University of Sheffield Library. Special Collections and Archives Ref: MS 287 Title: Defence Regulation 18B Research Papers

Scope: Documents relating to internment under Defence Regulation 18B during WWII

Dates: 1934-1997 Level: Fonds Extent: 23 boxes Name of creator: Professor A.W. Brian Simpson

Administrative / biographical history: The collection consists of documents and correspondence assembled by Professor A.W. Brian Simpson during the writing of his book In the Highest Degree Odious: Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain (Clarendon Press, 1992). To quote from Professor Simpson’s preface to his work: ‘During the Second World War a very considerable number of people were detained by the British government without charge, or trial, or term set, on the broad ground that this was necessary for national security. Most were not British citizens, but technically enemy aliens – in fact most of these enemy aliens were refugees from Europe. A far smaller number of those detained were British citizens, and they were held under Regulation 18B [of September 1939, and more particularly the specially formulated section 18B (1A) introduced in November] of the Defence Regulations; it is with this regulation and those detained under it that this book is concerned’. The background to the implementation of the regulation was the threat of an imminent German invasion of Britain in May 1940 following the collapse of Allied forces in . Under the legislation the of the day - initially Sir John Anderson, subsequently - was free to detain and imprison as he saw fit anyone against whom evidence of potential disloyalty, untested by legal process, was presented by the security services. The normal safeguards against abuse of executive power traditionally available to British citizens, such as the provisions of Magna Carta, and trial by jury, were effectively suspended. The regulation remained in use long after it became clear that no organised Fifth Column existed in Britain.

Most of the British citizens detained were members of or extreme Right-wing groups, who were generally opposed to the war with . In May 1940 there existed a fear of a potential ‘Fifth Column’ movement which might undermine the British war effort, such as had destabilised the Republican defence of Madrid during the recent , during which the phrase was coined, and more recently during the Nazi invasion of Holland. But the implementation of a measure associated with totalitarian and not with democratic government inevitably raised serious civil rights issues, and was justified only by the extreme danger of the time. Those affected were arrested not for offences against the law but for what they might conceivably do. Although a Advisory Committee was set up to oversee internment, individuals once arrested had little chance of redress, and could be kept in prison indefinitely with no attempt to charge or try them with any offence. The evidence on which they were arrested was secret and sometimes, as Professor Simpson shows, of dubious accuracy. Some individual detainees undertook legal action in the courts against the Home Secretary under Habeas Corpus or for wrongful imprisonment, but such actions almost invariably failed. The words which form the main title of Professor Simpson’s book are those of who, originally a strong supporter of the regulation, came later to recognise its danger to democratic freedom and who described it as ‘in the highest degree odious’. 2

As the most prominent Fascist group active in Britain at the time, Sir ’s movement British Union (whose full title was ‘ British Union of Fascists and National Socialists'), which had campaigned vigorously against the war up to and beyond its outbreak, was particularly affected by the measure, with many leading members arrested and interned. Both Mosley and his wife, Lady Mosley (Diana Mosley) were imprisoned. Mosley was released only in November 1943 when he developed serious health complications. Various other similar groups and individuals were similarly affected. Strong pressure was applied subsequently by political opponents to maintain internment even after the danger of invasion had long receded, whilst some in government sought to prolong its use even after the end of the war, though in the event it was abolished the day after VE day.

Professor Simpson's book discusses the history of the Regulation and its implementation, its significance for civil liberties, the more prominent legal cases to which it gave rise and the parts played by the Home Office and MI5. It is based on extant official records, so far as these are now available, and on interviews with many of those directly or indirectly affected or involved, and others. Research has been hampered by the fact that many of the relevant government records have been destroyed, whilst access to other records was even at the time of writing still not allowed. In-depth attention is given to the cases of Benjamin Greene and R.W. Liversidge. Correspondence with Lady Mosley is also on file. In addition there is an appendix on another case of the time, though not directly relevant to the internment of British citizens, that of the spy , an American citizen who worked at the U.S. Embassy in . Kent stole highly sensitive documents relating to communications between Churchill and Roosevelt.

Professor A.W. (Alfred William) Brian Simpson, DCL, FBA was born in 1931 and educated at Oakham School and Queen's College, . He taught law at various universities in Britain, the United States and elsewhere, being called to the Bar in 1994. The author of many books on law he was Professor of Law, University of Kent from 1973 to 1985, while from 1987 and at the time of writing his book on internment he was Charles F. and Edith J. Clyne Professor of Law, University of Michigan. Professor Simpson died in January 2011.

[Notes based on In the Highest Degree Odious, documents in the collection, and Who's Who]

Related collections: Robert Saunders Papers Source: Donated by Professor Simpson in 2002; accrual received in October 2013. System of arrangement: In sections and alphabetically by individual internees

Subjects: World War, 1939-1945–Prisoners and prisons, British; Political prisoners—Great Britain—History—20th century; —Great Britain Names: Simpson, A.W.B. (Alfred William Brian); Greene, Benjamin; Liversidge, R.W.; Mosley, Sir Oswald; Mosley, Diana; Kent, Tyler

Conditions of access: Available to all researchers, by appointment Restrictions: Certain documents are restricted (as noted in finding-aid) Copyright: According to document

Finding aids: Listed 3


Sections Page

1. General documents: DR 18B period Manuscript and typescript 3 Printed 4 2. General documents: Later publications 6 3. Individual internees and suspects 8 4. Alien detention and some other special cases 31 5. Brian Simpson's miscellaneous research notes: 5/1. Miscellaneous notes 34 5/2. Notes from Official files 35 6. Brian Simpson's general correspondence with individuals and institutions 40 7. Documents relating to the publication of In The Highest Degree Odious and other works by Brian Simpson 47 8. Miscellaneous documents relating to public records, the historical background to internment and to civil liberties 48

Indices Name index 50 Subject index 62

9. Accrual, October 2013 63



Documents (many are photocopies) are printed unless otherwise noted. (PRO} indicates copies of documents supplied by the Public Record Office, now known as the UK's National Archives. The following codes indicate: CAB - Cabinet Papers, FO - Foreign Office, HO - Home Office, LCO - Lord Chancellor's Office, TS - Treasury Solicitor's Department. FBI indicates United States Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In the collection are various typescript documents with information about detainees. Where their authorship is not clear such material is listed by title only, without author.

Information in square brackets has been added by the cataloguer, verified from other sources; dates in square brackets followed by ? are approximate.

Note that not all the names mentioned in the text of In the Highest Degree Odious appear in the book's index, especially those mentioned in its footnotes (e.g. E. Quentin Joyce).


Section 1. General documents: DR18B period

Manuscript and typescript

1/1 . ‘Notes on the Right Club Ledger’. Transcript of the Ledger of 1939, with annotations by Brian Simpson. N.d.

1/2 Brian Simpson. 'R[igh]t Club'. Notes. Ms.

1/3 HO 863004. B.H. Bell. 'Case law on detention. Memo submitted by B.H. Bell to Sir Oscar Dowson'. Transcript. Ts. 10 Nov 1939

1/4 HO 45/25714 (PRO). ‘Schedule’. List of 37 women internees. Ts. [30 May 1940]

1/5 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Home Office. Letters to chief constables re amendments to the Defence Regulations. 14 Jun, 1 Jly 1940;

1/6 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Oswald Hickson. Letter to Sir Alexander Maxwell re ‘Sir Oswald Mosley and others’. 21 Aug 1940; Together with Oswald Hickson. Letter to Herbert Morrison, (Home Secretary) re ‘Emergency Defence Regulations. Regulation 18B (1A). 9 Oct 1940

1/7 British Union. 'To members of British Union and readers of "Action" and "Action News Service" '. Circular re arrests appealing for funds to aid dependants. [May? 1940]

1/8 British Union. ‘18B Club, York 1940-1-?’. Entries in autograph album from York and Peveril, Peel, Isle of Man, Camps. Ms. Dec 1940-Oct 1941

1/9 List of names transcribed from above, with notes. Ts.

1/10 'Autograph Album'. Notes on above. Ts.

1/11-34 HO 45/25754 (PRO). Documents circulated between Norman Birkett (Chairman, Advisory Committee), Sir Alexander Maxwell (Home Office), G.P. Churchill (Secretary, Advisory Committee), F. A. Newsam, Law Officers of the Crown and others on the interpretation of the regulation regarding right of appeal to the Advisory Committee, arising in the case of Heather Donovan. 14 Feb-21 May 1941

1/35 British Union. ‘To members of British Union and readers of ‘Action’ and ‘Action News Service’. Re arrest of members. [Jun? 1940]

1/36 [18b Publicity Council?] ‘Report on the functioning of Regulation 18B of the Defence Regulations (1939). Ts. [1940?]

1/37 ‘British Union. Agricultural dinner. 16th April 1941, Huyton Camp, Liverpool’. Menu, with signatures of those present. Ts. and ms.


1/38 ‘ Archives. Miscellaneous papers on Defence Regulation 18b’. Copies of documents, including re the cases of: Victor Rowe, Oliver Conway Gilbert, Royston L. Knott and Harold James Parsons, with press comments. 22 Sep 1939–29 Mar 1958

1/39-40 Brian Simpson. ‘The secret history of Regulation 18B’. An account of his difficulties in accessing Home Office records, and of the apparent loss of an internal document by C.D. Carew Robinson entitled ‘History of the work of G Division’ on the secret history of Regulation 18B (HO 863039/8), later re-discovered. Ts. [1994?] (2 versions) Together with 1/41-43 Home Office. Letters to Simpson. Ts. 22 Apr 1988-2 Sep 1994 1/44 Brian Simpson. Notes. Ms.


1/45 Peter Heyward. ‘Shopkeepers at war ‘gainst trust and monopoly’. British Traders Bureau, [1939]

1/46 [Anon.] '? Why are we at war'. Greater Britain Publications (Abbey Supplies Ltd.), [1939?]

1/47 Oswald Mosley. 'The British peace - how to get it'. Greater Britain Publications (Abbey Supplies Ltd.), [1940]

1/48-52 British Union. 5 anti-war leaflets. [1939-1940] : 'The Labour-Communist double-cross'; 'Mosley's four point policy for peace'; 'The press will boycott it…'The British peace, by Oswald Mosley' '; 'Up Britain Stop War'; 'The dream that came true'.

1/53 Arthur Rogers. ‘How “Freedom is in peril”: the revolution of 1st September, 1939’. The author (Hon. Sec., Liberty Restoration League), [1940?]

1/54 Liberty Restoration League. ‘The Defence Regulations. Was Parliament misled?’ Printed. The League, 7 Dec 1940

1/55 . Law Reports in which Oswald Squire Hickson represented internees seeking legal redress: Sir Oswald and Lady Mosley; Captain Ramsay; Captain Luttman-Johnson. 1940[-41?]

1/56 Ernest Dudley. ‘Shall injustice prevail?: Defence Regulation 18b and the Constitution’. 18b Publicity Council, [1941?]

1/57 W.E. Birch. ‘Suffer little children’. 18B Publicity Council. 20 Nov 1941


1/58 John Wynn. ‘It might have happened to you!’ Edited by Guy A. Aldred. Strickland Press, 1943 Together with 1/59 'It might happen to you' [sic]. 'Details supplied by L. Grundy of names mentioned in the text'. Ts.

1/60 Duke of Bedford. ‘Is this justice? An examination of Regulation 18B’. Strickland Press, 1943. Mentions British Union, The Link and ’s Party, including Sir Oswald Mosley, Admiral Domville, John Beckett, Captain Ramsay and others

1/61-2 Henry St.George. ‘18B: in search of justice’. 18B Publicity Council, [1943] (2 versions)

1/63 Petition of Right Council. ‘It can’t happen here!’ [1944?]

