American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Original Research Paper The Dynamics of the Otto Engine

1Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu, 2Raffaella Aversa, 3Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh, 2Antonio Apicella and 1Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu

1ARoTMM-IFToMM, Bucharest Polytechnic University, Bucharest, (CE), Romania 2Advanced Material Lab, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, Second University of Naples, 81031 Aversa (CE), Italy 3North Carolina A and T State University, USA

Article history Abstract: The dynamic calculation of a certain mechanism and of the Received: 29-01-2018 piston crankshaft mechanism, used as the main mechanism for Otto Revised: 03-02-2018 internal combustion engines, also implies the influence of external Accepted: 14-02-2018 forces on the actual, dynamic kinematics of the mechanism. Take into Corresponding Author: account the strong and inertial engine forces. Sometimes weight forces Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu can also be taken into account, but their influence is even smaller, ARoTMM-IFToMM, Bucharest negligible even in relation to inertial forces that are far higher than Polytechnic University, gravitational forces. In the present paper, one carry out an original Bucharest, (CE), Romania method of determining the dynamics of a mechanism, applying to the Email: [email protected] main mechanism of an Otto or . The presented method of work is original and complete. Relationships (1) express the velocity of the center of gravity to calculate the moment of inertia (mechanical or mass, of the whole mechanism) reduced to the crank (2). In dynamic calculations, the first derivative of the reduced mechanical inertia moment, derived by the angle FI (relations 3-4), is also required. For dynamic calculation, it is also necessary to determine the expression of the total torque momentum and crank-resistance forces (relations 5-6). The differential equation of the machine (7) is arranged under the more convenient forms (8) to solve it. It is easily observed that a second-degree equation has been reached, which is solved by the known formula (9).

Keywords: Machines, Mechanisms, Applied Computing, Forces, Velocities, Powers, Dynamics, Engines, Thermal Engines

Introduction Karikalan et al ., 2013; Leidel, 1997; Petrescu, 2012a; 2012b; Rahmani et al ., 2013; Ravi and Subramanian, The engine wears us every day about of 2013; Ronney et al ., 1994; Sapate and Tikekar, 2013; 150 years. The Old Engine Otto (and his brother, Sethusundaram et al ., 2013; Zahari et al ., 2013). Diesel) is today: Younger, more robust, more There is a lot of discussion about the removal of dynamic, stronger, more economical, more the Otto engine, but nothing has yet been prepared to independent, more reliable, quieter, cleaner, more take its place. compact, more sophisticated and especially still Let's talk a little about electric motors. An electric necessary. At the global level, we can eliminate motor is an electrical machine that converts electricity roughly 60,000 cars a year, but millions of new cars into mechanical energy. If we talk in reverse, we are appear annually (Table 1), (Amoresano et al ., 2013; dealing with converting mechanical energy into Anderson, 1984; Bishop, 1950; Choi and Kim, 1994; electricity and is made by an electric generator. De Falco et al ., 2013a; 2013b; Ganapathi and Generators and electric motors are extremely Robinson, 2013; Heywood, 1988; Hrones, 1948; important, today more than ever.

© 2018 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu, Raffaella Aversa, Taher M. Abu-Lebdeh, Antonio Apicella and Florian Ion Tiberiu Petrescu. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.

Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

Table 1: World cars produced The Otto engine still remains more dynamic than Year Cars produced in the world electric motors. 2011 59,929,016 Globally, two out of three jobs depend directly or 2010 58,264,852 indirectly on the automotive and machine-building 2009 47,772,598 industries, in particular of the Otto classical engines. 2008 52,726,117 If the current mode of production suddenly changed, 2007 53,201,346 2006 49,918,578 almost half of the world's jobs would disappear, resulting 2005 46,862,978 in an extremely serious global social crisis (Aversa et al ., 2004 44,554,268 2016a; 2016b; 2016c; 2016d; 2017a; 2017b; 2017c; 2003 41,968,666 2017d; 2017e; Berto et al ., 2016a; 2016b; 2016c; 2016d; 2002 41,358,394 Mirsayar et al ., 2017; Cao et al ., 2013; Dong et al ., 2013; 2001 39,825,888 Garcia et al ., 2007; Garcia-Murillo et al ., 2013; He et al ., 2000 41,215,653 2013; Lee, 2013; Lin et al ., 2013; Liu et al ., 2013; 1999 39,759,847 Padula and Perdereau, 2013; Perumaal and Jawahar, 2013;

