The Ledger and Times, August 29, 1962
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-29-1962 The Ledger and Times, August 29, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 29, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 3841. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • -ooy ••• • • 7 . • • 'UST 28, 1962 41 Selected As A !et Ronfla Kestetly Costattstinfty Melvin:1Oct alendar C • w September 9 annual reunion of In iy County residents Largest at Palmer Park, God Circulation In Mich. Each one es The City d. We Urged Trust )WVIEW Zirculation In ING HOME The County 1 PA% 11.:141% MODERN ISO 11051K United Press International IN OUR 83rd YEAR 3ern mat Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, August 29, MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 lie,kot, Shop. Pie. 1962 Vol. LXXXIII No. 205 amsomm•••1., I $1M7 au is, mains • II, -Conditioning D ROCTR ONS Bible a...141411a State Meeting Murray Institute At Body Of Ohio Man Lions Mayfield To Begin VVSCS To Hear Recovered Tuesday The speaker for the fall opening -MURRAY. Ky. lun — The body Presided Over Club Sponsors assembly at Baptist Bible Institute Chaplain End Of Paving From of Robert Hall, 33. Columbus. RAY will be the Reverend Bob C. Junes, •IN TIMEATIIIIIE Ohio, was recovered 4ate Tues- 7Al'.. ' pastor of the Northside Baptist day about 200 feet from where By Mrs. Church, Mayfield. Hart Meet At Hazel The opening Fort Campbell Hall drowned in Kentucky Lake 5 - Start 7:15 date is Monday, September 3, Sunday. 1907. aad the hy.iur tor the assem- Hall drowned when his small Near An Program Kentucky members of. the No- organizational meeting at nig Tonite bly is 10:00 o'clock Captain Jimmie Yarbrough, - tienal League of American Pen Hazel was held , by the Murray in the morn- boat stalled in the path uf an on- ing. The public is chaplain with the First Airborne Women met in the Magnolia Room Lions Club last night with a cordially invited coming towboat and was run down to attend this Battle Group, 506 Infantry, Fort of The Campbell House. Lexing- group of citizens who have shown service. by the larger craft. The city paving program for , rop Drite would be paved as soon Baptist Campbell, Ky., will be the guest 11111111111 ton, Friday fur a luncheon and all interest in re-organizing a Lions Blair Institute begins its Calloway County Coroner Max this year is nearly completed as all residents on the street speaker Tuesday morning, Sept. business meeting. Mrs. Club there. fourteenth year of operation and Churchill today gave a ruling of according to City Street Super- had paid their part of the cost. Lochde B. 4, at 1000 o'clock in the Sanct- Hate. Fifteen members are the sixth year of opereion at accidental drowning. intendent Jimmy Billington, One street was added to the Eakin ,Murray, state president. needed uary at the First Methodist OS conducted program. before a charter can be Mayfield, the school having been tentative schedule of the paving the Mrs. Ka- obtained Church, at the General Meeting Only Waldrop Drive remains from Lions International. moved from Clinton in the sum- program Added for paving to mour—ftiPITIOWISTS therine Wilkie. Lexington, was Interest of the Woman's Society of Christ- KVNTUCKY NF.WS to be paved in one of the biggest at the meeting last night mer 1957. The enrollment for the the city on a cost share agree- elected president to take office was ian Service. His talk will be on street programs ever undertaken high and past five years has averaged about .BRIEFS ment was South Fifth Street YOUR KEYS, next year. Other officers elected every indication was "Missions in Korea." by the city. Approximately 6K5 made that the club will 100 each year. Students from Ala- extended. Work on this street AY HAVE A are Mrs. Emma Mae Frank, vice be or- Chaplain Yarborugh is a na- feet of repaving was scheduled, ganized at a second bama, Indiana, Illinois, South Da- By United Press International was completed yesterday. NNER!! presiderit. Lexington, and Mrs. meeting to tive of Byers, Texas, but he liv- in addition to the paving of 1800 be held Tuesday kota, and Tennessee, as well as LOUISVILLE. Ky. , The paving was done by M. & Olive Burs-hest. seeretaryltreasur- night, Septem- ed for 14 months in Korea, where UPI — Fred feet on Beale Street in the city Mrs George Hart ber 4th. The meeting Kentucky are enrolled ter this Tucker, an adtninistrative di Construction Company, low er, Ashland. -Mesdemes Ruth Par- will be held he first became interested in Mis- assist- cemetery and several streets Piv- day-Thursday — in the Hazel Woodmen fall semester. ant to Lt. Gov. Wilson W. Wyatt, bidder on the suimner projects ker and Wilkie, Lexington, were Hall at sions. Since that time he has ed on a cost share basis. 