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' ‘ 8:00 ! 0 3 . I THE TECHNICIAN Bible study. Other noted religious WANTS BETTER SPEECH Textile Conference ASSEMBLY nocnm wmns leaders to take part in the discussion Held Here March 24-26 . were Dr. Elbert Russell. of Duke Uni- To the Editor of The Technician. versity, and Dr. W. L. Poteat. Presi- Dear Sirz—The article in the last (Continued from page 1.) 'ur Y.M.C_.A._Bllllt SlllDl dent of Wake Forest College. issue concerning the “Better Speech Week” attracted my attention, as I am is deemed as one of the most valua- Cunningham Addresses Assem- quite interested in the subject. Per- hle among the newer developments Safe-guarding tobacco’s bly Wednesday on Subject FRIENDSHIP COUNCIL sonally. I am much in favor of the of dyeing. HOLDS REGULAR MEET movement, although I doubt that it Other features of the conference of “Material Things” can hope for much success. include an address by David Clark, priceless asset My observation has been that in or- publisher of The Southern Textile Bringing to a close the Y. M. C. A.’s The Freshman Friendship Council I dinary spoken English of today. dis- Bulletin. .on “The Development and program of Bible study dealing with held its regular meeting in the Y. M. regarding slang, idioms, and mispro- Future of the Textile Industry in the general theme of "The Sermon on C. A. auditorium Sunday, February nunciations. the percentage of gram- ." W. Larkin, of the the Mount." Professor C. C. Cunning- 27. 1927. One of the year's most suc- matically correct sentences is very Fidelity Machine Company, will talk ham addressed the college assembly out, with small. Written English. although not on “Knitting of Fancy Hose." Mr. Wednesday in Pullen Hall upon the cessful meetings was carried as bad, is nothing to make us proud. Larkln is the inventor of a number subject of “Material Things." Albert Ruggles. Cecil Mizelle, E. P. of patents on knitting machines. Bass. and T. E. Kiger as leaders in Let us take as an example the very A dance is planned for one night v-4-jfi‘i‘-“<“~. Especially appropriate was Profes- the discussion. Mr. W. N. Hicks led article in question. In the first para 'a sor Cunningham’s speech. for preced- the devotional exercise, and gave some graph we find a common mistake, the during the exposition. Only textile ing the address several men received very interesting points on the subject ‘use of “their" for “his." . to students and their girls will be ad- their keys from the Pine Burr Honor- under discussion, “Why Men Neglect ‘have every man, woman. and child in mitted. Just preceding this is to be ary Society. to Bear Personal Testimony!" the city to exercise more care in their an initiation of new members into ¢‘\o Speaking in a very forceful manner The Council is steadily going for- speech." The third paragraph begins, Phi Psi. honorary textile fraternity. Professor Cunningham stressed the fu- ward under its own power since the l“There is little question but that." etc. tility of searching for material things, election of officers. Each member What is the “but” doing here? The 1927 Agromeck Nearly declaring in turning to the Pine Burr seems to realize the task ahead of the only use that i can put it to is to give Ready for the Printers men, that if the men received the em- Council ‘next September, and is taking it the meaning "except," "There is blems because of their efficiency in mas- every opportunity to prepare for it at little question except that,” etc. and (Continued from page 1.) tering material things the emblems the present time. There are now fifty- we know from the context that this make-up of the book is being withheld are meaningless. The entire purpose nine members of the Council, and all is just the opposite of what the author until it comes from the press. of the address was to convey the are live'wires. wishes to state. “it will speak for itself," said: Joe thought that material things are really The subject for discussion tomorrow (I don't even claim that this letter Shuford, Managing Editor. of minor importance. as compared will be“‘How to Awaken the Indiffer- is beyond reproof.) L. M. Stuart, Circulation Manager. with the great truths of life. ent and Self-Satisfied." Owen. Con- OWENS HAND BROWNE. announced that he will take orders Professor Cunningham brought to a nor, Williams. Dixon, and Jones will for extra copies of the 1927 Agromeck a close a very successful program of have charge of the discussion. TEXTILE GRADUATES after March 10. Undergraduate stu- Tonaooo that’s a veritable treasure, mARE MAKING GOOD dents who are entitled to one copy by wealth of rich f‘mellowness, worth its the payment of quarterly publication every possible J. F. “Red" Byrd. last year’s gradu- fees may purchase additional copies at weight in gold. . ..deserves ate in Textile Chemistry and Dyeing. $4 each. Members of the faculty and protection measure its safekeepingwso, took charge of the raw stock dyeing others will be charged $4.75 per copy, the utmost precaution is taken to safe COLLEGEWCOURT PHARMACY at the Eagle and Phoenix Mills. Co- which is the regular price for one lumbus, Georgia, March 1. “Red" was book. Th‘e‘actual cost of each copy guard Granger}, priceless properties. formerly in charge of a like depart- of the Agromeck, according to official I -. “has : Said” ment at the Dan RiVer Mills. Dan- announcement. exceeds $11.50. ’ To‘preVent, the loss of one bit of its ville, Virginia. The Eagle and Phoe- Copies of any group pictures made freshness, Granger is first packed-"in a nix Mills is a large concern, with over by the Agromeck photographer will be a million dollars capital. “Red" has available early next term, according heavyvfoil‘ uch... Then'tobe'roo% ion cf’nnooss . . . , 3 . . . . . Proprietor a good position with this concern, and to Henry Weedon, Business Manager. has made great advancement in the the safersi c, this is scaled ‘Ammoa'r‘ in textile world since he left N. C. State Pullen Debate Team Wins an extra outside/Wm of ' e—-' w‘s“'oa“‘‘O““UV“‘--q‘-‘ last June. State College. and espe- 1927 Junior Contest keepi the tobacco f actoryrfm " till-you u—nn cially the Textile School, is proud of “Red" Byrd, and wish him continued break . e seal to load your pipe! ' success in his work. (Continued from page 1) ferent from other governments that - Our chemists say itman almost perfect , Meet Your Friends at the “Cally” the usual rules for recognition would Collegiate Headquarters Since 1900 Pine Burr Honor Society not work, that the very wording of seal for tobacco “ condition’-—protecting Receives Six New Members the Constitution shows that the Soviet tobacco better than any container except Quick Fountain Service Government does intentionally inter- (Continued from page 1) fere with other governments. Mr. Britt the VACUUM tin. Then, because it is much Everything in Refreshments - The requirements for membership are: also said. “Just because other nations less expensive than'a costly pocket'tin, first, the student must have never have opened their doors to these hor- failed a subject; second, the student rible conditions in Russia is no rea- Granger’s pockctvpacket 36113 at just ten must have had an average of eighty- son the United States should do so." cents. It’s the greatest value ever offered - Fruit Store iive for a period of two and one-half The result of this debate puts Pullen RALEIGH, N. C. . years; third. only those working for a on the upward climb toward winning to pipersmokers! college degree are eligible; fourth, the the year-round contest. although Lea- student must be active in some promi- zar is slightly in the lead at present. nent phase of college actigity; and Pullen may continue to rise, and in the -4 fifth. the student must be an all-round last inning, as she did last year, win good fellow. the year-round contest. GRANGER ~ Ideal for the golf links and the tennis The newly elected members were: court. Built expressly for rough J. D. McCall, from the Department of ROUGH CUT Sport usage.