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Download Date 08/10/2021 00:06:14 Instructions to the Marine Meteorological Observers of the U. S. Weather Bureau, 4th edition. Item Type Book Publisher Government Printing Office Download date 08/10/2021 00:06:14 Item License Link to Item �'w. B. No. 866 U. s.(pEPARTMENTOF AGRICULTURE) WEATHER BUREAU INSTRUCTIONS TO MARINE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS rr;e �� 4 c -s::r­ ho,M - M, MARIME f'IVTS!ON CIRCULAR FOURTH EDITION lfMed /9).5" WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIOlll 1926 Blank page retained for pagination ILLUSTRATIONS Pnlle Barograph, Richard's----------------------------------------------­ aro B meter: 33 Jlnerold------------------------�--------------------------------- ]darlne__________________________________________________________ _ 32 _ _ __ llalos ____ ______________________________ __________ _____________ _ __ 24 g lly rogrnph, Rlchard's--�-------------------------------------------- 51 _ ll _______________________ __ ygrometer, with stationary thermometers 40 h __________________________________________________ Payc rometer, sling 40 r The mograph--------------------------------------------------------- 3U Thermometer supports_ ·---------------------------------------------­ · 38 er Th mometer, water------------------------------------------------­ 37 ime T chart, showing·local time corresponding to Greenwich mean noon__ 41 Ve rniers____________________________________________________________ _ 90 a W b1ings,' fiag· and lantern displaY----------------------------------- 28 eat ________________________________ W ner maps, North Atlantic Ocean 93 ind W diagram-------------------------------�---------------------- 59-60 9 PLATES Cloud forms : irr _ ________ C us, tufted f rm__________________________________ _ I irr C us merging ointo cirro-stratus-------------------------------- II C!rro-cumulus, overhead----------------------------------------- III Alto-cumulus----------------------------------------------------- IV Cumulus---------------------------------------------------------- V Cumulo-nimbus, just grown from cumulus------------------------- VI Strato-cumulus, from altitude of 5,700 feeL----------------------- VII Nimbus, with fog or stratus beloW--------------------------------. VIII (An index will be found at the back of these Instructions.) m Blank page retained for pagination AN APPRECIATION During the past century seamen have made a priceless contribu­ tion to meteorology in the form of observational material. From the days of Redfield, Reid, Piddington, and other pioneers in the science, mariners have been sending to the meteorological offices of different nations a constant stream of observations. In the early years of this century of cooperation interest centered the so-called " revolving storm," later be christened " cyclone" in to by Piddington. It is safe to say that the observations contributed by seamen hastened by many years the true conception of the nature of storms. Later, in the time qf Maury, it was again the observa­ tions of seamen that led to an understanding of the great wind sys­ tems of the globe, of tremendous practical import to world com- ' merce. With these major concepts of the science established and with steam superseding sail there came a period when land meteorology claimed attention over that of the sea and the art of forecasting was developed. In this, progress was hastened by a rapid extension of the systems of land communication. Another era is now at hand, in which the metenrology of the sea and that of the land are to be inseparably bound together as result of the development in radiotelegraphic communication. Ita. is perhaps too soon appraise the full import of this epochal event to in its relation to meteorology but that it is destined to exert a very great influence is certain. The United States Weather Bureau is deeply sensible of the debt it owes to all those who have so faithfully cooperated with it in the past in the field of ocean meteorology. In this work the Bureau has an unfinished task, in the discharge of which it continues to desire and request the assistance of seamen, promising on its own part to continue to make the best possible use of the observations which they may supply. F. MARVIN, c. Ohief of Burea:u. V PRE FACE The oce an me te orological program of the "'\Ve athe r Bu re au calls in ge ne ral for the making of bu t one re gu lar observation a day, this, as well known, be ing made at noon G. M. T. (civil). Howe vet·, in ce rtain de signate d are as from which observations are transmittE'd by radiotelegraphy an additional re gu lar observation is provi de d for at Greenwich midnight. Su pple me nting the se re gular obse rva­ tio ns are extra one s made under conditions of threatening or se ve re we athe r, gale and storm rep orts, and de scriptive note s of we athe r expe rie nced be twee n observations, the last-name d taking the form of a Daily Journal. The total re qu irements are su ch, howe ve r, as make the smallest possib le de mands on obse rve rs consisten t withto the ne