Richard James DeRyckefor theM. S. in Oceanography (Name) (Degree) (Major) Date thesis is presented/( Title AN INVESTIGATION OF EVAPORATION FROM THEOCEAN

OFF TH.E OREGON COAST, AND FROM YAQUINA BAY,OREGON Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved /(Major Professor)

A was established on the dock of the OregonState University Marine Science Center, Yaquina Bay, O:Legon.A total of

197weather observations was made from 30 June1966to 23 Septem- ber1966,with emphasis on the determination of the rate of evapora- tion from an evaporation pan and from atmometers. Sources of observational error were investigated and corrections applied as necessary.The daily variation in evaporation was deter- mined.The correlation between wind, vapor pressure, and evapora- tion was found.Atmometers were used to estimate the evaporation from the surface of Yaquina Bay, and the possibility of using atmo- meters at sea was investigated. AN INVESTIGATION OF EVAPORATION FROM THE OCEAN OFF THE OREGON COAST, AND FROM YAQUINA BAY, OREGON



A THESIS submitted to


in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE

June 1967 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy

Prolèssor of Oceanography In Charge of Major

Redacted for Privacy

Chairman of Department of Oceanography

Redacted for Privacy

Date thesis is presented1/ Typed by Marcia Ten Fyck ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I wish to thank Dr. June G. Pattullo for her help and guidance throughout this project. My appreciation also goes to Mrs. Susan J. Borden for her help with problems on some of my computer programs, and to Mr. Duane Frdman at the Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon, for his help in running salinities and in setting up the atmometers. Special thanks goes o my wife, Dennis, for her help in data processing and in typing up the rough drafts of the thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page


EQUIPMENT USED 4 OBSERVATIONAL PROCEDURE AND DATA ANALYSIS 11 Observational Procedure 11 Determination and Correction of ObservationalError 14 Data Analysis 18

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 20 The Evaporation Day 20 Evaporation Correlated to Wind Speed 25 Evaporation as a Function of Height Above the SeaSurface 25 Daily Evaporation Rate 27 Estimation of Sea Surface Evaporation UsingAtmometers 27 Equation of Evaporation 31 COMPARISONS WITH OTHER STUDIES 34 Reduction of to Sea Surface Evaporation 34 Average Daily Sea Surface Evaporation 34 Equation of Evaporation 35



1 Location of the weather station. 5

2 Arrangement of atmometer and burette. 8

3 Average hourly temperature of the air, bay surface water, evaporation pan water, and average incoming radiation (Q). 12a 4 Schematic representation of the tilt of the surface water in the pan caused by a northwest wind. 1 6

5 Error produced by the wind blowing over the water surface of the evaporation pan.Some points signify more than one observation. 16

6 Average hourly vapor pressure of pan water, bay water and air.The average hourly relative humidity is also shown. 21

7 Average hourly cloud cover, pan evaporation and wind velocity. 22

8 Normal surface air pressure (in mb) over the North- east Pacific Ocean, based on U. S. Weather Bureau Normal Weather Chart (August). 24

9 Average pan evaporation observed at various wind speeds. 24

10 Atmometer evaporation rate (E ) vs height.Rate a at5.5rn100%. 26

11 Correlation between atmometer evaporation (E) and pan evaporation (E). 28

12 Estimated sea surface evaporation as a function of the sea surface water vapor pressure (e), air vapor pressure (ea), and wind speed (kt). 32 LIST OF TABLES

Table Page

1 A comparison of the constants of evaporation as determined by the author, Rohwer (1931), and Kohier (1954). 35 A1' INVESTIGATION OF EVAPORATION FROM THE OCEAN OFF THE OREGON COAST, AND FROM YAQUINA BAY, OREGON


The purpose of this study has been to investigate various methods of estimating evaporation from the surface of the sea and to estimate the evaporation from the sea off the Oregon coast.It is not possible, at present, to determine directly the amount of evaporation from the sea surface, as no technique for doing this has yet been devised. Two indirect methods of determining evaporation from the sea sur- face have been used.One method involves the use of heat budget computations and another uses evaporation pans. The heat budget method assumes that the temperature of the ocean in the region is unchanging and that there is a balance at the sea surface between solar radiation, heat conduction, back radiation and evaporative heat transfer.Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming (1942) have shown how the heat budget method may be used to esti- mate evaporation from the sea surface.Because it is not possible to determine solar radiatior, back radiation, and heat conduction with a great deal of accuracy, evaporation determined using the heat budget method is considered somewhat inaccurate. Another method of determining evaporation from the sea is to measure evaporation (E) fron an evaporation pan at a known ele- vation (Z) above the sea surface.Sea surface evaporation is then estimated from empirical relationships.This method is used in this study. Evaporation measurements were made in an evaporation pan above the surface of Yaquina Bay, Oregon.As Yaquina Bay is only a short distance from the PacificOcean (Figure 1),it is assumed that the physical factors affecting evaporation in the bay are not very different from those of the open ocean within a fewmiles of the bay. The physical fac:tors assumed to be nearly the same are: wind velocity, air vapor pressure, sea water vapor pressure, andair turbulence. One of the major problems in such a study is that an evaporation pan cannot be expected to evaporate atthe same rate as the bay sur- face below it.Several attempts were made in this study to make the pan's evaporative characteristics closer approximations to the evap- orative characteristics of the bay.An attempt has been made to cor- rect pan evaporation rates for the errors introduced by havingthe pan above the bay surface. The possibility of using atmorneters for evaporation measure- rnents at sea was investigated.The atmometer evaporates water from a porous porcelain sphere and can be used to measure the evaporativity of the atmosphere. Evaporation was first determined in an evaporation pan, and, using atrnometers, sea surface evaporation was estimated. 3

Observational errors were determined as part of the study.The relationship between evaporation and environmental factors was esti- mated and an eqLlation was written expressing the relationship. A comparison was made between the results of this study and the results of other studies in this field. Evaporation from the sea has been studied by Jacobs (1951), Wast (as discussed by Defant, 1961), Sverdrup (1951), and many others.Most of their studies involved the use of evaporation pans or heat budget computations. Laevastu (1960) has summarized the work of many individuals on the subject of evaporation.He also developed a method for correct_ ing evaporation rates for the effect of the change of wind velocity with height above the sea surface. Rohwer (1931) and Kohier (1954) studied evaporation from evap- oration pans on land.They developed equations expressing evapor- ation as a function of wind velocity and the difference between pan water vapor pressure and air vapor pressure.They also investi- gated many of the problems associated with the use of evaporation pans. Lane (1965) studied the climate and heat exchange at the air- sea interface off the Oregon coast.The factors affecting evaporation in the area were estimated as part of this study. 4


A small weather station was operated from 30 June, 1965 to 23 September, 1965 on the end of the dock at the Oregon State University Marine Science Laboratory near Newport, Oregon (Figure 1).This location was chosen to give the best available approximation to mar- me atmospheric conditions as they exist off the Oregon coast.It was assumed that the marine air flow was not greatly affected by the small amount of land between the weather station and the ocean. There were no significant obstructions to the air flow in the immedi- ate vicinity of the evaporation pan. The equipment used at the weather station consisted mainly of standard U. S. Weather Bureau instruments.The following is a description of the various items of equipment.

(1)Evaporation pan An evaporation pan of four foot diameter was used.It was placed on a platform 5. 5 m above mean high water.A stilling well was placed in the pan.(Because the base of the stilling well was made of steel,it tended to rust very rapidly in the salt water.The stilling well base was painted twiceto prevent rusting; this effort met with a moderate degree of success. For this reason no evaporation data were gathered on the periods 7 July to 9 July and 24 July to 29 July.Even after the stilling IpA* LJ

z 4 w WEATHER STATION o a o______o naut. me NEWPORT 0 U- 0 4 YAQUINA a. BAY TOLEDO


Figure 1.Locatioo of the weather station. well base had been painted some rust accrued oit and on the bottom of the evaporation pan.) A hook gage calibrated in cm was used to measure the water level in the evaporation pan. It could be read with an accuracy of 0. 002 cm. (2) Rain gage A standard eight-inch non-recording rain gage was mounted near the evaporation pan.The measuring stick was calibrated in inches, and tenths.

(3)Sling psychrometer A standard sling psychrometer was used to obtain the wet and dry bulb air temperatures.These were estimated to be accurate to 0.1°C.The relative humidity was determined from these readings. (4) Hygrothermograph A hygrothermograph was placed near the platform on which the evaporation pan was mounted to obtain continuous records of temperature and humidity.

