Inspired Choices –Malay Wedding Package 2020

Min. 10 Tables (100 Persons) Max.15 Tables (150 Persons) Sweet Dreams Complimentary 1 night stay in Bridal Suite with  A bottle of sparkling juice, pralines & fruit basket  Choice of breakfast in bed or enjoy a sumptuous buffet spread at Spices Restaurant

A Cherished Moment  Complimentary for couple in a Bridal Suite

Decor, Flowers & Such  Flower arrangement and decor for reception table  Flower arrangement and special decor for VIP table  Two (2) sets of “Bunga Manggar” at the entrance  Table number of stand for guest tables  Chair seat covers with your choice of coloured ribbons  A special guest registration book  A grand red carpet arrival to the function room  Food tasting at 50% off discount for 1 table based on the chosen menu

Lovely and meaningful Lovely and meaningful wedding guest giveaways  Choice of individually packed giveaways for wedding guests

Special benefits for the lovely couple  One (1) LCD projector and screen for wedding photo presentation (laptop by guest)  Wedding dummy cake for cake cutting ceremony  Complimentary tidbits for pre-dinner session  Complimentary free flow air / rose throughout pre-dinner session and dinner

For The Loving Couple and Family  Special room rates for wedding guests attending the wedding dinner  Complimentary allocated one (1) parking space for the bridal car at the basement car park  Complimentary parking for three (3) family cars at multi-storey car park  Special flat parking rate for guests at RM10.00 nett

Inspired Choices –Malay Wedding Package 2020

20 Tables (200 Persons) and above Sweet Dreams Complimentary 1 night stay in Bridal Suite with  A bottle of sparkling juice, pralines & fruit basket  Choice of breakfast in bed or enjoy a sumptuous buffet spread at Spices Restaurant

A Cherished Moment  Complimentary cake for couple in the Bridal Suite

Decor, Flowers & Such  Flower arrangement and decor for reception table  Flower arrangement and special decor for VIP table  Two (2) sets of “Bunga Manggar” at the entrance  Table number of stand for guest tables  Chair seat covers with your choice of coloured ribbons  A special guest registration book  A grand red carpet arrival to the ballroom

Lovely and meaningful wedding guest giveaways  Choice of individually packed giveaways for wedding guests

Special benefits for the lovely couple  Two (2) LCD projectors and screens for wedding photo presentation (laptop by guest)  Food tasting for 10 persons  Wedding dummy cake for cake cutting ceremony  Complimentary tidbits for pre-dinner session  Complimentary free flow air bandung / rose syrup throughout pre-dinner session and dinner

For The Loving Couple and Family  Special room rates for wedding guest who attend the wedding dinner  Complimentary allocated one (1) parking space for the bridal car at the basement car park  Complimentary parking for three (3) family cars at multi-storey car park  Special flat parking rate for guests at RM10.00 nett

30 Tables (300 Persons) & Above  1st year anniversary dinner voucher worth RM100.00nett inclusive of SST at Melting Pot Café (Valid for 1 year)  Specially designed wedding invitation cards inclusive of inserts and envelopes (Complimentary for 70% guests’ attendance)  Choose one (1) session of foot reflexology for 2 persons or 1 session of back and shoulder massage for 2 persons (valid for 6 months) (1 session = 60 min)

Select One  Complimentary two (2) rooms x one (1) Night stay for two (2) persons in Deluxe rooms with breakfast at Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur OR  Complimentary free flow of soft (Coke & Sprite) & titbit’s (Pringles and ) throughout pre-dinner

40 Tables (400 Persons) & Above Select One  Complimentary one (1) table on the wedding day  Complimentary two (2) x one (1) Night stay for two (2) persons in Deluxe rooms with breakfast at Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur OR  Complimentary honeymoon package two (2) x Nights stay for 2 persons at The Lakehouse Cameron Highlands OR  Complimentary honeymoon package two (2) x Nights stay for 2 persons at Sutra Beach Resort & Spa Terengganu OR  Complimentary honeymoon package two (2) x Nights stay for 2 persons at Casa Del Rio Melaka

50 Tables (500 Persons) & Above Select One  Complimentary two (2) tables on the wedding day OR  Complimentary one (1) table on the wedding day  Complimentary two (2) x one (1) Night stay for two (2) persons in Premier rooms with breakfast at Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur OR  Complimentary honeymoon package two (2) x Nights stay for two (2) persons at Hard Rock Hotel Bali OR  Complimentary honeymoon package two (2) x Nights stay for two (2) persons at Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya OR  Complimentary honeymoon package two (2) x Nights stay for two (2) persons at Hard Rock Hotel Penang


Kindly mark X for your selection of each of the following courses:

Sup  Ayam Telur Puyu  Sup Ekor Berempah Pedas  Tom Yam Talay  A’la Madras

Ayam  Bermadu  Ayam Percik Bersantan  Ayam Tandoori  Kunyit

Daging  Daging Kurma Berkentang  Daging Hitam Berkerisik  Daging Minang  Daging Bakar dengan Air Assam

Ikan  Kepingan Ikan Kerapu Masam Manis  Kari Ikan Utara  Ikan Bawal Berlada  Kari Ikan Masin Talang

Sotong  Sotong Berlada Merah  Sotong Kari Hijau  Sotong Masak  Sotong Sambal Petai

Sayur  Sayur Tauhu Jepan dengan Cendawan Hitam  Dalca Sayuran  Sayur Brokoli dengan Cendawan Tiram  Pajeri Nenas Berkerisik

Nasi  Nasi Putih  Kacang Dhall  Nasi Briyani Buah-Buahan Kering  Nasi Briyani

Manisan  Gula Melaka  Buah-Buahan Tempatan  Ais Krim Vanila bersama Tapai Pulut  Puding Gula Hangus  Puding Mangga

Kopi atau Teh


Kindly mark X for your selection of each of the following courses:

Sup  Soto Daging Tulang Rusuk  Sup Ayam Berempah  Tom Yam Udang  Sup Ikan Berserai

Ayam  Rendang Ayam Kampung  Ayam Goreng Jintan Daun Kari  Ayam dengan Nangka Muda  Berempah

Udang  Udang Percik Bersantan  Gulai Udang Nyonya dengan Nenas  Udang Goreng Marjerin Daun Kari  Udang Masam Manis

Daging  Rendang Lamb Chop  Kambing Kari Berkentang  Daging Rendang Tok  Gulai Daging Salai dengan Belimbing

Ikan  Berlada  Ikan Masak Lemak Cili Padi  Kepingan Ikan Kerapu A La Thai Sos  Ikan Percik

Sayur  Kacang Buncis Cendawan Hitam  Sayur Brokoli dengan Cendawan Shitake  Sayur Campur dengan Kacang Macadamia  Acar Timun dan Lobak Merah

Nasi  Nasi Putih  Nasi Tomato  Nasi Briyani Saffron  Nasi Briyani

Manisan  Buah – buahan Tempatan  Puding Roti Bersos Vanila  Puding Gula Hangus  Tapai dengan Kelapa  Sago Gula Melaka

Kopi atau Teh