary paratroopers commanded by fearless veteran Mickey joins him on his latest scouting trip to North Carolina, Awe-inspiring, brutal and stunning, Wake In Fright is the Colonel Faulkner (Richard Burton). Their mission: to land in jeopardizing her own career to save his. story of John Grant, a bonded teacher who arrives in the a remote and hostile corner of Africa, free the one man who Sports, Baseball, Drama, Family 2012 min. rough outback mining town of Bundanyabba, planning to stay can change a nation’s destiny, seize the airport and make Warner Bros. 18.12.2012 overnight before catching the plane to Sydney. But, as his one their escape...But while the Wild Geese are fighting and dying night stretches to five, he plunges headlong toward his own in the African sun, sinister forces in the corridors of power 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113638 destruction. When the alcohol-induced mist lifts, the educated are working to seal their fate. John Grant is no more. Instead there is a self-loathing man in 1978 min. Two-Lane Blacktop: The Criterion a desolate wasteland, dirty, red-eyed, sitting against a tree and looking at a rifle with one bullet left... Believed lost for Severin 11.12.2012 Collection (Blu-ray) many years, Wake In Fright has been painstakingly restored 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113650 by Australia’s National Film and Sound Archive and AtLab Laurie Bird, Warren Oates, James Taylor, Deluxe, and is presented in its original uncompromising form. Dennis Wilson Drama, Foreign, Australian, Teachers, Thril- The Words (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Drag racing east from L.A. in a souped-up ’55 Chevy are the (Blu-ray) wayward Driver and Mechanic (singer-songwriter James lers 1971 114min. Taylor and the Beach Boys’ Dennis Wilson, in their only Image Ent. 15.01.2013 Dennis Quaid, Jeremy Irons, Michael acting roles), accompanied by the tagalong Girl (Laurie Bird). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113699 McKean, Olivia Wilde, Zoe Saldana, Along the way, they meet Warren Oates’s Pontiac GTO- driving wanderer and challenge him to a cross-country race - Bradley Cooper at stake: their cars’ pink slips. Yet no summary can do justice Waking The Dead: The Complete „There’s more than one way to take a life...“ and The Words to the existential punch of Two-Lane Blacktop. Maverick couldn’t be truer. Rory Jansen (Bradley Cooper) has director Monte Hellman’s stripped-down narrative, gorgeous Season Seven achieved his every goal: a loving wife, critical success and a widescreen compositions, and sophisticated look at American Sue Johnston, Trevor Eve, Wil Johnson best-selling novel. The only problem is, he didn’t write it. male obsession make this one of the artistic high points of Now, as his conscience starts to haunt him and his past The award winning and critically-acclaimed crime drama wrongs are revealed, it’s difficult to tell fact from fiction. 1970s cinema, and possibly the greatest road movie ever returns for another series of dark, gripping murder mystery made. Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde, Ben Barnes and investigations. In the six stories, DSI Boyd and his Cold Case Zoe Saldana star in this romantic thriller that keeps you Criterion Collection, Drama, Racing, Road Squad enter the visceral worlds of international terrorism, guessing until the very end. Trips 1971 103min. private military contractors, the penal system and sex offenders, Navajo rituals, people trafficking and neo Nazi Romance, Thrillers, Drama 2012 200min. Criterion 08.01.2013 politics to close more previously unsolved cases. Boyd’s son, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113482 missing for seven years, also makes a surprise reappearance. 24.12.2012 BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113696 Unaware TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery 2008 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Drama, 683min. The Words (DVD + UltraViolet) BBC Home Video 15.01.2013 Horror 2011 83min. Dennis Quaid, Jeremy Irons, Michael 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113611 Allegro Entertainment 11.12.2012 McKean, Olivia Wilde, Zoe Saldana, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113523 Bradley Cooper White Zombie: Remastered Editi- „There’s more than one way to take a life...“ and The Words V/H/S on couldn’t be truer. Rory Jansen (Bradley Cooper) has achieved his every goal: a loving wife, critical success and a Lane Hughes, Adam Wingard Madge Bellamy, Bela Lugosi, Joseph best-selling novel. The only problem is, he didn’t write it. V/H/S is a point of view, found-footage horror film from the Cawthorn Now, as his conscience starts to haunt him and his past perspective of America’s top genre filmmakers. A group of Along a desolate road in the Haitian mountains, a carriage wrongs are revealed, it’s difficult to tell fact from fiction. misfits are hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a bearing Neil Parker and Madeleine Short encounters a Jeremy Irons, Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde, Ben Barnes and desolate house in the countryside to acquire a rare tape. funeral in which the body is being buried in the road. Zoe Saldana star in this romantic thriller that keeps you Upon searching the house, the guys are confronted with a Furtherdown the road, the coach stops at the sight of a man of guessing until the very end. dead body, a hub of old and an endless supply of satanic appearance: six human shapes step forth, and the Romance, Thrillers, Drama 2012 200min. cryptic footage, each video stranger and more inexplicably horrified driver shouts „“Zombies!““, signaling the first Sony Pictures Home Entertainment terrifying than the last... appearance of the living dead in American cinema. When first Anthologies, Ghosts, Horror 2012 116min. released, White Zombie occupies a deserved place beside 24.12.2012 Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 Dracula and Frankenstein as one of the most eerie and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113671 interesting horror films of the 1930’s and remains a horror 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113473 classic. Zombies, Classics, Drama, Horror 1932 Zombie Ass V/H/S (Blu-ray) 70min. Kentaro Kishi, Asami Lane Hughes, Adam Wingard Kino Video 29.01.2013 Zombies, Comedy, Foreign, Horror, V/H/S is a point of view, found-footage horror film from the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113469 Japanese 2011 85min. perspective of America’s top genre filmmakers. A group of Allegro Entertainment 22.01.2013 misfits are hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113748 desolate house in the countryside to acquire a rare tape. White Zombie: Remastered Editi- Upon searching the house, the guys are confronted with a dead body, a hub of old televisions and an endless supply of on (Blu-ray) Zombie Ed cryptic footage, each video stranger and more inexplicably Madge Bellamy, Bela Lugosi, Joseph terrifying than the last... Loser Ed has a lame job, a beater car, a crappy apartment and Cawthorn no hope of a girlfriend. Ed doesn’t think things could get any Ghosts, Horror, Anthologies 2012 116min. Along a desolate road in the Haitian mountains, a carriage worse for him until the day he woke up and found he had gone Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.12.2012 bearing Neil Parker and Madeleine Short encounters a zombie. Can Ed become the zombie he was born to be? 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113490 funeral in which the body is being buried in the road. Zombies, Comedy, Horror 2011 97min. Furtherdown the road, the coach stops at the sight of a man of satanic appearance: six human shapes step forth, and the Brain Damage Films 22.01.2013 Wake In Fright horrified driver shouts „“Zombies!““, signaling the first 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113709 appearance of the living dead in American cinema. When first Jack Thompson, Donald Pleasence, Chips released, White Zombie occupies a deserved place beside Rafferty, Gary Bond Dracula and Frankenstein as one of the most eerie and 360 Awe-inspiring, brutal and stunning, Wake In Fright is the interesting horror films of the 1930’s and remains a horror

