NOTIZIE ITALIANE Newsletter of the Embassy of Italy in Israel No. 48 December 2007

Deputy PM and Minister of Culture First visit of Environment Francesco Rutelli on official visit to Israel Minister Pecoraro Scanio n December 5 Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister taly’s Minister O and Minister of Culture, Francesco Rutelli, I of the visited Israel, where he met with President Environment, Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Alfonso Pecoraro and held discussions on possibilities for Scanio, arrived on collaboration in archaeology and conservation October 31 for a four of historical assets. Mr. Rutelli also inaugurated day visit, his first to the Italia Ebraica exhibition at the Eretz Israel Israel. During the Museum . course of his stay Mr. Rutelli’s first port of call took place in Minister Pecoraro Italy's Minister of the Jerusalem, where he visited restoration work on Scanio took part in Environment Alfonso the Dead Sea Scrolls at the conservation Italy's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture two important Pecoraro Scanio laboratory of the Israeli Antiquities Authority Francesco Rutelli with President Shimon Peres international conferences, the International (IAA), a project undertaken in collaboration with MIBAC, the Italian Ministry of Culture, Water Technologies and Environmental to determine the best methods of preserving the Control Exhibition and Conference, (WATEC precious papyri (see p.2). 2007), and the Prime Minister’s Conference. During the course of the visit a Memorandum The Italian Minister also met his Israeli of Understanding was signed by the Director of counterpart, Minister Gideon Ezra, held the IAA, Mr. Shuka Dorfman, and the Secretary extensive talks with the President of Tel Aviv General of MIBAC, Dr. Giuseppe Proietti, for University Prof. Zvi Galil and the Director of conserving and restoring cultural assets. the Porter School for Environmental Studies, Mr. Rutelli continued his mission at a and visited the Campus of Ben Gurion meeting with the Custodian of the Holy Land University, internationally known for its Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, to discuss the excellence in environmental research. preservation of the archaeological site at Minister Pecoraro Scanio also attended the Capernaum, property of the Custodian. scientific seminar organized by the Italian Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Minister Francesco In his role as Deputy Prime Business Desk at the Watec Rutelli (cont. p.2) (cont. p.7) Italia Ebraica: 2000 years of encounter between Italian culture and Judaism crowd of around two and a half thousand the management of Eretz Israel Museum, A attended the opening of the exhibition Director Ilan Cohen, Deputy Director Zachi ‘Italia Ebraica: 2000 years of encounter Becker and Administration Manager Dov between Italian culture and Judaism’ held at Tamari. the Eretz Israel Museum on December 4. The In his opening remarks Ambassador De exhibition was inaugurated by Italy’s Deputy Bernardin introduced the exhibition as a homage Prime Minister and Minister of Culture, paid to Israel and its people by Italian Francesco Rutelli, who was accompanied by Institutions and the first contribution by a Secretary of State, Giovanni Vernetti, Israel’s foreign country in recognition of Israel’s 60th Minister of the Diaspora Itzhak Herzog and anniversary celebrations in 2008. At a ceremony Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai. following the Ambassador’s statement Ministers Ministers Isaac Herzog (left) and Francesco Rutelli lighting Hundreds of guests attended the opening the first Hannukah candle at the opening of the Italia Rutelli and Herzog lit the first Hannukah candle. ceremony including the Foreign Ministry’s Ebraica exhibition Italia Ebraica is sponsored by the Italian Director General for Cultural Cooperation and Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Promotion, Gherardo La Francesca; the Communications (CEO Oozi Cats), who were Affairs, The Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Apostolic Nuncio Antonio Franco as well as welcomed by Ambassador Sandro De the Lazio Region and the Union of Italian Jewish members of the Italian Government, the Lazio Bernardin and Simonetta Della Seta, Director Communities, with financial support from San Region (Diplomatic Advisor to President of the Italian Cultural Institute. Paolo Banking Group and Telit Marrazzo, Giancarlo Riccio), the Union of Arriving from Rome were Leone Communications. Italian Jewish Communities (President Renzo Paserman, President of the local Jewish The exhibition, originally inspired from an Gattegna), the Italian community in Israel, community, and Mrs. Franca Eckert Coen, idea by Arch. David Cassuto, was curated by Comites, and respresentatives from the sponsors advisor on ethnic affairs to Mayor of Rome Natalia Berger and Daniela Di Castro and Compagnia di San Paolo, and Telit Walter Veltroni. Also present were members of organized entirely by the Italian (cont. p.4)