1/64 18B Publicity Council. ‘Important notice’. Appeal for funds. [1944?] 1/65 18B Publicity Council. ‘Runnymede reversed: tyranny to-day - and tomorrow? [1944]

1/66 18B Publicity Council. ‘Persecuted women in Britain today’. [1945]

1/67 18B Publicity Council. ‘18B souvenir programme of the Second Annual Christmas Gathering at the Royal Hotel, Woburn Place, Russel Square, London on December 15th, 1945’


Section 2. General documents: Later publications

2/1 Violet R. Markham. ‘Return passage: the autobiography of Violet R. Markham’. (Excerpt). Oxford U.P., 1953. The author was a member of the Regulation 18b Advisory Committee

2/2 [Anon.] ‘Ex-communist who served on the wartime 18b Committee’. Re Alfred . Wall. ([News report, source not identified], 4 Oct 1957) Together with excerpt from: Ivor Montague. ‘The traitor class’, Lawrence & Wishart, 1940

2/3 Aaron L. Goldman. ‘Defence Regulation 18B: emergency internment of aliens and political dissenters in Great Britain during World War II’. (Journal of British Studies, 1973)

2/4 Ian McLaine. ‘Ministry of Morale: home front morale and the Ministry of Information in World War II’. [Excerpt]. Allen & Unwin, 1979

2/5 [Anon.] ‘Mosley’s : the inside story of the British Union of Fascists 1932- 1940’. Sanctuary Press, 1986

2/6 ‘Comrade’. Various issues and excerpts giving information about former detainees. Friends of Oswald Mosley, 1986-1995

2/7 G.C. Webber. ‘The ideology of the British right 1918-1939’. [Excerpt: appendix and bibliography]. Croom Helm, 1986

2/8 Richard Thurlow. File of typescript excerpts from his book 'Fascism in Britain: a history, 1918-1985'. [Published by Blackwell, 1987]

2/9 John Charmley. ‘The men who would have kept the peace with Hitler’. On R.A. Butler. (Times, 29 Aug 1989)

2/10 R.B. Cockett. 'Ball, Chamberlain and Truth'. (Historical Journal, 1990)

2/11 Richard Ford. ‘Lady Mosley threatened legal action over internment’. Re released Public Record Office files, and mentions , , Sir Oswald Mosley and Diana Mosley. (Daily Telegraph, 8 Feb 1995)

2/12 David Millward. ‘Duke joined campaign to spare Haw Haw’. Re released Public Record Office files, and mentions John Amery, William Joyce, Sir Oswald Mosley and the Duke of Bedford. (Daily Telegraph, 8 Feb 1995)

2/13 Richard Norton-Taylor and . ‘Mercy pleas surrounded execution of wartime traitors’. Re released Public Record Office files, and mentions John Amery, William Joyce and Sir Oswald Mosley. (Guardian, 8 Feb 1995)

2/14 Stephen Ward. ‘Archives reveal truth about fascist traitors’. Re released Public Record Office files, and mentions John Amery, William Joyce, Sir Oswald Mosley and Diana Mosley. (Independent, 8 Feb 1995) 9

2/15 . ‘The Regulation 18B British Union detainees list’. [Revised edition by Jeffrey Wallder]. Ts, duplicated. 1997

2/16 W.F. Mandle. ‘The leadership of the British Union of Fascists’. (Australian Journal of Politics and History, [1966])

Bibliography 2/17 ‘MIRLYN Search Request’. Library print-out of titles of books on fascism. N.d.


Section 3. Individual internees and suspects

This list relates primarily to British internees noted during Professor Simpson's research. They are mainly associated with the British Union or with other fascist associations, but include some non-interned suspects and a few alien nationals. For further details about individuals see the documents and In the Highest Degree Odious (ITDHO).

ALLEN, Mary Sophia

3/ALLEN /1 Photograph (National Portrait Gallery) as Commandant of the Women Police, together with other members. Postcard, 1990 /2 Brian Simpson. HO 144/21933. Notes. Ms.:

ANTON, Bernardi

3/ANTON /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d.

ARBON, Frank

3/ARBON /1-15 TS 27/512 (PRO). 'Arbon v. Sir John Anderson & others; De Laessoe v. Sir John Anderson & others '. Documents relating to their internment and court action claiming damages. Ts. and ms. 1939-1942 /16 'Arbon, Frank'. Notes. Ts.


3/BAGGALEY /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25710. Notes. Ms.:

BAKER, Thomas G. St. Barbe

3/BAKER /1 Anon. ‘Hitler cult plans newspaper’. Re activities of League of Christian Reform. (Evening News, 5 Jan 1946) /2 Brian Simpson. HO 214/45. Camp report. Notes. Ms.: /3 Brian Simpson. HO 283/28. Notes. Ms.:



3/BATTERSBY /1 Larratt Battersby. ‘The bishop said ‘amen’ ’. Printed. Kingdom Press, 1947

BEAVAN, Arthur

3/BEAVAN /1 Arthur Beavan. ‘Diary entries from: 12th May 1941 to 26th October 1941’. Entries during internment. Ms. /2 'Arthur Beavan Diary'. Notes. Ts.

BECKETT, John Warburton

3/BECKETT /1 HO 45/25698 (PRO). File re detention and release. 22 May 1940-14 Jun 1943 /2 Brian Simpson. 'Tape 4 from TS 27/'. Notes. Ts. /3-7 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25698, HO 283/23,26, TS 27/542. Notes. Ms. /8 Brian Simpson. 'Note on the Beckett Case decided 17 May 1943'. Notes. Ms. /9 . Letter to BS. 25 Jun 1992

BELLAMY, Richard Reynell

3/BELLAMY /1 Graham Douglas Leonard, Bishop of London. Letter to BS. 28 Aug 1989 Refers also to the Shelmerdines and Brian Donovan /2 Brian Simpson. 'R.R. Bellamy. We Marched with Mosley'. Notes. Ms.


3/BEURLEN /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d.

BIRCH, W.E. and BIRCH, Josephine

3/BIRCH /1 W.E. Birch. ‘Suffer little children’. Re the internment of himself and his wife. 18B Publicity Council. Printed. 20 Nov 1941

BLOCK, Alfred Ernest

3/BLOCK /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25707. Notes. Ms.:



3/BOTTACHIO /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25088. Notes. Ms.:

BOWMAN, Frederick H. U.

3/BOWMAN /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25729, LCO 2/2712. Notes. Ms.:

BRAUNE, Friedrich W.

3/BRAUNE /1 Law Society. Letter to BS. 18 Aug 1988

BUDD, Charles Henry Bentinck

3/BUDD /1 'Captain Charles Henry Bentinck Budd'. Bsed on TS 27/506. Ts.


3/BURGER /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d.

CAMBELL, Albert Harry

3/CAMBELL /1-8 TS 27/507 (PRO). File on detention and habeas corpus application. 19 Jun 1940- 23 Jly 1941 /9-10 Brian Simpson. HO 144/21635, TS 27/507. Notes. Ms.


3/CAMILLO /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25759. Notes. Ms.:



3/CHARNLEY /1-11 Correspondence between Charnley and Ronnie Fearn, M.P.; including also letters from John Patten to Fearn, and Charnley to Douglas Hurd. Ts. Apr-7 Sep 1988 /12 John W. Charnley. ‘Blackshirts and roses’. Original edited ms. of the book published in 1990 /13 'John W. Charnley. Blackshirts and roses'. Notes. Ts.

CREASY, Ronald N.

3/CREASY /1-11 Ronald N. Creasy. Correspondence with BS. 5 Nov 1989-28 Oct 1991 Refers to MI5, , Lady Downe, Churchill and Oswald Mosley, and Creasy's experience of internment /12 'In Liverpool Jail'. Copy of poem written in Walton Gaol by an internee in 1940. /13-14 Ronald Creasy. Addresses to Lady Mosley at Mosley Commemmoration Dinners, 19 Nov 1988 and 18 Nov 1989 /15 Brian Simpson. 'Interview Ronald Creasy 18 Dec 1989'. Notes. Ms.

D'AMATO, Angile and Biaggio

3/D'AMATO /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25147, HO 45/25148. Notes. Ms.


3/DE LAESSOE /1 'Plaintiff's Proof'. Proof of evidence for the case of De Laessoe v. Anderson and others. Ts. 31 Jly 1942 Together with 'Addenda'. Ts. Document bears ms. Note by BS: 'Supplied to me by John Warburton after publication. This is a proof of evidence for the case of Arbon & De Laessoe v. Anderson and others in 1942' /2 'De Laessoe, Major Harold H.A., DSO, MC, and Diana Stark Emerson'. Notes. Ts. /3-6 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25109, HO 144/21992, TS 27/511. Notes. Ms

See also under ARBON, Frank

DIAMOND, Edward L.

3/DIAMOND /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25721. Notes. Ms.:



3/DONOVAN /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/ 25705. Notes. Ms.

DOMVILE, Sir Barry

3/DOMVILE /1-4 TS 27/491 (PRO). Documents re internment and writ for habeas corpus. 11 Jly-12 Oct 1940 /5 DOM 56. 'The Secret Meetings'. List of names and dates re meetings of prominent right-wing individuals in favour of a negotiated peace with Hitler, comprising members of The Right Club, The Link, British Union, the British Peoples Party and others. Based on entries in the Domvile Diaries (Imperial War Museum). 10 Jly 1939-13 Mar 1940 Together with letter, Edward Burn to BS. 8 Aug 1989 /6 'Domvile, Admiral Sir Barry Edward'. Based on TS 27/491. Notes. Ts. /7 Brian Simpson. CAB 65/33. Notes. Ms. /8 Brian Simpson. TS 27/491. Notes. Ms. /9 Brian Simpson. 'Domvile case'. Notes. Ms. /10-11 Brian Simpson. Notes: DOM 55, 56: ‘Domvile diaries’ (in National Maritime Museum). Ms. /12 Sir . ‘From admiral to cabin boy’. (Excerpt). Boswell Publishing Co., 1947

DRIVER, Nellie

3/DRIVER /1 Nelson District Central Library. Letter to BS. 21 Nov 1989 /2 Brian Simpson. Notes on index card. Ms.

DUFF, Mrs Douglas

3/DUFF /1 Eric Newby. Letter to BS. 26 Sep 1989


3/EATON /1-2 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with W.G. Eaton (son). 2,6 May 1993 Includes reference to Prince Henry of Pless


ECHLIN, Erland

3/ECHLIN /1 Philip Knightley to BS. Letter. [N.d.] /2 Brian Simpson to Beverley Stapells. Letter. 25 Apr 1990


3/ELLIS /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 283, HO 45/25726. Notes. Ms.

EVANS, Dudley M. and Gertrude

3/EVANS /1-4 Brian Simpson. HO 283/34, HO 45/25727, HO 2/4/51. Notes. Ms.

FANE, Francis Christopher

3/FANE /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/23679, TS 27/513. Notes. Ms. /3 'Fane, Lieut. Francis Christopher Fane'. Notes. Ts. /4-5 Julian F. Fane to BS. Letters. 24 Aug, 21 Sep 1989 /6 Brian Simpson. 'Note of interview with Julian Fane on 20 Sept 89'. Ms. /7 News report re Fane family residence Fulbeck Hall, Lincs. (Daily Telegraph, 5 Aug 1989)


3/FAWCETT /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d.

FINDLAY, Richard

3/FINDLAY /1 Brian Simpson. HO 214/67. Notes. Ms.

FISHER, Louise see under IRVINE, S.L. and IRVINE, Louise


3/FRANCIS-HAWKINS /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25700, HO 283/40. Notes. Ms.


GILBERT, Oliver C.

3/GILBERT /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25692. Notes. Ms.

GORDON, Ronald

3/GORDON /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25734, HO 283/39. Notes. Ms.


3/GORDON-CANNING /1 Brian Simpson. Notes on Mrs. Gordon-Canning. Ms.

GREENE, Benjamin


(Section 1). TS 27/522 (PRO). Documents relating to the internment of Benjamin Greene:

/1-3 Detention order and related documents. 22 May 1940-12 Jly 1941 /4-9 Home Office Advisory Committee hearings, including decision to release. 12 Jly 1940-9 Jan 1942 /10 Home Secretary. Decision to release. 9 Jan 1942 /11-19 Habeas Corpus application. Ts. Mar-2 May 1941 /20-21 Appeal to . Printed. [Jly 1941] /22 'Representations to H.M. Secretary of State by Ben Greene'. 4 Sep 1941 /23-46 'Greene v. Anderson'. Documents re action in High Court against Sir John Anderson . Mar 1942-Mar 1943 Includes (40): 'Memorandum by Lord Tavistock'. Tavistock peace proposals, together with correspondence with Lord Halifax. 23 Jan 1940

(Source not given) /47 Greene v. Anderson'. Other documents re action in High Court against Sir John Anderson: '1. Speech'. 5 Apr 1943; '1. Evidence'. 6 Apr 1943; '2. Evidence' (incomplete). 7 Apr 1943 Bad copy - sheets may be out of order


3/GREENE (Section 2). Copies of miscellaneous documents from Greene Papers:

/48 ‘Inventory of the Black Trunk’. List of documents in the Greene Papers. Ts. N.d

Writings by Ben Greene: /49 [Anon.] ‘The truth about this war’. British Peoples Party, 1939

Simpson, (ITHDO) states: 'Largely written by Ben Greene… Beckett wrote the preface' /50 ‘The restoration of the English constitution’ [incomplete]. [(Economist, 1977)] /51 ‘The great betrayal’. Memoir [incomplete]. Ts. /52 ‘Personal notes’ (autobigraphical). Ts. N.d. (post-war) /53 Letter to ‘Peggy’. Re publication of his book ‘The Party System in Britain’. Ts. 23 Sep 1974

Greene’s membership of the Labour Party: /54-68 Correspondence. Including: , Sir Stafford Cripps, Hugh Dalton, J.S. Middleton, John Scanlon. 25 Jan 1937–22 Dec 1939 /69-70 Press cuttings. 1938

Removal from the Commission for the Peace of : /71 Lord Chancellor’s Dept. Letter. 10 Oct 194[0]

Greene internment case: /72 ‘Representations to H.M. Secretary of State by Ben Greene’. Ts. [1940?] /73 ‘Statement by Ben Greene’. Ts. [1940?] /74 ‘The hearing before the First Advisory Committee, July 1940. Memorandum by Ben Greene. Ms. /75 Home Office Advisory Committee letters. 19-27 Jun 1941 /76 Home Office Advisory Committee hearing minutes. [11 Nov 1941] /77-78 Greene v. Anderson. Affidavits by Greene and Anderson and related documents. 1941 /79 Greene v. Anderson. Brief to Counsel for Plaintiff on trial of action… Ts. 1942 /80 Edward Greene. Memories of the case, in discussion with family members and others, with a view to publication [incomplete]. 2 Jly 1979 Together with comments by Leslie von Göetz (neé Greene). 1 Nov 1979

British Peoples Party: /81 Marquess of Tavistock. ‘Germany and European peace’ [incomplete]. BPP /82 Marquess of Tavistock. ‘The fate of a peace effort’. The author, 1940 /83-94 British Peoples Party. Circulars and leaflets. 1939-1940 /95-105 British Council for Christian Settlement in Europe. Circulars and leaflets. 1939-1940 /106-112 Press reports. 1939-1940


3/GREENE Harold Kurtz: /113 Ben Greene. Memorandum re his association with Kurtz. Ms. [1941?] /114 Edward Greene. Letter to Oswald Hickson, Collier & Co. re Harold Kurtz. 24 Jly 1941 /115 Oswald Hickson's interview with Edward Greene and Harold Kurtz. Ts. 21 Oct 1941 Together with Examination of Kurtz by Mr St. John Field and other documents /116-8 Harold Kurtz. Letters to Edward Greene and Hickson. 12 Mar 1940-22 Aug 1942

(Section 3). Other material:

/119-20 Case papers: ‘Frank Arbon v. Sir John Anderson and others’, ‘De Laessoe v. Sir John Anderson and others’ /121 Society of Friends. ‘Testimony to the life of Benjamin Greene’. Ts. 31 Oct 1978 /122-3 Adrian Liddell Hart. Letters re research. 16 Sep, 22 Oct 1986 /124 Leslie von Göetz. Letter to Richard Thurlow. 23 Apr 1987 /125 Brian Simpson. Notes. Ms. N.d. Brian Simpson. Notes. Includes: /126 'The Greene case. Tape 2/A from TS 27/522'. Ts. /127 Untitled. Re the Greene case, incomplete. Ts. /128-32 'TS 27/522'. Notes. Ms. (5 files) /133 'LCO /2 1454 Ben Greene'. Ms. /134-40 Other notes. Ms.