‘ Severe jars cannot impair Vocational Education; C. J. Noblin, their accuracy. Ruggedness with no from the School of Business Adminis- . BOYS— The halfrpmmd vac. sacrifice of beauty. tration; C. Z. Bailey, from the Depart--———————'—-—-——_———_—u.——_—_—_—_———- uum tin is fatyéve Watches ment of Architecture; F. M. Williams. We Will Save You Money cents. the foil’pouch from the Department of Civil Engi- on package, sealed in from neering: W. W. McCullock. from the BOOKS glaume, is tencents. Department of Electrical Engineering, DRAWING SUPPLIES Hoffrers and H. M. Stott, from the Department GIFTS of Vocational Education. FOUNTAIN PENS It is reported that C. J. Noblin is KODAKS the first Business Administration stu- dent, having started in that school as Alfred Williams & Co. Hoflrers quality green gold filled case, fine a freshman. to gain membership to the 119 Fayetteville St. Raleigh Hoifrers Insured 15-Jewel Pine Burr Society. movement, radium figure dial....$30.00 We carry a large selection of Hoffrers In- i :'_§.;‘€ £7“ ‘72., ‘ ‘ sured Sport Watches for men and women 17—b—V In a large variety of prices. [strife351—: ’ (c.1333; r l. .J‘uvv‘ u'... , L' THE NORTH STATE CAFE BOWMAN’S ('5' "“.'"I_ I. A New and Up-to-Date Place ODD FELLOWS BUILDING RALEIGH. N. C. ‘3‘ infill“: H Try Our Special Chicken Dinner 229 s. Wilmington St. RALEIGH, N. 0. “WW WEST RALEIGH ELECTRIC, SHOE SHOP 118 Oberlin Road Just Back of College Court Pharmacy Remember-- ' ' SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVES ON THE CAMPUS We Guarantee Our Work Halfsole, $1.25; Heck, 50c Your Last Chance for the , CAPITOL CAFE . Light to see by FFREE RADIO SET Special Services to State College Students Sight is the most important of our five senses. ends Doctors who specialize on the treatment of our SANITARY+CONVENIENT—REASONABLE‘ ‘ eyes— Give Us a Trial Architects and Decorators who study effect of light and color—— Corner Martin and Wilmington Streets. Raleigh, N. C. Leaders in the lighting industry who are responsi- arch l’Zth = ble for progress in the development of electric light— All know the advantages of Duplexalites and use i Buy the things you need them. Have Your SPRING SUIT Made at now and win that Radio. We would be glad to demonstrate what a differ- BERWANGER’S You maybe the lucky one, ence good light can make in the comfort and at- tractiveness of your heme. l We’re Showing a Snappy Line of Patterns and Styles at and every 50c purchase Duplexalites come finished in beautiful Antique means a chance. Don’t Brass or Silver. Quantity production makes the wait until it is too late. ' cost so low, you cannot afford to be without them. $25.00 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 Phone us for a demonstration Carolina Power & Light Company Look ’Em Over Before You Buy l Student Supply Store ‘« “Always at Your Service” BERWANGER’S Duplex-a-lite Yarborough Hotel Bldg. 'anIMW" l . ..M~g‘_~_‘~ MSGEQSon." — .. A a L a‘t.\de(a'-AL'MMW.12.: “5.. wt“. S ... a .


HIGH SCHOOL 1 3:11;; TOURNA- MENT I IT POSTPONED ‘s.-- A j UNTIL ‘34" I SUCCESS! l MONDAY . I . d"~N. J. _.___._.'. lthat have paid their free. Come across :and let's present the winner with the loving cup. (‘oach Doak will receive Gamecocks Out Imoney at most any old time. Tournament By Score THE TECHNICIAN’S ALL- STATE BASKETBALL TEAM Red Tenors Meet ., Defeat I“! caged three field goals. shots before Spence caged a pretty ibizizirl" {\gittliglg) t)VVVVVVVVVVVVV:orward . . Hands Of Gamecocn in First shot. McDowall and Goodwin followed mamnna, es .. (Ernst: Day of Southern Conference suit. At the end of the first half the iPurser Saber (Wake Forest)...... _...... _.(lllard Basketball Tournament at At- countGamewc“of 14-10.were m the ”ad ‘0 ""3 ' McDowall (State) Guard lanta; South Carolina'Defense In the second half the Gamecocks Holds State Scoreless for Fif- scored ten points in rapid succession. 1 SIGMA TAU BETA HOSTS During the closing minutes of the ( teen Minutes game the Terrors launched an attack Sigma Tau Beta Fraternity enter- that netted two field goals by Brown. tained a number of guests and Alumni In the second contest of the South- S. C. N. C. State ‘members at a banquet held at Mere- ern Conference Tournament. the Rogers ...... Gresham (2) nlont Tea Shoppe Monday night. Gamecocks of the University of South Forward i The guests present were: C. L. Carolina eliminated the N. C. State Fair (7) ...... Spence (4) ‘Stroupe, Nic Porter. Howard Barnes. Forward ' L. B. Burney, R. E. Kimball. and Fred Red Terrors by the score of 32-26 on 'Whlte (12)...... ;...... Brown (6) 1) Vaughan. Mr. .I. E. Tiddy acted as the first day of play, which was Fri- Center :toa‘stmaster. Mr. W. F. Tew made a day. Seidman (2) ...... Childress (3) short talk on his experience as an The Terrors entered the fray the Guard agriculture teacher. Other short favorite by a win over W. and L., who Clark (9) ...... McDowall (4) talks were made by various members defeated the Gamecocks later in‘ the Guard and guests at the banquet. season. but South Carolina's five-man defense was too much for the State Substitutions: State. Williams (2). quint to solve. They were unable to Goodwin (4), and Watkins (1). advance the ball near enough the goal to get a good shot, and were forced Freshman All-State Team State Theatre to take' long shots, Which were far from effective. . Councillor (Duke) ...... Forward Monday and Tuesday The Gamecock defense held the Red Johnson (State) ...... Forward KEITH VAUDEVILLE Terrors scoreless for the first fifteen Leeka (State) ...... Center --_._..p—s’1..— minutes of the fray, while White of Warren (State) ...... Guard Five Popular Acts, Headlined By State took advantage of four free Jankoski (Duke) __.._—...... Guard Bert Fitzgibbons and Feature Photoplay, PATRONIZE THE LEATRiICE JOY “Nobody’s Widow?’ l . State College “ Y ” Picture Show GRESHAM BROWN WATKINS Comedy : PROGRAM “SOMEBODY’S FAULT” These three men have represented State College for the last time in basketball. They have played regularly for Tuesday, March 8th . three years on the Varsity team. Wednesday and Thursday ‘ WWW/Mam\WMSA WWVVVVS \ VVVW-~V‘.‘S\“_Nv SILLS in “The Silent Lover” COMMENTS John N. Gilbert MILTON Renee Adoree, Lionel Barrymore Also, F.B.O. Comedy { INTRA-MURAL CHAMPIONS IN CLUB SERIES E Chi Tau won the championship of v mm“x the first two groups. and from all in- “THE SHOW” Thursday, March 10th dications the league championship. n-n—*“mmvMun“!fimm”I"313‘ Sigma Tau Beta and Alpha Gamma Comedy : *8? ‘Nht’«as e s!7 «or“ 2 I . x». ... q Rho went the route without a defeat. “The Flirty Four-Flasher" ’ THOMAS MEIGHAN in “TIN GODS” ‘ ~b~ as»: s, .. -. lAlpha Gamma Rho losing her first Pathe News and Esop's Fables ,/\‘ Also,'F.B.o. Comedy 53. ta“ ‘ game in‘ the playoff to break the tie in Group C. The game between Sig- ADMISSION v. a o o o o e a a u a. a 156 ma Tad Beta and to Friday and Saturday determine the champions for Group C Adolphe Menjou was played oh Thursday night. The r" E 2.21:.8::::.\':.'.“::,:::::::;J“ “Blondes or Brunettes” V . . Coach Doak asks that all' the fra- Comedy: Mabei Normand in ii The AStrOtekton therary SOClety .i ternities pay their entranne fee as‘l “Should Men Walk Home?" soon as possible. Up to this time . , ' I i News Of MCledlth COllege there have only been a few teams Pathe PRESENTS E . 7_7 ”r“ ——.—-——

