. '· ~- .' '1940 SIGm··pBI ·EilSIOO~ BRI'IT AND CASTLEBURY ID\PPA'SIGMA TO GO TO FOREST ;DANCE. TONIGHT AT 9 lLK· H~IGHTS MONDAY AT 3 ation- Vol. ;x~un. No. 25 Z-538 WAKE FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1940 Delta PRICE: TEN CENT'S PER COPY <er at local even- Former Chi Tau ressor Goldberg Elected Student .President; t Col- t=tsi:~:~I~J Becomes Sig ~p d the e re- .Banquet Tonight At Big Banquet :outh- M Millan Chosen Senior Class Head; ~held Pa:rk, To Be Held In .High School Old Local-Gets Charter As 'orest Cafeteria At ·6:30. With N; C. Zeta Chapter of •renee Burchette Presiding National F)-at Davis, Norris; Ashburn, Are Editors :com- ~-~---------------------------------------* 0 the SPILMAN TO ·sPEAK OFFICIALS PRESENT .Earnhardt Early, plan- Defeats Hatfield (t bi- Movies .Southern Baptist Jim Mitchell' Is Chosen DaVis· Win Posts :o 'oo Seminary To Be Shown Prexy Of Group For In Warm Election ,Js in After Banquet Coming Year· elude Only Three . Contested Largest Number of Votes dson, Elections ·Oome- Bef-ore Toastmaster Charlie Burche.tte. At. a special banquet held in Miss In History of College Jrgia Publicati«Jn·s Board • liver- ; will preiide over the Prophets Fro-: J,~ WilliamS' cafeteria. last night Cast By Students lie :Banquet tonight at 6:30 in the Chi ·Tau fraternity officially drop­ • high se1roc>l we'teria, ~s wake's' 'ped ·the name. Chi Tau and its life Tom DaVis,· R~1ph Earnhardt, Political fever ran high here ministerial ·students and their as a local >()l'ganization .to become and Wells Norris·defeated Howard on Thursday, waxing until near gu'ests for the 'feast and week-end the North Carolina Zeta Chapter Andrews, Donald· Bradsher, and midnight, :when it was generally gather for their second· llnnual oc-· of the national Sigm;l Phi Epsilon Phil Highfill, respectively, for the fratEtrnity. .. business mawigerships of Old Gold spread around that Bob Goldberg casion of tlhe type. Dr. B. W. Spil- BEDFORD BLACK had defeated Weston Hatfield· for Rpresenting the fraternity, Chi and Black and The Student, and ·man, former·Field Secretary of "the ----'--------­ the presidency of the 'Student body, Southel'n Baptist Sunday School Tau President Jim Mitchell re- the editorship The Student at ' .. ,, .;r. ·l . and the thermometer began a grad. Bo~rd ~d oon~actor ~f Wake's :Dr Kitchin Pens ceived from "Sig Ep" officials a the PuhlicatiolliS ; Board election ual waning. · philosophy semmar, "Wlll ·be the ' •. charter authorizing its admittance Monday nig!Jt. F,erd Davis, the new Judging from the final returns, as a unit of the national syostem ~f editor of Old Gold and Black, and the day was oomfortably Gold­ , whose guest will'be Sigma Phi Epsilon. Bedford Black .Norvell Asbburn,).~d Jim sp:!e~ssery, B.ook 'On Doctors berg's, though a general consensus Virginia. C»mbs,-has been in charge who served as toastmaster, has the editor and· biJ.s.iness ma.naJ~r indicated a nip and tuck battle of all -arrangements of activities been charge of arrangements of The Howler for .1940-41, were m during the eaJ'lier stages of "the for-.the weekend. His Committee is Second Volume· Sketches for the- induction. elected without opposition. game. Mter the heat of conflict ·composed 'Of ·John Galloway, John Appr!Oximately 75. guests at- · Davis, a tran~er student from Of Physicians In Other died away, hiowever, the most no­ Fletcher, and Paul· Early. teotded last night's induction ban- · Campbell College ! has worked on Fields . Printed ticeable signs of a political derby The usual toasts will be made. quet, which lasted from 7 to 9 the staff of Old Gold and Black £or lingered in the . form of several ·p. -m. Among the guests were many the past tw<> yearS, serving in the The faculty will be toasted by Doctor's In Other Fields 'is the scores of worthless posters still ·James Varner, and response will Sigma ~hi Epsilon officials'. There editorial department in 1939 and title of a recently b!Ound• volu.me clinging to nearby trees and· all be 'made by ·Prof. AI Martin. Paul were: Rodney C. Berry of R1ch- on the business stiUf in 1939-40 as made up of articles from. the Jour· wall space available in the student .