Musical Men Glee Club Try-outs in Band Room And we hope for the 8 O'clock Monday Evening te that "October Glee Club! 1test blue weather Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College 1ey remained long for no language WAKE FOREST, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 Ten Cents Per Copy ·el of their condi· . rusty implements us epoch, and only Jlerated." olden Bough Taps Pif-teen Rev. 0. T. Binkley, Chapel Hill STORE !--T_i.ck_etst_o so_eiol__;._!l ANNUAL PARTY TO Pastor, Talks on "Scholarship ON BALl ON =----K-A.'s_stru_t_____Jl MEDICAL SCHOOl in an Age ~f Chaos" All those "lvlto wish .to go to the Meredith social must haTe tJckets. DEAN BRYAN FOUNDER ESOAY NIGAT ~:~:e;~~::a::~~~ ::~p:~:: WILL TAKE PART Director Blackburn will provide BE HELD TONIGHT OF HONORARY BODY r out of the made the most improvement of all students wftlt these tickets !fell's carries any K. A. fraternity in North and B. Y. P. U. Social Will Start at Feature the Music of Deacon Doctors to Play Impor­ free of charge. See hlm here or Beavers, Brown, Cheek, Covington, . Eight O'clock Tonight Hamp; Colorful This achievement cup is award· tant Role in Nurses' Carnival at the entrance to the reception Griffin, Harris, Murchison, Nor­ Floor Show ed biennually to tlte fraternity in Raleigh room at MeredJth. ris, Paul, Rader, Rollins, Stevens, showing up best in financial con­ Blackburn stated Thnrsd!J,y that "ANGEL FARM" LADIES all Wake Forest men are cordially Swan: Thomas, and Williams; ELEVEN TO ditions, scholarship, and numer• CARPENTER FILM WILL WILL PROVIDE FINANCES ical strengtlt. .Invited to be present, bot that they Lineberry, Noel, and Greenwood CHOSEN BY DANCERS The conventlon was held in BE SHOWN TO CROWD ,,.m be refused admittance if tltey Are Officers of Organization ADMISSION haTe no ticket•. Tltis is only a Boys Will Have to Be Identified; Columbia, South Carolina. Allen Another Social Is Planned 10-25c Glorify North Caro­ Suttle and Hubert Poteat, Jr., Griggs Will Act As Chief 'Barke:l,''; precnntion against haTing "any. body and everybody" at a -wake The Golden Bough, Wake Forest's U!'o,ottlall Teams; Is to were the delegates from the Wake Russ Slayton Will Undergo for Next Spring highest honor· society, took fifteen men Forest-:~ueredlth social eTent. Be Informal Forest chapter. Operation from the student body into membership At least three hundred Wake Forest at its eleventh annual tapping last The Wake Forest Medical School will men will make the ai:mual trek to Thursday night. The address of the collaborate with the Rex nurses in Meredith tonight for the B. Y. P. U. occasion, "Scholarship in an Age of ISBELL CHOOSES presenting their "Nurses' Carnival" in social staged jointly by the two insti­ Chaos," was delivered by Dr. 0. T. WAKE FOREST BOYS Binkley, pastor of the First Baptist the Raleigh City Auditorium Tuesday, tutions. November 27 at eight p. m., G. A. Rader, Church of Chapel Hill and an alumnus : and laughs Director Blackburn of the organiza­ in the Raleigh Memorial BAND COMMITTEES president of the Medical School, has of Wake Forest College. DY from 9:30 until 2 o'clock, announced. GIVEN AIR AGAIN tion here estimates that the deacons The need for scholarship that will unusual music of Johnny Men Will Look After All Band According to Rader, there will be an will visit the Deaconesses three hun­ vigorously uphold Christian ideals is y hour's program. The side show barker Present Program in "Campus dred strong tonight and he has, with greater today than ever before, Dr. his orchestra. The event, \ Arrangements· Pictures of system will prevail, and insure a snappy ~reen Echoes" Series Over WPTF; the cooperation of the hostesses, made Brinkley stated. In this and all ages, he 'A'r 0' BRIEN as "the dance of the \ 0 · t'' T k program plans to take care of this number. continued, when governments are being t' er season" Wl'll glori"fy the rgamza I On a en The nurses'- part on the program will Entirely Student Affair For a change the girls will pay for remade and people in all parts of the THING'! f North. Carolina's football include dances, stunts, clown acts, a the boys' entertainment. This social world are trying to recover from a 1 Dr. Nevill Isbell, director of the Wake Last Friday evening, No\·ember 16, ' ,he 1934 season, and will be movie "Rex on Parade," and a very is being financed by the Meredith ex­ great economic disaster great oppor­ 1 Forest Band, ilnnounced at the last special penny vote on Raleigh's ugliest sell's several of the Wake Foresters once chequer