Global Dressage Foundati on proudly presents

Report 29 - 30 October 2012

Hooge Mierde - the Netherlands -

Opening - Richard Davison Page 4

Welcome - HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark Page 5

FEI Developments - Trond Asmyr Page 6 - 8

A sensational new approach to fitness - Adelinde Cornelissen, Tjalling van den Berg & Lammert Haanstra Page 9 -12

Dressage simulator - Barbro Ask Upmark Page 13 -14

Physiotherapy for sport horses - Jarko Dun Page 15 -16

Training for the prize giving ceremony- Tristan Tucker Page 17 -20

Dressage Training including cavaletti exercises - Ingrid Klimke Page 21 - 25

Harmony between horse and rider - Inga Wolframm Page 26 - 28

Finding and training a future top horse - Patrik Kittel Page 29 - 32

Olympic Review - David Hunt, David Stickland & Wim Ernes Page 33 -35

The German system - Helen Langehanenberg & Johnny Hilberath Page 36 -39

Press releases international magazines

3 OPENING Richard Davison

Once again, for the 12th year in succession, Richard Davison, the Forum’s Moderator, opened the two-day Forum with warm greetings to all delegates, regular and new (350 in total from 21 countries).

The Forum is THE opportunity for national representatives to keep up to date and, to a certain extent, influence the current and future affairs of worldwide dressage. Richard Davison Founded early in 2012, the Forum is now underwritten by the Global Dressage Foundation of which HRH the Princess Benedikte of Denmark is President and she will address the Forum shortly.

Welcome to the representatives of the IDRC and IDTC (the International Dressage Riders Club and the International Dressage Trainers Club), to members of the ISES (the International Society for Equitation Science) and also to the representatives of the media who inform the wider equestrian public.

At this Forum, top riders, trainers and scientists window their experience and skills; before the first GDF in 2000, riders and trainers met up for regular discussions but now much wider and deeper links with horse sport and equestrian science have transformed not only the Forum but also the sport. London 2012 was, for sure, the turning point for the sport – dressage has never been more open than it is now and the wider public have become more aware that dressage exists – and that it’s not boring!

Thanks are due, in no small measure, to the partners of the Foundation – Academy Bartels; the IDRC; the FEI; the IDTC; the ISES; the KNHS (Royal Dutch Equestrian Federation) and to the supporters of the Foundation – the Noord Brabant Province; Mr & Mrs Bartels; Mrs K Kuistila from Finland; Mrs L Sonnenberg from Switzerland; the Altez Group (Geerkens-Hippico); Blue Hors; the Tschuggen Hotel Group and Toosbuy’s Foundation. Finally, a thank you to everyone for their support over the years, to the presenters, the riders, owners and horses; we hope you will find this year’s GDF inspiring and informative. 4 WELCOME HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark, president of the Global Dressage Foundation

A welcome to all and a big thank you to everyone who makes this Forum possible. Again, this year, the IDTC and the IDRC combined their General Assemblies with the Forum – top riders, trainers and judges must be part of the overall influence on the sport and the Forum is a unique opportunity for them to get together each year.

Since its inception 12 years ago, the Forum has depended on the support and organisation of the Bartels family, and the facilities of Academy Bartels. This year, the initiative was taken to help them with this by creating a Foundation to guarantee the continuity of the Forum, to ensure that the high standards set by the Bartels would remain and that the Forum would be kept as HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark a unique international umbrella for dressage.

In Amsterdam this January I was delighted to be invited to become President of the Foundation, along with Board members Dr Wilfried Bechtolsheimer and Drs Joep Bartels. Together with the representatives of the Stakeholders, the Forum’s future is ensured and will continue to contribute in a major way to the sport of dressage.

Thank you.

Enjoy the Forum.


As FEI Director of Dressage & Para- Equestrian Dressage, Richard suggested that I am a powerful man in dressage – I wouldn’t admit to that! First of all, congratulations on the formation of the Foundation which will ensure the future of this very important Forum for the dressage world.

Last year, the FEI’s long term plans for Trond Asmyr dressage were presented and this year, following the usual pattern, more changes will be proposed to the forthcoming General Assembly, showing more clearly the direction within the FEI.

These proposals are:

Protective headgear, especially for riders under 18, and riders of any age in young horse classes; in fact these are already established.

The rotation of judges at top level competitions so that judges can only judge a maximum of 3 years at one show, and then must take a break; this helps more judges to gain more experience at international level. This rule does not extend to national judging.

Fly-hoods – this rule was particularly concerned with outside shows during the summer months, when insects can be a difficult problem for horses. It was never intended to be used for noise abatement and they will not be permitted at indoor shows.

For two years, there have been many discussions about the ‘blood’ rule. The proposal is to make the decision of the judge at C binding; if the horse shows fresh blood, i.e. the horse is bleeding, then elimination is the result. We understand that this is not everyone’s view but it has the merit of being simple, easily understood, doesn’t upset the smooth running of the show and allays any possibility of public backlash at the sport.

6 No electronic devices, i.e. mobile phones or other communication devices, are allowed whilst judging; marking should be nothing other than the judge’s opinion, without any reference to anything or anyone outside the judge’s hut. If riders qualify for GP freestyle and GPS, it is mandatory that they should participate. London 2012 was a massive success; this was the most successful showcase ever for dressage. Para dressage was equally successful – 130,000 tickets were sold, which is a new record, and it ensures that dressage and para dressage will now be at the forefront of Olympic sports. In the FEI Sports Forum, scheduled for April 2013, dressage is now firmly on the agenda, which is wasn’t the case before London 2012. However, there have been subsequent reviews to improve the sport even further – regarding the qualification procedures, the format to include adjustment to the number of rest days in between competitions, and this has already been taken on board. Also, the original GP Special test will be reinstated from the end of 2012 – at last!

Four years ago, there were serious challenges facing the quality of judging – did we want to go for quality or compromise? The JSP (Judges Supervisory Panel) has been tested and found to be very useful as a backup for mistakes missed in judging that can be adjusted in the scoring; it is not intended to be, and has never been, used to change a judge’s opinion.

Quality has won out and thus now international judges have to judge a certain minimum number of tests and assessment discovers whether or not they are up to scratch – this could, in turn, mean that we might well lose approximately 20% of FEI judges; this is not the catastrophe that it might be because such judges don’t do 20% of the judging so it shouldn’t cause major problems.

Scoring is still an emotive issue. Back in 1924 many judges spent over 3 days discussing the scoring of the Olympic dressage tests. However, we needed to move on. Now 7 judges have proved to be useful, especially in conjunction with the JSP.

7 PANEL SESSION Kyra Kyrklund; David Hunt; Trond Asmyr; Rowley Overs

The IDTC & IDRC are not in total agreement about the blood rule but will abide by the FEI decision; the point was made that other equestrian disciplines should be in line with this ruling. Sport is played out in front of huge global audiences thus all sports must Trond Asmyr, David Hunt, Rowley Overs, bear in mind public perception, so simple and Kyra Kyrklund easy to understand are generally best. Riders, owners and trainers all share the responsibility.

The JSP changed 59 marks in the GP in London and 26 marks in the Special (both up and down) – these were mistakes in the changes, in the pirouettes, hindlegs together in the pirouettes, rein back, number of piaffe steps. The JSP panel has two monitors, and can watch playbacks, so marks can be changed as necessary – this means that test are marked accurately and this supports both judges and riders. The JSP is there solely to ensure accuracy in judging – it is not there to alter judges’ opinions. A split second’s loss of focus or concentration, or just a difficulty of angle in viewing a movement, is enough to affect a mark.

Associate membership of the FEI, which affects the IDTC and the IDRC, will stop next year but co-operation with the clubs will continue so they shouldn’t feel that they have been cut off at the knees. The FEI is looking for a wider and more representative selection. Perhaps this could have been brought in after due consultation between the FEI and the affected clubs, thus deferring the resolution and listening more to the dressage community so that a better way forward could be found. Communication between the clubs and the FEI could still be improved. It is essential that riders and trainers have a voice within the FEI.

8 A SENSATIONAL NEW APPROACH TO FITNESS Adelinde Cornelissen with Tjalling van den Berg & Lammert Haanstra

Adelinde is one of the top international riders in the world, representing the Netherlands – her record speaks for itself. Most top riders consider themselves to be athletes and the focus for them, as well as for their horses, is on physical and mental training to be the best they can be. There has to be a balance between training and the need to keep the horse ‘happy’. There are always challenges along the way but they need to stay within bounds. Relaxation and speed control are very important – talent helps with athleticism but there is a need to build the correct muscles needed for the advanced work and first the rider needs enough control so that this can be achieved.

So, as ever, a light touch of the leg should Adelinde Cornelissen be sufficient to have the horse go forward willingly until asked otherwise and also immediately obey the half halt to come back, slow down, when required, without losing the forward thought. The degree within this necessity varies but whenever, wherever, and for how long, should be the rider’s decision. The rider needs to be sure that the horse is listening and not taking over the decision making – flexibility, relaxation, suppleness, power, balance, self-carriage (the Scales of Training) are all vital for work at any level but particularly Grand Prix.

This necessity for the horse to be tuned in totally to the rider is something to be developed, not just at home but in any and every environment, so that both horse and rider can cope with all the differences and keep the physical and mental focus between themselves. Stretching in between work sessions helps with the ‘happiness’ – this is not to say that this alone makes for happiness; hacking, working on the racetrack, riding in the woods, broadens horizons and helps with boredom levels – it’s good for horses to be outside and, of course, turnout is so good for their mental relaxation.

9 Having said all this about the horse, riders also need to be happy athletes, to be consistent and balanced 100% of the time, so focus on the mental and physical attributes and training of the rider is vital to success. If a rider tires, or loses balance, this will be detrimental to the overall performance. What you think and how you think is tremendously important – mental focus gives balance, strength, stability, elegance and attitude. Physical fitness Zephyr by Jazz x Farmer needs to be taken to a similar level to that which we require of our horses – so cross sport participation, skipping, juggling, ball exercises all contribute to this. It is still the case that equine training and rider training are not always as closely combined as they should be.

Breeding amazing horses, with superb Tjalling van den Berg paces, should not have to compensate for human failings – some sort of sport and exercise should be in place for riders every day for total body awareness and balance. No ‘yes but …’ it means facing challenges and finding solutions to problems – top elite sport is probably 70% mental fitness but requires 100% physical fitness of horse and rider; all the senses are involved; total focus and concentration are only possible if the fitness is there. Nutrition is also important. Basically, extreme attention to every detail for improvement and success.

Adelinde introduced her trainers - Tjalling & Lammert and their assistants. It’s always necessary to have a goal in training in order to succeed – training without a goal simply doesn’t work. Creating a positive and happy atmosphere encourages learning – standing upright, straight, and looking as though you have purpose helps achieve those goals. Goals need to be far enough away to keep the focus, goals that are too close don’t produce the same effect. Walk and talk like a leader, stand like you are a leader – be the leader of the horse and 10 rider team!

Gymnastics, well done, create beautiful, elegant lines – dressage is also about beautiful lines, nothing crunched up but tall, elegant and graceful. Tension is necessary to train the body as too much relaxation doesn’t work; attention needs to be focussed on internal gravity and the core, one should be able to tense or release all muscles, whether sitting, standing, walking, riding, whatever. Balance is about focus, but too much thought can intervene and cause a loss of balance. Exercise gets a person into shape and also improves coordination, quick reflexes and reactions, and relieves tension which is good for riding, breathing and rhythm.

Adelinde exhibited amazing focus and balance, core strength and coordination – skipping, boxing, juggling, relaxation or tension of muscles, arms, legs and body at will, work on the ball, working with another person, keeping the line within the exercises – breathtaking but exhausting to watch! This amount of dedication to her own fitness, physical and mental, gives some clue to her continued success at the highest level of dressage. Undoubtedly, this also explains her attitude to competing – she is philosophical about success or defeat, the problems that face anyone involved with horses – she accepts what happens and moves on. She focuses on influencing what can be influenced, taking responsibility for herself and her horse, doing everything possible but not worrying about what cannot be controlled.

“You have to believe before you can achieve. Life is not tried if you stand outside the fire!”

11 PANEL SESSION Peter Storr; Beatrice Ferrer-Salat; Katrina Wüst

Judging tends to reward harmony, elegance and ease – the rider’s position comes into the picture – lots of amateur riders don’t think about their own fitness and how it impacts on their horse; this concept should be introduced from the moment someone starts to ride.

Training must take into consideration that focus and balance become reduced as Beatrice Ferrer-Salat, Peter Storr, Katrina Wüst tiredness takes over – this applies equally to rider and horse – so awareness necessary to think about this – interval training overcomes this when well applied.

Adelinde does two hours exercise once a week; runs three times a week; keeps track of her fitness via the computer; does some balancing exercises every morning. It is, she reminded everyone, also necessary to take a rest sometimes! Healthy food does make you feel better but moderation is the key and an awareness of what happens to your body is crucial.

The overall consensus was admiration for the amazing dedication and attention to detail for herself and for her horse – and doubtless some guilt that not everyone could match up!


Barbro is a Swedish rider who now resides in the US and competes to GP; Bill Greenwood is the inventor and manufacturer of Racewood Simulators in the UK. The simulator is a mechanical horse, ‘Sam’ to his friends, that gives trainers and rider the opportunity to improve skills, working on themselves, without having to concentrate on the horse’s training. It is certainly necessary to concentrate on Sam as he is Barbro Ask Upmark sensitive to any movement, or aid, deliberate or otherwise.

There are all sorts of applications for a mechanical horse – dressage obviously; racing; polo; RDA; jumping. The original idea came about after an approach from an injured jockey as a way to aid his rehabilitation – simulators are not substitutes for horses but an add on to enable skills to be developed. This works especially well with a rider who has become fearful as a result of an accident, whether horse related or not.

Barbro’s student, Catherine, from California has benefitted greatly from Sam; she had become apprehensive as a result of several bad falls and felt so tense that, at the start, she couldn’t get Sam to walk! The simulator is connected to a computer sensor screen which shows exactly what the rider asks – so if you pull on the reins without any backup core involvement, i.e. no correct half halt, this will show up – there’s no outside influence it just reflects back to the rider what was done, regardless as to what the rider thought they were doing and without any reprisals – other than humiliation, of course!

Thus the rider is taught to be much quieter ‘on top’ and more accurate with the aids and, with the simulator’s help, progresses rapidly. Many riders return to the simulator to keep up their skills or to learn new ones. This can only be helpful to the rider – and to the horse – as the rider learns that it is seldom that the horse doesn’t obey, it is much more likely that the rider is not clear or accurate enough.

Beyond this, the screen can also show a virtual arena and the rider can literally practice a test from entry, through all the movements in every pace, to the final halt. 13 Interestingly, this simulation also shows up the rider’s reaction to test situations and also highlights what weaknesses there are when a test is ridden in its entirety, specifically a tendency to be unbalanced or not always giving the correct aids for turns or lateral work.

Sam is sensitive to use of the core, the seat, the legs, the hands and even the elbows of the rider – he’s very sophisticated and can reproduce all the advanced movements, including lateral work, piaffe and passage; the dressage simulator can be programmed to Grand Prix. Movements, aids, centre lines, and so on can be endlessly repeated with different aids – Sam never gets upset or tired – if pressure is put on the rider the simulator give the opportunity to the rider to sort out anything and everything before going near a horse.

Another, much more basic but most useful, way to use the simulator is as a lunge horse, with the sensors taken away so that the rider’s focus is on the trainer and not the picture on the screen. Sam can be controlled, by the trainer, via the buttons on his shoulder if necessary.

Much research has gone into the production of the various simulators so that they can replicate the application for which they have been purchased. The cost of each simulator is upwards of € 50,000 but compares favourably with the cost of a good live horse; a simulator doesn’t go lame, have off days, doesn’t require stabling, bedding, feeding, grooming – cheap at half the price!

DISCUSSION Henk van Bergen & Kenneth Dyrby

Such a machine would save schoolmaster horses untold misery – several people/ businesses/clubs could get together to underwrite the cost and it would be fantastic used in conjunction with actual horses.

Specially qualified instructors would surely be necessary – the use of the simulator can only be as good as the person doing the training.

The British School of Racing uses these simulators.


Jarko, a Dutch equine physiotherapist works with many top riders in dressage, show jumping and eventing. He finds that these riders have a good feel for how their horse is physically, especially when it impacts on the training programme – however, specialist veterinary or physiotherapist expertise is often needed for an exact physical analysis of the source of the problem and thus the best method of dealing with it. Observation Jarko Dun of the horse and rider combination is critical in the correct assessment of physical shortcomings – it is necessary to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the anatomy of both and an ability to hone in on the inside of an ‘outside’ problem.

Jarko works with horses in the clinic and the stable. Physiotherapy is about mobilisation, flexibility to both sides, coordination and strength. Jarko brought two horses in to help with his demonstration to show the audience how a horse can be mobilised from the ground and encouraged to arch the back and flex to both reins by touching various trigger points with his fingers. The conformation of the horse and the outline tell him what the horse is like, how he has been worked, and the likely problems that stem from less than perfect conformation and problematic work programmes. Look at the lines through the centre, the position of the spine and the muscles. Pressure on the spine brings the head up and the back down; an impulse on the back muscles brings the back up and starts to allow the horse to flex and round in his back.

For mobilisation, you are looking at rotation of the spine both ways – not bend. The facets of the joints and ligaments are too strong to be moved, so it is loosening of the body that will give even rotation in the sacro-iliac joint. If a horse is hollow, the hindlegs cannot be placed underneath the centre of gravity, only an arched back makes this possible and this also requires the cooperation of the abdominal muscles. The idea is that all the vertebrae flex equally so that the arch over the back is consistent through its length and through the neck; then it is easy for a horse to stretch forwards downwards from the withers.

15 Massage has a part to play within physiotherapy, helping to relax tight or tense muscles, just as with a rider, and it is often the case that riders can feel the difference after therapy as the horse is much more able to carry out the rider’s requests to show the movements and the freedom of the paces.

Q & A Does physiotherapy help horses to relax mentally? Definitely, the strong flight reaction can be reduced and this can be beneficial for competition horses in an unknown environment or in the arena. Physical relaxation helps mental relaxation.

How often would you treat a sports horse? Once a week to start, then lengthen the time in between treatments – it depends on how the rider works the horse and it is important to coordinate with rider and trainer. Checking on how the horse compensates through his body is an important element, there’s some little movement in the sacro-iliac joint but it is more to do with rotation within the whole lumber area and the muscles groups. Jarko agreed to disagree with a chiropractor from the audience who suggested that an ultra sound scan could be used for diagnosis – it is used within physiotherapy but the result is not always so clear.

In young horses, if they are not given time for joints to settle, the sacro-iliac joint can become too mobile and then is often an ongoing problem. More research is needed.

Regarding kissing spines – the muscles over the spine must not cramp; it’s not clear if the vertebrae are causing the problem, it could be muscular. Again, more research is needed.


The Australian has had many years of experience training horses in the wider equestrian field, of which dressage was but one area of interest. Based in Europe for 4 years now, he works with several top dressage riders and trainers.

Prize givings – humans naturally love the applause but how about the horses? How can we make it easier for them to cope with Tristan Tucker the more or less ‘pop concert’ atmosphere of the big international shows? How can you train the horse to carry on regardless of extraneous outside influences? What do you want from your horse? That he should stand still, relax, focus on his rider, and not be afraid but be proud and confident because he knows how to respond to anything and everything. Whenever possible your horse should not have an unprepared bad experience that could cause him to be totally afraid the next time.

Actually, this is not really about prize givings but more about general training so that the horse knows how to cope in the human world – pot plants, judges huts, banners round the arena, spooky corners, people with umbrellas, noisy machinery, and so on. Tristan calls this ‘response training’ which he feels is not desensitizing but something which enhances the horse’s sensitivity and focus on his rider who gives aids that the horse understands and trusts. This training is not intended to make the horse dull and unresponsive but quiet and confident. The concept of learning is what is important rather than the ‘thing’ that seems to be a problem. Whatever happens physically also happens mentally.

With the young horse, or the older uneducated horse, initially it is important to establish some ground rules – aids and responses with which he becomes familiar and which he can trust. Timing of the aids is crucial and the horse needs to learn to understand each aid and what is expected of him when that aid is applied. Control of the head and neck affects and controls the legs; control of the front feet, forwards, backwards and sideways, is asked and the horse is rewarded by the taking off of the pressure – let him think he did it himself! – so that he can go to a comfortable place where he can learn to learn. Self-carriage can just mean moving over when asked and then standing still, in balance – it is so important to teach that 17 the correct response means an immediate release of pressure. The horse is being taught body control, the installation of usable knowledge; the turning of a negative reaction into a positive response.

Plastic bags on the end of a whip were first stroked all over the horse including the head until he lost his fear and stood – again, the pressure comes off when the horse produces Tristan Tucker and Katja Gevers the correct response. On the lunge circle, ‘chased’ by the plastic bags and whip, the horse responded to the trainer and ignores the frightening thing that’s following him. Thriller, a 12 year old Gribaldi Grand Prix horse, known to be very spooky – response training has kept him sensitive and responsive to the aids but he can now cope in the arena and in an environment that he hasn’t seen before, namely the GDF audience. Thriller by Gribaldi x Amor He has had about one month’s response training.

Check out the ground work to make sure the horse responds – the horse has to make the connection with this work and also when he is ridden, so it is repeated with a rider. In the end, it is not about a flag, a noise, or any particular ‘thing’, it is about his response to life – his response to pressure, when it stops he is rewarded. For instance, it is one thing to deal with things when he is standing still, it is different again when he is in movement and the next step is to teach him that when he goes towards an object and touches it, it goes away. So approach and touch, pushing through, he learns that when he does so, the object moves out of the way and he leaves it behind.

What is it that the horse fears – the pot plant falling over, cameras, shadows, a puddle, loud noises, tannoy announcements, clapping? All these things can be reconstructed and it is important to introduce them one at a time before moving on to combinations. Although Thriller showed huge confidence and assurance, Richard Davison bouncing up and down on a blue exercise ball, holding a ‘stick’ horse, in the corner of the arena was, initially, too much even for this amazing horse!

18 Next into the arena was a 6 year old Warmblood mare, Saphira, brought over from Australia, who had not seen much of the outside world but who had received response training. A very electric, athletic, sensitive mare, she was first introduced to the plastic – again, it’s not about the plastic but the concept – and she was unmoved by it. Swiftly moving on, she was shown a whip (cracked), a gun (fired), and a chainsaw (whirring)! Even when she was chased by the guy with the chainsaw, which made the most horrendous noise, the mare never deviated from the path chosen by her rider – she was totally unconcerned.

More was to come – into the arena came an enormous tractor with an equally digger arm on the front – just the noise of the tractor and its appearance would have been enough for most horses but, again, the mare trotted round it, and underneath the arch made by the digger arm, quite unconcerned and in a lovely rhythmic trot – and then canter. It was extraordinary to watch!

Response training teaches horses to take ownership of what they are doing, or being asked to do, because they understand that there is nothing to fear, no matter what the environment. This works when, say, the horse goes down the centre line towards the judge at C in the shed, hut, or whatever – when the horse turns away, the thing is gone – it’s not the object, it is the learned response that takes over.

So, for instance, with training towards piaffe, the horse should keep going in the movement until asked to stop. Two people, posing as pillars, took one rein each under the arch of the noisy machine, and the mare piaffed calmly from a verbal ‘cluck’ from the trainer, who stood well back away from the horse, with no other outside aid, whip or continual verbal encouragement. The point is that she finds that the more she gives, the more frequently she is allowed to stop, and the more treats, rewards, she is given. Again, when the pressure is on she performs, when it comes off she can stop.

Last, but definitely not least, after the high pressure and energetic piaffe, she was then asked to lie down on the arena floor, loose with no tack and without any restraint, with a huge plastic tarpaulin placed over her and whips cracking around her. She never moved. Her last ‘piece de resistance’ was a bow to her transfixed audience. Outstanding humour, totally and completely crazy and mad – with a 100% serious message! 19 Q & A Isn’t this actually desensitisation? No – more that they respond to aids, signals, and it’s rather like what Adelinde’s trainer said, don’t over repeat the exercises, change them constantly.

Sometimes this is about positive reinforcement and sometimes negative reinforcement. There must be tools in place for the initial and basic foundation of trust between horse and handler so that this training doesn’t backfire.

Find a starting point, begin to get the horse thinking about what we want; feel and observe, strip everything down until you find the key to that horse, what his natural reactions are and to what. This is not a quick fix but a sound long term training if done correctly. However, nothing with horses is 100%, all that can be done is to find ways to improve the training and prepare the horses to the best of one’s ability.

20 LET’S MEET INGRID KLIMKE - Dressage Training including cavaletti exercises Ingrid Klimke

For a few years now, Richard Davison has interviewed riders and trainers for the audience, with a view to finding out more about the person behind the name. Ingrid Klimke probably has one of the foremost ‘pedigrees’ within the equestrian world – her own versatility in GP dressage and as a member of the silver medal winning German event team in London 2012, mirrors her family’s equestrian successes. Ingrid Klimke

Her father, Dr , won 8 Olympic medals, one of which was for eventing, and was undoubtedly one of the world’s top dressage riders. Her mother, Ruth (who is attending this years GDF), was also a top international competitor and her brother, Michael, has competed at the top in dressage and, although a lawyer, hasn’t lost his ambition to ride again. Her older brother supports the family but is not involved in top level equestrian sport. The family is close and strong in personality, they grew up in and still live in Munster.

Dr Klimke was a lawyer, he rode, trained others and competed at the top level – he got up early, rode before work, in the lunch hour, and after work. The family grew up at shows or in the barn – Ingrid doesn’t remember any family holidays but only playing in the sand at Aachen! Expectations and pressure were always high, because of internal family pressure but also, quite often, unpleasantness from outside because of the family name; if they won, it wasn’t good, if they lost, it wasn’t good. Luckily for Ingrid, she grew up with ponies and didn’t initially suffer from the pressure her family underwent.

Ingrid wanted to be a vet, her father wanted her to be a banker – she trained as a banker for 2 years, then as a sports teacher and combined that with horses. Going to her father with her then fiancé (now husband) and a bottle of wine, she outlined her desire to become a professional rider. Dr Klimke didn’t approve – he made her leave home with her horses, find a yard and become independent; if, after two years, she had coped and been successful, she could return to the family yard. He said people can be difficult and she needed to grow up, learn to cope with that aspect as well as the horses. 21 Currently, she has 10 horses in training and rents 12 stables away from the family home but very close by – half dressage horse, half eventers – she still hasn’t finally decided upon which discipline to concentrate. She has kept the yard small enough that she can keep control and ride the horses herself – Warendorf is very near with its wonderful training facilities, racetrack, cross country fences, arenas – thus she doesn’t need to Sir Schiwago by Sirr DonnerhallxLanciano have such facilities herself and it is good for the horses to go elsewhere into a different environment. She rides every morning from 8am – 2pm; the afternoons are for her two children, Greta, 10, and Philippa, 2, and her husband – her family support is just as encompassing as the support she had growing up – the phone tends to be off for most of the day! Greta has ambitions to be an event rider and also rides Ingrid’s Olympic Dresden Mann by Dreseman x Florestan horse (indoors only so far). Interestingly, her children have their father’s family name so that they will not automatically suffer from the pressures of being part of the Klimke dynasty.

It’s a juggling act to combine mother, wife, Olympic eventer, GP dressage rider and trainer – some balls do get dropped and if a child, or a horse, gets sick, the balance can be very difficult – that’s when family support becomes crucial.

Her father was, and is, a huge influence but also others – Fritz Ligges, a friend of the family and a jumping rider/trainer; also the Canadian horse owner who supported her father, still supports her, and she learned the North American way to show jump via Ian Miller. Paul Stecken, her father’s long time trainer is still involved in Ingrid’s training and Christopher Bartle, from the UK, is the German event team trainer. She is always open to new knowledge and information – ‘you never stop learning’; ‘luck is where work combines with opportunity’.

Ingrid took the Forum audience through the video of her inspiring Olympic ride at Greenwich Park on the horse with whom she has had a seven year partnership – her ‘little black rabbi’t – Butts Abraxxis. It was a superb round, with total control and 22 focus from both horse and rider, the ultimate partnership.

