Mexico-Central America

Central America Forthe second year in a rowand ]'[the third year out of four, the fall seasonwas markedby a powerfulhurri- canethat struckBelize in the monthof I October.In 1998it wasMitch; last year it wasKeith; this year it wasIris. Considered GUATEMALA by old-timersto be the most destructive hurricaneever to hit Belize--morepower- ful than Hattie in 1961--Iris was a com- pact storm that, at one point, had three eyes.With sustainedwinds of 145 mph and gustsup to 185 mph, it strucksouth- ern Belize on the eveningof 8 October with the force of a tornado swarm and left a 48-km-widepath of devastationacross the country from the cayes to the Guatemalanborder. A wide swathof pri- maryrainforest was literally blown away in less than an hour. On 9 October, the sun roseon a desolatelandscape littered with the trunks of thousands of trees, some H. Lee Jones lying nearlyin rows, othersnot too far P.O. Box 158 awaylying in disarraylike a giant pile of Abbreviations: C.C.C.-U.S.F.S. (Caribbean PuntaGorda, Belize pick-upsticks. All of the foliageand small- U.S. address: ConservationCorporation's and U.S. Forest er limbs from the groundto the canopy 6108 Wildwood Road Service Redwood Sciences Laboratory's was gone.Reports soon came in of mot- TortugueroBanding Station); Crooked Tree LakeIsabella, California 93240 mots, toucans, Squirrel Cuckoos, and (Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary,Belize); ([email protected]) other forestbirds sitting on tree stumps M.P.R. (Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize); (Monteverde Cloud Forest besidethe highway.People reporte•t hun- dredsof deadbirds in their villages,and Reserve,); S.E (shrimpfarm). hetiming of migration, reflected inthe first seeingnormally elusive Crested Guans and and last recordsof migrant specieseach GreatCurassows feeding among domestic season,has been poorly documented in most flocks of turkeys,chickens, and ducks. of CentralAmerica in the past.Now, a fewded- FRIGATEBIRDS THROUGH FALCONS Among the eerily out-of-placebirds wit- icatedbirders are keepingclose track of the The AmericanWhite Pelicanis now a regular nessedby Joneswhen he returnedto Belize arrivaland departureof thesemigrants. Jim winter visitorin n. C.A., but a reportof 115at nine daysafter the hurricanewere impres- and Dorothy Beveridge,residents of Caye LagunaEl Jocotal,Dept. San Miguel 28 Nov sively large numbers of Keel-billed Caulker,Belize, are to becommended for keep- (NH) wasan unusuallylarge concentration for Toucansmoving through the outskirtsof ing accuratedaily notes on the birdsthey see E1 Salvador. An ad. male Magnificent Punta Gorda, a bedraggled Collared on their morningwalks, which follow essen- Frigatebirdat Mile 6, Mollejon Road,Cayo tially the sameroute everyday. In two years, Dist., Belize14 Aug (JG) waswell inland near Araqanm•ssmg half its feathersperched on a powerlinein the villageof Mafredi, theyhave seldom missed a morningafield, and the Guatemalaborder. Two ReddishEgrets at Yellow-headed Parrots in Punta Gorda well now have an impressiverecord of landbird the shrimpponds in ,Costa Rica 12 south of their normal pinelandhaunts, migrationat thiskey migrant stopover locality. Nov (RH et al.) were noteworthy.A pair of and a lone White-bellied Emerald, a forest While birdingin Panama,Costa Rica, and CinnamonTeal at LagunaE1Jocotal, Dept. San dwellinghummingbird, on a weedstalk in Belizehas become a popularpastime for both Migud 28 Nov (NH) was only the 2nd E1 the middle of an expansivericefield far tourists and residents, the silence from Salvadorrecord. A Ring-neckedDuck in juv. from the nearest forest remnant. Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala is plumagewas at PuntaGorda 28 Nov (LJ).This downrightdeafening. And E1Salvador would speciesis rare in Belizeaway from Crooked be a completevoid without the dedicated work Tree. Imm. and/or female Snail Kites have been in s. Toledo Dist. between 18 and 24 Oct (LJ et of OliverKomar. Many birdersvisit Guatemala reportedin E1 Salvadorsince 1996, but the al.); but 7 Cooper'sHawks seenduring the everyyear. Surely, some of them subscribeto presenceof an ad. pair at LagunaE1 Jocotal, sameperiod (20 Oct-3 Nov) wereunexpected, thisjournal. Surely, they see at leasta fewbirds Dept. SanMiguel 28 Nov (NH) suggeststhat as this speciesis normallyless frequent than worthyof mentionin thiscolumn. Guatemala the speciesmay be establishingitself as a Sharp-shinnedin Belize.A Swainson'sHawk is the gatewayto CentralAmerica with oneof breedingresident. in first-basicplumage was closelystudied in the richestavifaunas in the Region.Honduras A Swallow-tailedKite at Caye Caulker 10 flightand perchedat doserange near Big Falls, andNicaragua form thelink betweennorthern Sep (J&DB) representedone of only a few Toledo Dist., Belize 30 Nov (LJ, WRM, LZ, and southern Central America, but unfortu- recordsfor the Belize cayes.Three subad. RC). Despite numerous unsubstantiated natelyreceive few birderseach year and have MississippiKites were seenwith migrating reportsof this speciesin Belizein the past evenfewer (if any?)resident field ornitholo- Hook-billed Kites over Punta Gorda 21 Oct (Jones2002), this representsthe first docu- gists.This is an appeal.Is anyoneout there? (LJ,LZ). FiveSharp-shinned Hawks were seen mentedrecord for the country.A juv. Zone-

VOLUME 56 (2002), NUMBER ! 115 CostaRica now has a migratoryAmerican Kestrelat Caye Caulker 18 Sep Nov (ph., vt., DM, KW, SH). At least3 werestill a-•raptor monitoring station at (J&DB) representsthe earliestfall recordfor presentinto earlyDec (m. ob.).These are the K•k61diin the BriBri indigenousreserva- Belize,and an AplomadoFalcon at Punta first of this speciesrecorded in the Region, tion near Cahuita at the base of the Gorda 18 Oct (LL WRM, LZ) was well s. of its thoughit isknown from the Mexican Yucatan. TalamancoMts. along the s. Caribbean normalpine savanna range in Belize. A RoyalTern at Mile 31, WesternHwy 22 Aug coast.The projectis beingrun jointly by (PB) representsthe first inland record for NEW WORLD QUAIL THROUGHTERNS the Hawk Mt. Sanctuary,the K6k61diWak Belize,although it has been reportedfrom Ka LonekeIndigenous Associaion, and A groupof 8 Black-earedWood-Quail and 2 LagoPet•n Itzfi in Guatemala.A White Tern Anal.In itsfirst year, the station joined the femaleTawny-faced Quail, two rarely seen showedup in EB'syard in Sierpede (ph. elite sites of Elait in Israel and Vera Cruz in speciesin Panama,were at Cerro Azul near NC) on 28 Oct but laterdied. This represents Mexico as the only onesto count more PanamaCity 28 Oct (BA). The Rufous-necked the first mainland record for Costa Rica (it is thana millionraptors in a season.This fall, Wood-Rail,generally thought to be resident abundant on CocosI. 320 km to the sw.). 