DUKE UNIVERSITY, DURHAM, H. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1928 PRICK FIVE CENTS VOLUME XXV, NUMBER 13 Y.M.C.A. is Successful CAROLINA STUDENT RENOWNED SINGER Fourth Anniversary Of In Membership Drive SELECTED RHODES APPEARS HERE IN Duke Observed Tuesday SCH0LARFR0MN.C. PROGRAMTONIGHT In Ceremony at Chapel And Other Activities Daniel E, Huggins, Jr., of Chiipel Signer Mario Opelli, Premier Ital- Hill Wins Coveted Scholarship ' n-Araericaii Tenor, to Sing Allen H. Gwyn, an Alumnus and at Auditorium Y Organized on New Basis and nas to Oxford University .minent Reidsville Lawyer, Sponsored Number of HAS REMARKABLE CAREER Delivers Address Events FOUR CANDIDATES OF DUKE Tonight's Entertainment is the STATE-WIDE OBSERVANCE SEVEN HUNDRED JOINED The Selection of the Candidates h First of a Series to Be Brought Based Upon Excellence in Scho­ Here by the Public Lectures ! '31 defeated tho elasu ccasion was Marked by Alumni promotion Committee Headed by larship v.'itil Oli.lliiir'r-- Committee; Cappelli has Ap­ Meeting in Eighteen Cities in peared in Rome, Madrid, Priris, Henry Ruark Functions in Sale of Chracter and Leadership, and and Other East­ of Tickets and in Membi.i'Mii? Interest in Sports GLEE CLUB AGAIN London, and Other Cities; Hail­ ed as a Second Caruso ern States; Speaker Here Pleads Drive; Divisions of Y Work is WINS LAURELS IN for Loyalty to Old Trinity Col­ Carried on by Various Commit- lege Ideals and Traditions TRY FOR HONORS Sij-nnr Marie Crip.i,-Hi, th,- premier Retain Title as Glee Club Champ- ons of State Iff Winning STUDENT COUNCIL Contest Thursday HEAD AT MEETING COMPETE AT GREENVILLE Johnson, Student Body President, Represents Duke at Duke Singers Will Represent North -,- Hi,ail.i- working bnsia Carolina at Southern Contest to Be Held in City in February; Barnes, President ties i.r North Oa. Glee Club Association Columbia, Mia,uamvi, wl a_W. II. Wannamaker, Bryan BoUel llicliaril E. Tbigl : rhuti 1 jgl I ALPHA, CHI TAU, e University • Jin,I ll. s. HillBy, pree 'leanto from Duke I .vi-ally. Tl,!. i- : ef Atlantic Christian College, ml „f Us line- ress of the Pod- WITHDRAWS HERE lir- eanflidatse from Dnke were Stow he lean that Trinity college Inul Chapter that Founded Natioi tim-ti.'e i|uality Order is First to Take Steps ti |,.-i>,.-il a ran..-, lie .vns ninde Inippy Effect Its Abolition sin,-,, luis linen pinnrf nl Lis coiinc,:- ro sacrifice and Tlie speaker paid high trihn g his geuiuu to •tJi'vuletil llnki' family. He Washington Duke and hia suns,: • age of three niifcst in ehiM-

ii Tuesday night, Deei tauiis out so boldly that I nnno

r.u-yn ataerted Hud snme hail m lacked Mr. Duke's slnml iu regard t- iterialiiiiii. This he nt •s- people n.i u-ell. These wl •oil by l-'irrtllrni mi y. Inst ih.-[Jin- thai ],iM sleily , sn-nlili'iiis. .jnlnisoii is exported to bring ecoiiililislinicnls. "Le silted the ailaiinistt. : the better worfciugs

Dr. L. H. Genner, of , I n nn-i-ii-jiii i.-1-mli Discusses Theory of Electrons at Meeting SPORT CONTEST IS

