city, ".-W.... cfay, JIIIII 24, '* ed Into the /lecond round by d&­ feating Heathet Cheadle of Britain, 7·5, 6-1. Warmer MNtty '*' 1M ,...... : TO AAU FINALS- Warmer f.!MIt ." ...... , ...... NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. ttl - .. fl. Pertly c'-'r MIll ...., The top college broad jumpe~, ail owan w_ flrWey. Gayle Hopkins oC Arizona, and a Serving the State University of ICHDtJ and 1M Peopl8 of 10W4 CU~ pole vaulter who has cleared 1~ Ceet, Ohio State's Bob Neutzling, Jon CIty, [ -11wrIda.y, JUDe 15, 11M were added Tuesday to the field Cor this weekend's National AAU track championships, Other Asians Grave- Viet Ham Strong Man Backs .Ambassador Shift by U,S. Dulles in Jackson;

AIGO " lai. Cl'O. ~uyen t..1}anh, r dil amba d • id Wedn day th am' unti.commu- WANTED NAACP Demonstration ni. t war i at hand, 'The frc world (; untri· ar right at our ' d,~ tJ) • ~troog RIDERS Marlon to Iowa City. MondlY throuib Saturday. 337·1356. Carol Altorlley Robert K.nnedy sh.ak~~ hallds Wednesday with man premier told his people in Potter. 8-2( ...... of the National Au.cialion fOl' the of e.l· a peech at R cb Ola, on the Gulf . MALE ROOMMATE to share new ored People. He greeted th.m during • m.rch .t the Department of Thailand. "and If necessary will aparlment. Preter grad student. Call tackle the problem of communism 337·7271 before noon. 8-2S of Justke in silent protest over the disappearance IIf thrft Y""" U_S. Speeds civil rights workers in Minl$llppl and the racial situation In ,.n· right at its roots" WANTED: rronhli" 338-9200 or ssa. 6287. To: eral. The boy at cent.r Is 10· O.rr.1I Enrs, whose f.ther, "The crucial hour has come and U PI' f Medgar Evers, was killed b.- a sniper" bull.t a .go In thing are gOIng to happen C t panS 0 r 3 Rights Workers and hard in the- fight for freedom • HElP WANTED son, Min. -APWireph... in the nd the libft'aUon of WANTED - part Ume MCretlry 10 J the north," be aa1d. A- St-k .tart In Sept. Office expertence Poulble expansion of the Amer!. • r ra es nece..ary. Pleaae Write BOl[ Ill, OaUy can·backed war was a subject of Missing 4 Days Iowan. J.U NAACP Delegates grave comment in Asian capitals WASHINGTON I.fI - Th MEN needed In the concrete Industry in the wake oC th appointment of Slate is peedinll up plans ror PHILADELPHIA, • III - JobIIIOIl "we'll dIIeuu eer· and the seml·truck driving Industry. eo •. Only men wanUDj to gel ahead need Gt-n. Maxwell D. Taylor to th strikes by th South Vi tnamese White Ho troubl Ihooter AIleD taln problemllrillDl frGIn tbo.." apply. See our acf under Help Wanted in Silent Protest amba ador post being vac led by Air Force against Communist sup- W. Dull flew Into troubJ -wracked enforcement 1ituatJaa, aad 10 r will column on this pare. National In.tltut. March of Concrete Construcllon. Inc. 6·25 Cabot Lodge. ply bas in Lao and North Viet MluiaaIppl Wednesday and Immed· find out what I cu aDd report bEt. WASHINGTO ( P) - Nearly 2,000 delegate to th con· IN MOSCOW the Soviet "ov rn- Nam and infiltration rou leading lately conferred with Gov. PIII1 to Prulclmt JoIUIIoa iD Wub ..... ' - {rom Laos John n n the dlsappea~ of toa." He pw. to retun to w'" vcntion 0 f the lational Association f or tJ Ie Ad vanccment 0 f Co I- ment paper IIveatJa had thia ex- Tb 'b' I' f h 'k three civil r'·"t. or~·- 1 .... - tod planatlon Cor th new a liOm nt . J)05SI I Ily 0 u<; trl .....' ""... Ul...... 1)'- U*S*AlR FORCE . or d People ( AACP ) marched around th Ju tiee D partm nt oC the chairman of the Jo nt Chi l I~ was Ie rn~ Wednesday , nl~ Dull, nt to the II Ippl The lOY mot' kept mum durIq - HMI,ta'" 'I Building Wednesday in silent protest over the disappearance of oC StaCe: "American plans in Vi h,ures hl'h tn oCf cia! tbjnkm c pltal by Pr kI JobnIOa for the day .. lM rdt lor the milt- I .., . h k' r " . d h . Nam are laillni." A~ und r tud)' the . i ' 0Il.the- pOt r ,hQdd.led th in youtht b~ ~ ~ t Ire young CIV! ng Is wort'r' 10 I ' IS Ippl, an t e J".lCC It· •• thIS country', o~ rwhelmiltg d the go ernor t th execuUve man· A C IV n p! etro ~ Mr~AIo.. Sa ' Ilation generally. Izv~tl8 lIid Taylor lacks upel'i- vanlaie In air power ~rore com' ion Uy anned poaet I arri here partJclpete ea to As the march was gelling under. FTC.. C'-garet ence In d,lplomacy, but th t. the mittilll any .. ground combat r h ~ r t.b lrio. In the learch lor the trio. "., only American diplomacy is With B troops In South t Asia. h o~r tloaa ere Itopped met -lib otnclaJa In the IINvllJr way Roy Wilkin • NAACP execu· pistol. U declared thal In th end This lncre d .5. pr ure at dart with no further word of the lUll'ded courthouIe and were II- YOUNG LADIES WANTED live secretary. was inside lhe build· the plan of "U.S. Impertali mot allainst UI Communbl may com The.. tw. and _ mOl't ttlil mlnln.. thr youth. H~ III. lUred they would be kept iDfoL'mflCl ing telling Atty . Gen. Robert F. Packs Must will be broken. into play IC th North VI In m quirl wl1l NiIIUtlle at day-breu, of the pr0it of the iDvell.l.... Attractive young ladies wan~ Kennedy that Negroes across the k edl tal ~..... and D .... ChI.. ""ra t In pu h- Tb r-~" .... f ...... "_.-al lion. IllItion will explore all peaceful To yo tor exp,,,,,,",,, con- ...... , If" CITe 0 I A ~ .. - \:IU ... " ...... ,..... A b4rred Jtatloo fOUDd to serve as models in advertise. means oC expressing their lndigna. W cern. The Daily Yomlurl aaid : "If lng in urgence in South V Nam OUnel 0 e ay etelon Intelll,ence A ency and the ,11'1' c WIIOCl, ments for the University and -, ng the United states Is olng to in- and Laos, nor talked prlv Jy Cor 80 minutel. Tueiday In a .IooeI1lWamp lIOl1Jt. Registration Editions of THE lion. Bea r a rn tensiCy military Intervention and U.S. oCClelal also are co Id r' Afterward ~y met with newmten. e t of here, remaIned the aal1 DAIL Y IOWAN. Must supply In a meeting that lasted 00 min· would bomb HanOi, th re is fully Inll sendin anoth r 500 lo of 0 Z C "Th cooveraatioo with Mr duo to balflliI( dlaappell/'allCe utes, Wilkins said hc and scven WASHINGTONLfI-Thet'ederBl the possibility of Chln Com-the Army'! anll·guerrilla pedal n onelng ontroversy Dull andmyaelCw. about •• : orthethreeyouUla,twowbitelud wallet·sind photo. Apply In per· olher NAACP officials urged Ken· Trade Commission i. ued a rule munlst 'volunteers' goin, to North Corces to South VL t Nam. probl Of law nforcement we • NetrO. son to the Advertising Oir.ctor, nedy to take some preventive BC' Wedne day requiring that all clg· Viet Nam." Any a c r 0 ·the-border opera have met and that oar ItI&hwu F r, aDd eo.. 201 Communlc.ations Center be· tion to protect not only civil rights aret labels and advertising warn RADIO PIKING broad t tJo by the South Vi IlIam BV ROBERT BUTTON constructed n r I _!nil familY patrol ha beeD beefed 011." Gov. ty oCOcerJ. lWe.lterIng III mid·". fore 12:00 p.m., Thursd.ay, Jun. workers, "but the 985,000 Negro Americans that smoking "may . .• cas a would be undertak n only If Maj. StaH Writer residence In .n RI zon , Opponenta JohNoD uJd. " .•• Mm lib him d iI'M w tiler, combedtbe bayOUl l 25. citizens who live in Mississippi. " cause death lrom cancer and oth· charge by Red Chlllll • deputy ~re- Ceneral Nguyen Khonh , South VI Cily Council action on th con. IIY lhot III n Ihould be pro- ar h rt fot tM PutPOM of dolni and red claY hIlIIIdea and c:becbd , " . mler. Chen YI, thal the UnIted N ( It h h d .ba-I.· Dd ba 1- '''".... . HE SAID Kennedy, while "deep· er dlsenses. States Is eontrlbutln, to an Increas. am', strong man, e a a trove lal 1. nlnll ordlnan e .mend· lec:led Ir m the tall tructures. Cood. He h., a carte blanclle any...... rns ...... _-etA- Iy and personally concerned," ex· The order almost certainly will ingly grave situ tlon thrOUih aerial secure hOm b ,authOrfU ld. ment which would permit construe- Th contraclor Id be "is In- wbere Ln MlaaLlllppl." tra! 'ppl rellOn. plained Constitutional IimLtations be challenged in court. In issuing operations again t the pro-Com- So far the Incr a In U.S. in- tlon of hi h·rlse apartm nt build· t r led In the fulUro growth or DuJl lIid only be came at tbe AI the bour. dratied by Intetr.· which prevent him from providing it, the FTC ran counter the munJst Pathel Lao In Laos and volvement h been limited chiefly ings In Iowa Cily will probably be rowa Cily and f I the preICIIt Pr d t'l ruett to tb gov. lon lead rt voiced (earl tile IIIIu- • YOUNG WOMAN WANTED to CIt protection before a Federal law vi ws oC other Federal agencies. "preparation for new military ad. to phOto reeonnalssanc OIghts delayed until AUII· 4. hel~l Itmits on buUdlnp are an· ernor'1 vi of the probklDl iD ini you 'nam IIIlCht be lidded , Young wanted for dr.a". may have been violated. The rule, announced by Commis. ventures in lOuthern Viet Nam." Over La • fighter corts for those Th one·month d lay wlU ow liqu led," He said th t hlllb·r · I ppl on Jaw enfor t. to a II Ut tlneludel Emmitt Till" , Ch I P 1 R d Dix flJghls. and oDe known U.S. FlOO a .ll('('lal committe of th Plan· buildings are already a reallly b re He indic led he would P/811 Mad: Chari Parker a~ Medpt ery department. Knowledge of Later. ~ennedy watched the Slon a rmon au an on, The foreliO oC pro- fighter.bomber strike at ommun. ning and Zoning Comml Ion time withe nstruclion by sur of luch lth civil r I ad before rt- Evera - all vleUma at wldflY pU~ . color I"entlal. Must bl over 21. marchers fIle pa t. The only noise will go Into eCfect In 1965 1 f~ We tern thailand, Thanat Kboman, I t gun poslUoru. on Laoa' Plaine to tudy lh m tter. buUdin Burge Hall. A hl&h·r!se tumlni to Waa/linttoD.. UclJed racial liaylnp iD tro. Will train for lob. was a spattenng of applau as Jan. 1 Cor labels. on July praised the appointment of Tay· des Jan sur Prol, Allan D. V tal. c m. buildIng I, ny multiple dwellln& AI Un, fro a mIlI1ary ;Jet at.ate. he took a place on the steps with lIdv~rtlsi~g . ., lor as • symbol of what he called If anoth~ turn oC til screw mi,. ion chairman, said Ille com. more th n tbr or or 4S [ Ie port at J cboa, DulJa aaId A v D

