Hunger on the Rise in Corporate America Try Where Five Years of a Bloody Campaign Led by the Regime in Riyadh Have Shattered the Health System

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Hunger on the Rise in Corporate America Try Where Five Years of a Bloody Campaign Led by the Regime in Riyadh Have Shattered the Health System WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 Pages Price 40,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13638 Monday APRIL 13, 2020 Farvardin 25, 1399 Sha’aban 19, 1441 Iran says investigating Afghanistan thanks Iran Can the Iranian Top Iranian scholar possibility of coronavirus for free services to refugees clubs ask players to Hassan Anusheh as biological warfare 3 during COVID-19 10 take pay cut? 11 passes away at 75 12 Tax income up 31% in a year TEHRAN — Iran’s tax revenue has as value added tax (VAT)”, IRIB reported. increased 31 percent in the past Ira- Parsa also said that the country has nian calendar year (ended on March gained projected tax income by 102 percent Hunger on the rise 19), Omid- Ali Parsa, the head of Iran’s in the past year, and put the average tax National Tax Administration (INTA), income growth at 21 percent during the announced. previous five years. Putting the country’s tax income at 1.43 The head of National Tax Administra- quadrillion rials (about $34.04 billion) in tion further mentioned preventing from tax the previous year, the official said, “We could evasion as one of the prioritized programs collect 250 trillion rials (about $5.9 billion) of INTA. 4 in corporate See page 3 Discover Ozbaki hill that goes down 9,000 years in history America TEHRAN — “Nine thousand years of his- Ozbaki hill indicate some kind of com- tory.” It’s a phrase that may seem enough mercial link between Susa in Khuzestan to draw the attention of every history buff and this in Tehran province,” according across the globe. to senior Iranian archaeologist Yousef Ozbaki hill, also called Ozbaki Tappeh or Majidzadeh who led the excavations at Uzbaki Teppeh, is situated near Nazarabad, Ozbaki, Qabristan and Jiroft hills. some 80 km west of Tehran. The site has Back in 2016, the archaeological enclosure yielded cultural relics dating from the first opened to the public as an open-air muse- half of the 7th millennium to the first half of um of cultural heritage. It was announced the first millennium BC, i.e. the Medes period. in the same year that the archaeological “The discovery of objects such as tablets, enclosure is in the queue for registration in statuettes, and ‘jagged’ earthenware in the UNESCO World Heritage list. 8 Iran to build three environment- friendly towns this year TEHRAN — Deputy Transport Roads The deputy minister added that build- and Urban Development Minister Ha- ing 7 new towns with the same facilities bibollah Taherkhani has said three new is also under consideration. “environment-friendly” towns will be built This is the first time that the ministry Illustration by Bahman Vakhshour in the current Iranian calendar year, which is making such an announcement. began on March 20. Developing green technology and Taherkhani said the new towns will managing a green life are being given have a clean transportation system, fast an impetus in Iran. and cheap railways to big cities, sidewalk Taherkhani also said that development American citizens stand networks, bicycle lanes, etc., ISNA reported of medical, educational and cultural centers Tehran Times/ Tehran Times/ in long lines to get food on Sunday. are given a priority in new cities. ARTICLE Maestro Mashayekhi calls on Iranian youth to practice bricolage in home quarantine Saudi-backed Masoud Hossein By Manijeh Rezapoor people should try not to turn into a tool for coro- Mashayekhi is suffering from multiple sclerosis militants, Head of the Sport Desk of TEHRAN — Maestro Nader Mashayekhi, the navirus, but that the new virus should be turned (MS) and needs to go to the hospital if necessary, the TehranTimes former conductor of the Tehran Symphony Or- into a tool for them. but he cannot due to the coronavirus pandemic UAE-sponsored chestra, has called on Iranian youth to practice “What I mean is this: I know that when I stand in the city. However, he said that his life has its separatists clash bricolage, construction or creation from a diverse in front of a boiling kettle I automatically do own principles and he has been able to have a Iran football: us range of available things, in order to manage the not touch it, because I know my hand will be routine life despite the difficulties. in Yemen’s anxiety of the home quarantine for the corona- burned, or when I see the weather is cold I put “It is because the very first time I get up in the against us virus pandemic. on my coat. This happens automatically and I morning I do not talk for half an hour with any Socotra “I think the