1 NOTIZIE ITALIANE December 2007

Deputy PM Rutelli visits Israel Italy helps preserve Dead Sea Scrolls (cont. from p. 1) Minister, Mr. Rutelli also held discussions with n the occasion of the signing in Jerusalem of the President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister O Memorandum of Understanding between the Israeli Ehud Olmert. Discussions with President Peres Antiquities Authority and Italy’s Ministry of Culture, Minister explored the relationship between peace and Francesco Rutelli announced that Italy would collaborate in a economic integration between countries of the project to conserve and restore the Dead Sea Scrolls. region. “Political confrontation is divisive,” The original restoration work on the scrolls was carried out said Mr. Rutelli, “whereas economic over 60 years ago but the precious papyri have deteriorated since engagement creates ties.” then due to outdated methods of preservation, explained the Mr. Rutelli met with Prime Minister Olmert Minister. “That the work to preserve a document of such in a particularly congenial and friendly fundamental importance as the Dead Sea Scrolls should be entrusted atmosphere. Mr. Olmert thanked Italy for its to Italy”, said Mr. Rutelli, “is testimony to our country’s recognized role in the Middle East, including warm words status as world leader in the restoration and conservation of cultural of appreciation for the activities undertaken by assets.”<> UNIFIL and its Italian commander General Deputy Prime Minister Francesco Rutelli examines the Dead Sea Scolls, with Claudio Graziano, and underlined the Amb. De Bernardin importance to Israel of Italy’s support and collaboration in all sectors, which he hoped would grow in the future. Mr. Rutelli spoke of the depth of the Com.It.Es welcomes Italian parliamentarians to Israel relationship between Italy and Israel and both countries’ desire to collaborate also in cultural wo Italian members lawmakers, accompanied by affairs, such as the Italia Ebraica Exhibition.<> T of parliament, First Councillor Davide La Deputy Marco Fedi and Cecilia, met members of the Senator Nino Randazzo, Knesset’s Israel-Italy representing Italians living Parliamentary Friendship in Africa-Asia-Oceania, Committee. visited Israel on December The Italians continued 2-5. The visit, organized by with a visit to the Dante Israeli branch of Alighieri Society of Com.It.Es (Association of Jerusalem, where they were Edited by: Italians Abroad), was welcomed by President The Embassy of Italy in Israel intended to strengthen ties Yehuda Pardo and Alisa (Economic and Commercial Office) with the Italian community Vardi Benabu, and then (from left) Deputy Marco Fedi, Ms. Claudia Amati, Trade Tower, 25 HaMered Street, Tel Aviv 68125 in Israel in matters Ms. Serena Luizzi and Senator Nino Randazzo went on to the Nahon regarding political, visiting the Western Wall Museum of Italian Jewish Tel: 03-516.1744 Fax: 03-516.1755 diplomatic, entrepreneurial and cultural Art and the Italian synagogue, where they were [email protected] representation. guests of President Vito Anav and Hevrat Culture Minister Francesco Rutelli visits Israel p.1 The two parliamentarians held discussions Yehudei Italia. After visiting the Italian Hospital First visit of Italy’s Environment Minister p.1 with Adv. Beniamino Lazar, President of in Haifa the pair attended the opening of the Italia Ebraica exhibition p.1 Com.It.Es Israel, and Claudia Amati and Italia Ebraica exhibition at the Eretz Israel Italy participates in Israfood expo p.2 Serena Luizzi of Beit Wizo Italia in Jaffa, where Museum, documenting 2000 years of Comites invites parliamentarians to Israel p.2 the meeting was held. Following a visit to Yad interchange between Italian and Jewish culture. Italy helps preserve Dead Sea Scrolls p.2 Vashem and a tribute to Yitzhak Rabin the Italian (see p.1). <> Conserving and dating archaeological treasures p.3 Cooperation in biology and engineering p.3 Italians attend Watec 2007 expo p.3 Italian Language Week: Celebrating Sicily p.4 Italy participates in Israfood expo Celebrating Italian Armed Forces Day p.4 Italian Air Force Commander visits Israel p.4 even Italian companies in the food sector, One step at a time p.5 S headed by women entrepreneurs, Chamber of Commerce receives endorsement p.5 participated in Israfood 2007, the 25th Focusing on Israeli alternative energy p.5 International food and beverage exhibition Israelis attend Ecomondo expo p.5 held at the Tel-Aviv Exhibition Grounds on Israeli companies attend Matching 2007 p.5 November 26 - 28. Italy enables Israeli-Palestinian dialogue p.6 A wide variety of products ranging from Sicilians of the rock and Sicilians overseas p.6 wines and olive oil to bread, pasta and sauces, Literature and photography of Sicily p.6 was displayed in an Italian booth promoted by Day of Italian football p.6 Onilfa (the Italian Observatory for Female p.6 Enterprise and Labour in Agriculture) and ‘The Leopard’ restored Events in Israel p.7 attracted the attention of the local public. Visitors to Israfood sample products at the Italian stand During the fair the Italian companies held Events at the Nahon Museum p.7 business meetings with Israeli importers organized by the Israel-Italy Chamber of Events in Italy p.8 interested in their products. The event was Commerce in collaboration with Onilfa.<> Italian Trade Fair Calendar p.8