~ ...... ~ . ..--~ -" ~ ~ - - '

r ~~~qi1yfOtbCtn " , , ~ Buchwald discovers=-

~SERV~TIONS.a~I \11 ,.! AND· COMMENT . Ii man .. ~:!' I Harold-the By ART BUCHWALD of curiosity we went to see him. all go out of business." THURIDAY, JUNE 25, 1964 lowl CItr, low. We just bought a new house and by so doing we have made a Harold lived on a farm near Delaware. "But surely there must be someone else who has the skills . discovery that will shock everyone in the United States. We (ound him in a large barn surrounded by lathes, machine necessary to do your kind of work." We have dbjcovered that America is a nation of middlemen and tools, lumber, upholstery, saws, drills. electrical equipment and "You'd think so, but I can't even find anyone to help me. My S~veral tragedies later, sub-contractors and that there is only one man in the entire na· presses. own son started to help me but he found It paid better to take tion that actually does the work . In every corner of the piled high were appliances to be brders. So I'm doing it all alone ." , His ~ame i's Harold. fixed. furniture to be upholstered, lamps to be rewired. cabfnets "Is the fact that you're the only one who does the work in ~ We discovered Harold accidentally. We to be repaired. rugs to be rewoven, desks to be refinished and United States the reason I have to wait so long for my book­ .~~Y . 6 peed limit cut made a call to a company who had promised to mattresses to be restuffed. shelves?" , LONG AWAITED ACfION, AIMED AT reducing build us some bookshelves. We demanded to talk When we walked into the barn Harold was on the phone shout­ "I suppose so. Things keep piling up and I just do the best I to the head man to find out why they hadn·t been can. I still haven't made Justice Oliver Wendell ' book­ the number. of accidenl:$ on heavily traveled highway 6 i,ng, "But I've only got two hands." and hung up. "Everybody wants delivered. He hemmed and hawed for a while and everything in a hurry. That was a decorator in Oregon," he said. shelves." west qf Iuwa City. has finally been taken by the state finaUf, admitted his company didn't actually make '''She's been waiting on two upholstered chairs for six years. Big "But he passed away." Thrll Cushman th ....·who highw,,, commission. . the bdokshelves - they sub-contracted the work dea!!" "Nobody told me. I don't get much chance to read lhe papers," ·· much lik. .... on.. Uled maids, ar. n.w in Ult by 1 RMsoning that the stretch between Iowa City and to another company. "Tell me, Harold" we said, "is it true you're the only one in Harold apologized. "Well, I CJln move your order up then." '. John Hlnna, who ordered Cd ell has heOOme one of the state's most heavily traveled We called that company 'who said that the the United States who. can ,do anything?" "When do you think 1 can get the bookshelves?" work had been sub-contracted to a company in BUCHWALD thinks they will provide I roads, carry~g traffic tQ be re-routed to Interstate 80 upon "Thllt's hat they fell Tl1e:' arold said, as he took a chew of " 'Bout April 12, 1978" if lhere's no shipping complications. Wlsconsin who specialized In bookshelves. A call to Wisconsin ~­ You'll have to excuse me now, I have to fix some lamps for Presi­ Jij- eompletlon, the Commission has reduced the daytime vealed that the company didn't make bookshelves, but supplied the tobacco. "There was a guy in Denver who also did the work, but he decided to go into sales, so now I have to do it aU alone." dent Harding. It·s a rush ordel'." speed limit to 60 miles per hour. Wood. "Harold, President Harding's gone, too." • This step.. sbould have been taken ago. The High­ "Well. who makes the bookshelves?" "But how can you do everything by yourself?" "That's a shame. I guess 1 can go ahead then on the Judge Woman Wa! way. 6 gap has time and time again been the scene of un­ "Harold dOes." the manager replied. "It isn't easy," he replied. "But there are 14,587,908 sub-con­ Crater order." We managed to get Harold's address from the man and out tractors who depend on me and if I didn't do the work, they would (c) 'ubll.he,. N.wlpapar Syndlc.te " nece~aty fatalities, personal injury and property damAge I Communist, accidents. In addition to Tuesday's misbap which injured ------~------three, residents of Iowa City can easily recall an earliet Inside Washington- disaster tht) spring that took the lives of two young girls. . . .' . FBI Informel Last year, lIIghway 6 witnessed at least two fatalities, I . two, per:sonal injury accidents, and numerous collisions re­ MINNEAPOLIS L4'I - A 1 llpolis woman told the House stilting in property damage. State Dept. balks at world, sale miLtee on Un·American Ac1 : Also last year, it was suggested that flasHing lights lind i: .,r,. . Wednesday that she was a WirTlbi~ signs be erected at the approaches to the particu­ ber of the Minnesota Coml • I,) (. Yarty and at the same itme • larly dangerous two-mile sectipn of the road one mile west 1 I .. as an informel" for the Feder of cotton in deference to Nasser reau of Investigation . of Tiffin - a stretch then ' ta~ged , "dtlath curve." " II J) After much comment'at that tlrrle, white strips were 1/ Ruth Ann Withrow, 29, te I I' By ROBERTo ,S. ALLE.N . cotion which would net the cult to justify as the United Arab be a rise in lJIe world mark~i as the hearing's first wilnes! painted on ~e curv~ and red re£lectmt set up as warning and PAUL. scorr Treasury a profit of around $25 Republic is certainly not among prIce - a distinct gamble. about 50 pickets marched ( dev.ices. , • There is apparently no limit to I million, and save taxpayers many this country's best friends, al· 'th~ backstage "compromise.'" the Federal Courts BuUdini State D~p~rtment kow-towing to more rntilions in slO~age charg~s .. though it is a big beneCicia~y' of concocted by the State Depa~t. The dis~ict engineer of the highway commission, in testing the three-day hearil1 Presiden~ Carnal Nasser. Sole TeasOn for thiS extraordm- our foreign aid. n1(1nt \ is row pending in the , A large force of police. the last part of August, said a speed study would be under­ Late~t instance 9t this cqnstant. ary state Department obstruction· "Without the tens of millions of White pouse for President Joful., shals and deputies and ~Iln'~ , approval. ' taken on Highway 6, to determine tb~ necessity for te­ truckling to lhe war·blustering Ism i$ to keep this U.S. cotton doUars of surplus grain we Have ' clothesmen were slationed I Egyptian dictator is the ge~t- "out of the export market so that 'sold' the U.A.R. in recent years. . dUclhg tbe speedlimit. r THE CHANCES are strong pc . th e building . ment's strenuous lJalking at the prices will remain at high levels" for its own currency which stays will okay it. 1 Slx members of the com t:ongrahllations to the cOJnmi.... ~ion - 9 months ano sille on the wOlld market oC - for tile brnefrt of Nasser. as there and we can't use, there The Commodity Credit Cor­ headed by Rep . Edwin E. Sevel'al deaths lat t motorists are bemg required to cut well es Pt!l· u anu 8ud811. the other would be a real famine there. poration has some $50 million jq­ CD-La :), chairman, entere two prlItr'lpal (,xP()I·it.r~ of this In addition , we have granted yesled in this cotton in price .!, their· speed on the deadly strip between Iowa City and building by an unpicketed en type of cotton. more tens of millions to Nasser r.upports ranging frorr. 53 lo 49·, lit the opposite side. Grinnell. -101m Lewarne 'J'hn!' ;; the fat I'h:,rgl of Rep­ in loans at % of one per cent iJl­ cents a lb. Most of the cottQn :., Willis, in a prepared stal res(f;tative l'homas ~.lorris <0- terest. " is grown in Arizona, New Mexico read as th e hearing starte< ~ . M ) who is ~p!'alheading a AGAINST THIS background, nnd Texas. To meet fo reign com " the c'otnmittee was here to I-OUr. mall in Saigon m:!'tant rlnve tJJ'u:nr.t the State Morris vehemently declared he petition on this select grade cqt­ information about Communis' D ~ I·lH·trr.enrs policy. was utterly unable to understand ton. U.S. growers ha "~ twice ob­ activltics in Minnesota and t "nlE DEPARTM!N~'S opposi­ "why this country should subor­ lained congressional approval 10 .' kotas. Ij,J/1 is consislchL \\ '1Ii its past dinate ils policy to the self-serv­ cUl price supports. . Miss Withrow said she ing interests of the U.A.R." As a result of thebe and other " 'tic refurned to help ~-aclites (If lie:".; willing to member of the Minnesota sac.Uice Al'ler ican ilLterests for "Why should American farmers t:fforts, U.S. consumption of this ". munist party from May , I ~UR MAN IN SAIGON has come home to help the the sake of foreign countries." not be permitted to supply a de­ cotton has more than doubled)1l March, 1961. She testified sl PennsylvanJa governor stop the Arizona senator from thousands of bales of government asserted Morris. "In this instance mand outside of our country the past fi ve years. 