t Derby To 94. Be May 3 And 4 annual trout derby will le aturday and Sunday, May at Ilussey's pond in Shaw. It is open to all boys and SIIDCWIP ■OWNSMAN ,lndover's Own Newspaper Since 1997 F the town 12 years old and Prizes for the largest fish VOLUME 65, NUMBER 29 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 8, 1 952 PRICE 5 CENTS e awarded. The event is red by the Andover Sports. club, Inc., and will be con. under the supervision of the New West manatee of the club, David Veterans t, chairman. It will be held shine. School To Plan For 'S 127 MAIN ST, AUL TEL. 2125 19 Years' Experience Hold Open .essmaking • Remodeling Memorial • Alterations lies' Suits, Coats and Dresses Made to Order House Sun. Day Rites Open house will be held at the new West Center school Sunday at Plans for the observance of 4p.m. when townspeople will have Memorial day were made at a meet- an opportunity to go through the ing of the Memorial day committee new building. held Tuesday night in the veterans' The exercises will be informal. service office at the town house. There will be a flag raising, one or Members of the town's veteran two very short addresses and public organizations who make up the inspection. committee are expecting a good The building is not entirely com- turnout, this year of those who pleted and the exercises Sunday have served in the armed services will not be a formal dedication. as a tribute of respect to the memo- This will be announced later. The ry of those who made the supreme building has not yet been accepted sacrifice for their country. but the contractor has allowed the The exercises planned for the school department to move in Miss day will be in keeping with the Isabelle Dobbie's and Mrs. M. Rita spirit of the occasion and will in- Cronin's classes from the old clude the decorating of graves in West school. all local cemeteries. These classes will start in the Chief feature of the day will be new building next Monday morning. the annual parade. The committee Other classes will not he moved has announced the followingparade (Continued on Page 15) instructions: Assembly at 8:15 a.m., fall in at 8:40 a.m., parade starts St Augustine's at 8:45 a.m. Nearly 400 of Andover's ardent anglers took part in the annual trout derby conducted last The first division will form on To Hold Annual weekend under the auspices of the Andover Sportsman's club for boys and girls of 12 and un- Florence street, corner of Elm. The der. Here's a group of them with their lines in the water of Hussy's pond in Shawsheen waiting second and third divisions form on May Procession patiently for a "bite." (Look Photo) Florence and Park streets. The route will be down Elm to St. Augustine's parish will hold Minister Of Vale the Memorial Hall library where the a May procession Sunday, May 11, Plan New Side Entrances I)AV will hold its memorial ser- starting at 3 p.m., thus reviving Church Resigns vice. The parade will then proceed the annual May pageant in honor of up Main street to Chestnut, to the Blessed Virgin Mary after an The Rev. Paul E. Callahan of For St. Augustine's Church the Union Congregational church, Whittier, to the Memorial auditorium absence of many years. • Ballardvale, last Sunday read a Two new side entrances are where the VFW will hold its main The route will be frau St. Aug- among the improvements to be letter of resignation which he re- Many To Attend memorial service. The marchers ustine's school at Chestnut street, made soon at St. Augustine's quested become effective next (Continued on Page Four) to Main and Essex streets, to the church, the Rev. P. J. Campbell, September. Laymen's Service church where the ceremonies will 0. S. A., pastor, announced at the Building Operations At a meeting of the Protestant be concluded. The Rev. Mr. Callahan has communion breakfast held by St. laymen's communion breakfast (Continued on Page 14) accepted a scholarship for further Augustine's Holy Name society Ahead Of 1951 committee, last Sunday evening at graduate study at Harvard univer- Sunday after the 8:30 o'clock Spring building operations here the Baptist church, reports indi- sity and hopes to complete the re- Mass. got off to a running start last THE FOLLOWING cated that the attendance next Sun- quirements for a doctor of philoso- The two new entrances will be month, according to records of day would be about 85 men. The phy degree in the course of next at the front of the church on either Building Inspector Ralph W. Cole- BILL Free, Baptist, Cochran and Bal- PHONE ANDOVER year. side of the altar. The platform ex- M an, who reports that the esti- lardvale Methodist churches all tending across the church immedia- mated cost of new buildings for reported a sale of tickets in ex- Having been minister at the tely in front of the altar rail will which permits were granted during STORES cess of their quotas. Returns the cost (of telephone Ballardvale church for three years be removed and the church interior April was $274,500, and the esti- should be made to Samuel B. Dim- he expressed to his congregation redecorated. mated cost of additions and altera- lich, treasurer. OPEN last Sunday his deep appreciation The contemplated improvements tions $10,300. for their kindness and considera- The celebration of the Lord's l3uilding records for 1952 are Supper will take place at 8 a.m. are coming this year at a time Buys More Than It Used 10 tion through the years of working far ahead of those for a corres- FRIDAY NIGHTS at the Baptist church with the when the church will be observing and living together. lie has been its centenary. The cost is ex- ponding time for 1951, which was 'lee as wan\ 5 rleplaone, carrying on a program of graduate Rev. Paul E. Callahan and the one of the biggest building years Rev. Roy E. Nelson Jr., officiating. pected to be close to $30,000. study during the three years he At the suggestion of T. J. Scan- in the history of the town. re in 19-10 and more arc 'TIL 9 Herbert If. Otis, president of the has been minister here. lon it was voted at the business (Continued on Page 6) BILLINGS'; CARRIAGE TRADE SHOP; Andover council of churches, and session that followed the break- ery flay. There are a lot R. M. COLE; ELANDER & SWANTON; Thaxter Eaton, chairman of the FORD'S; HARBORNE SHOP; W. R. fast, to have u coranittee work 11.11 BUNNY'S (Continued on Page 11) •WOODLAND DEVELOPMENT tal 14o,inesses that you HILL'S; MICHAEL JAY'S; REIN- w ith that pastor on a fund-raising CATERING SERVICE 1110-• HOLD'S; J. W. ROBINSON CO.; project. The committee will be 411olie 'probably more WOOLWORTH'S; THE STRATFORD Weddings—Receptions—Testimonials Honor Members drawn front the Holy Name society, have telephones now, SHOP; SHAWSHEEN BAKERY. Any Size — Anywhere Of Girls' Band the Andover Catholic club and ; Andover council, 1078, K. of C. • Merchants Committee Caterer Of Distinction The following members of the 1-ter. better and more ANDOVER BOARD OF TRADE Following the report of the nom- Tel. TEL. LAW. 4323 IIII Punchard Girls' band have been inating committee, of which A. J. - --„, - honored by being chosen to be Delaney is chairman, it was voted members of the Hand of America, 44_ to re-elect all officers for another DOES YOUR MOWER NEED SERVICE? which is composed of 250 of the .9: 47 in 10, is Ir rrl~ flit most outstanding young musicians, (Continued on Page 14) POWER & HAND LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED which will play at the Boston Post music festival in the Boston Gar- WANTED I I Pruning,Removinq --- den Wednesday evening: undesirable 'Gees ALL TYPES OF ENGINE WORK DONE Experienced Woman — Shirley Murray, trombone; Elaine and cleaning Dumont, solo trumpet; Joan Hath- Bookkeeper for work in underbrush„ FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE away, tenor saxophone; Marion Lawrence. Good sala- 'Beautifys Glennie, alto saxophone; Sally TELEGRAPH ry. Write stating ex- The estate. Seinwerth, alto saxophone; Bar- EQUIPMENT SERVICE bara White, Sousaphone. perience to SC-32, The ,tl t i Mrs. Miriam McArdle, director of TOWNSMAN, Box 9, COMPANY the band, has been invited to be a Andover. To' Manch., .10C 1. 365 c/o ANDOVER COAL CO. ANDOVER guest at the festival.


X. Spray Elm Trees From Helicopter Fiesta T( Ir Spraying operations by helicop- spray from the air as the pilot, Colorful Robert Broadley, who came with ter were carried out successfully The Internal last Friday morning under the the plane from Bedford, skimmed r. st aged the nor direction of G. R. Abbott, moth over the trees distributing a cloud of Greater superintendent, as a protection of insecticide on the newly opened t the Friday, May against the dutch elm disease. buds. The operation cost the town sur auditorium. Ant Some 500 trees in the center of 3300. Numbers or mt., the town, Shawsheen Village and Supt. Abbott, James Buss Sr., selections by liallardvale were treated with a ing and James Buss Jr., of the moth son Bagpipe be Vas department, made trips aloft in the dances by the copter directing the pilot over the society of n streets where trees were to he sprayed. Italian episode The BPW granted the use of the All will be playstead as a landing field for the frequent refillings of insecti- $50 to $2,000 cide, and the moth superintendent had also been granted the use of • ketw) Thalspr.koin.edogef;ewrxehiptiSribieii':, the Sacred Heart school field in ANDOVER of. untr wil Shawsheen, but this was not used. cw l be soe l FINANCE CO. This spraying front the helicopter iFA i l wir hlt License n98 supplements the regular spraying ie l rnasngmad 2nd Floor — MUSGROVE BLDG be so operations carried on by the de- onctdcoioorav e ANDOVER SQUARE partment with the town's mist Spraying of Andover's beautiful elms from a helicopter attracted a lot of attention early last e fs inc TEL ANDOVER 1998 di sprayer, which throws a stream Friday morning. Here's a closeup of the machine, its pilot, Robert Broadley, and members of ter Jr., Mrs. E about 100 feet into the air. the moth department who went aloft to guide the craft's pilot in the operations, Moth Superin- Francis J. R tendent R. Gr. Abbott, James Buss Sr., and James Buss Jr. (Look Vandenberg, SWEET — CRISP — EASY TO LAUNDER LITTLE GIRL COTTONS Photo) COURTEOUS CIRCLE Mrs. Heinrich PERSONALS... The Courteous Circle of the !Ike E. Davis King's Daughters and Sons will Cook. Henry Drolet of Lowell st., has Atty. James S. Eastham was SUMMER TIME meet at the South church at 6p.m., just returned from a four-months' elected secretary-treasurer of the Church fr‘ vacation in Hollywood and in Merrimack Valley Brown club at Monday, May 12. Members are re- SUNBACKS quested to bring a box lunch.1Irs. Daytona Beach, Fla. the 29th annual dinner meeting To Holc Harlow, chairman, will preside and Mrs. Thaxter Eaton as a member held at the Log Cabin Friday for your little cherubs The senio of the Board, attended the meeting evening. Mrs. Bendroth will have charge of devotions. Mrs. Myrtle Vaughn, church school A of the Massachusetts Missionary Mrs. G. Richard Abbott of Upland state president, will be the speaker will hold a p Union held at the Congregational rd. attended open house at the Uni- and the initiation of new members ginning at I from centre at Framingham last week. versity of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1.98 will take place during the session. open to all Misses Louisa and Helen Eaton last Friday and Saturday, and at- Polished Cottons, Piques, of Chestnut st., recently visited in wish to enter. Broadcloths, Picolays, tended the state advisory council Framingham Centre and Wellesley. ade of pets Prints and Solids. Know- luncheon and annual meeting. awarded in se ing Mothers w it I s hop Mrs. L. M. Griffin Jr., who will Miss Constance Cole of High st. be remembered as Mary Lin Murray, Storage In connect these low prices ... enjoyed a trip to Washington, D. C. Fur there will be formerly of Salem st., now of San during her recent spring vacation. Rafael, Cal., and her sister, Mrs. Courteous Ci WEINER'S Mrs. Anna Erickson of Bartlet he obtainable Robert W. Child Jr., (Miss Carol st., recently visited in Plymouth. Cloth Coats $1.25 Murray), now of Denver, Col., re- LITTLE FOLK'S SHOP $35.00 Value RECEIVE H cently visited friends in Andover. TO SING AT MERRIMAC Among loco 265 Essex St. Miss Gertrude Farrington of Elm Lawrence Their father, Francis King Murray, Fur Trim yard winter was a former teacher at Phillips st., noted soprano soloist, will be receiving le academy. featured with the Haverhill Madri- were: Donald Miss Sarah Elizabeth Wiss of gal male choir at a spring concert $1.65 of Phillips zt to be given in the Pilgrim Congre- Coats 1/14,4541) Abbot st., is spending a week with $5000 Value ming li; Pete her aunt, Mrs. Richard Kingston of gational church of Merrimac Sunday, of Phillips E Whit insville. May 11, at 7 p.m. ming numeral Charles Avery Aiken of Welles- Miss Farrington will sing two ley recently visited relatives in obligatos with the choir and will Fur Coats $1.95 Andover. be heard in two solos. The public $50.00 Value 1 • SUM Miss Elizabeth Hopkins of Abbot is cordially invited. st., has returned from a visit in PROMOTED TO SERGEANT 2% Excess Valuation GIVE HER A cfrii GIFT Duxbury. Napoleon L. Potvin Jr., of West Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marshall of Andover, serving with an artillery Stored and Insured Against Fo MIXER • TOASTER • WAFFLE IRON EGG COOKER Pasho st., have enjoyed a week's unit of the U.S. marines in Korea, MOTHS, FIRE and THEFT thas recently been promoted to IRON • COFFEEMAKER vacation on Cape Cod. Miss Ethel Brown and Mrs. Anna sergeant. Ile enlisted Oct. 2, 1950. Erickson of Bartlet st., visited A brother, Arthur W. Potvin, en- LAUNDRY Miss Brown's niece, Miss Faith tered the service in February and Bowen in Grants Mills, R.I., last is an army private serving at Fort week. Dix, N.J. Both are the sons of Mr. Shirts 16c ea. Miss Ethel Tewksbury and Miss and Mrs. Napoleon L. Potvin of No Minimum Brindle Charge 115 MIXMASTER Helen Tewksbury of Hidden rd., Webster st. Laundered and Refinished have returned from a delightful Dial your favorite B trip to Bermuda. recipe. Correct mix- Dr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Stowers WALLPAPER ing speeds at your C of Main st., were recent guests of ALLIED PAINT STORES coPI-r.vi NI E R .& finger-tips. Mixes, Mrs. Clifford Dunnels at her home [.._. mashes, whips, beats, in Brewster. Joseph T Gagne, President LAUNDERERSand DYER • Pei stirs, blends, juices, Miss Bessie Punchard Gold- 34 Amesbury St. Lawrence A p ANDOVER etc. Saves time, arm- smith of Elmst., has returned home 15 MAIN ST belc work. from a visit to Mrs. J. Milton Day, your in Providence, R.I. Mrs. Day for- char merly lived on Central st., in And- over. Dr. Joseph Pratt is visiting his Glen Artney by Southwick • FrE Radiant daughter in Cleveland, 0. Control TOASTER Mrs. Robert Batchelder of Mar- • Mc blehead was a guest of Mr. and The famous "‘Narwick" 6 Automatic Beyond Prc Belief! All you do la Mrs. Thaxter Eaton last week. model that turned America drop in the bread. George M. Collins, 38 Maple ave., call Jo to the more comfortable Bread lowers itself aw- has returned to his work at the tomatically. No levers Andover Press after several weeks ''natural shoulder" and • CI to push. Toast raises it- absence due to an accident in distinctive styling. self silently, without popping or banging. Every which he suffered the loss of the • Gi slice alike—moist, dry, thick slices or thin. fingers of his right hand. I. $69 Mrs. George G. Brown of And- • Bu • over st., is a surgical patient at F.J the Lawrence General hospital. • Ci 'Iwo Andover pharmacists, Fran- Bo< opp Macartney's cis A. LeLacheur, 34 Elm st., and Richard McKallagat, 13 Virginia GLEN AffliNEY MACARINEY'S COMPANY • La rd., were among those taking the Aufi Nalh1.11 430 ESSEX STREET - LAWRENCE refresher course for pharmacists thouldo, Eau The Quality You Expect Since 1880 TEL. 6197 at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy at Boston last week.


