UC Merced Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

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UC Merced Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society UC Merced Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Title Language as a Tool for Thought: The Vocabulary of Games Facilitates Strategic Decision Making Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2n8028tv Journal Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 28(28) ISSN 1069-7977 Authors Keller, Josh Loewenstein, Jeffrey Publication Date 2006 Peer reviewed eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Language as a Tool for Thought: The Vocabulary of Games Facilitates Strategic Decision Making Jeffrey Loewenstein ([email protected]) McCombs School of Business, 1 University Station B6300 Austin, TX 78712 USA Josh Keller ([email protected]) McCombs School of Business, 1 University Station B6300 Austin, TX 78712 USA Abstract thereby influence key decision makers to favor their desired policies. More than 60 years ago, the sociologist Mills People in competitive decision-making situations often make (1939) argued that problems are perceived relative to a poor choices because they inadequately understand the vocabulary. For example, what counts as murder seems decision they are to make, particularly because they fail to straightforward, but should differ substantially across consider contingencies such as how their opponent will react vegans, anti-abortion activists, lawyers, soldiers and the to their choice (Tor & Bazerman, 2004). Accordingly it would be useful to have a generally applicable vocabulary to guide (hopefully extinct) ritual practitioner of human sacrifice people towards effective interpretations of decision situations. (Clark, 1998). The vocabulary of games provides one such toolkit. We One role of language is to invoke particular framings or presented 508 participants with words from the vocabulary of interpretations. There are many decision-making studies that games, or some lesser form of support, on a tic-tac-toe could be viewed as such, particularly among studies of decision scenario. Participants then generated a course of framing effects (e.g., Larrick & Blount, 1997), although few action for a second competitive decision-making scenario. attribute their effects to language per se. For example, Participants presented with words from the vocabulary of Liberman, Samuels and Ross (2004) found that people games were more likely to transfer and generate sound explanations of contingencies than participants receiving the choosing in a prisoner’s dilemma situation were more likely same key information in other terms or lesser support. to cooperate if the situation was labeled a “Community Vocabularies not only invoke particular framings of decision game” than if it was labeled a “Wall Street game.” These situations, but can guide reasoning through those and labels invoked cultural norms, and hence people’s subsequent decisions as well. understanding of the decision to be made. As studies of priming and memory accessibility amply demonstrate, that Introduction which can reliably invoke is important. There are two basic steps to making a decision: Language not only invokes but also guides reasoning. understanding what is to be decided, then making the actual One way language does so is by providing and organizing decision (Brandenberger & Nalebuff, 1996; Newell & “tools for thinking” (Vygotsky, 1934; see also the related Simon, 1972). Most decision research makes assumptions proposal of culture as a toolkit, as in Swidler, 1986). The about how people understand the decision situation, and tool analogy runs as follows: just as work is easier if one has then analyzes how they subsequently make the decision. the right tool for the job, so too is it easier to reason through Considerably less decision research has examined the a decision if one uses appropriate words for describing it. systematic influences that lead people to their initial Also, if a hammer is available, one is more likely to think of understandings of decision-making situations (see, e.g., nailing something together—and analogously, knowledge of Bazerman, Curhan & Moore, 2000, for an argument on the a particular vocabulary makes it more likely one will use need for more such research). We agree with March (1994: that vocabulary to understand and make decisions about 211-212), who claimed that “understanding decision making situations. By this view of language, vocabularies do not involved understanding the ways in which language carries, determine whether someone can or cannot think of elaborates, and creates meaning.” The broad proposal something, but rather vocabularies make particular ideas guiding our research is that the vocabulary people use to and subsequent reasoning easier and more likely to occur. articulate a decision frames and guides their reasoning of Further, just as an individual tool is less useful than a that decision. toolbox of related tools for coordinated activity, so too are The words used to describe a decision should influence sets of words—vocabularies—more useful than individual how people understand the decision and accordingly what words (Loewenstein & Ocasio, 2005; Loewenstein & choices and actions seem most reasonable to make. Gentner, 2005). Political actors appear to assume this to be true, as indicated One final important aspect of conceptualizing by the resources they expend to “frame the debate” and vocabularies as toolkits is that just as the same tools can be 501 useful in a wide variety of settings and for a wide variety of four numbers guide their choices (Hristova & Grinberg, projects, vocabularies can also capture abstract ideas of 2005). People are even poor at recognizing a useful framing wide applicability. This is often the case for professional of a decision when directly presented a choice between two and expert vocabularies (jargon). For example, whether and (Blount & Larrick, 2000). The poor interpretation of initial how much to donate to public radio and how much effort to situations is a general concern that skews decision making put into writing one’s section of a co-authored first draft are and problem solving (Newell & Simon, 1972; Kershaw & quite different decisions, but both can be construed more Ohlsson, 2004). generally as decisions about cooperating in social If people perform poorly on a wide variety of decision dilemmas. Vocabularies are particularly useful for helping problems due to poor initial interpretations, then it would be people transfer abstract ideas and frameworks typically used useful to have a generally applicable vocabulary to guide in one context for use in understanding and making people towards effective interpretations of decision decisions in a novel situation (Gentner & Loewenstein, situations. Such a vocabulary would demarcate categories 2002; Loewenstein & Gentner, 2005). and suggest lines of reasoning that facilitate making sound choices across situations. The vocabulary of games provides The Vocabulary of Games one such toolkit. One important toolbox for thinking about decision making is the vocabulary of games (von Neumann & Morgenstern, Experiment 1 1944; Luce & Raiffa, 1957). Clearly there is more to game Experiment 1 examines whether receiving a simple subset theory than its vocabulary, but it is just as clear that learning of terms of the vocabulary of games could facilitate decision the vocabulary is part and parcel of learning the larger making requiring participants to consider contingencies. approach to understanding strategic decision making. First we presented people with a tic-tac-toe decision Minimax, the logic of backward induction and decision trees scenario, followed by a challenging decision scenario that, have become standard approaches to strategic decision like the Monty Hall and Acquiring a Company problems, making. Research in decision making highlights why these requires people to think through contingencies of what developments and subsequent training are so important: actions are possible for themselves and their counterparts. people often fail to think about what actions they and their This was a novel decision scenario about two people playing opponents can take in a competitive decision making an unusual party game (the scenario is presented in full in situation. the Appendix). The vocabulary terms were presented The best known problems used to highlight poor accompanying a tic-tac-toe decision scenario, allowing the interpretations and reasoning through contingencies are the actual text of the key decision scenario to remain constant, Acquiring a Company problem used by Max Bazerman and and to require participants to transfer it to a new situation. colleagues (e.g., Ball, Bazerman & Carroll, 1991; see also Thus there were three conditions: the vocabulary condition, Foreman & Murnighan, 1996) and the Monty Hall problem the “game-only” control condition (who were given the tic- (from the game show, “Let’s Make a Deal”, e.g., Burns & tac-toe decision scenario without the accompanying Wieth, 2004; Idson et al, 2004). In key ways, these vocabulary terms), and the “reversed” control condition problems are like the simple children’s game, tic-tac-toe, in (who completed the key decision scenario before the tic-tac- which two players attempt to get three marks in a row on a toe decision scenario in case that scenario in itself was 3x3 grid. In all of them, it is a poor strategy to decide what helpful). to do without first considering what the other person will do in response to that choice. To adults—perhaps because most Methods
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