.,,„•,!. justified STAGED BY CO EDS

PHI BETA KAPPA WILL MUSICAL CANTATA INITIATE DECEMBER INTER FRAT CONTEST TO BEPRESENTED L'eveiHirtii Students Become Mem­ IN BASKETBALL HELD bers; de Bruyne's Name Acci­ "The Coming of the King" Will dentally Omitted First list Be Presented at Duke Audito­ All Fresbmeu Eligible for Tourna- rium Sunday nent Which Begun Last Monday Night mitt,,!, mis eleeted president. Tin - elected nere 8. Et, MeEi an. , I, -lin :lr,l exactly like Jl Mins Helen Taylor, tin of light. From these results

,<., Linger, nrr.l , ilk- eSecl Hit eitceodjDglj -mall ad CM.,„;,!, linn,-,, membera i xceutive council. INTERFRAT SKITS TO Ti,<- Polity elun al Duke Culver llilialial u-ilh flu- iiiteriijiliouul relations BE GIVEN THIS MONTH Mtorittica. if X-ra i-liilis of America ivlih-h nre spoilBoi the Carnegie f etui.hit inn. Ilnriri Handsome Loving Cup Will Be yi-ril ri iji|iliuiljjl ivill In- seni lu spi Awarded to Fraternity Giving Duke under the (inspires of tho Polity the Best Stunt club. Th,, organization "ill also ,

irobably apply for Bdlninsi iy lii-riiititiil sales, duos, qunr of rtmleiits that vill , choruses. "The Prophecy' The contest "ill take place in th, Prance, and tha Hague ilo, will he sung by Mrs. C. I The tournament lief-an Ins day nighl a s Io bi ----••- n - i • ted „• Christmas belidayn. lis. James Whitted, Hie otlitrr by She: I iv „ ..-.:• vith a boy S. Heopcr, Jr.; "ACIOBB the ght, and 0 .»! appa Alpha; Dormitory .\i>. I vs ,- ..nnh ",!.",.','t,\,al th e regular hoe.key e ,- . hil,. "The riains of Bothlc- :, Chi Alpha; I'i Ku- |,. A anted to get an al z llbesmigby tho girla gloo club; Be: ivi.y at} rain's I.nlljib.v", n beautiful ulttr \M! •"•,,,/""'' (annie i>l;,y,.l hefiin- nml since Imtli leatns Mias Louise Couke; "Tlio Qut-fl fimjtlil sicndily llinnnrrlii.iit the Kamc. The of the Magi", bv Mr. Charles Dnhn Un varsity's Il> "lilaek" lean: ivim ever II Ked" team Billiiill (,.- 8 I. CoiuMlHing ti„- tji.-t Hint brnkev ia e Elisabeth Aldridge; thou rinity llh Devils north and eld lieint- inln.'iliiceil in the physical inniririin ho Now Y -'i • eleven 7- llllrili Its, THE CHRONICLE Wednesday, lie,-,



:~ i: 11::; MniiHiK . . .

IAI;. tiniKX HAUSS '


Staccato Thought LOCAL FRATERNITY INSTALLS CHAPTER WITH CEREMONIES Installation of New Chapter by PURLOINED PARAGRAPHS Delta Tau Delta at Banquet in Union Hall


National Officers of Fraternity Pre­ sent; Several Alumni Return for Initiation; Delta Kappa Chapter Here is Seventy-Fourth to be In­ ii iiuikiiij- II ilnte fur Ilie laiiUii' Ir.-. stalled in Country; Founded in liiiE te alsk me to write tlie girl 1859 at Bethany College tneeuto Thought. - (Incidentally, nar am) - On another

i Deltji Kuppn simpler


Pcrha*is yon hnve heard nf tlie ministerial student who bet five dollars on Ilie football same and prayed the night before tluit tin; Devils would triumph. FOOLS AND FIREWORK! The Chronicle 1ms ln-i-u rureiised of throwing rotte eggs this fall, and the suggestion jB offered that ; cultivate roses instead. But everybody knows thi the campus is so iliovmijrlily dry that roses eould n< live even though the plaee is rich in fertilizer...