Fiesta To Present To Register Pupils • SUTHERLAND'S Colorful Dances For Kindergarten as seen in VOGUE The International Fiesta will be The school department announ- staged by the International Insti- ces that registration of children tute of Greater Lawrence at 8 p.m. who are to enter the Shawsheen Friday, May 16 in the Memorial kindergarten next September will auditorium. be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and Numbers on the program are; 1:15 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, May selections by the Clan MacPher- 14 at the Shawsheen school. son Bagpipe band; a Greek episode; It is suggested that the parent dances by the Swedish Folk Dance bring the child at this time to the society of Boston; an Armenian kindergarten room where they will ate episode; Siamese dances and have an opportunity to meet the Italian episode. child's teacher, as well as the All will be joyous and festive in principal of the school, the dental keeping with the spirit of the fes- hygenist, and the school nurse. tival. Parents should bring proof of the !Duchess Royal The exhibit of handicraft, the child's birth date. Please note: work of representatives from many Pupils may enter the kindergarten countries will be on display. Food providing they will be five years will be for sale. of age on or before the first day of Following the program there will January of the current school year. be social and square dancing. Registration for other schools: twit Andover members of the board of West Center, at 1:30 p.m., May 26; t of attention early last directors include Mrs. D. K. Webs- Ballardvale, 1:30 p.m.. May 27; uadley, and members of ter Jr., Mrs. B. Allen Ilowland, Mrs. Central schools, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Aerations, Moth Sttperin- Francis J. Rodericks, Mrs. J. A. and 1:15 to 3 p.m., May 28. (Look Photo) Vandenberg, Mrs. Peter Dantos, Mrs. Heinrich Rohrbach, Miss Fon- TEOUS CIRCLE nte E. Davis and Mrs. Alden S. Teachers Sponsor Courteous Circle of the Daughters and Sons will Cook. Fashion Parade t the South church at 6p.m., A fashion parade of timely ', May 12. Members are re- Church Group spring and summer fdshions, spon- d to bring a box lunch. Mrs To Hold Pet Show sored by the Andover Teachers e, chairman, will preside and Association for the benefit of the 3endroth will have charged The senior department of the scholarship fund, will be presen- ons. Mrs. Myrtle Vaughn, church school at the South church ted in the Memorial auditorium at "Cool-seeker" suit in new miracle iresident, will be the speaker will hold a pet show Saturday be- 8 p.m. Wednesday May 28. e initiation of new members ginning at 1 p.m. The show is Exquisite fashions for all occas- fabric of ORLON* (70%) and ke place during the session, open to all who have pets and ions will be presented by Michael Nylon (30%) .. . hand washable, wish to enter. There will be a par- Jay's, and displayed by Hart dries fast, needs only lightest ade of pets and prizes will be models from Boston. Mrs. Mildred awarded in several categories. Alpert, director of the Academie ironing . requires a minimum Fur Storage In connection with the event Moderne in Boston will be the of care for all-occasion freshness. there will be a bakery sale by the commentator. Entire suit weighs Courteous Circle. Good food will be obtainable. ON AIRCRAFT CARRIER a mere 15 oz. for easy oth Coats $1.25 Serving aboard the aircraft car- comfort and lightweight $35.00 Value RECEIVE HARVARD AWARDS rier USS Antietam in the Far East Among local members of the Har- is Charles A. McLoon, gunner's packing . . . It is a "must Trim vard winter sport teams recently mate, second class, USN, son of have" for travel and receiving letters and numerals Mr. and Mrs. Nelson L. McLoon, summer climate. were: Donald J. Mulvey, a graduate 18 Beech circle. The carrier is )ats $1.65 of Phillips academy, major swim- operating with a task force in Detachable white $5000 Value ming H; Peter A. Stem, a graduate Korean waters. collar and cuffs. of Phillips academy, major swim- Peop!e who practice haven't time Grey and white; ming numeral. it Coats $1.95 to preac,1. blue and white; brown and white; $50.00 Value • SUTHERLAN'D'S gold and white; 2% Excess Valuation Sizes 10 to 18 Unbelievably yours ored and Insured Again't For Easier Mother's Day for OTHS, FIRE and T1111.7 LAUNDRY Shopping . . . '25 lids 16c ea. ) Minimum Bundle Clive, Use SUTHERLAND'S Aindered and Refinished Customer Services! • Personal Shopper SUTHERLAND'S 52nd A phone call to Anne Betty Sutton at any one of the AAIN ST ANDOVER below numbers places Sutherland's entire store at your command. Your purchases will be sent to you `Ce charged or C.O.D. at no extra coot. Southwick • Free Delivery Service Daily ANNIVERSARY SALE • Mail and Phone Orders sous "Warwick" Hundreds Of Values On All Five Floors! it turned America Promptly Filled more comfortable Coil 37173 in Lawrence and Andover, shoulder" and New Anniversary Values Daily! • Charga-Plate Shopping e styling. • Gift Certificates 'PHONE ORDERS FILLED - FREE .DELIVERY 69 • Budget Account 3 Big Prizes - Enter Your Name - No Obligation s it • Coupon Books Books are available in amounts from $5.00 to $25.00. STORE HOURS FOR ARTNEY'S • Lay-Away Account 'PHONE ORDERS 1880 , 9:30 TO 5:30 Kr Expect Since Allows you to choose now with small down payment. DAILY CALL 37173 4 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1 952

HOSPITAL DAY MRS. ALICE M. CHEEVER where the parade will disband. Bedford hospital will celebrate OBITUARIES Mrs. Alice M. (Bancroft) Chee- Exceed Quota e point various unit ver, 91, widow of George F. Chee- Hospital day May 12. Members of ARTHUR W. HOLT will proceed to other cemeteries ver and one of the town's oldest Blood Donors where the graves of the Andover Red Cross Gray Ladies Arthur W. Holt of Lowell, a veteran residents, died May 3 at the family deadFromthis will he and Motor corps will be in atten- native and long-time resident of Red Cross officials announce decorated andnd no* home on Bancroft road where she ceremonies held. dance. The public is invited; any- Andover where he was employed that Andover went over the top the was born. tier mother was born in With a record donation of 162 pints The roster of the parade will one desiring transportation is as a bank clerk, died Tuesday at b. sur the same house where the family as follows: asked to contact Red Cross head- St. John's hospital, Lowell, fol- of usable blood May 2 at the one- Am resided for years. Pol ice Escort quarters. lowing a short illness. day visit of the bloodmobile here. Mt., She was the daughter of Albert Selectmen Born here Mar. 2, 1874, Mr. Holt The total amount of blood ing Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN M. and Hannah T. (Pearson) Ban- Fire Dept. Escort lived in the town until 10 years collected is 12 pints over the vas croft and was a member of the Chief Marshal and Staff ago when he moved to Lowell. quota for the day. This figure is South Congregational church. First Division He leaves two daughters, Mrs. all the more remarkable in that CAPPY'S Surviving are two daughters, Italian Colonial band Winthrop K. White of Andover and there was a considerable amount Laura C., wife of James E. Downs Military Unit from Ft. Devens Mrs. Adelaide McKenny of Reading; of sickness throughout the commu- GRILLE of Andover, and Grace 13., wife of D. A. V. Veterans unit a son, Milton P. Holt of Lowell; nity and 60 people who had Edward F. Brown of Natick; three Gold Star Mothers Lowell St. Rt. 133 two brothers, Walter of Lowell and registered in advance as prospec- sons, Fred E., of Andover, Philip Second Division Percy of Andover; two sisters. tive donors failed to appear. HOME-MADE, BAKED S., of Stoneham, and Brooks, of V. F. W. Veterans unit Miss Elsie Holt of Andover and More than 50 more gave many BEAN SUPPERS — SAT. NIGHTS Oxnard, Calif.; one granddaughter, Kiltie band Mrs. Charles Bodwell of Bradford; hours service in recruitment, regis- Miss Alice M. Cheever, also of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Sandwiches, Ice Cream also seven grandchildren. tration and the operation of the Bringing a Oxnard. Third Division Fried Clams and Chips The funeral will be held at the bleeding center. Included in this annual trout r The funeral was held from the Sacred Heart band Lundgren funeral home today with group were: Inc., hundred FISH & CHIPS family home Tuesday with ser- All Women's post, A. L. services at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Staff aids: Miss Evelyn Jenkins, weekent vices at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Frede- Post 8, A. L. past EVERY FRIDAY! Frederick B. Noss, pastor of the Mrs. Philip Churchill, Mrs. Hein- right, Mart rick B. Noss, pastor of the South On Sunday, May 25, the veteran to Hours: Friday Al a.m. to 1 a.m. South church. Burial will be in rich Rohrbach, Mrs. Arthur Rey- Joan Sulliv at church. Burial was in Spring Grove organizations will observe Memorial Other Days: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Spring Grove cemetery. nolds, Mrs. Henry G. Tyer, Mrs. [cigar Itaselt cemetery. Sunday with services to be held at Richard J. Himmer. man of the ga The bearers were: Fred E. and Motor Corps: Mrs. E. Taber 10:45 a.m. in the Methodist church at Ballardvale. Lyman Cheever, James Downs and McFarlin, Mrs. John P. Connors, William G. McIntyre. Mrs. Leon Field, Mrs. David Members of the Memorial day committee are: Albert Cole Jr, of RO.RERT SCOBIE Thompson; BAL. the American Legion; Louise golf. Robert Scobie, superintendent Canteen: Mrs. Julius Rockwell, endale of the All-Women's post; ,Irs. Ii of the West Parish cemetery for Mrs. Otto Escholz, Miss Elizabeth Charles Lundergan of the Disabled 24 years, died Tuesday night at Hilton, Mrs. Elbert Weaver, Mrs. American Veterans; Charles McKes Fair and Enti the family home, 160 Lowell st., Gorham Lee, Miss Madeleine The spring I of the Veterans of Foreign Bars after a long illness. Hewes, Mrs. Myron G. Smith, Mrs. , and Francis P. Markey, permanent Church Women Born Jan. 22, 1877, in Dundee, William A. Trow, Mrs. Arthur tian Service w member appointed by the lect• Scotland, he came to Andover in Clines, Miss Margaret Selden, Mrs. m en. inanity room 1923 and in 1928 was appointed Frederick Flather, Mrs. Leonard and evening. 'I Gorgeous Delegates to the committee are: superintendent of the cemetery. He James, Mrs. George Bushway, Mrs. in keeping witl was a member of St. Matthew's George B. Westhaver, Mrs. Sher- D. A. V., James Coleman, Charles up contest. TI lodge, A.F. & A.M., and the West wood Kelley, Mrs. Will Brown, Sellars, Arthur Coon and Alit; Mrs. Edwin I McCarthy; from the VFW, George Rodriquez Parish church. Miss Gertrude McDonnell, Miss Davison and N Sr.rrinR in Surviving are his wife, Annie Ruth Saunders, Miss Nickie Thi- Milne, Thomas Eldred and James in charge had 1141Fabuluous Senorita" Monan; from the Legion, Robert < publ, Pirvure (Porter) Scobie, with whom he ob- ras, Miss Dickie Thiras, Miss Mrs. John Dul served his 52nd wedding anniver- Bertha Cuthill; Volker; from the All-Women's post, right and Mrs. sary last July 11; one daughter, Nurses: Mrs. Douglas Crocket, Edith St. Jean, who is secretary; the rest of the and Ira Buxton, honorary member, 4 particular 'Bread Agnes, wife of Harry Chadwick of Mrs. Fraser Colpitts, Mrs. Eileen ganization had Parent, Mrs. Douglas Glennie, Mrs. mad. ;or Andover; three sons, Robert, Jr., BANDIT B ASSOCIATION had plenty o of Lawrence, James of Long- Archie Gunn, Mrs. Fred Eastman, A meeting of the Andover Hand. sale. Mrs. Fr . a particular taate meadow, and Charles, of Middle- Nurses' Aids; Mrs. Harvey Turner, tub association will be held at the Frank Orlando ton, R.I.; six grandchildren; a Mrs. Evan Nason; the grab tabl * ABOUT 44 CALORIES central fire station Thursday May sister, Mrs. James Paton of Scot- Helpers: Mrs. Fredrick Hulme, Jason and Joa PER THIN SLICE 15 in order to make plans fa the land; two brothers, James, of Mrs. Harry Clough. coming season. All interested in The fancy we The blood program committee, * BAKED WITHOUT SHORTENING Canada, and William, of Scotland, the activities of the association supervision of also several nieces and nephews. Sidney P. White, chairman, Col. are invited to attend. Mrs. Edna L The funeral will be held Friday Frank Pardon, recruitment chair- Matthewson at c.o..... 20TH CENTURY BAKERY from the Lundgren funeral home. man, Mrs. Alden Cook, residential had all kinds 110.0, NY. M. 1027. NW/mod. air. GEORGE C. BALL ANTYNE chairman, and Mrs. Harold John- noon tea was son, registration chairman, were on Townsem Seaman Apprentice George C. delighted with the record made by ownsend. Ballantyne, USN, 20, a former Andover and expressed their deep The high li resident of Andover, died Apr. 29 gratitude to all who helped to as the Wester at the San Diego naval training he judges, N base where he had been stricken promote the project. Whether it's business, rs. Earl T with polio while in boot training. fishing, a motor tour or a rank Green h His parents, George M. and Helen VETERANS PLAN FOR cruise, remember acci• iding on the (Carroll) Ballantyne, make their MEMORIAL DAY children lit home in Washington, D.C. dents can happen. Go (Continued from Page One) raig Warner, Born in Lawrence, he attended surpris• will then proceed over Bartlett insured. Cost is Ibert Warner St. Augustine's school here and street to Punchard avenue and up ngly low. Just call hosen sheriff also lived in North Andover before Main street to the Memorial tower aughter of MI his parents moved to Washington PLAN TO SAVE A BIT EVERY PAYDAY at Phillips academy where the all of Hall about five years ago. American Legion will conduct the eputy sheriff. The funeral was held Wednesday service. ash prizes. 1 While You're Still In Your Earning Heyday May 7, from the home of his sister, The parade will then go down ten, David I Mrs. John J. Minihan, 49 Parker Main street to School street. The undo, Robert st., North Andover, with a solemn DAV unit will continue into the ent Warner, H high Mass of requiem at 10 a.m., Old South cemetery, other units all and Hot Today, when your earning power is high is the in St. Michael's church. Burial time to start saving money for tomorrow. will turn right and continue up Cen- iven tickets t was in St. Augustine's cemetery. tral street to the Baptist church g movie. Th You could lose your job overnight — illness has a ailment was nasty habit of striking without warning. So be pre- 'There's a Cc pared. "THINGS DIFFERENT" y Mrs. Franl Save while the saving is good. Save where the sav- anyon" song ing is good, at LAWRENCE CO-OPERATIVE BANK. a Kibbee; sc We'll gladly help you choose the RIGHT savings y Mrs. Frank plan for your needs and budget. Any amount, even 'Dark Town 5 a dollar, will do for a starter. All savings are fully a Kibbee an insured. * Beautiful Lingerie * Hand and Shoulder Bags * Fine Hosiery * Belts * Exquisite Blouses * Pretty Costume Jewelry * Dainty Robes * Coats * Dresses * Costumes * Brunch Coats * Bed Jackets * Unusual Scarfs COOPERATIVE BANK * Frilly Handkerchiefs TEL ANDOVER 21 For the convenience of our patrons EASY SHOPPING ` NO PARKING DIFFICULTIES LAWRENCE ST. poyrnents may be made in Andover at the Andover National Bank. INSTA Lawrence OPEN FRIDA‘1" NITE TILL 9 6 CARS

