V: ■ .

‘ ATwa^ Daily Net Press Run FUr Hie Week Ended . Jime 28, 1868 The Weather Continued warm and humid tonlf'ht and JTuesday with a 15,459 continued chance o i rain, the low tonight about 70 ' . ''' Manchester— 4 City of Vitlage Charm

yOL. LXXXVm, n o . 271 (TWENTT-FOUB PAGES-TW O SECTIONS-TABLOID) MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. AUGUST 18. 1989 (ChiMifled Advertifttiix on Pace tO) PRICE TEN CENTS Army Eases Guard On Beret Suspects Storm Leaves Dead SAIGON (AP) — The dering a Vietnameee believed to GULFPORT, Miss. (A P )— Hurricane Camille’s death U.S. Aliny took the eight been a double agent are no toll spiraled quickly to 15 today as daylight brought Green Berets charged with armed guard. the full impact of the murderous Gulf storm's sweep fYiiirrlor mit ___ seven officers are cot- across the Mississippi coast. finJm/nt of fh T ® ^Ulet at fmemrat at the Long Binh Long Bdi*. is mUes north of Mississippi Civil Defiense director Bill Harvey in stockaae today and confin- Saigon, while the enlisted man, Jackson said there were 10 known dead in Biloxi, two ed them to regular billets Sgt- Aivbi L. Smith jr . of Na- [* it'tV in Gulfiiort, two at Moss Point and one at (Jcean at the big headquarters in an enlisted Springs. All of the towns dot the coast along a long post north of Saijron m stretch of white sand lieach. The Army’s chW spokesman ^ spokesman 1 A Cojut Guard helicopter flew over the hurricane In Vietnam announced that the k„ r.„i seven officers and one enlisted' imivact area this morning and reported the stretch man who are accused of mur- *^«ault of Vineyard from liOng Beach. Miss., to Pass Christian, Miss., “ is Haven, Mass., former com­ i— flattened. mander of all Green Beret None of the dead wan IdenU- forces In Vietnam, have been at fled and Civil Defenae offlclala Long Blnh since their arrest In Gulfport (eared they would July 20. ‘Rejection’ find "many more bodlea’ ’ aa the New Korean The civilian attorney for one aonrch deepena Into the bay of the officers, Maj. Thomas C. area back of Biloxi. Middleton Jr. of Jefferson, S.C., Caused Death The Coaat Guard aloo toured War in Air: charged last week that Middle- aoutheaatem Loulalana, where « ton was being held in solitary Camllle’a 180 . mile . an hour confinement In a cell only 8 feet Of Blaiherg winda flrot moved Inland, and Nixon Alerted by 7 feet and without proper ^ reported ohlpa aground, leveea ventilation. CAl L TOWN, South A f- broken and bulldlnga deatroyed. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The attorney, George Gregory nca (AP) — Dr. Christian Damage by the ■torm’a high President Chung Hee Park of of (Jheraw, S.C., Hied a petition winda to telephone Unee pre- South Korea, who says North 'sst week for Middleton’s re- N. Barnard confirmed to­ day that Dr. Philip Blai- ented contact with the affected Korea Is plotting a new Invasion lease, but this was denied. On areaa. lierg. the world's lonj^at- of his country, arrives Wednes- Sunday he petitioned the Army The Red Crooa reported hous­ day for talks with President a speedy trial or dlemlssal surviving heart graft pa­ ing 70,000 evacuees In shelters Nixon. of the charges against his client tient, died liecause his In Alsbama, Mississippi and Park said Sunday, “ Korea’s renewed his charge that heart failetl under the on­ Ix)ulslana. national security will be the ma- Middleton was confined imder I a 1 • » . .... AP PtmtoCax) Three ships were victims of Hurricane Camille was bent i)y winds. In middle Kround are remains slaught of rejection, There were reports of high Jor topic of our conversations.’’ "'^humane conditions." Bamanl told a nrwn uonfar- water In the area south of New He told the magazine U.S. The Army began an InvesUga- as she blew them to shore at Gulfport Beach, Gulf­ of l)each playground. The storm swept the Missis­ onoo at Qijw Town Unlv..naty Orleans. News and World Report in a Uon July 30 similar to a grand The storm also hit the Ala­ port, Miss., last night. Steel sign in foreground sippi coast leaving death and destruction. School of Medicine Uie ilay after copyrighted interview in Seoul Jury hearing to determine hla fonroMH {Nitlent died tltot re- bama coast line near Mobile that Kim R-Sung, the North Ko- whether the Green Beret men imItH of an aiiU>i»iy (.erfornteil touched the Florida panhan- rean dictator. “ Is dedicated to would be brought to trial. The wUhln houra of U>e flO-year-old damage was twt nearly reunifying Korea—forcefully if Investigation was recessed Aug. reflred dcnllKt'H draith were not '*'*’“ * was expected to be In necessary—by 1970” and added: 2 and is to resume Wednesday. ‘Beautiful People’ Depart yet known, Iml final nniilyala those areas. “ As I understand it, the Unit- “ Isolation of the prisoners, would Mtww that the cause of Ids Gulfport and Biloxi, dim- ed States feels Aslan problems which was necessary during one death was rejection. cult to reach by phone were should be solved by Asians. The phase of the investigation, no "We always felt Uiat lw«irt wichotg elei'trlclty, gits or drink­ idea is essentially right. But the longer is required," the Army lriins)>lanLH were not a cure but ing water A gulf|s>rt hospital goal cannot be reached over- ®uld In a statement today. II iMilllatli'r," he mild. "Kvenlu- reported treating about 80 per ^ght. And we do not believe the The statement added that the Rock Fans Win Plaudits ally, the tranH|>lunted heart will wna, none apparently Injured seriously United States wpuld withdraw Army could not predict how WHITE LAKE. N. Y. thirsty, hungry youUit began brought tog«-lhei and showed It of understanding and npprecia- lx- diimugesl so much by rejec­ Sunday, security officials re­ The hurricane continued Its its forces—or influence—from much longer the Investigation (AP)—The great rock fes­ beautiful, ••’Tlie peace Uon betwe(>n the old and young. tion llsil It will not t)c able to Asia hastily.” would last. tival ended today in the ported three deaths and close to they were scr«>amlng about Is "NotwIthsUuMlIng their per­ (unction any more." trek acraea central Mlosiwlppl 8,000 persons treated for li^ju- today. Winda of 100 mllM an Plans are still tentative, but “ Delays have been caused same_____ spirit___ of ,peace______and what Uiey really want -they're sonality, tlMir dress and their In lUnllierg's cioh-. Ids riinhiic Korean sources rles, illness or adverse drug living It. They value each other ldeiu\ they wer«‘ and they are team slowed ikiwn the rejrrlhin iKJUr lashed HaUtesburg while Ions President both by unavailability of certain sharing that enabled 400,- (Columbia reported utility poles Park will reacUons during the three-day more than miitcrlaf Ihlnga." the most courteous, constderolr prmess (or 8M daya. ^^tnesses and requesU for de- 000 young people to gather ilown ami Irem uprooted. span. Slid Long, who hiul anUolpated and well-bnhiived group of kids "We feel now rather like n the Naval air Station at Monter- lays by counsel for some of the T ^ ^ c "R looks pretty awful to m e," ey. Park, his wife and his accused,"______, the„ „ statement wsiusaid music. A late afternoon thunderstorm attendance o( only about Imtsman wlio Itoixw he will isrt 10- three days of I have ever been In contact wlUi a Columbia poMceman oald. man entourage, including his Meanwhile, another version of speeded departures. Bui thou- 80,000 each day. t>e out with the firs! Isill mai’ijuana and mod living in my 24 years of poller work." The storm spent moot of Its ministers of foreign affairs and the killing was aired today by a without a major incident. ^ determined fans re- The cxtriionUnary rct«()on8e said Isxi Yank, lu-tid of tlie con­ when tve Is evenlisilly out he is fury on the long strip of white national defense, will spend source with contacts among In- "There has been no violence oialned and huddled around created traffic Jams health stabulary In nearby Montlcello. sod abotd It, although he might beach along the Gulf Coast-from Wednesday night at Del Monte telllgence officers In Saigon. He whatsoever, which Is remark- thekering campfires through the problems and materiiU Aort- ‘ laiura Glozef, an IH-yeur-old have done much better Oion ex­ T ___...... ^ 1 a_ ..... / . h i l l nicvV .8 S1. ^ S l _ _ t _____ Gulfport to Biloxi. Its aye Lodge near Monterey. said the slaying of the Viet- “ crowd of this size.” chUl night to hear the final con­ ages beyond unyotw's expecta­ pected.” cert. (See Page Twaoty-’niree) moved Inbind before midnight Thursday morning the party namese double agent was done William Abruzzl, the tion. and sent waves soarhig over Despite the rain that turned will travel by helicopter to San without any authorization from festival’s chief medical officer. One man who worked to al­ highway and deatroyed 40 of the the farm fields of the fesUval Francisco for a morning confer- f*>e Central Intelligence Agency. “ These people are really beauti- leviate Uie problems was l)Cax 360 buildings on the big Naval site Into seas of mud again, de­ / o . . ’ ful.” Yofgur, the dairy former who Heabee Bairn north of Gulfport. Page Twenty-lliree) (See Page Twenty-lliree) As the great exodue of Ured, spite the shortages of water and rented his 600-acre spread to the Biloxi Mayor Daniel Gulce e » food and the lack of sanitary fa­ festival for a reported $80,000. Heroin Here timated damagaa during the cilities. the spirits of the audi­ He sold or gave away quantities night at $10 inllHon to Biloxi. ence remained high at the end. of milk, butter and cheese. But after a da)rllght Inspection Everything from drugs, to He also put up a big sign say- In Suburbia thla morning he said "that’s a rides to sandwiches dorated by Ing "KTee Water" On his barn very oonaefvltave estlmats." Edgy Calm Prevails in Ulster local resldente and merchanto after he heard th»U some real- BOflTON (AH) — Drug pat­ (?lv1l Dafonoe officials feared was being shared. Volunteer dents were selling water to the terns have changed nuUcsily In that "many more bodies" would the post few years, and dngpi doctors and nurses were treat­ youths "How can anyone ask are now becoming s serious (I Page Eight) ing the sick In hurriedly set up money for water?" he Oifked an­ As Peace Confabs Commence problem In all Uit New Rkiglanl clinics to keep the hoepUals free grily of his friends. BSSL^AST, Northern Ireland It waa the first time the exact Belfast government Tuesday or states, Richard Callahan,

ilanrl^ pfitpr volvement on the Asian continent lies Fortunate Accident Turns not, therefore. In this or that diplomatic , Inside \ \ ^tipnins i|praU) or military agreement, but In the whole Stone to Wood Sculpture posture to which President Johnson and Report ____ PUBLISHED BT THE Secretary of State Rusk committed tWa y DAVTON BLAIR dropped out of school at 13. Lat- Anderson-Little (Continued (r^ Page •) HERALD PRINTINO CO,. INC. Associated Press Writer er he found he could model from 18 BIs m U Street nation on the continent of Asia. “Hiey MAncbeeter. Conn. LOCUS’T GROVE, Okla (AP) eastern Oklaho- Republican Congress- ■X THOMAS P. stooUSON proclaimed us to be ah Asian power, WALTER R. FERGUSON — On a rocky hiukde farm In **!•-*• His work caught the women was necessary to over- PuUtahera with rights on the Aslan mainland Founded October 1, 1881 “Cherokee country” of eastern ^ * man who arranged for rule a White House aide’s de- OPEN which stemmed from our own need for Oklahoma, Willard Stone Uvea against her. PubliBhed Every Eventa* Except SundAye i EVERY NITE' and Holidays. Entered at the Poet Office at our own national security. And they put Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mail r ? “■ ■>' s r . I" Th,»,s. 1. ». puxuc Mon thru Matter. us down on the mainland, hard and con­ it 53, )u3t 10 ye„ utor h, ~ Saf SUBSCRIPTION RATES vincingly, with more than half a mllUon quit his Job with an aircraft years Stone carved for highly respected maritime odl- Payable In Advance One Year ...... $30.00 troops, and installations capable of bas­ firm in Tulsa to become a ^ w asn’t woric- tar of the Baltimore Sun — l » s Sensational f Six Months ...... 16.60 professioml artist—Stone is ^ treated shabbUy by the Three Months ...... 7.80 ing millions more. known a. financial responsibility for typo- dlan background and a love of ranging in age from one to 28 partment but was vetoed by gra^lcal errors appearing in advertisements legitimate sphere of American Influence f nature that borders on rever- For three years he was ar- Secretary John Volpe. and other reading matter in The Manchester 4 Evening Herald. and a region we must patrol and police ence. it shows in his delicate tist-in-residence at the GUcrease Finally, the third promise of 1 ! carvings of animals, flowers, Institute of History and Art In Maritime (Jornmlssion chair- Subscriber to Los Angeles Times-Washlng- In our own national Interest. That was ton Post News Service. 4 children and women—usually Tulsa. Through efforts of the nranshlp was axed by Peter Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. proclamation of an empire we certainly Indians, like himself. ’ate Thomas Gilcrease, art pa- Flanigan, Mr. Nixim’s powerful Publishers Representatives — The Julius \ 1 Mathews Special Agency — New York Chi­ stone, who Is mostly Chero- Iron and collector, he was invlt- Patronage chief in theWhlte SALE! don’t want and probably can’t get. cago. Detroit and Boston. t kec, bought the 30-acre farm 22 ed to hold a one-man show at House. Flanagan, who has a MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA- \ i yelars ago and built the unpre- the Kennedy Galleries in New opinion of women in govem- TION8, A, \ tentious but comfortable house Yohk. ment, ordained that Mrs. Bent- fo r B o y s ^ Young M en Dimlay advertising closing hours: A Time For Eptness in which he I i>nes "because when 'When the National Cowboy *ey could be a commission mem- For Monday — 1 p.m. BVIday. For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. we moved here we didn’t have Hall of Fame opened at Oklaho- l>er but not its chairman, For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. WASHINO’TON —‘ "The thing that’s the money to get it built.” ma City, Stone held another That would have been final For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. most eurprteed me about the adminis­ For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. Around the small farm are show and the hall boi^ht the had not It been for the Interven- For Saturday — i p.m. Thursday. tration thus far has been its incredible the family horse, 40 goats— last 19 carvings he had for sale, tlon of four Republican Con- Classified deadline — 5 p.m. day b e M m Incptneas,’’ publication, 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday bought to graze some under- Since then hla backlog of com- gTcsswomen — Florence Dwyetr and Monday publlcatkin. That earaluatlon. by one of the Capi­ brush away, hogf\ ducks, chick- missions has kept trim too busy Hew Jersey, Cathertae May — tol’s senior Republican hands, over­ ens, numerous kittens and a fa- to build up another collection Washington, Margaret Heck- o v s Monday, Autfust 18 states only Bllghitly a vcnBct voiced by vorite 11-year-old dog named for shows. ler of Massachusetts, end Chari fo r B' many T»litlcians and -political analysts "Sputnik.” He has a commission to carve Redd of minods. Visiting For here these days; the word Vlnept" re­ Stone calls the dog Sputnik be- bust of one chief of each of the President July 8 to request curs with monotonous regularity. It’s a Other Commitments More Bindin(; cause, "someday If he doesn’t f*Ye civilized Indian tribes dur- e°>"e female appointments, they vercUrt .that could foreshadow deepening sget out from under, fexjt, I’m ibg the period of 1790-1800. He specifically pleaded Mrs. Bent­ dl^ctilty for President Nixon unless The existence of the "secret pact” I; going to kick him into orbit with bas finished a bust of T^-Chee, eause. Mr. Nixon, ■who had Boys'Permanent Press fldWi reversed. that other Sputnik." a war chief of the Cherokees. unaware of the runaround Permanent Press with Thailand has now been admitted I-ong-Ume Nixon students are flabber­ 7 . ^ Long Sleeve D * Stone, a man of stocky birild Next year he will do one of ‘ ben overruled Ftonl- Long Sleeve by the State Department. It was a gasted by ^ persistent snarls and sna­ ' A ' v 1 and soft voice, jokes about his Puahmataha, a famous chief of fus. "B osw on the campaign, which Dress Sport SH IR TS military ogfreement between our two ' 1 i dog but takes his art—and life *be Choctaws. After that will ------Dress Sport SHIRTS looked pretty efficient, I expected a far —seriously. come chiefs of the Semlnoles, ^ ^ countries, and it was negotiated and sharpen smoother operation," says a Nature Study By Sylvian Oflara "Oeaition, to me, is every- Creeks and Chlckasaws, 'When LiOlCl W a tC F oO B D OUR REG 3.50 & '4 SHIRTS veteran labor lobbyist. Declares a STILL WATERS OUR REG 4.50 a '5 S H I^ signed under the over-all auspices of tiring In its highest degree of bnlshed, they will be on display ^ ^ I>emocratic Senator: "'Biese men are 8EATO. Conceivably, however, It could perfection,” he says. "If this be ‘ be Five Civilized Tribes 1 t 018 1^16311 D ill acting os though none of them had ever true, then I, as a mere human Museum at Mtaskogee. on Sale at have operuXod, or HtlU could operate, been around Government before." being, can never create a per- He works at the farm in the ‘-’OS ANGELES (AP) — The On matters big and little, the Presi­ without benefit of the formal ma­ A Thought for Today feet figure in wood if I try the small shop he buUt WmBelf. He new cold water detergents do dent and his key lieutenants have stir­ Moon-Walk May Set Man 395 chinery of the South Bout Aslan Treaty Sponsored by the Manchester red controversy and confusion unneces­ Inside Report rest O f my life." but a built-in sanltlz- Council o t Churches Organization, which has never yet known sarily. They are promising program.? S-M L ond Sif«t 14-17S Dancing to Another Tune and I don’t think t there are 600 "WlCl Sto~ otone, ^ wood S^rV’ Scuiplor,’ ...... would make , them do its members to approve concerted ac­ they knew they couldn’t pofsdbly pro­ duce, and Ignoring or offending power- Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak "Now the Lord said to different ways to get to heav- want to see his work. "I ‘be Job better the Los Angeles tion of any kind. By NICHOLAS C. CHRI3S exploration. After all, why not hil members of Congre.Hs imd outside In- Abram, 'Go from your country en,” he said. He talks of his lit- P‘"°bably ought to take it down. County health officer says, and JOHN J. GOLDMAN a new dance step, or even a t re t groups. While the Indictment Is and your kindred and your tie home town of "1,200 persons then people never would "We find no concrete evidence In actuality, then, it was almost like WASHINGTON—Rep. George by Gov. John Love of Color­ The Los Angeles Times new ballet, eomethlng like the often a broiider one, a g(xxl part of the father’s house to the land that and 12 different churches” and place,” he said. that disease has been transmlt- P. Miller of Caltfomla, who as ado, host of the July 31-Aug. 3 HOUSTON—Remember the astronauts’ walk perhaps, to a separate treaty, which Is the suspicion d "satisfaction erl.ies from Mr. Nixon’s I will show you.” shrugs. ------— ted from one person to another chairman of the House Space National Governor.s Conference Jersey Bounce, the Big Apple or memoralize this great occa­ dealings with Congre:s. This week's "TYiought for the Of his one basic concept he is C V. 1 ¥> • by ... the use of cold water de­ the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Committee rides herd on space in Oolorodo Springs, (or the the Bunny Hop? Well, how sion?” she added. Day" series will take iqi six certain: Creation has no begin- o C flO O l K e illllO ll tcrgenls,” of the type the county The recent brouhaha over exlen.' ng Bperxling, forced the National usual contingent of servicemen Several dance instructors pri­ has been formulating with regard to it. brl^ tnsigtiits into two great about the "Kangaroo Hop" or ndng. no middle, no end. e . - bas been testing. Dr. Gerald A. the income t(ix .surcharge is a sterling AeronautiCB and Space Admin­ to chauffeur honored guests, the "Lunar Lope" or maybe the vately noted that If and when Yet by Its form It would never come sections of the Old Testament His strong religious bell(if J -^ r O W S i r O I l l A f a r Heidbreder wrote the Board of xnmple of conflict jind chaos that easily istration (NASA) to pick up the use asterisks "Moon Walk.” the Lunar Lope or the Kanga­ Book of Genesis. It is the writ­ before the Senate for approval. It would could have been avoided. To priu'.Ucally tab for Congressmen junketing * « * A lot of people who saw astro­ roo Hop becomes popular, they shows in “ unity of purpose,” a BISON. Kan (AP) — This ^“ P®*wlsors Saturday, er’s hope that these may be need only the executive action of the everyone lie re but Treafury rovlslons, Amoriixui troops would n'so tie considered this year a new $42,600-a-year salary, Mil­ campaign for mayor of New quences. Dancing in Houston, said she are agreed on "one earth, one opened in 1909, closed last May Young Men s Fine g:ial to which the Administration pro- ler In-slsted that all 32 mem­ leave of the familiar, the 3UlWN N Y (AP) _ SWEATERS effortlessly; Sen. Mansfield Isn't known jet for the dinner honoring the Abram’s experience In that of The astronauts themselves, SWEATERS Thailand itself, but in neighboring Loos. I-,ou8lanA, stripped of his sen­ believe it or now. have sort of based on what they saw the 6 reunion. Authorities at the H o » e of the afl an unreasonable or uncoopenitlve moon explorers. the three astronauts who By these provisions, such American iority by the House Democratic laid out the preliminary steps astronauts perform on the moon ■me H^ht of the world. The In Its 57 years, the school Good Samaritan Ho^taJ here m an. But Secretary of Defense Mel­ literally left their homes and OUR REG '6 ft *7 SWEATERS OUK REG '8 SWEATERS caucus because he backed Wal­ of a lunar loping dancing that surface." flames surround a newborn, in- graduated 766 persons, and 380 gay Army Reserve Sgt. Harry troops might be under Tlial command. The Adminl.tratlon, tlarngh, climbed vin Ixiird proved a spoilsport. lace for President last year, put flew to the moon. could be performed on earth. Lance Stevens, owner of a font and join above him nto of them came back for the Beers, 39, of Wolcott, <3onn., to on Its high fiscal horse, it stublxinily rted it.si-lf, city,” Describing himse'f a.s a perience just now. If It is, take set the music to it,” Stevens tions. NASA luul to agree to by Armstrong and Aldrin. A m eric^ ^ a i ^ ^ T t e fu l fi^ ------far fn«n here. ably become as deeply involved in Thai­ luid the final compromiso Isn't very " lifelong Democrat,” Rarlck courage, and take Abram’s noted. pay $6,822.22 for an Air Forqo "I would like to Introduce a ure of the (Jhrost Child is joined rw .1.. (liferent fmm what the Admin'strut Ion, faith for your own. He knew, to the head of the mother n a Women Only a clvUlan, Roy Benson. 60, of land as it Is now Involved in Vietnam. KC-135 jet transport. added: re-solutlon in August at Miami "But I imagine some sort of "•witli a little more seme and sensitivity, and you can know, that the simple, easy-flowing style. CARSON CITY. Nev. (AP) _ Philadelphia, N.Y., riding in the Tliat merely luids to NASA’s "I not only reixignize ycxir during the Dance Masters of number will be emerging soon. Boys 'All Wool could tiave had fnim the start.- Ixird Himself Is pointing the di- The adoring mother, close to Two new exhibits are off-limits Je«P was Wiled. Beer’s divison in some degri'c, then, the nature of the accumulating bill for the moon candid(U-y but, -should you feel America annual convention sug­ They (the astronauts) did do a Ttin m stakes tuive bwn wldidy dis­ reetton and will be a traveler the intent’s face, has a single men at the Nevada State ‘s currently undergoing summer pact JuHlIfles the apprehensions of tiMi allot celebration. A luncheon for It would be advantageous to gesting the possibility of a new sort of moon dance, you know, SPORTCOATS tributed, from the White House down with you along the way. turkey feather tucked into her Museum, n ie y r e in the worn- training at Camp Drum. NASA workers In Houb-ton Tu<»- your vkdory, I will be happy to dance maybe called the "Lunar on purpose to see how their Senate Foreign Relations Committee, through all the d»*partments. Mr. Nixon’s Contributed by: AND BLAZERS (lay (xwt aixnmd $2,800. NASA appear in New York and cam­ Lope," said Mrs. Lllllann Lu suits operated and how much headband and curved upward to “tt ® *'e*‘ ro°"i. ______;______day-to-day gyrat'oiu on future U. S. poli­ Rev. John E. Poet At the same time, one would have to cJuirted a Unitcel Air Lines jet paign either (or or against you Pau, owner of the Lllllann Lu they could stand physically,” the top of her head. Turkey Officials said they decided to ______Young Men is All W ool cy In Asia, volctal during his Jint-eon- The United Methodist Church .OUR REG *16 SPORT COATS conclude that the Nixon Administration, at $19,342.80 to send some 116 —whichever will bo more help­ Pau School of Dancing in Hous­ Stevens said. feathers were worn by women available ^ e In the rest eluded world tour, surely erealetl wide- ton. Mrs. Lu Pau said, however, of many Indian tribes to mark ‘f f cxhlblto of interest to LET US PRICE SPORTCOATS which 1s Itself taking the line that there siire a d doubt luvd uiUNi.slm'Ks am o n g space buretuicmis and thedr ful.” She said that she would like there might be a little difficul­ A "lan 1 u;U‘ r( a n d the A m e ric a n public wives to the Ixis Angeles din­ Rarlck is best loujwn In Wash­ significant or beautiful events in , .... YOUR NEXT on Sale at AND B LAZERS must bi- no more VIetnams, was not to see some new steps devel­ ty in a new type of moon dance The dtoplays Include an 1887 alike; niter years of public life and cnni- ner. Worst of aJl, the White ington for cluttering up the Con­ Today in History PRESCRIPTION! really vi'ry reluctant to have rovcaleil gressional record with John oped In commemoration of the step. "I don’t try to portray things I ^ pa gn'ng, the President mu l lie aware House is sticking NASA with By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS toned (tombs, hair curling irons, OUK REG '2 5 SPORT COATS Birch and racist propaganda. historic moon exploration but "It might not be quite as easy don’t know about,” he said. "I the nature of this secret agreement Unit wliut he says In one place will lx: meed of the Uib (estimated at Today is Monday, Aug. 18th, a hair pin container and a ARTHUR DRUa around $76,0(X)) (or the state Two days before writing Prooac- also thought it could go even to do down here as It was up don’t try to dig into history be- rej orted In another (ilace, and that con- the 230th day of 1969. There are Si2«» 8-12 negotiated by the Johnson Administra­ clno, he lnsc(rted in the record further to perhaps influence there," she observed. cause when people find out what on Sale at Inidictlons, real or a|i]>arenit, avoidable dinner at the Century Plaza Ho­ 138 days left in the year. tion. tel in IxM Angeles. an arUclo from the far-right ballet In this country. you want, they always exagger­ or unuvo'dable, will make him aiipixir Tixlay’s Highlight In History Comixired to multl-blUlon-dol- Herald of Freedom charging Mrs. Lu Pau deplored the fact ate. e un«ure and floumleiing. On this date In 1943, President On This Date What should bi- pointed out, we think. lar coHts ot space exploration, that the anti-smoking nunpa’lgn that almost all the ballet per­ "I try to tell a story through OUR REG ‘ 18 a '1 9 SPORT COATS The explanation most wklely offered Franklin D. Roosevelt and Brit­ M' 2F 5 lids is snuUl ciuinge. Nevorthe- Is a leftist plot d ir k e d against formed in this country Is either In 1887, Virginia Dare was nature." Is that iictlons and |H)slllnns and place- for all the snarls and snafu-s Is that Mr. ish Prime Minister Winston j j ^ ^ r lS-42, & Li Uiss, Uie next time NASA ad­ the South;' from Europe or from Russia. bom at Roanoke Island, N.C. Stone, whose ancestors were Nixon and his top bruin tnistors are [ler- Churchill conferred at the Cita­ on Sale at melds are still more binding than words, ministrator Tom Paine goes be­ * • * ‘Aside from "West Side among the Indians who moved petually pixxiecuplevi with getting out of del in Quebec. She was the first child of Eng­ and that. In this light, we currently have fore Uie Senate Space Commit­ Daspite the Nixon admlntstra- Story" and a few others we to Oklahoma from the southeas­ Vietnam and flg’itlng Inflation. In 1914, President Wcxidrow lish parentage bom in North tee. he will b*> questioneil ch»e- tlon's self-ixmgratulatlon over don’t, have very much Ameri­ America. tern United, States, became a commitments to ThatlamI nua-h moiX' lloiiah'y, thes«> .diould Iv their chief pre- Wilson declared American neu­ (H’eui (illo-H. yet men ninnlng the ly as to wliether relaxeiXK-t,Hluriv( for Uie moon trality in World War I. Government of the United StnUx? sliould rank job In Helen Delich Bentley would certainly give us a step signed, with Sweden ceding part accident in which he lost the shot celebmtlon are also (ol- In 1940, the United States and papi-r, secret or otherwise. man >ge to Inidget tlu-lr time so that a (US chairman of the Federal In the right direction if we of Finland to Russia. ends of three fingers on his lowixl in actixil space opera- Canada established a joint de­ little Is left for -sei-ond-and thlixHevel ■Maritime Commission, Interven- were to develop some ballet In 1856, the U.S. Patent Office right hand. When he couldn’t OF MANCHESTER The commitment which Involves us in ilOtXi. I fense plan against possible ene­ that might possibly have some­ hold a paint brush any m ore— |in>l>!ems; many top officials aren't in- (Seo Page Seven) my attack. granted the first patent on con­ and binds us to the fate of Thailand Is ixilved In the two big nightmares ony- A fcxdnote: l.alrd's refusal to thing to do with the moon walk densed milk. the one thing he wanted .to do— give the House Space Commit- Stone become discouraged and the tremendous presence we have estab- how. Other oxplaniitlonM seem morx' rele­ toe a free-of-chorgo jet follows Boys' ll.slii'd In that country, with our nillltary van t. McKst top nien iiix* w vx'iully Ijj- his firm policy against non- Young Men s personnel, and with our military Installa­ exix'rleneed In tloix'mment; dial's true mlllUuy use of the . military. Permanent Press Laird turned down a request CASUAL SLACKS tions, as a part of our system for fight­ of iiux-(t new teanis, Iml tlii-s oiie seems Fischetti HAVE to lx> learning extrii-slowly. Tile per­ CASUAL SLACKS ing the current war In Vietnam. formance of a few tilgh-ninklng iifflcliifls SENSATIONAl. VALUE' has bi'eii at Iwwt meillocn'; otta*rs ai\> SENSATIONAL VALUE:' There la no secret about the troops, Herald — U — tixi ciH-k-sure. w h ich ciui lx- eq iu illy d is­ Special the planes, the military fields, the mili­ astrous. Distrust of tlie cartx'r bureauc­ Yesterdays Special! tary docks, we now have in Thailand. racy Icails Ntxofi men to Ignore advice SEEN and wtimings. ''I’ve lu'ver .iixm guys so 495 The fact that they are there would have Inlcnt on making their own ml.stakos,” • 25 Yearn Ago ^95 I ill.. ;■» 4 .' tnons. to t> c a ri'c r o ffic ia l iiss«>i-ts'. " Y ix i try Lt. James E. Horvath, a W S I.I 8 case of military threat to Thailand than aiHl lielp lliem, but tlx-y really ikm't local bombadler stationed in Holman Baker Bedding, wiuit to listen ’ In the While House and any treaty or military pact. The situa­ Eiyginnd, receives favorable re­ Boys' Finely Tailored miuiy agenclixs, overstaffing lias blumxl ply from Qov. Raymond E. Finely Tailored tion jwould be very sim ple: wo would lines of (xjmmand. at $99.50 each piece^ Balckx-tn concerning his sugges­ Permanent Press Permanent Press have to defend Tliulland In order to de­ Some of tlie iww boys either ikin'l mv tion to inscribe the mime and dt^rsiand or ikin't acix-pt tin- iiu|x>rtance fend ourselves. (idilresa of a person outstanding it^s a steal! D RESS SLACKS DRESS SLACKS of OxigriM-H aixl of iHitslile groups, it's in till' promotion of \4>ir Bond BRAND NEW us if tliey’re Imping to nm ttic Govcni- -sAlos on a 2.000-pound bonvb to OUR REG '6 SLACKS It was undoubtedly some sense of this Holman Baker’s M ubco Conforming: Firm ment mucti like a oorixinitlon or a law be "delivered to the enemy STORE OUR REG '8 SLACKS which Impelled President Nixon, in hU firm, making tlie decisions tlienuselves and Verto Ultra Firm Bedding are a« the vWiere It wxxild do the mo^ LN THE own extemporaneous remarks In Tluil- anl re|K>r11ng ba'ck only ix’castoivilly tri gixxl." n ^ e suggrests . . . fim\! Available in on Sale at the atockholders or clients. Tho.se , who , land, to bui;st suddenly Vut of all tlie WUllam P. QulMi, funeral di­ either the Ibnerspring or Foam Units, Hol­ si*oni tile IVnux'rut.s a.s Impmctlciil and rector, is electei) president of MANCHESTER man Baljcer Bedding waa prigrln^tlly design­ new restraints he had been trying to far-out are ignoring ttv> fact tlxit, like It ■\ llx> Ooniwotlcut Funeral Direc­ ed from recommendations b.v orthoptic ill.. 29 14 weave around our presence in Asia, o r ikX, Uie«> d ream er.s cixU rol biiUi tors’ Association. PARKADE Houses of Oixignvss. Burgeons for those with back disorders. and blurt It out that wo would be ‘de­ But now. man’y with normal, health.v backs n icrv’s tx) sign >x>t ttuit tile niitkm a.s 10 Yearn Ago HOMS OF fending Thailand not only against at­ a w h o le is u|X)et titxnit the w a y th e N ixon are also enjoying sujier firmness and ex­ tack from abro(}d, but from attack with­ men are running things But If on tlx-job Boaixl of Education unani- treme quality. Visit the Watkins Slumber e x p e rie n c e d w s n ’t .sixm p n x iu c e a m ore numsl}- nignoves iiinn requiring in. That Is wluit the facts, the logistics, Shop ti^^y and let us point out the ad­ efficient ojx'mtion. the retiuU will be not all chllitren In the actvxil sys­ vantages of Holman Baker Bedding. $99.50 Anderson-Little of our own presence there say we would iBily itamagc for tlx* PrxvUilent on a wkle tem to be raccinated against each. W MANCHESTER do, range of sjx'clflc i.ssues, but also tlie cre- (XlUo. SHOE / iitlon of a public image that may later b« Sqvetgeen 8th Ptotriet xvters (Manchcfter Parkade) Weat Middle Tumpike-Rruad Street AND Tlie real target of all those seeking to /:ihffu'ult to alter or enuHcnle AIAN linnnlnuxisly approve a $2.6P0 Open 9 A.^^. to 5 :3 0 P.M. Cloned Mon.-^ Phone 647-9776 L OTPKN IN THK WAIJ, STRKKT a|i(>iMprlatlon for ixunpletion of lessen the danger of' our military In­ Open Thurn. & Fri. until 9 P.M. JOURNAL the HarUand Rd. sex-er projeef ^ HhRM ATUHAT1M m ui /$ Fir s t '' SIMPLEX SHOE : A-'- .


