Perek X Daf 110 Amud A
NOTES Rav Naĥman said that the verse said: “It was a night of watching ָא ַמר ַרב ַנ ְח ָמן: ָא ַמר ְקָרא: ֵ״ליל Some com- to the Lord” (Exodus :), which indicates that Passover night : ֵליל ַה ְמ ׁש ּו ָּמר ּו ָבא – A night that remains guarded ׁ ִש ּמוִרים״ – ֵליל ַה ְמ ׁש ּו ָּמר ּו ָבא ִמן mentaries explain that this night remains guarded throughout is a night that remains guardedN from demons and harmful H ַה ַּמִזּ ִיקין. history, as it is set aside as the time of redemption for the Jewish people. Therefore, there is no concern for danger on spirits of all kinds. Th erefore, there is no cause for concern about this night (see Rashi tractate Rosh HaShana 12b). Alternatively, this form of danger on this particular night. the verse states with regard to this night: “The night shines Rava said a diff erent answer: Th e cup of blessing for Grace aft er ָר ָבא ָא ַמר: ּכוֹס ׁ ֶשל ְּבָר ָכה ִמ ְצ ָטֵרף like the day” (Psalms 139:12), i.e., demons have no power at -Meals on Passover night is used in the performance of an addi ְל ָטוֹבה, ְו ֵאינוֹ ִמ ְצ ָטֵרף ְלָר ָﬠה. ָר ִב ָינא .(that time (Iyyun Ya’akov Because safety is guaranteed on this night, the custom in -tional mitzva and is not simply an expression of freedom. Th ere ָא ַמר: ַאְר ָּב ָﬠה ָּכ ֵסי ַּת ִּק ּינו ַר ָּב ַנן ֶ ּדֶר ְך many communities was to leave one’s doors unlocked as an fore, it combines with the other cups for the good, i.e., to fulfi ll ֵח ּירות, ָּכל ַחד ְו ַחד expression of trust in God, as the Jews were redeemed due the mitzva to drink four cups, and it does not combine for the to their faith (ge’onim).
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