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Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Anthony Hopkins, hardworking band as well as an iconic couple. Produced with the cooperation of the author himself, History Blues, Documentary, Funk, Music, Soul launched all-new expeditions to seek out and evaluate Ben Foster evidence of ancient alien contact. Exploring phenomena that A sexy dramatic thriller about interconnected romantic life in 81min. defy explanation, the series provides historical context to the the 21st century. 360 starts in Vienna, weaving stories set in Music Video Distribution 20.11.2012 questions and speculations surrounding ancient astronaut Paris, London, Bratislava, Rio, Denver and Phoenix into a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113741 theory, as well as firsthand accounts and groundbreaking single, mesmerizing narrative. A businessman faced tempted evidence supporting these controversial opinions. From the to be unfaithful to his wife sets into motion a series of events age of dinosaurs to the mysteries of ancient Egypt, and from which ripple around the globe with dramatic consequences, the possibility of time travel to present-day sightings and set against the backdrop of international banking crisis, the cover-ups, each disc provides the information you need to domino-effect of the Arab Spring, the threat of global flu make up your own mind. pandemics and Euro-Zone instability. From the director of City of God and The Constant Gardener, and featuring a terrific Special Interest Aliens, Documentary, History Channel min. ensemble cast, let by Anthony Hopkins, Jude Law, Rachel A&E 04.12.2012 Weisz and Ben Foster. 2012 World Series Collector’s Edi- 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113716 Romance, Thrillers, Drama 2011 110min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.11.2012 tion Every complete game from the 2012 World Series is available Animal Atlas: Pet Party 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113552 to own, just in time for the holiday season. Each definitive Join Sniffer, the busy beagle, as he throws a party for 2012 World Series game is presented in its entirety, hundreds of his pet friends! Featuring the cutest kittens, preserving the complete, unedited footage of every World puppies, hamsters, horses, birds, fish, farm animals, and Series game and key postseason games - plus exclusive more! Non-stop fun for kids of all ages and families! Tons of locker room celebrations and interviews. 8 Discs fascinating kid-friendly facts about the animals we keep as Music Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball pets. It’s the biggest Pet Party on the block! 2012 min. Family, Preschool min. NCircle Entertainment 16.10.2012 Coldplay: Live 2012 (Blu-ray + Team Marketing 04.12.2012 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113514 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113559 CD) (Blu-ray) Alternative, Concerts, Music 2012 min. 2012 World Series Collector’s Edi- Barney: Let’s Go To The Moon Capitol Records 19.11.2012 Star Light, Star Bright, let’s go on a space adventure tonight! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113752 tion (Blu-ray) Barney encourages Riff to always reach for the stars, even Every complete game from the 2012 World Series is available when his homemade spaceship doesn’t reach Mars; Baby Bop to own, just in time for the holiday season. Each definitive learns about Mr. Moon’s important job lighting the night for Coldplay: Live 2012 (DVD + CD) 2012 World Series game is presented in its entirety, the world, and BJ sees he’s special just the way he is - preserving the complete, unedited footage of every World astronaut or not. Barney and friends discover that the sky is Alternative, Concerts, Music min. Series game and key postseason games - plus exclusive not the limit when you use your imagination! Capitol Records 19.11.2012 locker room celebrations and interviews. 8 Discs Family, Music, Preschool, Space 65min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113750 Sports, Major League Baseball, Baseball Lionsgate 08.01.2013 2012 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113544 Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day Team Marketing 04.12.2012 Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music min. 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113616 Battle For Brooklyn WEA 19.11.2012 Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of Battle For 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113720 5 Broken Cameras Brooklyn coming this January on DVD. This movie is the An extraordinary work of both cinematic and political classic tale of David vs. Goliath. Battle for Brooklyn follows activism, 5 Broken Cameras is a deeply personal, first-hand the story of reluctant activist Daniel Goldstein as he Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day account of non-violent resistance in Bil’in, a West Bank struggles to save his home and community from being (Blu-ray) village threatened by encroaching Israeli settlements. Shot demolished to make way for a professional basketball arena almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who and the densest real estate development in U.S. history. Along Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music min. bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his the way, he falls in love, gets married and starts a family WEA 19.11.2012 youngest son, the footage was later turned into a galvanizing while living in a vacated building located at the heart of the cinematic experience by co-directors Guy Davidi and Burnat. project site. Over the course of seven years, Daniel 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113727 Structured around the violent destruction of a succession of spearheads the movement against the development plan as he Burnat’s video cameras, the filmmakers’ collaboration follows and the community fight tenaciously in the courts, the streets, Les Miserables: Special Edition one family’s evolution over five years of village turmoil. and the media to stop the abuse of eminent domain and reveal Burnat watches from behind the lens as olive trees are the corruption at the heart of the plan. Ruthie Henshall, Jenny Galloway, Lea bulldozed, protests intensify, and lives are lost. „I feel like the Documentary, Drama, Politics 2011 93min. Salonga, Hannah Chick, Judy Kuhn, Alun camera protects me,“ he says, „but it’s an illusion.“ Virgil Films And Entertainment 15.01.2013 Armstrong, Colm Wilkinson, Michael Ball, Documentary, Foreign, Palestinian, Politics 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113707 Philip Quast, Anthony Crivello, Michael 2012 90min. Maguire, Adam Searles Kino Video 15.01.2013 Big Boys Gone Bananas! The definitive concert performance of the greatest musical 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113463 This January, Virgil Films is proud to announce the release of ever, Les Misérables, comes to DVD in a new special edition! Big Boys Gone Bananas on DVD. What is a big corporation The top stars from the original London and Broadway Advanced Vinyasa Flow Yoga: capable of in order to protect its brand? Swedish filmmaker productions of the world’s best-loved musical, along with a Fredrik Gertten’s experienced this recently. His previous film 150-voice chorus and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra join Strength And Balance Bananas! (2009) recounts the lawsuit that 12 Nicaraguan together for the most magical gala performance of Les plantation workers brought against the fruit giant Dole Food Misérables ever produced! This is the original 10th Featuring 5 different routines of varying lengths of time, this challenging yoga practice will open and strengthen your body, Company. The film was selected for competition by the Los Anniversary Dream Cast concert, newly remastered. You’ll Angeles Film Festival. Nothing wrong so far, right? But then watch and listen time and again to the magnificent, Tony increase your stamina, and calm your mind. Included on this DVD are a short 37-minute routine, two 1-hour routines, and Gertten gets a strange message: the festival removes Award-winning score as sung by stars forever linked with Bananas! from competition. Then a scathing article appears in these roles including Colm Wilkinson as Jean Valjean, Lea two longer 75-minute routines. Each sequence is clearly led with a focus on performing the poses with control and the Los Angeles Business Journal about the film, and Gertten Salonga as Eponine, Judy Kuhn as Cosette and Michael Ball subsequently receives a letter from Dole’s attorney as Marius. Includes all the songs you remember so well, from stability. This is a powerful flowing practice, so be prepared to get sweaty! Please note: this advanced practice is threatening him with legal action. What follows is an tear-jerking ballads („I Dreamed a Dream,“ „Bring Him Home“) unparalleled thriller that has Gertten capturing the entire to heart-stirring anthems („One Day More“). Includes the designed for experienced yoga practitioners and for anyone interested in taking their current practice to the next level. process - from Dole attacking the producers with a defamation entire concert performance plus newly found interviews with lawsuit, bullying scare tactics, to media-control and PR spin. producer Cameron Macintosh, composer Claude-Michel Instructor Jenni Rawlings has been a dedicated student of yoga since 1997, has completed multiple yoga teacher This personal film reveals precisely how a multinational will Schönberg and lyricist Alain Boublil, the documentary Stage stop at nothing to get its way - freedom of speech is at stake. by Stage-The Making of Les Misérables, a replica ticket to trainings, and is a certified Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga instructor. As Dole’s PR company puts it, „It is easier the London after-party Biography, Documentary, Drama 2011 Historical / Period Piece, Music, Musical, Yoga, Fitness, Health 123min. 88min. Musicals On Stage, Performing Arts, Bayview Entertainment 18.12.2012 Virgil Films And Entertainment 29.01.2013 Special Editions 147min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113500 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113754 BBC Home Video 20.11.