The ll," lhe genius so meli y Gortzum Borglum lar niou of the Chronicle i • Chroi.icle, we supposi to be considered hy sue

ary magazines may be ready for delivery if December, but the December Archive is m apt In appear in Febru Societies. Not LEAKING BACKWARDS A Rhodes Wc holm-ship eoiiiinittee, composed i four Duke faculty members and the presidents i Davidson and Atlantic Christian Colleges, met he Saturday to choose Xoi-th 1'amlina's next scholar go to Oxford. The competitors for the high awai

university h s been given the honor of spending England on 1 tmds left tor the parpos by the late C cil Rhodes, l.htlic, wc. hear, has turner University ot Nortli ( out only thr e Rhodes scholars. Home declare tha s played a large part in enabling Caro •ns Ki-ailiimi-H of list, makers, and ne feel sure that no one would like, to ny were shipped no Km teams to win consistently over Duke be responsible for the loss of one of his classmate's We doubt th s, especially in last Saturday's game eyes or fingers, or maybe the loss of one of his own. ii Locke, Edward Qibhi ily had greater reserve strength. Bu Therefore we can nol urge the students too psychology L strongly to stop Ihis loolish and dangerous form of determined i so called I'i tri. We are sure thai il' Ihe students will think the matter over, they will agree with this " 'a I l-V cntl'w'Jukc'iiioiesw proposition and lhe fireworks menace will be lessened an inierioritj complex. this year. We do nol nay that it witl be eliminated, mil md iimite dial lour Dnke men were I'm* we know that there arc always a lew ii-i-irspotisi llee. There is sueh a thing as jlesiring ble fools and asses who will never take any warning rainiest)' hut sithmil 1l>m, |,i , upright thai one leans baek wards until Ihey actually bum either lliemselves or some­ K i ol Delta Kappa whi : luive leiii'iied thai many people body else. Amen! 0 la- inillr,,,-,! into Dell IContiiiued on Pago 8) nn-: CHKIINICLE FRESHMAN CO EDS ARE Reporter Sees Humorous TAUGHT TO OBEY WITH Observes Side-Line Antics SOCIETY BROOMS AND PADDLES Side of Big Grid Classic||| All treshmen outl was thc yell that Miss MONTEE MOVLB, Edito .hood through Southgate Hall Satnrdn.v s ainglee Oint partly alliijed tin- money out Uvn bucks and :i half.

of seetion a. Keni

Co-Ed Writes a Newsy , (lies brought the f realm r.«*,r::',.L;"r.;:::: ,,' Ki-l-i" »,''. .Jin.U llelllirl-, Mrs. Letter to Her Friend at Home Olnrenoe Pemljerton, and Mrs, W, H. Sontngate Hall icekl.v, all orders I,- | king iv ivas lovely, end everyone e>i.j"V.'il it. Wj r the freshmen eruwli are ao glad thai the Dalts hnve eoine on ing the afternoon, Mesd I l.irum-r i the stairs to the Hi Engraving Embossing on joyed II lots. Of course the main n.c An, - • Wail -l:iy night. 1 Two iio-breali Alpha Delta Pi dajices eveol of the week-end was lire Carolina- know tin.' ,. • ',. •a„,,,.if;il. Dont were held. Litfiograp fling [i„ke a:,inc. Nearly„,

isliments (not delic.iiiajs: i.cre CAMERA CRAFT STUDIOS tell you iclicn 1 nee yon Christinns. Write held in Ulliull Sunday afternoon fron. ., ,-:i.-li fresliinrtn. who ivas lliei cautious. Having f THE SEEMAN PRINTERY id to her room and ordered tu of art-loving souls hfaiy. Lovely baskets ol (lowers an-re jilaeed Of (,,,„„. ,*l,i,t,„i,s 1, in the ait. and in ir I.i- noihd-iiigltt to her sopho ill" llurli.-im '- illtivi'rsit.v il DOSHAM, NO.TH CAHOUHJ, Community Tea to Be Given in Honor of Freshmen

