t Derby To 94. Be May 3 And 4 annual trout derby will le aturday and Sunday, May at Ilussey's pond in Shaw. It is open to all boys and SIIDCWIP ■OWNSMAN ,lndover's Own Newspaper Since 1997 F the town 12 years old and Prizes for the largest fish VOLUME 65, NUMBER 29 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 8, 1 952 PRICE 5 CENTS e awarded. The event is red by the Andover Sports. club, Inc., and will be con. under the supervision of the New West manatee of the club, David Veterans t, chairman. It will be held shine. School To Plan For 'S 127 MAIN ST, AUL TEL. 2125 19 Years' Experience Hold Open .essmaking • Remodeling Memorial • Alterations lies' Suits, Coats and Dresses Made to Order House Sun. Day Rites Open house will be held at the new West Center school Sunday at Plans for the observance of 4p.m. when townspeople will have Memorial day were made at a meet- an opportunity to go through the ing of the Memorial day committee new building. held Tuesday night in the veterans' The exercises will be informal. service office at the town house. There will be a flag raising, one or Members of the town's veteran two very short addresses and public organizations who make up the inspection. committee are expecting a good The building is not entirely com- turnout, this year of those who pleted and the exercises Sunday have served in the armed services will not be a formal dedication. as a tribute of respect to the memo- This will be announced later. The ry of those who made the supreme building has not yet been accepted sacrifice for their country. but the contractor has allowed the The exercises planned for the school department to move in Miss day will be in keeping with the Isabelle Dobbie's and Mrs. M. Rita spirit of the occasion and will in- Cronin's classes from the old clude the decorating of graves in West school. all local cemeteries. These classes will start in the Chief feature of the day will be new building next Monday morning. the annual parade. The committee Other classes will not he moved has announced the followingparade (Continued on Page 15) instructions: Assembly at 8:15 a.m., fall in at 8:40 a.m., parade starts St Augustine's at 8:45 a.m. Nearly 400 of Andover's ardent anglers took part in the annual trout derby conducted last The first division will form on To Hold Annual weekend under the auspices of the Andover Sportsman's club for boys and girls of 12 and un- Florence street, corner of Elm. The der. Here's a group of them with their lines in the water of Hussy's pond in Shawsheen waiting second and third divisions form on May Procession patiently for a "bite." (Look Photo) Florence and Park streets. The route will be down Elm to St. Augustine's parish will hold Minister Of Vale the Memorial Hall library where the a May procession Sunday, May 11, Plan New Side Entrances I)AV will hold its memorial ser- starting at 3 p.m., thus reviving Church Resigns vice. The parade will then proceed the annual May pageant in honor of up Main street to Chestnut, to the Blessed Virgin Mary after an The Rev. Paul E. Callahan of For St. Augustine's Church the Union Congregational church, Whittier, to the Memorial auditorium absence of many years. • Ballardvale, last Sunday read a Two new side entrances are where the VFW will hold its main The route will be frau St. Aug- among the improvements to be letter of resignation which he re- Many To Attend memorial service. The marchers ustine's school at Chestnut street, made soon at St. Augustine's quested become effective next (Continued on Page Four) to Main and Essex streets, to the church, the Rev. P. J. Campbell, September. Laymen's Service church where the ceremonies will 0. S. A., pastor, announced at the Building Operations At a meeting of the Protestant be concluded. The Rev. Mr. Callahan has communion breakfast held by St. laymen's communion breakfast (Continued on Page 14) accepted a scholarship for further Augustine's Holy Name society Ahead Of 1951 committee, last Sunday evening at graduate study at Harvard univer- Sunday after the 8:30 o'clock Spring building operations here the Baptist church, reports indi- sity and hopes to complete the re- Mass. got off to a running start last THE FOLLOWING cated that the attendance next Sun- quirements for a doctor of philoso- The two new entrances will be month, according to records of day would be about 85 men. The phy degree in the course of next at the front of the church on either Building Inspector Ralph W. Cole- BILL Free, Baptist, Cochran and Bal- PHONE ANDOVER year. side of the altar. The platform ex- M an, who reports that the