Afghanistan Argentina RocKabul El azote Director(s): Travis Beard Director(s): José Celestino Prod. Countries: Campusano Afghanistan, Australia, India, Prod. Countries: Argentina Turkey, Bosnia and Prod. Year: 2017 Herzegovina Length: 88 Prod. Year: 2018 Status: International Length: 86 Premiere Genre: Creative Programme section: José Documentary Campusano Status: World Premiere Company: Compañía de cine Programme section: Contact: Paulina Portela Scopitone Email: 47th INTERNATIONAL Company: Rockabul Pty Ltd
[email protected] FILM FESTIVAL Contact: Travis Beard Phone: +54 911 34002718 ROTTERDAM Email: Logline: The determination January 24 – February 4,
[email protected] and dedication of a former 2018 Phone: +61 479 149 729 musician who is now a social DISTRIBUTOR LETTER Logline: Under Obama, the assistant in Bariloche – one of Listing all newly US government pumped the best-known tourist completed titles from the millions into the war in resorts in Patagonia – is not IFFR line-up. Afghanistan, a tiny portion of enough to avoid the Log lines from IFFR catalogue. which was spent on culture. misfortunes experienced by Even starting-out heavy metal local youths. This film In order of country. bands could get a subsidy. An reveals, without concessions, Australian soldier becomes the picture never presented the manager of the first local in the postcards of this town. group of foul-mouthed Sold territories: All available headbangers who dare defy except for Argentina the Taliban. (Compañía de cine) Trailer: