Competence Atlas: Electromobility in Saxony Published by: Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA) Press Offi ce P.O. Box 10 03 29 01073 Dresden Germany Edited by: Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH
[email protected] Layout: büro quer kommunikationsdesign Printed by: Stoba-Druck, Lampertswalde Copy deadline: 4th edition, September 2017 Circulation: 500 Proofreading: The featured companies/institutions/organisations Translation: SprachUnion Chemnitz Orders/downloads: Competence Atlas: Electromobility in Saxony in Electromobility Competence Atlas: Copyright This publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved, including the right to reprint excerpts and to make photomechanical reproductions. Map Competence Atlas: Electromobility in Saxony Foreword Electromobility is one of the most important future fields of transport. The biggest challenges electromobility faces are how to connect the existing structures and technologies intelligently, and how to develop innovative ideas and concepts, and put them into practice. In Saxony, almost the entire electromobility value chain is represented: from technology compa- nies in the electrochemistry, power electronics and software development industries to premium carmakers and an innovative network of automotive suppliers and global energy suppliers. The commitment of Saxon companies, research institutions and the public administration to electromobility is undiminished. And increasing numbers of people are interested in electromo- bility – in businesses and research, but also private consumers. The Electromobility Competence Atlas is now in its fourth edition – and it is more wide-ranging and diverse than ever before. The main driver for positive economic developments in the Free State is the manufacturing industry, in particular the automotive industry, which has traditionally been strong in Saxony.