Summer Space Study Ends; .. • Will Have National Effects 01 owan By SUZANNE MONTGOMERY Serving the State Uni 'ersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Assistant City Editor EstabUBbed in 1868 Associated Press Leac;ed Wire and Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Iowa Clly, Iowa, Thursday, August 9, 1962 The emine!lce of the space pro­ gram at SUI. will dralll (Illllre in­ dustry and investment to this area to an extent that has never been thought possible, predicted James E. Webb, administrator of the Na­ tionol Aeronautics lind Space Ad­ ministration, Wednpsday. u.s. WiJI Offer Nuclear But the arpn has to be ready, h said. Jl won't just fall in your lap. "You have to put ollt a bucket bat· before you con cntch any rain." the Webb was one of eight partici­ pants in II press conference in the with lIIain Library Wednesday after­ Plan Despite· has Red Snub noon. The conference was held in conjunction with the closing of the who eight-week Space Science Summer Study held at the University under tbe sponsorship of the Space Sci­ ellCe Board of the National Acad· Questioned IRockefeller emy of Sciences with the aid of NASA. Others attending th. confer­ Drug's Safety tnc. Dr. Hugh Dryden, Hits Kennedy deputy administrator of NASA; with Dr. Frederick S.itl, presid.nt of , the N.tional ACoidemy of Sci· AYear Ago ,Nuclear Policy rout .ncts; Dr. Lloyd Berkner,· sev· man of th. Spac. Science Board Pressure To ~atket Rusk Emphasizes Col. .f tht Academy; Dr. Hugh Odi­ shaw, Ix.cutive director of tht ~inus FDA Approval U.S. Proposals In board; Dr, Harry H.n of Princ.· NASA Head At SUI Cited by Dr. Archer Talk with Dobrynin ton UnIY.rsity; Dr, Jamts A, V,n Alltn, of the SUI D.­ Jamts E. (centtr), adminiltroltor of the Nltlon.1 Atr. WASHINGTON fA'! - The Food GENEVA fA'!- The United States partment of Physics oInd Astrono­ nlutics oInd Spact Adminislroltion, oIddress .. a prtll" and Drug Administration raised a of Cered Wednesday to slnsh by my Ind Prtsident Virgil M. in Mlin Library Wedn.sday aft.rnoon in coniunctio" with th. question 15 months ago about the more than half the number of de­ Hlnch,r. pffect of the sedative thalidomide tection po ts for enforcing a nu­ closing of the '-week SPice Scitnc. Summ.r Study .It SUI, With on pregnant women, a report made The summer study, which has in- Webb Ir. Pr.sid.nt Virgil M. Hanch.r (I.ft) and Dr. J.m.. A_ clear te t blln trellty - a plan 01· public Wednesday revealed. ready snubbed by the Soviet Union volved 250 of the nation's top sci­ Voin AII.n (back to camara), hud of the SUI Departm'nt of But Dr. John D. Archer, assi t· Arthur II. Dean, chief U.S. dele­ ('ntists throughout the eight-week Physics oInd Astronomy. - Photo by Joe Lippincott period, was called at the specific ant director of FDA's DII'lsion of gate, told the 17-nation disarma­ request oC Webb. New Drugs, pointed out thot then, ment conference he will formlllly "Our concern was only on theoret· present the entire compromise plan According to Webb, the study ical grounds. .. It was ba. cd he was called at this particular lime next week. He ignored statements Power Struggle Flares said on peripheral neuritis symp­ by the Ru slans on Monday, Dnd because the next ten years will be toms, numbness of the extremities, important ones in the future oC amplified Wednesday, opPOSing the American development in space. in adults. new proposals. This was sev.ral months before Dean told the del.g.tes 'he new The objective of NASA is to de­ Within Argentire Army the Germln-dev.loped drug was velop for the United States "a sec­ Wlltern pl.n proposes "to reo ta~en off tha market in Germany due. the number of control posts ond-to-none pOSition in space,' BUENOS AIRES, Argentino IA'I- rebel's sille. because of reports alsoclating it Webb snid. Itrgenlina's war secretary re- The rebel leaders :lCcused Loza, 10 something lik. 80. That means with deformIties in children born a reduction of mart than half." I Just as the Unit.d St.t.. ne­ signed Wednesday night after an a stern-faced crusty career sol· of women who hid t.ken the drug I glected to deYelop th. lirplane open rebellion of army chiefs dier, of wielding iron-fisted one­ while pregnant. The Soviet Union has backed oul aftlr the Wright brothers, we threatened new difficulties for the man rule over the army. The point was made in the Gov- Commencement on agreement they made several negl.cted to 10 ahlld in the shaky G?vern~ent of President The upheaval