/141- 50 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Edward Greene. Includes correspondence between Edward Greene and the Home Office re access to case files. [N.d.], 16 Jan 1987-[Dec 1992] /151 Elizabeth Longford (Countess of Longford). Letter to BS re Harold Kurtz. 7 Aug 1988 /152 Patrick Polden. Letter to BS. 9 Oct 1989 /153-4 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with David C. Yalden-Thomson. 30 Nov 1988, 9 Jan 1989

/155 R.F.V. Heuston. ‘Footnote Two: The Greene Case’. Galley proof. (Law Quarterly Review, n.d.) /156 Brian Simpson . Letter to British Broadcasting Corporation Overseas Service re Harold Kurtz. 16 Nov 1987 /157 Robert Francis Vere Heuston. Letter to BS. 11 Dec 1987 /158 Brian Simpson. Notes on contacts. Ms.


GRUNDY, Leslie

3/GRUNDY /1 Leslie Grundy. ‘Don’t let your conscience be your guide’. (Excerpt). Ts. [1971] /2 Richard Sharples (Home Office). Letter to J.P.W. Mallalieu, MP, confirming that a letter of 1940 re Grundy’s detention was in error. 12 Oct 1971

HAMM, E. Jeffrey

3/HAMM /1-7 . Letters to BS. 17 Jun-5 Sep 1989 Includes copy of a letter (3) from Kevin Bleach to Hamm R Letters (3) 26 Jly 1989, (7) 5 Sep1989 /8-16 Brian Simpson. Various notes from interview with Jeffrey Hamm and . Ms. 30 Jun 1989 These papers occur together but may perhaps not all relate to this interview /17 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25740. Notes. Ms. /18 Edward Pilkington. ‘Street fascist on a soap-box’ (obituary). (Guardian, 14 May 1992)

HEPBURN-RUSTON, John Victor Anthony

3/HEPBURN-RUSTON /1-3 Warren G. Harris. Letters to BS. 19 Jly-23 Aug 1993 (3) encloses notes on 'Audrey Hepburn's father'. Ts. /4-8 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Alexander Walker. [N.d.] and 21 Aug 1993-21 Feb 1994

HIRSCH, Leopold

3/HIRSCH /1 B. Ashkenazi. 'Leopold Hirsch and Olgar Hirsch v. Rt. Hon. Sir Donald Somervell, Rt. Hon. Herbert Morrison and Rt. Hon. Chuter Ede'. Law report. Printed. (All England Law Reports Annotated, [1946]) /2 F. Guttman. 'Hirsch and Another v. Somervell and Others'. Printed. (All England Law Reports Annotated, 26 Oct 1946)

/3-5 Brian Simpson. 'TS 27/555. File on Hirsch case'. Ts. /6-7 Brian Simpson. TS 27/555, other. Notes. Ms. (2 files)

HOUSTON, Richard Alastair ('Jock')

3/HOUSTON /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 283/41. Notes. Ms. 20

IRVINE, S.L. and IRVINE, Louise

3/IRVINE /1 Louise Fisher. ‘Arrest and imprisonment under Regulation 18b. November 1940-November 1941. As experienced by Miss C.L. Fisher (now Mrs. Irvine)’. Ts. [N.d.] /2 S.L Irvine. 'Arrest and imprisonment under Regulation 18b, June 1940 – November 1941. As experienced by S.L. Irvine'. Ts. [N.d.] /3 Dominic Morris (Private Secretary to Prime Minister ). Letter in response to S.L. Irvine's claim for compensation. Ts. 29 Jun 1989 /4 Brian Simpson. ‘Irvine interview’. Notes. Ms. N.d.

JEEVES, Edmund Paul

3/JEEVES /1 East Sussex County Record Office to BS. Letter. 25 Jly 1989 Together with ms. note of police notebook entry

JOYCE, Edwin Quentin

3/JOYCE (E.Q.) /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25690, HO 283/43. Notes. Ms.

JOYCE, William Fled to Germany though on arrest list. Executed after the war. Not a British citizen though he had claimed to be.

3/JOYCE (W.) /1 Home Office. Obligation under which was appointed an executioner.11 Jan 1934

KNIGHT, Hamilton Stephen Langley

3/KNIGHT /1-9 HO 45/25695 (PRO). File re detention, including release, action for costs against the Borough of Guildford and application to Home Office for compensation. Ts. 1940-1945 /10-11 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25695. Notes. Ms.

KROGULSKI, Adelbert Herman

3/ KROGULSKI /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25693, HO 283/44. Notes. Ms.



3/KUECHENMEISTER /1-2 C. St.J. Nicholson. 'R. v. Bottrill: Ex parte Kuechenmeister'. Printed. [All England Law Reports Annotated, 1946]

LEES, Aubrey Trevor Oswald

3/LEES /1 G.F.L. Bridgman. 'In re Lees'. Habeas corpus application. (Times Law Reports, 4,25 Oct 1940) /2 [Anon.] 'The King v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs. Ex parte Lees'. Law report, habeas corpus application. (King's Bench Division [1941]) /3 Brian Simpson. 'Lees, Aubrey Trevor Oswald'. Notes. Ts. /4-10 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25728, HO 283/45, TS 27/496A. Notes. Ms.

LEESE, Arnold S.

3/LEESE /1 ‘The Britons Archives. Papers of . File 4: Defence Regualtion 18B’. Copies of papers relating to his internment. 28 Jun 1940-12 May 1945


3/LIVERSIDGE /1 TS 27/501 (PRO).Home Office. Advisory Committee. ‘Reasons for order made…against Robert William Liversidge alias Jacob Perlzweig’. 2 Oct 1940 Together with Advisory Committee report on Liversidge. 15 Nov 1940

/2-15 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with DeLloyd J. Guth. [N.d.], 11 Sep 1985- 27 May 1993 (6 and 7) include ms. notes of a phone conversation between Guth and Liversidge /16 Brian Simpson . Letter to the Air League. [n.d.] /17 Brian Simpson . Letter to Bath and County Club. 19 Dec 1986 /18-20 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with US Federal Bureau of Investigation. 6 Nov 1987-17 Mar 1988 /21-2 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with Sir Gerald Ernest Gibbs. 6,10 Dec 1986 /23-4 Anthony Glees to BS. Letters. 13 Nov, 17 Dec 1986 (24) includes 'List of foreign communists considered dangerous by M.I.5.' /25-7 Robert Francis Vere Heuston. Letters to BS. 8 Nov 1986-5 Nov 1987 /28 Brian Simpson . Letter to Francis Harry Hinsley. 28 Oct 1987 Also refers to Benjamin Greene and Harold Kurtz


3/LIVERSIDGE /29-31 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with H. Montgomery Hyde. 11 Nov 1987- 14 Jan 1988 Also refers to Oswald Hickson /32-4 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with George Ignatieff. 7 Oct-21 Nov 1987 /35 Reginald Victor Jones to BS. 19 Nov 1986 Re possible involvement of Liversidge with secret Luftwaffe codes /36-9 Brian Simpson . Letters to Robert William Liversidge. [N.d.] and 12-18 Nov 1987 /40-1 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with W.K. Liversidge. 11,18 Nov 1986 /42-3 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with Sir Robert Mark. 9 Oct,3 Nov 1987 Together with /43A Notes of phone conversation. 2 Jan [n.y.] The above include references to the activities of Special Branch and the role of the police /44 Ian Mikardo, M.P. Letter to BS. 11 Dec 1986 /45 Richard A. Preston. Letter to BS. 28 Jly 1991 Also refers to RAF Security Service /46-8 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with H.A. Probert re Liversidge's connection with RAF intelligence work. 3 Dec 1986-18 Jun 1987 /49-51 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with C. C. Ricketts. 27 Nov 1986 /52-8 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with 10th . 23 Nov 1986- 18 Dec 1987 Refers to RAF security and secret scientific intelligence (58) is notes of a phone conversation between Selkirk and Simpson /59-60 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Arthur Silkin. 19,25 Nov 1986 /61-2 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Hugh Skillen. 23,29 Nov 1986 /63-4 Sir John Frederick Eustace Stephenson. Letters to BS. 19,21 Jly 1993 Refers to Millicent Bagot /65 7TH Earl of Verulam,. Letter to BS. 20 Aug 1987 /66-7 Nigel West (alias Rupert William Simon Allason). Letters to BS. 22 Oct 1986, 15 Jun 1987 /68-9 Robert Chadwell Williams (Davidson College, N.C.) Correspondence with BS. 27 Oct, 2 Nov 1987 /70 Eunice Wilson ( Records, Public Record Office). Letter to BS. 11 Dec 1986 /71 Brian Simpson. Letter to F. W. Winterbotham. 17 Dec 1986 Together with BS ms. notes

/72 D.N. Pritt. ‘The autobiography of D.N. Pritt. Part One: From right to left’. (Excerpt). Printed. Lawrence & Wishart, 1965. Mentions the cases of Liversidge, ‘Daily Worker’, Jürgen Kuczynsky and T.E. Nicholas

/73 [Anon.] ‘Chapter title/number’. Re the Liversidge case [incomplete, source not identified]. Ts. N.d.

/74 'Liversidge, Robert William'. Notes based on HO L8573. Ts.

/75-9 Brian Simpson. Transcripts of tapes, HO L8573 and TS 27. Ts. 23

3/LIVERSIDGE /81-116 Brian Simpson. Notes. Ms. Includes: /81 'Home Office Papers of Dec. 1987' /83 HO L8573. 'Police report of 24 Jan 1938' /84 HO L8573. 'Liversidge files seen in Home Office' /85 TS 27/501. 'R.W. Liversidge' /87 'Tape 2B. Statement of the case by Pilcher' /89 Biographical notes /90 'Phone conversation with Liversidge' /91 'Telephone conversation with Liversidge. 17 Sep 1986' /92 'Tidied up notes. Int. from Edmonton…24 Sep 1986' /93 'Phone call to Liversidge on 6 Nov 1987' /94 'Liversidge. 8 Dec 1987' /95 Notes on Velvet and Vinegar by Norman G. Thwaites /96-116 Other miscellaneous notes

/117-30 Royal Air Force. Notes from various sources, including Air Ministry files

LOCKWOOD, Harold Hodson

3/LOCKWOOD /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25717, HO 283/46. Notes. Ms.


3/LUTTMAN-JOHNSON /1-3 Hugo Luttman-Johnson to BS. Letters. 11 Jun-8 Dec 1991 This correspondence included documents not now present, sent subsequently to Imperial War Museum /4-5 Brian Simpson. ‘Luttman-Johnson’. Includes references to January Club and Windsor Club. Notes. Ms. /6 Brian Simpson. Index card notes on Mrs. B.A. Luttman-Johnson. Ms.

McKECHNIE, Hector G.

3/McKECHNIE /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25699, HO 283/48. Notes. Ms.


MacNAB, John Angus

3/MacNAB /1 Edward Burn, Christ Church College, Oxford. Letter to BS.18 Oct 1989 Together with /2 enclosure dated 16 Oct 1989 /3 O.R.S. Bull (Head Master, Rugby School). Letter to BS. 2 Nov 1989

MARSON, Arthur

3/MARSON /1 Arthur Marson. Letter to John [Warburton?]. 18 May 1987 Encloses letter from Home Office to Tony Smythe re restrictions on information about detainees. 2 Aug 1972 /2-3 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25736, HO 283/49. Notes. Ms.

