Pj^-J, a Petition
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PJ^-J, A PETITION to The International Fraternity of DELTA SI^MA PI by the Pi Delta Sigma Fraternity (IT, C. State College Business Club) of the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering School of Science and Business Raleigh, :fforth Carolina, March 28, 1929, To Delta Sigma Pi: We, the imderslgned students and members of the faculty of North Carolina State College and members of Fi Delta Sigma (successors to the North Carolina State College Business Club) composed of students in Business Administration and Industrial Management who have been organized to stimulate a greater interest in business among students; to bring about a closer contact between students and faculty; and to have discussions with professional men of the business world, realizing the worth and Taenefit accruing from membership in an international organization in business of a professional academic character, and believing that we can best serve our fellow students and our oollege by such affiliation, do hereby respectfully petition, in accordance with the unanimous resolution enacted on May 23, 1928, that we be granted a charter for a chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. And furthermore, believing in the strength and the high Ideals of your fraternity, we pledge oiirselves to abide by all the laws, rules and regulations, now in effect or which shall hereafter be enacted, and to uphold ttie customs of Delta Signa Fi, should our petition be granted. 1. 2. A-duex^^ ^Y-t^-^o-^f^-tf--^, 5a ^..^/L^.^..^"'^ ^^^^O^^g^?-^-^- 9. 12. 7f:(f/t 13. y^/A.^/2. UiA4y'<U. 14, y. A^,\ JJuryyi^/Q^inrx 15, 16, fhr/fgyi^ li/uMrj.rA^ /d^.^^/.^.c^ .^^ 17 18 19 20 21. 22... V ^- r^j-y. 23 � 24. .cV^- �>^ ^J 95, (Z . j(. yyi,yx.-iMA/? ^K^..^D /^A-^jO^ 27, 28, (Ii ^ ^Z^^:2:�l:r2^ NAME AND OBJECT OF THE FRATERNITY, pi Delta Sigma Is a fraternity organized to stimulate to a greater Interest in business among students; bring to about a closer contact between students and faculty; have discussions and associations with professional men of the business world; to encourage a higher standard of scholarship and business ethics; and to promote a of closer affiliation between the students and faculty the Business School, HISTORY OF PI DELTA SIGMA. In many respects the growth of a professional atmosphere to the of the among the students has been parallel growth School of Science and Business in the College. Informal gatherings of the Seniors in Business Administration then were held in 1921 and 1922 in the home of Dr. Taylor, Chairman of the Department of Science and Business, All of the Business Administration students assembled at what was were held each called a "Commerce Club" in 1923-24. Meetings two outside month and the programs presented Included talks by smokers speakers and addresses by members of the faculty. Two the social and a banquet at the end of the year were only activities. All of the other meetings were strictly business affairs. Club in There was but little activity In the old Commerce the year 1924-25, students for an However, there was still an urge among the association which found expression In the revival of activity the of under the name of the Business Club early in fall enrollment 1925. The growth of the school and of the student the somewhat gave the opportunity to make membership restrictive in character. There were forty-seven students arid two faciaty members in the Club at that time. Regtilar bi-weekly meetings were held, and programs were presented by outside speakers, members of the faculty, and by students. and seven The year 1926-!?7 opened with forty-two students of the faculty as members. Bi-weekly meetings were faith fully held with very satisfactory attendance and a greatly improved interest. The participation of students in the Better v/ere programs reached a much high�!^ plane. speakers secured from the outside and as a whole the Club became a real force in the college life. that The current year of 1927-28 began with a spirit the resulted in a still more selective membership in Club, Twenty-two students and nine members of the faculty are members of the Club, v^iioh now operates under the name of pi Delta Sigma, At the early meetings the question of petitioning for a chapter of a professional fraternity gained approval. In addition to the regular meetings, a Grand special meeting was held, in v^ich Mr. H, G. Wright, secretary and Treasurer of the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, explained the benefits and th� obligations the of membership in the organization that he represented. At Delta Pl close of the year a resolution to petition Sigma the fell was passed, but the duty of