11 • '. recruited by what she ten "Thumbs off!" owned surplus extra long staple its opposition is particularly dif[i- which is not being m!!t from other DUE TO rising world demand : front organization known i getting the RepublicanPresideilHal nomination. sources?" de man d e d Morris. and supply shortages abroad. Freedom of the Press Coml ,Heitry Cabot Lodge resigned his post as amp!lssador in "What possible reason can be ad­ I·rlces· have soared. In the past Viet Nam expressly to help Gov. Scranton win the noIrlina­ vanced fot refusing to permit im­ :Iear, the U.A.R. has raised its... ] porting countries to buy surplus export prices twelve times, ati(f:' • La\lndry and Hbn. Lodge said that he had made, his. decision after Gov. COFO trainees enact situati.o~s, American slocks for dollars when Peru and the Sudan have hiked RockefelIer resigned from the racie June 15" supplies Crom elsewhere are un­ certain of their grades 50 per Dry Cleaning Afthough Lodge expHcitly stated his purpose in re­ available?" cent. The prospects are for con- • Pointing out that one of the hnued tight supplies outside the Specials sigtUng, Goldwater has his own intetJ1teta~oll for the resig­ serious financial problems facing ·U.S. ~: spruce-' up for ;Mississippi trip the U.S. is the persistenl balance­ WASH, DRY hation. AN ESTIMATED two·thirds M:' a of-payments deficit, Morris con­ the U.A.R. crop went to the So- · • . "Ambassador Lodge Is to be congratulated for bearirl~ By DICK CUNNINGHAM extreme discretion." said the "How do you do, Mistuh the league of civil rights groups tended the sale of the surplus FOLD.. 12c from the Minneapolis Tribune lawyer. "I'm alone In that court· Thomas." viet bloc in payment for tanks, up this long under Stich adverse conditions. The Johnson­ which is sponsoring the summer extra long staple cotton would ph,nes, rockets, naval vessels aqd OXFORD, Ohio - Some 200 col­ hOuse. The judge is in bed, and "Morton." says the volunteer. project. McNamara program of indecision and vacillation has made importantly contribute to off­ other armaments Nasser is Curi.!' · SHIRTS 20c le~e students looked tidier as they the Supreme Court is 'out to who has been taught that the old selting this deficit. it impossible for bim to cany out his ambassadorial func­ lunch' ." social habils must change if the A WHITE CITIZEN'S Council ously piling up. SLACKS, SHORTS, reached the three-quarter mark member pleads that the sheriff­ "NOT ONLY would the export During Khrushchev's r e c e n t tions pr.operly arid tmdoubtcdly motivated his resignation," in their training for volunteer THE VOLUNTEERS have been Inon-voting habit is to change. be consulted instead to see if of tliis cotton yield the Treasury BLOUSES, SKIRTS, voter registration and education visit to the U.A.R., Nasser per· stilted Goldwater. getting inCormation on a variety "YESSUH," Mistuh Morton ." there isn't a law that can rid the upwards of $25 million in foreign suaded him to allow Egypt to sell SWEATERS, 3 work among Negroes in Missis· oC subjects - his~ory, politics, "No, just plain Morton," insists area of the vote workers. exchange, so vital to our interna­ m'lfC of its cotton on the world FOF Goldwater's bypotJlesis is handy: 1'1: is antl-Administra­ sippi this summer. white attitudes, Negro attitudes the volunteer. "We gave you people your tional balance-of·payments pdsi­ n:ark(·t to obtain much-needed ilOiI, while lit the same time it ignores something detri­ Whim they arrived at Western - in two or more long general "Yes. Mistuh." says the Negro. tion," said Morris, "but also for eJllll ('vrrenc)'. As a direct con­ SUITS, $1 College for Women here . and you couldn't handle DRESSES, COATS I mental to Goldwater. sessions in the college auditorium squirming. it," Foreman answers. "The only save the government what it sequence of the Egyptian dfc· weekend, some of them tucked each day. "Morton." costs to store lhis cotton for tator's sinister weapons build'llp Whether it is concern about the strength of Goldwater's their shoes in their airplane lug, way to do it is to shoot them and In small section meetings, in "Morton, then," says the Negro, some of the nigger-Iovin' whites three years. and costly military interventIon coattails, boncerl1 for the Republican Party or, hopefully, gage and wandered around bare­ bull sessions that go on until after and tben in a whine, "But I ain't "Our growers urgently favor in Yemen, his hard currency re­ ·WEE foot. too." concern lor the condition of !:be country, many nepublictin midnight and in "role playing" never called no white man nothin' the sale of this surplus cotton. ~erves have sunk from $277 mil· That was tlie fashion of many they have been refining informa- like Morton." IN THE GROUP around the Foreign buyers are clamoring for lion in 1957 to a low of $15 mil­ leaders are shunning Goldwater. :~ WAS~ of the Negro field secretaries for tion. arguing about it and de- THEN THE LAWN becomes a tree there is little of the joking it. It would net the government a liUll this year. Lbdg'e's action is another, dramatic addition to the the Stlldent Nonviolent Coordinat­ veloping the personal intellectual registrar's office and a white stu- that goes with watching friends handsome profit and save tax· To help him bolster these cru­ ing Committee (SNCCJ brought baggage they will take South. dent cajoles, berates and threat- pla~-act. That is because the graue. -Linda Weiner payers millions in storage ·costs. cial reserves. the State Depart· " IT here to train them for the Missis­ N t· w l' t neople believe what Foreman There is every reason why this ment early lhis month again went . 229 S. DUBUQUE ST. sippi Summer Project. The lawn under the locust tree ens a egro vo WI; app ICan - ~ays next: thMrIIr~he. , over the . entrance of all in a. New York City ~ccent. . cotlon should be sold. Only the to bat for Nasser. PHONE 337·7611 But now the volunteers have the Cilllege's building be- Then It becomes a jaiL A Cah- "Tonight in Mississippi they are State Department is balking at it AS REPORTED in this colulllDj Everythi ng .. i"t. tti ~licate, learned why. The field secretaries comes a sharecropper's shanty, " fornia youth goeS limp as. he's , having that kiTJd of mee~i,ng and - in line with its policy of con­ the International Monetary FUIIIII· receive only $9.64 every two ';llbeen stant truckling to Nasser." (!.M.F.l under State Department . weeks, when there is enough the courthouse stells, ~ a regis- tau~ht to ' do" an~, WIth II . ~alldnrthat Idnd of talk. I 11 UND!R Representative Morris' insistence, ladled out a $40 mil· . . ~rQPped. '\'\ ~ ~e~;'~~pe ., money to pay th!l1n. trar's office or a jail as .the . st~ ~ ,hand ,in llack ,Of. hiS head. rO.lls mijitant lambasting and ~1-storm lion loon t~ l'1asser at one per A RECEN'1' STUI?~"~y" he Nat;oo!ll re

's Body Li I) Gro\l~ anday Digb!. Iimmedtetely I8nIecl. -.., , • Artificial Lung Implant Woman They sald tllo COIIPIe bar. stopped Loag ryes bon! ill Sloa ~ lit a pv. c Il' buy f!Wng up. aM lh'ed there UDtll he ...... Reported Successful - Omaha p;~~-,\ rod and a ml ere fOUDd )un old. ~ be aOO IUs ~:f FoundI on U-e r \·>r lw. moved to Oregon. SAN FRANCISCO 1.11 - Surgical I ed an artificial lung implanted ill Mr ... JotLSOD:; body, her bands About tl&hl years aao Mrs. JIIm- tie.! txhmd I el back and 'Iritb SOD shot durinl I quarrel implanting of an artificial third seven sheep and three do • One us with Imif• .111' ott the throat, abdo- I,UibiDd. ~ Wbo tbeIl lung _ latest deYeiopmeni ill the of the &beep survived witbout ill t effects. The ot.ber animaIJ died. Man Ch arge d 1l\\,'I1. and ,I"'e , " (OIIlId Tues- eonullitted suicide. Part " 1In'.- hunt for mecballieal devi~ tha THE LUNG Is a lo-inch leneth of ea~ e I'!.ing by three fimermen Johnson's lace was &bot a,...,. ~ someone else who has the skills will serve UDtO graftiDg of hve or- plastic tube five~ghths of an inch about 101 c IllJI tbe t or aDd w ,.ore a mask.. - P t ork ." gans is Pttfected - "u reported in diameter nmnlng from the heart Wednesday by a research team at to an artery feeding the lung. In The body w disco~ered edged OVRWEIOHn t even find anyone to help me. My in l&lIl'O tree ill a bend in the the Arnerlean Medical Associatlon the tube are several lettlths of ~uL he round it paid better to take in Buena Vista LOSE POUNDS - GAIN PI' con\'entiOll. smal.ler tubing Carrying oxygen. The oxygen dif t.hrouCb tub­ from the • only one who does the work in ~ .. Other teams told of progress ing waDs into blood coursing TtIMUDlX WITH VlTAlQN .. to wait so long for my book· against a mysterious Immunjty through the larie tube. were barrier - the bod~'1 rejection 01 The eHect, Dr. Bodell said, was EASY TO TAKI TAaLm piling up and I just do the best I allen substances - whIch 110 far creation o( a third IUDe boosting 01\4 Oliver Wendell Holmes' book- Campus Police Scooters has hampered efforts to t1'8lllplant the animal', ability to morb oxy­ Lon pI ded inno<: nt \\hi.·n lOSI DRUG SHOP ... limbs and organ . gen into JIJ bloodllrwn - vital in arraigned bef'ore J . of ~ th ThrH Cushman three-wheeled motor lcooters, . of patrolling the University. Shown above witt! ,., S, DB' , I Dr. Bruce R. Bodell of Ch\caco such pulmonary dlse u em­ Pe ce R. E. Manly. much chance to read the papers," much like the _I ustd by Iowa City mater the machine. are, from I,ft, Sgt. Roll"'" Camp' Wesley Memorial Hospital dtscrib- pl\ysema. Long, formerly oC ioux Rapid move your order up then." maid.. ar. now in u.. by Campul Polle.. Chl.f bell, and Pat.olmen Herb W.ndlant .nd CI.yton In another paper, Dr. Rogelio E. LUIIN'S SELl SIIVICI DIUG John Hanna, who the vehicle, recently, Singl.ton. Vega of Hahnfmann Medical Col­ "'here Mn. John5oo Jived. was ar· lIal. W...... the bookshelves?" rested Tueaday nlCht t a pirit there's no shippl'ng complications. thinks they will provide a more KOnomical way -Pho~ by John Ander .... lege ill Pbiladelpbla, said that ap­ County Demos plying electric current to kidney Lake motel. AuthoriU said tber ._iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;__ ;;'iiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I have to fix some lamps for Presi- transplanlJ appean to prolong sur· pieked up Lone for qu lion/ng " vival. after receivin reports that h wa gone, too." Committee Downs Health The Idea was inspired. he said, aeetl with the Johnson woman in can go ahead then on the Judge Woman Was May Nominate by the 1961 discove'1' tbat wben low voltage Is applied to open DRIVES INTO COURT­ ••w ',...... Syndic.'