but the Foresters will get a tunities present themselves to all well lsual feature for such an oc- band meeting his appointment within man. more ventured on the ether; This chance to. retaliate in the return en­ educated men. be the floor show, under the the group of a series of ~ommittees The Wake Forest Medical School will NIGHTS i time. they appeared on "Campus Ech­ gagement to be held at the sister college In closing he congratulated the Golden lirection of Mis13 Elizabeth which will henceforth be in active present a Museum of abnormal and next spring. ~l.a.lties, Dancing oes," a collegiate program sponsored by Bough for its opportunity of "working 1e Fa.mous \ charge of the organization's routine. normal human specimens, a talkie-film In spite of the fact that the expenses in an institution whose primary pur­ ibe no ordinary affair~this movie entitled "History of Cancer," station WPTF in Raleigh. The pro­ are being borne by the sisters, the BS BAND liron Ball," there will be an Basing his idea on the truth: "success belonging to Dr. C. C. Carpenter and an pose, as I understand It, is neither the gram was entirely a student affair. brothers will have an equal share in repetition of the shibboleths of pro­ ISSION l0c-35e team selected by popular is achieved through cooperation,'' Dr. ultra-modern operation scene similar The selections rendered included four the program, presenting stunts, skits, fessional education nor the perpetua­ i each man placing on this Isbell pointed out that this division to the one which proved the "most music, and surprises. tAY double quartet numbers: "0, Here's tion of the outworn and sectarian ideas '!.OWN joutfit will be awarded a of labor would make each man a very active and interesting" spot in the Rex The boys will have to identify them­ and practices of conventional religion,_ rift by the sponsoring club. Hospital baby parade last spring. Dr. to Wake Forest, Sibelius," "On Great selves as Wake Forest :inen to he ad­ 1 h th th important link in the organization and but the guidance of growing minds in !regrets very muc at e Gale Floyd will be in charge of the Lone Hills," "Absent" by Metcalf, and mitted to the society halls tonight at 11 Christian tellowship into the rich field e of the warriors of the grid- impress UPOn each member the re- cancer film which will be shown, not eight o'clock when the come-off comes ke Rider "Dear Old Wake Forest." Al Martin of creative scholarship in which they hossible due to engagements sponsibility of keeping a good, pro- in the booth, but outside where all may off. Athletic ticket books and perhaps COMEDY sang an arrangement of the negro id. Thursday throughout the gressive band. see. identification by those who are already may achieve the significant powers of spiri~al "Deep River," and Jay Ander­ comprehension, appreciation, and moral ~he South. Councilors of the Band are: Sam The operating act will include the identified will give entrance to the ie expected to spend the night following "doctors and nurses." son played as an organ number Carrie evening of mirth and 'mance. evaluation." n just to attend the Dance, Hensley, Paul Hendricks, B. A. Sustare. Surgeons: Dr. Howell and Dr. Patton. Jacobs-Bond's "I Love You Truly.'' Miss Margaret Mason, student secre­ The fifteen new men make a total ~journey to Durham for the Transportation Committee: Sam Consulting Surgeons: Dr~ Feezor This was the second program in the tary a.t Meredith, and the social direc­ of 14_9 who have received this high .ate-Duke grid classic. In Hensley, assisted by all first "Year men. and Dr. Norwood. · "Campus Echoes" series, and will be tors will be in charge of the program. honor since Dr. D. B. Bryan, dean of ponsoring Club has indicated Stage Committee: "Drummy" Patient: Russ Slayton. follo\le

E){() ~O{b GOLDEN BOUGH TAPS FIFTEEN active in Sunday School activities. He anb Jlj{atk is a member of the track team. (Continued from page one) Stel·en~ PICTURE STUDIO MORE PLANS FOR ties. and a member of the Statesmen's Herman D .. Stevens is president of Club. ActiYe in church work, Millard the 'Vake Forest College student body. D is now B. S. U. treasurer. Public He is the son of Rev. and Mrs. H. T. speaking is in his line of interests, and Stevens of Asheboro, N. C. Herman WILL VISIT TOWN NEW GYM GIVEN · he is a competent orator and debater. received his B. S. degree in 1934, and is now in the first year medical school.. MGM Putting on Goodwill Tour; Remodel Stage in North Side of ('heek U. OF "'altlo Clayton Cheek. business man· For the past two years he has been an General Public Will Be AI- Building for Auditorium assisrant in biology. Last Year he was ager of the OLll GoLD .