iiJ:- fjir.-ai In,irk :is Hi.-..- came in. '•• l'-iJ\.-'"',' **Tt<£* flinch, eakes. nuts and mints won by a show-window ad, in served by Misses Mildred Holton, Mar read Bomethiiu; liko thi •• '•;;:'„" i™ala« garet Moore, Blaise l.auiljcrt and Montee Moj'le. Pledges of Kappa Delta Enter­ "" "'' ' "ll •*'{.:" "" '. tained Member at a Dinner Party Is i-oiiiDosed of Meajdn.nes Hoivnrd Le- The pledges of thc Kappa Delta soro rity entertnined the active members at ft ', • r'', ,.,'i''.r'.',.1 \i:--T--'> u.yr. .mil easily. H IB Iota of fnn. -,,,| -1,1,1 Clil-I.'ar -1 Knu.iii.L'll at Welcome Iu. The loble was deeornleil iu Kt'een :un .,.^7l"-.Mll-''r,"vc''r, nfr'U.u.r: ],lu Alpha Delta Pi Gives grain. The two glee chili-,,- IIK- rn Tea Dance at Washington Duke roses was used \tu-„i-tiv„ favors an.

nudl'mnuretl,:,!. it will ba so fbis area. r„i!cr,i,-, ctilerlruiie.!- at J. fer, (ljmee Guests Were Plentiful at . .,-,,, .,,„ ,„,,.,. ]],„,., |„ • Southgate for the Week-End There have been a number of danees Mll in STUDENTS!

,,r tin. m-.i.* Ircloiv the liolidayu. What U..S-I.J, iall-r, - (.1 M.s, il..,l,c,l Morten Wwe are here to serve the Duke Students. Rep­ resentatives will call to see you daily. ' ''• ? ' ,"' T. "'i,'.'".' !•'"-"' '•iTilisi-!)'/ .,."..';... ::,,',"•. ,".":,•','.•" LAUNDRY. PRESSING, DRY CLEANING AND SHOE REPAIRING ,,. , chapter here Ellis nasi .,,vl-. Thi Mnry I'.. \\ L.raker, gUlJ,t of Miss Kather ; guests ivirre sent lovely shoulder .-ms::-,,.. OUR BUSINESS visitors ware bore fiem Thursday until ae fnvors. ° Duke University Laundry M'DOUGALL POINTS W. E. WHITFORD Managers J. H. JUDD, Jr. WAYFOR THENEW DUKEJNIVERSITY

Duke University Day is Observed Throughout Country; Noted Psy­ chologist Outlines Course for tern will be discarded after the htra.

" County Alumni for the en-

What Shakespeare says about Coca-Cola


THIS IS THE WHY AND HOW OF IT 'Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale THERE'S a part of you somewhere between your Adam's apple and her infinite variety" What Shakespeare wrote ofCleo- your ankles concerned with smoke-judgment. And you can't fox that pnern finds echo in the thoughts of millions who recognize the smoke-sense—if it really knows its cigarettes! Here's the test: Light perennial youth of thc Coca-Cola girl - die fjtir one you see every­ a Camel—and pull in a cloud of cool fragrance. The deep approval where so tempi IIM'IV su jilt-tit in;; that you "refresh yourself," inside is witnessed by "that certain feeling." Try and match it! We'll bet a hand-painted lemonade shaker you can't do it.

•V niilliitii a tltiy — l T B. J. SEYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, M. C. THE <: Hit ON I CLE

NEXT GENERATION TO GLEE CLUB AGAIN Patronize Our Advertisers Japanese Student Wants WINS LAURELS IN TRY BE TAUGHT BY URGE I (*„m Iniied from Tags 1) Japan and ILS. Friendly MAJORITY OF COEDS

.vi.tly, Dr* I Patronize not intend to let the Y. M. C. A. IS SUCCESSFUL IN MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN The Duke University Laundry (Continued from Page 1)

until ,-,•,•,.mla regarded THE MODEL LAUNDRY

pliaiiscil .vith Ilie methods (i

•ecu cliicii.v eoneerned .