. Care, Favors '55' Increase wounds, lympboeyt tend to Itay DETROIT \I! - David O. Dun· Communist, away from the MJaUve pole. Lym­ lap's drlvin, took bim directly '0 WASHINGTON IA't - The Hou. e first year of $31.20 more for both Any Candidate phoctes are ce1Ia in the blood sys­ Traffic Court, tem which are betleved to help Ways and Means Committee voted anyone earning $5,0100 or more and Delegates to the Johnson County Police said Dunlap', car r n 8 , form the enUbodi which fight red light, hit Inoth r car and down PresJaent John on's health bis employer. on (tvt FBI Informer Democratic convention F r i day transplants. Keepinc lymphocytes skidded up su p of the Traffic care plan for the aged Wedoe day THE MAXIMUM present retire· night may nominate anyone aa away from the transplant wound MINNEAPOLIS 1m _ A Minne- but gave preliminary approval to ment payment for an individual Court Building at 12 45 a.m. Wed­ their party's candidale (or sherUl, appearenUy) os tho body', nesday. npolis woman told the House Com- increasing Social Security pay- now is $127 a month; the average according to party leaders. ability to reject cren.. millee on Un-American Activities ments 5 per cent. is $'77; and the maximum paym.ent Dunlap pi ded runty lo reck) . Notninations must come from the AMONG ,. DOGS given kidney driving. Wednesday that she was a mem- Rep. Cecil R. King, CD-Calif 1, fol' a family is $254. All of these transplanlJ in a ne,atively charced ber of the Minnesota Communist co-author of the program to provide would be increased by 5 per cent convention because none of tbe six Democratic candidates in the June electrical field. Dr. Vega said, two }larty and at the same itme served health care under Social Security. two months after final enactment lived 21 aod 22 days and a third If/e/come SU1JImer Students itS an informer for tbe Federal Bu· said be now bopes the Senate will of the bill . There would be further 1 primary aucceeded In drawing at least 35 per cent. o( the LotaI lived 14 daYl, whereas survival had Nasser , , reau of Investigation. write a bealth care plan into any increases for those retiring in fu- been 0Il\y eljht day, in similar Rulh AIln Wilhrow, 29, testified Social Security bill the House may ture years because the wage base votes cast. for the lax would be increased in transplant. without the eL cuical BLACKSTONE be a rise in the world markElt as the bearing's first witness while pass, the legislation. The county convenllOll will begin technique. price - a distinct gamble. at 8 p.m. Friday in Mont,omery about 50 pickets march.ed. outside But even lhis would face rough In addition, the bill would con. BEAUTY SALON This back~tage "compromise,'" Hall at the 4.R Fairgrounds. the Federal Courts Buildmg pro- going when returned to the House. tioue payment to children of a de­ C~m(;octecl by the state Depa~t­ The nominations wUl be open be­ First COMIT ment, is pow pending in t1'le , testing the three-day hearings. Rep. Wilbur D. Mills. CD-Ark . I, ceased or disabled worKer until "One of Iowa's Largest A large force of police, mar· chairl,llan of Ways and Means, they reached 22 if they remajned in cause of a 1960 attorney general's White flouse for Pre.ident John· shals and deputies and piain- would head House conferees as- opinion that Indicates open nom· Lecture Slated & Fine t Beauty alons" plln'& approval. clothesmen were stationed oUlside signed to work out a mutually ac- school or college. The cutoff aie Inatlons as the proper way lo dclel'­ now is 18. THE CHANCES are slrongbe the building. ceptable bill. Doctors of medicine, the last mine the DemocraUc candidate for At 8 p.m. Monday 16 FULL TIME HAIR STYLISTS will okay iL. 1 Six members of th~ commi~~ HIS OPPOSITION to increasing large occupational group outside sheriff wh n none of the primary We Specialize In Hair Coforing (Par­ The Commodity Credit CI)f: candidates receives at least 35 per Prof or John p, Dolch, now THE THE headeq by R~p. Edwm E. WIIHs Social Security taxas to finance Social Security or similar cover­ ticularly aleachlng & Pa ...I.). We Give poration has some $50 million oiIJ· m:L~ . ), cbalrma~, entered the the health care plan is considered age, would be brought in. cent of the vote_ hud oC computer r earcb et SUI 's BEST BEST vested in this cotton in price " buJldmg by entrance the major factor in blocking his TO PAY FOR THE changes, the Candidates entered in the June 1 expanded Computer Cenler. will Both Conventional & IIody Permanents, 53 49 ; ~n u~plcketed AT ~uppo rts ranging frhlT, to at the. opposite Side. committee's approval. wage base on which the Social "ft ~ primary wee.: Harold E. , pre cot an introductory lecture 00 THE ULTIMATE IN AT cents a lb. Most of the cotton .', Willis, in a prepared statement. .,.,.. Maynard E, Schneider, John A, the "COMIT Computer Program· PRICES is grown in Arizona, New Mexico read as the hearing started, said It was a motion by King, how- curity payroll lax is levied would McGaHey, Walker O. Sbellady, mlng Language y tem." at 8 p.m. HAIIt DESIGNING PRICES and Texas. To meet foreign com the c'ommittee was here to gather ever, tbat rem.oved health care pro- be increased, effective Jan. I, from Carl Mencl and Gordon J. . Monday in the Shamb ugh Auditor­ YOU YOU petition on Lhis select grade aqt­ information about Communist party visions from further commitlee I$4,BOO to $5,400. Tbe tax paid by ium of University Library. ..Ol)fl' 2$ )'rl . of B Duly Shelledy said Tuesday h was CAN rr~/c. in loWtl CUy- lon, U.~. growers ha Ul! twice ob­ activities in Minnesota and the Oa- considerations. He acted to avoid employer and employes would be COMIT, developed by the Me· CAN kolas. a certain vote against the plan. increased from 3.625 per cent to withdrawing and would give hi tained congressional approval to supPOrt to Schneider. chenical Translation Group and AF~ORO * CALL AFFORD cut price supports. . Miss Witbrow said she was a His motion also ruled out com- 3.8 per cent. the Computation Center at the * As a result of these and other " member of the Minnesota Com- miltee consideration of any alter- ~he $5,400 base woul~ be re­ Daniel W. Boyle, coovenllon MOIS nrhu eUs In titute of Tech­ efforts, U.S. consumption of this , munist party from May, 1958 to nale plan or lmprovement to the tamed, but. the tax rate increaseS cbalnnan, said that it will b\, pro- nology '\'as d I ned to allow a 337·5825 coLton has more than doubled .,iIl Marcil, 1961. She testified she was existing system of state-federal already wrtlten inLa the law .would posed Friday that a simple ma- non-co;Ii\luter specialist to prepare lhe past five years. rerruited by what she termed a care for the indigent. be religu~ed to a scale reachan, 4.8 jorlty of convention votes is neco - his own programs for complex non- 11 a S. DUBUQUE . t' k th ' per cent JO 1971. DUE TO rising world demand ,· rron t orgamza Ion . nown as e The.motlon was reported adopted The commJ'ttee will meet Mon- sary to win the nominallon. nUDll'rical problems. The Republican candidate for the Such problem a the mechanical and supply shortages abroad. Freedom of the Press Committee. by vOice vo te. day to review the language of the I rices bave soared. In the past office, Donald L. Wilson, was un- trlln lation of lanlU es, Informa· The retirement boost approved hill and 10 formally approve the :Icar, the U.A.R. has raised i~<. opposed [or bis party's nommation tion retrIeval, algebra, geomelry, export prices twelve times, alia· Laundry and by the committee would involve a measure before sendIng it to the in the primary. In the fall elec- theorem proviOi, game playing. Peru and the Sudan have hiked Social Security tax increase in the Hou e. tlon, he will foce the Democratic ood tI-e Simulation of various othcr certain of their grades 50 per . Dry Cleaning candidate selected Friday night. ]0- types of "intelligent bebavior" are cent. The prospects clre for can· cumbent sheriff A. J. Murphy, a me oC th ar as (or wbich th tmued tight supplies outside the Specials Republican, Is retlring at the end MIT angu ie wu d veloped, U.S. . • of his term. "We now have a computer sys· AN ESTIMATED two-thirds ill ' WASH, DRY & tem that i3 powerful enough lo pro­ cess programs wrlUcn in COMIT," , the U.A.R. crop went to the Stj- , , LB. viet bloc in payment for tanks, FOLD " 12c Liquor Store Dr. Dolch explained. "It i hoped pil.nes, rockets, naval vessels agd that various groups in th Univer­ olher :mnamenls Nasser is furil SHIRTS 20c IA. Here Ranks sity, after hearing the introductory lecture, will wI h to start work­ ously piling up. SLACKS, SHORTS, During Khrushchev's r e c e n t 6th in State sbops to further pur u thi inler­ visit to the U.A.R., Nasser per­ BLOUSES, SKIRTS, esting, yet extremely ,imple, m suaded him to allow Egypt to sell SWEATERS. 3 $1 Iowa City'. atate-owned liquor thod of Instructing a computer bow m'lrc 01 its cotton on the world FOR stol1l - with salCi oC more than a to accomplish various ta ks involv­ rr.arkd to obtain much-needed ing symbol manipUlations. An ex­ sun's, million dollars - rank 6th of cellent inlroductory manual is for eJ~ 1J currency. As a direct con­ $1 the 190 in Iowa in total income DRESSES. COATS EACH the City's newest and finest prestige available for COMfT that assume sequence of the Egyptian dic­ during the 1963 fiscal year. tator's sinister weapons build-up hotel. A lew ~tel" lrol1l world-lamous n(ll previou computer program­ Michigan Avenue Miracle Mile 'hopping, This was revealed Wednesday in ming expcricnce." and costly military intervention :· WEE Art G~lIerie5, Lake Michigan and in Yemen. his hard currency re­ , Rush Stret! Fnltrla;nm(nt afta. an audit of the operations of the Stale Liquor Control Commission, serves bave sunk {rom $277 mil­ 5 minute., 1'0111 the Loop. Beauty Salon on premi. u. wbich controls all the atate's liquor . lion in 1957 to a low of $15 mil­ City Faces Fight '. WASH stores. Ii