back pains brought on by over­ PAGE NINE ‘Rejection’ exertion. They admitted they Manchester Area did. not know the exact nature of Nixon Picks FRB Revises Calculations his ailment, but suspecting re­ Caused Death jection of the heart, they in­ Vernon Youth creased his dosages of drugs to Haynsworth Of Nation’s Money Stock suppress the rejection tenden­ OiFBlaiberg cies. Arrested In By HOBART BOWEN growth within a narrower range They could not use the anti- A s J u stice The Waahlngton Post than has prevailed before. (Continued Irom Page One) lymphocyte .serum they used in When FRB chairman Martin Theft of Car (Contlniied from. Page One) WASHINGTON — The Federal band was not In pain at the time 1968 because Blaiberg had de­ a few months ago delivered a re­ Reserve Board (PRB) has of his death. veloped an allergy to it. Mas­ A Rockville youth was arrest­ MitclieU had told the Judge sev­ port on first quarter results to "But he was suffering," .she sive doses of cortisone were ad- eral weeks ago that his name quietly revlaed the way It cal­ the joint economic committee, minl-stered to counter rejection ed last night and charged with he painted with some satisfac­ told newsmen. "He was feeling waa one of those under consider­ culates the natlcm’s money sup­ but this further weakened the theft of a motor vehicle and op­ tion to the reduction in the very uncomfortable. Yesterday ation. ply, and the resultB are bound body tissues. erating under the influence of money supply growth to 1.9 per he hardly ate anything and I left to confuse and confound the ex­ Rejection clogged his arteries, The appointment of Burger cent, as then calculated, from the hospital about 7 o’clock to liquor after a one-car accident perts. causing his transplanted heart came In White House ceremo­ 7.6 per cent In the 4th quarter go and make him some cold In Vernon. As a matter of fact, the Fed­ chicken consomme. I was just to pump at only a third of its 4 of 1968. A car driven by Eward Waite, nies that contrasted to the lack eral Reserve itself isn’t stue home when the hospital phoned normal pres.sure. His kidney’s This past week, the revised 18, of 23 Mounatin St. was ob­ of fanfare to the naming of what its new money, stock me and told me that he had malfunctioned and his arms and figures were dropped, with lit­ leg swere all but paralyzed. served by Vernon Police Officer Haynsworth, a Democrat. Hayn­ figures (or the old ones)' really died. I could not believe it. mesm or prove. tle fanfare or notice, into the John Shea being driven In an sworth waa not at the Western board’s second quarter report. "He went suddenly. He Jiwt White House. In any event, taking into ac­ erratic manner on Rt. 30. "The continued constraint on askedi for a glass of water and The Western White House count new sources of funds de­ died as he took it.” As the officer attempted to veloped by the banks (including bank reserve positions, and the signal the driver to atop, he sought today to allay a contro­ further increase in Intereert Blaiberg’s funeral was to take versy concerning a conflict of the money supply has been continued on through Vernon rates," the report said, "ap­ place at a Cape Town cremato­ interest charge that had been Growing faster than reported and to Rt. 74 In Tolland. The pear have held the rate of rium late today with a rabbi of leveled against Judge Hayn­ earner. car left the road, crashed growth in the money stock dur-. the Jewish Reform congregation Mrs. Joseph Piilchlopek sworth by the TextUe Workers For example, in contrast to through a private fence, con­ Ing the second quarter below conducting the service. Mrs, Stelln, Jacpislk Pulchlo- Union of America six years ago the 1.9 per cent growth report­ tinued through a back yard and that of the latter half of 1968. Mrs. Blaiberg wept as she p'ik, 53, of 54 Amott Rd., died after he participated in a deci­ ed (or the first quarter, the came to a stop agalnat a tree. "The money stock — as cur­ told newsmen her husband's Saturday at her home. She was sion involving a southern textile FRB now reports a figure of last words to her, less than on the wife of Joseph Pulchlopek, Waite was held overnight In firm that was unfavorable to the 2.7 per cent. rently measuied — rose at an hour before he died, were: "E i­ Mrs. PulcdUopek was bom lieu of a $1,000 bond for appear­ union. And in the second quarter, annual rate of 4.6 per cent, com­ leen, I am dying. I know I am Oct. 10, 1916, in WorceHter, ance in Manchester Circuit Haynsworth said last week the growth was 4.6 per cent— pared about 2.7 per cent in going." Mfu'is., the ilaughter of the late Court 12 today. The car was that a Justice Department against imsubstantlated reports the first quarter and more than "I never believed he could Felik end Antoinette Jaqu.sik. owned by Theodore Stawlckl of investigation exonerated him of that the recent gain has been 6 per cent during the second really die," .she said. "He al­ She lived In Manche.stcr for the 26 Prospect St. this charge in the 1963 Federal almost zero. For the 8-month half of 1968. ways rallied and never gave up, past 26 years. She was em­ Richard Saucier, 34, of North Court decision. period, December 1968 through "These money stock figures but I knew then that he was ployed as an Offlc.e clerk by the River Rd., Coventry, was ar­ And today, Ziegler said the July 1969, the growth waa ex­ for the first half of 1969 have nearing the end. First National ''-^tones. East rested yesterday by Vernon po­ Justice Department was making actly 4.0 per cent. been revised on the basis of "That was the first time since Hartford. She wad^ti former lice on a 12th circuit court war- available all of details regard­ The most consistent defender certain preliminary, newly col­ his operation that he .spoke of member of the Daughters of rent charging him with breach ing this case, which occurred of the money stock theory of lected data. death and the first time that he Isabella and the Emblem^tjlub. of the peace. when Robert F. Kennedy was economics. Prof. Milton Fried­ "These data have helped admitted he was seriously ill. Survivors bo.sldcs her husbiihcj The arre.st .stemmed from a attorney general. man, wrote in last week’s eliminate a downward bias that include her daughter, Mrs. Newsweek that the FRB was "Even during the lost few qpmplalnt made by Richard The record Indicates, Ziegler had stemmed from an increas­ Dean Kneeland of Hebron; a threatening the economy with days since his readmlttance tf> Bdojtofen of Rockville who told said, that "the assertions re­ ing volume of ‘cattfi items’—a brother, Ed-ward Jaqu-sik of MRS. E. MASON THRALL JR. "overkill’’, because it had not J the hospital, he would always polled that Saucier struck him. garding his (Haynsworth’s) con­ deduction item In measuring Worcester, two sl.'ters, Mrs, allowed the money stock to say, 'I was not feeling too well The alleged Incident took place flict of initerest were totally put the money stock—that was gen­ Helen Strok of Rhrxle Island and M1.SS Suzanne Beatrice Boau- grow at alL yesterday, but I am much bet­ July 22 in a'W est Main St. bar. Barrington, niece of the bride, to rest and there is no substance erated In part by overnight Mrs. Anthony Yucatonls of Ma-s- vaLs and E. Mason Thrall Jr., Money stock, in the generally ter now.’ Saucier l.s scheddled to appear was maid of honor. Thevbrtdea- to these particular assertions." Euro-doIIar transactions and to sachiisetts; and a grand-son. bath of M^uichcHter, were wed used definition, Is the total "Every day he would refer to In Rockville ClrciiHOiurt 12 mald was Miss Joanna E. Ber­ Fortas resigned amid a con­ a great extent were not assoc­ yesterday, until last night. That The funeral will be held to­ Sept. 2. Salurday, July 26, at the Church nardo of Barrington, another amount of currency plus check­ iated with deposit transfers.” troversy over ids ties wUlh the ing accounts In the nation. Ac­ was . the fir.st time— and his morrow at 8:30 a.m. at the Joseph Bray, 19, of 291. Tal- of tho Holy Angels In Barring­ niece of the bride. No one at the Federal Re­ ton, R.I. family foundation of jailed fin­ cording to Friedman and his fol­ words were .scan ely aiwllble." Holnus; khim.-ral Home, 400 oottvllle Rd.. Vernon, wg-s Randall Thrall of Manchester serve Board is able fully to Main St. with a Mass or re­ ancier Lxmls J. WoUson. lowers, changes In the money Dr. Barnard .siiid after learn­ charged with Improper entering Tho bride Is a daughtor of served as his brother’s beat translate what was meant by quiem at St. Bailholiomcw’s Oontroversy also swirled stock are the prime determi­ ing of Blalberg’s death: "I am of a limited exit highway and Adoliard A. Beauvais of 799 man .Ushers were Robert H. this obscure language, exieept (Ihiirch ait 9:30. BiirlaJ will be around Haynsworth when his nant of the course of the eco­ afraid I have nothing to say .‘peedlng early this morndng. CeJiQjr St. The bridegroom Is Thrall of Manchester, brother that the money stock appeared in St. James’ Ccmitjery. a Mr. and Mrs. Elmer name came up last week as Nix­ nomy. Over-simplified, exces- That Is all." Police said Bray left Rt. .30, non whose heart 80, of Thompsonville, father of Sept. 2. riage by her father. She wore the BTLB board of governors This may help explain why— Barrington, brother-in-law and who comes from Greenville,' Blaiberg received, said she was Theodore Kukulka of Vernon, a full-length gown of embroid­ sister of the bride. After a and many other economists and despite the assertion that the William N. R . failure due to tlie crushing Alamo Victory said he thought tance telephone. one soldier was killed when his jets hit six Debanese villages East Hartford, died last night Other area |>ollee aellvlly: wliKls ami title waters, Cjvil De- all three would have to be Shun Ceremony A total of 142 persons liave military vehicle struck a mine and klUed four civilians. Israel at an East Hartford convales­ EI.I.ING’I'ON fen*. officials were unable to scrapped. received heart transplants since Robert Wilson Jr., 21. of East confirm rejxirts of heavy dam­ HARTFORD, Conn, (AP) — In the occupied Golan Heights of said the planes hit camps of cent lioiiic. Tlie Gulfport hospital reported Syria and another was wounded Arab guerrillas responsible for Barnard made medU’al history Mrs. Day was bom April 6, W.adsor was arre .ted and age to other points along the It treated about 50 persons but Gov. John Dempsey inaiated to­ by Implanting a heart In Izmls coast, Tlie trip Is tlottetl with when a vehicle hit a mine in the at least 21 attacks on Israel in 1883 111 Ireliuid, and had live In cliurged with talluiN' to drive releiuied all after treatment or day that "very personal nea- with a space-age future! Right now we have Waslikansky on Dec. 11. 11107. Of small towns anti fishing camps Gaza Strip. the past month. AN IMMEDIATE JOB the Eu.st Hartford-Manchostor establl.slied lane and openilliig examination. t r a in in g w it h f u l l Even if you've never fixed anything the.se, 37 patients still are alive. when' miuiy luive vacation aons" prevented him from at­ An Arab sabotage squad tried On the Israeli political scene. orders for more than 1200 JT9D engines for the naw genera­ PAY! area iiiosl of her life. wllh unsafe tires vesterday. He Traffic lights, normally Including two of-the-flve lieart homes. tending lost week’s dinner in Saturday night to penetrate Is­ Defense Minister Moshe Dayan bigger than a lawn mower, you can learn job skills like ma­ The funeral will be Wednes­ was al.so l.ssiied a written warn­ swinging high above Intersec­ rael in the northern Jordan Riv­ tion of superjet commercial airliners! Production, experimental recipients ojierated on by Bar- There were alsti reports that Dos Angeles (or the moon as­ apparently ruled himself out of day at 8:15 a.m. from the W. ing for driving after drinking. tions In down Gulfport, sagged er Valley, the spokesman said, chining, jet engine metalsmithing, tool and die making, elec­ nanl. coultl not bo conflrmtHl of flood­ any attempt to replace Mrs. and overhaul work is in full swing on our famous JT3D, JT8D, P, Qulsh ^ Funeral Home, 2'28 He l.s Heheiliiled lo iipis-ar In to .street level. Driftwood was tronauts. but Israeli troops intercepted It Although W^ishkansky died of ing til 1‘nscagoula, near tlio Ala­ Golda Melr as prime minister tronics and many many more. Courses last anywhere from 3 Main St., with a Mass of re­ -Rockville ( ’Irciilt Court 12 Sept. piled against buildings and lit­ Back from a two weeks vaca­ and killed one guerrilla. JT12, TF30 and J52 series, of aircraft engines, and on the pneumonia IS days after his op­ bama line, and fires In Bay St. after the October elections. quiem at SI. Rose (’hurcli, East 16. tered the city's streets. tion, the governor was pressed In Amman, capital of Jordan, weeks to 4 years , , . and you earn full pay while you're learningl eration, Blaiberg was not dls- Ixnils, on the other eml of the Dayan met with leaders of the FT4 for our ever-increasing number of industrial and marine Hai l ford, at 9. Burial will be In Tlie building housing the Gulf- by newsmen to ddscloae the a military spokesman said Jor­ eouraged at the prosjieet for his ctxisl near tlie Ixiulslana line. majority Dabor party over the )Kirt Dally HeruJd newspaper "personal reasons’’ that made It danian forces dueled with the op«‘ratlon. In falling health since St. Mary’s Cenietery, North- But llic Jackson weather bun'tiii weekend and worked out an customersi Impossible for him to join other Israjells for 30 minutes Sunday a heart attack 12 years before, amiiloii. Mass. Slook Market .'tiltl the two towns were hiirtl took a biittering. A pU'.turesque agreement which he then pre­ dignitaries at, the state dinner in the southern Jordan River I he said: "1 want to tie ne.\-1." Friends may rail a.1 the fu­ lilt iiiitl the town of Waveland. ttwanlng which shades the side­ sented his own Raft (action of NKW YOKK (AIM The for the trio of aatronauts. valley. He said the Israelis car­ After his operation, Bamaiil neral home tomorrow from 7 to lielwee.n New Orleans and Gulf- walk around the building col­ the party. Th^ Rafi faction ap­ BENEFITS THAT CAN’T BE BEAT How about paid life, stock market remained on hluh- "Tt was Impossible for me to ried away three casualties and allowed Blaiberg a bottle con­ It p ill. )K>rt, was completely tlestroyed. lapsed and water had seeped proved it 39 to 6. . including traineesj mechanics, oilers, electricians, er In iiKHterate IradltiK Into the building. aiUcnd for very personal rea­ the Jordanians suffered no loss­ This means that the Dabor YOUR KIND OF JOB hospital and surgical insurance. Ten paid holidays. Vacations taining his old. badly fibrosed <*arly thl« aftenuMm, with ana- PiiHcagtmla Is tlie site of a big sons. If It had been public rea­ es. organ. Blailierg liecame tile ■J Bin*. Waller Taiilincr Gulfport Is fronted by a white party will enter the fall elec­ electronic servicemen, machine operators, welders, lathe op­ up to four weeks and paid sick leave. A better-than-ever IVcUs j;enenilly re^rujilInK tlu- oil ivflnt'ry and the Ingalls Shlp- sons, I would make them pub­ A U.N. committee investigat­ tions unified. Dayan had threat­ first I li a n to liold Ids own lieart Mrs Kthel Ijiivtgiie Talllilier, .'land beach, an area filled with advance as ati exlenlUm of last bullillng Co., htis a submarine lic," he declared. "There wjis ing human rights violations in ened to split with the Dabor par­ erators, boring machine operat(|rs, tool and die makers, experi­ retirement program And bowling, golf and a variety of other in Ids liamls. 6-t. of Ha'zanlvllle. a Maiiclics- \vt*eks’ lati‘ rally. .sim.so:ikers late Saturday. The ImlMlng pliuit there. The nu- no discourtesy whatever. ’ ’ Israeli-occupied territories, met ty and run against Mrs. Melr. Di*terniineii tb make tlu* most tcr native, .si>nvllle Barl;il was m tious, .sclccTlve buying" that aj>- .swtxijH'il In from Uie Gulf, rum- Jolui Mather Chapter, Order The governor and Mrs. Demp­ en were not disclosed. and arrangements to insure that autolilography, Tssiklng at My Kiiflcld SI Cemetery. Enfield pa rent ly stcmmcti fi tuu “ hopes liletl over tl«> southeastern tip of of DeMoIay, will elect officers sey spent part of their vacation Rawhi Khatib,* former mayor foreign armies cannot move higher! Plus 10% bonus for the second shift. 8 to 4 Mondays through Fridays Visit the plant employment Heart." ami planned a second Mis . Taiilm a- wa.s Ikiih Nov. that the rally may liave further IxiuLs-laiui. skirtexl 60 miles east at its meeting tonight at 7:30 In Rliode Island and the bal- of Old Jerusalem, testified on west of the Jordan River. office nearest you Now! book dealing wltli famous per- 13. HH14 In Mam-lie.-itcr, daiigh- to go ” of New Orleiuw, then thundereii at the Masonic Temple. imce ol the time at their sum­ Israeli dissolution of Arab coun­ .sonalltles he luid met. He Insist­ ler of Na|H)leoii and Kthel 'I’be aiiviuiee gx)l uiuler way Into Uie Mississippi emist. mer cottage on Dake Alexander cils and seizure of property in ed on personally answering the Avery laivlgne. aiwl had lived late iasl NVednetklay aud l)iu>yed Ixnitslana Gov. John Mo- •nie Mystic Review, Nort^ In Putnam. Jerusalem. PRIVATE large volume e>f fan mall be re­ ill Enfield for ‘29 yeari She was the markt't in its closing ses- KelUien m ade an air tour over Anierlciui Benefit Association, EDUCATION TUITION PAYMENTS for Aircrafters who want ceived from all over the world a memiM'r of the Thomixsonvlllc sh>:ts »>f week. southern jxirta ol the state Uila will meet tomorrow night at 8 Blaiberg was admitted to Dated Melliodi.st Cliiiivh and “ 'rhe trading pace,one ana­ morning to survey damage. at the Odd Fellows Hall. eUlTAR LESSONS to continue their education in area technical schools and PLUS a nice place to work with a lot of nice people who are going places m Groote Kchuur IKxspital last Its Women’s Soelety i>f Clirls- lyst said, “ liullcales inveHtors Ttiere were reports Uiat water U.S. Public Health Service 1 Hour $3.00 colleges! the jet and space age, too! ' Thursday for the tlilrd time aim are out of the action and tiaii Servlee. from the Mississippi River Mrs. Fred Bllsh III will speak since Ids opemtkiii. apparently waiting to see wiml CALL 649-7120 Survivors, besides her hu.s- lapiH'd over a 12-fixX Jevee at about the Cheney Homestead, His first i rlsis came In .lune the market di>t^." To Conduct Examinations band. meliidc two .sons, lUeb- Buras, souUi of New Orleiuis. at a meeting of the Manches­ July. 11H18, wlien hepatitis fol­ The Asa$.u*laled l‘ress average A number of Manchester ard W. Taubner of Mad'son and A Mississippi Highway I’atrol ter Rotary Club tomorrow at authorized by Congreas. The lowed by lung comidlcatlons of 00-alv>i ka at lunm waa up .ll at youths aged 12-17, will be among Howard E Taiibiier of Gran­ .stib.slaUon near the beach In 6:30 p.m. at Manchester Coun­ purpose Is to collect, on a uni­ struck. But Injections of antl- IMH) 0. svilh iiuluslrlais up .7. 200 from Hartford and Tolland form basis, staUstlcal informa­ by: .1 bixillier, Nai>oleoii Iji- Gutfixirt was destroyed, as were try Club. After dinner, the lymplioeyte .serum overcame rads up .J. amt utilities up 3. Counties who will be given tion on various aspects of the vlgce of Ea I Hartfonl, aial a new recreation center dedicat­ group will tour the homestead. y g l o b e I his botiy's natural tendency to health e.xamlnations by the five gTaiideliildren A no.SiXi share block t»f Kast- ed only last month and a Cham­ health of 12-17-year-olds to ob­ reject tile alien heart and lie re­ US. Public Health Service cm this Kucl Aa.s»HMalcs trad- ber of i’ommerce bulUitng. tain data on certain physical ► covered. Manchester WATES will meet tPHS) beginning Sept. 5, Felix Travel Servita 1 Blm. I'lorniee II. Mi'MIlleii ctl at 2^. off l‘‘ -.. Cumllle's fury pushexl waters and physiological measurements Pratt & I4oetors ordered him to bed tomorrow at the Itallan-Amerl- Venturi, field operailons man­ WAPPING .Mi-s Eloreiice B Itrunswick. m wiuch a from the Gulf across four-lane relating to growth and det’elop- 905 MAIN STREET ^ last May to recover from can Club, Eldrtdge St. Weigh­ ager, imnounceil today. ► Mc.Mllleii. 82. of CiH-hltuale, share block was traded, wa.s up t’ S 90 lind fkHHled It. The road ment In this age group. 643-2165 breathlessness, e.xliaustloii and ■*s at ISU.V ing In will be from 6 to 7 p.m. A .Ma.ss . mother of Mrs Jamt's waa Impassable In and out of The aur\’ey has been In pro­ Today. eight Interviewers Natiunas gained 4 to UHi The Ixiter the group will have a MIDDLETOWN EAST HARTFORD W hitney B:irry of 421 0;ikliuid Kd . dust i:ulf)Hirt. gress for about 10 years. Venturi from the Bureau of the Census cmniKUiy said ;t e\[uatevi to splash party at the home of said he expects to re-examine began lisltlng selected house­ AntiMriBed ageait In Itna- ^ late bust night at M.iiielie.ster The .storm kiuvkml out sever­ Mrs. Gerald Wagner. Rt. 5. for an AlrUaen.^ Willow Street Persuiial Notices .Memorial Ho.spital She li:id start expliuali’iy vinllmg opera- about 40 per cent of those young holds to ask questions about the Aircraft Road lum> ht'fme the etui the year al sections of a bridge on I'.S 90 Warehouse Point. Those plan­ Bnllronda nnd Stenimhip' been visiting her daughter In )ieople who were examined in composition of each household, Rircraft at Us contract area off tlu- coast between Btloxl and Ocean ning to attend are reminded to W:ipplllg the second cycle. identify eligible sample j-ouths. In Memoriam 4>t H«uitheast Svimidra Springs. Uie only southeni route bring lawn chairs. and obtain Information on the Ln iovii^ monuny Slip Ipaves 2 sons, 2 other Examinations a-Ul . be given Kcadlng Si Itatea which has to Mobile. .Via . on the east )XHith's health Later, a PHS SOUTHINGTON NORTH HAVEN FruA'Wiiti or \ (kliigliteVs' \6 gVande(^iiIdivii\imd li^ the IJ(ealth ExamtnaUon Sur­ Aug IS, l!f62 . ' ' ' an liultSpestan mierest. Giilfl'ort had no drinking wa­ , 11 gmal gniiulchlUlren o\\ Two Navy communications vey's mobile examinationV cen­ represenMtive uill Vl^lM , each 'W \ AiwuyB u Hllrnt h«-4i.rtm’hD. gained W to 3DS ter but Civil Defense authorities household,, lajk to parents of the 4iB WesKingtbn Ave. 1-Tmer il servlees will be W«M- technicians from Manchester ter, which Hill be located In-the DAVIS Waat Guaan Street DiV!'. ' J ' wr jiu r I ; > /, 'U i,... ' MaJiy ti said "the piMspecta are gmxl" i-ouths selected for examination, uiwayH u ini'nu>r> iiesilay at lU .i ai at .lohii are serving aboani the techni­ parking lot at Main and For­ tor getting some In the next few explain the program, cxxnplete Of oiu* Wf .H<» titstr Bry:int Eiiiieral Hoiip', 56 Pem­ cal research ship I’SS Belmont est Sts eXTERMINATmft CO. lioura. a medical history ft>rm on each Mra. Knu*<'itki Hi berton Rd , , Coi hltliate. .Ma.ss lUmn flet'l in the Medllerranciin! They are The program is part of a na- 0\er IS yean of experience uiul fiunlly National Guarvlsmen sealtM Robert C. Constantine, son of i'outh, and make necessary ar­ «1t$i . . . Burial will be In I,nkeview lD\Nn»l’RG With l.PU vo.x-' Uonande sampling study trf rangements P off downtown Gulf)xirl, a city Of •Mr and Mrs. Robert C. In Memoriam Cemetery, ( ’oahitnate !H‘U iiiul « total gnvsH ivgistiMod .roung persons by the Health Bonrhen Ante 30.1XXI and iiornially a center for Constantine Jr of 62 Margaret Examinations uill be g1\-en Bata JUce In luyiitg mi-iiii.ry .4 <’la>um Erieiuls may lall .it the fun- tonnagi. o f t*>{»«-'„ largest It s-iirrltxl a ebewen by a scientifW' samp­ And -Willie lie lies ui iK-eiui ivastllne huit year Hundreds of cars were parked chester. mobile examtnatxm center wall 1' S National He^th Survey be provided tor the youths. Phoiw $25-^30 P A G E . T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 PAGE ELEVEN Cong Decided STAR GA*ER;*0 It’s Brother Against Brother Hijacked Plane -By CLAY R. PQLLAN- To Push War, ARItS bIPHM Your T" 'fM 2 : Daily Activity Guid^ SEPT. 23 — T h ey O nly Q a sh on P aper ^ 4 Pas^ngers A cco id in g to fht Stars. Hanoi Reports Yinm . RR-E4E DELIVERY! Api 19 ocr' 22 ^ L < t r J 1 Dackin Greece '*^'12-1^0-42 To develop nriesspge for Tuesdoy,- 21-29-32-38^ By BOB LINDSEY ■i> 45 52-69 reod^words corresponding to numbers * ANNUAL TOKYO (AP) - T h e Viet tor—we both have the goal of 41-46-61 ^ Richmond Tlmes-Dlspatoh ATHENS (AP) —An Olympic PRESORIPTION 4 MEAT STORES to SERVE YOU y f TAURUS of your Zodiac birth sign. Cong leadership decided at a re­ putting out a good newspaper.” SCORPIO Airways plane returned to Ath­ HARTFORD ROCKVILLE f-- AP9 20 1 Expect 31 To 61 Now OCI 23 cent enlarged session to push FREDERR3CSBURG, V a. The editor describes the rela- is our most V— W A V 20 2 Substantial 32 To 62 On PEACH FESTIVAL ___ tionship this way: ” He’ll talk _ens Sunday with 24 passengers 527-1164 875-9263 33 Get 63 In NOV. 21 ahead a continuous and all-out (AP) — Mayor Josiah P. Rowe ^ 4. 7-20-M 3 In^ormotion and three crew members ^65-66-74/ ,4 You'll 34 Business 64 tn 15-17-56-57'< - of - Vlore.- - F* y 81ft 29 L.^ely 59 Bonk 89 Too Hood and salinity control, with elated Press Managing Editors 0R8ERS 30 To 60 Cheerful 90 Soon WAR 20 Vietnam National FYont for Lib­ Penelope Tsakanikas of Asto­ V- attending recreation benefito, he Jtssoclation, of which he Is the ■J-, 5- 6- 9-22 ^ e/19 eration, the Viet Ckmg's political ria, N.Y., said Tslronls stepped Wrapping I^AcIcl verse ■ y .Neutral 35-39-54-59J said. current president. He also Is a ’•■‘-^24 27-72 62-67-89-901 arm, to review the situation In out of the plane, fired two shots U When he came home, he read member of the American Socie­ Vietnam and lay down political in the air and announced: ” I am an editorial that told him what ty of Newspaper Editors, the tasks and a basic action pro­ Dr. VassUls Tslronls, and I have editor Rowe thought: Virginia Press Association, the gram for the immediate future. put you to this trouble in the . “The pork-barrelers made American Newspaper PubHsh- Coventry The meeting decided to mobi- name of democracy and free­ two more trips to Capitol Hill ers Association and the South­ Manchattcr'i OId»*t Ute the people and armed forces dom.” this week to plead for planning ern Newspaper FtobUshers Asso­ to the hlgh^ level to drive out Informed sources said he had with Finait funds as the first step in build­ ciation. American t n x ^ from South been under Investigation In Ath­ ing an unnecessarily large, un­ Vietnam end disintegrate the ens for activities against Parties To Caucus Facilitiei necessarily wasteful dam on the South Vietnamese army, the Greece’s military regime. Two Weeks of Summer Training Rappahannock River,” wrote broadcast said. GI Seeks Refuge Miss Tsakanikas said the pas­ brother Charlea. These area men are among the National Guardsmen It added the meeting also de­ sengers were well treated tn the Tomorrow Night Looking on are Sgt. Joseph F. Sokol (left) of 126 Josiah was dismayed, of HONOLULU (AP) — A Con­ F irst cided to push ahead a contin­ Communist country and were now going through their annual two weeks of train­ Prospect St;, Rockville; and Sp. 5 Charles Wilson course, but not surprised. His necticut serviceman became the Tomorrow night l.s ono of the CondldateH IJuted uous, all-out offensive on the taken on a tour of Vlore before ing exercises at Camp Drum, New York. Pointing of 14 Lawton Rd. All three men are members of paper had flown in his face be­ most recent to seek refuge at most ImfxjrUint nights in thi^ Re|>ubllcana will nee the fol­ military, political and diplomat­ their return flight. National out platoon positions on the field map is let Sgt. Headquarters and Headquarters Ck)., 1st Battalion, fore. the Church of the Crossroatte modern hi-story of Coventry’!, lowing names on the ballot, ic fronts to win a new, greater starting with those candidates Frederick McDonald of 98 Glenstone Dr., Rockville. 169th Infantry of the Connecticut National Guard. "The pork barrel ers have here Sunday. Stores town government, when resi- victory so os to create basic for the Town Oouncll: Gene condithms tor the independence, gone back to Washingtoix” he Church officials said Hairy Fire Destroys Grain denLx of the town, or anyway Boylngton, Jesse Bralnard, said to himself. "He didn’t point White, 20, of Nlantlc, attached democracy, peace, neutrality BOZRA H(AP) — A fire In Richard Clermens, Zaocaiiah North of Saigon me out by name but the infer­ to the Pearl Harbor-based suto- thOHc regii.stcred in either of the T olland County- Kenya Court and prosperity of South Vietnam this eastern Connecticut com ­ Leone, Welsey Lewis, Matthew ences are there.” marine Seadragon, sought sym­ two politiciii partie.s, wiii ..elect and march forward toward the munity did approximately .Sataro, George Savoie, Hugo In 1949, when the brothers bolic refuge at the church Sun­ candidiitoo for the flrat town Superior Court reunification of the divided Viet­ $116,000 damage early Sunday council. Thomas and Bruce Wilson. Sets T ria l In nam. tcx)k over the paper after the day. Enemy Said Massing death of their father, both men morning and kept firemen from Both partiew will aelect eour For the Board of Education White has been in the Navy DIVORfiBS marked off their territories. ^ z r a h and nearby Nlantlc busy candidjitea wlio.He name.s will the candidates are . Ridiard six months. His action brought to Mboya Death Oharlee would run the news­ far into the afternoon. appear on tile ballot in U«s No­ MENs.“li!r, R o b e r t Donchy, at leaat 20 the number of serv­ Divorces were granted recent­ Held Prisoner room and Josiah would attend Officials said the fire began vember el(!Ction, The seven top Arthur Toumas and Bruce icemen seeking refuge at the ly by Superior Court Judge Wll- Under-Strength Units NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Na- Mr. West: to the business side. In a storage bam on the prop­ MONDAY • TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY ONLY Vf/te-getter.s will be the wlnnoTH. Whlker. Board of Tax Review: church. Ikim P. Barber to: hashon Isaac NJenga NJoroge, a In Zanzibar In addition to his work at the erty of R)rtman Enterprises. It It is the nir.at year In mem­ Frederick White and Jesse Wil­ SAIGON (AP) —A top-rank­ tacked about 60 to 70 enemy sol­ The dissidents, who are pro­ .32-year-oId member of the Kiku­ newspaper, Josiah, 41, began guUed the bam valued at $40,000 ory Uuit th(! partlea have had liams; Zoning Board of Ap- Loin Bramon Fltcih of Hebron ing American commander said diers with machine guns imd NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A testing the Vietnam war and the yu tribe, was ordered today to working the political chicken- and Its contents of grain valued their nomlnsitlng caucii.jea on peals, Grant Toothaker Sr., and from George Byron Fitch of rockets, and 27 were reported trial in the Kenya High tJourt on- free lance Canadian journalist U.S. military system, have vow­ at $76,(XX). A boxcar fiUed with ZBA Alternate, Ramon Men^l today that more nemy regi- Your services were dinner circuit. He served eight tile .“iime niglit, allhougli the ManE:hcfitcT on grounds of In- killed. a charge of murdering Econom- ed to remain In the church un­ grain was also destroyed. Democrats will consider the ment.s ore in poHltlon between described today “five days of years on the school board, then type of eauciLH l.s different in Navy patrol boats engaged an lea Mlnl.ster Tom Mboya. completely satisfactory. til military authorites come and The cause of the blaze is be- names of Albert Brad!e(y, toleniblo crutdty. She was iwrror” in a Zanzibar jail where ran for mayor in 1964. The vote each parly, and the convening Saigon and the Cambodian bor­ estimated 50 to 00 enemy sol- After listening to 06 witnesses, get them. The military has so Investigated by the state Fire CHUCK Harold Crane, Ghorles Nyaok awarded custody of one minor was close, but he won, and won lioura are not the aame. der in the north than ut imy dlers near the Saigon River in Magistrate S. K. Sachdeva said he was held on suspicion of es­ for officially ignored them. Marshal’s office. and Dr. Alvah Phillips for Town child with support payments of again In 1968. But the Capt. Nathan Hale Lime since May 1988. the same area, kllUhg a t least he was satisfied there weis suffl- pionage. $20 pci week luid $1 per year "FlamUy tradition had a lot to School on R trsi wiii’ b r .i busy candidacy. For Board Lt. Gen. Julian J. Ewell, com­ eight. dent grounds to warrsuit com- SAFE PARKING ON PREMISES Ronald Laytner, 36, of Toron- pUic-e tomorrow night, since Efuc>it‘<>n. Paul Boardtnan do with it,” he said. His father, Anthony 8. Sombrlc from mander of the U.S. 2nd Field There were no U.S. casualties rnlttal of Njoroge for trial. ito, lUTlved here after being de­ that’s where bolti parties will Arthur Forst Jr.; for Zon­ •ESTABLISHED 1874* grandfather and great-grand­ Ruth Hunt Sombrlc, both of Force, added that many of the In either engagement, spokes­ The trial will probably begin ported by Tanaanian authori­ meet, Repiibllcan.H starting at ing fkxird of Api)o«ils, David father were mayors. THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STEHKS units are ’’first-line regiment;-) men said, Roach; ZBA Altematea, Vomon, on grounds of Intoler­ In about a mortth. ties. Charles, 44, the editor, stays 6 p.m and Democrats at 8. traditionally kept up to Non-Credit Extension Charles Ratecih and Raymond able cruelty. He was a-warded The enemy troops appiu-ently The lEiat witness wees Sidney Laytner said he had gone'to pretty close to the paper. For The Republican caucus 1:4 an strength” but are now operating Kalber, and for Board o f Tax custody of two minor children. were trying to get Into position Cecil Grimley, a ballisUca ex­ Zanzibar last week after cover­ the most part he cares for nei­ ” E‘xtendi'd” lyp<- of cauciM and under strength, Presents T he I^ODowing Courses In Rovlow, Mrs, Arthur Blondin Juleen CoolbrUh bf Vernon for a new round of attacks on al­ pert attached to the UgEUida po­ ing the dv ll war in Blafra. ther politics nor chicken din­ not a convention type. Register- ” I (jan’t figure out the mean­ U S D A ( b o n e and Peter Von Dine, from Charlies H. ttoolbrlth Jr. of lied forces when their formation lice, who said the two bullets WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES He said be saw Oommunist ners.

