Summer Space Study Ends; .. • Will Have National Effects 01 owan By SUZANNE MONTGOMERY Serving the State Uni 'ersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Assistant City Editor EstabUBbed in 1868 Associated Press Leac;ed Wire and Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Iowa Clly, Iowa, Thursday, August 9, 1962 The emine!lce of the space pro­ gram at SUI. will dralll (Illllre in­ dustry and investment to this area to an extent that has never been thought possible, predicted James E. Webb, administrator of the Na­ tionol Aeronautics lind Space Ad­ ministration, Wednpsday. u.s. WiJI Offer Nuclear But the arpn has to be ready, h said. Jl won't just fall in your lap. "You have to put ollt a bucket bat· before you con cntch any rain." the Webb was one of eight partici­ pants in II press conference in the with lIIain Library Wednesday after­ Plan Despite· has Red Snub noon. The conference was held in conjunction with the closing of the who eight-week Space Science Summer Study held at the University under tbe sponsorship of the Space Sci­ ellCe Board of the National Acad· Questioned IRockefeller emy of Sciences with the aid of NASA. Others attending th. confer­ Drug's Safety tnc. Dr. Hugh Dryden, Hits Kennedy deputy administrator of NASA; with Dr. Frederick S.itl, presid.nt of , the N.tional ACoidemy of Sci· AYear Ago ,Nuclear Policy rout .ncts; Dr. Lloyd Berkner,· sev· man of th. Spac. Science Board Pressure To ~atket Rusk Emphasizes Col. .f tht Academy; Dr. Hugh Odi­ shaw, Ix.cutive director of tht ~inus FDA Approval U.S. Proposals In board; Dr, Harry H.n of Princ.· NASA Head At SUI Cited by Dr. Archer Talk with Dobrynin ton UnIY.rsity; Dr, Jamts A, V,n Alltn, of the SUI D.­ Jamts E. (centtr), adminiltroltor of the Nltlon.1 Atr. fA'! - The Food GENEVA fA'!- The United States partment of Physics oInd Astrono­ nlutics oInd Spact Adminislroltion, oIddress .. a prtll" and Drug Administration raised a of Cered Wednesday to slnsh by my Ind Prtsident Virgil M. in Mlin Library Wedn.sday aft.rnoon in coniunctio" with th. question 15 months ago about the more than half the number of de­ Hlnch,r. pffect of the sedative thalidomide tection po ts for enforcing a nu­ closing of the '-week SPice Scitnc. Summ.r Study .It SUI, With on pregnant women, a report made The summer study, which has in- Webb Ir. Pr.sid.nt Virgil M. Hanch.r (I.ft) and Dr. J.m.. A_ clear te t blln trellty - a plan 01· public Wednesday revealed. ready snubbed by the Soviet Union volved 250 of the nation's top sci­ Voin AII.n (back to camara), hud of the SUI Departm'nt of But Dr. John D. Archer, assi t· Arthur II. Dean, chief U.S. dele­ ('ntists throughout the eight-week Physics oInd Astronomy. - Photo by Joe Lippincott period, was called at the specific ant director of FDA's DII'lsion of gate, told the 17-nation disarma­ request oC Webb. New Drugs, pointed out thot then, ment conference he will formlllly "Our concern was only on theoret· present the entire compromise plan According to Webb, the study ical grounds. .. It was ba. cd he was called at this particular lime next week. He ignored statements Power Struggle Flares said on peripheral neuritis symp­ by the Ru slans on Monday, Dnd because the next ten years will be toms, numbness of the extremities, important ones in the future oC amplified Wednesday, opPOSing the American development in space. in adults. new proposals. This was sev.ral months before Dean told the del.g.tes 'he new The objective of NASA is to de­ Within Argentire Army the Germln-dev.loped drug was velop for the United States "a sec­ Wlltern pl.n proposes "to reo ta~en off tha market in Germany due. the number of control posts ond-to-none pOSition in space,' BUENOS AIRES, Argentino IA'I- rebel's sille. because of reports alsoclating it Webb snid. Itrgenlina's war secretary re- The rebel leaders :lCcused Loza, 10 something lik. 80. That means with deformIties in children born a reduction of mart than half." I Just as the Unit.d St.t.. ne­ signed Wednesday night after an a stern-faced crusty career sol· of women who hid t.ken the drug I glected to deYelop th. lirplane open rebellion of army chiefs dier, of wielding iron-fisted one­ while pregnant. The Soviet Union has backed oul aftlr the Wright brothers, we threatened new difficulties for the man rule over the army. The point was made in the Gov- Commencement on agreement they made several negl.cted to 10 ahlld in the shaky G?vern~ent of President The upheaval in the military ernment's account of a drug firm's y~nrs ago with the United States fi.ld of spice r,,"rch, Webb Jose Marta Gutdo. hierarchy caused consternation in 20 monlh~ of pressure fOr permis­ SUI Presidenl Virgil M_ Hancher delivers his Iholt this commencemenl was conferring the and Britoin that a world-wide sys­ Ilid, Howev.r, Wt made a come­ Brig. Gen. Juan Bautista Lozn the Guido Government, plllced in sIon to market thalidomide despite commencement address before 768 SUI graduat.s I.rgest numb.r of masters .nd Ph.D. degrees of tem of 180 detection stations would blCk In aviation .Inc! are making told a group of high army officers power by the army last March repeated government rebuffs. The in University Field Hous., He noted in his talk any single ceremony. (See text, p. 3). be sufficient 10 police !l test ban I comeback in Ipace as well, h. his reSignation from his dual post after a bloodle s coup that ousted FDA team head d by Dr. Frances - Photo by Bob N.nd.II trealy. continUed_ The United States hIS of secretary and nrmy commander President Arturo Frondizl, still in Kelsey turned down all efforts b I ------Moscow's position has hardened already advanced fir enough in In chief was the only way to re· custody on an island in th~ River the William S. Merrell Co. oC Cln Wh" H S since the Soviet Dc'puty F'on'll/n this field to restor. our nation's solve the sittwtion. Plate. clnnat! on these grounds listed ill Ite ouse ays Mini~t('r Vall'l'iun A, ZOrln dl' Imlge in the world, said Webb. The resignation climaxed II day During th ('onru~ed militllry (he chronolofY; "II NO' · Justice Oep't Joins Battle I c131'1'd aguin Wedlll'~day that a Our program is planned to ad- of militnry upheavnl which bellan man('uvers, a score of army oW­ • The npplicntion was incom- Sh 0 eels Ion I (lSI. han mllst he IJIJ~rd on 0 n(lu vance the United States as rapid­ when one ranking army lemler, eel'S were arrested. pi te and inadequate to dt'mun- 0 '62 T C trallst prollosal culling for on·silt' I ly as possil>le In space develop­ aJ. Gen. Federico Tornnzo Mon­ Commanders of garr[ ons sup­ strate safety, n ax ut in pections only by jnvtl::rtion. tero, Sft up. a rebel (,OInm nd poRt ment, bllt stili remains a n... xibl porting Toranzo Montero locked up • The chemisl's da(a were in­ American ~('il!nllst ('onnc~tt'd in noriherll Argentina Gnd called Against Demonstration Ban one, Webb continu~, We have officers suspected of siding with complete. WASJIINCTON IA'I - Thc Whit!' with ~ lIW proulel)1 pf d~teclillg nu 9n J.Qzo to quit. ~a"ed lIpon t the best minds in the Loza while LOID, from his Wm' • The proposed lnbcling W:l. un· 1I01l, p stlid Wedne. day that Presi­ ALBA y, Ga. liI'I - The Ju~ltCC and .b.tting domestic extral~g.1 c1car tesis will ny here next lVeek­ ~cientific community" to advis~ us activities." Loza branded TOI'anzo Montero Ministry headqullt'l rs, fired ke)l suil:lble. dent Kennedy still is wnitinl/ until Department joitwd Wednl' 'day in ~n~ tn ,nn attempt to win over 01 her on which phases of space research an outlaw , but within a few hours • Djlta from further animnt The Justice Department said I commanders believed to horbor op· all the ('conomic data i in belore t­ Seitz added. just returned from an aid-seeking for marketing in 'his country and U.s. DisL COUlt .Judge .J . Hob· tions by Negroes. detecting nuclear 'lplosions. ing of lobor union officials that he Van A1\en, who has been chair­ mission to the United States. It ultimoltely was blamed for l'rt Elliott ndjournt'd shortly be· The city contends mass marches AmbasSidor Arthur L.II of In­ man of the summer study pro­ thousands of birth malformations has given up any thought of a k­ prote ting ,egregnlion violates n r Toranzo Montero drove from his ing Congre s for on immediate fore 5 p.m . " seven-day hearing dia tald th. conference that on gram, said that the report com­ In Brief In Europ. and Britain. city ordinnnce banning parndes the basis of Western newspaper Salta headquarters to the remote reduction. on the city's j)('tition to perma· piled from this conCerence "will Complied from city of JujUY, 800 miles northwest The chronology also took note without 0 permit. reports, n.w dettctlon methods Iliake a durable contribution to· Dilly IOWln News Soure .. of Buenos Aires, and proclaimed of Merrell's problem of "a failure The Prc~ident was represented n e n t I y enjOin antisegregation rul. out the necessity of on·slte word the future space program of himself the army commander in of communications" with Europe - as having told the union leaders he marches, boycotting, picketing and Insp.ctions. the United States." • WASHINGTON - Conrirma­ * * lion was lacking Wednesday of a chief. nnd makers of the drug regarding shares their view that a prompt * tut in income taxes would help other protest aclivilies. Deon retorted thnt it is wise> to "W. are in the proc.1I of re·port that Soviet soldiers have The bold maneuver appeared at neurological toxicity, after the exercise caution with respect to making a fairly larg. numb.r stimulate the lagging economy. but "At this moment I'm not sure been landing in Cuba. first to have sparked scant sup· American firm learned of the prob· exactly when I will decide this stories about advances in detection of su91.ilions for future pro­ lem. feels Congress would turn a deaf In response to queries. the De­ port. But as the day wore on vari· case," said Elliott_ "It might be and Identification. grems," he continued. "The Sen. Estes KeCauver (D-Tenn .) ear. fense Department said it had no ous key garrisons proclaimed their within a coupl. of days or with­ Zorin made no comment on the r.commendations of these m.n who e efforts to tighten federal Instead of trying for a reduction evidence to con firm the report tacit support for the rebels by de­ in a wee~ or within a month ." U.S. offer. will contribute '0 the formul.­ manding Loza's resignation. control over marketing of new now, Kennedy was reported to have tion of the national space pro­ broadcast by a Miami station Tues­ said, he is going ahead with plans Attorneys for both sid s declined Meanwhile secretary of State day. The White House had no com­ drugs got a big boost from Presi­ gram for the n.xt d.cad •." Tornnzo Montero is a brother oC dent Kennedy last weekend, put to seek a general revision of the to offer closinll arguments, appar­ Dean Rusk called in Soviet Am­ ment. Gen. Carlos Toranzo Montel'o, Car­ The complete report of the study Ihe chronology in the record of the lax laws ne':lt year, including a cut enliy hopeful o[ an early deCision. bassador Anatoly F. Dobrynin mer army commander in chief who Wednesday to stress the new U.S. will not be available for about two • • • Senate Judiciary Committee. That in individual and corporation tax But Elliott said the case would re­ months and will be made public by • LONDON - Britain gave Cugi­ forced a reshuffle of the top mili­ group is considering proposals by rates. proposals Cor an East-West treaty tary echelons in an uprising main "in the breast of the court for Ihe National Academy of Sciences live Dr . Robert A. Soblen two extra Kennedy in the wake of tbe furor Kennedy discussed a wide rnnge to outlaw atomic weapons tests. days of grace in England Wednes­ against Fl'ondizi in 1960. a deciion at such time as I got to in Washington. over thalidomide. of economic problem at a lunch· iL" At I !Y.-hour m.e'inll in Rusk's day night in a showdown with office, the Itcr.tery also ranged Seitz added that he was proud of Although the drug was not sold eon meeting with members of the Thl:' judge said he was leaving the Academy's role with NASA Israel on getting him out oC the SCHEEL VISIT in the United States it was dis­ 29-man AFL-CIO Executive Coun­ oVlr the g.n"al disarmament is­ country. the record open in order Ihat both su'_ Th. G.rman dispute, aides in this study. This report will play BONN, Germany IA'I - Walter tributed to 1,231 doctors for possi· cil, including AFL·CIO President sides could supplement the record no small part in the coming period Soblen's lawyers expre sed hope Scheel , West Germany's develop­ bll' experimental use. So far a George Meany. Meany has been reported, was touched on only President Kennedy would grant "if there hould be any events britfly in • minor wly. of space research, he added. ment aid minister, will discuss his Government search has turned up one of those advocating an imme­ which develop hetw('C'n this mo­ When questioned on the chances him a pardon or amnesty. Soblen agency's program with U.S. offi­ no U.S. babies who were deformed diate cut in rates for lower-income The session was describrd as an is under life sentence for spying ment and when [ announce my de­ of success for the up-coming Mari­ cials in a Washington visit Sept. through pills distributed by Mer­ taxpayers a a means of stepping cision." effort by Rusk to Import some for­ ner shot to the planet Venus, Dr. for the Soviet Union, rell to phySicians in this country. up consumer buying power. ward impetus to the Geneva talks 23-0ct. 6, the Government said. Federal officials, including U.S. Dryden, head of the National Ad­ • • • through an additionat diplomatic visory Committee on Aeronautics, AUy Floyd M. Buford of Albany, approach to the Kremlin. • SAN QUENTIN, Calif. - Eliz­ filed Wednesday afternoon with FLOYD GARDNER said that the chances were about abeth Ann "Ma" Duncan and the Elliott a friend-or-the-court brief Hearing Set 79 per cent. "We are about due for two killers she hired to murder her asking lhat the injunction be de­ Republican* Gov*. Nelson* A . Rock- a success," he said. son's pregnant bride died Wednes­ nted. The judge made no reference efeller accused the Kennedy Ad­ The SUI Department of Phy­ day in San Quentin Prison's gas *By TIM *CALLAN * to the brief. News Editor ministration Wednesday oC having lics and Astronomy hed a radia· chamber. "moved steadily toward the Soviet tion dtteclor abooird the first The buxom 58-year-old matron But Mayor .