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952 5 -- he parade will disband. Banquet Committee I this point various Sportsman's Club Plans Trap Shoot units A meeting of the Ballardvale roceed to other cemeteries PTA banquet committee was held The next meeting of the Andover Tuesday, May 13, Activities will the graves of the veteran 'OR at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Sportsman's club, Inc., will be held get under way promptly at 6 p.m. ill be decorated and fitting Robert Head last Tuesday evening. when the first twilight trap shoot Hies held. Mrs. Willard Myers and daughter Plans were made to have a gallop- will be held. roster of the parade will bP ing breakfast. The banquet will be Joanne were the Sunday guests of ovvs: Following the shoot a short held Thursday evening June 5. Mrs. Myers' mother, Mrs. Martha Escort Brady of Malden. business meeting will be held Members of the committee are: nen Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyd and Mrs. Robert Read, chairman; Mrs. after which a cook-out will be en- e pt. Escort Albert Warner, Mrs. Robert North- children of East Hartford, Conn., joyed. MI members who plan to Marshal and Staff rop, Mrs. Henry Brouck, Mrs. Gor- spent last week with Mrs. Boyd's attend are urged to bring a friend Division don Hall, Mrs. Samuel Mucci, Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Nicoll interested in conservation. i Colonial band Anthony Lumenello, Mrs. Franklyn of Clark rd. ty Unit from Ft. Devens Haggerty, Mrs. Russell Hall and V. Veterans unit Mrs. Joseph Bouleau. ;tar Mothers Auction d Division The auction, sponsored by the W. Veterans unit A:AA' 10411A: ;«, "s• Union Congregational church, will band be held Saturday at the playground. :outs and Girl Scouts Bringing all kinds of fishing equipment with them for the The committee has worked hard Division annual trout derby conducted by the Andover Sportsman's club, and hopes that all will attend. It Heart band Inc., hundreds of boys and girls took part In sport over the will start at 10 a.m. and Harold amen's post, A. L. past weekend. Here's a group of them registering. From left Bailey of Methuen will be the 3, A. L. to right, Marty Burns, Betty Michalski, Jack Newcomb in rear, auctioneer. Sunday, May 25, the veteran Joan Sullivan, Mary Jane Newcomb, Robert Turcotte in rear, P T. A. Meeting is always delightful at zations will observe Memorial Edgar liaseltan, president of the club; John Broderick, chair- The regular monthly meeting of y with services to be held at man of the game committee, and Michael Sullivan. (Look Photo) the Ballardvale PTA will be held a.m. in the Methodist church tonight in the Bradlee school. lardvale. Elmont Tyndale will speak on 4Kit fi ANDOVER COTTAGE Lbers of the Memorial day "Illumination as an aid to Study- SOUTH MAIN ST. ANDOVER ttee are: Albert Cole Jr. of BALLARDVALE ing." nerican Legion; Louise Wolf- Green, Correspondent, Telephone 1093-J Mrs. Ruth Personals DAILY 5 P.M. TO 11 P.M. e. of the All-Women's post; SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS 12 N to Et:30 P.M. Lundergan of the Disabled Miss Anne MacFarlin of Marland CHOICE Fair and Entertainment Held ginia Reel" Theima Sparks, — Closed Mondays — can Veterans; Charles McKeLi st., spent the weekend visiting The spring fan- of the Methodist Beverly Sparks, Jane Hall, Norma LIQUORS RESERVATIONS: CALL AND. 1860 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Miss Mary Elizabeth Green in flos. Church Women's Society for Chris- Kibbee, Bill Davison and Bill rancis P. Markey, permanent ton. ROOM AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES tian Service was held in the com- Davis. Following intermission the err appointed by the lect• Corp. Robert Mitchell Jr., LIM munity room Saturday afternoon play "Moron's Delight" was given. USAF, stationed at Sampson air and evening. The decorations were The cast; Muggins, Lina Moore; base, N. Y., spent the weekend egates to the committee are; in keeping with the Western Round- Dora, Frances MacMillan; and Mat- V., James Coleman, Charles with his parents Mr. and Mrs. up contest. The bakery table with tie, Joanne Birch. Director, Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Tewksbury st. s, Arthur Coon and Albert Mrs. Edwin Brown, Mrs. George John Wilson; pianist, Mrs. Robert rthy; from the VFW, Georte Allston O'llara of Marland st., Davison and Mrs. Frances Benson McCune; dances coached by Miss attended the Ted Williams day at , Thomas Eldred and James in charge had plenty of goodies. Beverly Arthur. Fenway Park last Wednesday. a; from the Legion, Robe; Mrs. John Duke, Mrs. James En- P. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scobie and r; from the All-Women's post, right and Mrs. Calvin Seiferth with The Ballardvale PTA members son, Bruce of Newport, R. I., were St. Jean, who is secretary; the rest of the members of the or- have been invited by the West the weekend guests of Mr. and a Buxton, honorary member, ganization had all worked hard and Parish PTA to inspect the new Mrs. Frank Green of Marland st. DTUB ASSOCIATION had plenty of pretty aprons on school and also to be the guests Miss Carol Scobie of Newport, junior neeting of the Andover Iland• sale. Mrs. Frank Davis and Mrs. of the organization the evening H. 1., visited Miss Sandra Fair- ssociation will be held at the Frank Orlando were in charge of Wednesday, May 14. weather of Clark rd., over the petite al fire station Thursday May the grab table with Joyce Lee Following the visit to the weekend. order to make plans fa the Jason and Joan Wilson assisting. school, square dancing will be en- Patrick Regan of Marland st., ig season. All interested a The fancy work table under the joyed. Members who intend to go enjoyed a motor trip to the White activities of the association supervision of Mrs. Henry Meyers, should notify Mrs. Samuel Mucci or Mountains last Friday. ivited to attend. Mrs. Edna Laffin, Mrs. Wendell Mrs. Robert Read. Miss Ruth Mears of Boston Matthewson and Mrs. Roy Brown Transportation will be provided spent the weekend at the home of had all kinds of novelties. After- for those who need it and members her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde noon tea was served by Mrs. Nel- are to meet at O'Brien's store. Mears of Oak st. SHEER KING A TRIP? on Townsend and Mrs. Andrew Annual Banquet Mr. and Mrs. Chester MacDonald, ownsend. The annual banquet of the formerly of Andover st., are now MAGIC, The high light of the evening Friendly Guild of the Union Con- residing in Burlington. as the Western Round-up contest. gregational church will be held Miss Elna Fone of Worcester in a lovable one- The judges, Mrs. James Enright, tether it's business, tonight at the Congregational con- spent the weekend at her home on Mrs. Earl Townsend and Mrs. ference center in Framingham. Clark rd. piece charmer with ;hing, a motor tour or Frank Green had difficulty in de- r i se, remember acci• cHing on the winners out of the a two-piece look. nts can happen. Go ten children lined up on the stage. Craig Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Crisp white organdy sured. Cost is surpris• Albert Warner of High street, was Paint one color on all...the woodwork and wall! gly low. Just call chosen sheriff and Virginia Hall, PATTERSON-SARGENT blouse tops swirl- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Iflali of Hall ave., was chosen ing skirt of bright deputy sheriff. They were awarded cash prizes. The rest of the chil- tissue plaid. 4ART & FLAG, ren, David Lawrie, Frankie Or- Sizes 7-15, ando, Robert and Richard Brown, 1FLATLUX Inc. eat Warner, Richard Meyers, Ruth 'he Insurance Office all and Robert Head were all THE WONDER ONE-COAT PAINT MADE WITH OIL k Bldg. Andover 870 iven tickets to the Saturday morn- '895 ng movie. The rest of the enter- airunent was as follows: solo, 'There's a Gold Mine in the Sky" and oilier y Mrs. Frank Orlando; "Copper anyon" song and tap routine, Nor- /(/ A'hirley Lee a Kibbee; solo, "Ole' Faithful" junior y Mrs. Frank Orlando; dance duo 'Dark Town Strutters Ball", Nor- petites a Kibbee and Bill Davis; "Vir- QUALITY SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL front oulder Bags MORRISSEY 79 5 to 1095 (i me Jewelry With walls and woodwork in the -40irtit ises * Costumes same gorgeous colors, rooms take 0,s sled TAXI on a bigger, brighter, gayer look. StA°11111 tckt TWO - WAY RADIOS For a high gloss linish on wood- t(0,0° work, just ask for BPS Glos-Lux. do It's color-matched to Flatlux. CARRIAGE F NOWNOW... MORE THAN EVER ... USE A PROVED PAINT! 94 main st. ANDOVER tel. 28 0 . W. R. HILL cik store hours 9 to 6 daily — Fridays til 9 45 MAIN ST. TEL. 102


x. SORORITY TO PRESENT quet to be held at 6:30 o'clock VARIETY SHOW TONIGHT tonight in the South church ves- Bicycle Salety Campaign In A variety show will be pre- try. Mrs. Paul Simeon has pre- sented after the annual Alpha Phi pared and directed the show which To Be Inaugurated Here Chi sorority mother-daughter ban- will be announced by Miss Shirley A bicycle safety campaign which nor Murray. Miss Fleanor Mondale and card in the safety league of tit Includes applying brilliant reflector Bicycle Institute of America, the Mrs. Catherine Halpern will be the FROZEN FOOD LOCKER—S-1 tape to the front and rear of all sign the following pledge: ant sur accompanists. bicycles is to get started here Am I pledge to obey these 12 rnle SAVINGS WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Saturday May 17. for safe bicycling: THROUGH THE USE Twenty-five years ago, on May On this day all boys and girls 1. ins Observe all trafficregulations- 1, 1927, Miss Emily Walker of who have bicycles may bring them Vas OF A LOCKER red and green lights, one way Andover and Ralph E. Duffy of to Woodworth Motors, on N. Main streets, stop signs. CAN BE YOURS - old Worcester were married at the Free at., Shawsheen, between the hours 2. Keep to the right and ride in a church by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, and UTILIZE of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when this straight line. Always ride in single yesterday the couple at their home reflector tape will be applied free file. OUR SERVICES in Worcester observed their silver • f charge. 3. Have white light on front wedding anniversary. This campaign is sanctioned by and N. E. danger signal on rear for night I the police department. All children riding. Members of MILK PRODUCERS ASS'N Facts have a way of shaking who have the tape applied to their 4. Have satisfactory signaling Miss Marjorie Harshaw, whose Village Womi one's f pith in his most deep- bicycles will receive a membership device to warn of approach. patents. Mr. and Mrs. ,larold M. Mrs. Carletot TANTALLON RD. TEL. 709 rooted prejudices. 5. Give pedestrians the Ilarshaw, 94 Elm st., announce right of Best, Mrs. BUILDING OPERATIONS way. Avoid sidewalks — her engagement to Eugene Doug- otherwise Andrew Jr.. use extra care. las Roble, son of Mr. and Mrs. AHEAD OF 1951 son. H. Daniel Roble of Evergreen (Continued from Page One) 6. Look out for cars pulling out into traffic. Keep sharp rd., Natick. Miss Ilarshaw is a Permits were issued last month look-out for sudden opening of auto doers, HOME REPAIR LOANS senior atJackson college where for the following new buildings: 7. Never hitch on other she is a member of Alpha Xi vehicles, SH Residence and two-stall garage; "stunt" or race in traffic. Delta sorority. Mr. Roble is a Mrs Keeping your home J. S. W. Const. Co., Robandy rd., 8. Never carry other riders-catty senior at Tufts college and a in Anna F. Walsh, Hidden rd.,William no packages that obstruct •vision Woman's Clut good condition member of Sigma Nu fraternity. a I. Gray, Triangle drive; John and prevent proper control of cycle, The Shawsh adds to its beauty, A June wedding is planned. Bertha Glynn, Whittier st., Albert 9. Be sure your brakes are club held its comfort, and value. (Warren Kay Vantine Studio) I. Richmond, Moreland ave. (2); C operating efficiently and keep your the Andover Albert I. Richmond, Holt rd., Ed- Borrow all of the bicycle in perfect running condi. day. A Banque ward S. Morse, Cutler rd., (3); members and cash you need for home repairs Engagements Lion. William and Betty Dryer, Cornell 10. Slow down at all street were welcome( Collins inter. or imprpvements. Take up to 36 Koreachtlk - rd., residence and one-stall gar- sections and look to right and left the meeting. 1 months to repay your loan. Tele- A June wedding is planned by age; Loretta Cairns, Shaws heen before crossing. who have been A Patricia Julia Collins whose rd., Samuel Arcidy, Shipman rd., 11. Always use proper for over 25 ye phone, visit, or write the bank for Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dyer and Armond Demers, hand parents, Jerry signals for turning and stopping. members. The fast service on Collins, 18 Washington ave., North st., Ralph and Irene Garland, 12. Don't weave in or out of Lovely, Mrs. announce her engagement to Wal- Jenkins rd., Catherine Maney, traffic or swerve from side to side, Albert Wade a HOME REPAIR LOANS ter M. Kornachuk, son of Mr. and Shawsheen rd., Maplewood Homes slow. A motic Mrs. Michael Kornachuk of Danvers. Inc., Westwind rd., Richard and DETERRING CRIMINALS crease the re toN Miss Collins is a graduate of Thisbe Coinins, Sunset Rock rd., The electric chair has cents. Punchard high school, and Salem John and Jeannette Galant, Regale- something to do with deterring criminals— During the State Teachers college and is em- snake rd., Phillips academy, off ARLINGT ON but the proper place is to start ports were g ployed by the Middleton school Highland rd., observatory. with the high chair. department an, 1/4.01 TRUST COMPANY department. Mr. Kornachuk is a1 Andover Coal Co., Lupin rd., en- on the activiti, ESSEX AT LAWRENCE STREETS graduate of Holten high school, large warehouse and garage; Ar- groups during AND NINE BROADWAY Danvers, and attended Michigan thur and Olivine Tisbert, Green- was announce State college. He is a former mem- Wood rd., remodel apartment; Harry FOLKS ships would 1 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ber of the Massachusetts state po- I. Emmons, 50 York st., screen If YOU have girl and sen lice and is presently employed as t porch; Howard and Esther Norton, separate High school an insurance investigator. Wildwood rd., add sun porch; Frank furthering thei The couple will be married at and Leslee Davis, 28 Dale st., Screen and Storm New office got eke4tfiaince a 10 o'clock nuptial Mass in St. add rooms; Joseph and Phoebe DOORS follows: pres Augustine's church, June 21. Brouilla, Bailey rd., screen porch; Rest; vice pre George Dwyer and William McNulty, Did you ever figure out the Thompson an, NATIONAL HEARING WEEK Sachs — Keam Magnolia ave., add breezeway; number of times you hose ler; recording Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Edwin Andre MAY 4 THRU 10, 1952 John and Alice Cecill, Ballardvale changed them? Kearn, 44 Haggett's Pond rd., rd., add screen porch; James and secretary, announce the engagement of their Mildred White, 53 Chandler rd., treasurer, Mi eve ale Alemsed e fieeaelet daughter, Marjorie, to Richard A. windbreaker. BUY directors, NI Sachs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mrs. F. Jerr, Sachs, 7 Jordan ave., Lawrence. One of Our Cate and Mrs. A graduate of Punchard High The enterte SPECIAL OFFER-SAVE °5°° school, Miss Kearn is employed by THE COMBINATION was presen the Merrimack Optical Co., Lowell. chairman, Mr Her fiance is a graduate of Law- It had been f rence High school and is now ser- DOORS tery program Buy the $75 * 12 "A" Batteries ving overseas with the U.S. air THATCHED and save a tot of time be "Post force. and temper. 1952 Seasor * 3 "B" Batteries sisting of Mi ROOF Full Length TH The Ancient Wood Screw John Guild, I B * 1 ZERAD Battery Tester Junction Routes 125- 133 Bronze Screen Insert Mrs. James HE WOOD SCREW, in its NORTH ANDOVER and 12 Lite Sash. accompanied * 1 Spare Earphone Cord Thumble way, is one of the Smith, gave greatest contributions to wood- All sizes in stock. the "vocal "Royal" or "Super-Royal" working. It began in Greece, Mulvey and Special, Appetizing A $14.25 VALUE something over 2,000 years ago, presented a HEARING AID when the great physicist and Menu For Woman's Cl mathematician Archimedes devel- MOTHER'S DAY Lawrence Plate & Edwin And] ... and get these acces- FOR ONLY $9.25 oped the leverage principle, dis- Mrs. Willian lightful drar sories at a great saving. This offer is in effect only from covered the law governing in- CO. clined planes, and invented the Every Thursday Window Glass "Bride Left May 5 through May 10, 1952 screw which, being an adaptation Mrs. Euge NEW ENGLAND BOILED TEL. 37151 of the lever, is itself a simple instructive DINNER - 1.35 417 Canal St., Lawrence Mrs. Willis Bone conduction devices available at moderate extra cost. machine. It's easy to use, as everyone Edgar Best knows; yet there is a right way well perforn THE ZENITH GUARANTEE and a wrong way. For best results, FOR THE NEWEST OF THE NEW FOR '52 of modern lf, in your opinion, any hearing aid outperforms in drill a hole equal to the diameter costumes any way a $75.00 Zenith, your money back under of the wood screw body, then 1952 MERCURY together it our unconditional 10-day return privilege. drill a smaller lead hole for the THE and acclain threaded part of the screw in the The Custom and Monterey Series as a fittin activities. wood to be joined. In soft woods, Daring Colors .... Handsome Interiors however, lead holes are not need- ed for screws under two inches "KEN" CROMPTON'S CHC John H. Grecoe long. The wood screws you'll be FOODS Jeweler • Optician using are available in sizes from ARLINGTON MOTORS, INC. one-quarter to five inches long. LOUT Your Mercury and Lincoln beak; 48 MAIN ST. TEL. 830-R If you are doing good work, * ON Th Authorized Sales and Service don't worry about it—somebody rE BA TTERIES FOR ALL HEARING AIDS will soon find out about it. 13HOADWAY • LAWRENCE •


