The Ledger and Times, August 5, 1963
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-5-1963 The Ledger and Times, August 5, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 5, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4268. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A. All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper UST 3, 1 96 3 • *elected A *est e, Mrs. Charles Shaw Stubble- Vita Howton. Gail The Afternoon Holcomb. Me- Sexton. Carole Daily Newspaper Is. Betty. Hart, For Murray and Calloway County 11, United Preis international 12( OUR 114th‘YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, August 5, 1963 MURRAY POPULA flON 10, 100 Vol. LXXX1V No. 184 , Clynard Hamlin Dies 'a MUSkgrOW On Second Priest Burns Self To In Paducah Rest Home m orton May Be'l Way'em To Gdreenlan - Ban FCaRT EUSTIS, Va. Test lAHTNCt - Historic Partial •Death To Protest Restrictions Canard Hamlin passed away on VP Canthdate Army Pvt. Jerry Muskgrow, whoa! Sunday morning following a long wife. Peggy, and parents, Mr and -- - Illness. His death came at the Smith Mrs. SEMI Muskgrow, live at 20a COLUMBUS. Ohio len -- Ken- By NEIL SHEEHAN man Catholic President Ngo Dinh Rest Home in Paducah. N. Melly, Murray. Ky.. departed Is Signed tucky Sen. Thruston B. Morton will United Press International Diem. Survivors are an uncle G. T. Wol- Fort Eustis, Ky.. with other mem- Treaty Today the Repbblican candidate for SAIGON, Viet Nam itet -- The Political observers said the in- f rd of Murray be tiers .of the 124th Transportation vice president next year if a poai fiery suicide of the second Buddhist cident could touch off a new round cousins Groover Parker, Payne COMpuny early in July for Opera- conducted by the Columbus Sun- priest in two months aroused fears of Buddhist demonstrations and Street, Murray, Hugh Wofford of tion SUNEC in Greenland. day Dispatch pans out. of new strife today between the government control measures, Memphis and Rex Lashlee and '11koperation provides DEW Line poll of Republican state chair- Powers government and 'aiet Nam's Bud- The Big Three Twenty Years Old The rads/ sites with supply cil By Bruce Fields of Paris, Tennessee. a year's 'Id Pierce. 56 committeenien'al- dhist majority. Buddhist spokesmen in Saigon men and national all neceshiry provisions. - e weighing He was a member of the Metho- A young Buddhist priest burned identified the priest as 23-year-old so indicated that Arizoria Sen. Barry laliskgrow 3edford, Ind. dist Church. Graveside services were is a 1959 graduate of himself to death Sunday in a public Thich Nguyen Huong. Goldwater is their choice for Presi- Douglass Mrs. Madge Rhodes and a half held this morning at 11 -00 o'clock High School. square in the coastal town of Pan- Hailed As Initial Step To End Government sources said he ap- with Rev. John W. Archer officiat- and swee- basis of the poll. Gold- - Dies In Colorado tierce about 96 miles south of Saigon parently poured gasoline over his ing_ Burial was ia Watford cemetery deOn. the • t will make water could claim at least 532 votes- - to protest alleged religious discrim- saffron robes and set himself afire In Stewart County. armed. national convention in San Mrs. Madge Rhodes, age 79, pass- ination by the government of Ro- in Panthiet's Unknown Soldiers' Pallbearers were Hayden Jack- at the rs. yciia Cold War; Aid In Peace next July in balloting ed away on Saturday night August Square at about noon Sunday. son, Rodell Gardner. H. J. Bryan. Franscisco presidential nominee. 3 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Government troops reportedly Rex Lashlee. Groover Parker and for a His cloest rival, Gov. Nelson She .is survived by three sons By HENRY SHAPIRO ing on, Khruschev led those present rushed to the scene and carried away Joe Pat Farley. Williams Dies . New York. could Cecil Rhodes of Los Angeles, Sid- lin a champagne toast. Company M the charred body of the priest. • The J. H. Churchill Funeral Home Rockefeller of The United than 198. A total ney and Phillip of Colorado Springs; MOSCOW gar - Echoes Grotnyko's Hope Buddhist sources said the priest was in Verge of count on no more arrangements. two sisters Mrs. Loyd Allen of States. - Britain and the Soy i e t !i Rusk,, in his remarks. echoed apparently had been talking part in. of 665 votes is needed to win nomi- On Friday Golden Pond and Mrs. Preston Jones Union eday signed an historic .1 Gromyko's hope that the treaty a 48-hour hunger strike in the. nation. .1 Shows Up Well of Murray; five grandchildren, nine partia! nuclear test ban treaty which would be the springboard for fur- town's pagoda, along Tropical Hurricane The poll did not reach party • with other several they Mead as an initial step to- CO. leaders in all 50 states, but it did Mrs. Lydia Williams 5e, great grandchildren and ther sTeps to reduce international priests, nuns and Buddhist laymen widow of "Falls Apart" Today nephews. ward endine the Old war and guar- get replies from 35 states and the the late John H. Williams who died nieces and tension. 