(5) A. laboratory thermometer was used to determine the temp- erature of the bay surface water and the temperature of the water

inthe evaporation pan.It had been calibrated by the author and had an accuracy of 0. 1°C. 7

(6) Wind speed and direction were determined by the useof a hand-held anemometer and a wind vane located on thedock.The velocity was read in knots and direction in points.The instru- ment was calibrated against velocitiesindicated by two other and found to be accurate withinapproximately 1 kt. (7) .Atmometers The atrnometers used on this study each consisted of a porous porcelain sphere 5 cm in diameter, on alacquered stem (Figure 2).In use, a hose was connected to a 50 ml buretteand to the neck of the atrnometer.The volume of water evaporated was measured (in ml) directly on the burette.It should be noted that the atmometer gives a volumetric measure of evaporation while evaporation pan measurements yield a linear amountof evaporation. The atmometers were intercalibrated three times during the project to see if they all operated at the same rate,They were operated at the same elevationduring intercalibration. The difference of evaporation rate was insignificant whenall atmometers were operated under exactly the sameconditions. It was thought that the height of the water column inthe burette would affect the rate of evaporation from the atmometer.Tests were run to see if the idea was true.The results showed that - ATMOMETER




Figure 2.Arrangement of atmometer and burette. the height of the water column exerted an insignificant effect upon the evaporation rate for those heights of the water column used in this study. The atmometer must only be handled by holding the laquered neck (Livingston, 1935).Dust, or possibly in this case salt, can decrease its efficiency and accuracy.For this reason the atmo- meters were washed after each exposure to the air.Only distilled water can be used in them as dissolved solids in the water will clog the pores.They also required several hours of soaking and opera- tion before they were operating efficiently and accurately, as evi- denced by comparison of the evaporation rates between atmometers and by the repeatability of the readings. After intercalibration, the atrnometers were operated simul- taneously at several different levels above the water surface to de- termine the change of evaporation rate as a function of height above the sea surface.At least one atmometer was always operated adja- cent to the evaporation pan in order to correlate pan evaporation rate with atmometer evaporation.The lowest atmometer was placed ç'n a small raft and was about one meter above the water surface. The others were placed at 1. 5,3. 0, and 5. 5 m above mean high water. The atrnon-ieters were changed to a new position (e. g.the highest was moved to the lowest position and the lowest to the second highest position, etc. ) for each new time series.The rotation of 10 the atmometers was done to decrease any errors arising from minor differences in evaporation rates between atmorrieters. 11 OBSERVATIONAL PROCEDURE AND DATA ANALYSIS

Observational Procedure

The weather observations were taken by the author in accord- ance with the U. S. Weather Bureau manual, !nlnstructions for Clirna- tological Observers(U. S. Weather Bureau, 1962).The observations were taken on three or four days each week during the summer months of 1965.Weather observations were generally taken at two to four hour intervals between 0800 and 2400 (Pacific Daylight Time). Atmometer observations were taken at more frequent intervals be-. cause they appeared to be much more sensitive to atmospheric changes than the evaporation pan.However, an atmometer observa- tion was usually made each time a weather observation was made. As a rule, atmometer observations were not made more than a few hours after dark as they became quite erratic as soon as a small amount of dew appeared on the spherical surface. Each observation consisted of the following: The height of the water in the pan was measured five times and the mean of the five measurements was determined. The type of clouds and the amount of cloud cover (in tenths) were recorded, The wet and dry bulb temperature of the air was taken 5. 0 m above mean high water.The temperature of the water in the 12 evaporation pan and the temperature of the surface water of the bay was also determined. The level of the water in the atmometer burettes was determined during those times that the atmometers were operating.

Observations were made of the present weather conditions, e.g. raining, cloudy, clearing, fog. Usually the evaporatLon pan was emptied and refilled at least once a day.This served several purposes. As the evaporation pan was intended to serve as a simulation of bay surface conditions, it was necessary to maintain in the pan as nearly as possible, the temperature and salinity of the bay.An increase of salinity was ex- pected, and this was observed. As a rule, the salinity never in- creased more than four parts per thousand above the bay salinity. Although this is a large change in salinity by oceanographic standards, such a rise in salinity has an insignificant effect upon evaporation rates The temperature of the pan water always tended to be higher than the bay water (Figure 3).This was due almost entirely to the effects of solar heating of the water.Thus the temperature of the pan water tended to rise and fall each day due to the sunlightmci- dent upon the pan.The average incoming radiation (Q) as deter- mined by Maughan (1965) during June and July (1965), is shown in Figure 3 and its relationship to pan temperature is apparent.It is NU) I-

(Q5). radiation incoming average and water, pan evaporation water, surface bay air, the of temperature hourly Average 3. Figure

s) (hour time ii 0203 0001 2324 22 2021 19 18 I? 16 15 14 13 12 10 0809 07 040506 'I

0.2 12

TT '3 S 0.4

'C 14

0 I5 0.8

1 16 ' 1.0 3 0 LC 7

18 1.4

19 13 interesting to note that the average temperature of the bay surface water did rise slightly each day, but not nearly as much as did the pan water temperatqre. Three attempts were made to control the pan temperature. A shallow aluminum pan was fabricated and the evaporation pan was placed in it.The evaporation pan was held about Z. 5 cm above the bottom of the outer pan by thin boards which allowed a free passage of water over most of the bottom surface of the evaporation pan.Ice was then placed in the outer pan.It was hoped that the ice would at least lower the pan water temperature a few degrees.Unfortunately, the solar radiation was great enough to overshadow any significant cooling effects of the ice. Another attempt was made to lower the evaporation pan water temperature by adding ice within the water in the evaporation pan. This was done by freezing water in tin cans and then placing the "ice cubes' in the pan.This method also failed to lower the pan water temperature significantly as a temporary drop of only about 50 0. was noted The evaporation pan was emptied and refilled on many days in the afternoon.The water with which the pan was refilled was taken out of the bay and had the same temperature as the bay.However, the temperature of the recently refilled evaporation pan water im- mediately began to rise and had a temperature of well above bay water temperature abotit an hour after refilling.This attempt to 14 control the temperature of the pan water was also unsuccessful. None of the attempts to lower the water temperature of the evaporation pan was successful.However, it is thought that the effect of this temperature diference can be reduced appreciably through the use of an empirically determined equation. It was necessary to refill the atmometer burettes periodically, usually once a day.On some days with high evaporation rates it was necessary to refill the burettes as often as every four hours.

Determination and Correction of Observational Error

Early in the study it became evident that the water levelas measured in the pan was changing elevation more erratically than should be expected from evaporation alone.It was found that occasionally the water level rose even on days when therewas no precipitation.This suggested that the wind stress and the thermal expansion of the water might be causing the rises in the water elevation as determined on the hook gage. Investigation showed that the amount of thermal expansion of

the water could lead to measurable changes in level when therewas

achange of 2° to30in the water temperature between observations. Therefore it was decided to apply a correction, using coefficients of thermal expansion of sea water as given by Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming (1942).This correction was made in the computer 15 program using the equation: zH= cxDxT (1) Where H is the change In water elevation, C is the coefficient of thermal expansion, D is the waterdepth in thepan, andTis the difference in temperature betweensuccessiveobservations.The cor- rection normally was not more than 0. 1 mm for about a 1. 0° temper- ature change and about 0. 2 mm for a 3.00temperature change. Variations in wind speed seemed to have a greater effect than those of thermal expansion.Apparently the lip of the pan acted in suchaway as to cause a pressure differential across the water sur- face.This caused the water on the windward side to rise and that on the leeward side to fall (Figure 4).The effect was measured by placing an obstacle in the path of the wind so that there was no wind over the pan surface.A water height observation was made with the obstruction in place and then another was immediately made with the wind blowing freely over the surface.The difference between the two revealed the "error" for that wind velocity.Thirty-five such observations were made for a northwest wind at various wind veloci- ties (Figure 5).A southwest wind had no observable effect.Winds from other directions were very unusual and were not used to deter- mine error. An equation expressing the effect was derived using two linearregression equations.Onestraight line wasassumed from 5 kt to17 kt and another from 17. 1to 35 kt.This was done by visual 16

wind direction


Figure 4.Schematic representation of the tilt of the surface water in the pan caused by a northwest wind.


I 5

E ! i.o 0I.. 0.5

I I I 0.0 ! L.' I I 0 5 tO IS 20 25 30 wind velocity (kt.) Figure 5.Error produced by the wind blowing over the water surface of the evaporation pan.Some points signify more than one observation. 17 estimate of the break in slope and the correlation coefficients ob- tamed indicated that it was a good estimate.Van Dorn (1954) found a similar increase in slope of the surface water of a small pond due to an increase in wind speed.The loss of accuracy at higher wind velocities is obvious from the figure, but few wind velocities of these magnitudes were observed during this study. The equation for the 5 to 17 kt range was:

B 0. 059W - 0.279, (2) with a correlation coefficient of 0. 80 and an estimated variance of

0. 024. For wind velocities above 17 kt the equation was:

B = 0. 113W - 0.274, (3) with a correlation coefficient of 0. 76 and an estimated variance of

0. 025.B is the correction in cm (always positive), and W is the wind speed in knots.No corrections were applied for wind speed less than 5 knots.The method of determination of the linear regres- sion equations is given by Li (1964, p.306). It should be noted that the wind was from the northwest quadrant on 55% of the observations.This wind direction introduced the only observable error into the observations, and no corrections were applied for winds from other directions.At 10 knots the correction was 0. 36 mm and at 20 knots it was 0. 99 mm. 18 Allowance was also made for precipitation.The accuracy of the precipitation measurement was less than the accuracy of the hook gage.Such inaccuracy is inherent in the method of determining pre- cipitation.For instance, mist often settled on the funnel of the rain gage and little drained into the measuring tube.It was possible, however, to measure a rise of the water level in the evaporationpan at the same time.Rain corrections were applied in the computation of daily evaporation amounts as the accuracy of the rain gagewas considered adequate when data were integrated over an entire day. No corrections for precipitation were applied to the observations of shorter intervals. A greater complication was the presence of mist in the area. Mist did not fall heavily enough to be measurable in the rain gage but did effect a detectable rise in the water level of the evaporation pan.During times when rain or mist prevailed I discontinued the frequent observations of evaporation.Mist frequently appeared about 2200 each evening.Thus, evaporation observations were often cur- tailed at night.

