Rockefeller Offers Plan for Viet Peace
A vum fe OuUv Net Pn m Run The Weather PAQB ^ FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1968 For Tho Woek C3umce of ahowera. High 88 to PAOI TWBITK I S , ISSi iKancbriitft Etiratng 9?ralb 90. Low tonight in m id 60s. H anrhpH trr SDPtttttg llrralJi Warm, humid tomorrow. High foSowlug (he Aug. 5 OOP NSr 1 5 ,1 0 5 » to 90. Marine Capt WUIUm J. Mac- on the aide of the road at Bum- Nazaren^ Plan it OAHVAS and AlOMIMUM P «0«IC 15 ★ Ardle, aon of Mr. and Mra. Her- Crashes Bring ham and Windsor Bta. and hit tional OoHvenUon. Manchetter— 4 City of VUlage Charm About Town t m m , minority feader at (he S e l ,bait MacArdle of 3M Porter St., a stop algn there. Combination Windows and Doors Vacation School A drartM ag «■ Flagia t ) PRICE TEN CENTS D m R « v. Norman Swaitaen, la aervlnc with the trd Bn., T w o Arrests, She told poUce that ahe hit Hartford CMy Council, is oppos VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 241 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SE(7nON-^NNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHE9TER, (X)NN., SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1968 « pactor of Tttalty Covenant her brakes and failed to atop ing Democratio lucunibent Emi Door---------plea, BoD-op Avndngis, Cmvaa Fywrth Maine Regiment, Third Vacation Bibla School at (he , ittlMiiafnf Servlee and Woraga Bort O ew raej^ Cteroh, will cowaoct a aorvlca Marine DivUian, In Vietnam. Two Warnings while traveling east on Bum- lio Q. Deddarto. The Bint Oon- Be-oovered. BmkUy at 8:U a.m. on radio ham St.
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