
monitoringstation results from across the re- largepopulation at seabeyond the reef at this gionmay provide some interesting results. season,at leastin someyears, from which an As if hurricaneswere not enough,Mother unhealthyfew are carriedinside the reefto Nature dealt more bad luck on 1 Octoben E1 shore.On 13 Aug,W. kala observedan ad. Salvador'slargest volcano, Santa Ana, erupted White-tailedTropicbird at closerange 200 m witha moderateexplosion that day, covering off s. AmbergrisCaye while fishing.While the upperslopes with nearlya meterof ash, therehave been several anecdotal reports of andflattening parts of itscloud forest. The ex- thisspecies in Belizein recentyears, this was plosionwas followed by a weekof heavyrain thefirst adequately documented since 1976. as crossedsouthern Mexico, In Guatemala,at least 100 AmericanWhite H. Lee Jones ß Oliver Komar causingnearly a meterof rainfallin some Pelicanswere presentin Montetrico,Santa partsof northernCentral America and lead- Rosaon the earlydate of 8 Oct (ACh), anda ing to hundredsof landslides.The bird band- MagnificentFrigatebird was seenflying low tropicalstorms and hurricanes in the ingstation in thevolcano's cloud forest (2 km overheadwell inlandat Rocj/•Pomtilfi, Alta heCaribbeanincrease mayin numberbe havinganda severity hugebut of from the crater) was abandoned, but at press Verapaz15 Oct (EC). TwoLeast Bitterns were largelyunnoticed impact on migratingsong- time, monthlybird monitoringhad begun at Rubelsanto 10 Oct (KE). In , a birds. Paul Salaman of the American Bird onceagain. At the volcano,significant de- LeastBittern, the first for Chiriqut,was at a Conservancyreported an unprecedentedfall- dinesin residentbird populations are expect- smallmarsh near kas kajas beach 27 Oct (AC, outof migrantson San Andrfs Island, 220 km ed,as well asin migrantsaffected by thevar- DH, DMo). An imm.Fasciated •ger-Heron at eastof ,during and following Hur- ious hurricanes. Cabeceras(w. of Santa Elena de ) ricanesWilma and Beta. He, ten instructors, Thisseasoh's report includes the first coun- 11Nov (ph.RH, WINGS) at about1400 m el- and 60 trainee handers visited San Andrfs to try recordsfor AplomadoFalcon in E1 conductan advancedbanding course spon- Salvador,Yellow-headed Caracara in soredby FundactOn ProAves and others. They (possibly a storm-drivenva- werepresent from the period immediately grantfrom the northcoast of Colom- lowingthe passageof HurricaneWilma (19 bia?), a possibleVirginias Warbler in Oct), which startedjust eastof SanAndr•s CostaRica, and Slate-coloredSeedeater andtracked northwestward, through the full in Guatemala. impactof HurricaneBeta a weeklater. In Dr. Salaman'swords: "The fallout of migrantswas Abbreviations:C.A. (CentralAmerica); unprecedented,particularly in the aftermath MUHNES(Museum of NaturalHistory of eachhurricane.. For example,on the 19th of E1 Salvador);T.E.C. (Instituto Tec- an estimated5+ millionmigrants arrived, pri- nolfgicode CostaRica). marily Bay-breasted,Chestnut-sided, and TennesseeWarblers, Gray Catbirds,Oven- DUCKSTHROUGH IBISES birds,tanagers, and thrushes.In subsequent In Guatemala, 5 ad. Black-bellied days,waves of otherspecies hit the island, Whistling-Ducks28 Aug, one with 7 Thisjuvenile female Aplornado Falcon flew •n•o a jetdunng particularlyIndigo Bunting,Yellow-billed very youngjuvs., establisheda first take-offat E1Salvador's international airport on 26 September Cuckoo, and other warblerssuch as Golden- nestingrecord for Rubelsanto, Alta Ver- 2005,establishing thecountry's first record for the species. winged.Sadly, the muscle and fat conditions apaz (ph. KE). In E1 Salvador,6 ad. PhotographbyRicardo Ibarra Portillo. fora largeproportion of hurricanefallout mi- MuscovyDucks at Lagunade Colima,Cus- evationon the Caribbeanslope of CostaRica grantswas horrendous.We are concerned catldn5 Aug(Nell) werebreeding in