1 Baden Events for Europa Universalis IV ©bebrst // Göteborg, February 2017

Flavor Events for Baden – chronological order

To enrich the game play experience for Baden, I created a list of events and an achievement for it. Sources are mostly from Wikipedia and can be added upon request. I look forward to discussions, additions and changes!

The Bundschuh-movement

The Bundschuh movement (1493–1517) was a loosely linked series of localized peasant rebellions in southwestern . It was so called because of the peasant shoe (Bundschuh = tied shoe) which was their symbol. The peasants are rising, and you must put down the revolt.

Fires: 1490-1520

Lose: -1 stability

The Division of Baden

After Margrave Philip I of Baden died, his lands were divided by his brothers Bernard and Ernest in 1535. It would be the first of several partitions, establishing the two main lines of the House of Baden – Baden-Baden and Baden-Durlach.

Fires: 1530-1550

Lose 5 Prestige, gain x Unrest

Hexenverfolgung in Baden

The age of Reformation is unsettling your people. Rumors about witchcraft are spreading and people are calling for witch-hunts in Baden. We are concerned about moral panic and mass hysteria and must react. The two lines of House Baden followed different approaches, which one is most suitable for you?

Fires: 1540-1640

a) Set up witch-trials: Gain 1 corruption*, lose 1 Unrest b) Tolerate heretics: Gain 1 Unrest, Gain 10 Admin and 10 Diplo power


2 Baden Events for Europa Universalis IV ©bebrst // Göteborg, February 2017

Lazarus von Schwendi

Lazarus von Schwendi was both, a prestigious military leader and diplomat, who worked for the Spanish crown and the Habsburg Empire. He exceled in the wars against the Ottomans and later became an influential adviser to Kaiser Maximilian II, promoting tolerance between Catholics and Protestants. He was registered in the list of „berühmtesten, zur immerwährenden Nacheiferung würdiger Kriegsfürsten und Feldherren Österreichs“. In addition, he gained a reputation as patron of wine growing in Southern Germany.

Fires: 1550-1580


a) General Lazarus von Schwendi /or 30 Military Power b) Advisor Lazarus von Schwendi Diplo / or 30 Diplo Power

Wine country Baden

Learning from our neighbors in and spoilt with a Mediterranean climate, the Breisgau is among the most famous wine producing areas in the HRE. General Lazarus von Schwedni patronized the winegrowing in Alsace and Breisgau and established new rules and introduced new varieties of grapes.

Fires: 1550-1580

Gain: 5 Prestige

The Badisches Landrecht 1622

Margrave George Frederick introduced the Landrecht in Baden in 1622. This civil code was described as "the most thorough of any of the German territorial states" and remained in force until 1809.

Fires: 1620-1650

Gain: 50 Admin Power


3 Baden Events for Europa Universalis IV ©bebrst // Göteborg, February 2017

The Simplicissimus

The author Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen created the stories about the Simplicissimus, which has been called the greatest German novel of the 17th century and attained a readership larger than any other seventeenth-century novel.

Fires: 1650-1680

Gain: 5 Prestige

The “Türkenlouis”

Margrave Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden, was named chief commander of the Imperial Army and came to be called the Türkenlouis or shield of the empire for his many defeats of Turkish armies. The Turks called him the red king, because his red uniform jacket made him very visible on the battlefield.

Fires: 1670-1710

Gain: 50 Military Power

The Tulip friend and city founder

Margrave Charles III William was an enlightened absolute ruler. Charles William was the founder of the city of which became the Residenzstadt. He introduced administrative reforms and successfully fought corruption. He also showed a completely different face as a flower collector. He grew a considerable collection of flowers, especially tulips. The gardens burdened the finances of the small country considerably - rare tulip bulbs cost easily half the annual salary of a servant.

Fires: 1700-1740

Pay 5month of income  Gain 5 Prestige, lose 1 Corruption and gain 20 Admin Power


4 Baden Events for Europa Universalis IV ©bebrst // Göteborg, February 2017

The Dutchmen

Forestry was always an integral part of your economy. The countless trees in the are an important trading good. Especially the Netherlands needed wood for shipbuilding and for house construction in the sandy and wet ground. In Amsterdam, large numbers of buildings are built on these posts of the Black Forest. The long, straight pine logs, transported downriver, were called the “Dutchmen”.

Fires: 1700-1821

Gain: 100 Ducats income and 10 Diplo Power (or 5 Prestige)

The enlightened Despot

Charles Frederick, 1st Grand Duke of Baden, reunited the original land of Baden and was one of the longest serving monarchs with 73years in power. He was regarded as a good example of an enlightened despot, supporting schools, universities, jurisprudence, civil service, economy, culture, and urban development. He outlawed torture in 1767, and serfdom in 1783. He was elected a Royal Fellow of the Royal Society in 1747.

Fires: 1740-1810

Gain: 30 Admin Power, 30 Diplo Power

The Reunification of Baden

As none of the sons of August George of Baden-Baden survived, a testament of agreed, granting the House Baden-Durlach his lands. In 1771 ended the division of Baden. Your lands are reunited again and together you are stronger than ever before.

Fires: 1765-1790

Gain: 5 Prestige


5 Baden Events for Europa Universalis IV ©bebrst // Göteborg, February 2017

The Laufmaschiene

Europe suffered from poor harvests during 1812-1815 and then in 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted. The eruption affected the entire world and Europe saw snow all summer long. This drove the inventor Karl Drais to focus on a replacement for the horse used for transportation, due to a lack of food, and his subsequent invention in 1817 of the Laufmaschine/Velocipede (running machine), the earliest form of a bicycle.

Fires: 1810-1820

Gain: 5 Prestige


Be the real Markgraf (Margrave) of Baden* Follow the steps of your forefathers from Zähringen and form the margravate of Baden. Play as Baden and own your core provinces Baden, Breisgau, as well as Verona, Treviso, Friuli, Görz and Istria.

* In 1061 Dowager Empress Agnes of Poitou, widow of Emperor Henry III, enfeoffed the Swabian count Berthold from the House of Zähringen with Carinthia and Verona. Though he could not prevail, neither as Carinthian duke nor as Veronese margrave, he bequested the title to his descendants from the House of Baden, who went on to rule their Swabian territories as a "Margraviate" (the corelands of Baden never been a margraviate). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_of_Verona