2 NOTIZIE ITALIANE December 2007

Conserving and dating archaeological treasures Italian Israeli three day Italian- The Israeli delegation cooperation in biology A Israeli binational was led by Dr. Elisabetta conference on “Materials, Boaretto, of the Kimmel time and stability: Center for Archaeological and engineering applications in archaeology Science at the Weizmann and conservation", was held Institute, and included he Israeli-Italian at Bar Ilan University on October 30 Ð experts from all the country’s major universities T Conference on November 1. as well as Dr. Ira Rabin of the Israel Complex networks in biology The event, organized by the Italian Business Antiquities Authority and representatives from and engineering, from Desk as part of the Italian-Israeli Agreement the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. principles to applications, on Scientific, Industrial and Technology New possibilities resulting from recent was held at Tel Aviv Cooperation, was attended by approximately developments in innovative materials, as well University on October 23-25. 50 scholars from both countries as well as as opportunities for further study were outlined The event was organized by the Italian representatives from industry interested in the and discussed at the conference, which is Business Desk within the framework of the application of new technologies for dating and expected to generate a series of initiatives for Bilateral Agreement on Scientific, Industrial conserving archaeological finds. future collaboration in archaeological dating and Technology Cooperation and was attended Headed by Prof. Lucio Calcagnile of the and conservation techniques. These could by over 150 experts and industrialists from University of Lecce, the Italian delegation function within the framework of current both countries. included archeologists, physicists, experts in cooperation agreements as well as other Opening the event were Prof. Zvi Galil, chemistry and engineers from the Universities European programs. Student exchanges and President of Tel Aviv University; Prof. Dani of Lecce, Rome and Ferrara as well as from reciprocal visits to archaeological sites were Leviatan, TAU’s Rector; Prof. Roberto the National Research Council (CNR). also discussed. <> Lagalla, Health Inspector of the Sicily Region and Prof. Luigi Fortuna of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Catania. In his remarks Prof. Galil underlined the significance of this event and the importance of Italy as one of the University’s and Israel’s Large Italian presence main European partners in science and technology, a situation which the TAU President at Watec 2007 expo intends to expand during the period of his tenure. his year’s During the opening ceremonies TAU Rector T International Water Dani Leviatan countersigned a scientific and Technologies and academic cooperation agreement with the Environmental Control University of Catania which formally came into Exhibition and effect on the opening day of the conference. Conference, WATEC This agreement will establish the basis for an 2007, took place in Tel Aviv on October 30 Ð Ronni Benatoff, President of the Israel-Italy Chamber of academic exchange program between the two Commerce, addressing the Watec 2007 conference, with universities, co-tutelage of doctoral theses and November 1 and included a large and Dr. Adriano Gasperi significant Italian presence. propose joint advanced research projects. Promoted and coordinated by the Embassy, large Italian delegation for attending the event The Italian delegation was headed by Dr. Italy’s contribution to the event included the and expressed his hope that resulting areas of Vito Latora of the University of Catania and participation of Environment Minister Alfonso collaboration would further solidify cooperation included delegates from the universities of Pecoraro Scanio and an Italian-Israeli seminar in environmental technologies and scientific Rome, Palermo, Molise, Turin and Trieste, on "Eco-evolution, innovation and future research between Italy and Israel. Also present officials from National Research Centers such strategies: advanced technologies in waste and at the opening were Ronnie Benatoff, President as CNR, ENEA and INFN as well as water treatment". of the Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce and representatives from STMicroelectronics and The seminar was divided into three sessions, the Director of Matimop, Yair Amitay. Ylichron. one allocated to representatives of local and Opening the proceedings Environment The Israeli attendance was led by Prof. national government institutions, and two Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio dwelt at Eshel Ben Jacob of Tel Aviv University and sessions dedicated to presentations by length on the relevance and long-term numbered around 140 experts, doctoral students representatives from research institutions and importance of cooperation in these sectors and and entrepreneurs. industrial enterprises. The aim of the seminar how much more significant this is compared to The conference served as an ideal was to bring together universities, research simple scientific or industrial collaboration in background for an exchange of ideas between centers, environmental institutions and other fields. Finding and applying innovative the academic and industrial sectors and is entrepreneurs from both countries to discuss the solutions for the treatment and fair distribution expected to generate joint collaborative projects development and application of new technologies of water resources, said the Minister, are between institutions of the two countries related to the treatment of water and waste fundamental to ensure a peaceful political wishing to adhere to the 7th European disposal and to expand the already existing climate, and form a central part of the Framework Program.<> network of Italian-Israeli joint projects currently Government of Italy’s strategic plan, including in operation in these sectors. support for initiatives such as these. Introducing Minister Pecoraro Scanio The Italian Business Desk also organized a promote and explain Italy’s involvement and Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin thanked the “Punto Italia” stand at the event to further interest in environmental issues.<>

