Tamanawas 1964 P185-226
TAMANAWAS 1964 P185-226 Published by the Associated Students of the College of Puget Sound Tacoma, Washington Ron Prather, Editor-in-Chief; Elaine Hazelton, Associate Editor; Don Peterson, Business Manager; Judi Lindberg, Copy Editor; Sue Dennis, "Activities;" Joe Wingard, "Athletics;" Karen Taylor and Lana Wilson, "Organizations;" Margie Hubacka and Karen Nelson, "Students;" Dee Magnuson, "Index;" Sandy Mohn, Layout Race for the shower, toothbrush in tow — babbles of voices and scales of laughter. Nighty pin-ups and two o’clock talks . Winding of clocks with a promise to rise . , And the static of a forgotten radio drones into the silent shadows of the night . Yes, this is college. Written by Judi Lindberg Photographed by Buzz Demarest - A r -> Panhellenic and Interfraternity ft sX. ft r - s \ % t f V 7 V 7 / tKi„ V’i- Mry 4f t I * ^ / Interfraternity Council: seated; Fred Loffer, Al Davenport, Tom Rice, Gary Feroglia, Ray Jones, Rick Layton, Roy Kimble, Ken Brooks, Lou Keeting, Dwight Mason, and Larry Stenberg. Standing: John Whalley, Russ Rasmussen, Walt Emery, Chris Boutelle, Jack Cowam, Jim Jones, Dennis Cooley, Jay Thompson, Mark Honeywell, Frank Reed, Steve Moore, Bob Harper, and Bruce Platt. Highlighting the activities of the Inter¬ ii fraternity Council during the past year were two officers' retreats. The fall re¬ treat, at the Doric Motel Inn, and the spring retreat, held at the Hyatt House in conjunction with Panhellenic, were at¬ tended by all House presidents, social chairmen, rush chairmen plus Interfrater ¬ N nity Council representatives and officers. Both retreats were extremely beneficial, & several new ideas and improvements being discussed.
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