H . l Ready-node —at the— H sue-Quota: ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL COLLEGE AUDITORIUM ~ The Fighting C0lks, representing the Poultry Science Club, have DISTINGUISHED made a clean sweep of the club and society series. and reign supreme CHARTS SOLELY FOR Saturday, March 12, at 8:30 in that department of infra-mural athlclics. They have also made an SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. enviable record with high school and independent teams throughout the eastern part of the State. They have not lost a game to a high I school. and only twu to independent teams. El Reading from left to right the members of the team are: Back row—— Coach Armstrong. Bunvn. Rhyue. Dickens; middle row—Bullock, Pat— terson. Jackson. Barnllardt. Peele; first rown—Zimmerman. Hendrix. Raper (captain). Hennesee. Nicholson. 1 RESULTS OF GAMES Kappa lola Epsilon EAlpha Gamma Rho .. .. . 23 “The House of Better Values” Sigma Psi (forfeited) il‘i Kappa Tau ...... 19. - :Sigma Delta i'(‘hi Alpha Sigma (forfeited) (forfeited) Special Kappa iota Epsilon...... 12 Kappa Alpha ...... 35 I ...... 18 Delta ...... I Sigma Tau Bet-a . .. . .17 l (‘hi Alpha Sigma (forfeited) Pi Kappa Tau ...... “15‘ I Kappa Sigma ...... 27 . ..29‘ I'Lambdu (‘hi Alpha. . 4 Pi Kappa Phi ...... It l SHIRT # ! Pi Kappa Alpha Semi-Finals Results i l lSigma Psi (forfeited) .(‘hi Tau ...... ll.l av 59mm. APPOINTMENT-T l A) l iAlpha Gamma Rho - .‘ (Champions Group ova STORE Is 1m.r Values , " """""""" 7 T lDelta Sigma'1 Phi' (forfeited) | (Champions Group B) ‘ Shit"! S5331” I);"""""""""""""" 9 . Pi Kappa Phi (C)...... 22i Boys, we are offering the best Broadcloth i e a lg a I Phi Kappa Alpha (C) ...... Zli Shirts in the city at— I Sigma Tau BN3...... 25 Pi Kappa Phi ((‘p ______26" Charter iii: ease Alpha Lambda Tau...... ~ ...... 16 Sigma pi m, ______17‘:l i! Kappa Alpha ...... 23 (Last two games for group cham-‘l of RALEIGH '. $1‘.48 and $1.95 I Theta ...... 18 pionship.) I i The character of the suits and l STANDINGS INTRAMURAL LEAGUE 1| overcoats tailored by Char er House i Chi Tau ...... 1.000 Phi Kappa Tau .500, will earn your most sincere liking. ! Sigma Tau Beta . .. .1000 Sigma Nu...... 500" These Shirts have the same luster, same ! Alpha Gamma Rho...... 1000 Alpha Lambda Tau ...... 333‘ same patterns as $2.50 Pi Kappa Phi ...... 750ITheta Kappa Nu ...... 250 KING & HOLDING tailoring, cut over i Pi Kappa Alpha...... 750;Kappa Iota Epsilon... .250 I‘Iothic-rs Halwrdashen . Hum to $3.00 shirts. Made in Neck Band and ! Kappa A‘pha ...... 750 Sigma Psi ...... 000 “Just a Little Difft-rcnt-»~.Iusl .l Little Better" Collars. White only. i Kappa Sigma . .. _...... 750 . , .000 8 “'05! Martin Street RALEIGH. NRC. Attached i Sigma Pi ...... 750 Sigma Delta .000 4)‘ i . . . . .500 ...... 000' I Tau Rho Alpha .500’Chi Alpha Sigma...... 000 a,. :t,., . - .».. - . ; .. .. -, ,-. -..' ' 'f A,"'- .. ‘ r b


4 TIETECHNIGAN ' i Major Early trusts to no mistakes. will? methnltlan ause to appropriate money for the on all occasions. Herhas the confi- ‘ He puts up the “No Drill” flag, even use of the State Prison. dence and admiration of the student though the ground is out of sight by The Australian Ballot Bill has body and the faculty. NorthMCarolin-”Statew Hr byCollegethe studentsof Agricultureof the a margin of 18 inches of snow. caused quite a bit of debate. We Leaving out the coaches, we have and Engineering. have been amused at hearing some onlythe student body and the mem- , Professor Zip Mrs. McKimmon states that a of the Assemblymen call it “The bers of‘ the teams themselves to sense of humor is a prerequisite for Woman’s Bill,” leaving the impres- blame for the lack of unity of spirit ‘ says-- a woman who is to be married to a sion that the wal'nen were the chief among the teammates. a , man. She should also have a sense sponsors of that bill. It would prob— There have been occasions when of pity. ably tend to curb the activities of there was a lack of complete har- Q. l‘ /- EACH leak and lounging lizard some of our'politicians, so we pres mony between athletes. In such dug ditches through the bliz-. IIIDER NORTH CAROLINA We“ dict its failure. . cases factions of the‘studcntebody mum‘ATE like to speak in superlatives, zard, ’round his door; through Yum mocu'l'fox therefore we shall probably for The School Equalization Bill is have been quick to take up the in- wind and storm he waded, with it. It. Pouarm".---...... -...... llditos many years to came brag about “the hanging in the balance at the time significant difierences and hep F. I. IeCor.-...... Bosinsss Manage biggest snow I ever saw.” It will of these musings. We doubt that it them aggravated, instead of trying manner dark and shaded, mad and Editorial get deeper with age. will pass in its entirety. But be- to promote harmony and good feel- sore. The 'fessors cut- their classes, the students'skipped Stat]: fore we can have uniformity of ing. in masses, while they slept. Each walker slipped and Frank Chedester announces that preparation in our first-year cell‘s The athletes themselVes have slided, with Mother Earth collided, when he stopped. the oficial men, we must have an equalization fled (at least some of : hem have The street-cars nor the'pnpers could car of Tax Transform fund and other machinery for set- ailed) to be broad-min enough cut their ,daily has spent the week'in cold storage. ting equal standards among all the capers, on the street; the milk-man nor the grocer. -’o.., He is too late. The process of. de- to drown any personal likes or dis- came bringing for us—no, sin—stud to eat. There Assistant Editors: composition has already started. heels of the State. likes in a confidence in, and a love W Evans for, the whole team. came no mail with letters, for men in snowdrift fet- c. z. Buns. '1‘. A. Vaauou ters,—not a one; the cooks nor any waiters prepared Joe Shuford is most versatile. A LACK We have seen the results. Teams the bull and taters, crisp and done. The older and the Business Stay: OF HARMONY that have enjoyed much confidence Waking up to find the campus deep at the beginning of the seasons have younger, had stomach-throbs of hunger, all the day; in snow, be promptly gave the jani- The season of another major failed to come up to expectations. Seymore’s and Rhodes’s places, were filled with fam- . tor two bits for the use of his rub- sport is over, and the time has come Let us law aside petty differences, ished faces, so they say. And still the whirling torrent I ber boots during such time as the for a general review of what has petty pride, and petty snobbery, made thoughts of spring abhorrent, hour on hour; the Reporters: snow should last. transpired, with a view of using the and devote our full strength to the depth of snowflakes mounted, more inches than were l‘. I. PLIIIIII E. if. Ros-rs services of unified teams.