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Torrance Press Page C-6 TORRANCE PRESS PRESS ''LOOKING'EM 'OVER orts 'Who's on Short' Many years ago the comedy team of Bud Abbot and the late Lou Costello put an act together—the "who'i ALL-LEAGUE on first" and "who's on second" act: remember H? Well if you don't the Dodgem have revived It fa CAGE SELECTIONS . the all position route I960. However, their not going 1959-60 like the comics. What Alston and Bavasi are trying to figure is "Who's on Short?" • When spring training began In February in. Vero PIONEER LEAGUE Beach three shortstops showed up for duty—Don Zim- mor, Maury Wills, and Bob Lillis. If you recall, last year FIRST TEAM about this time, writers were singing the abilities of Dave Mohi .............................;................................Beverly Hifll Lillis and Zimmer was hollering "play me or trade me." JOE AUSTIN ..........................................SOUTH TORRANCI Little Don had but Lillis to contend with then. This Tom McPherjon ....._...................... ............_._.....Culver CHy^ year he must beat out Maury Wills aa well. Wills dis- Hntfuished himself in late season play in '59. In fact Dwight Jones .... ........... ........__...... ....... _....EI Segunde Maury payed so well that .165 hitter Zimmer was Alden Edwards ..^.................................._.__.........Avi«*lon benched most of the time, appearing only in extremely- BILL REINERT ...........................^.......................TORRANCI needed pinch hit roles. That is only after Alston had exhausted his bench of right-hander,*. SECOND TEAM What, caused the collapse of the scrappy, hard work- Bob Emitein .................................^.........................BeverJy Hfflt in}? shortstop is hard to figure. Expert! tried to snap him out of his slump. Hundreds of letters poured into Ron Dinnell ...-...._..«.._........_.„......„...__.._...-......... Aviation Dodger offices with advice to Don from loyal Lo§ An­ SPORTY EXHIBITIONS, featuring Sojutrt, foreground, and ef Marineland of the Pacific show. The almost-human mon­ Garry Smith ..............._......................„___.__....Culver City9 geles fans. Nothing helped! Bubbles, the only trained whales In the world, ere highlight sters of the deep leap out of the water for their food. Pat Brosnen ......._.______....________..Culver CHy No Trade Talk Now BOB WEISTER ————..___________..TORRANCI Still a comparative youngster, Zimmtr, 29, te not 1960 TORRANCE AREA talking trade like he did last year. He rather play with Amble Cage the World Champions but If hi* ability i§ not equal to Results that of Wills or Lillis, Don won't holler "trade me." Ac­ In this past weeks. Amble cording to reports from Vero Beach Zimmer will set­ League play the Hollywood Riv­ tle for the role of utility infielder. He's been with the iera Sportsmen defeated the Dodgers for 12 years now so why change as he puts it. BaseballDirec tory Christian Men 20-12, Torrane-p After talking with "Zim" while he warmed the bench The baseball aggregation statiitJcs lilted below Have been compiled by stafferi of the PRESS to better acquaint readers with Rees defeated the Torrnnce Press Greater Torrance Area. If your team it not lilted write to Sporti 21-6, and the Redondo Hawks in '50 I got the impression that the only thing wrong the malce-up of Little PONY end Babe Ruth Leagues of the trounced the Sheriff's Men 20-8. with him was that he was pressing to hard. He loves to Editor, Torrance Presi, 1406 Cravent Ave., with information. , , In Thursday competition the play the game just as a youngster playing his first sand- Vagabonds 15, Post Office 19, He wanted to get in there and get LITTLE LEAGUE (Cont.) PONY LEAGUE (Cont.) Tappa Keprpras 19, SBC of God lot jarame of baseball. LITTLE LEAGUE 36, Old Pros 20, Calif Bank 10. his licks and each time Alston waived him in he tried so Little League baseball is for boys born SOUTHWOOD LITTLI LIAOUI ROLLING HILLS PONY LIAOUB between July 31, 1952 and Aug. 1. 1947. President -Welter Virgil (PR 4-6041) Protldont Milt Harrlngton (PR 5-4457). Games this week; Wednesday hard to get a hit that he swung at balls usually reserved Player* Agent—Paul Halbach (PR 4-Sjp*1 Boundaries— Paloa Vordot Estatai tchol dlitrlct. Redondo H a w k • vs. Christian for the bowling and golfing set. TORRANCI CINTRAL LITTLI LiAOUB Boundarle*—Hawthorne Blvd. on the east; Seeul- Roglttratlon—13 and 14 vtar old boy* can contact Men at 7, Recs. vs. Sheriffs President— Russell Haynes (PA 1-3162). veda Blvd. on the south, Torrance city limits to league president. Men at 8, and Hollywood Riv­ Zimmer won't be pressing this hard when the boys Player* Agent—Jim Wayt (PA 1-0176) Del Ame on the