adjoin- (butvery near the continental divide) was the thatthe impact of bothhurricanes (as well as ing forestaccording to local wardens;the firstreport for the Monteverdearea and was the manyprevious hurricanes) could be sig- speciesis rarein thisdepartment. Five Blue- unusualin thatthe bird was perched in forest nificanton Neotropical migrant species popu- wingedTeal, including a male in alternate at theedge of a pasture,nowhere near its pre- lations.The trueextent of theseimpacts may plumage,were at LasCOncavas, Cartago 3] ferredhabitat of rushingwater. ]'his species not be knownuntil next breedingseason." Jul (DM). If migrants,they were exceptional- hasappeared in manynew areas in CostaRica Andthese are only the birds that made landfall ly early.If not migrants,they may represent in recentyears, especially along the s. Pacific on this one island. Think of the millions that the first summer record for . Also slope,perhaps aided by the risein thepopu- may havereached other islandsin an ex- noteworthyin Costa Rica were a female larity of trout and tilapiacultivation. hausted or emaciated state-•or never reached NorthernPintail at Bagatziricefields n. of GlossyIbis in a fieldnear kas kajas beach 27 land. The toll from these two hurricanes Palo Verde 15 Nov and a flock of 56 Lesser Oct (AC, DH, DMo) were the firstrecorded in alone must have been enormous indeed. In Scaupat Pelonde La Bajuraricefields nw. of Chiriqut. fact,migrants trying to make their way to PaloVerde four days later (both JRZ). Central America from eastern North America An exhausted Audubon's Shearwater was DIURNALRAPTORS would havebeen plagued by severestorms closelyobserved about 0.5 km off s. Amber- Thefirst effort to monitorfall hawk migration duringan unusuallylarge percentage of au- grisCaye 5 Aug (tSL). Belize'stwo previous systematicallyin n. C.A.,organized by RPat tumndays in 2005.The enormous hurricanes occurrenceswere of a recentlydead and a dy- Suchitoto,Cuscatldn it/E1 Salvador'scentral Katrinaand Rita of Augustand September ing individual,both found washed ashore in valley,produced a countof 327,000raptors 1 could have been disastrous for some of the late Jul/earlyAug, suggestinga patternof Sep-15 Nov and severalinteresting results. earliermigrants. An analysisof winterbird summeroccurrence and perhapsa relatively Themajority of thebirds passing were, as ex-


pected,Turkey Vultures (204,000), Swain- In CostaRica, a subad.light-morph Crest- de Lim6n 10 Oct (DM, PP). On the shoreof son'sHawks (97,000), and Broad-winged ed Eaglewas at the entranceto CarloHarold, L. Yaxh•, Pet•n, at least one Collared Plover Hawks (18,000), but over 5000 were Black Tortuguero18 Aug (ph. MC et al.). While a wasobserved with SemipalmatedPlovers and Vultures,a specieswhose migrations in the smallpopulation may be residentin the area, Kfildeer3 Dec(KE). Also noteworthy were 2 areaare poorlyknown. Some partial season thebird may instead have been a visitorfrom AmericanOystercatchers along the n. coastof resultsfor migrating raptors were also report- the extensiveareas of protectedforest just Hondurasat Jutiapa 21-25 Nov (DMe, DSet ed fromGuatemala's Pacific flyway From 23 over the border in Nicaragua.A Crested al.,fide OK). Oct-3 Nov, NH of the PROEVAL RAXMU Caracara11 Sepat T.E.C. in Cartagoeating In E1 Salvador,a WanderingTattler was Bird MonitoringProgram counted 209,000+ carrion with vultures(DM, JS, migratingraptors in thecities of Chiquimulil- CS) was only the 2nd recorded la and Taxisco,Santa Rosa;98 per cent on the side of Costa (205,225)were lurkey Vultures, and most of Rica'sCentral Valley The species the rest (3761) were SwainsoffsHawks. has been spreadinge. and s. Impressivekite migrationswere observed throughoutdeforested areas of at Suchitotoby RP,GG, JR and others: a total the Caribbeanlowlands; howev- of 27 Hook-billed Kites was tallied 14 Oct-15 