eds of the Bu re au in me eting its re sponsibil ities for the issu­ ance of fore casts and warnings, the procuring of data for pu blica­ tion on chart s, and othe rwise effectively car rying ou t its marine me te orological program. The provision that observations over the entire oc ean should be made at the same moment of time is to make possible the con struc­ tion of synoptic we athe r maps of large are as . Whi le this object has be en at tained in part, ne ve rthele ss, owing to the varyin g obser­ vational re qu ire me nts of different countrie s, the hope of a world synoptic we athe r map has ne ve r been complete ly real ize d. Ge n­ erally spe aking, in the "Western He misphe re whe re land obse rva· ti ons are cu stomarily made ut an d hour s, G. M. T., land an d sea observations are in close agr12eem en13t as to ti me , whe reas in the Easte rn Hemisphe re agree ment is almost wholly lacking. The value of simultane ou s observations has re ce ived fresh recog­ nition with the de ve lopment of radio commu nication. The ex­ change of 've athe r advice s at se a an d the growing practice amon g ships' offi ce rs of constru cting we athe r maps has had the effect of rene wing inte rest in the· entire su bject. De velopme nt in radiotele graphy does not ac t to diminish the de mands of me te orology upon se ame n, bu t rathe r to incre ase the m. The re is compe nsation for this, howe ver, in the form of we ather. bu lletins and warnings broadcast by different me te orological se rv­ ices, the value of which has be en amply te stifie d to by re cipients. PREFACE vu Instructions for the transmission of observations by radio ar� contained in a separate publication, " Radiographic Weather Code Vessel Observers." for Weather The material contained in these Instructions has been restricted for most part to information considered essential or helpful in the observational work. For information on the general subject of meteorology observers are referred to the publications named in the bibliography on pages 79 to 81. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Supplies a'JUl publications.-Before leaving port the master of a vessel or the observer should assure himself that he is provided with an adequate supply of blank forms, envelopes, barometer compari­ son cards, and other requisites for observational work. These will be supplied upon request by the official in charge of the local office of th� Weather Bureau. Locati071. of Weather Bureau o!ficea.-Weather Bureau offices are maintained in the larger United States ports and also at Honolulu, Hawaii, and San Juan, P. R. The addresses of these several offices are as follows. Portland, Me., First National Bank Bldg., 57 Exchange Street. Boston, Mass., Public Building, Post Office Square. New York, N. Y., Whitehall Building, No. 17 Battery Place. Philadelphia, Pa., Public Building, Ninth and Chestnut Streets. Baltimore, Md., Public Building, Gay and Water Streets. Norfolk, Va., Royster Building, Granby Street and City Hall Avenue. Wilmington, N. C., Public Building, Front and Chestnut Streets. Charleston, S. C., Public Building, 200 East Bay Street. Savannah, Ga., The Oglethorpe Building, Bull and Broughton Streets. Jacksonvllle, Fla., Graham Building, Laura and Forsyth Streets. Key West, Fla., Weather Bureau Building, Eaton and Front Streets. San Juan, P. R., U. S. Weather Bureau Building, Stop Puerta de Tierra. Tampa, Fla., Public Building, Florida A venue. 3, Pensacola, Fla., American National Bank Building, Palafox and Government Streets. Mobile, Ala., City Bank Building, 12-14 St. Joseph Street. New Orleans, La., Post Office Building, Camp and Lafayette Streets. Port Arthur, Tex., Public Building, Austin Avenue and Fifth Street. Galveston, Tex., Trust Building, Post Office and Tremont Streets. Tacoma, Wash., Fidelity Building, Broadway and Eleventh Streets. Seattle, Wash., Hoge Building, Second Avenue and Cherry .Street. Portland, Oreg., Public Building, Eighth and Broadway Streets. San Francisco, Calif., Merchants Exchange Building, California and Leidsdorfl' Streets. San Diego, Calif., Public Bulldlng, F Street, between Union and State Streets. Honolulu, Hawaii, Public Building, King, Milllani and iUchards Streets. offices are supplied with books, charts, and pamphlets relating All to meteorology. They are equipped with standard meteorological instruments, both land and marine, which shipmasters and officers are invited to inspect and with which they may have their own instruments compared, free of cost. VIU GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS IX The Division of Meteorology and Hydrography of The P'anama Canal, through the Captains of the Ports at Cristobal and Balboa distributes and collects Weather Bureau forms, supplies nd publi cations, compares and adjusts navigational and meteorological� in­� struments and publishes daily weather indications. Add-resses for communioations.-Communications for the Weather Bureau may be addressed to the official in charge of any of the offices named or to the Chief of Bureau at Washington, D.
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