Sir Schiwago, a 6 year old Sir Donnerhall stallion, out of a Lanciano mare, was the first horse into the arena. Sophie, his rider, is training at Warendorf and is due to take her Bereiter. Like her father, Ingrid uses cavaletti training with all her horses. Introduced gradually, so that the horse is not overfaced and loses confidence, she never uses more than four – if all else fails, the horse is capable of jumping himself out of trouble. Putting the cavaletti poles into blocks, rather than using poles with a cross at each end, is safer. This is true whether the horse is ridden or lunged. Ingrid uses plastic poles as they are lighter and more portable.

First in walk, for 10 minutes or so, using the cavaletti in the warmup with the horse preferably ridden on the buckle, encouraging him to search for the contact and look at where he is going. Within reason, keeping the distance between two cavaletti long enough to help keep the walk steps active and stretching; observing the horse and adjusting the distance if necessary; however, it is good to watch the horse and see if he is quick to assess what he needs to do, whilst giving him the freedom of the contact so that he can manage by himself, without causing unnecessary problems. The horse should be kept to the middle of the cavaletti when they are in a straight line.

More advanced work can be undertaken by putting the cavaletti on a curved line which enables the rider to position the horse over them at varying angles – to the inside of the curve the distance is shorter than riding on the outside of the curve – this is most often used in trot to encourage the horse to pick up the hindlegs and stretch through the shoulders. It’s always good to start the horse on his ‘good’ side to gain confidence before asking him to work on the weaker rein. He should be bent round the rider’s inside leg, going quietly into the outside rein, to ensure that the hindlegs are engaged and working with activity.

In canter, Ingrid tends to start with a light seat forward tendency to relax the horse, have him stretch and reach for the contact. Then, with the cavaletti on the lowest height, four on the circle as before, and let the horse figure it out for himself. After the warmup and into the work phase, first checking that the half-halts are coming through and are being obeyed, ensuring that he is in front of the leg on both reins. Then, the cavaletti first in trot and then in canter. A ‘fresh’ canter in between the cavaletti works is relaxing for both horse and rider and allows him to stretch.

A change to the positioning of the cavaletti with two on either side of two blocks, 23 so that the horse has to change the rein on a small cavaletti and then go over the cavaletti. At the end of the cavaletti work, some half-pass, medium trot, shoulder in; then stretching down to check relaxation and suppleness. Then, finally a jump to finish – he hit it the first time, will he be smart and clever enough to clear it on the second attempt – yes! Ingrid’s horses have a jumping session once a week – it keeps them fresh to their work and is fun!

While the horses were being swapped over, Ruth Klimke, who was so much a part of Dr Klimke’s life and work, confessed that his dream was that at least one of his children would follow in his footsteps to the Olympics. She is very proud of Ingrid but admitted to being nervous when watching cross country.

Ingrid brought Dresden Man – an 8 year old Dreseman x Florestan gelding – currently competing at PSG. Straight into canter exercises, first with two cavaletti on the circle, with the other two placed as a guide into the circle, on both reins, looking for the line and turning tight into it. Some travers on the circle, checking for obedience to the leg and the half halt, then using all four cavaletti without losing the rhythm or the quality of the canter. In between the cavaletti work, Ingrid uses travers, collection, then forward, thinking about the engagement of the hindlegs, using her seat to keep the balance and regularity of the stride. She doesn’t agree that you can’t, or shouldn’t, teach a young horse to change legs on a figure of eight, using the cavaletti, turning left and right and asking for the change on landing. However, the rider must change the aids early enough so that he knows what to do, it’s totally the rider’s responsibility but it does beg the question that the horse must thoroughly understand, and obey, the aids! Ingrid used the cavaletti to set up the collected walk, with a pirouette turn, back over the cavaletti (obviously in a straight line). Then collected trot, with the cavaletti set out in two and two, with a gap between the pairs of one trot stride. If that works well, then collected trot over all four in a row.

A mistake is not always a problem, rather it should teach him to be more careful the next time and the rider should try not to set the horse up but let him work it out. It’s a good way of learning quickly about the horse’s character and his possible talent for jumping. As a closing remark, Ingrid remembered that her father said that a horse should look like a good four year old, not flashy or fast, at the beginning and end of the horse’s work. Always finish on a good note.

One last jump for fun!

24 PANEL SESSION Heike Kemmer; Henk van Bergen; Bernard Maurel

HK – uses cavaletti, it’s good for variety, for obedience, to find a good rhythm, especially in walk and with the half pirouettes – but uses the lower level.

HvB – has used cavaletti but not so much, because of laziness to move the poles around; Ingrid is an excellent rider and trainer so this is only a small part of her success Heike Kemmer, Henk van Bergen, Bernard Maurel BM – very impressed, always so correct and classical – a fan of the book (Dr Klimke’s book ‘Cavaletti’) and it works in practice.

Dr Bechtolsheimer – dressage riders are not always good at getting the distances right, so potential for loss of confidence but young horses tend to pick it up quickly. Do you help them or let them work it out?

IK – has a little leaflet that sets out the various distances so that the measurements are correct; however, they should figure it out in walk and trot; canter is more difficult. The point is to encourage the horse, and the rider, to become confident with the rhythm.

BM – will you concentrate on dressage eventually? Do you like the way dressage is going?

IK – it depends entirely on the horse. She likes the freestyle as it makes the sport more popular with the public, more interesting and entertaining.


Inga is a sport and exercise scientist/sport psychologist; she presented at the GDF in 2010 and 2011 on dressage judging and the visual search parameters used by judges when assessing performance.

In 2012, Inga presented on behalf of ISES – the International Society of Equitation Science, founded in 2003 – to demonstrate how science can make a difference to the Inga Wolframm harmony between horse and rider. What is equitation science? Making many of the things that we take for granted measurable. It’s also about the rider learning the theory and applying it to horse training in a scientific way – of which simulation is definitely one aspect. “Equitation Science promotes an objective, evidence based understanding of the welfare of horses during training and competition by applying valid quantitative scientific methods”.

People like Andrew McLean and Tristan Tucker show, by their example, that it is possible to demystify the training of horses, bring it to a wider audience and make it relevant to all horses. One of the outstanding features of Tristan’s presentation yesterday was the harmony and obvious partnership with his horses. What is harmony? It has been possible to objectify this in humans – in a meeting, if you agree with the person sitting next to you, you sub-consciously pick up similar body language and it produces feelings of rapport and connectivity; if not, then the body language illustrates this clearly – you fold your arms, turn your body slightly away from the other person, and so on. Sports psychology is related to the effects of anxiety, confidence and mental skills on rider performance and are well documented.

With horses this is less easy to quantify although their body language certainly exhibits their state of mind – tension, tightness, stress, anxiety, relaxation, calmness. So, after taking a look at the rider and horse separately, it’s essential to look at the combination. Most people would agree that they are all striving for harmony with their horses – but what is the definition? Can it be measured? Accelerometers are electro-mechanical devices that measure acceleration forces – if these devices are attached to both horse and rider, it becomes possible to measure their relative correlation, the delay of movement between horse and rider and also the consistency 26 of that movement. These three major parameters were what we considered for this presentation and we only looked at up and down movements to keep things simple.

The rider, experienced at GP, is on a relatively inexperienced 7 year old small tour horse; the graphs show the three paces and the outcome when these parameters were measured. On the basis of prior movement, it is possible to quantify and predict the next movement pattern, matching the delay in movement after the rider’s aid, for example. The graphs showed that, in general, the canter proves to be the easiest pace to ride and the measurements bore this out; in trot, although the synchronicity improved as the trot progressed, sometimes the rider was a little in front of the horse, quite possibly helping and regulating the young horse’s trot; in walk, total chaos reigned! This has proved to be the most common outcome in walk and can be the reason that this pace can often be problematic. Canter pirouettes to left and right showed up the almost inevitable differences from one rein to the other.

The point of such research is to show, positively, that there are these differences and delays which should aid the rider and trainer in their search for closer synchronicity. Such synchronicity is thought to augment memorability of interactions, thus paving the way for closer correlation and consistency of movements between rider and horse – improving team performance.

This research is in its infancy and there are many variables – a less experienced rider, a new combination, a new environment, riding inside or outside, and so on. Gathering ‘baseline data’ to monitor training progress is important – the weight or tension in each rein, or on the reins - can be measured. Very often, perception and reality differ and if some of these variables can be measured and thus brought into the equation, this can only help to take the sport forward.

This is a work in progress. However involved the research becomes, it is only possible to measure the measurable, there are many other elements that cannot be measured – a lot of riding is about empathy, a gut feeling and subconscious understanding.

27 Q & A What about submission? Should the FEI change ‘submission’ to ‘harmony’? Answer: there are many elements of submission and these vary according to the talent and experience of the rider.

In the graphs, what were the measurements? Answer: we measured movements vertically, also to the left and right; one accelerometer was on the girth in line with the sternum of the rider.

Do we need to be careful with regard to the intellectual capacity of the horse and rider? Is there a conflict between what we think we know and what it is possible to prove by modern technology? Answer: It is important that people can rely on what they think they know – new information shakes the foundation at which humans function. No two horses are the same and horses don’t think like us. A new combination can take some time to ‘click’, with others it can be immediate.

It takes time to assimilate new information and science can, perhaps, answer some of the questions and help the sport go to the next level. We hope to find out more answers in due course.

28 LET’S MEET PATRIK KITTEL - Finding and training a future top horse Patrik Kittel

Richard introduced Patrik as a man renowned for finding and producing young horses to Grand Prix, so far the tally is more than forty – he is the first port of call for many potential owners and riders. He has a good sense of humour, loves diet Coke, and is a gadget man. Married to Australian Lyndal Oatley for 2 years now, although together for six, first as a client. They have strict rules when training, he is in charge, Patrik Kittel otherwise they are equal – big James Bond fans, they went to a red carpet premiere of Skyfall for their anniversary – evening dress for them both and, for her, ‘killer heels’!

Patrik is Swedish, rides for Sweden but lives in Germany – ‘Germany is the centre of things’ – although he does miss Sweden and goes back for family, for shows, and for good Swedish food. Mother is a Doctor, his father is an entrepreneur; his friend had a small pony and Patrik knew, very early on, that horses were for him. He left Sweden at 17 to work with Klaus Martin Rath, starting at the bottom, so his stable management skills are fully formed, he knows just how much hard work it takes. He subsequently trained with but now works for himself (and his wife). They live near a small city at their friends’ farm, where they have a house but now a new, bigger house is being built for them on the farm in anticipation of a family in due course, two children would be nice; meanwhile, they have their Swedish bred dog, Ossie, for company. Patrik would prefer that his children take up tennis rather than horses – more money, less expense!

Patrik has had some bad press lately – the ‘blue tongue’ incident – which shocked him as he thought everyone was friendly; criticism is one thing but being attacked quite another. Horses come to him, he doesn’t choose them, he gets them in and is known for being able to turn them round – Holga Schmezer, (the late German national trainer) said of Patrik that he was a ‘kunstreiter’ (an artist rider). Patrik feels that no-one should be judged on a couple of minutes of video and tries not to be concerned what others think, especially people who don’t know him. If horses are treated badly, success doesn’t come; if they’re not treated well, they won’t perform well and they’ll be hard to sell. This is his life and profession; people should come 29 and watch and then they can have a valid opinion.

How a horse is trained depends on the horse, his character and talent; each one is different. Skandic is a matcho stallion, when he’s fresh he bucks so, yes, he is ridden deep if necessary (safety comes first); other horses would be ridden in the way that suits them. If you know about horses, you know if Deja by Silvano x Don Schufro they are content – they come to you, they are friendly; if you force them it doesn’t work long term, it has to be a partnership. You have to remain positive, friendly and nice. The criticism doesn’t hurt too much because you know who you are and what you think yourself.

Patrik’s day starts at 7.30 and he rides 7 or Lyndal Oatley, Silvano by Sandro Hit x 8 horses through the morning, then teaches Utopia a bit or deals with business. Weekends are mostly about shows. There are usually 7 or 8 GP horses in the stable so working out which horses go to what shows, when they work, when they rest, and so on, is a big job. Turnout is common and we use water therapy; each horse has his own program. There is no such thing as a perfect horse, either, although people want it – they don’t always have the imagination to see what could be, what the potential is in a young horse; Patrik shows them what he thinks they want. Patrik declined to watch the film of his medal winning ride in Rotterdam in 2011 – he was worried that he would cry! It was a picture of harmony and grace.

Patrik brought Deja, an 8 year old Silvano x Don Shufro mare, into the arena. He had trained her sire to GP and found Deja to be just like him. As a professional rider, you ride what you have got, they come in for a month and if it works they are trained, go to a couple of competitions and then are sold on. This hasn’t quite worked out with Deja who has been with him for a year so far.

‘People don’t like to sweat any more’ – lighter, more electric horses are preferred, light to the aids, his job is to make the horse good for other people to ride easily. He can’t guarantee the ‘fit’ when he sells horses and it is sometimes better to persuade someone not to buy a particular horse but to try another; this way people come back 30 again.

Patrik has ‘stolen’ ideas and programmes from other trainers and riders to make his own system; he watches, listens, and then goes home to try out what he has seen; no system is unique, they evolve and each rider makes the system his own. Dressage is such a great sport, although there is a lot of negativity and criticism; he likes to watch positively; he wants to do well, to win, because he is a bit better than someone else not because they are worse than him.

His horses are walked for 20 minutes before the warm up phase – starting in quite a slow trot, testing speed control, half halts, working long and low, not worrying about the rather flat trot, wanting the horse to go where he wants the horse; each horse decides for you how it needs to be ridden and what you do with the horse. Patrik likes a nice contact into both reins so that he can influence the horse with either rein.

Deja has a huge ability to collect but if she is allowed too long and low, she comes on to the forehand, especially in canter; she has a big canter and is ridden a bit higher than some others, to keep her balance more off the forehand. He keeps the use of a whip to the minimum, using one only when necessary as a training aid; he keeps verbal commands for very specific movements, piaffe for instance. Dressage is difficult but if we think it is difficult, it won’t become any easier! Patrik is clear that a good rhythm is essential and that movements should be started and finished correctly; he likes his horses to work forward into both reins so that the contact is secure but soft, not dropping behind or pulling left or right. He uses walk a lot, for relaxation and also because it is required in the tests, going from collection into extended walk, for instance, so it’s an important pace. He finds that he uses his legs much less than he used to, giving one aid and then quiet, so that the horse can do what is asked. Variation within a pace is important, long, short, up, down, forwards, backwards, easily, quickly and willingly.

He seldom gets sent perfect horses, his job is to cope with whatever problem or problems the horse presents with – he first thought riding was easy but the more he does the harder it gets; preparation and attention to detail for everything are the keys. Mistakes are ok, he works with the faults to find a way to do better and improve, mistakes show up what needs to be worked on so no-one should be embarrassed when they happen.

When a horse is easy to train, or becomes easy to train, that’s where the fun comes in.

31 PANEL SESSION Wojtek Markowski; Christian Pläge; Johann Hinnemann

Professional training is as much about people as horses – enthusiasm, good with people; horses need to be relaxed and friendly in the stable, not tired and sour so turn away when people come to view them.

Stallions are popular with clients for riding, and obviously for breeding, as are mares – the easier temperament horses go first, the more difficult stay longer. Wojtek Markowski, Christian Pläge, Johann Hinnemann Rider/dealers want good horses for their clients and it can be quite a search; very impressed with the rhythm of PK’s horses, many problems can be solved by instilling a good rhythm.

Good to know that riders take an interest in judges remarks, as well as marks; when a judge doesn’t give higher scores, it is sensible to try to work it out and improve; judges could make more comments when a 6 is given. If criticism comes from someone respected, and is positive and clear, then it is good to go home and work on that to get it better – positive feedback even when the horse could have gone better is welcome

Whilst it would be great for all horses to have a perfect frame, with a correct neck, and the poll the highest point, it does depend on the horse and his conformation – stallions can have big crests and, almost inevitably, a lower poll.

Sometimes you show when things aren’t perfect because you need to go out for the contacts and the business – perfect is not the top mark, it is ‘only’ excellent!

Good journalism is about reporting the facts – to write what you see; it is seldom intended to be cruel or negative and should also praise what is good.

32 OLYMPIC REVIEW David Hunt, David Stickland and Wim Ernes

Stephen Clarke, who was originally intended to present this section of the GDF, was unfortunately unable to get to Holland from America in time, so a panel consisting of David Hunt, David Stickland and Wim Ernes made their evaluation in his stead.

At London 2012, half marks were in use, as was the now much more understood and accepted Judges’ Supervisory Panel , and David Hunt and Wim Ernes there were 7 judges around the arena. This latter number of judges seemed to work well, with the judges in closer proximity to each other and the variations were very slim, below 1%. There were almost no differences, especially to the top four riders in each competition, and then only small differences.

Half marks made an impact at the Olympics David Stickland with 39% of all marks in London being half marks; they were used up and down the scale and didn’t get stuck at any particular mark. Their usefulness immediately impressed and gave way to more precision in the judging with no necessity for judges to think about ‘small’ 7s or ‘big’ 8s, which allows for quicker and more accurate judging, although it is, of course, not necessary to use them all the time – some movements are clearly a ‘whole’ mark and these should still be in the majority.

Comparing the marking between Hong Kong in 2008 and London in 2012, it becomes clear that half marks rock! Winning scores seem to be higher – is this just score inflation or are the horses getting better? Taking Salinero as a control horse, as he was at both Olympic Games, he was 1st in Hong Kong with 82.4% in the Freestyle whereas, with the very similar score of 82%, he was 6th in London. Over 4 years, there was typically 0.25% difference per figure variation but, in 2012, there were 5 horses in front of him. It would, therefore, seem that horses are genuinely scoring higher since Hong Kong.

33 The JSP came into its own with 59 adjustments in the GP and 26 in the Special – both up and down. Judges are becoming much more confident that adjustments are only made when actual errors of judging occur, perhaps when a judge misses a mistake because of the position from which they judge, or a miscounting of the changes across a diagonal. The three members of the JSP have two screens which record each test and which can be stopped, rewound and monitored – if marks vary, the JSP are alert to this and any mistakes will be picked up. One member watches each test, the other two have a monitor each and, in this way, nothing is missed. The JSP is absolutely not in the business of changing a judge’s opinion – and riders and judges can only benefit from this extra objective observation.

Additionally, its usefulness to riders was proven in London where two horses who started in the Special would not have done so had it not been for the adjustments by the JSP.

Factually, the best adjustment in the number of judges comes with an increase of 100% from one judge to two; after that, it is difficult to decide just how many judges are optimum. With seven, if one judge marks differently from the others, this only affects the outcome by 1/7th.

Most countries have now taken on the half marks nationally, from small tour up to GP; some other countries have now started their use at lower levels after some hesitation – London 2012 has allayed some of the doubt.

34 Q & A Frank Kempermann - FEI Task Force representative- is asked: What does the FEI think about these changes? Answer: This started over two years ago the in Rotterdam in 2011 and London this year so that the FEI Dressage Committee has had the time to evaluate the new systems. We looked at how other sports solve their judging dilemmas and using the JSP seems an excellent way to work with, and support the judges and also gives the riders confidence in the final marks.

There followed some audience participation in the performances of Valegro and Parzival. Valegro was particularly strong in the pirouettes and extensions; Parzival’s strengths were in the extended walk and the piaffe. Adelinde’s horse had more obvious power than Charlotte’s but the harmony so apparent between Charlotte and her horse won the day for her over Adeline and her partner. The graph illustrated just how close the marks were although scoring differently for different movements – very close at the top and the judges in perfect agreement; judging variations only came in outside the top 3 horses.

Both horses showed super work with even more potential to come; in the pirouettes, for instance, Parzival had more power, started big but ended well; Valegro lost some energy but was more consistent; both horses had very similar marks for their pirouettes for different reasons. So, in the final analysis, Valegro was the winner on the overall picture and harmony.

A question was asked about Edward Gal’s horse and why the marks weren’t higher for the passage/piaffe tour – steps very good but the outline and frame could still be improved.

Salinero’s consistency of marks, but different placing, seems to show that the judging hasn’t changed much over the four years between Hong Kong and London and this tends towards the opinion that the horses are better now than they were previously.

35 The German system Helen Langehanenberg & Jonny Hilberath

Helen was very proud to be a member of the German Olympic team in London with her lovely horse Damon Hill. She trains on a daily basis with her husband, Sebastian, with regular oversight by Jonny Hilberath, one of Germany’s top trainers.

Her first horse into the arena was Rohjuwel, an 8 year old Rohdiamant x Castro PSG stallion, a Bundeschampionat finalist in 2009 & 2010. In 2011 he first competed at PSG and, this year, he was the PSG winner at the international show in Lingen and was also second in the Inter 1. He is well established at both levels and is starting serious work towards GP; as they work on collection and he becomes strong enough to carry more weight behind, so the work Helen Langehanenberg, Rohjuwel by becomes easier for him. Rohdiamant x Castro

After the warmup, they often start with canter and lateral work; the horse has a big body and so they concentrate on keeping him working over his back and becoming more able to lighten the forehand as he takes more weight on the hindleg. It’s important to work towards being able to give the rein in the collection; this takes time but, ultimately, will take some pressure off the horse. After collected work, he is sent forward so that he is refreshed and keeps his naturally good gaits, then into a long rein walk to reward him but also to establish the relaxation and length of stride so important at GP – and he must really walk out! To keep the connection over the whole frame of the horse from behind to the contact it is sometimes necessary to put him a little deeper so that his back stays up and he can work through. If balance is lost, take the tempo back to regain the ‘safety’ of the pace, then ride forward again – it is important not to lose the quality whilst keeping the natural forward rhythm.

At this point, , the new German team trainer, was introduced and talked about the German system - ‘Scala der Ausbildung’. Helen, and other riders such as Kristina Sprehe, have gone right through the system, from ponies, 36 juniors, young riders, the under 25’s and then into senior competitions, with young horses from 3 years old, all the way to the Bundeschampionat, and through the levels to the young horse PSG championships for horses not yet competed at GP, with a final in Frankfurt. The standard in the final is very demanding, with 12 – 15 horses all scoring at more than 70%, and lots of finalists have made international and team horses in future years. There is also a GP competition for 8 – 10 year olds for horses new to GP, with a shortened test, and the top 3 from four or five qualifying competitions contest the final. So, the German system offers progressive competitive steps for riders and for young horses within their age groups towards Grand Prix and this has proved a very useful system for producing future top Damon’s Delorange by Damon Hill x horses. There is also quite a lot of centralised Rubin Royal training at Warendorf for the young combinations. Clinics before big competitions allow the riders to go through the full Grand Prix, which can initially be nerve wracking, but it gives them experience before the major competitions.

The second horse in, a 5 year old Damon Hill x Rubin Royal mare, Damon’s Delorange, was Bundeschampion in 2012 with a record score of 9.8; she is now starting at M-level. So, a very special mare with an already remarkable record, she has won everything she has entered. She has a great attitude to her work but care is taken to allow her rest periods in the field after the big championships so that she can recover and relax as she is far from maturity. The warmup follows the usual pattern of walk, long and low in trot, seeking the rein in canter, so she becomes relaxed and confident; when horses know the work well, it is a comfort and they can relax into the work even in new and unusual environments. Even difficult or highly strung horses can be influenced by such work and it calms them.

Some basic lateral work, showing her the way in, leg yielding, some shoulder in, renvers, counter flexion and half pass. The mare has a sharp mind, she’s very sensitive and, JH pointed out, it takes a clever and experienced rider to channel such 37 talent in the right direction. The mare has naturally good self-carriage and rhythm, understands half-halts and is learning to take the contact without being too strong into the hand. The rider and trainer need to learn to work the horse in the right way – the brain and talent are there but the body is immature, so it’s important to keep the work periods short and a bit playful so that the mare doesn’t become overloaded, Sebastian & Helen Langehanenberg stressed and tired. A little bit of collection, step by step, so that she feels fine and learns to shorten, willingly, almost without noticing it. Muscles take time to develop and tension is something to be avoided. New to changes, she needs to have sufficient room in the arena to do a flying change, so the quality of the canter, the straightness and engagement need to be in place enough for her to do the change without stress; if she becomes a bit tense, then the canter is settled again and then another try can be made. Rests in between, or some work in trot, restore any lost equilibrium.

Helen first trained with Reiner Klimke; now her regular trainer, apart from Sebastian, is Klaus Balkenhol; she has learned such a lot from these experienced trainers, and comments that it is usually the rider who needs such help and advice, not the horse! Being a member of the German team was a thrill, the young team members pulled together and London was a great experience; none of the team members had been to the Olympics before – JH commented that this was, more or less, a coincidence and, doubtless, the more familiar names will be back in due course.

As well as Damon Hill, and the young mare, Helen has several other youngsters coming on; some are big, some small – it’s not the size of the horse so much as what they find easy or difficult, what is their attitude and how they present themselves. These are longer term projects and will take the time they take. Thanks are always due to the owners of the various horses for their support and positive encouragement. The film of the Grand Prix Special at the German championships, where Helen rode Damon Hill, was a delight to watch.

38 PANEL DISCUSSION Karen Robinson; Laurens van Lieren; David Hunt

Mesmerising to watch the calm, patient, way the young mare was ridden, especially when there was some tension after the changes.

Both horses super talent for the future; it’s one thing for the stallion who has to be produced to show to potential mare owners but where is the focus for the mare? Because she is so talented and finds everything easy, her ability and her attitude are so good, it is very important not to hurry her and allow her to develop her strength – she must be allowed to find her own way. Very slowly, some collection has been introduced into the canter work but this has to be carefully managed, as she offers so much.

It’s a question of finding the best pace in which to work each horse, according to what the horse offers and the particular ability of that horse, so that their power and talent are developed.

Riding with a whip can help with new movements, with engagement so that not so much leg is required, for one impulse in the changes; but it depends on the horse and a whip is not always carried.

David Hunt - Through training for the GP, you eventually learn that the movements have to improve the basic gaits. With the stallion it seemed to be the canter which helped him most, with the mare this was less the case. The paces are the end purpose of dressage training.