3 NOTIZIE ITALIANE December 2007 Italian Language Week: Celebrating Sicily he 7th edition of the diplomats. Nahon Museum T “Italian Language The exhibition was of Italian Jewish Week in the World”, on followed by a concert of Art, in the themes inspired by the Sicilian music through presence of First sea, was celebrated in the centuries given by Al Councillor Davide La Cecilia, Simonetta Israel by a salute to Madina, an Italian group Della Seta, Director of the Italian Cultural Sicily. The ‘Week’ consisting of vocalist Insitute and members of the Italian Jewish attracted a large public Costanza Licata community. th and was the subject of Sicily Region President Salvatore Cuffaro (left) with accompanied by pianist The artefacts, a marble pillar from the 12 considerable written and Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin, Simonetta Della Rosy Enea and century with text inscribed in four languages, visual media attention. Seta and Regional Councillor Roberto Lagalla percussionist Valeria including Hebrew, and a brass astrolabe (for Guests of honor at the numerous events Cima. Following the concert guests were invited measuring altitude) from the 13th century, were celebrated in Israel last October 22Ð30 were to sample the best of Sicilian cuisine, offered described in a fascinating lecture by Prof Salvatore Cuffaro, President of the Sicily by the noted Chef from Palermo, Vincenzo Nicolo` Bucarla, invited specially for this Region, accompanied by a large delegation that Conticello, at Tel Aviv’s Pronto Restaurant. occasion by the Italian Cultural Institute. The included the Regional Councillor Roberto In Haifa the Week opened with a lecture on artefacts were subsequently put on display at Lagalla and Director of its Cultural Office “Arthur’s Island” by Elsa the Italia Ebraica exhibition in Tel Fausto Spagna. Morante, followed by a Aviv (see p.1). The “Week” opened with the exhibition projection of the film of the Over 300 attended the “Sicily in my mind” by the celebrated Sicilian same name by Damiano reception and second Al Madina photographer Giò Martorana at Sotheby’s Damiani. concert at the Italian Residence Gallery in Tel Aviv, which also published a On October 23 President on the same evening, guests of sumptuous catalogue documenting aspects of Cuffaro, in Jerusalem for talks Ambassador Sandro De life in Sicily. The exhibition was attended by with Israeli government Bernardin in honor of the Sicilian several hundred visitors including officials from officials, opened an exhibition The Italian group Al Madina delegation and other participants the Municipality of Tel Aviv and foreign of Sicilian artefacts at the performing traditional Sicilian music of the Italian Language Week. <> Military Attaché celebrates Armed Forces Day Commander of Italian n November 5 the it the world’s third largest O Italian Military Attaché, contributor of military Gen. Nicola Gelao, celebrated personnel engaged in peace Air Force visits Israel Italian Armed Forces Day operations. In the Middle n November 19-21 the Commander of with a reception at the Dan East, Italian personnel O the Italian Air Forces, Gen. S.A. Panorama hotel in Tel Aviv. command and man the Vincenzo Camporini, visited Israel on a trip The ceremony, in the European Border Assistance organized in the framework of the presence of Ambassador Mission in Rafah, the cooperation established with the Israeli Air Sandro De Bernardin, also (from left) Mrs. Anna Bernardin, Gen. Nicola Temporary International Forces. honors the memory of Italian Gelao and his wife Rosa, with Ambassador Presence in Hebron, the Gen. Camporini was welcomed by the soldiers killed in foreign Sandro De Bernardin Truce Commander in countries during service in Supervision Organization Chief of the international missions, such as in Kosovo, and, since last year, has contributed 2.500 Israel Air Force Bosnia, , Afghanistan and Lebanon. soldiers to UNIFIL in Lebanon, including its (IAF), Maj. Speaking to the large assembly of guests, Commander. Gen. Eliezer including from the Israeli Armed Forces, the Representatives and families of the entire Shekdi and his Italian Military Attaché outlined Italy’s military diplomatic community in Israel staff. After contribution to these missions, which has made participated at the event. <> meeting Ambassador Gen. Vincenzo Camporini (2nd from Sandro De left) and his Israeli counterpart Maj. Italia Ebraica: 2000 years of Italian Jewish encounter Bernardin, Gen. Eliezer Shekdi (cont. from p. 1) Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv and with modern art by painters such as Modigliani, Gen. Camporini held several working meetings its Director Simonetta Della Seta. Cagli and Balla, testimony to over 20 centuries during the two-day visit, which confirmed Italia Ebraica is a unique project. Coexistence of cohabitation between two proud and once again the excellent and professional between these two cultures, equally proud and productive peoples . The items on display were relations existing between the two Armed equally productive and expressed through 22 received on loan from Italy, the US, the UK, Forces. <> centuries of dialogue and exchange, has France, Switzerland and Portugal and comprise bestowed on the world countless works of art items both from private collections as well as and letters that have no parallel. artefacts from the Uffizi in Florence, the Palatine intellectuals as has Italy," said Deputy Prime The exhibition, which will remain open until Library, the Vatican’s Apostolic Library and the Minister and Minister of Culture Francesco February 28, is without precedent and displays National Gallery in Rome. Rutelli in his introductory remarks, “and this is over two hundred unique sacred and secular "There are few countries in Europe whose why our two peoples, friends and brothers, share objects, starting from the first century and ending national culture has been so influenced by Jewish a common and future heritage,” he added. <>