2,979,102 individualsof 15 specieswere whereverit occurs,may be seasonalon Caye PIGEONS THROUGH WOODPECKERS recorded as follows: Turkey Vulture Caulker.Several individuals frequent J&DB's 1,367,200; Broad-winged Hawk yarddaily between Sep and Apr; however, they A Red-billedPigeon at CayeCaulker 24 Aug have never seen or heard it on the island in the 1,018,666; Swainson's Hawk 374,188; (J&DB) wasthe first seenon any Belizecaye. MississippiKite 207,915;Peregrine Falcon interveningmonths. The first onesof the sea- With expansionof itspreferred urban habitat, 2062; Osprey2051; Swallow-tailedKite sonarrived in theiryard this year on 17Sep. A the IncaDove has been expanding its rangeall 595; Merlin 43; Plumbeous Kite 22; Zone- road-killedjuv. picked up by Ll at the mouth the wayfrom Californiato CostaRica. One in tailed Kite 20; Sharp-shinnedHawk 18; of JoeTaylor Creek, Punta Gordaon 15 Nov Tortugueraall fall (C.C.C-U.S.F.S.)may have established the southernmost record for this Cooper'sHawk 16; Northern Harrier 10; reachedthere via a rangeextension to the se., American Kestrel 4; Red-tailed Hawk 2; speciesin Belize.A Soraat CayeCaulker 17 or it mayhave been a boat-assistedor escaped unidentified migratory raptors 6290 Sep(J&DB) established the earliestfall record cagebird. Determining the originof birdsfre- for Belize. (source:La NaciSn,9 Dec. 2001). quentlyfound in the pet tradewill alwaysbe The 3rd documented record of Southern Belize, at the baseof the Yucaffm Pen., is problematic.At least 2 (possibly4) Scarlet a far cry from Costa Rica. That most Lapwingin CostaRica came 15 Nov when Macawswere seen around Cerro Tortuguero in migratingraptors avoid the Yucatfin Pen. is LMC recorded6 about 10 kme. of Siquirres mid-Nov (PG). Theseare likely wanderers evident in the totals obtained for the four on the Rio Pacuare.A juv. AmericanGolden- from the Indio-MaizReserve in Nicaragua,as mostcommon Costa Rica species by LJet Ploverat Chomes20 Oct (lRZ) wasunexpect- theyhave yet to reestablisha resident popula- al. at a coastallocation just outsidePunta ed, asthis speciesis seldomseen anywhere in tion anywherein CaribbeanCosta Rica. Two Yellow-headed Parrots on the outskirts of Gorda in s. Belize between 15 Jul and 15 C.A. in fall.A SnowyPlover at CayeCaulker Nov: migrant TurkeyVulture 0; Broad- 25 Aug (EM) representedonly the 2nd docu- PuntaGorda 28 Oct andagain 7 Nov (bothLJ) mented record for Belize. More than the nor- winged Hawk 13; Swainson'sHawk 0; were unexpected,as this speciesis normally MississippiKite 3. On the other hand,LJ mal number of Long-billedCurlews was restrictedto the pinelandsfarther north. They recorded 1030 Hook-billed Kites at this recorded this fall. In Belize, a flock of 10 was at mayhave been driven s. in searchof food by site, all between 19 Oct and 15 Nov. This CayeCaulker 29 Aug (J&DB), after which, one HurricaneIris, which passedjust n. of Punta speciesis provingto be,by morethan an birdstayed until 4 Nov;in CostaRica, one was Gorda in early Oct. Fifteen Blue-fronted Parrotlets were at Cerro Azul near Panama order of magnitude,the most common present15 Sep-20 Oct at Chomes(RD, EA); in migrantraptor alongthe s. Belizecoast. Panama,one was at PanamaViejo, Panama City 8 Aug, and a Rufous-ventedGround- Without exception,all were moving sw. City 28 Sep (KK, PAS),and anotherwas at Cuckoo was there 28 Oct (both BA). Both are alongthe coast.Consider that countswere Costadel Este,also in PanamaCity 25 Nov rarelyencountered in Panama. for only2-2.5 hoursevery other day, with (DM, KW, SH). A Marbled Godwit at Caye A tower-killed Whip-poor-will at Punta virtuallyno raptorsseen in the first hour Caulker 