Jlocal Broker Closes Three Realty Sales Esth Rate Here, $5.93
RED B£NKy N. J., THURSDAY^ FEBRUARY 7,1946, SECTION Cross Bills Seen Robert Badenhop To Plan Party Film-Recording jLocal Broker Closes At Middletown For Riverview Esth A flock of 20 white and-a few ted. Buys Handsome . Enterprise Is striped wing crossbills were Men Fair Haven auxiliary of River- Three Realty Sales on the liwn* of Mrs, Charles Bu'rd Ridge Road Place view hospital will meet Monday Rate Here, $5.93 and Mrs, Cornelius Allen of Con- afternoon at the Episcopal parish Located Here over lane, Mlddletown township, house at Fair Haven, Plans will last week. be held' Monday, February 18, at Raj? VanHora Sells be completed for the card party to •iayBerger, Expert Rolston Waterbury Increases This Is a specie of bird of the the parish house, with Mrs. John J. Increase Of $24,003 In Amount far north and northwest,- and is a Former C. Alan Hudson Knodel as chairman. Cameraman, Offering His Sales Staff To Seven Members rare winter, visitor to the East, al- To Be Raited For Local Purposes though, at Interval* of many years,' Rumson Property Hostesses will be Mrs. C. Theo- Unique Service they do migrate south. The cause dore Engberg and Mrs. Charles P. Three large fealty sales were re- of these flights 1* uncertain, but it Hurd. Mrs. George Stephen Young-, The.budget for the borough of. One of the finest modern homes president, will -preside. .In a venture presumed to be the Red Bank was passed on first read- U|*xtnia«l«<a I A •»'*• ported today by Roiston Waterbury, is reasonable to suppose that they In Rumson to~be~so4d~ln recent first, of it* kind along the Jersey Robert Matthews Red;Bank realtor.
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