4 NOTIZIE ITALIANE December 2007

One step at a time Chamber of Commerce Tsad Kadima" an Israeli children and association of parents of over heard about 300“ children with motor dysfunctions, the numerous receives endorsement celebrated its 20th anniversary with ties that unite he 16th an international conference on the Tsad Kadima T World theme of education and rehabilitation with Italy. Convention of of children with brain damage. During the Italian The conference was organized in Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin in a evening the Chambers of Commerce took place in close cooperation with the Neurology lighthearted moment with a member of Tsad imminent Kadima, with Claudia De Benedetti (center) Livorno between November 10 - 16. During Department of Shaarei Zedek Hospital, construction an official ceremony, Assocamerestero, the the School of Occupational Therapy of the of a new educational rehab center in Beersheva Association of Italian Chambers of Hebrew University’s Hadassah School at Mount was announced, an expansion of the current Commerce Abroad, awarded the Israel-Italy Scopus and the Bobat Physiotherapy Institute. program directed by former Italian Dr. Marina Chamber of Commerce and Industry with Experts from around the world and leaders Norsi. the "Upgrading Network" certificate. This of the Italians supporting Tsad Kadima were Italian participants at the conference also important award testifies to the constant joined by Dr. M. Delellis, physiotherapist from visited Tsad Kadima’s headquarters in Rishon improvement in the quality of services Rome’s Vaccari Institute and Dr. Claudia De Lezion where they examined the restoration provided by the Chamber of Commerce. Benedetti,Councillor of UCEI (Union of Italian work and the new computers donated to the The event, which was organized by Jewish Communities). organization by Italian friends. Livorno’s Chamber of Commerce and The event was attended by Ambassador Tsad Kadima is at the forefront of initiatives Assocamerestero, was held in collaboration Sandro De Bernardin and his wife Anna, in rehabilitation and conductive education, and with Unioncamere, Unioncamere Toscana, invited by Alessandro Viterbo, a member of will serve as a model for the introduction of Infocamere and Toscana Promozione. the Tsad Kadima board, who met participants these methods into similar institutions in Italy.<> The main themes of the convention were from Italy, spoke with some of the disabled the economies of different areas of Italy and the strategies needed to integrate and increase their competitiveness in a global economy. In this context particular attention was given CdO focuses on Israeli Alternative Energy to the role of the Italian Chambers of lternative energy Delegates visited Israeli R&D institutions and Commerce abroad and their capacity to A was the focus of companies specializing in various contribute to this aim. the visit to Israel by a environmental technologies, and attended the <> delegation from Italy WATEC 2007 exhibition as well as the Prime organized by CdO - Minister's Conference for Export and Compagnia delle Opere, one of Italy's largest International Cooperation. The aim was to network of Small and Medium-sized identify potential technology providers and Israelis attend Enterprises (SMEs). joint venture partners. Eighteen CdO companies, active in energy, The Italian delegation was headed by Dr. Ecomondo Exhibition construction, infrastructure, environmental Enrico Biscaglia, CEO of CdO Italy and by technologies and related fields - together with Dr. Maurizio Giuliano, Director of ontinuing its collaboration with a representative of ENEL (Italian Electric International Relations at CdO. "There are C Rimini Fiere, and in a joint effort with Energy Authority) - took part in the event many similarities between the Italian and the Israel Export and International which was organized by Jonathan Sierra and Israeli economies,” the delegation leaders said, Cooperation Marco Jona of CdO Jerusalem, the CdO “as both are based to a large extent on SMEs. Institute, the branch in Israel. We hope to convey to our Israeli colleagues Israel-Italy The three day intensive trip, which took the message of the CdO model: by joining Chamber of place at the end of October, introduced forces and networking, SMEs gain the political Commerce members of the delegation to Israeli and financial clout they need and deserve." organized the innovations in solar, water, biomass and other participation of related power-generation technologies. <> an Israeli delegation of Environment Minister Alfonso over 20 Pecoraro Scanio opening the representatives 2007 Ecomondo Expo Israeli Companies at Matching 2007 to the 11th International Trade Fair of ar Export two Israeli companies were selected to attend Material & Energy Recovery and D and Lan Lee Matching by the Tel Aviv office of ICE, the Sustainable Development, Ecomondo, held International, two multisector Israeli trading Italian Institute for Foreign Trade. in Rimini on Nov 7-10. companies, were invited to attend the 2007 At Matching the two Israeli enterprises had Inaugurated by the Italian Minister of edition of Matching, an event that promotes the opportunity to meet and conduct business Environment, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, the creation of networks between enterprises, with the over 1600 Italian CdO companies Ecomondo ran concurrently with the first which took place at FieraMilano between that took part in the event. The exhibitors, edition of Key Energy and the third edition November 19 Ð 21 active in almost every manufacturing and of Ri3, and was attended by 57,907 visitors Matching is a trade fair and workshop trading field in Italy, represent just a part of (10.1% more than in 2006). In total, organized annually by CdO - Compagnia delle the powerful CdO network that associates over Ecomondo hosted approximately 1,200 Opere, one of Italy's largest networks of Small 34,000 Italian enterprises. speakers (an 18% increase). and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The <> <>