An inspirational presentation, and a glimpse into the massive backup required for riders producing such talented horses for the future sport. David Hunt summed up this year’s Forum – 2012 was an amazing year for the sport, the result of hard work and commitment, with a final result at London that put dressage more prominently on the global map than ever before. After 12 years, the Forum has settled into a good rhythm and is considered essential attendance for many of the top riders, trainers, judges, owners and participants. It offers the sport a fantastic togetherness and, with the Foundation, we will try to keep the enthusiasm going for the future with open minds and a quest for knowledge. Another journey together, many thanks to all the sponsors and partners; to the Foundation; to the hardworking staff, to everyone involved in this crucial Forum – and particularly to the Bartels. 39 SeminarPraxis

12. Global Dressage Forum ange galt das Global Dressage Forum trotz stets wechselnder internationaler LTop-Referenten als „holländische“ Veranstaltung, die diesseits der Grenze auf Skepsis stieß. Seit Mitte 2012 wird das zweitägige Seminar, das traditionell am letzten Montag und Dienstag im Oktober auf dem Hof der Familie Bartels vor den Toren Eindhovens stattfi ndet, nun von einer Stiftung getragen, die nicht nur SUPPORT Balanceakt seinen Fortbestand garantieren soll, sondern es auch endgültig auf grenzüber- schreitende Füße stellt – zu den Stiftungsträgern gehört neben Familie Bartels Gleich gewichtsfi ndung und Methoden nun auch Dr. Wilfried Bechtolsheimer; Präsidentin ist Prinzessin Benedikte, die für das Reaktionstraining beim Pferd Mutter der dänischen Championatsreiterin Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. wurden beim GDF thematisiert. Mit Adelinde Cornelissen und Patrik Kittel referierten diesmal zwei Reiter, die zu den kontroverseren Figuren der Szene zählen – doch gerade Cornelissen er- A big thank you to the sponsors and partners for their loyal support: öffnete das Forum mit einem Paukenschlag: „Man muss sein Pferd fordern, und man muss sich selbst fordern“, präsentierte sie ihr Credo, dessen ersten Teil sie zunächst im Sattel des selbst gezogenen achtjährigen Jazz-Sohnes Zephyr de- Global Dressage Foundation monstrierte. Während sie zu Beginn der Ausbildung wie auch der täglichen Ar- International Dressage Trainer Club (IDTC) beit gesteigerten Wert darauf legt, jederzeit das Tempo kontrollieren zu können, Royal Dutch Equestrian Federation (KNHS) achtet sie darauf, Kontrolle nie mit Stumpfsinn zu verwechseln: „Lektionen sind nicht für die Prüfungen da, sondern dazu, das Pferd zu gymnastizieren. Auch International Dressage Riders Club (IDRC), wenn ich Lektionen reite, baue ich immer Variationen ein. So muss mir das Pferd Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) ständig zuhören und auf mich reagieren.“ Nachdem sie gezeigt hatte, wie wich- International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) tig ihr ein vielseitiges Training ihrer Pferde ist, forderte sie dasselbe auch für den Reiter – und verblüffte die Zuschauer mit einer Demonstration des Fitness- Province of Noord Brabant (The Netherlands) trainings, das sie selbst absolviert, um ihre Reiterei weiter zu perfektionieren: Mrs. L. Sonnenberg (Switzerland) „Wir können aus unseren Pferden keine ‚zufriedenen Athleten‘ machen, wenn Blue Hors (Denmark) wir selbst in unserer Entwicklung zurückbleiben.“ Mrs Katja Kuistila (Finland) Wie gut bin ich tatsächlich im Gleichgewicht? Tschuggen Hotelgroup (Switzerland) Toosbuy’s Foundation (Denmark) Um sich diese Frage zu beantworten, arbeitet Adelinde Cornelissen seit eini- ger Zeit mit dem niederländischen Kunstturn-Trainer Tjalling van den Berg Mrs and Mrs Bartels (the Netherlands) zusammen, der ihr mit einem speziellen Übungsprogramm zu mehr Körperbe- Altez Group (Belgium) herrschung und größerer Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit verhilft. Das umfasst täg- liches Lauftraining genauso wie einen kompletten Trainingsnachmittag pro Woche – und einen konzentrierten Start in den Tag: „Jeden Morgen stehe ich mit geschlossenen Augen zehn Sekunden in einer bestimmten Haltung erst auf dem einem, dann auf dem anderen Bein. Natürlich würde ich gern manchmal Text: Andrea Hessay pfuschen, wenn ich weiß, dass ich einen Tag mit viel Stress vor mir habe, aber Pictures: Dirk Caremans – dann denke ich, wenn ich keine zehn Sekunden auf einem Bein stehen kann, wie soll ich dann mein Pferd ausbalanciert reiten? An solchen Tagen ist es beson- ders wichtig, sich die Zeit zu nehmen.“ Ihr Training umfasst Übungen vom Box- training über das Jonglieren bis hin zum Ballett, die ihr nicht nur selbst zu mehr Körperbe- Vollkommen in der Balance – Adelinde Cornelissen zeigt ihr wusstsein verhelfen, sondern auch ihr Ver- etwas anderes Trainingsprogramm. ständnis für den Bewegungsablauf des Pferdes verändert haben. „Wenn man selbst regelmäßig trai- niert, stellt man fest, wie Kraft und Konzentration abnehmen, wenn man müde wird. Dem Pferd geht es genauso. Mir wird be- wusster, was im Körper mei- nes Pferdes vorgeht, wenn ich meinen eigenen Körper trainiere. Man Beeindruckend: Tristan Tucker lässt sei- ne Pferde zur Abhärtung auch mal unter begreift zum Beispiel, dem Dreharm eines laufenden Baggers dass Lektionen wie hindurchgaloppieren. Galopppirouetten oder 40 44 PferdeSport International | 25.2012 SeminarPraxis

12. Global Dressage Forum ange galt das Global Dressage Forum trotz stets wechselnder internationaler LTop-Referenten als „holländische“ Veranstaltung, die diesseits der Grenze auf Skepsis stieß. Seit Mitte 2012 wird das zweitägige Seminar, das traditionell am letzten Montag und Dienstag im Oktober auf dem Hof der Familie Bartels vor den Toren Eindhovens stattfi ndet, nun von einer Stiftung getragen, die nicht nur Balanceakt seinen Fortbestand garantieren soll, sondern es auch endgültig auf grenzüber- schreitende Füße stellt – zu den Stiftungsträgern gehört neben Familie Bartels Gleich gewichtsfi ndung und Methoden nun auch Dr. Wilfried Bechtolsheimer; Präsidentin ist Prinzessin Benedikte, die für das Reaktionstraining beim Pferd Mutter der dänischen Championatsreiterin Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. wurden beim GDF thematisiert. Mit Adelinde Cornelissen und Patrik Kittel referierten diesmal zwei Reiter, die zu den kontroverseren Figuren der Szene zählen – doch gerade Cornelissen er- öffnete das Forum mit einem Paukenschlag: „Man muss sein Pferd fordern, und man muss sich selbst fordern“, präsentierte sie ihr Credo, dessen ersten Teil sie zunächst im Sattel des selbst gezogenen achtjährigen Jazz-Sohnes Zephyr de- monstrierte. Während sie zu Beginn der Ausbildung wie auch der täglichen Ar- beit gesteigerten Wert darauf legt, jederzeit das Tempo kontrollieren zu können, achtet sie darauf, Kontrolle nie mit Stumpfsinn zu verwechseln: „Lektionen sind nicht für die Prüfungen da, sondern dazu, das Pferd zu gymnastizieren. Auch wenn ich Lektionen reite, baue ich immer Variationen ein. So muss mir das Pferd ständig zuhören und auf mich reagieren.“ Nachdem sie gezeigt hatte, wie wich- tig ihr ein vielseitiges Training ihrer Pferde ist, forderte sie dasselbe auch für den Reiter – und verblüffte die Zuschauer mit einer Demonstration des Fitness- trainings, das sie selbst absolviert, um ihre Reiterei weiter zu perfektionieren: „Wir können aus unseren Pferden keine ‚zufriedenen Athleten‘ machen, wenn wir selbst in unserer Entwicklung zurückbleiben.“

Wie gut bin ich tatsächlich im Gleichgewicht?

Um sich diese Frage zu beantworten, arbeitet Adelinde Cornelissen seit eini- ger Zeit mit dem niederländischen Kunstturn-Trainer Tjalling van den Berg zusammen, der ihr mit einem speziellen Übungsprogramm zu mehr Körperbe- herrschung und größerer Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit verhilft. Das umfasst täg- liches Lauftraining genauso wie einen kompletten Trainingsnachmittag pro Woche – und einen konzentrierten Start in den Tag: „Jeden Morgen stehe ich mit geschlossenen Augen zehn Sekunden in einer bestimmten Haltung erst auf dem einem, dann auf dem anderen Bein. Natürlich würde ich gern manchmal pfuschen, wenn ich weiß, dass ich einen Tag mit viel Stress vor mir habe, aber dann denke ich, wenn ich keine zehn Sekunden auf einem Bein stehen kann, wie soll ich dann mein Pferd ausbalanciert reiten? An solchen Tagen ist es beson- ders wichtig, sich die Zeit zu nehmen.“ Ihr Training umfasst Übungen vom Box- training über das Jonglieren bis hin zum Ballett, die ihr nicht nur selbst zu mehr Körperbe- Vollkommen in der Balance – Adelinde Cornelissen zeigt ihr wusstsein verhelfen, sondern auch ihr Ver- etwas anderes Trainingsprogramm. ständnis für den Bewegungsablauf des Pferdes verändert haben. „Wenn man selbst regelmäßig trai- niert, stellt man fest, wie Kraft und Konzentration abnehmen, wenn man müde wird. Dem Pferd geht es genauso. Mir wird be- wusster, was im Körper mei- nes Pferdes vorgeht, wenn ich meinen eigenen Körper trainiere. Man Beeindruckend: Tristan Tucker lässt sei- ne Pferde zur Abhärtung auch mal unter begreift zum Beispiel, dem Dreharm eines laufenden Baggers dass Lektionen wie hindurchgaloppieren. Galopppirouetten oder

44 PferdeSport International | 25.2012 Anzeige

„Natürlich arbeite ich mit diesen beiden Pferden schon eine ganze Weile. Die Menchanismen müssen sich so ‚setzen‘, dass man sie auch unter Druck kontrollieren kann. Dabei geht das Kör- perliche Hand in Hand mit dem Mentalen; alles, was sich auf physischer Ebene abspielt, spielt sich auch im Kopf ab.“ Und natürlich spielt auch hier die Konzentration des Reiters eine zentra- le Rolle. „Wir können nur im Hier und Jetzt mit unseren Pferden arbeiten; es geht weder um das, was man gestern getan hat, noch um das, was morgen kommt. Meine Pferde spiegeln mich selbst wider; an meinem Pferd zu arbeiten be- deutet immer auch, an mir selbst zu arbeiten.“ Ein ernstes Anliegen, das jedoch mit einem au- Ingrid Klimke betonte, wie wichtig Abwechslung, z.B. ßergewöhnlichen Schuss Humor vermittelt wur- in Form von Cavalettiarbeit, für Dressurpferde ist. »DALLAS« de und begeisterten Beifall erntete. Patina die Piaffe eine Stütz- bzw. Schwebephase haben, Den ersten Abend beschloss Ingrid Klimke mit und man weiß, wie sich das anfühlt.“ einer Demonstration ihrer Cavalettiarbeit – und Ein weiteres wichtiges Element ist das Mental- damit einem weiteren Appell, Vielseitigkeit zu training, das ihr zum Beispiel geholfen hat, die wagen. „Keine Angst, dass sich das Pferd am Ca- Ruhe zu bewahren, als ihr klar wurde, dass sie ihr valetti stoßen könnte. Es ist meine Verantwor- Ziel, nämlich olympisches Einzelgold in London, tung, zu zielen, aber es ist die Verantwortung nicht erreicht hatte. Dazu van den Berg: „Man des Pferdes, zu springen; man muss – und kann nimmt Einfl uss darauf, wie man reitet, denn nur – sich einfach auf seine Trittsicherheit verlassen.“ das kann man beeinfl ussen. Also konzentrieren Sportpsychologin Inga Wolframm, seit mehre- wir uns auf die Dinge, die wir beeinfl ussen kön- ren Jahren leidenschaftliche Stimme der Wis- nen. Wir schieben die Verantwortung nie auf an- senschaft beim GDF, präsentierte die Anfänge dere. Wir tun nur, was wir können – so verlieren einer neuen Studie zu der Fragestellung, ob wir nie.“ das Gleichmaß der Bewegungen von Pferd und Reiter Aufschluss darüber geben kann, wie das »DENVER« Reaktionstraining perfekte Paar aussieht – und die möglicherwei- Croco se ein interessantes Werkzeug zur Kontrolle von Ein für die meisten Teilnehmer völlig neues Ge- Trainingsfortschritten liefern wird. sicht war der Australier Tristan Tucker, der de- monstrierte, wie er Pferde darauf trainiert, sich auf den Reiter zu konzentrieren, nicht auf ihre Umwelt. „Ich bevorzuge den Ausdruck ‚Reakti- onstraining‘, nicht Desensibilisierung, denn wir wollen das Pferd ja nicht abstumpfen, sondern es nach wie vor aufmerksam an den Hilfen ha- ben. Außerdem ist das nicht nur gut für schreck- hafte Pferde, sondern auch für Pferde, denen es an Motivation mangelt.“ Sein Prinzip ist simpel, allerdings trieb er es im Rahmen seiner Präsen- »DENVER« tation auf erstaunliche Spitzen. Was schlicht da- Deluxe mit beginnt, dass er einem Pferd beibringt, nicht mehr vor einer Plastiktüte am Ende einer Peit- sche zu scheuen, indem er wartet, bis es die „Ge- fahr“ mit der Nase berührt und sie dann entfernt (negative Verstärkung), endete hier damit, dass exklusiv bei ein Pferd völlig ungerührt blieb, als ihm bei einer improvisierten „Siegerehrung“ eine Flagge als Schleife an der Trense befestigt und eine Plastik- plane als Siegerdecke aufgelegt wurde, und ein anderes unter dem Dreharm eines laufenden Fehler zu machen, ist okay, weil man an ihnen arbei- Baggers hinweg galoppierte. ten kann – so das Credo von Patrik Kittel. Besuchen Sie USG und IRIS BAYER auf Facebook. 25.2012 | PferdeSport International 45 SeminarPraxis ExpertenThema: Das ältere Pferd Patrik Kittel, der sich im „Kamin- gespräch“ mit Moderator Ri- chard Davison als großer James- Bond-Fan outete, antwortete genau so bereitwillig auf dessen Fragen, wie er mit negativer Pres- se umgeht. „Das kommt ganz da- rauf an. Bei Eurodressage wurde einmal mein Sitz in der Wechsel- tour kritisiert, und zwar völlig zu Recht. Das habe ich mir sehr zu Herzen genommen. Die Videos und Fotos haben mich anfangs total schockiert, und ich kann es immer noch nicht leiden, wenn Christiane Slawik Foto: ich das Gefühl habe, dass mich In Deutschland zählt man ca. 1,1 Millionen Pferde. jemand einfach auf dem Kieker Über die Hälfte sind älter als zehn Jahre. Die genaue hat. Andererseits suche ich mir Zahl an alten Pferden (älter als 20 Jahre) ist nicht meine Pferde ja nicht aus – als bekannt. Man schätzt den Anteil auf 100.000 bis Helen Langehanenberg demonstrierte die Händler muss ich mit den Pfer- 200.000, Tendenz steigend. Immer mehr Menschen Arbeit mit jungen Pferden. den arbeiten, die mir meine Kun- halten ihr Pferd bis zum Lebensende. Die Fortschritte den anvertrauen, und das sind in der Veterinärmedizin und die verbesserten Haltungs- oft schwierige Pferde. Ich glaube und Fütterungstechniken machen dies möglich und aber nicht, dass man erfolgreich bieten auch Senioren eine sehr gute Lebensqualität. sein kann, wenn man seine Pfer- Grundfütterung Häufig magern ältere Pferde schnell de schlecht behandelt. Natürlich ab, schuld daran sind u.a. eine sinkende Verdauungs- hätte ich in einer idealen Welt leistung und Zahnprobleme. Steile Vorderzähne, abge- den ganzen Stall voller Valeg- schmirgelte Kauflächen, fehlende Zähne oder Haken ros, aber diese ideale Welt gibt erschweren das Kauen von Heu und anderen Futter- es nun einmal nicht. Trotzdem mitteln die intensiv gekaut werden müssen. Dies führt würde ich mir einen offeneren dazu, dass der Energie- und Eiweißbedarf im Vergleich Umgang und eine bessere Kom- zu erwachsenen Pferden um etwa 10 % erhöht ist. Heut- munikation zwischen den Kriti- zutage sind aber genügend Futtermittel auf dem Markt, kern und den Reitern wünschen.“ die speziell für die Bedürfnisse von älteren Pferden konzipiert wurden. Eingeweichte Heu-Cobs ermöglichen „Ich bin ein Dieb“ die Versorgung mit lebensnotwendigen Faserstruktu- Richard Davison moderierte die Veranstaltung. ren. Hydrothermisch aufgeschlossene Gerste und Mais, Einen Schritt in diese Richtung gequetschter Hafer, Soja eingeweichte Rübenschnitzel, stellte vielleicht sein Auftritt Pflanzenöle und Leinsamen sind Futtermittel, die auf den beim GDF dar, bei dem auch Patrik Kittel für geistige Beweglichkeit beim Dres- Speiseplan von älteren Pferden gehören. Inzwischen gibt surtrainung warb: „Ich bin ein Dieb. Alles, was ich beim Reiten tue, habe ich es auf dem Markt diverse Senior-Müslis. Diese enthalten irgendwo geklaut. Ich habe von jedem Trainer, mit dem ich je gearbeitet habe, einen ausgewogenen Mix aus den genannten Futtermit- etwas in mein System übernommen. Haben Sie bloß keine Angst, etwas falsch teln und können auch als Mash gegeben werden. Nicht zu machen, solange Sie bereit sind, an ihren Fehlern zu arbeiten!“ zu vernachlässigen ist eine adäquate Vitamin- und Mine- Als letzte Referentin schloss Helen Langehanenberg den Themenkreis des dies- ralstoffversorgung, denn der Zink-, Selen-, Vitamin E- und jährigen Forums. Während Monica Theodorescu kurz das deutsche System der D-Bedarf ist bei Senioren doppelt so hoch. Talentförderung skizzierte – vom Ponyreiter zum Piaff-Förderpreis und vom Bun- Gesundheit Bei vielen älteren Pferden zwicken die Ge- deschampionat über den Burg-Pokal bis zum Louisdor-Preis – zeigte Helen im lenke. Spat und Arthrosen sind vor allem bei feucht-kalter Sattel von Rohjuwel und Damon‘s Delorange, wie sich unterschiedliche Pferde Witterung schmerzhaft, was zu einem Gewichtsverlust unterschiedlich fördern – oder gegebenenfalls auch in ihrem Übereifer bremsen führen kann. Mit neuseeländischem Muschelkonzentrat, lassen. „Hier wurde hervorragend demonstriert, wie die Lektionen dazu dienen, Teufelskralle, Ingwer oder Kräutern wie Weidenrinde und die Grundqualität zu verbessern und nicht umgekehrt“, lobte O-Richter David Ulmenspierkraut unterstützen sie die Gelenkfunktion Hunt, bevor Richard Davison sein eigenes Fazit aus der diesjährigen Veranstal- und das Pferd kann wieder „reibungslos“ laufen. Eine se- tung zog, die so manches lieb gewordene Vorurteil zurechtrückte: „Nur wer neu- nioren-gerechte Fütterung, artgerechte Haltung, ange- gierig bleibt, kann seinen Horizont erweitern.“ messene Bewegung sowie regelmäßige Kontrolle durch den Tierarzt sind die Basis für ein langes Pferdeleben. Text und Fotos: Bärbel Schnell Text: Jasminka Ivanovic

46 PferdeSport International | 25.2012 DRESSAGE

Global Dressage Forum Emphasizes Improvement The presenters challenge participants to stretch their minds and bodies as well as their connections with their horses.


his year’s Global Dressage Forum brought to mind the image of a three-stranded braid. Three different themes Twove through the presentations: chal- lenge and self-improvement, exercises as a classical means to a purpose, and the connection between physical and mental processes. “Only an open mind can discover new boundaries,” said moderator Richard Davison. Olympic individual silver and team bronze medalist Adelinde Cornelissen opened the event, hosted by Academy Bartels in the Netherlands, Oct. 29-30, with her credo: “You have to challenge your horse, and you also have to chal- lenge yourself.” Aboard the 8-year-old gelding Zephyr, (by Jazz, the same sire as her champion Parzival), she demonstrated a bit of her daily training, stressing the importance of speed control but at the same time not confusing control with dullness. “Exercises aren’t there for the test, but to make your horse supple. I use the exercises, but I make variations in them. That way the horse has to constantly respond and listen,” she said. Having shown the importance of variety in training, Cornelissen then moved on to demand the same for the rider—and awed the audience with a demonstration of the fitness training

Dutch Olympic medalist Adelinde Cornelissen demonstrated her unusual fitness-training regimen, which involves working on her balance and concentration off the horse, at the Global Dressage Forum.

100 The Chronicle of the Horse Tristan Tucker teaches horses to focus on their riders instead of their surroundings through response train- ing, a method that soon had horses calmly walking on tarps and cantering under the arm of a backhoe at the Global Dressage Forum. she does in addition to her riding. It’s the same with horses,” she said. “We can’t turn our horses into happy “You become more conscious of what athletes if we stay behind,” she said. is happening with your horse’s body How balanced are you, really? To when you train your own body. You Yo u answer that question, Cornelissen realize that exercises like canter pirou- works with gymnastic trainer Tjalling ettes or piaffe have a stance phase, and become more van den Berg, doing exercises that you can relate to what that feels like.” help her find even more balance in Mental training also helped conscious the saddle and improve her reaction Cornelissen when she realized she’d time. This includes a daily running missed her goal of winning individual of what is schedule as well as a training session gold at the London Olympic Games. every Wednesday—and a focused start “You influence how you ride; that’s to the day. all you can influence,” said Van den happening “Every morning I stand on each leg Berg. “So we focus on the things we with my eyes closed for 10 seconds,” can influence. We never give respon- with your she explained. “Of course, if I know sibility to other people. We just do our I have a stressful day ahead of me, utmost best—then you never lose.” horse’s body I’d sometimes like to skip that, but then I think, ‘If I’m not able to stand Response Training when you on one leg for 10 seconds, how am I Enter Australian rider and trainer going to be balanced on my horse?’ Tristan Tucker, who teaches horses to It’s especially important to take time on focus on their riders, not on their envi- train your stressful days.” ronment. “I prefer the term ‘response Her own training includes a variety training,’ not desensitizing, because own body.” of exercises—from boxing to juggling you don’t want to dull the horse. You —ADELINDE CORNELISSEN to ballet—and she finds that it’s not still need to have him sharp and on the only helped her personally, but it’s aids,” said Tucker. “Also, this is not just also heightened her understanding of for spooky horses but also for horses teaching a horse not to shy away from the horse. that lack motivation.” a plastic bag fastened to the end of a “If you do train this way yourself, The principle seems simple, but in whip by letting him approach it and you realize that when you tire, your his demonstration, Tucker took it to removing it when he touches it with strength and focus get less and less. astonishing lengths. What begins with his nose (negative reinforcement),

November 19 & 26, 2012 • 101 DRESSAGE

German Olympic medalist Helen Langehanenberg demonstrated young horse training methods at the Global Dressage Forum, focusing on tailoring the program to the horse and building step by step. in this case ended with one horse Klimke. She showed yet another way the other pirouette. standing unfazed through an impro- of training horses while giving them “I’ve also heard it said that you vised prize-giving ceremony with a big something to think about: cavaletti. should never teach a horse flying Dutch flag as the ribbon and a plastic Ingrid, a multiple international changes over a cavaletti, but I do it all tarp taking the role of the winner’s eventing medalist and also a successful the time because of the extra strength blanket on his back. Another horse dressage rider (she trained Damon Hill this kind of work gives to the inner hind cantered happily around under the up to Grand Prix), considers variety a leg,” she added. “And don’t be afraid moving arm of a backhoe in very close key ingredient of her work. that the horse may touch the cavaletti. quarters. “All horses, especially stallions, It’s my responsibility to aim, but it’s the “Of course both horses have been especially dressage stallions, love their horse’s responsibility to jump; you have working with me for quite a while. The pasture,” she said. “But my dressage to trust in their sure-footedness.” mechanisms have to be so settled that horses also jump once a week, and I you can still control them in a situation find that if you place some cavalettis Learn Something From of pressure,” he said. “The physical and in your indoor arena at E and B, those Everyone the mental go hand in hand; whatever who don’t want to use them have At first, Patrik Kittel may have seemed happens physically happens mentally.” enough space to work around them, like the odd one out in the GDF program. The rider’s focus plays a big role as and those who do want to include After all, he’s a horse dealer, and his job well. “The only time to train horses is them, can. That way, having to lug them is “not to make a horse perfect for myself now; it’s not what you did yesterday around is no excuse for ignoring this but to make it rideable for my clients.” But or what you’re going to do tomorrow,” wonderful tool.” he still aims to find the balance between he said. “My horses are a reflection on Klimke uses cavalettis in all three gaits. business and personal improvement. myself; improving my horse also means “You can use them to strengthen “When I first came to Germany, I self-improvement.” the trot rhythm, to build muscles in spent some time as a working student the canter work, but also to work on with Klaus Martin Rath, and that was Importance Of Variety the collected walk,” she said. “Imagine an important experience,” he said. “You After this groundbreaking perfor- the collected walk tour in the Prix St. need to groom horses and muck out mance by a new face, it was time for Georges. Put four flat cavalettis in the stables and be up at 3 so you know and a legendary name: Ingrid Klimke, middle of that, step over them, do the appreciate how much work it really is daughter of dressage icon Reiner first pirouette, step over them again, do with horses.”

102 The Chronicle of the Horse DRESSAGE DRESSAGE

When asked how to deal with bad Hill competed successfully at the press, of which he’s gotten his share, he Bundeschampionat and the World Applying Science To Magic answered: “At first it was a shock to me, Championship for Young Dressage and I still hate it when people seem to be horses, then went on to the prestigious just out there to attack you. On the other Nürnberger Burgpokal at St. Georges n past GDF presentations, hand, I don’t choose my horses. The level and then the Louisdor Price, a sports psychologist Inga horses that come to me I have to work Grand Prix series for young dressage IWolframm got the attention with, and they are often difficult horses. horses, and from there to London.” of everyone—especially judges— You can’t judge riders from one photo or Of course even within this frame- with her presentation about the from an edited video. work you have to take into account unavoidable prejudice in human “I don’t think you can have success what a horse is able to do, something interaction. She returned this by treating your horses badly,” he that Olympic team silver medalist year as a passionate ambassador continued. “But I wish there was Langehanenberg demonstrated on two for the International Society for more openness, more communica- very different horses: the 8-year-old Equitation Science. tion between the critics and the riders, stallion Rohjuwel, who competed in Wolframm is studying whether maybe even as a critical situation the Bundeschampionat finals twice there’s a scientific way to find out arises. Of course in an ideal world I’d and is now qualified for the Burgpokal what makes a horse and rider only have Valegros in my stable, but we finals, and the 5-year old mare Damon’s “click” and presented the begin- don’t have that ideal world.” Delorange, who won this year’s nings of this study, measuring the He then demonstrated his way of Bundeschampionat with an unprec- synchronicity of the rider’s and working with horses, first on Deja, an edented score of 9.8. horse’s movements as a way of 8-year-old mare by Silvano, then on “This was an excellent demonstra- defining the perfect match. the ground, working with his wife, tion of how the movements are about She may end up with an instru- Australia’s Lyndal Oatley, and her improving the basic gaits, not the ment that measures training Olympic mount, Sandro Boy. “It’s a other way round,” said FEI Dressage progress by measuring the devel- lot about finding the strength of each Committee member David Hunt. opment of that synchronicity. But German Olympic medalist Helen Langehanenberg demonstrated young horse training methods at the Global Dressage Forum, focusing on tailoring horse. Every horse is different, so for “While the chunky Rohjuwel needs then, as Wolframm concluded, the program to the horse and building step by step. every horse there is a different riding more coaxing to carry his weight, even as a scientist, “You can only ‘system,’ ” said Kittel. and Helen prefers to strengthen him begin and try to understand the in this case ended with one horse Klimke. She showed yet another way the other pirouette. “I’m a thief. Everything I do in through canter work (‘To make it magic between horse and rider.” standing unfazed through an impro- of training horses while giving them “I’ve also heard it said that you my riding I stole from someone,” he easier for him in the future I now need vised prize-giving ceremony with a big something to think about: cavaletti. should never teach a horse flying continued. “From every trainer I’ve to support him a bit more,’ she said.), Dutch flag as the ribbon and a plastic Ingrid, a multiple international changes over a cavaletti, but I do it all been with I have something in my Damon’s Delorange is an elegant, tarp taking the role of the winner’s eventing medalist and also a successful the time because of the extra strength system. Don’t be embarrassed to make eager horse who, if anything, needs blanket on his back. Another horse dressage rider (she trained Damon Hill this kind of work gives to the inner hind mistakes, as long as you’re willing to slowing down.” cantered happily around under the up to Grand Prix), considers variety a leg,” she added. “And don’t be afraid work on your faults.” “It’s the responsibility of the rider to moving arm of a backhoe in very close key ingredient of her work. that the horse may touch the cavaletti. go step by step,” said Langehanenberg’s quarters. “All horses, especially stallions, It’s my responsibility to aim, but it’s the The Building Blocks Of husband and co-trainer, Sebastian. “The “Of course both horses have been especially dressage stallions, love their horse’s responsibility to jump; you have German Success mare has the ability to do passage work, working with me for quite a while. The pasture,” she said. “But my dressage to trust in their sure-footedness.” The last presentation, titled “The German but she doesn’t have the muscles yet. mechanisms have to be so settled that horses also jump once a week, and I System,” had a few people shaking their So we work her very slowly towards you can still control them in a situation find that if you place some cavalettis Learn Something From heads because it seemed to promise old- collection, always seeing to it that we mix of pressure,” he said. “The physical and in your indoor arena at E and B, those Everyone school strictness after two days of emphasis collection and relaxation.” the mental go hand in hand; whatever who don’t want to use them have At first, Patrik Kittel may have seemed on variety and open-mindedness. But new In the end, though, both horses happens physically happens mentally.” enough space to work around them, like the odd one out in the GDF program. German team coach Monica Theodorescu finished their sessions stretching toward The rider’s focus plays a big role as and those who do want to include After all, he’s a horse dealer, and his job quickly explained the misleading title, which the bit—and the ground—until the rider well. “The only time to train horses is them, can. That way, having to lug them is “not to make a horse perfect for myself wasn’t about training horses but about was only holding the buckle of the reins. now; it’s not what you did yesterday around is no excuse for ignoring this but to make it rideable for my clients.” But preparing talent for international challenges. Mission accomplished. or what you’re going to do tomorrow,” wonderful tool.” he still aims to find the balance between “Tina Sprehe is a classical example After two mind-blowing days, Davison he said. “My horses are a reflection on Klimke uses cavalettis in all three gaits. business and personal improvement. of how this system works,” said received more than heartfelt applause for myself; improving my horse also means “You can use them to strengthen “When I first came to Germany, I Theodorescu. “She was an A-team his closing words, in which he described self-improvement.” the trot rhythm, to build muscles in spent some time as a working student member at pony, junior and young riders the Global Dressage Forum as a “critically the canter work, but also to work on with Klaus Martin Rath, and that was level, then went on to compete in the important event” for those on a quest for Importance Of Variety the collected walk,” she said. “Imagine an important experience,” he said. “You German U25-‘Piaff’-Tour and then made it knowledge. After this groundbreaking perfor- the collected walk tour in the Prix St. need to groom horses and muck out straight to the Olympics. “But we don’t only have that The dressage simulator was a crowd magnet mance by a new face, it was time for Georges. Put four flat cavalettis in the stables and be up at 3 so you know and at the Global Dressage Forum. Many people a legendary name: Ingrid Klimke, middle of that, step over them, do the appreciate how much work it really is for the riders,” she said. “Helen dismounted with a smile after completing a daughter of dressage icon Reiner first pirouette, step over them again, do with horses.” Langehanenberg’s horse Damon flying change aboard the automated horse.