er, it remainsvery rare in Costa Nov,and during Sep, 10 Swallow-tailedKites Ricae. of Alajuelain the Central (2-7 Sep), a remarkable1729 Mississippi Valleyand is seldomseen this Kites (1156 on 4 Sep), and 29 Plumbeous high in elevation(1500 m). A Kites(1-3 Seponly) weredocumented. Ihe Yellow-headedCaracara flying w. MississippiKite flightsubsided in earlyOct, alongthe beach at Jutiapa, Atldn- with 41 counted in that month and the last tida 22 Nov (LA, RC, OK) was a seenon 14 Oct. Singlemale Northern Harri- firstfor Honduras.Although the Thisleucistic Green Violet-ear was on the Caribbean slope of Cordillera Central nearVara Bianca, Costa Rica 8 August-9October 2005 (here 11 August) 2005. ers migratingat Suchitoto28-29 Sepwere specieshas been expanding in re- PhotographbyYeudi Hernandez. earlyAlso surprising were unexpectedly high centyears in s. C.A.,it is perhaps numbersof severalother hawk species ob- moreplausible that this individual was blown foundat the mouthof R.Jiboa, La Paz 15 Oct served:for instance,11 Oct-9 Nov,37 Coop- acrossthe Caribbean from n. Colombiaby one (ph. TJ). E1 Salvador's2nd fall Long-billed er• Hawkshere approached the numberof of the season'shurricanes or tropicalstorms. Curlewwas at Bahiade Jiquilisco,Usulutdn Sharp-shinnedHawks counted (48), which Displacementof raptorsby tropicalstorms, 15 Oct (ph. TJ).Another Long-billed Curlew suggeststhat Cooper'smay be a morecom- however,has only rarely been documented. was observedin muddyfallow ricefields at mon winter visitor to n. C.A. than some have A juv. femaleAplomado Falcon was ob- Pe16nde La Bajura, 15 km s. of Liberia,Gua- supposed.A Cooper'sHawk at Montecristo servedto collidewith an airplane during take- nacaste19 Nov 0RZ). Thereare few records N.E, Santa Ana 15 Oct (OK) was a new off at the E1Salvador international airport in for Costa Rica, and theseare almostexclu- speciesfor thepark. Comalapa,La Paz,on 26 Sep.The specimen, sivelyfrom the coast. In Belize,a Long-billed Iwo PlumbeousHawks (one seenwell, one recoveredby airportauthorities (ph. RIP), Curlewwas on CayeCaulker 21 Oct 0&DB) callingin thedistance) 2 Augat 1000m ele- now representsthe firstrecord for the coun- immediatelyfollowing passage of Hurricane vation on Altos de Mafia, Panama(MH) were try (*MUHNES).The possibility that a small Wilrna.A MarbledGodwit, perhaps the same thefirst recorded on thePacific slope w. of the populationexists on E1 Salvador'scoastal individualreturning for at leastits 3rd winter, CanalArea. Solitary Eagles, always notewor- plain shouldbe consideredin this case.An arrivedon CayeCaulker 25 Aug0&DB); one thyin thisRegion, were reported in Belizeand ad.Aplomado Falcon at E1Chiru, Cocle 6 Aug noted6 Sepin the R. Tortugueroacross from Costa Rica. An ad. was found 2 km n. of Rio (MH, DR) wasnoteworthy, as thisspecies is Tortuguerotown (DL, IT) furnishedthe first On in theMountain Pine Ridge 25 Nov (ph. rarelyreported this far e. in Panama. record for the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. CB), verynear where one was photographed A Buff-breastedSandpiper in PlayaAzul just by the sameobserver a year ago.In Costa RAILSTHROUGH DOVES s. of the mouthof R. Tarcoles25 Aug (AK) Rica,an ad. was observed at 1600m atBosque On Caye Caulker,Belize, the first Rufous- may have providedthe first CostaRican de Paz about 10 km wnw. of Volcgtn Po•s on necked Wood-Rail of the fall was observed 11 recordfrom the coastand one of very few the edgeof JuanCastro Blanco N.P. 28 Aug Sep(,J&DB). Purple Gallinule was previously awayfrom the CentralValley. Reports of this (NU, PW). The fall hawkwatchat Suchitoto assumedto be nestingin Rubelsantoby the speciesin CostaRica are becoming increas- detectedjust 2 White-tailedHawks, apparent- presenceof ads.during the breeding season in inglyrare, as its preferred short-grass habitat ly migrating,on 15 Oct, but impressivemi- 2003 andnearly ad.