(Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-07-03
I Allies Consult GOP The Weather Today The weatherman predicts a generally fair and hot Fourth of July weekend. Today's On Berlin' Strategy owa11 high, middle 90's; tonight' low, 68 de .WASHINGTON (JPl-Secretary of State .Marshall disclosed grees. Yesterday's high, 93 d gr s • Iowa 1948-Fiv& ,yesterday th western allies' joint strategy in tb Berlin cri is is Established 186S-Vf>1. So,No. 237-AP News and Wirephoto City, Iowa, Saturday, July 3, Cents being worked out in consultation with Republican ) aders in L'Ongre . ".. Marshall, back from a lO.day hospital check-up, said the state Youngdahl Arrives ' for Lecture department has been in close touch with Brit~in and l<' rance on measures to eope with the Soviet blockade - and with Senator Yugoslavians Urge Stalin Vandenber,g (R-Mich.) and Rep resentative Eaton (R-N.J.) as well. Openl Berlin What action is decided on will come to light in due course, he iold a news conference. A strong To Reprimand Cominform three-power approach to Moscow Traffic: British IS under consideration, Britain's Foreign Secretary BeVin has said. BERLIN (IP)-The British mili Eaton, chairman of the house tary governor early today called Council Delays 'Captive', Coal Mines Charge ',False Accusations'; foreien atrairs' committEe, con on the Russians to open the hi~h firmed that he and Senator Van way to blockad d Berlin at once denberg, choiman of the senate and name a date on which rail foreign relations committee, have tratfic can be reslored. Face Stnke Threat Seek End 10 Albanian 'Acts' been consulted at every step of the In a· letter to Marshal Vassily D.
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