in the military ernment's account of a drug firm's y~nrs ago with the United States fi.ld of spice r,,"rch, Webb Jose Marta Gutdo. hierarchy caused consternation in 20 monlh~ of pressure fOr permis­ SUI Presidenl Virgil M_ Hancher delivers his Iholt this commencemenl was conferring the and Britoin that a world-wide sys­ Ilid, Howev.r, Wt made a come­ Brig. Gen. Juan Bautista Lozn the Guido Government, plllced in sIon to market thalidomide despite commencement address before 768 SUI graduat.s I.rgest numb.r of masters .nd Ph.D. degrees of tem of 180 detection stations would blCk In aviation .Inc! are making told a group of high army officers power by the army last March repeated government rebuffs. The in University Field Hous., He noted in his talk any single ceremony. (See text, p. 3). be sufficient 10 police !l test ban I comeback in Ipace as well, h. his reSignation from his dual post after a bloodle s coup that ousted FDA team head d by Dr. Frances - Photo by Bob N.nd.II trealy. continUed_ The United States hIS of secretary and nrmy commander President Arturo Frondizl, still in Kelsey turned down all efforts b I ------ Moscow's position has hardened already advanced fir enough in In chief was the only way to re· custody on an island in th~ River the William S. Merrell Co. oC Cln Wh" H S since the Soviet Dc'puty F'on'll/n this field to restor. our nation's solve the sittwtion. Plate. clnnat! on these grounds listed ill Ite ouse ays Mini~t('r Vall'l'iun A, ZOrln dl' Imlge in the world, said Webb. The resignation climaxed II day During th ('onru~ed militllry (he chronolofY; "II NO' · Justice Oep't Joins Battle I c131'1'd aguin Wedlll'~day that a Our program is planned to ad- of militnry upheavnl which bellan man('uvers, a score of army oW­ • The npplicntion was incom- Sh 0 eels Ion I (lSI. han mllst he IJIJ~rd on 0 n(lu vance the United States as rapid­ when one ranking army lemler, eel'S were arrested. pi te and inadequate to dt'mun- 0 '62 T C trallst prollosal culling for on·silt' I ly as possil>le In space develop­ aJ. Gen. Federico Tornnzo Mon­ Commanders of garr[ ons sup­ strate safety, n ax ut in pections only by jnvtl::rtion. tero, Sft up. a rebel (,OInm nd poRt ment, bllt stili remains a n... xibl porting Toranzo Montero locked up • The chemisl's da(a were in­ American ~('il!nllst ('onnc~tt'd in noriherll Argentina Gnd called Against Demonstration Ban one, Webb continu~, We have officers suspected of siding with complete. WASJIINCTON IA'I - Thc Whit!' with ~ lIW proulel)1 pf d~teclillg nu 9n J.Qzo to quit. ~a"ed lIpon t the best minds in the Loza while LOID, from his Wm' • The proposed lnbcling W:l. un· 1I01l, p stlid Wedne. day that Presi­ ALBA y, Ga. liI'I - The Ju~ltCC and .b.tting domestic extral~g.1 c1car tesis will ny here next lVeek­ ~cientific community" to advis~ us activities." Loza branded TOI'anzo Montero Ministry headqullt'l rs, fired ke)l suil:lble. dent Kennedy still is wnitinl/ until Department joitwd Wednl' 'day in ~n~ tn ,nn attempt to win over 01 her on which phases of space research an outlaw , but within a few hours • Djlta from further animnt The Justice Department said I commanders believed to horbor op· all the ('conomic data i in belore <l COUrt fight against oullawlng delegations, especiqlly tl1qse from bierit top priority, he said. fOlll' generals had rallied to the position to him. studies were needed. Albany officials hM an obligatlon deciding wh thcr to seck a tax cut Negro demonstration here shortly the neulrlll bloc, to the We tern The results of this space conf~r. • There was Insufficient infor­ under federal Inw and the Consti­ compromise proposal. The U.S. Guido was in constant confer­ (his year before a hearing W35 adjourned ence is ~o give us an appraisal of .-~..,.,.~~.,.,-,.,.".-----, ence with hrs ministers and mlli· mallon that the toxic reDction was tut ion to end segregation practices. plan for reducing the numbrr of where we stand in the field of tory chief, among them Economy completely reversible. The stntement that no deci ion with no indication of whcn 0 dC'ci­ Their failure 10 comply, the brtef inspection flOsts is based on new space and where we might go, Minister Alvaro Carlos Alsogaray, The drug n.ver was approved hns becn made came after Kcn ­ sion lVould b rt'nd('r('d said, has brought on the demonstra­ lind better sci 'nlific methods of The News nedy was said to have told 0 me(>t­ Seitz added.
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