- counted, soft as flour. But now, the snow receding, as B. A. Bu. A. I. Canvas-Wm- Possession is nine-tenths of the experiences of the past toward though to springtime’s pleading, melts away; and all E. H. Rosana building a firmer foundation for the mud and mushes, through which the student law. A milk wagon drove leisurely future seasons. lgun'.oaeoud-eiassan. tBalemutton PMNortheast:-is. down the narrow channel in ta: slushes, hold the day. uuomin'anol.larch 8,’3 I70. snow on Fayetteville street, giving While we have been keenly inter? ORENTa‘nd- (comm i ested in everything that pertains 'to IlJBSCRlPTION pares: each drug store and delicatessen its e . . I l ll.“ ran causes. van. quota of milk, while a in ‘line' oi the athletic teams, their successes A. Laurence Aydlett m’ automobiles and their failures, the nature of our ‘ isers wcs solseitod with than 'b'arked at him m the ' how they even secured them. There ed very highly for assisting in thei rear. work has been such that we could is . still another source connected in heroic capture of the law-breakers. I'llhnhs-s-hsr'ét‘hi: and feel sc- ; t only a slightly better view than Several instances of slight forget-. this, for the city officials é: guiding your shopping by TIP average student of fulness, or perhaps thoughtlessness,. could not buy Such minds as these should go in the‘ T... THE BUSY WWW our athletics the freshman caps. as the sellers of detective business in some larger city. 7 in all its various ramifications. have recently been shown in respect? these can distinguish any day a fresh- Raleigh is too small for such wise and ‘ ' In the first place we have been to, the library.“ The State College. man from one of the police force. The ‘e‘apa‘ble men. 'Let us hope that these The General Aammbly of North puzzled about the close parallelism Library is the one beautiful work ofa other source is just as guilty as the men Born-over! Bite 0" Bull . architecture on the campus. and who framed such effective plans Carolina draws to a clam, and in so of the enthusiasm of the student.ahould by all means bg protected in: city police authorities. Evidently it will rid Raleigh and the vicinity of doing writes “fima”‘ on the final at My with the winning ability of the all possible ways. was a student or some one connected the liquor by their shrewd means. and . teams. We have been puzzled rte with the college to have been able to then there will be one community in “Our botany and ecology classes are of one of the greatest sources of Thumb tacks have been stuck in the secure these caps. this country now studying wild life," the college know which is cause and whichiie' ‘plheter walk at the book that can say that (pro- student wrote home. “Study it if you amusement. entertainment, and .in-v Do we have a good athletic; desk without. The publicity of the whole auair hibition is a total success. It will all have to." wrote struction that tb average State 0014 tmht. perhaps, that when they‘ was brought to the eyes of the public go down in history as being an out- back his father, “but spirit bemuse. we. have winning should be ‘pulled out a scar will bel standing feature in North Mina. don’t act it."—Winston-8alem Journal. legs student ‘nambers among his teams, or do we havé‘winning teams left that will be practically ii'rudb‘~ through the columns of the “News and a extra-curricular ‘activities. because we have a good athletic cable. A wait that once has been Observer." but there is no blame on An esteemed contemporary suggests We hare been impressed with the spirit? marred or scratched in~any way never the paper. It is their duty to publish that if the GOVernor of South Carolina doings within the walls of the again all news, and they are especially makes an ass of himself only‘one day State During our four years here we looks as good as it did while. “loyal” to State College. in the Week. he is still considerably Capitol, all! hive watched the pro- have watched developments with our new. No' amount of replastering or The whole affair shows the judg~ sums» mum; above the average in his profession.- ceedings“ with “estimable "interest. best attempt” nthaving‘uu analytic repairing 'can completely eliminate ment and capability of those that were :PROGRAM Salisbury Evening It is useless to don that we have mind. Our conclusion is that the the borders of the damage. successful in securing the caps Post. been deniedftho privihge of the full When such a building as we possess and teams are in large measure the re has been so' widely recognised as an making this intelligent arrest. I am Week at March 7! 1927 “Julius Caesar" has been arraigned measure of amusement that was ours sult of the athletic spirit of the stu- excellent piece of art Work, we should! not taking the bottlegger’s side. but if in Greensboro court on a liquor charge. at the General Assembly two years dent body as a whole, and of the do all in our power to protect it and?v our wise officials of Raleigh wish to MondaY'TueSday Somehow we always thought booze ago. It was at that Assembly that teams as units. . to keep it looking as nice as possible; disguise themselves in catching the Irene Rich and Huntley Gordon was mixed up in that little fracas we narrowly missed setting out to Too many students think of col- The library: was a place of great "liquor salesmen." and wish to pull a in with Brutus—New Berntan. prove, sleng with Tennessee, that lege spirit and athletic spirit mere- artistic ability in another sense last detective trick, why not dress in civ- we are not, nor ever. have been, iiian clothes, as they should, and keep “DON’T TELL THE WIFE” Certain Senators re- ly as lusty voices diligently applied week when it became the scene of a the name of State College have long gone in latcd to monkeys or other undesir- from the bleaohersatdhmgames. musical concert. A group of women‘ free from Comedy—“Mr. Champ” for snappy dressing. This session has able ancestors. It is true that from the 'St'atii‘IfilEEi‘Woman’s lclub any such underhanded tricks. There been featured by plain and fancy spots. we Since early in the football season should be many other means of raid- Superba News cuffs, and flsticuffs.——Columbia State. had an attempted revival of that we have had that type of spirit in took over the reading room on: the ing without degrading the name of an issue, but the sad failure of Ten- abundance, and we commend the north side as a temporary meeting institution of North nessee to prove anything in place. ; Carolina. Every Wednesday-Thursday An apple a day may keep the doctor particu- cheer leaders and the student body During the afternoon; while the stu- law-abiding citizen and, I dare say. away, but applesauce has no influence [or had thrown a damper over the. for, it. . dents Were supposed to' be hart] at every student at State College. is DOUGLAS MaCLEAN on a bill collector—Cleveland Plain fundamental enthusiasm of the lat—. But there is another type‘ of.stu' work in the building.