\::->D BI•• \ci.;:, is the lowed to Inspect Use a member of the Student Council, and son of ;'\lr. and 1\lrs. R. F. Cheek of Ashe· ST.\FF boro. and is 22 years old. Now a first was manager of the football team. Through the influence of Whitacre, 0 Tuo~l I'~ox G m: ~-:~wooD ...... Etlit n r-in·Cl• itf ''Steve" has memberships in Gamma COACHING OFFICES ARE '\\•• \LDO Cn~Jo:K ...... Uu.•n'm.·-~R JIM1ltger year la\\• student, he graduated with manager of the Castle Theatre, ar­ J RICE QUISE~Hlnun· ...... Facul.f]l .tdt:iaer Sigma Epsilon, Phi Rho Sigma. and a B. A. degree last summer. He is a rangements were made today to have LOCATED IN BASEMENT member of Chi Eta Tau fraternity, the Beta Phi fraternities, and is a member the elaborate Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ~~ ri~· :i~~~!:~;:_~::.:_:_::_ :::::.:.:_:_:.:_:_:_:_:.=\~:~~;~~~ ~ji!~; of tile William Edgar Marshal! Medical c. II. Tttn: r.oon ..Jrt...... t.<.voriate R;TAL ASSIST.\:>;TS in religious work. He is an expert this city on its extensive goodwill ex­ Swimming Pool on the Swan z. D. GR>:.::-.·woon ...... Rxrhnttsu typist, and has been Professor Memory's hibition tour of the world. North Side \\">;r.r.rxoTox D~:<>'ORil ...... Frntrrnitiu assistant in the News Bureau for. three Patrick Joseph Swan, captain of the G~o::ORGE Coi'I'l.lL ...... Forcn.-dc.s The lavishly equipped studio on CII.\S. e. H.\RR!S ...... Jdmini,'\'tn:tit'C' Offices years. football team and all-state tackle for wheels, constructed by the great mo­ BooKrJ-: Slltr:Ln~------·-···f:..'Jit'l'ia.l ~11ltlotwcrmrnt~t several years, migrates from Dorches­ 4;rchitect Deitrick last week pre· Ancn )I<;~Tit.r..,x ...... lli.•rcli:TTI.E Furman Payne Covington, a senior, or Wake Forest. This 230-potmd ~1. E. Gnwi"Otmgster bas wrought havoc the lJest PRIDGE" '\".\r..n:n PEYTox R. D. Covington of Thomasville. His than his wish the other p.ight. He cording to present plans will be open The building will be of Georgian J(edit·o.l Srltrwl football teams in the state. He is vice· ,. B .. s. T.\RT w. s. Hu>~PJIRn:s interests are principally in philosophy said he wanted to kiss one of the for public inspection from 12:00 noon design and built of oversize common president of the Student Bod~-. and is Sodrlic.,·. \ Y C . . .. and medidne, as evidenced by his good ··vanities" girls once, so he somehow until 3:00 p.m. o'clock in front of the C.\~lrl\Et.T. - .. '· IU.F.h I 1 .. h' a member of Alpha Phi Omega, of which Castle Theatre, the home here of brick with cast stone trim. The en­ R<'~i!lious D··1mrtment 1 grades in pre·me! courses mlu IS procured a date and did' himself one he was president last year. He will trance facade will be flanked with 14 outclassed F.\T.J< .ronx~ox . . I. L. B.\K~:n j presidenc\' of Chi Eta Tau, honorary better. He kissed her twice. Nice Metro-Goldwyn-:Mayer Pictures. Publwnt tan,... • • • graduate with a B. A. degree next June, stone pilasters 'of a modified "Temple The game FR.\XK ~oRRis How.\!<11 Ror.1.rxs r>hilosophical fratermty. He IS a work, Bill. The studio, which has traveled majoring in English and History. of the Winds" design. This will be and showed ''fu

Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll have been reserved for men in search of Dandruff cure GLEE CLUB AGAIN! FARES REDUCED TO A NEW LOW AND SERVICE IMPROVED '\Yake Forest i,.; going to haw a BALDNESS IS SANITARY, BUT Six trips daily north and south through Wake Forest offer you Glee Club again ! President VERY 'UNSIGHTLY! the most convenient transportation available. Kit~hin. Bursar Eam,.;haw nnrl the • For Informotion Call or Consult po\Yers that be have promi,.;ed us Two Treatments each week and Shampoo for $1.00 Manicure 35c enough financial assistance to guar­ IG:::~~;~~~~~~~.~KBE~:b, i HARDWICKE'S PIIARMA£Y antee a good sc-ason. KARTER'S KOZY SHOPPE New music will be orch'red next I=~ BLUE 1~:E~~1jULBS PHONES 120 - 9106 \\'eek. and regular practice session>; (Patrons by Appointment Only) I Agents for will start within a few tla;:s. MRS. ETTA B. CARTER, Mgr. PHONE 144 :Now it is up to the musieal­ I Jones Hardware Co. Over Hardwicke's Pharmacy East Coast Stages : : Atlantic Greyhound Lines minded '\Yake Forest men. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tlllliiiUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUlllltll111111111hllllllllllllllt ·~"-o/';f'.~f;#;t;!; ~ ...... _...__...... u ......

