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Theta Tau Archives THETA TAU L THE GEAR OF THETA TAU CONTENTS Your Flag and My Flag - 6 Grand Officers of Theta Tau . 7 Editors of 1917 Gear ..... g Chapter and Alumni Association Directory - - 9-10 Alpha Chapter ------ 11-15 Beta Chapter - 16-22 Gamma Chapter - 23 Theta Tau Members on Mexican Border - - 24 Delta Chapter ------ 25-29 Epsilon Chapter - 30-34 Zeta Chapter ------ 36.40 E ta Chapter - 41-46 Theta Chapter ------ 47-50 Iota Chapter ------ 51-55 Kappa Chapter - 66-60 Editorial ------ 61-63 In Memoriam ------ 64-65 Crade Roll Members - - - - - 66 Publications by Theta Tau Members - - 67 Alumni Notes ----- 68-82 Marriages ------ 82-83 The International Joint Commission and our Northern Boundary Waters - 84-90 The Use of The Strain Gauge - 91-95 Earth Road Construction and Maintenance - 96-101 Conditions for Geological Work and Prospecting in C h i n a ................................................................ 102-109 Public Affairs and the Adminstrative Engineer - 110-113 Geographical L ist of Alumni - - - 114-119 Directory of Theta Tau Members - 120-187 Business Cards - 188-189 Advertisement of Hoover and Smith Co. - - 190-191 four 3Flag anb H q 3fflag By WILBUR D. NESBIT Your flag and my flag, And how it flies to-day In your land and my land And half a world away Rose-red and blood-red The stripes forever gleam; Snow-white and soul-white— The good forefathers’ dream; Sky-blue and true blue, w ith stars to gleam aright — The gloried guidon of the day, a shelter through the night. From the Poem "Your Flag and My Flag" Theta Tau Fraternity Founded a t University of Minnesota October 15, 1904 FOUNDERS Erich J. Schrader Edwin L. Vinal W. M urray Lewis Isaac B. Hanks GRAND OFFICERS OF THETA TAU 1916-1917 Qrand Regent—Erich J. Schrader ’05 A lpha Rockland via Yerington, Nev. Grand V. Regent—M. W. Vickery ’11 Delta 1028 Engineers Bldg., Cleveland, 0. Grand Scribe—H. H. Hopkins, Jr., ’08 Beta 111 W est Lake St., Chicago, 111. Grand Treasurer—B. B. W alling ’09 Alpha Bankers T rust and Savings Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. Grand Treas.—Phil J. Laurence ’11 Alpha 624 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Grand Marshall—H. A. Rice ’07 Zeta 1304 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kansas Grand Historian—Otto C. Budde '12 Delta 1579 Compton Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Ohio Grand Outer Quard—E. F. Davis '10 Epsilon Bacon Hall, University of California Grand Inner Guard—R. I. P arker ’12 Zeta General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. The Gear The Annual Publication of TH ETA TAU A Professional Engineering Fraternity OTTO C. BUDDE1 B. S., ’12 - - Managing Editor 1579 Compton Road, Cleveland Heights Cleveland, Ohio ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hugh A. Smith '18 Delos I. Dobson '17 Harry E. Boot ’17 G amma Duane E. Kennedy ’19 Charles R. K nox ’17 E psilon G eorge H. Y eokum ’17 Zeta J . Sidney Marine ’17 E ta J ohn Park '17 T heta E. Ross Housholder ’18 Iota Harold P. Owen ’18 Published under the direction of the Executive Council of Theta Tau. Subscriptions, $1.00 per year. Advertising rates will be sent upon application to the Managing Editor. THETA TAU FRATERNITY Chapter and Alumni Association Directory Alpha —Established October 15, 1904. U niversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Address Theta Tau House, 1717 4th St. S. E. Beta —E stablished March 26, 1906 Michigan College of Mines, Houghton, Mich. Address Theta Tau House, Houghton, Mich. 233 College Ave. Gamma— Established November 8, 1907 Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo. Address Theta Tau Fraternity. Delta —Established May 23, 1911 Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, 0. Address Theta Tau House, 11439 Mayfield Road. E psilon —E stablished May 4, 1911 University of California, Bei'keley, Calif. Addi'ess Mining Bldg., Univ. of California Zeta —Establshed April 17, 1912 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Address Theta Tau House, 1345 Vermont Ave. E ta —Established March 23, 1912 Massachusetts Institute of Tech., Boston, Mass. Address J. S. Marine, 306 Commonwealth Ave., Bos­ ton, Mass. T heta —Established May 7, 1914 Columbia University, New York City, N. Y. Address John Park, 558 W. 113th St., New York City IOTA—Established February 5, 1916 Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Address E. Ross Hausholder, Box 302, Rolla, Mo. Kappa —E stablished March 25, 1916 University of Illinois, Champaign, 111. Address Theta Tau Fraternity. Chicago Alumni Association—Established 1910 Chicago, 111. Cleveland Alumni Association— Established 1913 Cleveland, Ohio South W estern Alumni Association—Established 1908 Douglas, Arizona. Twin City Alumni Association— Established 1912 Minneapolis, Minn. THEGEAR 11 ALPHA CHAPTER Total number of initiates ................................................... 