WILSON'S-CERTIFIED CHICKEN OF THE SEA • HICKORY SMOKED Sliced 'unk Style Tuna Ba--- .. 61>-0<. t cans I

'" , I Moving Time '" ~ Signs of President and Mrs. Virgil M. Hancher's impending depart. WILSON'S - CERTIFIED- "' ure were in evidence Wednesday with the appearance of pickIng boxes on the front porch of the Hancher residence ilnd iI moving ere~s WHat Hlakes To . ven parked at the curb. Hancher retires June 30 after serYin, 24 All Meat HIGH QUALI1Y, LOW paleES, SHOPPING years as president of SUI. -Photo by .ltan MUlgroVl uh Franks LEAN-N-TENDER - RIB STEAK OR ;Poll, , Shows Businessmen Dislike 'War on Poverty' u . , .• Providing more jobs will be the and a haJ( mil lion new jobs, Sirloin 'On-Iy ~litical issue to be brought Accordin~ to the late PreSident up at fm-thcomin g nominating con· Kennedy, 10.000 new jobs a day will !ventions that will generate much be needed to accommodate new ,interest among the nation's four graduates coming into the labor ALL MEAT SMOKED BRAUNSCHWIEGER OR Stea ,and a half million business pf(). lorce and the thousands being laid prietors .. They also dislike Presi· off due to lJutomallon, odent Johnson's "War on Poverty," The men polled vetoed President Sandwich , Thl~ Was indicated in a recent Jo'lnson's "WaI on Poverty" bilt ~1l en its members conducted by wl.ich would \-rovide substantial the National Federotion of Busi· sums for loons to people wanting tq Bologna ness (NFB 1. enter !.JUSlDoS:>. Instead the NFB , The businessmen evidenUy feel "1 ~11 Ibers Rt'IIOVed, by a 73 per, t~at they can solve a major part cent majQrity, a bill introduced by 'fifo the unemployment problem Rep. ("11111'1- 8 Chamberlain (R· ,themselves. More than 22 per cent Mich.l . It would permit a business M' those queried indicated they to plow ~ack :nto its operation 20 L1. plnn to expand, crcatinf! an aver. per ('cnt of aSl Y year's profits, tax age of 4.4 new jobs each. Projec. frec. up to s~o , ooo . .tipn. of this figure indicates small I li~slOeSs can create almost four CHUNKSrYLi ,·,r' 2 Piano Recitals

!'Brothers To Face Set for Weekend lfA~N .llNDP. sw,ss O~ cXOMA· PLAIN OR STU FFED WITH DRESSING c Two piano recitals will be pre· ,Round Steak lB. 65 ·:f.raudulent Use sented this weekend. Marcia Montie, G, Cleveland, Bo.. eless 'Of Mail Charges Ohio, wi11 present a recital Satur· LEAN·N·UNDER· OURFAVOIITUIIF LEAN·N·TEDN ER· YOUR fAVORITE BEEP OMAHA IA'KA'I - Frank J, Fabain day at 8 p.m. in Norlh Music Hall. Turkey Rolls and Joseph E. Fabain, Omaha The program will include "Con· Chuck ----isserie brothers, consented Wednesday to certo in the, Italian Style" by Bach, removal to Des Moines for prose· "Etudes in form of Variations, cution on 19 counts of mail fraud , Opus 13" by Schumann, and Iteak Roast Mozarl'~ ".Concerto in P Minor, ,'U.S" Commissioner Anthony, Do· K. 491.'1' , , ,. , 00 to 'fixed bond at 52,500, each ' 1 ~" Assistant United States Attorney Aija Ha, G, Seoul, Korell, Will 1,ll"esent her recital Sun(jay at 8 t r.:red~rick Coufal said the two \fere p,tn: l/! 'Norlh Music Hall. " I 'You. CHOICE i11dicted by a fede~al g(and jury ·",.t 88 The program will include ' "80- NoWaltr )n bes Moines for allegedly selljpg 1 stereo consoles under fals~ pre· nata in E mhor" by Grieg, "Sec· ond Sonata" by Paul Hindemith, tenses, using the mails in' the WITH 011 WITHOUT AM.t!iONIA process, "Estampes" by Debussy, and Coufal said customers were told "Concerto No, 1 in C Minor, Opus ,Handy Andy '!:':6fJC they would have a $15 rebate on IS" by Beethoven. SAVE lOe· WHITENS' ..,OHTIN. Both recitals are being presented the charges on the consoles Jf they UVE 10e. fOR flHE fAUIC$ used their machines as demon· in partial fulfillment of the require­ Rinso Blue ;" -;:6CJc ments for the master of arts c SAVE UC • ULTRA VlOln WHiTlHIl strators and brought additional cus· Fluffy All ''IZI:I··69 tomers to the sellers. degree. e un ~ ·IlUE LIQUID 94 Giant Surf .... 64 ~ : 9.1. $1 AU PUII'OSE DfTfRGENl Federal Luxury Tax Cold Water All 'IZ. • All Delergenl e UV.Ie,MILD Breeze 1.... 35 Grows More Distant c lux liquid 22bH.·"·57 SAVE lOe· ~IHK lIQUID rot oiSHI' WASHINGTON IA'I - Shopkeep­ SAVfllc • lIQUID Swan liquid ers won a big victory and their 32,·,,69' SAVE 100 · lOW SUDS4HO DtTIIIOINf women customers at least a partial Wisk Detergent .b. '~~2o.9 -, one Wednesday in their joint battle SAVE2~·ASSORTfOeOlOU 12 Vim Tablet~ Thurtd'YI Jun, 25, ,,,. to erase the Federal excise tax on 89c 8:00 Morning Snow Lux Soap . i:.~; U.S. D.A.· GRAD! A FRESH 8:01 News furs, cosmetics, handbags and jew· 9:30 Bookshelt IMlsklplppl: The elry. CloSed Society by James' V ItSto«T!DeOlOU 2 ~·."11 31' SUver) The Senate Finance Committee lux Soap • All While 9:55 News voted to apply the 10 per cent" tal , 10:00 Comparallvy Forel,n Press rate at the manufactuw'. ' ~vel, "HE, CORAL OR WHilE 11:58 Calendar ot EV~I 'Il. " 2 37c Larga Egg~ 11:59 News Headllne. " J~ ' rather than at the retail revel, Li febuoy' Soap ~::~ 12:00 Rhythm Rambles starting Oct. 1. Since the markup 12:80 News SAYE 5<. HEW lIGHr 11:45 News Back,round on such items is abouf 00 per cent, 1:00 Muslo this means half as large a tax 011 42c••. 0· ·74' • ,25 News " . Spry, Shortening 4:30 Tea Time ~~t items would be paiiid -00 .. 5:15 Sports Tbne SAVII5c· 'AIlIC som .. ER 5:30 News the customer, 'I c For the shopl(eeper It J'eIo .11' M~=Donn ~ 5!45 News Back,round _It Final Touch 33"'·74 '9. 6'00 Evenlng Concert 7!OO Emancipation Centennial move a burden of bookkeeping. MADlIOlOISHWASHU5 Lectures The proposal, adopted 13 lo 3, 1:00 CinCinnati Symphony Orchestra was offered by Sen, Eugene J. Mc· Dishwasher All 20,Ill.0· ·45' KWTSUMMU 49 9:45 News Flnal Carthy. (D·Minn.), " .,..,' 10:00 SIGN OF!" uvt 10: ' uelUSIVELY fOR WOME~ roe, 34" Cheese Spread 2~:~' ..,.....,. • ...... "".'-M\ .... bart " 1 Praise Soap " DC) Y~uf Washing •• 200EI1IA stAMPS In The AIR COOLED COMFORT WITH THIS eou~ AND THI OF I'III1CHASIOf $1 •• 00 ..... (bel.dl.,e...-, lIM,"r .... (oupoft pe, ,,,.... ., . KING KOIN oI!a"nJ~,.ell~ !liN .... Solc...... J_IM rla;;!:; Ple!dY'l1f FREE, Parking ..' A"-'II)~ .• n ~uty , .. daily':" , .. S~furday

.~ 'l doo;' sOuth of ~d).n~Icl'I · • J ~ Tale May; han Fiction • af Nearest Point to General War Since 1953 An A' News An.IVll, r"pOnd.nt In S.lgon, Malcolm W. show that it was possible to tie has been overwbe1miDgly military. peets for increasing the num~r of dhist and pomiral opposition to Ngo and Washinlltoa have not ~ so Ire sil'..Lmboat to the tree in ques. , EDITDR'$ NOTE - Wh.t I, Ihe Irowne. winner of the ,,,lib.. 'rlze ILOCIte.Tlylor lhllt In Viet Nlm likely for his reporting from th.t wlrfront. especlaJly at the working level - U.S. servicemen here Dinh Diem had readied the pornt load in years. American offICials tion because of the high level of 10 mtln? II Ihe United 51.tH .pl 10 in the field . ' Hnd In more ""npower? The.. .,. SAIGON, South Viet Nam III - • U.S, MILITARY pokesm:m ex· at .hieh the war against the Viet have creat falth In KhaM. watel'. Imon, the questions dealt with In WITH SOME SMALL antfcipated plAined : "We have enough people Coog guelTillas wa virtually (or­ William J. Petersen, associate this In. lysis by thl AP', 'hlef cor· America appears to be facing Its increases, U.S. civlUan field work· here now to [umU the mission as.­ But the Vjd COlli has made professor of history and superin. closest approach to a general war ers will number a little over 200 signed to us. or course. if Uult gotten. Lodge had to deal with • steady advances. It bas opened a tendent of lhe Iowa State Historical in Asia since the clOse of hos· men and women, Of th~, rough­ m' roo hould change, the hoi Government th t had bitor:ne out· danferous De oft nsf e in Laot, SoriCIY, believes that if such a boat tilities rn Korea in 1953. ly 150 are field representatives of picture would change." pokenly anti·Amerlcan, more c:on- and bas scored importaDt dlpJo­ w~rl' used it was probably of lOCal Pre Ident Johnson hll! appointed the U.S. aid missIon, charged not Be was referrinl to 8 pos Ibl cemed with demonstrating I au· matie points In nelghborioa Cam­ ori!!in. possibty one used for tr!lll8. only with distributing aid locally bodia. appueotly bas porting sand and gravel. : his highest ranking octive-duty leneraJ escalation of the U.S. mili· tonomy than with work/iii on joint Washi.aJton soldier to take charge in the hottest but with pursumg pollticaJ, social tary in\·oIvemenl. decided the time [or a sbwdown rf COUL D NOT have come up and educational prejects at the pions. Lodge's immedIate problem of the Asian hot spots - South The slgnlflcance of Taylor', job may Iw at baud with wbat It re­ lhe Mississippi River, he Viet Nam. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor rice·roots level. was the polrticol rruis 10 Saigon. , as the two bipest trouhl says, because of the bridges qn appears to ~ in that context. As p" knows his way around in these Another 50 or so American field coordinator of the entire Am riran President Diem and his tronl m¥trl In South t All - Com· the Iowa River. If this were the aDd North Viet parts, both rn uniform and In din· workers came from the U.S. In· effort here, he could t k over io· man brother, Ngo Dinb Nhu, were munlst China Nam. case, the boat would not have been ner clothes. formation Agency and the Central TAYLOR COMIS wltll the knowl· large, but rather a sm1 lhe Mlsalsslppl a a recreation candldat for Con man from area and to m I til I'1Ipldly III· Iowa'. First District. cree inl need of Indu try and altl. eultur ." ~ kina at a public heorinl on Sc.hmldha r rn'Uc1zed his Re· publican opponent, Fred Schw n· 1Ie1. lor recent comm nll tore a Concert Ends COft8J' Ion I committ In whkh Sch ena I said IowaOJ could car I. about .at r pollution In th CONVENIENCE, FRIINDLY PIRSONMIL ••• AiMD YOU II Mi r Ippl River. The Democratic candidat sold ] thal Scott ounty Chapter of the tlOac Walton Leaaue had COlI· FRESH, SOLI 0, CRISP trlbut!d a trem ndaus amoWlf ar • More than .so ),oWltl mUSlclans 11m and nOli , 1iI cailln • public • wIll appear In concert Frida)' attention to the n for wa r I· evenln. to close SUI'. 