5 December 2007 ItalianItalian NOTIZIE ITALIANE CulturalCultural InstituteInstitute Tel.Tel. 03-516136103-5161361 Cartoons as a bridge for dialogue Sicilians of the rock large crowd of cooperation and A descended on the friendship. Pace of Peace and Sicilians overseas Krieger Theater in subsequently received an Haifa on December 11 award at the Venice Film for the screening of the Festival in 2004. animated short film P. Guests invited to the O. P. ‘Pace of Peace’. event included Wafa Z. The evening, promoted Fahoum, of Haifa’s Bet by the Italian Cultural Hagefen center for Peace Institute of Haifa and A scene from 'Pace of Peace', a joint effort by Israeli and Dialogue; Paolo Haifa Cinematheque, and Palestinian youth Masini, Rome was a contribution to the ‘Feast of Feasts', an Municipality Councillor; Franco La Torre, annual event promoted by the Municipality Director of the Office for Peace in Jerusalem of Haifa encouraging dialogue between Jews, of the Municipality of Rome; Luca Raffaelli, Muslims and Christians. Artistic Director of the animated film festival Before the screening a documentary was I Castelli Animati; Geries Khoury, Director shown about the experiences of the group, made of the Al-liqà Center for Religious Studies in Gaetano Savatteri (left) and Alberto Stabile discuss up of young Israelis and Palestinians from the Holy Land and Edoardo Crisafulli, the people of Sicily Ra'anana and Qalqilia, which was invited to Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Haifa. ho are the real Sicilians? According Rome to produce the film together in a spirit <> W to writer Gaetano Savatteri and the correspondent of La Repubblica Alberto Stabile, there are many different types. In a talk at the library of the Italian Cultural Literature and photography in Sicily Institute of Tel Aviv, and taking inspiration n October 25 steps of the Sellerio from Savatteri’s book I Siciliani, the two O Sicilian Publishing House, its authors underlined the distinction between publisher Antonio relations with writers those who still live on the Island and those Sellerio recounted the like Leonardo who “emigrated” to the Continent, between history and role of his Sciascia and its those who see their origins as something to publishing company Sicilian character, so be proud of, and those who try to forget them, “Sellerio Editore” in unique and so different embodied in the famous adage: Sicilians of the Italian cultural from those of the big the rock and Sicilians overseas. <> scenario. mainland publishers. At the Atalia The event, organized Gallery in Neve Zedek, Italian publisher Antonio Sellerio with Simonetta on the occasion of the in the beautiful Della Seta 7th Week of the Italian ‘The Leopard’ restored atmosphere created by the images of Children Language in the World, highlighted the of Sicily, an exhibition of photographs by his distinctiveness of Sicilian culture and, at the newly restored copy of the famous film father, the photographer and publisher Enzo same time, its importance in the general cultural A “Il Gattopardo” (‘The Leopard’) by Sellerio, participants learned about the first panorama of Italy. <> Luchino Visconti, based on the novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, was screened in the Tel Aviv Cinemateque on October 30. The event was presented by Gioacchino Italian Embassy sponsors day of football Lanza Tomasi di Lampedusa, famous ver 700 Israelis, channukiot and scholar and son of the author, and Lanza O Arabs, new prepared pitta Tomasi, who offered their personal insights immigrants from and baked on a on the birth of the novel and the film. Ethiopia and Italians “tabun” (Beduin In the foyer, the Italian Cultural Institute attended the “Day of Italian hot plate) and organized an exhibition of photos taken on Football” event, held at Beit smeared with the set of the movie by Nicola Scafidi, which Wizo Italia in Jaffa on chocolate cream. introduced guests into the exciting December 10 in the Attending atmosphere of the set of one of the most presence of Ambassador and the event, aside famous films of early Italian cinema, Mrs. Sandro De Bernardin. from the including images of the extremely young and Divided by age and Members of the organizing committee of Beit Wizo Italia Ambassador beautiful Claudia Cardinale and Alain Delon sporting bright red, blue and green jerseys with and his wife Anna, were Dr. Laura Marini of in the title roles. <> a design of Italy and the Beit Wizo Italia logo the Embassy, Simonetta Della Seta, Director printed in white on the front, the teams played of the Italian Cultural Institute, Ruth under the watchful eye of international referee Rubinstein, Head of Wizo’s Youth Department, Izhak ben Izhak. Participants and guests were Moshe Ezra, Director of Youth and Sport at Tel De Bernardin, thanking participants for their offered pizzas, fruit and sufganiyot (doughnuts) Aviv Municipality, Orna Kadosh and Gil attendance at the competition, presented the while younger participants decorated plaster Elimelech. After the final whistle Ambassador winning team with medals and a trophy. <>