4a when he- suddenly leaped into the anteeing peace. At Fort Knox District of Colianbia. in 1952, Funeral arrangements are incom- "The' signature of this treaty," square and killed himself. passed away at 11:00 a. tn. ,ERUILT - Tropical storm Ar- The body is be- Wit': e r,"if!". signing of names readinees Others mentioned as presidential on Faday in the Ford Hospital in plete at this time. he said. "represents the They said the- priest apparently lene, a deflated hurricane, "fell in St. Catherine's Hall of the Kreme nomination probables were Michi- Detroit. ing returned to Murray to the J. H., of the United States to join with FORT IZNOX, Ky. t - Ken-1 did not inform other Buddhists of apart" early today and became an Home. Burial will lin, the three natams agreed to the gan Gov. George Romney, Pennsy- She is survived by her mother Churchill Funeral the other original signatories and tucky's 100th Division tTrainingi his intention to take his own life easterly wave of squalls east of first major control pact between , for- be in the Matheny Cemetery, west with other nations in a determined has finished its and few persons were present when lvania Gov. William Scranton, Mrs. Mary F. Parks of Detroit; two first semester of Puerto Rico. of Golden Pond, East and West since the end of and sustained effort to find practical summer he burned himself to death. mer Vice President Richard M. sisters Merle Whipple of Birming- training, and its report' card Another moderate easterly wave — World War II. means by which tensions can be Ls looking Writer Commits Suicide Nixon, and Morton. ham, Michigan and Mrs. Joe Nance good. moved through south Florida bring- ,. Secretary of State Dean Rusle reduced and the burdens of the arms More In June, '73-year-old Buddhist of Warren. Michigan. than 1.700 men are at Port ing rain and scattered squalls Small Mimed for the United States, Foeeign race lifted from the shoulders of ap priest Thich The funeral will be held at the Knox this year with the 100th, Ken- Quan Duc burned him- craft warnings were raised along -School Minister Andrei Gromyko for the peoples." pre our Scott's Grove Baptist Church on tucky's largest Reserve organization self to death before. a large crowd the southeast coast. Sidewalk Sale Soviet Union. and Foreign Secre- Wednesdaa at 2:00 p . in. with Rev. Ca• • and the first Reserve wilt of its Of Buddhists on a busy street in The Weather Bureau at San Juan. tary Lord Home for Britain. Soviet EX 1 Loyd Wilson officiating Burial will size to be called to active duty dur- downtown Saigon. P. R , in its final advisory on what Premier Nikita Khrushchev. beam- be in the ecott's Grove cemetery. Clinici Set ing the Berlin Crisis in 1961. Early last month. South Vlet had been the year's first hurricane, , • ing with satisfaction, joined in the Nam's most celebrated writer, Nguy- Is Planned Friends may call at the J. H. Plane Crash These men and their units are said Arlene was completely disor- drinking of ahampagne toasts that Churchill Funeral Honie after 6:00 rated about 250 times daily by Re- en Thong Tam, Mlle& himself with ganized and winds were not expected followed the signing. iday p. in. tomorrow. For Carter gular Army inspectors during their poison on the eve of his trial tor to exceed 25 to 30 miles per hour. After the cereniopy the three sign- tour at Knox. The ratings cover alleged 'complicity in an abortive- "Regeneration of the storm is For This Week eriakoiced their hopes for the future Report Is et•iti coup d'etat against Diem in everything frcin haw well the men 1960. not probable." forecasters said. in these words: a note linking Doctor A. D. Butterworth, Health make their beds to their aocuraty He left his death with Small craft warnings were raped Kentucky News - Rusk-'A good first step. .if col- with hand grenades. the Buddhist cause. along the extreme southeast coast Officer will hold a preschool clinic lectively we and other nations ptir- Checked Out The merchants of Murray are 9:00 a.