\sa D. Kelley Jr., A Friday hearing has be.n said, "It is no more than we ex­ position" on nuclear weapons test­ Mariner spac.craft that was who plotted the 1958 slaying to scheduled in Albany, Ga., .It ing and control. pected." which a date for the trial of blown up in Ipolee list month and keep her youngest son for herself He detailed changes in the U.S. will h,v. another instrumtnt on was executed first - shortly alter In a statement on behalf of the Floyd Gardner, A4, Lamoni will city commission, Kelley said; be set_ position since President Kennedy the lecond Mariner rock.t, 10 a.m. took office. referred to reports thnt Dr. Beckner, president o( the Luis Maya, 23, and Augustine "Even though few legal prece­ Gardner was iailed July 21 with 160 Negroes in a march on a nelV U.S. propo al embodying Graduate Research Center of the Baldonado, 28, who were paid $360 dents exist for Government inter­ concessions is contemplnted, and Southwest at Dallas, Tex ., pointed for killing Olga Duncan, 30, a Ca­ vention in a case of this kind, the Albany City Hall to prot"t segregation. A Daily Iowan story said: "In short, weakening the pro­ out that even the most agonizing nadian-born nune, died together apparently the Justice Depart· Wednesday reyealed that h. had posnls of March 1961, by thl' Ken­ failures in space are valuable in in the afternoon, shortly after 1 ment has decided to break prece­ nedy Administration even furth!'r that they add to our realm of ex­ p.m. dent and adopt a policy of aiding been held incommunicado sinct that time. seems to me to a high risk of perience in technological dexterity. • • • endangering our national security." In a discussion of the man-in­ • WASHINGTON - A chief audi­ The attack by Rockefeller, a space program, Van Allen said tor of the Agriculture Department's Public Works See P. 2 for Gardner's la"er to candidllte for re-election thi No­ tbnt the impetus on putting a man parents, and editorial. Southwestern d i vis ion tesli£ied vember and regarded a II possi­ in space is not scientific in the Wednesday he learned of suspicious Plan Hit by GOP ble Republican pre 'idential con­ Cirst instance. At this time we can Albany Police chief Lauri. Prit­ deals in cotton planting allotments WASHINGTON IA'I - Hepublican tender in 1964, was contained in a !lain more scientific data from an chett said Wednesday that a pris­ involving Billie Sol Estes and congre. Rionnl leadt'rs blasted anew prepared statement. instrument slltellite than from a others, but waited many months oner is entitled 10 molke a phon. manned spacecraft, he said. How­ Wednesdny at President Kennedy' RockeCeller said he was "com­ to check them out. call after his arrest, but that pelled by conscience and a sense or ever, it is generally realized that He did not report it to higher requcst Cor stond-by public works I lire not .1I0wed to be at some point, perhaps in the next authority. They denounced it a a responsibility" to speak out be­ ups or Washington officials because taken out of their cells to r.· couse of two developments: ten years, we are going to have a "we do not report suspicions," blank check that would neither ceive calls_ stimulate the cconomy nor create cross-over, Van Allen continued. said the auditor, A. F. Rounsaville Gardner', only communication • Soviet resumplion of nuclear From that time on, he said, hu­ job . tests thiS month. of Temple, Tex. with his par.nts hu betn I Ih9rt Ilians in space will be able to glean All it would do i. set up "a • Completion of the U.S. n"clea r Iliuch more information than would • • • letter, postmarked July 27, which $9OO·million political slush fund for test serie except (01' two or Ihree ever be possible from instruments. • WASHINGTON - The Senate he had smuggl.d out of th. AI. Judiciary Committee approved in the President" under II public work bany iii I. high-altitude te Is in which equip­ modified form Wednesday Pres i­ ~ czar, GOP Hou. e Leader Charle Mrs, Gardner said W.dnesdoly ment foiled. A lIalleck of Incliana said. The Weather dC'nt Kennedy's proposal on label­ ,he didn't think her lin wlnted "I feel all the more compelled lJlg of drugs. "This bill would confer upon (he the family to post ball for him. to do so because our Government to plrtly cloudy todlY and 'fhe nction marked one more Hoover Library President unpr cedented powers "1 imagine h. will iust liy it seems to be in the process of mak· tonighi with show.r. or step in the committee's consider· Two Irchiyists II lhe H,rbert Hooy.r M.morial personll pipers and memorabilia. President to spend money in such amounts out," she s.ld_ ing deci ions in regard to thi q thunderstorms in the otion of recommendations the as he might del ermine for proj­ Mrs. Gardner said she end htr Librlry in WISt Branch conf.r on final pr.parl· Hooyer anel Prllid.nt Trumln Ir. scheduled to matter, which may well prove 10 .-th Ind nerthe ..t. Hil'" todoy President made Ihe [irst of lhis ects - whether federal, state or husblnd thought of going to AI­ be irrevocable, with virtunlly no 15 to to northel.t, to to .5 lOuth· week for strengthening of /I drull tions for the fermll decllcltlon of the library fttond the dedicltion c.r.monits It the library " loco I - of his own choosing in beny but decided to wlit until public discussion of the fllct,~ and "It, industry control bill. FrldlY, The IIbrlry·m., ...,m will he., .. HOI",r'. It 10:. FrldlY, - Photo by JOI Lippincott areas selected by him," he added. th.y heerd furth.r from Floyd. issues involved," Rockefeller said. Editorial Page- Local Sf fiol1S 'FJlalidomide Study: Incommunicado May Improve Prevent I Monsters" (EDITOR'S NOTE : This Is thl ports of all the laboratory atIII Arrest Uniust Nationwide TV first In I serie. of .rilel,••• 'm­ Inlng the little pillS thlt CIU .. clinical work done to date. 1t terrible dlmag. - thalidomide. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following I.tter was written by Floyd (While John Crosby is on vaca· StUlrt H. LOory Investigates the contained a broehure of refet· orlllni of the thalidomide In Gardner. SUI senior, now .walting tri.1 for violating city or· tion. his column will bt wri"en terms of what Is ne.ded to pre­ eoces titled "Kevadon ... a verI in Albany, Ga. The mess"ge. scribbled on a sheet of by guests. Today's contributor v.nt rKur,~nc. of similar medl· safe and efefetive new drug pro- ' is Michael R. Santangelo, pro· cil nightmares.) newspAper, was smuggled out of his cell and mailed July 27 posed lor the symptomatic trCllt· to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack G"dner of Lamoni.) dllCer, Westinghouse Broad· By STUART H. LOORY casting Company .) Herlld Tribune News Slrvlcl ment of nervous tension and m· somnia as well as potentiation By MICHAEL R. SANTANGELO CINCINNATI - "Teratology" Dear Dad and [am, the previously little known word of analgesia." THERE IS A new hope in tele­ has passed Into every day usage Responsibility lor acting on t~e If yoo've been reading about Albany, Ga., you may vision. A new wave. Correspond­ at the Wm . S. Merrell Co. head · application lell to Dr. Frances have already guessed that I was here. fue been in jail ingly, a new source of television quarters here. O. Kelsey, a newly employe.! medical officer at the FDA. Dr. a week withoot a trial and may not get one for a week or so. programs and, more important, Almost any employee can tell new ideas. This new producing you what it means : the study of Kelsey moved slowly and cau' They are trtJin u to stick me with contempt of COllrt monstrosities, especially in miln. tiously. "We already had a lot source consists of local stations of good sedatives and sleeptnll which coulll carry five years in federal prison. I'm dohlg and group operators throughout Another form o[ the wort!: pills on the market," she re· fine tlwugh, and I hope you can under land that just be· "Teratogenic," w h i c h meal1s called the other day, "I wanled the country. "causing monsters ." cause I'm in jail doesn't make me a criminaT. A federal in­ to be very sure with this one." These stations and groups have /I. year ago Merrell was one of junction which l violnted along with 160"'t1thers was illegal entered into the production of THE LAW said she had to aef four diviSions of Richat~l;;on· or the application would auto­ and tUiconStitutlonal and later was thrown out liS such. programs to supplement their Merrell, Inc., getting ready to matically become effective art,r' saturate the United States an.! WOl41cl you please, if yo" have Sharon's address, write own network schedules and they 60 days, allowing Merrell to put Canada with supplies o[ the now the drug on the market. So at and tell her wllere 1 am as I am not allowed to write aml realizeJhat no one has cornered famous West German-developl:d the entire idea market. In addi· Ihe end of the 60 day period she 111 ust smuggle this out if I ClIll. drug thalidomide. The parent denied the application for lack of tion, they also find that the now company had obtained th e [j. information. Floyd Gardner more sophisticated TV audiences cense to sell the drug in North Albany, Go CBn digest something more cere· America (excluding Mexico) f;'om FDA records show that ~. bral than a large diet of them the West German firm of Chemie tween September 1960 and Nov. thar cowboys. In the main, TV Grunenthal, where the drug was 30, 1961, when Merrell received' In view oE the current hearing being held in Federal specials, spectaculars, and oUler invented in 1953. Grunenthat Dut the first reports linking thaU· domide with birth mallormations, Court in Albany, the 161 persons urrested th' night of series were left to the networks, thalidomide on the market in outside packagers, agencies, or 1957 in West Germany as a pre· the company contacted the FDi\ Sdturday, July 21, will not be held for contempt of court promoters of varying shapes and scription [ree, over·the·counl l:!' 50 times for action on the appli. sizes. sedative and sleeping pill. cation. The FDA described Mer· for Violating a federal injunction. While the eonrt mayor reU's attempts to get the appll· The exciting element here is , TODAY there is much we know may not grant the city of Albany an injunction ,lgainst cation approved as "very vl~. . the facl that television may have about thalidomide . We know if a orous." picketing, the injunction was not in effect at the time of found its greatest pro g ram pregnant molhel' takes the drug the mass arrests. source. It is a fact that there'l8re 30 to 60 days after her last men· At one point, in September, more than 500 TV stations ,in. the strual period, there is a good 196L, the company brought emi· Contrary to fears expressed in his letter, Floyd Gard­ United States. If each station pro_ chance sb~ will give birth to a nent researchers from all ovef the country to Washington to (~. ner wi11 apparently not b given a long sentence for his duces but one great show B year, child suffering from phocomelia, through syndication or exchange, port on the clinical trials w.ith fonr offenses of parading without a license, vJOlating traf­ a disease characterized by seal· the public could see one great like flippers instead of arms or thalidomide. But Dr. Kelsey w~ , fic Signals, blo king forward traffic signals, blocking for­ show a night. Television, once legs 01' both. unmoved. She wanted more in· ward traffic and. congregating on sidewalks. the infant business, is now a teen· We know that the drug (still formation, especially now that The Shots Heard Round the Outside World agel' and can make but few ex­ taken in early pregnancy) may reports of neuritis were begin· ., . We hope that CanIner will soon be tried and will cuses for the pablum on its bib. play hob with the embryonic ning to come in. By this time, be allowed to return to Iowa, although the usual sentenec heart, circulatory system, intes· Merrell had submitted reports on TELEVISION stations across thousands of patients who !)ad for anti·discrimination demonstrators has been $100 finc the country now have and know tines or ears of an infant. We Matter of Fact- know thai the other end of the taken the drug in clinical trialt. or 30 days in jail. how to use the utensils - such as video tape. They are discovering human life span, it can cause (When the application was witfJ· We arc not questioning Albany's ordinanees and we real possibilities In the syndica­ prickly, numbing nervous dis· drawn last March, Merreli had , orders, especialiy in the arms collected data on 10,000 patients arc not taking issue with Gardner's arrest. We arc quC'lion­ tion, here and abroad, of high quality hour specials that couple and legs of old women. We know who had taken the drug in trials, ing, however, the police state tactics which prevented 1Looks Like a Cold Winter' that in some cases, the numbness Mr . Beckwith said Wednesdar.l , entertainment and enlightenment. Gardner from notifying his parents. They are also creating pure tal­ once contracted, cannot be cure'!. In December, the first reports ent shows which heretofore were But in the beginning, scientists linking thalidomide with birth ' Gardner 11as b en in jail for 18 days and his tri,l] 113s only a possibility In New York or knew none of this. In fact , as malformations appeared in Brill· not been set. His only communication to his parents was -Berlin Super-crisis