MOSLEY, Diana (Lady Mosley)

3/MOSLEY, D. /1-23 Lady and Lord Redesdale. Correspondence with others mainly re their daughter’s internment. 27 Aug 1936-19 Apr 1943 Originally in file entitled by BS 'Mosley Family Papers. Lady Redesdale file. MAX 58/3567 O, 5849721 H'

/24 [Anon.] ‘Lady Mosley arrested at last’. Printed. (Sunday Express, 30 Jun 1940) /25 Diana Mosley. ‘A life of contrasts: the autobiography of Diana Mosley’. (Excerpt). Printed. Hamish Hamilton, 1977

/26 Brian Simpson. 'Interview with Diana Mosley 29-9-89 at Temple de la Gloire, Orsay'. Notes. Ms. N.d. /27 Brian Simpson. ‘HO 144/21995. Mosley, Diana’. Notes. Ms. N.d. /28 Brian Simpson. 'Diana Mosley'. Notes. Ms. N.d. /29 Brian Simpson. Other notes. Ms. N.d. /30 [Anon.] List of women detainees. Ts. N.d.

/31-2 Julie Gottlieb to BS. Letters. 10, 29 Jun 1997 (31) Together with list of internees (32) Refers to women internees and to Diana Mosley

/33-52 Lady Mosley (Diana Mosley). Letters to BS: (33) 1987 Dec 10 Re: DR 18B; Internment (34) [1989] (BS to Lady M.) Oswald Mosley; Women detainees; Right Club; MI5 Together with list of women detainees on whom information sought


3/MOSLEY, D. (35) 1989 Sep 11 Women detainees; Invitation to meet Diana Mosley Together with notes on list in reply to above (36) 1989 Oct 9 Internment (37) 1989 Nov 4 Invitation to meet; Miss Monk; Bill Allen; Radio project; B.U.F. constitution (38) 1989 Nov 22 Arrest and internment; (39) 1989 Nov 30 Mrs Huth-Jackson; Duke of Bedford; Right Club; Captain Ramsay (40) 1989 Dec 7 Lady Redesdale; Ronald Creasy (41) 1989 Dec 16 Lady Redesdale; Jeffrey Hamm (42) 1989 Dec 26 Lucy Pearson; Mrs. Duff (43) 1990 Oct 2 Hepburn-Ruston; Baroness van Heemstra; Right Club (44) 1990 Oct 5 Radio station; German money (45) 1990 Oct 24 Hepburn-Ruston; Baroness van Heemstra; Radio station; J.H.C. Fuller (46) 1991 Dec 6 ‘In The Highest Degree Odious’ title (47) 1991 Dec 18 F.W.L.C. Beaumont; Mosley Radio station; R.C. Gordon-Canning; Bill Allen (48) 1992 Dec 1 ‘In The Highest Degree Odious’; Norman Birkett; Advisory Committee; Winston Churchill; Oswald Mosley (49) 1992 Dec 5 ‘In The Highest Degree Odious’; Norman Birkett; Oswald Hickson (50) 1992 Dec 24 ‘In The Highest Degree Odious’; Oswald Mosley; (51) 1993 May 6 (BS to Lady M) Prince Henry of Pless (52) 1993 June 28 ‘In The Highest Degree Odious’

MOSLEY, Sir Oswald

3/MOSLEY, O. /1-3 ‘Action’ (journal). Excerpts, including messages from Mosley and account of his arrest. British Union, 16-30 May 1940 /4 Sir Oswald Mosley. ‘Reply to the reasons for his detention…’ Ts. 1 Jly 1940 /5 George Bernard Shaw. Comments re the release of Mosley made in an interview with Wheeler Ryan. (, 26 Nov 1943)

Brian Simpson. Notes. Ms: /6-7 From Colin Cross: 'The Fascists in Britain (London, 1961), and others /8-10 HO 45/24891-4 /11-23 HO 283/1-16


3/MOSLEY, O. /24 Sir Oswald Mosley. 'Sir Oswald Mosley in reply to the Reasons for his detentions says'… Statement in the papers of the DR 18B Advisory Committee. Ts. and ms. 1 Jly 1940

Brian Simpson. Correspondence re Sir Oswald Mosley: /25 John Michael Beaumont, Seigneur of Sark. Letter to BS, re Oswald Mosley radio station. 16 Dec 1991 /26-8 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Bodleian Library, Oxford, re access to the Richard Stokes Papers in respect of Sir Oswald and Diana Mosley. 17-25 Aug 1989 and [Aug?] 1989 /29 Stephen Dorril. Letter to BS re Mosley radio project. 22 Dec 1998 /30-1 Christopher Lakeman. Letters to BS. 6 Dec 1991, 22 Jan 1992 (30) Together with 4 enclosures on Sark and the Beaumont family: /32-5 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Sir Frederick Horace Lawton. 27 Sep 1989-14 Dec 1991 Refers to Oswald Mosley's radio station plans /36 Nicholas Mosley (3rd ). Letter to BS. 10 Feb 1993 Refers to his review of 'ITHDO' and Diana Mosley

NETZ, Johan Adam

3/NETZ /1 B. Ashkenazi. 'Johan Adam Netz v. Rt. Hon. Chuter Ede'. Printed. [All England Law Reports Annotated, 1946]

NEWITT, Margaret Elizabeth

3/NEWITT /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25739. Notes. Ms.

ODDSON, Jon Sigidur

3/ODDSON /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25738, HO 283/51. Notes. Ms.

OGNI, Lorenzo

3/OGNI /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25761, HO 283/52. Notes. Ms.


3/OSBORN /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d. 27

PACEY, Maurice T.

3/PACEY /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25704, HO 283/55. Notes. Ms.


3/PEARSON /1 Brian Simpson. Notes on index card. Ms. /2-4 Essex Record Office to BS. Letters. 26 Jly 1989-31 Dec 1990

PERRY, Annemarie Luise Frida

3/PERRY /1 ‘M.I.5. summary – hostile origin/association cases – Oct 1943’. Ts. /2 Home Office Advisory Committee. Report on Anne Marie Perry. Ts. 21 Feb 1941 /3-4 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25691, HO 283/56. Notes. Ms.

PHILBY, Harry St.John Bridger

3/PHILBY /1 Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. List of manuscript collections. 3 May 1991 /2 St. Anthony's College, Oxford to BS. Letter re Philby Papers. 15 May 1991

PITT-RIVERS, George Henry Lane-Fox

3/PITT-RIVERS /1-3 TS 27/514 (PRO). Documents relating to the internment and to the habeas corpus application Nov-Dec 1941. Ts. /4 C. St.J. Nicholson. 'R. v. Prison (Governor) Ex parte Pitt-Rivers… [All England Law Reports Annotated], Vol. 28, Dec 1, 18, 1941'. Printed /5 Brian Simpson. TS 27/514, HO 45/25383. Notes. Ms. /6 Charles Garner. Letter to BS. [n.d.] /7-10 Brian Simpson. Correspondence with Francis Martin Baillie Reynolds. 10 Apr-26 Jun 1988 (9) Together with enclosed copies of 4 letters: re Pitt-Rivers (incomplete), 1949 Apr 15 from Pitt-Rivers, 1949 May 7 from Pitt-Rivers, 1949 Mar 31 re Julian Pitt-Rivers (incomplete), 1939 Jan 30



3/PLISCHKE /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d.

PREEN, John Charles

3/PREEN /1 Brian Simpson. HO 283/54, HO 45/25712. Notes. Ms.

RAMSAY, A.H.Maule, M.P.

3/RAMSAY /1 Arthur Rogers. ‘Committee of Privileges’. Letter re the legal justification for the detention of Captain Maule Ramsay, M.P. to ‘The Weekly Review’. [1940] The writer was Hon. Sec. of the Liberty Restoration League /2 ‘The Britons Archives. Papers of Capt. A.H.M. Ramsay, M.P. File 1: Correspondence’. Copies of letters relating to his and others’ internment, 23 May 1940-20 Oct 1948 /3-4 Brian Simpson. CAB 65/19, CAB 65/42. Notes. Ms. /5 A.H.M. Ramsay. ‘The nameless war’. (Excerpt). Britons Publishing Society, 1954

RANDALL, Mathilde

3/RANDALL /1 Brian Simpson. TS 27/495. Notes. Ms.


3/RAPP /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Outline of case for detention. N.d.

ROSE, Desmond Harvey

3/ROSE /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25733, HO 283/59. Notes. Ms.


ROW, Robert

3/ROW /1 ‘R.R.’ [Robert Row]. ‘Detention without trial (Defence Regulation 18B) 1940/1943’. Ts. [1989?] /2 Robert Row. Letter to BS. 11 Jly 1989 Together with /3 Robert Row. ‘Personalities encountered under 18B detention’. [1989] /4-9 Robert Row. Letters to BS with information on several detainees. 21 Sep 1989-28 Aug 1990

[See also under HAMM, E. Jeffrey: BS notes of his interview with Jeffrey Hamm and Robert Row]

ROWE, T.W. Victor

3/ROWE /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.

RUTLAND, Frederick Joseph

3/RUTLAND /1 Death certificate. 28 Jan 1949 /2-3 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25105, HO 283/60. Notes. Ms. /4 Desmond Young. 'Rutland of Jutland'. Excerpt, printed. Cassell, 1963 /5 US Federal Bureau of Investigation to BS. 3 May 1990 Refers also to Itaru Tashibana /6 US Federal Bureau of Investigation to BS. Acknowledgement. 23 Jly 1990


3/SABINI /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25720, TS 27/496A. Notes. Ms.


3/SALINGER /1 Brian Simpson. HO 283/62. Notes. Ms.


3/SCHLOSS /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.



3/SCHMIDT /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.


3/SCOTT /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.


3/SHARP /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.

SHELMERDINE, Rita Kathleen.

3/SHELMERDINE /1 HO 45/23736/860393. 'Shelmerdine, Rita'. Notes. Ts. /2-3 Brian Simpson. HO 45/23736/860393/5 and other. Notes. Ms.


3/SMEATON-STUART /1 HO 45/25714 (PRO). Documents relating to the case and others interned, including 'Report on the functioning of Regulation 18B of the Defence Regulations (1939)' by Smeaton-Stuart sent to . Ts. 15 Oct 1940-1 Jan 1942 /2 HO 45/25714 (PRO). 'Stuart v. Anderson and Anr… Judgment' in case of action for false imprisonment. Transcript. Ts. 26 Jun 1941 /3-4 D.K. Belcher. 'Stuart v. Anderson and Morrison…June 25,26, 1941'. Printed. (All England Law Reports Annotated, 12 Jly 1941) /5-10 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25714, HO 283/64, TS 27/493, etc. Notes. Ms.: /11 'Smeaton-Stuart, John Roland'. TS 27/493, HO 283/64. Notes. Ts. /12 'John Roland Smeaton-Stuart'. TS 27/493, HO 45/25714, HO 283/64. Notes. Ts.


3/SMITH /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.



3/STEIDELMAN /1-2 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25735, HO 283/66. Notes. Ms.

STOCK, George Henry

3/STOCK /1 Brian Simpson. HO 283/67. Notes. Ms.

STUCKEY, Derek Richard

3/STUCKEY /1 Brian Simpson. HO 45/25722, HO 283/63. Notes. Ms.

SWAN, Arthur W.

3/SWAN /1 A.W. Swan. ‘Suggested script of memories for the tape for the FOM [Friends of Oswald Mosley] Archive’. Ts. [1984?] Includes correspondence between Swan and Lord Belstead, Lord Boothby and others, 17 Nov 1981-22 Nov 1984 /2 Arthur Swan. Letter to BS. 18 Dec 1989 Includes a list of news reports 1940-41 about DR 18B


3/VAUGHAN-HENRY /1 Home Office Advisory Committee. ‘Reasons for order …’ Ts. 28 Nov 1940 /2 Brian Simpson. Notes. Ms.

WATTS, Charlie

3/WATTS /1 Charlie Watts. ‘It has happened here: the experience of a political prisoner in British prisons and concentration camps during the fifth column panic of 1940/41’. Revised ed. Ts., photocopy. [1988]


3/WILLIAMS /1 J.A. Williams. 'Some notes on detention under Defence Regulation 18B'. Ms. Aug 1989



3/WILLIAMSON /1 Brocart Sewell to BS. Letter. 20 Nov 1992

WISE, Leonard

3/WISE /1-3 Leonard Wise. Correspondence with BS. 10 Jly 1989-4 Jun 1993 (1) Together with completed questionnaire Refers to DR 18B detainees and Prince Henry of Pless


3/WISEMAN /1 F.C. Wiseman. Letter to Mrs. [P.E.] Jones re Daniel Delargey. 1 Sep 1942 Mrs. Jones was Secretary of the 18B Publicity Council /2 Brian Simpson. Notes from Wiseman Papers (Imperial War Museum). Ms.


3/WISHART /1 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Case for detention. N.d.

WOLKOFF, Anna see KENT, Tyler and WOLKOFF, Anna, in following section

WYNN, John

3/WYNN /1 Notes on 'It Might Have Happened To You' [by John Wynn]. Ts.