-sized juvs. in 2004.This in theCentral Valley has all but disappeared. grationswere noted for Zone-tailed Hawk and year,on 28 Aug,an ad.was seen with a small RoyalTern is rarelyrecorded inland, so one Red-tailed Hawk: a remarkable 116 Zone- chick(ph. KE), providing the first firm breed- observed9 Oct flyingalong the shorelineof taileds(23 in Sep,93 in Oc0 and 4I Re& ing evidencefor this Guatemalansite. Al- LagunaLachu•, Alta Verapaz(ph. KE, CA) taileds(3 Sep-7Nov) provided the strongest thoughpossibly of regularoccurrence, Amer- wasunexpected. The bird spent the night on evidence so far that lowland records of both ican Golden-Ploveris seldomreported in a rockon theshore. A White Ternclosely ob- speciesin winterin C.A.may represent long- CostaRica. Therefore, one seen14 Sep at servedflying over R. Tarcolesestuary 27 Nov distancemigrants. A Red-tailedHawk seen shrimpponds in (WA, GF) is note- beforeheading out to sea(fRO, LC) estab- from CanopyTower Hotel (near Summit, worthy Perhapsmore impressivewere 2 lishedonly the 3rd documentedrecord for CanalArea) 27 Sep(DMo, JTe) was notewor- SnowyPlovers, one at the shrimpponds at mainland Costa Rica. In Honduras,a White- thS as thisspecies is a very raremigrant in Chomes14 Sep (WA, GF) andanother at the crownedPigeon 25-26 Nov at Jufiapa(OK, Panama. mouthof HoneCreek just n. of PuertoViejo JM), alongthe mainlandbeach opposite the


CayosCochinos, was presumablya storm- Oct (ph. YeudiHernandez, m.ob.). FLYCATCHERSTHROUGH THRASHERS drivenvagrant from the Cayos.During the BetweenII and I4 Oct, threehumming- A Sepia-cappedFlycatcher, rare on the s. Pa- courseof raptor counts in Taxiscoand bird specieswere recorded at an atypically cificslope of CostaRica, was seen and heard Chiquimulilla,at leastI660 migratingWhite- highelevation at SavegreLodge, which is at singingat 1100m at R. Negrode CotoBras wingedDoves were counted23 Oct-3 Nov 2000 m on the Pacificslope of Cerrode la nearthe Panama border 13 Sep(JRZ, MO). In (NH). In CostaRica, 2 White-wingedDoves Muertein CostaRica. Approximately 5 Vio- Panama,2 -ringedFlatbills were seen at were gatheringgrit on the airstripat Tor- let-headedHummingbirds were observed 650m at El Valle14 Aug (MH, JP), providing tuguero21 Aug (AS), and singleMourning 11-14 Oct(MS, PM); a ChanningHumming- the first record for e. Coc!e. Because Yellow- Doveswere at Tortuguero22 Aug(AS) and La birdwas seen 14 Oct (MS);and a Snowy-bel- marginedFlycatcher in CostaRica is thought Selva29 Oct 0RZ). Thesetwo species are sel- lied Hummingbirdwas present11-12 Oct to be restrictedto the Pacificlowlands very domreported on theCaribbean slope of Cos- (PM). In CostaRica, a Blue-throatedGolden- near the Panamaborder, one seen and heard ta Rica.The Oct MourningDove was most tail was seencoming to Ingaflowers at the (andresponding to playback)6 Nov at Uvita likelya migrant,but theorigin of (NU, CU, PW) was noteworthy theAug bird is intriguing,as this in that it was a considerable dis- speciestypically does not arrive tanceup-coast to the northwest. in the area before Oct. Two Western Wood-Pewees mist- nettedin an Izalcocoffee planta- PARROTSTH ROUGH tion, Sonsonate18 Aug (ph. LA, ANTBIRDS LG), representedan earlyfall mi- Normallyrather uncommonon grationrecord for E1Salvador. At thelong, narrow peninsula that is Rocj•Pomtila, a LeastFlycatcher AmbergrisCaye, a groupof 11 19Aug (EC, JC, RC) wasan ear- Olive-throated Parakeetsap- ly migrant.Two BlackPhoebes pearedin earlyOct, and numbers seenfeeding near a bridgeat Al- hadincreased to 150-200by the tos de Maria 4 Aug (MH, DR) last week of Nov (SL). Two were the first recorded between Barred Parakeets seen and heard Chiriquiand e. Panamaprovince. at MontecristoN.P. 15 Oct, and 4 A Rusty-marginedFlycatcher the next day (OK), represented 15 Nov at La Gamba in the Golfo the 2nd and 3rd records for E1 Dulce