15th .nnuru dutton abatt'menl. All tat M Ic Camp, which be· H al50 ID d thllt Indw.trle in gan June 14. Til COD«rt, fe tur· the Quad cUy area had called at. in, bllnd, chota! ' aOd arch !raj te/lUOO to the problem. clllnc I J. arouPi. will beiln (It • p.m, In meny 'ven lit 8 1 conference on Iowa Memorlil Union. Tick will pollunon h Id In Clinton at which nOl be reqUired Cor the concert, a starr en In r t the Rlv rdal which will be open to the public. Aluminum plant I tried thlt "\II THE CADET lAND will open have In t lJed or used laree quan· the provtlm with (Ive I. tiOftl tilleJ of coollnll ster (rom - "F "Core and prlcclo," b river, Dnd would like to 10),. 1£ Seha fer: "Uorlzon Overture," this pollution conlinu • it w~1 ITAIM. 1m TUuml Buys; "l1Iihllahts from'W Sid evtntually uffect our operL\t1onJ/' Thot', right I this uwfuj and cry,' " Ber"·teln·Jngr.... m', "Mu Ie " In vrt! 01 the urgent need ror ottroc:ti", Itainl." 1,"1 whiltllng t.o­ (or a c!remoI1Y," Morrl ey; and waler pollution abatement. it ill kettle II youn lor just one lillad King "BllndololY; Concert March," 0 t· incomprehensible to m why Mr. Kom Stomp book. Ttlil teak.ttl. holds rllng. Th Cadet B tid will be con· Schw n el voted to kill both 1M 2V2 quarts. oild ill aluminum bottom ductai by Warren Hllt(leld, dlrec· ,tronl I .lslallon to Ilbate water heel" quickly and the srurdy bokel~ tor o( th South Dakota State nl· pollution In 1959 Ilnd the Kennedy handle Itays cool, It's ICIly 10 fin, vu y Blind. walfr abatement program of t961," sale to pour . . . und a cheery whistle The AU·Stale Orchestra, conduct· Sthmldhauser &ald. J telll you when the wof« Itarn to ed by AUan Bone, Duke University, ". believe the ciUzena of the boil, Hurry ond vet }'OlIn ~ • • , Durham, N.C., will present work! First District do care about waler MOST POPULAR SALAD VIGnAILEI thl. offer endl SoturcIay, June 27thl represent live of En I I s n d - pollution and I. also bellev they "Overture 'Theodora'." Bandel· should be r pr nted In ConI" . Jacob; "EngUsh Dances, Set rI," by a m mber who will give hi. full nUll. SNAP" WITH llAVO. Arnold: ''T~ucb Her ,~n Ups and support to legislation aimed at fl«M. HOT HOUSE GlOWN 39c Port (rom Benry"V. Wallon - clelln water ror Americ •. To ttii. Red-Ripe Tomatoes Lt . . Red Radishes and or Americll: Dovetail Over· ,oal I pledg my support." Schm4l. ture," Mucz)'lISky, and "Poem and hau r declared, Dane ," Quincy . ____ FRESH, CRISPY & YOUNG fRESH . TASTY, TENDER HEADS DAHII!L MOE, dJreclor of choral Ob R 't I 5 d actlvltl~ at sur tIIUI lead the All. oe eCI a un ay BOlton St.iIle ChOI'\IS In 'bl. own compo.i· In North Music Hall lion, "Hosonna," and In "0 Sina Onions Lettuce Joy(uly," Bat1en: ''Sicut UltUtId Theodore Her, A4, AM AtbClr, Est" from "The Mlgnillcat," J. . Mich., will present an oboe recital Bach : "PralIe God the Lord, " unday at 4 p.m. 1D North ?Iusi Modde; "Let UI ow Praise Fa· Hall. mous Men," Vaulllln Williams; .nd Heger wUl be nssisted by Norma "Syml)hdny II( PSlIlnl,l, Fltst Move· Cross, ocrate prof sor or music, 1I·t9· tnent," Slra lasky. The chorus will plano; Gerhard Krapf. a oriate be accompanied by Susan Brand· professor o{ music. harpsichord ; flAVOI ACCINIS PORSAlADSI on, Celina, Ohio, rraduate student. Betly Bang, a I tant professor of muaic, nute; and Robert Glidden, tEG. $1 .0' · ~fl'l-l · ltAlION· LrvUO«}(fl 8~ WISHIONI· GOLD ITAll.AN Of G.t..llC The All· tate Concert Band. un· COLG"TE IMlILT SIZE .... 1~ der the dlrecllon of Paul Bebm, teacher It Unlver Ity Hlgb School, SAVE 5c • HOME STYlE Dog Food .0 U!.:,. 7- Toothpaste c French Dressing ~II, 7~ director of instrumental music In bassoon. "''''' 66 the Mason City SChool system, wlU Heger', pl'Oj(ram will Include _fGULAR 39< lACH • GULlklSf TANG· !2c011 LAIIl conclude the concert with "An Ori· French lAST ACTINO IU"UIN 08 "Sonala No. 6 In G Minor" by An· Shrimp : "~ . of $1 Orange Drink ,. 21·'la, ·79c glnal !Illite," Gordon Jacob; "Far tonlo Vivaldi ; "Trio-Sonate m ~ Tablets 100 Dominion," Pyle; "SelecUons from Minor" by Johann Joachen Quanu; UGUIAJ", • IOU"" • CH!CUN OR Bread CAMl'lflL'S . AMEIIC"'SfAVO.lTf ·Mr. Ludcy' ," M8ncini·Kran~ ; "Sonata" by Francis Poulenc; and 5 $1 60 Q.T,· QUICIC TANHING $2 and "America the Beaut/JUl ," Pork & Beans 2~:," 18 Beef Stew 1''''COft · 3~7- "Concerto" by Eugene Goouens. . Tanning lotiontoch ri~. Wlrd·Dragob, DARTMOUTH· 'USH ~lfN 5V"I'lTIU·HAIISCO 'A3 c IfGULU 01 H"RO TO HOlq vo.s $1 88 1'00 MUCH WHISkIY- Tender Peas Snack Varieties pl.g. £t C 3=·39 Hair Spray I:::. ~~ ...... ~~- ...... -...... LONDON til - "For a potIJId"­ Let The --~-- ...... MINUTE MAID· fUSH flOU" o.GU·V"lU·IIfSH 3~ $%.80 - said Patrick Doherty, %4, TOHIUNCU~Y 2 Orange Juice 7- "I'U drink thlJ." In hi. hand he . t!~~ · 5~ Permanent White Bread ~. held a full bottle of whfjky, Univenity Take "Drink It!" abouted aomeoDe In W•• ..."..TM RJ,., SEcm .lOU-ON T.U.ltO'... 'iu.~ the pub. REG.3 FOR oIOc • • 11- JAlfA. fROM ISlAfL lor.. 81 c Doherty, in three large 1111111, (are of Vour • ASSORTED COLORS Deodorant "" pl.. • swallowed the contenu. f.f.T. Ten minutes laler he pas~ out. fMIIlYSflE.llQUlD $1 18 ~ next day be waa dead. Banking I Scot Prell Shampoo loll. Cor-er W, R. B, Osborne pye Ute cause of death .. respiratlll1 C.II .xttntloft 2170, ...... IAND-AID • ASSOITfD 51 m Tissue 0:,:. 77c ~aIysJs caused by 4lcoboI. Payroll Department .. MIMI Plastic Strips Ii. fOUr check '0 Co,.'" lank & Trust Co. The filii of each STAlNlUSSIUl.INJKTOR 81 c Wa.h & Dry Cleaning Schick Blades p6~" SPECIALS IIRIftfh '" 1M • ..., cletaII­ "" .he "., r 0 u. amount creclitecl 10 your account. SHIRTS . . 20c IA. lUCKS, SHORTS, rh.,. .. no better or MIler ILOU'IS, SKIRTS, ..., 10 han •• your bankJnr, SWIATIR. 3 POA $1 ...... neu. So IImpie .. PUt. Into operatlofll Phone • ...... : suits, $1 .n 2170 tocIoy. DltIUIS, COATS IACH ...... ,,.. • SAV.E-WAY. CLEANERS, INC. Hwr.' ...... 7""­ ...... Ce. & AIMIe ....

/I. f

~ - ... - - ...... p ... ~THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, la.-Thursday, Jun. 15, 1964 Houston Wins, 7-5, City Golfer Shoots 67; f Lo~ Angeles Sinks Angels Sign McKinley, Billie Jean Moffitt l~ M"waukee, 75-4, On 6-Run Seventh ST. LOUIS IN! .- The Houston Colts. tying their biggest inning oC A~vance in Wimbledon Tests II the season, came from behind with ~s ~~~~~~.,!?~y ~~~!:~~I ~~:A!~i~ ~,t~:~ ~~~GE~!~~~~! six runs in the seventh inning Wed· WIMBLEDON, England "" - the third round. It took him three man, a 22·year-{)ld Iowa City golf. of Fort Madison and Ron John · geles Dodger. went on a 19·hit ardt. widely sought baseball star nesday night and held on to defeat Chuck McKinley and Billie Jean days to top Patricio Rodriguez of er Wednesday shot a 5·under·par son of Bloomfield ; pro Jack Hall of binge and buried the from the University of Wisconsin, St. Louis 7·5. Moffitt. brightest United States Chile 7·5. 16-14, 6-4 in a match in· 67 Wednesday on the Hyperion Des Moines and amateurs Jim Be- Milwaukee Braves 15.4. Home runs formally signed a contract with the The Colts, trailing 3·) . started hopes for honors, got the scare of Field Club course for the second· lisle. Ron Burns and Jack Kinley, by Frank Howard and John Rose. their tennis lives Wednesday before terrupted Monday by bad light and AMERICAN LEAGUE Los Angeles Angels Wednesday for their winning seventh with Dave Tuesday by rain. Scott quickly took w. L. Pct. G.B. best round in the pro-amateur tune· all of Des Moines; and Des Moines boro topped the attack, which also advancing in the Wimbledon cham· a sum that was not disclosed but Roberts' pinch . Consecutive three games to ena that match and · Baltimore 41 25 .821 up for the Iowa Amateur golf amateurs Buck Whipps, Warren included a and five doubles estimated to be over $100.000. singles by Bob Lillis, Mike White plonships on another day of upsets. New York . 38 25 .603 1 ~ then defeated Carlos Fernandes of xChtc.go 35 26 .574 tournament which starts today. Dickenson. Russ Dickenson and and added up to 32 total bases. 3~ The 21-year-{)ld handsome, hard· and Joe Gaines scored two runs McKinley, the 23-year-old defend· Brazil 6-2, 6-4. 3-6, 6-1. xMlnnesota 34 32 .515 7 Ralph Campiano of Des Moines Tex Allen. and gal rid of starter Ray Sadecki. ing men's singles champion from xCleveland 31 31 .500 8 shot 6·under·par 66 for the best 'The amaleurs will play 18 holes Don Drysdale breezed to his lOth hitting . who flew earlier Bill Bond of SaD Diego, Calif., xB08l0n ... 32 35 .m 9 ~ victory of the season. He was Wednesday from his home in Reliever Mike Cuellar threw San Antonio, Tex .. and Miss Mof­ marched into the third round by lCDetrolt ...... 29 34 .460 10 ~ fitt both won their ma.ciles but xLos Angeles .... 31 37 .456 11 score. today with the field cui to the 125 scored on only in the fourth inning, Stevens Point, Wis ., huddled pri. wildly for an error on Walt Bond's downing Lew Gerrard of New Zea· xWashlngton . . 29 ~J .414 14 Compiano. 25·yeaNld bachelor. low scores and ties for Friday's when a by Mathews vately with Angel officials, includ­ bunt single. giving Houston the onlY after being pressed hard all land 7-5, 6-3. 