Name of mill: Nether Mill. Date visited: 1st visit 16.7.10 2nd visit 28.2.11

Address: Nethermill, Surveyed by: Alastair Weir

Grid ref: NS318538

Present use: Ruins. 1st edition OS indicates pond and associated lade. Shown as a corn mill.

Description of site: The site has been well documented by RCHAMS and by Rathmell Archaeology Ltd. Information is held by them and the owner Mr Alan Dickson.

Water source: It is difficult to determine precisely where the dam on the river Garnock was for the mill, due mostly likely to flood prevention works having been carried out on the river some time ago. There are the remains of a weir on the River Garnock in the approximate position as shown on the 1st edition OS. At this location, also, are the remains of what I think was the sluice winding mechanism. This and the remains of a weir could however relate to the Garnock mill, now no longer in existence. (See entry for this mill)

I was however able to trace most of the lade. Modern housing has resulted in the lade being culverted but where it issues across a field the line of it can be easily determined. This first section ran round behind a football pitch which was the first home of the present Scottish Junior Football Club, Kilbirnie Ladeside. Hence its name. After that the lade goes under a road, reappears for a short section before disappearing underground again. The pond is now silted up with wetland vegetation now filling the area.

The line of the tail race can be determined from where it appears from under an adjacent road and then runs towards the River Garnock.

Photographs taken Yes on both visits.

Notes: See RCHAMS and Rathmell Archaeology Ltd for further information