Section 4. Alien detention and some other special cases

Italian Detainees

4/Aliens/1 Chief Constable of Manchester. ‘Annual report’ year ending 31 Dec 1939. (Excerpt). [1940] Deals with statistics for aliens generally /2 Chief Constable of Manchester. ‘Annual report’ year ending 31 Dec 1940. (Excerpt). [1940] Deals with statistics for aliens generally /3 HO 45/25758 (PRO). Home Office. Documents relating to the detention of Italians and dual Italian-British nationality, including a list of Italian Fascist Party members interned. /4 Brian Simpson. ‘FO 1011/215. Loraine Papers, It[alian] Adv[isory] Committee, 1940’. Notes on the Papers of Sir Percy Loraine, Chairman of the Committee, formerly Ambassador to . Ms. N.d. /5 'Judex'. 'Anderson's prisoners' (excerpt). Printed. Gollancz, 1940 /6 E.J. Cohn. 'Legal aspects of internment'. (Modern Law Review, Jan 1941) /7 [Anon.] ‘Camp diaries for the record’. News report re presentation of documents to the Wiener Library by Phineas May relating to the internment of Austrian and German refugees. ([Jewish Chronicle], 11 Dec 1987) /8 Anthony Rea. ‘Manchester’s little Italy: memories of the Italian colony of Ancoats’. (Excerpt). Neil Richardson, 1988 Together with /9 Neil Richardson. Letter giving contact details for Anthony Rea. 7 Oct 1989 /10 Brian Simpson. Notes. 'Loraine Committee'. Notes. Ms.

/11-2 Alice Blum Mavrogordato. Letters to BS re internment of enemy aliens on the Isle of Man. 4 Mar 1988 and [1988] Alice Mavrogordato was an interned Italian citizen

Some other alien detainees

JELIC, Branimir Croation fascist seized from an Italian ship by the

4/Jelic /1 Brian Simpson. ‘Jelic’. Notes. Ms. . /2 Brian Simpson. 'FO 371/30224. Jelic'. Ms. /3 Basil Risbridger Davidson. Letter to BS re Jelic and Yugoslavia. 4 Dec 1991


KENT, Tyler and WOLKOFF, Anna Tyler Kent was a member of the US Embassy staff in London who removed secret documents; an associate of his, Anna Wolkoff, was a British subject of pre-Bolshevik Russian descent.

4/Kent /1 F79 009-1973 (US National Archives). Untitled document by Maxwell-Knight on the Right Club, Anna Wolkoff and Tyler Kent. [c.May 1940] /2-3 FBI. Bureau File 157-406 /4-7 FBI. Bureau File 65-27850 /8 FBI. Letter to BS re files. Ts. 17 Jun 1991

/9-21 US National Archives Files relating to British / U.S. security matters involving the US Embassy in London and the British Security Sevice: (9) Herschel V. Johnson to US Secretary of State. 'Case of Tyler Kent, former code clerk in the American Embassy, London. 28-30 May 1940 (10) Franklin C. Gowen. 'Re Tyler Kent'. Memo. 28 May 1940 (11) [Anon.] 'First general interrogation of Kent after his arrest held in Ambassador Kennedy's office'. Transcript. 20 May 1940 (12) [Anon.] 'Note on the work of Sir Eric Holt-Wilson in the creation and development of the Imperial Security Service, 1912 to 1940', together with related documents. 23 Jly-Sep 1940 (13) Mark Klemmer. 'The Fifth Column in Great Britain', together with documents by Sir Eric Holt-Wilson. 19, 29 Jly 1940 (14) Correspondence between Sir Vernon Kell, N.D. Borum, Herschel Johnson and Guy M. Liddell re various suspicious persons. 4 Mar 1937-12 Dec 1939 (15-20) [Anon.] Notes on various aspects of British security measures. N.d. (21) Rudolf E. Schoenfeld. Re the unauthorised opening of a letter from Churchill to Herschel Johnson (for Roosevelt) by Tyler Kent. 20 May 1940

/22 Warren F. Kimball and Bruce Bartlett. 'Roosevelt and prewar commitments to Churchill: the Tyler Kent affair'. (Diplomatic History, 1981) /23 Peter and Leni Gillman. ‘Secret and irresponsible’. The role of the Tyler Kent affair in the mass internment programme. (, 31 Dec 1982)

/24-42 Brian Simpson. Notes. Ms.

/43-6 Brian Simpson . Correspondence with US Federal Bureau of Investigation. 6 Mar 89-30 Apr 1991 /47 Anthony Masters to BS. Letter. 16 Mar 1988 Refers also to Right Club


NICHOLAS, T.E. and T. Islwyn A Welsh Communist and his son

4/Nicholas /1 [Anon.] ‘Internment of T.E. Nicholas and T. Islwyn Nicholas’. Ts. Translation of report in Baner ac Amserau Cymru, 17 Jly 1940 /2-4 Dafydd Jenkins. Letters to BS. 3 May-28 Jly 1990 Also refers to the rumoured internment of Welsh nationalists


Section 5. Brian Simpson's miscellaneous research notes. Ms.

5/1 Miscellaneous notes

5/1/1-2 'Action'. Notes on issues of 1939-1940 /3 Statistics of orders made, releases and appeals, 1 Sep 1939-Apr 1945 /4 'Releases times' /5 Somervell Papers [and] Monckton Papers /6 'Notes of Hugh Shillito' /7 'Duvivier / Crowle' /8 ‘Mosley & Fascists’. Notes from Colin Cross: ‘The Fascists in Britain’, Barrie & Rockliff, 1961 /9-10 'Stokes' and ‘Stokes Papers’ (Bodleian Library). Notes re and Papers of Richard Stokes, M.P. /11 ‘Cadogan Diaries’(Churchill College, Cambridge). Papers of Sir Alexander Cadogan /12-21 Notes and documents re F.Brian Aikin-Sneath. Ts. and ms. /22 Yellow notebook with names of contacts etc. /23 'Saunders Papers. Univ. of Sheffield'. Notes on the British Union Branch files for West Dorset in the Robert Saunders Papers, University of Sheffield Library /24-33 Board of Deputies of British Jews. Notes on archives relating to British Union and others, including: (24) 'Defence Committee Index' (25) 'Parl. candidates 1937' (26) 'London Municipal candidates 1937' (27) 'Cen file on Duke of Bedford' (29) 'List of persons det[ained under] Defence R's (30) 'Weird list' (31) 'Notes on Parl. candidates' (32) 'In file under Capt. Hawke' (33) 'Jewish Chronicle 1940-41 ind.' /34-5 MI5. List of members of, and others, with references to official files

/36-63 Other miscellaneous notes


5/2 Notes from Official files

Departmental Reference Annotation by BS


5/2/1 [Various] /2-3 CAB 16/8 Report of Select Committee on Foreign /4 CAB 16/31 /5 CAB 17/90 Registration of aliens /6-8 CAB 23 /9-11 CAB 24 /12 CAB 26 H.A. Committee /13 CAB 27/155 /14 CAB 27/661 /15 CAB 52/1-2 /16 CAB 52/4 /17 CAB 52/5 /18 CAB 52/6 /19 CAB 52/7 /20-1 CAB 65/7 /22 CAB 65/10 Release of BUF, Row with MI5 /23 CAB 65/13 Decision to act /24-6 CAB 65/20 Communist escape; Duke of Bedford; Married couples /27 CAB 65/40 Release of Mosleys, Beckett, Ramsay /28 CAB 65/47 /29 CAB 66 Married quarters for detainees /30 CAB 66/10 Move of 18Bs to Colonies /31 CAB 66/19 Duke of Bedford /32 CAB 66/20 /33-4 CAB 66/35 Memo. on BU ?By Aikin-Sneath /35 CAB 66/55 Final releases - Leaders /36 CAB 67/6 /37 CAB 67/7 Fifth column /38-9 CAB 71/29 End of 18B /40 CAB 75/1 /41 CAB 75/2-/11 Meetings 1943, etc. /42 CAB 75/3 /43 CAB 75/5 HPC /44 CAB 75/7 HPC /45 CAB 75/8 HPC /46 CAB 75/9 HPC /47 CAB 75/30 Origins of amended 18B /48 CAB 75/31 /49 CAB 75/32 /50 CAB 75/38 /51-2 CAB 79/4-80/9,11,13 Chiefs of Staff /53 CAB 98/18 et seq.. Committee on Communist activities /54 CAB 118/58 Surveillance of New British Broadcasting Station


Director of Public Prosecutions

5/2/55 DPP 4

Foreign Office

5/2/56 FO list 1939 /57 FO 371 1940 Italy and Rumanian Embassy /58 FO 371/11384 /59 FO 371/24424 /60 FO 371/24842 Communist activities /61 FO 371/24932 Italians /62 FO 371/25102 Censorship /63-4 FO 371/25189 Fifth column and [Sir Nevile] Bland /65 FO 371/25193 Invasion panic, 5th column, MI5 /66 FO 371/25215 Roumanians /67 FO 371/25248 Alien internees /68 FO 371/30684 Peel Harbour /69 FO 395/633

Home Office

5/2/70 HO 45/10629 /71 HO 45/10756 /72 HO 45/10881 1917 HO v. MI5 /73 HO 45/11007 D Regulations 1914-1921 /74 HO 45/18125 Camp rules Isle of Man /75 HO 45/20206 Early history of 18B /76 HO 45/20245 Martial law in 1940 /77 HO 45/21982 Channel Isles /78 HO 45/228849 et al. /79 HO 45/24834 et al. Communists /80 HO 45/24524 /81 HO 45/24893-5 /82 HO 45/24895 Special Branch report /83 HO 45/24999 BU uniforms /84 HO 45/25010 Weekly intelligence summaries /85-6 HO 45/25012 Emergency legislation, End of 18B /87 HO 45/25012 Together with HO 45/25018 Committee on Emergency Regulations /88 HO 45/25106 Brief for Lords debate /89 HO 45/25110 Misconduct by MI5 in Isle of Man Camp /90 HO 45/25111 Latchmere


5/2/91-3 HO 45/25115 Releases /94 HO 45/25117 Married quarters for detainees /95 HO 45/25141 Invasion list /96 HO 45/25501-5 Defence Regulations /97 HO 45/25502 /98 HO 45/25747 Lists of prominent persons /99-100 HO 45/25750 IRA /101-4 HO 45/25752 /105-6 HO 45/25753 Prison conditions /107-9 HO 45/25754 Birkett memo; Row with MI5 /110 HO 45/25755 18B Scottish cases /111 HO 45/25756 /112-7 HO 45/25758 List [of detainees]; Oswald Hickson; Italians; Mrs. Ewart Prince thesis /118 HO 144/1455 10 May 1916 /119 HO 144/1456 10 May 1916 /120 HO 144/1458 Arthur Griffiths /121 HO 144/1494 DR 14B /122 HO 144/1496 /123 HO 144/21381-2 /124 HO 144/21429 Fascists /125 HO 144/22454 Right Club /126 HO 213/47 Loraine [Italian Advisory Committee] /127 HO 213/1068 Italian Advisory Committee /128 HO 213/1069 Lindley Committee End of War /129 HO 215/2 Procedure on release /130 HO 215/14 Gordonstoun [School] /131 HO 215/36 Peveril /132 HO 215/42 Peveril /133-4 HO 215/52 Ascot complaints delay; Visit to Ascot /135 HO 215/168 Segregation of younger detainees /136 HO 215/169 Jews /137 HO 215/186 Disciplinary arrangements for 18B detainees /138 HO 215/360 Married couples /139 HO 215/361 et al. Aliens Married Camp; Young 18Bs /140 HO 215/492-3 Riots /141 HO 333/4 Home Office Legal Organisation - Legal Officers /142 HO [various] Home Office Classified

Home Office. Renegade files Some individuals were arrested and tried for pro-German criminal activities. Notes are from files on the following, tried during or after the war:

5/2/143 HO 45/25741 Norah C.L. Briscoe; Gertrude B. Hiscox /144 HO 45/25763 Duncan A.C. Scott-Ford /145 HO 45/25789 E.S. Bowlby /146 HO 45/25792 John G. Lingshaw /147 HO 45/25794 Ralph Baden Davenport /148 HO 45/25798 R.W. Purdy /149 HO 45/25805 Thomas H. Cooper; Carl Britten 40

5/2/150 HO 45/25806 'Mrs. Evans' (Suzannah Provost-Booth) /151 HO 45/25809 Mrs. A.S. Atherton-Smith /152 HO 45/25823 Dr and Mrs. Chatterton-Hill /153 HO 45/25828 Marietti Smart

Home Office. Irish files Detention and imprisonment of Sinn Fein members during WW1 and the Irish Troubles

5/2/154- HO 144/1454- 164 HO 144/1496

Ministry of Information 5/2/165 INF 1/172 broadcasts /166 INF 1/257 Fifth column /167 INF 1/292 Home intelligence /168 INF 1/333 Fifth column

Lord Chancellor's Office 5/2/169 LCO 2/1134 /170 LCO various

Metropolitan Police 5/2/171 MEPO 2/1633 /172-3 MEPO 2/3442 Spy scare /174 MEPO 2/6382 /175 MEPO various

Premier (W.S. Churchill) 5/2/176-7 PREM various [inc.] Advisory Committee

Treasury Solicitor's Department 5/2/178 TS 27/85 Patrick Foy

War Office 5/2/179 WO 32/4898 List of spies tried /180 WO 32/10776 History of Military Intelligence /181 WO 106/45 1917 /182 WO 199/1693 Internment camps /183 WO 199/1981 Miscellaneous intelligence reports 1940 /184 WO 208/714, 2257 Fifth column


