The Glasgow Naturalist (online 2017) Volume 26, part 4, xx-xx Natural history contributions of the University of Glasgow Exploration Society to Scotland and the World J. Roger Downie1, E. Geoffrey Hancock2, Stewart A. White1, Annette C. Broderick3, Brendan J. Godley3 1 School of Life Sciences, Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ 2 The Hunterian Zoology Museum, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ 3 Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Cornwall TR10 9FE E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT source that began around the same time was the Expeditions with a natural history focus have been Royal Geographical Society’s expedition grant organised by University of Glasgow staff and scheme (1956). students since the 1930s. The educational benefits of such expeditions to students have been reported by We have not been able to locate any documents Harper et al. (Journal of Biological Education 51, 3- relating to the foundation of the University of 16; 2017). Here, we present a short history of these Glasgow’s Exploration Society (GUExSoc), but the expeditions, concentrating on their scientific first expedition reports held by the University achievements. In addition to expedition reports, a Library which acknowledge the existence and large number of PhD theses, masters and honours support of GUExSoc are for Finland (1970) and project reports and scientific papers have been Calabria (1970), and we were told that Morocco based on expedition work. Many biological (1970) was also organised through GUExSoc specimens have been deposited in museums, (Hansell, pers.comm.). including some new species.