we*t; Del Amo to Hawthorne Blvd. Location of Ballpark—Landfill No. I on weat ilde Boundarl**— Hnwthorne Blvd. on the weeti YVOth on the north. of Cranthaw Blvd. between Pa lot Verde* Drive North iera Sportsmen vs. Torrance return to the Coliseum', His present attitude, if ligiti- It. on the north; Crenshaw Blvd. en the east; and Tryovtt—March I at Tlbben Pleld, Victor and Del and Rolling HIM* Road. Carson St. on the south. Amo St. Press at 9 p.m. Thursday sched­ mate, will be the key to his return to form—the kind Registration—Completed et Imereld ule; Calif Bank vs. Post Office. Trvowts March S at » am. at Shlnoda Pleld, Lecetlen ef Ballpark—To be developed St. WBST TORRANCI PONY LIAOUI that led so many of us to believe him to be the successor lUnd St. and Crenshaw Blvd. tt. between An/a and Victor SBC of God vs. Old Pros and in '58. Other ball players thrive on League Dance—March J7 at • p.m. at Torrance President—Bob Myers (PR S4757). Vagabond! vs. Tappa Keggas. Memers of Torranee fire to Pee Wee Reese American Legion Hall. TORRANCI AMIRICAN LITTLI LIAOUI Players agent-Bob White (PR *-»3lJ). Oponlng Day—Undecided partment total 82, working pressure but not Don. His one big hope for a good year en­ President—Cerl Blnford (PR 5-5159) League bounder lee—Redondo cltv limits of the west Legation of Ballpark—Mobil Park, south ef between Torranre Blvd. and Pacific Coast Hwv ; Use classified Call FA 8-2845 of foot stations. trance at 3400 190th SI. (northwest corner of Oen- Player* Agent- John SchnePP (PR *•***»» is to go up to that plate and forget all about Wills and Shlnoda Pleld (minor north boundary follow Torrance Blvd.. HenrleHa, Del oral Petroleum refinery); Bownderle*— Redonde city limit* en the west) Se- Amor east boundary follow* Hawthorne Blvd., >e- Lillis. A difficult task we admit but Zimmer is capable field), ll?nd St. at Crenshaw Blvd. pulveda Blvd. on the north; Madrona Ave,. Lomlr* pulveda, Crenshaw, Lomita Blvd., Hawthorne to >p«n Sunday of this kind of approach to a situation. Blvd., Hawthorne Blvd. on the east; Pacific Coast south bounderv along Pacific Coast Hwy. LOMITA LITTLI LIAOUI Hwy. on the couth. Registration evenings at the homes of O. A. Registration—Continued during 9tr*t two tryout*. Well*, 3433 2Kth Place; J. D. Johnftton, 72031 Anza; AND KEN BOATS President Tec Coggln* (DA 4-2715) R. S. Addlngton, 2)9.t< Ocean Ave.i Richard Martin, FRED Player* Agent—Mrs. Bill Stowed (DA *-.*t!l), TrygMt*—March I, « and 19 at 9 a.m. at Del Amo Quiet and Serious Boundaries Torrance city limit* on the north; Pleld. J17W Talisman SI. (U registration fee required). Walnut to the end of Oceen View Ave. on the Oeneral Meeting Wed.. March M at 7:M p.m. at Trvowta—Completed Don is generally considered a quiet but serious guy east; end of Ocean Ave. to back of Pennsylvania Calle Mayor School to announce team*. Oat-Aceualntad Dance—Saturday at • p.m. at Re­ Dr. on the south; Pennsylvania to Pacific Coast dondo Eagles Hall. Opening Day—May 7. by the writers who cover the games. However, it is a Hwy. to Crenshaw to I4lst St. on the west. Location ef Ballpark—(Negotletlng with Rvan Ah-' Big Saturday and Sunday Registration—Completed (135 boys to date). Location of Ballpark—Del Amo Pleld, Plaza Del craft Co.) known fact that he'll swear at the umps after a close League Dance—Saturday, May 14. Amo, one block west of Western Ave. Opening Day—Saturday, May 14. call as anyone else. Other items such as injuries upset Location of Ballpark Chandler Pleld. Narbonne much. But basically Zimmer saves his words Ave., north of Palos Verdes Drive North. TORRANCI NATIONAL LITTLI LIAOUI him just as President—Georne Cole(PA 1-5079) to inspire the infield about him when he'i out there Player* Agent—Ralph Schaefer (PA S-3500) NORTH TORRANCI LITTLI LIAOUI Sellathon Boundarl**—Carson St. on the north, Western Ave. spot. President Bob Simons (DA »-!W3). BABE RUTH LEAGUE working the hot on the east, southern Torrance city, limits to Cren­ ^^H Doors Open of 9 A.M. — Shop Early Players Agents—Sam Johnson (west), PR f-3577; Sepulveda to Hawthorne to Carson on the DA 4-834*. shaw to Babe Ruth League baseball Is for 13, Not much of a social bug lik« Drysdale and Snider, John Miller (eatf) south on the west. League Boundarle*— (west leegue) Hawthorne Blvd. 14 and 15-year-old beys born since Sept. $14.95 Zimmer, nevertheless is liked and admired by baseball on the west between Redondo Beech Blvd. end Registration—Completed. 8 REGULAR IWth; north boundary Redondo Beach Blvd.; south Tryout*—March § at 9:10 a.m. at Barrett Pleld, 1, 1944. men as well as-enthusiast! of the game. boundary 190th St.; east and west bisected by Oek St. and Jefferson ft.
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