Musical Men Glee Club Try-outs in Band Room And we hope for the 8 O'clock Monday Evening te that "October Glee Club! 1test blue weather Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College 1ey remained long for no language WAKE FOREST, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1934 Ten Cents Per Copy ·el of their condi· . rusty implements us epoch, and only Jlerated." olden Bough Taps Pif-teen Rev. 0. T. Binkley, Chapel Hill STORE !--T_i.ck_etst_o so_eiol__;._!l ANNUAL PARTY TO Pastor, Talks on "Scholarship ON BALl ON =----K-A.'s_stru_t_____Jl MEDICAL SCHOOl in an Age ~f Chaos" All those "lvlto wish .to go to the Meredith social must haTe tJckets. DEAN BRYAN FOUNDER ESOAY NIGAT ~:~:e;~~::a::~~~ ::~p:~:: WILL TAKE PART Director Blackburn will provide BE HELD TONIGHT OF HONORARY BODY r out of the made the most improvement of all students wftlt these tickets !fell's carries any K. A. fraternity in North and B. Y. P. U. Social Will Start at Feature the Music of Deacon Doctors to Play Impor­ free of charge. See hlm here or Beavers, Brown, Cheek, Covington, South Carolina. Eight O'clock Tonight Hamp; Colorful This achievement cup is award· tant Role in Nurses' Carnival at the entrance to the reception Griffin, Harris, Murchison, Nor­ Floor Show ed biennually to tlte fraternity in Raleigh room at MeredJth. ris, Paul, Rader, Rollins, Stevens, showing up best in financial con­ Blackburn stated Thnrsd!J,y that "ANGEL FARM" LADIES all Wake Forest men are cordially Swan: Thomas, and Williams; ELEVEN TO ditions, scholarship, and numer• CARPENTER FILM WILL WILL PROVIDE FINANCES ical strengtlt. .Invited to be present, bot that they Lineberry, Noel, and Greenwood CHOSEN BY DANCERS The conventlon was held in BE SHOWN TO CROWD ,,.m be refused admittance if tltey Are Officers of Organization ADMISSION haTe no ticket•. Tltis is only a Boys Will Have to Be Identified; Columbia, South Carolina. Allen Another Social Is Planned 10-25c Glorify North Caro­ Suttle and Hubert Poteat, Jr., Griggs Will Act As Chief 'Barke:l,''; precnntion against haTing "any. body and everybody" at a -wake The Golden Bough, Wake Forest's U!'o,ottlall Teams; Is to were the delegates from the Wake Russ Slayton Will Undergo for Next Spring highest honor· society, took fifteen men Forest-:~ueredlth social eTent. Be Informal Forest chapter. Operation from the student body into membership At least three hundred Wake Forest at its eleventh annual tapping last The Wake Forest Medical School will men will make the ai:mual trek to Thursday night. The address of the collaborate with the Rex nurses in Meredith tonight for the B. Y. P. U. occasion, "Scholarship in an Age of ISBELL CHOOSES presenting their "Nurses' Carnival" in social staged jointly by the two insti­ Chaos," was delivered by Dr. 0. T. WAKE FOREST BOYS Binkley, pastor of the First Baptist the Raleigh City Auditorium Tuesday, tutions. November 27 at eight p. m., G. A. Rader, Church of Chapel Hill and an alumnus : and laughs Director Blackburn of the organiza­ in the Raleigh Memorial BAND COMMITTEES president of the Medical School, has of Wake Forest College. DY from 9:30 until 2 o'clock, announced. GIVEN AIR AGAIN tion here estimates that the deacons The need for scholarship that will unusual music of Johnny Men Will Look After All Band According to Rader, there will be an will visit the Deaconesses three hun­ vigorously uphold Christian ideals is y hour's program. The side show barker Present Program in "Campus dred strong tonight and he has, with greater today than ever before, Dr. his orchestra. The event, \ Arrangements· Pictures of system will prevail, and insure a snappy ~reen Echoes" Series Over WPTF; the cooperation of the hostesses, made Brinkley stated. In this and all ages, he 'A'r 0' BRIEN as "the dance of the \ 0 · t'' T k program plans to take care of this number. continued, when governments are being t' er season" Wl'll glori"fy the rgamza I On a en The nurses'- part on the program will Entirely Student Affair For a change the girls will pay for remade and people in all parts of the THING'! f North. Carolina's football include dances, stunts, clown acts, a the boys' entertainment. This social world are trying to recover from a 1 Dr. Nevill Isbell, director of the Wake Last Friday evening, No\·ember 16, 'ta.ge ,he 1934 season, and will be movie "Rex on Parade," and a very is being financed by the Meredith ex­ great economic disaster great oppor­ 1 Forest Band, ilnnounced at the last special penny vote on Raleigh's ugliest sell's several of the Wake Foresters once chequer but the Foresters will get a tunities present themselves to all well lsual feature for such an oc- band meeting his appointment within man. more ventured