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113510 Ancient Aliens: Collector’s Editi- on Chasing Classic Cars: Season Ike & : On The Road Did intelligent life forms visit Earth thousands of years ago One and bring technologies that affected the course of human Get an inside look at the world of elite vintage cars and 1971-72 history? How do we make sense of ancient Indian texts millionaire collectors in the complete first season of Chasing In the early 70’s, legendary rock photographer Bob Gruen and describing - „flying machines of the gods“? Are those really Classic Cars, the popular show seen on Discovery’s Velocity his wife Nadya toured with Ike & Tina Turner and filmed them „landing strips“ in Peru? Do aliens visit us now? Ancient channel featuring Ferrari expert and master restorer Wayne performing, on the road, and behind the scenes. Now for the Aliens is a thorough exploration of the theories first proposed Carini. Head to some of the most prestigious car events in first time ever this footage is unveiled. This is a look inside a by Erich von Daniken in his 1968 book, Chariots of the Gods. America, including the Concours D’Elegance in Greenwich

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and Pebble Beach, the RM Vintage Motorcars Auction in Once again set in Pittsburgh’s renowned Abby Lee Dance Amelia Island, Florida, and the Bonhams auction in Carmel Company, owned and operated by the famously outspoken Valley, . Plus, get a peek at secret collections and Miller, Dance Moms follows the children’s early steps on the Girls Gone Wild: Wildest College up close to some of the most exotic cars you’ve ever seen! Go road to stardom and their mothers who are there for every Coeds 2 along with Wayne Carini as he buys, restores and then sells rehearsal. Presenting a powerful cast of characters, the show Ferraris, Porsches and even a rare Muntz Jet at exclusive immerses itself in dance competition season, delivering a You’ve seen them strutting their stuff all over campus: sexy auctions across the country. Meet collectors and hear the captivating and dramatic look at the cast’s intense pursuit of coeds in the library, at the student union, jogging around the amazing stories behind vintage cars sometimes forgotten in national dance titles. Volume Two includes the final 13 football field and working out in the gym. Now watch them get sheds and garages for years! episodes of Season 2, culminating with the girls’ competition nude and naughty. Kimberly, 21, will blow your mind as she at the Nationals. masturbates and tells us what really goes on in coed dorm Documentary 300min. rooms: group sex, girl-on-girl fun, you name it. Wild and Topics Entertainment 06.11.2012 Dancing, Drama, Reality 2012 594min. horny coeds Ashley and Maggie, both 20, give us a sizzling 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113573 Lionsgate 08.01.2013 hot demo of what they do at night (instead of studying). Sarah, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113547 19, and Kerrie, 20, strip for us on the Girls Gone Wild bus and coed Jamie shows us some serious moves in a Hot Body Comic Book Confidential: 20th Contest. We love wild college coeds and they’re all here in Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) Defining Moments: Ole Miss Girls Gone Wild: Wildest College Coeds 2! You remember the moments. The Mule Game. The Stand. War Girls Gone Wild min. Comic Book Confidential is a feature-length documentary that on the Plains. Each played an integral role in the Ole Miss GGW Brands, LLC. 08.01.2013 profiles twenty-two of the most significant artists and writers football rich tradition. Defining Moments: Ole Miss takes you working in comic books, graphic novels and strip-art in North deep inside that tradition as former Rebels players, coaches, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113674 America today. In an entertaining and informative combination and broadcasters share their experiences prior to, during, of interviews, historical footage and state-of-the-art animation and in the aftermath of the plays and games that made many of The Grove techniques, Comic Book Confidential provides a positive them household names. Additionally, Archie Manning, Eli answer to that burning existential question of the late Manning, Dewayne Dotson, Billy Brewer, David Cutcliffe, AIDS, Documentary 2011 57min. twentieth century first posed by Zippy the Pinhead: „Are we and many others tell their stories in their own words, sharing Passion River 20.11.2012 having fun yet?“ personal photos, rare archive footage, and access to family, Superheroes, Documentary, Fantasy, friends, former teammates, and coaches. Containing more than 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113476 Science Fiction 1988 85min. 30 interviews and spanning four decades of football, Defining Moments: Ole Miss is an essential component of any Rebels Grudges Guts & Glory Strand Releasing 04.12.2012 fans video collection. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113635 The all-time greatest grudge matches in the sports world Sports, Documentary, Football, NCAA await you in this action-packed documentary. Army vs. Navy; 225min. Clay vs. Liston; You’ll witness the Boston Red Sox vs. the Merce Cunningham Dance Com- Team Marketing 30.08.2011 New York Yankees in the final game of the 2003 ALCS; the Brooklyn Dodgers vs. the New York Giants in the 1953 pany - Park Avenue Armory Event 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113477 pennant playoff not to mention the „Hitler Games“ in the 1936 On December 29, 30 and 31, 2011, the Merce Cunningham Berlin Olympics Dance Company returned to New York City- its home since it ESPN Films 30 For 30: Benji Sports, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Major was founded in 1953 - to present six valedictory performances at the Park Avenue Armory before disbanding. In 1984, 17-year-old Ben Wilson was a symbol of everything League Baseball, NFL, NHL 60min. Performed across three stages spanning the Armory’s soaring promising about Chicago: a sweet-natured youngster from the Music Video Distribution 20.11.2012 drill hall, the Park Avenue Armory Event marked the city’s fabled South Side, and America’s top high school 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113743 conclusion of the Company’s Legacy Tour and the culmination basketball prospect. Then, in November of his senior year, of nearly 60 years of cross-disciplinary innovation. his life was abruptly and tragically cut short, sending ripples Throughout its history, the Merce Cunningham Dance Compa- of horror through the city and the country. Haight Ashbury: The Beat Of A ny mounted over 800 of these signature site-specific Events in Sports, Tragedies, Basketball, unusual locations around the world. Events, as Merce Documentary, ESPN 77min. Generation Cunningham described them, „consist of complete dances, Documentary 58min. excerpts of dances from the repertory, and often new ESPN (TM) 18.12.2012 sequences for the particular performance and place, with the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113622 Allegro Entertainment 08.01.2013 possibility of several separate activities happening at the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113745 same time to allow not so much an evening of dance as the experience of dance.