BRUSH FIRES Personal Cormey Honored Two brush fires last Friday Ipaign For Long Service afternoon burned over large areas Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Butler of in Shawsheen and West Andover Elm st., have returned from a Stearney H. Cormey of Holt rd., before being extinguished. week's stay at the Colonial who Ian, Here has been employed in the At noon the department was Concord. sales department of the Atlantic called to a blaze between the in the safety league of tilt Refining Co., for 30 years was Andover Country club and Shaw- le Institute of America, honored at a dinner and dance be ant sheen Heights that threatened following pledge: given by the Boston district em- several homes in the vicinity. The edge to obey these 12 rules ployees last week in Revere. brush fire truck first went on a fe bicycling: Mr. Cormey was one of seven still alarm and later box 663 DOC RHCMG )bserve all trafficregulatiow honored guests whose total ser- brought the entire department to end green lights, one way vice represents 205 years. Ile was the scene. Engine 3 of Lawrence 3, stop signs. presented a gift by Harold Jollie, filled in at the central fire station :eep to the right and ride in a the company's New England during this fire. The blaze was ht line. Always ride in single regional manager. brought under control at 1:30 p.m. A woodland fire off Lowell street NURSE ASSOCIATION II lave white light on front and in West Andover at 3:50 p.m. The annual meeting of the Ando- r signal on rear for night threatened to get out of control ver Visiting Nurse Assn., Inc., will and additional help was called. WONDERLAND Members of the incoming executive board of the Shavisheem be held at 8 p.m., Tuesday, May Have satisfactory signaling The blaze was brought under con- Village Woman's club. From left to right, Mrs. Joseph Barns, 13 at the town house. RE V E R E to warn of approach. Mrs. Carleton Schulze, Mrs. Wallace Fiedler, Mrs. J. Edgar trol at 4:30 p.m. ;ive pedestrians the right of Mrs. Walter Caswell, Mrs. F. Jerry Leone, Nit's. T. F.. Avoid sidewalks — otherwise Best, Andrew Jr., Mrs. William Edwards and Mrs. William G. Thomp- tra care. (Look Photo) ,00k out for cars pulling out son. raffic. Keep sharp look-out dden opening of auto doers. ever hitch on other vehicles, SHAWSHEEN or race in traffic. Nip,. Helen Cassell, Correspondent, Telephone 62 lever carry other riders-carry :kages that obstruct vision a Woman's Club Returns From Cruise tt proper control of cycle, The Shawsheen Village Woman's Midshipman John Caswell, re- Be sure your brakes are club held its annual meeting at turned Wednesday from a Caribbean ing efficiently and keep your the Andover Country club on Mon- cruise aboard the maritime training e in perfect running condi. day. A banquet was enjoyed by 119 ship U.S.T.S. Charleston. Ile is members and eight new members enjoying a week's leave at the Slow down at all street inter were welcomed into the club during home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ns and look to right and left the meeting. Four past presidents Walter Caswell of Dumbarton st. crossing. who have been members of the club During the cruise the ship called Always use proper hand for over 25 years became honorary at ports in British Guiana, Haiti, s for turning and stopping, members. They were Mrs. Eugene Mexico, Galveston, Texas, New Or- Don't weave in or out of Lovely, Mrs. Clinton Stevens, Mrs. leans, La., Jacksonville, Fla., or swerve from side to side. Albert Wade and Mrs. George Win- Washington, D. C., and finally slow. A motion was passed to in- docked at New Bedford. The ship :TERMING CRIMINALS crease the refreshment fee by 50 will return to its home base at Sunday, May Ilth electric chair has something cents. Buzzards Bay the first of the week with deterring criminals-- During the annual meeting re- when the midshipmen will return te proper place is to start ports were given by the various for their final term of the year. he high chair. department and committee chairmen This is the last of three training on the activities of their respective cruises for Midshipman Caswell groups during the past year. It for he will graduate from the Mari- was announced that two scholar- time academy in September. FOLKS ships would be given to a senior P ersonals If YOU have girl and senior boy of Punchard Mrs. Irvin Wilkinson and son, High school to assist them in separate David spent the greater part of furthering their education. Screen and Storm last week visiting Mrs. Wilkinson's New officers were elected as sister and family in Laconia, N.H. DOORS follows: president, Mrs. G. Edgar Jo-Anwyl Foster, small daughter Rest; vice presidents, Mrs. William of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster of you ever figure out the Thompson and Mrs. Wallace Fied- Dumbarton st., spent several days her of times you have ler; recording secretary, Mrs. T. FASHION this past week with her grand- inged them? Edwin Andrew Jr.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Joseph Byrne; parents in Topsfield. treasurer, Mrs. Carleton Shulze; A dancing party was held at BUY directors, Mrs. Walter Caswell, Crystal ballroom Saturday evening which was attended by a large Mrs. F. Jerry Leone, Mrs. Gilbert BASEMENT One of Our Cate and Mrs. William Edwards. number of couples. This was the third such party and one more will The entertainment of the evening A — Striped high be held in June, which will be the OMBINATION was presented by the program count percale .with chairman, Mrs. William Thompson. final one for the season. Mrs. Helen Sargent of Mason, pique trim. Red, It had been announced as a "mys- DOORS N.H. is visiting her daughter and Blue and Green. tery program" and turned out to and save a lot of time family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKin- Sizes 12 to 20 be 'Post Views of the 1951- and temper. 1952 Season". A quartette con- non of Dumbarton st. $2.98 Miss Barbara Fowler spent the B—Woven color- Full Length sisting of Mrs. Thomas Neil, Mrs. John Guild, Mrs. Frank Himmer and weekend with her parents, Mr. and ful plaid gingham Bronze Screen Insert Mrs. James Baxter, directed and Mrs. Charles Fowler of York st. with front button- Miss Fowler recently moved to New and 12 Lite Sash. accompanied by Mrs. Frederick ing and self tie Smith, gave a group of songs, as York City where she is employed belt. Sizes 161/2 to All sizes in stock. as a receptionist in the office of the "vocalettes". Mrs. Joseph 241/2. $3.98 Mulvey and Mrs. Herbert Cregg the This Week magazine publica- presented a skit of "After the tion. Woman's Club Meeting". Mrs. T. PAI NTS vrence Plate & Edwin Andrew, accompanied by WALLPAPERS Mrs. William Edwards gave a de- lido Glass (o. lightful dramatic presentations of a ART SUPPLIES Mother's Favorite Cottons "Bride Left Waiting at the Church", TEL. 37151 Mrs. Eugene Lovely gave a very DU PONT instructive cooking lecture and 40 7 Canal St., Lawrence Mrs. William Thompson, Mrs. G. OUTSIDE PAINT Edgar Best and Mrs. Walter Cas- KEEPS WHITE well performed in an interpretation NEW FOR '52 HOUSES WHITE! of modern dance complete with 2.00 to 8.90 Pont "40" is rich in ti costumes and instruments. Al- Du tanium dioxide, the whitest of RCURY together it was a delightful meeting all pigments. Keeps houses and acclaimed by all who attended looking "freshly painted" for Cottons with a sparkling fashion future. More than 1000 ey Series as a fitting climax to the year's years. Try it on your house! of them in this tremendous Mother's Day choice . . ome Interiors activities. including Dan River woven cord spuns, pastel embossed $ 595 GAL. cottons, shirting stripes, florals, monotones, plaids. Some IN'S CHOICE OF FINE 4k with pique appliques . no end to fashion details. Sizes ORS, INC. FOODS AND LIQUORS COLE 12 to 20; 141/2 to 241/2 ; 38 to 44. Dealer LOUIS SCANLON'S CO. ON THE ANDOVER LINE* PAINT & WALLPAPER Cherry & Webb's Va ,Iiton Basement iervice 46 MAIN ST. (EL. 1156 • rfi I6 8 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1 952

moMM.611111MMMIIMINIP X. Memorial Hall Library Jr Record Primary Vote Down the Years COMINGAt Tlie EVENTS The issue being fought between the two leading with May 11, 2:15 p.m. Ilighet lecture The Elegant Witch, Neill. presidential candidates in the Republican party over WLAW. A 17th century story, with witch. May 12, 12 m. Recorded music. craft used as a cover-all for mut. the helped swell the primary vote here last week to its The Townsman Petay 12, 3:35 p.m. Movies — all ders. Exciting! vur record-breaking proportions. grades. Gown Of Glory, Turnbull. An. 50 Years Ago — May 1902 May 14, 10 a.m. Littlest Listeners, st, Even the Democratic vote was high considering In the "Bishop's Mantle" the A break in a water pipe on Park Blue birds. author told of the problems of a lag the lack of contests. street, part of the old system from fashionable city parish. Here she vas NEW BOOKS Babbitt's pond, was discovered The Old Reliable, Wodehouse. tells the adventures of a minister Mile the women have taken more than usual in- early this week and repaired be- Just another Wodehouse, full of of a village church of fifty years terest in the present campaign, much of the out- fore any damage resulted. complications, as the various ago, of David Lyall and Mary and pouring of voters was due to the Eisenhower and The Punchard nine went to characters try to find a missing their familw. Heading Saturday to play the high diary that will enable them to Taft workers using every means to get their backers Other fiction: Sarah Hall's Sea school team but found that Reading open a literary agency. to the polls. had a game with another team God, DuBois; No Vacancy, Rolls; scheduled for that date. East Side General, Slaughter. Brighten The Corner, Summers, The 2253 Republicans who responded with 200 So many electric light globes A thrilling tale of 24 hours in a Two's Company, Cavanna; The Democrats, a total of 2453, represented about 33.4 have been broken recently that a slum hospital with danger and FBI Sea Gulls Woke Me, Stolz; Now We reward is being offered for infor- participation as a patient is en- Are Free, Allis; Night Train To percent of the town's registered voters, some diffe- mation leading to the arrest and tered who has serious radio-active Paris, Coles; Faraway The Spring, rent from the total of 103, or about 1.3 percent who conviction of anyone breaking the burns. Hagopian; Magic Is Fragile, 'Clack; voted four years ago. globes. Bright Procession, Sedges. Some Others And Myself, Suckow; The The wedding of Miss Agnes hun- The theme of this story of Hose On The Summit, Plummer. Like the rest of the state, those who voted the ter McIntyre of Ballardvale and Stephen Worth, public relations Republican ticket in Andover preferred Eisenhower Charles Warren Richardson took man, is that the good people Historical Trees place Wednesday evening at the together can move the world. to Taft by more than two-to-one. On the Democratic home of the bride on Dale street. To Be Marked ticket the general was tied for second place with The Rev. Edwin Smith performed Grand Right And Left, Kronen- The conservation committee of President Truman (who was not a candidate). the ceremony. berger. the Andover Garden club, Mrs. Trustees of the Andover Theolo- Gordon Cary, at 48, the richest Edwin L. Bramley chairman, had One of the surprises of the state vote was that gical seminary are understood to man in the world, found himself for one of its projects the iden. the collector of everything that Eisenhower took second place on the Democratic he contemplating the removal of tifying of Andover's historical the seminary from Andover to some appealed to him, and suddenly trees. With the cooperation of write-in-vote, and Taft was fourth. Kefauver was in university center such as Cam- bored with the collections. His Oscar M. Root of Brooks school, first place with Truman third. bridge or New llaven. wife and his psychiatrist start him the following trees have been iden• A The adjourned town meeting collecting people, with exciting tified and will be marked with Observers placed much significance on the Mass- Monday voted 83000 to drain and consequences. metal tags: macadamize Main street. achusetts write-in vote which was being watched The Plunderers, Blond. Maple: On sidewalk at 1: with great interest nationally because of the bearing 25 Years Ago — May 1927 Goddess Island, between Siberia School st., presumably planted by Abbot academy celebrates its and Alaska, is a seal island. To Dr. Edward A. Park in 1839.

it might have on the candidacies of both leading 98th birthday with faculty and it came Shayffir, emissary of candidates. students joining in a Dutch kermis. Catherine the Great, to make a for- Oaks: Scarlet oak in yard of John Dove school planted by the Andover Guild presents minstrel tune in furs. He tossed aside all Andover Village Improvement so• Throughout the state about 359,000 voted the show in town hall. Cris Murphy's else in his greed only to realize ciety in 1898; pin oak at Ridge Republican ticket. Eisenhower got about 241,000 dancing, which is the highlight of the horror of his ruthlessness. the evening, draws deafening street and Railroad avenue plante' and Taft 104,000 of the write-in vote and the gene- applause. Two Sofas In The Parlor, DeJong. by A.V.I.S. in 1899. The Kegel family came from Hol- ral got 27 of the 28 district delegates. This victory Conforming to the wishes of Ash: Several on School street 1156 citizens against 829 who lanti to Grand Rapids in 1913, to presumably planted by Dr. Park in for Eisenhower and his showing on the Democratic the poorest of homes that could 1839. write-in vote, is hailed by his backers as a "band- expressed their opinion in a post card ballot, the board of selectmen claim only one luxury — two sofas wagon" swing toward his nomination in July. voted not to grant a license for in the parlor, left there by previous Sycamore: Near sidewalk lawn tenants. A real family story, on M. J. Curran house, 232 N. * * * moving pictures on Sunday. Checks being received for re- pleasant to read. Main st. It's easy to tell when you are on the right road — lief work in connection with the Mountain Ash: In front yard of The Groves Of Academe, McCarthy. Park House, 173 Main st., pre- Mississippi flood. More than it's upgrade. Henry Mulcahy, $1000 of Andover's quota of teacher at sumably planted by Dr. Park in Jocelyn college, embittered, un- $1696 already subscribed. 1839. the Campus popular and feeling himself to be Lindens: three at Park House, of Building permits granted so far this year include one for 2-fancily persecuted, brands himself openly 173 Main st., planted by Dr. Park, Phillips a Communist in order to harass the also a small leaved European fin house, four for single dwellings, Academy college and the community. nine for garages, two for camps den. ,cAndover- Inn and 12 for hen houses. Lieutenant Hornblower, Forester. Sycamore Maples: four at Gar. Fred G. Cheney, former manager In this seventh novel of the dner avenue and Hidden road. A "Treadway Inn" of the Lawrence telephone ex- saga, young Hornblower arrives c ommon.Magnolia: Tulip tree on Andover change, promoted to supervisor of aboard H.M.S. Renown and because Daily Luncheons 12 to 2 Dinner 6:15 to 7:45 advertising in the central district. of the adventure of the story, is in AndoverIlawthornes: park. two planted in 194 Sunday Dinner 12:30 to 2:30 Two men of Salem, N.11., injured promoted to captain. The book be- in peculiar railroad accident. They longs just after Mr. Midshipman overBirches: park. two large trees in In:. BUFFET SUPPER Sunday Nights at 6:15 reached Ballardvale in an auto flornblower in sequence.

BANQUETS about 3:30 a.m., just as the paper WEDDING RECEPTIONS BRIDGE LUNCHEONS owners to be affected. ESTABLISHED 1887 Tel. 903 • Ira F. Brainard, Manager • Andover train went through. As the gates B were raised the machine turned Civilian defense units to undergo sharply north and proceeded along intensive test next Monday night Tow nsend, the railroad tracks for about a to see how fast they can mobilize. Dabnty g Tyson I mile when the Portland-bound Several tires stolen from cars express overtook it and forced it parked at the railroad station and along the tracks, strewing parts all at the Shawsheen Mills parking lot along the road before stopping. are recovered by police, and war- INVESTMENTS Both men were taken to the Law- rant is issued for Gloucester man rence General hospital for treat- who just started serving jail term member ment but neither was in a serious in another part of the county. New York and Hoston Stock Excnar., condition. War bond pledges signed by lew York ^urb Associate 10 Years Ago — May 1942 3200 local residents. STATE BLDG. LAWRENCE Gasoline rationing to start next Film "Wings of Victory" shown ;AY TEL. 252 88 week. More than 2500 local vehicle for Russian War Relief fund and JOHN S. ANDREWS, mancner C.•TABLISHED 18(.7 of 8512 realized. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY 5B MAIN STREET. ANDOVER. MASS.