7:30 o'clock. injured several weeks The company bid $8.00 per ton. hostesses. visited missions in other ago in an Streets repaved have been Se- areas,. Ohio County Councilman P. L. Lassiter is The grentp voted to change the .1 District Deputy Governor Joe especially Japan. 'accident. is reported cond Street from Main to Poplar, Autry's Famed - Pat James and Lion "doing . fine" at a hospital chairman of the street committee, \\Wi organization which included two, President Ile hold,, a B A. degree from here. 700 feet; Poplar Street from 11th /1// Bethel Richardson Polls Set Up For Don Dopey Phelps, and liaron West and Frank Lan- branches — The Kentucky Hill, Melody Ranch Is attended the East Texas State College, and a of Dan- to 15th, 2600 feet. (Poplar Street meeting last night ville, former University caster are members of the corn Magic and the Kentucky Lake -- to be as represena- Wheat Quota Vote Bachelor of Divinity degree and ot Ken- widened 11th to 12th), Woodlawn Charred By Fires lives of the sponsoring tucky football player in the mitt ee. known as the Kentucky Ohapter club. a Master of. Sacred Theology de- car from Vine to Sycamore, 1.000 feet. Also present were with Tucker, has recovered Sword of the NLAPW, and to have one District Gov- gree from Perkins School of The- from and !man from Vine to Syca- LOS ANGELES (UPI — Fire- ernor Furman Lester from Hen- injuries he suffered in the Aug hiaiIPM meeting a year, the incoming pres- Polling places for the August ology, Southern Methodist Uni- more, 1,000 feet. fighters prepared a massive as- derson. state secretary, Roy Cay- 4 accident. ident to decide where and v.-hen 30 referendum on marketing quo- versity, Dallas, Texas. He is a On the cost share basis, the Murray State saul. on two giant fires today in wood of Lexington, Pat Ottman, the meeting is to be. tas for the 1063 crop of wheat member of the North Texas Con- expense of paving is shared by a desperate effort to keep them Hopkinmille, extensions chair- LOUISVILLE, Ky. EPP — A Membership in the NLAPW is were announced today by H. B. ference of the Methodist Church. residents and the city. Residents from joining and forming one man for the state. Both Caywood proposed bond issue for im- open to women who have produc- Fulton, Chairman, Agricultural The program Tuesday is being on ,each side of the street pay mammoth and Ottman are former Governors provements at General Hospital Expects 60 ed and sold within the past three front. Stabilization and Conservation sponsored by the Alice Waters one-third of the cost and the city The brushfires which have of District 43-K. will not be submitted to voters years 'material in writing, music, County Committee. The wheat Circle of the Woman's Society of pays one-third. charred nearly' 16,000 acres. in- Murray, which has asked to Imre Nov.I 6 as originally plan- lectures, or art. Application for quota ballots may be cast from Christian Service of the First Streets paved by the city this cluding Gene Autry's famed Mel- sponsor the Hazel group, has ned. County Judge Marlow Cook For Practice membership may be made with 8 a. m. to 6 p. na on Thursday, 3dethodist church. with Mrs. Gold- summer on the cost-share basis ody Ranch, to within taken on the responsibility of said Tuesday the City of Lou- any member of this organization. crept four August 30. at the is Curd as chairman. Not only have been Broach, one bloc*, aiding the new club in any way following isville and Jefferson County . Others present included Mew- miles of each other during the places: are • the members of the Wo- North lath .Street between Col- night and posed a potential dan- possible for the next several will be asked P. provide funds E dames Ketfieryn Amyx. Grassy Callowiy Co. A. S. C. Office, man's Society invited, but all lege Farm Road and the May- ger to three separate suburban months. for an architectural and engi- Some 60 candiates are expected Creek: Lena Weals Voiers, Vance- The Chairman explains that the others interested in the work of field Highway. and Farris Avenue, communities. Thomas Scruggs, manager of neering xurvey to determine the to report for the first day of burg: Alberta Atkinson, Ewing; 1983 wheat program to be voted.