em < x‘ ra ti< ’ < -a u cu s l.s the 11 provinces around Saigon party caucus which they are en­ liellcopters to enemy ground hands. He said he was taken to "Charles may show me an ed­ Lean, Tasty, Ground Many Times Daily more like a convmtloii. Tliose SlW! was granted a change of wlvere tlic 2nd Flel <^th(‘r by accla- Asked If the large number of Ictui helicopters reported lost In from the court In handcuffs, Miuiehi-iiter Kveiiliig Herald At the same time, there Is never any *’I was told that If I pleaded to put it.’ Mail to: The Certificate Program, U-56, The Uni­ GROUND CHUCK mali< n of an entire slide or Protest March iindor strengUi unlLs had -some the war. compromise in service or qufillty! t'oviMitry eorreii|>ondent, Holly guilty I would get off with a ”If . lt_ejter came to a show­ versity of Connecticut Storrs, Conn. 06268. TeL 429- P' J- VEAL STEAKS tiy Ixdlot de|xn(Hng on wheilier tiaiitiier, tel. 742 H7HS. ])olltloal .signlflouice, Ewell The U.S. Command - oh- amaK fine. I was really scared 8S< VEAL STEAKS or not any (x>nte.Htn develop. down, I would defer to the edl- 3311, Ext 1280. Conies Close sald: ” I tlilnk you could read nouncod the end of operation YeV GET OUR LOWEST by this time,’ ’ be recalled. B»s‘au.s<‘ of live dlfferein'e in into It wliatcver you wanted. Montgomery Rendezvous, a PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE ty|H\'i of caueiises, tliere will Tolland County To Nixon Home From my point of view, it’s sweep begun, June 8 In and W e Deliver Name ...... j U.s o I h a iliffeivnce in the way YEjUI . . . AND YOU SAVE quite clear that thi'y’re making ''found the A Shau Valley to cut Bald Action Taken the mim es are pre»ubllean eanill- Farm Coiimiillee — ’IhousandH of antiwar prolc»- tary miccesn, Ttiat’.s what tlx>y ffO"i Leum. YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR F ast RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A enimmlU«s- Ims al- S u n d a y ’s demonstration cial caplbai In die coastal low- BEYOND old high point arcliltect and na­ 1969-70 ri'.idy madi- its ixsommenda- about SoiA. S. forcEXs claim they liavc killed 49 01 pkg 46 01 CM A slate of nomlnoee wUl bO Incidents lamb) 80 miles south of Da ture lover whose hair Is thinndng tlons to tile town ixmimittee. more than 3,000 Viet Cong and or arrest— brought UvouMindM of Nang, wns reported under HIGH SCHOOL? on h^, initiated the drive with a 101 E. Middle'Dpke. and these wiTe ncis-pted. But seloeted by the preaent com- North Vietnamese troo()« in the persona out on a hot day to pick­ rouml-the-clock curfew after en­ $6 contribution to Gov. Bob tliere aix- .sllll otliera wlio nix- imuilty committee with oddl- 2ml Field Kdrce art'a In Uic past Industry needs • 4 9 - M S S llonaJ nominees jioaslbly luldtKl et near the Nixon Estate for two emy troops infiltrated the city Scott. Inteiv.-Jtisl in tlw- [ xasI h i u k I Ihiee WE-ek.-i, luid enemy action hours. An antiwar rally followed Saturxlay night and attacked qualified technicians Conner also said he sent WelchaiJ* the.!,- Individuals may 1»A noni- by tile county cammltete<'. has dropiMHi off morv than 60 B in a picnic area of a nearby several govemntent Installa­ postcards to baldheaded friends ,^SAPt DO*"* ( liudnl fn>m tJie floor. Others may ibe added by the pe­ per cent since the .start of the E.arn a ceililicate oi beach. tions. Scattered fighting hius asking them to contribute and to Tlw-re aix- four IxxmL-i oix-n tition of six (\llglble voters but new campaign an Associate Degree in By agreement among the iKH-'n re})ortod iux>und tiie city AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKL encourage others with thinning to elections tlU.s y*sir. Kacli must be nxielved at the county Kwx'll said, however, Uial the • ELECTRONICS Ronce Arilon Council of South­ for the past two days. tops to do likewise. pally may nin four cnndldate.s nfflee by Aug. 20. eix'my apixireiitly Is trying to • INSTRUMENTATION ern Cullfornia, which organlaed E)ur imtts from the 9Ui Infim- Hie governor’s office report­ for tin- Town ( Vnincll amt two Tile county office manager, draw the campaign out over a RENT the march. Secret Service try Division totaling 476 men . COMPUTERS ed, however, that all the contri- for the Ikxijxl of Kdiication. in Mr.-) Maiy B, Koelsch, lulvlsea longer [x-rlod Ilian others tjils • AUTOMATION GAIN agoiita ami local police, the left Vietnam for Hawaii, imd FT. .. Uw- former ca.s,-, .-u-ven nre llial ixM-sons nominated should y'xir. buUons received would have to marctiera stEipped 100 yarda Li'wls, Wash., whE're the men be returned because no special then elei't«sl 111 NovciiiIx-r, and lie l uiTontly engagEHl In the op­ ’Tliere werx> 91 cnivmy-lnitkitcd aliort of the entrance to the ex­ will bi' reassigiKxl or cUs- To emoll in September fund hae been set up to handle A CA R? tlw- top Uirix- vol e-gi-t.lel-H otv tile eration of a farm or nuich luid reiX)rtE' no official eatlmnto. biXJken by the wave of attack.) alx)ul 19,500 troops wlthdrawTi oif 1 .1 4 WWTIIWU ’Hw-rc U no ix)iit»-st on llw- last wwk. the 26,000 Uiat President Rich- INSTITUTE Zoning Ikxuxl of A|>|xsda, how­ H was the biggest protest so age 18 and over. Prepare Tlie U.S, Commiuid n'lSjetiHl anl NLxon has ordered out by Llhcx>ln Service has help­ ever, whlcti .upiH-ars twice on Piuiiiirt D u “S N'^ton’s stay at San C3e- 315 Hudson S t. Hartford Conn. now tor U. S. Civil Serv­ Why Not! i lEXbiy tlvit American helicopter tlie end of tide month. ed thousands prepare for quart J,__ tlu- ixilla. once for menilM-r.s iind monte. Tel 746 7431 ice job openings during these tests every year IXINDON (Al») L e s l i e ______gunshltxs lUid rivx'r pivtrol boats the next 12 months. We have fully equipp^ PRINCE O lib O 6nce for idteniati-.s. Kueli (xiity kllltxl 35 enemy troojis In two since 1948. It Is one of the HAVE S P A GHETTI itGUiARteTHiN runs only one d In a lEOiulon hospital "f TIuMdore LaiivbE'rt, 24. a Mll- EXipters with sivelal night-sight; er security thfin private ment. SPAGHETTI SAUCE w Miat tmluy. ford man missing for almost Ing device,) ik'tecteEl one group employment and excel­ for service or repairs, or tx-curring In clne E-andl- One yeir courses ioodiiig to a dtploma: You will also get full de­ • 0 But to get one of these ^ s k jis GOLDEN MARGARINE ilatt- to fill J viu-EUwy. All al- I I tails on how we can train 2 ;i6 7 < lenuitE-s in tlw- non-cE>ntE-.st ZBA Muni'heattvr Need* Your Wupport lor A DATA PfiOOSSINO jobs, you must piiss a nppLE you for these tests, at 6 43 -5 13 5 MO • cM tr«l m m I wtrlwg cKs-tlon also oi-e- automiUlcally M RPQ • lAL • COBOL teat. The cxxnpetliion Is home, while you keep ALLSWEET keen and In some cases LETTUCE elE-'-leil in Noveinlx-r. your present job. b r a n d n e w 3< DEAL PACK 1ft The Republican Town Oom- TOWN OF MANCHESTER | s k u h a b u i sciqkes only one out of five pass. Don’t delay—ACrr NOW' MARGARINE p6.30< V All oKftMrMf okiMt »—lowi N a it c f PIES mittee also has heard the re­ ttmm onJ flniikiBf cMrm M cMfiJoiKt STORE Finast Fresh port of its nonUnuUng tx>nuult- NATIVITY SCENE... tXICUTIVt • irCAL • WiDtCAL • SICK ^AIIAL LINCOLN SERITCE. Dept, 4S-3B I V tee, wiiicli preaented all names Prikln, DlinoU \ IN THE HAS Bros. Coffee ^‘ - 1 . 4 2 of those Interested in running W)i!h''t you, or ydur orgwiUiaUon, eontrllNrte MI-. ■ ;./— .. I kin very imirh Interested. Ptewoe send me obaoiotely JYSIBIy IKMAI. w to thlx wortiiwhllr eomniunityr projeet? aJcriA m i ikcM 7 2 c iTomuTDES 39: for a particular office,' The Hfls Bros. Coffee Come ChrUtiiuui, think of bow good you’U Shertv^tenn courses leading lo a certmeate: FYIEE (1) A Ust ot r . S. (tevemment poottloos and sol, MANCHESTER Town Oummlttee theil voted 22 oz C fe»'l w I h 'I i jou »ee It and »»jr, " I eoatrtbut- s i t u owriHk (Ate »MitkM« aries; (2) Informatioa on bow to qualify tor a V. S. G ov-. and the top vote-getters, cor­ ixl to that w e o e !" I emnienl Job. PARKADE Rhfor Brand Brown Rke '2- 4m 23c EACH responding to the niuntXET of VDtCt-S-iUTIC C rtfX ...... 'W CA R R O TS T.e. - VH-te A 2 '*n29< available seats on boards, were h o m e o r TH E MORIARTY Niagara Spray Stardi u..<« gc Make your eherk or money order pnywhie to ; — ' OpaHi llouae: Tluirm, !•>*. »-5, Sat- 9-3 Age 4 named. But despite this, all OAT AHO IVINIMC OmSIONt HONEYDEW MELONS 59< those who appeared before the Town of Maneheoter, "Nativity Seane" I IBit Saw « lu C»wb< »« a*v ^ r^atrtt iht-t at -v*** Veryfiae Ap^ Cranberry ’iT c e /o P. O, Box »7t6 J tK*h « ta ' : tiWM. Tffcp Or nroF«U'«iNa!’y OAaii'^T 35 Dalkieut Served With nominating commlUee will aei^ I |4v Inr niw •< tht« a«r"t ^ ^ r nn^t aiA BROTHERS ManebeatW I . Conn. (< S t r ide R it tidimend Ice Oeera SUNKIST LEMONS 10 - 59< their naiUEjs on the ballot. "“W- *•** e "•'t «Mr«)l4 H ••• Wan iMrO *< l4»Mt)i« Hnnt Tonuto Sauce omint i$«».33c The Denjocratlc Town Cbm- State SHOE r w 4 i til f ■ OUeot mlttee will reconunend to the Sponoored Ao A Publle Service By Hartford Academy of BusIm m I liirote Mfcrnty Dcoter" Dinty Moore Moat BaR Stow cauEAis only those namea (A IVtvate Buatness sichooi' TUue at hom e' Ml e m m srmEKT Srlw. lllMirn’is rini Mnii.il Snr, Cl|wi44n Ate liteii. iiiw n h tm Stera I AND recommended to it by the MORIARTY RROTHERS liM Trumbull S(.. Hartford 5 2 5 " S I S 8 |l OPEN BVEONOa Red Heart Dog Food 21: 35c nominating committee. , Over OaoaUtuUon Nat Bonk _ J (XZMUt W M .) tOoU I'oUert y SINPLH SHOE RoteX naAAtwsaeai vtaWM R 3 c Read Herald Advertisemento A "A

PAGE TWELVE _ _ ^J^NCHESTEK e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST.18, 1969 Section Two MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 Tolland Spanish Hotel Americans May Wait HanrljpHtfr Eupning M O N D A Y . A U G U S T 18, 1969 Pages 13 to 24 GOP Caucus Set Tonight Hit by Truck, VConn Will Offer Classes To Endorse Candidates Seven Killed To See Moon Rocks Bid Opening WASHINGTON, (A P ) — Exhibits may be offered In Republicans Endorse Local Rep;^blicans will caucus system; dtspatdhers Ernest FRAGA, Spain (AP) —Half mcr In Real Estate at,MHS Americans who paid the freight large U.S. museums and there Three 12-week ccurs^ for tonig-ht to endorse candidates to Kuchko and Victor Carter, and of a crowded hotel collapsed ployied by the State H i^iw ay Is Delayed early today when a huge truck will have to wait a while longer fill the various offices in the Fire Chiefs Fran Wilhelm of could be traveling displays. One area reeldents interested in the Oommlssian’s Bureau of Rights loaded with steel crashed Into to get a personal glimpse of the is the word for the hig beautiful Candidates Tonight Tolland, Vlv Worthington of problem still to be worked out is real estate business will be of­ of Way. November municipal elections. the lobby, killing seven and In­ On Project Somers and Harold Finch of moon rocks brought back by the whether the samples will need Students will be Instructed in The Manchester Republican Town Com mitt^ meets Republican Town Chairman juring 16 persons. new PILGRIM Mli fered at Manchester High Sch^I StaifordvIUe. Apollo 11 astronauts. improving their salee perform­ Bid openings for construction tonight to endorM six candidates for the Boartl of Di­ Rescue workers pulled 22 peo­ to be kept hermetically sealed tWs ^ by the Uni\-«Tsity of Russell Stevenson has urged all Evangelistic Meeting ance by being given the funda­ of Manchester’s secondary ple from the wreckage, includ­ While the three U.S. space to prevent atmospheric damage. Oonn«*icut Continuing Educa­ rectors, six candidates for the Board of Education one Republicans to attend the cau­ A children’s evangelistic LOW, LOW MILL PRICES 6n a( mental principles of sales, with treatment plant tswe been post­ ing the truck driver and his heroes are being mobbed from Whatever the precautions, the tion Services. for tow-n treasurer, two for selectmen and tour for cus "to support their slate.” emphasis on market and pix^ poned to Sept, 16 at 11 a.m.. in group has been meeting at the helper. coast-to-coost, the 60-p 1 u s Smithsonian Institution here has Instructor lor “Real Estate constables. — ------4------The caucus is scheduled lor 8 fabulous selection of the world’s finest erty analysis, as well as logical the Municip^ Building. Burgundy Hills Park Quarries Cause of the crash was not pounds of rocks and dust they its bid In for a display on a Principles and Practices” wlU Its meeting is at 8 In the Mu- the Board of EducatkU report- p.m. in the Town Hall. on Mountain Spring Rd. this preparatlmi for the interview, The postponement is the sec­ immediately determined. One brought back ore being pam­ "soon-as-posslble” basis. he Gardner Dogherty of Bloom- nlclpal Building Hearing Room. edly ore engineers,nrineers. j All nominations will be made week. The Rev. Wlnlhrop pered by the delicate gloved overcoming objections, closing ond. The original date for open­ report said the heavy truck One Smithsonian source said ttetd. ■rice president of the Expected to be endorsed to­ from the floor, according to the Fahnsworth has directed the the sale, and servicing accounts. ing the bids had been Aug. 11. The candidates endorsed to­ Jack-knifed when it appUed hands and sterile instruments of he Is confident NASA has no in­ Greater Hartford Board of Real- night tor rc-eleoUon are Incum­ town chairman, who described group in songs, readings and National Aeronautics and Space Class interest will dictate The first portponement twd night Mdll run in the Nov. 4 brakes to avoid another truck. tention of passing up a good tons, Inc. The course meets the been to tomorrow. bent Mrs. Rosalind Quish, tor the candidates as "some inter­ Bible .study. Administration scientists in subject areas, and the Instruc­ town elections. Half the Hotel Galicia col­ public relations opportunity requiremrtits of state law which James S. Mlnges it Associates town treasurer; WlUlam C. esting new faces and some fam ­ Church Notes Houston’s Lunar Receiving Lab­ tor will be flexible in his pre­ lapsed under the Impact. Most while interest In the moon pro­ «^o*>Uahes quallficaUons of ap- of Farmington, the consulting RefMrts are that the comsnlt- Johnson and Mrs. MUdred M. iliar experienced ones.” St. Matthew’s Holy Nam e So- of the debris fell into the hotel’s oratory. sentation to meet the needs of ject is high. pUcants for real estate brokers’ engineers tor the project, ex­ tee will not endorse a candidate Schaller, for stteclmen; and Republican candidates have viety will hold a business meet­ empty dining room, which had Officials still aren’t saying fabrics class membership based on Among those waiting for the Uoenaes. It is the first course plained that the principal rea­ tor town clerk, and will not op­ M em ll F. Anderson, Martin J. not announced their intentions ing Wednesday evening In the closed an hour before the accl- when the rocks might be offered background, exp^enoe and Ftolay, Robert Meek and Sed- scientists to finish are foreign leading to a formal oeatlflcate son for tomorrow's postpone­ pose the re-eleoUon of Incum­ to run for office prior to the dent.The crarti caused panic for public display. knowledge. ParWh Center at 8 p.m. leaders who have been prom­ from UOonn. ment is because of an adden­ bent Democrat Ektward J. rick J. Strnughan, tor con­ caucus. It cannot be ascertained Applicants should regrister by stables. St. Matthew’s I.adleH Guild among hotel guests In the half But after NASA scientists fin­ ised moon souvenirs by Presi­ Basic course certificates will Tomklel. how many candidates the R e­ writing to the University of dum to the contract document^ executive board will meet of the hotel which weathered the ish their studies, there are 142 be awarded upon completion of Each party nominates two dent Nixon. A White House staff Connecticut Continuing Educa­ Including the plans and spect- • Of the stx CX>P majority publicans will field for the August 27 at 8 p.m. in the Impact. They jumped from rear other scientists from around the tile first phase, but the major i^andldates tor the three select­ member said Sunday in San Cle­ tion Services,. Box-U-66, Stoms, fl cation. members on the Board o f Dlr- Board of Finance or whether Pari.sh Center. windows In their night clothes world who also will run tests on men po.Utlon.t seek re- are spread alxjut Czechoslova­ 26 at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall from the Rev. Kenneth L. Gus­ in Dearborn, where he was re­ tonight at 8. study situations to appraise Richard A. Petit of Allen Park onds. Propelled by a tour-cyiln- cotl 31,; and from the 8th Dls- election. kia being joined to the Soviet to hear " retjUeats for three tafson. Thomas R. RoUason, cently assigned to n section han­ The VFW Auxiliary will meet residential property, and to de­ and a cousin who works in a der In-line double overhead com trlct'e primary treatment plant, The terms of Rottner and Union, that I was Interned In the variances. dling advanced design concepts tonight at 7:30 In the Poet termine value for loan and in­ Mrs. EsteUa J. Simpson, Walter Fo)Pd Motor Co. design center Lotus Ford engine, the car la off Hllllard 3t It will be con- Phelon expire this Novesnber. Soviet Unlan and that they WUllam- and Miartha Illffe of surance purposes. Home. R. Sinon and York G. Strang- built a prototype car with $8,000 capable of speeds uj> to 160 and special perforfnance Inno­ stnieted to the north of the The terms of Bagley and FTel- forced me to sign some kind of Old) Stanford Rd. will seek Students will be indtruated In feld. vations. A voter registration session cash. mp.h. town's Olcott 8t. Disposal area. cher wUl expire Noventoer 1970 statement, etcetera.------Thess— are permission to add an existing for all residents of ihe town of NOW , . . the first and <^ly, fabulously convenient the nature of real property and All six resignations were in Starting with a Qlnetta chas­ At leart three of— the— tour naturally complete lies and fab- porch and to construct a lawn at least six months will bo held value; basic principles of real response to letters sent to all sis and a quarter-scale clay new Republican candidates tor rtcatlons." TOTAL AUTOMATIC COLOR TV . . . a new and exclusive building on the right side of tomorrow from 6 to 8 p.m. In property value; appraisal proc­ members by CAC chairman Eu­ model In 1967, Petit orrai^ed to the road, 200 feet from the In- the Town Hali. ELECTRONIC SYSTEM which C O M B IN ES all the functions o i ess; analysis of neighboriiood; gene R. Montany, asking 21 Aircraft Has 2fi00 Jobs borrow expensive design, day tersecUon o t Cook M . The Board of Selectmen will appraising new and used homes; members whether they would from Ford. Fire Calls | Alfred Rosenberg of Rook- the three Magnavox innovations described below. I f the Color T V _ and inspecting properties. meet tomorrow iright at 8 In the be able to participate In the Working from drawlt^s on This morning at 8:31 a.m., vllle Is seeking permission .to “ Problems in Real Estate Open at Several Plants Town Hall. brand you're considering DOES NOT HAVE ALL THREE, it is now duties of the committee. At each wall of the garage behind town firefighters extinguished remove on old cottage and re­ Sales Brokerage.” which should *1110 Industrial Development least one more resignation is Pratt & Whitney Aircraft to­ employes has risen sharply In hla home. Petit and his coisiln, a ftre In the engine compart­ build a 20-by-30 feet now cot­ already obsolete; for only Magnavox TA C banishes annoying be of Interest to salesmen as. ant’clpated. CommisBlon will mieet tomor­ day squelched rumors of im­ the past few weeks. Dartd P. Oonley, 27, of Detroit, ment of a car parked In the tage with two porches on prop­ TOTAI well as brokers, will meiet Tues­ The CAC, soon to be expanded row night at 8 In the Town Hall. color variations and the need for bothersome picture The situation Is so critical made, 5o molds from polyester center Island opposite the main erty located on the west side of days, 7-9:30 p.m., beginning pending layoffs by announcing The Tolland Grange will meet to 50 members, Is to be divided that the employment offices at resins and fiberglass. The mold­ post office on E. Center St. Fire­ Snlpelc Lake Rd'. adjustments or tuning! TAC—so simple Sept. 18. The instnidtor will be into seven task forces, to handle a hiring campaign for marc tomorrow night at 8 In the all PftW A plants are being kept ed seetkins w ere fUted over a men said the small fire origi­ Meyer Gross of Metcalf Rd. Julius Jacobs of Hamden, em- Grange HoU. a child can tune it perfectly) the 12 required function^ of the than 2,00io people for the produc­ open S a tu i^ y momlngis and franu* constructed entirely at nated In the auto’s carburetor. wil'l seek permission to convert town’s C-DAP (Community- Will be closed tion, experimental and overhaul Tuesday evenings to provide tubular steel and then given a a 14-by-22 foot garage Into liv­ Manchester Evening llorald Development Action Plan) departments of its (Jonnectlcut convenient Interview appoint­ ooat of red acrylic lacquer. Talmadge UndcrSiirgt'ry ing quarters on property near Tolland (»rrc«|>ondent Bettn study. ment times for persona unajble the intersection of Metcalf and When llie way you plants. The car has on 8»\-lnch ({m itmlc, tel. 875-2845. to apply during normal hours. AT1.ANTA. Ga. (AP) -Sen. all day Wednesday, Oder Mill Rds. 1 / j 4^1 H wheeUbase ami Independent sus­ ADTOMAnC feel depends on o Robustelli Heads Drive P4WA has orders for more The jobs available Include a Herman B. TalmadgSi D-Qa., At Library Oonferonoe pension on each wheel. Total undergoes prostate surgery at NEW HAVEaf (AP) — An^ than 1,200 JT9D turbofan en­ wide variety of trainee, semi- Pour local teen-agers have PreseriptRen weight of the auto Is 1,160 Atlanta Hooplta] today. Marine Weather J/ ^ H Robustelli, a former profession­ gines, powerplant for the Boeing aldlied and skilled positions, August 20Hi recently returned from attend­ pounds. It Is 40 Inches high, 166 Talmadge entered the hospi­ such as mechanics, otlers, elec­ ing the Second Annual New WINDSOR lAXJKS, Conn. you con de|Mnd on al football star, has been named 747 superjet. and McDonnell Inches long and has five Inches tricians and electronic service­ tal. a two-year-old limited spe- Elngland Library Association (AP) High tide along the f, ■ chairman of the 1960 Christmas Douglas DC-10 Series 20 trijet, ground clearance. . clalty facility, Sunday. Aides men, matMne operators, weld­ Student Leadership Oonforence Connecticut shore today will bo Seal drive in ConnecticiA. and Is competing for additional hadn’t been for nxire aald he will be hospitalized for Our employes are ers, vertical and horirooUl In New Hampshire. from 1 :30 p.m. at Now I»ndon RabustelU, who lives In Stam­ orders. Production, experlmen- than a year o f planning, w »'d about a week, but that he Is ex­ lathe operators, boring machine The students attending the to 3:30 p.m. at Bridgeport. COLOR TV ^ 1 C d / d d o J L ford, once played for the Los tal and overhaul work is also really have been lost,” Petit pected to return to Washington operators, tool and die makers, going on an oufing. conference were Albert Bilo­ Ix)w tide at Old Saybrook to­ Angeiies Ram s and the New in full swing on other com m er­ said, stroking his dreanxNu- for the reconvening of the Sen­ DRUU C O . and experimental machinists, day wxis at 8:30 a.m. imd will York Giants of the National cial and milUary engines, such ate Sept. 8. deau, Kevin Dalrymple, Roger assemblers and' testers. Staves and Laurel Smith. reoccur at 0:1 5p.m. Ten Main St., MsncNoatar Football League. On several oc­ as the JT3D, JT8D, JT12, TF30 V ' V I casions while •with the Giants he Training for Inexperienced Rescue Vehicle OK SutUHit today will bo at 7:47 e«8-8m and J62 aircraft engines, and ■ was named all-pro. workers is given at AiU pay In The amphibious DUCK, and sunrise Tuesday at 6:04. \ y the E*T4 and other versions for a wide variety of courses rang­ operated by the Tolland Coun­ Boating we«ither for Ixmg Is­ the groiwlng number of P4WA ing from three weeks to four ty mutual aid fire system, has land Sound: Winds will bo south- Elast Hartford and Rocky Hill New years depending on Intereeta been chocked out and given an we.rterly at M) to 20 knots plants. Another 400 are In Mid­ MORIARTY BROTHERS END OF MODEL YEAR and quallrtcatlons. A rating, following a iwrvhotir tlirough Tuesday with a chance AUTOMATIC TINT CONTROL dletown, 360 in 'Southington and praxjOce sessiun in dragging at of occasional higher gusts In 240 In North Haven. Cryrtal Lake. thundershowers from this eve­ . . . eliminates green and purple faces. Magnavox ATC lets you The rumors arose after P4WA The vehicle, now housed at ning through Tue.sday. Skies will select the flesh tone colors most pleasing to you and keeps them that announced last M ay it expected Sumnwr Spoclol the Tolland Jail building, was b«» variably cloudy with visibil­ w ay—in every picture, on every program, on any channeiT Just set the to lay off abput 1,500 non-pro- tested by Donald Llttell, oWef ity of three to five miles In pe­ M H irLu d cy ductldn employes. This layoff Automatic Tint Control once and forget it I PoftoMa Typowritor dlqiatcher lor “the mutual aid riods (if showi-rs and patchy fog. affected ’ ’indirect” positions — personnel not directly employ­ ed in production, experimental Adjosted New and improved or overtKuil work. CTeaned $1 Because of the poreistent New Ribbon at Singer rumors of further layoffs, GREAT SAVINGS NOW AUTOMATIC CHROMA CIRCUIT Oiled normal hiring of desperately . . . reduces variations in color intensity. Magnavox A C C assures needed production, experimen­ Yale Typowriter ON ALL 85 BRAND NEW CARS IN STOCK! uniform color intensity from station to station no matter how often tal and overhaul department you change channels. workers has been adversely af­ Service 649-49e6 fected, the company said, and Great Savings On Demonstrators, Tool the num'ber o f required new 20 lireh Street Instant Here's A Sample Listing — WHat Terrific Buys! AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING . . . eliminates the need for critical picture tuning. Invented by Brand New 1969 Merander 2-Deer Hnrdtep Magnavox in 1964, A F T keeps all station signals locked-in to give you French Provincial AUTOMATIC 5 ,a perfectly tuned picture that is always precise-instantly and auto­ model 6928 matically—on every channel, every time! 890 cubic tneb V-6 sngtns, maroon wtth dark rad, all C A R W ASH vinyl Intsrlor, Mack vtnyt roof, automatte, wMUsssU] Uroo.