of the North t:iir<.li(.n 1 nii-r-c.lle.eiriJe id min,. in the Intter. SALE COEDS INSW1MM1NG MEET AT GYM FRIDAY H»,H

Betty Burch Wins First Place an FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF ' me Harbison Gets Second DUKE OBSERVED TUESDAY OVERCOATS Honors llr wc-Vn

Tho speaker told of the real test that ,:i,ne lo Trimly i-etlee-e baek in 1-1U3, Hanes. Ne §51 when .Illini apeiieer llnssell e.[ii.-sse.l 1,1. views mi Hooker T. WnshiiiKton :iini.l r: $19.00 shoiver of criticism. Mr. Bat'setl ,li'l WORTH $30.00 rights of negro people, "iii,* I*rioitj "Tu- r

ureli secured ii set, ninning tv, line 11 or I .in on ,- TUXEDOES $23.00 WORTH $30.00

Rural Churches Aided by WELCOME Dul

ANOTHER TALKING May Yo ur Clirf 8 tma * PICTURE COMING Tin- aitliee ot (lie iiiirnl,. be as M E R It Y as you have made OLD GO LD'S


Literary Group Will Be Entertain­ Economics Professor Studies QUE ed with Musical Selections ">n of Brokers' Loans Used ? 7 Night in Speculation

feasor C. B. Hoover, of the Depa nj l-la-niiiiini.-*:, ri.',-,-fitly irellliilmt A /vY\ er|n-i'lnlivi. , :ni(r, liy Diivi.l Tin,.:-.- It interesting Jiti.l lluiely urtiele rill fenture the meetiiip: Tliursduy even- the New York Times "Annalist". Pi ni; of the Portai 1.-1 il ly Oliaiitor nt" Sicniri 'jisilim, XVitumnl Iloiiin-iiry Kr:: ten lity, study nt Ois Federal Reserve Bnnk A year ago OLD lioi.n's holiday message in iis many t has been uiiiimmceiL The iiieetiiiK. in- New York of the suhjeet ef "Broke: friends was •'•...Mt-,1 . . . "iiLiX^iii.n'S first Christians."

He thoroughly Investigated the soun OLD I.IK.II wns • In-•• just I Iii' Infaul prodigy union,/, ciga- ot tlie money bciurj loaned for pnrpoi '••tlii.. lim. (hunks to its three million new friends, and Warren C, OjldeS, former president of Brothers, comes to the Malta them Sign-a IrTpsUon ril Davidson Colled •is <>.>II 11II.-si nld ones, OLD ,;«l.ll liars grown lour hundred

PW rem. Tin- infaill lias I im- n si rapping young gianl. INTER-FRAT SKITS TO iti.ii GOLB Is AaMrlcs'i faatoM growing cigarette. You n has been greatly BE GIVEN THIS MONTH (Continued from PUEO 1) have given OLD ..ill II n wonderful Christmas liy your

Itiinl giaironage ami i-ni-illal good-will. And In deepest

all oar friends . . . "Mi V .III Professo W T. Towe, of Duk rsil.v, « principal speaker itilies of "Brokers' We thank you. ,sl niKiH. The Duk pr feasor journeyed do tft£rl&!**<^(Z>f~"-^ T

•ill mnke the ward. Wednesday, Decemle.


DUKE ATHLETICS SHOW GREAT RISE SINCE 1922 Statistics Show Former Two Southern Championships to Blue Devil Team Records Compare to New FINISHING IN A DEAD HEAT Duke Has Won 49 Contests This Wrestlers and X-Country Year Against 22 in the Lose Column Team Get Southern Titles

IN 1925 DUKE LOST 28 OF 51 Wrestlers Meet Defeat Only Once During Entire Season, and by In Southern Conference Contests National Prominent Team This Year Duke Has Won 21 and Lost Only 10. In 1925 Record HARRIERS UNDEFEATED in S. Conference Games was 3 Wins and 14 Losses unners Swamp Everything in Their Path, Including the Navy, Washington and Lee, N. C. State, Carolina, Southern Invitation Run and State Tri-Cornercd