Most electric motors work by interacting with a Petrescu, 2012a; 2012b; Petrescu and Petrescu, 1995a; magnetic field of an electric motor and the winding currents 1995b; 1997a; 1997b; 1997c; 2000a; 2000b; 2002a; 2002b; to generate force. In some applications, such as regenerative 2003; 2005a; 2005b; 2005c; 2005d; 2005e, 2016a; 2016b; braking with traction motors in the transport industry, 2016c; 2016d; 2016e; 2013; 2012a; 2012b; 2011; electric motors can also be used in the reverse direction as Petrescu et al ., 2009; 2016a; 2016b; 2016c; 2016d; 2016e; generators to convert mechanical energy into electricity, 2017a; 2017b; 2017c; 2017d; 2017e; 2017f; 2017g; that is, they recover energy that otherwise would lose. 2017h; 2017i; 2017j; 2017k; 2017l; 2017m; 2017n; Electric motors can be found in as diverse applications 2017o; 2017p; 2017q; 2017r; 2017s; 2017t; 2017u; as industrial fans, blowers and pumps, machine tools, 2017v; 2017w; 2017x; 2017y; 2017z; 2017aa; 2017ab; household appliances, power tools and disc drives, electric 2017ac; 2017ad; 2017ae; Petrescu and Calautit, 2016a; motors can be powered by DC sources such as Be batteries, 2016b; Reddy et al ., 2012; Tabaković et al ., 2013; cars or rectifiers; through AC (AC) sources, such as from the mains, inverters or generators. Small motors can be Tang et al ., 2013; Tong et al ., 2013; Wang et al ., 2013; found in electric watches. General purpose motors with Wen et al ., 2012; Antonescu, 2000; Antonescu and very standardized dimensions and features provide a Petrescu, 1985; 1989; Antonescu et al ., 1985a; 1985b; convenient mechanical power for industrial use. 1986; 1987; 1988; 1994; 1997; 2000a; 2000b; 2001). The largest of the electric motors are used for ship propulsion, pipe compression and pumping-storage Materials and Methods applications with a rating of 100 megawatts and today are increasingly used in industrial robots and in mechatronic Figure 1 shows the kinematic scheme of an Otto mobile systems. Electric motors can be classified by types internal combustion engine (Petrescu, 2012b). of power sources, internal construction, applications, Relationships (1) express the velocity of the center output type of motion and so on. of gravity to calculate the moment of inertia Electric motors are therefore used to produce linear (mechanical or mass of the whole mechanism) reduced or rotary forces and must be distinguished from devices to the crank (2). In fact, squares of the velocities weight such as magnetic solenoids and loudspeakers that centers ( S2 and S3) of the mechanism are required convert electric power into motion but do not generate (Mirsayar et al ., 2017; Cao et al ., 2013; Dong et al ., usable mechanical powers which are referred to as 2013; Garcia et al ., 2007; Garcia-Murillo et al ., 2013; actuators and transducers. He et al ., 2013; Lee, 2013; Lin et al ., 2013; Liu et al ., Perhaps the first electric motors were simple 2013; Padula and Perdereau, 2013; Perumaal and electrostatic devices created by the Scottish monk Jawahar, 2013; Petrescu and Petrescu, 1995a; 1995b; Andrew Gordon in the 1740s. Only today, after nearly 1997a; 1997b; 1997c; 2000a; 2000b; 2002a; 2002b; three hundred years of existence, the electric motors begin to be put to work at their full capacity. 2003; 2005a; 2005b; 2005c; 2005d; 2005e, 2016a; However, in transports, although they have gone a 2016b; 2016c; 2016d; 2016e; 2013; 2012a; 2012b; long way, electric motors could not take the place of the 2011; Petrescu et al ., 2009; 2016a; 2016b; 2016c; Otto motor home, obviously primarily due to technical 2016d; 2016e; 2017a; 2017b; 2017c; 2017d; 2017e; problems, then for reasons of dynamics and thirdly due 2017f; 2017g; 2017h; 2017i; 2017j; 2017k; 2017l; to social reasons. 2017m; 2017n; 2017o; 2017p; 2017q; 2017r; 2017s; Powering a car with electricity is difficult today, 2017t; 2017u; 2017v; 2017w; 2017x; 2017y; 2017z; compared to vehicles equipped with internal combustion 2017aa; 2017ab; 2017ac; 2017ad; 2017ae; engines. Petrescu and Calautit, 2016a; 2016b; Reddy et al .,