18 Sep-31Oct (J&DB, LJ) was the Gorda 2 Oct (LI) representsone of the few (the countsare designedto includeall only one recordedin Belizethis fall. A juv. recordsfrom Belize,all of tower-killedor mist- diurnalmigrants and beganshortly after Long-billedDowitcher at Aqua Mar S.E 29 netted birds, and most in Oct. An Oilbird seen sunrise). Basedon these limited observa- Aug (LJ,LZ) wasthe earliestyet recordedin in a tree near MetropolitanNature Park in tions, LJ estimatedthat at least5000 Hook- Belize.A groupof at least100 Common Snipe PanamaCity was capturedby park staff and billedKites passed over this coastal site in in a ricefieldnear Big Falls, Toledo Dist. 8 Nov broughtto the park whereit wasseen by GA fall 2001. (LJ)was an unusuallylarge number for Belize, and many others.At least2 individualshad with a moretypical dozen or sostill present at beenseen flying about buildings in the same tailed Hawk was at Ptmta Gorda 5 Nov (LJ, the endof the period.A Wilson'sPhalarope at area on previousnights. With at least 10 WRM). An ad. Ornate Hawk-Eaglewas at the ParisminaR. mouth 19 Sep(DVdB) was recordsfrom the PanamaCity areasince 1974, CerroAzul nearPanama City 12 Nov (KK, RK, apparentlythe first onedocumented from the there may be an undiscoverednesting cave LS). An ad. Yellow-headed Caracara at Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. somewherein the area.Three Chimney Swifts Chilamate, 5 km w. of Puerto Viejo de A first summerRing-billed Gull at Aqua at Punta Gorda 13 Nov (LJ,WRM) were late.A Sarapiqui,25 Nov (RA, FM et al.) represents Mar S.E 18and 29 Aug(LJ, LZ) wasboth early femaleWhite-crested Coquette at TapantiN.P., oneof veryfew records for theCaribbean slope and in s. Belize, where it is seldom seen. The Costa Rica 3 Nov (RH et al.) was on the of CostaRica. It mayhave reached Chilamate event of the season in Panama was the discov- Caribbeanslope where few havebeen report- from Carlason the Pacificslope, where it has eryof onesubad. and 4 ad.Kelp Gulls at Costa ed. An imm. male Ruby-throated been establishedfor a numberof years.An delEste on the outskirtsof PanamaCity on 25 Hummingbirdnear the BraulioCarrillo N.P.

116 NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS Central America

rangerstation 16 Nov (RH et al.),and a female- AmericanPipit was closelystudied at Punta CommonYellowthroat there 8 $ep (all J&DB) plumagedbird in Tortuguerotown two days Gorda 5 Nov (LJ,WRM). Previously,LJ had wasalso exceptionally early. Yellowthroats nor- later(BF) were on the Caribbean slope of Costa heard one overhead near Punta Gorda on 3 mallydo not arriveuntil late Sep.A Hooded Racawhere the speciesis seldomfound. Nov 1999. Warblerin the San LuisValley on the Pacific On 18 Oct, 10 daysafter Hurricane Iris, LJ slopebelow Monteverde 19 Nov (JRZ)was at and WRM counted 70-80 Keel-billed Toucans WARBLERSTHROUGH TANAGERS the upperelevational limit for thisspecies; it is movingthrough the trees on the edgeof a ball An Orange-crownedWarbler at Parque alsorare on CostaRica's n. Pacificslope A fieldnear Punta Gorda in a two-hourperiod. NacionalWalter Thilo Deininger3 Nov (TJ) HoodedWarbler at E1Palmar Viejo 28 Oct (TJ, On subsequentdays progressively fewer were wasonly the 3rd everreported in E1Salvador, JB)was a littleout of rangeon the Pacificslope seenIt is expectedthat these birds had moved all sightrecords. A TennesseeWarbler at Caye of Guatemala.Summer Tanagers at Belmopan into the area in search of food following Caulker8 Sepand a NorthernParula there 29 (PB) and Caye Caulker (J&DB) 5 Sep were HurricaneIris. A Yellow-belliedSapsucker, rare Aug (both J&DB) wereboth early;whereas a earlyfall migrants,as was a ScarletTanager at in Panama, was at Cerro Azul near Panama Northern Parula at Tortuguero 12 Nov CayeCaulker 13 $ep (J&DB). City 26 Nov (DM, KW, SH). (C.C.C.