‘ they ere heartily in favor of prohibition and its mill... Dealer. est General Assembly. Therefore deit'spirit. It is this type of spirit treated to musical numbers .llntil enforcement. but they all resent any “LET IT RAIN” we have locked for extreme excite- hat_we_sre, and. have been,'sadly about 5 o'clock. The librarian was such affair as occurred last week. ‘ , Two hairless African sand’ dogs. ment. ~ : . . in. It is the lack of this asked to obtain a piano to furnish the Therd is evidence that points to a. Comedy— ‘Playmg the Swell” their hides identical in color to the On the whole, person connected with the college who' Superba Scenic human skin. have been brought to the present Asa spirit that causes the students, ‘a's 'ecoompaniment to flyI. songs. made the purchase of the caps. Per London to propagate their species for sembly has shown an almost unbe- individaa to, slyly slip thehthlete ' The'piano in the: auditorium was bps the caps did not come through FridaySaturday the benefit of an English shoe fac lievable amount of common sense—. a drink 0 “hootch,” keep him up moved over to, lg . .. r~b nutmeg; this source, but whoever helped the tory.—Asheville thiseu. common sense mixed with p-uaal‘. late at night, and seek to footer in It has been said' I180 v ciala get these caps are very un- REX gain,partyandlocalpolitiea,to ' him a spirit of jealousy and tty ““0118 tried to « Isl to the college, and usel vcry- The King of Horses Many people talk themselves into but common sea. just tha superiority over his fellow athfiu: poor judgment. There should be some in positions. but frequently they are It is this kind of spirit that ‘ statement to the students as to the au- awkward positions—Washingtoa'smr. There has been a tendency to kill at ‘the team as“ several individials, We'lwish we had the ”fume. way thority of using the caps for this pur- “THE DEVIL HORSE” bills, and that is a commendable than as one whole. It illhil of obtaining what we ‘ask""for,'etther pose, when the student body adopted Comedy—“The Lost Whirl" l general policy. We have M typ of Trit that causes the stands by resort to tears or by— other means. the cap to eliminate hazing and to more laws than can be enforced, and to go wil when one man is sent into It is one of the greatest assets u' per- this use only. Superba News Paragraphics we should slow in making new ' while another is on] son can have in the presentlday world. Of course. the party should be laud- — ones. We ve in mind tha' alti- y Wfiéfi‘h—éwgfié‘suinl" ' Wenewer'hod- thought er'thelihrary. evolution bill, the anti-parking and We. do not like to admit however, as a place for a musical con- Duke comes in for some free ad- it, but we cert. and vertising, all petting bill, and the anti-cont have that type of athletic spirit. It that, especially, during the because of a little rev- tive bill. Had eithc of those ‘ is con ions, and has passed from hours when the building is being used , erential dance. passed, there by students. would have been just the at at body into the teams Perhaps a little cooperation and one more low that could not have themselves. forethought on the part of all people The Twig couldn’t wait for April been enforced. Each law that is on Those who watched critically the dealing with the college will help make ‘1. It waxed foolish before Febru- the books, but which cannot be en- football season were impressed with State College a bigger, better, and ary could escape. forced, is juat one more r in two things: First, that the men more forward institution. We should teaching people to dis al 11'. were not in the state of training all work with this object in view. We regret that we have to wait The General Assembly is to in com- that they should have been. In al- two more days before sharing our mended, therefore, for havludtillcd most every game we had two men. beds with others. these'bills. “knocked out” on the field to one of There was an urgent need, as a our opponents. Second, that while, Uncle factor of safety for all command, Dudley’s Come all ye faithful and let’s give individually, our men were as bril- for the bill requiring all horse- liant performers as the best, they Opinion-- the high school boys the biggest time drawn vehicles to carry lights. It seldom presented machine-like pre- that we have at our disposal. will probably not be unforced very cision in their relation to each strictly for some time to south, but other. When the police of Raleigh have to We are sorry, Carolina, that you it will gradually be taken as a mat- The basketball season has just resort to the use of freshman caps in failed to win out in the tournament. ter of course. , closed and the team has left a making a raid on bootieggers. it is And, incidentally, we are sorry that The changing of the date fer buy— record that we can well be proud of. time for the justice of the law to stop we failed to win out. ing automobile license and consider what justice really is. It plates was of But even here there was a lack of is a slam on the college. and especially little consequence one way or the that indefinable “something” which the freshman class. it places the A group of Harvard students had other. characterizes unity within a team. freshmen of State College in the lime- a little difficulty with the police. Perhaps the greatest mistake that If a team is to be a really successful light of things that are against the Students are the same, the world the legislators have made was in the team, there must be a confidence, a college rules and of which very few over. So are policemen. passage of the bill giving the High- respect, a warmth of friendship, are guilty. way Commission the supreme power yes, even a love between every mem- The article in' the “News and 0b- We suppose all that excitement in in routing our highways. The Com- ber of that team, including .the most server" leads the public to‘ think that Bladen about cock and bull fighting mission is given the power to change lowly scrub. That atmosphere did the freshman cap is a regular pass- is a direct result of Mexican propa- or relocate roads at will, with only not exist in the football team, word to the bootlsgger. a few minor restrictions regarding Even if a few are guilty, it gives the ganda to civilise the United States. neither did it exist in the basketball police department no right to abuse All day Face Comfort county-seats, etc. The door is team. the name of the freshman class. The According to The Twig, the Mere- thrown wide open for the entrance Were we asked to state why the college authorities should see that MORE and more men are demanding of politics, and we hazard the opin- basketball team failed to scale the such a raid as was made last week by dith Seniors have won the loving ion that politics is not asleep. We heights that lay in comfort. The makers of Williams cup. We should like to enter a their pathway at two of the Raleigh policemen never ShavingCream have answered thatdemand State team. have heard a phenomanally small the beginning of the season, we occurs again. ‘ amount of discontent concerning the should unhesitatingly say that it If the police depart-ant cannot with Aqua Velva, a scientific liquid made building of highways, but we shall arrest the It has long been a custom to use was because there was a lack of that bootlsgnn from its own expressly for use after shaving. A fewdrops hear more as the years go by. complete spirit of unity and fellow- means of authority. but has to allow ofAqua Velva slapped freshmen caps in catching rides. It The numerous bills concerning the ship that characterizes all highly two ofitsforoatomaah'esh- on the newly-shavers now appears that they can be used State Prison will, in the long run, successful teams. men ofsutemubthautime face give it an exhilaratingthrill—keep it as in catching bootleggera. mean very little one togetanew humor-Mot comfortable allday long way or the It is difiicult to place the blame handling the anemia ladies of the asWilliamsShaving other. So long a the reformists in- for this situation, but we unhesitat- Cream left it. In big 5-02. bottles — 50c. Before the ink was dry on our sist that the prism shatll be afplace ingly refuse to lay it at the door of ghost story of last week old Holla- of pntlemanly rings or pro ound the coach. Coach Tebell is a gen- Are than.” butting day took fire in a part of\the build- thinkers, instead of a workhouse for ial-ran, a good athlete, an excellent thecapsaadwsafluth-f Theyare iiug uninhabited for months. wilful llW-M we shall have fifi, and a “hail follow well met” nousudturthssml-aastsse Williams Aqua Velva


