V: ■ . ‘ ATwa^ Daily Net Press Run FUr Hie Week Ended . Jime 28, 1868 The Weather Continued warm and humid tonlf'ht and JTuesday with a 15,459 continued chance o i rain, the low tonight about 70 ' . ''' Manchester— 4 City of Vitlage Charm yOL. LXXXVm, n o . 271 (TWENTT-FOUB PAGES-TW O SECTIONS-TABLOID) MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. AUGUST 18. 1989 (ChiMifled Advertifttiix on Pace tO) PRICE TEN CENTS Army Eases Guard On Beret Suspects Storm Leaves Dead SAIGON (AP) — The dering a Vietnameee believed to GULFPORT, Miss. (A P )— Hurricane Camille’s death U.S. Aliny took the eight been a double agent are no toll spiraled quickly to 15 today as daylight brought Green Berets charged with armed guard. the full impact of the murderous Gulf storm's sweep fYiiirrlor mit ___ seven officers are cot- across the Mississippi coast. finJm/nt of fh T ® ^Ulet at fmemrat at the Long Binh Long Bdi*. is mUes north of Mississippi Civil Defiense director Bill Harvey in stockaae today and confin- Saigon, while the enlisted man, Jackson said there were 10 known dead in Biloxi, two ed them to regular billets Sgt- Aivbi L. Smith jr . of Na- [* it'tV in Gulfiiort, two at Moss Point and one at (Jcean at the big headquarters in an enlisted Springs. All of the towns dot the coast along a long post north of Saijron m stretch of white sand lieach. The Army’s chW spokesman ^ spokesman 1 A Cojut Guard helicopter flew over the hurricane In Vietnam announced that the k„ r.„i seven officers and one enlisted' imivact area this morning and reported the stretch man who are accused of mur- *^«ault of Vineyard from liOng Beach. Miss., to Pass Christian, Miss., “ is Haven, Mass., former com­ i— flattened. mander of all Green Beret None of the dead wan IdenU- forces In Vietnam, have been at fled and Civil Defenae offlclala Long Blnh since their arrest In Gulfport (eared they would July 20. ‘Rejection’ find "many more bodlea’ ’ aa the New Korean The civilian attorney for one aonrch deepena Into the bay of the officers, Maj. Thomas C. area back of Biloxi. Middleton Jr. of Jefferson, S.C., Caused Death The Coaat Guard aloo toured War in Air: charged last week that Middle- aoutheaatem Loulalana, where « ton was being held in solitary Camllle’a 180 . mile . an hour confinement In a cell only 8 feet Of Blaiherg winda flrot moved Inland, and Nixon Alerted by 7 feet and without proper ^ reported ohlpa aground, leveea ventilation. CAl L TOWN, South A f- broken and bulldlnga deatroyed. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The attorney, George Gregory nca (AP) — Dr. Christian Damage by the ■torm’a high President Chung Hee Park of of (Jheraw, S.C., Hied a petition winda to telephone Unee pre- South Korea, who says North 'sst week for Middleton’s re- N. Barnard confirmed to­ day that Dr. Philip Blai- ented contact with the affected Korea Is plotting a new Invasion lease, but this was denied. On areaa. lierg. the world's lonj^at- of his country, arrives Wednes- Sunday he petitioned the Army The Red Crooa reported hous­ day for talks with President a speedy trial or dlemlssal surviving heart graft pa­ ing 70,000 evacuees In shelters Nixon. of the charges against his client tient, died liecause his In Alsbama, Mississippi and Park said Sunday, “ Korea’s renewed his charge that heart failetl under the on­ Ix)ulslana. national security will be the ma- Middleton was confined imder I a 1 • » . .... AP PtmtoCax) Three ships were victims of Hurricane Camille was bent i)y winds. In middle Kround are remains slaught of rejection, There were reports of high Jor topic of our conversations.’’ "'^humane conditions." Bamanl told a nrwn uonfar- water In the area south of New He told the magazine U.S. The Army began an InvesUga- as she blew them to shore at Gulfport Beach, Gulf­ of l)each playground. The storm swept the Missis­ onoo at Qijw Town Unlv..naty Orleans. News and World Report in a Uon July 30 similar to a grand The storm also hit the Ala­ port, Miss., last night. Steel sign in foreground sippi coast leaving death and destruction. School of Medicine Uie ilay after copyrighted interview in Seoul Jury hearing to determine hla fonroMH {Nitlent died tltot re- bama coast line near Mobile that Kim R-Sung, the North Ko- whether the Green Beret men imItH of an aiiU>i»iy (.erfornteil touched the Florida panhan- rean dictator. “ Is dedicated to would be brought to trial. The wUhln houra of U>e flO-year-old damage was twt nearly reunifying Korea—forcefully if Investigation was recessed Aug. reflred dcnllKt'H draith were not '*'*’“ * was expected to be In necessary—by 1970” and added: 2 and is to resume Wednesday. ‘Beautiful People’ Depart yet known, Iml final