274 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

2012; Tabaković et al ., 2013; Tang et al ., 2013; Tong et al ., 2013; Wang et al ., 2013; Wen et al ., 2012; Antonescu and Petrescu, 1985; 1989; 0 Antonescu et al ., 1985a; 1985b; 1986; 1987; 1988; y 1994; 1997; 2000a; 2000b; 2001):

 yrB =⋅sinϕ +⋅ l sin ψ ; r ⋅ cos ϕ +⋅ l cos ψ =⇒ 0 S3  2 2 l⋅cosψ =−⋅ r cos ϕψλϕψ ;cos =−⋅ cos ;sin =−⋅ 1 λ cos ϕ 3  sin ϕ −⋅lsinψψ ⋅=⋅& r sin ϕωψλ ⋅⇒=−⋅ & ⋅ ω B  sin ψ ψ⋅sin ψψ +⋅2 cos ψ =−⋅ λ cos ϕω ⋅⇒ 2  && & 2  λ⋅−(1 λ2 ) ⋅ cos ϕω ⋅ 2 ψ&& = − 3  sin ψ  vyrB≡& B =⋅cosϕω ⋅+⋅ l cos ψψ ⋅=&  α l = l2  sinϕ  sin( ψ− ϕ ) ' =r ⋅ cos ϕ ⋅⋅+⋅ωλ1  =⋅r ⋅=⋅⇒ ωω s B  sinψ  sin ψ  2 S2  ''sin(ψϕ− ) '2'22 sin ( ψϕ − ) ⇒≡=⋅ssrGB ⇒≡=⋅ ssr GB 2  3 sinψ3 sin ψ ψ = φ2  xr=⋅cosϕ +⋅ a cos ψ  xr =−⋅ sin ϕω ⋅−⋅ a sin ψψ ⋅ S2  &S 2 & ⇒  a yr=⋅sinϕ +⋅ a sin ψ yr =⋅ cos ϕω ⋅+⋅ a cos ψψ ⋅ S2  &S 2 &   l sin ϕ  x= − r ⋅ sinϕω⋅+⋅⋅a λψ sin ωλ =−⋅−⋅ ( l a ) sin ϕω ⋅ A &S2  l sin ψ 1   l 2 sinϕ sin ϕ  yrS =cosϕωλ + a cos ϕ ωλϕ = cos  la +⋅ λ  ω  & 2 r = l1  l sinψ sin ψ   2 ω1 φ  '2 '2 '2 2 22 2 2 sin ϕ  sxyG=+=− S S λ( la ) sin ϕλϕ + cos  la +⋅⋅ λ   2 2 2 sin ψ   (1) 2 X   sin ϕ   '2 2 2 2 2 O S1 sG =⋅−λ( la ) ⋅ sin ϕ ++⋅⋅ la λ  ⋅cos ϕ  2 sin ψ    

  Fig. 1: The kinematic scheme of an Otto internal combustion * '2 '2 '2 JJJ=GG + ⋅ψ +⋅+⋅⇒ msms2 G 3 G engine  12 2 3  sin2ϕ sin 2 ( ψ− ϕ ) JJJ*=+⋅⋅λ 2 +⋅⋅ mr 2 (2)  G1 G 2 23 2  sinψ sin ψ In dynamic calculations, the first derivative of the   2  reduced mechanical inertia moment, derived from the  2 2 2 sin ϕ  2 +⋅⋅−⋅m2 λ( la ) sin ϕλ ++⋅⋅ la  ⋅ cos ϕ  angle φ (relations 3-4), is also required (Petrescu,  sin ψ      2012b):