Looming Hollywood. Local live production, Dr. John Chewning, Merrell Co. ish medical journals. At its GIn.' th~ letter printed above. wbich began in the news and spokesman, put it, thalidomide cinnati headquarters, Merrell had By JOSEPH ALSOP same way that Gromyko did with ing a Berlin settlement on his public affairs area, is spreading was thought to be "the safe,t received a short cable from It may have been impossible for Albany police to The recent Rusk·Gromyko talks Rusk. He too failed to name a terms before the end of last year. to successful variety shows, such thing since water." That was the Grunenthal on November 30, In· as the Mike Douglas series ~ (orming the American company allow Gardner to call immediately, or ven within 12 in Geneva were ominously dif· date for the peace treaty that President Kennedy answered ~he characteristic of the drug th'Jl of the possible association be­ hours. ferent in tone, both from the may precipitate the final supcr­ ultimatum by caliiog 300,000 mell Cleveland, .whi~h W!! a stat­ attracted the manufacturers. earlier conversations between crisis over Berlin; but he swore to the colorsl and the Vienna ulli· studdc4' guest list which might HOW SAFE? lit research on tween the drug and maUonna· But Oardper ]U\,~ continuaJly lj>een denied the privilege the Secretary of Stale and the he would sign the treaty bl'fore ml)tum was finally withdrawn, embarrass some national oCIer· safety of dru~s, scientists oVer lions. of making a phone call or writing letter . We assume that Soviet Foreign Minister, and from very long . Much more disquiet· when Khrushchev announced that in$s. , , ' I the yearS have developed a te:'M MERRELL immediately notified" the related exchanges bet ween called th e "ld·SO" whith meiJl1s ingly, I\l1h~~~ev LJ ~1,sQ~rllyed, he had not really meant to set a l'.lIe sOrcolle4 'kid" hows,lo­ the FDA ill Washington and fHb ' Gardner hns wIlntecl to write :lod call since he \vrote the Rusk, President Kennedy, and lhe lethal dosage for 50 per e~r\l • ' l ~ with seemmg conViction, that the time·limit for a Berlin settle· cally produced, are gaining audio Canadian Food and · Drug DireC' above letter Md om 1I0w hlld it .smuggled out of jail. the Soviet Ambassador here, U.S. and the other nations lacked' ment. ences through S)lndication an~ of the laboratory aninlals taking torate in ottawa ot the cab\t. Anatoly Dobrynin. the guts to fight lor Berlin if di­ exposing that strange an~ 1I1mo$~ the drug. The Id·5c) had b'ncome­ Two Merrell men left Immediate, . In an all mpt to sec if the deolal of communication As to the nature or the Krem· a standard measuremont for any IN THESE eal'lier .exploratlons rectly challer:g d. • lin debate, there is equally little forgotten thing called :'ne ta)· ly for Ottawa to draft a letter to' 5till nUs, ifh~ Da~y Iowan sent Gardner a telegram usk­ o[ the unending Berlin crisis, the ent." The exposure of these new drug 011 the market. , I I1hysicians warning them not to From this Khrushchev-Gorbach room for doubt. The main argu­ But thallddmide has no ld· )0. ing about hi,s arrest. Gar9ner did not reply, although he Russians were unyielding on meeting originated the widening ment mllst hare turned on the faces may be likened to the early prescribe the drug to women of points of substance but sweetly days o[ television when people Even today, after all the reports child·bearing age. The drug, was urged to wire immediately and reverse the charges. ripples of renewed alarm about point, whether it was safe or un· of side effects are in, scientists reasonable in language. At Ge· the next stage of the Berlin crisis, safe to go the limit in challeng. discovered phenomena sucb as which had been approved lor sale It may be that Gardner did not want his impri on­ neva, however, Gromyko abrupl­ Dave Garroway and Ernie Kovacs have not been able to kill labora­ in Canada, was not taken off the · which have recently been notice· ing the Western powers at Rer· tory animals with large doses of market oompletely there unlli Iy reverted to the Hitier-styllJ lin. And the argument abou~ from local television in Chicago ment announced in the newspaper, but ~ardner , while at able in Western policy·making thalidomide. In some experi. last spring. ' language thal Nikita S. Khrush· circles. Since June 29, moreover, risks must also have been some­ and Philadelpbia. SUI, bas shown nq reluctance to champion a cause when chev used to the President at ments, they have fed the animals Meanwhile, the American ap· the alarm has been intensified hy what deformed, so to say, by the There's a new wave of TV doses equal 10 three·quarters of he thought injustice was being done. Vienna in 1961. certain actions of the Soviet high deep commitment of Khrush· producers and directors who plication went inactive and linal· The crude mcnaces, the hec­ a pound, if taken by man, at a ly, on March 20, Merrell withdrE!\\" H Gatdner saw fit to picket against Iowa City lund· command in East Germany. chev's personal prestige to an you'll be hearing about. Their time. Such quantities didn't even toring boasts, the arrogant in· eventual defeat of the West, reo main forte - they don't know all the application. lords and :the discrimination by a local beauty salon, it's ALONG THE crucial autobahn put the animals to sleep. sistence on the Soviet's right to connecting Berlin with East Ger­ Bulling from a Berlin settlement the answers. Driven with that ]n West Germany and several Reports from West Germany obvious ~at he would consider his own incommunicado change the Berlin position by uni. have been constructed which will on his own terms. 1950 kind of TV curiosity, they other countries around the world, of phocomelia became coming in arrest an injustice, lateral action - all the elements make it easier to strangle traf· IF KHRUSHCHEV genuinely don 't know that "you can't do the drug quickly became popular in ever increasing numbers, as made 'familiar by the Vienna lie or to halt it completely. MOre believed what he told Chancellor that" or that "the public just as a sleeping pill, pain kilier, they did in Great Britain, I}us· In effect, the Albany police department has bcen meeting were present at Gene\'a, recently, Soviet air activity has Gorbach, the Kremlin debate has won't buy it.' Here at Westing­ tranquilizer, aid in combatting traila, Canada, Israel, Lebanon, applying martial law tactics where no martial law exists. excepting only on c. U n I ike also increased in the air cor[i· ended with a dangerous down· house, producers are guided by alcoholism and antidote for the Italy, Switzerland and Swecjen. Khrushchev at Vienna, Gromy. dors to Berlin. grading of the Berlin risk. Judg· an inleresting slogan originated morning sickness o[ early preg· Dr. Helen B. Taussig of Johns The case is reminiscent of Ihe 20 hour imprisonment of five ko at Geneva refrained [rom by our Program V. P. Dick Pack. Hopkins University Me d i c ~ 1 For these and