Data Analysis

The data were processed using a slide rule, a calculator anda computer.The calculations of atmometer rates (Ea) were done with sufficient accuracy with the slide rule.A calculation was utilized 19 to do some of the remaining work. Both IBM 1410 and 1620 computers were used to process the bulk of the evaporation data.The principle tasks performed on the computers were the calculations of the average hourly values of evaporation, wind velocity, relative humidity, temperature of the bay water, temperature of the air, and temperature of thepan water. The equations correcting the evaporation observations for the effects

of wind and thermal expansion of sea water were also solved bycorn- puter.Tables of vapor pressure for air and water were part of the program, and the values of vapor pressure were taken from them by interpolation.Vapor pressure was averaged for hourly values and was also used in the solution of the evaporation equation.The average wind velocity between any two successive observations was used in the calculations. 20 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS

The Evaporation Day

An examination of a typical evaporation day in Newport, Oregon,

can now be made (Figures 6,7).From 2400 to 0800 evaporation was negligible.The wind velocity was usually between 0 and 1 knot and the vapor pressure difference between the water (for bothpan and bay) and the air was at a minimum, or even negative.This condition required that the evaporation rate be close tozero or that precipi- tation occur directly on the water surface.On many instances, be- tween 2400 and 0800, the water level in the pan rose slightly,as measured on the hook gage, indicating the formation of dewon the water surface.It was also quite common for heavy fog or mist to be present all night.The rain gage was not adequate to determine ac- curately such small amounts of precipitation (often totaling less than 0. 05 mm).Thus, between 2400 and 0800 little or no evaporation occurred. Between 0800 and 0900 the wind velocity and the vaporpressure difference (ewea) for both bay and pan usually began to increase. Evaporation also began to increase.Usually any fog or mist present began to dissipate about this time. The wind generally increased until around 1600, and then de- creased.There was an increase in the panandbay vapor pressure 17

16 x° 14 15 Ia t iv

Ea) 13 a)a)0 0 A s/A. a)a)0 0 .1 / 8O90 :: 0. 0. 70 :; S ...... -- L1. 60 0 10 ...... : - ...... 9 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0809 10 It time(hou rs) 12 13 14 5 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 r 50 Figure 6. Averageaverage hourly hourly vapor relative pressure humidity of panis water, bay water and air. also shown. The N N.) N.)

velocity. wind and evaporation pan cover, cloud hourly Average 7. Figure time(hours)

24 2223 19202$ IS iT 16 $5 $4 13 12 II tO 09 0706 0203040506 000$

I I I I 0 !-0.I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '0... C e.. .td P.c( h evaporotioA 1j.P 'I 0 1 'I U ..' LU % I ,' 4- . . '1 9 I 0 4!b' \ I - - .O. ' : 11 0.2! 4- I, a

0.3 I 20 / I

-4. 0 0.4 V 0 0 05 C)5 0 0 V w 10 I' 4-

0.7 t3 23 difference (Figure 6) in the afternoon.The wind and vapor pressure

factors both acted to cause high evaporation in the afternoon.Cloud cover also decreased in the afternoon. As evening approached, the wind dropped, the vaporpressure difference for both pan and bay decreased, and the observedevapor- ation decreased.Between 2000 and 2200 the air temperature ap- proached the dewpoint, often with fog or mist coming in from thesea. Thus, by 2200 to 2400, evaporation had essentially stopped and it remained close to zero throughout the night. Therefore, about95%of the day's evaporation occurred during a 12 hour period from 1100 to 2300 each day.The maximum pan evaporation rate was about 0. 5 mm/hr in the afternoon. It is to be emphasized that the above conditions are representa- tive of a typical day during the summer. However, theyare believed to represent an adequate estimate of the average day because the marine atmosphere of the Oregon coast, at least during thesummer months, is quite monotonous (i. e.little day to day variation occurs).

Normally thereisa high pressure system off the coast (Figure 8), and this condition is responsible for much of the weather thatoccurs

(Lane,1965). The weather conditions during themonthsof this study were nearly normal as revealed by U. S. Weather Bureau Climatol- ogical Data(1966). There were a few days during this study during which a low pressure system existed off the coast.During these 24

600 N


Figure 8.Normal surface air pressure (in mb) over the Northeast Pacific Ocean, based on U. S. Weather Bureau Normal Weather Chart (August).

0 0.8

0.6 .0 E 0 E 0 0.4 0 0 4- 0 0 0 QQ0 0 Q. 0 > 0000 0 0.0 0

I F' I I I I - 0 5 10 15 ao 25 30 35 40 wind speed (kt) Figure 9.Average pan evaporation observed at various wind speeds. 25 days evaporation rates were generally much lower than average. Both the wind velocities and the values of vapor pressure differences (e ea) for pan and bay were lower than average during these periods.

Evaporation Correlated to Wind Speed

A strong correlation between evaporation and wind speedwas found (Figures 7 and 9).In Figure 9 each point represents the average pan evaporation observed at each wind speed.The lack of good correlation for wind speeds above 20 kt is probably due, at least in part, to the dearth of observations above 20 kt.

Evaporation as a Function of Height Above the Sea Surface

In this study it was attempted to measure the change of evapor- ation with vertical distance above the sea surface by using atmo- meters mounted in several positions above the bay surface.The increase in evaporation with the increase in height that the atmo- meters revealed (Figure 10), reflects an increase in wind velocity and a decrease in air vapor pressure with an increase in height.

Each point on Figure 1 0 represents the average ratio betweenevap- oration determined at the given height above the sea surface and the evaporation rate at 5. 5 m.The average of 81 observations was used in the determination of the value of each point.These studies did 26

I00 I90

80 a 14) 70


50 7 6 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 height Cm)

Figure 10.Atrnometer evaporation rate(Fa)vsheight. sate at 5. 5 n-i 100%. 27

not show the amount of error introduced due to the vapor pressure of the pan water exceeding that of the bay water.However, these studies give a correction factor 0. 65 to be multiplied by the evapor- ation rate at the pan, to correct for most of the error due to the pan being above the bay surface (Laevastu, 1960).

Daily Evaporation Rate

The average daily pan evaporation rate was 3. 67 mm/day for 76 days of data.If the average daily rate is multiplied by the cor- rection factor (0. 65), to obtain evaporation at the sea surface, a daily rate of 2. 39 mm/day is obtained.If it is assumed that evapor- ation proceeds at about the same rate for the entire year, this estimate yields an annual rate of sea surface evaporation of 87 rn/year.

Estimation of Sea Surfac:e Evaporation Using Atmometers

The possibility of using atmorrieters to measure evaporation from the sea surface was investigated.The atmorneter evaporation rates were correlated with pan evaporation rates.Figure 11 shows the c1istrbution of points obtained by plotting the evaporation pan rates (E) against atmometer rates (Ea) for observations taken sirnultan- eously, when both instruments were 5. 5 m above the bay surface. A linear regression equation determined was: '.4


.cLO E

C 0 0.6 -I 0 0.4



0 I 2 3 4 5 otmometer evaporation (mlfhr)

Figure 11.Correlation between atmometer evaporation (F) andpan evaporation (F). E 0.06 + 0. 12 E, (4) z a where Ea has units of mi/hour and E has units of mm/hour.The

correlation coefficient was 0.57and the sample variance was 0. 21. To estimate the evaporation from the sea surface (F), multiply equation (13) by the correction factor (0. 65) and 24 hr to obtain:

E (5) o= 0.94 + 0. 08Ea (mm/24 hr.). By using (14) with a known evaporation rate from an atmometer

5. 5m above the sea surface it is possible to estimate the amount of evaporation at the sea surface.The significance of equations

(4) and(5) is that evaporation in volumetric quantities from the spherical surface of an atmometer can be correlated with evapora- tion in linear quantities from a flat surface of an evaporation pan or the sea surface.Equations (13) and (14) are obtained by statisti- cal means and as such provide only estimates.The correlation coefficient between the two types of measurements is of sufficient magnitude to indicate that there is a real correlation between them, but the variability and hence limited reliability of such estimates is obvious from the distribution of points shown in Figure 11. On one occasion atmometers were used at sea.The observer placed the atmometers on the rail of a stationary, off-shore, oil- well drilling vessel.The hourly evaporation rates were determined from the atmometers for two days.The wind during this period did 30 not exceed 20 kt, so there was not enough wind to send spray up to the atmometers in observable amounts.The atmometers were cali- brated after they had been used at sea and no significant change in operating characteristics was detected.Thus, the atmometers ap- parently were not notably affected by the sea conditions occurring during the time that they were used at sea.The water evaporated by the atmometers was 11.08 ml on 1 September and 14.43 ml on 2 September. By using equation (5),an average daily evaporation rate of 1. 96 mm/day at the sea surface was computed. It is interesting to note that at this location,1 8 miles at sea, a diurnal variation of evaporation was found.This suggests that evaporative conditions are similar for some distance from the bay at Newport.This supports the original assumption that evaporation as estimated in Yaquina Bay can be used to estimate evaporation on the open ocean in the vicinity of the bay, during the summer. The conditions for the offshore study were ideal because the sea spray was negligible and the barge was very stable.It may be concluded that atmometers are of some use in evaporation studies at sea under normal good-weather conditions.Their use would preclude those problems associated with using evaporation pans at sea such as water spilling out and spray getting into them. 31 Equation of Evaporation

An equation of evaporation was determined in the form:

E (C + KV) (e-e (6) z w a), where Eis pan evaporation, V is the wind speed, ea is the air vapor pressure, eis water vapor pressure, and C and K are

The tern-is E ,V, e ,and ewere determined for each constants. z w a weather observation.The constants C and K were obtained by using a computer program which performed a stepwiselinear regression on the data.The results were:

C = 0. 029(hr1), (7) with a standard error of 0. 010 and,

K = 0.003 (naut. mi. (8) with a standard error of 0. 0008.The correlation coefficient was 0.44 and the sample size was 192.Therefore, the equation ob- tamed is:

E e z= (0. 029 + 0. 003V) (ew a). (9) To estimate evaporation at the sea surface (E), multiply equation (9) by the constant (0. 65) and obtain:

E= (0. 019 + 0. 002V) (e- e). (10) 0 w a A graphical representation of this equation is given in Figure 12. The wind speed (kt) and air vapor pressure must be determined 0.160



0.100 a 0.080 (e-e0) =3.0 o 0.060 2.5 a0. 0.040 o.oao0.000 - 0

1.5 0.5 5 10 wind speed (kt) 15 20 25 30 Figure 12. Estimatedvapor pressure sea. surface (e), airevaporation vapor pressure (e), and wind speed as a function of the sea surface water (kt). (J NJ 33 about 5. 5 m above the sea surface in order to estimate sea surface evaporation using the graph. 34


Reduction of Pan Evaporation to Sea Surface Evaporation

Defant (1951) and Laevastu (1965) have discussed the results of several studies in this field.Such studies yield values of 0. 40 to 0. 58 to be multiplied by the pan evaporation rate ata height of 8 m above the sea surface.The constant (0. 65) determined in this study agrees fairly well with the other estimates.