Tar Heels Win Championship Of N. Carolina, 14 to 7 Score State Title Decisively Captured By Strong Devil X-Country Team But-in II in,,' -lit" tlie liii^kirllu early last January DuJe teams latlfT ,11. i*i lis it leu, including sueh MATMEN-BOXERS Cnrolinn, X. I*. Kl:ile. DOWNTO WORK Captain of ,aJ9 Boxers and Wrestlers Have Won­ derful Prospects to Repeat Vic­ PROSPECTS GOOD tories of Last Year FOR BASKETEERS lue Devils Court Men Expect Have Best Season on Recon Tough Schedule

lecona to Carolina, 's

athletic BpoMight.

Imaclaall schedule, with s riaiiii:rr:"r 1928 BLUE DEVIL FOOTBALL SQUAD ey. Maryland,

football and croue couulry. In pluyil Navy, Benton (.V.IIi'Ee, null <:i'(irj.('1i>.> the Blue Devil CNIUCIK ini-i-,1 three i

eleven playeil Brent hall anil lost- grnc

feats were I'i- oiie-toiJi-liilovii mruf-iu Uoeewitfa Purman, Navy, and Universii of North Cure] inn.

I.,,I t,,- w(„,.i(r-:iv-!. Douey, r,.i-l A. •yiii-lli Ilie Dulse (TOMH country team (i • tasted NJIVC W, .V I- «• •'• Sl;|i", '"' varaity oi' Kortb Carolina and won ir • V- „ ^ \ ^' ;,L __ --, A

FOOTBALL SQUAD Hinge's orth, Hiilf; Adams, Half; Peeler, End; Hatcher, Half; Weathby, sisV.y, Knit; Kistler, End; Bale. Quarter; Lake, Full; W.iriiii. Kn.i; T I,-.., Half; Hayes, K.ul; .Limes, H,ill ; Hi],,),. Outer; Cole, Tackle; M IJC et. Guard, St.ilf.n. yuaiU-i ; C.i i ju-m '-v. Tinkle; V.'avd, T;i<;klc; A eld, End; Rankin, Guard; Williams, End; Yaibrough, Manager; Buiili (Continued on Page 6) THE CHRONICLE COLLEGIATE FORDS »™" ARCHIVE TO KNOWN BY COLORS HAVE 'MAN Y FEATURES SAYS EDITOR THORPE College Cars Carry Colors and In signia of the Institutions from Whence They Hail MADE ITS WAV BV THE Vt/AV

David™ and Allan SHEAFFER'S PENS AND PENCILS, STUDENT NOTE HOOKS, 1H,.\UI NO l\STRr\lKNTS, l.OOSK mind ,, LEAi-'Nori-: HOOKS, SCRAP BOOKS AND STUDENT SUPPLIES lady ei Rubier Stamps - Multigrsphtng The Rose Agency, Inc. 2(16 CORCORAN STREET y across from main entrance to Tke Washington Duke) ,i- wnmrea, -., • I'l-i-ri'iill.- rnlin

pee ies which assumes the g, f Collegiate Ford, They may be olaaj ed tiinler s|,etitlc names. WARREN & ALBRIGHT The State COIICBO l*'ord is usually dec atcd ill red nnd wbite. It may or mi CITY MARKET ot bave a top—usually it doesn't—ar Helrr!-, l''ci.*il Duke Students "'ilii thn Clioicsst of Meats

Native Veal ami Perk Western Beet Fresh Poultry Phone Durham, N. C.