1'11bl:slier Irving F. Roger, RADIO PHONOGRAPH TELEVISION I. (him . . Frank J. A. Iliniiiihre) adv. Algr. . Raymond B. DeRinsseau the finest gift toiletries Itallarduale It tit11 Green qtawsheen !Men (:a,well West Parish . Sarah Lewis KNUEPFER & DIMMOCK NATIONAL EDITORIAL 286 ESSEX ST. LAWR ENCE OPP. EAGLE TRIBUNE ASSOCVATraN L PIANOS - RADIOS - FRIC;IDAIRES - LUGGAGE anau THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952 9

:all Library sgant Witch, Neill. th century story, with witch. Bed as a cover-all for ma. xcitingl If Glory, Turnbull. to "Bishop's Mantle" the told of the problems of a able city parish. Here she to adventures of a minister illage church of fifty years David Lyall and Mary and arni17. PA RE THEM ALL... r fiction: Sarah Hall's Sea luBois; No Vacancy, Rolls; n The Corner, Summers; Company, Cavanna; The Ils Woke Me, Stolz; Now We 'ee, Allis; Night Train To Coles; Faraway The Spring, an; Magic Is Fragile, Mack; A willidy011ll hill/ a PO(life )thers And Myself, Suckow; se On The Summit, Plummer. orical Trees Be Marked conservation committee of ildover Garden club, Mrs. L. Bramley chairman, had e of its projects the iden- ; of Andover's historical With the cooperation of M. Root of Brooks school, [lowing trees have been idea. and will be marked with tags: le: On sidewalk at 12 1 st., presumably planted by [ward A. Park in 1839. s: Scarlet oak in yard of Dove school planted by the er Village Improvement so. in 1898; pin oak. at Ridge and Railroad avenue planted in 1899. Several on School street nably planted by Dr. Park in

amore: Near sidewalk lawn . J. Curran house, 232 N. Wayfarer 6- Passenger Sedan at. JUST A FEW DOLLARS MORE attain Ash: In front yard of THAN THE LOWEST-PRICED CARS House, 173 Main st., pre- planted by Dr. Park in

;dens: three at Park House, lain st., planted by a, Park, a small leaved European lin.

:amore Maples: four at Gar• avenue and Hidden road. This new SHOW DOWN"way of comparing cars ;nolia: Tulip tree on Andover on. lets you see exactly what you get for your money! Nthornes: two planted in 1947 dover park. ches: two large trees in And. day-out economy that saves you money )ark. ANYONE CAN claim "more for the money." But Dodge backs it up . . . all on upkeep and repairs. ESTABLISHED 1887 the way! Dodge gives you the plain, Come in today for your free "Snow Townsend, unvarnished facts ... invites your com- DowN" booklet and a demonstration >abnty & Tyson parison the "Show Down" way with drive in the big '52 Dodge. Get our top- Adis Ro puncAes...dealv in facts dollar appraisal on your present car. cars costing hundreds of dollars more. See how easy it is to own a big new gives you proof. -not sell'! You see for yourself exactly how NVESTMENTS Dodge at today's low price. When you compare cars the "Snow DowN" way, much more roomy comfort Dodge gives you get the plain truth about car value. Don't buy any Member car until you stop in for your free "Show Down" book- you. You get proof of Dodge smoother Stock ExchanIo Your present car will probably MORE THAN fork and Ivoston let. It's an eye-opener and a money-saved Conic in today. law York 7urb Associate ride ... greater safety . . . day-in and cover the full down payment!

STATE BLDG. LAWRENCE Specifications and equipment subject to change without notice. TEL. 252 88 JOH!' S. ANDRFWS, Masater


CHECK ACCIDENTS , H TELEVISION MAKE SAFE DRIVING A HABIT. CHECK YOUR CAR DIMMOCK J. W. ROBINSON CO. 43-49 Park Street OPP. EAGLE TRIBUNE ANDOVER AIRES — LUGGAGE ' 10 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952 16 REALTY TRANSFERS SERVICE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slate of Lowell x• Bessie P. Goldsmith et al to The Andover Service club will st., left on Saturday fix Miami Theodore De mbrosk i, "Sutton's meet tonight at the U.S. naval Fla., where they will spend s WEST PARISH short vacation. i Ir Plain." headquarters in South Lawrence. Mrs. saralt Lewis, correspoirirtent, Telephone 584-J Loretta R. Cairns to William El. It will be a father-sons night for Winthrop Boutwell of Shawsheta Barlow et ux, Lowell st. sons of 12 and over. Transporta- rd., is spending several weeks with Grange News PTA Food Sale his son and family Mr. and Mr nov George J. Flathers et ux to In- tion will leave the Square & Com- A large number of Andover The West Andover PTA will hold s, hab. of Town of Andover, Bancroft Sherman Doutwell of Brimfield. the pass club at 6:15 p.m. grange members attended the May a food sale in the Lawrence G & E rd. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Pinkham of stir meeting of Friendship Pomona, 39 Co. Store next Saturday May 10 An, SAILING FOR IRELAND Waterville, Me., were weekend which met last Saturday in North from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Mrs. guests at the home of Mr. and W st., Miss Ann Scanlon of Maple ave., Andover grange hall. Master Alex Harold Lermond and Mrs. John s, i ng is sailing today from Boston on the William Stewart of nigh Plain rd. Henderson of Andover grange pre- Gorrie are co-chairmen. Mrs. Warren A. Lewis and vas S.S. Neptunia. for a four-months' sided at the business meeting. visit with her parents in Ireland. PTA Meeting daughter, Cynthia of Lowell st., Miss Ebba Peterson, assistant The regular PTA meeting will attended the annual Founders' day Miss Scanlon has recently been lecturer read an article on "Ants employed in the office of the And- be held Wednesday, May 14 in the luncheon held at Rogers Hall Work for Birds". Supper was served over Steam laundry. new West Center school audito- school, Lowell, last Saturday. by the host grange at 6 o'clock. rium. The Indian Ridge and Brad- Mrs. Roger Lewis of Laurel During the evening session the REAL ESTATE lee School PTA will be the invited lane and Mrs. Dean Hudgins of fifth degree was conferred on a guests. Square dancing will be en- North st., visited on Tuesday with • class of 12 candidates. State Mrs. Ernest Small of Portland, Me, Deputy Ernest Hunt commended joyed and refreshments will be FOR WEDDING PORTRAITS served. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Atkins of INSURANCE the grange for its very excellent Hull, were guests on Sunday at AND CANDIDS work. A short discussion was held Birth the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard OF LASTING BEAUTY... on highway safety. It was voted to On April 29, a daughter, Nancy Williams of Lowell st. Ernest L. hold the next meeting Saturday Karen, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward El- Mr. Robert Dobbie, Jr. of June 7 with Andover grange. lis of Levittown, N.Y. Mrs. Ellis Catssauqua, Penn., recently The next regular meeting of is the former Evelyn Foster daugh- visited with his sister Mrs. Ter- WILKINSON Bachrach Andover grange will be held next ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Foster rance Finnerty of Shawsheen rd. Tuesday May 13, when the 3rd and who formerly resided on Lowell Miss Marion Musket of Win- Bay State Bldg. The thud eenetatton al a 1,11710113 lam it y 4th degrees will be conferred on a st., but now reside in Miami, Fla. chendon and Miss Irene Morgan of 700 LAWRENCE portratt 7rhotogranhers class of candidates. A supper will Personal s Montpelier, Vt., were weekend Tel s: Lawrence 6131 CALL MRS. D'URSO LAW. 35921 be served at 6:30 p.m. and the can- guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andover 1653 didates will be the invited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marland of George st., attended the Parents' Norman Morgan of Lowell at. An Ando Church Notes weekend celebration at the Univer- INJURES ANKLE with a BP Bruce Stewart of High Plain rd., sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, Philip K. Allen, 8, of 1 High- visited by president-elect of the Pilgrim during the last weekend. land rd., was treated at the Law- Worcester; Fellowship of the Andover associa- Word has been received from Mr. rence General hospital Thursday Mary Eno. Our Streamlined tion was a delegate at the annual and Mrs. Arthur 'Morley of their for an injury to his left ankle A ift• state Pilgrim Fellowship meeting safe arrival in Leeds, England suffered in a fall. 70 To I held at the state conference cen- They report a rather rough voyage ter in Framingham, during the past across although they enjoyed the First C( weekend. BUDGET PLAN trip. They expect to be away until A class Last Sunday evening about 25 early August. young people and their parents ceive their Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Trull for- in St. Augu: makes it easy to pay heating costs attended the final meeting of the merly of Shawsheen rd., have season of the Pilgrim Fellowship morning at t moved to Sudbury, where they Included in the West church. Following the will now make their home. devotional service a social hour following: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kennis of John Bar 'PHONE 365 40 was held and refreshments were High Plain rd., and Mr. and Mrs. served. Philip Cap Alsdon Arold and their family of ,:ttS Thomas Dc There will be an important meet- North Andover, enjoyed a trip ing of the West church by-laws Gerald Gal through the White Mountains on Gerard Her committee Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Sunday. PROTECT GROWING the vestry. George Le, Miss Caroline Burtt has returned VEGETABLES with Charles Mc] ndover Coal Co. The flowers at the morning ser- to her home in Malden after spend- Robert Millo 27 MAIN STREET vice of the West church last Sun- ing a few days with her niece Mrs. ONE-SHOT Miner, Robe day were given in loving memory of Silas Newell of Shawsheen rd. son, Frank the late Mrs. Alice B. Lewis by Mrs. Walter True and children van, Robe her children. BONTOX Buchner, F of Ralston Spa, N. Y., are visiting Laboratory formula safe- Entertains Choir at the home of Mrs. True's parents guards vegetables, flow. Doherty, Al han, Dougla The members of the All Girls Mr. and Mrs. William Corliss of erg, fruits and shrubs. choir of the West church were en- High Plain rd. Gives positive control of William Lt John McK tertained last Saturday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Livingston of fungus and over 50 insect species common to gor- George Sno t he home of the organist Miss New York City have returned to their home after spending the past dews. Triple-action in one Ward, Rich Sylvia Vartanian in Salem, N.H. can saves time and money Nolet. The home was most attractively week with their son and family, Mr. —Nothing else to buy! Judith An decorated for the occasion and the and Mrs. Henry Livingston Jr., of Dust on every 10 cloys Barbara Lai group all enjoyed the evening of Virginia rd. for ideal protection. Ask stance Mc games and singing. The delicious for BONTOX. Pamela Nc refreshments which were served I pound Frances Pe made the evening a most enjoyable Duster Can, ppd. 60c o son, Mary ne. Those present were: Edith Maryanne and Barbara Williams, Olga and C. A. HILL & CO FOR THE BEST IN Electrical Contractor Margaret St Elizabeth Sarkesian, Mary Boloian, SEED — FERTILIZER lonie, Mary B Ruth Santuccio, Betty Heinz, Donna Bou Deanna Hudgins, Myrtie Belle CHARLES A. HILL, JR. GARDEN TOOLS Sandra Demi OWN Jaques, Judith Hall and Shirley Call us for every res iden- Andover Deliveries Daily Karen Fran and Virginia Donabedian of Salem, jorie Mass< N. H. tial, commercial and in- dustrial electrical service. Mary Pasy IRTICIEMAPIPPS tier, Patric Receives Promotion LIGHTING ENGINEERS LORAIN- MARDWAItE•PAIP....A berge, Ca Lt. Rufus C. Small U.S.N. air 158 So. Broadway Tel. 4105 Pryce. force has recently received word 13 Chestnut St. Tel. 1076 Lawrence - Plenty of Parking Spoce HOW'S THIS FOR SERVICE? that he has been promoted from lieutenant junior grade to a full WAR-I Consider the service you get with a Home Loan hon.' lieutenant. He is stationed at the A really MERRIMACK CO-OPERATIVE BANK. For example... naval air station in Alameda, Cal. never be p Monthly interest is charged ONLY on funds as Lt. Small is married to the former paganism o tions today, 6 advanced. Virginia Stevens, daughter of Mr. North Andover Nursing Home and Mrs. Carl H. Stevens of Vir- No application fee or inspection charges! Have a ginia rd. 140 Prescott Street friendly talk with one of our loan advisors...at no obligation to you! Mother Daughter Banquet North Andover Tel 21913 The annual Mother-Daughter ban- BU PROMPT SERVICE... MINIMUM OF RED TAPE quet will be held in the West Church vestry Thursday, May 15. Old Age— Supper will be served at 6:30 p.m. by the Senior Womans' union, Mrs. Chronic - Convalescent William A. Trow chairman. Tickets Mcl are in charge of Mrs. Arthur Lewis 24 Hour Registered Nurses and may be reserved by calling Plumbi T,84J. The Junior Womans' union Ruth W. Myhaver, Superintendent will be in charge of the program I 26 Park LAWRENCE which will follow the supper. THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952 11 rid Mrs. Earl S—late of Lowell ft on Saturday for Miami, MANY TO ATTEND where they will spend a a cation. LAYMEN'S SERVICE irop Doutwell of Shawsheea (Continued from Page One) spending several weeks with n and family Mr. and Mrs, laymen's committee, will he the n Boutwell of Brimfield, ushers, and Donald L. Amy the and Mrs. Roland Pinkham of organist. The. men will then walk ilk, Me., were weekend to the Free church, entering the at the home of Mr. and tVrs, lower vestry by the driveway to a Stewart of High Plain rd, the east of the church. Following Warren A. Lewis and the breakfast, prepared by the or, Cynthia of Lowell st., ladies of the Women's union, the !d the annual Founders' day Rev. A. Graham Baldwin will on held at Rogers flail give a short address and adjourn- Lowell, last Saturday. ment will to ke place at 9:15 Roger Lewis of Laurel o'clock. and Mrs. Dean Hudgins of At the committee meeting, Al- at., visited on Tuesday with bert Cole Jr., director of civil de- MISS THAT POLE? xnest Small of Portland, Me. fense, requested the church group and Mrs. Chester Atkins of to be responsible for manning the You may not always be were guests on Sunday at observation post on South Main me of Mr. and Mrs. Richard street for one 24-hour period each able to avoid a costly ac- is of Lowell st. week, beginning May 17. The com- cident. If your car in- Robert Dobbie, Jr. of mittee will endeavor to recruit jures or kills someone, uqua, Penn., recently 32 men and women from the eight with his sister Mrs. Ter- churches to serve on Wednesdays. will you have the protec- i'innerty of Shawsheen rd. Volunteers are asked to notify tion of dependable Auto- Marion Musket of Win- Thaxter Eator of their willingness mobile Insurance? in and Miss Irene Morgan of to be on duty for three hours each Tier, Vt., were weekend week. A list of those who served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. during World War II is on file at a Morgan of Lowell st. An Andover girl is serving with the WAC detachment at Salzburg, Austria. She is shown here the town house. DOHERTY :ES ANKLE with a group of Bay State residents during a get-together when the WAC insta Ilation was Much of the increased future steel ip K. Allen, 8, of 1 High- visited by Col. Mary Ilallaren (right) of Lynn. From left to right: Lt. Col. Lucile Odhurt of . i., was treated at the Law- ilorcester; Pfc. Elizabeth Cariote of Lynn; Sgt. Anna K. Cronin, 21 High st., Andover; Sgt. requirements predicted by many Insurance General hospital Thursday Mary Enos of New Bedford; Sgt. Ruth Orr of Stowe; and Sgt. Del Gross of West Medford. economists will be provided by the a injury to his left ankle (U.S. Army Photo) use of higher grade ores without any AGENCY d in a fall. 70 To Receive Two 8:30 Masses material increase in blast furnace Albert E. Curtis installations. MUSGROVE BLDG. TEL. 260 First Communion At St. Augustine's Drawn As Juror A class of 70 children will re- Two Masses, one in the upper Albert E. Curtis, 15 Cedar rd., ceive their first Holy Communion church and the other in the lower, was drawn at Monday night's meet- in St. Augustine's church Saturday will be celebrated in St. Augus- ing of the selectmen to serve as a morning at the 8 o'clock Mass. aim to be tine's church at 8:30 a.m. Sunday juror at the session of superior Included in the class are the due to the large number of parish- civil court opening at Salem June 2. following: ioners expected to receive Holy Civil Defense Director Albert comfortable? John Barry, Edward Brouillard, Communion in connection with Cole Jr. informed the board that a Philip Capola, Norman Cookson, Mother's day. directive from the U. S. air force Thomas Doucette, Ralph Flynn, The Rev. P. J. Campbell, O.S.A., commander ordered the establish- Gerald Gallant, Richard Guerin, pastor, recently announced that be- ment of 24-hour duty at the local PROTECT GROWING Gerard Hamel, Michael Lebreck, cause of the growth of the parish observation post starting Saturday, George Levi, Ronald McAllister, he expects that it will be necess- May 17. Charles McKew, Francis McNulty, VEGETABLES with ► ary soon to have five regular Recruiting of men and women Robert Miller, John Milne, William Masses at St. Augustine's every who wish to offer their services ONE-SHOT Miner, Robert Ready, Harry Robin- Sunday. for this duty is going on at present son, Frank Smith, Lawrence Sulli- Meddling through the Andover Service club, van, Robert Thornton, William Willie," said his mother, "I wish the Andover Catholic club, Clan BONTOX Buchner, Fredrick Celi ul a, Paul Laboratory formula safe- you would run across the street and Johnson, St. Matthew's lodge, the Doherty, Man Dulong, Peter Holi- guards vegetables, flow. see how old Mrs. Brown is this PTA council and the Andover coun- han, Douglas Howe, Richard Lacey, ers, fruits and shrubs. morning." cil of churches. Information may William Leon, John McGilvray, Gives positive control of A few minutes later Willie return- also be obtained at the office of then wear tailored-to-fit fungus and over 50 insect John McKay, John O'Connor, ed and reported: species common to gar- George Snow, John Winters, Dean the director in the town house. dens. Triple-action in one "Mrs. Brown says it's none of Ward, Richard Zielinski, Richard Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN can saves time and money Nolet. your business how old she is." —Nothing else to buy! Jockey Dust on every 10 drys Judith Anderson, Donna Cudmore, Brand for ideal protection. Ask Barbara Lavin, Nancy Lynch, Con- for BONTOX. stance McKeon, Nancy Merrill, MIDWAY® 1 ounpd Pamela Noury, Joanne O'Neill, Duster Can, ppd. 60c Frances Parent, Pamela Richard- Made son, Mary Riel, Patricia Riley, only by OR THE BEST IN Maryanne Sehl, Lucille Soucy, Margaret Steele, Barbara Auchter- YOU'RE SURE to hove the ED — FERTILIZER lonie, Mary Barrett, Georgine Bird, most comfort possible when 3ARDEN TOOLS Donna Boucher, Patricia Corey, you wear Jockey Midway.„It's Sandra Demuipere, Dorothy Easton, with a box of these favorite perfect for everyday or office Karen Franz, Ellen Kenney, Mar- ,ndover Deliveries Daily wear. And it has those Jockey jorie Masse, Barbara McCafferty, Mary Pasquale, Geraldine Pelle- CHOCOLATES exclusives, such as special IIWCIEMANWS tier, Patricia Porter, Patricia Ro- groin seams to keep it from GRAIN•WARDWAREjaa berge, Cathleen Riley, Sharon — WHITMAN'S creeping up on you—newly Tel. 4105 Pryce. developed heat-resistant rub- o. Broadway SAMPLER, America's Finest ,nce-Plenty of Parking Space One Pound $2.00 Two Pounds $4.00 ber in waistband that outlasts WAR-LIKE PAGANISM Fairhill - Pennyn Milk - Fruits & Nuts other leading brands by all $1.75 per pound 40 % ! Come in right away— A really Christian world would never be guilty of the war-like LOVELL & COVELL try Jockey Midway—you'll paganism observable in all direc- like the extra comfort you get, tions today. CANDY CUPBOARD CANDIES irsing Home One Pound $1.15 Two Pounds $2.20 Street MASTERPIECES, A Famous Mixture $1.75 $1.50 Tel. 21913 PAGE & SHAW'S Jockey Contoured BUCHAN COLECREST FINE CANDIES Shirt to Match DURAND'S and $1,00 SALTED MIXED NUTS 1.39 and 2.00 ulescent VACCUUM SEALED TINS McNALLY JOCKEY ed Nurses SHORTS perintenderit Plumbing and Heating Hartman Pharmacy $1.20 ANDOVER - EXLTER 26 Park St. Tel. 121 TEL. ANDOVER /006 66 MAIN ST. ANDOVER MASS it 16 12 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952

