THORATHURUby Sri Lanka Association of NSW Inc OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER FIRST EDITION 2020 IMPACT OF COVID 19 PANDEMIC ON HUMAN BEHAVIOUR ALBERT EINSTEIN’S OBSCURE VISIT TO SRI LANKA IN 1922 WHY DO JAFFNA PEOPLE SHAKE THEIR LEGS IN SITTING POSITION? THE HISTORY & SIGNIFICANCE OF POSON POYA Sri Lankan pole fishermen in Midigama Credit: @woolgarz Let us acknowledge the traditional owners of this land where we are across NSW and pay our respect to elders past and present. The land and their culture have over 65 thousand years’ history and today with more than 270 multicultural nations enriching this land. PAGE 1 EDITOR'S MESSAGE 1 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 2 EDITOR'S MESSAGE DINESH RANASINGHE COMMITTEE 2020 4
[email protected] HIGHLIGHTS OF FIRST HALF “Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, OF YEAR ACTIVITIES 5 but you still have the choice of how you’re going to EVENTS live through this." Sri Lankan Flag Raising Ceremony 7 - Celine Dion Young Achiever 9 Senior Luncheon 15 It is indeed a great honour to A huge thank you to all the be the Editor for Thorathuru people who contributed ARTICLES and it is an immense writing the wonderful and pleasure to launch this first inspiring articles, without Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic edition for 2020. which there wouldn’t have on Human Behaviour 16 been this newsletter issue. In this issue, we will recount Cow’s MILK Considered a the various projects and Last but not least, I would like Holy Drink 23 activities in which SLANSW to thank SLANSW President, members were actively Nalika Padmasena, and The History and Significance of involved.