PROMPT DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF CITY t Captain Hunter pulled the pmttiwt j- of tlie puna when lie picked up rolina fumble and ran ever St) r*>aii li it, potting it almost on tlia Carolir SOCIETIES DEBATE ON NEXT-TUESDAY Appetising Food Served After the Duke- Carolina Game Inter-Society Debate Postponed , | 'I'O ,.hat heights of fancy the imagiiia- Until Next Week; Much Intel of tlie budding ecaii li-lm altempt to est Being Aroused THE PURITAN LUNCH Iheir distinctive carryalls must gol Truly llie.v rerii-l: tbe bicliest peaks. Tin- sketvhes George - Tom - Ernest

drawn in glarini- tnlers and ilarins

play of his tmasinatioti aud talent on

MISS COPEIAND GIVES Let Our Druggists Fill askotball, wrestJuiB ACCOUNT OF MEETING Your Prescriptions r of strength DII tli but lie played n Stationer)', Pen nnd Pencil Sets, Candies, Woman's Student Government Sodas, Cigarettes and Cigars ;T dean nay that be Head Returns from Inter­ In the debate Hesperia nf tbo majority of collegiate Conference seeled liy a t,-:ii:i ,- |,,| R. BLACKNALL & SON stall",:, n. He wns plsyir l-i'i'nj; I. .L it. Pratt, It: tint li e played. || All unused Coupons from the Venus Studio are good represented Hesperia until January 10th Let Duke University Laundry keep you speaker, and Mr. looking neat and snappy with a good high s( VENUS STUDIO NEXT TO KRESS IhilliNia-iaudli were playing their lasl Durham Laundry Co. Gregson & Peabody Streets

Duke (?) priiljlcms v. 1,1,1, of the prouiini FOR SALE I, E. Hold Smith of Eugenie Overtl <• 1. T 1926 Overland Sedan, $150.00. Engine, FANCY ICES Paint, Tires and Upholstery in Fine 1,. ft Hunts* ' ftebwarti Condition. See It. o. Durham Ice Cream Co. The College Man's C. F. E.—Domitory 1—121 h ci First Choice PHONE; Dial L-963 MAIN AT DUKE B T. By moans of graphic d,

You will fij-i.1 here more PUNCHES SHERBETS B B Whu than lhe average number •J ' of shoe styles just suited to the college mnu"s taste. 1. II Jobn W ards ore preeminent VITAPHONE K. H. as the shoes "The Voice of the Screen" LOOK! F 1! COMING NEXT WEEK Processed Embossed .-....,- h, penodur Opening Mon. Dec. 17th Old Hampshire Stationery, Plain and With Duke Seal. „I...... TI, Janfcoskie 50c a Box (66 Sheets) point aft*, louc-hs*"". ll-e (drop kick) "STATE STREET SADIE" \ .- • „cr..l.-....-. Ericksoii, Pen WITH Soda Fountain, reus and Pencils, Duke "Sticker ner, sob fo.- Presson; -mint after touch torn, .Vhimiant (drop kick), Jackson Conrad Nagel—Myrna Loy OWL PHARMACY ALSO "Just a Whisper off Campus ewe, BgSnger (IVun.); umpire, Benvcr (Mnrylnnd) hciKlliuesiiiaii, Ilryce. (Au 3 Acts Vitaphone Vaudeville turn) ; fieldjudge . Bates (Sewance). Siil.iHtitiitcs for Duke: in first half and Movetone News

.V„l,n:-(: Koenic for Howe; .Magui-i- f.i Ride the Buses and Ward; Bhuler for Bstow; House fo- Showing Now This Week tlrenliJini; Blackwood for Karris; Jack l-r,r„lmr, Ir Street Cars •on for Whin-sat j Ibmaboe for Schwartn Duke rtuuiBn stepped oi CLARA BOW in "WINGS' Second Iiiilf for Duke: Davis for Jones C "^kl\\\4alal Convenient - Safe - Economical I In ITS for Hoskv; Jiimirinilt forKieller: Stopping tliem and tlie.i defeiltcil all Four Tickets for 30 cents Fester for Hayes; Ilolliiigstvorth for ^•^ MEN'S SHOES Murriiy: for Carolinoi i-'i-iini-r r,„- Pies Electrical Fixtures and Reading Lamps See aaan, aa display al Howard; Eekew tor Farris; TaeksoD f.,: Durham Public Service Co. Klii-kmiri .Minis lor V\'llismrilll ; tlresbrir: MILLER-BISHOP, Inc. r„r ll.uiH,-; \asli for .Mans.