Iranian youth can make the best don’t think about it, and I am not living with the individual, I just sit down and think, then I only magine you have just four lives in a use of their thoughts because they have the ability stress of catching cold or getting burned. This listen to music for the next half an hour. This one Saudi-backed militants and UAE-spon- video game and entering into the next of bricolage,” Mashayekhi told the Tehran Times should also happen about the new virus,” the hour makes my whole day: all the problems are sored separatists clashed in Yemen’s Istage depends on how you keep your in an interview on Sunday. musician said. solved within the first half hour, and the second strategic island of Socotra, local sources lives. That’s all. The only thing you need is “I ask the Iranian youth to get up in the morn- “I know the situation is new and we don’t half gives me a new perspective on life. This is said, according to Tasnim. to stay focused. However, it doesn’t work ing, do not talk for half an hour then listen to music have experience with it, but I also think we can what music can do,” he explained. The two sides exchanged heavy fire and in Iran football. Iran national football team for the next half an hour, and find solutions for manage over 70 percent of it, and we know that He next mentioned that music has the po- the Saudi-backed militants managed to have four must-win games ahead in the these difficult days of coronavirus,” he added. prevention is better than cure, so this way our tential to help us look at life in a different way inflict losses on the Emirati mercenaries, 2022 World qualifiers against Hong Kong, He said that he believes in these trying days minds will have more space to think,” he noted. and experience a new perspective on life. 12 the sources said on Sunday. Cambodia, Bahrain, and Iraq. The militants also seized a military The Persians are seeking to qualify for camp on the island after the separatists the prestigious competition for the third of the so-called Southern Transitional time in a row, BUT mismanagement could Biological viruses part of future ruthless asymmetrical warfare: London Energy Club chief Council (STC) fled the camp before Sau- jeopardize the chance of winning a berth. TEHRAN — Stating that tomorrow’s wars will In an effort to make the dimension of the emerging dynamic powers like China, India, di-backed forces launched their major Team Iran, now, sit third in Group C no longer be fought by tanks, fighter jets, and changes to the existing world order by corona- Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, as well as regional offensive. five points behind Iraq, while they would missiles, Mehmet Ogutcu said, “The biological virus clearer, we reached out to Mehmet Ogutcu, heavyweights such as Turkey and Iran. Southern separatists seized the military have stayed top of the table if the football viruses are part of this ruthless asymmetrical Chairman of the London Energy Club. A glimmer of hope has emerged with the camp in February. Both the UAE-sponsored officials had not made the multiple wrong warfare without causing bloodshed and physical Here is the full text of the interview: corona calamity given that we all recognize separatists and militants loyal to fugitive decisions in the last year. destruction.” What will be the effects of coronavirus on the that the only way out is to revive the spirit former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Marc Wilmots was hired as replacement The current coronavirus pandemic ravaging current world order? of international co-operation and solidarity. Hadi serve the Riyadh-led coalition and for Carlos Queiroz in May but stepped down every corner of the world and many states are There has been no shortage of debates on the Clearly, no nation alone can contain or survive have been engaged, since 2015, in a bloody from his job just six months in charge and desperate in the face of the coronavirus pandem- new world order, particularly during the 30 years such a dangerous contagion and its aftermath. military campaign in Yemen. the federation, it’s sad to say, must pay ic. Nations and governments are panicking and following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Yet we It is for this reason that the US-China-EU trio, The separatists have long sought south- him millions of euros. the economy has already collapsed. This crisis have not been able to create a viable new blue- which controls the summitry of our world, must ern Yemen to secede. Under stewardship of Wilmots, Iran is expected to deepen more and more without print for the global governance in trade, finance, embark upon an urgent collaborative program, Encouraged by the UAE, though, they defeated Hong Kong and Cambodia and a serious global willingness and cooperation.
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