Costa Rica Adaptation Programme – ADAPTA2+
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Costa Rica Adaptation Programme – ADAPTA2+ Reducing Vulnerability in Critical Sectors (Agriculture, Water Resources, and Coastlines) to Lessen the Negative Impacts of Climate Change and Improve Resilience Midterm Evaluation – July 2018 EVALUATION TEAM Mathieu Dumas : +1 581 999 7230 : [email protected] Nathan De Baets : +1 581 989 9994 : [email protected] Adaptation Program ADAPTA2+ – Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1 1. EVALUATION BACKGROUND ....................................................................................... 2 1.1 ADAPTATION FUND PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 2 1.2 FUNDECOOPERACIÓN .................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 RATIONAL, SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE MTE ............................................................................... 3 2. METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 5 2.1 EVALUATION APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................... 5 2.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA AND QUESTIONS ............................................................................................ 6 2.3 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 7 3. PROGRAMME BACKGROUND AND CURRENT STATUS .................................................. 8 3.1 PROGRAMME CONTEXT: PRE-EXISTING VULNERABILITY AND RATIONALE FOR ADAPTATION ........................ 8 3.2 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAMME CONCEPT ........................................................................................... 10 3.3 PROGRAMME COMPONENTS AND OBJECTIVES (LOGICAL FRAMEWORK) ................................................ 21 3.4 CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION STATUS .............................................................................................. 23 4. PROGRAMME EVALUATION FINDINGS....................................................................... 29 4.1 FINDINGS HIGHLIGHTS ................................................................................................................. 29 4.2 STRATEGIC RELEVANCE ................................................................................................................ 31 4.3 ACHIEVEMENT OF OUTPUTS .......................................................................................................... 35 4.4 EFFECTIVENESS (ACHIEVEMENT OF OUTCOMES) ............................................................................... 42 4.5 SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION ................................................................................................. 44 4.6 EFFICIENCY ................................................................................................................................ 46 4.7 FACTORS IMPACTING PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE .......................................................................... 47 5. HIGHLIGHTS, LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 50 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 53 APPENDIX 1. EVALUATION INTERVIEW GUIDE (NIE) ......................................................................... 54 APPENDIX 2. EVALUATION INTERVIEW GUIDE (PROJECTS) ................................................................. 57 APPENDIX 3. EVALUATION INTERVIEW GUIDE (MAG) ........................................................................ 59 APPENDIX 4. EVALUATION INTERVIEW GUIDE (DCC) ......................................................................... 60 APPENDIX 5. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................ 62 APPENDIX 6. KEY ACTORS INTERVIEWS ............................................................................................. 65 APPENDIX 7. LIST OF ON-GOING PROJECTS ........................................................................................ 68 APPENDIX 8. ATTENDEES OF THE MID-TERM REPORTING EVENT ....................................................... 72 i Adaptation Program ADAPTA2+ – Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. MTE AGENDA ........................................................................................................ 3 TABLE 2. MTE SAMPLE PROJECTS ............................................................................................ 4 TABLE 3. PROGRAMME MILESTONES ...................................................................................... 12 TABLE 4. MOST ADVANCED PROJECTS IN TERMS OF NIE EXECUTED BUDGETS .................................... 25 TABLE 5. LESS ADVANCED PROJECTS IN TERMS OF NIE EXECUTED BUDGETS ...................................... 27 TABLE 6. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL PRINCIPLES (ESP) ........................................................... 32 TABLE 7. SYNTHESIS OF PERFORMANCE FOR THE 40 PROJECT INDICATORS AFTER TWO YEARS OF PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................................................... 36 TABLE 8. ACHIEVED PERFORMANCE FOR AGGREGATED INDICATORS AFTER TWO YEARS OF PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................................................... 36 TABLE 9. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS PER PROGRAMME COMPONENT AND OUTPUT............................... 39 TABLE 10. LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................. 51 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. EXECUTED/REMAINING BUDGETS AT PROGRAMME LEVEL (PER PROJECT) ............................ 23 FIGURE 2. EXECUTED AND REMAINING BUDGETS (%) AT PROGRAMME LEVEL .................................... 24 FIGURE 3. PROJECTS OVER/UNDER 50% EXECUTED BY NIE AT MID-TERM ......................................... 25 FIGURE 4: PLANNED BUDGET EXECUTION (PROGRAMME LEVEL) ..................................................... 28 ii Adaptation Program ADAPTA2+ – Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) Acknowledgements The mid-term evaluation team would like to thank first and foremost Fundecooperación, especially Marianella Feoli Peña and Carolina Reyes Rivero, for their continuous support, the organization of multiple site visits and their generous contributions during the evaluation. Transparent and stimulating discussions, as well as excellent planning and management of the site visits, have helped reaching our objectives in a challenging context and a very short period of time. We would also like to thank the representatives of the Costa Rica Government, in particular the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and the Climate Change Direction (DCC) for the highly useful and interesting discussions on the ADAPTA2+ programme. We would also like to thank the interviewed executing entities associated with the projects implemented under ADAPTA2+ programme, namely: INTA, UNAFOR Chorotega, INDER, FUNDECOR, CNPL, INS, Centro Agricola Cantonal de Coronado, CIEDES, Fundación Corcovado, CFIA, AyA, CEDARENA, ICICOR, SIREFOR, SINAC and SETENA. We would also like to thank the farmers, as well as the ASADAS and local governments representatives who have all accepted to spend a few hours with us in order to provide a concrete and detailed feedback on ADAPTA2+. Doing so, they have all contributed to improving the programme and the progress through climate adaptation in Costa Rica. The views expressed in this report are purely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Adaptation Fund, Fundecooperación or project stakeholders, including beneficiaries, who were consulted during this mid-term evaluation. The Evaluation Team: Mathieu Dumas – Evaluation Lead Environmental engineer and climate change specialist Nathan De Baets – Senior Advisor Climate change adaptation and agroforestry specialist Frédérick Boutin – Senior Advisor Agronomist and water resources specialist This report, or portions thereof, may not be reproduced without explicit written reference to the source. 1 Adaptation Program ADAPTA2+ – Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronym Spanish (English) Asociación Centroamericana para la Economía, Salud y el Ambiente ACEPESA (Centro American Association of Economy, Health and Environment) Fondo de adaptación AF (Adaptation Fund) Junta directiva del Fondo de adaptación AFB (Adaptation Fund Board) Secretariat de la junta directiva del Fondo de adaptación AFS (Secretariat of the Adaptation Fund Board) Fundación para la Sostenibilidad y la Equidad ALIARSE (Centro American Association of Economy, Health and Environment) Área Marina de Pesca Responsable AMPR (Marine Area of Responsible Fishing) Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos ARESEP (Public Services Regulating Authority) Asociaciones Administradoras de los Sistemas