BLUEBIRDS TO MEET The Bluebird group of Littlest Births... In Listeners will hold their usual BODDY — A son May 4 at the AT ir story hour at the Memorial Hall Lawrence General hospital to Mr. library at 10 a.m., Wednesday, and Mrs. Leonard D. noddy nov May 14. The final meeting of this (Roselle Shumate) of River rd. Metho the group will be May 28. EV.ROBER T CAIRNIE — A son, Douglas stir Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN SATURDAY Scott, May 2 at the Lawrence Meeting in the mt., General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. SUNDAY: lag Duncan McEwan Cairnie Jr., school. 10:V. vas (Jacqueline Boson) 86 Haverhill ship. Sermon 'st. Springs". LOOSIGIAN — A son, May 5 at g Labatt the McGowan Memorial hospital, to Uriion Con NOW plEv. pAUL E. IOW V ARO PLAYING Mr. and Mrs. Harry Loosigian IOWaxwe rio (Gertrude Hughes, R.N.) of River FRIDAY: 3 rd. practice. WM. HOLDEN WAUGH — A son, Stephen Allen, SATURDAY , NANCY OLSON Apr. 30 at the Lawrence General auction at the hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. "FORCE OF schSoUoNLDAY:10 a. Waugh (Sarah V. Allen), 18 William at. Sermon: "Th ARMS" Life: ' ti WINTERS daughter, Paula, THURSDAY oft May 2 at the Lawrence General choirh o ir Jproayc' tice hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. It MARIE WINDSOR Winters (Claire Flaherty) 42 En- St. Jose (13ai "HURRICANE more st. Group of Abbot girls who were assisting in the 123rd annual birthday bazaar at the Abbot campus last Saturday. Standing, from left to right, Ann Clark, Carole Cox, CatamlionoakGotnez, SUNDAY: SOCIALISM OR MEDICINE ,Anisia Allen, Ann Stoddard, Maria Loukopoulou, Debbie Snover, Chaloemkwan Krishnamra, fessions are h ISLAND" Remember this—there would be Betsy Ilitzrot, Nancy Donnelly, Mary Scandura, Eva Stern; in front, Maryse Itesso and Hal 1 more socialism than medicine in Moore. Photo) S.t A0 g: v. P. j America's MOST MODERN DRIVE IN , socialized medicine. to phone And. 129-R in order that RE P. H. S. SPORTS Name Two Youths John A. Polgreen, transportation For Boys State chairman, may make plans accor- votFioRnMs AaYn:d IN TRACK EVENT dingly. by the vener Punchard took fifth place in the Two local boys have been se- St. Theresa. A Two qted Name4 junior division of the University lected for the annual week's stay SATU li DA at Boys State to be held at the of Massachusetts relay carnival Fresh of this p o rfs Saturday by winning nine points. University of Mas sachusetts, Am- Holy COM1111111 NETTLETON SHOES Punchard took a first in the herst, from June 22 to July 1. 7:30 to 9 p.m. javelin event with Russ Johnson, Robert Erler, 13 Carlisle st., SUNDAY: h Dick Hudgins and Bruce Douglas and David Wilkinson, 46 York st., fla 6:30 a.m., f competing. both members of the junior class at lower church, The Blue and Gold registered a Punchard High school, will be a.m. Benedict second-place finish in the medley among the 440 boys from all over Delights 11:30 Mass. (George Bratton, Jack Laurie, War- the state who will gather at Boys p.m. May ren Tyler and Captain Rae Hath- State where they will be instructed BAKED BEANS of mO MayPr°1Lady. away). In the spring medley, Pun- and take part in the operations of ON SATURDAY MONDAY: chard's contender finished third municipal, county and state govern- instructions (Dave Haartz, Jack Laurie, Dave ment. dents. Martin and Captain Hathaway). Held under the auspices of the SHAWSHEEN TUESDAY: American Legion the boys selected tion followec Punchard 11, Chelmsford 2 must be members of the junior BAKERY Altar Punchard went on a batting class in a senior high school, be- SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE NOTr andES: 11° 1 spree last Friday afternoon to tween 15 and 18 years of age, in TEL. 702 win its fifth straight game of the the upper third of their class season by the score of 11 — 2 scholastically, and possess defi- West P over Chelmsford. nite qualifications of character and REV. JOHN C Lawrence's Oldest Jewelers Jim Murray, Al Wilson and Jim leadership. FRIDAY: ' Dolan each came through with a Headmaster Harold Howe 2nd., of SNEAKER By-Laws Co double while Bill Ronan was Punchard called upon Charles A. the Parsonag holding the visitors in check until Gregory, sub-master, to make the SUNDAY: he eased up in the ninth. selections. One boy will be spon- TIME Childr PUNCHARD sored by Andover post, 8, of the art.w h Lillian AB It BFI PO A E Doyle 2b 4 2 0 1 1 1 Legion, and another is sponsored Lowe assis //(00efe Dolan If 4 3 3 0 0 0 each year by the Andover Service "KEDS" Richard Des sl.rray . 5 2 3 4 1 1 Wilson cf 4 2 2 0 0 0 club. This arrangement has been in ten, ushers. Barrous 3b 4 0 1 1 1 1) Beardsell c 3 1 3 13 2 0 effect since Boys State was started nd Teen ag Lynch rt 3 0 0 0 0 0 in 1941. "HOOD'S P. F." y. 1l a .i rt V:ennik rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ostrowski c 3 1 1 R 0 .0 At the close of the week's stay ipn.. se Ronan p 4 0 1 0 2 0 at Amherst two boys are selected TYER hoirisdhre rvit The perfect expression Totals 11 11 14 27 7 2 to represent Massachusetts in the hoir. Sera . CHELMSFORD otherhood" B B11 PO A F. national forum week at Washington, of sentiment for Mother McG lincliey 2b-lb .. o 1 2 o 0 D.C., sponsored by the Legion. MONDAY: B "ro we cf-p n1 2n ALL TYPES Ii. ' p 0 1 0 4 ittee meeti on Her Day ... a pre- Peckham cf I 0 0 1 I 0 Little Leaguers TUESDAYU E S DA Y Whiter:des lb 3 0 1 2 2 1 HIGH OR LOW Dcl d y r f 4 0 0 0 0 Andover's entry in the Lawrence rehear cious gift of jewelry or e 1 1 311 1 0 e a ver s I:, !hi gher ss 3 1 1 2 0 1 Surburban Little league unofficially 4-H silver holloware. Perey lh 3 will open its season Saturday at c;EDNESD Paine 2b "" n0 0 1 ;21 (0) BALL BAND a n Connors If 4 0 0 0 0 0 the Joshua Heading field in Advent) Choose from our ex- "SUMMER ETTES" eu in icni Totals 34 2 6 24 12 2 Reading against the Red Sox of the :ea ting. (3f tensive collection of de- Innings 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 R Reading Little league. SANDALS FOR WOMEN Punchard 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 1 x 11 start at 10 a.m. THURSDA ••:— 2 The game will pendable watches . . . Ci.elmsford 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A return game between the same d Daughte RBI—Murray 3. Wilson 2. Bearsdell, teams will be placed at the And- Ronan, Dolan , Barons, Connors. Mc- Y exquisitely set rings, G'inchey. 2B—Wilson, Dolan. Murray, Flys- over playstead Sunday, May 11, at FRI DAY: ler. SB—Murray, Beardsell. BB—Ronan REINHOLD'S etin 3 Bill 3, Crow. SO—Ronan 13, Bill 1, 3 p.m. brooches and other Crowe 1. H&R—off Bill 10-9 in 5 2-3; Crowe 4-1 In 2 1-2. H P—Barons, Beard- Parents who would like to help,, 49 MAIN ST. 6 sell. Wild pitch—Ronan, Bill 4, Crowe 1. furnish transportation are requested jewelry accessories . . . PE—Beardsell 2. WP —Ronan. LP—Bill. T-2:17. U—Aldrich, G. Driscoll. • and gleaming silver RED holloware. Priced to P. A. Sport HONEST PIANOS meet your budget. FISHI ANDOVER 9, BROWN FRESH 8 A 10th inning triple by Capt. AT HONEST PRICES IN! Joe Wennik scored two mates and gave the academy team a 9 — 8 EU INCORPORATED victory over Brown Fresh at Brothers Field Apr. 30. DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELERS Wennik also doubled in the fifth KNUEPFER & DIMMOCK with the bases filled to drive in ERN csr X. C T. LAWRENCE CPP. PACLE TRIM N r 447 ESSEX ST. Near Hampshire St. LAWRENCE two more runs and singled as lead- 4.: AA1 1;1 off man in the scoreless ninth. TEL. 23330 PIANOS — RADIOS — "FRIGIDAIRES — LUGGAGE THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952 13