102 The Chronicle of the Horse November 19 & 26, 2012 • 103 SportTurniere G News G Infos Global Dressage Forum Das 12. Global Dressage Forum vom 29.–30. Oktober an der Akademie Bartels in Hooge Mierde brachte wenige Diskussionen – dafür viele praktische Vorführungen, die z. T. höchst eindrucksvoll waren.

ine Gemeinsamkeit vieler Beiträge er sein Gleichgewicht unabhängig vom Ausgeglichenheit sowohl beim Reiter als Ezum Thema Pferdeausbildung war die Pferd und vom Reiten verbessern. Beson- auch beim Pferd mit einer Entspannung Betonung der Wichtigkeit des Rhythmus ders wichtig ist dabei auch das mentale der Muskeln einhergeht, darauf wurde in der Bewegung des Pferdes, ebenso wie Gleichgewicht, wie ich im vergangenen auch in anderen Beiträgen wiederholt hin- der Losgelassenheit und der Kontrolle über Jahr verstanden habe.“ gewiesen. die Schnelligkeit der Bewegungen des Wie leicht negative Kommentare einen Pferdes. Sportler erst mental, dann auch körperlich COOL ZUR SIEGEREHRUNG Balance auf dem Pferd und Koordina- aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen können, Eigentlich hat man es schon gesehen und tion der Bewegungen waren zentrale wurde anschaulich von der Reiterin an- doch wiederum nicht, welches Feuerwerk Punkte in den Vorführungen der Doppel- hand von Jonglieren auf einem Gymnas- an Einfällen und mit welch humorvoller Europameisterin und Olympischen Silber- tikball kniend gezeigt und, so van den Kommentierung der australische Dressur- medaillen-Gewinnerin Adelinde Corne- Berg, „Normalerweise hätte Adelinde jetzt reiter Tristan Tucker seine Demonstration lissen, die gemeinsam mit ihrem Fitness- so fokussiert sein müssen, dass sie auf die zum Thema ‚Wie man ein Pferd für die Trainer Tjalling van den Berg und dessen negativen Kommentare gar nicht hört, aber Siegerehrung vorbereitet’ (und nicht nur Team ihr Fitnessprogramm in beeindru- dies gelingt nur selten.“ Dass die mentale dafür, sondern auch für den Wettkampf) ckender Weise vorstellte. Zentrale Forde- rung ist das An- und Abspannen von Mus- keln auf Kommando. Dieses Training, das Gymnastik, Seilspringen, Boxen, diverse Übungen mit Bällen, Ballett und mentales Training einschließt und vor allem die Körperbeherrschung, Balance, Konzent- ration und die Fokussierung auf ein Ziel fördert, ging schon ins Akrobatische über. In Bezug auf das Reiten fasste die Nieder- länderin den Sinn dieses Trainings an- schaulich zusammen, „Wenn wir nicht in der Lage sind, gleichmäßig in unserer Hil- fengebung zu sein, wie soll das Pferd dann gleichmäßig in seiner Reaktion darauf sein? Gleichmäßige Hilfen können nur aus einem balancierten Sitz heraus gegeben DRESSURPFERDE- werden. Aber während des Reitens kann SIMULATOR Mit diesem Simulator kann der Reiter sich der Reiter nicht hundertprozentig auf seinen Sitz und seine Hilfengebung

seine Balance konzentrieren, deshalb muss Fotos: Birgit Popp überprüfen und korrigieren.

84 Pferdplus 12|12 FITNESSTRAINING Sport | Turniere News Infos U Reiter schulen ihre Koordination und Balance auch ohne Pferd.

lernt, nur den Zügeln- und Schenkelhilfen die Cavaletti-Arbeit aus ‚vergangenen Ta- zu folgen und auf mich zu reagieren, völ- gen’ noch in guter Erinnerung. Nicht selten lig unabhängig davon, was sie stört. Im fiel der Satz, „Cavalettis habe ich früher SportTurniere G News G Infos Training fange ich erst mit den leichten auch benutzt, aber nachdem die alten ka- Sachen an, gehe dann zu den schwierigen putt waren, habe ich keine neuen mehr über.“ angeschaŠt“. In der heutigen schnelllebi- Und landet über überdimensionale Preis- gen Zeit scheint vielen das Hin- und Her- schleifen und Plastikpferdedecken bei ei- räumen einfach zu zeitaufwendig zu sein. nem monströsen Ungetüm von Bagger, Wenn überhaupt wird auf die Arbeit mit von dem die rund 400 Forumsteilnehmer Stangen auf dem Boden zurückgegriŠen. Global Dressage Forum mehr beeindruckt schienen als der zwölf- Für das Rhythmusgefühl und die Locker- jährige Thriller, der sich um den sich be- heit von Reiter und Pferd sind die Cavalet- Das 12. Global Dressage Forum vom 29.–30. Oktober an der Akademie wegenden Bagger herum und zwischen tis aber eine unermessliche Trainingshilfe. Schaufel und Fahrzeugteil mühelos hin- Birgit Popp Bartels in Hooge Mierde brachte wenige Diskussionen – dafür viele durch reiten ließ. Am Ende diente der praktische Vorführungen, die z. T. höchst eindrucksvoll waren. Bagger sogar noch als Pilare fürs Pia™e- abrannte. Das Prinzip – Kontrolle vor al- ren des zwölfjährigen Wallachs. Nichts ist lem der Vorderbeine des Pferdes mit zuerst unmöglich! ine Gemeinsamkeit vieler Beiträge er sein Gleichgewicht unabhängig vom Ausgeglichenheit sowohl beim Reiter als vom Boden aus erfolgendem Training z. Ezum Thema Pferdeausbildung war die Pferd und vom Reiten verbessern. Beson- auch beim Pferd mit einer Entspannung B. durch Vorderhandwendungen – ist nicht KLIMKES PLÄDOYER FÜR Betonung der Wichtigkeit des Rhythmus ders wichtig ist dabei auch das mentale der Muskeln einhergeht, darauf wurde neu und wurde im Vorjahr auch von dem CAVALLETTI in der Bewegung des Pferdes, ebenso wie Gleichgewicht, wie ich im vergangenen auch in anderen Beiträgen wiederholt hin- australischen Wissenschaftler Andrew Gesprächspartner für das mittlerweile der Losgelassenheit und der Kontrolle über Jahr verstanden habe.“ gewiesen. McLean beim GDF demonstriert, um Pfer- schon zur Tradition gewordene Kaminge- die Schnelligkeit der Bewegungen des Wie leicht negative Kommentare einen den die Angst vorm Scheren zu nehmen. spräch – in diesem Jahr ein Bistrogespräch Pferdes. Sportler erst mental, dann auch körperlich COOL ZUR SIEGEREHRUNG Da wie dort blieb der Weg vom Trainings- – am Abend des ersten Tages war Vielsei- Balance auf dem Pferd und Koordina- aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen können, Eigentlich hat man es schon gesehen und ansatz bis zum Resultat nicht sehr gut tigkeits-Mannschafts-Olympiasiegerin In- tion der Bewegungen waren zentrale wurde anschaulich von der Reiterin an- doch wiederum nicht, welches Feuerwerk nachvollziehbar, was in einem kurzen Vor- grid Klimke, die nicht nur von ihrem pri- BEEINDRUCKEND! Punkte in den Vorführungen der Doppel- hand von Jonglieren auf einem Gymnas- an Einfällen und mit welch humorvoller trag vermutlich auch nicht anders möglich vaten wie sportlichen Leben erzählte, son- Tristan Tucker demonstrierte, wie man Pferden Europameisterin und Olympischen Silber- tikball kniend gezeigt und, so van den Kommentierung der australische Dressur- ist, die Demonstration des Ergebnisses dern auch viel von ihrem zur Legende die Angst nimmt. medaillen-Gewinnerin Adelinde Corne- Berg, „Normalerweise hätte Adelinde jetzt reiter Tristan Tucker seine Demonstration war jedoch mehr als überwältigend! Und, gewordenen Vater und mehrfachen Dres- lissen, die gemeinsam mit ihrem Fitness- so fokussiert sein müssen, dass sie auf die zum Thema ‚Wie man ein Pferd für die während bei ähnlichen Vorführungen mit sur-Olympiasieger Reiner Klimke, der wie Trainer Tjalling van den Berg und dessen negativen Kommentare gar nicht hört, aber Siegerehrung vorbereitet’ (und nicht nur Plastikfolien, Polizeisirenen und Schüssen die Tochter in der Vielseitigkeit und der Team ihr Fitnessprogramm in beeindru- dies gelingt nur selten.“ Dass die mentale dafür, sondern auch für den Wettkampf) bei Polizeipferden die Frage oŠenblieb, Dressur Erfolge sammelte, allerdings im Turniersplitter ckender Weise vorstellte. Zentrale Forde- inwieweit die Pferde im Training nicht umgekehrten Verhältnis. Wie einst ihr Im deutschen Weißenhorn (20. 10.) rung ist das An- und Abspannen von Mus- abgestumpft werden, scheint Tristan Tu- Vater überlegt Ingrid Klimke nun auch, zeigte das österreichische Team tolle Leistungen. Stephanie Laferl ge- keln auf Kommando. Dieses Training, das ckers Aussage, er würde das Pferd nicht ihren Schwerpunkt vom Vielseitigkeits- wann mit Omar den 60 km-Bewerb, Gymnastik, Seilspringen, Boxen, diverse desensibilisieren, da dies dem Einsatz als sport auf den Dressursport zu verlagern, Nadine Rainer und Karl Uschnig Übungen mit Bällen, Ballett und mentales Dressurpferd entgegenwirken würde, um nach zweimaligem Vielseitigkeits- belegten im 80 km-Bewerb die Plätze zwei und drei. Renate Lang rundete Training einschließt und vor allem die durchaus Berechtigung zu besitzen. Eine Teamgold auch dort zu Olympischen Eh- diese Teamleistung mit einem zwölf- Körperbeherrschung, Balance, Konzent- gewisse ‚Abhärtung’ gegen Umweltein- ren zu gelangen, „Im Moment habe ich ten Platz über 120 km ab. ration und die Fokussierung auf ein Ziel flüsse findet zwar statt, aber eben keine sechs Vielseitigkeits- und sechs Dressur- Einen Doppelsieg konnten die fördert, ging schon ins Akrobatische über. Abstumpfung. „Ich vermittle dem Pferd pferde in meinem Stall. Ich werde eine Distanzreiter in Fontanafredda (ITA) In Bezug auf das Reiten fasste die Nieder- das Wissen, wie es auf die Umwelteinflüs- Entscheidung treŠen müssen, wo ich für am 28. Oktober feiern. Karl Uschnig länderin den Sinn dieses Trainings an- se reagieren kann. Ich wandle die negati- die Zukunft meine Schwerpunkte setze.“ auf Isis‘Ba und Daniela Klemen auf Ibrahim Kapitany distanzierten die schaulich zusammen, „Wenn wir nicht in ve Reaktion in eine positive um. Ich brin- Mit Erfolgen bis zur schweren Klasse im Konkurrenz über 88 km um beinahe der Lage sind, gleichmäßig in unserer Hil- ge dem Pferd bei, dass es sich dem angst- Springsport kann sie wie Mannschaftskol- 18 Minuten! fengebung zu sein, wie soll das Pferd dann einflößenden Gegenstand nähert, ihn be- lege Michael Jung außerdem aufweisen. Victoria Max-Theurer freute sich gleichmäßig in seiner Reaktion darauf rührt oder durch ihn hindurch geht und, Ihre praktischen Vorführungen standen beim CDI**** in Oldenburg (9.–11. sein? Gleichmäßige Hilfen können nur aus dass dieser Gegenstand dann weggeht. Ein ganz im Zeichen von Cavaletti -Arbeit, die Nov.) gleich über zwei Siege mit ihrer DRESSURPFERDE- Stute Blind Date. Nach dem Erfolg einem balancierten Sitz heraus gegeben Pferd ist ein Athlet, der Leistung zeigen manchen Forumsteilnehmer zur Nachah- im Grand Prix am Freitag triumphier- werden. Aber während des Reitens kann SIMULATOR möchte. Die Pferde sollen nicht etwas tun, mung angeregt haben dürfte. OŠensicht- te die Oberösterreicherin auch am Mit diesem Simulator kann der Reiter Samstag im Grand Prix Special. sich der Reiter nicht hundertprozentig auf seinen Sitz und seine Hilfengebung weil ich es will, sondern weil sie es wollen. lich ist – wie auch die Panelmitglieder seine Balance konzentrieren, deshalb muss Fotos: Birgit Popp überprüfen und korrigieren. Innerhalb eines Monats hat die Stute ge- bestätigten – vor allem älteren Trainern

84 Pferdplus 12|12 Pferdplus 12|12 85 Dressage For the latest dressage news visit Global Dressage Forum

Relaxation is key in Helen As Patrik makes his living from help of husband Sebastian. Langehanenberg’s demonstration selling horses, he doesn’t usually Riding the sensational five- with the Damon Hill daughter have the luxury of being choosy year-old Damon’s Delorange — Damon’s Delorange about which he rides. Often, the Germany’s answer to Woodlander tricky ones that won’t sell are Farouche — Helen reiterated the A multi-sport approach those who stay, as was the case importance of relaxation. GLOBAL DRESSAGE with Scandic. Patrik’s ridden When the mare became hot FORUM, HOOGE MIERDE, demo outlined the basic after her first flying change, Helen HOLLAND differences between training sales walked until she settled before 29-30 October horses and permanent rides. resuming. At the beginning and “Horses are getting more end of the ride, she stretched By Alice Collins electric, but people don’t like to Delorange’s neck and back — sweat any more, so horses must with her nose almost to the floor. MOVING on from the furores of be light from the aids. Today “If they are at a show and the Totilas sale and the blood people don’t want to wait, but nervous, but they know the debate, the 2012 forum heralded a horses do take time. [stretching] system, they come more settled, united approach “I haven’t invented my system; I down and relax very fast,” from delegates. am a thief — I’ve stolen everything explained Sebastian, whose help The showpiece rider demos I know. I’m not a natural talent, but has played a big part in Delorange’s were hosted by four competitors I’m open to learning,” added unbeaten 2012 season. fresh from the Olympic Games Patrik, who would routinely stay This forum was an inspiring mix — three dressage riders and up for 12hr watching dressage of tried and tested methods all-round German darling Ingrid slapsies, to improve co-ordination. whole system from one photo or videos on the web. merged with groundbreaking new Klimke, who helped her team to “Riders breathe too high [fast] an edited video clip.” techniques. With technology and eventing gold in London. and get out of balance,” she Asked how he stayed positive Relaxed and confident science, there are ever more tools She has a mixture of dressage pointed out. “If that happens in and focused in the face of online GERMAN silver medal-winning in the dressage arsenal. and event horses at her yard. In boxing, you’ll be knocked out in a vilification, he said: “My horses team member Helen “Only with an open mind can her sympathetic, arguably ‘We can reach muscles we second. Horses are forgiving, but and riding are what’s important to Langehanenberg completed the we discover new boundaries,” old-fashioned training methods, can’t usually using cavaletti’ why should we rely on that?” me — if I looked [online] every day, power pack of training talent, summarised compère Richard — Olympic eventer and grand she advocates the use of cavaletti, prix dressage rider Ingrid Adelinde’s physical training has I’d probably shoot myself.” showcasing two horses with the Davison. H&H citing their role in improving basic Klimke on the British-owned influenced her work with horses. gaits, use of joints and freedom of gelding Dresden Mann “When you train yourself for a Tristan Tucker commands the shoulder. long time, your balance and ‘The other 50%’ Saphira to piaffe from “Cavaletti are uncommon and a co-ordination decrease — it’s the the digger’s cab... bit unknown,” she conceded. “But cavaletti to teach horses to be FORUM IN NUMBERS same with horses. I see people AUSTRALIAN “dressage cowboy” using them, we can reach muscles aware of where their legs are. No riding for an hour, but you can only Tristan Tucker’s “Training for the prize- we can’t usually and they help get more than four should be used, so 100% focus for so long. giving” seminar provided the most the hindleg forward and under the if the horse gets into difficulty he £41,512 the cost of “You learn to train the horses in dazzling moments of the forum. centre of gravity.” can jump clean over them. a Racewood dressage simulator a different way — more like Frustrated by riders blaming Ingrid started over a single pole, Ingrid advocates that all interval training. What I do gives tension in the arena for poor working up to four at walk. Using dressage riders finishing flatwork me a better understanding of performance, he now specialises in the cavaletti in a fan on a circle sessions with a small jump. 40+ the number of training a body,” said Adelinde, spook-busting — without the Monty means various horses can be “It’s not an excuse that you only horses Patrik Kittel has trained whose strict diet dictates she give Roberts-esque jargon. He retrains schooled over them without have a dressage saddle,” she to grand prix up her beloved chocolate horses’ reactions to spooky objects adjusting, as each line through chided. “You just need to stand up sprinkles on toast for breakfast. (banners, judges’ boxes) using offers a different stride length. a bit more. It’s fun, mental training.” “If I can’t stand on one leg with pressure and release techniques. “If you have a problem in the 59 the number of marks my eyes shut for 10sec, how can I “I teach horses to take ownership walk, the best way to fix it is using A strong mind — and core adjusted by the Judging ride a constantly-moving horse? — when I ask something of them, it cavaletti. The distance should be AND it was mental training that Supervisory Panel (JSP) during For people performing at the top then becomes their responsibility to as long as possible without the the Olympic individual silver the grand prix at the Games level, it’s 70% mental state.” do it and be proud of it and offer it,” he horse putting extra steps in,” medallist Adelinde Cornelissen explained. “It’s not desensitising, as they are Ingrid explained, before repeating wanted to demonstrate. ‘I’ve stolen everything I know’ learning a new response, not no response.” A JCB-type machine then lumbered the number of marks the exercise in trot and canter. For most dressage riders, riding 26 “HAPPY chappie” Patrik Kittel He rode his own electric Sir Oldenburg/Contango into the arena and, arm extended, began turning its altered by the JSP during the Dr Bechtolsheimer was is their exercise. Adelinde trains Olympic special was in a positive frame of mind, six-year-old Saphira, half-passing while his unmounted bucket in a broad circle. Tristan’s mare cantered circles concerned that dressage riders intensively off the horses to recently returned from the assistant ran alongside, revving a chainsaw. During his around the digger, under the arm — her focus never might not be able to see a stride. maximise her ridden performance. Adelinde Cornelissen shows off her premiere of Skyfall with his flying changes, the able assistant fired a replica gun. wavering from him. But, Ingrid explained, she uses She did puff less than anyone core strength — required to ride the 2 the number of riders who Australian Olympic dressage rider He then untacked her and had plus-17hh Parzival to plus-80% scores would not have qualified for wife Lyndal. planned to cross-tie her under Patrik Kittel trains his wife the special had the JSP not In a candid interview, he the JCB’s arm, but host Joep Lyndal on her Olympic mount else during her mounted demo, in adjusted any marks confessed to owning a collection Bartels’ health and safety — the Sandro Hit gelding which she explained that her of Rolex watches and an Aston sprites vetoed it, so two of his Sandro Boy horses all hack and work on the Martin. Otherwise down to earth, assistants held her. racetrack, to “bring them alive and 6 the number of one-time he openly discussed the two Without touching her, Tristan keep them good between the ears”. changes performed by Helen training maelstroms of which he gave a voice command and she With her extensive fitness team, Langehanenberg’s eight-year- has been at the centre. piaffed quietly until he gave her spearheaded by gymnastics old stallion Rohjuwel Of the “blue tongue” incident, the signal to stop. Then, from coach Tjalling van den Berg, she he said: “Scandic’s a breeding high energy to low, he gave her showed fearsome core strength. stallion and he’s macho. In an invisible command and she This lady can kneel on an exercise 350 the number of Odense, there were five mares in lay down flat out. ball (impressive) while juggling attendees over the two days the warm-up and he was hot as “It doesn’t matter whether (incredible). hell, so I calmed him down for it’s western, dressage, ...then, with an Her “multi-sport approach” 5min — if I hadn’t, he would have whatever — they’re all the the cost imperceptible aid, regime incorporates boxing, €2,000 kicked me off. same,” he said. “Don’t get of a month’s training livery at to lie down while strength exercises, running, Patrik’s yard in Germany “If anyone wants to come and he covers her in trapped into a certain style balance training, breathing talk to me about what I do that’s rustling tarpaulin of riding.”

exercises, skipping and even Pictures by Hippo Foto/Dirk Caremans really fine, but don’t judge my

78 HORSE & HOUND . 8 NOVEMBER 2012 A fantastic Christmas gift from just £22.99 8 NOVEMBER 2012 . HORSE & HOUND 79 Dressage For the latest dressage news visit Global Dressage Forum

Relaxation is key in Helen As Patrik makes his living from help of husband Sebastian. Langehanenberg’s demonstration selling horses, he doesn’t usually Riding the sensational five- with the Damon Hill daughter have the luxury of being choosy year-old Damon’s Delorange — Damon’s Delorange about which he rides. Often, the Germany’s answer to Woodlander tricky ones that won’t sell are Farouche — Helen reiterated the A multi-sport approach those who stay, as was the case importance of relaxation. GLOBAL DRESSAGE with Scandic. Patrik’s ridden When the mare became hot FORUM, HOOGE MIERDE, demo outlined the basic after her first flying change, Helen HOLLAND differences between training sales walked until she settled before 29-30 October horses and permanent rides. resuming. At the beginning and “Horses are getting more end of the ride, she stretched By Alice Collins electric, but people don’t like to Delorange’s neck and back — sweat any more, so horses must with her nose almost to the floor. MOVING on from the furores of be light from the aids. Today “If they are at a show and the Totilas sale and the blood people don’t want to wait, but nervous, but they know the debate, the 2012 forum heralded a horses do take time. [stretching] system, they come more settled, united approach “I haven’t invented my system; I down and relax very fast,” from delegates. am a thief — I’ve stolen everything explained Sebastian, whose help The showpiece rider demos I know. I’m not a natural talent, but has played a big part in Delorange’s were hosted by four competitors I’m open to learning,” added unbeaten 2012 season. fresh from the Olympic Games Patrik, who would routinely stay This forum was an inspiring mix — three dressage riders and up for 12hr watching dressage of tried and tested methods all-round German darling Ingrid slapsies, to improve co-ordination. whole system from one photo or videos on the web. merged with groundbreaking new Klimke, who helped her team to “Riders breathe too high [fast] an edited video clip.” techniques. With technology and eventing gold in London. and get out of balance,” she Asked how he stayed positive Relaxed and confident science, there are ever more tools She has a mixture of dressage pointed out. “If that happens in and focused in the face of online GERMAN silver medal-winning in the dressage arsenal. and event horses at her yard. In boxing, you’ll be knocked out in a vilification, he said: “My horses team member Helen “Only with an open mind can her sympathetic, arguably ‘We can reach muscles we second. Horses are forgiving, but and riding are what’s important to Langehanenberg completed the we discover new boundaries,” old-fashioned training methods, can’t usually using cavaletti’ why should we rely on that?” me — if I looked [online] every day, power pack of training talent, summarised compère Richard — Olympic eventer and grand she advocates the use of cavaletti, prix dressage rider Ingrid Adelinde’s physical training has I’d probably shoot myself.” showcasing two horses with the Davison. H&H citing their role in improving basic Klimke on the British-owned influenced her work with horses. gaits, use of joints and freedom of gelding Dresden Mann “When you train yourself for a Tristan Tucker commands the shoulder. long time, your balance and ‘The other 50%’ Saphira to piaffe from “Cavaletti are uncommon and a co-ordination decrease — it’s the the digger’s cab... bit unknown,” she conceded. “But cavaletti to teach horses to be FORUM IN NUMBERS same with horses. I see people AUSTRALIAN “dressage cowboy” using them, we can reach muscles aware of where their legs are. No riding for an hour, but you can only Tristan Tucker’s “Training for the prize- we can’t usually and they help get more than four should be used, so 100% focus for so long. giving” seminar provided the most the hindleg forward and under the if the horse gets into difficulty he £41,512 the cost of “You learn to train the horses in dazzling moments of the forum. centre of gravity.” can jump clean over them. a Racewood dressage simulator a different way — more like Frustrated by riders blaming Ingrid started over a single pole, Ingrid advocates that all interval training. What I do gives tension in the arena for poor working up to four at walk. Using dressage riders finishing flatwork me a better understanding of performance, he now specialises in the cavaletti in a fan on a circle sessions with a small jump. 40+ the number of training a body,” said Adelinde, spook-busting — without the Monty means various horses can be “It’s not an excuse that you only horses Patrik Kittel has trained whose strict diet dictates she give Roberts-esque jargon. He retrains schooled over them without have a dressage saddle,” she to grand prix up her beloved chocolate horses’ reactions to spooky objects adjusting, as each line through chided. “You just need to stand up sprinkles on toast for breakfast. (banners, judges’ boxes) using offers a different stride length. a bit more. It’s fun, mental training.” “If I can’t stand on one leg with pressure and release techniques. “If you have a problem in the 59 the number of marks my eyes shut for 10sec, how can I “I teach horses to take ownership walk, the best way to fix it is using A strong mind — and core adjusted by the Judging ride a constantly-moving horse? — when I ask something of them, it cavaletti. The distance should be AND it was mental training that Supervisory Panel (JSP) during For people performing at the top then becomes their responsibility to as long as possible without the the Olympic individual silver the grand prix at the Games level, it’s 70% mental state.” do it and be proud of it and offer it,” he horse putting extra steps in,” medallist Adelinde Cornelissen explained. “It’s not desensitising, as they are Ingrid explained, before repeating wanted to demonstrate. ‘I’ve stolen everything I know’ learning a new response, not no response.” A JCB-type machine then lumbered the number of marks the exercise in trot and canter. For most dressage riders, riding 26 “HAPPY chappie” Patrik Kittel He rode his own electric Sir Oldenburg/Contango into the arena and, arm extended, began turning its altered by the JSP during the Dr Bechtolsheimer was is their exercise. Adelinde trains Olympic special was in a positive frame of mind, six-year-old Saphira, half-passing while his unmounted bucket in a broad circle. Tristan’s mare cantered circles concerned that dressage riders intensively off the horses to recently returned from the assistant ran alongside, revving a chainsaw. During his around the digger, under the arm — her focus never might not be able to see a stride. maximise her ridden performance. Adelinde Cornelissen shows off her premiere of Skyfall with his flying changes, the able assistant fired a replica gun. wavering from him. But, Ingrid explained, she uses She did puff less than anyone core strength — required to ride the 2 the number of riders who Australian Olympic dressage rider He then untacked her and had plus-17hh Parzival to plus-80% scores would not have qualified for wife Lyndal. planned to cross-tie her under Patrik Kittel trains his wife the special had the JSP not In a candid interview, he the JCB’s arm, but host Joep Lyndal on her Olympic mount else during her mounted demo, in adjusted any marks confessed to owning a collection Bartels’ health and safety — the Sandro Hit gelding which she explained that her of Rolex watches and an Aston sprites vetoed it, so two of his Sandro Boy horses all hack and work on the Martin. Otherwise down to earth, assistants held her. racetrack, to “bring them alive and 6 the number of one-time he openly discussed the two Without touching her, Tristan keep them good between the ears”. changes performed by Helen training maelstroms of which he gave a voice command and she With her extensive fitness team, Langehanenberg’s eight-year- has been at the centre. piaffed quietly until he gave her spearheaded by gymnastics old stallion Rohjuwel Of the “blue tongue” incident, the signal to stop. Then, from coach Tjalling van den Berg, she he said: “Scandic’s a breeding high energy to low, he gave her showed fearsome core strength. stallion and he’s macho. In an invisible command and she This lady can kneel on an exercise 350 the number of Odense, there were five mares in lay down flat out. ball (impressive) while juggling attendees over the two days the warm-up and he was hot as “It doesn’t matter whether (incredible). hell, so I calmed him down for it’s western, dressage, ...then, with an Her “multi-sport approach” 5min — if I hadn’t, he would have whatever — they’re all the the cost imperceptible aid, regime incorporates boxing, €2,000 kicked me off. same,” he said. “Don’t get of a month’s training livery at to lie down while strength exercises, running, Patrik’s yard in Germany “If anyone wants to come and he covers her in trapped into a certain style balance training, breathing talk to me about what I do that’s rustling tarpaulin of riding.”