6-2 and Arthur Ashe xKansas Clly 26 40 .394 U the way. xPlayecj night games led his team to the pro-am title. 18.hol~ roun~ . 'The. low 50 . scores sparked a Milwaukee up- ing board chairman Gene Autry, lead run. Then, after Cuellar walk· of Richmond, Va., climbed over Wednesday's Results ('om piano is one of half a 'dozen and lies FrIday will play In Sat· rising. With a bulging lead. Drys- TWO MORE of the men's seeds President Robert O. and ed Bob Aspromonte purposely and another American, Cliff Richey of Baltimore 7, New York 4 talented young golfers among the w'day's 3S·hole showd0-:vn. dale went out for a in fanned , Fox squeezed werQ not 8S fortunate as r.icKinley. . Cleveland 12, Mlnnesola 3 (First a! General Manager Fred Haney. Da II as, 4-6, 4-6, 6-3. 6-2, 6-2 m a 2. Second game nl,ht) field of about 200 that will chal· the eighth and Ron Perranoski a run home before Jerry (jrote Martin Mulligan of Australia, second·round match. Washtngton at Los An,eles - nIght Autry was asked how much the eiChth·seeded, lost 6-4, 6·2, 6-4 to DetroIt at Kansas City - n1fbt lenge defending champion Steve Pirates' Friend gave up a run in the ninth. youngster received. but the former singled for two more. fellow Australian Bob Hewitt. Miss Moffitt, the Wightman Cup Boston at Chicago - night. Spray of Indianola in ' the 72-hole I paced the biggest singing cowboy tossed the ball to White finished with four hits for Seventh·seeded Nicola Pietrangelo star Crom Long Beach, Calif., Today" Probable I tournament which ends Saturday. Dodger offensive of the year. He Haney, who declined to go into fig· the Colts. scrambled to a 7-5, 4-6. 6-3 victory New York (Bouton ~) at Baltimore Wins 12th Straight of Italy went out to France's (Barber 3-4) - night Sarg Fontanini of Des Moines collected four singles and a walk ures. over Italy's Roberta Beltrame in Cleveland (Krallck 7-2) at Minnesota Pierre Barthes, 6-3, 7-5, 6-4. had a 68. '" From Mets, 3-1 for a perfect day at bat, scored Actually, Reichardt was signed week. He may continue on to Balti· a first·round match. The American (G~~~~~-4bly (Pena 7-6) at Los An. Com piano teamed with amateurs three runs, drove in one. and stole more, but lhen will report to As Dennis Ralston. the fifth seed is seeded third behind Australia's gelel (Newman 5·2) - night to the Angels' Davenport club in from Bakersfield, Calif.. went out Larry Lockridge of Des Moines NEW YORK IA'I - , his 24th and 25th bases of the the Midwest League. The rookie Davenport. Margaret Smith, the defending Only games scheduled. and AI Hoy of Jefferson and pro the best fan the season. in the first round, three of the champion, and Maria Bueno, the will join the big club immediately Bill Hird Sr. of Fort Dodge for have, beat 's last· Lo. Ang.'.' ... 340 120 500-1S " 0 eight men's seeds are out going Brazilian who won in 1959 and 1960. W. L. Pet. and accompany the Angels to New into the third round. xPhlladclphla 39 24 .619 G.B. a best·ball winning total of 59 place team for the 12th straight Milwaukee . 000 300 001- " 7 0 York for the Yankee series next IN AN 0 THE R second·round San Francisco 40 27 .597 I strokes, II'me Wednesday wI'th nl'nth-J'nnl'ng Drysdlle, Pernnoskl (t) .nd Rose· McKinley, winner last year with· boro, Toroorg (7). Clonlngtr, 1111· match in men's singles Alexander Pittsburgh . . 35 29 .547 4~ Compiano scored six birdies and relief help from AI McBean as InVlmt (I), Olivo (5), Hoeft (7)&Tlt,en. oot dropping a set, had to go five CIncinnati ...... 35 31 .530 5~ - DOORS OPEN 1:15- Metreveli of Russia eliminated Jim xChlcago . 31 31 .500 7 ~ Hird helped when he holed a Pittsburgh hung up a 3.1 victory. luer ('), Ind Bailey. W - rysdal. sets in a 1 hour-45 minute match (10-6). L - ClonInger (5-7). eNOS McManus of Berkeley, Calif., 6-3 , SI. Louis ...... 33 34 .~9 3 8 l30·yard wedge shot for an eagle The veteran Pirate right·hander Hom. runs - Los Angele., Howard NOW! SATURDAY I tltfore he eliminated Tomas Koch, 2·6, 6-4 , 10·12, 6·4. Los Angeles ... 33 34 .493 8 a young Brazilian Davis Cupper. Houston . 33 35 .465 8 y' on the t6th hole. eveDed his season record at 6-6 (17). ROHboro (2). Milwaukee ... . 31 36 .463 10 Spray's team came in second with his fourth victory over the BACKS S(GN----- The Big Movie Screcm Takes 3,6, 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4. McKinley is New York .. 20 49 .290 22 rot, all A Vacal/oll Holiday! .ded second behind Roy Emerson Palmer Won't Play xPlayed night ga me with a best· ball score of 60 strokes. ~ets this year. Friend allowed 10 I ST. LOUIS ;; _ The St. Louis of Australia, who also advanced to Wednesday's Rllull Others on the .team were ama- hIts and the Mets had a rurrner on I f tb II Cd' I ed W d. -STARTS- Pittsburgh 3, New York J teurs Ed Kelley of Des Moines and base in every inning except the oosd a thar ~na.s annfoubnc J e third round. Los Angeles 1~, MIlwaukee • FUNNIN' 'N SURFIN' tle Johnny Jacobs of Cedar Rapids eighth. ne ,ay e slgrung 0 .ac kson h • TO-DAY· EUGENE SCOTT of St. James, In British Open San Francisco ; Cincinnati 1 Houston 7 St, Louis ~ and pro Chuck Zwiener of Iowa After Joe Christopher broke his DaVId Crow, an~ PrentIce Gault, N.Y., a 26-year·old Davis Cup per, Chicago ai Philadelphia - night (A'I - City. Spray said he did not keep shutout bid with his eighth home who wer~ s~d~~ed most of last • won two matches to advance to CLEVELAND Arnold Pal­ Tod.y's Problble Pltcho .. LIKE IT WAS mer said Wednesday he will not Pllt sbur~h (Gibbon 4-2) at New York track of all his scoring, but added run of the year in the ninth and season With IDJurles. TAILOR-MADE play in the British Open July 8 (Fisher 5·5) be Houston (Bruce 7·3) at SI. Lo~11 that felt he was playing well. Jesse Gonder followed with his because of time limitations. but (Gibson 6-4) He said, hOWever. that his wrist thir~ single, Friend gave way to • ENDS TONITE • FOR IOWA CITY I Los Angeles (Koufax 10-4) at San "be .. ass)Jre<\ I will play in the Francisco (Herbel 4·3) - night - which· he injured last April - McStan. GEORGE/S 'British Open many times in the Only games sc hedu lec1. was giving 'mO):e trQU~I~ •.than it Willie Stargell drove in two of "BRIDGE ON THE • Broasted Chicken future." had recently. the pirate runs with a single in RIVER KWAI" Pa\mer is here for the $110,000 Orioles Top Yanks Four teBr{l& sbot best.b~lJ scores the first-iDniAg and a force play a la ca~te of 62. - - - in the hied. •.• Last Show at 8:00 lI.m .... Cleveland Open, which starts These little one.eyed 'E They were pro ~oe Brown of Des Plttsltul'lll J. _ ••• 101 000 1OG-3 • 2 Just wonderful for picnics, today. O H I Capitol Strltet aren't cannot play in the British n ur er s rror I Moines arid amatelll'8 J. D. Turn· ,N~~,,~~~ Mt·Ii'.n~,rol:'-~ur~~SI~ Filmed at parties and backyard cook· "I The lowa·llllnois GIIS ..outs. Open because I am playing in the er of Perr~ Bollman IlDd Jim CiSCO, Hunter (') Ind Gond.r. W - fZf1fiD Occident. I BALTIMORE IA'I - A three·base Rasley 6f Des Moirtes' pro Max' FrIend ('''). L - Cisco (3.'). C;oll,g. Whitemarsh tournament in Phila· . b l'el't h' . , . Hom. run - Htw York, Chrlltoph.r Ind 4 pl.ell (liz throwmg error y re I pI C er Hmes of Decorah amateurs JJm ('). Millbu delphia, where I am defending Stan Williams led to three un· -;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO ­ Starts FRIDAY! BOIchl champion, and that tournament • pl.ces • .1.95 earned runs in the eighth inning , (whol. chlck.n) winds up on Sunday, July 5," the and brought Baltimore a 7·4 vic· Masters champion said. tory over the fIf±f'f29 Now! Ends Friday ICOLoiJ 12 pllce. .2.95 Wednesday night. DbREN Tobacco The triumph moved the Ameri· It's a manllt's • "shllt's • limpet! ~ " pl.e•• .3.95 LASSIE/S can League·leading Orioles IJh c•• ,_ 01 ...... 1 .... games ahead of the second·place Tlff=IN -_.MID "'UIT 'UII 10 pi".. • • . .4.95 RED BARN I Yankees. P.romise (Loh of chicken) New York . 000 400 0K-4 • 2 BIUlmore 220 000 03x-7 13 0 _L: (3). Ford. Wllilims tnd Howlrd; Rob· rllUtlWll__ 14 pi"I' . • •. 5.75 NOW OPEN erts, Hlddlx (5). HIli (7) Ind Orsino. IC"_ j Brown (9). W - HIli, (5.0,. L - WII· _ c.."..,.. -In color­ Court Fig 111m., (0.1). 11 '.m. to 11 p.m. - alltlmore. Brandt ('). YI_"''' .. _ with GE,ORGE'S Dilly - Sund.y Includtd lMS SIGNS WITH BEARS - DlVlm__ DELPHINE SEYRIG Servin, Hot Noon Lunchel Gina Loliabrigida in GOURMET FOODS CHICAGO (A'I - Speedy halfback vOU't "",tI· •.. the .tar of 111e Incredible 114S.DUBUQVE Full Mlnu - C.rry Out Mike Brown of the University of .,,,- 'mAL "Marien bad" "HUNCHBACK OF OIMfl "I.m. 10 I I.m. DIIlV DLlini Room Delaware signed Wednesday with VINICI " ..... Mr.Umpet 'rl•• n lit. 'till 2:31 '.m. lMS - color - NOTRE DAME" 713 S. RiYlnid. DrIve the Chicago Bears, National Foot· iii'uom CAIW COOK ·ANDREW DUG6AN •••••••• •• ball League champions .

