DOCUMENT RESUME 11 ED 026 268 SE 006 034 By -Barisch, Sylvia Directory of Physics & Astronomy Faculties 1968-1969, United States,Canada, Mexico. American Inst. of Physics, New York, N.Y. .. Report No-R-135.7 Pub Date 68 Note-213p. Available from-The American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45 Street, NewYork, N.Y. 10017 ($5.00) EDRS Price MF-$1.00 HC-$10.75 Descriptors-*Astronomy, College Faculty, *College Science, Curriculum, Directories,Educational Programs, Graduate Study, *Physics, *Physics Teachers, Undergraduate Study Identifiers.- Ar vrican Institute of Physics This directory is the tenth edition published by the AmericanInstitute of Physics listing colleges and universities which offer degreeprograms in physics, astronomy and astrophysics, and the staff members who teach thecourses. Institutions in the United States, Canada, and Mexicoare indexed separately, both geographically and alphabetically. Also included isan alphabetical indek of personnel. The document is available for sale by Department DAPD, the American Institute ofPhysics, 335 East 45 Street, New York, New York 10017, price $5.00. (GR) -.. --',..- 4ttsioropm.righ /RECTO PHYSICS & ASTR ...Y FACULTIES1 1969 UNITED STATES CANADA I MEXICO s - - - i) - - . r_ tt U S DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REKOD:_FD EXACTLY AS RECEIV:D FROM THE )ERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORISINATING IT POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS S'ATEJ DO NOT NECESSARILY PEPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION PCSITION OR PO'..ICY , * , + t ..+, ,..,.-,. .1. Ca:. - -,.. - , ts _ - 41 ) s: -. - ',',...3,,,_ c -- - .-,, '0'- _ -, tt't-,), _ .'Y .-ct, ,;,---,,,,,,,- t--, -.rfe - 4 ;:': e-...,- : 0:4_, O'i -.. - t _ *s, :::-.", r.,--4, .4 --A,-, 0 -.,,, -- ....,-_:134,,- - - 0 ., Q9 , 0i '.% .J, ".t..
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