exercises, skipping and even Pictures by Hippo Foto/Dirk Caremans really fine, but don’t judge my

78 HORSE & HOUND . 8 NOVEMBER 2012 A fantastic Christmas gift from just £22.99 8 NOVEMBER 2012 . HORSE & HOUND 79 10 7. November 2012 HINTERGRUND PferdeWoche

12. Global Dressage Forum an der Akademie Bartels in Hooge Mierde (NED) Harmonie und Balance im Fokus

Das Global Dressage Fo- rum wurde bei seiner zwölften Auflage erstmals von Prinzessin Benedikte von Dänemark eröffnet, der Präsidentin der im Sommer neugegründeten Global Dressage Founda- tion, deren Aufgabe es für die Zukunft sein wird, den Fortbestand des Global Dressage Forums zu si- chern. Birgit Popp Das diesjährige Global beeindruckender Weise. Dies sei zentral für die Dressage Forum brachte Balance und Koordination auf dem Pferd. wenig Diskussionen und viele praktische Vor- nig Übereinstimmung und und Pferd zu finden, wenn führungen, von denen zwei somit Harmonie in den beispielsweise mehrere in dieser Art und Weise Bewegungen vorhanden. Pferde und Reiter zur Be- beim Forum noch nie zu se- Langfristig sollen auch an- rittmachung zur Verfügung hen waren. Eine Gemein- dere Parameter wie Kopf- stehen. samkeit vieler Beiträge und Handposition des Rei- Wie sich wissenschaftliche zum Thema Pferdeausbil- ters in die Messungen ein- Erkenntnisse in der Praxis dung war die Betonung der fliessen. Zudem soll der nutzen lassen, zeigt auch Wichtigkeit des Rhythmus Frage nachgegangen wer- der Dressurpferde-Simula- in der Bewegung des Pfer- den, inwieweit solche tor, der bis zu Grand-Prix- des, ebenso wie der Losge- Mess methoden Hilfestel- Lektionen «ausgebildet» lassenheit und der Kon- Adelinde Cornelissen (l.) zeigte mit Instruktor Tjalling lung geben können, wenn ist und sensibel auf die Hil- trolle über die Schnellig- van den Berg und seinem Team ihr Fitnessprogramm... es darum geht, die Harmo- fen des Reiters reagiert, keit der Bewegungen des nie zwischen Reiter und der seinen Sitz gleichzeitig Pferdes. «Harmonie» zwischen den nem Pferd in der Pferd exakter zu bestim- auf einem Monitor über- Ein anderes Stichwort war Bewegungen von Reiter Aufwärmphase helfen will, men; den Trainingsfort- prüfen und sich in verschie- die Harmonie zwischen und Pferd im Schritt am dies sei noch nicht geklärt, schritt in puncto Harmonie dene Umgebungen verset- Reiter und Pferd. Doch, so gerings ten, im Galopp am so die Wissenschaftlerin. zu überwachen; Talente zen lassen kann. Diesen die Fragestellung von Inga höchsten war. Sie testete Bei der Kombination von herauszufinden, die sich in Grossbritannien ent- Wolframm: Wie kann man die Versuchspaare aber unerfahrenem Reiter mit auf unterschiedliche wickelten und gebauten diese wissenschaftlich mes- nicht nur in den unter- unerfahrenem Pferd war, Pferde schnell einstellen Simulator gibt es auch als sen? Wie die Wissenschaft- schiedlichen Gangarten, wie zu erwarten, bei beiden können oder die richtige Renn-, Spring- und Polo - lerin ausführte, stecken die sondern auch bei unter- keine Konsistenz und we- Kombination von Reiter pferd. Forschungen auf diesem schiedlichem Leistungs- Gebiet noch ganz in den stand von Reiter und Pferd Anfängen. Generell defi- und zu den unterschiedli- nierte sie Harmonie als Ko- chen Phasen einer Arbeits - ordination und Synchroni- einheit. sation von Körpern bezie- Entscheidend war dabei, hungsweise der Bewegung ob die Ausschläge in einer von Körpern. Als Beispiel Richtung gleichzeitig statt- nannte sie eine Diskussi- fanden oder Pferd bezie- onsrunde, bei der die über - hungsweise Reiter seinem einstimmenden Gesprächs- Partner hinterherhinkte partner die Körpersprache oder zuvorkam. Auffallend voneinander übernehmen war, dass zu Beginn des würden, im Gegensatz zu Trainings bei einem erfah- den Gesprächspartnern, renen Reiter, der Reiter die nicht einer Meinung dem Pferd etwas zuvor- seien. Zur Messung der kam, während er dann Harmonie von Pferd und während der Prüfung sich Reiter nutzte sie die nach mehr vom Pferd tragen oben und unten gerichte- liess und das Pferd sich ge- ten Ausschläge der Bewe- ringfügig vor den Bewe- gungen in den verschiede- gungen des Reiters befand. Barbro Ask-Upmark und ihre Schülerin Cathleen mit dem Dressurpferde-Simulator, nen Gangarten, wobei die Ob der Reiter damit sei- der bis zu GP-Lektionen «ausgebildet» ist. Fotos: Birgit Popp 10 7. November 2012 HINTERGRUND PferdeWoche PferdeWoche HINTERGRUND 7. November 2012 11

12. Global Dressage Forum an der Akademie Bartels in Hooge Mierde (NED) Mit Boxen besser Dressurreiten Balance auf dem Pferd und Koordination der Bewe- Harmonie und Balance im Fokus gungen, das war ein zentra- ler Punkt in den Vor- Das Global Dressage Fo- führungen der Doppel-Eu- rum wurde bei seiner ropameisterin und olympi- zwölften Auflage erstmals schen Silbermedaillen-Ge- von Prinzessin Benedikte winnerin Adelinde Corne- von Dänemark eröffnet, lissen, die gemeinsam mit der Präsidentin der im ihrem Fitness-Trainer Tjal- Sommer neugegründeten ling van den Berg und des- Global Dressage Founda- sen Team ihr Fitnesspro- tion, deren Aufgabe es für gramm in beeindruckender die Zukunft sein wird, den Weise vorstellte. Zentrale Tristan Tucker zeigte wie man ein Pferd für die Siegerehrung (und den Wettkampf) optimal vorbereitet. Fortbestand des Global Forderung ist das An- und Dressage Forums zu si- Abspannen von Muskeln kussiert sein müssen, dass Vorjahr auch von dem aus- Zügeln- und Schenkelhil- Stute dann doch etwas chern. auf Kommando. Dieses sie auf die negative Kom- tralischen Wissenschaftler fen zu folgen und auf mich Angst, Tristan Tucker: «Das Training, was Gymnastik, mentare gar nicht hört, Andrew McLean beim zu reagieren, völlig unab- waren unvorhersehbare Birgit Popp Seilspringen, Boxen, di- aber dies gelingt nur sel- GDF demonstriert, um hängig davon, was sie stört. Bewegungen, die die Stute Das diesjährige Global beeindruckender Weise. Dies sei zentral für die verse Übungen mit Bällen, ten.» Dass die mentale Pferde die Angst vor dem Im Training fange ich erst so noch nicht kannte.» Aber Dressage Forum brachte Balance und Koordination auf dem Pferd. Ballett und mentales Trai- Ausgeglichenheit sowohl Scheren zu nehmen. Da mit den leichten Sachen an, dafür fasste sie ganz schnell wenig Diskussionen und ning einschliesst und vor al- beim Reiter als auch beim wie dort blieb der Weg vom gehe dann zu den schwieri- Vertrauen. viele praktische Vor- nig Übereinstimmung und und Pferd zu finden, wenn lem die Körperbeherr- Pferd mit einer Entspan- Trainingsansatz bis zum gen über.» führungen, von denen zwei somit Harmonie in den beispielsweise mehrere schung, Balance, Konzen- nung der Muskeln einher- Resultat nicht sehr gut Und landet über überdi- Am Feuer in dieser Art und Weise Bewegungen vorhanden. Pferde und Reiter zur Be- tration und die Fokussie- geht, darauf wurde auch in nachvollziehbar, was in ei- mensionale Preisschleifen Gesprächspartner für das beim Forum noch nie zu se- Langfristig sollen auch an- rittmachung zur Verfügung rung auf ein Ziel fördert, anderen Beiträgen wieder- nem kurzen Vortrag ver- und Plastikpferdedecken mittlerweile schon zur Tra- hen waren. Eine Gemein- dere Parameter wie Kopf- stehen. ging schon ins Akrobati- holt hingewiesen. Ein Er- mutlich auch nicht anders bei einem monströsen Un- dition gewordene Kamin- samkeit vieler Beiträge und Handposition des Rei- Wie sich wissenschaftliche sche über. In Bezug auf das gebnis von Adelindes eige- möglich ist, die Demons - getüm von Bagger, von dem gespräch – in diesem Jahr zum Thema Pferdeausbil- ters in die Messungen ein- Erkenntnisse in der Praxis Reiten fasste die Hollände- nem körperlichen Trainings tration des Ergebnisses war die rund 400 Forumsteil- ein Bistrogespräch – am dung war die Betonung der fliessen. Zudem soll der nutzen lassen, zeigt auch rin den Sinn dieses Trai- ist auch ein besseres Ver- jedoch mehr als überwälti- nehmer mehr beeindruckt Abend des ersten Tages war Wichtigkeit des Rhythmus Frage nachgegangen wer- der Dressurpferde-Simula- nings anschaulich zusam- ständnis, wie sich Müdig- gend! Und, während bei schienen als der zwölf- CC-Team-Olympiasiegerin in der Bewegung des Pfer- den, inwieweit solche tor, der bis zu Grand-Prix- men: «Wenn wir nicht in keit auf ein Pferd auswirkt: ähnlichen Vorführungen jährige Thriller, der sich um Ingrid Klimke, die nicht nur des, ebenso wie der Losge- Mess methoden Hilfestel- Lektionen «ausgebildet» der Lage sind, gleichmässig «Wenn ich im Training mit Plastikfolien, Polizei - den sich bewegenden Bag- von ihrem privaten wie lassenheit und der Kon- Adelinde Cornelissen (l.) zeigte mit Instruktor Tjalling lung geben können, wenn ist und sensibel auf die Hil- in unserer Hilfengebung zu müde werde, merke ich, sirenen und Schüssen bei ger herum und zwischen sportlichen Leben erzählte, trolle über die Schnellig- van den Berg und seinem Team ihr Fitnessprogramm... es darum geht, die Harmo- fen des Reiters reagiert, sein, wie soll das Pferd wie es mir zunehmend Polizeipferden die Frage Schaufel und Fahrzeugteil sondern auch viel von keit der Bewegungen des nie zwischen Reiter und der seinen Sitz gleichzeitig dann gleichmässig in seiner schwerfällt, konzentriert zu offenblieb, inwieweit die mühelos hindurch reiten ihrem zur Legende gewor- Pferdes. «Harmonie» zwischen den nem Pferd in der Pferd exakter zu bestim- auf einem Monitor über- Reaktion darauf sein? bleiben und Leistung zu Pferde im Training nicht liess. Am Ende diente der denen Vater und mehrfa- Ein anderes Stichwort war Bewegungen von Reiter Aufwärmphase helfen will, men; den Trainingsfort- prüfen und sich in verschie- Gleichmässige Hilfen kön- bringen. Dem Pferd geht es abgestumpft werden, Bagger sogar noch als Pilar chen Dressur-Olympiasie- die Harmonie zwischen und Pferd im Schritt am dies sei noch nicht geklärt, schritt in puncto Harmonie dene Umgebungen verset- nen nur aus einem balan- nicht anders. Selbst wenn scheint Tristan Tuckers für das Piaffieren des zwölf- ger Reiner Klimke, der wie Reiter und Pferd. Doch, so gerings ten, im Galopp am so die Wissenschaftlerin. zu überwachen; Talente zen lassen kann. Diesen cierten Sitz herausgegeben der Geist es will, sagt der Aussage, er würde das jährigen Wallachs. Nichts ist die Tochter in der Vielseitig- die Fragestellung von Inga höchsten war. Sie testete Bei der Kombination von herauszufinden, die sich in Grossbritannien ent- werden. Aber, während des Körper manchmal Nein Pferd nicht desensibilisie- unmöglich! Vor Moderator keit und der Dressur Er- Wolframm: Wie kann man die Versuchspaare aber unerfahrenem Reiter mit auf unterschiedliche wickelten und gebauten Reitens kann sich der Rei- und diesen Punkt gilt es ren, da dies dem Einsatz als Ri chard Davison, der folge sammelte, allerdings diese wissenschaftlich mes- nicht nur in den unter- unerfahrenem Pferd war, Pferde schnell einstellen Simulator gibt es auch als ter nicht hundertprozentig auch beim Pferd in der Ar- Dressurpferd entgegenwir- auf einem Gymnastikball im umgekehrten Verhältnis. sen? Wie die Wissenschaft- schiedlichen Gangarten, wie zu erwarten, bei beiden können oder die richtige Renn-, Spring- und Polo - auf seine Balance konzen- beit zu erkennen.» ken würde, durchaus Be- auf und nieder hüpfend Wie einst ihr Vater, überlegt lerin ausführte, stecken die sondern auch bei unter- keine Konsistenz und we- Kombination von Reiter pferd. trieren, deshalb muss er rechtigung zu besitzen. ein Steckenpferd vor sich Ingrid Klimke nun auch Forschungen auf diesem schiedlichem Leistungs- sein Gleichgewicht unab- Ruhe bei Schüssen Eine gewisse «Abhärtung» schwang, hatte die junge ihren Schwerpunkt vom Gebiet noch ganz in den stand von Reiter und Pferd hängig vom Pferd und vom und Sirenen gegen Umwelteinflüsse fin- Anfängen. Generell defi- und zu den unterschiedli- Reiten verbessern. Beson- Eigentlich hat man es det zwar statt, aber eben nierte sie Harmonie als Ko- chen Phasen einer Arbeits - ders wichtig ist dabei auch schon gesehen und doch keine Abstumpfung. «Ich Fazit ordination und Synchroni- einheit. das mentale Gleichge- wiederum nicht, welches vermittle dem Pferd das aus Schweizer Sicht sation von Körpern bezie- Entscheidend war dabei, wicht, wie ich im vergange- Feuerwerk an Einfällen Wissen, wie es auf die Um- Christian Pläge, Chef Sport hungsweise der Bewegung ob die Ausschläge in einer nen Jahr verstanden habe.» und mit welch humorvoller welteinflüsse reagieren Dressur des Schweizerischen von Körpern. Als Beispiel Richtung gleichzeitig statt- Wer bei der Sportgymnas - Kommentierung der aus- kann. Ich wandle die nega- Verbandes für Pferdesport nannte sie eine Diskussi- fanden oder Pferd bezie- tik Angst hat, der spannt tralische Dressurreiter tive Reaktion in eine posi- (SVPS), zählte in diesem Jahr erstmals seit zehn Jahren wie- onsrunde, bei der die über - hungsweise Reiter seinem seine Muskeln übermässig Tristan Tucker seine De- tive um. Ich bringe dem der zu den Teilnehmern des einstimmenden Gesprächs- Partner hinterherhinkte an und verliert dabei sei- monstration zum Thema Pferd bei, dass es sich dem Global Dressage Forums. «So partner die Körpersprache oder zuvorkam. Auffallend nen sicheren Stand. Wie «Wie man ein Pferd für die angsteinflössenden Gegen- wie ich es nach zehn Jahren voneinander übernehmen war, dass zu Beginn des leicht negative Kommen- Siegerehrung vorbereitet» stand nähert, ihn berührt wieder erlebt habe, habe ich würden, im Gegensatz zu Trainings bei einem erfah- tare einen Sportler erst (und nicht nur dafür, son- oder durch ihn hindurch den Eindruck gewonnen, den Gesprächspartnern, renen Reiter, der Reiter mental, dann auch körper- dern auch für den Wett- geht und, dass dieser Ge- dass der Umgang miteinan- die nicht einer Meinung dem Pferd etwas zuvor- lich aus dem Gleichgewicht kampf) abbrannte. Das genstand dann weggeht. der wieder moderater gewor- seien. Zur Messung der kam, während er dann bringen können, wurde an- Prinzip – Kontrolle, vor al- Ein Pferd ist ein Athlet, der den ist. Die verschiedenen bal Dressage Forum so inter- Meinungen über die Trai- essant macht. Als Fazit kann Harmonie von Pferd und während der Prüfung sich schaulich von der Reiterin lem der Vorderbeine des Leistung zeigen möchte. ningsmethoden sind wieder man sagen, so wie es sich dort Reiter nutzte sie die nach mehr vom Pferd tragen anhand von Jonglieren auf Pferdes mit zuerst vom Bo- Die Pferde sollen nicht et- mehr in die Mitte gerückt als darstellte, ist jeder bemüht, oben und unten gerichte- liess und das Pferd sich ge- einem Gymnastikball den aus erfolgendem Trai- was tun, weil ich es will, noch vor Jahren. Die gesamte das Training im Spitzensport ten Ausschläge der Bewe- ringfügig vor den Bewe- kniend gezeigt und so van ning beispielsweise durch sondern weil sie es wollen. Themenpalette wird dort aus mit dem Welfare-of-the- gungen in den verschiede- gungen des Reiters befand. Barbro Ask-Upmark und ihre Schülerin Cathleen mit dem Dressurpferde-Simulator, den Berg: «Normalerweise Vorderhandswendungen – Innerhalb eines Monats hat verschiedensten Blickwin- horse-Gedanken in Einklang keln betrachtet, was das Glo- zu bringen», so Pläge. nen Gangarten, wobei die Ob der Reiter damit sei- der bis zu GP-Lektionen «ausgebildet» ist. Fotos: Birgit Popp hätte Adelinde jetzt so fo- ist nicht neu und wurde im die Stute gelernt, nur den REPORTS HORSE INTERNATIONAL GDF shines with practical insights By Claartje van Andel Photo’s: Hippo Foto/Dirk Caremans Hippo Foto/Dirk Photo’s: Adelinde Cornelissen showed just how tough she is in a wonderful rider tness presentation with physical trainer Tjalling van den Berg.

The twelfth Global Dressage Forum the rotations of the judges, had amazing. Adelinde explained: I learned not to bother about welcomed HRH princess Benedikte already been approved even before “Kick-boxing really helps me with decisions which are outside my as chair of the Global Dressage the General Assembly, as was the my riding! A body in fear is not inuence. So, I really just felt Foundation. She strongly believes rule concerning protective stable and being stable is very happy with winning silver.” in the role of the GDF and headgear. Good news for most much needed while riding. When Adelinde’s goal now is simple: gold considers it a priority to continue dressage lovers was also that the boxing, you have to look someone in Rio! And if not; when everything developing the GDF for the sake of ‘old’ GP Special will be back in in the eyes and get really fanatic! is well done in preparation and the all stakeholders. This twelfth competition from January 2013. This makes you want more and fun is still there – which is the edition of the Forum at Academy leaves you out of breath. And if major key of all training in both Bartels’ yard in Hooge Mierde was Amazing physical skills your breathing gets too high, it horse and rider, as Adelinde characterized by the emphasis on Adelinde Cornelissen, Lammert brings you out of balance too. emphasized – it is ok as well. many practical insights. Some Haanstra and Tjalling van den Berg That’s not what you aim for!” She echoed the practical skills from a showed their exceptional skills in continued by saying: “All the extra Physical and mental, hand traditional past where horsemen reaching physical and mental training in physical tness has a in hand were essentially formed by cavalry tness as a rider; to be able to mental effect as well. My physical So the physical and mental go schooling. Complete obedience and follow and train better. It was very program for London was combined hand in hand. That is also what the lack of fear were the key points special indeed to see Adelinde’s with mental training which Australian Tristan Tucker said. those days! We will review some of Tucker found out after working the major discussions and shows with a lot of horses, that horses are of the Global Dressage Forum. inclined to react to movement, “All the extra training in touch or sound. The learning Rule changes process starts when negative As always, the FEI had the physical tness has a mental reactions can be turned into a opportunity to provide insight positive response. He more than information on changes to come or effect as well” convincingly showed this with decisions to expect. Director Grand Prix-horse Thriller (by Dressage FEI Trond Asmyr named - Adelinde Cornelissen Gribaldi) and Katja Gevers. The the Olympic Games 2012 the most horse used to be very spooky in the successful event ever. The dressage arena, and had to learn a Paralympic Games were possibly different reaction to objects he even more amazing, with 130.000 physical abilities. To give but some prepared me very well for the feared. Australian scientist Andrew tickets sold; a new record by far, he examples: she kick-boxed, juggled hectic moments during the McLean updated delegates last said. He also updated the visitors three balls in the air while sitting Olympics.” She nally added: “To year on new practical research. His of the GDF on the new rules to be on a tness ball; she could cope with the silver medal in ndings include good practical adjusted. Some of last year’s strengthen her core muscles on London instead of the gold one methods of introducing horses to changes, such as the introduction command, contracting or softening hoped and dreamed for, de nitely things that they will automatically of a Judges Supervisory Panel and them within fractions, all quite is the result of my tness training. fear and from which they will try


Patrik Kittel in discussion with moderator Richard Davison. Ingrid Klimke demonstrated her training using cavaletti.

to ee. Tucker also handled all and canter with the help of Kittel said: “I am a thief. I have other words: happy athletes! well-known everyday problems. He cavaletti. “Cavaletti are never in stolen everything from thousands talked about the possibility of the way in your riding hall when of hours watching all my Olympic review having a sensitive, responsive, you have them on a circle and start instructors and all my horses!” He The Olympic review was conducted competitive athlete, which at the with two, followed by two more,” also was as honest to compliment by London judge Wim Ernes, same time can be relaxed and Ingrid Klimke stated. Her father, his Australian wife Lyndal Oatley: member of Judges Advisory Panel focused on the rider under the the late Olympic gold medallist Dr “I myself am like a shaking leaf, David Hunt and David Stickland. most extreme environments and Reiner Klimke, wrote a book called while she is always very cool in the Chair of the London Judges’ Panel challenging distractions. His show Cavaletti. He was very much in show arena. I am so proud of her, Stephen Clarke unfortunately had was announced as ‘coping with favour of cavaletti work for she has the better show to be excused, as he was held up in prize giving ceremonies’, but it was dressage horses, just to give them mentality!” Patrik Kittel even said New York while the airport was much more than that. It was something else on their minds and that he felt he had never been a closed due to typhoon Sandy. The unbelievable and great fun to see teach them how to have their mass natural talent, but had worked level of judging in dressage during that even when a gigantic digger under the centre of gravity. Ingrid himself all the way up just because the Olympic Games in London was was driven into the arena making Klimke explained: “Any person that he wanted it so badly. Probably the better than ever before. The enormous noise, Tucker’s horse is open to anything has no limits. nicest part of Kittel’s performance majority of the 350 participants at was condent enough to lay down It’s more important to study and was the part where moderator the Global Forum agreed that the between the arms of the digger understand the horse rather than Richard Davison talked about all new measures introduced by the and wait for the command to get any training scale!” It was a criticism that had come over him FEI had been highly benecial. up again. Quite impressive! “Yes, I wonderful conclusion of the rst regarding training and his reaction Other remarkable sport wanted to give a visually inspirational day of the twelfth to that. “Today people are so demonstrations on the last day impressive performance, so the Global Dressage Forum and an negative,” Kittel said, “Screaming is were presented by the new German feeling people had when they left, inspiration for all to give it some easier than discussing and team coaches Monica Theodorescu was that they had never seen practice at home. communicating. Always try to look and Jonny Hilberath, with the something like this at the Forum in at things from the positive side,” he number four of the Olympics, Helen the past,” Tucker said with Positive emphasized, and he was Langenhanenberg and two of her condence. He went on to say he An impressive riding demonstra tion applauded for that. Johann horses. Monica Theodorescu talked was enormously proud to be part on the second day was prepared by Hinnemann in the panel to Richard Davison about the of such a “well-organized and Patrik Kittel. He proudly and emphasized that Kittel’s horses German competition system. well-run international event.” honestly showed his great positive were ‘satised workers, with their Kristina Sprehe is the classical Overwhelmed by the fantastic attitude. What about his system? minds connected to people’. In example of the German training response to his own presentation, and educational system, including Tucker said the highlight of the a show schedule with classes from Forum was being approached by a ponies to U25, and even up to number of high prole dressage Olympic Games, Monica greats. “Professionals that I have Theodorescu explained. Some nal admired and respected for many words on the twelfth Global years in the industry, were coming Dressage Forum: success does not to me personally and come as a surprise. You have to acknowledging my work and work hard for that and only an training.” open mind can discover new boundaries. This was said by Ingrid Cavaletti Klimke and Patrik Kittel and quoted One of the professionals of course by David Hunt and Richard was Ingrid Klimke. Another Davison. On the occasion of this impressive practical demonstration twelfth Global Forum, the board of by Ingrid Klimke followed. She uses the Global Dressage Foundation cavaletti a lot in normal training to decided that the Forum will again give dressage horses some take place at Academy Bartels in variation in their work. Ingrid October 2013. << Klimke feels it is helpful to teach Australian trainer Tristan Tucker has a very special way to train his horses for horses proper rhythm in walk, trot the prize giving ceremony.

34 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

Harmoni og lethed var på dagsordenen ved dette års Global Dressage Forum, bl.a. demonstreret af den tyske OL-rytter Helen Langehanenberg, der er 48 kg tung, og det er næsten ubegribeligt, hvorle- des dette sirlige væsen kan håndtere de hingste hun rider, ikke mindst OL-partne- ren Damon Hill. Hun er et tydeligt bevis på, at det ikke er muskelkraft der gør det, men i hendes tilfælde en superfin hånd, og en unik indlevelsesformåen og evne til at få hestene til at føle sig veltil- passe. (Foto: Ridehesten. com/Britt Carlsen).

~ Helens ridning er meget tra- ditionel tysk med uddannelses- skalaen for øje med flittig brug af at lade hesten strække sig frem og ned.