Average Daily Sea Surface Evaporation

The average daily sea surface evaporation determined in this study was 2. 39 mm/day (87 cm/year).This estimate falls in the range of estimates that have been determined during several other studies.By using the results of pan measurements and weather ob- servations from various parts of the Pacific Ocean, Sverdrup, Johnson and Fleming (1942), obtained an estimate of 94 cm/year (2. 58 mm/day), for the latitude of this study.Jacobs (1951) esti- mated evaporation at 0. 63 mm/day, using an empirically derived equation. Defant (1961) estimates the evaporation from thesea surface at 1. 81 mm/day for the latitude of this study.Sverdrup (1951), gives the following estimates for the latitude of this study: 35 1. 80 mm/day, by extrapolation of evaporation pan data from the coasts of the world's oceans, 2. 11 mm/day, by actual evaporation studies at sea and by inference from weather observations at sea, 1. 58 mm/day, from heat budget estimates, 2. 00 mm/day, frorr meterological observations.

Equation of Evaporation

Rohwer (1931) and Kohler (1954) have developed an equation similar to the equation of evaporation determined in this study. Table 1 compares the values of the constants (C and K)as determined in this study with those of Rohwer and Kohler.

Table 1.A comparison of the constants of evaporation as determined by the author, Rohwer (1931), and Kohier (1954).

C K Author 0.029 0.003 Rohwer 0.016 0.005 Kohler 0.017 0.005

It is apparent that the equations compare fairly well, at least for wind speeds up to about 20 kt. 36 SUMMARY

Pan evaporation varied greatly with the time of day.Most evaporation occurred between 1100 and 2300 each day, with the maxi- mum evaporation in the afternoon.The average daily sea surface evaporation was estimated as 2. 39 mm/day. A high corre- lation between wind speed and pan evaporation was found. A correction factor of 0. 65 was obtained through the use of atmometers.This correction factor was multiplied by pan evapor- ation to estimate sea surface evaporation. An empirical equation of evaporation was obtained expressing evaporation as a function of wind speed and the difference between air and water vapor pressure.The constants of the equation were determined by statistical means and as such are only estimates of the actual constants. A method of measuring sea surface evaporation atsea through the use of atmometers and an empirically derived equationwas ex- amined.This method gave good results during a short trial at sea. Most observational error due to thermal expansion of the water and wind were removed.Several attempts to lower the temperature of the evaporation pan water were made, none of whichwere success- ful.Thus the temperature of the evaporation pan waterwas often higher than that of Yaquina Bay surface water.However, the results 37 of this study compare fairly well with those of other studies obtained by other means which would indicate that the effect of the higher temperatures was not significant. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Defant, Albert.1961.Physical oceanography.Vol.1. New York, Pergamon Press.729 p.

Jacobs, W. C.1951.Large scale aspects of energy transformation over the oceans, In: Compendium of ,ed. by Thomas F. Malone.Boston, Mass., American Meteorological Society. p. 1057-1070.

Kohier, M. A.1954.Lake and pan evaporation water loss inves- tions: Lake Hefner Studies.U. S. Geological Survey.Professional Paper 269:127-148.

Laevastu, T.1960.Factors affecting the temperature of the surface layer of the sea.Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Commentationes Physico-mathematicae 25(1): 1-135.

Lane, R. K.1965.Climate and heat exchange in the oceanic region adjacent to Oregon.Ph. ID. thesis.Corvallis, Oregon State Univer- sity.1.15 numb. leaves.

Livingston, B. E.1935.Atmometers of porous porcelain and paper, their use in physiological ecology.Ecology 16: 438-472.

Li, Jerome C. R.1964.Statistical inference.Vol.1, Rev. ed. Ann Arbor, Edwards Brothers, Inc.658 p.

Maughan, P. N.1965.Measurement of radiation energy over a mixed water body.Ph. ID. thesis.Corvallis, Oregon State Univer- sity.125 numb. leaves.

Rohwer, C.1931.Evaporation from water.Washington, ID.C. 96 p.(U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.Technical bulletin no. 271) Roll, H. V.1965.Physics of the marine atmosphere. New York, Academic Press.426 p.

Sverdrup, H. U.1937.On the evaporation from the oceans. Journal of Marine Research 1: 3-14.

1951.Evaporation from the oceans.In: Compendium of meteorology, ed. by Thomas F. Malone.Boston, Mass., American Meteorological Society, p. 1071-108 1. 39 Sverdrup, H. U., Martin W. Johnson and Richard H. Fleming.1942. The oceans.Englewood Cliffs, N. 3., Prentice Hall.1087 p.

U. S. Weather Bureau.1962.Instructions for climatological observers.Washington, D. C.76 p.

1965.Climatological data.Oregon.Vol. 71.

1965.Northern hemisphere, normal weather chart.Washington,D. C.1 sheet.(Technical paper no. 21)

Van Dorn, W. G.1954.Wind stress on an artificial pond. Journal of Marine Research 12: 249-276. APPENDICES 40 APPENDIX I Definitions of Terms

B Correction for the effect of tilting of the evaporation pan water, in cm. Temperature, degrees centigrade.

C Constant of the evaporation equation in(hr1). c Coefficient of thermal expansion of sea water. cm Centimeters.

D Depth of the water in the evaporation pan.

La Atmometer evaporation (mL/hr), measured 5. 5 m above the sea level. £ Sea surface evaporation. F Pan evaporation (mm/hr), measured 5. 5 m above mean high water. ea Air vapor pressure, mm of mercury. e Water vapor pressure, mm of mercury.

H Correction for thermal expansion of pan water. hr Hour. 1) K Constant of the evaporation equation tiaut. mi. kt Knots. langley (ly) Gramcalories/cm2. m Meters. mb Millibars. 41 ml Milliliters. mm Millimeters. naut. mi.Nautical mile. ppt Parts per thousand. Solar radiation (ly/min).

V Wind speed, kt. Difference in pan water temperature between observations.

Z Distance above the water surface. 42

APPENDIX II Data Explanation of wind direction, present weather, andcloud type codes used. Wind Direction

Code Wind Direction 01 NE 02 NNE 03 ENE 04 F 05 FSF 06 SE 07 SSE 08 S 09 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW 16 CALM 17 FNE

Present Weather Code Present Weather 01 blue 02 overcast 03 increasing clouds 04 decreasing clouds 05 light fog 06 moderate fog 07 heavy fog 08 light mist 09 heavy mist 10 fog and mist 12 light rain 14 broken clouds 43

Cloud Type

Code Cloud Type 01 Stratus 02 NimbostratUs 03 Stratocumulus 04 Cumulus 05 AltostratUs 06 Cirrus 07 None 4.. 4) 06 30 1400 04.994 X 5 c 06 30 1540 01,698 06 30 1600 07.749 06 30 1700 07.690 06 30 1800 07.731 06 30 2100 07.730 0 2000 07.707 06 30 2200 07,709 06 30 2300 07,693 06 30 2400 07,697 0707 02 01 1000 0800 07.509 07.763 07 02 1200 07,833 07 02 1300 07.875 07 02 1400 07.704 07 02 1600 07.577 07 02 1800 07,534 07 02 2000 07.481 0707 02 02 2400 2200 07,485 07.485 07 03 0800 07,450 07 03 0900 07,447 07 03 1000 05.344 07 07 1100 03.759 07 07 1230 07,741 07 07 1400 07.821 07 07 1600 07.717 07 07 1800 07.730 0707 09 07 1530 2000 07.038 07.645 07 09 1600 07.000 07 09 1800 06.969 07 09 2000 06,931 07 09 2400 06.950 07 10 0800 06.971 07 10 1000 06,963 07 14 1100 05.094 07 14 1200 05.089 07 14 1345 07.975 4) 07 14 1400 07.953 07 14 1430 07.991 4) 07 14 1500 08,022 18.8 4) 4)4) H 07 14 1600 07,980 11.5 07 14 1800 07,958 11.7 12.9 13.2 13.4 12.8 12.3 12.4 12.1 11.7 13.2 17.816.317.813.9 16,9 14,5 12.7 12.2 11,5 12.2 13.0 16.5 15.1 21.118.3 21.0 20.0 16.1 17.3 19,4 18.5 15,2 12,9 14.6 14.9 17.4 13.3 DATA 4) 14,5 15,8 C) 16.8 09.109,1 4) H 18,9 12,7 18.6 11.6 09,710,3 09.5 09.3 09,412,0 13.1 13.2 12.1 09.410.2 10.0 10.9 10.9 10.0 10.4 11.9 12.7 12,2 11.9 13.0 12.6 10.012,8 12.2 12.2 12.2 09,812.111.0 11.3 14.0 13.0