Other miscellaneous notes 5/2/185- 193


Section 6. Brian Simpson's general correspondence with individuals and institutions

Subjects covered are the Defence Regulations, MI5 and its personnel, government officials, and British Union and other organisations groups subject to internment

Correspondent Subject

AIKIN-SNEATH, Elisabeth 6/Aikin-Sneath/1-2 Letters to BS. 4,25 Sep 1989 F.B. Aikin-Sneath

ALLASON, Rupert William Simon see WEST, Nigel

ANDERSON, Rev. David 6/Anderson/1-2 Letters to BS. 23 Feb, 3 May 1990 F.B. Aikin-Sneath /3 Photograph and negatives (identification in doubt)

ANNAN, Baron 6/Annan/1-2 Letters to BS. 9 Jan 1990, 1 Aug 1991 F.B. Aikin-Sneath,

BENTLEY, David Jeffrey (Home Office) 6/Bentley/1 Letter to BS. 16 Oct 1989 DR 18B

BERRETT, Anthony M. 6/Berrett/1-3 Letters to BS: F.B. Aikin-Sneath (1) 21 Apr 1992 Together with enclosures: a) death certificate, Florence Aikin-Sneath b) death certificate, Sarah Ann Sneath c) will, Florence Aikin-Sneath (2) 25 Apr 1992 Together with enclosure: a) family tree, Aikin-Sneath b) birth certificate, Francis Brian Aikin (3) 11 May 1992 Together with enclosure: a) will, Donald Aikin-Sneath

BIRKETT, 2nd Baron, of Ulverston 6/Birkett/1 BS. Letter to Lord Birkett. 31 Oct 1988 Norman Birkett

BLAKE, Baron, of Braydeston, Norfolk 6/Blake/1 Letter to BS. 1 Mar 1991 Sir Joseph Ball

BLEACH, Kevin 6/Bleach/1-3 Letters to BS. Re copies of documents supplied to BS. 2-9 Oct 1989 43

BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS ARCHIVES 6/Board/1 Brian Simpson. Letter to D. Massul. [N.d.]

BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD 6/Bodleian/1 Letter to BS. 17 Aug 1989 Conservative Party 1922 Committee Records BRITISH LIBRARY 6/British/1 Letter to BS. 13 May 1991 in India

CALDECOTE, 2nd Viscount, of Bristol 6/Caldecote/1 Letter to BS. 16 Dec 1987 Lord Chief Justice Viscount Caldecote

CARTER-RUCK, Peter Frederick 6/Carter/1 Letter to BS. 2 Dec 1991 DR 18B

CHURCHILL COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 6/Churchill/1 Letter to BS. 16 Oct 1989 Sir Alexander Cadogan

CLANMORRIS, 8th Baron 6/Clanmorris/1 BS. Letter to Lord Clanmorris F.B. Aikin-Sneath, MI5 6 Mar 1989

COCKERILL, A.W. 6/Cockerill/1 Letter to BS. 4 May 1992 Access to official records, MI5

DACRE, Baron, of Glanton (Peterhouse, Cambridge) 6/Dacre/1-5 Correspondence with BS. 6 Jly 1987-26 Apr 1993 R.W. Liversidge, 'Buster' Milmo, 'Gelatine', Harold Kurtz, Herbert Hart, Sir C.E.M. Dansey, F.B. Aikin-Sneath, Sir Barry Domvile, J.H.C. Fuller, Tyler Kent, Friedl Gärtner, Prince Henry of Pless

DAVIES, Paul R. (of Oswald Hickson, Collier & Co.) 6/Davies/1 Letter to BS. 10 Feb 1988 DR 18B, Oswald Hickson

DENNING, Baron, of Whitchurch 6/Denning/1-3 Correspondence with BS. DR 18B, Access to 28 Jly-22 Aug 1987 Greene and Liversidge files (3) Together with copy of Denning letter to Advisory Council on Public Records 44

DEVLIN, Baron, of West Wick 6/Devlin/1 Letter to BS. 11 Sep 1987 Access to Ben Greene and R.W. Liversidge files Together with /2 Copy letter, Douglas Hurd (Home Secretary) to Lord Devlin, on which Devlin has written a note. 30 Nov 1987

DOWNTON, Eric 6/Downton/1-2 Letters to BS. 6 Mar, 4 Apr 1990 Erland Echlin; Tyler Kent; F.J. Rutland

EARP, John W. 6/Earp/1 Letter to BS. 1Aug 1989 F.B. Aikin-Sneath

ELLIOTT, Nicholas 6/Elliott/1 Letter to BS. Mar 10 [n.y.] MI6; Various research contacts Together with /2 Print-out of reviews of Elliott's Autobiography 'Never Judge A Man By His Umbrella'. 2 Aug 1991, 25 Jan 1992

GOFF, Baron, of Chieveley 6/Goff/1-4 Correspondence with BS. Role of law officers and 30 Aug [1987]-12 Jan 1988 judges

GRIFFITHS, Richard M. (King's College, University of London) 6/Griffiths/1 Letter to BS. 23 May 1993 Right Club, George Drummond, C.P. Chenevix Trench, Brinsley le Poer Trench

HAILSHAM, Lord, of St Marylebone 6/Hailsham/1 Letter to BS. 27 Aug 1987 Access to Home Office files

HART, Jenifer & Herbert Lionel Adolphus (University College, Oxford) 6/Hart/1-8 Correspondence with BS. MI5, Leopold Hirsch, [N.d.] and 15 Oct [1986]- Harold Kurtz, 27 Apr 1993 Leeds and Bradford sabotage, Ben Greene, John Beckett, Duke of Bedford, R.W. Liversidge, 45

E. Blanchard Stamp, Oswald Hickson, Gander, G.P. Churchill, Prince Henry of Pless, Sir Alexander Maxwell Frank Newsam, F.B. Aikin-Sneath, Sir Barry Domvile, Latchmere House (3) with ms. notes by Simpson attached (7) Together with returned Simpson letter dated 4 Dec to which responses have been added

HAZLERIGG, 2nd Baron, of Noseley 6/Hazlerigg/1 Letter to BS.17 Oct 1989 Sir Arthur Hazlerigg

HICKINSON, J. P. 6/Hickinson/1 Letter to BS. 20 Mar 1990 F.B. Aikin-Sneath

HOLMES, Colin (University of Sheffield) 6/Holmes/1-4 Correspondence with BS. Access to Benjamin 7 Mar 1989-12 Apr 1990 Greene and R.W. Liversidge files, Jeffrey Hamm, Willam Joyce, The Britons, Olivella Foresta, Bill Williams, Italian internees, Richard Stokes, Nellie Driver

HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN’S INN 6/Honourable/1 Letter to BS. 29 Jun 1989 Tom Shelford

HULL, John 6/Hull/1 Letter to BS. 6 Sep 1989 Richard Stokes Papers

IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM 6/Imperial/1-3 Letters to BS. 24 Aug 1989- DR 18B, F.C. Wiseman 17 Dec 1991 Papers, Sir Vernon Kell Papers, Luttman-Johnson Papers

JEFFREY, E. (Wadham College, Oxford) 6/Jeffrey/1 Letter to BS. 2 Jan 1991 S.D. Fox

JONES, Vivienne 6/Jones/1 Letter to BS. 2 Feb 1988 Winston Churchill Papers


LORD CHANCELLOR'S DEPT. 6/Lord/1-2 Letters to BS. 25 Sep 1989, 12 Apr 1991 [inc. denial of access to official records]

MACLEAN, Sir Fitzroy Hew, of Dunconnel 6/Maclean/1 Letter to BS. 3 Dec 1991 [acknowledgement, unspecified]

MACOUN, Michael John 6/Macoun/1 Letter to BS. 19 Sep 1989 F.B. Aikin-Sneath

MADELIN, Ian (Ministry of Defence) 6/Madelin/1-4 Correspondence with BS. 15 Dec 1989-18 Aug 1990 Royal Air Force and DR 18B, J.W. Thomson, P. Lowe, F.J. Rutland, R.W. Liversidge, L.E.V. McCarthy MILMO, Sir Helenus 6/Milmo/1 Letter to BS. 1 Sep 1987 DR 18B

RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. LIBRARY 6/Religious/1 Letter to BS. 24 Jly 1989 The Quakers and Internment

ROBERTSON, T.A. 6/Robertson/1-2 Letters to BS. F.B. Aikin-Sneath, 10 Jan 1990, 8 Dec 1991 Branco Jelic

SHILLITO, Hugh 6/Shillito/1 Letter to BS. 19 Jly 1993 Millicent Bagot

STAPLETON, Jane (Balliol College, Oxford) 6/Stapleton/1 BS. Letter to Jane Stapleton. 18 Apr 1990

STEIN, Peter Gonville (Queens' College, Cambridge) 6/Stein/1 Letter to BS. 12 Jan 1988 Oswald Hickson

STOKES, Rhona 6/Stokes/1 Letter to BS. 12 Jun 1991 Research on Fascism

SYMONS, Julian Gustave 6/Symons/1 Letter to BS. 13 Apr 1993 Freedom Defence Committee

THURLOW, Richard C. (University of Sheffield) 6/Thurlow/1-7 Letters to BS. 15 Jun-20 Nov 1989 Research on Fascism


UNIVERSITY OF KENT LIBRARY 6/U. of Kent/1-3 Letters to BS. Book requests 5 Dec [1986?]-22 May [1987?]

UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL LIBRARY 6/U. of Liverpool/1 Letter to BS. 12 Jan 1988 Eleanor Rathbone Papers, alien internment.

UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD LIBRARY 6/U. of Sheffield/1 Letter to BS. 29 Sep 1989 Robert Saunders Papers

VICARY, Rev. D.R. 6/Vicary/1-2 Correspondence with BS. F.B. Aikin-Sneath 13 Mar, 30 Apr 1990

WALLDER, Jeffrey H. 6/Wallder/1-9 Letters to BS. [N.d] and British Union detainees, 25 Aug 1989-20 May 1997 John Garnett, Margaret (4) Together with list of British Union Monk NHQ staff. Ms.

WARBURTON, John 6/Warburton/1-59 Correspondence with Lord Chancellor's British Union detainees Department re DR 18B files. 10 Mar-23 Jun 1987; Correspondence with BS. [N.d] and 28 Jun 1989-6 Jun 1994 Includes: (32) letter from Arthur Swan, (33) statement by Victor Rowe, (54) letter by Maxwell-Knight

Brian Simpson: (58) Notes of 'Interview with John Warburton', 27 Jly 1989 (59) Notes of 'Conversation with J. Warburton', 4 Dec [n.y.]

WHITE, Sir Dick Goldsmith 6/White/1-3 Letters to BS. 11 Feb-7 Apr 1990 F.B. Aikin-Sneath; DR 18B and MI5 WHITELAW, 1st Viscount, of Penrith (William Whitelaw) 6/Whitelaw/1-2 Letters to BS. 26 Aug , 7 Dec 1987 Access to Ben Greene and R.W. Liversidge files (2) Together with copy letter to Whitelaw from Douglas Hurd, MP (Home Secretary)


Other enquiries to institutions: negative responses Some of these suggest other sources of information

6/Negative: Bath City Archives, Bedfordshire County Record Office, Birmingham Public Libraries, Bristol Record Office, Buckinghamshire County Archives, Cambridgeshire County Record Office, Cheshire Record Office, Chester City Record Office, City of London Guildhall Library, Coventry City Archives, Cumbria Archive Service, Derbyshire Record Office, Devon Record Office, Dorset County Record Office, Durham County Record Office, Gloucestershire County Record Office, Greater Manchester County Record Office, Record Office, Kent Archives Office, Lambeth Archives, Record Office, Lincolnshire Archives Office, Manchester Central Library, Norfolk Record Office, Nottinghamshire Archives Office, Archives, Portsmouth City Record Office, Southhampton City Archives, Suffolk Record Office, Westminster City Archives


Section 7. Documents relating to the publication of 'In The Highest Degree Odious' and other works by Brian Simpson

7/1-43 Brian Simpson: (1) 'Regulation 18B'. Draft of Appendix 1. Ts. (2-4) 'Lecture on 18B'. Notes. Ts. and ms.

(5-12) Corrections notified to publisher (13-16) Corrections and information re Prince Henry of Pless, including 'Note to the paperback edition'. Ts.