What's the catch? There Isn't any. Your choice $1709 is the suggested retail price at tho port COMFIETE Brand New 1999 Meatef e 9-Ooor Sedaa of entry for the VW sedan. of five lesoeANeRMTH* BootMtny 4eyttadar, ragular gas sn ^t, diwk m e m . The price includes tho Federal excise tax and SINCt Import duty. ' . Buthentic nuggst gotd aM-vtnyt tatsrior. autooMUe transm M gw. MSUUNCE oourtsty UgbU. posvar otoartag. powsr froac diM brakes, It also includes tho- built-in heater/defroster, styles Contem porary- model 6922' daluxa ' ni covsta. wtiitowalf tlraallrtat rsniots eoatrol windshield washer, electric windshield wipers, $ 5 9 8 ^ Early American-model 6924 mirror on concealed swivel casters outside rearview mirror, padded dash, front seat on concealed swivel casters 'iHiHHiHt n s headrests, and soot belts front and back. SAVES55k SERVICE Not to mention tho now electric roar-window SALE THE DREAM MACHINE - THE NEW GOLDEN • defogger and the new ignition/steoring lock. lite r $3311 Select from over 40 magnificent Magnavox Color TV styles.. .from ^259’ JQUCH & SEW* SEWING MACHINE BY SINGER! (When Ihe key Is removed, the steering wheel is PRICE! 2894 locked In place.) The one with the push-button needle threader. The REAL It s Ihe price of the real thing, not a stripped- speed basting stitch. The bulit-in buttonholer. And the DEUVEMD down economy rnodel. famous push-button bobbin. It’s yours at big savings ESTATE service by our own \ ■ i—» .What else do you have to pay? FREE HOME now, in your choice of three handsome cabinets. ' For Best Selection—Better Act booni The charge for transporting tho car from the \ V TRIAL • port of entry. Tho dealer delivery charge. Anu licensed elecfronfsts as­ And Singer has acredit plan t o fit your budget V . vv ■ local sales tax. •^ter credit There is one optionol that makes a lot of sonsh. sures you oprimum per­ approval you For sddnssef atom Tho automatic stick shift. (It eliminates the clutch nssrsstyou.ttasMli pedal.) may choose pKstof phonsbeok formance and dependa­ the TV you uSwSINQIX COMPANY SINGER W ell, that's if. HSsiisnrJkrz rfesfSINOBRisWvf* Unless, of course, you count the cost of gas and hke and try it bility. oil it takes you to get hero in your present car. in your home •A TladMWk of THC SIMCR COMPANY ROBERT J. SMITH, kc. UuB weekend. *1 ’ / ■ , ’*9 Da\-s C ^ h MaiMIBIIITR SMCE 1114 / / 4 Down— I, ;10. 60. 90 Da>-s— No. On The Level At Center and BroadT' ■I TED TRUDON, Inc. Interest or Oarrying Chaiifes 856 M AIN STREET — MANCHESTER ToUaod Tpke. — Talcottville 136 CENTER ST. / 6 4 9 -5 2 4 1 WE'RE OPEN EVENINGS Thoieder ETeataeps UU t:00 ~ ■ ' J / CORNER OF CHURCH TE U 647-1426 MAIN STRUT, MANCHISTU (Srsoaf Rsor Host ts Moats A Htls) 315 CENTER STREET. MANCHESTER PHONE 645-5134 ■ r

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,. AUGUST 18, 1969^ \\. MANCHJteTKK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.' CONN- MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 PAGE FIFTEEN Columbia Manchester North Korea had a small part In "Lucia” as place in an unnamed country Cubans Film one of the naked black horse­ that could be Venezuela. Guate­ Hospital Notes men who fought the Spanish. mala, Bolivia or Peru. , FLEttHlRAU^M. OF MAieCBEBTU Parties ISame Candidates That 2H-hour film, a prize win­ The story concerns two good ^ 5 ^ 1 C b i e k m r a t ^ Shoots Down The Baby Has VISITINO HOUB8 Movies About ner in Moscow and praised by friends, who find a revolution 54 McKEE STREET 64M571 Westei|n viMtors, tells of three boiling up in their land and For November Election Intermediate Care Seml- Army Copter 0 Mte ttm e to bring hi your ■creens to be rap ain d . piivate, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. Cuban women and how they turning them apart. One be­ 3oith parties have announced Appeals; John Sadlon end Don* Jungle W ar made revolution in their differ­ comes a soldier "of the repres­ Storm window glass replaoed. candidates (or town offices in aid Hedberg, alternates, and 8 /p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- U PBot Of a By FENTON WHEELER ent eras. sive forces." the other a guerril­ the November eleotioiis. Guy B^k, Fraikcis Hart and 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Pediatrics: Parents ailowed B e e n N a m e d Associated P ren Writer In Herrera's documentary, la. Vega says. AUTO GUSS INSTALLED Several new 'names ore on Robert Zahanaky, constables, by the North Koreans Sunday As he tells It, the hour-long any tim e except noon-2 p;m .; probably lost hla way ai^ HAVANA (AP) — Two new the Argentine-bom Guevara, a both lists. The Republicans have The offices of treasurer end stalw art in the CYistro rebellion film, through Its two pretagon- 6USS FURNITURE TOPS named Burton Ives for the [>ost a^ent for the town deposit fund others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. strayed over the border, a U.N. films about guerrillas are being Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and the government that fol­ ists, Is Intended to show the de­ of first selectm an and Robert^, wotb teft vacant a{;aln. Stop & Shop Command spokesman reported. prepared tor release by the Cu­ Hadden, Kimberly Ann, daughter of Robert and Ocmdyn lowed, plays himself through cision all Latin America (aces. MIRRORS (Flraplato and Door) Tuttle, incumbent, for select- ” Oaraffe Bums 4 p.m.-8 p.m. North Korea gave no indication ban InsUtute of Cinemagraphlc Intensive Care and Coronary use of film clips. man. Mrs. Margaret Dllworth, A three-stall garage, propane of the fate of the three men LdBel Hadd^ Jr., 198 HlUlaid St. fflie was bom Aug. 10 at Art and Industry...... —- Care: Immediate (amiiy only, PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) present town clerk, changed her tanks, power lines and an auto aboard the craft. Manchester Memorial HospUal. Her maternal grandfather Is Officials of the government in­ Guevara's death in Bolivia anytime, limited to . five min­ Five-Day Forecast mind about not running again were destroyed by fire Satur- Morton Pot Pies The spokesman said the pilot James LeBel, 80 Devon Dr. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. stitute say the timing is coinci­ two years ago while waging WINDOW and PLATE GLASS utes. Orange Juice MUdred Malone, TalcottvUle Rd., Vernon. dental. They note that one mov­ guerrilla war Is considered still and agreed to the nomination at <3ay, at the home of William radioed about ah hour after he WINDSOR LOCKS, Oonn. Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- • • » » I* ie is historical and the other is too fresh for anyone to handle Tab Enclosarc from $.10 to $45 ph» faiwhtHatinoi the caucus. Mrs. Lowman will Jacobus on Sleepy Hollow Rd. Old Kentucky recipe turkey, chicken or beef. ■'The real thing from Florida" took off on a training flight that I API — Temperatures In Con­ 12:4S p.m., and 0:S0 p.m .-8 King Jr., Joseph Hepton, son of Joseidi end Patricia Kei- fiction. Guerrilla warfare plays the role. R is expected to be run again as tax collector, and The Jacobuses are living on a "he had become disoriented, he necticut from Tueoday through p.m.; others, S p.ra.-4 p.m., w d lem King, RFD 1, Box 232C, South Coventry. He was bom Aug. a key part In both films al­ years, if ever, before a Cuban Mrs. Harriet Lyman will also houseboat at Essex and the Loaded with natural was being fired uptm, was hit Saturday are expected to aver­ 6:80 p.m.-8 p.m. A real time saver. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matenial grandparents though the stories differ widely. actor will be allowed to portray run again as town treasurer and house here is rented although vitamin C. A 6 oz. and was going down over un­ age normiU with dolly highs In Age Limits: 16 in maternity, Just heat and are Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Kellem, 199 South St., RockviUe. The historical wllm Is a 36- the (Tuban hero. agent for the town deposit fund, no occupants were at home at New Dentist serve. At this low can makes a big known territory.” the upper 70s to lower 80s anti N12 in other areas, no limit in pitcherful. Break­ "There was strong evidence," His paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Joseph Jutras, Walkley Rd., minute documentary with the The institute has produced an­ overnight lows in the upper 80s Also, Mrs. Ellen Hills, Incum- the time of the fire, self-service. mini-price offer provisional title of "The Col] of bent, Board of Education, four- Local firemen were assisted Opening up general practice stock your freezer fast without orange the spokesman added, that the Southington. He has two ststers, Joanne, 11, and Caiol 8. other Guevara documentary us­ to low 60s. juice is like a day the Hour.” Its principals arc year term; Mrs. Jo-Aime Arm- by firemen from Hebron and today In Manchester is Dr, now. unarmed OH23 helicopter was ing his slogan “Ever onward to The Weather Bureau predicts 1964 VOLKSWAGEN The administration reminds without sunshine. McConnell, Jill Susan, daughter of Dennis and Jean Mai^ Che Guevara and Gen. Antonio strong, Board of Education, four Andover. James D. Foucaud who receiv hit by North Korean ground victory” as a title. It was pieced that the weather will be quite visitors that with construction garldo McConnell, 49 FalrfleW SL She was bom Aug. 8 at Man­ Maceo. who led an unsuccessful years; John Sullivan, two-year The damage to the wires bds doctorate in dental sd fire . together from newsreel and wami at the beginning and end Deluxe Sedan under way, parking space is chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Cuban fight for independence term on the Board of Educa- caused a power failure to sur- from Georgetown Unlver Radio Pyongyang said North television files of Guevara. limited. Visitors are asked to Mr. and Mrs. Mlanuel Margarido, 27 Oliver Rd. Her paternal from Spain neariy 100 years of the five-day period but cooler tlon to fill a vacancy now held rounding homes for several bi Wadilngton, D.C. Dr Korean forces downed the alr- Herrera also drew on files for on Wednesday and Thursday. • RADIO bear with the hospital while the | grandmother la Mrs. John Landaay, 61 Bretton Rd. She haa a ago. by Albert Hadigian, Democrat; hours. The home 1s in a thickly ®'o'icaud’B offloewdU be local' parking problem exists. eftft at Kiuncbon, about 16 his Guevara scenes. The rest of PrecipltnUon .-thould total • VINYL INTERIOR ntf es north of the demilitarized brother, Brian, 2V4. The two fallen heroes are the fll mwas shot In 18 days at Rissell Inzlnga, Board of As- populated area on the lake Hertford Rd. • m 0 m m linked because both were bom to tj Inch with .-ihowerB near • EXTRA (XEAN aessors; Leonard Germa and «hore. Dr. Fouca^ U orlgln^ly z«>e between North and South locations near Havana. the etvl of the period. Patients Today: 210 Korea and about 60 miles north- Dobleskl, Michelle Lynn, daughter of HiaddeauB and Don­ June 14 and, according to the Pastor Vega. 29, says it took Lucius Robinson, Board of Tax BIron In State Lx"* na Austin Dobleskl. Baxter St., RFD 1, Tolland. She waa bom government, had the same ideas Review; Bruce Bradford and Bob BIron, who wa« seriously ^ ^ r m e r called th e incident another him a year to direct his first ADMITTED SATURDAY: "provocation by U.S. Imperial­ Aug. 9 at Mancherter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ of revolution. full-length movie, "Of American *1095 Morris Kaplan, Planning and Injured in an accident on the Play it cool... play it “save” with mother IS Mrs. William AuUUn, 23 Franklin St. Her paternal Director Manolo Herrera. 26, War ’ Zoning Commission; Walter Pennsylvania Tpke. last month, Robert L. Butier, 22 Locust 8t.'; ists In violation of the Korean BA C K to S C H O O L a^istlce agreement.’ grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobleskl, Bridgeport. She says the Idea is to show that Written by Elnrlque Sosa, a Schroder and Gunnar Olson, 1" which his wife was killed, ^ ^ Mrs. Virginia P. Canuw, •-The Army said those aboard has a brother, Steven, 4; and a sister, Kathleen, 3. there Is "a generational call' Havana University professor. It NEEDS— TED TRUDON, Inc. Zoning Board of AppeaLs; al- has been flown back to Con- ha «^ed as a lieutenant in Storrs; Mrs. Victoria Orduz, 21 tHe plane were Capt. David R. • «4 * • I* that brings forth fighters for in­ tells of two I jiUn American Oompleto Selection! temates, Peter Maraton and nectlcut and is now a patient hjI n S Navv stationed in New Margaret Rd.; Edward 8. dependence. VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE Forbea Morrell, and RusseU ®t Newington Hospital. William U.B. Navy, stationed in New ^ 8 ...... (^awford of Pooler, Ga.; WO Matney, Heather Lynn, daughter of Wayne and Susan (leasants and how a revolution Owen, WlUlmantlc; Mrs. Doris Maceo’s role is portrayed by TOLLAND TPKE. — TALOOTTVILLE London. lilalcolm W. Loenke, the pilot. Peoples Matney, 282 Plain Dr., Bast Haitford. She wea bom affects Uiem. ARTHUR DRUG Wheeler, Adolph German and Magee, pilot for CAR Conair- A. Walton; 176 Autumn St.; Luis Iznaga, 28, a fencer who of Richmond, Ind., and Soec. 4 Aug. 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Vega says the action takes y Thomas Keegan, constables. way, and Robert Judd of Colum- Mrs. Margaret Wlllcox, 66 Hill­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peoples, 14 Thomas Dr. Her The Democrats have Indorsed bla, flew to Pittsburg to bring side St,; Nat Kuntzelman, 140 Herman H. Hofstatter of Liow- iSAnt, La. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. (Chester Matney Bei^ Incumbent First and Second him back. He was met at Brad- Hebron Bryan D r.; M rj. Lucille M. wind, W. V€u Selectman Joeeph Szegda and ley Airport by the Columbia Nichols, Rosewood Lane, Bol-. “The U.N. CJommand said U.S. • * ® • George Peters. Mrs. Adela ambulance and taken to New- ton. HJarine Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Ad­ ams, senior member of the com-' Tfalbault, Lisa Ann, daughter of Roger and Lorraine Le- Urban was chosen os candidate ington. GOP Caucus BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son Blisnc Thlbault, 22 Coolidge Dr., ThompaonvlUe. She was bom lor town clerk. She Is presently Student Cited niand on the Armistice Commis- to Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Mor- rtten, had' asked the North Ko­ Aug. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grend- serving as the secretary for the Henry Monvllle Beck is one larty, 63 Downey Dr.; a daugh­ in»incm parents ore Mr. and Mrs. Noe LaBlanc, KeHy Rd.. Vernon. Her Due Tonight reans for assistance "In retum- selectmen. of eight outstanding stude^ ter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rene Thlbault, Baker Other m. candidates Incltide who have been declared wiimera A Republican Party caucus Madden Huiftlngton Dr., Ver- fing the helicopter and person­ nel.” Brook, N. B., C3an. She has a brother, Paul, 6; and three sds- Loulse Thompson, tax oollec- of the 1960 Connecttcut Science will be held tonight at 8 in the „„„ teie, Denise, 8, Lynn, 7, and Joyce, 8. tor; Albert Hadigian and Talent Search for superior work Town Office BuUcHiw to select ADMITTED YESTERDAY: : It was the second U.S. Army » *1 r • • helicopter shot down by North Charles Bailey, Board of Edu- in the laboratory and classroom, paily-endorsed candidates to ^ Bean Storrs- Richard Hohentlial, Be«li M arla, daughter of E ric E. and Solly cation; Oomellua Bane, Board He received a book award tor run in the Nov. 4 Municipale . Brown Jr.,'l 48 Oak’St. Wap- Korea since the Korean armis­ of Education to HU a two-year hte paper, "Biological Oceano- election. _ tice was signed 16 years ago. A Taylor Hohentttal, 24 Munro SL She was bom Aug. 9 at Man­ chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mi- ternp; Peter Nichols and Arthur graphy: A Stable Salt Water The Republican Tcxwn Com- ert^br 'waDninx- Mra.'Gladys bmcopter carrying two Ameri­ and George Taylor. Amheiet. Mass. Her paternal grand- Goodale, assessors; Herbert Aquarium; Chemistry of Eupen- mlttee wUl moke recommenda- w hoVirv Stafford Sorlmrs- can ofHcers on a routine flight was downed by ground fire near paoents are Mr. and Mrs. EHmore Hotienthal, 44 Ridgewood St Winkler and Peter Becklsh, tacta Qulnquesemlta; Use of Co- tions to the caucus; however, Kathiwn A Knano 173 Snruce She has a brother, Gary, 11. Board of Tax Review; Myron bait by Cancer Borealis." this will in no way preclude . r^ureince D Lane 70 Ox- the Panmunjom truce village on Berkowltz and Lao Goldberg, A graduate of Windham High further namlnattons from being . ^ q, . laabell'a Moc- May 17, 1968. The two officers Plannlmr and c.ar.^1 !,» > "*rH. isaoeiia m ac Charies, son of Bryan and Theresa Duran kenzle, East Hartford; Sarkis were captured and were re­ Sion; Warren Jurovaty and Bam University in Durham, N.C., GIH, W Valley St. He was bom Aug. 11 at Manchester Memorial Encum bents recommended Meseriian, 146 Woodland 8t., turned a year later after the Pescatello, Zoning Board of this CaU. Hospital. His maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs Augus- tor the various offices Mrs. Patricia E. Miller, 428 W. y.N. Command signed a note First selectman, P. John Per- ^ saying they were engaged In es­ ^ Duran, Sacramento, Calif. His paternal gmndporents are Middle Tpke.; Charles P. Mor- Mr. and Mm. Charles GlU, is M a r^ a r^ n tS T ^ ^ ham; town clerk, Mra. Gladys |;;‘78''spra‘i;V’st.;‘‘craig'p. Per pionage activities from their Coventry T I ^ r ; treasurer |md eg^t Msmsfleld Center; John V. helicopter. gTOat-gTandmother is Mrs. Crug Ramareg, Sacriamento OaUf of the town (topojdt fund, p cham bers St.; An- The command later said it ms paternal great-grandmotiier is Mrs. Charies GlU Banta Ana, OolU. Ho has a brother, Rodney, 8. Mrs. Marlon O. ^ «> ’ ^rea Shoer, Bristol; Jean C. had to sign the ndte In order to Wilson^ Council Candidate^ Stakum, 2486 Ellington Rd., obtain the men's release. ^ B o a rd o< Finance, Kenneth On April 16, North Korea shot Bragdon, Leonard Myles, son of Marvin and Barbara down an A m erican EC121 elec­ Trafton Bragdon, Steep Gutter Rd., Stafford Springs. Ho was Seeks Republicans^ Support Also, Board of Tax Review, BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A tronic Intelligence plane in the bom Aug. 9 at RockyUle General Hospital. His maternal grand­ Wilbur Porter; Pkumln^: and daughter to Mr. and M^. Sea of Japan more than 100 parents a re Mr. and Mrs. Leonard TVofton, New Brunswick, Bruce A. Wilson, Republican ramomber Uuit 11 wim the peo- Zoning Oommlarton, Frederick Charles Mozzer, 17 Teresa Rd.. piiles off the Korean coast. All Canada. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Dora Bragdon candidate for the Town Ooun- pie who edocted me and thitt It J. Wythe; Zonlr^ Board orf Ap- a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa, Canada. Their other children are Terry €uid Dora. 31 men aboard were presumed * *1 •' * « cll In the November election, Is the people I must serve." peals, James L. Derby Jr.j- and Thomas Griffith, 16 Lawton killed. . The United States has moved his bid fof the can- Finally, Wilson urges all reg- constables, Donald Berry, Ray- Rd., Apt. 28; a daughter to charged that Pyongyang had vi­ OampbeU, Honan David, son of Dr. Iain and Honnah dldacy Into the final stage, Istered voters, "wliether Re- mond J. Burt, Adolph Simons and Mrs. L-ee Eldrldge, 2106 olated international law by Byme Campbell, 23 Bruce Rd. He was tx>m Aug. 9 at Manches­ preparatory to Tuesday night's publican or Detnonrat, to attend and Donald Heath. Ellington Rd., „ downing the plane over Intema- ter Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandfather Is Dr. James Republican caucus. their respective (*4iu<*uses so other recommendatdonB are; DESCHARCED SATURDAY tlonsJ waters and assigned a C ^pbell, NewcasOe-On Tyne, Englard. He has two brothers Wll«.n, who received hi. town ^helr votea will liumre the Board o< Selectmen, R o ^ B ^ard H^Woo4 1 ^ 2, Nlall, 9, and Seen, 8; and two sisters, Fiona, 6, and Sheila 2%' special Navy task force to •»•••« ' 'X' committee-, endor.ement on W«heet quoUty emdddate., can- Dixon; Board of Educa^, tal Date Rd. guard American planes operat­ ■ ■ BarraMO, Mr., nl. J. O Connor, 21 wooeworui Landolphl, Robert Michael, son of Michael and Nancy Aug. 6 a. one of hi. party', four dldates who are equipped to Chorlea „ . . . t ...... 44 ing off the Korean coast. council candidate., Mid In a Bio (JuUlongeH of Coven- Elaine Wallace and Mr».^ L i ^ St.; J o s e ^ Vandorgrlft Landolphl, Chesbro Bridge Rd., OolumbU. He was Butt; Planning and Zoning SauUers Rd.; Mrs. Beatrice J. prepared .tatement, "I am, run- future." bom Aug. 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal Commlaaion, Roy Wlrth; Zon- Hamsbn, 86 Ash St. Exit.; Tim­ grandparents are Mr. and Mhs. James I. Vandergrift, Wethers­ nlng hard. I have the town com------Jet Pilot Tops ing Board of Appeal., Everett othy W. Johnaon, 28 Durant St.; field. His paternal grandparents ore Mr. and Mks. Dwiato Lan- mlttee'. endonioment, but It 1. Yapa, and Zonh* Board of Ap- Mm, Gulla G. Slmko, East Piston Record dottphl, Brooklyn, N.Y. / the Republican voter who will Vernon peal, alternate, John LaVake. Hartford; Mrs. Frances Bres- EDWARDS AIR FORCE give me the nomination If I PZC Hearinug «n, 29 Cottage St.; Francis R. BASE, Calif. (AP) — A speed Morfaardt, Beth Ann, daughter of Jeffrey and Mlarilyn am to receive It. I want every The Planning and Zoning Mulvery, 19A Knox St. Klecak Morhardt, 10 Edgewood St., Stafford ^irit«s. She was record tor piston-driven aircraft Republican in the town to have Commission will reconvene the Atoo, George T. Guyette, 80 bom Aug. 11 at M anche^r Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Town Board set by a German Luftwaffe pilot the opportunity to hear my recessed public hearing of Fob- Beelzebub Rd., Wapplng; Mrs. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Ueoak, BHgtctd In 1039 has been broken by a jet view .." ruury II tomorrow evening at Theresa L. Morell, Eart Hart- Springs, ' Wll«)n ha. been actively cam­ Will Review pilot accustomed to speecte at 8 In the Town Office Building, ford; Mrs. Beverly M. DeMel- 9,000 miles an hour. paigning for the Republican The commission will consider lo, 40 Dart HIU Rd., Wapplng, caucu. nomination and ha. ' Darryl Greenamyer, a test pi­ ISO Refuse Pact an application from Real'Estate Mrs. Bertha S. Burgess, 17 lot of hdgh-^>eed reconnaissance been aeelng n. many regi.ter- Research Association, East Trotter St.; Mrs. Francolse Dii- ed Republican, a. poulble dur­ planes, zoomed low over a The Board of Repreoentatlvea Hartford, for a permit to con- Pont, M Santlna Dr.; Mrs. three-kUometeir oourse tour ing the p a.t week. wHl be asked tonight for struct eight four-family dwell- Kathleen D. Hyland, 633A Cen- Whole Lamb Forequarters 55‘b Lamb Patties 59lb In a .tatement being times Saturday In his vintage, CG dl.- authorlBitlan to Increase pay- on Wells Wood Rd. ter St.; Francis Kostenko, 111 remodeled Grumman F8F2 tributed to Republican., Wllwm mont on the cancellation of a xhe hearing had been recess- Florence St.; Robert O'Neill, Lamb Riblets for Barbecue 59°b Bearcat for an average speed of noted that "Coventry I. at the contract with the owner of the gj pending receipt of Informa- West Medford, Mass; Paul E. 478 m.p.h., eclipsing the old crossroads of It. future. In Nov- Axliford refuse area which has j,,, the proposed septic sys- Bramhall, Long Hill Rd., And- We roMrve the right to limit quantities. A U rE TU tE t record of 469.2 m.p.h. set by YouU never have to buy-film oazJn ember we will elect a new form been used by the town. (e„i for the project. over. Fritz Wendel of the German Air beponee each time UoeMz d e v S ^ asd of government, which will bring The contract was to go tor School Board Also, Gary T. De«ri)Slers, 80 J f o u r^ l of Blaok A WhSo w Force. i TTJiSiWiC" ** .five you u o u - new hopes and opportunities to another year. Meanwhile Ver- Regional District Board W. Middle Tpke.; Linda M. Greenamyer, 88, sedd he want­ LUTBLY PTtBE, a frezh roll of fUm Coventry and will open new non ha. signed n contract with Education will meet thla eve- Hebert, 182 Orchard Hill Dr., ed to bring the speed record Im,the (Mm avenues of growth and pros- t-wo EUlngton men to use the Faculty Wapplng; Brian"" and Teresa- top quillty and Ko- back to the United States, where I f f * ’ too- Quick prooezatnc . , pcrlty." refUM area owned by them in gt Rham High School. Ann Howard, WlUlmanUc; Mrs. It was once owned by such pilots Listing rome of his goals If that town, I fS. ^ »«rv4ce for Marie B. Hutson, Marlborough; as Howard Hughes, Jimmy I “ >d whUe Oisx elected to the Town Council, Town Counsel Abbott Sohiwe- e S h O p a little bit longer tor Manchester Evening Herald Andreze J. Zodlo, 8 Regent St.; Doolittle and BUly Mitchell. color) Wllson say. In his statement, "I bel will explain to the board Hebron correspondent. Anne Mrs. Judith A. Robinson, 89 would work u. a member of the members the reason tor the re- End. tel. 228-8671. Hansen Dr., Vernon; Allan M. Town Council lo Insure that we quert for additional money, ______Stegeman, Glastonbury; Mrs. The truth machin^ “ Quick-Jell Beane do not wander from the proper 'Dio board wlU also dlsotM. a HeYrlda L. Flake, 36 Edmond . ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) ^ tells it like it is! [bantlc paoo of modem life has j course, that those step, are contract tor a qieclal road V e r n o n St.; Mrs. Jeanette M. Petten- lOCBTT DRUG straight and that we tramp on treatment. The work on the glU, Plymouth, Vt. The air Is thick with price claims. ^caught tq> with gumdrops and j no Individual while making cooBs ha. been temporarily Alsu, Mrs, Gory liYoemdsorf You must be confused. We say ^elly beans. Coffee progrcM. I would remember >“Bted since it was dlwxwered Kenneth North and son, 16 HAwley St.; Mrs. you’ll save money on your groceries • -nie Jeity beonsiused to take if you go mini-pricing at Stop & >early three days moJto. Now that while our .chools are fine Bull money tor the job haaa patented a . process that ”fhe miracle of main sfreefl North Vietnam -turns them out in a hail-hour. sure to grow there are those *" sUglitly over |1.