“ This three-DVD set was designed to ESPN Films 30 For 30: There’s No give viewers the opportunity to create their own- and Place Like Home Chris Hardwick: Mandroid completeexperience to witness MCDC’s historic final Chris Hardwick performances. For the first time, uncut shot On December 10, 2010, Sotheby’s auctioned off what could be considered the most important historical document in sports The Nerdist himself, Chris Hardwick, celebrates all things Ballet, Dancing, Documentary 279min. history - James Naismith’s original rules of basketball. nerdy in his first Comedy Central special. Hipsters beware: Microcinema DVD 27.11.2012 „There’s No Place Like Home“ is the story of one man’s there is no irony in Chris’s affinity for Captain Picard, Comic- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113738 fanatical quest to win this seminal American artifact at auction Con and the Atari 2600. Mandroid features candid tales that and bring the rules „home“ to Lawrence, Kansas, where cover virginity, chess club, shark vaginas, awkward Naismith coached and taught for over 40 years. childhood, awkward adulthood (which in his case is an Dance Moms: Season Two - extension of childhood) and a myriad of other topics which Sports, Basketball, Documentary, ESPN may or may not include Quidditch. This extended and Volume One 60min. uncensored DVD is truly a wonderland of discovery. Nia Fraizer, Holly Frazier, Brooke Hyland, ESPN (TM) 18.12.2012 Comedy, Comedy Central 2013 63min. Kelly Hyland, Paige Hyland, Chloe Lukasiak, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113614 Comedy Central 22.01.2013 Christi Lukasiak, Abby Lee Miller, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113730 Mackenzie Ziegler, Maddie Ziegler, Melissa ESPN Films 30 For 30: Unmatched Ziegler Tennis, Sports, Documentary, ESPN min. A History Of Israeli Cinema Once again set in Pittsburgh’s renowned Abby Lee Dance ESPN (TM) 27.10.2010 Naftali Alter, Haim Bouzaglo Company, owned and operated by the famously outspoken 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113656 Raphael Nadjari’s extraordinary two-part documentary Miller, Dance Moms follows the children’s early steps on the weaves together clips from more than 70 years of Israeli film road to stardom and their mothers who are there for every with commentary from filmmakers, scholars and critics - rehearsal. Presenting a powerful cast of characters, the show Girls Gone Wild: Girls On Girls 3 including Amos Gitai, Joseph Cedar, Avi Mograbi, Yehuda immerses itself in dance competition season, delivering a Ne’eman, Menachem Golan, Moshe Ivgy, Ronit Elkabetz and captivating and dramatic look at the cast’s intense pursuit of After a chance meeting at the pool, brunettes Ali and Crissy get naked and wild in some of the steamiest scenes ever Zeev Revach. Crafted for both insiders and outsiders, the film national dance titles. Volume One includes the first 12 traces the evolution of the country’s cinema alongside episodes of the second season, culminating with the 1.5-hr. filmed by our Girls Gone Wild cameramen. Each use their teeth to take off the other’s bikini before a passionate shower political and social history: part one spans the years 1933 to Abbygeddon episode, in which the girls travel to NYC for the 1978, covering the overlap between the Zionist struggle to Joffrey Ballet School audition and Abby Lee Miller breaks scene that leads to hot, orgasmic action in which Ali and Crissy please and tease each other’s bodies with toys and form a state and the propagandistic qualities of revolutionary down crying when her favorite dancer, Maddy, forgets her cinema; part two, the shift to reality-based filmmaking in the routine. tongues. A lollipop isn’t the only thing Nicole and Kristal share: these two 18-year-olds also share hot French kisses late 70s, and the transition from the political films of the 80s to Dancing, Drama, Reality 2012 552min. and a love for sexy black panties. You’ll love their topless the more personal cinema of today. The most comprehensive Lionsgate 08.01.2013 hula-hooping contest as they show off on the Girls Gone Wild and compelling record of the subject ever attempted, Nadjari’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113546 bus. Arielle and Elizabeth confess they have only known each film reveals a cinematic national identity that is inextricably for a couple of weeks - but can’t keep their hands off each linked to the ever-changing emotional reality of the country. other. Watch as these athletic girls - who love kick-boxing Documentary, Foreign, Israeli 2009 208min. Dance Moms: Season Two - and cross-country running - try to dominate each other. You’ll Kino Video 29.01.2013 want to see what happens when these girls get done grinding Volume Two their crotches against each other’s thighs. Southern belles 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113465 Nia Fraizer, Holly Frazier, Brooke Hyland, Kayci and Courtney show us how they love to make-out after a night at the club, while Danielle and Katherine treat us to a Anthony Jeselnik: Caligula Kelly Hyland, Paige Hyland, Chloe Lukasiak, naked wrestling match. Girl-on-girl act Christi Lukasiak, Abby Lee Miller, Comedy Central’s Emmy-nominated notorious roast specialist Girls Gone Wild min. and rising star brings his signature dark and twisted point of Mackenzie Ziegler, Maddie Ziegler, Melissa GGW Brands, LLC. 08.01.2013 view to his new special Caligula. Set to release with the Ziegler 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113673 network world premiere along with Anthony’s new weekly

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Comedy Central series. The once dubbed „satanic prince of Method To The Madness Of Jerry care. stand-up“ routinely goes where few comedians would even Documentary, Politics min. consider going, saying things most wouldn’t even dare. Lewis Docurama 04.12.2012 Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 60min. Method To The Madness Of Jerry Lewis is a contemporary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113712 Comedy Central 15.01.2013 look at a true living legend through in-depth and candid 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113454 interviews with Jerry Lewis, never-before-seen film footage and contributions from some of Lewis’s most famous devotees. Noodle And Doodle: All Aboard Director/Producer Gregg Barson explores the superstar Kendra: Season 4 comedian from a fresh perspective. Barson is the only With Noodle And Doodle filmmaker granted unlimited behind-the-scenes access to Get on board the double-decker bus with Sean, Noodle and Kendra Wilkinson, Hank Baskett Jerry Lewis, resulting in unfiltered reflection on an 80-year Doodle! Make delicious recipes and kid friendly creations to Go, Kendra! Sexy, sporty and always hilarious - the career in show business. Plus, travel the world with the ever- remember a special vacation using materials from around the outrageous adventure continues for Kendra and her adorable vibrant and charismatic man himself as he continues his home. Also along for the ride is Sean’s dog Doggity who family in the fourth and final season of E!’s reality hit series. comedic reign at the ripe, young age of 85. So join Alec cooks up five special treats. All Aboard the Noodle and Whether auditioning for a comedy TV show with Jon Lovitz or Baldwin, Chevy Chase, Eddie Murphy, Carl Reiner, Quentin Doodle bus! dealing with her feelings of jealousy over her husband’s old Tarantino, Jerry Seinfeld, Billy Crystal, Carol Burnett, Ri- high school girlfriends, there is no obstacle this busy wife chard Lewis, Steven Spielberg, John Landis, Woody Family, Preschool min. and mother can’t overcome - thanks to her unique blend of Harrelson, Richard Belzer and more, as they look back on the NCircle Entertainment 09.10.2012 humor and charm. One thing is for sure - you’ll fall in love classic days of Hollywood movies and pay tribute to a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113556 with Kendra and her family all over again. You go, girl! talented actor, writer, director, producer, singer and dancer, Comedy, Reality 222min. who changed the world of comedy thanks to his creativity, MPI 22.01.2013 vision and pure audacity! The Other Dream Team Biography, Comedy, Documentary, Film 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113756 Everyone knows Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and the About Film 2011 116min. other members of the 1992 American Olympic Dream Team. Starz / Anchor Bay 22.01.2013 This is the story of the Other Dream Team. They didn’t bring King: A Filmed Record... From their country the gold medal, they brought something much 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113637 more valuable. After leading the USSR to a gold medal (and Montogomery To Memphis victory over the U.S.A.) at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Sarunas Marciulionis and Arvydas Sabonis were poster boys Charlton Heston, James Earl Jones, Ruby Angie Miller: Bedroom Body - for the Soviet sports machine. Four years later, after the fall Dee, Joanne Woodward, Paul Newman, Booty Burner, Core & Pelvic Floor of the Soviet Union, they emerged as symbols of democracy, Burt Lancaster, Ben Gazzara, Clarence helping their country break free from the shackles of Angie Miller Communism, and willing newly independent Lithuania to the Williams III, Harry Belafonte Bedroom Body, by Angie Miller, is a core focused total body medal stand at the Barcelona Olympics. From five time Academy Award nominee Sidney Lumet (Dog conditioning program that uses combination exercises to train Sports, Basketball, Documentary, Olympics Day Afternoon, Network) and four time Oscar winner Joseph your heart and tone your muscles. Three targeted workouts L. Mankiewicz (All About Eve, Cleopatra, Guys & Dolls) are included: Buff Body Blast, Booty Burner, and Core & 2012 90min. comes the never before released landmark documentary that Pelvic Floor. The first workout, Buff Body Blast, keeps your Lionsgate 15.01.2013 chronicles the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., heart rate elevated as it sculpts and defines your muscles. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113625 from the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement in With exercises that combine upper and lower body movements Montgomery, Alabama, and culminating with his assassination to boost intensity and target multiple muscle groups, this 30 in Memphis in 1968. Originally screened in theaters for only a minute workout gives you maximum results in minimum time. PHIIT: Pilates High Intensity single night in1970, King: A Filmed Record features Paul Designed to condition your core, the exercises are Newman, James Earl Jones, Charlton Heston, , challenging but easy to follow; moving at an energetic pace to Interval Training Walter Matthau & Marlon Brando, among others, with boost your metabolism and burn fat. The Second Workout, PHIIT stands for Pilates High Intensity Interval Training. newsreel and archival footage to create a powerful and Booty Burner, is the „wonder bra for your butt,“ with Pilates Sports Center and Master Trainer Joshua Smith have comprehensive record of Dr. King’s legacy and the American exercises designed to lift, shape, and firm your backside. produced an innovative and cutting edge workout - designed Civil Rights movement. King: A Filmed Record is an Strong, sexy glutes will get you into your skinny jeans, but for intermediate-level exercisers - mixing Pilates exercises indispensable primary resource of a pivotal moment in Ameri- better yet they’ll support your lower back and increase your with a stopwatch to create a difficult yet extremely fun can and world history. body’s overall strength. As a bonus, Angie gives you tips on workout that you can do from the comfort of your living room, Black Heritage, Documentary, Politics 1970 how to strengthen your pelvic floor. Get ready for a tight tush office or home gym. You may have seen some of these 180min. in 10 minutes. The Third Workout, Core and exercises before, but PSC Master Trainer Joshua Smith has Fitness, Health, Instructional 64min. put them together in a repertoire you have likely never Kino Video 15.01.2013 imagined. This ingenious workout promises to offer you the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113466 Bayview Entertainment 01.01.2013 ability to use 8 simple exercises as a key to unlock a whole 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113739 new you! Our trainers will demonstrate 2 levels of intensity side by side for variety. Kelly will demonstrate the easier LazyTown: Super Sports Show variation while Alex sticks to the advanced work. This DVD It’s time to get active in LazyTown! Follow a day in the life of MLB All-Time Bloopers is designed to: reduce body fat, build long lean muscle, Sportacus, LazyTown’s slightly-above-average hero, as he The athletes that play Major League Baseball are the world’s improve muscle tone, strengthen core, and shed unwanted fat. performs incredible stunts and saves the residents of best displaying skill, tenacity, and grace. But every now the An Intermediate level workout. LazyTown. However, Robbie Rotten, the silly resident villain, ball park turns amusement park when the unexpected, Fitness, Health, Pilates 60min. is intent on keeping LazyTown... lazy. Robbie climbs inside a unintentional, and unexplainable leaves us laughing with joy. football-playing robot and challenges Sportacus to a match. If Major League Baseball Productions has dug deep into its vast Bayview Entertainment 01.01.2013 Sportacus loses, he’ll have to leave town forever. Who will video and film archives to uncover the classic and clever, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113740 determine the fate of LazyTown? historic and hysterical, and the most entertaining episodes Family, Preschool, Sports min. from the big league diamonds to create the dazzlingly Pina 3D: The Criterion Collection NCircle Entertainment 30.10.2012 delightful DVD MLB All-Time Bloopers. From the bullpen to the bases to the broadcast booth this wall-crashing, crowd- (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113560 pleasing collection provides a bushel full of big league amusement. This comprehensive collection of comedy features PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which heroic efforts that fall just short - oddities of the ballpark - is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Mankind: The Story Of All Of Us animals, insects and in-game insanity - delightful baseball A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all From the producers of America:The Story of Us comes the personalities, in-game pranks, funny fans and an all-time standard Blu-ray players. The boundless imagination and epic tale of the rise of civilization. Mankind: The Story of All countdown of baseball’s best bloopers including anthem and physical marvels of the work of the German modern-dance of Us , a 12-hour series, spans the first flourishing of life in seventh inning stretch displays. MLB All-Time Bloopers pioneer Pina Bausch leap off the screen in this exuberant Mesopotamia through the discovery of America, capturing the reminds us that even in primetime baseball can be our laugh tribute by Wim Wenders (Wings of Desire). A long-planned danger, action, struggle, heroism, and adrenaline using time. film collaboration between the director and the choreographer groundbreaking techniques. was in preproduction when Bausch died in 2009. Two years Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball later, Wenders decided to go ahead with the project, Documentary, History Channel min. min. reconceiving it as an homage to his late friend. The result, A&E 11.12.2012 A&E 04.12.2012 shot in stunning 3D, is a remarkable visual experience and a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113715 vivid representation of Bausch’s art, enacted by a group of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113713 staggeringly talented dancers from her company, the Tanz- theater Wuppertal. Pina is an adventurous work of cinema Mankind: The Story Of All Of Us Money And Medicine that highlights the bold legacy of one of the world’s true creative visionaries. (Blu-ray) As rising health care costs threaten to bankrupt the country, Criterion Collection, Dancing, Documentary, From the producers of America:The Story of Us comes the Money And Medicine tackles the medical, ethical and epic tale of the rise of civilization. Mankind: The Story of All financial challenges of containing runaway health care Foreign, German, Performing Arts 2011 of Us , a 12-hour series, spans the first flourishing of life in spending. With remarkable candor and poignancy, Money And 103min. Mesopotamia through the discovery of America, capturing the Medicine captures the difficult end-of-life treatment choices Criterion 22.01.2013 danger, action, struggle, heroism, and adrenaline using made by patients and their families, ranging from very aggres- groundbreaking techniques. sive interventions in the ICU to palliative care at home. The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113486 film also investigates the controversy surrounding diagnostic Documentary, History Channel min. testing and screening as well as the shocking treatment A&E 11.12.2012 variations among patients receiving a variety of elective Pina: The Criterion Collection 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113726 procedures. In addition to illuminating the so-called waste and The boundless imagination and physical marvels of the work overtreatment that pervade our medical system, this timely of the German modern-dance pioneer Pina Bausch leap off the documentary explores promising ways to reduce health care screen in this exuberant tribute by Wim Wenders (Wings of expenditures while improving the overall quality of medical Desire). A long-planned film collaboration between the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA director and the choreographer was in preproduction when Documentary 100min. and often misunderstood tradition. Bausch died in 2009. Two years later, Wenders decided to go Documentary 75min. ahead with the project, reconceiving it as an homage to his Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.11.2012 late friend. The result, shot in stunning 3D, is a remarkable 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113565 FilmWorks 15.01.2013 visual experience and a vivid representation of Bausch’s art, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113733 enacted by a group of staggeringly talented dancers from her company, the Tanztheater Wuppertal. Pina is an adventurous Restorative Yoga Practice: Gentle work of cinema that highlights the bold legacy of one of the Beginners Sessions Three Days (Of Hamlet) world’s true creative visionaries. Richard Chamberlain Yoga, Fitness, Health 270min. Criterion Collection, Dancing, Documentary, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Performing Bayview Entertainment 15.01.2013 Foreign, German, Performing Arts 2011 Arts, Shakespeare 83min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113576 103min. Allegro Entertainment 22.01.2013 Criterion 22.01.