lowlands 7 km nw. of Golfi- Salvador. The first was at the to (CG et al.) was the 3rd record- sameplace the previousOct. A Thismale Shiny Cowbird was one of three at HoneCreek 7 October2005 that furnished Costa ed fromthis localitysince it was Black-billed Cuckoo was at Palo Rica'ssecond record of the spedes; the country's first record was from the sarne location inApril 2004.Photograph byDaniel Martinez. first reportedin CostaRica in Verde13 Nov (JRZ).A rare mi- 2004. The specieshas alsobeen grantin CostaRica, it is evenrarer on thePa- K•kOldi tower, located near Bribri on the seenonce se. of .Single Sulphur-bellied cificslope. A Yellow-billedCuckoo at Jutiapa Caribbeancoast near Panama 8 Oct (RM,JT). Flycatchers8 Oct at LasLajas Forest, lzalco, 26 Nov (OK, JM) was possiblya late fall Thesesame flowers hosted a Magenta-throat- Sonsonateand at SanMiguelito, San Francisco recordfor thisspecies in Honduras.Breeding ed Woodstarthe followingday (DMo, RM, Men•ndez,Ahuachaptin (both OK) arethe lat- of LesserGround-Cuckoo was finallycon- JT). TwoOrange-bdlied Trogons at Altosde est on record for E1 Salvador.In Bdize, a Pi- finnedin E1Salvador with a nestand eggs Maria4 Aug(MH, CB,DR) providedthe first raficFlycatcher in Mayflower-BocawinaN.P., foundat Colima,Cuscatldn 5 Aug (ph. Nell). recordfor thatlocality. In E1Salvador, a Blue- StannCreek 15 Sep (LJ) was a latefall migrant. A Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo, rare in throated Motmot observed at Cant6n Las Pi- In Guatemala,at least1174 migrating Scissor- Panama,was heard 3 Augat 900m in Altosde las,San Ignacio 16 Oct (AM) was the first re- tailed Flycatcherswere countedin Taxisco Maria (MH, CB,JP). portedfrom Chalatenango in more than 60 andChiquimulilla 23 Oct-3Nov (NH). A pair A BlackSwift, very rare anywhere in Pana- years. of kovelyCotingas, a sddom-recorded species ma,was seen from the CanopyTower Hotel Two ad. and 2 fledglingPale-breasted in n. C.A.,was observed in the forestcanopy nearSummit 28 Sep(DMo, JTe, CB), provid- Spinetailsat T.E.C.,Cartago 11 Sep(JS, DM, at Yaxh•, Peten1 Dec (KE). ingthe first record for the Canal Area. Farther CS) furnished the first record for Costa Rica In Honduras,40 Three-watdedBellbirds at w., at E1Valle, Code,MH and DR observeda n. of thes. Pacificslope and the first for the R. Chiquitoand R. Babylonia,Gualaco, O!an- flockof 20 Chestnut-collaredSwifts feeding Caribbeanside. A singleRufous-breasted cho 6-7 Nov(OK et al.) mayhave been staging at duskon 5 Aug.A maleand femaleViolet Spinetaftat Talcnaluya,La Libertad22 Nov fora localmigration. Red-eyed Vireo is a tran- Sabrewingat 1000 m, and 2 White-tailed (RIP) representeda new locality for thisrare sientrarely reported in E1Salvador, with most Emeraldsat 1050 m elevation, in Altos de speciesin E1 Salvador.A Bare-crowned fall reportsin Sep.One observed at E1Imposi- Maria 1 and 15 Aug,respectively (MH, JP), Antbird at 1200 m in Dfirika de BuenosAires, ble N.P, Ahuachapdn16 Oct OF) is thelatest established the first records for Panampi about 15 km he. of on the s. Pa- recordedfor thecountry. A Yellow-greenVireo provinceand the easternmostrecord for both cificslope of the CordilleraTalamanca mid- mist-netted and 6 others observed at E1 Im- species.In CostaRica, a leucisficGreen Vio- Nov+ (EA, liD), was at a new location and an posibleN.P. 16 Oct (LA,JF) represent the latest let-earwas observedcoming to feedersat exceptionallyhigh devation. On CostaRica's fallrecords for that species in E1Salvador. A mi- 1200 m elevation in Mirador San Fernando Pacificslope, this species is thoughtto bere- grantYellow-green Vireo was on CayeCaulker on the Caribbeanslope of CordilleraCentral strictedto thes. interiorvalleys but is seldom 9 Sep(J&DB). Although a long-distancemi- (nearVara Blanca ne. of Volcan Pods) 8 Aug-9 reportedeven there. grant,it is notoften reported from the cayes.