-U.S.ES.)was well s. of its normal win- ter range.There are few records of thisspecies SPARROWSTHROUGH FINCHES FLYCATCHERSTHROUGH PIPITS from Costa Rica. A Chestnut-sided Warbler at Quite unexpectedwas a lone juv. Grassland An Ohve-sidedFlycatcher at Punta Gorda 9 E1 Palmar Viejo on the Pacific coast of Yellow-Finch in Punta Gorda 3 Nov (LJ, Nov (LJ) was late.A VermilionFlycatcher at Guatemala28 Oct (TJ, JB) was in an area not WRM), an areawhere this apparently nomadic CayeCaulker 17 Oct (J&DB)was only the 4th shownwithin the rangeof this species(Land specieshad not beenpreviously recorded A ever recordedfrom the Belizecayes. Belize's 1970,Howell and Webb 1995), but JB hasseen Clay-coloredSparrow in Payne'sCreek N.P ,n firstdocumented Western Kingbird was dose- it therepreviously. Two, possibly 3, CapeMay lateSep or earlyOct (MMu, RE) wasonly the ly studied30 Oct near PuntaGorda (LJ).An Warblersat ChanChich Lodge the lastweek of 3rd recordfor Belize.The birdwas closely stud- EasternKingbird at PuntaGorda 16 Aug and Nov (JVG,CB et al.) wereat a sitewell inland. ied;however, MMu's field notes were destroyed anotherthere 9 Nov (bothLJ) represented the Thisspecies is seldomseen in Belizeaway from by Hurricane Iris shortly after the sighting earliest and latest fall records to date for Belize. the cayes.Two Black-throatedBlue Warblers (thusthe imprecise date). Also destroyed were A Fork-tailedFlycatcher near Guayabos on the were reported from Costa Rica: one at his house,all his possessions,and his village Pacificslope ofVolcfin Miravalles 29 Oct (JRZ) Tortuguero 30 Oct (C.C.C.-U.S.F.S.) and (MonkeyRiver). Belize's first Vesper Sparrow and 2 othersat Tortuguero25 Sepand 11 Oct anotherat Virgen del Socorro19 Nov (JSc). was seenin Punta Gorda on the surprisingly (C C C -U.S.ES.)are worthy of mention,as the Noteworthy were several Yellow-rumped earlydate of 26 Aug (LJ).Also noteworthy in statusof thisspecies (as migrants vs. residents) Warblers in Costa Rica this fall, as were 2 in Belize were Lark Sparrowsat Blue Creek is stillpoorly known in muchof CostaRica. Panama:one eachon 24 Nov (DM, KW, SH) at Village,Toledo Dist. (LJ, LZ), andCaye Caulker A surprising3 White-eyedVireos were band- Ft. Shermanand Gatun Dam. This species is an (ph., J&DB) on 2 & 3 Oct, respectively,and a ed at Tortuguerothis fall: oneon 8 Nov (pres- irregularand generallyrare wintervisitor in s. SavannahSparrow in PuntaGorda on 30 Oct ent until 7 Dec) and 2 on 26 Nov (C.C.C.- C.A. An ad. male Golden-cheeked Warbler (LJ). A Rose-breastedGrosbeak at Caye US F S ) An early Red-eyedVireo was at carefullystudied at JaguarCreek near Blue Caulker15 Sep (J&DB) was the earliestyet Naranjode Alajuela,Costa Rica 24 Aug (JRZ), Hole N.P. 6 Nov (MMa) representedthe first recorded in Belize. and a late PurpleMartin wasat PuntaGorda, documented record for Belize. A Black-throat- A Dickcisselin Punta Gorda 18 Aug and Behze28 Oct (LJ).A juv.Tree Swallow at Caye ed Green Warbler at Caye Caulker 7 Sep another15 Nov (both LJ) werethe earliestand Caulker29 Sep (LJ) representedthe earliest (J&DB)was early, but one at Prusiain Volcln latestyet recordedin Belize,and