Andover Baptist Church ROY E. NELSON JR., Minister AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY: 9 a.m. Youth choir re- hearsal. 9:30 a.m. Church school, all departments. 10:45 a.m. Morning Methodist Church The North Parish Church service of worship. Rev. Roy E. SIOPCI 1. McGUNE. Minister (Unitarian) - North Andover REV. ROBERT. Nelson, Jr., pastor, preaching. SATURDAY: 8 p.m. Men's Club REV. E. A. BROWN JR., Minister Sermon subject: "Gifts of God." Meeting in the Vestry. SUNDAY: 10 a.m. Church school. Anthems by two vested choirs. SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Sunday 10 a.m. Kindergarten. 11 a.m. A friendly invitation to all to at- For those who insist on the Finest— school. 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor- Morning service - Rev. Ernest A. tend. Nursery for the little chil- ship. Sermon: "Keepers of the Brown, Jr. preaching. 4:30 p.m. dren. the best costs no more Springs". Junior Unitarian youth. MONDAY: 6:30 p.m. Mother - MONDAY: 7:45 p.m. United daughter banquet and entertainment Union Congregational Church Churchmen's Fellowship. sponsored by the Friendly circle. REV. PAUL E. CALLAHAN, Minister TUESDAY: 7 p.m. Church school THURSDAY: 8 p.m. Adult choir FRIDAY: 3:45 p.m. Junior choir teachers. rehearsal. • Remodeling practice. TIIURSDAY: 3 p.m. Junior choir South Church SATURDAY: 10 a.m. Spring rehearsal. REV. FEEDERICK B. NOSS, Pastor auction at the playground. Christian Science Society FRIDAY: 7:30 p.m. Troop 73, SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. Sunday (6 Locke Street) • k Jai r school. 10 a.m. Morning worship. boy scouts. Sermon: "The Christian Way of SUNDAY: 9.30 a, rn. Sunday school. SATURDAY: 1 p.m. Pet show, 11 a.m. Church service. Subject of Life: Joy". auspices Senior dept., church THURSDAY: 7:30 p.m. Senior lesson sermon: "Adam and Fallen school. Bakery sale auspices the Man." choir practice. Courteous Circle of the King's • can int) Christ Church Daughters to be held on the church St. Joseph's Church REV. JOHN S. MOSES, Rector grounds. r bazaar at the Abbot (Rallardvale) SUNDAY : 9:30 a.m. Church FRIDAY: 7:45 p.m. Annual school. 10:45 a.m. Morning worship Cox, Catalina Gomez, SUNDAY: Mass at 9 a.m. Con- meeting of the Altar guild. oemkwan Krishnamra, fessions are heard before Mass. and sermon. 10:45 a.m. Church CALL 5163 SUNDAY: 8 a.m. Holy Commu- nursery school. 11:15 a.m. Educa- aryse Ilesso and Ilal nion. 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. 11 (Look Photo) st. AugOstine's Church tional motion pictures. 7 p.m. REV. P. J. CAMPBELL, Pastor a.m. Nursery class. 11 a.m. Morn- Young People's society. And. 129-R in order that ing prayer and sermon. 6 p.m. Now is the time to re- MONDAY: 1:15 p.m. Week-day Polgreen, transportation FRIDAY: 7:30 p.m. Novena de- Young People's Fellowship. votions and Benediction followed school of religious education. 6 model your coat or I, may make plans decor- MONDAY: 7:30 p.m. The Friend- by the veneration of the relic of ly Guild. p.m. The Courteous Circle of the make it into a fur lined St. Theresa. King's Daughters "Box Supper". TUESDAY: 8 p.m. Vestry meet- coat. SATURDAY: 8 a.m. the children ing. TUESDAY: 8 p.m. Ping Pong and of this parish will receive First I'equawket Mountain clubs, Ladies THURSDAY: 6:30 p.m. Annual night party. holy Communion. 4 to 6 p.m. and meeting of the Woman's auxiliary. WEDNESDAY: 6:30 p.m. Annual 7:30 to 9 p.m. Confessions. 7:30 p.m. Business meeting and SUNDAY: Mother's day: Masses. dinner meeting of the Andover election of officers. Speaker: Mrs. council of churches. This is an 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. upper and Earle D. Wood of Auburndale. lower church, 9:45 a.m. and 11:30 open meeting for all who wish to 6:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal. attend. Reservations must be made a.m. Benediction immediately after NOTES: Friday, May 16, 6:30 einer j 11:30 Mass. 3 p.m. Baptisms. 3 not later than Monday noon, May p.m. Young People's Fellowship 12. p.m. May procession and crowning supper and square dance. YOUR FURRIER SINCE 1900 BAKED BEANS of Our Lady. THURSDAY: 10 a.m. All-day ON SATURDAY MONDAY: 1:15 p.m. Catechetical Free Church sewing by the Friendly Service instructions for Junior high stu- REV. LEVERING REYNOLDS JR. committee of the Women's Fellow- dents. Minister ship. 3:30 p.m. Junior choir. 7:30 IAWSHEEN TUESDAY: 2:30 p.m. Benedic- FRIDAY: 7 p.m. Boy scout troop p.m. Quartette rehearsal. I WANT YOU TO TRY THIS tion followed by meeting of the 72. 7:30 p.m. Final rehearsal for FREE CHURCH NOTES CASCO STEAM & DRY IRON BAKERY Altar and Rosary sodality. the Margaret Slattery class. The Margaret Slattery class will FOR 10 DA YS IN YOUR HOME AWSHEEN VILLAGE NOTES: Daily Mass 7:30 a.m. SUNDAY: 9:15 a.m. Monthly present a minstrel show for the TEL. 702 meeting of the board of trustees. public at 8 p.m., Friday, May 16, SEE WHY THERE IS West Parish Church 9:30 a.m. Church school. 11 a.m. in the upper parish hall of the NOTHING FINER. YOUR REV. JOHN G. GASKILL, Minister Nursery class. 11 a.m. Morning Free church. Tickets may be ob- MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE worship, with sermon by the pastor tained from members of the class. FRIDAY: 7:30 p.m. The Church and music by the senior and junior NOT DELIGHTED WITH IT. lEAKER By-Laws Committee will meet at The Woman's union of the Free choirs of the church. church will hold a food sale on the Parsonage. TUESDAY: 6:30 p.m. Mother and SUNDAY: Mother's Day. 10:30 the church lawn, weather per- Daughter banquet of the Margaret mitting, Saturday, May 17. TIME a.m. Children's church service Slattery class, the banquet to be with Lillian Disbrow and John followed by the annual entertain- Lowe assisting the pastor; and SERVING IN KOREA ment. Pfc. Thomas D. Webster, son of DS" Richard DesRoches and Kim Hol- WEDNESDAY: 7 p.m. Monthly ten, ushers. Adults Bible class Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Webster, 31 pack meeting of pack 72, cub Pine st., is serving in Korea with )OD'S P. F." nd Teen age classes in the ves- scouts. 7 p.m. Explorer post 72. the 21st Antiaircraft artillery bat- ry. 11 a.m. Morning service of THURSDAY: 10 a.m. Sewing talion. He entered the army in orship. Service of Baptism of meeting of the Woman's union. March and was previously sta- hildren. Music by the all girls TYER 3:40 p.m. Junior choir rehearsal. tioned at Camp Edwards. hoir. Sermon "A Portrait of 7:30 p.m. Senior choir rehearsal. otherhood". MONDAY: 7:30 p.m. Church corn- TYPES ittee meeting at the parsonage. TUESDAY: 3:30 p.m. Children's JAM FESTIVAL . . . . IIGH OR LOW hoir rehearsal. 6:45 p.m. Eager eavers 4-11 club. At the Boston Garden yesterday was held a SONG FESTIVAL PEDNESDAY: 2:15 p.m. Chris- BALL BAND an Adventurers meeting. 6 p.m. - - - - here in Andover for the next few days we are conduct- 95c Automatic Steam & Dry Iron SUMMERETTES" ouncil of churches supper and ing a JAM FESTIVAL -! Take advantage of these offerings - FILLS AT FAUCET WITH ORDINARY WATER eeting. 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal. DOWN NDALS FOR WOMEN it i s positively the finest offer in years of Howard Products - - STEAMS OVER I HRS. ON ONE FILLING THURSDAY: 6:30 p.m. Mother and $2.00 a month WEIGHS ONLY 31, LBS.* AUTOMATIC HEAT CON- nd Daughter banquet in the ves- for 10 months TROL • eOTH DRY & STEAM TEMPERATURE DIAL t'. 1 Lb. HOWARD STRAWBERRY PRESERVE FRIDAY: 8 p.m. Brotherhood 3 * 10-DAY HOME TRIAL :INHOLD'S eting. 1 Lb. HOWARD RASPBERRY PRESERVE $19.95 CASH for 99c rip—lea:7e CelTverCascorite7m7inr Dry 17onTorrie-1 49 MAIN ST. 1 Lb. HOWARD ORANGE MARMALADE I on 10-day trial and (check which) 0 charge to I my account 0 I will pay $19.95 on delivery I INSURA NCE Sunshine Hi Ho crackers - - full pound 354 ACT NOW L. I will pay .95 on delivery and $2.00 u I 1.59 month for 10 months. My money back if I am not I REAL ESTATE Need a Broom? - we have them! OFFER LIMITED entirely satislieu. Crisco - - 3 lb tin - - you get back 254! NAME --- FILL IN AND MAIL Vtaldorf Toilet Tissue - - - 650 sheets- - - -12 for $1.00 ADDRESS FISHING EQUIP. THIS COUPON TODAY Premier (refrig jar) Spanish Stuffed Olives LCITY J INSURANCE (stuffed with Spanish Sweet Peppers- - -8 Oz jar 554 Premier (refrig jar) Large Stuffed Queen Olives EUGENE A. 8 Oz jar 654 LAWRENCE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY he Rockport Market IPA11 OP NUM (141•1, AND tiectitic sYstim A Nr ERNARDIN Jr" YOUR BIGGEST HOUSEHOLD BARGAIN - 3 MAIN ST. T EL. 2207.-W Telephone Andover 1234 Accommodation Service CH EAPER TODAY THAN EVER BEFORE- .ES) - LUGC,AGE ELECTRICITY 16 14 TH E ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952

x• MARRIAGE RETURN Town Clerk George H. Winslow: 5 Elm st., married at St. Angus- 400 Take Part ST. AUGUSTINES TO I r The following marriage return Joseph Hervey Bernard of S. tine's church May 4 by the Rev. HOLD MAY PROCESSION hses been filed at the office of Main st., and Janice Ann Downey, Henry B. Smith, 0. S. A. In Trout Derby /Continued from Page One) Close to 400 youngsters of An- The order of the procession %ill nor dover registered for the annual be as follows: , the trput derby which was conducted Cornmonwel Police escort stir Saturday and Sunday at Hussey's PRO Sacred Heart band Am CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY pond in Shawsheen under the asex, es. auspices of the Andover Sports- Cross bearer and acolytes To all Pe i ng man's club. state of E AUTO REPAIRING Troop 75-St. Augustine's scouts vies BUILDING MATERIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS under the auspices of the Andover and cubs WI FT, other Sportsmen's club. ETH F. SW Queen of Angels - Gloria Stanle id County, c CALDWELL'S Many members of the club under y A petition Infant Jesus sodality, Grade 1 SERVICE Lumber — Paints the direction of President Edgar aid Court fc LOOK Haselton took care of the regis- Queen of the Eucharist — Rose- trurnents pu REPAIRS TO ALL trants and supervised the activ- and a cc MAKES OF CARS Paper and mary Raps Ill ities at the pond. F irst Communion boys, Grade 2 aid deceased CITIES SERVICE: GAS 5 OILS PHOTO I Methuen In At the conclusion of the two-day TEL. 8631 14 No. MAIN ST. Hardware Angel of the Eucharist - Theresa hat she or sc SERVICE derby during which several good- Gaudet appointed annexed sized strings of trout were caught, First Communion girls, Crade2 ill Mason Supplies it was announced that prizes for , ROWELL, the biggest fish were won by John Queen of the Rosary - did will havir CLARK MOTOR CO, DEVELOPING — PRINTING Barbara If you des' J. E. Pitman Est. Woodcock, 82 Ilaverhill st., in the Belliveau CAMERAS & SUPPLIES Grade 3 your attorn boys' division, and by Sandra ppearance In AUTHORIZED 68 PARK ST. ANDOVER Joyful Mysteries - PICTURE FRAMING Nadeau, 210 N. Main st., in the Josephine fore ten osc Padova; CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH TEL. 864 MUSGROVE BLDG., TEL. 1452 girls' division. he twelfth do Sorrowful Mysteries - Kathy day of thin SALES and SERVICE. The fishing committee of the Farragher; Witness, JO} REAL ESTATE PAINTING and BODY WORK CESSPOOLS club, David L. Markert, chairman, Glorious Mysteries - Gail Mc- Irst Judge of was in charge of the program. The Intyre. rst day of At IN OUR OWN SHOP. derby was made possible by prp- rid nine hued CESSPOOLS PUMPED OUT Queen of Peace - JOHN ceeds from the talent revue recent- Marguerite 41 PARK ST.. ANDOVER owell, Clay e --ALSO-- Fred E.Cheever ly staged by the club. Gillespie. 01 Essex St., Tel. Andover 333 Cesspools and Septic Tanks Peace division, Grade 4 girls Installed REAL ESTATE awrence, Nos 21 MAIN STREET You'll Enjoy Queen of Martyrs - Barbara King CHARLES CORBEIL Grade 5 girls - Sacred Heart AUTO KILL TEL. LOWELL 7236 TELS. 773 It 1098 division A beaver GENERAL pounds was I PARK AUTO SWANSON'S Cross and Flag division - Julie Thursday ni REPAIRING Greco ST. CLEANSERS &DYERS W. SHIRLEY BARNARD SNACK SHOP street in Grades 5 & 6 boys Michael Ass JENNY Real Estate and Insurance "WHERE FRIENDS MEET" Queen of Virgins - Maureen Gil. orted that w GARAGE GAS & OILS CLEANSING at hooley law an obj PRESSING Main and Barnard Streets 33 PARK ST. TEL. 240 Purity division - Grade 6 girls which he trie TAILORING Telephone 202 trig a jolt as Guard of Honor to May Queen - t, found that Grade 7 girls body was larl MEN'S AND LADIES' WILLIAM I. GRAY WHITEY'S TOMPKINS Flower Girls ontact with GARMENTS ar and disloa Real Estate Maids of Honor - Prudence Pint: CHOICE FOODS & LIQUORS pare and Joan Cullity SERVICE CALL 1169 TEL. ANDOVER 367 May Queen - Fay Thornton 416 No. Main St. Tel. 8302• Eland er & Swanton SPECIALIZING IN After 6 P.M. Honor guard - Knights of Co- COMPLETE 56 MAINS T. PIZZA lumbus ANDOVER, MASS. I AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE K. C. KILLORIN NOONTIME LUNCHES Clergy - The Reverends Patrick Essex Street J. Campbell, 0. S. A., pastor, Hen: ELECTRICIANS REALTOR ry Smith, 0. S. A., Henry Svyniski USED CARS 0. S. A., Joseph Flaherty 0.S. A. BOUGHT —SOLD — TRADED 77 Main St. Andover PLAN NEW ENTRANCES ARCHIE A. GUNN Tel. 2272 SERVICE STATIONS AUTO SEAT COVERS ELECTRICIAN Drive In At FOR ST. AUGLISTINE'S Household and Power Wiring Your Friendly Tydol Dealer (Continued from Page One) COLUMBIA Motor and Appliance Repairs JOSEPH C. OAKES term. They are, James D. Doherty, 41 PINE ST. TEL. AND. 920 ELM STREET president; William Beaulieu, vice. REAL ESTATE president; Fernand J, Lustier, AUTO SEAT COVERS 14 Park Street SERVICE STATION ADD NEW BEAUTY treasurer; and John J. Hewitt, secretary. To YOUR CAR. FLORISTS TEL. 1537 15 ELM ST. TEL. 389 165 So. Rroadway Law. - Tel 3220.6 About 80 members of the society SP ECIALIZ ING IN ALL TYPES OF attended the breakfast and heart FLORAL DESIGN the lion. John E. Fenton of Las. BAKERIES rence, judge of the Massachusetts COLEMAN'S FLOWERS R. C. SIMMERS land court, give a stirring address Andover's Complete Bakery Shop 8 ESSEX ST. on "Catholic Action." TAR ANC TEL. 878 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE It was also announced at the meeting that the Essex coup Telephone Nli;HTS ':ALL LAW. 30718 358 NO. MAIN ST• TEL. 2316 deanery would be divided into twc FORD'S or three smaller units sometime:: the fall. FRESH PASTRIES DAILY TRAVEL Radio JEWELERS Early History Early Andover Catholics were SALE Lawrence's Oldest Jewelers MB. M ANDOVER BOTTLED GAS I SS. THOM ES part of the Lowell parish until REAL ESTATE AGENCY TRAVEL BUREAU 1846 when the Rev. Charl NATURAL GAS EQUIPMENT Agency For All Airlines French built a small wooden ihni• Rocky Hill Road, Andover / Ay, and Steam Ship Lines el in Lawrence. In 1852 Andoe ANDOVER TEL. AND. 2320-R became a mission of St. Rar', ARC /M. 21 MAIN ST. TEL. 775 - 1098 church when the Rev. James 0' NEW LC Fred S. Cheever, Mqr. HOME SERVICE Donnell, 0. S. A., erected a slut: INCORPORATED RESTAURANTS (OPP 1 ESSEX ST. TEL. 1970 church here. BOTTLED OAS INSTALL AT1ON WINES & LIQUORS A new church was built on tie present site in 1883. This was Cr BUILDERS Diamond Merchants stroyed by fire in November 1891 LIQUORS - WINES - BEERS Jewelers and work on the present edifice was commenced in 1895. It took CUE PHILIP I. GAUDE I 447 ESSEX ST. Near Hampshire DRISCOLL'S the parish five years to complete General Contractor LAWRENCE TEL. 23330 the present building. PACKAGE STORE, INC. Repiltabie Building & Remodelin3 Jewelers For Over 77 Yr:,. TEL. 1004 We Deliver ATTENDED CONFERENCE , C Mrs. L. Denis Peterkin, 45 Sales Cement block, stone, brick WATCH CRYSTALS st., serving as a member of It and cement work. sand, LIST YOUR BUSINESS NEVER MORE THAN 50ct Merrimac Valley Radcliffe clit loom and gravel. Hot top. Round or Fancy IN THE TOWNSMAN was one of the 100 Radcliffe alai nae who attended the bi-anns FREE ESTIMATES SCANNELL'S CLASSIFIED DI RECTORY conference of Radcliffe repress ' 1'4 Al, l,L.LX_;•, LAW. Tri.• ANC .VER MASS TEL. 1519-W — TEL. 1943 tatives in Cambridge last week.

THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 19 52 15 AUGUSTINES TO Fire Damages D MAY PROCESSION ,ntinued from Page One) LEGAL NOTICES Elm St. House CLASSIFIED ADS le order of the procession will F'ire badly damaged the cellar Commonwealth of Massachusetts s follows: Commonwealth of Massachusetts petitions and worked its way up Docket No. 237,184 Docket No. 228925 through the kitchen floors of the Personal a Services Offered )lice escort PROBATE COURT PROBATE COURT Essex, 53. double house 59 — 61 Elm st., icred Heart band ssex, ss. Wednesday morning. FOR SALE — SAND, Loam, Gravel, GENERAL WORK, Landscaping; oss bearer and acolytes To all persons interested In the To all pemons'interested In the es- Stone, and Hot Top. Ray LaRosa, Cellars and Attics Cleaned. Grade state of ELIZABETH FLORENCE tate of AMY S. i3R1DGEMAN late of Starting near the furnace in the 27 Corbett st. Call Andover 468. tf A Loam, Sand, Filling and Stones. - otherwise known as ELIZA- Andover in said County deceased. The cellar at 59 Elm st., where the oop 75-St. Augustine's scouts WIFT, Garbage removed. Romano Truck- cubs ETH F. SWIFT late of Andover in executor of the will of said deceased, owner, Charles Sanborn, lives the Lost and Found ing.Tel. And. 946-J. C-1-8-15-22-29 id County, deceased. has presented to said Court for allow- blaze spread to nearby partitions aeon of Angels - Gloria Stanley A petition has been presented to ance his first and final account. and mushroomed to the adjoining ANDOVER SAVINGS liANK Pass LETTERING AND CLEANING of fant Jesus sodality, Grade l aid Court for probate of certain in- If you desire to object thereto you part of the house occupied by Mrs. Book 59718 has been lost and app- Monuments in the cemetery. Sidney truments purporting to be the last or your attorney should file a written Lamb, 124 Main st., Tel. Andover ueen of the Eucharist - Hose- Katherine Burke. lication made for payment in ac- ill and a codicil and memorandum of appearance in said Court at Lawrence 1240J. Rapa Flames were eating their way cordance with Sec. 20, Chap. 167 C-TF aid deceased by FRANCES E. ROOKS before ten o'clock in the forenoon on of the General Laws. Payment has irst Communion boys, Grade 2 the twelfth day of May 1952, the return up through the floorings of both Methuen in said County, and praying been stopped. 13-8-15-22 Printing and Engraving e hat she or some other suitable person day of this citation. kitchens when the fire department ngel of the Eucharist - Theres a appointed administrator with the Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Esquire, arrived in answer to an alarm from ANDOVER SAVINGS Bank Pass det Past Judge of said Court, this six- box 61 PRINTING SERVICES by the Pub- ill annexed of said estate WILBUR at Elm and Whittierstreets Rook No. 56,747 has been lost lisher of your TOWNSMAN. Com- irst Communion girls, Grade 2 ROWELL, the executor named in teenth day of April in the year one sounded at 10:50 a.m. and application made for payment thousand nine hundred and fifty-two. plete printing service for all your aid will having deceased. The blaze was fought with water in accordance with Sec. 20, Chap. personal and commercial require- ueen of the Rosary - Barbara If you desire to object thereto you JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. Li veau lines before being extinguished. 167 of the General Laws. Payment ments. Call Andover 1943. r your attorney should file a written 24-1-8 has been stopped. 11-8-15-22 rade 3 ppearance in said Court at Lawrence — - - — The relief sounded at 11:56 a.m. oyful Mysteries - Josephine fore ten o'clock in the forenoon on NEW WEST SCHOOL ANDOVER SAVINGS Bank Pass Wanted to Buy ova; he twelfth day of May 1952, the re- New Savings Bonds Book No. 62,936 has been lost and TO HOLD OPEN HOUSE ANTIQUES OR ANYTHING old. Off OW ful Mysteries - Kathy urn day of this citation. application made for payment in Witness, JOHN V. PHELAN, Esquire, /Continued from Page One) accordance with Sec. 20, Chap. 167 Marble-top, Walnut, Grape and Rose- To111 er; Offered For Sale carved Furniture, Glass, China, ,lorious Mysteries - Gail Me- rst Judge of said Court, this twenty- into the new school until next Sep- of the General Laws. Payment has rst day of April in the year one thou- Roy E. Hardy, Andover chairman been stopped. Silver, Jewelry, Clocks, Prints, tember. 11-8-15-22 re. nd nine hundred and fifty-two. of the savings bond sale has an- Frames, Guns, Coins, Furniture, The school is being built by the nounced that the defense bond pro- Etc., William F. Graham Jr., 165 lueen of Peace - Marguerite JOHN J. COSTELLO, Register. Help Wanted—Female Walter L. Ritchie Co., of Malden, gram is offering immediately a re- h Golden Hill Ave., Haverhill, Mass. lespie. owell, Cloy & Tomlinson, 01 Essex St., who in March, 1951, was awarded vised Series E bond and two new Telephone Haverhill 23708. Will Peace division, Grade 4 girls WANTED — YOl NC G1111. waitress. call to look. awrence, Mass. 24-1-8 the contract for the West Center bonds, Series J and K. Sales of Experience not necessary. Apply )ueen of Martyrs - Barbara King and the new Central school build- Series F and G savings bonds will in writing, giving full personal par- Grade 5 girls - Sacred Heart UTO KILLS BEAVER ings. The contract price totalled be discontinued, making way for ticulars to I3S 19, The Townsman, ision A beaver weighing about 30 $1,037,816 which represented series J and K. A new Series II Box 9, Andover. H-1 ounds was killed by an auto last $674,310 for the central and bond will go on sale June 1. THE :ross and Flag division - Julie hursday night on North Main 8363,506 for the West Center Commenting on the "distin- Wanted to Rent co treet in Shawsheen Village. school. Ground for both buildings guished service in the cause of Grades 5 & 6 boys ichael Assif of Lawrence, re- was broken Sunday, Apr. 1, 1951. thrift rendered by the Series E, F WOMAN ALONE wants 1 or 2 ASPHALT TILE light housekeeping rooms or room )ueen of Virgins - Maureen Gil- orted that while driving north he The West Center school is one of and G savings bonds since they aw an object in the roadway with kitchen priveleges. Fond of .ley six classrooms, a kindergarten, were first offered to the American country and animals. Price must FLOORING hich he tried to avoid, but feel- cafeteria-gym, and is located on 'urity division - Grade 6 girls people on May first eleven years be moderate. W-1 g a jolt as the car passed over the old Carter farm on Beacon st. ago," Mr. Ifardy said: "To this :,ward of Honor to May Queen • , found that it was a beaver. The date almost one and one-half billion MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Grade 7 girls MISS •' L'',roii:.:-SON ACTIVE ody was large enough to come in units of those bonds have been pur- The following marriage inten- ontact with the under part of the ON COLLEGE con.•:ITTEE lower Girls Claire Mae Henderson, daughter chased, and today individual citi- tions have been filed at the office LINOLEUM r and dislodge the battery. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Hender- zens hold almost 850 billion worth of Town Clerk George H. Winslow: iaids of Honor - Prudence Pirtl- of them, at current cash value. Of Robert A. Simon, 12 Arundel st., e and Joan Cullity son of River rd., is on the costume committee and will also dance in this, some $34.8 billion is in F and Jeanne Clark, 151 Prospect COUNTERS day Queen - Fay Thornton the pageant of the annual May fes- bonds, alone — the most widely- st., Wakefield. W. H. held and popular security in all his- Louis Tisbert, Greenwood rd., Honor guard - Knights of Co- tival to be held dt. the State tory. and Claire M. Hackney, 1 Bailey nbus Teachers' college, Framingham, May 12. Miss Henderson is enrolled "The changes announced today st., Lawrence. Clergy - The Reverends Patrick in the home economics department are another step in the treasury's Frederic C. McDuffie, 19 School WELCH long-range planning to make these st., and Isabel S. Wiggin, Chester GYMNASIUM Campbell, 0. S. A., pastor, Hen. of the college. Smith, 0. S. A., Henry Svyniski bonds more useful for both savers square, Annisquarn. S. A., Joseph Flaherty 0.S. A. CO. What's Underneath and investors. Back in 1948, the Harry C. Bruce, 8 Hestia park, Collapsible antennas for automo- annual limit of Series F bonds pur- Roxbury, and Mabel M. Lawrence, FLOOR .AN NEW ENTRANCES — TEL. 128 bile radios are usually made of chases was doubled to $10,000 in 24 Clark rd. line with expanding personal in AT THE NEW )R ST. AUGUSTINE'S Monel, a nickel-copper alloy, because PLUMBING of its good mechanical propertied comes. When the first E bonds (Continued from Page One) gad excellent resistance to corrosion matured on May 1, 1951, the exten- DAY and NIGHT West Elementary rm. They are, James D. Doherty, and in a wide variety of atmospheric tion of their accrual period by up to esident; William Beaulieu, vice- conditions. These antennas are thin ten additional years, if the owner School esident; Fernand J. Lussier, chromium plated in accordance with wished to hold the matured bonds, HEATING • 1 ...I easurer; and John J. Hewitt, the Society of Automotive Engi- was authorized by congress at the itir% were installed by !cretary. neers' s7)ecifications. treasury's suggestion. That this A2C% About 80 members of the society was a real service to E bond tended the breakfast and heard holders is shown by the fact that e lion. John E. Fenton of Las' GEO. W. HORNE CO. 75 percent of the E bonds that ma- FRETWELL - nce, judge of the Massachusetts tured in tie eleven months up to LAWRENCE, MASS. nd court, give a stirring address the first of April have been retained ANDOVER "Catholic Action." TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK by their owners. It was also announced at the SPECIALIZING IN ASPHALT SHINGLING "Now, with the offering of a re- TAXI SERVICE CARMICHAEL eeting that the Essex count! Telephone 7339 Established 1854 vised F bond accruing 3 percent to eanery would be divided intone maturity and having an increased 84 Poor St., Andover three smaller units sometimea yield over the early years of hold- ... CAUL 414 ... 33 Andover St., No. Andover ie fall. ing, and three new savings bonds POST OFFICE AVENUE Radio and Television series, the needs of all kinds of in- :arlY History vestors are being met, in line with Early Andover Catholics were SALES AND SERVICE present conditions. Defense bonds art of the Lowell parish until FREE PARKING ANDOVER TEL. 11-W are a better investment than ever, 346 when the Rev. Chola and more and more people of Mass- rench built a small wooden chaf PLAYHOUSE e, achusetts will be saving through I in Lawrence. In 1852 An dom them and investing their savings in Sunday, Monday — May 11, 12 ecanie a mission of St. Mary's , HAROLD PHINNEY them, " Mr. Hardy concluded. hurch when the Rev. James 0 • NEW LOCATION -')5 MAIN ST. Scandal Sheet 3:25 6:20 9:20 ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE Broderick Crawford — Donna Reed outsell, 0. S. A., erected a small (OPP.A & P) TEL. 1175 hurch here. OBSERVING ANNIVERSARY Unknown Man 1:45 4:45 7:40 A new church was built on tie The Animal Rescue League of Walter Pidgeon — Donna Reed resent site in 1883. This was Ge' Boston is celebrating the golden Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday — May 13, 14, 15 Aroyed by fire in November 189i anniversary of its annual fair this Streetcar Named Desire 2:45 5:40 8:40 Ind work on the present edifict year. Plans are now being formu- 'as commenced in 1895. It toot CURRAN 8,1 JOYCE COMPANY lated for the fair to be held in the (winner of 5 academy awards at our reylar prices) he parish five years to complex' ballroom of the Sheraton Plaza Marlon Isrando — Vivien Leigh he present building. hotel Nov. 20, 21. The Seeing Eye 2:10 5:05 8:05 This year the league's asking Friday, Saturday — May 16, 17 LTTENDED CONFERENCE —MA N U F AC T U R ER S— supporters to start now collecting Mrs. L. Denis Peterkin, 45 Sal,' things to sell so that it shall have Invitation 3:15 6:10 9:05 it., serving as a member of a continuous flow of donations from Van Johnson — Dorothy McGuire cl lerrimac Valley Radcliffe SODA WATERS now until fair time. Please send in Thief of Damascus 1:45 4:40 7:35 vas one of the 100 Radcliffe ilk articles as you gather them Paul Ilenrcid — tae who attended the bi-ann. to and GINGER ALES together. Articles should be sent Usual Saturday Morning Children's Movie at 10 o'clock :onference of Radcliffe repres, the Animal Rescue League, 51 western Feature "Bonanza Town" Serial "Roar of the Iron Horse" atives in Cambridge last week. Carver st., Boston 16. 16 THURSDAY It-it AiNuovtv TowNotAsi MAY 8, 1952 X. --- RED CROSS DIRECTORS Ir Pass Resolutions More Workers !TOLD QUARTERLY MEETING Honoring Minister On Fund Drive The quarterly meeting of the board of directors of Andover Red Additional workers and an in- nov The annual meeting of the Ando- Cross was held Tuesday evening creased volume of returns reflect the ver Association of Congregational at the veterans' service rooms in churches held here recently passed keen local interest in the Republi- stir the town house. Reports on the Are, the following resolutions in honor can fund-raising campaign now in fund drive and the bloodmobile of the late Rev. Newman Matthews. progress. day were heard, along with the I lig pastor-emeritus of the West Parish regular reports of the services. The list of workers has been in- VOLUME ilS church: creased to 244 by the addition of Plans were made for the summer WHEREAS: The Rev. Newman the following names in Precinct 5: activities of the chapter, with Matthews became pastor of the Edwin W. Brown, Willis P. Chick, special attention to the water West Parish church of Andover on David D. Robinson and Mrs. Al- safety program at Pomp's pond. May 1, 1914 and served quietly fred E. Webb. and well in the capacity until his Outstanding workers in all div- retirement December 31, 1937, and isions will be invited to attend did reside in that community until the United Republican dinner to his death on November 8, 1951 at 19 Years' Experience he held at the Boston Garden, the age of 82 years; [• Dressmaking • Remodeling June 6, at which function several • Alterations AND WHEREAS: The Rev. Newman Massachusetts Republican con- 1,:idi,' Suits, Coats And Dresses WILLIAM F. SIMEONE, PH. G. Reg. Pharm. Matthews touched many lives with gressmen will be speakers. Made to (rile ON .4NDOVER SO ARE Christian gentleness and teaching, and his experience as a Christian minister was of value in the Ando- ver Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers: Now! Hitch your wagon AN!) WHEREAS:he manifested in his ministry the spirit of kindli- ness and good will, sharing the sorrows and joys of those to whom he ministered, bearing their bur- dens on his heart and conscience, to your needs ! and gave himself unstintingly to civic justice and social advance; There's a new Ford station wagon for your purpose and did reveal the spirit of forgive- ness when wronged; . . . priced for your purse! AND WHEREAS: the Rev. Newman Matthews found joy in his work, and was self-effacing, kindly, thoughtful, and considerate with a cultured taste and refreshing hu- mor, with a sensitive conscience, and was ever ready to listen and Ford's new 4-door Country Squire is actually 2 cars in 1. With give counsel, slow to judge and "Stowaway" center seat folded into the floor and rear seat out, never judging severely, and was you get the most level load space in Ford's field, With seats in, possessed of a love that believed, it's a roomy 8-passenger sedan. Sides and tail gate are finished hoped, and endured until the end — in mahogany grain and trimmed in genuine maple or birch. RE IT RESOLVED: that the Ando- ver Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers at its annual meeting on April 27, 1952, held at the Free Christian church in Andover, accepts with profound appreciation the finished work of Some of Newman Matthews, and expresses the town t the same by the spreading of these the Baptis resolutions on its records, and by sending copies of them to Mrs. emor Matthews, the press, and the Con- gregational Library. lens Rev. John G. Gaskill Inside Ford's all-metal, two-tone Further de Rev. Clinton W. Carvell Country Sedan there's room for observance of Rev. Egbert W. A.Jenkinson eight or a half-ton of freight (and completed by Committee like the Country Squire, it is easily mittee which Rev. Kingsley Hawthorne, clerk converted in just three minutes' is the office c time). It's a V-8, too! veterans' ser CONCERT' POSTPONED town hall. The piano concert by Miss Kate Chief featu: 1"riskin and Raymond Coon sche- the parade • duled for Saturday, May 10 at 8:45 a.m., am Abbot academy has been postponed rial hall li until 7:30 p.m., Sunday, May 18. auditorium am at Phillips a before breaki various cern( where the gra JACKSON be decorated. The comrni Ford's all-new 2-door Ranch (Contint LUMBER Wagon is the lowest priced full• size utility car in America. fait offers many costly-car features! THE FC CO. INC. Choose either the 110-h.p. Strati). The Department Store Star V-8 or the all-new 101.11p ANI Mileage Maker Six. Only Ford ic , for Home Builders its field gives you this choice of high-compression power . ST LUMBER C HARDWARE FRIDA' White sid•woll tires, Fordomotic, Overdrive, twrodone AND A COMPLETE LINE colors in Ranch Wagon optional at extra cost. Equipment, OF BUILDING MATERIALS occestor.•1 and trim subject to change without notice. 'T RIAGE I E; ELAt D'S; HAR 10-12 JACKSON ST. 'S; MICI LAWRENCE FORD U'S; 1. W. BAKE! ; WOOt w TEL. 4141 SHAWSHEEN MOTOR MART Merchc DOVER