JOINT STOCK LETTER —~1- FOR SAVING TIME Last Week’s Best Articles Saturday Morning. Dear Mary—Yes, I wish you could The honor for winning first place in the Best Article have seen our Terrors in action too, for Contest last week, and also the four passes given by the more than one reason. State Theater, «goes to B. A. Sides for his article, “The Since I wrote you last we have had Technician Surmounts Old Graveyard Lot.” The honor some mighty bad luck and some for winning second place and the two passes goes to A. mighty good luck. MCK. Greaves Walker for his article, “State Sophs Ban- To 11 with, oui' Terrors didn't queted by Girls of Meredith.” bring us the championship, as we nun—u—uI—u—u—u-fll—IIC—II—C hoped, although they did do mighty well. The first of this week it turned cold snow; laughing when other people fell and snowed. All of Raleigh was blocked down and cussin’ when we fell. up, and lots of the fellows couldn’t Maybe you have learned the worst; keep their dates about town. I could but if you are right you only know not have seen you anyway. so I didn't half of it, for I know someone who I mind that so much. will be heart-broken if you are a You should have seen the way the “spinster.” and his name isn't Dick or upper-classmen snowed the poor fresh- Harry. ies coming from dinner. Glad you had a good time at the “Don't Tell the Wife." w'hich' comes 0n the whole, however, the snow party, and thanks for those thoughts to the SUPERBA Theatre next Mon- was good luck. 'eause lots of professors and luck during “daminations.” day for a two-day run. is fantastic. couldn't get to their classes and we Yours always. its mazes filled with the unreality of had lots of fun running around in the TOM. dreams, yet so human and tender. It is laughable throughout and calls to Mary‘s Answer to Tom mind many incidents that have hap- Dear Tomz—I sure was glad to learn pened to you. that the Terrors came out on top again. —A.ll.— Prince Albert I wish I might have seen them in ac- As the star of “Let It Rain." show- tion. ing at the SUPERBA Wednesday and Well, Tom, I’ve learned the worst. Thursday, Douglas MacLean appears I slept on a piece of wedding cake for as the happy-go-lucky marine who WI-IENmy fatherwasincollege,"Put thatin three nights and nary a man entered ambles along till he meets the girl of ymnpipeandsmokeit!”wasconsideredsnappy my dreams. The truth of the matter his heart. is I didn't even dream. But now that —A.IE.—— conversation. I’m ready to take this old line I know Fate has consigned me to a Ride 'em, Injuns! To see one around Prince . Permanent "splay life of single-blessedness I have en- thousand Indians racing over Mon- literally when the talk centers rolled in “Olivia Kathies Training tana hills on fleet Indian ponies is a Albert. BecauseP.A.makestwoofwhatI School for Spinsters," and am working sight in itself worth seeing. There _ Huneycutt’sf _ hard at my profession. are a dozen such scenes in “The Devil erinapipe.’ London Shop“ We had quite the party here th Horse," which comes to the SUPER- Allwise-cradtingaside,P.A.isthemoney other night—a co-ed dance. Every gi BA next Friday and Saturday. Colyge Court had a “man" and there were programs —A.‘I.— whenitcomestodeep-downsat'nfactionina‘ and punch and everything. Some of “Nobody’s Widow," which shows smoke. It’s ’got everything! Coolasthetrail our girls made regular sheiks—the at the STATE next Monday and Tues- ”and:2""a“li-.0."Hn—idors..41..»-all fact that they were only “she-men" day. is an excellent stage entertain- of the iceman across the kitchen. Sweet as ”all mead-glass “on didn't in the least detract from the hi- ment. As a screen play its interest will sponge-moisten" to larity of the party. is vastly increased because of the vacation. Fragrant as a pine forest. ddbitem:and perchwillmed by You know, Tommy lad, I'm thinking ability of the star, Leatrice Joy. Prince Albert process. of you all through those exams, and Charles Ray, Phyllis Haver. and Da- Think up your’own similes. You’ll write them wishing you the best of luck. vid Butler are featured members of all in the column headed “Superlative Degree” ISO-Ill,”-88on. Always yours, the notable cast. "00M ...—.9 MARY. -——A. I E.— when you learn the joys of a jimmy-pipe and “The Show," coming to the STATE “VJ-1%“rufi-“ZL1'53... Wanted: Private garage for woman. Theatre next Wednesday and Thu-rs- Prince Albert. If you don’t know this grand old Ruth Holloman. maker’s art. smoke, come around to my room and I’ll give maker's are. With John Gilbert as a character you a load. V Optometry—The Aid to Good Vision and Eye out of the underworld and Renee Adoree as the girl who loves him and Comfort through Lenses through her devotion brings down on his head the murderous jealousy of DR. A. G. SPINGLER their world's most ferocious charac- ' 132 Fayetteville St. ter, it bristles with rOmance and ad— FRINGE ALBERT venture that makes the audience tin— gle. The plot is laid in Vienna. —no other tobacco is. like it! against the background of a side- show. NOBLE -_ l —A.hl..-—- 1921. I. . Adolphe Menjou finds out in . . N. C. French Dry Cleaning Company “Blonde or Brunette.” coming to the STATE next Friday and Saturday, FOR REAL SERVICE that anything that merely looks like pose." which starts at the PALACE gold costs money. next Wednesday. deals with the effect “We Never Close” Menjou. tries .a blonde marriage of the war 011 a group Of characters Just 011 the Campus Seymour’s Open 7:80-11:80 and doesn’t like it so well. He then after the signing of the peace treaty. Phones 1986 and 2707 State Representative, H. H. Vestal I tries married life with a brunette. —'A.&E.>—< Drinks Sandwiches : Cigarettes : Candy and— "Movies made me the wreck I am." Articles Arlette Marchal is the second lady; says Ghost City. Magazines Toilet Greta Nissen the first. one of the most thrilling scenes ——A.&B.— ever shown in pictures is the wreck- UNIFORMS and EQUIPMENT - Betty Caldwell, featured star of ing of a "ghost city" in “The Canyon “Her Father Said No," which shows of Light." starring Tom Mix and 0f EVERY DESCRIPTION at the CAPITOL next Monday and showing at the PALACE next Friday Tuesday, claims that she has had an and Saturday. Outfitters £9: North Carolina State College entirely different schooling for her movie career than most newcomers. Instead of starting as a bathing beau- Andrews’ Fruit Store SIGMUND EISNER CO. ty. Betty began by way of serials. we Are For State -—-A. l.