Volume 13 Number 03
CAKE AND COCKHORSE BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Summer 1995 Price f2.00 Volume 13 Nuniher 3 ISSN 6522-0823 BANBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY President: Thc Lord Sayc and Sclc Chairman: Brim Little, 12 Longfcllow Road, Banbury OXlG 9LB (tcl 0 1295 264972) Cake and Cockhorse Editorinl Committee J P. Bowcs, 9 Silvcr Street, Chacombc, Banbury OX 17 2JR (tcl 0 1295 7 12570): Nan Clinon: Jcrcmy Gibson Hon. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: Simon Townsend, G J S Ellacott, F.C A , Banbury Museum, 3 Dccrs Farm, Church Strcct, 8 Horsefair, Bcdicotc, Banbury OX16 OAA Esnbq sx I5 3cs, (tel. 01295 259855). (tcl.: 01295 258493). Programme Secretary: Hon. Research Adviser: Dr J.S.Rivers, J.S W Gibson, Homeland, Middlc Lanc, Harts Cottagc, Balscote, Cllurch Hanborough, Banbury, Oxon. Witncv, Oxon. OX8 8AB, (tel 0 I295 730672) (tel. 01993 882982) Committee Members: R.N.J Allcn, J P Bowcs, D A. Hitchcox, Miss B P Hudson, MISSK. Smith, Mrs F Thompson Membership Secretary: Mrs Margarct Liltk, cfo Banbury Muscum, 8 Horscfair, Banbuq, Oson OX 16 OAA Details of thc Society's activities and publications will be found inside the back cover. Cake and Cockhorse The magazine of the Banbury Historical Society, issued three times a year. Volume 13 Number Three Summer 1995 Hrian Roberr., Banbury and thc Oxford Canal 66 John Clarke Early Victorian South Northarnptonshirc 77 John f?o.s~ert-llawre.c From a North Bar Window 89 - ___- Book Reviews YVOMCHuntriss Sheningron A l’icrorial Herirage. Nan Clifton; Hornron I<ecollecrions ofan Oxfordvhire Village and 11s People, Arthur Milcs . 99 Jcrcmy Gibson Fairh, Hope and Chariiy The Siory of Hodicore Church nnd I’cirish, Gcorgc Walkcr, A Villc~geofGrear Worrh.
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