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, 11;; ‘1:1‘ THE: TECHNICIAN of NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE Vol. XXIV, No. 11 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH,N. C., DECEMBER 10,1943 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Hall Theta Tau Twenty-Six omplelo Degree Bequrrem ants AGROMECK Eight Men Chosen " .Names of Graduating Proofs of the fraternity pic- tures may be checked at the By Engineering Frat Agromeck oflice any afternoon Seniors Announced this term, beginning today, from . dramas dH/W" 6' Theta Tau Announces 2:00 until 6:00. Engineering School Leads ‘9 ’ Rois/gr Also, any upperclassmen who '6' ‘7 HERE/5E ‘7 ‘7’“0"J‘/‘" 4‘ Names of Newly-Selected With Seventeen; Graduates +/Ep.LSQ ”R95“; Outstanding Engineers have not already filled out their Will Receive Statements of class record cards are requested Completion Now, Diplomas Eight new members have re- to do so immediately. cently been initiated into Theta In June .Tau, national professional engi- With the completion on Decem- neering fraternity, announces A. Music Appreciation ber 16 of the fall term’s work, 26 Clifl‘ Spruill of Goldsboro, president Hour Sponsored By ‘Y’ members of the present senior class of the college ' chapter of Theta will have fulfilled the requirements Tau. Secretary E. S. King of the State of their regular college curricula New--members are: Donald B. College Y. M. C. A., announces that and will present themselves as can- Weaver, Raleigh; Marion C. Sasser, the recent practice of presenting didates for degrees, providing, of Selma; James S. Hepler, Greens- one night each week an all-request course, that they hurdle the dim- boro; Robert N. M. Urash, Wood- program of recorded music for sol- \ culties of final exams with their 1 side, N. Y.; J. Herman Berrier, diers and civilians will be continued usual ease. use/6234190 ”“3“” 1r («Sara/e. mare/01v. Lexington; Chester A. Frisler, in the future as a regular part of Seventeen of the 26 will gradu- Ivanhoe; Richard W. Kennison, the ‘Y’ program. Menu/wail, dc. wEflr’Eg FIGAEE. 3.9.6552; ate from the School of Engineer- Raleigh; and C. A. Dillon, Jr., The idea of the weekly feature ing, four from the School of Edu- Raleigh. came as a result of suggestions cation, three from the Agriculture Theta Tau chooses members from the A.S.T.P. students here on School, and. two from the Textile Bod Coats Landed For from the sophomore and junior en- the campus, but the program, which School. gineering classes only, and elec- is offered each Wednesday night The majority of this group are tions are held twice each year. from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., in the north graduating now as a result of hav- Season ’5 Performance Main requirement for selection is end of the Y.M.C.A., is open to ing attended both of the regular potential future success in the anyone and everyone who enjoys college terms offered during the Band Climaxes Term’s' chosen engineering field, but per- good music. past two summers as part of the Work with Banquet Friday sonality and character are also of Recordings used for the music accelerated program. Night; Program Arranged Capt. Ingram Returns prime importance. The fraternity hour are selected as closely as pos- These students will receive state- does not aim to be an honor or sible from the suggestions turned ments to- the effect that they have By Mu Beta Psi scholarship group, but combines an in to the Y.M.C.A. by those in- With Enviahle Record completed their degree require- It is the general and well- interest in engineering with social terested. So far, the selections have ments as temporary substitutes for founded opinion on the campus and Former State College Swim- and scholastic activities. consisted of a mixture of popular, their diplomas, which will be elsewhere that plaudi are in order light classical, and classical music, ming Star and Graduate of as can be seen from a partial list- awarded in June at the time of the for the State College edcoat Band 1940 Visits Campus regular commencement exercises. for the excellent spirit and achieve- lau Beta Pi Honors ing of this week’s program, which Those who expect to pass soon . ment which has characterized their Returning to the State' College included: Andre Kostelanetz’s re- from the ranks of the students to performance this term. campus in a blaze of glory recently cording of “All the Things You those of the alumni are as follows, Major Kutschinski has had to to greet friends was Capt. Sidney For Nine Engineers Are”; Tchaikovsky’s “Nut Cracker Suite,” as recorded by the Chicago according to their respective build this year’s edition of the 0. Ingram, Jr., who after almost Initiation of nine outstanding schools and departments: “Redcoats” about a nucleus of only two years’ service in the South Pa- Symphony Orchestra; the All Girl juniors and seniors in engineering Choir’s version of “In the Garden”; Aeronautical Engineering: Ken- 21 of the last year’s group, but in cific war theatre has a number of into Tau Beta Pi, leading honorary neth Wayland Goodson, Mount doing so has, by the recruiting of medals and other coveted honors to 'engineering fraternity, took place a chimes’ recording of “Joy to the Olive; George Nevitt Jones, Jr., new freshmen, swelled this number his credit for participation in sev- World” and “Silent Night”; the at a secret ceremony on the campus “William Tell Overture,” Raleigh; and Samuel Gordon West, to a unit of 65. " eral death-dealing c a m p a i gn s Wednesday night, according to as played Jr., Greensboro. Culminating their activities for against the Japs. by the NBC Symphony Orchestra Benjamin W. Greene of Elizabeth- directed by Toscanini; Liszt’s “Hun- Chemical Engineering: J o h 11 the present school term, the entire For gallantry in action during town, president of the group. Knox Beasley, Louisburg; Richard band organization enjoyed a ban- the Battle of Midway the young Scholarship plays an important garian Rhapsody”; and “Moonlight Edward Gross, Asheville; Joseph quet at the S & W Cafeteria Fri- captain was presented the Silver and Roses” and “When Day Is part in selection for Tau Beta Pi, Done,” by Al Goodman and his Henry Jones, Jr., Jersey City, N. J.; day night. Special guests were Star Award, the third highest honor which is the equivalent to Phi Beta Harold Lee Trentham, Mars Hill, Dean E. L. Cloyd, Major A. 0. Al- given by the U. S. Army. He was Kappa in liberal arts colleges; orchestra. N. C.; and Robert Edward Weaver, ford, and Major M. L. Shepherd, awarded the Distinguished Flying other requirements are character, Asheville. faculty members of Mu Beta Psi, Cross for heroic action in the personal appearance, and social Electrical Engineering: E. Litch- and members of the band during battles over Kahili Airfield in the qualities. ’ lambda Chi's To Play field Carty, Durham; Archibald their student days. The night’s pro- Solomons, and the Asiatic-Pacific Following is a list of the initi- Bernard Goodson, Mount Olive; gram was sponsored by Mu Beta Ribbon with three stars signifies ates: J. Reese Bailey, Rocky Santa Claus At Annual L. E. Paysour, Jr., Mooresville; and Psi, honorary music fraternity; that he has been in the battles of Mount; LeRoy Briggs, High Point; George Richard Steele, Charlotte. ‘ Christian Kutschinski, director of Hickman Field, T..H., Midway, and John M. Simmons, Greensboro; Mechanical Engineering: Ray . the band, presided as master of the Solomons Islands. Capt. In- Beverly L. Rose, Wadesboro; C. Christmas Party Lents Lyerly, Thomasville; Jack ceremonies. gram also has an Air Medal and Henry Steele, Charlotte; John K. Louis Singer, New York City; The 65 members of the band, 60 three Oak Leaf Clusters for ac- Beasley, Louisburg; Edgar R. LoCal Underprivileged Chil-. Charles Henry Steele, Charlotte; of whom are North Carolinians, are curacy in hitting his targets as a Cole, Norfolk, Va.; William M. dren Will Be Guests of and Richard Miller Weatherly, as follows: bombardier. Nicholson, Winston-Salem ; and Greensboro. , W. R. Allen, Badin; M. T. Ank- Capt. Ingram, son of Mr. and Social Fraternity At Tradi- R. M. Weatherly, Greensboro. tional Christmas Function Agriculture: Bruce Bernard ers, Falls Church, Va.; J. C. Bal- Mrs. S. 0. Ingram, Sr., of Arden, Blackmon, Buies Creek, N. C.; Ber- lard, Asheville; W. L. Barnes, Wil- received his BS. degree in forestry The State College alumnus was Following their annual custom, nard Fishbein, New York City; and mington; C. R. Blackwelder, Jr., from State College in 1940. He was stationed at Hickman Field on De- the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity George Travis Wiggins, Mount Concord; A. G. Brady, Henderson; employed by the State Highway cember 7, 1941, “the day of in- will entertain on Sunday afternoon Olive. S. B. Burwell, Henderson; J. H. and Public Works Commission, famy.” Here is his story of that some 15 underprivileged children Agriculture Education: Clifford Bynum, Farmville; J. G. Camp, Jr., Bridge Location Department, from tragic event: with a Christmas party at the fra- Taylor Dean, Louisburg; Arnold Ahoskie; J. W. Chadwick, Rocky June, 1940, until October, 1940. “A couple of my buddies and I ternity house on Clarke Ave. The Warren Lingle, Salisbury; William Mount; George W. Coble, Burling- While in college, Ingram gained were playing golf near Wheeler fraternity has been given a list of Angus Mc , Jr., Sanford; and ton; W. J. Daniel, Henderson; the Southern Conference 150-yard Field when the Japs attacked,” he local children who, because of un- Sam Arthur ten, Edward, N. C. W. H. Denton, Morganton; R.