} Kun fem år, og allerede scenevant og beundret: Bundeschampionatsvin- deren 2012 med rekord- ~ Med sin ringe vægt og sirlige krop er Helen Langehanenberg et bevis summen på 9,8% ud af 10, på, at det ikke er størrelse og muskelstyrke der gør det! Med sig til Damon’s Delorange efter GDF havde hun taget den 8-årige hingst Rohjuwel efter Rohdiamant, Helens holdbronzevinder som har flere sejre bag sig i lille tur, og er godt på vej mod Grand Prix. fra OL Damon Hill.

kvalitet end kvantitet, og med dette sidste logiske værdi – angsten for det ukendte. Vi meste man kom på gåsehud – og det var for tiltag sikre, at der bliver en større rotation lever i sandhed i ”fagre nye verden”. mange forummets højdepunkt. mellem dommerne. Fysioterapi for sportsheste Ingrid Klimke – æblet falder ikke Dressurhestesimulator langt fra stammen Hollandske Jarko Dun, som er hestefysi- Det er lige det der har manglet – en he- oterapeut hos mange topryttere, forsøgte Den nykårede tyske guldmedaljevinder for HARMONI stesimulator tilkoblet en computerskærm, med levende model, samt rygsøjle og bæk- hold i military, Ingrid Klimke, som ikke kun hvorpå man nøjagtig kan se om schenk- ken af en hest i skeletform, at anskueliggøre er frygtløs i terrænet, men samtidig Grand ler og hænder samt vægt arbejder som de hvor vigtigt det er, at hesten er smidig i sin Prix-dressurrytter på topplan, fortalte en sen bør gøre i alle gangarter og øvelser! Denne lænd og ryg, at muskulaturen ikke mindst aftentime beskedent om sin baggrund og på dagsordenen relativt nye opfindelse ved navn: The Ra- på bagparten er veludviklet men afspændt, demonstrerede sine træningsmetoder især cewood Riding Simulators er konstrueret og hvad man kan gøre for at sikre det. En med fokus på cavaletti-arbejde. Det har hun Dette 12. Global Dressage Forum, GDF, blev ikke et af dem, hvor et eller flere af Bill Greenwood, som selv introducerede reminder som mange ryttere kan tage ved lært af sin far, navnkundige Reiner Klimke, denne ”vidunderhest” og fortalte om tilbli- lære af lød: Er ryggen sænket, så stram- som var stor fortaler for at anvende cavaletti indslag gav tilskuerne gåsehud, som det nogle gange har været tilfældet. Det bød velsen af den. Men ingen undervisning til mes baglåret og krydset hæves og resulta- til bl.a. at forbedre gangarter, samling og derimod på et interessant program med FOKUS PÅ HARMONI MELLEM hest uden instruktør, og den tog svensk- tet bliver at bagbenene ikke kan træde ind hestens opmærksomhed. Man fik i det hele fødte Barbro Ask-Upmark, nu bosiddende under kroppen. taget et indtryk af, hvor stor en rolle denne HEST OG RYTTER generelt, og på værdien af klassiske dyder i træning af heste, i Californien, sig af. Selv har hun en massiv far har spillet for hende som menneske og rideerfaring bag sig, og træner nu ryttere som rytter, hvor meget hun har lært af ham, Træning til præmieoverrækkelse samt interessante videnskabelige og analytiske tiltag også på Grand Prix-niveau. Hendes mål er og hvor meget ridning fyldte i en familie, at hjælpe heste og ryttere til bedre at forstå Med udgangspunkt i, hvor ærgerligt det er, hvor alle på nær broderen Rolf red og kon- Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow hinanden. Hvis ikke det lige netop var på når en dressurrytter får ødelagt det kæmpe kurrerede på topplan (foruden Ingrid selv og grund af prisen, som er en lille halv million, træningsarbejde der er lagt i hesten pga. far Reiner også moren Ruth som stadig er om traditionen byder, lagde FEI-direk- omstændigheder. At ørebeskyttere hos he- mere. Har de ikke dømt minimum det an- burde en sådan simulatorhest stå på enhver noget udefrakommende som skræmmer Ingrids store støtte og broren Michael). Når tøren for dressur og paradressur, Trond stene fremover kun er tilladt udendørs, at tal konkurrencer som forlanges for at blive i større rideskole. Tænk hvad de stakkels ri- den, så den enten nægter at gå rundt på man ved hvor tidskrævende militarysporten SAsmyr, ud med at fortælle om regler vedta- man går tilbage til den gamle Grand Prix deres kategori, stryges de af listen, og det vil deskoleheste ville kunne blive sparet for af banen, eller i bedste fald kun er spændt og er, er det imponerende, at Ingrid som også get siden sidste Global Dressage Forum og Special, at løbende resultater under et ridt betyde et frafald af internationale dommere bumpen i ryggen og hiven i munden. Og uopmærksom, blev tilskuerne af australske er mor til to døtre på ti og tre år kan over- hvad der er på bedding af nye tiltag. Blandt fremover ikke må kunne ses af nogen dom- på 20% (hvoriblandt næppe er de bedste). En hvor ville det lette mangen en begynder i Tristan Tucker delagtiggjort i, hvad man komme det hele, at ride adskillige heste om sidstnævnte er især, at enhver form for frisk mer, og at disse ikke må have mobiltelefoner international dommer må fremover maksi- at vænne sig til de uvante bevægelser, som kan vænne en hest til med den rigtige træ- dagen, heriblandt flere ungheste, at starte blod på en hest inde på dressurbanen bør åbne under en konkurrence. malt dømme tre år i træk ved et udenlandsk det nu engang er i starten at sætte sig op på ning, og med den rigtige gensidige tillid. dem i konkurrencer og yderligere at deltage resultere i diskvalifikation uden formildende Reglerne strammes op for dressurdom- FEI-stævne. FEI vil fremover satse mere på en hest, for slet ikke at tale om den psyko- Dette indslag mandag aften var det nær - i de største militarystævner. Hun har bl.a.

76 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 77 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

Harmoni og lethed var på dagsordenen ved dette års Global Dressage Forum, bl.a. demonstreret af den tyske OL-rytter Helen Langehanenberg, der er 48 kg tung, og det er næsten ubegribeligt, hvorle- des dette sirlige væsen kan håndtere de hingste hun rider, ikke mindst OL-partne- ren Damon Hill. Hun er et tydeligt bevis på, at det ikke er muskelkraft der gør det, men i hendes tilfælde en superfin hånd, og en unik indlevelsesformåen og evne til at få hestene til at føle sig veltil- passe. (Foto: Ridehesten. com/Britt Carlsen).

~ Helens ridning er meget tra- ditionel tysk med uddannelses- skalaen for øje med flittig brug af at lade hesten strække sig frem og ned.

} Kun fem år, og allerede scenevant og beundret: Bundeschampionatsvin- deren 2012 med rekord- ~ Med sin ringe vægt og sirlige krop er Helen Langehanenberg et bevis summen på 9,8% ud af 10, på, at det ikke er størrelse og muskelstyrke der gør det! Med sig til Damon’s Delorange efter GDF havde hun taget den 8-årige hingst Rohjuwel efter Rohdiamant, Helens holdbronzevinder som har flere sejre bag sig i lille tur, og er godt på vej mod Grand Prix. fra OL Damon Hill.

kvalitet end kvantitet, og med dette sidste logiske værdi – angsten for det ukendte. Vi meste man kom på gåsehud – og det var for tiltag sikre, at der bliver en større rotation lever i sandhed i ”fagre nye verden”. mange forummets højdepunkt. mellem dommerne. Fysioterapi for sportsheste Ingrid Klimke – æblet falder ikke Dressurhestesimulator langt fra stammen Hollandske Jarko Dun, som er hestefysi- Det er lige det der har manglet – en he- oterapeut hos mange topryttere, forsøgte Den nykårede tyske guldmedaljevinder for HARMONI stesimulator tilkoblet en computerskærm, med levende model, samt rygsøjle og bæk- hold i military, Ingrid Klimke, som ikke kun hvorpå man nøjagtig kan se om schenk- ken af en hest i skeletform, at anskueliggøre er frygtløs i terrænet, men samtidig Grand ler og hænder samt vægt arbejder som de hvor vigtigt det er, at hesten er smidig i sin Prix-dressurrytter på topplan, fortalte en sen bør gøre i alle gangarter og øvelser! Denne lænd og ryg, at muskulaturen ikke mindst aftentime beskedent om sin baggrund og relativt nye opfindelse ved navn: The Ra- på bagparten er veludviklet men afspændt, demonstrerede sine træningsmetoder især cewood Riding Simulators er konstrueret og hvad man kan gøre for at sikre det. En med fokus på cavaletti-arbejde. Det har hun Dette 12. Global Dressage Forum, GDF, blev ikke et af dem, hvor et eller flere af Bill Greenwood, som selv introducerede reminder som mange ryttere kan tage ved lært af sin far, navnkundige Reiner Klimke, denne ”vidunderhest” og fortalte om tilbli- lære af lød: Er ryggen sænket, så stram- som var stor fortaler for at anvende cavaletti indslag gav tilskuerne gåsehud, som det nogle gange har været tilfældet. Det bød velsen af den. Men ingen undervisning til mes baglåret og krydset hæves og resulta- til bl.a. at forbedre gangarter, samling og derimod på et interessant program med FOKUS PÅ HARMONI MELLEM hest uden instruktør, og den tog svensk- tet bliver at bagbenene ikke kan træde ind hestens opmærksomhed. Man fik i det hele fødte Barbro Ask-Upmark, nu bosiddende under kroppen. taget et indtryk af, hvor stor en rolle denne HEST OG RYTTER generelt, og på værdien af klassiske dyder i træning af heste, i Californien, sig af. Selv har hun en massiv far har spillet for hende som menneske og rideerfaring bag sig, og træner nu ryttere som rytter, hvor meget hun har lært af ham, Træning til præmieoverrækkelse samt interessante videnskabelige og analytiske tiltag også på Grand Prix-niveau. Hendes mål er og hvor meget ridning fyldte i en familie, at hjælpe heste og ryttere til bedre at forstå Med udgangspunkt i, hvor ærgerligt det er, hvor alle på nær broderen Rolf red og kon- Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow hinanden. Hvis ikke det lige netop var på når en dressurrytter får ødelagt det kæmpe kurrerede på topplan (foruden Ingrid selv og grund af prisen, som er en lille halv million, træningsarbejde der er lagt i hesten pga. far Reiner også moren Ruth som stadig er om traditionen byder, lagde FEI-direk- omstændigheder. At ørebeskyttere hos he- mere. Har de ikke dømt minimum det an- burde en sådan simulatorhest stå på enhver noget udefrakommende som skræmmer Ingrids store støtte og broren Michael). Når tøren for dressur og paradressur, Trond stene fremover kun er tilladt udendørs, at tal konkurrencer som forlanges for at blive i større rideskole. Tænk hvad de stakkels ri- den, så den enten nægter at gå rundt på man ved hvor tidskrævende militarysporten SAsmyr, ud med at fortælle om regler vedta- man går tilbage til den gamle Grand Prix deres kategori, stryges de af listen, og det vil deskoleheste ville kunne blive sparet for af banen, eller i bedste fald kun er spændt og er, er det imponerende, at Ingrid som også get siden sidste Global Dressage Forum og Special, at løbende resultater under et ridt betyde et frafald af internationale dommere bumpen i ryggen og hiven i munden. Og uopmærksom, blev tilskuerne af australske er mor til to døtre på ti og tre år kan over- hvad der er på bedding af nye tiltag. Blandt fremover ikke må kunne ses af nogen dom- på 20% (hvoriblandt næppe er de bedste). En hvor ville det lette mangen en begynder i Tristan Tucker delagtiggjort i, hvad man komme det hele, at ride adskillige heste om sidstnævnte er især, at enhver form for frisk mer, og at disse ikke må have mobiltelefoner international dommer må fremover maksi- at vænne sig til de uvante bevægelser, som kan vænne en hest til med den rigtige træ- dagen, heriblandt flere ungheste, at starte blod på en hest inde på dressurbanen bør åbne under en konkurrence. malt dømme tre år i træk ved et udenlandsk det nu engang er i starten at sætte sig op på ning, og med den rigtige gensidige tillid. dem i konkurrencer og yderligere at deltage resultere i diskvalifikation uden formildende Reglerne strammes op for dressurdom- FEI-stævne. FEI vil fremover satse mere på en hest, for slet ikke at tale om den psyko- Dette indslag mandag aften var det nær - i de største militarystævner. Hun har bl.a.

76 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 77 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

Om Global Dressage Forum Joep Bartels har ikke alene været initiativtageren til for 12 år siden at grundlægge det, der i dag er blevet en vigtig institution, Global Dressage Forum, men sammen med sin familie har han også lagt faciliteter, arbejds- kraft, opfindsomhed og økonomi til. For at sikre dette unikke initiativ for fremtiden, blev der i forbindelse med CHIO’et i Aachen i sommer, dannet en fond med HKH Prinsesse Benedikte som præsident og med bl.a. Blue Hors som en af de mange sponsorer der rent finansielt skal sikre GDF’s videre beståen.

Som præsident for den nystiftede fond: Global Dressage Founda- tion åbnede HKH Prinsesse Benedikte dette års 12. Global Dres- sage Forum, som havde fokus på harmoni mellem hest og rytter samt gode traditionelle måder at træne hestene på.

| Bag den frygtløse military- og Grand Prix-dressurrytter Ingrid Klimke gemmer der sig et beskedent og sympa- tisk menneske hvis passion for heste er en familiesvaghed, og som beundrer og har lært så meget af sin nu afdøde far Reiner.

} Sådan ser dres- surhestesimulatoren ”The Racewood Riding Foruden det interessante cavaletti-arbejde fik man Ingrid Klimkes OL-terrænridt Simulator” ud, den er på den lille, sorte FRH Butts Abraxxas at se på storskærm. Ved at se ridtet i sin tilkoblet en elektronisk helhed fik man rigtig en fornemmelse af, hvor kuperet og hvor snørklet den 5,7 skærm og kan gøre det km lange terrænbane var. Hvor var det imponerende at se hestens gåpåmod, dens lettere for både hest og springlyst, parrets harmoni og, at en hest kan galopere så hurtigt og så jævnt og rytter at forstå de gen- tilmed springe 42 svære forhindringer. (Foto: Carlsen). sidige signaler.

redet Damon Hill op til Grand Prix, som der videnskabeligt som sportspsykolog, er med diagrammer og målinger videnskabe- nu rides af Helen Langehanenberg. Foruden efterhånden blevet fast inventar ved GDF. ligt at bevise det, den skolede dressurhjerne det interessante cavaletti-arbejde fik man Denne gang var det begrebet ”harmoni mel- og det skolede dressurøje for længst har kon- Ingrids OL-terrænridt på den lille, sorte lem hest og rytter”, hun havde taget under stateret. I de aktuelle forsøg med måleap- FRH Butts Abraxxas at se på storskærm – videnskabelig behandling. Årsagen var, at parater påsat både hest og rytter, blev der HERI RIDEBUKSER hele ridtet og ikke kun brudstykker som på netop dette begreb er et af de elementer målt både rytterens og hestens individuelle fra 398,- TV. Ordren fra holdtræneren Christopher dommerne i en kür skal tage stilling til, og regelmæssighed i deres bevægelser og sam- Bartle havde lydt på: fuld power fra start til som jo ikke er særligt håndgribeligt. Det menfaldet af deres bevægelser. På et meget mål, og ved at se ridtet i sin helhed fik man var netop harmoni mellem hest og rytter, spinkelt grundlag i form af meget få forsøgs- rigtig en fornemmelse af, hvor kuperet og der ifølge udtalelsen fra den olympiske over- personer blev det konstateret, at der var mest hvor snørklet den 5,7 km lange terrænbane dommer Stephen Clarke omkring fordelin- harmoni i de to forskellige individers bevæ- var. Hvor var det imponerende at se hestens gen af den individuelle guld- og sølvmedalje gelser i galop, lidt mindre i trav og mindst gåpåmod, dens springlyst, parrets harmoni faldt ud til Charlotte Dujardins fordel. I Inga i skridt! Og hvad kan man så bruge det til? og, at en hest kan galopere så hurtigt og så Wolframm og hendes videnskabelige kol- jævnt og tilmed springe 42 svære forhin- legers verden, er det som om alt skal kunne David Stickland dringer. Det var en dejlig afslutning på en defineres videnskabeligt for at have en værdi og hans talorgier begivenhedsrig dag. – også de mere diffuse begreber som fx har- moni mellem hest og rytter. I musikkens ver- Helt anderles relevant og håndgribeligt er den kræver det musikalsk gehør at høre for- det David Stickland beskæftiger sig med. Harmoni videnskabeligt skel på harmoni og disharmoni, men det er Han er ligeledes en god gammel kending SHOP PÅ WWW.HERI.DK analyseret relativt tilgængeligt. I hestesportsverdenen ved GDF. Da stormen Sandy havde lukket Tyskfødte Dr. Inga Wolframm, som arbej- bruges der tilsyneladende en masse penge på Stephen Clarke, overdommeren i dressuren ›››

78 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

~ Traditionen tro ind- ~ Australske Tristan Tucker demonstrerede, hvad ledte FEI-direktøren for man kan vænne en hest til med den rigtige træning, dressur og paradressur, og med den rigtige gensidige tillid. Dette indslag Trond Asmyr, Global mandag aften var det nærmeste man kom på gåsehud Dressage Forum med – og det var for mange forummets højdepunkt. at fortælle hvad FEI har besluttet siden det } Ved at arbejde sin hest over cavaletti kan man sidste forum, og hvad forbedre dens gangarter, dens smidighed og der er i støbeskeen. dens fokus. Her er Ingrid Klimke selv på 8-årige Dresden Mann efter Dreseman/Florestan. ved OL inde i New York, sprang Stickland Desuden sås en analyse af hvilke øvelser, der den 8-årige hingst Rohjuwel efter Rohdia- til med kun 18 timers varsel. Stephen Clarke især havde haft indflydelse på slutresultatet, mant, som allerede har sejre og placeringer i skulle have haft et indslag ”Det perfekte ti- og hvad toprytterne sikkert ved, så tæller Prix St. Georges og er på vej til Grand Prix, tal”. David Stickland præsenterede sine ka- galoppirouetter i küren uforholdsmæssigt og den 5-årige hoppe, Bundeschampionats- rakter- og resultatanalyser fra OL. Han er meget. Ved skiftevis at trække hver enkelt vinderen med rekordsummen på 9,8%, Da- atomfysiker og startede sine dressurresultats- af de syv dommere ud af bedømmelserne, mon’s Delorange efter Damon Hill. Sine analyser som en hobby. I dag har han grund- kan man dels vurdere den enkeltes indfly- 30 år til trods, men kun 48 kg tung, ligner lagt et firma: Global Dressage Analytics, delse på det samlede resultat, og om der har Helen en ponyrytter, og det er næsten ube- hvor ryttere, dommere, trænere, rideforbund været tale om nationale præferencer, som har gribeligt, hvorledes dette sirlige væsen kan og hesteejere kan indhente alverdens data været udslagsgivende for slutresultatet. Ingen håndtere de hingste hun rider, ikke mindst som et middel til at forstå og forbedre deres af delene var tilfældet, så statistisk set gjorde OL-partneren Damon Hill. Hun er et tyde- præstationer. Foruden at være tilknyttet de dommerne et godt stykke arbejde i Lon- ligt bevis på, at det ikke er muskelkraft der store resultatformidlende firmaer, har han et don og bravo for det. Til slut konstaterede gør det, men i hendes tilfælde en superfin direkte samarbejde med FEI. Takket være Stickland som jeg, sagde hunden, at Anky hånd, og en unik indlevelsesformåen og evne moderne elektronisk teknik, kan han på mi- van Grunsven og Salinero, guldvinderparret til at få hestene til at føle sig veltilpasse. Det nutter udrede de resultater, der har interesse, fra Hongkong, ikke blot viste en identisk flot fik man på smukkeste vis konstateret da hun som vi var nogle der før brugte timer og dage præstation i küren i London, men at disse to på storskærm viste sit Grand Prix Special- på. Hans første analyse gjaldt effekten af ridt også pointmæssigt var næsten identiske ridt fra de tyske mesterskaber i Balve. Det indførelsen af halve karakterer, hvilket som (London 82,0% mod Hongkong 82,4%) og var en ren nydelse ud i lethed, harmoni og ventet har givet en mere nuanceret bedøm- det samme var tilfældet, når man sammen- fin holdning på en veltilpas hest samt selv- melse. Men lysten til at gå op og ned karak- lignede ridtene øvelse for øvelse. I London følgelig med meget høj øvelseskvalitet. Det termæssigt hos den enkelte dommer målt i rakte det kun til en sjetteplads. Foruden at så bare så legende let ud. forhold til gennemsnittet af de øvrige seks beundre en sådan stabilitet over fire år på en På meget traditionel tysk vis, hvilket bl.a. kolleger viste, at der blev gået nogenlunde 18-årig hest, som stadig er superfit, rejste vil sige at lade hesten strække sig frem og lige meget op og ned. Manges kæphest, at David Stickland spørgsmålene: At fem he- ned igen og igen, viste Helen, hvorledes hun man med syv dommere nu burde trække ste i dag placeres foran Salinero, er det tegn gennem sidebevægelser forsøger at øge sam- højeste og laveste fra, viste som mange ana- på, at der er gået inflation i dommernes ka- lingsgraden på Rohjuwel hvis trav ikke hører lyser tidligere, at det ikke giver nogen næv- rakterer? Eller er det hestene der virkelig er til de mest betagende, medens galoppen var neværdig forskel. Ved Grand Prixen i Lon- blevet så meget bedre? virkelig god. På hoppen var det modsatte til- don ville den tiende placerede været blevet fældet. Den tilbyder næsten for meget. Den nr. 11, det var den eneste ændring i toppen. har så stor en trav, at denne skal dysses ned, Helen Langehanenberg I analysen af værdien af indførelsen af syv for muskelkraften skal også kunne følge med – lille men vågen dommere, konkluderede Stickland, at bort- som Helen sagde, og den skal bygges op trin set fra at den enkelte dommers karakterer Sidste punkt på programmet, var den re - for trin, så hoppen holder i rigtig mange år. naturligvis tæller mindre i slutresultatet end, gerende tyske mester og nykårede sølvme- Damon’s Delorange har det man må kalde når der dømmes af fem dommere, var ef- daljevinder for hold, OL-debutanten Helen en perfekt skridt, super rentaktet, stor, af- fekten rent målemæssigt så ringe, at syv- Langehanenberg som var sekunderet af sin slappet og jordvindende. Ja, når man skal dommersystemet næppe står i forhold til de mand og daglige træner Sebastian, den indtil beskrive denne hoppe, så skal superlativerne øgede udgifter. Hvis man kun talte de fem for nylig tyske landstræner Jonny Hilberath frem, og hvor kan den prise sig lykkelig over, : KH

sædvanlige dommere med (EHCMB) var og den nye, Monica Theodorescu, som for- at den har en rytter som Helen på ryggen, ER IK der placeringsmæssigt kun minimale for- talte lidt om opbygningen af det tyske ud- der ikke med økonomisk vinding for øje, h AF skydninger, og ingen blandt de fire første. dannelsessystem. Af heste medbragte Helen presser den til det yderste i en ung alder. GR

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tet acceptere de heste, jeg har fået stillet til rådighed. Jeg er en rigtig tyv, jeg har ”stjålet” alt det jeg kunne fra alle dem, der kunne noget, som jeg kunne lære noget af. Det har ikke mindst været fra Klaus- Martin Rath (far til Matthias Alexander PATRIK KKITTEL,ITTEL, med Totilas), som var den første Patrik var i lære hos, Klaus Balkenhol, Kyra Kyrklund og Sjef Janssen m.fl. Som ung tilbragte han aftenerne og det meste af a happy chap nætterne også, med at se videoer af gode ryttere og ad den vej suge viden til sig.

Ingen vegne med tvang Man får ikke succes ved at behandle heste dårligt, var Patriks udsagn, og succes har Den SVENSKE TOPRYTTER PATRIK KITTELS han haft både sportsligt og professionelt. træningsmetoder har været noget omdiskuterede især – Det er desuden min overbevisning, at man med tvang ikke kan lære en hest no- get. Når jeg i dag udvælger de heste, jeg på de sociale medier, men efter to timers interview og Patrik Kittel og Scandic e. Solos Carex i kür-finalen ved OL i skal arbejde med, går jeg efter deres gode demonstrationer ved Global Dressage Forum efterlod London. Han fortalte ved Global naturlige balance, om de virker tilfredse han sig et absolut positivt indtryk Dressage Forum, at Scandic er og så ser jeg på deres øjne! Hestene skal en af de sværeste heste han no- kunne lide mennesker – det er vigtigt. gensinde har redet, men også Ting tager desuden den tid det tager, og Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow den hest han har lært allermest af. (Foto: hvis en kunde vil have at arbejdet med en Carlsen). hest skal forceres, må vedkommende gå ps, at bede svenske Patrik Kittel om selvfølgelig havde det påvirket ham, men et andet sted hen. at demonstrere sine træningsmeto- især det, at blive angrebet uden at kunne Det vigtigste for ham er imidlertid, at Uder ved dette års Global Dressage Forum forsvare sig. Men det havde ikke forstyr- de heste han rider til, skal kunne rides af kunne synes som at stikke hånden i en ret hans positive livssyn. Han kunne sta- andre, at sælge heste er hans levebrød. hvepserede. Men i dette forum viger man dig se sig selv i øjnene. ikke tilbage for konfrontationer. Ligesom Som 15-årig havde Patrik en livsdrøm Patrik Kittels livsindstilling er absolut om en dag at ride ved de Olympiske Lege positiv, efterlod han sig efter to timers og evt. at vinde en medalje. Som 30-årig konkurrencer til seniorernes rækker, hvor interview inkl. demonstrationer, et ud- er denne drøm næsten gået i opfyldelse. I han hører til den absolutte verdenselite. præget positivt indtryk: en person som London var han på det svenske hold, som Som professionel toprytter og ditto heste- er ydmyg, selvkritisk, realistisk, åben for fulgte ganske tæt på danskerne med en handler har han redet mere end 40 heste konstruktiv kritik, videbegærlig og frem femteplads. Hans hidtidig største heste- op til Grand Prix. Allerede som 11-årig for alt positiv. mæssige oplevelse var netop på Scandic, vidste han at hans liv skulle være med Richard Davison, som er forummets da han i 2011 ved EM i Rotterdam (ef- heste, og tog derfor som 17-årig til Tysk- Besøg webshoppen på bærende element i sin egenskab af ordsty- ter et betagende ridt) opnåede en tredje- land, som på det tidspunkt uden sam- rer og interviewer, gik ellers tæt på Patrik plads i küren efter /Uthopia menligning var dressursportens mekka. Forkæl hestene med staldindretning og omkring den negative presseomtale han og Adelinde Cornelissen/Parzival. Her startede han op på den hårde måde -udstyr fra Dan Egtved. har været til del – historien om Scandics med, i to år, at muge ud, strigle og ride, blå tunge og den meget sammenkrøllede ja gøre alt, hvad der hører hestefaget til. 40 heste til Grand Prix måde den blev redet på, som foranledi- På spørgsmålet om, hvilket system han Glædelig jul gede en stramning af FEI-stewardernes Patrik, som kommer fra en ikke-hestefa- rider efter lød svaret: ikke to heste er ens, og godt kompetencer (i hvert tilfælde på papiret!), milie, startede sin passion for heste som og jeg rider hver hest, som den har behov nytår! og hvorledes han som person havde tack- 7-årig på en blanding af en shetlænder og for. Jeg har ikke opfundet noget eget sy- · LBJ 137240 let det. Det blev der svaret ærligt og åbent welsh mountain-pony. Han er gået den stem, jeg arbejder vidtgående efter den Dan Egtved A/S I Hejlskovbjerg 1 I 6040 Egtved I Tlf.: 75 55 13 66 I på, og hatten af for det! Essensen var, at traditionelle vej via junior- og ungheste- tyske uddannelsesskala. Jeg har altid måt-

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tet acceptere de heste, jeg har fået stillet til rådighed. Jeg er en rigtig tyv, jeg har ”stjålet” alt det jeg kunne fra alle dem, der kunne noget, som jeg kunne lære noget af. Det har ikke mindst været fra Klaus- Martin Rath (far til Matthias Alexander PATRIK KITTEL, med Totilas), som var den første Patrik var i lære hos, Klaus Balkenhol, Kyra Kyrklund og Sjef Janssen m.fl. Som ung tilbragte han aftenerne og det meste af nætterne også, med at se videoer af gode ryttere og ad den vej suge viden til sig.