 2 2 sin ϕ  sin2()()ϕ⋅ sin ψλ +⋅ sin ϕ ⋅ sin2 ψ ⋅ 2  sin ψ 2 sin ϕ  JJ*'= ⋅λ 2 ⋅ +⋅⋅mλ2 sin 2 ϕ ⋅− lala −+⋅⋅ λ  G2 4 2 ()()    sin ψ sin ψ    2 2  3 2 sinϕ  cos ϕ⋅ sin ψλ +⋅ sin ϕψ ⋅ cos +⋅⋅⋅⋅2ma2 λ cos ϕ ⋅+⋅⋅ la λ  ⋅3 + (3)  sinψ  sin ψ  2 sin ϕ 2 sin ϕ   λψϕsin()()− sin2 ψ − sin2() ψϕ −  sinψ 1 + λ   2 sin ψ sin ψ  +m3 ⋅ r ⋅ 4  sin ψ

275 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

 2 2 sin ϕ  sin2()()ϕ⋅ sin ψλ +⋅ sin ϕ ⋅ sin2 ψ ⋅ 2  sin ψ 2 sin ϕ  JJ*'= ⋅λ 2 ⋅ +⋅⋅mλ2 sin 2 ϕ ⋅− lala −+⋅⋅ λ  G2 4 2 ()()    sin ψ sin ψ    2 2  3 2 sinϕ  cos ϕ⋅ sin ψλ +⋅ sin ϕψ ⋅ cos +⋅⋅⋅⋅2ma2 λ cos ϕ ⋅+⋅⋅ la λ  ⋅ 3 (4)  sinψ  sin ψ  2 sin ϕ 2 sin ϕ   λψϕsin()()− sin2 ψ −− sin2() ψϕ   sinψ 1 + λ   2 sin ψ sin ψ  +m3 ⋅ r ⋅ 4  sin ψ

For dynamic calculation, it is also necessary to  * *' −⋅ωm (J + J ⋅ d ϕ ) determine the expression of the total torque momentum dω = * *' and the crank-resistant strength (relations 5-6):  2⋅J + J ⋅ d ϕ  2  2**' * 2*' **' ωm ()()()JJd+ ϕ +2 Md ϕωϕ −m Jd ⋅+ 2 JJd ϕ ± MMMM− +i − i =⇒0 MM −  2⋅J* + J *' ⋅ d ϕ mrmr mr (5) ii ii  * *' =−()MMmr − ⇒ MM mr − =− M m −−( ) M r  −()J + J ⋅ d ϕ (9) dω= ω ⋅  m * *'  2⋅J + J ⋅ d ϕ  2  * i i * 2 ' * *' MMM=mr − =−( MM mr −) =⋅⋅⋅ Jω m DD  ()J+ J ⋅ d ϕ   −Mdi ⋅=⋅⋅⋅−⋅⋅⋅ϕω J*2 DDJ '*2 ω DDd ' ϕ **' * ' *'  ∫m m m ∫  +⋅dϕ()()2 JJd +⋅ ϕ ⋅⋅⋅ JDDDJ 2 −−   +ω ⋅  (6) m * *' *2 '*21 2*2 ' 1   2⋅J + J ⋅ d ϕ =⋅⋅⋅−⋅⋅Jωm DDJ ω m DJ =⋅⋅⋅ ω m DDD −   2 2  2⋅MJ**2 =⋅⋅⋅ω DDD 2 ' −  m () Considering the calculated angular velocity obtained instead of the constant, dynamic speeds and accelerations are obtained. We will keep track of several We now have everything we need to solve the dynamic acceleration charts, obtained for different dynamic (motion, Lagrange) equation of the machine, lengths of crank and rod. In Fig. 2 the length of the rod is written in a differential form (7) (Petrescu, 2012b): slightly larger than that of the crank, which worsens the dynamics of the mechanism (Petrescu, 2012b). 1 In Fig. 3, the length of the rod has increased very J*⋅+⋅ε ω 2*' ⋅ J = M * (7) 2 little and the dynamic operation of the piston is already greatly improved. Peaks are not so sharp anymore.