a Bobolinkat recordt•)r Belizeby nearly a month, and a Irazu N.P.,Costa Rica 18 Aug (IS) wasexcep- CayeCaulker 2 Sep(J&DB) was the earliestfall female at Ft. Sherman near Col6n, Panama 24 tionallyearly. Three Hermit Warblers were seen occurrencefor that species.The mostexciting Nov (DM, KW, SH) wass. of its normalwinter in Costa Rica, all from the vicinity of find of a spectacularfall on CayeCaulker had rangeA BankSwallow at PuntaGorda 13 Nov Monteverde. Three Yellow-throated Warblers to be the imm. Yellow-headed Blackbird found was late, as was a Cliff Swallow there 9 Nov werealso reported .in Costa Rica, with one on 23 Sep and last seen1 Oct (ph., J&DB, LJ) (both LJ). The CaveSwallow, while still quite 28Aug (JRZ) considered early. Prairie Warblers While ad. males have been seen twice before tn rare in Belize,must be increasingin frequency. at Monteverde14 Aug (EA) and PuertoViejo Belize,and a femalewas once seen with frayed A miramum of 8 wasseen migrating s. with deSarapiqui 7 Oct (JRZ) were s. of thespecies's string aroundits foot, this was the first one other swallowsat Punta Gorda 4-13 Nov (LJ, normalwinter range. Similarly, a PalmWarbler consideredto be of wild origin. A pair of WRM) All hadpale rumps and were assumed at Ft. Shermannear Co16n24 Nov (DM, KW, singing EasternMeadowlarks 2 Aug at La to bethe partially migratory pallida subspecies SH) waswell s. of itsnormal winter range; one Palma,Dept. Chalatenango (NH) suggestslocal from n Mexicoand sw. U.S. AVeerynear Punta at CayeCaulker 18 Sep (J&DB) wasearly. A breedingin E1Salvador, where the specieshas Gorda24 Nov (LJ) wasthe latestyet recorded Black-and-white Warbler at 3300 m in Volcan previouslybeen reported only in winter.A male in BehzeRare in theCaribbean slope lowlands IrazuN.P. 18 Aug (JS) was both early (for Costa OrchardOriole at San Ignacio2 Aug (MM) of Costa Rica was a White-throated Robin at La Rica)and at the upperlimit of its elevafional established the earliest fall record for Behze Selva22 Nov (SS).The 2nd recordof European range.An AmericanRedstart at Naranjo de LesserGoldfinches are still beingseen in the Starling from Panamawas of an ad. seen24 Alajuela28 Aug(JRZ) was early for CostaRica, vicinityof Trinidad,Belize (WM), wherethey Nov (DM, KW, SH) at Ft. Shermannear Co16n, and one at CayeCaulker 1 Aug wasthe earliest werefirst recorded in Sep1998 and appear now a few km from the Atlantic entrance to the yet for Belize.Likewise, a KentuckyWarbler at to be established. The Black-headed Siskin is a CanalZone. It is likelythat thisindividual was Caye Caulker2 Aug (J&DB) establishedthe common resident in the M.P.R.; however, as ship-assisted.Belize's first documented earliest fall record for Belize, and a male muchas 90% of itspines have been killed in the

VOLUNiE 56 (2002), NUMBER 1 117 pastfew years by a PineBark Beetle infestation. Two flocksof unidentifiedsiskins seen briefly in flighton the outskirtsof PuntaGorda on 9 West Indies & 15Nov (LJ)may well havebeen Black-head- edsseeking new areas of suitablehabitat; how- ever,no natural pine woodlandsoccur near Punta Gorda.Apparently, no one is studying the effectsof this devastatingbark beetledis- easeon bird populationsin the M.P.R.;thus it is not knownto whatextent species such as the siskin, Red Crossbill,Greater Pewee,and other pine-dependentspecies restricted in Belizeto the M.P.R. have been affected. Five House Sparrowswere in TortugueroI Sep (DVdB, CR), where they have not been previously reported.