~· .• OLD GOLD AND BLACK PAGE THREE FOR Deacons Close Season With Davidson ~ GIVEN · ------~------~------~------~------0 orth Side of U. OF RICHMOND ,____so_T_hey_T_ell_~_e _ :...___Pla_ys_F_ino_lG_o•_ne__.!l COACH PHIL ASKS Deacons Will Battle 'Cats iitorium By RALPH GLENN In this column in the last issue of In Thanksgiving Classic DEFEATS DEAGS the OLD Gor.u AXD BLACK some facts fOR MORE TEAMS ARE we1·e stated about the forthcoming BASEMENT Strong Spider Eleven Scores schedule of the Wake Forest football Several Players On Injured List team, and a suggestion was made that New League Will Be Formed; Will Start . 39-6 Victory in Game there be a game played in the Atlan­ Awards to. Be Given to II As Annual Game Draws ~round 2200; ' Last Week tic City Auditorium in the future. Champions ~------~ Near on the After the appearance of the paper sev­ eral students seemed to be interested le Presenting a series of forward passes, K ow that the first intra-mural league JOHNNY MACKORELL IS in the suggestion and have inquired lateral passes, off tackle smashes, and of the basketball season has definitely MAIN DAVIDSON THREAT further on the subject. It seems that gotten under way Coach Phil Utley ast week pre· beautiful broken field running the the student body wants Wake Forest ! interior work Richmond Spiders ran through a be· is endeavoring to establish another to play some more games which league to run in competition with the Harold Warren, Soph Back, Dis­ wildered Deacon team last Saturday would give it greater recognition than original. He wants eight more teams plays Power in Past Week; e of Georgian to the tune of 39·6. Scoring in every it is now getting. The game in Wash­ to be entered at his office and these eight Will Start in Backfield ersize common period and marking up two touchdowns ington, D. C., played in Griffith teams will form a circuit whose winners Stadium, home of the Washington trim. The en­ in the first and last, the Spiders far Captain Swan will be among those will play the winners of the other loop Senators, did a lot for the publicity dozen men who will play their last to decide the championship of the The Wake Forest Deacons will en­ lanked with 14 outclassed the Deacons in every phase. deavor to bring their football season The game was featured by long runs of the school. Of course, the contests game next Thursday. school. There are several groups of 1dified "Temple played with Duke, State and Carolina to a close with a victory next Thurs­ This will be and showed the classy football of a very boys that Coach Phil is especially day when they meet the 'Wildcats of are all big games which help this anxious to have enter the league. 11amented wood polished team. Davidson in the annual Thanksgiving The Spiders scored soon after the school, but there are several openings Fraternity teams, Dorm represent· onial character. game, at Davidson. Both teams will on the schedule which could be im­ tives, county teams or state teams will L the main steps opening of the game. Dobson crashed through the middle of the Deacons' proved upon over last year. TWELVE DEACONS all be welcomed into the new circuit. be striving hard for a win in the old through three football rivalry between the two line after the Spiders had marched 77 Last week P. M. C. and Delaware, Through an arrangement between into a lobby, a whom Wake Forest defeated two years schools which dates back to 1908. nished in brick, yards with the ball. The feature of Coach Phil and AI Dowtin, graduate this attack was a 36 yard sprint by ago, played before twenty thousand PLAY LAST GAME manager of athletics, there will be some As has been the case in the last ~ach side of the people in the Atlantic City Audito­ four Wake Forest games this year, the public toilets, Dobson, who also carried the ball over fine awards presented to the winners at from the one yard line. rium. This information came from Eight Linesmen, Four Backs, Will the end of the respective races. Then Baptists will enter the game with the s and physical handicap of having sever;tl regulars A punting duel then ensued, reaching a clipping taken from the New York Close College Career Next the final dhampions will be awarded the ren, its climax in the fifty yard return by Times which carried a long story of championship prize which will be worth work lately, will be in on the bench with injuries. Roy per is 100 feet Myers, a fine ball carrier and runner, Schultz, which was good