- DAY: Mrs. Joanna Bertlcellt, And the truth machine. Mini-pric­ to “ Prof. Thofnas J. Schoch devel- who would take advantage of Its A Hix-kvllle nuui who wiis Vernon Gardens. Rockville; ing® saves you money. And that's SolldWliiteTuna development, who would bull- Tricarlco. direc- listed as mt.lore completely Uie W. North, 39, i.s a careier William J. ^hulU Jr., 11 Eld- J Mondayf Tuesday French Fries timt rommlselon concerning a OtANO UNION tUOOl l A ^ «' i-ouUmilng pguuon for sew ers on Mary leemiui wlx) enlertHl the air w ards St.; P eter J. Sheridan, and Wednesday! Pineapple Pie 39c . educdlon prognun within McAlmont The aniumneement that MuJ, Karuxls, East Hartford Hciffanl Johnson imiite Bread in U» furtJier deveJopmetU of rg„ort on r««ucst for North Ls b«>lng iH'ld a priaoner. Mrs. Athesia U Frys, WUahlre COw^C^ ahO pu*';****j IIIIIKNK'iSg our citizens regiudU*.s eg llielr e v l^ lo n s tor l VM SorUig ' V ern al: Haroid L. New- Fudge or Coconut Cake 17 oz pk{ \\ "r C» AMO f\jSCf*SiU Qf 15 QO 04 AApit^ 69 .5 boxM 77c, Liquid Bleach DIAL tAMi "A-s a cajulidate for eUxitlai luu* b»H*n jioslUvely identifitxl a-s t»y; Mrs. Elizabeth S. Loersoh, 4 . ______nmee St. u I II* Ameriivuis on a list 177 Sclvood Rd . Bolton Robert and us a metnber of the casi- Caterer's Kitchen Ice Cream 5 qiiom 88c jMtCORMKX's-piiuuoan)M ^m m D o m r e o r m cir, I would earncHtly sup|iurt ■The iHxirvl will be U prisoners made public by the a . Hussex, 441 Woodland St.; 79 M^H^WRAP ^31' - 43‘ ratUy Uie a^x. ntme.it irf hr^- i.g.,magon, Robert E. Elidn, 36 Bum^ Dr,; Vanilla, Coffee 'n Chip, Dutch Chocolatfe, Double Strawberry, BLACK PEPPER 4 3 ' - and work hiuid in hand wlUi ii “hi the hosirt of downtown main street, mssrhrsterl I DOWBMDiWIAP ’V 51' m SH B A G S 43' CHOCK FULL 0 ' NUTS IT profeHslunai town adhilnlstra- IM -H t **'*■ " ‘“l"'"'*- Mrs. Rosemarv A. MuUen, 42 ,c; Peppermint Stick, Crisp Butter Crunch. • oyien thorsdsy and trldsy •i|-n*« tfB t o Pina nssT ssoun ta n irn u u n o tor whose icUvui Include com­ MUli lire to eg H.-,. D la^a Antlxsiy I.muxil.xi eg Werner Seymour St.; Albert Fournier, P nnsnA M M U 2 :^ 4 9 ' l& S x D tU S -* S3' ^■l by M re p r , Venu.n. .-«Ud sh.- Uxinied 2,5 RgnobU^ p r Wopptog; ■ B e n in prehensive pLiuuilng for tile fu­ ^ King-Siw Sliced White ^ ^ MACARONI 9 0 ture of Coventry." t hlig Ikuuild Milgiidii. f,,oiii Nortii's wife, Ciiivg, wlxi Robert E Dennen IS t Ibu- St ■ P K ^ 3 - t ‘1** C fO M n lu c n - 3 1 • BABY FOOD 11< (Xlier Items ixi tailght's Uve.4 at t^nx> Cixi wlUi their KV|,|ig \ Collin An lover- Al msoDunrs ion fUtiSIB ■OWHTTNCOIOIIUACN Wllsainr.uxm caitlnues.eaninuee, "As AS a man-man ,,^,.,^1,1 are: A reixirt of Uie four daiwllters, tluit Mai North ' A f r u o m u E G s xr 35* m H X V nZ G A I - 33- ber of the Town Council, I waUd Roi-gvUle Public HaUUi NiJ4- plligltig a oiw*-!xxiler plane ^ Dbm® Dr ; Sandwich Bread 2 ' - 5 9 B R A N D N E W work dil^tiy on tH-half ^ our Aasa-laUai: rapiart of Uie u t.\e wL rel^rt^r nili:^^ 3. 'Adams MARGARINE 4 6 ' g S m A Y A ‘- r | 3< S n iV IN E C A l U 3 5 ' RINSO DETERGENT 8 3 ‘ public protocUon agmcles to coilwlor for ivfimila total- He grew up in RakvlUe and Mrs. Donna M. Lebreux. Choicest Meats In Town STORE amid. U D iz D a u S3' SS bagibags r;. 3 9 ' \ give them U ie. oppontimity to in g '$1,269: clarification ig Uv> graduated from Rcx-kville High 169 Main St.; Mrs. Angellne D more offe<-Uvely utilize their for the next board nieeUng, Si-hixg He enteral the Air Tine, KiMt Hartford. ,, Robert.. IN TH E DIAMOND SALT - 1 1 ' u S & D iU J - 5 3 ' fitlnCuLani ^•.45* EULER'S TEA BAGS w loo resources, and to appidach our request for tax rebate ,bi Foive stxirtlv after Ills grad- .Muro, ' r> Laurwood n li*^r Dr . Ifolton; ^ Freshf firm ' Cotc/ieAS 'A ' l(itcken. TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! town’s problems In tlieae ureas ,, .quioii from Ae Umversitv.ig HarU Dr., TaKxdtvtUe MANCHESTER \: to allow these dedicated people ^ ______(.X.iiii.xticut T«i.w*vaiu. LEAN, ALL BEEF to carry on their work. I would r .1 IW -^1 Mis noreiice Also, Mrs, Pearl Perrett, 517 PARKAOE strive for ixxnplete organization M ilk lo r the Inertly North, rc ciitly movxxl U> Man- Vemtsi at ; John Casey, 22 Cucumbers Large, 12 inch size Pizza .-a. 59 50 STAMPS I I 50« OFF T |50 STAMPS of ail boards and commisslorui SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — chivstei after living In Venion |^'P w o o d Dr . Vernon: Mrs. Critp, crunchy favorite Michael Liuvtotphl and son, Col­ HOBOB o r IB B H A M B U R G u 69c WTTM n« COU60S4 AMO SUKMAM O* in town to establish a unified gourteen cows are being treated (or many years for hot weather Miedt. OMie-OZ JA8 MMllDMOCONtl purpose, and methods of openi here for a vitamin deficiency — umbia; Mrs.Leo G Kia-kro and Caterer's Kitchen Custards 3 Uon to saUsfy Uie needs of the with biJecUonz of canned milk. n , p ■ 7, ikiughtnr. Wethersfield. 3 Lb. *1.99 T A s n rs CHOICE town.” Hinton Harris, CtiaUiam ttoun- Bed Top i.olort IMMT 0SaC0U6ONSfliCU$TOnsia "But more Important," Wilson ty farm agent, explained that GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—Vlr- "vm 85 per cent of New jSItride Rite 4 U M ft U td C0U60S4 OOOO TMBU $AT, AUO. IkS goes on, " I would namember (he cows’ vltaniin deficiency tually all research on human Vorly O ty lies ixk on the Ameri-. TT7rw;rm-F-it'”.i.i 3 -2 9 ‘ ______' SHOE that a town is not a town waa caused by atiortzge of by- color preference boa revealed ihiunland but on the Islands without people anh that it'a gov- brid millet grazing graas, ‘the International popularity of Manhattan. Staten Island, AM> n m w p e c tw i TWBU SAT. AIM I M M SnSBVI TM MKT TO USUT QUAMTTTm emment exists because the'brought on by a drought, tol- blue and red, reganlless of age, long Island. City Island. Wei- HI6HUND PJIRK MJIRKET 117 HIgMaiid SL. MsnrtosHi — ese-4STT Manch«$f»f Parkad*, Middle Tumpika, Wai4 — Tripla-S Radamptlon Centar, IBO M arkai Squafa,' Nawinepitaa townspeople maxle It'so. 1 would lowed by exceaa rain. race or nationality. fare island and other islaniki- 2A3 MIDDUE t u r n p ik e w e s t , MANCHESTER^ CONN. SIMPLEX SHOE 3 Opan Toei., W ad.. Tburt. and SaT. 9:00-5:30— Fri. 9:00-9:00 Clotad Monday! \ ■ \ PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. AUGUST 18, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 BUGGS BUNNY PAGE SEVENTEEN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ing 'The Graduate,’ I was riding r c w Warw . to the studio with XDke in the WAIT JUST HERE'S A LITTLE ia*«a AfH, >•(. State Crashes Simon and Garfunkle: A MINUTE. PRESENT FOR EACH IM ux r«f. Off. Aiiiwtr t« PrtTi«m Puixl* rent-a-car and he said, ‘How IS -THAr WHY ^ IWlSHTVte would you like to be tai my next BEFORE YOU OF YOU! THECE WAS TVCAAAEf»kS Marks of Distinction TV-Radio Tonight RUSH IN TO IT'S NOT UM,YNS, A^M, TVB BCEN NOTHIN' IN COUL.CJA K ill Seven plcturs?’ I said, 'I ’d Hke to—but ALUMINUM GUTTERS LOO< AT GOSH IV EVEN MV TO AAAP TWe UNPER- THE PAPER BEEN THEBE Paul Readies Musie for Fall, I've never acted before.’ he TELEVISION.' BIRTHCAY! \MOBLO AAENTAUTY ANP a b o u t t o u WHEN THE ACRO SS 57 Roman date BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said, 'That’s all right; w e’U ro -n3ANSf=OQM O aM INO LO eV USIN' cruFo rouce Television it.’ 5 b R . ' INTO A SCIE)NCE/ ON AAB.y 1 Token of 58 Amount Seven persons died In week- CHIEF WAS prescribed 5:00 (S) Buike'a La w Partner Graduates to Films Labor and Material . HAK-kAFP •• OF COUaSE WHEN HE APt3L06lZlN' honor (p i.) (8 ^ ) Mike Douglas 7:00 (18) What's My Line e.-.

j 'I ' \ • \ ' ♦ ■ V , • • .. . ■ \ ■ ' ' - \ , PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN'., MONDAY, AUGUST 18 1969

Busine's Services Roofing and Hefp Wanted— Help Wanted— Help Wanted— Mole 36 Help Wonted Male 36 Offered 13 Chimneys 16>A Female 35 Femole 35 LAWNS maintained. Rubbish ROOFING, Gutters, Chimneys— H«lp Wantod — Mato or CLASSIFIED YOUNG MEN taken to the dump. Odd jobs. New and repairs our special­ SAMPLE CHASER MACHINISTS 649-1868 after 6 p.m. ty, 20 years experience. Free BE ONE OF MACHINE OPERATORS • ARE YOUR FUTURE CLASSIFIED STEPS, .'Idewfllks, .stone walls, estimates. Call Roy Kanehl, NEEDED PROSPECTS BRIGHT? M cDo n a l d ’s ;. ADVERTISING 643-0353 after 6 p.m. fireplaces, flag.stone terraces for manufacture of ladles' Openings on first and second • ARE YOU WORKING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS All concrete repairs, both . in­ wear. Must be able to fol­ shifts for: UNDER PLEASANT IS NOW HIRING FOR THE FALLI 8 A.M.jto 4:30 P.M. side and outside railing.s. Land Millinery, low garments through fac­ THE “FINAST” ADVERTISING scaping. Reasonably priced tory. Interesting work Bridgeport Mills CONDITIONS? Male w d female help. Call 643 0851 Dressmaking 19 plus excellent fringe bene­ Several excellent opportuni­ • ARE YOU 'l e a r n i n g djASSlFUfiU ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Hours flexible, 8 a.m. to 11 pjB. fits. Apply at: ties have develop^ In our Engine Laths COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ORESSMARING and altera-' AN INTERESTING 8 A.M. to 4:30 PJfi. LIGHT truck'ng, odd jobs, also office for full-time. Turret Lathes Apply in person only. r; 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION moving iHTge appllanees Bum- tlons. zlpper.c replaced etr TRADE? Deadlinn for .Saturday and Monday Is 4:30 p.m. Fridai Call 649-4311 MANCHESTER , COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ln£ barrels delivered. Vt 844- TELEPHONE CLERK Grinders If your answer Is "NO" to any 1775 MODES, Inc. MEAT DEPARTMENT of the above questions . . . then 4:8* PJI. d a y b e f o r e PimiOATlOM McEXDNALD’S DRIVE-IN ' - PLEASE READ YOUR AD Moving— Trucking— Pine St. Trainees tocepted. Other open­ you should visit our plant to COMPLETE .-iharpenlng serv­ ings available. Excellent oppor­ discuss immediate openings In (or Satorday and Monday U 4:M p.m. Friday 46 West (Denter St^i’eet Classified or “ Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a ice. Hand and power mowers Storage 20 To receive and record or­ tunities for willing and ambi­ the following areas: Manchester, Conn. convenlenee. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST sharpened and repaired. Pick MATURE woman for, part-time ders from stores on IBM tious people. Overtime, all bene­ YOCK COOPERATION Wnx m A I 1 DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the up and delivery Call anytime, MANCHESTER Delivery-light card^ fits, air-conditioned. • PLATING next insertion. The Herald is responsible for only ONE in- work in hew sea food store. b e appreciated d i a l 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 643-5305. Sharpall, 685 Adams trucking and package delivery. Apply In person at Captain • SILK SCREENING Help Wantock^ Housoholi Goods 51 correet or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then ... . S t, Manchester, Oonn. Refrigerators, washers and Mac’s Sea Food, 978 Sullivan (Graphic Arts) Mow or Fonidto 37 only to the extent of a “ make good” insertion. Errors which stove moving, specialty. Fold CLERKS Apply ______(JLBAM, USED., rofrigdrator*. do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be Ave., South Windsor. Continuod From Prtcading Pog» PART-TIME desk clerks and autanwitic washers corrected by “ make good” Insertion. MAINTENANCE and repair, ing chairs for rent. 649-0752 J. T. SLOCOMB CO. Ask for Mr. George Smith, be­ commercial and residential. Accounts payable, good tween 9-10 a.m. and 4-5 pjn. night auditors. Apply F l ^ ’s wtUr fuaranteSB. Bee them at Experienced. 643-6952 after 6 business arithmetic back­ 68 Matson Hill Rd., Holp Wantod Mato 36 Motor Irai, 190 Bast Center St. B.D., Pearl’s AmiUaneos, 649 ground. H«]p Wantpd— Mato 36 (RoekvIUe, Toll Free) p.m. Painting— Papering 21 ACCOUNTING CLERK South Glastonbury, Conn. MULTI-CIRCUITS, Inc. 646-23(X). At. CaU I to s m . 50 HAilRISON ST. B, H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, MAN WANTED to work in lum­ 643-2711 875-3136 MANCHESTER- South Windsor. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR "Minutes fn m Manchester MANCHESTER, CONN. MALE OR female help wanted FOUR-SPEED WesUnghouse Interior and exterior painting, Accounts receivable ber yard, must have driver’s AUTO MECHANIC A-1 Marino Services (Former­ for full-time and part-time automaUc mono phonograph. paper hanging. Thirty years BEFORE you look any further, Ucenae. Davis A Bradford ly M & M Rubbl.sh) Attic, cel­ experience preferred. counter work. Apply in person, Excellent condition. Call after experience, four generatlon.s. Opening for experienced come to the Klock Co., at 1366 Lumber Oo„ 200 Tolland 8t„ (Foreign (3ars) lar, garage, yard cleaning, ap­ GOODYEAR Service Store, has Liggett’s Luncheonette, Man­ 6 p.m., 646-1776. Free, estimates, fully Insured. alpha-numeric, IBM key- an opening for a full Ume Ure Tolland Tpke., Manchester. We Hkurt Hartford. Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? pliances moved, removed, fur­ Immediate t^penings for 2 chester Parkade. 643-7361 PIONEER PARACHUTE pimcher to work full-time, changer. Some stock room have openings on all shifts In COLONIAL couch with match­ niture bought, sold. For ap­ days. experienced men, up to CO., Inc. work and deliveries involved, our Heat Treat Dept. Very In­ COOK WANTED. Nigl* Work, ing ekalr. Glass top coffee pointment 644-2615. $4.50 an hour to start. 24-Hour Answering Service CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ Uberal company benefite. Ap­ teresting work and we will DEAN MACHINE Many benefits. Apply no Sundays. A|^Iy at Acadia table. Green Manor veneUan terior painting, paper hanging. blinds. CaU 649-0672. Pioneer Industrial Park CLERKS ply Goodyear Service Store, train you. Please apply In per­ PRODUCTS, Inc. Reotaurant. CaU 649-9896. jyUBBLhBeUce&JS- Discount on wallpaper. Call son. Free to Herald Readers Household Services Manchester, Conn. Vernon Circle, or call 646-0101. GORIN’S SPORTS SBWmO MACnmBB — singer 646-3048, O.scar Hebert. An equal opportunity employ­ 644 1681 Grocery buyer’s office. 102 COLONIAL RD. automatic Ilg-tBg, excellent ApartmMts— Flats— Ai>artin*nt»— Flats— BUsiims Locations Want information on one of our classified atlvcrtlsements? Offered 13-A er. m a n —Part-time for lawn and CAR CENTER Siniariom W antod BRIGHTER Homes — Painting, Business arithmetic experi­ condlUon. Makes buttonholes, No luiswer at the telephone listed? Simply call the ence. parking lot maintenance, must MANCHESTER Route 83 (Tolland Tpke). TMMmMts 63 TeiMiiMiits 63 For Rant 64 WANTED Four or five room LIGHT 'ITIUCKING. M k deliv­ decorating, papering, interior Manchester F«mo!« 38 hems, embroiders, etc. Orlg- PART-'TIME, 6 days, 8 a.m. - have driver’s license. Apply In single home or flr*t floor ery, yard.s, attics, cellars clean­ and extenor Fully irisured. COUNTER girl — part-time 640-0168 Inally over 3800., • monthly FOUR ROOM duplex apartment 12 noon, light cleaning. Must person, at W. H. England Has Immediate Openings: ALL PHASES of office work aivartmonl with garage for EDWARDS ed and removed. Also odd job*. Call John Drever, 872-4155, 875- midnight to 6 a.m. Apply in payments of 3&M each or pay- .NEW ONE and two-bedroom de with stove nnd rofrigemtor. SMAIJ, sliop, North Mnnchea- COMPTOMETOR be over 21. (Jail 849-5334. Lumber Co., Itoute 44A, Bol­ done at hbme. Pick up and three adults, arul male cat. 644-8962 ■ 1834. person. Bess Eaton Donuts, 160 Days: 7 a-m. to 4:30 p.m. $61 cash. 522-OBSl dealer luxe garden type apartment* Parking. Nice yard. No chil­ ter, 2.000 square feet, loading OPERATOR ton Notch, Conn. deliver. 646-J207 evenings. Call after 8:30, 643-7990. ANSWERING SERVICE Center St. EXPERIENCEa> available now. Coll Paul dren or pels. Older people pre­ dock, healed, sprinkler, elec­ RE WEAVING of bumn, moth- EDWARD R. PRICE-Painting Nlgtats: 4 pjn. to 1 a.m. CUSTOM made * ((raperles, slip W. Dougan, Realtor. 649-4638 WILL CARE for child in my ferred. Available September tricity, grouml floor. Will di­ I.ARUE family needs Immedi­ holes, zippers repaired. Win­ exterior and Interior Paper PART-TIME waitress, good Opening for experienced op­ CABINET MAKERS JIG BORE Operators — first, covers and reupholstering. TURRET LATHE: Set­ PRODUCTION LATHE licensed home days. Bolton, 1st. Colt 649-0873. vide In tuilf t’

    etlng nnd draperies. otal rates for people over 66. ion Councilor. Part-time work, Rd., Boltor.. 643-6427 Will subdivide. Call H73-oezs. ing consisting of four unit For Your NOW IS the time for ail wLsc Machine Co., 66 Elm St., Man­ I *29 7 $125. Call 649-6324. Building— Call my competitors, then call full-time pay, two free ward­ chester. STARTING $2.65 an hour. FuH An Equal Opportunity 640 HiUiard S t 149 OAKLAND ST. — Two weekdays, apartments. Three houee trail­ buyers to take advantage of AKC registered Irish Setter, 18 Information Contracting 14 me. Estimates given- 649-7863 robes a year. No collecting or First National benefits, vacation, all shifts Eknployer Interior Designero l wants reUable rooms, heat and appliances. FOUR room, ac'oond floor apart­ er (larking lots. Excellent In­ Rcctown's year end savings. Manchester. Conn. month old male, very good delivering. Call Ellen, 875-9673 MATURE man for maintenance available, full or part-time. (amUy or 1newlyweds to accept $85. Security. 646-2426 from 9-8 ment. Refrlgi'rator, irtove, hot MAIN .ST, 4 room*, all or come. I’hllbrlck Agency, Real­ THE HERALD will t»ot We have ordered our complete N. .1 Lah-lainme — Carpenter NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ and repair work In modem Firestone Retread Shop, 20 with children. Moving neces­ delivery ol complete Model Dis­ ing, paper hanging, paper re­ or Mary, 742-7662. p.m. water. Adulta. $138 649-1877 af­ rent Individually, heat'and elec­ tors, 646-4300 disclose the identity of line of 1970 models amt mu.st contractor. Additions, lemodel- Stores, Inc. convalescent home. Chance to Bidwell Rd., So. Windsor. 289- sitates selling. 872-6279. play of QuaUty Furniture juut any advertiser using box moval, ceilings. Guaranteed ter 5 p.m. tricity provided. Oonlncl Mr clear the docks in preparation Ing and repairs. Call anytime GENERAL office work, typing Park and Oakland Ave. grow Into supervisory position. 4381. removed to warehouses for Pub- MANCHESTER — One - bed­ Frechette. H M Frechette, $91 CENTER Street, an sight letters. Readers answer­ workmanship. Prompt service, I TWO KITTENS looking for for their arrival. We can save for free e.stlmntes. H7d-1642. and billing experience part or Flexible hours , Insurance EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Uc Sale. Modem 8 complete FOUR KCXIMS, Nccond floor, room home w.th 2-car gsrags ing blind box ads who satisfaction guaranteed. 647- good home. Call 649-6480 after room garden type apartment, Ilealtora, 647 0993 you many dollars, but still as­ full-time dally. Manchester East Hartford, Conn, benefits. Call 647-1461 lor ap­ BRIDGEPORT Operators— Ex­ rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 one bk>ck from Main St. Call located In business II son*. desire to protect their HAI.LMARK Building Com­ 9564. 6:30 anytime weekends. private entrance, ranch type, identity con follow ‘ his sure you o( our sincere Inter­ Pipe & Supply, 649-4563. pointment. perienced in aircraft experi­ pc. Convertible living Room. $148. per month. Available Im­ 643-5639. Dwelling could be easily oon- procedure: est in your needs, a very oda- pany for home Improvement, mental work. Top pay for top AT BEAUTIFUL AKC. white, mini­ 6 pc. bedroom. 6 pc. Dinette. verted for professional or com­ additions, rcc rooms, garages, PAINTING— Interior and ex­ CAREER position for young mediately. Paul W. Dougan, quatc selection and most Im- WANTED lead guitarist and personnel. Full benefits. Ap­ ature Poodle pups for sale. 310 down, you may purchase Houses For Rant 65 mercial occupancy. Robsrt J. Enclose your reply to roofing, gutters. Free esti­ terior, very reiu'onable, free woman who Is looking for Realtor, 649-4636. fxjrtant the unquestionable organist, ages 16-17. 875-9844 ply Rolo Machine Co., 55 Call 647-1167 after 6:80 p.m. any room Individually. Im­ Smith. Inc , 963 Main Strest. the box in an envelope — estimates. Call Richard Mar­ more than a job. High School CHENEY BROTHERS, INC. Fumisiwd service that has already made mates, all work guaranteed. MACHINE OPERATORS after 5. Mrs. Tommy. Elm St., Manchester. mediate delivery or tree MANCHESTER — New 814 H9n24t. address to the Classified Call 040-2527. lin, 640-9285, 649-4411. graduate with pleasing person­ LOOKING for an apartment? Aportmonts 63>A us the talk of the industry. Our AKC Oollies, excepUonaHy storage. room brick Ranch style du­ M anager, Manchester ality and ability to meet the We have openings on 1st and 2nd shift for: Have many to choose from, present Inventory Includes Uie NICK’S interior and exterior WAREHOUSE MEN SHEET Metal Workers—Exper­ beauUtul, healthy, sturdy, CAP A CCP (Jharge Plans ONE-ROOM ftintlalied efficien­ plex. Two fireplaces, range Evening Herald, together WES ROBBINS Carpentry re Full or part-time days, will public. Apply between 9 and 4 $148. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ complete Holiday Line, Avalon, painting. Free e.stlmates. Call ienced In aircraft fabrication. sable and white. 668-4219. Also. Our own Instant Credit tor, 649-4038. cy apartment. Apply Marlow's, nnd dishwasher. $280 monthly. with a memo listing the modeling specialist. Additions, 5 p.m., to Beneficial Finance, Seeking men to work In ware­ Machine operators companies you do NOT Hrenlwood, Silver Eagle, and 013-1731. train, own transportation. Top pay for top personnel. Full PUn 867 Main 8t., Manchester. Owner, 686-1041. Read Herald Ads rec rooms, dormers, porches, 836 Main St., Manchester, 643- FOR SALE — Bassett Hound want to SCO your letter. house, first shift. 8 to 4:30. benefits. Apply Rolo Machine Repairmen LARGE 3H room sipartment. Totem Travel Trailers. In pick­ cabinets, formica, built - Ihs. 4166. puppies, tri-color, vaccinated, Your letter wdii be de­ up campers we have Travel Apply Occasional overtime. Drivers Co, 66 Elm St., Manchester. DISCOUNT FURNITURE Furnished or unfurnished, with TWO-room fumlslied apart­ bathrooms, kitchens 640 3440 Auxiliary helpers AKC registered. 876-1666. ment, all utilities, 3110. 649- stroyed if the advertiser Queen, Elkhart' Trav’lcr, Ken- Floor Finishing 24 license and forkUft experience WAREHOUSE appliances, carpeting and is one you’ve mentioned. DENTAL Assistant wanted, ex­ MAN WANTED to process cus­ 9688 after 6 p.m. son anme. Stop In CEMENT WORK No job too helpful. Apply: Receiving storekeeper NOW 2 BIO LOCATTONS Olympic pool. CSilldren accept­ If not it will be handled FLOOR SANDING and rettntsh N. P. Hallenbeck Co., Inc. perienced preferred but not tomer orders in automotive MOVING—Poodle for sale, min­ sflng atid TAVERN Going buslncaa, a conditions, liberal employe discounts, pension plan Read Herald Ads. St., Manchester. Nmi-defense plastic molds, Pekingese. 649-6469. satats rontale — apartments, ers Insurance. Call 643-9438 or Moforcycles plus many other benefits. Apply to Mr. Harry 277-2528, days. siding. Compare prices. Ackl- money maker for the right preaently 50-hour week Satosmofi Wantod 36-A Mo^biory Mid Totto 52 homsa, midtiple dwtUlngs, no SMAIA, BTORE near lOO per Bicycles 11 A-Level IXjrmor Corn., 289- man. Asking only $8,000. Con- Cohen at nVnimiim Blue Cross and feos. OoU J. D. Rsal BMate cent Main Street location Ap­ 0449 ------tuct Mr. Frechette, H.M. Fre­ SALESMAN—Ground floor op­ Artfetos For Soto 45 SPECIAL — Last one. Shop Aosoctatsa, Inc., 643-6129. ply Marlow’s, 867 Main Street BICYCIJOS—new and used. Re­ CMS. Tap pay for top men. worn Wright power blade saw. pairs on all makes. Open dally chette, Rciillors. 647-9993. Monday through Friday, 7 portunities wait for one who Automobiles For Sale 4 DOBMERS, add a level, room SCREENED loam, processed Regular price |l9t, WtU sell LARGE five-year old five- MANCHESTER Central lo­ 0-6:30. Manchester Cycle Simp. D &. L ajn. to 5:30 pjn., Satur­ has eigierlence in aU typee of gravel, gravel, land, stone, additlon.s, garages, rtKiflng, A ONK-MAN BUSINESS HELP WANTED oonetructlon estimates. All this one for 9149. Boufh Wind­ room duplex, centrally locat­ cation 6,000 Kqua,'? feel of NEED ,G^R? Credit very bad’ 182 West Middle Tpke.. day 7 to 12 noon. CaU fUl. George ,,H. Grifflng Inc. sor Equipment Ob., 39 BulUvan Hiding iMirehes. Complete If’i.OOO INVESTMENT leads furnished. Ctianoe for ed. Appliances, wall to wall warehouse space, small office, Bankrupt; repossession? Hon­ 640-2098 Manchester Parkade Andover 742-7886. Avenue, South Windsor, 389- home reinodcllng. Elnmiclng CAN wSTAHT I’ART-TIME 643-4267. advancement. Draw against carpsUng, private drive, yard. parking area, reasonable est Douglas accepts lowest avallahit-. Call Royal Custom 3406. Adiilts only. $186. Beourity de­ terms. Hayes Agency. 646-0131. down, smallest payments, any 1965 DUCATI, 360 Cc’s, gmsl Light, plea.sunt, EXTREMEt.Y An equal opportunity employer commission. For full informa- TREAT ruga right, they'll be condition. High bars, solo Builders. 646-3434. PROFITABLE BUSINESS .sen-- Uon call 643-2771. a delight if cleaned with Blue posit. Avollabls Ssptember 1st where. Not small loan finance Male and Female VERNON MOLD and 643-0196. FIVE - room suite of front Main company plan. Douglas Mo­ scat, $4(M) or ix'sl offer. 643- h lng local .-itoi-c.H, etc., with a Lustre. Rent electric riiam- Masied laMramMlB 53 Bt. offices, 100 perrimt loca­ 8219 after 6 p.m. CARPENTRY — concrete steps tors, 345 Main. floors, hatchways, remodeling NATIONALITY FAMOUS 60 TOOL, Inc. pooer $1. Olcott Variety Btore. IMMEDIATE oocuponcy 6 tion near banks, olr-condltlon- FULL-TIME clerk wanted, typ­ FULL-TIME laundry worker Looking For Work Near Home? GIBSON ES-23B boliowbody porches, garages, clo.-wts. cell-, YEAH OLD FOOD BEVERAGE rooms, second floor, Wells St . ed, automatic fire sprinkler. 1965 CIIEVROET, linpala, 1968 TRIUMPH Bonneville, pmduci which Is a HOUSE- ing, filing, phone work, gen­ needed In our rapidly expand­ Hdp Wontod— TOBACXX) cloth for sale, suit­ electric guitar, beautiful con­ (xmipletely eustoinl»'d, imuit lugs, attics finished. rec 916 Hartfmxl Tpke, Route 30 3110. CsU 633-6618. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main 81 wagon, autoniatle, V-h; isjwer HOI,!) WORD IN AMERICA, Is eral office work. Apply In per­ ing convalescent home txim- Rapidly growing industry. New plant, steady work, Mato or Faniato 37 able for lasms, bushes, trees dition arith oeae. Also UnlVox sacrifice. 