esti- lardvale Methodist churches all tending across the church immedia- mated cost of new buildings for reported a sale of tickets in ex- Having been minister at the tely in front of the altar rail will which permits were granted during STORES cess of their quotas. Returns the cost (of telephone Ballardvale church for three years be removed and the church interior April was $274,500, and the esti- should be made to Samuel B. Dim- he expressed to his congregation redecorated. mated cost of additions and altera- lich, treasurer. OPEN last Sunday his deep appreciation The contemplated improvements tions $10,300. for their kindness and considera- The celebration of the Lord's l3uilding records for 1952 are Supper will take place at 8 a.m. are coming this year at a time Buys More Than It Used 10 tion through the years of working far ahead of those for a corres- FRIDAY NIGHTS at the Baptist church with the when the church will be observing and living together. lie has been its centenary. The cost is ex- ponding time for 1951, which was 'lee as wan\ 5 rleplaone, carrying on a program of graduate Rev. Paul E. Callahan and the one of the biggest building years Rev. Roy E. Nelson Jr., officiating. pected to be close to $30,000. study during the three years he At the suggestion of T. J. Scan- in the history of the town. re in 19-10 and more arc 'TIL 9 Herbert If. Otis, president of the has been minister here. lon it was voted at the business (Continued on Page 6) BILLINGS'; CARRIAGE TRADE SHOP; Andover council of churches, and session that followed the break- ery flay. There are a lot R. M. COLE; ELANDER & SWANTON; Thaxter Eaton, chairman of the FORD'S; HARBORNE SHOP; W. R. fast, to have u coranittee work 11.11 BUNNY'S (Continued on Page 11) •WOODLAND DEVELOPMENT tal 14o,inesses that you HILL'S; MICHAEL JAY'S; REIN- w ith that pastor on a fund-raising CATERING SERVICE 1110-• HOLD'S; J. W. ROBINSON CO.; project. The committee will be 411olie 'probably more WOOLWORTH'S; THE STRATFORD Weddings—Receptions—Testimonials Honor Members drawn front the Holy Name society, have telephones now, SHOP; SHAWSHEEN BAKERY. Any Size — Anywhere Of Girls' Band the Andover Catholic club and ; Andover council, 1078, K. of C. • Merchants Committee Caterer Of Distinction The following members of the 1-ter. better and more ANDOVER BOARD OF TRADE Following the report of the nom- Tel. TEL. LAW. 4323 IIII Punchard Girls' band have been inating committee, of which A. J. - --„, - honored by being chosen to be Delaney is chairman, it was voted members of the Hand of America, 44_ to re-elect all officers for another DOES YOUR MOWER NEED SERVICE? which is composed of 250 of the .9: 47 in 10, is Ir rrl~ flit most outstanding young musicians, (Continued on Page 14) POWER & HAND LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED which will play at the Boston Post music festival in the Boston Gar- WANTED I I Pruning,Removinq --- den Wednesday evening: undesirable 'Gees ALL TYPES OF ENGINE WORK DONE Experienced Woman — Shirley Murray, trombone; Elaine and cleaning Dumont, solo trumpet; Joan Hath- Bookkeeper for work in underbrush„ FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE away, tenor saxophone; Marion Lawrence. Good sala- 'Beautifys Glennie, alto saxophone; Sally TELEGRAPH ry. Write stating ex- The estate. Seinwerth, alto saxophone; Bar- EQUIPMENT SERVICE bara White, Sousaphone. perience to SC-32, The ,tl t i Mrs. Miriam McArdle, director of TOWNSMAN, Box 9, COMPANY the band, has been invited to be a Andover. To' Manch., .10C 1. 365 c/o ANDOVER COAL CO. ANDOVER guest at the festival. 16 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, MAY 8, 1952 X. Spray Elm Trees From Helicopter Fiesta T( Ir Spraying operations by helicop- spray from the air as the pilot, Colorful Robert Broadley, who came with ter were carried out successfully The Internal last Friday morning under the the plane from Bedford, skimmed r. st aged the nor direction of G. R. Abbott, moth over the trees distributing a cloud of Greater superintendent, as a protection of insecticide on the newly opened t the Friday, May against the dutch elm disease. buds. The operation cost the town sur auditorium. Ant Some 500 trees in the center of 3300. Numbers or mt., the town, Shawsheen Village and Supt. Abbott, James Buss Sr., selections by liallardvale were treated with a ing and James Buss Jr., of the moth son Bagpipe be Vas department, made trips aloft in the dances by the copter directing the pilot over the society of n streets where trees were to he sprayed.
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