for a touch­ the game. Now why couldn't Wake Thursday working for. backfield nex:t Thursday. l with 14 large down. Taking Edens' punt in midfield Forest take one of Its "home" games Play in the league during the :past will be definitely out with the hurt ~rs on the east this fleet footed back eluded several which is usually played in Charlotte When the final whistle of the Da- week was marked by a number of close knee which he sustained in the Duke e are four sub· would-be tacklers, crossed to the oppos· and move it up there? There were vidson game brings to a close the games which signified that the intra· game. It is also doubtful that Porter m this floor to ite side of the field and crossed the line teams on the schedule this year which current football season, twelve Demon murals this year will be closer and more Shepherd will see any action. Maynie sufficient ex:its. standing up, as the Wake Forest safety would draw well with Wake Forest. Deacons will have played their last hotly contested than last. The three BASKETBALL WILL Chetty, towering tackle, received a re of brick with • '" man was blocked out. The University of Richmond, George game under Wake Forest colors. Those favorites of the league, the Delta Sigma dislocated elbow in a scrimmage last Ld purlins. Th~ The Spiders• third touchdown was the Washington U., or any school of that who will have closed their careers Chis, the Hurricanes and Willie Staton's Wednesday and is also through with ding seats will result of the beautiful ofi tackle run by calibre would induce a large turnout. are Stork Swing, Frank Clark and Cavaliers were all hard pressed to eke BEGIN SHORTLY football. Burt Shore is still being ! of the playing Dodson. This as followed by a fifteen So it might be worth while for the Ralph Davis, ends; Captain Pat Swan, out close victories over their rivals and bothered with the old shoulder injury, a game. There yard penalty which placed the ball on schedule makers to give this idea a, Maynie Chetty, Jay Smith and Ike keep within close distance of each other. Coach Greason Issue Call for and Tony Stern, Jug Allen, Boolie Lge at the north the Deacons' 30. On the next play little thought when the program for O'Hanlon, tackles; Jake Hasty, guard; The schedule for next week calls for Will Bullard, and Perk Reinhardt are all torium. When Dodson shot a pass to Vaughan, a sub· next year is being drawn up. and Dave Holton, Bill Martin, Milky several important games which will Candidates Soon After nursing leg injuries. It is probable, the room will stitute back, who Iateralled to Robertson A win over Davidson next Thurs­ Gold and Roy Myers, backs. mean a lot to the winners. Thanksgiving however, that the latter four will be :es to the gallery for a 20 yard gain. Vaughan scored off day would make this season fairly Two of this group will be forced All students are invited to come out ready for the game Thursday. , which will be tackle on the second play following. successful even in view of the fact to witness the game from the side- and watch the games, and in the mean·· Soon after the Thanksgiving vaca· Harold Warren has been chosep. e north side. Wake brought a powerful aerial that the Deacons have dropped six lines. Both Roy Myers and Maynie time get your teams organized and give tion Coach Murray Greason will issue during the past week to fill the big floor lead to the attack into play In the third period games. If the Wildcats are defeated Chetty are injured to the extent that the list of the players to Coach Phil a call for all basketball players to re· gap caused by Myers' absence. War­ varsity coaches' which resulted in a score. A few it means that Wake Forest will finish they· will be unable to play. Utley at the gymnasium. port. Due to the fact that the new ren, a star performer on last year's faculty locker moments later Holton's fumble on the third, ahead of Davidson and State, Of the twelve all but two are letter- 1 gym will not be finished in time all of frosh club, has had little chance this n here. These 5 yard stripe was recovered by Rich· which is an improvement over last men, and they will all be greatly Sixty-two Westminister College (New the practice sessions for the year will year to show his ability, but in the s to the athletic mond; Leverton plowed through a big year when the Baptists were last in missed. Two of those who will play ·wilmington, Pa.) women students re­ be held in the old structure. It is past three