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113746 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113461 Tony Roberts: I’m Different Tony Roberts Three Stars Pro Training Systems: Core Comedy 67min. Focusing on ten world-class chefs, Three Stars depicts the Pro Systems Speed Training DVD is an elite training program Screen Media Films 15.01.2013 everyday drama of life in gourmet restaurants and includes that hundreds of Division I and professional athletes have 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113578 exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes access to some used to enhance speed and explosion. This DVD will give a of the world’s most talented chefs as they work in their thorough understanding of speed development and the science gastronomic laboratories, hunt for exquisite ingredients in behind speed training through the training method of Rules For School local markets, and gather rare edible plants along rough kinesiologist and sports performance guru Jerrian Sanders When thinking back on one’s childhood education, often the coastlines. It reveals the business of cooking on the highest and featuring Donovin Darius, former pro football safety and strongest memories are not the skills that were learned in the level and highlights the various kitchen routines and culinary first round draft pick. Sports specific core training is vital to classroom, but rather the process and experience of going to philosophies of chefs who have attained the highest honors. It the development of an athlete. This DVD was put together to school. This collection of short films, from the archives of the also is a window into what goes into the world’s most develop balance, rotational power and core stability. The core A/V Geeks Film Library, brings those elementary school important restaurant review book - the iconic red Michelin is composed of different muscle groups that act as a belt to memories back to life. Sometimes campy, sometimes clever, Guide. keep you stable and have the motor of the body (the core) these are the vintage 16mm films that taught children the Documentary 2010 94min. firing on all cylinders. The core serves as the liaison necessary survival skills of clean hands, well-tied shoes, First Run Features 15.01.2013 between the lower body and upper body. The stronger the playground safety, and waiting one’s turn. Not only did such core the better an athlete will be able to transfer energy films aid in the proper functioning of the institution, they 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113521 between the upper body and lower body. Pro Training Systems attempted to ingrain „good habits“ in the minds of the children, has put together a program specifically geared towards to provide them with the behavioral foundation upon which Top Gear USA: The Complete Se- improving your core. their prosperous American citizenship could be built. Fitness, Health 60min. Classics, Documentary, Educational, Short cond Season Team Marketing 20.11.2012 Film Collections 2012 min. Bridget Marquardt, Arlene Tur, Bill Engvall, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113586 Kino Video 15.01.2013 Adam Ferrara, Adam Levine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113467 Top Gear USA is back for a second season with more super- Pro Training Systems: Speed cars, speed, extreme stunts and showcases than ever before! In this second season of high-adrenaline action entertainment, Pro Systems Speed Training DVD is an elite training program Amy Schumer: Mostly Sexy Stuff Top Gear delves deeper into the colorful history of the that hundreds of Division I and professional athletes have automobile and showcases an offbeat celebration of the art of used to enhance speed and explosion. This DVD will give a A ratings hit! Amy Schumer debuts her one-hour special in front of a live audience at the Historic Fillmore Theatre in San driving, featuring super-cars, extreme stunts and challenges, thorough understanding of speed development and the science car reviews and celebrity interviews, as well as the eccentric behind speed training through the training method of Francisco. Nothing is off limits as Schumer airs every hilarious, messed up detail of her dating and sex life, from adventures of its hosts with Top Gear’s customary wit and kinesiologist and sports performance guru Jerrian Sanders humor. Hosted by comedian and car buff Adam Ferrara, and featuring Donovin Darius, former pro football safety and encounters with unexpected body parts to hate-filled personal grooming appointments. In her matter-of-fact raunchy style, at champion rally and drift racer Tanner Foust and racing first round draft pick. Pro Training Systems will provide you analyst Rutledge Wood, Top Gear an automotive entertainment with the fundamentals and drills for you to train to be more odds with her self-described „Cabbage Patch Kid“ appearance, Schumer tells stories of a boyfriend who makes extravaganza. Big Star, Small Car guests include Rick and flexible, improve your strength and conditioning and become Chumlee (Pawn Stars), comedian Bill Engvall, Arlene Tur faster. dirty requests over dinner, the way she outsmarts her birth control, and a shocking ending to a seemingly innocent cab (Torchwood), Maroon 5 singer and The Voice judge Adam Fitness, Health min. ride. Levine, Bridget Marquardt (Girls Next Door) and Steve Team Marketing 20.11.2012 Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 60min. Schirripa (The Sopranos). BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113587 Comedy Central 29.01.2013 national TV 704min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113731 The Queen Of Versailles BBC Home Video 19.02.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113610 Directed by lauded filmmaker and photographer Lauren Steam Trains Greenfield, who won the U.S. Directing Award for Documentary Film at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival for this There’s something magical about trains and now you can Tosh.0: Deep V’s film, The Queen of Versailles is a character-driven enjoy their power and allure any time you like with this documentary about a billionaire family and their financial special 8-DVD collection Steam Trains featuring steamers and Daniel Tosh challenges in the wake of the economic crisis. With epic more from around the world. Eight amazing films take you to Daniel Tosh returns sporting Deep V’s, delving into the best proportions of Shakespearean tragedy, the film follows two all of the most beautiful railways around the United States and the internet has to offer. From the absolutely absurd to the unique characters, whose rags-to-riches success stories then show you spectacular trains overseas, from England to incredibly ingenious, the series features viral clips, sketches, reveal the innate virtues and flaws of the American Dream. India. See steam in Europe and Africa, steam puffing through and „Web Redemptions“ which give subjects of infamous viral The film begins with the family triumphantly constructing the the snow, giant steam engines, and steamers chugging their videos a second chance to redeem themselves from the biggest house in America, a 90,000 sq. ft. palace. Over the way across America and lots more! Plus, discover some embarrassment with which they’ve become synonymous. It’s next two years, their sprawling empire, fueled by the real exciting facts on the history of steam engines in the United cable TV’s most trusted source for exhibitionist weirdos, estate bubble and cheap money, falters due to the economic States and how they are used even today abroad. injurious idiots and all things Web. And now it’s on DVD and crisis. Major changes in lifestyle and character ensue within Transportation, Documentary min. Blu-ray! the cross-cultural household of family members and domestic Topics Entertainment 22.11.2012 Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 352min. staff. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113569 Comedy Central 25.12.2012 Documentary 100min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113507 Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.11.