12.3 4.. 4) :2 0 4. 11,3 4) 11,8

06 30 1400 04.99418.8 09.111.8 094 01 25 01 06 02 06.09 025.00 06 30 1540 07.69811.5 09.112.1 094 01 25 01 05 02 66.66 066,66 06 30 1600 07.74911.7 09.111.7 094 0]. 20 01 04 02-00.51 000.33 06 30 1700 07.69012.9 12.712.2 094 01 10 01 10 11 00.59 001.00 06 30 1800 07.13113.2 11.611.7 094 14 05 01 10 11-00.41 001.00 06 30 2000 07.70713.4 10.311.4 100 10 05 01 10 10 00.24 002.00 06 30 2100 07,73012.8 09.711.3 100 12 00 01 10 05-00.23 001.00 06 30 2200 07.70912.3 09,512.2 094 12 00 0].10 05 00.21 001.00 06 30 2300 07,69312.4 09.312.0 100 12 00 01 10 05 00.16 001.00 06 30 2400 07.69712.3 09,412.4 100 12 00 02 10 10-00.04 001,00 07 01 0800 07.76311.7 12.012.2 100 14 05 02 10 13-00.02 008.00 07 02 1000 07.50913.2 13.112.9 085 01 10 01 08 02 02.54 026.00 07 02 1200 07,83313.9 13.213,4 085 01 10 01 08 02 66.66 066.66 01 02 1300 07.87516.3 12.112,8 085 01 20 01 06 02-00.42 001.00 07 02 1400 07.70417.8 10.213.1 088 14 30 01 05 02 01.71 001.00 07 02 1600 07.57717.8 09,412.8 088 01 30 01 01 05 01.27 002.00 07 02 1800 07.53416.9 10.012.2 094 01 25 01 02 10 00.43 002,00 07 02 2000 07.48114,5 10.910.6 100 14 10 01 03 10 00.53 002.00 07 02 2200 07.48512.7 10.910.9 097 14 03 01 02 10-00.04 002.00 07 02 2400 07.48512.2 10.010.1 099 16 00 01 04 10 00.00 002.00 07 03 0800 07.45011,5 10.411,7 095 16 00 01 10 02 00.35 008,00 07 03 0900 07.44712,2 11,912.2 085 14 05 01 10 02 00,03 001.00 07 03 1000 05.34413.0 12.712.8 088 14 05 01 10 02 66.66 066.66 07 07 1100 03.75916.5 12.213.9 094 14 12 01 10 02 15.85 097.00 07 07 1230 07.74115.1 11,914.0 094 14 14 01 10 02 66,66 066.66 07 07 1400 07.82118.3 13.013.9 094 14 16 01 10 02-00.80 001.50 07 07 1600 07.77721.1 12.615.0 086 14 17 01 10 02 00.44 002.00 07 07 1800 07.73021,0 12.813.9 094 14 12 01 10 02 00.47 002.00 07 07 2000 07.64520.0 10.012.9 099 14 08 01 10 02 00.85 002.00 07 09 1530 07,03816.1 12.215.1 083 12 06 02 ]0 10 66.66 066.66 07 09 1600 07.00017.3 12.214.2 080 12 06 02 10 10 00.38 000.50 07 09 1800 06.96919.4 12.214.7 080 12 04 02 10 14 00.31 002.00 07 09 2000 06.93118,5 11,014.4 085 09 06 02 06 14 00.36 002.00 07 09 2400 06.95015.2 09.814.5 094 09 05 02 06 14-00,19 004,00 07 10 0800 06.97112.9 12.114.5 097 09 10 01 09 14-00.22 008.00 07 10 1000 06.96314,6 11.315,6 086 09 08 01 10 14 00.08 002.00 07 14 1100 05.09414.9 14.014.9 095 14 12 08 00 01 19.48 097.00 07 14 1200 05.08917.4 13.014.4 097 14 15 08 00 01 00.05 001,00 07 14 1345 07.97513.3 12.314.5 091 14 20 08 00 01 66.66 066.66 07 14 1400 07.95314,5 11.314.5 091 14 20 08 00 01 00.22 000.25 07 14 1430 07.99115.8 10,915.0 083 14 15 08 00 01-00.38 000.50 07 14 1500 08.02216.8 10,915.1 083 14 15 08 00 01-00.31 000.50 07 14 1600 07.98018,9 10.915.6 081 14 15 08 00 01 00.42 001.00 07 14 1800 07,95818,6 12.714.9 089 14 08 08 09 14 00.22 002.00 46

07 14 2000 07.92018,412.5 14.9091 14 08 01 10 10 00.38 002.00 07 14 2200 07,91917.011.5 13.9100 14 04 01 10 07 00.01 002,00 07 14 2400 07,92716,111.1 13.7100 14 02 02 10 10-00.08 002,00 07 15 0400 07,90914.610.5 13.3100 14 05 02 10 12 00.18 004.00 07 15 0800 07.89515.415.0 15.0085 16 00 02 09 05 00.14 004,00 07 16 1045 07,24115.215,0 15.0094 14 23 02 01 14 06,54 025.75 07 16 1200 07.23616.813,9 15.5089 14 25 02 01 14 00,05 001.25 07 16 1500 06.46813,509.9 15.1094 14 33 02 01 14 66.66 066.66 07 16 1600 06,48314.910.3 15.1094 14 32 02 01 14-00.15 001.00 07 16 1800 06,43315.812.0 14.3091 14 30 02 05 14 00.50 002.00 07 16 2000 06,45514,812.3 13.9091 14 21 02 05 14-00.22 002.00 07 16 2100 06.45214,312.3 13,7088 14 12 02 04 14 00.03 001.00 07 16 2200 06.46313,511.3 13.5088 14 01 03 08 14-00.11 001.00 07 16 2400 06.45212.910.6 13.3088 14 05 03 08 14 00.11 002.00 07 17 0800 06.43013,014.2 15.5081 01 08 03 08 14 00.22 008.00 07 17 1000 06,36914,815.3 15.8075 01 15 03 05 14 00,61 002.00 07 21 1100 05.25516.812.9 13.2097 12 07 03 05 14 16.60 097.00 07 21 1310 07.41514.313.0 13.9095 12 07 03 05 14 66.66 066.66 07 21 1445 07,41018.012,7 16.7081 12 07 03 05 14 00,05 001.60 07 21 1530 07.42019.112.3 16.5080 13 08 03 05 14-00.10 000.75 07 21 1620 07,39419.412.6 16.4076 13 06 03 03 14 00,26 000.70 07 21 1706 07.38319.512.7 16,3076 13 06 03 03 14 00.11 000.78 07 21 1809 07.36319.011.7 15.9081 13 04 03 03 14 00.20 001.05 07 21 2000 07.29016,910.7 15.1078 14 10 01 01 01 00,73 001.85 07 21 2100 07.28115.612.4 15.1078 14 05 08 00 01 00.09 001.00 07 21 2200 07,27915.012,8 14.2083 01 01 08 00 01 00.02 001.00 07 21 2300 07.27714.412.4 13,1088 16 00 08 00 01 00.02 001.00 07 21 2350 07.27214.112.6 12.6094 16 00 08 00 01 00.05 000.82 07 22 0400 07.25412.012.2 10.9097 04 08 08 00 05 00.18 004.18 07 22 0836 07.24412.311.9 12.2088 04 04 08 00 05 00.10 004.60 07 22 0930 07.23513.513.3 14.4080 04 01 08 00 05 00.09 000.90 07 23 1040 06.74217.513.5 15.3089 13 04 08 00 0]. 04,93 025.17 07 23 1150 06.72618,413.6 16.0085 12 04 08 00 01 00,16 001.16 07 23 1230 06.65120.114,0 16.8089 13 13 08 00 0]. 00,75 000,68 07 23 1400 07.24216.314.1 17.0085 13 13 08 00 01 66.66 66.66 07 23 1510 07,23519.414.2 20.9059 14 2. 08 00 0]. 00,07 000.80 07 23 1600 07.17519.813.5 19.6062 14 26 08 00 01 00.60 000,80 07 23 1603 07,85019.113,5 19.6062 14 26 08 00 0]. 66,66 066.66 07 23 1710 07.76619.012.1 18.6066 14 25 08 00'01 00,94 001,10 07 23 1900 07.78118.311.3 16.2084 14 20 08 00 01-00.15 001.83 07 23 1905 07.10518.311.3 16.2084 14 20 08 00 01 66.66 066.66 07 23 2030 07.08217.510.0 14.4083 14 10 08 00 01 00.23 001.41 07 23 2200 07,05116.416.5 14.0085 14 02 08 00 01 00,31 001.50 07 23 2300 07.04515.614.5 12.201 16 00 08 00 01 00.06 001.00 07 24 0900 06,97712.111.3 11.4100 10 06 03 10 05 00.68 010.00 07 24 0950 06.99412.512,1 12.0090 10 06 03 10 05-00,17 000.83 07 30 1720 06.69716.112.9 15.9100 14 21 01 08 14 66,66 066.66 07 30 1900 06,68516.213.6 14.2100 14 19 01 10 05 00.12 000.66 07 30 2030 06,69215.713.9 14.4094 14 10 02 10 10-00.07 000.50 07 30 2130 06.69115.313.2 14.4094 16 00 01 10 05 00.01 001.00 07 30 2300 06.68915.012.7 14.5094 12 03 01 10 10 00.02 001,50 07 31 0734 06.66613.412.7 14.8094 12 02 01 10 05 00.23 008.57 07 31 1000 06.66415.513.0 16.7094 12 04 01 09 02 00,02 001.43 08 04 1100 06.05816.514.3 15.9097 14 10 01 01 14 07.60 097.00 08 04 1240 05,95115.615,2 16,4092 13 14 01 01 14 66.66 066.66 08 04 1410 05.92618.414.5 16.702 14 13 08 00 01 00,25 001.50 08 04 1615 05,77719.014.4 17.0071 14 19 08 00 01 01.49 002,09 08 04 1700 05,77919.315.0 17.1069 14 15 08 00 01-00.02 000.75 08 04 1710 06.24419.315.0 17.1069 14 15 08 00 01 66.66 066.66 08 04 1940 06.07917.412.2 15.1089 14 14 08 00 01 01.65 002.50 47