games he has been playing freshman team hole at tackle for the score. the Big Five race. no more football for the Baptists have siding in six cooperative houses run doubtful, however, that there will be great football for the time that he basement, each The polished Spider eleven capped its There will be a big pep rally in had the honor of being chosen on the by the college get room aud board for many games played there. was in action. In the past week of ;, drying rooms sensational performance with a beauti­ front of the gym on Tuesday night 41\.11-State team. Captain Pat Swan $5 a week. They cook, wash dishes, Coach Greason will have only three scrimmage Warren has been the out- rhe toilet room ful forward-lateral that sent Freddy to give the team a sendoff on its trip (Please turn to page four) clean house themselves. [ (Please turn to page four) (Please turn to page four) , north side with Vaughan across the goal in the fourth to Davidson. This will be the last period after a brilliant 64 yard run. swimming pool. ,. chance for the student body to show ndball courts in Kitchin, Wake Forest quarterback, the team that it is still in back of it, >nt 23 by 33 feet, made the Wake eleven look stronger by and every loyal Wake Forest rooter is •m with showers. his running and passing. He went expected to be there. ment-finish floor through the Spider wall time and again· II drained owing for sizeable gains. most beautiful runs or the day, when ·al sub-basement Richmond scored eleven first downs to he carried a punt 40 yards after being st corner of the seven for the Deacons. Wake was out· supposedly hemmed in. be finished and rushed, outpassed, outpunted and out­ Kitchin, Dobson and Shulty were the risiting teams. smarted. outstanding players. The Deacon touchdown followed a Wake Forest Pos. Richmond taly, presented a fifty yard march that started with Dab· Edens ...... LE...... ---·-· .. Howe Lll the documents son kicking poorly to midfield. A Swan ...... LT...... Sanford !noese origin of twenty yard pass to Warren followed Hurtt ...... LG...... M. West ; to Dr. David by a pass to Morris put the ball on the Bullard ...... C.-...... West 1dent of Goucher 14 yard line. Kitchin promptly went Hood ...... _____ ,.. __ .____ RG...... Humphreys l.) in celebration through a big hole at tJ!ckle for a Wagner ·- ...... ·-·-··-··RT--···-· ... _.. __ ..... Todd touchdown. Swing ...... _._RE ... --.--.. ---····· Sutton "\'l!ake completed 3 out of 16 passes Kitchin ...... QB...... -.. -.. - Robertson for a total of 59 yards. Richmond nettl)d Stern ...... LH...... Schultz 81 yards from two passes and 10 tries. Martini ...... RH...... Leverton The Spider reserves, who played part Holton _.. _.... _..... ~..... FB...... Dobson :~- of the game, played inspired ball and Score by periods: ..:::···1 were practically as good as the varsity. Wake Forest ··-·····-- _ 0 0 6 0-6 Broaka, reserve back, made one of the Richmond _...... 12 7 7 13-39

>N YOU I =1111/lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIUIIIIIIII.::

THE I SEE :::;E!~~!R:,~:~N:ERCHIEFS I o£ G In the£ E R s I ~ .t'Cf.nger R. in . ohacco tb.e ~ugh Cut Pipe IIUIIIIIIIUIIIIIUUillllllllllllllllllllif ls used. w el.Iman p rocess SOLD BY Tbe W'eiJ ferent £ lllan Proces . BILLIARDS SHEARON HARRIS :rolll an 5 ls dif- (exclustve agency) llletbod and VV:y other process o ?:tuUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiUIUIII:;;; .lllore en . e belie"Ve . . r . 10Ylllent to i lt glYes .• •• zt gives th P pe Slllokers 'Je toh. • Ira .flavor a d acco a11 ex. "THE OLD RELIA.BLE" • • • it 11 aroma Prompt and Efficient Service in Filling All Prescriptions 7JZakes the toh. OR right i11 . acco act slower a PJfle- bz~,.., B.efresh Yourself at Our Fountain . a1zd Sl.ll ok '1 • • • zt IJZakes t6 o e cooler • e tobacco ~ 7 HOLDING DRUG STORE • • • zt leaves ?Jlz/der a cleau d; "WHERE YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED" -:-uo soggy resic!J 1Y as6 Zll tbe pin ,._ r.te or bee/ re oowt liGGETT IMPROVED & MYERs To.s ~llllllllllllllllllllllfJIUIIUUruiiiiiiiiiiUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIII!IIIIIIIliiiiiUittiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllll ~ 'A.cco Co st offer you ,I e. I ~~~LOWELL:~, :A;~N~~~D ST?s~~~ I CIGARETTES 12¥:2 pkg. GUM and CANDY 3 for lOc