By further increasing the length of the rod, while The differential equation of the machine (7) is maintaining the constant length of the crank, more arranged under the more convenient forms (8) to solve it: rounded accelerations, which are closer to sinusoidal shapes (Fig. 4-6), are obtained.  dω Dynamic elongations are generally smaller than 2⋅⋅⋅J*ω + ω 2*' ⋅ J =⋅ 2 M *  dϕ kinematics.  2⋅⋅⋅J*ωωω d +⋅⋅ 2*' Jd ϕ =⋅ 2 Md * ⋅ ϕ Next, the angular acceleration values, ε, starting from  *2 *' * the Lagrange Equation 7, already presented, will be ()()ωωωm+dd ⋅⋅⋅+2 J ωω m + dJd ⋅⋅=⋅⋅ ϕ 2 Md ϕ  determined (Petrescu, 2012b).  *2 *2*' Arrange Equation 7 in form (10) to explain the ωωm ⋅⋅⋅+d2 Jd() ω ⋅⋅+⋅⋅ 2 J ωm Jd ϕ (8)

 2 *' *' * variable ε to be determined: +()dω ⋅⋅+⋅⋅⋅⋅−⋅⋅= Jd ϕω2m Jdd ϕω 2 Md ϕ 0  2 ⋅+J* Jd *' ⋅ϕ ⋅ d ω 2 () () 2⋅M* −ω 2 ⋅ J *'  1 1 J *'   2 2 **' * 2*' ε =* =⋅−−⋅⋅D D' D *  ω (10) +⋅2ωm ()JJdd +⋅ ϕω ⋅−⋅⋅−⋅⋅() 2 Md ϕω m J dϕ = 0 2⋅ J 2 2 J  

The variable angular velocity ω is now known so that It is easy to see that we have reached a second- the angular acceleration value can be determined degree equation, which is solved by the known directly, which occurs in the real cinematics of the formula (9): mechanism, at the dynamic operating modes.

276 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

Fig. 2: Dynamic synthesis of the engine; r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.031 [m], n = 3000[rot/min]

Fig. 3: Dynamic synthesis of the engine; r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.04 [m], n = 3000[rot/min]

Fig. 4: Dynamic synthesis of the engine; r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.06 [m], n = 3000[rot/min]

277 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

Fig. 5: Dynamic synthesis of the engine; r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.1 [m], n = 3000[rot/min]

Fig. 6: Dynamic synthesis of the engine; r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.15 [m], n = 3000[rot/min]

It is now time to restore the kinematics of the mechanism (relations 11-12), considering the existence of the angular acceleration, ε, of the crank (Petrescu, 2012b):

2 2 2 cosψλ=−⋅ cos ϕ − sin ψψλ ⋅=⋅& sin ϕϕ ⋅ && ,unde ϕ =⋅ D ωϕ ; & =⋅ D ω   sin ϕ 2 2 ⇒=−⋅ψ& λ ⋅− ϕ &cos ψψ ⋅− & sin ψψλ ⋅=⋅ && cos ϕϕλ ⋅+⋅ & sin ϕϕ ⋅ &&  sin ψ  2 2  −cosψψ ⋅−⋅& λ cos ϕϕ ⋅−⋅ & λ sin ϕϕ ⋅ && (11) ψ&& = ⇒  sin ψ  2 2 2  −⋅−⋅λ()1 λ cos ϕϕ ⋅& /sin ψλ −⋅ sin ϕε ⋅ ⇒ψ&& =  sin ψ

278 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

2 2  −⋅−λ(1 λ) ⋅ cos ϕϕ ⋅ & λ⋅sin ϕ ⋅ ε ψ&& = −  sin3ψ sin ψ y=⋅ rsinϕ +⋅ l sin ψ  B vB =⋅ rcosϕϕ ⋅+⋅& l cos ψψ ⋅ &  2 2 arB =−⋅sinϕϕ ⋅+⋅& r cos ϕϕ ⋅−⋅ && l sin ψψ ⋅+⋅ & l cos ψψ ⋅ &&  2 λ⋅−1 λ2 ⋅ cos ϕϕ ⋅ 2   2 2sin ϕ 2 () & λ⋅sin ϕ ⋅ ε arB =−⋅sinϕϕ ⋅+⋅& rl cos ϕε ⋅−⋅ sin ψλ ⋅ ⋅+⋅⋅ ϕ & l λϕ cos ⋅ +   sin2ψ sin 3 ψ sin ψ    (12)  2 2  2 sinϕ2 sin ϕϕ⋅ cos2 cos ϕ 2 arrrB =−⋅sinϕϕ ⋅+⋅&& cos ϕελ ⋅−⋅⋅ ⋅+⋅⋅ ϕλ r ⋅+⋅⋅− ελλ r ()1 ⋅3 ⋅ ϕ &  sinψ sin ψ sin ψ  2 2  2 cosϕ sin ϕ  2  sin ϕϕ⋅ cos   aB =⋅⋅−⋅ r λλ()13 −−⋅ sin ϕλ  ⋅+ ϕϕλ&  cos +⋅  ⋅ ε   sinψ sin ψ   sin ψ     2 2 *'  2 2 cosϕ sin ϕ 2 sin ()ψ− ϕ 12 1 J   a= r ⋅ ω ⋅⋅−⋅λλ1 − sin ϕλ −⋅ ⋅+D ⋅⋅−⋅−⋅ DDD '  B () 3  *    sinψ sin ψ  sin ψ 2 2 J  