other reasons, ing by the other signs already nancy. Young and old alike took Iowans, three of them Coe Students, who were held in­ naming a date for Soviet signa· noted, the Kremlin debate has The slogan? "Let DeGauUe SIQ' School, a specialist in congenftlll ture of a separate peace treaty the majority of Western policy, NO!" the pill. Grunenthal put out a heart malformations, made', a commwlicado in Coahoma County, !iss., jail in June. also ended with a decision to go liquid form for children. It be· a with the Kremlin's Easl German makers are now grimly rcsigning trip to West Germany to inveW· themselves to an early end of the the limit, or at any rale, to go THIS ATTITUDE accounts for came known as West Germany's Law enfor rs in the South have incessantly com­ puppets. prelty nearly to the limit, in the Steve Allen show and a new babysitter. gate the situation. ' Furthermroc, what happened at long lull in the Berlin crisis. They plained that northerners "do not understand" the predica­ are beginning to believe, in fact, challenging the Western powers monthly series of hour speci~s EARLY IN 1959, when Merreli She came home estimating ,J,e. G~l)eva was only a climactic epi­ at Berlin. for young people in priroc ·· eve· signed the licensing agreement tween 3,500 and 6,000 German ment in the South. sode in a pro­ that Khrushchev and tho s ~ around him have made up their Thus the super·crisis which the ning time, the first of which will with Grunenthal, there was stili children would be born with mal· ces$ tha~ began But if southern policemen want the North to undcr· minds to proceed to the final, Berlin crisis 11:IS always threat­ be a history of magic .starririg no hint of side effects, except (ormatlons to mothers who took over a' month Milbourne Christopher, Julie Har. thalidomide. . ~and thern while they still practice police stati m, they" acutely dangerous test of nene ened to produce may well be pro­ for an occasional report of con­ ago. To be spe· duced in deadly earnest before ris, and Zero MosteL stipalion or itchiness or dry MEANWHILE, the RichardJJJD [Lte putting the cart before the horse. cific, the proeess and will at Berlin. The U.S. Ambassador to Mos· the end of this year. The perils This new "Go" generalion I mouth . But such repOrts about Merrell plans to market the drug We will begin to "understand" when polic hegin to began on June of this possible development are speak of has innltrated the high new drugs are to be discounted . began to evaporate. Early in 29, w hen the cow, LleweJlyn Thompson , was (·onsistcntiy practice procedures of justice with which we reporting all through the winter all the greater, because Khrush­ panelled walls of ad agencies, Even laxatives will cause consti· 1961 it became apparent, Mr. l Chancellor 0 f chev has apparently taken his de· networks, packagers, as well as pation in a certain number of Beckwith said, that Vicks Chemi· can identify our tnt ancl ourselves. Austria, Alfons and spring that the Soviet gov· ernment appeared to be engaged cision on the basis of a gross mis. the onCe sleepy setting of the 10· cases, as Edmund R. Beckwith cal Co., which had hoped some 'We bope that pUblicity of obviolls mistreatment delllt Gorbach. was calculation of Western intentions. cal TV station. The day has come. Jr., executive vice president of day to sell the drug over the r e c e i v cd by in an internal debate about alter­ Cardner and other prisoners will hring the D partmcnt native courses of action. Altogether, as the President re­ Sponsors are wiliing to sponsor The Merrell Co. pOinted out counter under the trade name Khrushchev dur­ marked in his reply to the Vienna individual shows in a single mar­ Wednesday. Contergan, would not be able ·to to of Justice to investigate th e day·to·day deportment shown ing a statc visit ALSOP TH E ORIGIN of this Kremlin ultimatum, "it looks like a cold ket because of important and Merrell, which was to carry the go ahead. 'I farn debate, beyond much doubt, was by the Southland's "Protectors of tl1(~ Peace." to Moscow. winter." speCific impact potential. brunt of the North American Walker Laboratories of Phila· nati' Wit h Gorbach, Khrushchev the American response to Khrush· manuiactlU'ing and sales cam­ day. -lwl) Elsea chev's Vienna ultimatum, requir- New York Rerald Tribune, Inc. Copyrl,bt 1962: delphia, another subsidiary, had talked about Berlin in much the Copyright 1962: New York Herald Tribune, Inc. paign for Richardson Merrell, planned to sel! the drug Uliller !~rn first conducted a program of the name Thalimot [or pediatriC app testing the drug on laboratory usage, perhaps as a children'S edyc ' 'Th~ 1)'oily Iowan animals. Then they set up a tranquilizer. National Drug 'Co. J~ Buenos Aires-A New Moscow Suburb? clinical testing program to try was going to compete with Mer· tnat the drug on humans. The pro· rell, selling the drug also under .slllv Tile DaUg IOUia'l Is written and cd/led by stl/dents and is governed by a gram grew extremely large. the name Contergan. Each divi­ S'I!d By WILLIAM L. RYAN gling against heavy odds to get whose election to congress last tine delegation will be used as The company waited for 20 curE boald <1/ fiue ttudent truJtecs elected by t1, e student body a'ld four a foundering nalion back on its March was canceled when the the basis lor joint action in Argen· sion has built up a dUferent fOl· AP Special Correspondent months while doctors around the COIl~ trustees'appolmed by the president af tile Un/cersily. Tile Daily Iowun's An Argentine Communist lead· feet. military kicked out President Ar­ tina in the near future. ThIs lowing among physicians over country conducted experiments the years. sugl editorial policy Is not an expressiorl of SUl administrat/Oll policy or er has announced - from Mos­ The disclosure came in a Mos­ turo Frondizi. means that beginning this mo· grol to confirm the European results. Now the Merrell Co. has glveJI oplrllon, /11 any parllcular. cow ~ that a Communist alli· cow Spanish-Iangauge broadcast THE COMBINE will launch ment, the struggle for peace in In most cases, the American doc· tere ance with the Peroni sIs is taking by AUredo Varela, old·time Com­ an assault on President Kennedy's Argentina begins a new and im­ up all thought of trying to sell PIgt 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST " 1962 Iowa City, Iowa tors worked with oJder patients !lev. hape and that in the near fu- munist, discussing the Argentine Alliance lor Progress and the portant phase. Together we will thalidomide. Its research slalf is But and with psychiatric cases. at work trying to rind out what ture it will be in a position to delegation's part in Moscow's present Argentine government, make liCe difficult for the war­ THALIDOMIDE - or Kevadon, Who; MlMU PubUshcr ...... Edward P. Bassett raise havoc in Argentina. recent propaganda show, the so­ Varela promised, "as soon as the mongers who are looting our na· relationship might exist between taKE AUDIT lURIA' EdItor ...... Jerry EIsel as Merrell called it - was to be thalidomide and birth malCom\a· 0" Managing EdItor .