The Ukrainian Qrestion in Its National Aspect Nownnadv
Memorandum ol"l The Ukrainian Qrestion in its National Aspect NOWnnADv THE TTKRAINE A Rcprint of a Lecture delivered on Uhrainian Ilistorv and Present Day Political Problems. By BnnwrN S-qNns. Paper, Imperial 8vo. Price 2/- nei. Loxnorq: Fnencrs Gnrpprtns MEMORANDUM ON THE UkrainianQ.rtion in its National Aspecr Compiledon behalfof the " Cercledes Ukrainiens,"Paris, and the " Ukraine.Committee,"London BY YAROSLAVFEDORTCHOUK LONDON FRANCIS GRIFFITHS 34 I'IAIDEN LANE, STRAND, W.C. rgr4. t l^ F r.""I Translator's Foreword T uts Pamphlet,which is issuedsimultan'eously in the Englishand French languages,contains two distinctparts. They rvereboth written bv M. YaroslavFedortchouk, who is the Secretaryof the Cercle des Uhrainiensd Paris,the -|.: author of Lc Riveil ,.i l national desUhrainiens (Paris, lgl2l, an important brochureon the question,and a refular contribrtor to the 0ourrier Eurap{en on Ukrainian questions. The first part is a list of desideratarvhich was read on Monday, February16th, 1913, at the Conferenceorganised by the " Nationalitiesand SubjectRaces Comrnittee,,' and comprises what M. Fedortchouk considersto be the minimum of the claimsurged by the Ukrainianeducated classes. The secondis an explanatorymemorandum, which is now beingpublished, so as to give in a cheapand simple form the wholeof the Ukrainequestion in moderntimes For thosewho wish to study the questionfrom an histori cal point of view, there is a volume publishedat the be- ginning of l9l4 by Mr. Francis Griffiths, 34, Maiden Lane, Strand, London, England. It is entitled The ["]brain.e,and has an extensivebibliography. It is fully illustrated,and is sold at the price of 2s net. During February,1914, about the time that M.
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