• into effecl jts cigaret labels and warn the public that <;au e death (rom diseases. SALES The commission, in ·ls·lng Rates SINGLE AND DOUBLE. Summer and NICE 1"1'80 approved rooms. 338-6801 or EXPERIENCED. Medical preferred. DIAPERENE DIaper Rental Service by CANOESI En JOY outstanding Old the rule Wednesday, ~. ~vert fall. Over 21. 338·5637 aCler 4:00. 7·2 838·8535. 8-30 837·7580. 6-%7 New Procell Laundry. 313 S. Du· Town's or Grumman' •. Selecf from REPRESENT AlIVE buque. Phone 331·9686. 7·2AR .tock here. Headquarters tor canoe.. YOIIr Army as the deadlme for ,",,... Day...... 15c a Word 3 LARGE above average rooms. Men. MEN. Summer, Cooking prlvUegel. DORIS A. DELANEY·SECRETARIAL See us. Expert canoe service. Free Natlonal Opportunity and future sellin, notices. Bul F'TC C:l fu 1r_~~hu&bdle. ,.~w8~~~. d., 2 tingle. Line,n.28 337-5652. 7-6 SERVICE. TyJlln,. mimeographing. mONINGS. Student boys Ind girls. color catalogue. Carlson, 192.4 Albia G ..... essential electrical pro due ts Rand Dixon ... Days ...... It«: • Word ''''' ~ ""....,.... 2NI~t8a.r'j Public. 211 Dey Bldg. Dlal7.• 3 AR38- 1016 Rochester. 337.2824. 7-11 Road, , Iowa. 7·10 u_ .. APPROVED ROOMS - Men. Clole In. •• ~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;J where orders repeat steadily. courl suits could . T.. Days ... _...... 23c • Word . .SINGLEClole In. and338-8338. double roollll lor girl..8·25 337·2573. 7-I3AR TYPING ..• experienced. 837·2«7. WANT mONINGs. 388-8331. 7·13 .."'UTOMOTM Established accounts. ProtectedC tivl'ncss lor years . One Month ...... 44c a Word UNIVERSITY APPROVED .1 n g 1 e 7-leAR jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOi .;;;;;..;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;... territory, Car essential. om. THE THREAT of a SINGLE ROOM, male student, Kitchen. rooms. Summer. Boys summer rates. TYPING, m1meo'fl'apbin,g, Notary pu~. mission, bonuses s t II r t with t(> ~i alized Thursday (MInimum AlII I Word.) Close In. Dial 338-0129 or 338fliAa Cooklng_ pr_lv_lI_eees. 337-3205. 6·25 Hc. Mar'j V. Burn .. 400 lowl State YOUNG LADIES WANTED training period. Full details to DISCOUNT Gray, board chairman ... Consecutl'" InMrtI_ .,.CH- O""'IC=E,--•.,..ln ....,gl,--e- roo- m,- M- .""Ie-. ""'CI'::'ose~to APPROVED ROOMS - nice. Summer Bank. Dial 331'2858. 7·20 MOTORCYCLES GOING TO EUROPE'• Mercy Hospital. 837-5118. 6-24 and fa~38.2518. 7·24AR -NAN--CY- KR- U- S-E-d Electric Typln, Attractive young ladies wanted BOX 112 Reynolds Tobacco Co , CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS BM fore the House I.nrnmp. MEN over 21. Close to campus. Clean, AIR·CONDITIONED approved .Ingle Service. Dial lIolII-6854. 7·2OAR N.w Brldlle.tone gin to ..rv. as models in advertise. DAILY IOWAN OM , ...rtton a Month .. .. 'US' quIet. Cooking privileges. 11 E. Bur. room. Man. 338·6341. 7·2 New and Used Pam We are specialists in arran g tee. Iington. Phone 337-3268 or 337·5349. RING TYPING, I to 5 week dall All Model. Dverseas deliveries. Choose (rom menh for ttl, University and ...______.... "r am here," " .. I... ..,""s •Monttl .. 'US' .______7..;; 24A ..... R fOR RENT 338-6415. • 7·20 HILLS CYCLE SHOP Mercedes, Triumph, MG, Ren- Registration Editions of THE • _____-'- ____ gressmen. "as a T.,. Il1Mf1hm. • Month ,., ,'.15' SINGLE, summer and fill. Male over JE~~ymf!.~~r~pf."e;.t~Jr:. ~~ ault &: other fine cars. DAILY IOWAN. Must supply.' manufacturers of 21. 211 N. Dodge. H NEW portable television sets for rent...... RIVInIda~ low. Brand n.w can d.II.,.,.d In ....______.... garets produced in ...... fir iech Col""," Inch BARGAI~r rates. 530 N. Clln. Ca 11 3883222. . 718. TYPl":.,,"G -I-Ctrl c,; 0 •.ype _...... r ' ..'" ,,~. rI N-"_ F"I I ns, prop_ E-- ...... a, low as $'''. willet·sized photo. Apply in per- In reply to qUt:'lIun~ ton. Graduate men. Cooking. 337· FOR RENT: Adding machine .... tele. .!.nced. SlUllG. I! .,7· 1\ ' o,.n EVlnln .. '::10, Sun. 5:10 son to ttl. AdVlrtlslnt Director, RETAIL HARDWARE Phone 337-4191 5481 or 317-5848. ' ·28R vlslon5~ tY!Jcwrlt,rs. Mlro He/ltal. ALLEN IMPORTS !OI Communlcltlons C.nt.r be- h~ \w.t\~I/~s. the , SUMMER rooms for m.en. One aIr- phone 3 ·971. 7·14 ___-M-I-S-C.-PO-I-SALl--- __., fort 12:00 p.m., Thursday, Junl and on~ in trying to I""""" "'IM ...... L condlUoned. Off·street parking. 610 '. 1124 1st Ave. NE EM 3.2611 25 HOUSEWARE SALES get control of one '1 MY E. C1)utcb St. 7·JO WANTED F-'1\1\( FRESH eUI A lar,e. a doz. • industry," and he IIrtCtdIIlt publlc.tltn...... ______. $1.00. lohn', GrOl:eTY. Free DeHver'j. CEDAR RAPIDS AND PROMOTION added it also was MALE ROOMMATE to .hare new .....1 , r, .• 11111,. J.. ' · 1-28R 1/ C. J. VeDepo "a first step (0 get ,,"*" • a.m. Ie 4::10 p...... APAIlTMENTS POI RENT apartment. Preler grad student. c.n' KJ'DDlE ' ~:"dK8. Carry baby 'en your Young Man C...... Satu"y•• All..,. 337-7271 beforc noon. 1-:IIi back. Doublel II car leot. 31'7.5340 and Son. conltol of other in· -VI- APARTMENTS for lummer. 338-5637. MOBILE HOMES ~R SALE for "I.s and merchandl.lng In .....111 III I._ will hoIp .,.. WANTED:Ironln,s. 338-9200 or 338- after 5:00 p.m. '1·19 ~ .IJ our hardwar. store. dustries." G ray Alter' p.m. 7·2 c 0 YOUNG WOMAN WANTED _l1li JOUr III. 6287. 7.2 GAS RANGE. f30.oo. Table, other BARBER III did not make spe­ LARGE flnt floor apartment lor 3 NEW and used mobHe homes. Park· Colleg, degr" not e"lntlll but cific suggestions or • ,Iris. Close In. 538-8336. 6-25 housebold Item.. 338-3823. 7·7 j lng, towing and part •. Dennis MobUe Young woman want.d tor drip, SERVICE I Home Court. 2312 MuscaUne Ave., .ome college or .al.s experlenc. on what the indus· USED CARS REFRIGERATOR 20, rug .. table1}ampa, ~ nJRNlSHI!lD apartment to lublease. 3 used crib, mIse. Phone 338-53..,. 1-:IIi .. lowl City, 337-4791. 7·2AR I Iry departm.nt. Knowledge of advantageous. Must be aggrt.­ try t h ink s Con· Q 1958 Rlchardlon S'd5'. Freshly coated rooms and ,arage. 1132 E. Wublng. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. good I BOYS' HAIR CUTS $1.25 .. color ISs.ntlal. Must bt over 21. sive end c:apabl. of anumin, gress sho u I d do. ton. 338·74.13. 6-30 mechanical condition. 338.0320 after 'U PHILCO portable TV Includes > roof. 2 bedroom. Shower. Winter responsibility. Ag. :n·35. CHILD CARl 5:00 p.m. 6-211 .tand. ,10.00. 338-3884 after 12:00 conditioned. 338·9140. 6-27 Will trlin for job. \ Fir s t. he said, FOR RENT - Upstairs ot duplex. p.m. 6-2t1 423 E. WASHINGTON Good .tartin, .alary with future KIrkwood .nd one bedroom living MiJsTSELL 38' x 8' Prairie Schooner. Call 331·1151 for ,ppolntm.nt. incentive plan. "We do not believe WILL lit. My home. I!lxur\enced room, large kitchen and prlva~e bath. 1900 VOLKSWAGEN. Black. flOSO.oo or Ver'j nice. 337-4250 eventngs. 3S7· best oIfer. 338·3823. 7·7 MOVING: will sell 11184 model Magna. YeDepo, Chat 9772 days. 7·2 ernmental action is and referencel. 838-1807. 8-11 Completely furnlahed including wall· vox, 19 InCh. Used 8 montb •. ReallOn· Dial 337-3892 for appoint· to-wall carpetlng. Heat furnIshed. Nice able. 336·2563 after 4:00 p.m. 1-26 the present time back yard. Private entrance. $100.00 1962 VOLKSWAGEN - Sunroof, radl~ KIRWAN ment hetween 6-S p.m. with cigaret advertising t per montb. Married couple or two 20,000 mUes. 337·7119. 1-'-1 MOTOR BIKE: Honda l5.!IJ.electnc sta~l :~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONE WAY TRAILERS Mr, Cile" or apply in writIng GRAY SAtD the PETS atrla only. Pbone 338-1151 until 5:00 '61 FORD G.luy convertIble. FuJI wlndlhleld .•.00. ~7173...... p.m. 338-M16 after tIx. TFN power, air-conditioned. $1600. 337· fOR RENT FURNITURE to 80· 113, Dally Iowan, not want the FTC tlAllESE IlItte"" Inr Ale. "·1·HII8. 7-5 UPPER APARTMENT duplex on Mus· 73n ~ mONlNG BOARDS, Irons, dlahel, pan., Me? Student Rat .. Iowa City, Iowa. unlike a law, it catlne Ave. Two spacious bedrooms, kettlel, push I,wn mowers, table., OVI ng .. the slates and ET BOARDING. JuH"1 FIrm Ken. Hvln, room, kitchen Ind dining area. book" book ease., olflce cbaln, oc· cislonal chair., thermos jUgll electrIC Myers nela. 338-3057. 7·24AR Yard and parkin,. Stove. refrigerator PUSONAL razor., IiIverware-IOc elcn, tool., Texaco from furnllhed. Sept rate utilities. ,110.00 mUlleal lnJtnunenls, I\Iltlr.. banJOI, 337-9101 Aero .. from Hy-V" E.m $7.- to $15.000 per a. a concrete tlChnici.n Dr prote .. own. month. S37-335e. 7·26 AN IMPORTANT QUESTION: Hive accordiolUl, vl~~~'Lukelele., elartneta. Ilonll dl.MI (over the rold) truck drlv.r. M.n who qualify will LAUNDERmlS you ordered your copy ot lhe 11184 druma. c"per ___15e .leh, ltody ""I Unlveralty Edltlon7 Be lure you do. lampI, e eelrlc Iweepen, alarm clocks, qlAL 337 - 9696 HELP WANTED be traIned In four Ihort w"kl. For frH information cut OIIt rn S HOUSE FOR SALE '!TN calfee pots, pl.ypen. beds, baby ad .nd check ttl. car.. r you desire. FREE PLACEMENT ANY- Senate bU~le., Itronars tlbi,.. 0\: cbllra, WHERE. Mall todBY to N.I.C.C., 2805 E. W.. hln .. ton An., Mad. roc I~ft cbal- ilock-Aye Loan. "7, an" u•• the c;a ... plete WANTED - part time secretar'j to "' WASH 1.4 SHim , OWNER SELLING large four bedroom MONEY LOANED 4535.- ••. ~ . . . a , " atart In Sept. Office experience 11011 4, WisconsIn. No obllgltion, of course. Income or ftmUY bome. Close In. rt1.l Repeal 837-4913 or 311-5848. 7·26 Dllmond., Clme ..., -.:.I neceuar'j. Please write Box 111, Dilly ConC"'" 0 Truck 0 Typewrite .., Witch", Lunl,e, In BIG BOY., ': 213~~:rv set. ..,.00. mo !' Str:.'k modern ",\lipment of the :;n~eeded In the concrete IndU::~ Name ...... " •. _...... On Some HOMI fOR RENT Ounl, Mu.lcl' Inltrum.ntl DOWNTOWN LAUNDIRITTI ' HOCK.EYE LOAN wg~!;fen~~n~~~llio~&~~:'; Maher Bros. Transfer ~p:£~d.~~ ~~i~;:~~~t=:rfe~i:~t{a AddPhoneI'lSl •••••..•• ••••••••• ••••••• ••••.•• : ••••••.•••.•••••••••••••• WASHINGTON IA'I DIS, cn ...... DUPLEX 2 bedroom furnished lor Dial 337-4535 ~ly A- voted Thursday to August and Septem be r onlY, 338· END TABL co 1'1 t C [ II 1 6-25 ". eoftee table. bathlnett!r, ,~~~~~~~:=~~=~~e~o~u~m~n~O~n~th~Is~I'.~'~e~. N~a~lI~O~n.~In;;;;.;;;;tI~lU~t.e~===;:.;;. ;;";;';::'.~. ';:';;";:';:";; ';;' ';;':;;' ';;';;' ';;';;'';' ;;";::';; ' ';:';: ' ';' ';';;";;';;' ';';' ;:;"';;:;.';' ;' ';:':": ' ...J crol elCcise tax of t:~;=~~=~~~~~~844M~.;:;=:::=~====:::::d7.~2J:==~===~~==~~~r~Inae~~I~Ub~"~ch~.. ~t~.~JSI.808~~1~. :::;:;:;; ..~ of Concre e ODS rue on, nc. all cosmetIcs. IIInI UJ\IY Iy MortW.... gage. and th'ot on [Ilrs and jewelry. The tax would still ~~ ------==~------~ pMt;on of the co~t ,,\ , . ". ,,~ ~Uy SOME WHAT'LL YOu GiVe; Me Ol.D GoLF BALLS FOR jewelry which Thi~ was a A CL~M ? I=OR ONe Johnson and a gl'f)UPS and women lobhying for repeal that cosmetics and not luxuries but Items. Thp proposal to clses, approved I:,y ·en. John O. and Kenneth B. as an amendment ing sume other