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113555 Striking Truth Sports, Documentary min. Tosh.0: Deep V’s (Blu-ray) The Queen Of Versailles (Blu-ray) Funimation 20.11.2012 Daniel Tosh 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113597 Daniel Tosh returns sporting Deep V’s, delving into the best Directed by lauded filmmaker and photographer Lauren the internet has to offer. From the absolutely absurd to the Greenfield, who won the U.S. Directing Award for incredibly ingenious, the series features viral clips, sketches, Documentary Film at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival for this Tarology and „Web Redemptions“ which give subjects of infamous viral film, The Queen of Versailles is a character-driven videos a second chance to redeem themselves from the documentary about a billionaire family and their financial Although originally used for playing simple games when introduced many centuries ago, Tarot cards became embarrassment with which they’ve become synonymous. It’s challenges in the wake of the economic crisis. With epic cable TV’s most trusted source for exhibitionist weirdos, proportions of Shakespearean tragedy, the film follows two associated with mysticism and magic in the 18th and 19th centuries and that association remains today. Enrique injurious idiots and all things Web. And now it’s on DVD and unique characters, whose rags-to-riches success stories Blu-ray! reveal the innate virtues and flaws of the American Dream. Enriquez, a poet based in New York City, has been called the The film begins with the family triumphantly constructing the future of tarot. He does not believe in spirits, fate or any Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 352min. biggest house in America, a 90,000 sq. ft. palace. Over the occult symbolism normally associated with the tarot. He uses Comedy Central 25.12.2012 next two years, their sprawling empire, fueled by the real the tarot to craft moving and unforgettable stories. Tarology 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113525 estate bubble and cheap money, falters due to the economic follows Enrique through the streets of New York City as he crisis. Major changes in lifestyle and character ensue within shows us how to see the tarot - not superstitiously, but the cross-cultural household of family members and domestic through the eyes of an artist - and how we are surrounded Troubled Teens everyday by both the beauty and the symbolism of this ancient staff. Some of the most interesting films of the 20th-century Ameri-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA can classroom are not those that teach skills in math, wait for clients in a brightly lit glass box; in the red-light Meet some of the most daring and heroic pilots, and see the language or science, but those that explore delicate topics of district of Faridpur, Bangladesh, a madam haggles over the aircraft they relied on in this 8-DVD collection WWII: Battles social skills, drug use, sexual development, and juvenile price of a teenage girl; and in the border town of Reynosa, in the Sky. See actual footage of bombing runs, America’s best delinquency-because, let’s face it, even well-educated and - Mexico, crack-addicted women pray to a deity named Lady planes, enemy aircraft, and documentaries starring Hollywood disciplined kids occasionally make bad choices. These were Death. Winner of the Orizzonti Special Jury Prize at the 2011 actors, including Jimmy Stewart, Ronald Reagan and Craig topics that parents, and sometimes even teachers, were Venice Film Festival, Glawogger’s latest larger-than-life Stevens. State-of-the-art technology was used to digitally uncomfortable discussing with the kids, and so the 16mm documentary is an audacious, non-judgmental study of remaster and create pristine transfers from the original projector was wheeled into the classroom to cast light upon sexuality, politics, human behavior and the effects of capital source materials in order to ensure this set contains the such issues. Some films manage to be poignant and insightful, and religion on both women and men from starkly different highest quality collection of war films available anywhere. while others are simply painful to watch, as they bungle their cultures. Since 1934, the National Archives has been responsible for attempts to communicate to the troubled teens of their time. Documentary 2012 119min. the acquisition, preservation, and public dissemination of the This volume of Classic Educational Shorts, from the A/V permanent records of the United States government. Select Geeks Film Library, presents a varied sampling of films aimed Kino Video 08.01.2013 materials from this inestimable national resource have been at the awkward adolescents of yesteryear, and reveals the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113462 assembled to produce WWII: Battles in the Sky. changing hopes and fears of a nation as it moved from the War, World War II, Aerial Action, conservative, prosperous postwar years into the social upheaval of the 1960s and beyond. Why We Fight Documentary 750min. Troubled Youth, Classics, Documentary, At the start of World War II, the US War Department under Topics Entertainment 06.11.2012 General George Marshall asked one of Hollywood’s most 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113571 Short Film Collections 2012 min. respected filmmakers to produce a series of seven films called Kino Video 15.01.2013 Why We Fight. Frank Capra, Academy Award-winning 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113468 director of You Can’t Take it With You, It Happened One WWII: Defeating The Nazis Night and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, would say to the general, Witness some of the most controversial and startling films „I’ll make the best darn documentary films ever made.“ See ever produced about World War II in this 8-DVD collection UFC 152: Jones Vs. Belfort those seven films completely unaltered, along with two Oscar- WWII: Defeating the Nazis. See parts one and two of Jon Jones, Vitor Belfort, Demetrious winning war films D-Day and The True Glory, in this 8-DVD Academy Award-winning director Frank Capra’s Why We collection. Since 1934, the National Archives has been Fight series, and actual footage from the Nuremberg trials and Johnson responsible for the acquisition, preservation, and public the battlefield. State-of-the-art technology was used to It will be a historic night in Toronto on September 22nd when dissemination of the permanent records of the United States digitally remaster and create pristine transfers from the UFC 152 presents two world title fights. In the main event, government. Select materials from this inestimable national original source materials in order to ensure this set contains UFC light heavyweight champion Jon „Bones“ Jones meets resource have been assembled to produce Frank Capra’s the highest quality collection of war films available anywhere. Vitor „The Phenom“ Belfort in an anticipated showdown, and Why We Fight. Since 1934, the National Archives has been responsible for hard-charging 125-pounders Joseph Benavidez and War, Documentary min. the acquisition, preservation, and public dissemination of the Demetrious „Mighty Mouse“ Johnson compete in a five-round Topics Entertainment 06.11.2012 permanent records of the United States government. Select battle to become the first flyweight champion in UFC history. materials from this inestimable national resource have been Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113570 assembled to produce WWII: Defeating the Nazis. 2012 300min. War, World War II, Documentary min. Starz / Anchor Bay 18.12.2012 Wide World Of Birds Topics Entertainment 06.11.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113512 Some of Earth’s most interesting creatures don’t live on the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113572 ground. In the sky, there is a whole other world and it’s full of birds - some exotic, some impressive and some that are just UFC 153: Silva Vs. Bonnar downright strange. Travel around the globe and see a World Yoga Journal: 7 Day Detox Anderson Silva, Stephan Bonnar of Birds in this special 8-DVD set featuring 11 films filled with This new DVD from Yoga Journal - the most trusted name in our beautiful feathered friends. Watch a kaleidoscope of some yoga worldwide - demonstrates Yoga’s sister science of Already 2-0 in the UFC at light heavyweight, the pound-for- 100 species of Venezuelan birds in their natural habitats, pound king and middleweight champion Anderson „The Spider“ Ayurveda and offers wisdom for supporting your health by discover a colorful eagle in Zimbabwe, visit the Iberian using a gentle detox to ground your energy and help boost Silva will once again take a risky weight class move upward Peninsula for some unique migratory birds, and head to on Saturday, October 13th at UFC 153. He will meet The your immunity. The Yoga Journal 7-Day Detox comprises four Australia to see one of the world’s most unusual birds: the key elements: Step 1 - Slowing Down: Reducing stress and Ultimate Fighter season one finalist Stephan Bonnar, who has Southern Cassowary. won three straight bouts. Plus, heavyweight legend Minotauro mental over-activity is the most important element of a detox Nogueira takes on the dangerous Dave Herman, Fabio Documentary min. plan. An overtaxed mind and nervous system can lead to Maldonado battles Glover Teixeira in an all-Brazil slugfest Topics Entertainment 06.11.2012 fatigue, insomnia, indigestion, and unwelcome weight gain. and longtime welterweight contender Jon Fitch meets 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113568 During this detox, adjust your schedule so you have time to Brazilian phenom Erick Silva. prepare and eat your meals in a relaxed