872-0128. rooms fnrntlca, ceramic. Oth son. 8-6, Manchester Credit RockvlUe, Oonn. , steering, excellent eondltlon. cvo 16" FOR RENT o> •als-481 Main MANCHESTER UiDITIONS. remodelhig, ga­ NO SELLING! dons. Apply Vernon Circle Available September 1st $130 CAROL DRIVE built engine, many extras. $80(1 I>ix)gnmi. New cafeteria kitch­ experience. Excellent skills. Experience not necessary, will train. progressive organizaUon offer­ 36", 25 cents each or 6 for $1. speakers, 200 waUs, reverb, Street.. Building and lot next THREE wheeled Harley David­ rage ree nvims. Uithroonis AS PHOUIKT (BIGGEST Market at the circle in Ver­ monthly. Call 236-0664 or 663- or beat offer. Call (H9-1120. en. School lunch experience de- Will be on her own most of ing full facilities of a realtor. 643-2711. tremelo. 643-6999 after 9. to' Post Office ExcellenI Iocs ('jinveniently Ux-atod ju6t 8t easy too. tey amplifier, almost new. Call FOUR-ROOM duplex apartment tion, 4-.spced, 327, 350 li.p. Call 1589. Hartford, 628-9416. your own pace. Excellent com­ svnskl. Builder 649-4291 ADVERTISING ON TV. RADIO, engine lathe, and hell-arc Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric after 3 p.m., 649-1997. without ■heat.” $185 TTmnthly |x>n’h. fireplaced living rm, (and an outdr gallon. SALES IN EXCESS OF U-.. mas. Start now! Call 289-4922. CAVROK CORP. St., Manchester, gan with covers. Excellent oon- celling, will subdivide Into treeH.. Free estimates. Work guarnn- part-time. Good benefits and opening, call Mr. Werbner, SET o r car racks, 320. 10x12’ 44 PEARL Bt , 6-room Duplex. $650 or b«‘8l offer, (143-4406. MILLION DOLLARS ANNUAL­ diUon. Umi 3T « asking 3476 units having its i/wii private fa tecil. Phone 643-79115 anvtinie rates. Paid meal and meal­ INDUSTRIAL PARK RD. Jarvis Realty Co., 648-1121. tent with floor, outside frame, $140 a mr $UKV Helmet. DBIVEIS’AYS Senleil This is Lane, East Hartford, 628-9416. available. Looking for am­ * **! VVa NTED — Antique furniture well behaved children, likes Must aSplrx' to , each. 643-0628. '■ frontage with building Ideal 1066 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroof, ,ndl 643-6421V' the lime to restore the life and SKt RETARY FOR two execu­ ARE YOU INTERESTED bitious men and women to en­ glass, pewter, oil. paintings oi Manchester, but needs 3 bed­ PROGRAXtMER — Experience for garden center. rt.adsSdr excellent running condition. apiH'arance of your drivewdiy INCOME OF tives In local office. At least 2 IN PETS?... joy steady, secure, year ’round oth*' antique Item.’ - Any room rental, up to $200 per In EDP, relating to insurance. DARK RICH stonefree loom, bu»if:e«Mi. r«4all t reino\eii and lots clear For locul* Interview, Include chine. Salary $UX). Write box EARN $60 and more In famous results o f regular Blue Lustre HOOFING. aluminum siding, a most Interesting and varied position you are a a l 7 p.nL excluding Saturday. 0004 after 7 pjn. tor, asculity deposit required, able r/r wlU build to suit ten to sell. 643-2(480. ed Call 649-1794 year car. sfxvlflc time (during ” EE’’ Manchester Herald. brand items. No investment. spot rlswUng. Rent elsctric gutters, carpenter work. SC hu.-une.-w hmirNl NOW aviulable PRODUCTION $180 monthly. 399 4690. ants (.'all 649 6641 or 649 0422 Help friends shop from home. the shampooer $1. Paul’s BshU A TREE SKRVK.’P. (Souclsr) years’ experience, Connectloul to .sci-i-lce ai'i'ounts. tind pln>ne DRIVERS for school buses, Wallpaper Supply. HOUBXnOLD tote— ABtlgM. Send lor free all new catalog. W O M A N 1967 CAMARO. 450 li.p . low. Trees cut. budding lots clear Valley Construction Co . 643 number. Box "D ” Manche.ster Manchester schools. 7:39-8:46 AUTO DAMAGE Appraisers, In- WORKERS ______bric-a-brac, eioeka, frames. low mileage. Call 649-1540. ed. trees topped Got ,3 tree 7180. Free estimate Herald a.m. 2:16-3:45 p.ni. Excellent Popular Club Plan, Dept. X601, w rence experience helpful, not ------— ------glassware. We boy estatae. vn- Lynbrook, N.Y. we are looking for in our First—Second—Third Shifts problem? Well worth nhone IMirt-tlme for 3rd shift work­ required. High school educa­ 1963 CHEVROI.ET convertible, MulU-Orcuits extends an Invi­ BoonoBd AccftMorto. 46- ^ ** call. 742-8252 BI DWELL Home Inipnivemenl ers, retlreil persons, house­ Advertising Dept. tion neoeeaary. Salary depends V-8, automatic, good condition. Co Expiut Installation of tation to visit our plant to dis­ Help Wanted— wives we train you. Premium on experience. Permanent cuss job opportunlUes In the iV PENNYAN boat with Tee ' Call 649-8876. BRICK, block and atone work. aliiminuin siding, gutters .and Hdp Wontod— Mate 36 Female 35 wage scale, 643-2414. ptm. Bead rwume. references, following sreas: Nee trailer. Coll 649-9196 after • r«u te rur-fiM Brick wall*, patios, outdoor-in­ trim Pixif’.ng In.stallatlon and RoowwWHIi— tBpf< 59 lansoMst 1961 LARK, In good rmming EARN extra money, openings 4o Boot ‘X " Menrhrefrr Her­ 5 p.m. door (Ircplaccs. shlcwalk*. repalr.s 649-64'i5, 875-9109 SECRETARIES — Typists PUttng tesssisainii condition, reasonable, 643- available for part-Ume clerks, We desire someone who can drive a car, ald. i n THOKPaOM Boos* chimneys. Free estimate* MATURE woman to babysit In neeviod for work tn your area evenings and weekends. Must Fabricating 12’ BEABAGO BOAT. 12 b.p. • Tsesat it iwtsiiBCit 7889. HOOEIN'I and Root Repair Silk Screening tags M. ssatrsfly loeatsB. larg* Domcnlc Morrone, 640-1604. my home Call 646-1529. .ind Hartford. Temporary, full­ be over 21. Apply In person 9 .type, (shorthand not necessary, but helpful), PAINTERS — Experienced- motor. 1999 trailer, 3276. CaU pleoseatly fnralahad rooms. •IKS fu rtsm Cougliii Rixifing Co.. Inc., 643- fuU or part-time. A p ^ euper- Inspection LATE, 1966 I’ontlac Bonneville, time or 9-3 p.m. Excellent pay, a.m. - 8 p.m. Cumberland 6496447. perklBg. CoU t a 38BS fsr orsr- YOU AKH; A t. tnick i.s A-1 run a simple adding machine, someone who is tntandant on job, Presidenttal Apply to W . George Smith be­ privately owned, nin less than no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ Farm Store 449 Hartford Road. tween S-10 a-m. and 4-5 p.m. , sight and ponnsBsal goow Cellars, attics, yards, drive Apartments, Center St. atvl 15,000 miles. Always hud the ROOFING, Siding, Aluminum Tin' & GIFT lum, Hartford. 278-7819. slightly creative. In other words we need some­ only. JUST TWO left 15’ BbeirgU* 'roxsa ways se.iled and, small truck Thompeoa Rd. An equal op­ canoes, regular 3206 Clear­ best curif. Selling to settle es­ gutters Cnrjientry. additions, ' PAR’Tt’ PLAN CUSTODIAN and lane mainten­ SET CLASS LOCATIONS HERE , mg done A-1 right Call T re HAIRDRESSERS .wanted, part- ance mah. nlghU. Apply Holi­ one who can help us help our advertisers, v. portunity employer. " MULTI-aRCLlTS ' ance price, 3170 plus tax. Mc­ ROOM for rent. goatlsman tate for l^ss' than hiilY price. :mino VTrucidng Service loll remodeling and rec rooms. Our now line miw available time or full-time. Apply Magic day Lanea, 39 Spencer St., ' ' I \ - 50 Harrison St, Manchester Bride’s Sport Spot, 699 Csnter only, central location, free Call 649-7528, 1-660-4904, * (rce. 742-9487 ^ Klee estim.ites U Diop, 613 Mirror. 757 Main St,. Manrtw*. 43,.2 ' If you a’lv Intcrx'stet.l In Manchester. a t . partclag. Referestcee preCeired. ter, 643-2449. You will be working in a pleasant atmos­ SHABl’ ENING Sendee Saws iHH'omIng a Deal^ir, or hav­ S49-S190 or I I I B 1 . ------^ — ------— ------FINISH carpenters. Apply to Trailers— knive.s, ace.s, shears. skates ing .1 ixirty 111 ,vour home, phere with happy people. UINOHEONETTE WANTED S-AI.ESl.ADY. mature, reepon- office, AIco Development t uBdiiig Motoriob 47 ATTRACnVE Ussptog room, SET AD09ICSS HCHC rotary blades. Quick service Roofing and call or wnle Siinta’.t Par­ .slble, top hourly rate, full­ Mobile Homes 6-A Corp., Brooklyn St.. Rockville, oni ------rtxrtver bath, private entranoe. '• '• • '*4 »'*•* . •bOut 19^0 H 4 R 4locii ('apUol Equipment Co 3‘ Chimneys 16-A ties Inc , -Avon, Conn. 06(X'l. time only, 33-40 hour week (In­ HMUBER Part-time Telephone 1-673-3455. Conn. Come in soon. Ask for Mr. Doane or Mr. FOR SALE, excehem buy on parking, apply 116 Bpruce B»«-< T«3 t • lot only «/ti] m« CAMPER 1900 Alpine, used 3 Main 8t., Manchester. Hour: cludes Thursday night till 9 part-time building Inspec­ ROCl-ING Spevlallimg re Simpson. lumber and (riyform uoed once weekends, sleeps 8 in comfort. dally 7:39-5, Tliur.sday 7:39-9 and all day Saturday). Call b a k e r trainee needed for ex­ tor for the Town o f Boi- pairing roofs of all kinds, new ton. Conn. AppUcoaLs will oil cleaned and slacked. COU' ■ ______Sacrifice, $400 below cost, 643- Saturday 7 :30-4 643-7958 Mr. Shapiro, 643-2128. .Casual panding donut and muffin roofs, gutter w-ork. ebimneyi PART-TIME, 9-tSO, to main­ be coutdered for indtridual 644-3437. ' EXCBUJENT iBBoi for woman 9859. Village Shops. Manchastsr. shop Some experience pre­ achoot taacher. Kltcbea prlri- ODp JOBS all tyix's. Clcan- cleaned and repaired. Sf. yean tain and tend ^vending cafeter­ posttlaas or In combi naf too / ferred but will W in e l^ e fU s . togsa C3on «l94ait oftsr 9 8TARCRAF*T tent tTHiler, 1969 U|)S, / landscaping, carpentry, experience F>ee estimates ia In new alr-eohditloned plant, ^aiirhpfitrr Copniiuj ^prald Teats wtU be conduoUd. ? or^ H.a/ r DRESSER Full or fsirt- Blea.*e apply In person to the W . T . B IU W T Oootact the Boltan Betect- p.m model, sleeps S’, used ^ one miaeellaneous repairs, etc. D(*- Call Howley 013 3361 044 located in So Wlmtsar. 247- tlmo. LuJon Salon of Beauty, fip coot month. Call 649-6302. Muter Donut Shop. 223 West 13 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER men’s Otdea. 649-rr48, be­ ___ t . , ± pcndablc sendee. Call 643-7218. 8333 lOtO, 643-1939. Middle Tpke tween 9:30 AM. and 2 TtUr>«ONt NUMBtS PJC, tor further Informa- PIIM TOUR o«m sweet corn, doable cloeet . spacei. next to Uon. 43 cents a dooen 439 Keeney both and ftiower Parking St . Manebesiss’. Penile man oeily. 94941719 \. \ f " A : V A' V \ • V

    PAGE IWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,# CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 MANCHESTER EyENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 PAGE 'TWENTY-'niREE Investment Property Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Out of Town For So!e 70-A Lots For Sale 73 Out of Town For Solo 75 LAKEWOOD CIRCLE. Beauti­ F o r S o lo 75 For Solo 75 Edgy Calm Prevails in Ulster PBNTO EAST HARTFORD all brick 4- BERRY’S WORLB Out of Town New Korean OFF EAST CENTER ST. fully treed % acre lot. All city COLUMBIA LAKE —4%-room PINT'^' Poople Interested GOP Group Says FAA family, 4 rooms each apart­ JUST REDUCED TOLLAND — New listing. Own­ utilities. Mr. Coe, Belflore Ranch on approximately one In Narcotics Treatment Or- ment, built-ins inciuding air- IN PRICE BOL'TON LAKE er moving oift OR state. Only As Peace Coniabs Commence Immaculate 6-room Cape Agency 647-1413. K^nlsation Inc.) is now open War in Air: conditioners. S years old. An acre, $16,500. Philbrick Agen­ $21,200 for 5H-room Ranch, BUT THAT’S ALL! Cod. Fireplace, formal din­ (Continued from Page One) Monday through Wednesday excellent investment. Wolver- HIGHLAND Park Area — Large cy, Realtors, 646-4200. basement garage, storms and ing room with built-in china / evenings, 6:30 to 10, in the Gilds Air Safety View ton Agency Reaitors, 649-2813. lot. could be divided into two GOOD FISHING large lot. T. J. Crockett, Real­ (Tathtriic and Proteotant fac­ figures, and 614 civilians, 226 Nixon Alerted cabinet, large kitchen, 3 GLAS'TONBURY—Hebron area. bottom floor of the Williams There’s still 7 large airy nice size bedrooms, full building lots. City utilities. $10,- AND BOATING tor, 875-6279. tions, are enjoying a ‘‘honey­ polioe and one soldier have been (Oontinned from Page One) Immaculate 4-bedroom Cape, BuUdlng of St. Mary’s Epis­ rooms, modem kitchen and cellar with recreation room, 000. Ask for Mr. Philbrick, moon’’ In ttielr public relatkms injured. More than 160 persons (f'ontinued from Page One) ment plans and the growth and a tree shaded yard to spend built 1962, fireplace, aluminum copal Church on Park St. Houses For Sale 72 oil heat, oversize garage, Philbrick Agency, Realtors, TTtis Is a rare opportun­ TOLLAND — 6-room custom but this could end In a matter of have been arrested on charges Although air travel Is a rela­ dlrecUoin of civilian aviation. the.se hot summer evenings siding, large wooded lot, $ffi,- An ex-addict, a parent of a ence with Nlxcm at the St. Fran­ alurnTnum aiding and 646-4200. ity to buy on this beauti- built Cape with 1% baths, full hours, the general said. ranging from disorderly conduct tively safe mode of transporta­ "It is difficult not to conclude COLONIAL—Ten rooms. First in. Priced low 20s. storms. The lot is beauti­ 900. Meyer Agency, Realtor, drug user, and a professional fiUltia Large aU brick dormer, one-car garage, love­ Discussing rumors that the to carrying gasoline bombs. cis Hotel. tion. the report said, "because that .the FAA has defined ‘safe­ floor consi.sts of large living fully landscaped with lots HEBRON — near Gay City, 643-0609. counselar are on hand to, talk 4-D©arocMn oversize Oape ly wooded lot situated in the people of Bogslde In Londonder­ In Belfast; 1,000 British sol- Among likely topics to be dis­ of the increased volume of air ty less from a vantage point of room with fireplace, dining of privacy and trees, city beautiful IV2 acre com er lot, Ood with bath and half, hUls of ToUand. T. J. Crockett, aiers were on patrol. Damage In to anyone an an anonymous trattlo, the Increased number ot KEITH AGENCY SOU’TH WINDSOR — 5 room ry might try to test a»e soldiers. cussed: lives saved than of a compro­ room, modem kitchen with water and sewers, % block stone ' walls, minutes from buttt-ln ETtove, dining area,' Realtor, 875-6279. basis. The phone numbar Is passetgers which an aircraft 646-4126 649-1922 to bus, shopping, and Ranch. Paneled and head­ Freeland said: “H they try to the state capital is estimated as mise with the cost-benefit ecO" built-ins, den, large family Manchester, ready to build. ftiU recreation room with 643-2300. —Strengthening and moder­ can carry, and the Increasing schools. This is truly a ed rec room, 2-car garage. Elx- attack the soldiers, this would high as $5 million. nomlcs of commercial avia­ room, plus finished rec room $4800. J. G. Possum 643-9859. hot water oU 2- nizing The Republic of Korea’s complexity of mechanisms (or clean, home. Don’t ml.Hs this cellent area. $23,900. Hayes zone heat, laundry room, be a great pity, atie soldiers will Streets are Uttered with pav­ tion,” It Staten. in basement. Second floor has one. Only $22,500. Excel­ ing stones, feUed trees and tele­ arnled forces. general a\'lation, the air acci­ 4 bedrooms. Oh one acre BEAUTIFUL Split Level, as­ VERNON — Tolland. % acre Agency, 646-0131. 2-car garage. This lovely W anteil— Ruol Estate 77 not like It, but the Bogsiders Criticizing the NTSB, the re­ sumable mortgage 6% per lent financing available. MLS Dotno is situated on an acre wlU not hke U ekher.’ ’ graph posts, sm ashed' glass dent fatalities will probably in­ port .says there has been little treed building lot Kingsbury —Opening up new trade chan­ wooded lot with 2-car attached crease In the future"’ cent, 3 nice bedrooms, ga­ Immediate occupancy. Ave. Extension. Gorgeous COVENTRY LAKE — 3 room lot well landscaped By all PRIVATE party desires build­ Freeland made clear that from thousands of g^a^oLine nels (or Korean export products. evidence the board’s Investiga­ garage. Adjoining'l.and may be ing lot In South Windsor-Man- The report calls for massive rage, large comer lot. Full view. Must sell. 643-1646. cottage overlooking lake, in­ means look this one over London akme is running his bombs and rubble from col- —A review of the American tions have been helpful In prev­ acquired. $.38,900. Philbrick at m Cape, im­ 647-1413. J. Court dtrte Sept. 8. with Nixon. mediately — repcjit — im­ dining room, kitchen with Cape. Three bedrooms, large higB. Investment, commercial conference of what he described ly damagd by rioters tion complex we have created,” bixml and the FAA, saying the Willi unfini.shed .attic, firepUice, maculate 5-room Cape, full I*M tr NIA, I«. Thursday night the Parks will mediately at $27,600. Call now. built-ins, garage. Only $32,900. kitchen, paneled living room and residential property list­ as . ‘ ‘representatives of all In Londonderry 300 Brtthti say Ihe authors. Ixuird has never hiund the FAA garage, aluminum siding, on dormer, front-to-back living COVENTRY—$10,600. 4% room ings wanted. Member MLS, be honored at a state dinner Belflore Agency, 647-1413. H.M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- with stone fireplace, large foy­ shades of political and religious troops ore patrolling the Catho­ Mariano Garcin, 38, of Wllll- The rejx»rt, Inxxdvlng a year to be the probable cause at an treed lot, $25,900. Philbrick room, V/i baths, enclosed Pay no attention— they're just a couple of scientists Ranch. Now renting for $125 Austin Chambers Realtor, 643- that President and Mrs. Nixon 9993. er, walk-out basement with opinion’’ to see ivhait can be lic Bogslde district where it all mnntlc, charged with failure to of ix'search by staffs of ttw con­ accident despite Ks large role In Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. porch, oversized garage, deep monthly. Mr. Lombardo, Bel­ 2325. will hold at the St. Francis (or MANCHESTER - Six - room who disagree on the significance of some lunar rocks!" second fireplace, aluminum done to ease the situation. obey a state traffic control sign gressmen. was Inserted in the air traffic curtrol. On only two lot. Immediate occupancy. Low flore Agency 647-1413. began last week. The area has 250 guests. Colonial overkx)klng Center NO. COVEN'TRY —New Rais­ storms, porch. Asking $24,900. Court date Sept. 8. Gongreaskmal Recon) Aug. 1. ix'eaakms .since 1968 has the MANCHE.8TER Custom built aO’s Wolverton Agency, Real­ Belfast welfare oSficlals began been peaceful^ since Saturday, Guests will Include California Park. H/4 baths, two-car ed Ranch. Acre treed lot. As­ Rowe & Rowe Realty, 876-3167. The stxmslra say they will Intro­ KAA ix-en cUix) as a contribut­ 6-room Raised Ranch. Stove, tors, 649-2813. AMSTON LAKE —6% room a census of those made home­ but the Loiidondfeihfy Citizens congressmen and senators. garage, large rooms. Immedi­ sumable mortgage. Small ing factor disposal, dishwasher, two-flre- Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Ranch styled cottage. Three INVITATION less during the rioting and Defense Committee circulated a Bmillen St. AmnntL 57, ot 98 Mayor Joseph Alloto of Son duce legislation to Implement ate occupancy. Hayes Agen- LISTING down payment. Bullt-lns. IMMACULATE CUS’TOM built Tunilng lo the CAB. the re- plaees, 1 baths, double ga­ cy, 646-0131. ■-.■oinsc 7-room Cape, bedrooms. Condition immacu­ house burning of recent daye. leaflet which said "We ivive W. Cent'cr St., chargert BUggest.H Its primary re- rage. Hutchins Agency, Real with full .shed dormer, large late. Lovely treed lot, within TO BID Some reports have put the num­ made certain demands and un- ure to obey a state traffic con­ Zsa Gabor, and Dr. S. I. Hayak- be seen. Only $29,900. Pasek mal dining room. Several ex­ charges the FAA with laxity in s(xmslblltty (or awanllng routes tors, 649-5,324. MANCHESTER, $26,900 like living room with fireplace, for­ yards of lake. Immediate oc­ ber of homeless at between 2,000| tU these demands are met we trol sign. Court dale Sept. 8. awn, president of Snn Francisco Realtors, 289-7475, 742-8243. tras ■will stay. Priced for Im­ TEU A LIE. Sealed bids will be received .'and rt'gulatlnK fares be turned new! Three-bedroom Ranch­ mal dining rrx)m, recreation CENTRAL LOCATION PRICE SLASHED cupancy. $12,600 for fast sale. and 4,000, 'but there was no con­ are Etlll at war." State College. ILh resixsislblllty to regulate air­ MANCHE.STER Ju.st listed, mediate sale In the 20’s. Min­ at the office of the Director of er, carport, large kitchen with room. H i baths, enclosed rear NO. COVENTRY — Large over­ Belflore Agency, 647-1413. firmation for these figures. The demands Include abolition JoAnn PelllgTird. Wllllmar.tlc, line sche<1ule's. airport certifica­ over lo lire FAA anti the board immaculate ,3 or 4-bedroom utes from Manchester. Mr. MLS SAVES YOU General Services, 41 Center When Park arrives Thursday bullt-lns, flreplaced living porch, on treed lot, $29,900. Eight-room home with five BUY TODAY sized Ranch. King size master Meantime, the Irish Republic of the Protestant government, charged wltti failiue to obey a tion Htandanls. alrpriced at .$25,900. MANCHE.STER Buch as ah oversized lot, AND A TEN INCH WATER MAIN IN- He will confer again with Nix - Custom 8- at a gieatly reduced price. 289-7475 , 742-8243. room, 4-bedroom Colonial, 6 bullt-lns, garage. Walk to British opposition a f^ a re d cer­ land, and disbandment of the Michael IjeFrancots. 20, of 136 aluminum siding, two-car STALLA’nO N — MIDDLE on Friday morning. The two Oill C. J. Coniam, J. D. Real .jilST LISTED 5-5 two family 2 baths, 2-car ga This fedu(!tlon in price will fireplaces, original wide floor schools. Minutes to Circle. tain to prevent any such action. spec'al police reserves . E. Middle Tpke.. oikirged witii Army Eases Guard E\ate Associates, 04,3-8779. garage, new gas heating HEADACHE. ’TURNPIKE WEST (DEER­ presidents will then hold a joint duplex, ceramic! baths, large built-in kitchen. Beautl- help offset the high intere.st HEBRON — for the horse en­ boards, 2-car garage, 7 acres. Early occupancy. Only $24,900. Pope Paul VI appealed for Belfasters made their way fiitiurt’ to obey a wlato traffic ful near acre wcxcded lot with unit, big roomy basement, thusiast. Custom built Ranch, OolU-Weigner Realty, 875-3396, FIELD DRIVE TO ADAMS news conference to announce MANCHESTER -Centrally lo- rooms, two-car attached etc. Only $29,900. Move in rales. Bel Air Real Estate, Vincent "reciprocal pa*|^n and mutual through the wreckage to work control .>ilgn. Oourt date .Sept. 8. prlvacry and brook. Hayes on 6 beautiful acres. Outbuild­ 643-9088. S’TREBT) the results of their talks. cated S-unlt income.______property.E’lirilO'O. full full hnMomnnt basement u/Hh with tomorrow. T. J. Crockett, A. Boggini Realtor, 643-9332. agreement" between the Cathol­ today. Many but not all of the Agency, 646-0131. Bid forms, plans and specifi­ T7io Korean president and his Vacancl^ never a problem, '’oindry hrjok-ups. Beautiful Realtor, 643-1577. This immaculate 3-bedroom ings, carpeting. Pasek Real­ ics and Protestants. buses were running and worke'rs AfXTIDENTS split level home is located tors, MLS, 289-7475, 742-8243. EAST HAR'TFORD — Quality TOLLAND —You can assume cations are available at the juirty are to leave for Seoul soon On Beret Suspects ExcellentHiivestment. Mid 40’s. Brooficls. Mid 20’s. Wolverton In Belfast and Londonderry, flocked into the stretes to go to Gltmn Slcotte, 19. of East afterward. JUST LISTED—6-room Ranch, in Woodhlll Heights on a built U&R. Seven-room Rais­ payment of $132 on this sparkl­ General Services Office, 41 (flonUnued from Itage Om ) Wolverton '.Agency, Realtors Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. FOR THE discriminating buy­ thin lines of British soldiers had their jobs. Hartford, charged wlUi failure three bedrooms, with eat - in - profe.sslonally land.scaped lot ed Ranch with two-car garage. ing three - bedroom Ranch. Center Street, Manchester, 649-281,3 er, we have just listed a cen­ kept the peace since Saturday One of the city's biggest engi­ to obey a state traffic control for ttir North Vlrlimmcao t’om- MANCHESTER — Older 2- kitchen, carpeted bath, de- MANCHESTER Green area, in an area of fine homes. Lovely oabineted kitchen, Unique large kitchen, three Connecticut. llregory had chargcnl iaat ter chimney, authentic Co­ night. But Protestants and Ro­ neering taotorles asked for sign and operating a motor ve­ muntata MANCHIOSTER 7 - ROOM famlly located In Oak St. area. inched 2-car garage, full base- an older colonial, one of the Such extrius as WiUl to wall paneled rec room, double large bedrooms, acre treed Town of Manchester, week that the CIA ordereii Ihe lonial Cape nestled in the hills man Catholics remained behind troop protection. About 30 sol­ hicle without a license, follow­ Wappinfj; Native AiH'twsIlnil to Usn CBS report; Cape, large living rexun, Newly palnt(!d exterior, alumi­ ment, 100 x 200’ private lot. choice family type of homes. ■ carpeting, air-conditioning, closets, fireplace. F^eld stone private lot. Come and Inspect. Connecticut killing, and other aouree* anid of Glastonbury in a pic­ their barricades, wondering who diers searched the roofs of the ing a two-car accident yester­ ■nie agent gave Itw North num storms and screens, 3- Owner anxious. $20,900. Wol- Throe down, three up, two full custom drapes an-' 2 full Only $22,600. ColU-Wagner Robert B. Weiss, the CIA withdrew ttie onler formal dining resun, fire-place, turesque setting in a prestige walls. Exceptional landscap­ would make the next move and factory and of neighboring day at 12:44 p.m. on Spruce Dies in Crash Vlrliaunr«<. only IncktentaJ to- car garage. Ix>w 20's. Call verton Agency, Realtors, 649- baths, carpeting. Attic, full baths add to the many ing. Mr. Ooe, Belflore Agency, Realty, 876-3396, 643-9088. General Manager About A week after laautng It. garage, trecxl lot, Vuivcrnlenl neighborhood. For appoint­ contemplating the results of five buildings. Then the main .en­ St., near School St. Ttie opera­ (ormatkMi wlille au|>|>ly4ng top- location, $‘26,.500. philbrick broker, 643-1646. 2813. basement, gas heat. Two car amenities. For an appoint­ 647-1413. But theae aourcea were not ment call Philbrick Agency, LEBANON — 6 Room Ranch. days of destruction and trance to the factory, whIrJi had tor of the other car was Robert Outside Miami sswrrt matter to the CIA A low­ Agency, 646-4200. \ garage. Fine residential neigh­ ment to Inspect call Doris bloodshed. elenr ita to whether the man hud SCOTTISH Castle — ten rooms, LIBERTY ST., 5-blg, rooms, 646-4200. Pull basement. Assumable been barricaded all weekend, CampanelH, 26, of 22 Sexunon er es-lteksi man In the CIA borhood. Owner transferred. Smith, 649-2519. TOLLAND— Nine-room custom In one isolated incident Sun­ WAIMNNO Mrs Ohnrlikte 8 Already been klUed then on 45 acres of land, painstak­ new furnace, garage, well ■ Raised Ranch. Two fireplaces, Mortgage. All electric home. was cleared away to admit 3,500 Circle. Slcotte's car wiui tow- lienrti Dial the captain was) MANCHESTER Price rOfluc- Priced to sell at $31,900. Possi­ EAST HARTFORD - $18,200. day night, arm ed, raiders FuUer of Mluml, Fla . a Wap Thla waa Uie v««r*don of Uve ingly restored 17th century kept yard in center of every­ 2% baths, built-in vacuum, in­ Total price $14,900. Call Hur- Legcri NoHc* workers. etl from ttie scene. He will itp- killing told imtny: st>ylng (or the North Vlot- eii on this .