161 Active members 1916-1717 ................................................. 23 Members initiated 1916-1917 ............................................. 10 CHAPTER ROLL Anderson, Edward I. Beinhorn, Paul Bros, E rnest T. Calhoun, Robert Comstock, Elting H. Craig, D. Stewart Dennis, Richard C. Dopp, Jam es L. Ek, G. Albion Eliassen, Sigurd Prank, Harry Geroui, Theron G. H agerm an, Oliver S. Holman, Prof. William F. Hubbard, William E. Johnson, Ralph E. Lagerquist, Carl Luplow, W alter D. McGilvra1 Donald B. Miller, George W. Northey, Melvin T. Randall, Larcom Ritchie, John R. Robbers, J. Clifford Rounds, Charles K. Russel, John A. Siekinen, Charles A. Sm ith, Donald C. Smith, Hugh A. Stone, Charles W. Sullivan, Daniel C. Tryon, Philip D. Wallace, Carlton S. Zelner, Prof. Otto S. N. B.—All members initiated during the year 1916- 1917 are set in italics. f t- PT < * 5 * » * T - - s tw ***>- «T **»?: 7**% «St «*T • » * - • ’ T « p » v THE GE A R 13 ALPHA CHAPTER By Hugh A. Smith, Associate Editor 'jl HE fall of 1916 found seventeen Brothers of p P r J f - Alpha Chapter in school, and upon these mem- bers, together with two pledges, fell the bur- 15^®®] den of “getting started." We moved into a =JsJsi=Jj different house, one which suited the purpose somewhat better than did the one occupied The first Chapter meeting was called by Brother John­ ston, and it was decided to have a smoker. As a result, six members were initiated and became duly enrolled mem­ bers of Theta Tau on November 9. This class of six was composed of Brothers Robert Calhoun ’19, of Minneapolis; Donald C. Smith ’18, of Mankato, Minnesota; J. A rthur Russell ’18, of Minneapolis; George W. Miller ’18, of St. P a u l; Thereon G. Gerow ’18, of Minneapolis, and Hugh A. Smith ’18, of Red Wing, Minnesota. About this time it was announced by the social com­ mittee, composed of Brother Ek (also chairman), that we were to have a dance over at the Calhoun Theatre on December 15. We were all there. Dr. and Mrs. Holman acting as chaperones, and it is needless to say that it was a very enjoyable affair. It is hoped that several more of these dances can be held this year, as it draws the men together in a way which cannot but be beneficial to the fraternal spirit. It is with the greatest pleasure that Alpha can an­ nounce the initiation into Theta Tau, as an honorary member, of Prof. Elting H. Comstock of the Minnesota School of Mines. Brother Comstock was born in Mil­ waukee June 26, 1876, and took his undergraduate work at the U. of Wisconsin, from which institution he grad­ uated in 1897 as Bachelor of Science. Continuing his studies he took postgraduate work at the University of Chicago, Cornell University, University of Wisconsin and THE GEAR 14 the University of Minnesota, taking a Master of Science degree at the last school named. At present he is Profes­ sor of Mine, P lant and Mechanics a t the Minnesota School of Mines, besides being chairman of the Student Work and Enrollment Committee. In this latter capacity he has won an enviable position in the esteem of all “Miners”; he is not only a bang-up educator, he is more. He is a real fellow. It is indeed with genuine gladness that we welcome him into our ranks. At present we have three pledges whom we expect to initiate in the spring. They a re Melvin T. Northey ’18, of Hibbing, Minnesota, and two sophomores, Paul Bein- horn, of St. Paul, and J. Clifford Robbers, of Sauk Rap­ ids, Minnesota. For some reason or other it appears to be a difficult problem to have the Brothers stay at the house. The ruling is still in force requiring each active man to pay for twelve meals a month, and the advantages of such a ruling are quite noticeable. However, many of the Brothers have signified their intention of staying at the house next year, and we are now determined to have them carry out their intentions and so have a “real bunch” at the house the coming school year. Alpha is well represented in the various branches of college activities. There are four Brothers active in Tau Beta Pi, the Honorary scholastic Engineering fraternity, one president of the A. S. M. E., two on the champion Intra-mural football team, two in the Engineering coun­ cil, one the Engineering representative on the Athletic Board, two are on the track team, two are on commence­ ment week committees, two are members and actively con­ nected with the Scabbard and Blade, an honorary military organization; one is a member of the Crack Squad, one is president of the Junior class, one is treasurer, one is on the champion intra-mural hockey team and actively con­ nected with the Minnehaha publication, one is a member of the Players’ Dramatic Club, two a re officers in the 15 University Corps of Cadets and members of the Univer­ sity Rifle Team, one of whom is the president; one is in the Cosmopolitan Club of the University, and one is a Grey Friar and member of the Sigma Delta, the honorary en­ gineering fraternity.
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