Chi Tau Climbs Tello~ Last Year
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. '· ~- .' '1940 SIGm··pBI ·EilSIOO~ BRI'IT AND CASTLEBURY ID\PPA'SIGMA TO GO TO FOREST ;DANCE. TONIGHT AT 9 lLK· H~IGHTS MONDAY AT 3 ation- Vol. ;x~un. No. 25 Z-538 WAKE FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1940 Delta PRICE: TEN CENT'S PER COPY <er at local even- Former Chi Tau ressor Goldberg Elected Student .President; t Col- t=tsi:~:~I~J Becomes Sig ~p d the e re- .Banquet Tonight At Big Banquet :outh- M Millan Chosen Senior Class Head; ~held Pa:rk, To Be Held In .High School Old Local-Gets Charter As 'orest Cafeteria At ·6:30. With N; C. Zeta Chapter of •renee Burchette Presiding National F)-at Davis, Norris; Ashburn, Are Editors :com- ~-~---------------------------------------* 0 the SPILMAN TO ·sPEAK OFFICIALS PRESENT .Earnhardt Early, plan- Defeats Hatfield (t bi- Movies .Southern Baptist Jim Mitchell' Is Chosen DaVis· Win Posts :o 'oo Seminary To Be Shown Prexy Of Group For In Warm Election ,Js in After Banquet Coming Year· elude Only Three . Contested Largest Number of Votes dson, Elections ·Oome- Bef-ore Toastmaster Charlie Burche.tte. At. a special banquet held in Miss In History of College Jrgia Publicati«Jn·s Board • liver- ; will preiide over the Prophets Fro-: J,~ WilliamS' cafeteria. last night Cast By Students lie :Banquet tonight at 6:30 in the Chi ·Tau fraternity officially drop • high se1roc>l we'teria, ~s wake's' 'ped ·the name. Chi Tau and its life Tom DaVis,· R~1ph Earnhardt, Political fever ran high here ministerial ·students and their as a local >()l'ganization .to become and Wells Norris·defeated Howard on Thursday, waxing until near gu'ests for the 'feast and week-end the North Carolina Zeta Chapter Andrews, Donald· Bradsher, and midnight, :when it was generally gather for their second· llnnual oc-· of the national Sigm;l Phi Epsilon Phil Highfill, respectively, for the fratEtrnity. .. business mawigerships of Old Gold spread around that Bob Goldberg casion of tlhe type. Dr. B. W. Spil- BEDFORD BLACK had defeated Weston Hatfield· for Rpresenting the fraternity, Chi and Black and The Student, and ·man, former·Field Secretary of "the ----'-------- the presidency of the 'Student body, Southel'n Baptist Sunday School Tau President Jim Mitchell re- the editorship The Student at ' .. ,, .;r. ·l . and the thermometer began a grad. Bo~rd ~d oon~actor ~f Wake's :Dr Kitchin Pens ceived from "Sig Ep" officials a the PuhlicatiolliS ; Board election ual waning. · philosophy semmar, "Wlll ·be the ' •. charter authorizing its admittance Monday nig!Jt. F,erd Davis, the new Judging from the final returns, as a unit of the national syostem ~f editor of Old Gold and Black, and the day was oomfortably Gold , whose guest will'be Sigma Phi Epsilon. Bedford Black .Norvell Asbburn,).~d Jim sp:!e~ssery, B.ook 'On Doctors berg's, though a general consensus Virginia. C»mbs,-has been in charge who served as toastmaster, has the editor and· biJ.s.iness ma.naJ~r indicated a nip and tuck battle of all -arrangements of activities been charge of arrangements of The Howler for .1940-41, were m during the eaJ'lier stages of "the for-.the weekend. His Committee is Second Volume· Sketches for the- induction. elected without opposition. game. Mter the heat of conflict ·composed 'Of ·John Galloway, John Appr!Oximately 75. guests at- · Davis, a tran~er student from Of Physicians In Other died away, hiowever, the most no Fletcher, and Paul· Early. teotded last night's induction ban- · Campbell College ! has worked on Fields . Printed ticeable signs of a political derby The usual toasts will be made. quet, which lasted from 7 to 9 the staff of Old Gold and Black £or lingered in the . form of several ·p. -m. Among the guests were many the past tw<> yearS, serving in the The faculty will be toasted by Doctor's In Other Fields 'is the scores of worthless posters still ·James Varner, and response will Sigma ~hi Epsilon officials'. There editorial department in 1939 and title of a recently b!Ound• clinging to nearby trees and· all be 'made by ·Prof. AI Martin. Paul were: Rodney C. Berry of R1ch- on the business stiUf in 1939-40 as made up of articles from. the Jour· wall space available in the student .