- Early, whose date will be Miss mond, Grand Vice President; Wil- office ·manager. was managing nal of Southern Medicine & Sur- ~ center hallway. Helen Rill -()£ Richmond and West­ liam L. Phillip5 of Ric'hmond, editor 10f The Wake Forest News, gery written by President Tlmr- ·h 1 ' · 9 9 The total of 831 votes were cast hampton 'College, wiU t~ast the Grand Sec:retary; Thomas Temple summer sc oo . newspaper, m 1 3 , man D. Kitchin. -the largest number in the his­ girls, and response will be made Wright of Warsaw, Va., one of the and wa:SI sec.reta:ry of the student T.he volume contains biogra.phi- f h · ch 1 th tory of" student body presidential by Eddie &lie Leaven of Mereditfu founders; William Hugh Carter of body o t e sumnier s oo at e cal sketches of forty•eight medical · E ha be elections. In the past, fewer votes and guest of J<Jhn Fletcher. Marion, Va., one lfrf the founders; same t1me. am rdt, num r one men, ranging fx:om Dr. Imhotep h 't · t · were usually filed, but the · ellll!­ '"' k D F. James ·Barnes, II, of Lexing- man on t e vars1 y ten.ms earn, JS ...:1r ,vs. ummy (3000 B. C.) to Dr. David Stewart tiom> were characterized by more ton, Va., editor of the Sigma Phi a member of the Pan-Hellenic To add to the fun of the evening, (1862-1933), Wlho have made not· E .. 1 J 1 d M k D Council, and is a former presdent pnamises, more speeches, and other James Kirk and :his well-known able eontributions to fields· other psi 011 ourna ; an ar · attempts at vote-getting in gener­ Williams of Richmond assistant of Chi Tau, now Sigma Phi Epsi- Oscar dummy will entertain with than medicine. In the sketches the ·' al. Of the 831 votes, Goldberg re­ quips and puns, probably at the emphasis is placed upon the non-· to the Grand Secretary· Ion. Th y M ceived 513, Hatfield 318. Last year Other Gue8ts Present ree- ear an expense of fellow prophets ,and a medical contributions. · h k h a. fewer than 700 votes were cast. Also among the guests were rep- Norr1s as wor ed on t e staus breakdoW'Il quartet, including C!ar- · The Introduction to the volume ·Th s · d ·old ·G ld d Mayberry, Alexander ence Godwin, Bill Poole, Harold explains that doctors hsve turned resentatives from N. C. State Col- IJfBl e I tu enth and "-- II an Charles "Red" Mayberry and McManus and Stewart Simms, will to literature and o'thew cultural lege, Duke University,· ·Davidson ack· or t e past· t•u·eed'to YeaD&,f h perform. pursuits to "relieve their pent-up College, Raleigh, Durham, and servm~ as ~ocJate e 1 r 0 t _e Louis Alexander, candidates for vice-president and secretary 10f the Following the banquet, forty-five thoughts and feelings" and to Charlotte·• and Presii:l~t"' Thurman magazme1 bo this, f yearh and on the edi- D. Kitci.ln Dr. L. 0. Rea, and ·toria aru:. o. ·t e newspaper. student body, respectively, were minutes of techn~color movies ' of "gratify the universal desire for ~., F rd D tr f d t chosen before the voters went to ·Louisville, Kentucky, tmd the Sou­ self-expression." With r=ard to Professor Donald Pfohl (Obi Tau e aVIS IS a ans er stu en -.. from :Mars Hill. He ·bas worked on the polls. The former was selected thern Baptist Seminary will be the great number of dOctor-s that faculty of Wake Forest. the editorial staff .o:f."Old Gold <!nil advis~r) by while Alexaru!er ~----·shown:·--:···~·-:·• · · . ·· - ·.- .. ac~lamati<m, have been recognizecF·a.S· literary ._,Journal Editor F. James Barnea, Biack. for t~o yea~, servin-g as LEWIS ALEXANDER ARCHIE McMILLAN carne mto power when Nelson Students with and without dates figures Dr. Kitchin said, "The pen II, ma~e the, princi~l ~dre~s: . managing editor of the new.spaper ~--------------------------- Thorn~- withdrew from the race will probably gather in the lobby is not mightier than the scaLpel but · l!'evJou:' to last mght s actlVI~J~s this year. Last 'summer ·he was El w; k last week. of W a.ite Hall f>()r an informal re­ complements it." active Chi Tau members were mt· business manager of The Wake Back-slapping festivities fliOm , Poems Portrayed tiat~d as members of Sigma Phi Forest News. even a e J 'ournalz•sts~ ception this afternoro-n at 2 p. m. ~he rilsing senior class gave a fav­ before going to ·the ball-game with M f d t' h Eps1!on yesterday afternoon. ~ A en o mo .ern ~~es w o .are Yesterday moming regi~tration Norvell Ashburn is a. rising sen- 0 f • orable report to Archie McMillan, Carolina. ftend P¥eS1 ' M portrayed. outs1de the1r professmn-. was carne. d ou t and VIS!. 't· mg "S'1g ior, and has worked on The How- · S ee rng who was. successful in defeating Sunday morning Wake Forest al f1elds a1·e such as Dr. Oliver E , . tr d ed t Ch' T ler· staff for three years. He was Harold McManus for the presiden­ W 11 H .
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