dϕ d ϕ d ϕ Results = ⋅ =⋅=ϕ' ωDC ⋅ ω (14) dt dϕ dt The way Fig. 7 shows the acceleration diagram obtained (Petrescu, 2012b). We deduce from the relationship (14) the expression Taking into account the variable angular velocity (15). Further, by integrating the dynamic coefficient D in and the existence of variable cranial angular relation to the variable φ, we get the expression (16), acceleration, the effect due to the dynamic crank which is its value, ϕ i.e., the mathematical expression angular displacement of the crank should also be D of the dynamic position angle: considered. This is dynamically imposed by the crankshaft, so we will have to replace the rotation angle 'D C 2 22 (or position) of the crank with its dynamic value ϕϕ'≡ =D = sin ψλϕ =−⋅ 1 cos (15) computed as a compressor, since the crankshaft moves only after the laws imposed by it itself, Motor moments ϕϕ≡=DDd C ϕ =−⋅(1 λ2 cos 2 ϕϕϕ) dd =  ∫ ∫ and other times a permanent drive force that drives all  the shaft and hence all the cranks (spindles), drive due  cos 2 ϕ   2 2 to the engine's all-wheel drive, inertia forces and extra  2 () 1  λ λ  =−⋅∫1λ +   d ϕ =−−⋅ ∫  1 cos() 2 ϕ  high inertia imposed by the engine's steering wheel. 22    22   The dynamic variation of the position angle obviously  (16)  exists, but it can only be imposed by the crank itself, 2 2  λ  λ that is, the dynamics of the motor shaft itself. =−1  ⋅−ϕ ⋅ sin() 2 ϕ  2 4 Angular variable velocity is determined with     2 2 relation (13): D λ  λ ϕ=−1  ⋅− ϕ ⋅ sin() 2 ϕ  2  4 D C ω=D ⋅ ω (13) By overlapping the dynamic effect of the position in Depending on time, the derivative of the position the dynamic systems presented above, the acceleration angle can be passed (expressed and according to the diagram of Fig. 8 is obtained (Petrescu, 2012b). position angle, φ) according to the relation (14). If in its The dynamic effect seems to be good for the classical cinematic derivative it is 1, in the dynamic movement of the mechanism because it restricts the kinematics where this dynamic coefficient exists, the elongation of the acceleration, but when these areas derivative of the position angle according to the are constrained with peaks, oscillations are created in position φ is the value D generally different from the the respective areas, which produce vibrations, beats, value 1. The crank is dynamically influenced directly noises and even shocks, Better notable by the variable by the shaft the engine on which it is built, so that its angular velocity model and dynamic positions (no dynamics will be compressor type that is driving it longer considering the effect of ε variable) (see from the motor shaft (crankshaft): diagram in Fig. 9).

279 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287








-4000 aB [m/s2]

aBD [m/s2] -5000


Fig. 7: Diagram of dynamic piston accelerations taking into account and the existence of angular acceleration ε: r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.05 [m], n = 3000[rot/min]





-10000 aB [m/s2]

aBD [m/s2] -15000

Fig. 8: Diagram of dynamic piston accelerations taking into account variable angular velocity ωD, of angular acceleration ε and the variable value of the dynamic position angle: r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.05 [m], n = 5000[rot/min]

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-10000 aBD [m/s2]

aB [m/s2] -15000

Fig. 9: Diagram of dynamic piston accelerations taking into account variable angular velocity ωD, of angular acceleration ε and the variable value of the dynamic position angle: r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.05 [m], n = 5000[rot/min]