Ingen vegne med tvang Man får ikke succes ved at behandle heste dårligt, var Patriks udsagn, og succes har Den SVENSKE TOPRYTTER PATRIK KITTELS han haft både sportsligt og professionelt. træningsmetoder har været noget omdiskuterede især – Det er desuden min overbevisning, at man med tvang ikke kan lære en hest no- get. Når jeg i dag udvælger de heste, jeg på de sociale medier, men efter to timers interview og Patrik Kittel og Scandic e. Solos Carex i kür-finalen ved OL i skal arbejde med, går jeg efter deres gode demonstrationer ved Global Dressage Forum efterlod London. Han fortalte ved Global naturlige balance, om de virker tilfredse han sig et absolut positivt indtryk Dressage Forum, at Scandic er og så ser jeg på deres øjne! Hestene skal en af de sværeste heste han no- kunne lide mennesker – det er vigtigt. gensinde har redet, men også Ting tager desuden den tid det tager, og Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow den hest han har lært allermest af. (Foto: hvis en kunde vil have at arbejdet med en Carlsen). hest skal forceres, må vedkommende gå ps, at bede svenske Patrik Kittel om selvfølgelig havde det påvirket ham, men et andet sted hen. at demonstrere sine træningsmeto- især det, at blive angrebet uden at kunne Det vigtigste for ham er imidlertid, at Uder ved dette års Global Dressage Forum forsvare sig. Men det havde ikke forstyr- de heste han rider til, skal kunne rides af kunne synes som at stikke hånden i en ret hans positive livssyn. Han kunne sta- andre, at sælge heste er hans levebrød. hvepserede. Men i dette forum viger man dig se sig selv i øjnene. ikke tilbage for konfrontationer. Ligesom Som 15-årig havde Patrik en livsdrøm Patrik Kittels livsindstilling er absolut om en dag at ride ved de Olympiske Lege positiv, efterlod han sig efter to timers og evt. at vinde en medalje. Som 30-årig konkurrencer til seniorernes rækker, hvor interview inkl. demonstrationer, et ud- er denne drøm næsten gået i opfyldelse. I han hører til den absolutte verdenselite. præget positivt indtryk: en person som London var han på det svenske hold, som Som professionel toprytter og ditto heste- er ydmyg, selvkritisk, realistisk, åben for fulgte ganske tæt på danskerne med en handler har han redet mere end 40 heste konstruktiv kritik, videbegærlig og frem femteplads. Hans hidtidig største heste- op til Grand Prix. Allerede som 11-årig for alt positiv. mæssige oplevelse var netop på Scandic, vidste han at hans liv skulle være med Richard Davison, som er forummets da han i 2011 ved EM i Rotterdam (ef- heste, og tog derfor som 17-årig til Tysk- Besøg webshoppen på bærende element i sin egenskab af ordsty- ter et betagende ridt) opnåede en tredje- land, som på det tidspunkt uden sam- rer og interviewer, gik ellers tæt på Patrik plads i küren efter Carl Hester/Uthopia menligning var dressursportens mekka. Forkæl hestene med staldindretning og omkring den negative presseomtale han og Adelinde Cornelissen/Parzival. Her startede han op på den hårde måde -udstyr fra Dan Egtved. har været til del – historien om Scandics med, i to år, at muge ud, strigle og ride, blå tunge og den meget sammenkrøllede ja gøre alt, hvad der hører hestefaget til. 40 heste til Grand Prix måde den blev redet på, som foranledi- På spørgsmålet om, hvilket system han Glædelig jul gede en stramning af FEI-stewardernes Patrik, som kommer fra en ikke-hestefa- rider efter lød svaret: ikke to heste er ens, og godt kompetencer (i hvert tilfælde på papiret!), milie, startede sin passion for heste som og jeg rider hver hest, som den har behov nytår! og hvorledes han som person havde tack- 7-årig på en blanding af en shetlænder og for. Jeg har ikke opfundet noget eget sy- · LBJ 137240 let det. Det blev der svaret ærligt og åbent welsh mountain-pony. Han er gået den stem, jeg arbejder vidtgående efter den Dan Egtved A/S I Hejlskovbjerg 1 I 6040 Egtved I Tlf.: 75 55 13 66 I på, og hatten af for det! Essensen var, at traditionelle vej via junior- og ungheste- tyske uddannelsesskala. Jeg har altid måt-

86 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 87 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012 Julen 2012

At piaffere en hest for hånden, har Patrik især lært af Kyra Kyr- klund, som har været en af hans Kære kunder, sponsorryttere, forretningsforbindelser og alle der måtte have mange læreme- stre og inspirati- krydset vores vej i 2012. Vi ønsker jer en rigtig glædelig jul. onskilder. Det har været et spændende år, både i ind- og udland, hvor vi har mødt mange fantastiske heste-/dyrefolk. Resultatmæssigt er vi stolte af alle vores sponsorryttere i DK, Joachim, Rune og Linnea, som har opnået fl otte resultater. Med den 8-årige hoppe Deja efter Silvano/Don Schufro viste Patrik Til alle vores kunder – tak, fordi I tror på at fodring er en tillidssag og kun det Kittel, hvorledes han rider en hest som er klar til Prix St. Georges. bedste er godt nok til jeres dyr! Vi glæder os til at betjene jer igen i det nye Noget egentlig eget system har han ikke. – Jeg har været en rigtig år. Til jer vi ikke har mødt endnu – vi er altid parate til en snak om jeres dyr. tyv – jeg har ”stjålet” fra alle, som jeg har kunnet lære noget af, lød Velkommen i vores butik. Patrik Kittels ord.

Heste som passion Glædelig jul og godt nytår!

Patrik er gift med australske Lyndal Richard Davison, som styrer hele forummet, er en mester til at interviewe de ryttere, der Oatley og sammen er de bosat i Tysk- nu måtte være ”i den varme stol”, og han går land nærmere betegnet i Nottuln i West- ikke af vejen for at komme ind på følsomme falen. Lyndal red ved OL i London på områder såsom Patriks reaktion på den ne- Sandro Boy, som man også fik set hende gative medieomtale. på i Holland. Denne ekstremt smidige, dejlige 11-årige vallak efter Sandro Hit solgte Patrik til hende da der var inte- der kan sælge en hest til sin kone! Lyndal hunden Ousi. Men hestene er Patriks liv resse for den fra anden side. Det kunne og Patrik har ridning og heste som deres og de er også hans erhverv. Selv red Patrik Richard Davison få rigtig meget ud af: fælles lidenskab. Fra morgen til aften står ved demonstrationen den 8-årige hoppe Det må være den ultimative hestehandler, alt i hestenes tegn, jo så var der også lige Deja e. Silvano/Don Schufro, som er på Prix St. Georges-niveau, og med hvem han bl.a. viste hvorledes han a la Kyra, lærer hestene at piaffere fra jorden – en ting han allerede prøver tidligt af, for Igen et nybyggeri fra uden piaffeanlæg, ingen Grand Prix-hest!

BUNDGAARD BYG A/S Hurra for konstruktiv kritik Vi ønsker alle kunder og leverandører en god jul og et godt nytår I den efterfølgende paneldiskussion kom man ind på, at Astrid Appel fra Euro- Vi ønsker tillykke med dressage på et tidspunkt havde skrevet, den nye ridehal at hans opstilling, når han changerer, er med stald på siden til: forfærdelig. Dertil var Patriks kommen- Lindegaarden’s Rideklub tar: – Yes, I know, I sit like shit in the v. I. & E. Madsen changes (det lyder lidt bedre på engelsk). Gødvad Kirkevej 9 Jeg giver hende helt ret, og jeg arbejder 8600 Silkeborg fortsat på at forbedre det. Hjemme går det bedre, men når jeg er ude og under pres, falder jeg tilbage til mine gamle uvaner! Når blot kritik er konstruktiv, så kan man Se mere bruge den positivt, var Patriks kommen- Danmarksvej 30 K | DK-8660 Skanderborg tar. Han påstod, ikke at være født med det på vores hjemmeside

Telefon +45 8652 5644 | [email protected] store talent, men at have måttet knokle : KH ER el. IK

sig til alt det han har opnået, og det h AF GLS Foder A/S er vel ikke så ringe endda? GR Edelgavevej 5 ] 2765 Smørum ] Tlf. 44 97 55 52 ] [email protected] Facebook.

88 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 | Facebook - GLS Foder WIEGAARDEN.DK . 137218

Gunner Larsen_Saracen 1212.indd 1 20/11/12 12.43 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

Adelinde Cornelissen vandt BE EXCEPTIONAL. OL-sølv i kür på Jerich Parzival. At kunne reagere sådan, er ifølge Adelinde og hendes træ- Ved Global Dressage Forum de- ningscoach takket være intensiv mentaltræning. Og hvor denne monstrerede hun et trænings- stærke psyke kommer fra, var det Adelinde gerne ville demon- program, som hjælper hende strere som det første store indslag ved Global Dressage Forum til at have en god balance til hest og kontrol over egen krop. 2012. Først red hun sin unghest, 8-årige Zephyr efter Jazz, me- (Foto: get traditionelt med fokus på speed-kontrol, når, hvor og hvor Carlsen). længe hun ønskede det. Målet var ikke egentlig samling, men at have en ”let speeder og en let bremse”, hvilket blev praktiseret igen og igen også i sidebevægelserne: korte ind – og øge tempoet igen. Et andet mål var bl.a. gennem bøjelighed (sidebevægelser) at gøre hesten bøjelig og stærk. For Adelinde skal en hest ikke kun være en happy athlete, den skal både være athlete = vel- trænet og fokuseret, og den skal være happy. Derfor indlægges der hyppige pauser i træningen, så hesten kan strække sig og slappe af. En stor del af den daglige træning foregår af samme grund udendørs, i skoven og endda på en galopbane. Det gi- ver hestene afveksling og holder dem raske mellem ørene, som Adelinde udtrykte sig. Igen med hestenes velfærd i tankerne, går samtlige heste også på fold hver dag. Selv den hest der lig- ger som nr. et på verdensranglisten – Parzival.

Kontrol over egen krop At god balance og rytterens kontrol over egen krop er en forud- sætning for god ridning, er en visdom så gammel, som selve det at sætte sig op på en hest. I kampen om at blive verdens absolut

bedste rytter, er det disse to2102© nødvendighedertairA som,lanoitanretnI Adelinde.cnI llA forsthgir et .devreser år siden valgte at forbedre. Vejen var, at se på andre sportsgrene hvor samme kvaliteter er lige så nødvendige. Derfor indledte hun et samarbejde med Tjalling van den Berg, kendt hollandsk coach ved det internationale gymnastikakademi i Heerenveen, Hun er så yndig og | Også Adelinde Cornelissen rider sine heste ser så kvindelig ud, frem og ned for at give dem muligheden for at VANDT SØLV slappe af og strække sig. Hun er ellers kendt med et charmerende for i konkurrencer at vise sine heste frem lovligt rejste og snævre. ® TM When peak performance ARIAT COBALT smil, og altid QUANTUM DEVON PRO is your goal, you need a boot AND CLOSE CONTACT HALF CHAP glad med en frisk that matches your drive to og tabte ikke succeed. Ariat’s boots and  Medens Parzival var blevet i stalden, Supple leathers give a bemærkning på havde Adelinde sin 8-årige Zephyr efter glove-like fit; elegant half chaps fit together styling creates an Jazz med sig. På den demonstrerede hun elongated silhouette seamlessly, giving you the læben. Det var hvad hun forstod ved ”en let speeder og look of a tall boot, plus the ARIAT® COBALT QUANTUM en let bremse”, samt bøjelighed og fuldt PREMIUM TECHNOLOGY derfor noget af en guld! fokus fra hestens side gennem afkortnin- for superior performance, technical innovation and ger og øgning af tempoet. comfort and stability craftsmanship you need to øjenåbner at blive Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow work, ride and compete at vidne til, hvilke værste konkurrent ved OL, britiske Char- lotte Dujardin på Valegro, og så præstere your best. Ariat. Built for the fysiske anstrengelser lle ved vi at konkurrencen inden- en øvelsesmæssig næsten fejlfri og meget elite athlete in every rider. for alle sportsgrene bliver hårdere svær kür, kraftfuldt, dynamisk, men med der ligger bag ogA hårdere. Hos nogle drejer det sig kun en hest der var for rejst og snæver fortil, og ADELINDE om centimeter, hos andre om hundrede-, så alligevel at blive slået af Charlotte, hvis ja måske tusindedele af sekunder, og hos Valegro virkede lidt træt, og som havde en dressurrytterne kan et enkelt point være decideret stor fejl imod slutningen af pro- CORNELISSENS Agent in Denmark: Peter Kragh Andersen ApS udslagsgivende. Og dette enkelte point må grammet i en overgang til piaffe, så skal Telephone: 33 91 44 12 dressurmæssige man kæmpe for ifølge Adelinde Cornelis- der en god psyke til, for i det mindste at sen og hendes træningsstab. foregive at man ikke er skuffet, heller ikke resultat Når alt var sat ind på at prøve at slå den ved den efterfølgende pressekonference.

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Adelinde Cornelissen vandt BE EXCEPTIONAL. OL-sølv i kür på Jerich Parzival. At kunne reagere sådan, er ifølge Adelinde og hendes træ- Ved Global Dressage Forum de- ningscoach takket være intensiv mentaltræning. Og hvor denne monstrerede hun et trænings- stærke psyke kommer fra, var det Adelinde gerne ville demon- program, som hjælper hende strere som det første store indslag ved Global Dressage Forum til at have en god balance til hest og kontrol over egen krop. 2012. Først red hun sin unghest, 8-årige Zephyr efter Jazz, me- (Foto: get traditionelt med fokus på speed-kontrol, når, hvor og hvor Carlsen). længe hun ønskede det. Målet var ikke egentlig samling, men at have en ”let speeder og en let bremse”, hvilket blev praktiseret igen og igen også i sidebevægelserne: korte ind – og øge tempoet igen. Et andet mål var bl.a. gennem bøjelighed (sidebevægelser) at gøre hesten bøjelig og stærk. For Adelinde skal en hest ikke kun være en happy athlete, den skal både være athlete = vel- trænet og fokuseret, og den skal være happy. Derfor indlægges der hyppige pauser i træningen, så hesten kan strække sig og slappe af. En stor del af den daglige træning foregår af samme grund udendørs, i skoven og endda på en galopbane. Det gi- ver hestene afveksling og holder dem raske mellem ørene, som Adelinde udtrykte sig. Igen med hestenes velfærd i tankerne, går samtlige heste også på fold hver dag. Selv den hest der lig- ger som nr. et på verdensranglisten – Parzival.

Kontrol over egen krop At god balance og rytterens kontrol over egen krop er en forud- sætning for god ridning, er en visdom så gammel, som selve det at sætte sig op på en hest. I kampen om at blive verdens absolut

bedste rytter, er det disse to2102© nødvendighedertairA som,lanoitanretnI Adelinde.cnI llA forsthgir et .devreser år siden valgte at forbedre. Vejen var, at se på andre sportsgrene hvor samme kvaliteter er lige så nødvendige. Derfor indledte hun et samarbejde med Tjalling van den Berg, kendt hollandsk coach ved det internationale gymnastikakademi i Heerenveen, Hun er så yndig og | Også Adelinde Cornelissen rider sine heste ser så kvindelig ud, frem og ned for at give dem muligheden for at VANDT SØLV slappe af og strække sig. Hun er ellers kendt med et charmerende for i konkurrencer at vise sine heste frem lovligt rejste og snævre. ® TM When peak performance ARIAT COBALT smil, og altid QUANTUM DEVON PRO is your goal, you need a boot AND CLOSE CONTACT HALF CHAP glad med en frisk that matches your drive to succeed. Ariat’s boots and  Medens Parzival var blevet i stalden, Supple leathers give a bemærkning på havde Adelinde sin 8-årige Zephyr efter glove-like fit; elegant half chaps fit together styling creates an Jazz med sig. På den demonstrerede hun elongated silhouette seamlessly, giving you the læben. Det var hvad hun forstod ved ”en let speeder og look of a tall boot, plus the ARIAT® COBALT QUANTUM en let bremse”, samt bøjelighed og fuldt PREMIUM TECHNOLOGY derfor noget af en fokus fra hestens side gennem afkortninafkortnin-- technical innovation and for superior performance, ger og øgning af tempoet. comfort and stability craftsmanship you need to øjenåbner at blive Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow work, ride and compete at vidne til, hvilke værste konkurrent ved OL, britiske Char- lotte Dujardin på Valegro, og så præstere your best. Ariat. Built for the fysiske anstrengelser lle ved vi at konkurrencen inden- en øvelsesmæssig næsten fejlfri og meget elite athlete in every rider. for alle sportsgrene bliver hårdere svær kür, kraftfuldt, dynamisk, men med der ligger bag ogA hårdere. Hos nogle drejer det sig kun en hest der var for rejst og snæver fortil, og ADELINDE om centimeter, hos andre om hundrede-, så alligevel at blive slået af Charlotte, hvis ja måske tusindedele af sekunder, og hos Valegro virkede lidt træt, og som havde en dressurrytterne kan et enkelt point være decideret stor fejl imod slutningen af pro- CORNELISSENS Agent in Denmark: Peter Kragh Andersen ApS udslagsgivende. Og dette enkelte point må grammet i en overgang til piaffe, så skal Telephone: 33 91 44 12 dressurmæssige man kæmpe for ifølge Adelinde Cornelis- der en god psyke til, for i det mindste at sen og hendes træningsstab. foregive at man ikke er skuffet, heller ikke resultat Når alt var sat ind på at prøve at slå den ved den efterfølgende pressekonference.

84 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 85 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

Total kropsbeherskelse og muskelstyrke.

Balance og styrke. Fokus, styrke og balance.

Balance, fokus og behændighed.

Boksning styrker fokus, balance, hurtige re- Sjipning hører med i trænings- aktioner og kropsstyrke. programmet.

Adelinde med hele sit trænings- team, det er Tjal- } Kontrolleret ling van den Berg løbetræning. til venstre for Adelinde.

Den optimale balance og koncentration.

hvor hun træner to gange om ugen efter i stand til at beherske sin krop, både at mindsker fokus, og da det samme er til- et program som Tjalling har sammensat spænde sine muskler, og på kommando fældet hos hestene i træningen, har hun specielt til hende. Et program som også slappe dem af igen – såvel hele kroppen lært at give hestene rigeligt med pauser i omfatter en særlig diæt, ballet, samt lø - som de enkelte kropsdele. At god balance den daglige træning, og at holde op med at betræning og et dagligt træningsprogram for enhver sportsudøver er alfa og omega insistere på træningen af specifikke øvel- derhjemme. Da det psykiske aspekt for ved vi, men at den også hjælper med til at ser, hvis hestene er trætte. Ifølge Tjalling en atlet er en meget væsentlig del af præ- bevare fokus i en grad som Adelinde viste, van den Berg og Adelinde Cornelissen, stationsniveauet, er der også i Adelindes var nok nyt for mange. Som billederne vil er bud nummer et for en sportsatlet, at team tilkoblet en sportspsykolog og en demonstrere, er det helt utroligt så foku- have et mål, og at forfølge det mål. For særlig træner med indsigt i ridning for- seret og gennemtrænet Adelinde er, og i Adelinde er målet nu, at vinde guld i Rio uden indsigt i mange andre sportsgrene hvor høj grad hun har styrket sin balance. de Janeiro om fire år! Inden da vil hun helt med speciale i fitness. Hans navn er Det viste hun bl.a. ved at ligge på knæ på sikkert stå på mange sejrsskamler. Hun Lammert Haanstra. Disse to, og endda en stor træningsbold og samtidig kunne er allerede godt på vej til at gentage suc- endnu flere, havde Adelinde med sig til jonglere med tre bolde i luften. Var der cesen fra 2012, at vinde World Cuppen i Global Dressage Forum. Trods den ver- nogen der sagde at dressurridning nær- dressur 2013, og efter at have set hendes denskendte rytter hun er, var der ingen mer sig cirkus? demonstration i Hooge Mierde kan man WINTER 2012 piben over at skulle ligge i savsmuldet og Foruden en væsentlig forbedring af kun tilføje – og hun kommer ikke so- h demonstrere alle sine færdigheder, som egne færdigheder, har Adelinde også lært, vende til sine sejre! : KH ER IK

vi tilskuere blev delagtiggjort i. Der blev at kunne overføre mange af de lærte ting AF demonstreret i hvilken grad Adelinde er til hestene. Hun ved nu, at træthed for- GR Official distributor for Denmark: Hesteriet Tel: +45 86 44 14 85

86 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12

KL_210x297_WSU12.indd 1 25.07.12 11:26 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

På sin sensible 6-årige hoppe viste Tristan selv hvad man kan få en hest til ikke at være bange for!

Stor var forbavselsen da en kæmpe gravema- skine kom ind på banen Det skal ikke være alvor alt sammen. Tristan elsker og hoppen ikke så meget at lege med hestene som en del af den gensidige tillid. som blinkede med et øje, Hesten her endte med at få presenningen på som heller ikke da den blev dækken og nogle gevaldige klude på som sløjfe! redet rundt om maskinen.

Efter fra jorden at have har gået hele vejen fra uhæmmet ponyrytter- som andre med ham, starter op med at kon- den uden nogen protest havde lagt sig ned. trænet hesten i tillid og liv via vilde deltagelser i military- og spring- trollere hestens bevægelser fra jorden ved i Dernæst fik den presenningen på som et kontrol, gælder det om konkurrencer, for nu at være nået til at være en kort longe at lade hesten træde rundt om alt for stort æresdækken som knitrede fælt, gradvist at vænne den til al- verdens mærkelige ting med blevet seriøs dressurrytter med speciale i at sig, først krydsende forbenene og derefter og nogle skræmmende plastikfrynser fik rytter på, fortrinsvis effek- lære heste at piaffere! Noget af en hestekul- også bagbenene, altså kontrol over hestens Thriller sat på som en alt for stor roset, og ter som den kan møde ved turel kolbøtte må man sige! Når der skrives: fire ben. På sædvanlig ”horsemanship”-ma- galoperede upåvirket af al denne staffage og en dressurkonkurrence. er nået til – og ikke endt op med, så er det ner at stoppe den og gå fremad igen, og så publikums klappen fornøjet af sted. fordi Tristan tydeligt gav udtryk for, at han øvelser for en længere longe – hele tiden un- Selv red Tristan en meget sensibel 6-årig stadig er åben for at lære meget mere, og at der fuld kontrol. Desværre sås dette så vig- hoppe, og hvad den blev udsat for og 100% han var dybt beæret over at være inviteret tige grundlag for al videre arbejde kun på frygtløst accepterede, fra at ride igennem til dette års GDF, hvor han forventede at film. At have set det i virkeligheden, havde et plastikfrynseforhæng til at der blev kørt kunne lære en masse, som han kunne bruge nok styrket forståelsen og fået tingene til at en kæmpe gravemaskine ind i ridehuset, i sit videre arbejde med sin passion; heste og hænge lidt bedre sammen. Men i hvert til- var simpelthen utroligt. Til sidst erstattede deres adfærd. fælde, alt hvad hesten skal lære, skal foregå to hjælpere de klassiske pilarer inde under At trænge dybere ind i hestes psyker og få uden tvang. Hesten skal selv byde sig til over gravkoens arm med skovl på, hvor hoppen ”TROLDMANDEN” dem til at fortrænge deres medfødte flugt- for det uvante, og man skal passe på ikke at uden rytter stod og piafferede som en ma- instinkt og erstatte det med blind tillid til lave for mange gentagelser på én gang. skine. det mennesker gør ved dem, og at acceptere Men hvorom alting er, slutresultatet var Ikke alene var det, Tristan kunne få he- uvante og måske skræmmende omgivelser imponerende. Med de eksempler Tristan ste til imponerende, men han var så utrolig fra Australien med ubetinget tillid, det er hans egentlige gav, gik man derfra med en fornemmelse sympatisk selv og med en herlig selvironisk force. Tristan har set alt for mange ryttere af: at det dog var helt utroligt, hvad man humor. Han er i dag bosat i Holland med hvis årelange arbejde med deres heste, er kan få en hest til at acceptere uden at blinke sin kone, der er forsker i kræftsygdomme. De kan noget – de australiere. Er det fordi de er mere landt de australiere vi har haft fornøjelsen blevet helt eller delvist ødelagt i konkur- med et øje! Der har Tristan opbygget en træningsstald af at møde her i Danmark, var det først Ri- rencesammenhæng, fordi hesten enten var til 14 heste, som både er fyldt med heste forbundet med naturen, end vi er her i Europa? Eller er Bchard Weis, som med sin fysioterapi og Alexan- skræmt over uvante omgivelser, eller over med en stærk vilje, og heste som skal lære at Accept af gravemaskiner det blot en tilfældighed, at med TRISTAN TUCKER, derteknik-baggrund, kunne noget helt specielt noget udefrakommende, som fx paraplyer piaffere. Udover sit arbejde med disse heste, især omkring at få rytterens opstilling og ind- der slås op, et forhæng som blafrer (som ved Jeg ved, at engelske politiheste også kan rejser Tristan rundt og giver demonstrati- som var særlig gæstedemonstrator ved dette års virkning til at ændre hestens præstationer mar- JBK Horse Shows i Odense, som han brugte acceptere det mest utrolige, og det har de oner i Europa. Det er hans overbevisning, kant. Dernæst naturtalentet Shane Mosele, som som eksempel) eller andre ting hvor heste selvfølgelig også lært gennem en bestemt at enhver dressurhest kan lære at arbejde Global Dressage Forum, blev listen udvidet med lever og arbejder i Danmark, som på ingen tid ser ”spøgelser” som får dem til at glemme tilvænning. Men disse politiheste har nok et totalt afslappet, med fuld tillid til det man yderligere en fra ”down under”, der kan noget med kan gøre heste sadel- og ryttervante på sin helt alt om det, de egentlig skulle: gå afslappet andet temperament end nutidens oversensi- byder den og med ligeledes totalt fokus på egen måde, og nu kun 33-årige Tristan Tucker, og fokuseret på deres ryttere uden at tage ble topdressurheste. Fra jorden viste Tristan rytteren i ligegyldigt hvilke omgivelser. Han heste og mennesker, som er ud over det sædvanlige? som også gennem sit arbejde med og hos Morten notits af omgivelserne. hvad Grand Prix-hesten Thriller, redet af konkluderer, at fasthed, lidenskab, succeser Thomsen har stærk tilknytning til Danmark. Katja Gevers, kunne acceptere af kendte og og fejltagelser, tålmodighed og kendskab til

Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow Tristan, som for nogle år siden for øvrigt de- : KH ukendte udfordringer, og hovedrystende var mennesker inklusiv ham selv og til hvem han ER

IK Arbejde med kontrol

monstrerede sine færdigheder under gallashowet AF det, at den plastikpresenning den frygtløst er som person, at alt dette kan han takke h i Herning, kommer fra en hestegal familie. Han GR På en videofilm så man, hvordan Tristan, var gået hen over, blev lagt over den efter, at sin sunde besættelse af heste for.

90 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 91 FAGLIGT Global Dressage Forum 2012

På sin sensible 6-årige hoppe viste Tristan selv hvad man kan få en hest til ikke at være bange for!

Stor var forbavselsen da en kæmpe gravema- skine kom ind på banen Det skal ikke være alvor alt sammen. Tristan elsker og hoppen ikke så meget at lege med hestene som en del af den gensidige tillid. som blinkede med et øje, Hesten her endte med at få presenningen på som heller ikke da den blev dækken og nogle gevaldige klude på som sløjfe! redet rundt om maskinen.