"The application of all penalUes }'acuity the instructor is rec1nired All penalties are applied automatical- in the regulations adopted by the Pawn Shop is Latest Wake is to IJe made l)y the R'egistrar to make an accurate report oi •all ly unless specifically set aside by the Faculty. In no case is a penalty to be whell he records the gra1Ies for the ••bsences, regardless of tlte clrcom­ Committee under the authority specified set aside until the end of the semester. Forest Money-Making Racket seme~ter. It is under8tood that ,.tances under wltich the absences ulJ~ences are counted from the first occured, and the Registrar is in­ 0------·------meeting of tl•e class, those who ~tmctell not to recor1l the Quality Aivin Morris is Doing Successful BASKETBALL WILL enter late to be reported as absent 11oints and cre1llt hours without a Business in Latest "Graft" BEGIN SHORTLY from the preTious meetings oi complete report of the attendance ROYALL GROCERY CO. the class. By order of the record." Idea Here COLD MEATS FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (Please turn to page three) OFFERS TO LEND MONEY letter men report, they being Captain .!u•nnmmm••mnln•n••mn•nm•mmmn•num•mmmnnm•nnnunumn•unu••tllll&~lmmnnmn•n•m•m•nuummnnmm••nm••um~~nmuummnmtmnhm~ Use oud best quality cake materials in making TO FACULTY MEMBERS your fruit cake FAB~~p~~- C~all:~~ ~h::t~~~::f;~::e:~:r, ~~i~d :,i !=! CHERRIES 39c lb. * PINEAPPLE 39c lb. * CITRON 29c lb. New Establishment Operated Along 1 ero, s tarp-s ootmg orward, far e GOLD MEDAL "SOFTASILK" CAKE FLOUR 29c With Student Barber Shop in to return to school this year. Both West Section of Hunter Dormi­ were letter men upon whom Coach PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 81 OR 82 tory; Easy Terms Emphasized Greason was counting heavily this year. There is a possibility that Patton may by Proprietor Morris; Operates return to school the next semester, but 'fjii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HIIIlllllllllii11111JIIIIIIIIUUIIIIItUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIlllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIDIHIIII~ With Permission of College until that time the varsity will be play- Officials ing without the servioes of an ex- s i:i FOR COAL AND WOOD The latest and perhaps the most pe~~:::~:e;::r;reshmen last year had I Noted Instructor and Lecturer I unique money-making scheme to make See or Phone Me for Prices a very unsuccessful season there were NeYer before--probably never ag-ain-will its appearance on the Wake Forest I ~ a few players on the squad who this l~ you have an opportunity like thi~. Every- ~ WE DELIVER ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIME ~ampus is a pawn shop which was year may be able to fit in the varsity § body invited-beginners, young and old, ~ opened recently by the official student lineup. However, no definite informa- ~ men and women. Boys bring your father ~ PHONE 97 OR 8 barber, J. Alvin 1\Iorris, in his suite in tion can be gathered until the basketeers § or a friencl. Don't -pass u-p thi!' great op- §

Hunter Dormitory. have worked out for a few davs ~ portunity. No Entry Fee--No Table Charge §: ... _,. ' ~ The sedate establishment is operated J. R. WIGGINS in conjunction with the student barber shop of which Mr. Morris is proprietor, and any person, student, faculty member or otherwise may borrow, according to the owner, "any amount but Rocky Matinee 3 :00 ADMISSION 1\fount and any point but High Point," ~tum r !e' ; rs a ceLr am ; o Sma -e § ~ 10-25c 1 11 Night 7 - 9:00 again 18 year· ast .... a \Van ~mnu•ammununtnaamlunuma•an,,u,mmmm•uamamnmm•m•,nnnmlnlnlll!lllllllnaunmnunmmlnmmunaml•mnnrnoalmmlulnlnmmuua'u'n'mmn:O C~~!~lR!~.E~IRE provided. of course, he lms ample se­ ws given honorable mention on the curity. Any 11ersonal articles such as Associated Press All-American team. WEEK OF NOVEMBER 21, 1934 fountain pens, clothes, watches, rings, 'The other player who was picked on jewelry, et cetera, may be pawned. the All-State team is Mutt DeAngelis Janet Gaynor - Lew Ayres A nominal rate or interest is charged who is now in the hospital recovering MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT- and the time limit for redemption is ten from a broken leg. Mutt was an All­ -in- days. The shop operates ·with the sanc­ State man in his sophomore year shar­ HARDWICKE'S 11SERVANTS· ENTRANCE'' tion of the college officials. ing the guard honors with George Barclay of Carolina. THAT GOOD DRUG STORE With each paid admission on these two days a picture of Miss Deacons Will Battle 'Cats None of these