-10000 aBD [m/s2]

aB [m/s2] -15000

Fig. 10: Diagram of dynamic piston accelerations taking into account variable angular velocity ω D, of angular acceleration ε and the variable value of the dynamic position angle: r = 0.03 [m], l = 0.05 [m], n = 5000[rot/min]

281 Relly Victoria Virgil Petrescu et al . / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2018, 11 (1): 273.287 DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2018.273.287

Discussion 3-Contract research. GR 69/10.05.2007: NURC in 2762; theme 8: Dynamic analysis of mechanisms and There are four vibration zones instead of one for the manipulators with bars and gears. Stirling engine for two complete rotation of the motor 4-Labor contract, no. 35/22.01.2013, the UPB, "Stand shaft, but all times are engine times (see the acceleration for reading performance parameters of kinematics and diagram in Fig. 10). The Stirling engine vibrations will dynamic mechanisms, using inductive and incremental be more significant than those of an Otto engine, but the Stirling engine's theoretical efficiency is much higher. encoders, to a Mitsubishi Mechatronic System" "PN-II- Unfortunately, it is not fully realized in practice IN-CI-2012-1-0389". because it would require a temperature difference Preliminary Contract from 2010-03-13 with: between the hot and cold sources much higher than those BMW Group Germany normally used so that the two engines become somewhat Virtuelle Innovations-Agentur (VIA) close in terms of their qualities and defects. Knorrstraße 147 However, the Otto engine was imposed on cars, with D-80788 München higher and better dynamics, greater adaptability to the different working regimes imposed, the Stirling engine ------having problems especially at the transient and startup Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft modes (Petrescu, 2012b). Vorstand: Norbert Reithofer, Vorsitzender, Frank-Peter Arndt, Herbert Diess, Klaus Draeger, Conclusion Friedrich Eichiner, Harald Krüger, Ian Robertson If an external combustion engine could not beat the Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Joachim Milberg Otto internal combustion engine when mounted on cars, Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 42243 the same thing did not happen in the field of general ------vehicles where the Diesel internal combustion engine" Preliminary Contract from 2010-03-13 with: As well as the external Watt steam combustion, used for Mercedes Benz Daimler AG, Germany a long time on vehicles, locomotives, boats, boats, etc., All these matters are copyrighted! Copyrights: 398- but also as a stationary engine in plants, where the tDGpbsxgrD, from 18-02-2010 01:16:36; 394- Stirling engine also performs very well. The steam qodGnhhtej, from 17-02-2010 13:42:18; 463- engine can work at higher yields and with good vpstuCGsiy, from 20-03-2010 12:45:30; 631- dynamics and the disadvantages of burning lower fuels sqfsgqvutm, from 24-05-2010 16:15:22; 933- such as coal can be eliminated by burning oil, gas, CrDztEfqow, from 07-01-2011 13:37:52. alcohols, hydrogen, etc., or by vapor heating by other modern processes, with Induction resistors, etc. Author’s Contributions Let's not forget that the diesel engine was first created to work with peanut oil or plant oil. If diesel has become All the authors contributed equally to prepare, extremely polluting, we do not have to immediately develop and carry out this manuscript. dispose of the diesel engine, but it's enough to pass it on vegetable oils or hydrogen. Ethics Acknowledgement This article is original and contains unpublished material. Authors declare that are not ethical issues and This text was acknowledged and appreciated by Dr. no conflict of interest that may arise after the publication Veturia CHIROIU Honorific member of Technical of this manuscript. Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR) PhD supervisor in Mechanical Engineering. References Funding Information Amoresano, A., V. Avagliano, V. Niola and G. Quaremba, 2013. The assessment of the in-cylinder Research contract: 1-Research contract: Contract number 36-5-4D/1986 from 24IV1985, beneficiary pressure by means of the morpho-dynamical CNST RO (Romanian National Center for Science and vibration analysis-methodology and application. Technology) Improving dynamic mechanisms. IREME J., 7: 999-1006. 2-Contract research integration. 19-91-3 from Anderson, R.B., 1984. The fischer-tropsch synthesis. 29.03.1991; Beneficiary: MIS; TOPIC: Research on Academic Press. designing mechanisms with bars, cams and gears, with Antonescu, P., 2000. Mechanisms and Handlers. 1st application in industrial robots. Edn., Printech Publishing House, Bucharest.

