Runway Performance Report 2020

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Runway Performance Report 2020 Liège Airport RUNWAY PERFORMANCE REPORT 2020 member of FABEC / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance is Safety driven by four Key Performance Areas (KPAs): safety, capacity, environment and cost-efficiency. Two types of events are analysed in detail in this re- This report focuses on skeyes’ operations at Liège port, both giving a view on airport safety performance: Airport (ICAO code EBLG). Its aim is to provide skeyes’ missed approaches and runway incursions (RI). main stakeholders with traffic figures for 2020 Overall, the rate of missed approaches slightly and relevant data on the performance of skeyes increased in 2020. The increase is largely caused by operations at Liège Airport, namely on three of the a rise in missed approaches due to stormy weather four KPAs: safety, capacity and environment. with wind shear. Compared with 2019, much stronger winds were observed in 2020. Nevertheless, Traffic the number of missed approaches remained lower (in absolute number and rate) in 2020 than in 2017, Despite the COVID-19 crisis, traffic at Liège Airport when the instrument landing system (ILS) was only decreased by 1%. This decrease is caused by traf- upgraded from CAT I to CAT III for runway 04R, fic flying according to visual flight rules (VFR) drop- showing its added value. ping from 7,081 in 2019 to 5,120 in 2020, as restrictions The number and rate of runway incursions has on non-essential VFR traffic were imposed on 10th of increased in 2020. Six runway incursions have April 2020 and only lifted on 9th June 2020. been reported, two of which having air traffic Nevertheless, the amount of traffic flying according management (ATM) contribution. to instrument flight rules (IFR) traffic increased from Besides the missed approaches and runway incur- 36,370 in 2019 to 37,791 in 2020. This is thanks to the sions, there were also two notable runway events, one increase in cargo demand. Liège Airport plays a major satellite navigation signal jamming and an increase role in the needs of the European cargo market and in laser events reported. The two runway events were has been selected by the United Nations as one of their jet blasts caused by heavy aircraft crossing the runway global logistics hubs to deliver medical and humanitar- and which were still felt by the taking-off aircraft. ian material [1]. In addition to a higher turnover of medi- cal and humanitarian material, an increase in e-com- All the safety related occurrences were discussed in merce was also visible [2], accounting for around 3,000 the local runway safety team (LRST). The LRST has more cargo flights in 2020 when compared with 2019. been established by skeyes and provides a discussion forum for all stakeholders. This way, each stakeholder Further details about the 2020 movements are given can more easily focus on possible actions to be in the first chapter of this report: the busiest month taken on his side. Furthermore, although the site of the year was October with 4,020 movements, with acceptance tests and validation suffered some delays 75% of the movements registered on runways 22L due to travel restrictions during 2020, the Advanced and 22R. Runways 04L and 04R were mostly used in Surface Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS), April and May due to a large amount of south-west- comes into operation early 2021. This will allow better erly winds. Traffic levels throughout the year have awareness of ground movements and thereby help followed similar patterns over the past four years, to limit the number of runway incursions, with and with clearly marked peaks corresponding to the high without ATM contribution. nightly cargo activity from Mondays to Saturdays. II Capacity and Punctuality at Liège Airport was 29,657 minutes and the delay of traffic departing from Liège Airport was 45,106 Capacity and delay go hand in hand when it comes mi-nutes. The huge decrease can be explained by to runway performance. As in previous years, the the large traffic decrease caused by the COVID-19 throughput capacity of the airport is analysed, pandemic. The air traffic network had many bottle- comparing actual traffic with the declared IFR necks which were not suited for the traffic volumes capacity. In an analysis of the 14 busiest peak hours, of the previous years and, therefore, causing much it was identified that on nine days the declared delay. With the removal of these bottlenecks due to capacity was almost reached or exceeded during the decrease in traffic, local factors, such as weather the departure waves. I.e. in nine of the 14 days, the at the airport, became the most dominant factors in number of movements per hour were 28 or higher, terms of delay. and of