08 04 1945 05.629 17.412.215.1 089 14 14 0800 01 66,66 066.66 08 04 2030 05.633 16.212.514.7 091 14 05 0800 01-00.04 000.75 08 0'. 2130 05.645 15.012.713.2 091 16 00 0800 01-00.15 001.00 08 04 2300 05.638 14.313.012.8 094 16 00 0800 01 00.07 001.50 08 05 0830 05.603 094 16 00 0800 01 00.33 009.50 08 05 1030 05,567 16.314.716.4 092 14 09 0800 01 00.36 002.00 08 05 1200 05.469 17.414.514.4 092 14 11 0800 01 00,98 001.50 08 05 1400 05,450 19.515.116.1 085 14 10 0800 01 00,19 002.00 08 05 1600 05.287 19.714,716.7 082 14 16 0800 01 01.63 002.00 08 05 1830 05.172 18.212.415.0 092 14 15 0800 01 01.15 002.50 08 05 2015 05.246 092 14 06 0800 01-00,74 001.75 08 05 2200 05.233 15.314.612.0 095 16 00 0800 01 00.13 001.75 08 05 2345 05.233 14.412.312,8 099 16 00 0800 01 00.00 000.75 08 06 0830 05.089 11.713.009.4 099 16 10 0110 07 01,44 009.75 08 06 1005 05,086 14.011.710,6 095 12 02 0800 01 00.03 001.55 08 06 1010 05.460 14.011.710.6 095 12 02 0800 01 66.66 066,66 08 06 1320 05.427 18.714.216.1 092 12 02 0800 01 00.33 003.18 08 06 1325 05.051 18.714.216,1 092 12 02 0800 01 66,66 066.66 08 10 1130 04.191 18.013.514.4 092 13 05 0105 14 08,60 094.00 08 10 1300 05.269 14.313.115,5 085 14 09 0105 14 66.66 066.66 08 10 1535 05,170 20.014.316.0 080 15 12 0102 14 00,99 002,59 08 10 1637 05.057 15.214.816.1 080 14 13 0101 14 66.66 066,66 08 10 1800 05,101 17.914.316.7 080 14 05 0101 01-00.44 001.40 08 10 2000 05.070 17,813.916.1 092 14 06 0103 01 00.31 002.00 08 10 2300 05.045 16.313.515.3 092 16 00 0110 02 00.25 003.00 08 11 0400 05.039 14.813.814.0 095 16 00 0210 02 00.37 005.00 08 11 0845 05.012 15.715.416.0 095 14 03 0509 02 00.27 004.75 08 11 1220 04.974 20.113.317.2 089 14 08 0509 02 00.38 003.58 08 11 1340 04.939 095 14 07 0509 02 00,35 001.33 08 11 1345 05.414 20.113.116,1 095 14 07 0509 02 66.66 066.66 08 11 1530 05.369 095 14 05 0210 12 00.45 001.75 08 11 1535 04.891 095 14 05 0210 12 66.66 066.66 08 12 1145 05.109 15.912.516.7 089 09 11 0110 02 00,74 018,16 08 12 1510 05.079 075 09 15 0309 14 00,30 003.42 08 12 1735 04.858 18.614.315.6 099 14 02 0210 02 00,33 002.00 08 12 1800 04.973 18.613.117.8 084 09 10 0209 12 01.06 002.83 08 12 2000 04.934 17.413.615.0 095 09 10 0309 02 00.39 002.00 08 12 2325 04.860 15.613.215.0 095 08 02 0110 02 00.74 003.42 08 13 0830 04.873 095 06 03 0800 01-00.13 009.09 08 13 1200 04.851 19.614.718.3 075 14 03 0301 01 00,22 003.5b 08 13 1330 04.784 22.314.717.8 075 14 03 0304 01 00.67 001.50 08 13 1500 06.518 16.314,517.8 075 14 03 0303 01 66,66 066.66 08 16 1200 05.552 20.115,015,3 083 14 08 0800 01 09.66 069.00 08 16 1230 05.477 20.115.015,3 083 14 16 0800 01 00.85 000.50 08 16 1530 05.308 20.312.415.7 083 14 19 0800 01 00.69 003,00 08 16 1712 05.245 19.312.115.0 083 14 18 0101 01 00.43 001.80 08 16 1800 05.155 18.514.015.6 083 14 18 0201 01 00.90 000.80 08 16 2000 05.212 088 01 09 0105 03-00.57 002.00 08 16 2100 05.171 15.214.814.2 091 01 09 0108 02 00,41 001,00 08 16 2200 05.177 14.615.014.2 088 01 07 0107 02-00.06 001.00 08 16 2330 05,193 14.314,114.2 088 16 00 0110 02-00.16 001.50 08 17 0845 05.155 13.314.113.1 091 14 02 0110 02 00.38 009,25 08 17 1100 05.109 15.414.614.4 085 14 07 01.07 14 00,46 002.25 08 17 1230 05.092 17.114.113,6 091 14 09 0108 02 00,17 001.50 08 17 1400 07.254 15.513.914,2 085 14 08 0704 01 66.66 066.66 08 19 1130 07.540 16.013.316.7 092 09 00 0110 02 66.66 066.66 06 19 1200 07.578 16.013.316,7 092 09 11 0110 02 02.09 046.00 08 19 1315 07.567 17.812.517.5 089 09 12 0110 02 00.11 001.25 08 19 1600 07,557 18,912.217,8 085 09 10 0110 02 00.10 002,75 08 19 1815 07.49918.011.516.1 089 09 09 01 10 02 00.58 002.25 08 19 2030 07.48916.612.715.0 095 09 01 02 10 02 00.35 002.25 08 19 2330 07.47116.012.715.3 094 09 06 02 10 12 00.18 003.00 08 20 0845 07.64314.813.215.0 094 16 00 02 10 02-00.45 009.25 08 20 1100 07.65216.913.617.5 082 09 06 03 06 14-00,09 002.25 08 20 1230 07.63518.513.717.8 079 09 07 03 06 14 00.17 001.50 08 20 1344 07.77116.214.518.6 080 11 08 03 08 14 66.66 066.66 08 23 1215 06.94019.614.618.6 075 13 02 05 10 02 08.31 069.50 08 23 1520 06.87722.616.317.8 082 11 05 05 09 02 00.63 003.08 08 23 1810 06.79522.415.918.1 082 12 05 06 08 14 00,82 003.83 08 23 2000 06.77021.115.717.0 089 10 01 06 05 14 00.25 001,83 08 23 2350 06.72418,515.215.6 094 16 00 01 10 02 00.46 003.83 08 24 0900 06.67916,515.515,9 092 05 02 01 10 02 00,45 009.17 08 24 1015 06.67516.916.217.8 082 05 02 01 10 02 00.04 001.25 08 24 1200 06.65719.514,716.4 084 14 05 01 09 02 00,18 001.75 08 2'. 1300 07.68016,314.618.6 073 14 07 01 05 14 66.66 066.66 08 24 1400 07.68419.016.218,6 073 14 07 03 04 01-00.04 001.00 08 24 1530 07.62321.316.318.3 080 14 10 03 03 01 00.61 001.50 08 24 1620 07.23817.516.118.6 078 14 11 05 08 14 66.66 066.66 08 24 1800 07.24718.115,817.7 083 13 04 05 10 12-00.09 001.66 08 24 2115 07.24217,515,117.2 089 16 00 01 10 02 00.05 003.25 08 24 2400 07.33716.915.016.1 098 09 03 02 10 15-00,44 002.75 08 25 0900 07.38915,716.116,7 089 16 00 05 09 14 00.12 009.00 08 25 1200 07.38420.316.018.3 080 10 07 07 08 14 00.05 003.00 08 25 1430 07.32823.616,519.0 075 10 07 05 07 14 00.56 002.50 08 27 1130 06.37416.615.116,8 061 14 17 06 05 14 09.54 045.00 08 27 1200 06.33216.615.116.8 06]. 14 17 06 05 14 00.42 000.50 08 27 1415 06.19218.214,416.7 064 14 20 07 07 14 01.40 002.25 08 27 1600 06.04417,915,716.7 059 15 20 08 00 01 00.48 001.75 08 27 1815 05.98517.215,516,2 063 14 14 08 00 01 00.59 002.25 08 27 1930 05.94515.716.515,4 068 01 12 08 00 01 00.40 001.25 08 27 2030 05.94715.016.415,0 067 15 08 08 00 01-00,02 001.00 08 27 2115 07.82215,415.914.5 068 14 03 08 00 01 66,66 066.66 08 31 1130 05.94714,711.409.4 099 10 04 01 10 06 18,75 081.75 09 03 0845 05.14513,610.814.7 076 16 00 03 09 02 08,02 069.25 09 03 0945 05.14513.610,814.7 076 16 00 03 06 01 00.00 001.00 09 03 1030 07.73812.312.415.3 058 14 09 03 08 02 66,66 066.66 09 07 1100 05.99715.614.217.5 051 16 00 08 00 01 22.59 097.00 09 07 1200 05.99116.511.018.1 041 10 02 08 00 01 00.06 001.00 09 07 1310 05,89818,110.116.2 057 14 15 08 00 01 00.93 001.17 09 07 1500 05.81719,412,015,6 073 14 18 08 00 01 00.81 001.83 09 07 1820 05.68318,612.415.7 077 14 11 08 00 01 01.34 003.33 09 07 1945 05,67117,111.614.9 078 14 09 08 00 01 00.12 001.42 09 07 2035 05,66816,311.312.8 088 16 00 08 00 01 00.03 000.83 09 07 2300 05.65314,610.111.3 092 16 00 08 00 01 00.15 002.42 09 07 2359 07.83609.910.010.6 094 16 00 08 00 01 66.66 066.66 09 08 0845 07.85210,812.011.8 094 16 00 01 10 05-00.16 008.76 09 08 1200 07.84013.110.514.6 078 10 06 01 10 02 00.12 003.25 09 08 1400 07.81414.609,815.0 075 10 05 01 10 02 00.26 002.00 09 08 1445 07.46614.609,815,0 075 10 05 01 10 02 66.66 066.66 09 08 1600 07.44015,711.814.4 077 10 03 01 10 02 00.26 001.25 09 08 1845 07.43115.811.613.8 078 11 03 01 10 02 00.09 002.75 09 08 2030 07.40014.911.312.9 081 10 02 01 10 02 00.31 001.75 09 10 1100 07,17313.310.613.3 082 16 00 01 10 02 02.27 038.50 09 10 1210 07.11914.310.913.0 087 14 15 03 09 14 00,54 001.17 09 10 1330 07.07615,510.214.1 080 14 13 03 05 01 00,43 001.33 09 10 1540 06.99817.010.613.6 083 14 18 08 00 01 00.78 001.17 09 10 1700 06.95517.211.213.9 082 14 12 08 00 01 00,43 001.33 09 10 1820 06.90216.311.014.2 082 14 15 03 09 16 00.53 001.33 09 10 2015 06.92714.611.513.2 08'3 16 00 08 09 16-00,25 001.92 49