‘rpacious 4-bedroOm, ble to a.ssunie $15,700 OH per­ Five-room R.anch, hot water opened fire on a police station in former Grist mill. Waterwheel thing, near hospital, $20,900. JARVIS REALTY CO. tercom throughout, range, wlt & Simons Realtors, 646- In East Belfast, the Industrial pear in court Sept. 8. ping rwtlve. was killed instant lauiwsKi and. isK kiviiwtog that center entr.inre Colonial In cent mortgage on this one. T. heat, basement, large trees, Crossmaglen, a small market The tJreen HerM txtinituind that generates your own elec- Kenneth Ostrlnsky, Realtor, 1117 or 876-8660, 212 'lOlCOtt- ly Thursilay In an aut.uruibtlc bn warn ala> a s|>y (or Uie CIA. preferred location, convenient- J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. Realtors hood,^ and dishwasher, dls- AT A COURT OF PROBATE, and dockside area of the city, a begmt to HuaiHH't oim of Itm Vlet- , trl(!lty, plcluresque waterfall, 643-1333. MLS Insurers near school, bus line. Hutch- vUle Rood, Rt. 83, Vernon. town In County Armagh two There wa« a two-car aecldont twslered the tirtH*n Berets to IdU to .schools, stores and ■ posal, garage, porch, many held at Manchester, within and for peace committee of Profestant acclik'iU alxmt 40 miles soiMh nainear iigetnta \me%\ ywi eliuahv*- In.s Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. the District of Manchester, on the miles from the Irish Republic In the Burger Castle parking hliii -By-lhe-tttiie lilglier ranking chiirche.s. Own(!rs anxious for iylth water rights. For further ---- MANCHESTER — Beautiful 283 E. Center St., 643-1121 extras. $34,600. Rowe & Rowe clergymen, Catholic priests, tlne Uiiiaon mlavUma in (VuubO' Ih^ormatlon call Philbrick ^^ANCH Beautifully decorated COVENTRY — Nice, clean 4- 8th day of August. 1969. border. Police said they re­ lot on W. Middle Tpke. yester­ o f M lum l. CIA men hMiisI out about ton ex- quick sale. Philbrick Agency, Ranch consisting of kitchen, BOLTON — New on market. Realty, 876-3167. A SALE OR Present, Hon. John J. Wollett. schoolteachers, housewives and tlia ouul iiiiked U»e CIA for mV mint condition, 7 rooms all room Ranch, large paneled liv* turned the fire, and the raiders day at 6:18 p.m. The drivers She and her husbimd. Ibibert eciitlon urtler, Uie man was Reidlors, 646-4200. Agency, Realtors, 048-4200. dining room, living room and 5',A-room Ranch with complete­ Judire. _ businessmen set up groups of vice. on one floor, wall to wall car- VERNON—Seven-room Colonial ing room, 2 twin-elzed bed­ Trust Estate xxu-w of Arthur C. fled. No one was hurt. were Roy U. Keith, 52, of 22 Fuller, wen. enriaito U> Key drml The "Infuriatsst" CIA nwn three bedrooms plus large ly finished basement, big wood­ PURCHASE OF Mason, late of Manchester, in said "vigilantes" to walk the streets Hie* ugfvg WAM (I nriativ«*ly M a'^CIIESTEIR l o w 20s (S'llng, almost new, stays, mod­ 2-car garage, fireplace, carpet­ rooms, eat-in Kitchen, year In London, 100 police fought Holhstar St., and Francis went to Gnn. tYrdghton Abnuiui. MANCHE.STER New IJstlng. heated recreation room. One LISTING Fully occupied ed lot 150x300’, fine residential District, deceased. stopping trouble and quashing West when anotiirr car swerv- Uiw-nuiktng maiv, luul Uie CIA ern kitchen, formal dining ing, parkllke setting. Good- 'round home, new furnace, The Connecticut Bank A Trust 1,000 demonstrators outside the Vlllsch, .39, of Windsor. <•<1 a cro ss tlie lilgtiw ay lUkl ifc-- coiiinuuider of U S force* to 2 family, 4-4, mid 30's. Custom l^EW LISTING! car garage. This one you have thiee-famlly off Main St. $400 neighborhood. Immediate oc­ A HOUSE IS NOT Company, iSoistee having exhibited rumors. iu9vtaem Cape, cupancy, T.J. Crockett, Real­ About 70 persons were In ac­ maivl In NIui Tnuig limt U old, appliances, many extras screened pI- the Green Berets orreated to an 3-4 bedrooms, 1 li Isilhs, tor, 643-1677." A GUESSING ORDERED . That the 3Bth day of tion this morning, reassuring alKMild “ dlinwntee" with him if bedrooms, garage. $32,900. fiore Agency, 647-1413. sons were injured In the battle, to Irvin Gadway, 37, of 49 Wells lal with uuilttple Injuries jittempt to lni|>rove "alreosty bulll in. Warren E, Howland, heated ana poneled roc-rea- August. 1969. at eleven o'clock• ‘ ■ fofore­ the nervous. Catholic priests ive ,waa under miaplcion The Philbrick Agency Realtors, BOWERS School — Six-room BOLTON —Charming 8-room ANDOVER— Must sell— Three BOLTON Lake — Waterfront noon at the Probate Office in the which followed marches by St., for following too clowly, af­ aliaky rnlutksui" between the Realtor, 64.3-1108. tlon room \Wth carpeting, GAME. M m . I<>iller w «n ls>rn in W a p CIA Uaekf wvia uiMLble to deter­ 646-4200. Colonial, H i baths, po.ssible MANCHESTP3R - One owne center chimney Cape. Im­ bedroom Ranch. ’Two - car California style home, 3 bed­ Municipal Building in said Menches- three Irish organizations. At walked through Protestant ter a two-car, re»u’-end accident CIA atwl the Army hatchway. Tc^ value! Call Cape. Six full rooms ineluding garage, equipped greenhouse rooms, large enclosed porch ter. be and the same is assigned areas and Protestant priests ping ami had lived In kTorlda mine whetlier Uie man wiln a CAPE — Modem kitchen, liv­ Karl Bauer, 87*1-6737. four bedrooms, attached ga­ maculate four bedrooms, 2'/i for a hearing on the allowance of least two gasoline bombs were on Fine St., near RUlge St., yes­ Another clvtHnn attorney en YOU’LL THINK you’re on vaca­ three bedrooms, formal din­ with office. Acre lot. Only $24,- went to Catholic areas. for miuiy years. .Hlie was a dtMible Agent ing room with raised hearth rage, large kitchen. Nice baths, beautifully landscaped. with aundeck overlooking lake. said account and said Trustee's two thrown during a barrage of terday at 10:40 p.m. TTin ksksy with the ar tion when you own this 6 room ing room, spacious kitchen. 500. Helen Palmer, Realtor. prior accounts with said estate, and David Bleakley, schoolmaster nieiither of tli<. Order of EJart- Tltene waa never any $'onaid fireplace, formal dining room, RAINBOW RlSAUrY grounds. Well cared for. Im­ Shade and fruit trees, stone Philbrick Agency, Realtors, this Court directs that notice of the stones and milk bottles. of the other car was Beverly rival In Hatgon of Henry B Riuich. Maintenance free Owner transferred. $23,500. 643-6321. ern Star am) the Diiiigtiters of three bedrooms, walk-out base­ Newington' mediate occupancy. Mid 20’s, walls. Select neighborhood. 646-4200. time and place assigned for said Wilson was formulating his Ir­ chairman of the peace commit­ WlUumi of to Ciuiterbury St eratkNt anuNig the CIA dlre^ tom llolhblalt of New York City. Me aluminum siding, great big Wolverton Agency, Realtors, hearing be given to all persrsis tee, said: "TTils is really revolu- Ihe American Bcvoliitlon. uisf In HalgYm Umt tiie man otioukl ment, breezeway, attached ga­ 666-5111 Wolverton Agency Realtors, Minutes to new Route 6. Louis HEBRON —Must sell. Three- known to be interested therein to ish proposals at meetings with naltl hr wtHikl defend Maj D a­ family rm baths, tre<> shaded yard. Only room Split level. 90x200 lot. publishing a copy spf this order in past has been a main trouble water (K!a » UnHed Metlvshst imve been mune miaundervtand MANCHESTER — South End. en with bullt-ins, 2 full baths, some newspaper having a circulation Slewart, who cut .short a holiday A pair of mini blk<«i were Iowa, CapI lekual J. Brumley Reidtors, 646-4200 Cape. flnThice In living ixxmi, $28,000. Keltli Agency, 646-4126, MANCHESTER Quaint Cape, VERNON — Neat 6-room Ideal for in-law situation. Sub­ spot. Wc have found Protestants Church ing in the rekty of information Immaculate like new Califor­ fireplace, first floor family in said District, at least seven days In Switzerland, and Home % c- lakYin fn>m Sears AuloinoUvr of Dum-nn. Okin , amt CWO Ed­ enclosed ix>rch. city utilities, 649-1922. g(xKl' condition, 2 or 3 bed­ Ranch with formal din­ stantial cash or owner assist­ before the day of said hearing, and sitting in their homes terrified Hur\'ivors, iM-sIdes her luis between Haigcm axwl Nlm Triuig nia styled Ranch home on the retary James Callaghan, Wilson O n ler ul the Piirkiule Tluini- ward -M Ikjyte of Nsasr York BOWERS School District $23,000. Philbrick Agency Real­ rooms, fireplace, nicely land­ ing room, 3 bedrooms, flre- room or fourth bedroom, ed financing. Will assume by mailkig on or before August 14 band. Include tier motlier, Mrs Hut at f«»ine unaticudfte*! date, BUCKI.EY School — Cape, 8 moat attractive acre plus lot 1969, by certified mall, a copy of will presenl hts proposals to of the Catholics and the t'athol- day evcfUn^f. Ttie blkY'ii w«*re in t Ity Three-bedroom Ranch. Alr- tors, 646-4200. scaped lot. garage. Priced for pla,ce. basement garage. A partially finished recreation present 6% per cent mortgage. this order to Clauda B. Mason, 43 lUiUl E'oster o f Eelgewnter, aoine officiala In Haignn rIe luid After conferring with hla comlitloned, partially finished ------quick sale. $24,900. Call Paul terrific value at $21,500. Call room with walk-out basement, $154.61 monthly. Bel Air Real Pear! 8L. Mystic. Conn.: Ruth C. three diuightem, Mrs Ann NIui Tnuig Willi ii|>ee modern kitchen, formal' dining modern kltdien, living room ington Ave., Hartford. Conn.: Alice probably Tuesday or Wednes­ the Protestants. We have SUifford SprliiK*. *ajk1 the oUier counsel at tamg Beach, Rulh- yani, many extras. Helen 0131. ■ Realtors, 643-1121. Owners anxious. $24,900. Phil­ Realtor. 643-9332. G. Mason Cummings, 36 Hobbs killed room. 1% baths, 14’xl8’ fam­ with flreplme, full shed dorm- MANCHESTER 4-4, two fain- Road, Hampton, New Hampshire: day. brought them together and most U rcxl and white and IxdonKH to and Miss Ellen Fuller, all of blntt salil tlie entire cose nimy I'almer, Realtor. 643-6321. brick Agency, Realtors, 646- TTte inwrr of Ibxkvillr M laiiil. and three l»r>.llM.m. Gi»y In* .dro|>)ieil an(>lng I“uul Hintth ml Wrstnesilay place In each apartment, W-H-E-E-e-e-e $18,i500 ROCKVILIjE pandable L-shaped Ranch. The F^rst School 9oclet>'. Windsor. tlw* miaalon wyui (Umuly in pne bxnn Cape. Four bedrooms, r4‘c room In basement with way, 2-car garage, new alumi­ ’TOLLAND — $17,900 wUl buy Com.: Janet M. Sauer Prestl, 19 insist that the Ulster govern­ of Fslg.-wnter, and _ Rnt|>ti Ibdhtilatt. who B|iertalls«* in .stoves and refrigerator. Re­ Aluminum sidisl cn[H>. NEW Country sized kitchen with Woodruff Road. Walpole. Mass.: Ar­ grew i TTir ronirnanil luul set up num siding, $27,5(H), Philbrick this five room Cape on com er ment speed up reforms to give Haldeman Playw A $IQ0 nten»o l/qJ** reeonier KmlUi o f O iesterla n d O hio criminal law. ssikl the case Is fireplace, all bullt-lns, family bar, automatic garage doors, cent wiring and plumbing. FURNACE, NEW BATH, Wise liivestmnt built-ins. Fireplace, garage. thur C. H. Mason. P.O,, Box 45W. an o|>emiifj«i diiilng wtdeh live Agency Realtors, 646-4200. Carmel. California 93921 and return the Catholics more political wiui takf^ from tin* nir of Tim­ The funeral aiul tsirlal wil! Istaed "on the flimsiest lg»-w «ter, Fla T)ie Set condition. Don’t wait. H.M. landseaped yard. Philbrick MANCHESTER well planned ton Agency, 649-2813. PLUMBING. NEW WIR­ J. Crockett, Realtor, 875-6279. $24,900. Pasek Realtors, 289- JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, l>e atuH dence " amt ' o{>pran> to br a sK on valuable piin'e of prop­ cc: The Conn. Bank A Tr. Co.. Tr more housing. CTircle, lift it wuji purkcKl at Uk* lie Wilder Funeral liotne, New uallon wfirrr s ■> ni e b o ct y Freehi'Ui', Reidlois, 647-9993. Agency Realtors. 646-4200. ING, on a biusline. Imma- 7475, 742-8243. The Rev. Ronlnd E H.alde- *n»e Army tum anncAinera] Umt 7'!,-rm erty. 3-nir garage. 2 four Wilson may also suggest that Piirkiule Suturday bY*twee*i 3 :30 .‘tm vrna B ench. Fla , Is In goofed ’’ .culiite. A 1-i-nr detached ga­ man, perpotuaj dg. the lieatlng .sy.stem. Nii-e trix-d Idl.' ant with utilities. Bargain at APARTMENTS Easy-Knits whose members keep their make his fifth appearance at There was a break ant entry ing nH>m, equipped kitchen, ’ h e s i t a t e W IIX IXISE! It's Versatile yani Haven. Maaa . the exatt rase* Uw law officers wtU find Very clean. H. M. Frechette, $24,000. Call 646-1117 or 876- 161 OAK STREET weapons at hf>me and are-mls- the Trinity College Blum Mem- at the home rrf EUiel Wartiry, situated on tree studded lot. C.ill 649-5306 for debdls. MANCHESTER THE BEST FOR l*oli<*<* Holding marvier of nil F>t>n'e« in there Is no basts for further ac- Realtors, 647-9993. 8560, Iru.sted by the Catholics, not be ortat Ciirillon on Wedneerlay ;it 89 Welts. St Sunday Sh*. left I Rcnllstlcally priced $49,600. tXIMPUTERIZED 7:15 p.m. Vietnam, waa rx«iieved of Ilia Ikm. ■ lie aald I can't ore how used in troubled areas. her apartment at 1 :30 luid re­ LAND and BUILDINGS! Call Warren E. Howland, Real- MANCHESTER — Large ten CUSTOMER SERVICES New spadous one and two| YOUR MONEY, Man in Slaying; e<*mnmnd am! placed umier ar ‘Jiey can piMstbly havs a cose ' Hui'wit & Simons bedroom apartments. .Meanwhile, Chlchester-tTlark The program will Iru-lude a turned on tmur later to find lor, 643-1108. room home. I'a baths, oil liot RtviDtars slng-along consisting of "WTien .ik*ng with $gf hkai Rotoblatt ta vice chairman of I FROM $166 MON’THLY lashed out at the Irtsh Republ­ two rooms ransacked, jowlery water heal, 2-oar garage, 2 'i CAU A REALTOR. You’re Smiling." "Let a .Smile Of Beauty Qiu*en ortlliii.lcs Tssrt) wt-«.ks tuZi-f. the Amerkran Trial Itawyers A m - RANCH O'li rooms, . first B & W I Included: ic’s government, asserting that and $20 In cnah rnlsiang, stie acres. Prleed for quick sale, 212 tolcotiv-ille R«id, Be Your Umbrella," "IJUIe Ilia Army ansMaua-rsI ihnir ar aoctallon's criminal law section floor, plus finished rec room BAHHOWS iuui \YAU^\('K Vo. Rte. 83, Vernon HOTPOINT RANGE - RE ­ IT COSTS it had "behaved much like those told potJee. (rontliiiied frofli I'age thie) I FOR SALE $26,900. Char-Bon Agency. 643- Manihcfiter 1'arkm.lo FRIGERATOR ■ AlRl Ann'e Roonejt," '"ni,. Band real arvl aaisl tliay lusi) bstm in basemeiil, simkcii formal 646-1117 875-8560 hooligans who have used the 0683. Miuu’ host o r <>4 ^ 5306 tXINDmONED • DISPOS- [ Blaiyod On", and "Beggy HtAvantl Wallach found a 6 by wllh the Saturday morning slay ctuu-gMl wllh murder ami cun-. BY -TOWN OF MANCHESTER dining room wltti beamed cell? NO MORE. pre.-tenl troubles as an excuse to B|/trni-y It oiUrsl lliat an Invaos- Brrak I)r|N>ait Hon AL - WALL "ro w a l l ! O'NenJ." Sete<-tkjns by Franz 6 foot window cracked at tils Ing of Mra Beverly Hralw. 34, I Ing, and mediterranean decor. DELIGHTFUL 6 room full-dor- niGHWOOD Drive, better than burn their neighbors out." He llgalkm was luater way to iMer MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT CARPETING - HOt I Schubert, hymns and patriotic t>lBce of -buslnrtst a! 328 Green ,Mlaa Brldgepjrt of 11)66 MT CAKMrn. lAB. Itolire 2 full batlis, one off master mer, U-j bath, (Aiixv Excel­ SOUTH WINDSOR — Unusual, WATER HEAT ■ PARK-1 said Dublin's callup of army re­ tutor wtirtlirr ttsey winikl br new, 7-rooni Colonial with ev­ songs will also be on the prrs R<1 Saturday morning Hbelolaky. whom p.llcr de •aid thieves tiroke Into tor night bedroom, screenetl porch, $28,- lent condition. trecken at the Bentley night In Milford ozsl took an undetermined I of land, and land and buildings in Hie Town floor plan makes this an out- peting, walk-out basement with 11st occupancy. Call Northern Ireland's latest and KmtMUHiy to Halgon taut malsv MANCHESTER 7 room Colo­ MANCHESTER . Marine Museum Set School w er the weekend trfficlals aald Stbllolaky wits armaint of nujnsy sfanding offering. Hayes Agen­ 3 finished rooms, plus garage, OR SEU.IN0 bkiodlest religloi^ r.ottng began tiunrd a Itansla-uff puttcy. of Manchester, located as follows: nial large living room with suitable for many businesses ■ WARREN E. HOWLANDI <-slriingi-<1 fn»m hts wlff- atwl The first re|s,rt of the break cy 646-0131, evenings Mr. Han­ « REALTOR Aug. 12 with a Protestant march BREMERHAVEN, Oer. Thr t’olumbla Bn antr sating I fireplace, formal dining room, BIG OLDER WLONIAL If owner occupied. Must be -Mrs Snow was se|>arated from waa rscetved early Munday dler, 649-7613, 643-1108 - through dominantly. Catholic many—Work will begin soon at Hyatstn had silltl ancithar vmzlun ParOel of land located on the east side eat-in kllehen plus half bath, 3 YOUR HONE tier husband na>rntr«, police sakl The case ITEM NO. 1 Rtsidy for >x)u. just $23,500. seen. Wolverton Agency , Real­ Londonerry. Ulster’s second Bremertiaven on a maritime of Uir munlrr story Monday of Eiustland Drjve known Os lot No. 88 nice bednwms up and full SIZES 10-20' Heroin Here Actxirdlng to piilce, Mrs IS being tovnatlgate<) try deter- I buys tills ln-i.et times wllh a 72 caliber pistol, In the Hiailh VIsItmniaar army, thereon. sumed with ixiyment of HELP WANTED L*gal NoticM M ANl'llESTEU. In a central Deem, the former Hamburg offblals aald a spy for Ihs flA tuid an agent HAVE I I $135.00 a mourfth. Please MANCHESTER r ea lto r the middl** cla*» white commu- ITEM NO. 3 ’That certain piece or parcel located area with bus practically at Verm Von t>ecli Vm- The Hein Ughtshlp Elbe 3. the whaler call 649-5306 for details. 12 ROOM DUPLEX AMlffTij. Representmtivee Or Cr«Kli- niUm arvl trvD> «uiAirt>i*. he on easterly slch> of Vernon Street located I tile door. Neat (our room house t'eiitnilly loi'ato.l 2 family Men and Women Walter Rau Df and poaalbly a tXIMPUTERlZED torm. 1/ Any, of James TroUer Maid I betwt>en No. 107 and 116 Vernon Street. | completely renovated. New elixse to .shopping and bus­ Superior Court. Stale of Connect­ submarine bulll In 1940 that la CUSTOMER SERVICES icut. County of Hanford. 4th Tue*- Srjw we have i»eroln uae. That certain piece or parcel of land with heating system, tiled balli, line. Owner'.s aixirtnient FULL-TIME — PART-TIME day of AjipIauL A D . 1969. now moored at Kiel ITEM NO. 4 nuxlern kitchen (stove and r»>- her'jin experimentation, in Rock Festival Plans buildings thereon known as No 1082 now vacant and ready for Oai>Eft o r NOTH K Uke Maine .New* Hamfe frlgerator stay!, basement. B iSl W upon oomplamt fei eaid caua#- Middle Turnpike Elost. 1111011x11010 oociip«incy S»q> DAYS & EVENINGS brought lo Mtid Coyrt at Hanford, ■«hire *s»vl VTrmr>nt,‘ he adde/j Uomblnatlon wUidows Selling HARROWS and W AU At'E anile funiaeos. dlsjvisal, m said County, on the Fourth Tu*-»- I'o OlebmlBd Gmimiinion AikkeYi the Mafia * In- 8 I ITEM NO. 5 That certain piece or parcel of land (or $t6,9lX'. l .J. I ivckett. Real- Munehesiter Ptvrkade dlshwiusher. washer and Burger ca-stle has vacancies for adults to fill po­ day. of Auiruat. 1M9 and nov p«-nd- Earn Lavish Praise lix'ated on the westerly side of Finley mx ciaiminit vrjh'emeni in Weni dn^f truffle. dryer wiOi luvrue $27,500 sitions in our Manchester store created by our A decree quieting title to the .VEW YORK el. situated between No. 34 snd No. tor. 643-1577. Manchealer 649-5306 C^UtUiHTi Mid We have nd HTl 'I onllniied fruni l-Bgr One) I'a'll 649-5306 student employes returning to schools shortly. foiiovtnc demenbed premime* naulfedwlnE Aldrln Jr has rc 70 Finley Street. MANUHESTER Two family ONE-YEAR old Ranch, nice A certain piece or parcel of land vcajed that ha celebrate.] .om- mu fucle evidence that the Ma­ .Sf>nr '4 the dea$l wttM UVrvti I Opportunities for advancement, good company aituated in the Tovn of Man­ frr^m For* 1,^^ N J »{op]*r.g in fle«l That certain piece or parcel of land V>- 5-6. I'eiitral Iwattoii, City sized flreplaced llrtng room, chester. Ovmectlcut known a« mumon in the Apdlo n lunar fia ce^nlroU the 'Irug ira/flc here ■ ITEM NO. 6 utlinies. Large wixxled lot. Ini- B iSl W benefits such as 2 weeks vacation for 1 year’s 144 Summit Street and bmmded module before stepping out onto- in. New ErgfUnd I dr#r. C Uiink MontiY firi wi»'. h<.Anr. Iff Abni^^i l$>M a nrwi* call'd on Ihe wvMerly aide of Finley I 16x15 master beilroom. one and deacrlbed aa foUov*: service, hospitalization and surgical and major the surface of the moon that the M-iii-t hu-^ the <ung wxim Street north ot No. 20 Finley Street. ■ maculate eondltloii. Mid 30's. acre h>l, garage, retir ixuvh BARROWS and \VALI*\CE Co SIZES 10-18 NORTHERLY bj land rv/w or Meyer Agency. Realtors. tV43- Manchester I’arkade medical and $5,000 life insurance policy, etc. formerly of Howerd D Chapma/i fn a Ijfe magazine srlKle once had nr^ rt.*Iiy thr 1' wiif, atIcfHled thi" frativai Asking $2t).9ii0. Krttli Agency. 8287 172 U feet That certain piei'e or parcel of land lo­ 0609 M.ui.'he.ster 649-5306 Atdrlr wrrge "When we kne-* C-iliuhan of^y>wed the iega'Ixu gu'.r Mrib :ftr jn 4 tar i^lffrig BRAND NEW 946-4126, 649-1922. 5411 easterly by Summit. 8tr»^t Afri.. •'\wryte.ejy cated on the weaterly side of Hillatown 74 9 feel. W' were g.x/tg to t,e on the '1 vn of drug* We have tr cxjrr.e a r«»od*Mle «nd thr o4hrr at ^a Road south of No. 472 HllLstoum Road. MANCHESTER Richard Rd .MANCHESTER 6 'j room Garrl- LISTING 5>j room Interviews held ot Hie store, \ aOLTHERLY fry land im/% Ruki's, rea* Fabulous knits » ■ in- former1>formerly of of I Ua£rm Ac W L>,dail.lo.daJI. 174 moon for a while, I unrtowed up with arjrr.e evidrnre lr>e«i h^Mpi*ivI Thrir identiti«4 STORE t rt'cent (our-bcdnxini Coloiilul. jxui tVKmlal, double garage I'.j Ranch with three bedrooms. For the younjr iadv . . . » t^eae icorymunk.n. elements ifffure we even laJk *br/$jt n> vif f jrt-rwflf.nl Ibr were nrg available Bids >vill be rweived Iri the Office of the Di­ Sunny kttchen-wtth dUung area 501 W . MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTIR ^.«tyle thatyw^j] meet c\l u d m ;v e r V o n e 's (Te^ , . v to J d , or behawo^ of the y^uth* tn»vrl ts nm Formal dining nxmi.. (ire- pa,,,, flreplaced living nxmi a a r i1 robe Jhis com jn g lorTnertr of WUbur V: LnrekuwS, and pot t)i(^ or a little table I tilng drjg* " l\e said Many of the rerr^alning )((>utha and buiU-lns. living ri'oni has \\\{ her approval! "She ciin rector of General Servlcm, Munlc/lpal Building, placed llvlnj^ nx>m, huge fam- formal dining room, rec nxuii D O is rr ' *<-a*on . . . sA why hot add 75 feet; had In fropt of the ahiort, guid- ^ . 1 / >jO h:- firrn'e bu»r* Aa far piarvnrfi ( » r a^np at the fe<4tivaJ lly nxmi, 2't batlis double ga­ flieplacf and wall to wall ear- Doily between 9 A.M. -11 A.M.. either wear the tunic-tnp 41 Center Street, Manchester, Ccmnectlcut, until convenient UKatioii. $31,900 two extra skirts It^ yoursT in the pUmtiTf. U AppeArm# to the fcnre-iygtcm orjmputer ttvrir -trwff yoit •Ur ti,r 4 frw flay* brbjrr rrai/v with the pants las rubacnbCnjr Authority th ^ the MANCHESTER 11:00 A M., September 24, J069, at which time rage plus many refinements. Call Warren E. Howland. Real­ pet. walk-out basenierit. I50x ALL You’ll find them easy to • YrtiPln? fwvk fist itiyun*- fsrUee '■’g Hdtmr tj( thrm rjiight shown), or the tunic, by make. No. .'.411 hjss knit rrtedence of the heir*. r r ^ Me ««tid he r^qtie*ted air to- Strilrh lu Meiers they will be opened and read publicly in the Call Warren E. llowlund. Real­ tor. 643-1108, 200' treeil lot. $23,500. Wolver­ 2 P.M .-5 P.M., 7 P.M .-10 P.M. Itself a.s a mini-dicMi reaentaiive* ^ or creditor* tf ground radio gllence and Trad JX/irtr »r*d ff'im trf ,*lr If* Uvr hrrr permanent PARKADE tors. 643-1108. ton Agency. Realtors, 649-2813 V o. 8287 w.th rilopi- diieciions for straight of the deCfftjMd Jftjnea Trotter are The Hrltiih ship- tbr .ruiJiVAn ibe-n/f « frf Hearing Room. skirt . sizes 10-'20; A- unknown to the I'l*mtiff ?omr (ifUiAAifeg from thr Bible ly ’ Aifl tin- ■talr tnjoprr FOl’ R-bedrvxmi Ranch, garage, GflDE is m Sizes 4 to 12 ORDERED ThAt ootK> uf the building and electrical mgi ?'• r rr|jryf-r#J fy, <1. tt ur b •- frt" HOMK ‘IH B EXECUTIVE Ranch 3 bed­ . 42 OFFICES Line style. 10-18. and cetrbrated cfjfrtmunion A* iry irrrMtrd rooms. on an L la rge living uas M( la ssias Isr to * saS CQCnpUiot ihAii be given u> the AJdnn used a chalicr given wts ewttch lo the metric eyetem rixmi and dining nxmi with. 2- 77 SALESPEOPLE pants and 'contrast . hetm AMigli*. repre*ent»Ure* or him by hi* paator the Rev hti j^nr/n» ftri df'jg rtjirrsi aummed it up “The be obtained at the Office of the Director of residential area. $29,600. Call Really, Realtors. 643-6930. Aaae O credUorx if %Ay of the d< thing A go* I dig it all. J.D. Real Estate Associates, ready being built to metric General Sendees, Municipal BuUdlng. MANCHESTER • S-famlly. in with all ^uiVt-lns. enclosed UBS SSf Is ttlas tm sscS orr CAB. XEW TO U . Order in the Mmncheflter Evening bytert*n <*huruiAon. aft ^prrxY J u»r mnr.)-.e»f*a *.**• mud. thr i! ram, thr muaic 643-5129. SYSTEMS. Inc. Isra Is IsrIsSi SrtS-ciMi m tlia t. nrrwkl a hewapoiper puUuihed tn «p^Y t/irat>orj Th*-, charu^e erver excellem corxlltlon. on large ixirch, 2-car garage. I 'l baths, MANCHCSIER MgAcheaCer' Oinae^icut once n er a «pecta} commur.i/rfr' two 'T h -r fr WAM *0 MUfCh gr«*A " * iiwle* n k w l is t in g CAM me ttyto week for, tW'e (2l MJCCeMll'e weeks *'reJu befrifr the flight ■ in the ahipbuliding ir>du*try ia ROBERT B. WEISS | Three family treed lo*. convenient to bu:( full basement with second fire­ NerHi Miomi, Ftortdo fcJTi'jkrd n.ghl thJl Send 50c today for the commencing or te-f'see Augu«t Hr **ld he cUnrrd the rhailv-r expecte#! to b-* d Winter THOMAS K ABRAHAM in ifie lunar mrjduie with i IW77 For producta. the thrff t-Fr ittuf.g «si rj ffhr <»ji 14DV and handed it b4Mrk to area 30's Wolverton Agency ALBUM* flore Agency. 647-1413. cy, Realtor, 646-4200 Realtors. 649-2813 KALTOItS. INC. A—MtAT.t Clerk c4 nnid Coun f mail .amount of brr*d and wine eiectntal engJneefing IrvJuatry ge youth n n A mj you didn t France Amberat and Woife \ All TtAI m u n — I iMiCi Mr I Tni* Cffftr Afte-et expecU a c>jmplete vwUch by It’» here . . . the *69 F aB mmrn 90 Me ywri ratter* rWerw-e E Fr4*y Deputy to prepare for the lunar com- rven a .ir.t a;»ot/.rr drag - f any captured it HjT Britain 19U ymmn SIMPLEX SHOE A Winter Basic fashion I 11. Hjnrtiord Cbualy muTilon JV74 thing iatar Only S0< A copy. iin — m9§ m » MPf!