those movements at least 27 or more were departures, while the declared departure capacity for all runways is only 28 departures per hour. Environment Punctuality is affected by delay. For Liège Airport a One of the factors influencing noise around the airport target was set until 2019 for the arrival delay, defined are the landing procedures. Continuous descent oper- as the average ATFM delay (in minutes) per flight, ations (CDO), also called green landings, increased at attributable to Liège tower and which is under the Liège Airport in 2020 for CDOs flown from flight level control of skeyes (CRSTMP). For 2020 no target 100 to 3000 feet, and remained similar for CDOs flown had been set. However the European Commission from flight level 60 to 3000 feet. The fluctuation of the published EU Implementing Regulation 2020/1627 CDO rate over the years is however hard to explain, as on 3rd November 2020, which may impact the target they are influenced by a multitude of factors. setting for Liège Airport for the period 2020-2024. Similarly, to what was successfully set up in Brussels In 2020 the amount of arrival delay caused by Liège in 2018, skeyes as one of the core partners, has par- tower was 2,658 minutes. All this delay was due to ticipated in the successful launch in September 2020 weather, resulting in a delay of 0.14 minutes per of the ‘Collaborative Environmental Management’ arrival. No delay was caused due to CRSTMP reasons. (CEM) at Liège Airport. The objective is to increase cooperation with airlines and the airport in undertak- Besides being delayed by Liège tower, flights to or ing joint initiatives that further reduce the environ- from Liège Airport can also be delayed by ATFM mental impact of airport operations. Stakeholders in measures in any ATC sector along their flight route; the discussions are Liège Airport, skeyes, SOWAER, i.e. en-route or at the other departure or arrival airport. and the main airlines at Liège Airport. 61%, 3,030 minutes, of delay of flights going to Liège Airport were due to AFTM regulations by skeyes. 39%, One of the main factors for runway use is the 1,719 minutes, of delay was caused by sectors of other wind. Wind records show a similar wind pattern air navigation service providers. For flights departing compared with 2019. One noticeable difference is Liège Airport a total of 5,685 minutes were registered, a larger amount of very strong winds. Especially in of which none were due to Liège tower, 46% due February 2020 very strong south-westerly winds en-route sectors of skeyes, and 54% due to sectors of were recorded. Regarding north-easterly winds, a other air navigation service providers. small increase to 2019 was observed. Most north- easterly winds were recorded in March, April and May Compared with last year, the delay has decreased explaining the high percentage of use of runways significantly. I.e. in 2019 the delay of traffic arriving 04L and 04R compared to runways 22L and 22R. III THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC The year 2020 is a year that was gravely scarred The Belgian government moved into the federal by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this section, a short phase of crisis management from 13th of March summary is provided to give the reader a timeline. and ordered the closure of schools, restaurants and This will be referred to further in the report in cafes, as well as cancellations of public gatherings support of certain statements. The year 2020 can be for sporting, cultural or festive purposes. [5] split in a period before the COVID-19 crisis and the COVID-19 crisis. This is visualised in Figure 0-1. At this point the measures by countries against COVID-19 and the precautionary actions by passen- The pandemic originated in Wuhan, China in De- gers caused flights to be suspended and airlines cember 2019. The Word Health Organisation (WHO) to operate ghost flights. The ghost flights were kept published a disease outbreak communication on in the air for the so-called ‘use it or lose it rules’ that the 5th of January 2020 to report a cluster of cases of stipulate that carriers have to use 80% of their allot- pneumonia with unknown cause in Wuhan, Hubei ted slots or they return to a common pot for a new Province. This was later identified as the coronavirus allocation for the next calendar year. In a reaction disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. to this, the European union suspended temporarily The first case outside China was reported on 13th of the rules that encouraged airlines to keep empty January 2020 in Thailand. [3] ghost flights in the air. On the 24th of January 2020, France reported its Additional measures, based on the spread of COV- first confirmed COVID-19 case, the first in Europe.
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