players finishing have HOT CHOCLOATE COFFEE BOUILLION Gaynor will be given as long as they last. In Thanksgiving Classic ever played on a winning team against M-G-M NEWS COMEDY Davidson, and they are all in high 1 Sandwiches Made Fresh Daily : Visit Our Soda and Sundry Shoppe hopes of doing so in this, their final (Continued from page th·ree) At Theatre Next to Post Office WEDNESDAY ·THURSDAY standing back on the squad ·witl1 his game. Richard Arlen Ida Lupino Soda Sandwiches Hot and Cold Drinks -in- excellent running and blocking. Coach Bargain. Day-10c-15c 11 Weaver has been working with him Rules Definitely Outlined 11READY FOR LOVE in the kicking department and such For Committee on Absences FOX NEWS COMEDY Irene Dunne· John Boles FRIDAY a large improvement has been shown Geo. Roft Jean Parker that Warren now rates as one of the (Continued from page one) --in- best punters on the entire team. He immediately after the occurrence of -in- 11 is a trifle inconsistent in his kick­ "LIMEHQUSE BLUES a.bsences." COMEDY :SETTY BOOP 1' ing, but the coaches feel that this will The Committee assumes that a stu­ 'The Age of Innocence' SAT'Ol!.DAY be overcome after a few more days dent who unnecessarily takes the Paul Cavanaugh of practice. Coach Jim is counting allowed cuts early In the semester is --in- heavily on 'Varren to get the long not entitled to exemption from deduc­ TRAVELOGUE CARTOON suppressed running attack of the "THE MENACE" tions in quality points or credits if Meat Market and Heavy Groceries MUSICAL COMEDY MUSICAL SERIAL Deacs under way. minor emergencies arise later. There will be several c}langes in Attention is called to the fact that the line for the Davidson contest. If "Absence from a class at the last meet­ QUALITY ::SERVICE PRICE COMING :-- Shore is unable to start Milky Gold ing before or at the first meeting after will probably be in one of the ends. a holiday is recorded as two absences." "MERRY WIDOW" "GAY DIVORCEE" "KENTUCKY KERNELS" Frank Clark has been playing that ])osition, but is now suffering from a in:~~~!~~~~ ai;~::at~~d ~~t;~~:~~l:ow-1 ~.,.-:;;:,.:.:::.: ;·:·':.:; ::··:: :::":: m':o;:: =~· .::::: ;;.:.:-c.:w..::t.: ::::,:,;:::~:,~; ::: :,;~.:=~ bruised knee. Captain Pat Swan, one of the greatest linemen in Wake For­ est and football his­ tory, will be starting his last game at his usual tackle post. Joe Swan is slated to start at Chetty's vacated tackle berth. The guards will prob­ ably be Ed Rogers and George Hooks, with Fred Hood and Red Hurtt ready to step in if they are needed. Either Boolie Bullard or Perk Reinhardt will get the call at center, and Stork Swing will take care of the other end job. In Davidson the Deacs will he meet­ ing one of the scrappiest clubs that they have encountered all season. The 'Cats will be outweighed, but what they laclt in weight they make up for in fight. The Presbyterians have in Johnny :M:ackorell one of the outstand­ ing backs in the South, and in many experts opinions one of the best in the country. Carl Snavely of c-aro­ lina called him the finest back he had seen in action this year. Hunk Ander­ son rates him as the best he has watched play since the days of March Schwartz at Notre Dame. From every team against which he has played l\Iackorell has recei\'ed the highest praise. And despite the fact that he was playing with the underdog most _you· might say of the time this great back has man­ aged to compile a very envious record as a ball carrier, passer, and kicker. there are few things To date he has averaged a gain of over five yards for each time that he has carried the ball. that cost so little The Wildcats have a formidable passing combination in the persons of l\Iackorell and Jim Morgan, end.l and give so much These two have thrown many a scare into the larger teams which they have met during the year, and have a great record for completing passes. Only an alert pass defense on the part of Wake Forest will hold these two in check. Taking everything into considera­ tion it should be a great ball game to watch, and well worth the time of <• the football fans to travel down to Davidson to see.

~nrnnnmunmnnnunnwuniiii1111111Uhllll1111111t11111mtmlnumunmmlmlu~ 5 E= 5 ~ ~ -It Costs No More to Get- Sanitary Service at the CITY BARBER SHOP

• I Hnh• C11ts 25c \o I i ~II!Jillllllllllllllllllllll\1111\lllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllliUIIIIIIIIUIIII\11111111111111111~ @ 1934. .-LICCETr & MYr!IS TOBACCO Co.