formulating petition and nine members upon the twenty-three student faculty who were on hand at the beginning of the year 1928-29, The progress of petitioning was temporarily halted by the loss of a few student and faculty members, by graduation, and the va cation enforced by the epidemic. However, during the second quarter of the present school year a definite schedule of meetings was carried out. In these meetings new members were admitted, business men of the community were invited to speak on professional topics, and arrangements were made to admit approxinmtely 10 Sophomores who will become eligible for mem bership during the third quarter of the current school year. The present spirit of the local fraternity is splendid and the demonstrated determination to make it a real organization seems to justify the sending of this petition, CLASSIFICATION OP MEMBERSHIP. 1. By Ai;�s, 2. By Grades. 20 3 A ([90-100} 3 21 6 B 1[80- 90) 32 22 9 C 1[70-80) 10 23 1 D 1 60 -70) 1 24 7 F 1[00- 60) 0 Total 26 Total 26 S, By Classes, Senior 19 Junior 7 Total active 26 Faculty Total 30 The scholastic average of the group is between B and B-minus, The activities and the number of students engaged therein are as follows: Student Government, 2 Collegiate Press, 2 Y, M. C. A. S Athletics. 2 Pine Burr. (Senior) 5 Honorary Societies, (Senior) 8 Military, S Glee Club, Band, Orchestra, 3 ForenElcs, 3 Blue Key. 3 Foreign Language Society. 2 Honorary Journalism Fraternity. 2 DeMolay, 3 Social Fraternities, 10 The officers of the organization are as follows; Presidents A. B. Holden, Vice-Presidents J, T, Humble, Secretary; Dallas Holoman, Jr. Treasurer: H, G. Love, Director of Social Activities T, M, Vernon. Corresponding Secretary: John F, Cole, Faculty Advisor: D*. R. O. Moen. The petitioning group includes the following alumni: Charles J. Noblin Goldsboro, N. c. Louis, C. Einwick Newport News, Va, Greensboro in ton Grey Hodgin , N. c. John C, Ferguson Cameron, N. c. TT Hllliard �. Carr Asheville, c. Samuel L. Alexander, Jr. Charlotte, N. c. William ^'ard Raleigh, c. L, A, Taylor Asheville, c. Emerson G, Worthington Ayden, N. G. Homer A. Munroe Council, N. c. Joseph W, Shuford Hickory, N. c. Arthur N, Greene Raleigh, N. c. Bruce Knowles �allace. N. c. G. H. vmite Asheville, N. c. �, L, Pvoberts Asheville, H. G. R, P, Broadwell Holly Springs, N, c. and the following faculty members! Dean 3. F, Brown Raleigh, N. C, Prof, C. B. Shulenberger Raleigh, N. C. Prof, 1. E, Stretcher Raleigh, H, C, Dr, R, Q, Uo&n Raleigh, N. C, r Vi H CONSTITUTION PI DEXTA SIGMA preamble in Business Administration A fraternity composed of students to stimulate and Industrial Management who have been organized to oring about a rreater interest in buoinoso emong students; and to have discus a closer contact between students faculty; men of the business sions and aspociationa v/lth professional of and to v/orld; to encourage a higher standard scholarship between students of the Business promoto a closer affiliation School, Article I. known and NAMEj This fraternity shall bo officially designated as THE PI DELTA SIGMA FRA.TiiRHITY, Article II. be to unite In OBJECT: The objects of this fraternity shall the Cta^olxna fraternal bonds the business students of North to a State Collage of Agri culture and Engineering; promote the ethical and mutual interest among its members in ^tuuy and maintain a seci-et practlco of busines-?; and to establish order , Article III, shall be olasslfled sec. 1. MemberBhlp of this organization and facia as active, alumni, ty. t,^,^^ must be enrolled in sec. 2. Candidates for membership duly and Business; shall have N. C, state College achool of Science to initiation; attained the rank of last-term Sophomores prior or their shall shall have at least 70 term-credits equivalent; or shall be of ^ood have a scholastic average of "O" better; imd shall show moral character; shall be of the Caucasian racej usefulness. nromise of future ^^ ^ *.* o to section 2 sec. 3. Names of candidates selected according a shall be presented at a regtaar meeting and passed upon by three-fovxrths majority of those members present. inactive members of this organization. sec. 4. There shall be no Article IV. Officers. shall be: a sec, 1. The officers of this fraternity of SocialPreaidynt,Activi Vice-president, secretary, Treasurer, Director Advisor. ties, Corresponding Secretary, and Faculty shall be to at oio Sec. 2. Tiie duties of the President preside head of the fraternity. meetings and to be the executive be to act xu uno The duties of the vice-president shall director of absence of the president and to be the personnel. to the rnxnu^es The duties of the Secretary shall be keep the Of the meetings and other records of fraternity.