•... Larry HalfieId THIS FIRST open admission of cailed World Peace Congress. unshakable union between the lion such as the International put on the market as a sleeping cov. c,aCULATlOIIIS Ctly Edlfor...... Joan Anderson such an alliance probably means Varela explained that many fol. workers and the people, based on Monetary Fund and the Alliance tions. Its researchers have been trat News Editor .. •.. ... Tim Callin for Progress. Yes, we will make pill, intended as an alternative investigating cases of phocomelia PublIIIIed by Student PubUc.tlon .. Editorial Aulstant .. PeLer Donhowo rising violence is in store for At· lowers of former dictator Juan the alliance of Communists, Pe· for barbiturates. Many old peo· J~le: lne., Communication. Center, lowl .uslstlnt City their lives difficult until we expel in the United States. Dr. c~wn· Editor ..... Suzanne MODleomer,r genlina. whose military· backed D. Perone were in the delegation, ronists and left wing socialists bl!' pie have trouble taking barbitu· ,Ilier CIty, •10WI, cIaJJJI eacept Sunday Ind ing said Wednesday it had nol regime, with U.S. help, is strug· along with Peron;st deputies comes stronger:' [rom our land the emissaries of arrr - lionday, and le,al hoUdayL Entered Assistant New. Edltor Fran Elsea rates because they first excite covered one case in which al ltCond-clul matter at the post Sports Editor """" Joe Gehrinller "This unity," he added, "is pre· war and oppression, until we tie one before they put him to sleep. an on oIllce It low. City uDder the Act Chief Photoarlpher .. Joe LIppincott down those who sell our mother­ American doctor had given t~ali . of Coopoe.. 01 March 2, 1m. Asolstant to the Illnllint paring by means of growing Barbiturates also cause scores of ,sllr;; land down the river, the repre­ domide to a pregnant woman V(ho Editor ...... " ...... John K1eLn struggle the total liberation of deaths each year among people ~ reCi AdvertlaLng DIrector . Irv Grossman sentatives of the privileged later gave birth to a malfo~ Dial 7~1tI lrom nOOD to mldnl&ht to University Bulletin Board our nation, the carrying out oC taking accide.ntal or intentional cve J report Dew. ltellll. womeD', pa,e AdverUslnt Manaaer. Dennis Blnnlna classes, the anti·people." child . . . ltellll aDd announcementa to The ClreulatlOD lfana(u ...... Lee Weat UniverSity lullilln 10lrd nollces must be recllv'" at The Dill., lowln profound changes in the Argen­ overdoses. llJa~ Dilly Iowan. 'Edltorlal offkes are 10 office, Room 201, Communlcltlons Clnter, by noon of the d'y before pub­ WHEN A Communist speaks of THE SCIENTISTS have be­ that tile CommUDlcatiODI Center. IIcltion. Th • ., must be typed Ind signed br In Idvlser or officer of the or· tine economic and social slruc· Thalidomide, Merreli as weli as Trust •• s, 10lrd of Student PubliCI. glnlutlon being publlclud. Purely lOci. functions Ire not eUglbl. for ture." the "struggle for peace," he several prominent medical men come familiar during these past r p. Inc.: Lee TheLsen, A4.i Larry this ..cllon. means war to impose commu­ months with teratotogy. They are Sulllerilltion Rifts: By carrte:r 10 Pryou..! A4; Nancy ShLnn, A~ ; Prof. During the delegation's stay in decided, offered a welcome sub· dev- low. City, U cent. weekly or ,10 Dale Hentz, UDlverslly Library; Prof. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY INTERIM Night beCore Ihe tall session will be nism. This war now is declared traveling through the world ip an COil.. ~r )lear In _dvance' Iix montlu, HOURS (Aua. 9 to Sept. 10): 7:30 Aug. 6 from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Arter Mo cow, Varela reported, "a co­ stitute for barbiturates. Reports Le.uc G. MoeUer, SChool of Journal. attempt to gather information ·00; three month., "u. 81 mall ID I.... , Michael Maduct, M; Dr. George am. to 5 p.m. Monday through ~'rI· this date, the ob5Crvatorv will 00 incidence of vi ws was found on by the Communists, in expecta­ showed humans, like test ani· tha JOWl, f9 pe.r year; sTi months. 15; EaSlon. College of Delltlstry; Richard day; 7:30 a m. to lloon Salurday; No lemporarlly cia d to the public tion of hclp from the strong Pc· mals, could not suffer from over· thc thalidomide birth mBJ[Ol'fl\~· 'pie. three months, 13. All olber m.all 1Ub­ A. MUler, A4: Dr. Lauren A. Vall Heberve Desk OD Saturday. unlll September. The first open nl~ht what solutions arc needed for our IlUtpUona, flu per year; .Ix montlu, Dyke, College or Education . In Sep\. wlU be Sep!. 16. Thereafter, nation." roni sts who still control much of doses . lion relationship. . is I ....Ol three monthl, '3.15. IOWA MEMORIAL UNION IN· the I1lual open ntght se,slon. will 00 "AFTER AGREEMENT in the Argentine labor. ]n September, 1960, Merrell Co. 'rhe search will bo di((jcolt. 'The to Dt.17~1" 11 Joa do not neelve your TERIM HOURS (Aug. 9 10 Sept. 19): continued 9troughout Lhe next aca· grClI The Auoclaled Pre. t. 6~tlUed n· Dally Iowila by ?:SO l.m. The Dally 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. demJc year. Details or the pro,ram delegation was achieved, aPe· The declaration strongly uDder. representatives went to tho Food problem is unprecedented. {)rI: iJ ehulvely to the u.. for repubUcIUOD Iowan clreulatlon orf1~e In the Com. Jllonday through Friday. Buildln( ",III be announred later. roni!;t ll':lder prescntrd iI to the scores the worried comment of & Drug Administralion headquai'· it? Out of the thalidomide re­ \lete nf all "'e local new. printed In thl.! muDleatioDs Cenler Is open trom 8 rlolK'd SOlUrdoy anti Sunday; No C!\g. oewqoaper .. weU u IILAP DeWI a.1ll. • to 5 p.m. Mond., througb FrI. food senl e Ifter Aug. 13. Recrel' "ARENTS COOI'ERATIVE 8ab· eongres~ , saying he was speaking Frontllzl, now a prisoner of the tera in Wa hinglon with a thlf'k search may come Information d\Jpalcbel. clay Ind from t to 101m. Siturday. tlOII ataa will be closed tor con· titling I.ague I.! III the charge of on behalf of the delegation and army, that the West is lagging "new drug application" lor Fed­ that other druKs have been 'f~t· 'Sial Jofake.rood servIce on misted pape... .tructlon utltl~ further nollce. Mrs. ~1.~ lo' ogel now {nrough Aug. is I ,,"1_ Edltonll, Arthur M. SI'" b not poSSIble, but every erCort Will -- U. Call 11-98:5 for •. Ilter. For Inror· Iho Al~untihc peopl ," he added. behind in the race against com· eral approval. ing, unknown to us, In a ainlilar lie mlde to correct Irron wl\h lIII . THI! ~'AST DATI! rot the SUI mallon about league m~mb~rshlp' ~D;..~ActvertUlnl, II. lohll Kot&. "The aereemCJJt o[ the Argen· munism in Latin America. 'l'he application contained re· way, Veri un: ' ;)I'CulaUoIlo Wilbur Ptlenollo IIUl l1li& _. _AA1t~o .Qj)~uw.tory O~u call AIr .. Jolin Uzodln.lma It 8·7331, • THE DAILY IOWAN-low. City, r.w_Thurscle", Alit. f, 1"2-Pagt , Con' IS Record Number 01 AclvanceJ Desreet- Handful At SUI Coeds Making Plans President Hancher Tells Graduates Monroe Rites, For the Rest of '\1 acaUon'