- Early, whose date will be Miss mond, Grand Vice President; Wil- office ·manager. was managing nal of Southern Medicine & Sur- ~ center hallway. Helen Rill -()£ Richmond and West liam L. Phillip5 of Ric'hmond, editor 10f The Wake Forest News, gery written by President Tlmr- ·h 1 ' · 9 9 The total of 831 votes were cast hampton 'College, wiU t~ast the Grand Sec:retary; Thomas Temple summer sc oo . newspaper, m 1 3 , man D. Kitchin. -the largest number in the his girls, and response will be made Wright of Warsaw, Va., one of the and wa:SI sec.reta:ry of the student T.he volume contains biogra.phi- f h · ch 1 th tory of" student body presidential by Eddie &lie Leaven of Mereditfu founders; William Hugh Carter of body o t e sumnier s oo at e cal sketches of forty•eight medical · E ha be elections. In the past, fewer votes and guest of J<Jhn Fletcher. Marion, Va., one lfrf the founders; same t1me. am rdt, num r one men, ranging fx:om Dr. Imhotep h 't · t · were usually filed, but the · ellll! '"' k D F. James ·Barnes, II, of Lexing- man on t e vars1 y earn, JS ...:1r ,vs. ummy (3000 B. C.) to Dr. David Stewart tiom> were characterized by more ton, Va., editor of the Sigma Phi a member of the Pan-Hellenic To add to the fun of the evening, (1862-1933), Wlho have made not· E .. 1 J 1 d M k D Council, and is a former presdent pnamises, more speeches, and other James Kirk and :his well-known able eontributions to fields· other psi 011 ourna ; an ar · attempts at vote-getting in gener Williams of Richmond assistant of Chi Tau, now Sigma Phi Epsi- Oscar dummy will entertain with than medicine. In the sketches the ·' al. Of the 831 votes, Goldberg re quips and puns, probably at the emphasis is placed upon the non-· to the Grand Secretary· Ion. Th y M ceived 513, Hatfield 318. Last year Other Gue8ts Present ree- ear an expense of fellow prophets ,and a medical contributions. · h k h a. fewer than 700 votes were cast. Also among the guests were rep- Norr1s as wor ed on t e staus breakdoW'Il quartet, including C!ar- · The Introduction to the volume ·Th s · d ·old ·G ld d Mayberry, Alexander ence Godwin, Bill Poole, Harold explains that doctors hsve turned resentatives from N. C. State Col- IJfBl e I tu enth and "-- II an Charles "Red" Mayberry and McManus and Stewart Simms, will to literature and o'thew cultural lege, Duke University,· ·Davidson ack· or t e past· t•u·eed'to YeaD&,f h perform. pursuits to "relieve their pent-up College, Raleigh, Durham, and servm~ as ~ocJate e 1 r 0 t _e Louis Alexander, candidates for vice-president and secretary 10f the Following the banquet, forty-five thoughts and feelings" and to Charlotte·• and Presii:l~t"' Thurman magazme1 bo this, f yearh and on the edi- D. Kitci.ln Dr. L. 0. Rea, and ·toria aru:. o. ·t e newspaper. student body, respectively, were minutes of techn~color movies ' of "gratify the universal desire for ~., F rd D tr f d t chosen before the voters went to ·Louisville, Kentucky, tmd the Sou self-expression." With r=ard to Professor Donald Pfohl (Obi Tau e aVIS IS a ans er stu en -.. from :Mars Hill. He ·bas worked on the polls. The former was selected thern Baptist Seminary will be the great number of dOctor-s that faculty of Wake Forest. the editorial staff .o:f."Old Gold <!nil advis~r) by while Alexaru!er ~----·shown:·--:···~·-:·• · · . ·· - ·.- .. ac~lamati<m, have been recognizecF·a.S· literary ._,Journal Editor F. James Barnea, Biack. for t~o yea~, servin-g as LEWIS ALEXANDER ARCHIE McMILLAN carne mto power when Nelson Students with and without dates figures Dr. Kitchin said, "The pen II, ma~e the, princi~l ~dre~s: . managing editor of the new.spaper ~--------------------------- Thorn~- withdrew from the race will probably gather in the lobby is not mightier than the scaLpel but · l!'evJou:' to last mght s actlVI~J~s this year. Last 'summer ·he was El w; k last week. of W a.ite Hall f>()r an informal re complements it." active Chi Tau members were mt· business manager of The Wake Back-slapping festivities fliOm , Poems Portrayed tiat~d as members of Sigma Phi Forest News. even a e J 'ournalz•sts~ ception this afternoro-n at 2 p. m. ~he rilsing senior class gave a fav before going to ·the ball-game with M f d t' h Eps1!on yesterday afternoon. ~ A en o mo .ern ~~es w o .are Yesterday moming regi~tration Norvell Ashburn is a. rising sen- 0 f • orable report to Archie McMillan, Carolina. ftend P¥eS1 ' M portrayed. outs1de the1r professmn-. was carne. d ou t and VIS!. 't· mg "S'1g ior, and has worked on The How- · S ee rng who was. successful in defeating Sunday morning Wake Forest al f1elds a1·e such as Dr. Oliver E , . tr d ed t Ch' T ler· staff for three years. He was Harold McManus for the presiden W 11 H .