— HOT WEINERS COLD DRINKS Show Room—126 Fifth Avenue “The Golden Cocoon" comes to the SANDWICHES Main Ofiices—Red Bank, N. J. CAPITOL next Wednesday. CIGARS CIGARETTES Helen Chadwick plays opposite Come One—Come All Huntley Gordon in the leads. A no- table cast carry their share of hon- ors and add greatly to the entertain- When you Think of Life Insurance ment which movie fans are able to Think of enjoy —A.l B.— PALACE BOB WARREN It is the early bird that catches the THURSDAY Worm, and an unlucky bird that fails WEDNESDAY and He Is Now to see Mary Pickford in ”Sparrows," Collegians is not a serial, but a which showa only one day, Thursday, series, each complete in itself. STATE COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE at the CAPITOL. THé‘ (ma-Hes, Haemcvwsaaar, _ __of_ .— —A. E.— Shown at Palace every other “And a hunger, not the belly kind, Wednesday. lie/ITS, SHOES, and) STORTSWRAR The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. that's banished with bacon and beans. “Over 80 Years of Service” but the hunger of a lonely girl for a home and all that it means." Do you um DEVELOPED BY FINCHLEY FOR recognize the verse? Yes, that's it. COLLEGIAN USAGE FOR SPRING and it expresses the thought the pic- ture. “Cristiene of the Hungry WILL BE EXHIBITED BY REP- Heart," which stars Florence Vidor. RESENTATIVE FROM NEW YORK and comes to the CAPITOL next Fri- Photographs day. HERE’S sparkle! Here’s ...At... —-A. B.——- pep—thrills, laughs—speed AGROMECK Negatives Bob Custer comes to the CAPITOL Photographs from 1926 and 1927 next Saturday in “The Fighting ——youth—love—jazz——qual— COLLEGE COURT PHARMACY Can be Promptly Supplied Boob." ity! Everything you’d ex- It is one of Bob’s best, and in it he pect in a series titled “The Friday, March 11th, 1927 showa some rare Western riding. Collegians,” with a lot SIDDELL STUDIO -—A.&E.— thrown in for a pleasant sur- Bill Hollenbeck, Rep. FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N. C. “Bell's Hawaiians." entertaining on prise. The first pictures of string instruments and playing varie- real college life! Just packed \SUI‘I‘S cARI/D TOTCOc/I‘IS ties of Hawaiian music, are the add— to the overflowing with joy- ed attraction at the CAPITOL 011 ous entertainment! FORTYr FIVE DOLLARS Custom-Made Mill Work Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday. Starring AJVD JIORE Antique and copies of antique are —-A. F..— GEORGE LEWIS TAILORED TO MEASURE quite the vogue in furniture, also in A forceful. entertaining comedy interior and exterior wood work. In drama. “Fools of Fashion," comes to with our plant we design and make many the PALACE next Monday and Tues- Hayden Stevenson and charming types of antique work, such l Gulliver as old-fashioned window casements day. The story tells briefly of a Dorothy _ W, and shutters. If you have ideas of young woman who hasn't the richest I'NIVEIISAL JUNIOR Jl-2\\'EIA~} your own you wish carried out. we husband in the world. and is initiated A ii'l/l’l" can do the work for you if you will into the art of wearing tine clothes outlineoyour plans to us. by her husband’s oillce friend. 2.— —A. Hm AVENUI AT PORN-SIXTH m Baker-Thompson Lumber Co. Unlike that ,Iasterpiece of the mm11.12.3111»x. .r MILL WORK 1 screen, “What Price Glory," also a West\FrankIIn sc. Raleigh, N. o. Fox production, “One Increasing Pur- ‘3»- - a. x. Leak-v.41. . “.14am”“all;‘JJ‘QM ‘W—QQ. o ‘ ..W

THE TECHNICIAN enine grace of the throngs of pretty H081 slow ll! WEN" flappers on their way to lunch. 'srmow VISIIS BAPHSI Twelve o‘clock; and there was only Alum—ni—Notes YEARS llll8 RALEIGH one Freshman to be seen. His face, registered deep disgust at the fact' (:flllliBflflllii roitsl that there was only one gay sheka in Observations and Communications of Street Traffic All Stopped; Flap- sight; and much of her charm was hid-;=Enters Window and Stays For Zn" Macs pers’ Charms Hidden in Big den in a pair of rubber boots as she; Entire Service; Evidently Rubber Boots floundered through the drifts. Attracted by Music The papers say this week witnessed the biggest snowstorm since 1899. “The most snow that has fallen in DE'MAGNETIZE WOMEN There was quite an unusual visitor That was a goodly storm, as we re- one night in twenty years,“ many peo- TO BE CIVIL ENGINEERS:at the Wake Forest Baptist Church member it, but you ought to have seen ple say. Ilast Sunday. the one in '75. The University of Texas reports that1 All ordinary English sparrow flew The whistles half~heartedly gurgied through the window and perched on Mrs. G. W. Johnston announces the out the noon blast into the teeth of the for the first time in twenty years ll one of the large chandeliers near the marriage of her daughter, Mary Lou, bitter wind Wthh “’88 swirling the woman has been given permission to ;pipe organ. He was evidently pleased to Mr. C. R. Dillard. Wednesday, Feb- snow that was settling in a dense fog enroll in the civil engineering depart- “with the music. and decided to remain ruary 23. at Wilmington, N. C. “Red" over the city. ment. Two reasons for the scarcityll'or the entire service. Dillard is a member of the Agricultural Twelve o‘clock; time for the roar of- Class of ’24. Since his graduation he the motors and the din of the horns of“)of women in this department are the! A" during the “8:“ freéude mid. has been with the lnvershield Stock the trafllc bearing the throngs home to’clothing worn by the “omen and thclthe opening songs, t e "r mere " Farm, at Rocky Point. SIGMA PI FRATERNITY Misses Lucy Kimball, Mary T. Wat- lunch; but no horns and no Whll‘ of bashfulness 0f the lilSll‘llClOl‘S. As all 'tiittedAs soonto andas thefro pastoracross HOLDS ANNUAL BANQUET kins, Mary Batchelor, Augusta Hobbs, motor was heard on Fayetteville street explanation of this the following stoi.l rose and announced his text the spar. Among the recent visitors is Mr. Ruth Davenport, Amy Jordon Parhnm, that day. The snow piled higher and is told: In 1905 “‘0 girls were en- row immediately ceased his maneuvers J. S. Stroud, '08, whd was on the great Rho Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity Elizabeth Waddell,l Martha. Galloway, higher. the only vehicle in.sight was a rolled in the depar.tment While on aland flew to the center of the church football team of that time, along with held its annual Founders, Day banquet gusalline TTuckck;r, KathrlneHenrietta CarterLove, nondescript old touring car, abandoned suneying trip it was observed thatperched on the inside rim of the dome. Frank Thompson, after whom the on Saturday evening February 26 at Kathrinea o ne Cosgrove,u ’ Alice Ingram, in the middle 01 the street' 113" 0‘ one instruments would not work correctly and calmly awaited the sermon gymnasium was named. Stroud is the Woman's Club. Frances Busbee, Daphne 0' its fenders “'83 8°09 and "8 Tagged when girls “ere near them The pro' Not once during the minister's ad- now assistant manager of the Erwin The club rooms were beautifully Clark, and old tor bellyed and flawed dismally fessor said that he had heard that dress did the sparrow move from his Cotton Mills, at Cooleemee. decorated with pine and spring blos~ Martha Ray; Messrs. George Thomas in the gale, while the snow drifted girls had some magnetism about them, perch. When the closing hymn was soms. The tables were decorated in and J. T. Towson. higher and higher about ‘t- hilt surely not enough to affect thelannounced and the organ began, the Ml‘. James S. Bonner, BE. 1916. is lavender and white, the fraternity The actives, alumni, and pledges An ambulanCe came laboring down compass needle. Further investigation bird flew back to the chandeliers above Exchange Engineer, Eng. Dept. S. B. colors—candles, sweet peas, and nar- present were: Messrs. Robert Exum, the street, plunging through the drift caused the instructor biushingiy to in- the pulpit and continued his flights to T. & T. 00., Nashville, Tenn. row ribbon being used. An excellent Conrad Clark. Robert Tyson, June with its siren howling out a dreary form the girls that their corset staysiand fro, When the music ceased for menus of live courses was served. The Alston, Eppie Debnam, Blanding Up- monotone.