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Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. Berto et al ., 2017f. What is a UFO? J. Aircraft Apicella et al ., 2017s. A first-class ticket to the Spacecraft Technol., 1: 80-90. planet mars, please. J. Aircraft Spacecraft Technol., DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.80.90 1: 272-281. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.272.281 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. Berto et al ., 2017g. About bell helicopter FCX-001 Apicella et al ., 2017t. Forces of a 3R robot. J. concept aircraft-a short review. J. Aircraft Spacecraft Mechatron. Robot., 1: 1-14. Technol., 1: 91-96. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.91.96 DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.1.14 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. Berto et al ., 2017h. Home at airbus. J. Aircraft Apicella et al ., 2017u. Direct geometry and Spacecraft Technol., 1: 97-118. cinematic to the MP-3R systems. J. Mechatron. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.97.118 Robot., 1: 15-23. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.15.23 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. Berto et al ., 2017i. Airlander. J. Aircraft Spacecraft Apicella et al ., 2017v. Dynamic elements at MP3R. Technol., 1: 119-148. J. Mechatron. Robot., 1: 24-37. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.24.37 DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.119.148 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. Berto et al ., 2017j. When boeing is dreaming-a Apicella et al ., 2017w. Geometry and direct kinematics review. J. Aircraft Spacecraft Technol., 1: 149-161. to MP3R with 4×4 operators. J. Mechatron. Robot., 1: DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.149.161 38-46. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.38.46 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar and Berto et al ., 2017k. About Northrop Grumman. J. S. Kozaitis et al ., 2017x. Current stage in the field of Aircraft Spacecraft Technol., 1: 162-185. mechanisms with gears and rods. J. Mechatron. Robot., DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.162.185 1: 47-57. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.47.57 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar and Berto et al ., 2017l. Some special aircraft. J. Aircraft S. Kozaitis et al ., 2017y. Geometry and inverse Spacecraft Technol., 1: 186-203. kinematic at the MP3R mobile systems. J. Mechatron. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.186.203 Robot., 1: 58-65. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.58.65 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, J. Corchado and F. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar Berto et al ., 2017m. About helicopters. J. Aircraft and S. Kozaitis et al ., 2017z. Synthesis of optimal Spacecraft Technol., 1: 204-223. trajectories with functions control at the level of the DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.204.223 kinematic drive couplings. J. Mechatron. Robot., 1: Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. 66-74. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.66.74 Apicella et al ., 2017n. The modern flight. J. Aircraft Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar Spacecraft Technol., 1: 224-233. and S. Kozaitis et al ., 2017aa. The inverse DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.224.233 kinematics of the plane system 2-3 in a mechatronic Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. MP2R system, by a trigonometric method. J. Apicella et al ., 2017o. Sustainable energy for Mechatron. Robot., 1: 75-87. aerospace vessels. J. Aircraft Spacecraft Technol., 1: DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.75.87 234-240. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.234.240 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. and S. Kozaitis et al ., 2017ab. Serial, Apicella et al ., 2017p. Unmanned helicopters. J. anthropomorphic, spatial, mechatronic systems can Aircraft Spacecraft Technol., 1: 241-248. be studied more simply in a plan. J. Mechatron. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.241.248 Robot., 1: 88-97. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.88.97 Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar Apicella et al ., 2017q. Project HARP. J. Aircraft and S. Kozaitis et al., 2017ac. Analysis and Spacecraft Technol., 1: 249-257. synthesis of mechanisms with bars and gears used in DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.249.257 robots and manipulators. J. Mechatron. Robot., 1: Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, F. Berto and A. 98-108. DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.98.108 Apicella et al ., 2017r. Presentation of romanian Petrescu, R.V., R. Aversa, A. Apicella, M.M. Mirsayar engineers who contributed to the development of and S. Kozaitis et al ., 2017ad. Speeds and global aeronautics-part I. J. Aircraft Spacecraft accelerations in direct kinematics to the MP3R Technol., 1: 258-271. systems. J. Mechatron. Robot., 1: 109-117. DOI: 10.3844/jastsp.2017.258.271 DOI: 10.3844/jmrsp.2017.109.117

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