University of Kentucky UKnowledge United States History History 1968 Prologue to Democracy: The Federalists in the South 1789–1800 Lisle A. Rose Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Thanks to the University of Kentucky Libraries and the University Press of Kentucky, this book is freely available to current faculty, students, and staff at the University of Kentucky. Find other University of Kentucky Books at For more information, please contact UKnowledge at
[email protected]. Recommended Citation Rose, Lisle A., "Prologue to Democracy: The Federalists in the South 1789–1800" (1968). United States History. 78. 'Prologue to 'Democracy This page intentionally left blank 'Prologue to 'Democracy The Federalists in the South, 1789-1800 University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, 1968 COPYRIGHT © 1968 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PRESS Printed in the U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 67-29342 for Jt(ari6eth This page intentionally left blank ~cknowledgments This study was begun at Berkeley in the autumn of 1963 as a doctoral dissertation under the direction of Charles Sellers. I am indebted to Professor Sellers and to Professor Paul Goodman of the University of California, Davis, for their many valuable comments and criticisms. Professor George C. Rogers of the University of South Carolina was generous enough to share his detailed knowledge of the South Carolina Federalists with me and also to indicate to me some invaluable manuscript sources which I might other wise have overlooked. Mr. James Broussard of Duke Univer sity was also helpful in pointing out the value of various manuscript collections, as were the staffs of all of the libraries in which I worked.