on the ether; This chance to. retaliate in the return en­ educated men. be the floor show, under the the group of a series of ~ommittees The Wake Forest Medical School will NIGHTS i time. they appeared on "Campus Ech­ gagement to be held at the sister college In closing he congratulated the Golden lirection of Mis13 Elizabeth which will henceforth be in active present a Museum of abnormal and next spring. ~l.a.lties, Dancing oes," a collegiate program sponsored by Bough for its opportunity of "working 1e Fa.mous \ charge of the organization's routine. normal human specimens, a talkie-film In spite of the fact that the expenses in an institution whose primary pur­ ibe no ordinary affair~this movie entitled "History of Cancer," station WPTF in Raleigh. The pro­ are being borne by the sisters, the BS BAND liron Ball," there will be an Basing his idea on the truth: "success belonging to Dr. C. C. Carpenter and an pose, as I understand It, is neither the gram was entirely a student affair. brothers will have an equal share in repetition of the shibboleths of pro­ ISSION l0c-35e team selected by popular is achieved through cooperation,'' Dr. ultra-modern operation scene similar The selections rendered included four the program, presenting stunts, skits, fessional education nor the perpetua­ i each man placing on this Isbell pointed out that this division to the one which proved the "most music, and surprises. tAY double quartet numbers: "0, Here's tion of the outworn and sectarian ideas '!.OWN joutfit will be awarded a of labor would make each man a very active and interesting" spot in the Rex The boys will have to identify them­ and practices of conventional religion,_ rift by the sponsoring club. Hospital baby parade last spring. Dr. to Wake Forest, Sibelius," "On Great selves as Wake Forest :inen to he ad­ 1 h th th important link in the organization and but the guidance of growing minds in !regrets very muc at e Gale Floyd will be in charge of the Lone Hills," "Absent" by Metcalf, and mitted to the society halls tonight at 11 Christian tellowship into the rich field e of the warriors of the grid- impress UPOn each member the re- cancer film which will be shown, not eight o'clock when the come-off comes ke Rider "Dear Old Wake Forest." Al Martin of creative scholarship in which they hossible due to engagements sponsibility of keeping a good, pro- in the booth, but outside where all may off. Athletic ticket books and perhaps COMEDY sang an arrangement of the negro id. Thursday throughout the gressive band. see. identification by those who are already may achieve the significant powers of spiri~al "Deep River," and Jay Ander­ comprehension, appreciation, and moral ~he South. Councilors of the Band are: Sam The operating act will include the identified will give entrance to the ie expected to spend the night following "doctors and nurses." son played as an organ number Carrie evening of mirth and 'mance. evaluation." n just to attend the Dance, Hensley, Paul Hendricks, B. A. Sustare. Surgeons: Dr. Howell and Dr. Patton. Jacobs-Bond's "I Love You Truly.'' Miss Margaret Mason, student secre­ The fifteen new men make a total ~journey to Durham for the Transportation Committee: Sam Consulting Surgeons: Dr~ Feezor This was the second program in the tary a.t Meredith, and the social direc­ of 14_9 who have received this high .ate-Duke grid classic. In Hensley, assisted by all first "Year men. and Dr. Norwood. · "Campus Echoes" series, and will be tors will be in charge of the program. honor since Dr. D. B. Bryan, dean of ponsoring Club has indicated Stage Committee: "Drummy" Patient: Russ Slayton. follo\le<i'·bY one from State, Duke and the college, organized the Golden Bough iexpect practicallY every one Daughtridge. Nurses: "Misses" Frog Broughton, Carolina. Meredltb presented a pro­ Following the plow does not develop honor society. Jack Lineberry is unger set, and many of the Hack Wilson and Cecil Coffee. gram the week before Wake Forest. good sea. legs, so the University of hierphant, George Noel is Red Sacro­ lust for old times sake. Publicity Committee: B. I. Tart, Jr. Willard Griggs will "yodeo-voco" in The boys have received many compli­ Wichita (Kansas) organized a bus­ ium, and Thompson Greenwood is ids of souvenir programs Music Committee: J. Wellington his capacity as chief barker to drum ments for the splendid program. school (not for bus-boys, ya dope) last tabellarius of this body. ~ mailed out, and of course a. Dunford. up trade for the booth at ten cents summer to take students on an educa­ Following are brief accounts, listed pailing list for such an oc- Attendance Committee: Hendricks, per head.
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