A TreeSwallow, an extremelyrare migrant Tuisde Turrialba22 Oct (PE, HV) provided SanVito. The species is muchmore common m CostaRica, was observedin with 100 Barn the 5th recordin CostaRica in the pastfour in Panama.A SummerTanager at Concep- Swallowsin theBagatzi ricefields near the en- yearssince it wasfirst reliably reported in fall ci6nde San Rafael, Heredia 17 Aug(AV) was tranceto PaloVerde N.P. 12 Nov (JRZ).Three 2002. An imm. male Black-throated Green an exceptionallyearly fall migrant;a male Blue-and-whiteSwallows at Chomes29 Aug Warblerat PaloVerde 13 Nov (JRZ) was in WesternTanager on Caye Caulker2 Oct (JRZ)were thought to beSouth American mi- theGuanacoate lowlands, where the species is (J&DB) was one of few that havebeen reli- grantsbased on the dateand lowlandloca- seldomseen, and a BlackburnJanWarbler at ablyreported in Belize. tion.The resident Costa Rica population is re- Cant6nLas Pilas, San Ignacio, Chalatenango Slate-coloredSeedeaters were reported in strictedto middleand high elevations. Three 16 Oct (AM) wasa newdepartment record for Guatemala and Costa Rica this fall. The first Cave Swallows 17 Nov with a dozen Barn thisrarely reported species in E1Salvador. A recordfrom Guatemala came in Mayin Roqa Swallowsover sugar cane fields 2 km w.of La femalePrairie Warbler at a highwaypull-off Pomtila (Eisermannand Avendafio2006). Pe- Guineaalong the R. Tempisquee. of Filadelfia at 2800m about4 km n. of Ofintipeque,Quet- riodicbird countsMay-Oct establishedthe (JRZ)provided the 3rd recordfor CostaRica. zaltenango12-16 Nov (JB)was exceptional species' continued presence at the site All three records have been from the n. Pacif- both with respectto elevationand distance throughthe summer.On 8 Oct at leastone ic lowlandsaround the Golfode Nicoyabe- inlandfrom the Caribbeancoast. The only ad. male, one female, and 2 imm. males were tweenNov and Feb. A BrownCreeper was ob- previousrecord for Guatemalawas of a fall seen,and the songwas tape-recorded(KE, servedin pine forest at Finca San Jose, migrantthat cameaboard a boat 190 km at EC,JC). Thespecies was assumed by theob- Chiquimula,on the Guatemalanside of Cerro seaoff the Pacificcoast. Single BlackburnJan servers to havenested in the area,although Montecristo10Aug (KE, CA). There are only andPrairie Warblers on CayeCaulker 22 Aug concrete evidence was not obtained. In Costa two recordsfrom the E1Salvadoran part of (J&DB)were early migrants. Rica,at least2 singingmales were heard (one thismr. range.A Gray-cheekedThrush was A Yellow-throated Warbler and a Cerulean seenwas in female-typeplumage) 10 Oct at mist-netted at in se. Costa Rica 7 Warbler,both rare migrantsin CostaRica, 1200 m on CerroEspiritu Santo, de Nov (ph. At). This speciesis consideredto wereseen in theNational Museum gardens in Alajuda(JRZ). They were coming to seeding be a veryrare migrant on thePacific slope, al- downtownSan Jose 9 SepUS). Even more un- Chusquiasp. in a patchof forest.Despite thoughit may be largelyoverlooked. Gray expectedwas a femaleCerulean Warbler at La manysubsequent visits to the area,the birds Catbirds at Hotel Talari, Rivas de Perez EnsenadaLodge 17 Nov (CG et al.). Like werenot seenor heardagain, although the Zeled6n,5 km ne. of SanIsidro de E1Gener- Black-throatedGreen, this species is unusual Chusquiawas still seeding through the end of al, 24 & 27 Nov (PW) and at SanAntonio de on thePacific slope, and especially in thePa- the period.These birds were the first ever Belen,Herealia (a few km e. of the interna- cific lowlands. Ten Cerulean Warblers were re- recordedin theCentral Valley, were farther n uonalairport in )26-27 Nov (RG) portedfrom Caye Caulker this fall (J&DB),a on thePacific slope in CostaRica than previ- wereon thePacific slope of CostaRica, where highercount than usual. One on 2 Augestab- ouslyreported, and were at thehighest eleva- catbirdsare rarely seen. lished the earliest fall arrival date for the Re- tionyet recorded in thecountry. gion.Likewise, a Swainson'sWarbler on Caye Quiteunexpected was a Black-facedGros- WARBLERS Caulker23 Aug(J&DB) provided the earliest beakthat appeared on CayeCaulker 25 Oct At Los Cusingos(Dr. Skutch'sfarm) in San falldate yet for that species. A Canada Warbler (J&DB) followingthe offshorepassage of lsldrode E1General, a Blue-wingedWarbler mist-nettedat LosVolcanes N.P, SantaAnt 24 