Correspondence: (17-32) With ; includes related documents. 13 Nov 1992-22 Apr 1994 (33-40) With others, inc. Home Office and Julian F. Fane. 10 Nov 1992-14 Jly 1993 and n.d. (41-3) With others re other works. N.d. and 25-31 Mar 1993

7/44-70 Reviews: (44-64) Reviews. Printed and ts. (65-70) Correspondence re reviews, inc. Richard A. Posner, U.S. Court of Appeals


Section 8. Miscellaneous documents relating to public records, the historical background of internment and to civil liberties

8/1 Parliament. 'Public Records Act, 1958'. [Excerpt]. HMSO, 1958

8/2 Sir David Petrie. 'Communism in India 1924-1927'. Editions Indian, 1972

8/3 [R.J. Spjut?]. ‘Residence restrictions as conditions of release from detention in Northern and exclusion orders under the Prevention of terrorism Act 1976’, by RJS /JMC. Ts. 12 May 1976

8/4 Colin Holmes. 'Government files and privileged access’. Problems of Research series. (Social History, 1981)

8/5 Home Office. ‘Home Office 1782-1982’. Home Office, 1981

8/6 Parliament. 'Modern public records: selection and access. Report of a committee appointed by the Lord Chancellor. Chairman: Sir Duncan Wilson'. [Incomplete]. HMSO, 1981

8/7 Lord Chancellor's Department. 'Modern public records: the Government response to the report of the Wilson Committee'. HMSO, 1982

8/8 Public Record Office. 'Information. Access to public records'. Sep 1986

8/9 R.J. Spjut. ‘Internment and detention without trial in 1971-1975: ministerial policy and practice’. Reprint. (Modern Law Review, Nov 1986)

8/10 Colin Holmes. 'Internment, fascism and the public records'. (BSSLH, 1987)

8/11 Richard Norton-Taylor. 'Picking the lock of Britain's security'. (Guardian, 6 Apr 1988)

8/12 Anthony Bevins. 'Official secrets white paper. 'Oppressive and archaic' Section 2 redefined'. (Independent, 30 Jun 1988) Together with Colin Hughes. 'Tighter terms for criminal disclosure of information'.

8/13 Anthony Bevins. 'A freedom of tea bags bill'. [Independent, 30? Jun 1988]

8/14 John Pienaar. 'Secrets proposals fail to silence critics'. (Independent, 30 Jun 1988)

8/15 Michael Evans. 'Official Secrets Act white paper. Law will clamp down on security officers', together with other comments. (Times, 30 Jun 1988)

8/16 Bernard Levin. 'Guardians of official trivia'. (Times, 11 Jly 1988)

8/17 Home Department. 'Reform of Section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911'. HMSO, 1988


8/18 House of Commons. 'Official Secrets. A Bill to replace section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911…' HMSO, 1988

8/19 D. Cameron Watt. ‘Francis Herbert King: a Soviet source in the Foreign Office. (Intelligence and National Security, Oct 1988)

8/20 Paul Foot. 'Wilsonia': Reviews of David Leigh: 'The Wilson plot: the intelligence services and the discrediting of a prime minister', Heinemann, 1988 and Peter Rawlinson: 'A price too high', Weidenfeld, 1989. (London Review of Books, Mar 1989) Together with Stephen Sedley. Reviews of Malcolm Turnbull: 'The Spycatcher trial', Heinemann, 1988; 'Reform of the Section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911: Government white paper', HMSO, 1988; 'Official Secrets Bill', HMSO, 1988; 'Security Service Bill', HMSO, 1988. (London Review of Books, Mar 1989)

8/21 Seth Mydans. ‘Aged war detainees still unpaid for lost freedom’. Re compensation to US internees of Japanese origin. (New York Times, 8 Dec 1989)

8/22 Peter Hennessy. ‘Public may get glimpse of ’s secret armies’. Re release of Public Record Office files. (Guardian, 11 Dec 1989) Together with: Richard Norton-Taylor. ‘MI5 book gets go-ahead’. Re publication of a book by Peter Day, a former MI5 agent. (Guardian, 11 Dec 1989)

8/23 Joan Mahoney. 'Civil liberties in Britain during the Cold War: the role of central government'. (American Journal of Legal History, 1989)

8/24 Jonathan Petre. ‘Woman to be head of MI5 spycatchers’. Re Stella Rimington. (Daily Telegraph, 17 Dec 1991)


Name Index

Advisory Committee see under Home Office Advisory Council on Public Records 41 Aikin-Sneath, Donald 40 Aikin-Sneath, Elisabeth 40 Aikin-Sneath, Florence 40 Aikin-Sneath, F. Brian 34-5,40-5 Air League 19 Air Ministry 21 Aldred, Guy A. 5 Allason, Rupert W.S. see West, Nigel Allen, Bill 23 Allen, Mary Sophia 8 Amery, John 6 Ancoats 31 Anderson, Rev. David 40 Anderson, Sir John 8,11,14-6,28,31 Annan, Baron 40 Anton, Bernardi 8 Arbon, Frank 8,11,16 Ascot Camp 37 Ashkenazi, B. 17,24 Atherton-Smith, Mrs. A.S. 38 Attlee, Clement 15 31

Baggaley, Miss 8 Bagot, Millicent 20,44 Baker, Thomas G. St.Barbe 8 Ball, Sir Joseph 6,40 Bartlett, Bruce 32 Bath and County Club 19 Battersby, J.Larratt 9 B.B.C. Overseas Service 16 Beaumont family 24 Beaumont, F.W.L.C. 23 Beaumont, John Michael 24 Beavan, Arthur 9 Beckett, Francis 9 Beckett, John Warburton 5,9,15,35,42 Bedford, Duke of, formerly Marquess of Tavistock 5-6,14-5,23,34-5,42 Belcher, D.K. 28 Bell, B.H 3 Bellamy, Richard Reynell 9 Belstead, Lord 29 Bentley, David Jeffrey 40 Berrett, Anthony M. 40 Beurlen, H.E.E.S 9 Bevins, Anthony 48 53

Birch, Josephine 9 Birch, W.E. 4,9 Birkett, Norman 3,23,37,40 Birkett, 2nd Baron, of Ulverston 40 Blake, Baron 40 Bland, Sir Nevile 36 Bleach, Kevin 17,40 Block, Alfred Ernest 9 Board of Deputies of British Jews 34,41 Boothby, Lord 29 Borum, N.D. 32 Bottachio, Orazio M.R. 10 Bottrill 19 Bowlby, E.S. 37 Bowman, Frederick H.U. 10 Bradford 42 Braune, Friedrich W. 10 Bridgman, T.F.L. 19 Briscoe, Norah C.L. 37 British Council for Christian Settlement in Europe 15 British Library 41 British Peoples Party 5,12,15 British Traders Bureau 4 British Union passim. Abbey Supplies Ltd. 4 Action 3,23,34 18B Club 3 18B Publicity Council 3-5,9,30 Release of internees 35 West Dorset Branch 34 Britons, The 4,19,26,43 Britons Publishing Society 26 Britten, Carl 37 Brixton Prison 25 Budd, Charles Henry Bentinck 10 Bull, O.R.S. 22 Burger, C. 10 Burn, Edward 12,22 Butler, R.A. 6

Cabinet Papers 35 Cadogan, Sir Alexander 34,41 Caldecote, 2nd Viscount 41 Cambell, Albert Harry 10 Cambridge University Churchill College 34,41 Peterhouse 41 Queens’ College 44 Camillo, Gilda 10 Carter-Ruck, Peter Frederick 41 54

Chamberlain, Neville 6 Channel Isles 36 Charmley, John 6 Charnley, John W. 11 Chatterton-Hill, Dr. and Mrs. 38 Churchill, G.P. 3 Churchill, Winston 11,23,32,38,43 Clanmorris, 8th Baron 41 Cockerill, A.W. 41 Cockett, R.B. 6 Cohn, E.J. 31 Communist Party 4,6,19,35-6,41,48 Conservative Party 1922 Committee 41 Cooper, Thomas H. 37 Creasy, Ronald N. 11,23 Cripps, Sir Stafford 15 Croatia 31 Cross, Colin 23,34 Crowle, W.A. 34

Dacre, Baron 41 Daily Worker 20 Dalton, Hugh 15 D’Amato, Angile and Biaggio 11 Dansey, Sir C.E.M. 41 Davenport, Ralph Baden 37 Davidson, Basil Risbridger 31 Davies, Paul R. 41 Day, Peter 49 De Laessoe, Harold A. 8,11,16 Delargey, Daniel 30 Denning, Baron 41 Devlin, Baron 42 Diamond, Edward L. 11 Director of Public Prosecutions 36 Domvile, Sir Barry 5,12,41,43 Donovan, Brian 9,12 Donovan, Heather 3 Downe, Lady 11 Downton, Eric 42 Dorril, Stephen 24 Dowson, Sir Oscar 3 Driver, Nellie 12,43 Drummond, George 42 Dudley, Ernest 4 Duff, Mrs. Douglas 12,23 Duvivier, Claude F.P. 34

Earp, John W. 42 55

East Sussex County Record Office 18 Eaton, W.G. 12 Echlin, Erland 13,42 Ede, Chuter 17,24 Edmonton 21 Elliott, Nicholas 42 Ellis, John 13 Emerson, Diana Stark 11 Essex Record Office 25 Europe 15 ‘Evans, Mrs.’ see Provost-Booth, Suzannah Evans, Dudley M. and Gertrude 13 Evans, Michael 48

Fane, Francis Christopher 13 Fane, Julian F. 13,47 Fawcett, E. 13 Fearn, Ronnie, M.P. 11 Federal Bureau of Investigation see under United States Field, St.John 16 Findlay, Richard 13 Fisher, Louise see under Irvine, Louise Foot, Paul 49 Ford, Richard 6 Foreign Office 36,49 Foresta, Olivella 43 Fox, S.D. 43 Foy, Patrick 38 Francis-Hawkins, Neil 13 Freedom Defence Committee 44 Friends of Oswald Mosley (FOM) 6,29 Comrade 6 Fulbeck Hall, Lincs. 13 Fuller, J.H.C. 23,41

Gärtner, Friedl 41 Gander , G.P. 43 Garner, Charles 25 Garnett, John 45 ‘Gelatine’ 41 Germany 15,18,23 Gibbs, Sir Gerald Ernest 19 Gilbert, Oliver Conway 4,14 Gillman, Peter and Leni 32 Glees, Anthony 19 Gőetz, Leslie von 15-16 Goff, Baron 42 Goldman, Aaron L. 6 Gordon, Ronald 14 Gordon-Canning, R.C. and Mrs. 14,23 56

Gordonstoun School 37 Gottlieb, Julie 22 Gowen, Franklin C. 32 Greater Britain Publications 4 Greene, Benjamin 14-6,19,42-3,45 Greene, Edward 15-6 Griffiths, Arthur 37 Griffiths, Richard M. 42 Grundy, Leslie 5,17 Guildford, Borough of 18 Guth, DeLloyd J. 19 Guttman, F. 17

Hailsham, Lord 42 Halifax, Lord 14 Hamm, E. Jeffrey 17,23,27,43 Harris, Warren G. 17 Hart, Adrian Liddell 16 Hart, Herbert 41-2 Hart, Jenifer 42 Hawke, Captain 34 Hazlerigg, 2nd Baron 43 Hazlerigg, Sir Arthur 43 Heemstra, Baroness von 23 Hennessy, Peter 49 Henry, Prince, of Pless 12,23,30,41,43,47 Hepburn, Audrey 17 Hepburn-Ruston, John V.A. 17,23 Hertfordshire, Commission for the Peace of 15 Heuston, Robert F.V. 16,19 Heyward, Peter 4 Hickinson, J.P. 43 Hickson, Oswald 3-4,16,20,23,37,41,43-4 Hinsley, Francis Harry 19 Hirsch, Leopold 17,42 Hirsch, Olgar 17 Hiscox, Gertrude B. 37 Hitler, Adolf 6,8,12 Holmes, Colin 43,48 Holt-Wilson, Sir Eric 32 Home Department 48 Home Office 17-8,21-2,36-8,40,47-8 DR 18B Advisory Committee 3,14-5,19,23-5,29,38 G Division 4 Irish files 38 Italian Advisory Committee 31,37 Letters 4 Lindley Committee 37 Renegade files 37-8 House of Lords (Court of Appeal) 14 57

Houston, Richard Alastair (“Jock”) 17 Hughes, Colin 48 Hull, John 43 Hurd, Douglas, M.P. 11,42,45 Huth-Jackson, Mrs. 23 Huyton Camp see Liverpool 3 Hyde, H. Montgomery 20

Ignatieff, George 20 Imperial Security Service 32 Imperial War Museum 12,21,30,43 India 41,48 IRA 37 Irvine, S.L. and Irvine, Louise 18 Ireland 37-8 See also Northern Ireland Isle of Man Alien detention 31 Peveril Camp, Peel 3,36-7 Italian Fascist Party 31 Italy 31,36-7,43

January Club 21 Japan 49 Jeeves, Edmund Paul 18 Jeffrey, E. 43 Jelic, Branimir 31,44 Jenkins, Dafydd 33 Jewish Chronicle 34 Jews 37 Johnson, Herschel V. 32 Jones, Mrs P.E. 30 Jones, Reginald Victor 20 Jones, Vivienne 43 Joyce, Edwin Quentin 18 Joyce, William 6,18,43 ‘Judex’ 31

Kell, Sir Vernon 32,43 Kennedy, Joseph 32 Kent, Tyler 32,41-2 Kimball, Warren F. 32 King, Francis Herbert 49 Klemmer, Mark 32 Knight, Hamilton S.L. 18 Knightley, Philip 13 Knott, Royston L. 4 Krogulski, Adelbert Herman 18 Kuczynsky, Jűrgen 20 Kuechenmeister, Herr 19 58