09 10 2100 07.11411.311.014.2 077 14020110 02 66.66 066.66 09 13 1145 06.53015.110.813.6 080 11030607 14 05.84 062.75 09 13 1240 06.48116.610.515.4 070 11050608 14 00,49 000.91 09 13 1600 06.45618.510,315,6 068 10100110 02 00.25 003.33 09 13 1830 06.36917.610,816.1 074 10070210 12 00,87 002.50 09 13 2140 06.37115,412.113.9 098 10080210 10-00.02 003.17 09 13 2230 07,26012.211.813.9 100 10070210 10 66.66 066.66 09 14 0845 07,25912,811,714.3 092 16000110 05 00,01 010.25 09 14 1230 07.26416.412.015.5 089 10080110 02-00,05 003.75 09 14 1420 07.26217.611,816.3 081 10080110 02 00.02 001.83 09 14 1815 07,24516,511.013.9 100 16000210 10 00.17 003.92 09 14 2315 07.40014,911.814.2 100 10080210 09 00.23 005.00 09 15 0900 07.47213.911 3 13.1 097 16000110 05 00,55 009.75 09 15 1245 07.46517.011,515.0 083 10040110 02 00.07 003.75 09 15 1500 07.45119,511.914.1 085 12060309 02 00.14 002.25 09 17 1130 06,50810.110.714.6 034 16000705 01 09,43 044.30 09 17 1215 06.47312.210.615.0 038 12020705 01 00.35 000.75 09 17 1330 06.38713.610.913.1 042 14130705 01 00.86 001.25 09 17 1400 06,37714.511.213.3 050 14110705 01 00.10 000.50 09 17 1500 06.33415.510.613.4 060 14120706 01 00,43 001.00 09 17 1600 06.31215.810.514.1 043 14120701 01 00.22 001.00 09 17 1820 06.18614.909.814.3 039 14080800 01 01.26 002.33 09 17 1945 06.17713.710.212.2 050 16000701 01 00.09 001.42 09 17 2040 07.34209.610.310.6 068 16000800 01 66.66 066.66 09 21 0840 06.06812.510.211.3 098 16000210 06 12.74 084.00 09 21 1000 06.07012.610.111.2 099 11020210 10 00.11 001.33 09 21 1200 06,09812.909,511.8 099 16000210 10-00.28 002.00 09 21 1440 06,13814,511.113.3 098 11020210 10-00.40 002.66 09 21 1600 07,62911.411.013,4 099 11020210 10 66.66 066.66 09 23 2300 06.76918.709,919.0 040 16000800 01 08.60 055.00 09 23 2300 06.76918.709,919.0 040 16000800 01 08.60 165.00 50 APPENDIX III Computer Program

1000 D!MENS!ONEVAPW(35) ,SWNO(35).Y(5),X( 5),EW(25),EA(25),EAVEW(65),SUM 1AR(24),SUMTP(24),SUMTB(24),SUMTAI24), SUMFW(24),SUMFAI24) 2,AIR2(24),TPAN2(24),TBAY2(24),FW2(24),C(24),B(24),SU 3MAB(24),AB2(24), SVAPB(24),FB2(24),SDIFB(24).E82( 424),SUMHU(24),HUM2(24), SWVE L(24),WVEL2(24). SSRATE(24),RAIE2(24),SCLDS(24),CLDS2(24),TMEAN(24),SDEV(2A),FA2(24) 9 FORMAT(6X,2I3,!5,F7.3,3F5.1,F4.O,5F3.0,F6a2pF7.2 100 FORMAT(1H .2(I4,2X),I6,2X,2(F8.2,2X),F7.36H CORN SF7.3) 101 FORMAT(1H1) 102 FORMAT(1H 27H AVE EVAP WITH ZERO WIND ,F7.3.2X,F4.0) 103 FORF'IAT(1H ,6HWIND ,5(F7.3,2X,F4.0)) 104 FORMAT(///) hiM TOTAL 065 ,2X.F7.2) 106 FORMAT(1H .16H AVE OF ALL. OBS .5H AIR ,F7.2,7H S 0EV .F7.2,SH HUN 1 F7.2.7H S 0EV ,F7.2.4HTBAY.F7.2) 107 FORMATC1H1) 108 FORMATI1H 14H AVE PAN TEMP .6(F7.22X)) 109 FORMAT(1H 14H AVE BAY TEMP .6(F7.2,2X)) 111 FORMAT(1H ,16H AVE TAIRTBAY s6(F7.22X)) 113 FORMAT(1H ,20H AVE AIR VAPOR PRES ,6(F7.2,2X)) 114 FORMAT(1H ,18H AVE BAY VAP PRES ,6(F7.2,2X)) 115 FORMAT(1H øl9H AVE BAY EWAIR EA ,61F7.2,2X)) 116 FORMAT(1H .14H AVE HUMIDITY ,6CF7.2,2X)) 117 FORMAT(IH 20H AVE PAN VAPOR PRES ,6(F7.2e2X)) 119 FORMAT(1H ,14H AVE WIND VEL ,6(F7.2.2X)) 120 FORMAT(1H a17H AVE CLOUD COVER ,6(F7.2,2X)) 121 FORMAT(1H .1OH AVE EVAP ,6(F7.3,2X)) 122 FORMAT(IH ,I3HAVE AIR TEMP .6(F7.2,2X)) 123 FORMAT(1H 19H 8 FOR EACH HOUR 6F6.1) 124 FORMAT(1H ,19H NO OF C EACH HOUR ,6F6.1) 125 FORMAT(1H ,14H NO OF E USED=,F6.hI EWC 8) 7.85 EW(9) =8. 40 EW( 10)=8.98 EW( 11 )=9.60 EW(12)= 10.25 EW(13)10.95 EWI 14)=11.68 EW(1 5) =12.45 EW( 16)13.24 EW( 17)=14. 16 EW( 1B)15.07 EW( 19) = 16. 04 EWI2O)=17.06 EWI 21 )=18. 16 EW( 22 )19. 30 EW(23)20.61 EW( 24 ) =2 1. 77 EWI 25 )22.22 EA(8 )8.03 EA(9)8.63 51