Efter fra jorden at have har gået hele vejen fra uhæmmet ponyrytter- som andre med ham, starter op med at kon- den uden nogen protest havde lagt sig ned. trænet hesten i tillid og liv via vilde deltagelser i military- og spring- trollere hestens bevægelser fra jorden ved i Dernæst fik den presenningen på som et kontrol, gælder det om konkurrencer, for nu at være nået til at være en kort longe at lade hesten træde rundt om alt for stort æresdækken som knitrede fælt, gradvist at vænne den til al- verdens mærkelige ting med blevet seriøs dressurrytter med speciale i at sig, først krydsende forbenene og derefter og nogle skræmmende plastikfrynser fik rytter på, fortrinsvis effek- lære heste at piaffere! Noget af en hestekul- også bagbenene, altså kontrol over hestens Thriller sat på som en alt for stor roset, og ter som den kan møde ved turel kolbøtte må man sige! Når der skrives: fire ben. På sædvanlig ”horsemanship”-ma- galoperede upåvirket af al denne staffage og en dressurkonkurrence. er nået til – og ikke endt op med, så er det ner at stoppe den og gå fremad igen, og så publikums klappen fornøjet af sted. fordi Tristan tydeligt gav udtryk for, at han øvelser for en længere longe – hele tiden un- Selv red Tristan en meget sensibel 6-årig stadig er åben for at lære meget mere, og at der fuld kontrol. Desværre sås dette så vig- hoppe, og hvad den blev udsat for og 100% han var dybt beæret over at være inviteret tige grundlag for al videre arbejde kun på frygtløst accepterede, fra at ride igennem til dette års GDF, hvor han forventede at film. At have set det i virkeligheden, havde et plastikfrynseforhæng til at der blev kørt kunne lære en masse, som han kunne bruge nok styrket forståelsen og fået tingene til at en kæmpe gravemaskine ind i ridehuset, i sit videre arbejde med sin passion; heste og hænge lidt bedre sammen. Men i hvert til- var simpelthen utroligt. Til sidst erstattede deres adfærd. fælde, alt hvad hesten skal lære, skal foregå to hjælpere de klassiske pilarer inde under At trænge dybere ind i hestes psyker og få uden tvang. Hesten skal selv byde sig til over gravkoens arm med skovl på, hvor hoppen ”TROLDMANDEN” dem til at fortrænge deres medfødte flugt- for det uvante, og man skal passe på ikke at uden rytter stod og piafferede som en ma- instinkt og erstatte det med blind tillid til lave for mange gentagelser på én gang. skine. det mennesker gør ved dem, og at acceptere Men hvorom alting er, slutresultatet var Ikke alene var det, Tristan kunne få he- uvante og måske skræmmende omgivelser imponerende. Med de eksempler Tristan ste til imponerende, men han var så utrolig med ubetinget tillid, det er hans egentlige gav, gik man derfra med en fornemmelse sympatisk selv og med en herlig selvironisk force. Tristan har set alt for mange ryttere af: at det dog var helt utroligt, hvad man humor. Han er i dag bosat i Holland med hvis årelange arbejde med deres heste, er kan få en hest til at acceptere uden at blinke sin kone, der er forsker i kræftsygdomme. De kan noget – de australiere. Er det fordi de er mere landt de australiere vi har haft fornøjelsen blevet helt eller delvist ødelagt i konkur- med et øje! Der har Tristan opbygget en træningsstald af at møde her i Danmark, var det først Ri- rencesammenhæng, fordi hesten enten var til 14 heste, som både er fyldt med heste forbundet med naturen, end vi er her i Europa? Eller er Bchard Weis, som med sin fysioterapi og Alexan- skræmt over uvante omgivelser, eller over med en stærk vilje, og heste som skal lære at Accept af gravemaskiner det blot en tilfældighed, at med TRISTAN TUCKER, derteknik-baggrund, kunne noget helt specielt noget udefrakommende, som fx paraplyer piaffere. Udover sit arbejde med disse heste, især omkring at få rytterens opstilling og ind- der slås op, et forhæng som blafrer (som ved Jeg ved, at engelske politiheste også kan rejser Tristan rundt og giver demonstrati- som var særlig gæstedemonstrator ved dette års virkning til at ændre hestens præstationer mar- JBK Horse Shows i Odense, som han brugte acceptere det mest utrolige, og det har de oner i Europa. Det er hans overbevisning, kant. Dernæst naturtalentet Shane Mosele, som som eksempel) eller andre ting hvor heste selvfølgelig også lært gennem en bestemt at enhver dressurhest kan lære at arbejde Global Dressage Forum, blev listen udvidet med lever og arbejder i Danmark, som på ingen tid ser ”spøgelser” som får dem til at glemme tilvænning. Men disse politiheste har nok et totalt afslappet, med fuld tillid til det man yderligere en fra ”down under”, der kan noget med kan gøre heste sadel- og ryttervante på sin helt alt om det, de egentlig skulle: gå afslappet andet temperament end nutidens oversensi- byder den og med ligeledes totalt fokus på egen måde, og nu kun 33-årige Tristan Tucker, og fokuseret på deres ryttere uden at tage ble topdressurheste. Fra jorden viste Tristan rytteren i ligegyldigt hvilke omgivelser. Han heste og mennesker, som er ud over det sædvanlige? som også gennem sit arbejde med og hos Morten notits af omgivelserne. hvad Grand Prix-hesten Thriller, redet af konkluderer, at fasthed, lidenskab, succeser Thomsen har stærk tilknytning til Danmark. Katja Gevers, kunne acceptere af kendte og og fejltagelser, tålmodighed og kendskab til

Tekst og foto: Jytte Lemkow Tristan, som for nogle år siden for øvrigt de- : KH ukendte udfordringer, og hovedrystende var mennesker inklusiv ham selv og til hvem han ER

IK Arbejde med kontrol monstrerede sine færdigheder under gallashowet AF det, at den plastikpresenning den frygtløst er som person, at alt dette kan han takke h i Herning, kommer fra en hestegal familie. Han GR På en videofilm så man, hvordan Tristan, var gået hen over, blev lagt over den efter, at sin sunde besættelse af heste for.

90 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 RIDEHESTEN h 12/12 91 HARMONY & HAPPY ATHLETES A Report from the 2012 Global Dressage Forum in the Netherlands

56 Dressage Today February 2013 unwavering respect for all points of discussion was aided by long-time view has resulted in forward progress moderator, British Olympian Richard through waters that at times appeared Davison, as well as the three-member too turbulent to negotiate. HRH Princess panels who asked questions at the end of Benedikte of Denmark, president of each presentation. the recently formed Global Dressage Foundation, summed it up in her Young Faces of the German Team opening address at the 2012 GDF: “If The four training presentations were all the discussion is respectful, the Global given by Olympians: individual dressage Dressage Forum is an ideal opportunity silver medalist Adelinde Cornelissen for exchange of opinions.” of the Netherlands, German Olympic The defining feature of the 2012 eventing gold medalist Ingrid Klimke, GDF can be expressed in a single word: Sweden’s Patrik Kittel and Germany’s harmony. Whether it was the training top individual in London, Helen methods of German Olympian Helen Langehanenberg. Langehanenberg or discussion of the The 2012 German Olympic high quality of judging at the London dressage team was unlike any before Olympics, the two days of presentations it, consisting as it did of three young were marked by a sense of unity among women who had never been on an the trainers, riders, judges and other Olympic team. Germany’s team silver stakeholders. The wide range of topics medal might have been regarded as a went from the mental and physical loss for the country that has dominated training program of Adelinde Cornelissen the Olympic podium for decades, were to Ingrid Klimke’s presentation on the it not for the impressive performances use of cavaletti in dressage training. The delivered by these first-time team GDF’s continuing mandate to provoke members. Germany’s silver medal in

LEFT: Germany’s Helen Langehanenberg demonstrates lightness on the 8-year- old stallion, Rohjuwel. INSET: British Olympian and moderator of the GDF, Rich- ard Davison (right) with Sweden’s Patrik Kittel (left and below riding Deja).

By Karen Robinson

hen the inaugural Global Dressage Forum (GDF) took place at the Academy BartelsW in 2001, its creator, Joep Bartels, envisioned an event that would bring together all the stakeholders in dressage, while also pushing the envelope and challenging the status quo. The GDF quickly developed a reputation for being a touchstone of the state of international dressage. No controversy has gone un- touched by the GDF organizers; but

February 2013 Dressage Today 57 London represented the emergence of in the sport, and they will not be left Two Happy Athletes a new generation of top riders who are behind by ‘younger’ dressage countries Adelinde Cornelissen, the reigning quickly becoming the future of dressage such as England, with their recent World Cup Champion with her silver for their country. emergence as the Olympic Champions. medal Olympic horse Parzival, is Langehanenberg charmed the GDF Monica Theodorescu, who was known in the dressage world for her audience with her talent and genuine recently appointed as the replacement impressive physical fitness. During love for her horses. Joined at the for Hilberath as team trainer, spoke her presentation at the 2012 GDF, GDF by her husband Sebastian and to the GDF audience about how the Cornelissen shared the philosophy and German team trainer Jonny Hilberath, German system has always fed the top methods of her fitness program, both in she demonstrated her methods with from the bottom with its Young Rider and out of the saddle. two horses: an 8-year-old stallion and young horse programs. Identifying “With the training in general, there and a 5-year-old mare, a daughter talent and nurturing it is essential is a similarity between what you do of her Olympic partner Damon Hill. to success in any Olympic sport. with your horse and with yourself,” Riding both horses in snaffles with Equestrian sport faces an additional she said as she warmed up on an eight drop nosebands, Langehanenberg challenge, because one half of the year old gelding by Jazz bred by her emphasized sympathy and lightness athletic partnership, the horse, can be parents. “We want to train the horse in her training. The Germans have sold. With prices for Olympic horses so that he becomes a happy athlete,” a long history of cultural tradition reaching well into the millions, the she explained. “That consists of two and dominance in the breeding, temptation to sell a top horse has been parts: happy and athlete. You have to ABOVE: German Olympian Helen Langehanenberg training and competing of dressage known to win out over patriotism. find a balance between the training was joined at the GDF by her husband Sebastian. horses. Langehanenberg’s presentation “We hope to keep these good horses, and keeping the horse happy. You have LEFT: German Team Trainer Monica Theodorescu illustrated that Germany has the like Damon Hill and Diva Royal, in our to challenge the horse, but also stay spoke to the audience about Germany’s success. athletes and vision to remain a force country,” said Theodorescu. within his reach.”

made from beginning to end, including FEI DISCORD the way in which the FEI handled the here was one notable exception to the positive atmosphere at the 2012 whole process,” he said. “In the IDRC TGlobal Dressage Forum (GDF): when Fédération Equestre Internationale meeting this morning we concluded that (FEI) Dressage Director Trond Asmyr took the podium to share recent and we are looking for a more robust and forthcoming developments within the FEI. Asmyr listed a number of changes to complete statement about what could be the rules that would be proposed at the 2012 FEI General Assembly, which took changed.” Asmyr’s final comment was place one week after the GDF. that he did not expect the FEI to make • As of 2013, helmets will be required in FEI competition for riders under the age any further statements on the subject. of 18 and those competing in young horse classes. During the discussion of the • Fly bonnets will be no longer allowed at indoor competitions, where their use Olympic qualifications, another topic is assumed to be for the purpose of muffling sound. of controversy that Asmyr had failed to ABOVE FROM LEFT: Richard Davison, Trond Asmyr, • The FEI would be conducting a review of the format and procedure for mention in his presentation was raised David Hunt, Roly Owers and Kyra Kyrklund qualifying for the Olympics. “There were a number events added to the by a member of the audience. The FEI RIGHT: Trond shared developments within the FEI. calendar at a very late moment and it was difficult for everyone,” he said. had recently decided to propose the Asmyr did not mention the dispute over Olympic qualifications between the revocation of associate memberships (IDTC). “We are going to write a representative on the FEI Dressage Dominican Republic and Brazil/FEI that resulted in an appeal with the Court of at the upcoming General Assembly. letter to the General Assembly and Committee, Kyra Kyrklund. Kyrklund Arbitration for Sport (CAS); but as soon as the floor was opened to questions, the Associate members had not been hope they will listen to us, and defer was eventually accepted, but the media jumped straight in. When pressed to comment on whether he believed consulted by the FEI in the decision, it before making a final decision,” cancelling of associate memberships the FEI had earned the harsh criticism it received in the CAS decision, Asmyr and in fact the news that their associate said IDTC President David Hunt. will exclude the IDRC from having responded only that “we are looking into the qualification procedures.” memberships were about to be revoked One year earlier, controversy had any input on the appointment of International Dressage Riders Club (IDRC) Secretary General Wayne Channon had only just reached the IDRC and erupted over the FEI’s refusal to future rider representatives on the was asked to share the IDRC’s position on the controversy. “Mistakes were International Dressage Trainers Group accept the IDRC’s proposed rider’s Dressage Committee.

58 Dressage Today February 2013 February 2013 Dressage Today 59 in the sport, and they will not be left Two Happy Athletes behind by ‘younger’ dressage countries Adelinde Cornelissen, the reigning such as England, with their recent World Cup Champion with her silver emergence as the Olympic Champions. medal Olympic horse Parzival, is Monica Theodorescu, who was known in the dressage world for her recently appointed as the replacement impressive physical fitness. During for Hilberath as team trainer, spoke her presentation at the 2012 GDF, to the GDF audience about how the Cornelissen shared the philosophy and German system has always fed the top methods of her fitness program, both in from the bottom with its Young Rider and out of the saddle. and young horse programs. Identifying “With the training in general, there talent and nurturing it is essential is a similarity between what you do to success in any Olympic sport. with your horse and with yourself,” Equestrian sport faces an additional she said as she warmed up on an eight challenge, because one half of the year old gelding by Jazz bred by her athletic partnership, the horse, can be parents. “We want to train the horse sold. With prices for Olympic horses so that he becomes a happy athlete,” reaching well into the millions, the she explained. “That consists of two temptation to sell a top horse has been parts: happy and athlete. You have to known to win out over patriotism. find a balance between the training “We hope to keep these good horses, and keeping the horse happy. You have like Damon Hill and Diva Royal, in our to challenge the horse, but also stay country,” said Theodorescu. within his reach.”

ABOVE FROM LEFT: Richard Davison, Trond Asmyr, David Hunt, Roly Owers and Kyra Kyrklund RIGHT: Trond shared developments within the FEI.

(IDTC). “We are going to write a representative on the FEI Dressage letter to the General Assembly and Committee, Kyra Kyrklund. Kyrklund hope they will listen to us, and defer was eventually accepted, but the it before making a final decision,” cancelling of associate memberships said IDTC President David Hunt. will exclude the IDRC from having One year earlier, controversy had any input on the appointment of erupted over the FEI’s refusal to future rider representatives on the accept the IDRC’s proposed rider’s Dressage Committee.

February 2013 Dressage Today 59 Cornelissen uses the term ‘speed control’ as her first goal with the horse the audience to an impressive team of once she has achieved relaxation. “We individuals who manage her personal want to build muscles in the right places, fitness program. “We can only turn our but how? That starts with speed control. horses into happy athletes if we are not You need an easy gas pedal and an easy left behind,” she said. “If we are not brake.” Cornelissen explained that it consistent enough in our aids, how can didn’t matter if she was riding a three year the horse be consistent in his reaction?” old or her Olympic horse, the ability to Running, juggling, balance beam, control the pace must always be available, skipping, and even boxing form an “whenever, wherever and for as long as extremely varied program designed to you want it.” She reminded the audience make Cornelissen the most well rounded that exercises such as shoulder in are not athlete she can be. Her main fitness trained for the purpose of competing in a coach is Dutch gymnastics specialist test, but because they make the horse more Tjalling van den Berg, who brings an supple. Once speed control is achieved, understanding of both mental and ABOVE & LEFT: Dutch Olympian the horse’s flexibility is the next goal. physical training to his work. “Our Riders demonstrate core strengthening exercises to the GDF audience. Adelinde Cornelissen and her fitness Flexibility, when combined with speed training methods include subconscious coach, Dutch gymnastics specialist control, gives the rider the ability to ask for thought processes and things that block Cornelissen demonstrated remarkable Tucker on bombproofing dressage Tjalling van den Berg, demonstrate whatever she wants when she rides a test. optimal performance, which is balance core strength and balance, both of horses, Ingrid Klimke on bringing back core strength and balance exercises When her mounted demonstration in the case of Adelinde,” he said. “We which are of unquestionable importance the cavaletti and David Stickland on the from her varied fitness program. was complete, Cornelissen introduced use cross fertilization from one sport for a dressage rider. success of half marks in judging at the to another, and mental training.” Next month, GDF Part 2: Tristan 2012 Olympics.

Cornelissen uses the term ‘speed control’ as her first goal with the horse once she has achieved relaxation. “We want to build muscles in the right places, but how? That starts with speed control. You need an easy gas pedal and an easy brake.” Cornelissen explained that it didn’t matter if she was riding a three year old or her Olympic horse, the ability to control the pace must always be available, “whenever, wherever and for as long as you want it.” She reminded the audience that exercises such as shoulder in are not trained for the purpose of competing in a test, but because they make the horse more supple. Once speed control is achieved, ABOVE & LEFT: Dutch Olympian the horse’s flexibility is the next goal. Adelinde Cornelissen and her fitness Flexibility, when combined with speed coach, Dutch gymnastics specialist control, gives the rider the ability to ask for Tjalling van den Berg, demonstrate whatever she wants when she rides a test. core strength and balance exercises When her mounted demonstration from her varied fitness program. was complete, Cornelissen introduced

60 Dressage Today February 2013 February 2013 Dressage Today 60

February 2013 Dressage Today 61

60 Dressage Today February 2013 February 2013 Dressage Today 60 ALGEMEENALGEMEEN DE PAARDENKRANT vrijdag 2 november 2012 | 3 Het Duitse systeem volgens Langehanenberg ‘Veel jonge paarden lijken niet briljant, maar zijn na twee jaar heel anders’

HOOGE MIERDE – Duitsland Helen Langehanen- moest afgelopen zomer terugval- berg heeft in len op een jong dressuurteam Damon’s Delorange COLUMN met debuterende Olympiade- (v. Damon Hill) een gangers. Toch pakte het onerva- ongelooflijk talent Alles bleef zoals ‘t was voor de toekomst. ren Duitse damesteam een Het stond zo mooi aangekondigd. ARCHIEFFOTO Onder de titel ‘The perfect ten’ zou zilveren medaille. Als beste Stephen Clarke, de voorzitter van het Duitse amazone was Helen Lan- jurykorps in Londen, zich op het Glo- gehanenberg afgelopen dinsdag bal Dressage Forum komen verant- aanwezig op het Global Dres- woorden. Deze evaluatie van de sage Forum, om de Duitse ma- Olympische Spelen was voor mij één nier van trainen toe te lichten. van de grootste attracties van het eve- nement bij Academy Bartels. Maar het liep even anders. door Denise van Delden-Dekens Om te beginnen gooide Sandy roet in het eten. Stephen Clarke zat vast in In Hooge Mierde gaf Langehanenberg Amerika en moest zich laten vervan- een impressie van haar manier van gen door een geïmproviseerd panel. paarden trainen samen met haar man David Hunt – als lid van het Supervi- Sebastian en ex-bondscoach Jonny sory Panel –, Wim Ernes – in zijn hoe- Hilberath. Met de vijfjarige dochter danigheid als lid van het olympische van Damon Hill, Damon’s Delorange, zo briljant, maar door ze de tijd te je invloed hebt over het hele lijf en St. Georges-niveau. Bijna alle latere jurykorps – en statistisch analist dr. liet ze zien weer over een absoluut geven zijn het na twee jaar werk heel het achterbeen terug kunt krijgen in toppers zijn daar succesvol.” David Stickland vormden het gelegen- toptalent te beschikken. andere paarden. Ze hebben spieren de hand, zonder dat ze sterk worden. heidstrio dat de olympische proeven Met Damon’s Delorange won ze dit opgebouwd, ze weten beter hoe ze Met loswerken zien we graag de Salzgeber, Werth, Rath zou analyseren. jaar het Bundeschampionaat voor vijf- hun lichaam kunnen gebruiken en paarden ontspannen lang, laag en Over de toekomst van de Duitse dres- Stickland is de man die het juryvoor- jarige dressuurpaarden met een 9,8, gaan anders bewegen”, legt de top- diep met de neus naar de grond, zodat suursport zegt Theodorescu: “We oordeel aantoonde en het jurysys- maar moest op het WK in Verden ver- amazone uit. “Hoe talentvol ze ook ze zelf leren hun balans te vinden.” hebben veel goeie en enthousiaste teem van de FEI al jarenlang stek laten gaan vanwege de Olympi- zijn, we moeten ze niet overwerken, Monica Theodorescu, de opvolger jonge ruiters, maar vergeet ook de bekritiseert. Het was wel grappig om sche Spelen. want dat zorgt voor stress.” van Hilberath als Duitse bondscoach, rest niet. Op weg naar de Olympische juist deze luis in de jurypels te zien voegde op het Forum over het Duitse Spelen vielen , Isabell veranderen in hulpje en adviseur van Niet overwerken Feedback systeem nog toe: “De opleiding van Werth en Matthias Alexander Rath de FEI. Stickland liet onder meer zien Het tijd geven en op alle fronten ont- Hilberath vult aan: “Rust en harmo- jonge dressuurpaarden gebeurt bij onverwacht weg. Toch konden we dat Valegro extreem veel beter dan spannen liep als rode draad door de nie in een combinatie, daar houden ons heel systematisch. Op de met dit fantastische jonge team naar Parzival had gescoord op harmonie. training. “Soms zetten we iets meer we van. Ieder paard moet gewerkt Bundes championate vormt het Skala Londen gaan en zilver halen. We En dat Parzival op zijn beurt maar een druk op de paarden als dat nodig is, worden in een systeem waarin hij der Ausbildung een duidelijke richt- hebben heel veel kwaliteit in Duits- griemeltje meer punten had gekregen maar we blijven altijd naar de paar- zich prettig voelt. Daarvoor moet je snoer bij de beoordeling. Daarna is land, maar ook internationaal gezien voor moeilijkheidsgraad. den kijken en wat mogelijk is op dat wachten tot de paarden de goede de Nürnberger Burgpokal een heel is de kwaliteit heel erg hoog. We Eerst werd de video van de zilveren moment”, vertelt Langehanenberg. feedback geven en dat ze zich goed belangrijk richtpunt. Dat is ons offi- moeten dus onverminderd hard blij- Kür van Adelinde Cornelissen getoond. “Veel paarden die we hebben gehad voelen in wat ze moeten doen. Als cieuze kampioenschap voor zeven-, ven werken om die medailles te kun- De moeilijkheidsgraad was nog leken als jong paard misschien niet ruiter moet je het gevoel krijgen dat acht- en negenjarige paarden op Prix nen blijven halen.” steeds zeer hoog, het niveau van de technische uitvoering was goed. Maar ja, Parzivals neus verdween inderdaad wel eens achter de loodlijn en zijn Harmonie tussen ruiter en paard wetenschappelijk belicht mond was soms wat open. De gouden rit van Dujardin en Valegro HOOGE MIERDE – Wetenschappelijk onderzoekster en sportpsy- denken. Hoe meet je eigenlijk harmo- Magie niet meetbaar dan: precies zoals ik me die herin- choloog dr. Inga Wolframm presenteerde dinsdag op het Global nie? Als er sprake is van harmonie Inga Wolframm legt uit wat de mo- nerde. Weer die verbazing, direct na Dressage Forum in Hooge Mierde de eerste resultaten van haar tussen twee mensen, zullen zij de gelijkheden zijn van deze test. “De het afgroeten, over een combinatie nieuwe onderzoek gericht op de harmonie tussen ruiter en paard. zelfde lichaamstaal aannemen. Van magie tussen paard en ruiter kun je die in de Grand Prix en de Special nog daaruit hebben we een schakeling ge- niet meten. Toch kan wetenschappe- barstte van de energie en impuls en maakt naar de combinatie paard met lijk onderzoek op dit gebied ons hel- die nu drie, vier stappassen nodig had door Denise van Delden-Dekens plaatsen. “Ze eindigden heel dicht ruiter en hebben we een wetenschap- pen de paarden beter te begrijpen. om überhaupt in draf te geraken. De achter elkaar. Misschien had de één pelijk onderzoek opgezet”, legt Wolf- Het kan als onderdeel van een trai- braafheid straalde er vanaf, al was Va- Wolframm begon haar onderzoek iets meer power en de ander iets meer ramm uit. ning periodiek toegepast worden om legro aan het eind helemaal niet braaf naar aanleiding van de Olympische harmonie en gedragenheid. Veel te bepalen of een combinatie bijvoor- toen hij even niet aan de hulpen Spelen dit jaar in Londen. Juryvoor- mensen zullen een andere mening Kastje beeld progressie maakt. Ook kan het stond en twee, drie keer weigerde zitter Stephan Clarke legde daar uit hebben, maar voor ons gaf de harmo- In het onderzoek worden de bewe- helpen bij een stukje bewustwording een overgang te maken. waarom de juryleden ervoor gekozen nie de doorslag”, zo vertelde Clarke gingen van paard en ruiter met een bij de ruiter. Links en rechts zijn bij Eerst kreeg David Hunt het woord. hadden om met na afloop. kastje nauwkeurig gemeten in drie iedereen verschillend, wat ook in Daarna O-jurylid Bernard Maurel. Valegro in de Kür op muziek boven “Dat de harmonie daar uiteindelijk richtingen; op en neer, zijwaarts en oefeningen, zoals pirouettes, nog Beide spraken – net als Stephen Adelinde Cornelissen en Parzival te het verschil maakte, zette mij aan het van voor naar achteren. eens extra naar voren kan komen. Clarke in Londen – over de harmonie Op drie punten wordt informatie ver- Het kan op die manier ook als hulp- die had gezegevierd. En vervolgens zameld aan de hand waarvan een in- middel dienen. Een andere mogelijk- werd het publiek naar de koffie gedi- dicatie van harmonie kan worden heid van het meten van harmonie is rigeerd. De aangekondigde ‘evaluatie’ gegeven. Als eerste wordt gekeken om de kwaliteit van de paard-ruiter- bleek niets meer of minder dan een naar de correlatie; de gelijkheid in combinatie te bepalen. Misschien reclamestunt ter meerdere eer en glo- bewegingen van paard en ruiter. Ver- zijn we over tien jaar zelfs wel zover rie van de juryclub. der wordt gemeten of er een vertra- dat het toegepast kan worden in de We hadden leuk kunnen discussiëren ging in de bewegingen is. Als laatste zoektocht naar het ideale paard voor over de vraag wat ‘harmonie’ waard wordt gekeken naar hoe voorspelbaar een ruiter.” is als de impuls ontbreekt. We hadden de volgende beweging is van zowel ons kunnen afvragen wat topsport ei- paard als ruiter, aan de hand van de Handen van de ruiter genlijk waard is als het opzoeken van daarvoor verzamelde informatie. “Het onderzoek is pas in een vroeg grenzen wordt afgestraft. We hadden Het opvallendste resultaat uit het on- stadium en het houdt hier zeker nog een sport die zwabbert richting kun- derzoek tot nu toe was dat de corre- niet op. Harmonie gaat verder dan al- nen geven. Maar… de heren dronken latie in stap zeer ver te zoeken was. leen het volgen van elkaars bewegin- een glas en deden een plas. Hoewel de resultaten gemeten zijn gen. In een later stadium willen we met behulp van een Grand Prix-ruiter ook andere metingen toevoegen. Bij- Dirk Willem Rosie, hoofdredacteur met een Lichte Tour-paard, bleek de voorbeeld de bewegingen van de [email protected] Inga Wolframm: “Harmonie tussen ruiter en paard gaat verder dan alleen het volgen correlatie in stap een totale chaos. De handen van de ruiter”, besluit Wolf - van elkaars bewegingen.” FOTO DIRK CAREMANS correlatie in galop was het hoogst. ramm. T: 0031 13 509 1666 - E: [email protected] Hooge Mierde - The Netherlands

Mrs. L. Sonnenberg Mr. & Mrs. Bartels Mrs. K. Kuisti la Toosbuy’s Foundati on

International Dressage Trainer Club