6 NOTIZIE ITALIANE December 2007

Italian Cultural Institute Tel. 03-5161361 Events in Israel Concert by pianist Edoardo Berlendis Squarciapino January 3, Tel Aviv (costumes), Vinicio Music by Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Clementi, Galuppi Cheli (lighting), and and Debussy. Piero Giuliacci and 03-6201185 Susanna Branchini (cast). La forza del destino 03/6927777 January 4-18, Tel Aviv Verdi’s opera with Adoration of the Magi mezzosoprano Tiziana Carraro January, Haifa and bass Renato Girolami. Exhibition of sculptures by Ilario Fioravanti, one of Italy’s most eclectic and critically 03/6927777 acclaimed artists, illustrators and sculptors. Recently Fioravanti’s work has been inspired Sweet song of the crow by the ancient Etruscan, Egyptian and Central January 23, Tel Aviv American cultures. An introduction to Jewish music in Italy. Edwin Rappaport Auditorium The Italian Embassy salutes Seroussi (Hebrew University) introduces the collection of music published by the Jewish The Jewish Brigade the publication of a new Music Research Center, with musicologist January 27, Haifa stamp issued by the Israeli Massimo Acanfora Torrefranca and vocalist Screening of documentary and exhibition of Sergio Molco, who will perform slected works photographs about the activities of the Jewish Post Office commemorating tel. 03-5161361 Brigade in Romagna in the years immediately the centenary of the following the second world war. Former Turandot by Giacomo Puccini members of the Jewish Brigade will attend this founding of the Italian January 7-22, Tel Aviv event, which coincides with the annual Hospital in Haifa With the participation of Marco Gandini commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance (Director), Ezio Frigerio (Scenography), Franca Day. <> Winter at the Museum of Italian Minister Pecoraro Scanio (cont. from p. 1) Exhibition (see p.3). These Jewish Art January-February, 2008 meetings were intended to open the way to an intensification of already existing ties not only More Than Seven… Tu Bi-Shvat Between Carnival and Commedia between government ministries but also between February 6- March 9 March 21-22 Universities and Israeli research centers. Exhibition of grapes, Purim Minister Pecoraro Scanio held a cordial pomegranates and events based meeting with his Israeli counterpart Gideon Ezra, other agricultural on the who stated that international cooperation, both products carved on Commedia bilateral and multilateral, occupy a significant wooden column’s dell’Arte place in Israel’s environmental policies and that some embroidered in with the best the Israeli Government has ratified almost all golden actors international environmental agreements. thread and others cast in pure writers and In discussions with Tel Aviv University silver, from the ancient screen- President, Prof. Zvi Galil, Minister Pecoraro Synagogue of Conegliano. The writers in Scanio expressed his full support for the level items will be on display in a the field, in collaboration with the Jerusalem of cooperation resulting from the MOU of 2003, special Tu Bi-Shvat Exhibition Foundation and the Municipality of Jerusalem. and undertook to renew and expand existing celebrating Italian Judaica from Details to be announced. <> agreements to include direct contacts with Italian the Renaissance period to the universities and research centers. The Minister present day. referred specifically to the initiatives undertaken in collaboration with the Porter School of Ancient and classical music Environmental Studies, which he hoped would February 2008 encourage further joint research projects in a Details to be announced future application of the MOU. At the Sde Boker campus of Ben Gurion Purim in Jerusalem University the Minister visited the Blaustein March 9 – April 6 Institute for Desert Research, the Zukerberg Exhibit of ancient illuminated Scrolls of Institute for Water Research and the Marco and Esther from the museum’s collection. Louise Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology.<>

27, Hillel st., Jerusalem Tel: 02-6241610 Fax: 02-6253480 [email protected]