nniilyala those areas. “ As I understand it, the Unit- “ Isolation of the prisoners, would Mtww that the cause of Ids Gulfport and Biloxi, dim- ed States feels Aslan problems which was necessary during one death was rejection. cult to reach by phone were should be solved by Asians. The phase of the investigation, no "We always felt Uiat lw«irt wichotg elei'trlclty, gits or drink­ idea is essentially right. But the longer is required," the Army lriins)>lanLH were not a cure but ing water A gulf|s>rt hospital goal cannot be reached over- ®uld In a statement today. II iMilllatli'r," he mild. "Kvenlu- reported treating about 80 per ^ght. And we do not believe the The statement added that the Rock Fans Win Plaudits ally, the tranH|>lunted heart will wna, none apparently Injured seriously United States wpuld withdraw Army could not predict how WHITE LAKE. N. Y. thirsty, hungry youUit began brought tog«-lhei and showed It of understanding and npprecia- lx- diimugesl so much by rejec­ Sunday, security officials re­ The hurricane continued Its its forces—or influence—from much longer the Investigation (AP)—The great rock fes­ beautiful, ••’Tlie peace Uon betwe(>n the old and young. tion llsil It will not t)c able to Asia hastily.” would last. tival ended today in the ported three deaths and close to they were scr«>amlng about Is "NotwIthsUuMlIng their per­ (unction any more." trek acraea central Mlosiwlppl 8,000 persons treated for li^ju- today. Winda of 100 mllM an Plans are still tentative, but “ Delays have been caused same_____ spirit___ of ,peace_____ ____and what Uiey really want -they're sonality, tlMir dress and their In lUnllierg's cioh-. Ids riinhiic Korean sources rles, illness or adverse drug living It. They value each other ldeiu\ they wer«‘ and they are team slowed ikiwn the rejrrlhin iKJUr lashed HaUtesburg while Ions President both by unavailability of certain sharing that enabled 400,- (Columbia reported utility poles Park will reacUons during the three-day more than miitcrlaf Ihlnga." the most courteous, constderolr prmess (or 8M daya. ^^tnesses and requesU for de- 000 young people to gather ilown ami Irem uprooted. span. Slid Long, who hiul anUolpated and well-bnhiived group of kids "We feel now rather like n the Naval air Station at Monter- lays by counsel for some of the T ^ ^ c "R looks pretty awful to m e," ey. Park, his wife and his accused,"______ , the„ „ statement wsiusaid music. A late afternoon thunderstorm attendance o( only about Imtsman wlio Itoixw he will isrt 10- three days of I have ever been In contact wlUi a Columbia poMceman oald. man entourage, including his Meanwhile, another version of speeded departures. Bui thou- 80,000 each day. t>e out with the firs! Isill mai’ijuana and mod living in my 24 years of poller work." The storm spent moot of Its ministers of foreign affairs and the killing was aired today by a without a major incident. ^ determined fans re- The cxtriionUnary rct«()on8e said Isxi Yank, lu-tid of tlie con­ when tve Is evenlisilly out he is fury on the long strip of white national defense, will spend source with contacts among In- "There has been no violence oialned and huddled around created traffic Jams health stabulary In nearby Montlcello. sod abotd It, although he might beach along the Gulf Coast-from Wednesday night at Del Monte telllgence officers In Saigon. He whatsoever, which Is remark- thekering campfires through the problems and materiiU Aort- ‘ laiura Glozef, an IH-yeur-old have done much better Oion ex­ T ___.... ^ 1 a_ ..... / . h i l l nicvV .8 S1. ^ S l _ _ t _____ Gulfport to Biloxi. Its aye Lodge near Monterey. said the slaying of the Viet- “ crowd of this size.” chUl night to hear the final con­ ages beyond unyotw's expecta­ pected.” cert. (See Page Twaoty-’niree) moved Inbind before midnight Thursday morning the party namese double agent was done William Abruzzl, the tion. and sent waves soarhig over Despite the rain that turned will travel by helicopter to San without any authorization from festival’s chief medical officer. One man who worked to al­ highway and deatroyed 40 of the the farm fields of the fesUval Francisco for a morning confer- f*>e Central Intelligence Agency. “ These people are really beauti- leviate Uie problems was l)Cax 360 buildings on the big Naval site Into seas of mud again, de­ / o . ’ ful.” Yofgur, the dairy former who Heabee Bairn north of Gulfport. Page Twenty-lliree) (See Page Twenty-lliree) As the great exodue of Ured, spite the shortages of water and rented his 600-acre spread to the Biloxi Mayor Daniel Gulce e » food and the lack of sanitary fa­ festival for a reported $80,000.
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