Kurtz, Harold 16,19,41-2

Labour Party 4,15 Lakeman, Christopher 24 Latchmere House 36,43 Law Society 10 Lawton, Sir Frederick Horace 24 League of Christian Reform 8 Leeds 42 Lees, Aubrey T.O. 19 Leese, Arnold S. 19 Leigh, David 49 Leonard, Graham Douglas, Bp. of London 9 Levin, Bernard 48 Liberty Restoration League 4,26 Liddell, Guy M. 32 Lincoln’s Inn, Hon. Society of 43 Lingshaw, John G. 37 Link, The 5,12 Liverpool Huyton Camp 3 Walton Gaol 11 Liversidge, Robert W. 19-21,41-5 Liversidge, W.K. 20 Lockwood, Harold Hodson 21 London Municipal elections 34 Royal Hotel 5 University see University of London Longford, Elizabeth 16 Loraine, Sir Percy 31,37 Lord Chancellor’s Dept. 15,38,44-5,48 Lowe, P. 44 Luftwaffe 20 Luttman-Johnson, Mrs. B.A. 21 Luttman-Johnson, H.W. 4,21,43

McCarthy, L.E.V. 44 McKechnie, Hector G. 21 McLaine, Ian 6 Maclean, Sir Fitzroy Hew 44 MacNab, John Angus 22 Macoun, Michael John 44 Madelin, Ian 44 Mahoney, Joan 49 Mallalieu, J.P.W., M.P. 17 Manchester, Chief Constable of 31 Mandle, W.F. 7 Mark, Sir Robert 20 Markham, Violet R. 6 59

Marson, Arthur 22 Massul, D. 41 Masters, Anthony 32 Mavrogordato, Alice Blum 31 Maxwell, Sir Alexander 3,43 Maxwell-Knight, Charles 32,45 May, Phineas 31 Metropolitan Police 38 M.I.5 11,19,22,25,32, 34-7,40,42,45,49 M.I.6 42 Middleton, J.S. 15 Mikardo, Ian, M.P. 20 Millward, David 6 Milmo, Helenus 41,44 Milne, Seumas 6 Ministry of Defence 44 Ministry of Information 6,38 MIRLYN 7 Monckton, Sir Walter 34 Monk, Miss E.Margaret 23,45 Montague, Ivor 6 Morris, Dominic 18 Morrison, Herbert 3,14,17,28 Mosley, Diana (Lady Mosley) 4,6,11,22-4,35 Mosley, Max 23 Mosley, Nicholas 24 Mosley, Sir Oswald Arrest 3,23 Comments by others 11,22-3 Later information about 6 Peace policy 4 Radio station project 23-4,35 Release 23,35 Mydans, Seth 49

National Maritime Museum 12 Nelson District Central Library 12 Netz, Johan Adam 24 Newby, Eric 12 Newitt, Margaret Elizabeth 24 Newsam, Frank A. 3,40,43 Nicholas, T.E. 20,33 Nicholas, T. Islwyn 33 Nicholson, C. St.John 19,25 Northern Ireland 48 Norton-Taylor, Richard 6,48-9

Oddson, Jon Sigidur 24 Ogni, Lorenzo 24 60

Orsay 22 Osborn, T.C.H. 24 Oxford University Balliol College 44 Bodleian Library 24,34,41 Christ Church College 22 St. Anthony’s College 25 University College 42 Wadham College 43 Oxford University Press 47

Pacey, Maurice T. 25 Parliament 4 Committee of Privileges 26 Committee on Emergency Regulations 36 Modern Public Records Committee 48 Official Secrets Acts 48-9 Prevention of Terrorism Act, 1976 48 Public Records Act, 1958 48 Select Committee on Foreign Espionage 35 Parsons, Harold James 4 Patten, John, M.P. 11 Pearson, Lucy 23,25 Peel see Isle of Man Perlzweig, Jacob see Liversidge, Robert W. Perry, Annemarie L.F. 25 Petition of Right Council 5 Petre, Jonathan 49 Petrie, Sir David 48 Peveril Camp see Isle of Man Philby, Harry St.John Bridger 25 Pienaar, John 48 Pilcher, Gonne St Clair 21 Pilkington, Edward 17 Pitt-Rivers, George H.L-F. 25 Pitt-Rivers, Julian 25 Pless, Henry of, see Henry, Prince, of Pless Plischke, R. 26 Polden, Patrick 16 Posner, Richard A. 47 Preen, John Charles 26 Preston, Richard A. 20 Prince, Mrs. Ewart 37 Pritt, D.N. 20 Probert, H.A. 20 Provost-Booth, Suzannah 38 Public Record Office 6,20,48-9 Purdy, R.W. 37

Quakers see Religious Society of Friends 61

Ramsay, Maule, Captain, M.P. 4-5,23,26,35 Randall, Mathilde 26 Rapp, P.W. 26 Rathbone, Eleanor 45 Rawlinson, Peter 49 Rea, Anthony 31 Redesdale, 2nd Baron and Lady 22-3 Redesdale, 3rd baron, see Mosley, Nicholas Religious Society of Friends 44 Reynolds, Francis M.B. 25 Richardson, Neil 31 Ricketts, C.C. 20 Right Club 3,12,22-3,32,37,42 Rimington, Stella 49 Robertson, T.A. 44 Robinson, C.D. Carew 4 Rogers, Arthur 4,26 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 32 Rose, Desmond Harvey 26 Row, Robert 17,27 Rowe, T.W. Victor 4,27,45 Royal Air Force 20-1,44 Security Service 20 Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts 25 Royal Navy 31 Rugby School 22 Rumania 36 Runnymede 5 Russia 32 Rutland, Frederick Joseph 27,42,44 Ryan, Wheeler 23

Sabini, Harry 27 St.George, Henry 5 Salinger, Cecil G.F. 27 Sark 24 Saunders, Robert 34,45 Scanlon, John 15 Schloss, H.A. 27 Schmidt, A. 28 Schoenfeld, Rudolf E. 32 Scotland 37 Scott, S.A. 28 Scott-Ford, Duncan A.C. 37 Sedley, Stephen 49 Selkirk, 10th Earl of 20 Sewell, Brocart 30 Sharp, J. 28 Sharples, Richard 17 62

Shaw, George Bernard 23 Sheffield University see University of Sheffield Shelford, Tom 43 Shelmerdine, Rita Kathleen 9,28 Shillito, Hugh 34,44 Silkin, Arthur 20 Sinn Fein 38 Skillen, Hugh 20 Smart, Marietti 38 Smeaton-Stuart, John Roland 28 Smith, C.H. 28 Smythe, Tony 22 Sneath, Sarah Ann 40 Society of Friends 16 Somervell, Sir Donald 17,34 49 Special Branch 20,36 Spjut, R.J. 48 Stamp, E. Blanchard 43 Stapells, Beverley 13 Stapleton, Jane 44 Steidelman, Henry A. 29 Stein, Peter 44 Stephenson, Sir John F.E. 20 Stock, George Henry 29 Stokes, Rhona 44 Stokes, Richard, M.P. 24,34,43 Strickland Press 5 Stuckey, Derek Richard 29 Swan, Arthur W. 29,45 Symons, Julian Gustav 44

Tashibana, Itaru 27 Tavistock, Marquess of, see Bedford, Duke of Thatcher, Margaret, P.M. 18 Thomson, J.W. 44 Thurlow, Richard 6,16,44 Thwaites, Norman G. 21 Times, The 4 Trench, Brinsley Le Poer 42 Trench, C.P. Chenevix 42 Treasury Solicitor’s Dept. 38 Truth 6 Turnbull, Malcolm 49

United States Court of Appeals 47 Embassy, London 32 Federal Bureau of Investigation 19,27,32 Internees 49 63

National Archives 32 University of Kent Library 45 University of Liverpool Library 45 University of London King’s College 42 University of Sheffield 43-4 Library 34,45

Vaughan-Henry, Leigh 29 Verulam, 7th Earl of 20 Vicary, Rev. D.R. 45

Wales 33 Walker, Alexander 17 Wall, Alfred M. 6 Wallder, Jeffrey 7,45 Walton Gaol see under Liverpool War Office 38 Warburton, John 7,11,22,45 Ward, Stephen 6 Watt, D. Cameron 48 Watts, Charlie 29 Webber, G.C. 6 West, Nigel 20 White, Sir Dick 45 Whitelaw, Viscount 45 Wiener Library 31 Williams, Bill 43 Williams, J.A. 29 Williams, Robert Chadwell 20 Williamson, Henry 11,30 Wilson, Sir Duncan 48 Wilson, Eunice 20 Wilson, Harold 49 Windsor Club 21 Winterbotham, F.W. 20 Winterton, Earl 28 Wise, Leonard 30 Wiseman, F.C. 30,43 Wishart, W.L. 30 Wolkoff, Anna 32 Wynn, John 5,30

Yalden-Thomson, David C. 16 York 3 Young, Desmond 27 Yugoslavia 31


Subject Index

Detention Advisory committees and supervision of 3,6,(8-31:individual cases), 14-5,19,25,29,31,34,37-8,40-5 Aliens 6,31,35-7,44-5 Appeals 3-4,6,8-30,34 Arrests and detentions 3-6,(8-31:individual cases) Camps 3,8-30,35-7 Case law 3 Criticisms of 4-5,8-31 Decision to act 35 Discipline 37 End of 18B 35 Escapes 35 Government and security service personnel 40-5 History of 4-6,36 Individual detainees 6-31 Jews 37 Law officers and judges, role of 42 Married couples, treatment of 4,6,9,22-4,35,37 Memoirs 8-30: individual cases Move to colonies 35 Police and Security services 3-4,(8-31: individual cases);18,20-1,25,31-2,34-6,40-5 Misconduct by 36 Prison conditions 37 Releases (9-30:individual cases),34-7 Reports on 4,28 Riots 37 Scottish cases 37 ‘Secret history’ 4 Sinn Fein 38,48 Women 3,5-6,8-30 Young detainees 37

Fifth Column 32,35-6,38 Groups opposed to war passim. Official files Problems over access to 4,16,22,41-5,48-9 Parliamentary privilege 26 Public records 6,20,25,41,48-9 Sabotage 42 Security service misconduct 36,49 and espionage 6,18,20,32,35,37-8,49


Section 9. Accrual received October 2013

9/1 Folder labelled ‘Pless’ [Prince Henry of Pless]. Contains ms. notes, photocopied articles and obituaries, correspondence, typescripts

9/2/1-3 Three folders labelled ‘Spies’. Folder 1 contains: photocopy of WO32/4898 (lists of spies tried by military court and court-martial), photocopied pages from King’s Bench Division reports, ms. notes from official documents, ts. ‘List of Spies in Camp 020. Home Office 45/25111’ Folder 2 contains: notepad with ms. notes, ts. titled ‘Hess/Parachutists’, printout from Your Archives concerning ‘WW1 Execution of German Spies’ Folder 3 contains: ms. notes, photocopied newspaper articles and other documents, including further material from WO32/4898, correspondence, a second ts. copy of ‘List of Spies...’, ts. ‘HO45/25111 Ham Common Inhabitants’

9/3/1- Folders labelled ‘Secret Trials’. Folder 1 contains ms. notes, typescripts and photocopies on the following: 1. Lord Wensleydale on public trials 2. David Cairns on public trials 3. Simpson on Ch. T. (earlier version) 4. Newspaper reports (Curzon, Diederichs, Ernst, Olsson, Helm, Janssen & Roos, Schultz, Küpferle, Times Index, DORA regs) 5. Tyler Kent 6. Official Secrets Act 1911 7. Official Secrets Act 1920 8. Bulloch MI5 9. Doyle CCA 1917 10. Feldman Civil liberties 11. Archbold 12. Waterfield case Folder 2 contains ms. notes and photocopies on the following: 1. Basil Thomson 2. Felstead 3. Official Secrets Act/Rosamond Thomas 4. Steinhauer 5. Hiley Folder 3 contains ms. notes and photocopies on the following: 1. John Herbert King CRIM 1/1129 2. Lody WO 71/1236, DPP 1/29 3. Melin WO 71/1237 4. Bright, Albert 1916 DPP 1/45 5. Simington 1920 DPP 4/54 6. Vieyra 1916 DPP 1/47 7. Breeckow & Wertheim 1915 DPP 1/30 8. Muller & Hahn DPP 1/38 66

9. Eva de Bournonville DPP 1/32, DPP 4/51 10. Buschman DPP 1/31 11. Adams 1939 CRIM 1/1120 12. Tomkins CRIM 1/1208 13. Freeman CRIM 1/1203 14. Saxon-Steer CRIM 1/1203 15. Ingram CRIM 1/1197 16. Gutheridge CRIM 1/1211 17. Adams 1939 CRIM 1/1120 18. Fyrth CRIM 1/1185 19. Goertz CRIM 1/813 20. Ries WO 71/1238 21. Groten WO 71/1238 22. Scott-Ford PCOM 9/2121 Folder 4 contains ms. notes and photocopies on the following: 1. WO 32/4898 4. WO 32/13733 6. WO 32/4896 7. DORA 1914 8. DORA regs. [Some items seem to be missing from this folder - listed as 2. CAB 24/109 review of 1926 incomplete; 3. DORA regs. 1914; 5. WO 32/5526] Folder 5 is labelled ‘Secret Trials Draft’ and contains typescripts, ms. notes, correspondence and photocopies. Folder 6 is labelled ‘Home Office and PCOM Misc Files’ and contains typescripts and ms. notes. Folder 7 contains photocopies of newspaper reports of accusations and trials.

MS 287 MS 287

DR18B Research Papers DR18B Research Papers

Box 22 Box 23

Sections 9/1 Section 9/3/2-7 9/2/1-3 9/3/1