HurricaneWilraa, which generated w. winds 28 Sep(JRZ) may have been the sameindi- Aug (LG) wasan earlyfall occurrencefor E1 of 40-50 ktsat the caye.This record was not vidualseen there last Mar. Blue-wingedWar- Salvador.Only E1 Salvador's 3rd fall report,3 onlythe first for theBelize cayes; the species blers are rare winter visitors in Costa Rica. E1 Red-faced Warblers were at Montecristo N.E is unrecordedfrom much of the adjacent Salvador'sfirst fall recordsof Golden-winged 16 Oct (OK). In CostaRica, Yellow-breasted mainland,being primarily a birdof theinteri- Warbler were established at Montecristo N.E Chatswere seen at La Argentinade Greciaon or foothills. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Get- m pine-oakforest. Ad. males were seen 15-16 thePacific slope of thew. Central Valley on 23 semanide Heredit,Costa Rica 12 Aug (LS) Oct (OK), andpossibly the sameindividuals Sep(RaC) and about 15 kmse. of Sanlsidro wasexceptionally early. This speciesseldom werethen captured in mistnets 27 Octand 15 de E1General on 2 Oct (JRZ). appearsbefore the 3rd week of Sep.A second- Nov (ph. LA). Theseprovided only the 7th year male Black-headedGrosbeak 4 Nov and 8th recordsof this decliningmigratory TANAGERSTHROUGH EUPHONIAS (PM)at nearbyBarva at 1900rn on then. nm visitor for E1Salvador. In Panama,where it is At least6 RosyThrush-Tanagers were heard of theCentral Valley provided one of thefew a veryrare migrant, 2 maleNorthern Parulas singing29 Sep (JRZ), and a pair was ob- recordsof thisspecies s. of Mexico. wereseen on the CayosZapatillos (e. of 1. servedmid-Nov+ (EA, RD), at 1200 m eleva- An IndigoBunting at RocjaPoretilt 9 Sep Bastimentos)in the Bocasdel ToroArchipel- tion in D•rika de Buenos Aires on the s. Pa- (EC, JC, RC) was about three weeks earlier ago22 Oct (JAC).In Guatemala,one was at cificslope of CordilleraTalamanca about 15 thanexpected and established the earliest fall Coban 16 Oct (CA). km he. of Buenos Aires. These observations datefor theRegion. Three male Shiny Cow- A MagnoliaWarbler on CayeCaulker 6 Sep suggestthat a viablepopulation of thisvery birdsat HoneCreek 7 Oct (ph. DM, PP) pro- (]&DB) was more than a week earlierthan rare and extremelylocal species persists in vided the 2nd record for Costa Rica. The first previouslyreported in Belizein fall.A Yellow- thissmall valley. Apparently, the type of agri- record,that of a lonefemale in Apr 2004,was rumpedWarbler at La EnsenadaLodge, Gua- culturepracticed by the indigenouspeople at the same location: A Black-cowled Oriole nacoate17 Nov (CG et al.) and4 at Lagunade living'there creates brushy second-growth ar- wasat Naranjode Alajuela6 Nov (JRZ).It is Olomega,San Miguel 25 Nov (RIP) were easthat thisspecies prefers. The only other stillrare on the Pacific slope of CostaRica but noteworthy,as the species is seldomreported recent record for Costa Rica is of a lone male hasspread in recentyears from the Central from the Pacific lowlands. A male Golden- thatis stillresiding in a smallpatch of scrub Valleys. to aroundSan lsidro de E1General cheekedWarbler at 1850 m at CerroSilencio, about one km from the Panama border near Exceptionallyearly were Baltimore Orioles at


RocjfiPomtil• (EC,JC, RC) andnear Costa de Literature cited Heinrichs,Nestor Herrera (Nell), Dale Hert- Pajaroson then. shoreof the Gulfof Nicoya Eisermann, K., and Avendafio, C. 2006 (in er, Rich Hoyer,Ricardo lbarra Portillo,Lee (LS) 17 Aug.Three Elegant Euphonias at the press).DiversEdad de avesen Guatemala,con Jones(Belize), Andrew Keaveney, Oliver Ko- Kek61ditower near Bribri 28 Oct (RM, JT) unalista bibliogrfifica. In: E. Cano(ed.) Bio- mar (El Salvador),Susan Lala, Wil Lala,Daryl werenear sea level, a verylow elevationfor diversidadde Guatemala,Vol. 1, Universidad Loth,Paco Madrigal, Daniel Martinez, Rudy thisspecies. del Valle de Guatemala. Mayorga,Jeff McCrary, David Medina (DMe), ,41varoMoises, Darien Montafiez (DMo), Alli- UNDOCUMENTEDRARITIES Contributors(country coordinators in bold- sonOlivieri, Michael OlivEerE, Randall Ortega, A reportof an Orange-crownedWarbler, in face): Willy Alfaro, EduardoAmengual, Jos•Perez, Ricardo Perez, Pablo Porras, Jorge with a small flock of TennesseeWarblers, at David Anderson(Honduras), Lety AndEnD, Ramos,Danrio Rodriguez, Julio Sanchez, Luis T.E.C.,Cartago 27 Oct lackedsufficient de- GeorgeAngehr (Panama),Claudia Aven- Sandoval, Cecilia Sansonetti, David Shoch, tails.A first-yearmale Virginia• Warbler at dafio,Jason Berry, Carlos Bethancourt, Jim AlejandroSolano, Marco Soto,Jos• Tejada 1500 m in Las Alturas de CotOn 13 Nov was and DorothyBeveridge, Efrain Caal,Javier 0Te), Julie Tilden, lan Thompson,Carlos closelyobserved by multipleobservers, and Caal, RobertoCaal, Luis Campos,Rafael Urefia,Noel Urefia,Andr•s Vaughn, Herman its appearancewas describedin reasonable Campos(RaC), Alfonso Ch•ivez (ACh), Car- Venegas,Pieter Westra, James R. Zook (Cos- detail; however,none of the observersnoted los Ch•ivez,Alan Clark, Rob Clay,Mariano ta Rica).O thisspecies' almost incessant tail pumping.If Cruz, Jan Axel CubElla,Robert Dean, Knut correctlyidentified, this would be the first Eisermann (Guatemala), Pablo Elizondo, H.Lee Jones, 4810 Park Newport, #317, Newport Beach, Cal- recorded in Central America s. of Belize and JesseFagan, Gustavo Flores, Geovanni Gar- ifornia92660, (hleejones•adelphia.net); OliverKomar, Sal- n. Guatemala,where it is a vagrant. cia, RichardGarrigues, Luis GirOn,Carlos vaNATURAConservation Science Prograrn, 33 Avertida Sur GOmez,Tom Jenner, Michael Harvey, Nicole #640,San Salvador, ElSalvador, ([email protected]) WestIndies &Bermuda

vember 2005 to train Colombian banders in Wigeonswere first seen at Maillis Ponds, Ade- EORGIA I•I.RI•UP• thelatest techniques. In thatlast week of Oc- laide, New Providence29 Oct, and a female FLORIDA tober, the southwesternCaribbean was tra- NorthernShoveler was there the next day • • E ATOMIC versedby HurricaneBeta, which swept over (PM). A basic-plumagedGarganey, Bermuda's lslaProvidencia and narrowly passed San An- 2nd,was at SpittalPond 10 Oct-12 Nov (PW, dres 30 October, with torrential rains and m.ob., ph.). The firstreturning Bermuda Pe- stormsurges up to 2 m, beforeit movedto- trels were noted 19 Oct 0M). In 13.5 hrs of wardNicaragua the next day.The milderef- seawatchingin Nov at Guadeloupe,Levesque CAYMANIS• '•• fectsof HurricaneBeta at SanAndres as op- recordeda singleBlack-capped Petrel and 6 posed to Providencia (both Colombian Cory'sShearwaters. A Cory's with no obvious protectorates)allowed banders greater free- injurywas found on a roadsideon GrandBa- domof movementon the formerisland; they hama 21 Nov (EG). A keachg Storm-Petrel were thus able documenta truly amazing was seenoff Bermuda28 Oct (PW). avianfallout (see the Central America region- On 9 Nov,an injuredimm. NorthernGan- al reportand also ).Eight new migrant Bahama(EG). An imm. MaskedBooby died RobertL. Norton ß AnthonyWhite specieswere registered for SanAndres Island, in captivityat BermudaAquarium Museum & Andrew Dobson whichare mentioned below; the effect of high Zoo 4 Aug 0G); anotherwas photographed windsand surges on coastalmangrove habi- off West Whale Bay,Bermuda in early Sep tatshas yet to be determined. (fideAD). A MagnificentFrigatebird was over ful rain helpedmake this year'sfall mi- CastleHarbour, Bermuda 4 Sep (KD, AD, grationnthe Bahamas,a strong goodone. Only weatherone andhurricane, plenti- WATERFOWL THROUGH TERNS JM), where an unprecedentedinflux of at Wilma,hit the Bahamas,and its damagewas A rareWest Indian Whistling-Duck was ob- least 70 followed (there had largelylimited to westernGrand Bahama. served 10 Nov near Island School, Cape only beensightings of singlebirds previous- Someless common migrants such as Yellow- Eleuthera,Bahamas (DE). A Gadwall banded ly!) 4 Nov andlater, with singlesseen as late billed Cuckoo, Red-eyedVireo, Northern at SanAndres in theperiod 20 Oct-2 Nov fur- as 12 Nov. MagnificentFrigatebirds were Rough-wingedSwallow, Hooded Warbler, nished a first record for that location (BH). presentat New Providence,Bahamas in un- Blue Grosbeak,Painted Bunting, and Balti- TwoEurasian Wigeons arrived at SpittalPond, usual numbers, with 3 at Clifton 28 Oct more Oriole were reportedin numberstoo Bermuda20 Oct (DBW).Heavy rains in Great (MD), 5 flyingover Montagu Foreshore and largeto be detailedhere. Exumain Octfilled the ponds, and large num- Potter'sCay 5 & 6 Nov (NMc, CW), andmul- Volunteer bird banders from North Ameri- bersof AmericanWigeons and RuddyDucks tiple singlesover the islandin late Oct and can visited Isla San Andres 20 October-2 No- showedup in Nov 0&BM). ThreeAmerican earlyNov. Over 30 distant,unidentified cor-