Agenda Item 2. Planning and EP Committee 4 July 2017 Application Ref: 16/02419/OUT Proposal: Construction of up to 516 dwellings and associated infrastructure including highway links, parking, sustainable drainage system and public open space with all matters reserved Site: Land to the South of Oakdale Avenue, Stanground, Peterborough Applicant: Mrs Anne Dew, Persimmon Homes East Midlands Agent: N/A Referred by: Director of Growth and Regeneration Reason: Major application of wider concern Site visit: 23.05.2017 Case officer: Mrs Louise Simmonds Telephone No. 01733 454439 E-Mail:
[email protected] Recommendation: GRANT subject to the signing of a LEGAL AGREEMENT and relevant conditions 1 Description of the site and surroundings and Summary of the proposal Site and Surroundings The South Stanground Urban Extension (SSUE), known as Cardea, is located between Oakdale Avenue to the north and the Stanground Bypass (A605) to the south. The new Horsey Toll roundabout is situated to the east of the site, and Peterborough Road to the west. There is a small length of dual carriageway heading off the new bypass into Cardea which is referred to as the Entrance Avenue. At the end of this avenue, is a smaller roundabout leading to various development plots of the urban extension. The development of the SSUE was originally granted outline planning permission in August 2007 under application reference 03/00842/OUT. To date, 1162 dwellings have either been constructed or granted detailed reserved matters consent. In addition, the Local Centre (comprising Morrisons, a small parade of retail/commercial units and a public house), combined Community Building/Sports Pavilion, Primary School, sports playing fields and a large proportion of the green infrastructure (including drainage network) have also been constructed.