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Ico-Ascnitech 2019 (Download Here) 1 WELCOME REMARKS OF DIRECTOR OF POLITEKNIK NEGERI PADANG Assalammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Dear authors and participants, Alhamdulillah, it is a great pleasure for me to announce the International Conference on Applied Sciences, Information and Technology (ICo-ASCNITech) 2019 and the International Conference on Applied Social Sciences, Business, and Humanity (ICo- ASCNITY) 2019 and to welcome the participants from all over the world who come here to exchange experience and work together in three day conferences. Politeknik Negeri Padang is pleased to conduct ICo-ASCNITech and ICo-ASCNITY 2019 where for this year is going to be the third for ICo-ASCNITech and the first for ICo- ASCNITY. As a leading higher vocational educational institution in Indonesia, Politeknik Negeri Padang must develop its international reputation to achieve long term vision as one of the reputable vocational education in South East Asia by 2025. This international event is part of our strategic plans toward that vision which is also to strengthen our cooperation with Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan, Malaysia. We extend a warm welcome to all authors and participants to Padang City. Meeting with other researchers and academicians from different universities, countries and cultures during the conferences is of course a valuable experience toward your future career. As our special guests, you to taste world-famous and delicious cuisine from Padang called “Rendang”. We hope you enjoy your stay while in Padang and all the best with your presentations. Wassalammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Warm Regards, Surfa Yondri, S.ST., ST., M.Kom Director of Politeknik Negeri Padang Conference secretariat: Politeknik Negeri Padang, Kampus PNP Politeknik Negeri Padang, Kota Padang, West Sumatra – Indonesia 25163 2 WELCOME ADDRESS OF CONFERENCES COORDINATOR Assalammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Dear authors and participants, This Conferences Program Book contains the written versions of the International Conference on Applied Sciences, Information and Technology (ICo-ASCNITech) 2019 and the International Conference on Applied Social Sciences, Business and Humanity (ICo-ASCNITY) 2019. The Conference is considered as a good opportunity for participants from overseas such as Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Nigeria and Indonesia itself to present and discuss topics in their respective research areas. This annual event is jointly organized by Politeknik Negeri Padang (Indonesia) and Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan (Malaysia). There are 156 titles written by more than 200 authors have been registered and confirmed to participate in this prestigious conferences representing more than 20 local and international higher education institutions as well as research bodies. These are a great opportunities to share information of applied research, technology and innovation among researchers and academicians, students, government, industries, and other stakeholders. Hopefully this wonderful agenda would be revolutionary contribution to the world which has become the theme of this conference, “Revolutionary Contribution of Applied Science and Technology to Society in Industrial Era”. We would like to thank all participants for their contributions to the conference’s program and to the ‘Program Book’ and wish you all to have great and fruitful experiences during the conferences. Wassalammu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Best Regards, Ihsan Lumasa Rimra, SST.,M.Sc DECN Conferences Coordinator Conference secretariat: Politeknik Negeri Padang, Kampus PNP Politeknik Negeri Padang, Kota Padang, West Sumatra – Indonesia 25163 3 TABLE OF CONTENT WELCOME REMARKS OF DIRECTOR OF POLITEKNIK NEGERI PADANG ............................................................. 1 WELCOME ADDRESS OF CONFERENCES COORDINATOR .................................................................................. 2 TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................................................... 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 9 CONFERENCE ITTENARY .................................................................................................................................... 9 CONFERENCE SCIENTIFIC BOARD .................................................................................................................... 10 Advisory Board ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Scientific Committee ................................................................................................................................... 11 Conference Network ................................................................................................................................... 11 CONFERENCE PRESENTATION ......................................................................................................................... 12 Paper Topics ICo-ASCNITech 2019 .............................................................................................................. 12 Civil and Environmental Engineering ....................................................................................................... 12 Mechanical and Manufacture Engineering ............................................................................................. 12 Electrical and Electronics Engineering ..................................................................................................... 12 Computer and Information Technology .................................................................................................. 12 Paper Topics ICo-ASCNITY 2019 .................................................................................................................. 13 Accounting ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Business ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Art and Tourism ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Linguistic and English Education .............................................................................................................. 13 Presentation Style ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Conference Service ...................................................................................................................................... 13 CONFERENCE PUBLICATION ............................................................................................................................ 14 CONFERENCE AGENDA .................................................................................................................................... 15 ICo-ASCNITech PARALEL SESSION ................................................................................................................... 16 Civil and Environmental Engineering ........................................................................................................... 16 Mechanical and Manufacture Engineering ................................................................................................. 18 Electrical and Electronics Engineering ......................................................................................................... 19 Computer and Information Technology ...................................................................................................... 21 ICo-ASCNITY PARALEL SESSION ....................................................................................................................... 25 Conference secretariat: Politeknik Negeri Padang, Kampus PNP Politeknik Negeri Padang, Kota Padang, West Sumatra – Indonesia 25163 TABLE OF CONTENT 4 Accounting ................................................................................................................................................... 25 Business ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 Linguistic and English Education .................................................................................................................. 29 Art and Tourism ........................................................................................................................................... 31 CONFERENCE VENUE (1st FLOOR) ................................................................................................................... 32 CONFERENCE VENUE (2nd FLOOR) .................................................................................................................. 33 ICo-ASCNITech ABSTRACTS ............................................................................................................................. 34 Civil and Environmental Engineering ........................................................................................................... 34 Construction Craftsmen Skill Pursuit in Nigeria – A Review ...................................................................
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