Thearrow Pi Beta
THEARROW OF PI BETA PHI CONVENTION NUMBER (SECRET) 1912 SUb.rrrlber$ ore f'eflt.lflst«l '0 beep ,IIil II$uC under lock and t€7 0" dC'Strf>'1 aJ ..oon U3 n!ntl. \, THE ARROW Official Publication of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity CONVENTION NUMBER .. 1912, NUMBER 5 SARAH GERTRUDE POMEROY.. Editor Table of Contents PAGE Minutes of the Twenty-second Biennial Convention 581 Minutes of the Session of the Alumna! Department . ....•. .. 592 Reports of Officers ....... ...................... • . 594 Reports of Committees ........ .. .. .... .. .. ........ 619 Summary of Chapter Reports of the Delegates ............ 632 Report of the Committee on the Award of the Loving Cup .. 350 Grand Council Meeting 652 Register of Convention 655 , All manu.c:ript should be addreued to the Editor, Sarah Gertrude Pomeroy. 1048 llain St.t Won:uter, Mass. Matenal intended for publication mUlt reach the Editor by the tenth of the montlu of October, Dettmbcr March, and June. Till Auo", i. pubfished the fifteenth of NO'lember, ]anuarr. April, and Jul, at 4$0 to 4S4 Abnalp Street. Men ..ha. Wi .. , by Georlf: Banta, officIal printer and publdher to the fraternity, Subscription pri« $1 .00 per yearj 25 cenU for .inlle copit .. Entered a. teCond-cI ... matter October 20, 1909, at the poltoflice at Men ••ba, Wb.. under the Act of Cou,reu of lhrcb 3, 18'9. ,. , . FRATERNITY DIRECTORY FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Margie Campbell •..•......•............ .. Tbyne Inltitate, Chase City, Va. Libbie Brook-Gaddis ............ ...... .. , .. .. 735 Main St., Galesbarg, Ill. Ad. Bruen-Grier ............... .• ... .. .... 16 Thorn •• Ave., Bellevue, Pa. Clara Brownlee-Hutchinson .. .. •• • . .•... ... ...... ........ Monmouth, m. Emma Brownlee-Kilgore .. .. ........ ...... 7639 Lowe Ave .• Chicago.
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