By JUDY TOOHILL and Louise plans to learn on a recently moved to Minneapolis Of Educatian/s Importance to Econamy ~~~:~ '"~~~~~~ Staff Writer Piper Cub plane. She also intends from Ames. H] don't even know if In the midst of final exams and to do a lot of relaxing to compen· I can get to my bed, because the versities were being urged to sate for spending the last two aefore 768 graduetes Wednel' Western civilizatlon that is wei· cruiting to itself many of Ihe best Iyn Monroe, for a decade tbe rooms turned top y·turvy with things I sent haven't been un· dey night, SUI P,..sident Virgil comed and desired in every under· brai.ns of every generation has charge high tuitions because edu· movies' sex symbol, was entombed trunks, suitcases and cardboard year going to college year·round. made it the imperial city that it cation increases the students' fu· packed yet!" she exclaimed. M. Hendler delivered the '01· developed country. These under· Wednesday after a final kiss and boxes, Burge Hall residents really Cerolyn Henne, A3' Webster lowing edd, developed nations know, orten bet· is. ture earning power. Now it is evi· bad their thougbts turned to plans City, will help "'r parents move She plans to help her mother an "I love you, I love you, I love Candidates for Degrees. Parents ter than we ourselves, that edu· Gone are the days when desira· dent thaI society should support for what is left of their "summer to a new home "just down the decorate their new bGme, and then these great institutions at low and Friends, Ladies and Gentle· cation is an investment and nOI ble industry seeks low taxes and you" from ex·husband Joe Di· vacation" after the end of summer block 'rom WI liy. now." men: merely another expenditure; that cheap labor. Some days ago an of· lost to the students because it is around the first of September laggio. school. She ..peets to minish her fumi. Karen will drive to Florida with Of the three University Com· it is en investment In the future. ficer of one of lowa's most im­ society as a whole which reaps the For most the summer school tu,.. and veeation in th. western greater benefit. The tax cost of The onetime star slugger fol' the ot ber family where they will leave mencements each year - Febru· Underdevelopment is a relativ~ portant enterprises said to ffiP : students there are only a few weeks stetes, too. "The few acres of ground UJ)Un education is not a loss to the econo­ 'ew York Yankees. secOnd of the her brother Paul at Florida State MY, June and August - the Aug· term. No country is lully de· famed blonde's three husbands, before the "grind" starts again, A vacation in the Poconos Mts. University in Tallahassee. She ust Commencement tends to be the veloped. Not even the U nit e d which our buildings stand are of my. It is an investment in human and they are planning to cram of Pennsylvania and visiting with capital. was the last mourner to leave the plans to do some school wardrobe most unusual. Generally it Is !tot; States or the na­ small importance. These acres them wilh fun and relaxation. ber family on the AUanlic coast shopping on the way home. could be almost anywhere - in chapel before her coffin was seated. il ushers in the quiet season- tions of Western o longer do we ask: "What "I really didn't mind summer are plans of l\1arie Patterson, A2, California or MassachuseUs or cen we afford to spend on educa· DiMaggio, who spent 12 hours "Then I'm going t~ rest and pack th~ low point before Labor Day Europe are lully scbool. It is a good deal for fresb· fndependence. and come back to school." when Iowa City resembles a de- developed. It was Texas or a hundred olfler places. tion?" Rather we ask: "What can at the mortuary Tuesday and 5~ "What is important, however, is men because it gets them used to 'Tm going to swim, gol( and serted village; and il regullU'ly the concern of we not afford to spend?" To wi.:1t hours there before the funeral Wed· the campus and U n i vel'S i t y completely relax the mind, " Sue provides the highest ratio of al~' member nations what is adjacent to those acres. more productive use can the same nesday, was in tears as he left What is important to us is that classes," commented Carla Jones, Asp, A4, Evanston, 01., said. She Kinyon in City. van~ed degree candidates to total with this problem money be put? Suppose that for the chapel after a simple, dignified AI, Washington. She plans to catch has several outdoor camping trips ., gr/lduates. Tonight we shall cc.n· which brought to the University of Iowa be not too Ihe next ten years we spent no service lor a selecl group ot friends up on reading and go to Minne ola in Wisconsin planned . fer Ihe highest combined number Washington, D.C., far away, that it be in the (')re· money on education. Would we be "He was alone with her many for a vacation with her family be­ Final wedding plans will take aU Today f(u bam of .Master's and Ph.D. degrees a n October 20, front of advances in science IIno richer or poorer for the withhold· times," said a mortuary source. fore returning to SUI in the lall. of the time of Marcia Anderson, eve'r conferred by the University 1961, a unique, scholarship, and that our pe!lplc Ing of that expenditure? The ques· MAQUOKETA !HI - A former "He was a man obviously he­ Ellen Dow, A3, AI ...ndrie, Va., A4, Bloomfield. The wedding is to convict, charged with murder in in po single Commencement cere· significant but, be given an opportunity to meet tion answers itself. rea ved. a man slill very mucb in spend 22 hours treYlling by be in three weeks. and know and to exchange ideas will the latal bealing of a farmer who monY! IitUe publicized, • • love witb her." trein hi' glt home. After she ar· Mrs. Louise Harkin, G, Bur­ Many of you already hold one Policy Conference with its scientists and scholars." • befriended him, Wednesday wa's WE SHALL need education. an:! A crowd of 1,000 curious nocked rive., EII'n plenl to lurn to lington, will visit h.r family dur­ ordered 10 undergo a psychiatric or even two coJlege or university of the Organiza. THE EXPERIENCE of ?If LT .• we shall need it especially at (he to the park in West Lo Angeles, drlYe two kinds of forlign cen, ing the thr•• weeks before school examination. degrees. As a group. therefore, tion for Economic Cal Tech, the BateOe Institute, the highest level and of the best quail· • Volk.w ...n end FeU9lot which bells egein ring Ind she resumes just a mile from 20th Century·Fox District Court Judge Arthur you are well beyond the average Cooperation and new center at Dallas, Texas, and ty in the years ahead . Universities studio where Marilyn soared to he. four forwerd ",ers. " I'v. t.eching kindergartln in Burling· in maturity, experience, and e


Thill' an adftrti"m.nt of lowa·lllinois Gal and EI"lric Compan)'