UNDOCUMENTED RARITIES A Black-headed Grosbeak in Monteverde near FincaEcologica 21 Oct hasbeen reported vari- ouslyas a maleand a female.Because of the confusion,and becausedetails in supportof this recordhave not yet surfaced,the sighting should be considered undocumented, at least for now.

Cited references Howell, S. N. G., and Webb, S. 1995. A Guide to Robert L. Norton island.Paul Dean reported soon after the hurri- the Birdsof Mexicoand NorthernCentral 8960 NE Waldo Road cane that birds were back in good numbers America.Oxford University Press, New York. Gainesville,Flodda 32609 despitethe damageto his usuallywell-vegetated Jones,H. L. 2002. Erroneousand unconfirmed ([email protected]) backyard. bird records from Belize. Bull, British At Aruba 19-26 Octoberand 12 November,Jan Ornithol.Club. In press. Andrew Dobson Hein van Steenisreported on resident and Land, H. C. 1970. Birds of Guatemala. BermudaAudubon Society migrant birds. In Guadeloupe,the Nature Livingston Publishing Company, Hamilton,Bermuda Reserveof Petifie-Terrecontinues to producea Wynnewood,Pennsylvania. phenomenaldiversity of birds, especially ormany observers, thefall migration wasdis- Nearcftclandbird migrants. Eddie Massiah notes Contributors(country coordinators in bold- appointingin termsof numbersand diversity that Grenada Hook-billed Kites are scarce but face): Bill Adsett,Rodolfo Alvarado,Eduardo of birdsrecorded. Certainly, local and continen- more widespreadon Grenadathan previously Amengual,George Angehr (Panama),Philip tal factorswere not favorablefor bringing thought,including in rainforestup to 400m. He Balderamos, Erick Beita, Chris Benesh, Jason migrantsto offshoreareas such as Bermuda, for alsoreported anew breeding spedes for Grenada: Berry,Jim and DorothyBeveridge, Roberto instance:frontal systems to bringbirds from the Channd-billedToucan, the resultof a Guyanese Cabb,Neyer Campos, Luis Miguel Cruz, Robert continentwere few and weak, and places such as bird dealer'srelease in the early 1990s.Larry Dean, Roberto Echeverria, Joe Garel, Paul Warwickand Spittal Pond were full of waterall Manfrediand Dennis Buss reported on a one-day Grant, Nestor Herrera, Rich Hoyer, Steve season,with little in theway of muddymargins. excursion to Montserrat in search of the endem- Huggins,Tom Jenner,Lee Jones (Belize), Karl At Bermuda,a number of late-seasonstorms, ic MontserratOriole. The newsis goodfor the Kaufmann, RosabelKaufmann, Oliver Komar notablyTropical Storm Karen whichbecame a oriole(), butthe stoic (El Salvador),Ellen McRae, Mark MacReynolds hurricaneas it passed11-12 October-•denuded peoplewho remained on the islandto keepthe (MMa), Freddy Madrigal,Wilvur Martinez, the island of much vegetation.Salt spray country'sspirit alive are the realstory (on the Martin Meadows, Darien Montafiez, Mario "burned"much foliage,and hundredsof trees volcanicimpact on Montserrat:and MontserratVolcano Carol Ralph,Wilfred Requena-Mutrie,Julio decayingHurricane Olga brought more wind and Observatory:). Steve Schafer, Dan Van der Brock, Jay lightsat Bermuda,including Red-tailed Hawk, VanderGaast,Ken Wysocki, Len Zeoli, James R. Sharp-tailedSandpiper, Gull-billed Tern, Red- Abbreviations:BAMZ (BermudaAquarium, breasted Nuthatch, two House Wrens, Lark Museum and Zoo). Zook(CostaRica). z• Sparrow,and two White-winged Crossbills. In the Bahamas,Hurricane Michelle passed STORM-PETRELSTHROUGH TERNS directlyover New Providenceon 5 November, A Leach's Storm-Petrel came aboard a tour boat causingconsiderable damage to treesall overthe off St. David's,Bermuda 19 Sep(HW) and was