EAt 101=9.22 EAt 11 )9.83 EAt 12 ) =10. 50 EAt 131=11.25 EM 14)=12.0 EAt 151=12,75 EAt 161=13.65 EAt 171=14.55 EA( 181=15.45 EAt 191= 16. 50 EAt 20 I =17. 55 EA(21 1=18.67 EAt 22 1 = 19. 80 EAt 24 I =22. 35 EA(23)=2 1.08 EA( 25 ) =23. 75 X (1) 5. XC 2) =10. X( 31=15. X(4) =20. XC 51=25. Vt 11=0.000111 Y(21=0.000 165 Vt 31=0.000213 Vt 41=0,000256 V (5) =0,000296 EVAPOO. E NONE = 0. XWVEL=0. XHUM'094. XTPAN 18.8 00 3 1=1,35 1 EVAPW(11=0. 3 SWNO(1)0. 8 READ(1,9)IM0,1DATE,NHR,HEIGH,TPAN,TBAY,TA1R,HUM,WDIR,WvEL,CLDTPCL 1DAM,WTHER,DELHT ,DELHR IF(DELHR.EQ.165.0) GO TO 2000 NHR=NHR/ 100 AWVELC (XWVEL+WVEL 1/2.) AHUMC (XHUM+HUM)f2.) IWVEL=AWVEL IHUM=AHUM IT BAY I BAY I TPANTPAN ITAIRTAIR IF C DELHR-66 .66 115 I 12 ,15 12 F0. GO TO 18 15 DO 16 1=1.5 TF(TPAN-XI1))17,17,16 16 CONTINUE 17 F(( (TPAN-X( I_1/5.1*(YC 1-1)) )+Y( I-i) 18 TCOR(F*21.*(XTPANTPAN)) IFCWVEL-5. )19,1920 19 WCOR=O. GO TO 30 20 IFCWVEL-17.)21.21.25 21 WCORO.4108+O.059*(WVEL_11.7) GO TO 30 52 25 WCOR=0.9953+0.1133*(WVEL-20a076) 30 THT=HE1GH+TCOR+(WC0R/10. IF(DELHR.GT.10.)GO TO 40 TDELH= (XTHTTHT 1* 10. TRATETDELH/DELHR IFCWVEL.GT.O.)GO TO 34 EVAPOEVAPO+TRATE E N ON E = EN ON E+1. GO TO 40 34 DO 35 1=1,35 IF(IWVELI )35,36,35 35 CONTINUE 36 FVAPW(I)=EVAPW(1)+TRATE SWNO( I )SWNO( I )+1. 40 DO 41 1=8.25 IFUTPAN.EQ.I)GO TO 42 41 CONTINUE 42 A1 FW=HTPANA)*IEW(I+1)EW(I)))+EW(I) DO 43 1=8,25 IF(ITAIR.EO.I)GO 1044 43 CONTINUE 44 A=I C C IA !R_A EA( 1+1)EAC I)) )+EACI) ) AHUM/100. IF(DELHR.GT.10.00)GO TO 50 50 DO 51 1=1,24 IF(NHR-1 )52,52,51 51 CONTINUE 52 SUMAR(II=SUMAR(I)+TAIR AIR2CI)=AIR2(I)+(TAIR*TAIR) SUMIP (I) =SUMTP CI )+TPAN TPAN2C I )=TPAN2( 1)+CIPAN*TPAN) SUMT8(I)SUMTB( I )+TBAY TBAY2( I )=TBAY2C I )+C TBAY*IBAY) SIJMAB(I)=SUMAB(fl+(TAIRTBAY) AR2( I )=AB2( I )+( (TAIRTBAY)*(TAIRTBAY)) SUMFAC I )=SUMFA( I)+FA FA2CI)=FA2CI )+(FA*FA) DO 55 J=8.25 IFUTBAY.EQ.J)GO TO 56 55 CONTINUE 56 AJ FWBt(TBAYA)*CEW(J+1)--EW(J)))+EW(J) SVAP8(I )=SVAPB( I )+FW F82C I )=FB2 II )-i-(FW8*FWB) SDIFB( I )=SDIFB(I )+(FWBFA) E82( I )=EB2(I)+( CFWBFA)*(FWBFA)) 57 SUMHU( I )=SUMHU( I )+HUM HUM2( I )=HUM2( I )+(HUM*HUM) SUMFW( I )=SUMFW( I )+FW FW2C I )FW2( 1)+(FW*FW) SWVEL( I )=SWVEL( I )+WVEL WVEL2(1)=WVEL2( I)+CWVEL*WVEL) SCLDS( I )SCLDS( I )+CLDA CLDS2( I )=CLD$2( I )+CCLDAM*CLDAM) B( I )=B( I 1+1. IF(DELHR.GT.10.00)GO 10 60 SRATE( I )SRATE( I )+TRATE RATE2 (I) =RATE2 (I) +( TRATE*TRATE) CCI) C( I )+1. 53

60 THUM=THUM+HUM HUMD2=HUMD2+(HUM*HUM) SBAY=SBAY+TBAV 61 SAIR=SAIR+TAIR ZAIR2=ZAIR2+(TA!R*TAIR) E*E+1. CORNTCOR +WCOR/1O, 62 WRITE(3,1OO,1MO.IDATE,NHR,FW,FA,TRA1E,cORN 63 XTHTTHT XTPAN*TPAN XWVL=WVEL X H UM = H UM GO TO 8 2000 wRrrE(3,j01) 63 EAVEO=EVAPO/ENONE WRITE(3,102)EAVEO,ENONE DO 67 1=1,35 !F(SWNO(I).EO.O.)GO TO 66 EAVEW( I )=EVAPW( I )/SWNO I GO 10 67 66 EAVEW(I)=O. 67 CONTINUE DO 400 J1.12 DO 250 1=1.24 IF(t3( 1)-i. )240,240,201 201 GO TO (2O8,209211,213,214,215,216,217,219,220,221.222),J 208 TMEAN(I)=SUMTP(I)/B(1) S DEV(I)=SORT( ITPAN2(I)- (SUMTP(1)*SUMTP(I) /B(I)/(8(I)-1.)) GO 10 250 209 TMEAN( I )=SUMTB( I/B( I) S DEV(1)=SQRTC(TBAY2(j)-((SUMTB(1)*SUMIB(I) /B(l))I/(B(I)-1.)) GO 10 250 211 TMEAN(!)=SUMAB(1)/8(I) S DEV(I)=SORT((A82U)-( (SUMAB(I)*SUMABCI) )/B( I))I/(8(I)-1.)) GO TO 250 213 TMEANU)=SUMFA(I)/8(I) GO 10 250 214 TMEAN(I)=SVAPB1)/B( 1) S DEV(I)=SQRT((F82(I,-USVAPB(I)*SVAPB( 1))/8( fl))/(B(I)-1.)) GO 10 250 216 TMEAM(I)=SUMHU(1)/B(I) S DEV( I )=SQRTI (HUM2( I-1 (SUMHU( I )*SUMHU( I) )/B( I)) )/(B( 1)-i.)) GO 10 250 217 TMEANU)zSUMFWU)/B(I) S DEV( )=SQRT( (FW2( 1)-I (SUMFW( I )*SUMFW( 1) I/B( I)11(8(1 I-i.) GO 10 250 215 TMEAN(1)=SDIFB(I)/8(I) SDEV(I)=SOR1((EB2(I)((SDIFB(I)*SD1FB(1)1/B(I)))/(B(I,_j,,) GO 10 250 219 IMEAN(I)=SWVEL(I )/B(I) S DEV(1) =SORT((WVEL2U)-((SWVEL(I)*SWVEL(j))/B(!)))/(B(j)_1.) GO 10 250 220 TMEAN(j)=SCLDS(I)/B(t) S DEVI fl=SQRT( (CLDS2( I )-( (SCLDS( I)*SCLDS( 1) )/B( Ill )/(B( I )-1.) I G010250 221 TMEAN(I)=SRATE(I)/B(I1 S DEV(1)=SQRT((RATE2U)-((SRATE(1)*SRATE(I))/Cti) ))/(C(I)-1.) I GO TO 250 54

222 TMEAN( I )=SUMAR( I )/B( I) & DEVII)zSQRTI(AIR2II)I tSUMAR(I)*SUMAR(I))/5(I)))/(PtI)-1.)) GO 10 250 240 TMEANU)=0. S DEVU)0. 250 CONTINUE GO TO (308,309,311, 313,314.315.31,317.319,32O.321i322)J 308 WRITE(3,108)(TMEAN(!),SDV(I),Ia1,24) GO TO 400 309 WR!TE(3,109)(TMEAN(!),SDEV( I),I,24) GO 10 400 311 WRITE(3,111)(TMEAN( I ),SDEV( I),I-1.24) GO TO 400 313 WRITE(3.113)(TMEAN(I),SDV( I),I1.24) GO TO 400 314 WRITE(3,114) (IMEANI I) .SDEV( I) .1-1.24) GO TO 400 315 WRITE(3,115)(TMEAN(I).SDEV( I),I*1,24) GO 10 400 316 WRITE(3,116)(TMEAN(I) 'SDEV( 1)01*1,24) GO TO 400 317 WRITE(3,117)(TMEAN(I),SDEV( 1)0121,24) GO 10 400 319 WRITE(3,119)(TMEAN(I ),SDEV(I),I=1,24) GO TO 400 320 WR!IE(3.120)(TMCAN(!),SDEV( 1)0121,24) GO TO 400 321 WRITE(3,121)(TMEAN(I) ,SDEV(t),Iz1,24) GO TO 400 322 WRITE(3,122)(TMEAN( I)SDEV( 1)01*1,24) 400 CONTINUE 81 FTAIR=$AIR/E VDAIR=SQRT((ZAIR2((SAIR*SAIR)/E))/(E-1.)) FHUM=THUM/E VDHUM=SORT (HUMD2 ( (THUM*THUM) /E) ) / (Ci .0)) FTf3AY=S!3AY/E 82 WRITE(3,103)(EAVEWU),SWMO( I),11.,35) WR tIE 'C 3, 104 WR ITE( 3, 106) FlAIR . VDAIR. FHUM . VDHUM, FTBAY WRITE (3,107) WRITE(3o123) (6(I)' 11,24) WRITE( 3,124) (CC I), 1=1,24) WRITE(3,125)E STOP END