7 NOTIZIE ITALIANE December 2007

Events in Italy The Promised Land Canova and Venus Venetrix The enigma of Medieval ivories Until 27 January Until February 3 Until 30 April The exhibition brings Antonio Canova represents This exhibition presents 67 ivory tablets together 27 artists, the apotheosis of Italian conserved in the Museo Diocesano of Salerno, Italian and Israeli but Neoclassicism, an artistic the largest and most complete set of Christian also Japanese, Korean period in which mythological Medieval ivories in the world, whose and Dutch, in a multicultural atmosphere of subjects, political importance and fame transcend national different languages, ideologies and religions. personalities and borders. Together with 34 ivories from museums The title has Biblical associations but also metaphysical themes were and collections from different countries, the indicates the utopian desire to live in an ideal explored. Over 50 paintings, exhibition revives a crucial period of European place that would be a homeland for all. drawings and clay models, as well as 16 major medieval art. marble sculptures are on display. Tribute to Ettore Sottsass Teatro alla Scala Until 2 March Pintoricchio Opera Season 2008 Trieste celebrates 2 February to 29 June Gaetano Donizetti, Maria Stuarda, Ettore Sottsass’s 90th The exhibition celebrates conductor: Antonino Fogliani th January: 15, 18, 20, 22, 26, 30 - birthday with a grand the 550 anniversary of the February: 3, 7 exhibition, honoring birth of Bernardino di Franco Alfano, Cyrano de one of the masters of Betto, known as Bergerac, conductor: Patrick Fournillier Italian design. The Pintoricchio, a protagonist January: 29 - February: 1, 5, 9, 12, 15 works are displayed in seven thematic zones: of the Italian Renaissance Alban Berg, Wozzeck, conductor: Daniele Gatti industrial design, architecture, photography, and the symbol of Perugia. The “Cappella February: 19, 22, 24, 26, 28 - March: 5, 9 jewellery, drawing, ceramics and glass. Bella” (photo) in the Santa Maria Maggiore Giacomo Puccini, Il Trittico, conductor: Riccardo Centro Espositivo d’Arte Moderna e Church is one of this artist’s major works. Chailly Contemporanea, Trieste March: 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 20, 25, 28 - April: 2 <>

Italian Trade Fair Calendar January-February, 2008

PITTI IMMAGINE SO FRESH PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO 17 - 18 Jan, Bologna FILATI 9 - 12 Jan, Florence Fresh Food Products 30 Jan - 1 Feb, Florence MILANOUNICA SIGEP Men’s Clothing www.sofresh.bologna Yarn Collections, Knitting 12 - 15 Feb, 26-30 January International Textile Fair SIGEP, International EXPO RIVA SCHUH BIKE EXPO INFOSECURITY Exhibition for 12 - 15 Jan, Riva del 18 - 20 Jan, Padua 5 - 7 Feb, Milan QUADRUM SACA Garda (Trento) Motorcycle Show Information Security 14 - 17 Feb, Bologna Artisan Production of Ice Cream, Pastry, Footwear Mouldings, Frames, Confectionary and Bakery, will take place at Graphics the Rimini Expo Center, between January MACEF STORAGE EXPO 26-30 2008. MILANO MODA 18 - 21 Jan, Rho-Pero 5 - 7 Feb, Milan At SIGEP, the entire artisan confectionery UOMO (Mi) Data Storage MILANO MODA trade is highlighted in all its manufacturing, 13 - 17 Jan, Milan Int’l Home Show DONNA creative and commercial forms: machinery, Men's Fashion 18 - 25 Feb, Milan ingredients, décor & fittings, accessories, SASMIL Women's Wear decorations, services, publishing and CHIBI & CART 5 - 7 Feb, Rho - Pero VICENZAORO 18 - 21 Jan, Rho-Pero (Mi) communication. WINTER (Mi) Furniture Industry VIATEC <> 13 - 20 Jan, Vicenza Gifts, Perfumes, Paper 20 - 22 Feb, Bolzano Gold, Silver, Jewellery products Road Construction & www.vicenzaorowinter. SAMUMETAL Maintenance FLORMART MIFLOR Int’l Food Show it 6 - 9 Feb, Pordenone 21 - 23 Feb, Padua PITTI IMMAGINE Metalworking expo Nursery & Gardening OROMACCHINE BIMBO BI-MU www.flormartprima MICAM SHOEVENT 13 - 20 Jan, Vicenza 18 - 20 Jan, Florence MEDITERRANEA 26 - 29 Feb, Rho-Pero Jewelry Manufacturing Children’s clothing, FIERAGRICOLA 21 - 24 Feb, Bari (Mi) accessories 7 - 10 Feb, Verona Machine Tools MILANOVENDEMO Int’l Footwear Expo Agriculture & Animal www.bimu- DA MARCA farming 21 - 24 Feb, Milan 17 - 18 Jan, Bologna ARTE FIERA Women's Prêt-à-porter MIPEL Brand Labels Conf. & 25 - 28 Jan, Bologna BIT www.milanovende THEBAGSHOW Expo Contemporary Art SEATEC 21 - 24 Feb, Rho - Pero 28 Feb - 02 Mar, Rho- www.marca.bologna www.artefiera.bologna 7 - 9 Feb, Marina di (Mi) Pero (Mi) Carrara Int’l Tourism Exchange MIA Leathergoods Expo Boats & Ships 23 - 26 Feb, Rimini <>