    - • (S’ • ,b- . r . ',j.' - ,'f, - -. . j-

    PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 Hanrh^Htfr iEttptting ^if rald Artngt DaUy Net Press Run BVr The Week Ended June 28, l t « The Weather About Town Announce Engagements Students new to Miancbester Thunderstorms tonight. Low I9gh School lare b^lng register­ 15,459 In 60s. Partial clearing tomor­ ed at die school on Tuesday and iianrljpatpr Uprali row. High In upper TOe to low Thursday 8:30-11 ;30 a.m. and ■ v i a g n a v o x . ANNOUNCES HaneheMter— 4 City of ViUoKe Charm 80s. 1-2:80 p.m. They must present a VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 272 year-end report card or have (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1969 a transcrtpt torwazded to the (ChMslfled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE TEN CENTS school prtor to registration. New etudents entering Orades 11-12 win be tested at the high school ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH! Tuesday, Sept. 2, at 10 a.m. Stu­ dents who do not regilster be­ fore the Labor Day weekend cannot be guaranteed a pro­ gram for the first day of school. Camille Toll: 128 Dead The Town Nativity Scene Committee will meet at 7:80 to­ G l'LF PO R T , Miss. (A P ) night in the coffee room at the — An increasingly grim pic­ Municipal Building. ture of Hurricane Ca­ GIs Rushed mille’s devastation along The West Side Old Timers Set & Forget ■ See It First the Gulf Coast emerged to­ Committee will meet Wednes­ day at 7 p.m. at the home of To Reinforce day as rescue workers un­ Clarence Gustafson of 81 Brook­ covered 23 Irodies in an field St. Lorlng photo UirtnK photo) apartment complex, rais­ H ie engagement of Mlsa The engagement of Miss f Mauled Unit ing the death toll to at The North Manchester Al- Laurele Oarolyn Brook to John Katherine Rose TanUUo of Ver­ 1 least 128. Three more Anon family group will meet SAIGON (AP) — Hundre* of Michajel Halloran, both of Mian- non to William K. Breen of Wap-1 i were killed in Cuba. Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the TV U.S. infantrymen were rushed cheater, has been announced by ping has been announced by I to the itAUng fbothUls 80 miles ”Wc know there are more Parish house of Second Congre­ t^ tes.” .said State 8«». Nap her mother, Mrs. Avlc C. Brook her parents, Mr. and Mra. south of Da Nang today to re­ gational Church. The Thursday •NC CENTER Casalbry. coordltuUor of OtvU group will meet at 8 p.m. In of Roslindale, Maas., and her Benedict Tantlllo of 5 Hunting- lieve two Amerioen companies ton Dr. badly battered by a North 'Viet­ Defenae along Mlssbuippl's the Pathfinders Club at 102 father. Perry Brook of Brook- cotirtul strip ”We esUmate the Norman St. Both groups meet Her fiance Is the son of Mr. namese force seven Umes their m llne. Mass. sixe. final toU will be between 150 and weekly, and are open to friends and Mrs. Francis B. Breen of| J" 200.” Her fiance is the son of Mr. Associated Pnees Oorrespond- and relatives of a person with 87 Timber Trail. ent Richard Pyle reported that It was suil too early tor an ea- a severe drinking problem. and Mrs. John J. Halloran of Miss Tantlllo, a graduate ofl the two companies from the tlmale of damage along the Newington. Rtjckvllle High School Is em-| Behind The Counter O r Behind The Tube. Norman's Has The Experts! 196th Light Infantry Brigade, to­ ciuistal resort area, but CUst- Men of all ages are Invited ployed at Travelers Insurance! Mian Brook la a 1968 grradu- taling 177 men, had suffered bry e.stlmate,l $500 mtlllon In to alng with the Manchester Co,, Hartford. atc of Northeastern Univeraity about 40 per cent casualUes—15 damagen to coastal mtlltoTy In­ Chapter SPEBSQSA every Mon­ Mr. Breen Is a graduate of| Three of the Green Berets charged in the fatal shooting of a suspected C!om- Oollego of Nursing, Boston, People You Know You Can Depend On When It Comes To Service. men killed and mono than 60 stallations akme Manchester High School and| day night at the Army-Navy Mass, She Is employed as a reg­ munist double agent are shown, Tuesday, outside a bachelor officers’ bar­ wounded. But American officers nvU Defense and other offl- Hartford InstKute of Account­ Club on 1090 Main St. The istered nurse at the Parkway said the outnumbered Infantry­ cUils set what they termed a ing. He la employed at Pratt racks in Long Binh, South Vietnam. From left are: Col. Robert B. Rheault of group, which sings In four- Pavilion, 'niompsonvlUe. People You Know Con Fill You In On The Latest Features. People men together with American ’’war coimcll” for later In the part, barbershop-style harmo­ Mr. Halloran received his BS and Whitney Division of United Vineyard Haven, Mass.; an unidentifie d man; CWO Edward M. Boyle of New bombers and artillery had killed morning to tighten up opera­ ny, requircB no voice testing degree in matheimntiloB in 196B Aircraft Corp., Bast Hartford. 148 North Vietnamese. tions tn the hnrd-hit area. lor participation. from Central Connecticut State The wedding Is planned for You Know You Con Trust. You're Kind O f People! York City and Capt. Robert F. Marasco of Bloomfield, N. J. (AP Photofax) Four other smaller fights ”\Ve’ve got a management Feb. 7, 1970. College, New Britain. He ia em­ also flared in South Vietnam’s problem,” said Wade Gulce. a Army Pfc. Kenneth G. Du- ployed as a junior high school northernmost provinces from Civil Defense spokesman. poni, son of Mr. and Mrs. mathematics teacher by the south of Da Nang to the demtll- ’’We’re running a supermarket George E. Dupont of 117 Ridge South Windsor Board of Ekhi- Public Records tarined zone 200 mUes to the with a clerk.” 8t., la serving os an Infantry­ cation. north. U.S. Infantrymen and ”Tlie problem Is so vast we A Glimpse at the Accused: are miring down In .M alls and man with the Amcrical Division Hie wedding la planned for Warrantee Deed South Vietnamese forces re­ In Vietnam. Dec. 20 in Boaton. Robert L. luid Margaret M.j ported kilting a total of 251 can’t »ee the forest for the Gordon to Edward L. and Maryl North Vietnamese In the area. trees,” he said "W e’ve got to M. McKeman, property at 18o| U.S. casualUes were put at 18 be more strict but I don’t mean WelU* St., conveyance taxi NOW . . . the first and only fabulously convenient They Stand Tall; Don Berets killed and more than 70 wound­ martial law We’re unloading $30.26. ed. generators fur the water wells TOTAL AUTOMATIC COLOR TV . . . a new and mmr (U»d pros|>erts are gtud that PLAZA DEPT. STORE Murriuge LIcenseH LONG BINH, Vietnam (A P ) on. He talked with the others “On the biaste of the secretary Fighting alao continued on a 'A exclusive ELECTRONIC SYSTEM which —The U.S. Army let newsmen and laughed a few times. reparts from smaller scale in the Saigon re- we’ll lukvr water lines back In (W e IBive A Notfon 1V> Please) Ralph Vincent Need, Mcri-| operiitiun asm at Gulfport.” djin, jind Antonia Margucrttel C O M B IN E S all the functions of the three look today a* some of the Green officers otficers ’’ r w « v « . ^ sklrmlKws rang- IL SDDDUO TPKB. (Neort to HifaiMr SOrb) Outen aiil.t Vice President Spiro Clementlno, 105 Amott Rd.,| Beret ndtieew. u He . ...jer '^ k e d out of their billets and “ ^ Dsfenee from 20 miles south of the OFBN WED. ■ FBL tlU B Magnavox innovations described below. If the Berrt officers it Is holding under ^ ^ “ ’•***' capital to 80 miles north of the T. Agnew w«ui expedted to sur­ Aug. 23, St. Bart]K>lomew| vey the situation personally In Church, f; murder charges but made the their shirts and green berets on, Y ” ' ^ made to detennlne city. ’Two Americans and 22 ene- Color T V brand you’re considering DOES N O T oorrespondents stay 30 feet their backs straight. They re- information may be made my were reported killed and 13 Gulfport and smne aourem said SCHOOL SUPPLIES Jerold William Oasida, Eastl away so Uiey couldn’t quesUon turned to the billets a *(hort without prejudicing any Americans wounded. Agnew already was In the area. BALL POINT PENS CELLOPHANE TAPE Hartford, and Walll Edith Ber-I h HAVE ALL THREE, it is already obsolete; for only ___ _ 'k while later, led by Rheault puff- prosecution and with- in another secUon of the cOun- Agnew’s office m Washington FILLER PAPER (High Count) tram, 470 Adams St., Aug. 23,[ M agn av o x TA C banishes annoying color The seven officers and a aer- on a thin cigar compromising the rights of try, the central plateau, heavy Five iter.sons await re.scue on rail track In'tween Culfi*ort and New Orlean.i as was non i-onimlttal, however. Zion Lutlieran Church. RULERS, ERASERS and BINDERS geant accused of conspiring to The other officers are Maj. potential defendants.” B62 raids Indicated a new ene- Ntraiiwhlle, the Weather Bu­ variations and the need for bothersome their large frame hoii.se wa.s lifted tiy the 150 mile an hour winds of iimricane A ll Tour Sobool Needs Ane A t The Pkua Ernest Joseph Bozinet, 4c| murder a Vietnamese double David E. Craw of Cedar Rapids, Indicated that there was my threat was developing. As reau In Ni-iw Orleans said hard- Ken.slngton St., and Eldoni Wll [ picture adjustments or tuning! TAC—so simple agent were released from close lowa; Maj. Thomas C. Middle- 'title or no likelihood that the many aa 40 of the big bombers Camille and left on the tracks high and dry. (A P Photofax) luttlng C.iiiillle luu, l)een rele­ hclmlna Webatcr HUl, Nowfng a child can tune it perfectly! confinement in the Long Binh ton Jr. of Jefferson, S.C.; Capt. men woi^d be released when the dropped 1,250 tons of bombs gated to the status of a rain ton, Aug. 20, St. Mary’s Epds j A,rmy stockade Monday and Budige E. Williams of Athem, Army resumes Its InvestlgaUon along the Cambodian border -lorni luMt was centered over copal Church. confined.to regular billets. Ga., and CWO Ekiward M. Boyle Wednesday to determine wheth- about 136 miles northeast of Sal- wsAliwestem Kentucky and Jonathon David Schnclder.l As Chairman L. Mendel Rlv- of New York (3ity. cc ^® y should be brought to X^n- was the heaviest air at- Davis lluniii Spureil Tennessee this morning 172 High St., luid Joyce AIlLsorl Hescue workers uncovered 23 ers of the House Armed Serv- The enlisted man in the case, ‘clal. Henry B. RothWatt, a ci- ^ “'ca nearly two tJUIjrjxjKT, MIkb. (API PAVING Cook, 323 Woodbridgo St., Aug [ Nixon Moves to Aid IsMlles In the modem 3-story Rl- Ices Committee joined the crlt- Sgt. Alvin L. Smith Jr. of Na- vUlan attorney for some of the months. Beauvoir, the last home of Jet- DRAINAGE — EXCAVATION 23, St. Mary’a Eplacopa | Ics of the secrecy wUh which pies, Fla., was not with the of«- men, said on Tuesday that the AP Correspondent Pyle re- clieUeu a|mrtment ramplex In Church. the Army has surrounded the cers. He Is under conflnament case was based "on the fltm- Po^ed that In the fighting south intvut »eun:ely Pass Cttrlstlon. The jsdlce chief EQUIPMENT RENTAL there said a large group was • COMMERCIAL e INDUSTRIAL case, the U.S. Command gave at an enlisted men’s billet in evidence” and the entire ^ Nang, the two U.S. com- marked by HHurricane Camille,------Devastated Area ''iMildlog n liurrtcshe |>arty In the • RE8IDBNTL%L Wop^t Bum newsmen their first glimpse of Long Binh case might be pped on were surrounded about which wrecke'ooner from Ix>uliilan,i. Ites|Mhloa fomlii siny and numy v<,lunleers this mom- material la likely to cost $5 to you and keeps them that way—in every picture, on nam, and Capt. Ledand J. Brum* Washingi-on Mond&v for a Pacif- tied to know the facta involved *’ o ^ i s . , ley of Duncan, Okie., srtood with Ic tour Including Saigon Rivera luMerf *hnf pn-sldenl of the Con- irotiifrom MUiHUsapisMliisbedpiX (JovGov John Hell Me cjilleughl Beuu%-oir In 1903 U> pul.llr pn,,M.rty la deter- Kllee,, u laws,van Ihnhluk Supplies Were coming. B l ^ e I d . l T j . h Z ^ L “ Z u r t c ^ was what they Uck on a selUemeat of 3 000 ref- I>avls’ widow und muUv m ln«l At Atlanta, a dozen (U34 Globe- ^ rend in the nauers. usreea not fa r awav at Hlen Due. i> .. __ AUTOMATIC CHROMA CIRCUIT ugees not far away at Hlep Due. lain it ju. a slirine. 77ie WrHtem Wlilte Motsie sniil l.iitlier I IteTtogie. tealan.1; iiuisters at !>ve a ljas«*ment It Is * ir station —no matter how often you change channels. Haynsworth Bid The two embattled American Hiavkiy lUgW centering Ms Im were m newly «p,«Mn»e.l Indian „f Z u r te jis c Z to7 7 * companies, commanded by roundel hy live tsik.i and mag p(u4 t a n«.y,r fM erttog in to talk «l«u t plsns 7 “ “*■ BELFAST, Northern Ireland gal In both Northern Ireland WASHINGTON (AP) — Cle­ numbers of North Vietnamese. ’ ... eliminates the need for critical picture tuning. Rep. Powell dUuurter anv. f„r the |»7« celetmtUs, wtMch , ... authentic styles (A P ) — The outlawed Irish Re- and the Irish Republic. ^ Fighting was at rlose hand, iit ment F. Haynesworth Jr., Pres­ It was the fourth day In a the (vmimbwlim nomwl by Nix- •"'•He, lashing first si the Invented by Magnavox in 1964, AFT keeps all station publican Army threatened to re- Prime Ministers Harold Wll- times to to 20 yards. MelsUicl annoying warm-up delay. Bonded Circuitry chas­ ollce reserves who have presence of British troops In Court Judge Gwrrge I. Hart Jr , -laccused of attacking Northern Ireland and financial Monday to order Powell re sis sets a new standard of lasting reliability. 82-Chan­ Northepi Ireland’s Roman Cath- aid for more than 2.000 people mee* Sept. 9 for stored to the right., prtviieges nel R em ote C ontrol for U HF/VH F is optional. All ollc minority. left homeless by the rioting. It Fenhij^on SayH Gouldlng’s statement was con- was thought they also would Court seat that and emolumenta of the to models shown on concealed swivel casters for easy demned as ill-timed and Inflam- consider possible changes In the G<*rm ^ ar Cut whtoh he was duly eie, ie«l ” moving. Also available ip French or Italian Provincial. matory by tee Dublin govern- constitutional link between the ^ m e m b e r Hir- Hart set a hearing for Aug 27. ment and mtxlerate newspapers two governments. *^Hawali lid Early American model 6924 Contemporary model 6922 At Kske are shout $66.(WO In In the republic. The IRA is ille- Chlchester-Clark’i govern- p * " , '>« "extenstvo hear BrinjiH I^yoffH salary and Z* years of seniority. ment called a conference Mon- Including chslrmanahlp o t the day night of ProtesUnt and oontldera- WASHINGTON (A P ) — The Education snd I-abor Commit- Select from over 40 magnificent Magnavox Color TV styles from ®259' Catholic church leaders, local Z " wlH be more Army wiM have to U y o « sever ______to n is te "Z 4 Ing Z j u n e that r ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ s Z technicians at major to’ invalidate U.e 328,000 fin* Im Destroy Heart, nd representatives of ^te confirmation of Nixon's biological warfare tee Mouse us .. Z°of ‘ Senate cutback to of his bring allowed to take Widow Insists • " ...... — u.i.versi- Karl Warren ...... " stand. Pentagon official report The t 's Supreme t ^ r t ruled Live belo>v your means. BEING A LEADER IS A ONCE-IN-AWHILE OCCASION AT SOME COMPANIES GAPE TOWN. South Africa ^ tee Oonfedera OppoKUon already hss been f'entagon experts In the CBW’ -Itew I® tent the IPaiae ot Hrfrrr (P ) —The widow of the mu- of British Industry (’ athollc *xjnded by erou w w h o ire ,ir teey hope to win rein- *enUUv,-s hiwl no right to ,Jeny .... AT NORMAN'S irs A TRADITION! lotto whose heart kept Dr. Jtell- , "8"^® leaders and Protes- happy with H a y n s w ,, r t h's '''®‘®ment of $ie mlWon tn re Powell hi , seal in March 1967 on If you'd like 10 gei oround the high And it gels about 27 miles to the g a l­ Ip Blalberg alive for 19>, extremists were not Invtt- record In ctvll rlghu cases »®arch funds recently lopped charges o t mlsccmduct In ,yfloe cost ol living, we hove o suggestion; lon. The overoge cat lihirsly devil that it months says If the licart w s, not But, at this stage there U no **** defense budget by the Cut down on the high cost of getting isl only gels 14. cremated along with Blalberg. After a 3>Thour meeting, the Indlcatlrxi of a Senate controver ****®te Armed Services Commit- IPavever the tngti erjurt left around. So the more you drive, the more you ahe will Insist that h be buned Xroup Issued a statement wel- ey the size of lt>e one that deve’- ^ open the queatvsi of whether Ita And buy o Volkswagen It's only | 17M * save. Free 0e/;'very ^# Experf Service • Terms Tailored To Your Budget later. coming the 4.(X)0 British troops oped tn 19M around-and even- ^ funds aren't reiMcsned. ruling entitled pr/wei: to resto- That's oround $1200 less ihon the ijv- And chances ore\ you'll drive it lor "It Is nb,t going ^(f>^b«ome were cVilled in to qgell. vlo- lually tdocke(3—PrM dem Lvh- **To*te wUl be reqtercd over the ration,of aenl,wity and Mtlary eroge amount paid for o new'car lo- yeors ond yeors (Since we never chang® aome sfym^ece In a medical '®(1®e in Londonderry and Bel- don B Johnson’s nAfninatkn of " - ^ ^ "*'’**** months at such big Marl, wtxj heard th«'iiase on- doy. (leave it in the bank. M ore'scom ing.l museum,” Dorothy 'HaUp said *•'*** ®n4 recommending that Fortas to\be chief Justice ‘ f“ <"tet»es as Ft De-trtck, 'gln.'illy In 'hslrlct court and rhe style, a V W never goes out o f style » A VW saves you hundreds o( dollors Momkay alter Dr. Christiaan their role b<- -xtended. A pea.,- Hav-nsworth, 56. of GreenvUle ** .^ ;i* l^ * fav,,r of the Mouse, had Of course, a VWs not much to look on upkeep over the years. Barnard tokJ newsmen that sec- committee was set up and S C , was praised MonMv hv- Arsenal. Md and teex isk< d i(torr,eys for br.,^ Mdes to of So a lot'of people buy a big Ooshy tlona of tee heart tissue and ote- a meeting for today Judiciary Oon'mlttee rt-.xii ■..i.'i. ** Deseret and Dugway. -ubmlt prrd*,*e,l orders f«w his It tokes pints, not quarts, of Oil. cor just to save face. TELEVISION Not one iota of ontifreeze. er e g a n . removed during the Two thou*u,d more Brttlah James a f " Try putting rhot m the bonk. autopsy on Blalberg WUI be sent tJWpa were ordered to LTster a dutligpjlKied l«wai cartW CENTER to foreign expertefor study The reUtlve caim brought by Sen Everett M Wrkaen of II lawyer representing the House Involved In work on g e rm w ar­ Barnard, who performed the * «e r five days of Itnou. top-ranking RenttMtcan submitted an order which srou'd fare weapons Edgewood Is a tran^jiant, said later he did not •‘ f®®* fighting last week c>n tee ootM luee s s i d h T Z l c simply de< lore that p,nrelt’a ex, AiNtS major producer o f gas weapons know what would happen to the ‘n Londonderry :pates little ikfflcxMty In obtain- - 'uswm w as U legal but w,atkl do INC. The Senate committee's dele­ TED TRUDON. Inc roK Olof teeuir heart. Blalberg viicttjdied teere------were-w.x unconflmiedujjivruirmeO re- *■mg Senate owflrmallon nirAhing to < t-xog r the existing 3i ■ 6 fgl_ _ _a a ww tion of the $16 mlUkm was de­ situation r A Oraat Guardsman carncs an rWe^rly woman aboard a helicopter to be sir- TO LLAND TPKB., ROUTK U — TALCXJTTVWXJC Sunckty night 19S months after ports that new harrlcadvs were Sen Roman L Hrusks. ^ ^ . . signed--W-- — to ■Mop ■ ••y mall e* fpentagon p-eweii w.is re-etected last No­ recefrtngrec®'h«---- ,■» -e—.Vbuilt wjby VCatholics aunt m their ? **j*«r«A ed Retail Prtoo p o * i . ^ , i.-i.'" Neb a 4emor member , f the s-ork egt lethal otteemiye chemi vem ber jirvi nte, hoidg^hls iifted ftoiii rt hospital”in liie |!uy ,Si l.ouia/.Nils.-, urea which wan hard hit by 0 » r * * U Any. Addltloml. Haupt He bad lived kioger than Dogside stronghold. committee, said he fxpects no Ai * tA Mologicsl Items, but left like any other f^rshman core 445 HARTFORD ROAD — ESTABUSHED 1939—OPEN DAILY till 9—SATURDAY till 6 Hurncane t'amillr The itn left the hcspital without electricity or wateritej send (See Page EIgttt) (See Page Clghf) (See Page Four) (See Page Niaeteea) (See Page Fsur> (latierita were to .S'e'w Orlearui. ( A l’ I’hutofax) \