‘ were causing the trouble. ithe benediction, the sparrow paused Mr. H. E. Kendall, BS. 1926, is music was furnished by the Sir sur, Jimmy Mayneld, Bill Swain, Twelve o’clock; at which time the The girls in 1927 do not have any for a moment on one of the Chande- Sales Engr., Danville, Va. Walter orchestra. “Diddy” Habel, “Mac" Greaves-Walker, Freshmen are wont to gather on Fay- effect on the compass. The Virginia lieTS- After the congregation was dis- Professor and Mrs. A. F. Greaves- Charlie Brewer, John Fortesquo, Carl flew out through the Mr. A. L. White, Jr., BE. 1920, is Ex- Walker and Mrs. Hugh Love were the Mason, Herbert Palmer, Fred Love, etteville street and admire the fem— Tech. mission. he calmly pediting Engr., N. N. S. & D. D. 00., chaperones. Louis Wade, Richard Tucker, Frank ‘ win ow. The guests of the chapter were: Newport News. Va. i Hodges, and Johnnie Bugheimer. THE COFFEE SHOP CAFE Go to E. F. PESCUD Mr. D. 0. Price, 8.8. 1926, is Service Mgr., Mobile, Ala. ...For... STAGE YOUR ; For State College BOOKS AND STATIONERY WIN _or LOSE! 12 W. Hargett St., Raleigh. N. C. all: Crfia,i:§:”'p‘3£..”éi.“3313:; FRATERNITY BANQUETS and DANCES orks, Badin, N. C. " 225 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET Raleigh, N. c. Mr. R. H. Wilson, AB. 1920, is See.- Treas., Thomasville Bedding Co., Thomas H. Briggs Thomasville, N. C. THE YARBOROUGH HOTEL / Sons, Inc. & -Mr. D. G. Allison, BS 1924, is teach- RALEIGH. N. C. ing Voc. Agr., Chamblee, Ga. Who Pfilfi Your College Newspaper, . . . “The Big Hardware Men” Mr. N. 8. Sharp, BS. 1916, is in the Periodicals and Magazmes? ———————— Mun. Bond Dept., Merchants Bank HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED Bldgs., Chicago. ...At... Our plant is. especially. equipped. to handle thewhat Mr. J. O. Ware, B.S.1916,ls Asst. Agronomist, College of Agriculture, all classes of College and School Printing boys Fayetteville, Ark. Lani!5 3121112111; 91an Estimates Will Be Gladly Furnished on All Classes of Work use— Mr. C. D. Lemmond, BS. 1924, is 103 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Test Engr., Penn. Power and Light Co., Nesquehoning, Pa. CAPITAL PRINTING CO. We Keep IT! 10% Discount on All Work to State College Men Hargett and Wilmington ‘Sts. Raleigh, N. C. Mr. T. L. Baynes, Jr., BS. 1914, is BOYS, COME IN ! Asst. Prof. Edu. Psy., Cornell Uni- ! versity, Ithaca, N. Y.

Elie. Kampus KomiJ Whiting - Horton, Co. “38 Years Raleigh’s Leading Clothiers" mplt’ghftr Not Always Vernoy: “And will you ever stop loving me?” — KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES -- Sheba: “Well, I have a class at ten tomorrow morning." OOD old Leerie, the lamp- t C t I; lighter, worked cheerfully Seymour: All right; who’s next? We Allow State College Students Chorus of Students: We do! We do! l to make the streets bright. And mw, hell. we thought you said “Who a Discount of 10% necks?" the lamps Sputtered a friendly O O 0 glow into the darkness. . The .preaclier was at ease after church Sunday night. “llllany folks in church?” asked his The citizens of the country have wife. taken Leerie’s “Yes, very good attendance. A job. They are the stranger was present, but I didn't see lamplighters of today, and they him" ”But, how do you know?" spend 3% cents of'each tax dollar “There was a dollar bill in the plate." ; that their streets may be bright. It II! t Teacher: Robert, what is a niche in Good street lighting means a church? Bobby: Wily, it’s just the same as more flourishing business sec- an itch anywhere else, only you can’t scratch it as well. tions, safe traffic, convenience, . I i and protection. Announcement: Elizabeth City has four hundred dwelling houses and twenty-four hundred inhabitants, all Leerie, the faithful, has gone— standing with their gable ends to the but streets still need lighting. street. And in whatever communities CERAMICS SOCIETY HOLDS college men and women elect ITS REGULAR MEETING Resists Corrosion to live, they should take a lively The Ceramics Society held its regu- interest in civic improvements lar monthly .meeting Tuesday even- IS picture, taken in the salt marshes near ing, March 1, in the Ceramics Build- Kearny, N. 1., shows two lines of 30—inch Cast —including street lighting. ing. Final plans were made for Engi- Iron Pipe replacing pipe made of other material. neers' Day, and the members were as- signed to various duties during the The alternate exposure to the action of salt water Fair. and air is a severe test. “Mac" Greaves-Walker was the prin- While the pipe shownin the picture is subjected” cipal speaker of the evening, his sub- unusual corrosive influences, all underground pipe ject being “The Magnesite Deposits must be able to withstand corrosion to a greater or of Northeastern Washington.” Greaves- less degree. Cast Iron Pipe has this quality. It does Walker, who spent a summer on the not depend on itscoatingto resist rust; the material Pacific coast and in Alaska several itself is rustrreslsting. The first Cast Iron Pipe ever ///r . . G-E products help light years ago, gave a description of the laid is in service today at Versailles, France, after fl/Z/ the world, haul its people and goods,turn the wheels country in which the magnesite oc- two hundred and sixty years’ service. of industry, and lessen la- curs, and also described the mineral, bor in the home. Whether plants. and the processes by which it I‘m: CAST IRON PIPE PUBLICITY BUREAU.Peopleo Gas Bldgncuc-uo “For we are very lucky, with a lamp on MAZDA lamps, or on is prepared for the industries. He before the door, . large or tiny motors, or on illustrated his talk with the balopti- And Leerie stops to light it as he lights the multitude of other so many more.” means ofelectrical service, con. some of the most interesting pic- “The Lamplighter you will find the G-E tures being of a typical western min- " Robert Louis Stevenson monogram wherever you ing camp. go. The meeting was attended by prac- CAST 111th PIPE tically the entire membership. ‘ 720-49DH At the next regular monthly meet- ing in April the society will elect and Our new booklet, “Plan- Send or booklet, “Cut install officers .«for the coming year. 3;:fwfiiwggfig; ggiregméémufl“.1 The members for next year's Engi- problem]a wager/'0,- the in; initallan‘onrtom GENERAL ELECT RIC neers' Council will also be elected at m1! town, willbc rent :pxiolpn‘lriu oExdEBAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. scuElecrADY. NEW YORK that time. on request an .5. .. .n~..... mmwmw-‘