manner, practice Sports, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts 2012 daily yoga, and take regular meditation breaks. Step 2 - Detox Harland Williams: A Force Of Diet: At the heart of the dietary program is kitchari, a simple 300min. dish of rice and mung beans widely used throughout Asia to Starz / Anchor Bay 15.01.2013 Nature purify the body. Spicy teas and chutneys are recommended to keep the fires of digestion stoked. And triphala, a traditional 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113689 Harland Williams Ayurvedic digestive tonic with antioxidant properties, acts as Harland Williams has done it again! On the fringe of genius, a mild laxative. Step 3 - Cleansing Yoga: Specific yoga poses UFC: Ultimate Submissions 2 on the outer edge of bizarre, on the far horizon of fall-down can help the detox process. The funny, Harland takes comedy to whole new frontier! On a Yoga, Fitness, Health 100min. Brock Lesnar, Randy Couture, Jon Jones, mountaintop deep in the Mojave Desert, away from the plush Bayview Entertainment 18.12.2012 Anderson Silva safety of the typical comedy club filled with his adoring fans, Harland courageously takes on Mother Nature in a hilarious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113497 From leg locks to arm bars to chokes and so much more, stand-up set on the world’s biggest stage. Get ready for a Ultimate Submissions 2 demonstrates how mixed martial arts bold new experiment in comedy that pays off in the kind of is the most complete combat sport with a host of spectacular laughs only Harland Williams can provide! Yoga Journal: Fitness Challenge submissions. Comedy 53min. Sports, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts 120min. Yoga Journal, the most-read and most-trusted name in yoga, Image Ent. 15.01.2013 presents a fantastic three DVD set - the Yoga Journal Fitness Starz / Anchor Bay 15.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113678 Challenge. The DVD set contains eight practices to boost 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113690 your heart rate, reduce stress, and tone your body. Expert yoga teachers Alexandria Crow and Noll Daniel guide you Wired: A Season Inside The NBA through these sequences that you can mix and match for best The Whale results. Get stronger as you build ab strength, tone your legs, Narrated by Ryan Reynolds (The Proposal), The Whale tells (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) and feel more power in your arms and upper back. Boost your the remarkable true story of a young, wild killer whale... an A fan can always see how a team is doing by checking its cardio as you improve cardiovascular health and increase orca nicknamed Luna, who lost contact with his family on the wins and losses but to truly know what’s up you have to be on your endurance. Learn proper breathing and support your coast of British Columbia and became famous around the the inside, and that’s exactly where NBA Wired takes you. yoga practice and other athletic activities with simple yogic world when he tried to make friends with human beings. The Wired: A Season Inside the NBA takes you behind-the-scenes breathing techniques. You’ll enjoy all of these benefits, plus Whale celebrates the life of this smart, friendly and for an entire NBA season. Through exclusive access to you’ll reduce your stress and ease tension as only yoga can transcendent being, who overthrew the established order of practices, locker rooms, planes and buses of every NBA team, do. Are you up for the challenge to soothe tension, improve humans versus everything else with his determination to make Wired gives fans the opportunity to view the season’s ups your flexibility, and enhance your overall fitness? Of course friends with the local residents, despite government officials and downs the same way the players do - from the inside. you are! banning interaction with Luna. Through his life among the You’ll listen in as coaches chart their plans of attack in Yoga, Fitness, Health 220min. locals, Luna challenges preconceptions both political and locker rooms and huddles. See inside training camp alongside Bayview Entertainment 15.01.2013 scientific, making us rethink our most fundamental ideas about the league’s biggest stars as they prepare for the season. the nature of love and friendship. Find out what it’s like to hop from one city to the next while 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113574 Documentary, High Seas 84min. trying to keep focused on the next night’s opponent. From the tip-off on opening night to The Finals locker room celebration, Yoga Therapy For Back Pain Docurama 04.12.2012 Wired: A Season Inside the NBA delivers you an all-access 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113710 look inside every facet of the game. The Yoga Therapy for Back Pain DVD includes 13 routines to help restore proper function to the entire back. These safe 107min. and gentle exercises increase mobility and reduce pain. This Whore’s Glory Team Marketing 30.10.2012 beautifully filmed DVD features five 15 minute & five 30 minute Whore’s Glory, the third film in Michael Glawogger’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113532 routines for the upper back, sciatic pain, bulging disk and globalization trilogy (following Megacities and Workingman’s sacroiliac joint pain. Each condition is addressed separately, Death), is an explicit and unflinching exposé of global so you will get the proper instruction for your situation. There prostitution. In Bangkok, Thailand, women punch a clock and WWII: Battles In The Sky is also a general back maintenance routine in three time

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) November 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA options (17, 32, & 44 minutes) as well as a 20 minute Chair can help to deepen your practice and bring a new level of Yoga routine and a short Guided Meditation for relaxation. stillness and awareness. This comprehensive program Whatever the level of your pain, or if you just want to includes over 3½ hours of footage filmed in high definition strengthen your back, this DVD has the safe and appropriate with stunning beach sequences and serene riverside routines. therapy for you. If you are not sure exactly what type of back This DVD also includes a rich sound-track of traditional pain you have, this DVD also explains the different types so Indian grooves and modern ambient tones. Telefonische you can have a better understanding of your pain. Instructor Yoga, Fitness, Health 215min. Emily Kligerman brings almost two decades of experience to Bestellannahme: Bayview Entertainment 18.12.2012 her teaching. She has worked closely with Sports medicine Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Specialists, Physical Therapists, and Chiropractors to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113499 develop these safe, effective, and ther Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Yoga, Fitness, Health 99min. Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Yoga: Spirit Of Vinyasa Flow Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Bayview Entertainment 18.12.2012 Invigorate Your Practice! Get inspired with this dynamic, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113498 energizing, and comprehensive yoga DVD that features one 39 minute sequence and two 70 minute sequences. These Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Yoga: Flow - Saraswarti River three powerful routines combine breath and movement into one und Feiertags (Baden- continual yoga flow that will lengthen, strengthen and help Württemberg) bleibt unser Tradition rejuvenate your body and spirit! Also included is our unique Yoga Pose Guide section: a valuable resource that gives Verkauf geschlossen. Explore the power and fluidity of yoga with this inspiring detailed instruction on 20 poses including proper positioning, practice. This DVD features eight yoga routines, ranging from common mistakes, pose benefits, and contraindications. 24 minutes to 75 minutes, each with a varying degree of Instructor Deb Dobbin’s insightful teaching and vital practice difficulty. You will unite breath and movement as Zyrka leads will take your yoga to new levels. This DVD contains over you through the sequences with her clear and soothing three and a half hours of practice and was filmed in beautiful guidance. This intermediate practice introduces both dynamic Santa Barbara, California in high definition. flowing yoga sequences, plus the option to explore more traditional yoga practices such as yogic breathing Yoga, Fitness, Health 226min. (pranayama), using toning during practice (suyra yoga), and Bayview Entertainment 15.01.2013 guided meditation (yoga nidra). These optional practices are 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40113575 part of what define the Saraswati River Yoga tradition and

Newsletter 17/12 (Nr. 321) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2012) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61